v;-;... : - . - -m'w;v v. . r y w-, . v - -v r ' P - v- - : -- : ,:,f-.. - - 7 Ll oLL-VPt -i z6: ' ;;; THE 1,EBKLT3:NES. t " . , ?- -1; iTT'l A Bit u' tgrtaoS od nt qnorV THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Jv2 la acArat-:xflp. wrlan iMiin fir'idE ; 7. rrnji!isir- 1 u.ij y " ii? 11 i, i.ir'.yj'-'i..., i, u ir-i wva oil .ii.Aiu nnA-VMT nnsfatro nol V-Q ' ' ' i-L. ' ' ' ' -"i" ' ' ' . ... ii , ... ..i. .ll ill - r ..n ; -Mi f o to nnm iun r.ni.j,irl-,,lijL,t,, fmt'" ni i . " ' f.oimn.i t i: it iki i.i, i r i" e -fFnnTiwf rF v m uw i it m i mi i m fTOS 9fll ft Is - 1 '. ioIHvC.' WOODSON. E4UB. n . t It: . ... ' 'J -ill .li-Y-,:-- US'! I .i fit . -T- " T7miHTyiVf'llllMU't jjuuunwn VnTJOtl tyo-tf 5 7r Il JflMJ.'UlrttfJ;! -fll . '. i . )'! , -.? 'Mtnrrn I Irespect oTthe DeoDle oT North Caro-I I .,HOIf. wa- eRAllA v, g WfiW&;y- T : iT until l mWpnigdfy death f HB!H-J T.hidbTOcoorredaV) Srtoga-t?prinigs OJIWBaXEp.fihis, son Dr. Ueok w. tfranam, was rB Vtfd WP o'oloelc,' arid rfth Tpld- lASIrvaHI9iun0tiae.- tho. Couob ft iaauia of hia unexDctd. -tteroi&ft , has! nnst a treneral sorrow over the entire! (lEriSS - Ttt felloWiprfKtraota) ftorn...,! Qrah am! wri tien' Jjiit Wnb'V TJT, ttlfl ilnLUCftl ill4XUlate8rijlv.. v.Tii critit.U..! IStates. in J842. h's messases f JotaiBtfatl6ttsrai3 Q6verirort)f North TT it-, a fii . it -rt S-'M conAttebwlalndeiupbaabjrlEieVerdi M!T2TTrffJs OR n.THR..,R Afii! ATT' THE. i, -BOOMS L OiRsjirHEiffiU- Ioq what he terms ' alibelloiis atlack&l oiaie, navftflDBtainiMi hv ma HmMi h iJtetropqHtan r fall an,uoAiacHi the, :Wpr -cinim , 1 i r WWa V 14 UB VA M UAA1 UK; t j$a whpdjj to , hrt .Aha . Teaa.f VlMM iPitv- ya.Prpse,and eing a good 4eaVQf.fee)in,& huasea of foe pepp te .oi) Tbia waa.fiquieac.g(J t fit result o tee! Creek precinct. iil.bv the tle-j ruSUifc OI WlUk UOX .tllWl . - T,V:LiT .. iseni at me uaeeanes m meumen ourip ft tlM,HVf tt, lM '1 4MliU F uKloo the,:aemorabla 19th and 20th o 9f .tUktaf; patrfote' - 6f : the Ketxittloafcf and anf ,44111a U14IA4U,U wiyl VI wlTp Mayl775 and afterwards 'fshed his! iivthe language 01 xin jtuws. I Iia 1 tirtfri iWlThomas Polk "read that day.' Pr.C. I oa:rty;UMuF War further speaks of him as -51 :'ia citiri' and nsoWier. ' worthy the! dSrlahtffbefbre; thrSurrettte Conrtl 6ttfce United SUte:: his, TJBcbetj rorr '-.anw : fJi?- , ii ifj iixoxje.SJl krfipwsettt fescperieaqe arid 1 evante.f of higj Honor) Uayoci epaEkvtlC and His jnwcalMa.and oatMptadrf qo; n.3ywteaItffthe1Jfif thfiiwfljrjin r itRTiS. nr All. illuatrftUvnF or.ijUp quauues orminu ana cnarac- ter wwn icn - we nave1 rereea r bbi Ifttaddreg j iH-b rmffflibeBe was sharply criticized , in one of its! utterancfebV fnnd jaiad foeaNeih- mg could linyp nppn Ipsa Hire Talley rand's svstem of waitintt for events iGov. Graham but anticipated, withg wise fiTovisionan.ifauawnidh sqbBe-ji. ized i i He grappled a poliey, ' whose! fJrXItchford Teque'ated' to ! act ks Sec- wl8dom aOU necessity time has vin'rfflrfltarv. -: . ivuj r llti4.A. k J. .-.!..- . . .-' 4 .. .1...-. ? . erations.-tbe cbnhtryr!has;r:rIized.iMTOmnFw oi.uTe was appoiniea wi jand') will vet : more' realize 'wbenfrl prepare Tesolutiona ezDressive of the l ........ - , . . - ... ST ' - . - - ' - - . - icauner nmea supervene, many or taei iggpse 0f the .ineetin gv Messrs. X P. jS.Jracity,and:e'alard)Patriotlsm: ?l. & . J- JBepark , Major Seat ,M i J.A..,HlAmi A.-.faw.. .& IQalea. K. K. Iitcker. arid J. G. irig oares aitd exacting ireqaireQientsgl Williams bein appointed 'aS"'w.M Ojif una itiiy i9V7ciiol - rf!c(if lnThjcinlJttee0 ported fJle jfol?! Iftnri n n.l ..it I pMlirtnilUe tfo SS Hon.-' WiUiattti A. Qrabaioj tbjjir.aanae; of 4hte las whiolif 1 ... .. . I 3nimpn Wufii JUWM by SecreUry lcifitt RaWoad 'ith All its fran-iirf Raeig- met in St. lkirtholoiuma Imorning and . nijfiri1Sajis; jj""""" tcic ucurcieu uy. lue VlHllIug on." - caid. Jibel wasr cohae icreted hy. Assistant rSecrefcary.Co'V.aii A n' -f'i--Mis -"'y.,?.anoaai liutcninson ana jjemjson, re-, withimakine wjlfuilv a false reDori&3roi.. tBiftziJitvi& ar HmA Ite thr PiesidenL Hecohc competition. slatbThWVedUced the ' iriajority T-irL S , ? about .235 votes, wljich number beinreT0 H,trfJi' ..ru"11 L Iclafea dhltfelec'ea de elates td thfl Cinlt'atiinii:C6jb venon ffoin 1 tlili iWMon , a -..t-. .-i-f 1 c-buhtyj' .TJiMjtftlie ahiiouncemeht of s!vMr -.At graduAted at. theR i he Tfe'G.rBarrtPgWr arose r antflUnivers.ty of the State, with the! j s w JWriVuyk iT-aArf i AUi hitrhest honors Df his class, in 1824 I eoncraiuiacea tne commissioners anc'si""?"".?' -rr ."- ' ; - 1. rnWalulated the 06mmfe3lbnet9 the pdblicVH'pori th.e' terhtination1 of r lajVthitri4 Weeks' nd: Wohth ;,HWdhtuddifr t"ltersaid Jthat wtiileW ahd ati ei,v6 inherited, as it "were, by his sons ml after years at toe'same: institution. committee.; rii.i:- of public and ixlitical life Gov.'Gba- ham ivas been Taitntui to the nrofes-E Ision' which'' he' em braced in earlv life.sl Aftei odfestUtMlfwDi VtM-OTmmiltdef J .j. as 111 - : t . 7f-t . t . - auu w ine iiwce nuiDOM. oi CIieniBg,flrftiirnArt nnii Ihwinrh hn Hhalrman: froncrantr tlve Ba1n N6rth Catr,?01,M0r:v :.:t'. : ' h hi buna,.and hiaareuments. in the J3u-L1 The remval from. us bv the death Iperior and Supreme Courts lot; theKlof a citizen, whose cafeer tu civil lift iStatd. and' he for "flikb" on no-iiBtfchAJvan;BinTtilH nvnt-itfu! -and tloh- trbBual, fclie ,Su preme- Court ; of thWilorable, whose character. and jexiunple ujuwu piates, nave .ncen maraeu bytvinaye ben or commanding innuenee the highest legai learning and greatejfor god;' whos officiat- duUes-fbi regard The hall was booh .flHeI-tor all, . . . . ..I - . w nm lainnini1' nAMfMManiia Aiatir .! t 1 IV""." 4.44i u. .-4. ingfjwas caedt xrdr.;ayo;r Separks. On hia motion Hodi W. H i T-i uauie was caiiea to tne unair ana j . n4.Kiv-iii ii.''.r-,(n,nAj 'iBi(ffl5it ai: xiuuuuiv. auu. ; naa ut TJlU.atlUl-WliU Xi4LU uiu uut icuwti-. . -7, - . . ,, u, ,;i;4i'iir,;lAKi,ut;.ti Ati,,1nlHW totheBar ln1837v! lii' . ;!:-e nttf6tif ; Steel Cfek judgM3 I this connection, it may notbel ,Q nr filn'Sa miss 10 siaie uiat exaiieu as is met 1 Kb'j IVaifcvdif tha-'fiVifo i',.;u;bt,;A:i. ah .,.,j -??esitimate in . wiilcn-tne rDeonie ot! tvi tfo-thejr duty; in good faith:! Sit-llr.CarolinaJldtlje memory . of a. ciose scrutiny' as to tne ricnts orp.a fthe.greatj udicial learning ah(J. abili-j viste. attbe samd .tim6 he thou&ht?5!1? Jadg Ruffin, that vtln)ate; In creat allowance should be . made In&ij" v'?'ft'Ff jftdaih-i of the rights', arid Jhtenttonil.0Pv-19-or of maqy of the,. Voters: ". He. further; t . I V. , 4J VUC.I V. 1JUUVI W lllll be should defend the rights of a-ft, hev; should make no 'war unon any' ciasst' of the ' 'frani unity,.'' H?j hoped 1 beS uay would soon come, "wneu ..we, cotila'IdbK, al !al, ju,tllc VqiiesiioiiW r-! riir!tf vw'-'hlT' fiifB' hi Jirtt"ldri.'''Girt' ' 4arripger further fremarSe4'ihat lief ;i .vf a finrjitiHetl that those Whdi 'dlttee? witlt Hlnl and his rrtenca Cad: Imade siwh'cbncessTotis. :.fh 'reard to' this contest, in mnuvl and he liad ho pledges ,tb make, This1 cob dtrct as a member or the uouventionfs wduld be free frdni partisan and h'; hoped' that the result of their labors; wtiuiq eciouna to tne prosperiiy oi Cll 1 UUaCD V1..MU yuujiMUt.i 1 Halifax .joujtrrTeoanoj iy'cttw.has-thB following to Bay of the r.xnniif bU;iMnn In TTalifm-r' f'minttrr::l i H.I . . J - . 1 mHa 5f.C:stue latter. regara, at: least, nas oeep e opinion., oi ? two . ,. pemispneres, he writer has before him the jour nal -of an American traveler' '(from theNorth) in Englandiri 1854,' who! heard Liord Uhier Uaron follock apeak; tni the awflt eulogistlp'. terms, of the legal nd literatyr ciiaraeter ' off uis uecisiehs.;. .i u , ) ., 'it !;;-. I idrt"' !83S'4-5,i under n-the .ojd bom tig a ays-tern. MB.: graham . repri nted the town i or oiuiseoroi :tn blina, and, under the new:. JonUtp ' V .JI WaiiKC"!! UlUUItV . VliaVlUaa. WVi44 J4V i A & 5 tO toft?! JOff the State what Virginia has been. the Union, the prolific mother tatesmeti" - He' - :Wb8 ' speaker the'- House :-; of"- - commons. the vears lS38-?40. During the Jatteri session he was chosen-a Senator !ofl the united Statesi for the Unexpired term endmej Marehi4,r 1843. In 1844 he wa4 elected Governpr: of the State, and was re-elected in 1846.; in Ijnne, 1 84t, he d eclia ed t he missionjlo !!! If , 5. Resolved, That a copy of these i7oiuuons oe Bent totne iamiiy. 1 iikb ! powers aa-ao; advocate.. One ieadingOfour years made him, , a '1 resident p principle of duty in his DrofessionKlour citv. where 'hia'" miblic . conduct atvcmiwl fir nnVn hMK tYia mnllni cUritloil inrlinU vl ita4- ufnlt f pnm M nrn. ww uwa.w hU.UlUl. Ow.4 U 4. . T ...Vvlww TT v U 4WIU W . v SOI GOV. GRAHAluT: That:.;whU h Ground iwliwirAtinu, jlnd tteatituiift feltlie owed tq his clients his. best pfrKIregard, , denianda an expression, oft fthe d'etieaed Sthtelnha.VtWn'"' forte, he his felt, at the "aine'Time,thelr gVief' Bytthe peopleof' Raleigh. f-liSSSS-S thatbeowedtoBociety the estoblish.Thertfpr -u h . ; , t- . P- J I .; ,-I,'ThJtft'i, opr mentor a principle. - . ... . ...... ...Kl e6otrvcv That in- fbe rtokta r- h 3. Ai dn EsscujistXlov. Graham' Coitions of. honor and truaL which while ebsetvirig, ih' his State pa pera.feWiUiam Alexander Graham so wor- cue inobc .eievaiea , tone., or .oiuciaaswstnijv nuen. ne aisDravea tne njenesi formality, and exhibtiqg, in his po-cyjqualities of mini and heart; - which lilical, parliamentary,' 'andforenBicisbould adorn the statesman ; and tht enortBiawiqescone oi.pupiiq uaaxn-j ing,'iias shown' at the sane time, .in arid through them all, that ' he is thoroughly versed in the trraces . ofi Irbetoric and the polite persuastionsof iaPiii aj f. m 4in n t ' a v .a Am a-. A WtJIC. . J.1U DCCU13, JUUCCU. IAJ AlttVD cJ tizeii MAs Chief JUecutive of North ifjBVWt AAA M AaBBWWA. V W W " j 3for revisal oft the fundamental law, . xl rf-l 1 Ll! .1 jut .ue vjenerai; Asacmones pi a iState,' as Senator in the National Legislature,5 m the Cabinet 'audio thoroughly adopted the divisions, -.of rathe forum. lu;;great. offices, and. in labor suggested by Sir Edward Cok?,3sinall, and in the . walks of private thAt if Would Bult the needs ot a Tree; pcoplanwitba :hope; 6f , shomng! tfVlliyWo'fl'd tiiat'thelf ryrotestatioris.f cion op sne. iKJKet ,wwi yeuf. Duringthe Wifater bf 1854-$hegaib served jiia feUowcltlzeh a !Setiator PWAEf$23y - In July;' H8o0ti oa ' iasi.eieciiQu tu ,ijr. iujr. l.,, ncUl-,nn f xrABirt-.nt TiUnMiA .n -V""-tv. rv.r ! ".TT i " : f IT.mi. 1Sl?.' nruln rMiMilni At fhrt 'At Ulll. AWMi . . aB-rA-A . " T- a lhan da i bfthe Nall6naLVVhtg Cpriven- ition, me viufjrfvsiutuuai uuwiu,v i n rgarto thf oiutfagtobeaped upon t hem. Hvere hot Without trodd found- atlon.'thy eagerly .ouglit tbe bailot- pb5.'aott,xnere, Koleriitf- Protest r r rr 7i i J .. .--;. i f i . j ' . . 1 1 I . rr: ' : I . .PP.X'otir mcQmpeteni, unjust iTnstheeOpleln7 many CaU.TVavjr Ml I omces.in il nj tffnmAd"bui si riffle m reDruary, lsei, ne i'Lftn-f w58i58 Sanriosett the' movement fOr'a Coriveh-1 iHCft.ito . w..u ?. Itil-Vnd Was elected.' In :'bifl' :t0uritv eui.mot: wniie.we:ereraiive 1 101 ry ,J i boh ' rr.Arit ' rri tl.V! nw wiauitq. w.Aivw-, aaajmaawj. y-'i Cbbventlorirwhich Was"riot called. Elected again' t6 'the 'May Coriven- and alsnonesx omciais. anu ejtutresse Lir.rfK T . w nViv-A Itheliectiott, iotbe nignest M AJ a a creu of justicei Ht&teithlN Htea.kt oa write wittiwe cease to; Oorn menu Lhtera: fit tbepatnotio. Zeal and m the note, aood tlwlr late Dourse will bet of i lMtihtri i creait. . to I'ttnean-. "-irmeH rhiBiidavtiJpftr ibfcfcld (Halifax. alrWhysjin the ran in evtry gooawarKH ...It i.l t... .il nil, i i.i, I ll-li.ii .t-..' . ... L . l ' . fc w.V. i. J.i r i V. .F " "rt ft M"n""" J?W rTrr vy, a ,Mranaw icsaawn Yawiyt i tlih xepreafciitatlon in. the i delega-f. tWrttonh fcoffHState GenirentlOb i i a j. A Jt.i.1 . J InAliia ta-.ll raaiwi.iioereBi-up.aA. , wWh dfaselved the, conneotiOh al'Z R rth: Caroiiaa with Uhe .Mart .ri-n rn,-, k.xto .t,An thinij ith late Hon, Georae U liatger and RIB UCICIlvb J - f nTaltciie. (t8Uue a th ineoie to f rbrn'Orange coun ty, & created someK d jafttifisjoft as C? Jthe Jaw Ap,.xegard, tp tliefllUugKifaolrilVaoancyjivAn exr . aiilihktibn bf ihe'bdHyeiitibri'act' um FhowithaE Wm:9M9nm that FacaJ9Cies,i;abiibe:' ; ftUed, in thet saaaeialmirtks'thbBe becorring in tHS'CeiaTAW?fdblv; visal, Rattle's Re .provjdea that the Sheriff of the county. 'tbd' General' 'AsfeetnuiyBot befiiff-'fri Hessian. Mil ; hoiwy, lothere;' for the. iPresidency ?of that body. h in latKi tae people or uraoge lira in sent hiittte tike. State, Senate, land in, 1864. he took bia seat in ; the senate.; of the. Confederate .States, srvine. in-. that eapacity.,: until iW flnal adjimrment! in. liicnmopu. ,t i P 1865 lie was nomuuttea to tne jonn onl Coavention j but: yidecuned.r.llw' oomi&atLon npon the declaration, by the then! iPrQVisiQnal.Goyernqr.i thai those nofcpardoned .were "iaeljgible,!' fttirl- for the same reason, -although tinanhTicvfl elected-to- the Senate, of the General Assemoiy oi mat yew, he was notallnwed to enter "upon bis (lutieaVc iElecJied, by. thjB Legislatune, tn ti.o RnatA of the u nitea Hiates. u lii and Bortna oi isml ana ixresenL. ed Ws cjntisr.unyer, jtta i broad seal pr tu.e estate, nic.ww w tUatahla a nil a nntthPTOI.. HlSt,' abilitiea",, were, potjremeteuntMJ 1873,! after the electiQnSjfprtbe.yfliedj Htaies tsenave ;Were Wft yi . i-rw lit I Major fJales1, in Ws 'sfcefeh ''tfds 'nnnul iQf in frflat at flua tame.:i I ..I-.... LviL( vi. ,w--t-r tt r,!Ti n-Tnni i ip ju Chronologically, wa have tba presH ented a ; discursive resume; oi.movj Graham's Dubliceare el vandseryleea. Rnt such services Ah tlauolL! a I cavee i . i x : 1 U. X 1. i desc ryeavmorweiasora.eaiMiyM, aw not less scrupulously than the. rest jthat segment which he would devote to the jrluses, '9aen oerrwemaJ J Jim lauguage w always pure anu niacom bl nations of it exhibited an accuratel knowledge of the genius, spirit and: ciassitvvigor or the lneilsh tongue. ilWel may simply, refer to his l)Is UUIinie -rr .MMinury - iii.ii in. rlTiri chaactsr of ,Honv George) E, Badg4 er," delivered in lialelgb, July 1806; h fs Memorial Oration" lof Hon . Thomas :Ruffln,",; delivered, ; before the Agricultural Society of the . State in 1870: his Add ress before the Lit geraryi Societies of the University, in June, liwy; and his remarks betore the Trustee Of the' Feabody Fund,! relative to tire 1 death .of that great philanthropist, in 180 a speech which commanded the1 warmest e'u- logiums of ad ripe a : scholar as the -JRon. Rolert .Wintron. of Massao.hu- sctis, anu so eminent a .preiaie ois -aw.""o win BikhOp aicllwaiile. of Otiiew -..; - 4. vis a North . Carolina Patriot. No m'ad is more de'servihg'of publfcf eratwude; than he who teaches a- tiav won to respect (ltseil -tp, be trpe to its prestige to aim at tne nignest at tainable nToralarid 'polttlcat: perfec tion This has been the unifcrm ten dehcy'bf GOVi Graham example apu vtertching (UHlentlrlea, as wel have seen, bv nroud 'arid Datriotic descent with the Revolotionary his- tory of North Carolina. noman:(ex-t cept, perhaps the lamented v Gov Swain,) has been more active or pains taking in: researches Into its authed' ticity wr more zealous in vindjeating its truth and emblazoning its glory. His two latest public acts, in liarmo- ny with .his, entice, former career, have been to preside at a meeting In Charlotte, preparatory td .the : cele bration of the: Centennial Anniver sary of the Me'ckienb'urg'lclaratlbn of dndependenee.iatwmch heiapoket at lenethin yindication of thecenu A A " 4 . - ineneBs or that act anu ..that docu ment; and 1 to preside ' at I li 'm eat ing or.., the - Trustees,., or tnei university, called to devise meas ures -for the resosettatioa of that veu arable and beloved institution, . be qiirn fountaiaf learniusr .arid nur .extensive learning, perfect integrity J conscientious and painstakine davo- ition.fo'duty; 4c0ompaoier by' "cour-! Ite'anlfeBjieil !rol'.'jth7yiilTil;plr e Sympathize with h f a ' .uniiljrln .thefi .2, Resolved. That as a member of the bar he. was 'diligenl a?id carefiil i - r j frBiJ,ir,,,on nra causes, aoiet jand skillful in krf Wgottieni; Hrfdl iSOd considerate to hiB felloW tnerri ( I ibewri oanio.4ndhmpecW E Uh 4 - I 3. ewZvfjd, That as pbe oceJ whleof''l.4a'owii':i iStafe ' orJ'ilie Un ited Sr,!ne !wa1i:;aiwaye4tul to thff f ocasioi.; "filling tire' blgh offices to which he waV eaUed! with tmairexyiag fidelity ? and ) dia4 tlflgedabilflj.i4!, t U;iitU:i .,, 4, qedl:Tfaat as a proper tribute I xcBpctrfc 10 4rour .aeceaseu nrotner, wnom many or bs loved arid' ail Wiii4i :Wk oa afafe Waj .JPatin-Sec-fl retary Delano the 'Subject T ! sdlf aaifaT tROst urisw yoiik; 1 News. BIB-.!.-! UI'P" Wl-JtIT4'l r... . . ICrihMrn. JcJift BaiUoad a'ffaijrs-LI1 5 fx?mFilJ3Mim?.? ;JnaeaBi Kkarmau APvr-O titer ? -r . 'n S9rh9!if iaeapaadwa . .V Items. , ". : : 13 "T '" --AraittaaiAtf4Ll NeworkA'u 12. Th may ei strange , tq; .btbera ; thatl p jsnoiud have written this, ppen letter,. it,.aja9i9ouia,. ppi;? iWityi prqpei respectio rnvself address vbu ; in luuir jwjfpa yifu. Mtvp 11, eYWiy 1 istanceoloeed vour miud to evidenc mart . . ' . " ..- 1 I . . TBt'.' 1 A ffarrg 1 &f ?lai.cai. SKermirn .iji.iiilii riv ACM fil .V01 !.,J-V day arid bid . in as r entirely by - thes purelras W&iooiBmittee 'censisting of rVLore- - r,ix mi .y - .... . . jKjic.gy. me weaii.er was aeiightrul, Sand -xtMi gooTTffiit if the rnaiit4rir. f rKASkx! ..Tblt.v.'n4.i.W.4 K,i4l.x I ..ru-vu vu. ti vr -vju I, ill.' jiajtDIB BiapWaf tiio cuiigrcgairons urcraasAtigjB ,-atzp) wiLii everv serv m. -i-no r1.4nn.104a. 4vrere meuii v. 11 11 1. in innam whinh . "7 -J T " txw MlUdV, TT 11 ... XI. . I., 1 a. . a . . C ,1 w as iuurDugaj j.ounrnii Hfeitawiar- 'iRCjteiv was beautiful -arid- wi ons. KDldinhnr ffitiir PitSbiroitS fetVSifm A V ' ' .4AiJ-'M. Jr.)TTA-TA . CTiTJ la. Tecess rchftncel which,,wltb.,-ita liTin rrT"j T'r.JZ.-uT- I'-T xibandsome niemoffal1 Afl&W"na in riiuwuc x4axiu:i uvuoiutjiuu OAiii 1 . . 77. -rr. fxri.T;. --- . iVoi competition- m price, nominal eale. xesulted iu transfer oJ! the company's property to. the bondH holders ; who. u poa - the; , surrender of ! Jthe bonds .will receive, .stock in jorganixed oompany. ; - Tiaaixien bera of the firm of Dun -cani'Sherman fc Co,, regarding the stateinent in-.Tribuwe, aaid, bills weir I placed in mannerLwnieh. seemed per:f tocuy legiumaxe to mm and aocord- fOThffdfntArfrlk'iH' theiifiofficeT:ac ceptSd 'By 'theta arid aold' tb;i various hdTllrtlfhmnirh'VjkfB'kmTTkM')l';.'l VMxa4. vu.uuku XI UIUIVIO. XTXtl 1an'uncetit,Also:hia'a'9,ttfat, letter:-: jot credit Tor,wmcn ratner oi ;mr luancan paar pecome responsible forf faWrbnrit' ,'-'ip': j i! 6ixly: .'about !' 30.000! idiinaiy'.r:'' iDah'caii 1 clainis ;;thii 1:1 . 11 'piroeeedtngaiof thi-mretln of 'the beifur- Lt.w.j a Liiu. xi . -ii i , I npjfjTrrjO'Wi: i.u.-'. o:iv 's.fij, in-,? i'. LLi - i i!M J 1 .- . 1 ? .'Ai a" 4 - ' cransacxron;. as -reginrnate, wniif X.vHifeLL,x4I -1..Li.,iZ''.iiL. 4.4- i. .'xLl il l yrouiiueiu uau&vra wj iuy are-ir- J7 -,V .1 '7f if ti t: nt -.!.: ae ersegq vin i Uilticu 1 1 y . . attacked Tfebtisna, bpipg.and pjl-IIUBtte.,) iwWJp, n Xu lagjngUiS:iaW,directioBa.n Ajforc o; laud, i Rtgarding Jeftera of credit foil iwctca Alexander u uncoil is resnon-, jsnuie, wiie .acateu :tne aggregatei am ount (0ftnlSi.dii!m,'B,iadebtednesi3 was mbqut f 13D,QQ8 ,foT; Which: ! AleXrB i J arS. i ax . a" rnn -f! ' .inB.f444.l4WiTw-ti.W4, SVa-,y.aiv lOWAfiii.nt.i wil biift-,.l;.ft.r ii vi.fi. ; ji- ' illlX !!. Cij! l: LAT5T). Mr. Jasf Sander?opftsfld tflbf?! dfvn.Times.undecalate date,:.. ..,,, . a i.JjThemons.jrirediotion px.an earlv harvest this vear hava .hot' fn). HGoNANTiKopw,' AuL'ia.lVcllnlled i The, nagbthas. KreattWeJrdJ Tujrquie. newspaper of-.tbte city isaypMedthe. m.atimpg .fajxwjs, ,ahd te.fitRation in Her8e.goyiniaJa be-ey,withhe.most ;a,ypible.eath, coming g ayfMOJands of , insurgentsgief oajvesp wyuqii ne, general, ir, U.ej 4v' . . . . ' . xf ai ji t . :. a rr - - nayenaeBoeniuea into the,: Plain ,andiS4!wWWi ..ijaawem ..ana , mAaianpg lo . , w" l.u...ir 4i.ii ll..; j - .L.:.a..S Pa?deWte4'tnatthWe nfrtTinha Tnttfi'rt-4n...nfi,.l t . Mn. rf.i.... . t i.i i x j . i i - Court with a keq uest that tbeV htari bettered irroOi the mMtateet the! OOUrt.. :...i cruscii. me wnfwt crnn.iiflB simrpiis jseverejyifrpm ,te. beayyi rams, of ,thl IdMiTori nw to rft rov ivimni nn ini inn L-X 7.11 1. - '-JJ TT.JL.-L. KJ1QCQI On k UTrron.!... T7-. Stv-1 lxl i' uekT.Wu. ii ixYipir inuti -j xnujcioe.!g3iV'v'''Ki i v ,vw: -oj4ji. 4.01 , j.-. pu, iMtTre.3vy uite. vote cast TlbMIllnlMi;.i:Al 1 jRetobtt;pVy jOlOzenB of Ral-I 3 in aeer v ueuiore tne loss or. diJL : 3 J iiniMrtl'i 7?t,fi?,,Tixatthe requested at his convenience 'to se- '1 ,UL'J 1 ;!J H 1 i I1J..1T'IT r or the bar to deliver Li x: I U If J - Li : Xli'ltlTU'U Ufi jQ Vj QiJO-Lli of J iau aaurcss upon iue me suu xnanc Iter of our deeeasedHEirother. - I Jddgle Baltl twyobmntibg?tbe res-l solations Lreleered4iv appnopriate termsl to th(unau4iled.. record f the Ueceaa-I tjieo..jtu.isnow, Jiq..,i;pierJU8tlceli IVC Pearson VR. C. Badger, Esq., 8. A Ashe, .V'T.v;Mi rtiir'Bia Judge E. G. Reatfe. Hod.' W; HJ Smith ja(l Jnde..Go WJ IDrAoka. !th ilutiou,i.eei:d4Whi!WUjdj hata-i.iT4--- ,,- , On motion.. the, Attorney-General i Snob. .Varna aa the wateri n tr-nlaoe! ccorrespflndents -. get & i nowaday s.4 luuve 4-ogan lor; exapapiev tens, or; beateri ; dPiwn, . ,-tb W f any (time, j fiinQe rnuindred.,.Da,imatjans ktersfgovinianB. jare marching, qoarptne,, wmags.i;is . very:!serious,iattttre1bfoiia.Tthei eoantv- HBled lk.tache4 ilonUnigriana, And DalW PCP J laid, flat to the ground, asg3the Conservative ticket anoTaWv ffi mnll.a n.'r. . wi:nr- V. 1 r. . . 5 Tl 1 f rnltxJfl ptim tha nnsst vuilhur ixril lit -W i.n..-.,i u.u, . . .. ..(:, T.. 44J4.aixB 144S..410M 1.441V i .VHD 1-fflH IgftttlS With rfloney apd. prpviaioas.;. linwi as (orded radrooerh f yfka ajExlwiasa ISt. JohhVeburchKFaekxiw'', !Hfl.;JK tr. d01oiO4JAV xx" buiuv misreDresenLationH xiavi beeli rnade?in 1 reeafd fe!'lHe"fiaAil electibntfotthla nauntyi ib. 0s Jgefpejn ulat unaniinitjiJ Cfii JohpatoniDert l .1 1 Ay - i i . -. a r . T 4 fk . 061. Jeei, and Ghl. Itauwgxj'rtl tpnr ; lqwnahlpaf e, jeavetLjevietw l ll.lxlll IT ied. or ahy aurottedand the i finest veaffher,.willh6ihtlicate' his" teatwe'ibttt VtiA 1 auotj ra set again. , yy neat, generally .fcSwaB iaoked4...aiaA:..MAaA-.wAA.-4iL. lis, thinly .rented. :ansi apart from 4eip uamase oy rain its yieiu wouiu navepJerreetUally dohe,:''Wl.feh JHKabtHaoat .kx Ik. 41 Tflx . . - ucotuui.i i wo, fiirawv uvcr cati-e aina case nernM.. : i , r . inflated crop of latrf year. Aa it ia XbeM Negros .crowded the iYowui oflftnar" !8t-Iiariiairrrl!rafe..Tionff' Branch whoiay'e'a muettw unaer average, and the - .o--r. -; - -. t"-.- -. :! ,..i;i. i. ,: 1.-. 4V. went, toehurchJast undav;1 dreBsadis5541a"i't a- ivm um tjiw,m6 I J ' -m 1 t J A 1 - .i ja nrettllv. in Iveei fayoHte. at , h Jifljaj'wimo wi. mtsi She got the, hotel cashier ito. ohanKe-brih8 sunsine ruatis .prevalent.! her.Ajfive-doUar ihilLibefore.slia letlM navei.aunagxne jast tew, flays. beeause he wantedotd .contribute toKI??amiHed !jafge. : area i.,m : Berks fan d horses Mm collection ploteiRut : sMiseri434e"! lAjn0l?:'Ptt ! iNorthampiop. icordeli Awake lfyou cnniellow feel'Ran-1 Baw no-neias jree or this disease, linz 1 for. her - at the fatal moment!!""1? from th Jw priee-of , wheat, a x'-" . " -i a,- 4U..A j -,l,5AX . 11 . I A a. a. I when the vestry man -stood before; hery ieuy "irom.viu... tumoan, - toiai iiii4ea BOBU8 task yeax, iit) ucttaubU or land under; .wheat is . beJow. r- - , . i. x xii ii l - : ; - ; - jiesoivea. inu tue - vuairmau ap-i iwas reauested lo present tnese resoiu-ir i x;.!.x, xflF n ,. - . ,, ...... r .. -t. oirnpea. iox uie a.iXJ.'U' i-i.i.-di.vu.l-'iJ.'i.' aSiai.-UA-iJAW f .V . a; f onimittee. rV"? VJ tVu -.o-v""" lf. "uf ,w' J J Kt d'uscistnatiiio'ciocKm " wurj BtaHiiordflr an. Blection aUnch, ihn0 aitodraay'fletermihe r.niiti.ii;l full Aaanii-'i'iNii i.i-':-- , T . , a A-aa .AePiWriiiO'd EBaoti.-'J"ne" vnaw lAif U i-lhnaWrreytaaVi 'errqfi 'J V'iW Vi '11-JVlS.., . a-hiV-rt -I J ... .4. imlawa aaaaam.nVi.iAvf..iJaiaa. i ii r r. xi hinn ir iaai i aai uAaaVV uiuiAiri i u 1 1. 1 1 r-ii.a. uminaiciTOCa.ifv wvvvHw,yMa -i' 7" f rrvtiTV Trr,...... I o- - . 7-x - .vw L4vorl ing attd wbiohJewor icreated.ftnlicbJ Irfwatflrtg" 'by : f be J! Radicals' 'Cff i thl& t. AVfiiy proypkjn .lypograpblcftl Ferxor ccent into out , columns . yesterr lay! roorni pg.., .in- giyingi the ; iresuj iLaieU.-mnty Unei ,typia (!gay. j iipg,e4puftjicaa,5oa vatea,i ftnWH: j orityi.. over,, , 7ones v Co user vatlve whereas he; received puiy oS, fallini( aw, froM& ,ie leu w , hia cooj pew ter t Jfcilp .!!IT"!I -Si I !iifM :i f ThentiMoora county; exeiirsioniats seevned'to ebldt their hblidav In" fhf' nee9sarily!ba4iecoiinter.i! . f.-i iti (nil ilhw niid il'Mi-.iiin,! liuii.. . ,!r'U Kill y uti.l nnr rlrtMimHcribed limits will allow. admiraDie .enaractw. , . ai u,.,-t- iiniii iidrptxlQi n te1Cflai,iqf tmf(.,pl e,rdungiiisiiiue sreat r SVfSThTTn nnMtrobsat.Bdine I WUft txl 49;b 4UI VU4, heiTbJghestprtle, iniform- kf, fhmosrnqie 'iQountrv'ti hietory-f lofaHllitv. he has exhibited c Wix: xxiiil.x4..tMl. U dinirt:rinHr'V-l atlBm, an entire Wisty a jua M,, i"" Jjj ' " li.1,111 ll.hlll. .l.l.il'W. ...r...A.t -tery of scholars, and statesmen, and Xhsroei-6t wliieb-' 'aifice ' 1834. '-with the exception r a brier interval, ' he has been a Trustee.; ana over 'wnosei Iast'Coritmcetneilf ill 1868 b6! pfe- 'SlCleO?. - l' r"' fii. '.i,;:ui:j it.:i -i Iast yeaQ.v, GjRahaM: was , pV poiatedoaiie;part bfu th6 State oil Virginia oftiti 'of.lhe Bojard, vof f Com -:!-.xx. i. - ill. ii. x.--. .hxiAh - r iu , c niiasipiiy ijftf,Wf Trr.Vr"P;,1'VTt;:;Ti luniiary Une -between Irgfnia -aftd if hryllaad, tfeb Hob; 'iJerre'' Black ol f enVylvan.; beiri queHtly aeloctmg ex-Gov, s Winston ,i of AlabainaJ; This Commission bast : x. . , . - . . . . - it ipet on two former ocbasiohs,' and Unme three .weeks ago met at Sarato l":x.- iL'Z ' i. ''ji "itl.i-vif'L. Gbaham being aacompanied by : his' wife abd'hra 8oni,,A." .Wt 'Oraharh; Eao:Wemty:br;tt l'yi.GAHAii&i jAeb,Mb6. "Qr aome tlmybeenJfailinff biriij but .his Sotnevfoordays since, .Jiowvei!,i:hei wAfl tttitwi siekahd' has 'since been coriflife, fo kts'roont: ' breathlrig1 :hU tm yeBtraay morhtng at 6 o'clock, hw -death belnjif bttdasloned jrorA or irariib afsaae'bf the heart:tirf '"' ,' ri ' u -fH Hi- h era ' 'tnattaif ' "from ' oriT nilrfst otiW Vh'ose'hinle'Wa' honored th6ugh6dt',North,,Carolir.a: 'arid Whose 'preset. be will be sadly 'rnissea ffbm the cbttiVeils'Vjf 'ritir State, fie IhaVint'bWn llebtM on1 the Sth itist. 'aidhe 'of; tb '.represeribitl verfrpm Orattge' county to tpe mate uonven point as a mafk virtues of the deceased. ,3of the citizens to accompany' mains to their resting place in Hills boro;' ' ':' ' - '-. ' Jteiolved. ! That a copy bf these rjs- olutioris be sent to; the family of then deceased and furnished to the news paper for publication.; r""f,.' Mr. Battle accompanied the reso- remarks 1 suitable and approiirtate, 'ibrlefly. .reyiewine the prominent characteristics of the greati and good North; Carolinian.. ' ; i Hon, A: 8. Merrim on in orie of hisi usually, , . eftective r speech es , ' paid . . al handsome tribute lo, the virtues of the'deceased. ''-; ,v-"i' ' ' dovBrog(ieh,:Hbn.' BV F,' Moore andCol. L J. young followed in brieii but appropriate speechr s.'-: 1 Judge Battle; ' befors putting ' the question, ad4e a Xew reinarks as il-, lustrative of the , devotion that bad ever actuated Gorli; Graharii iri -tthel discharge of the Variors. duties 'that . - ' ' 1 ' ' ; xli 'x-1' naa neyqiyea upon, nim, anq tu. zeT be always nianifested when the fame or cnaracfcerofhfe Slate was concerned stating that he died upon the jbost fo al'x'' '.'.:'. .-."' l.''-x.' 'i-.'! auty naving accptetue posiuuii of arbitrator to eettl ; the toundary! tine betweed the State of Maryland jarid Vlrg.niai when' his'fceble health ed it an honor to. his State,! and . felt it hW duty to aceept i :.-!-i..:ii !4 ? . I : ; " i . T'i'itw i-'I f!I -it ; t Ji ' IJ After, which thftiqHesqn .wa pot, laud; the i resolutions iunablmously adopted.' 1 1 ; On m0tiphi of Gen. Cox', a, commit tee of ten citizens was appointed , to. meet the remains at Weldon and ac-l lcompap y theios h th is eity. :v :- ? In accordancewith the resolutions! the i fjolloMr ing coin mHtes were .ap ppintefi. by the .Chair inaij, an tl Jlay pi t i.,. i.f.i l.; ,! Committee to meet the remains aJ mw'i f nil J ifiJL.w trJ i s til" Hi- 4i vyeiuon: uen. wnuox,, ir. a A7 Hogg,1 N B Brougriton' Japt. ; A!M Andrews, O B Root,Maj.-RSTocker; Harp,iM!y.BGilbPTr,.i -a 4 A . 4 A . A ' tjpmmjt.tee to escort tne lecoawiH w Hilis'borp: ' lajor, SeatpnGaJes, lC liowertou,;'''j ii Neathery'ti: John NlchbisjbbnAisrOriERH Jones; r jTounc; Df. E OrisBom.' W W jJones, P P Pescu!dSr. Jo;; Turner MTCINa, OF i THE . aiEBBR3 rW XtMi Thft following nroceedines of thel 4! 1 T I t xl CI lT .ll meeting peiq in hue. .ppwsf Ji ioy t.n,. .Atem uers oi,..tqe :iar...were 1 a a 1 a a ' iTa a I Kinaiy.jiurnisneci us- Dy,tnel4recreiaxj' C..M..1Busbee,1Es ; -,v-, ' ,v-,vVi'.,sMi At a meeting of the member! pfl the bar held in the rooms of the Su preme Court i en. r yesterday, , Aligns mh, for tHo pUrpose pf expressing their sebsd '6t sttitroy ''on' 'Accotirit of, aiate Hohr.tin. A; Graharp, pn' motion' the ; Hon.r; Bartholomew. F Mcj"was'vcalla to' the' cbalr ahd !i llt.rji'il .Ml I it: III Jill '-. Oh;motlon,rit was resolved that 'the noe rubers of the legal i profession, 'as emble do the Supreme Court .vUoouv at 3:SQ to,-morrow afternoon purpose of receiving .the remains of GOv. Grahani' at the - gkte of the CapitoU.i .r ,.i i tov!,,i ,n- r i Gkn fW. HviFjiLsE to: !bk .JPRkty EUTP.ATITB E , NEXT , STAX -: Jf Gen. W, fl,- F. Iiee bylpg, been JpH vited by the State Agricultural Ko ciety to actaspneof the judges of the best'Uriil'ed biiiriteer 'mllltJaty !tcom- !presenting;the pHte.and,, as, she; sens, every.; eye.ini the phurqu.jWa; ci voted on her. shecuscQvered that th bigpin whieh;,8he had atithe: lae morneat akewered into : her skirt. 1 make H sufficleutly tightrfitting he.ld net? pocket ;1ol its j wiry grasp, .an with the purse contain iosr the .fiyi dollars in small currency. She wai obliged i to pay no to the c intributioi bojc, and her ebeeks burned.. pamfi pari tea' at thfe State Faiir,i in" Octo uext,wTltathe'ifotldwingi ilettetito! the the everage,! while that . under, , barley. peas and beans is; .unusually, 4-large, rley is a bulky; nrop. and) with. fa-l vorable weather will; produce , mom ithan :an averattef iTield; nThe, . beat) nd pea ; crops ( are i also . above thel average. . : From, the destructive, rav ages of a. worn i which has - eaten ( . the oentre rootsi XhO ?oat crop un . ta. the! millAflTlinn, aJi a- IkAnnlain vj-t,axaf itiia-alf tb i uetial , yield , and. al-' l2i.houglxLjafaataiaeawy fcMafcljrinte, 1 W fof ffeWftlMnttl klmBlilLliali 3 Udn i irorTl in ir , h v, , A J rt T J rlo. r I Ion tra J abscence.ofUhefejaud S. C. Railroads: manv Drtrrobova under age were voted, hiMffretti'ttf' fP IiutdI . ... 1 . ikx.:. : i , i lhm carrying negro, eramisa- President JewetJ, of the. Erie.; railrl proved lt,4hUeereaaU;laoowildeKabJj way, iu wuu snouy,, acciueui, ip ,fuvoi u j iav rag, . 1 1 xrQwm) piw" Whiledrivingfrbm. 'the. quarantine fcdlandinc to hi home on ' tateri Xls -1 Sappearance. . About one-third of the l.nl kl , ..........I n 'l. S 3 1 1 . 1. AtVl n , Vm O 1.44411 HomOAMtfl . -fPhlalxJ IOUU UmUMIKS iUIUOl a SUO.1 1J CUlf J- vix.xjx,t ; . xui-)x. tier in the road so suddenly as to. uo-I Sthe mbre to be regretted t on, acoou.nl Iset the wagon iu; iwbich be was rid-S l0F thefoldivhay,; and . straw : haying Sing. Mr. Jewett was thrown out ! jofien ienureiy.it consumed f r'qrtUT iand in i failing fractured one of hisi gaately, the abundant pastures and ,Jlegg just above, the, knee. Surgiclrxceiient root crops will , in,. some aid, was summoned;,, when . jr. ,wasjMM sure compensate lor a snort ana Secretary qf;that AsfoolaUpn-,:.).:-?! RA YBNSWORTH.. DHRK E a fTA- . 1 tion, Far'fAx; ' ' Co. , Vai! ui W . l . , v i s-t ii lis ant; : lOUii 1875: & I iKl 1 o - B rl ter RAme to hand in due eouNo oi imait,' arid! fcccept! the "tio&plfnken ipaw wenv thajispeiety whiQn you. represent with a great deal or pleas ure. I can not, at thi tittle,' Bay poH tuvely that-i wulbe able to- attend ; and so wish you to appoint anothei in toy blaeei l-er.dtl!' ' y ottr-' rriahkife-! jiuBni,)tainKAHniRifeBa oicfoiki jt fcociation . require . it , But, in any everit.-I'wiW'eftaeaVor'to'be 'present atymi axhIWUon s : .,,.1 --H.iOH k. : yvlth every .wisn, rpr, the welfare and' prosperity 'of' Irorir noble ' old .Stata'ilarnv ,ft!iwt.-i:n:,.i .- . 10J M VfO-utt -rt 'j.ilawui i ill ..i$"f CtUl'Ifi s HipH.PpiNT Items. rOur corres-l roi.rwftni-lon At tTia-H: Trt7nf aftrirla! x,v,x.,.. x x.x. X w.uw -1 lUf tne loi towing atems irom iiisj aeo- tioniinder date,or yesterday : . nightjhe was caught under thei wheels WMie Cbty icraitp wa tiacUi it is thought ty a great many citi-i found that be had. sustained no othei inj u'ry. of irp pb'rtajrice, arid th.ougb.hei? wftt nndoubjedly be confined to llisy nouse ior some wetKs. iue. uuuiiopt k)f the sureeoria , in charge IsT that he rwll,I.be I'.quile'iible, int a. few. , dayej toi conduct the, business or the great enr terprise In his charge at bis own resl- -fii.--) ).!; C1...T - ii Foley's .Statote -of Stonewall Jackson. A correspondent of Southern Churchman, writing from London,' 'thus " describes it oley's brorize'statute of Stonewall Jackson, now in the Royal ' Art Gallery ,' arid Which is to bef sent to- Virginia in c few weeks: . . :iTbe figure Is of heroic !srae,' erect and 'nobltf; heftdtfcoYWreVl -right l.nnir'orlnnl1a,irkhtl,lW iturally Upon theliipbnhe left arm: . bab'ge military cloak; -w lirle the- left I. I I , . . 1 I. lJ i . : 1 tt -1.1 1.-. ' . xJAlW. noius tne nut oi awtjru wiiifbc iwmt tOUchWa pi'e 4 Vf ! h(?wtt'!sfobesi Its etootv scabbard hahSiriit frofri a belt aruotid the Waist. Therm, ' the ab- ItitUte. the face and the' expression tls Itby'eouritefarice'cotobine-together tot 4U11&1; uuc Ul 4-44C. LUUD. llUUloai TV. fat&fbres We have e Ver Hen i in: rs ; ::m' ; ) fit ' i 'Aick,iVA&l.n!,aVpi linn'wiii rftail'lii"Wpw Vork'otl Mori- JpafricK'iVey.Q V X 21 11 ll IAJ II1C . aiUlOUUUiXl lA AAVa vvjiu ipiain't against 'htVWjWlajb'ed'.'byt. Mr Price, his equnse!, was. iAtoxl0a-i L ' L'f Lii.-4,iJ -i.-x x'.'-; ' . I ix '.'.rl4 C mi...: -"iijV. !! . ij ,i(!.l a.,t !( (ll ft. IWIfy Wells; Utlited : States" district SatKbrhey for Mississippi r and candid ate forthe rebublican : coritrressionai uOLnTnatioti in;' the 1 Vioksbnrg dis trret, ihade" a speechlat : Her nari do on' Saturday:' in' which he'-denounced Governor AtAes in'thebitterestittrTra arid declared that in the interview between Gov. : Anies. Sheriff Crosby arid Attorney Gefieral Harris; at the time' of the Vicksburg riot, the - iov. instructed Crosby to arm the macks ma march acatnst 1 vicRSbure.' At- Skornev General 1 Harris ; :,protested Jm " . .-.1 .. .... . - . 1 4 against me advice ana urgea a resorii to the TOurts.:;; Crosby left with thesH jiristructions from thetjevernorwno after: hiSideparture. turned, to Attor oy General Harris andsawl halj the blood. . of twentyrXlve ''as thirty, be- Igroes wquld benefit, the. Republican tnav.nemat.'t: up. puAeri..(.puiu toe, written autnprixy ,oihQue ,Mi most rel iabie and 'truthful . Renubli' caa in ' the , Staio, Attorney, Genera Karris was nresent on. Haxuruav as a AunDorter of ' Wells-, and heard thel a -r f :r-i . i , a . ii a ; i . - ? n jremarks wiout.deniaj and jwlth;ap rmr.ui i .;;: situ IriesV wefe aIr,dVerJtbei, befdratlieelrictlonii (ir.ftl4fir: aever Voteagaitay wbufd saoqribeinag bands wonld' bere'd aed tb50)iUrd mvuapics m w .pay; wit falselippds they .Were WorKya , . ii.- mu cou nx v . lo a e n ii re aastyearl'.'. MW I i ,jttt -j 'irrli HtT'Ioii' vewasincjeaed Aver la tawardfi Wilnifnirl-on- 7 .B8, PfrWTW,er,,fiia uia ULUUUtUL IU V.WJIKte.l) wroes in secrert and sentou lea scpu.tSxi( .There, wei-e, no ll.: x : - - : -. ' i . '.- . i uiuatiuiiB. as rGDQiieu. . exce ;.i '. ' .1 v. M i. n j . rv 1 . rrn ..7 ciassea on qmerept fipiyr mor it freelv,, .The branCU : rim a Iosapljqnly, a&Qut 'tea.pr la maiorUy.. M.. theni .brofei nxw.:;-.:..,"W'.'i1' i.i""":' . lyciuwiais, jrou me .uSi 1 Wi. , pre w.ano R?gf7?i1 fti TfifH blhji money rney. tli;Cnaio;tle bigaist,:')basi ZttpS oT OulJfunty that tlie Votf Irtvlll -a f lirnixTM ruil- .oa a lelncts closed polls befbre sundown, while others fmted to qbttllfy rgt tittMJWW.' 4-L!"1' I The Methodist District Con cbfavene'riere'!bri! the' 12tn: iihsli. lonlfl uD;Wpflflpoijlland itelihj'rHfle Wedchickeu., . w . . , 1 ArhbbttttliB nhmerous gtieats (a ping ath0 JHeiRityi Jaouae,j Prat tattiB' famines 'b tha? an habitual bffe,hder; tlM WtatiSa'hal.'not Jbeen cbmibitteor tbl F1-isiiLbl.i iMaxra'lN.'hP.Vfa mrtfi-brbught' actions! .ALraf.ist 'the SodtlV ffi'de-Railfd 'bmpariy J fo; Itbe pdrpibg Hf Hbeir-'-wbbds lds, lc.by Hres kiri tiled froh. tli sparljib of limbtt Veaf "A If'the-0 Mill W ' wrt .(! iniliV 'int filial 1 1 jtfsigried'- tq.'orie' plairitlrC'TvidhaM W. Smith; and tbease,iw,as.?eHt'' Jlidgfe Emotf as , referee:;" A' i The Mooke County Excursion! I At 91 n'clork yeatgnlay morning the excrelonj train oyer.the RaleigK &,a?ugusta' 'ir-iit'ne,.'. roaii deitveredi lira'lbaa' of ' aboat 'six1 MrtteM&.rtg cotinty'ei-Cirrlsonlftts'i afltWOeiitrar depbt'i- Tbeatolreaaad plates' af trail pesa wi5apnvthfoie4 1vlthjWei yiaitora, aMrntW,,.-MTpB.y w;as pHsually br3kft ..Alitartourt polnta of interest In the city werej teoandtn party ft'at o'clock! keemibgly1 ?Veir ; 'pleased ' with5 the! MetWpIs. We wteh them a aavfel Ibnllding on andi pleasant return to their Mfmfo: I eost'7a,ww. . !.'l !llfP.U Mil l III "ItJilll i une 01 tne wives 01 tne ,uigamiBL Eruevx of whom .we spoke : in y ester day's paper 9ame.jjOyrpmBallBri bury . yeaiejraay, ,. mprning, , accom panied by Justice .Haugliton., .of that ter noon tne man jail andtakiibe-J n,r anu ,ju;aviuson Ii'.auife .t resbect- ibfeV lookihir.. 'and ' Weil-dressed ri-i ,'! fnr 1 t;i in .Jii. ,.: . s .voman 01 perhaps 30. was at tnei P.PfiWWi anetpyen ft., w;j W w,rt?w pjimi J,l.J,jtAOga.ul 01 1 kuseqiieMly.mpiYRd fp; .SaUsbury,! is. d. where she was appruced of the ro-T rr'T.,; . 4. i-.- ii ''' -a lA.!i fctinap lnuireeprnann n.ora Kir Wmow'u outti Ahn TuaalonJ Iwnrila hv Ernev'a own Ithat he xiaa tmy, nut tne case was agarn ueciaei at0st rhfVtnH VCfe';' WnlSff' ' Set! WK ;0(exHratali6w,ance.'',', '-Pr' ' 4 " It ! is Hlid ' tpiiMMr.': Chabfriit.; thel actor. ' m'W. fJceah "GrdVe featbpf ftifeet btr'N; Y.t"thel othei" daV i i fteachetOtfslV ' Called ' bpcfn' byaf wJirfrlkiv 'frtmtiA-'tR srfi'ak In -an- 'x-f priebtJe meptfug? MWuCharifraut Waslbttlynobbluseedi for1 a momfenU land then he made -a brief address tbattWiaa Batiafactory to the bretbren'4 The-Germari Life and; Fire' i Ihsur4 abc Company of Buffalo, Ne York ,1 laid the corner istone or their newi Saturday. The grouncir- rb by tb wiring cbe largest, .vote UV: ftrg r iWwfii vafivJQyo,gfJvep,8ltnrce, tbap.ftis. parly. gave regiuaR coptesis ror . i,nq, gie ter the. Wild frenzy .was ami wuuiunavt! re wivbu mh mTt thelea(feCT.are.aM claiming ';tfro Rnliiaay ,r w.yoW Wc xRropftlion "'vsfVj'; kfi jr.HB.ai,f ueg,rpe8 f yisKftfflqgpH SfLfilrata 1 xi.i'- :j ' ''' 4 t ,neamannoBeshwj ,.TJWSW TflVaiitV iJiLfintpri rn tvnaipori anif riA. and expected, ,fpr the reason that lie hasbftett stood ln thrbw. oTfilus yOHrsee wba,bIJblWntjB Qght. and, nobly did. he do his dutv k&d's'tkis'h bl tbo.'jpelKetjfefclirlBiikafli liarlbete,,,N?iC.,Alg'.t10 "i&W.1 I TV. It rlAAir ) tfnlr iKnf 4T1 r4xA ,.A.4..x & 441444.411 " ft v. ci. -4444IT M4iaa vanvaPts W 111. . 1X2 1 11 mm. TliPfTt aaue..-waav riiMi o fpmnava niro pscfthfin tol VMI rr" y-W"; -pr-,rr,-i7r. r.--. thjs,,aty; where he was. arrested upobl the defepdant and.VY. Jdiiaiiey .. for the pla ri iff,. ,The taab. warf ' ' m - a aa-' i'BL.a tin wqicu ue oceans an eve Jhistcrry W MasbnyMefJ irroil trill irv. snfl WM Al 1ft tW-;:ff-i?n,nr . irrr-.ti- iri !i for. Esq adiwd; forive bail in Wtt ,W " fU UffH r , , , I . j , ! , . i vt . .. r . ,.i HL..1.1I.1 'l nelOHOWlBaT ITODX 1U; UUriWMI!( VAmihemi 2Awnepeaks:.well:!Qf Pro-I estor Kerira Cheatham t-roiinc-.wr.i Natt. Johnston, of Cabarroa county,! Ulastertifia.GraBgei baa sent,u some. leases. ot ite vheatham . Froiihc Cotton measuring ,12, Inches each IwaviM In a space of 13 inches , meas-l lured on the: atalk. he has. counted 142 well matured bol Is. , It takes .thel iUrange to. wm an tne time. j, -,-. i.-.u.. ' A St. Louis numismatic has a pen ny beanng tne aate it, 1 ana tnei legend," - pure copper preieraoie to paper." snowing tne uara I lpririciplesk)f'38; - -"'' L.l( ifti::li:l. li I n lil , ioccasipii lipfocairionHi iy'orgerfWai'4tUiifieaJ"'a'll ItittRe the ."Moriran abductibn. Mr. ' wiii1 uCcsftJllklM,'atWl,ineimx wvj.Yl WWf 1IUIUUOC OI. opoh-Hie'MasWtiib 'm M i- "vuro.wi uc iMViaMxm derm g. ait Apoiiatj"fxmeKSMrrr..ihn lorganizatiop. Tbisfeyhnfst ex Jnlanatlon tvhlctWtWiftiitgftftllwi r'"'"'" "T"Tmff-r,rniriitaiaatTrao hi raw m j m i rim iii i innnyaaj' ijfMiejUJf VriiliaiU MoTan atBd Mc flrelitreBily to the tiot6rioasc4wrkMiiaiattHiaAf.b idead body wiifrdn iioiiLte Om riarto'he 'Hecaed-irtito- ibe XmiHMthA erioag'hMoitffatl'Uatit afterllhol ilec-4eri.''Th44waSevet-wlrdttaa , to believe 'that MaSodryiMriisailb, der,iif redj"iltllthte'tk4 Mete was Kineo ox:4ex) fci)tBButiaqdi4r political Coesr - - -'' ... a 1 . i n . ri moneyi I -.Tbe'crop prospects id JCumbcrdaAd ' '. .Kare-saiai to be viy godd; ,in.itxmodr i .li.l.a.! MMl illl -l'J.,Killf,(I 1 y,J I.-jJv,.. I w t-J ; ... . -'

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