1 . A jl L Y NEWS. I. of a I ci vil- P' wcr t; m: cc cur irA yc! P. 1: to 1 -thr 'tlK Cft a. - to- eB'Jic EB C. !wPfir p, A UZZELL. - - Proprietors. . TTayetteville Street, )ver W.' C. Stronact & Co.'s' Store. CASH jlNVAfclABIVIN ADVANCE. ' j DAliY nws will Ie delivered to ribers! at fifteen Icexts per week, -le to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 ' num 5 $3.50 for six months ; $2 for three is. .. ; " . - i WEBKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. C. AyoODSON, City Editor. IE8 .MARCH! 6, 1872. 'All parties ordering the , News ilease send the money for the the paper is wanted. As soon 'angements can be made, the will be furnished throughout fy ax weekly rates. . The! NEWS will be sold in the ting Room at three cents per or by the ne wsboys at five cts. L MATTERS. Briefs vastrc to-night. i LFngard Troupa ' performed here jin'- shooting i3 "the thing" with ys jt.st now. .' ' "" -' -"' ;. wea;her is disagreeably cool for 'son. ' . I '' . .: . . '" " is t that it requires more than ir to open the Northern mail ? squires eight days to transport jushe s of Xcorn From Newbern to h by the nearest and most acces. Aailrcad route. , j re 'will be an adjourned meeting City Commissioners thi3 evening 'cIock, to investigate the charges red against Chief of Police, havelbeen investigating the: why's, vherefore's of those : -rusty horse nailed over the doors of several r largje business houses on Fayette- streetj. We at first' thought the ietor of these houses' aforesaid, Temperance Council men and J them there to' keep out spirits, aiding two oyer the County Cam- oners iellcd to hunt uf another reason. aAe Wake County Bible Society. e meeting of this Society will oc- at 11 x of c'clock, A. M., Thursday, 7 J, P. M., as stated jn our ?day's! issue i will state further, that the Rev. Strdbel, General Agent of the ing. Arr rican Bible Society for N. Cj., .will resehtj and will doubtless prove a" v&l ible auxiliary ' to its deliberations. Sir. Strobel lias established his. Head quarters in this city ,rahd desires U3 to say f 'iat heAvould be pleased to corres por l; with all the Auxiliary Societies in V x State, the Pastors ot : churches, and :ll interested in the distribuiion of the I. -ble, ivith. a view to mutual counsel and ci-operation. . 1 wjJJ, as sopa as arrangements can rfectcd, :vislt the different'Auxtl in t ie State. lie is commended i confidence and sympathy of all iends of the Bible in the State, by resident; Secretary and Treasurer, Wake County Bible Society, and 'by t.,3 Revs. Messrs. Atkinson, Lacy, '.rri: ard and Mangum. r-i: ,:and 'that ipo: mc will first visit Eastern Carolina. t ' ' ' - tpec;s to commence his labors in' xjion next week. A list of ap nents will appear in. our issue to- .w. "U.S. in CuATnAM.There T-wili be an ,sion lam from this citv to Merrv Oaks. county, on to-morrow. This scene ra: ;,willi .also ' convey to the vDf J . ligL Lor (Her. f br: ,iyc ;na , . an: j o"tU - i "JL - . Hna -ii;lv: i .ion, ihc following great Radical irom thi s city : Col. Thomas B. D. Jones, Col. W. F. I Gem. W. jrsorL Maj. J. II. Foote and Col. I. who, it is expected will '.ly illumine this dark and be ad region! Chatham, what have one to merit such affliction ? ce writing the above, we learn that Ion. Ijohn j Manning, of Pittsboro: Capt John Q. DeCarteret, will above named centlemen at I tbe J Oaks, tot see it possible what is t by ;his heavy attack against old Iiam. I !ow ke say. let alt turn out bear the discussion. We regard .Wiley D. Jones as the only man of a speech, and do not rer.ard -r.n: the equal of either of the prom - lemen with whom he will nd. Mak Killed Whiskey; the John Gerringer, a citizen of ance I by-1-0. county, was run over and the Western bound train of R. R.-, between Combanv ill: : . ' 3L 'jvc iui: . ret:: 3b lei ;ha:. II 3ect: ;erri' key r iurv "wit:. goc tftwcl I and Haw ' River, on Thursday 3g list. He Was fast seen i about iwn.of the evening of the occur; i oing in.the direction of Haw ; irrdompany with a womahof that Dorbpod, . that sustained a bad was found next morning bv the n Master, lying near the,' road, ly mangled, with a bottle of whis :tting by his head. A Coroner's endered a verdict in accordance he fkets. The deceased, though 5mpferate, was generally a man of cnaracter. , lie leaves a wife and i children. I 3h: 3ar Pat )KE ;el J ail. -A letter from the Cherokee5 county to Gov. announces i the escape of Shope from the jail of said on the 14th ult. ; - ; l'O'- I tl'A ' tiitthc jnirr. 3ffc: 1011 'v pe li. charged with the murder of . xjiuuuy m vneroKee county, on f m VU . VUIUSC. " 1HY1. tie WAR d nhd the Sheriff wrote to Gov: -11 askinor thaf. rnnrav - r v. Avtic&A Kyj TKt 1 . 1 m . ana Claimed' immndi At pIv Vnf mc uuvcihur learned thit. Rhnn. - A 1 , ' . f,.U.in4;;i .i . .v.i mju vvuen me proclama- ;as issued, he refused to rawh l. Now Shone has brnWpn io!! L . it -.9 UKlf aPUnd fie ,Sheriff again asks that a reward -req tor Ins annrehension. Tt is ed that bhone madp. h wW tr :ia. an esirly day, the entire region in xouhd about the Central Depot juiai;auaiuibeu. hock is now brqught from some point on the V- . iU lor this purpose. VOL. I. Onwaed Still Onward. At a .1 meeting of the Board of Directors for the new Masonic Temple; on yesterday to be built in this city,' a resolution was passed, ordering the removal at once of the residence, ana out nouses on the 'Gales lot' which has been pur chased for tbe purpose, that operations may commence with early spring weather. The Temple when finished will not only be an ornament to our city, but the entire State. Now that the move ment has culminated in a erand success. we propose at an early - day to furnish our readers with a fill! description of this proposed building, which will doubt less eclipse in size, styte, and architec ture, Any private building in the State. Why Evans ! The Hillsboro Recor der states that during the delivery1 of a sermon a short time since, Dr. Pntch- ard, of this city, fell through the pulpit into the basement of the Church.- .The: facts - are as follows : Services were being held in the Lecture room ' (base ment) of the Church. : Dr. Hatcher, of Petersburg, was preaching, and Dr. P. was useated on the pulpit platform, which is raised about a foot above the main floor. In attempting to move his chair, it tilted off on the floor. Only. this and nothing more. i : . . . ' , j i . 1 .-Arrested. George t Tlomaf aU(i$ Thomas Abner, an escaped convict from the State Penitentiary, was arrested. by James A. Temple, Esq., in this 1 county on yesterday and committed to the jail of Wake. Thomas escapedsome two weeks ago. He was sentenced from Dayie county for five years for assault with intent to commit rape. Mr. Tem ple deserves the thanks ot the commu nity for the promptness with which he has acted in this matter. .De Castro This world renowned Ventriloquist and Magician opens this evening at Tucker Hall, and provided he gets his bead on again, after cutting it oiF, will continue for three nights. The suspension act, iruwhich his wife by some aid or influence unknown to us, is made to suspend in mid air, without props j or support, is said to be one of the most wonderful tricks known in the magic art. Hewill doubtless make a heavy draft on our cifizens this even We were shown at the North Carolina Land Agency yesterday, several photo graphic sketches of v farm residences, mills, mill sites, and other property for which this Company are Agents. Among the sketches, we noticed the old and familiar (to -us) views of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Warrenton, and " Elgin,? the old Mitchell country seat, in Warren county These sketches were taken by Mdgfan, of Warrenton, said to be one of the best landscape photo graphers in N7 C. , ' - , ,, - m -fa i i Mayor's . Court. Tuesday, March 5th, 172. Mayor W. H. Harrison, pre siding. :xVnthony Pape, col., a few days since, appropriated to his own use and Denent, certain articles oi doming, saia belong to one Monroe Vass.also a gentleman of color. A warrant was issued by his Honor, the Mayor, but j owing to the sickness of the defendant, the officer could not serve it. A portion of -the clothing has been recovered. Skating Rink. This evening is the regular semi-weekly lestival of the rolling' ".Skatriats" at Oak City Hall. All lovers of this pleasant, harmless and delightful amusement, should not fail to .attend. The exercise is said to be beneficial, riot only to the young, but to all:it expands and developes the muscles, cxhilerates the mind, and is attended with no danger or risk' of limbs. Let all attend that can. Marshais Sale. Fifteen , barrels and about seven kegs of assorted wines and liquors captured from different parties in mis , city Dy jjeputy u. d. Revenue Collector Upchurch for a viola tion of the , Revenue . . laws in its adulteration, were sold yesterday by U. .Marshal . uarrow, at nis omce on Hillsborough street. No Mono antown, at all. The citi zens of San Domingo, which we think is decidedly a more appropriate name, is highly incited against this "local, lor calling their village f Morgan town. We 1 meant no harm and never heard of you I lpforp. wp. wpm informd and had vmi 1 not mentioned it. would never have thought of you again. Farming out the Convicts. We invite the especial attention of Railroad, Companies and public corporations to the notice of the, President of the Di rector of the Penitentiary, inviting pro- posais ior tne rarming out or two Hun dred penitentiary convicts. This strikes U3 as an Excellent opportunity to pro cure cheap labor. Charlotte Mint. We are pleased to see that the amendment offered by the Committee on Appropriations proposing to abolish the United States Mint at Charlotte was voted down in the Senate on i Friday last. Now thai the atten tion of capitalists is being directed to the rich mines in our state, the mint is indispensable ad assay office. The building lots, upon which fifteen residences are now in process of erec tion on the Rhamkatte road,' were laid off bv Mr. Kingslan I, the Land Agent, who sold the same ior jyirs. nay wood, the original owner of v the properiy. It was never purchased by a capitalist, as stated by us a few days ago. ' The man, -that mysteriously dis appeared from Henderson an account of which aDDeared in our columns yestcrda,y ha turned up in Weldon. A Banquet has been tendered Lord Northbrook,' to take place on the eve of his departure to assume the Viceroyalty oi xnuia. Queen Victoria will remain two weeks in Germany. ' v' The Lord Mayor of London, Mr. Gib-1 oonB, nas Deen maae a oaronet. . s i - . n 'nAiMoN. a- NOON DISPATCHES; v Washinqton, Marck 5- The proceedings in Congress Lto-cf 7 unimportant. New York. .' tr; :!-" New York. Match 5.0 The Grand Jury of Jersey City founrftfl! from Jennessee to Lake hfty additional indictments against offi cials for fraud, Ac. ' ? "f . i . -w m i Judge Sedgewick has enjoined the Geneva Watch Company from carrying on alleged fraudulent trarhc. it is charged that they import worthless Swiss watches, stamped as it made in the United States. ' It is very cold " this morning. The thermometer at 5 below zero. The Aldermen of Brooklyn passed an ordinance forbidding the collection of fare unless passengers are provided with seats. ), , .C: t:-.! .' .. -' .v , The steamer Montgemeryv hence: ,tb Savannah,' has returned on accourit 'of damage toher rudder off the capes of Delaware. She will be dry docked. . Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 5. . It is estimated that one million dol- lars' worth of goods were damaged by the fire in Jayne'a building. The: fire did not reach the corner stories. . The burning of the cupola, 120 feet above the pavement, was a magnificent spectacle. Chestnut and Front Street escaped inundation. California. ' San Francisco, March 5. arge steamer supposed to be the A Alaska, over due from Panama, is in the offing. " The press of California condemn the sending of Gen. Howard to interfere withj the operations Jof Gen. Croix against the Apaches. I Ohio. Cleveland, March o. The , National Association of Base Ball players convened here to-day and elected Furguson of the ." Atlantic," President, and N. E. Young, of Balti more, Secretary. The rules are nearly the same as last year. -. m ' ;-' France." Paris, March 5. -- Thjere was a prolonged session of the ministry last night, which resulted in the resignation of Fouyer Quertier. In bis note to Thiers he explains his testi mony as favorable to Lamott before the Court at Kouen. JGngland , ' London, March 5. There la much anxiety about the In- mtn I steamer City of Washington, which left New York February 17tn. ; m . ' Nebraska. Omaha, March 5. The Pacific Railroad is still blocked between Cheyeno and Rawlin. , Kentucky. : Louisville, March 5. The wife of Ex-Governor Bramlette is dead. .;:-':-.j'-'' . MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Congressional Proceedings. '- j Washington, March 5. Senate A bill extending regula tions for transmitting goods in bond to Pittsburg passed. : .' .' ;-! Appropriations resumea ana aiscuss- ed to adjournment. House The Judiciary Committee reported a supplementary bill for the apportionment diii. it proposes iu al low an additional representative to each of the States of New Hampshire, Ver mont, New York, Pennsylvania; Ten nessee, Maryland, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. Such additional repre sentatives to be elected from the State at large, unless otherwise provided fpr by the Legislature. , A bill removing the disabilities irom twerity:seven Georgians passed. Other disabilities were massed and passed. A bill granting the half of Yerba Buena Island to the Pacific Railroad for the Western terminus was considered. Ari amendment, charging the company fifty thousandjdollars per year, was pro- posea. uanKS signinea nisoDjecuon to the bill as it propesed surrendering the most - important defensive position in the harbor. No action. Appropriations resumed and discuss ed to adjournment. The House meets at 11 to-morrow to receive the Japs. Telegraphic Sumlmary. Washington, March 5. Senator Scott has agreed to accept Kellogg's amendment to : the Facihc Railroad bill, changing the eastern ter minus from Marshal , to Shneveport. but a big fight over it is anticipated in the Senate. .' r J. 11 1 L A' 3 ' r un i;auinct 10-uay. Mr. Voorhees ; declines the candida ture for the Indiana Governorship. Custom receipts three millions more last month than preceding February, ; Nothing new elicited by the investi gating committee to-day. ' rne uouse committee on territories have concluded the debate upon the jh dian territorial government question. Col. Wm. P. Ross opposed Col. E. C. Bourdinot, who 1 advocated the bill. The 'committee will report, to the House on the 26th inst. The Secretary of the Treasury has instructed the Collector ot Customs, at Brownsville, Texas,not to clear any more goods for Camargo and other points on the Rio Grande above Matamoras, as it is in the hands of the revolutionists. Massachusetts. . ; Boston, March 5. The. schooner " Clara Bell from New York and bound for Boston, ran ashore near the Highland Light during a heavy gale. The. eold was intense, andi the crew, attempted to reach land but only one succeeded and he was hal I j? ' mi J . i irozen. mo iuci pvnaucu. WEDNESDAY MORNING, :MA3ieH 6. 1872. Weather, Probabilities. , ; . , i WAfiHiNGTON, March 5. The pressure : will, recover itself on Wednesday over'the.New England and Middle States with-westerly to norther ly .winds and generally clear' but con tin ned 6old weather Partially cloudy but pleasant weather : on Wednesday over the South Atlantic States with oroba- bly - easterly winds.' Southerly winds !, continue : over the Western and Gulf Superior and westward, withrising tem in i w i i r miiii uvvt w b ri Asr i i 11 nam m T-rM perature, diminishing presaufe and par-4 tidily cloudy and probably threatening father.y Dangerous winds are not an tigpitedV for; the fGulf and Atlantic CkftSts 'this evening; escept ; the,7f ery tjrigk northwesterly andvwesteriyinds jrom New Jersey to Maine, Ucb will flimirf h,ln lorce during. Yd night and Wcdneffay-' " ; 'v ;- T''M'hU 4nisyjfafta4,;. '-n -t t r; Phil ADBT.iPTfTt, March 5. ,: The small pox has broken out on the United. States steamer "Powhatan" among a' number of the " marines and sailors. - They have been removed to the City Hospital. ; t V The fire in Jayne's building has-been Controlled, and the, lower floors are so drenched with water" and sheeted with ice that further damage is impossible. ? The granite front on Chestnut street is not at all damaged.-- On Carter street two upper storiesvof the front have fal leru .'. .:L':..;f:i"y.; .: '; : :' - ' j . Alabama. , ' ; . ' ; ' , MoirLE, March 5; The Magnolia Jockey Club have de termined to run the Southern and Wes tern turf Congress stake . four; mile heats', on April 25th, prox. Kentucky, Missouri. Tennessee, Louisiana and Ala- vafna will be represented; The purse Other and stakes amount to $3,000. res will be run commencing on the prox. ; , I Georgia. j Macon, March 5 TheMs anfer's Bank at Fort iVallev was rood last night of f 15,000 jincur-s rency anvj2,000 injspecie. In the Satorial election in the Tenth District yuerday, Stiles, JDeihocrat, was .elected by a large majority over Armstrong, Independent candidate. ',. France. - Rome, March 8. It is stated tW Prince Frederick Charles, of Prussia who was iecently nere, saia vermanyv0uid defend It alv snouiu xraucc auacaher. ; 1 U T A. 1. . i Ohio, Clktewd, March 5 Rev. Mr. Gilmore. of Lt0fl. has been appointed Bishop of. try Dforrov of Uleveiana , New York u,.- :. -cn o. The thermometer in this ci Nfour- een degrees below zero1. ' Aiaryiand. Baltimore, March b. T. M. Eddy succeeds Dr. Newman the Metropolitan Church. i Cotton Markets. ; .'' - . v ; Mobile, March 5. Cotton fair demand; middlings 22. -' ! ; GaLVEstov, March 5. Cotten firm ; good "ordinary 120. : , New Orleans, March 5. Cottom strong ; middlngs 22. Philadelphia, March 5. Cotton quiet; middlings 23. SAVANNAH, March 5. Cotton firm ind In fair demand; mid lings 21., ,T ; . : : " Memphis, March 5. -Cfettohnoniinal'; mlddUngs 222. ' Vf Atgust a, March 5. Cotton firm middlings 21J. , Norfolk, March 5. Cotton firm ; low middlings 2121. ' ' .- t Charleston, March 5. Cotton steadier ; middlings 21. v: , Boston, March 5. Cotton dull ; middlings 23. Wilmington, March 5. Cotton dull ; middling 22J4. A - Baltimore, March 5. Cotton quiet and steady ; middlings 22. New York markets. New York, March. Cotfcoa oulot.y ndands 22: orlsans 23- 231, sales 3,150. (Southern flour unchanged. Whisky, moderate demand, w. neai, lowr. winter red western 647(L New wes tern mixed corn 7171U. Pork dull and lower, mess 13.2513.37. Lard dull ana heavy at 9; Turpentine quiet and weak at 83. Rosin dull at 4.60 for strained. Mont y 45. Gold dull 1010. Governments closed stronc at 15U.. States Inactive. N. U's atx&sox, new vny. ; ..Foreign Markets. Lobtdon, March 5. Consols opened at 92 Bonds 92. ; Pakis. March 5. Rentes 50 and 63. ' ' f Liverpool, March 5. Cotton opened firmer, uplands 11; Or leans 1114. Bombay shipments since last report to yesieraay m,w waies, LATEB--Cotton strong, uplands H311J4: Orleans lll. Sales 18,000; speculation and export 6,000. Sheriffs Bennett and Trescott, o London, have had the honor of Knight hood conferred upon them. : . - - In conseouence of the reappearance of the Bappel, General Ladmirault, Gover nor of Paris, threatens to resign. - 'The Prince of Wales will go to the South of France instead of the Italian Lakes. i. The French Assembly will not again aifidtate the raising of the seige of Paris. , . '' : The steamship Japan, which sailed a day or.two since, carried $1,433,000 to China. - " Prince Otbo. brother"of the! King of Bavaria, is insane. ' Earl Dudlev is in Egypt and has reviewed the progress and codition ot the (anal works., j ;: V';. . ;' .j .; - ' Louis' Napoleon has been denied: the privilege of sojourning in Italy for a suort wnuo.. - i Hon. D. W.: Voorhees will soon leave Washington to canvass New Hampshire for the Democracy. JSxamination - of 0C o n ri d r, the Would-be .Assassin, ot Queen Vic toria. r, . .t . - London telegram; to the New York EeraU, dated March 1st', gives the fol- Ibwing account of .the attempted assas sination' of the Queen and' of he exV,rtics ln Courts of Hall&x. War- ... . . - : in.Northamptonajid wuiui.nuwuvtfu ouu- nof. thei pmltvrntLTfyr' jr? vi s i . " n j r " . J - , The uact of -thai personal assaulf 0which wasJMadppn Her. Maiesty, Queen Victoriasterday, by ( the hand ot the mariArthur O'Connor, with the subseqmt 5 incidents" pfv his arrest aiid temr(6rary commitment- for - examiria- JiBn before a magistrate, constitute - a theme for universal comment and pub ic condemnation'in the columns of the city journals to-day. pie newspaper wrifers draw a comparison between -the act of this one. individual and the im trtense demonstration of loyalty made by I the entire populace - of London, as well as other demonstrations throughout the United Kingdom on Tuesdaylast." ' Immediately before . his attack upon Her Majesty, O'Connor, scaled the iron railing, ten feet in height, which sur rounds the court yard of Buckingham Palace. ; ' . j When he approached the royal car riage, he first saw Lady " Churchill Lady in waiting on the Queen who was riding with Her Majesty and was about to assault her ; but he soon dis covered his mistake and turned his attack upon the Queen. . !.".: Her' Majesty's groom, John Brown, w;ho was riding behind her carriage, upon witnessing the action of O'Connor, leaped from his horse, and arrested and disarmed the assailant ' O'Connor, the jiaaifixwas ately handed over, to the police author i ties. ., ;. : He will be brought to Bow Street Police Court Station this f morning, or about the . hour of noon, where a pre liminary examination , will be held.' f At the hour of noon all the streets and side lane approaches jto the Bow Street Police Station were jammed by an immence concourse of people, who gathered in hope of catching a glimpse of O'Connor during his conveyance to br from the Magistrate's Court. The assailant ot the Queen, O'Connor, was brought before the Police Magis trates at Bow street at noon to-day tor examination. 'The court room and all its ap proaches were 'densely crowded. ; The. prisoner presented a; verv bovish and ! not unpleasing appearance, , and to-aay was at the moment quiet and unassuming in manner. He made no attempt at bravado, and listened quiet ly to tbe testimclDy, without seekingLto interrupt or contradict the witnesses:. On being interrogated by the Magi strate he stated, that his full name was Arthur O'Connor ; . that he was born in England, , but that his Xather;; whs a. native of Ireland. It was Subsequently, elicited that ! his grandtather "was the well known Peargus O'Connor, one of the:-leaders of the English "Chartist movement.; . '.;, ';,.' John Brown, Her Majesty's groomy Colonel Harditige, Equerry to - 'the Queen, and Prince Leopold, testified to the circumstances of the assault, i of which they were eyewitnesses. Their statements do not differ materially from he accounts telegraphed' to the New ffork Herald.. ' '" One of the pftlicemen into whose ody O'Cpnner was delivered swore Xtheprisoner said the reason he had noVaded - the pistol was because it w30ken ; that 4 he repeatedly ex claimri uX wjsh to God I had suc ceed edy that he avowed he hadinten- aea io psent the petition far a Fenian amnesty the Queen in St, Paul's Cathedral'i, Tuesday; when she was S?"uD5edv her Ministers; that he then had peW ink ready for her to sign the docunt with- that hQ. would uavu uiauc Attempt, but the crowd was so great tlA he could not get near her Majestv. TWO papers loVl , on thn nrUnnr when be was seized" rri ..a ; Court and read. i hnnlnnincr 11 the Fenian convictsi, ;n cvfonnn oa follows: . . m I, Victoria, QueenV orfiro nf anA make the following declton . . Whereas there - are con'fina(I in various prisons through the kin dpm a number ot Inshmeknown-s celebrated Fenians; w'tiereagy were imprisoned with my sanct jiavin( reoenea ana conapireu agvcf. Crowniand to weaken apd de m power f whereas sympathizer wjtj these meu have petitioned for theiar don, and notwithstanding they arytjjj unliberated; now, l, victoria, QVn &c. do erant full paHon to each every Fenian prisoner unconditionally and notwithstanding this my agree) ment is made under fear. of my life, win not ueuari; inereiiuui. . 'M A J -i It J?- L - mt r 1 a. 3 T71 1 . rl This is dated Fehruary 22, 1872. The other document is a commuta tion' in advance of the punishment of the prisoner fqr his present aet from hanging to shobting, and is dated Feb ruary 27. V " ' ' '-; , I At the conclusion of the examination the prisoner was committed for trial at the assizes, arid taken back to jail under a "strong escort.' - V-"r : :r TBOUBLES.r-Some people. are a3 care ful of their troubles ,as mothers are of their babies ; they cuddle them, and rock them, and hug them, and cry over them, and fly into a passion with you if you try to take thum away from them: they want you to fret with ; them, ana to help them to believe that they have been worse treated than anybody else. If they could, they would have a pic4 ture of their grief in a gold frame hung over, the masfsheir for everybody to look at. And their griefs make them ordinarily selfish they think ' more of their dearjittle grief in the basket and in the cradle than they do of all the world besides ; and they say you-are hard-hearted it you say " don't fret." " Ah 1 you don't understand me you don't know j me you can't enter into my trials." f . Fred. A. pockray has been appointed Assistant Adjutant General of the State militia of Florida, in place ot IS. H. Reed, left the 3ate. y , , Prince Michael of Russiaj is 8 on' a visit to the Uaucasus. r - PROFESSIONAL CARD si Y" I L L I A Attorney and Counsellor at Law. )ONJN. CC ' i ' " aupreme t rant H mhl-tf. . - . . . . b..H. Bunn. ; : SAM'L. T. WUJLIA33. W I L LI A MS; wl t t o m&y a a t JL a w9 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WILLIAMS & to r n e y s BUNN, : a t I, a w ,: Jit Jl , RALEIGH, N. C. ' ' fT Bnsinec. lett jttiay be addreued cibucr iu xvocjvy Amount or jLUilelgn.r Claims Collected la anjj part of tbe State. . -8- Practice in thp. Rn Btte and in the Federal Court at Raleigh.' R C. S;. -: B O Y -D DENTAL' SURGEON Offers hin nrnfocBAna' eon.iA. . v - ----- ico iaj tuo peo ple of Warren, Halifax, and the surrounding country. He can be found during the first cing on the first MondaV, In the office foAi erly occupied by Dr. Klemminr, over the store of Messrs. Parkerfe WatsOn, Warren ton, N.C. : ; j . ,;4. : . ' certificate: r We. the undersigned cheerfully recom mend Dr. C. S. Boyd to the public as an ex perienced and sfeillful Dentist. iArH- yeU!r'iG-TE- Mathews, M.DM B. F. Manning, A. H. Davt?, RingWood; Bllaw & . Browning, CoL Wm. A. Johnston, G. - H. Macon, M. D., Thomas W. Harris. Little ton; Jordan Stone, WeMon. mhl-tf BANKS. 1r tT ItT 1 . Chas. Diwey. Cashier. President. ' . T ALEIGH NATIONAL BANK. OF RALEIGH Paid Capital, - - - - 9500,000. deal Sin i GOVERNMENT and her SECURITIES. mhl-7m. j j. g. Williams, s. c. white, w. s. primrose, President. . Cashier. Ass't. Cash. N0R T H C Al R O L I N A STATE NATIONAL BANK. RALEIGH N. C. SPECIAL CARE AN D ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. Deals U 4!oTernmeBt uid ether- Seetritlef. ' mari-tC , l : ;: ..,, HOTELS. "V ARB O ROUGH H O TT R E . RALEIGH i N. C. Situated on-the -Princial' Street, ln the 4 Centre of the CJitr, Cokvenient to all ' the Public BulHiigs, Ranks, Business Houses, fee. ACCOMMODATIONS EOUAL TO ANY . hotel. In-' the' SOUTH. "1 ' . , !'' G. W. BLACKNAIjI. Proprietor. mal-7m. ; . ; ' N A T I O N A L II O TEL. THOS. J. COBPREW, Proprietor, " . If' r "-'- . CORNER MAIN AND CHURCH STREETS, N O R F O LK , VA George C. Burdett, General SaperlnteadeDt. f BOARD $2.50 PER DAY. i ' -! ' ' i -Captain Burdett, infante bellum days, was a most popular conductor upon the .Seaboard Road, and the traveling public will find him the same genial gentleman as in days of yore. Ed News. mh 1-tf j JEWS' JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Having, in connection with the News' Office, a thorough outfit o .r O n Jfl vf T E R 1 Jl JL knd having in our employ experienced and 1 Icient workmen, we are prepared to exe- neatness and dis- all manner of Job, Work, such as t AILROAD WORK, ? HANDBILLS, w s- : ' JOB PBINING i - - .. i i ', - : ... - I With the utmost i car . .. ;; ; j': ; c"ars, :' ' .Jv, - " BLANK8, BILLHEADS, V f ! LETTER-hLj3j POSTER ' 1 PABjLETS, ' i ' c, fcc. All orders, either from the city will receive prompt attention. Si vite a trial. - - 19. Office over W. C. Stronacb& Cc . I next door to Yarboro Hotel, Fay eti,. I street, ' . - v "' ' ;f I rehl-W . , 7 - BATES OivlAIiy2UTiarErjOiHol gone square, pne.inieTtlonS.lii:;r. JXISLLtO ne square, two mitiAm ., ,...;...J.J. icq ne squarettree lnsertlons.r2 ra One square, six lnsmton8;..t..ft.jf; 9 a& One squaTe one mnwtti TTt m One square three mont,... ia oo tract will be m-Jf .SSM parelIconstiJtJfe SrT t0"? - i i r - i C R. "BISHOP, "" " - W. J. "BRANCH, Cas.Com..Na, VnTf. JtilltfxSteSlSwVa. O S.: N OH )l -A ;N4 W??'i5T .-'' : v,!'.. I Grocers and c ! jI ; COMMIS8IO N M B.RCII i:S,t 8 j -; f. .: Kj 103 Sytamore Street be uUI O --" -V. UIR HUG. t qqlreata produce ln hand.y,'. natl-m ii ,l .. . "i ;'H jn l'baH BARGAINS FOR THE NI3r,T G P.AYB JAB. T. ' MORRISSL Furniture -eaJer; and Undertaker; will moveC his eftablish ment la sixty days; to hi new honMvN0 j 108 Sycamore street; and -wishing to reduce bielarge stedtM j vvnfcbr.ip?f M ' NO. 69 ST CAM iiRItft S; previous to moylrig.l oiTers It at redne prices. ' Remember you can find the eheanest m well as the finest. Metalltc JCdfflBsaan Caskets: also Rosewood, Imitation, Rose wood, Walnut and" other Wood Cbfflna. and Caskets, at 68 SYCAMORE 'STREET.' During the night or' the Sabbath". "When'; the store Is closed, J, T. :Monls8jcaii)bB found at his room. No. 49 Jarratt's Hotel, or Wm. Peed at his residence on ong MUr-j . kt street, next to Moore's Warehouse. mhl-malO .:; it JAMES T. MORRISS:-; T. A . . 8 T C L1' R' ,? ItAKTJPAdTrRKE ' ' -. ' : - i 'Mil i: ... Carriages,. Buggies, Express, -Spring and. Plantation ,Wacon. , Cart, nnd TlraTt. .1 r-;- - " "r ti-- Corner o'Lomlard and SecohdreeU,' rh .. -A sr..-' i-' i -.l r- h v,-' ' j RBTER S U R V A.U viflo I - ' ' -. . ' ; ' --.'I - i : - . . f - i - . ' r i -. - t - i . - . k - ..---. A Good Assortment always on Iland." ,-.-.: - . I- ." ',u ..!.) '(Guji 'Repairing of every delptian-i-4hear ? and iightr such asf Painting. Wood-work, i and BTacksmithing, done Ija thfalrjr and' promptly. All work warrftnted.r I respect- i fully ask a call,' as I am sure that both In Prices and Workmanship I can give Rails-, i faction. ' ' hjh'l-w7m; ; A. B A I L ''E Y Si' -.uit s-WITH .(.- i't iA. f zM - r. W. M M . M ff;r.Ti;:,-Uji-: : WHOLESALE AN, RETAIL DEALER IN i HATS. CAPS. STRAW AND MlLLIN- ! ERY GOOlW UMBRELLAS, . ' 1 .." ; " WALKINS' 'CANES;' CV ,! ' .:n No, 65 SycamoreJSL,' Opposite Town Clock . ..'r PBtERSBURO.V-VA'. 7,'crf,!-.f' And 1316 Main Street, Richmond, Va. Having connected myself- with tbe above well known Wholesale and Retail Hat House, No 65:8ycamore6t., Petersburg,' Y ' I respectfully announce to my friends and the public generally that I am ircadji'to serve them at all times. Thestockr is the largest ak. beat 'naatUA intiiSCcte' ' Give me. a call and you will be eonvlnoed that my styles tod prices are right: - i marl-2m . L. A. BAILEY. . E "J - R T I L- I Z ;.E RJ- 8: TOR SPRING CROPS'. We offer to. the trade and (to. planters in Virginia and North Carolina, the following : standard PertIlhrtra4Jr.;--i'fr-'i- V"3'-;1? f 1 r 5W tons Bradley Patent Super-Phosphate -;;.of Lime )(. -A) u-intaTu r 600 tons Bradley' Sea Kowl Guano,) ojn-irtf 's 800 tons Reese's Soluble Pacific Guano, , xyw will UCUU1UB J7CI UT1UU UUKUO. 20 toss Ground Plastery-Ji:; yi.f a ss 100 tons Bradley's, Tobaoca pertUizer. i, We also onTerthe Fertilizers manufactured by the. Petersburg Fertilizer Compnyr 1 These Fertiliser we offer With all conflii dence.having sold thsm Sort ) tbe last i six , Oar.terms to. the trade are llbersl, and wt . ' Invite eorrespondenee from planters. ' ! ' MclLWAJNS ft 01 ' C ' GOOCH A LONG Marl-Sm ' - . . We on. J O W T O S.E L E CT , WHERE TO GET IN TRUTH,. TH E BEST P I A N O FO R"T i MADE IN THE COUNTRY. T' Assertions to the contrary notwithstand- ' ing, no manufacturer.ln this orlnany other T couniry can assert inat ne turns ouvait nis , instruments good alike in tone, and tell; the truth. Pianos Are almost entirely the : work I ot the hind and It is impossible to . make them exadtly alike in lluishj even; ' to say nothing of tone, which, in part Is due- Wchave found pianos to vary grsatly iu j the factories 'Of eyery one of the leading , makers of this country.. it .! ' ' the true difference in the value of ylanoe of the same,1 and of different makers, is only , opportunities for, making oomparisous.; jA rf , i The Best Policy. . '; Is torrely upon a tried; expertenoed, eompe- j tent person to selector you.who ii 4 dealer af, is responsible, values his reputation, that . or his instruments; and can give the lowest : ' possible prices consistent with a reasonable profit. : ,,iU-:irll .,: .rt:iiiv.'.fy viii We are indebt ed to tbe Press of f Virgin la and North Carolina for many 'compllme-t -tary notices from., which we make, the foU-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ii. ... . . ters-burg Index. . , .,. "any representation; he may make win Kb frtund Ktrlo.tlv trne ." 'Roanoke News. "We have known him for yrarh prom- -ises no more than he i perform." Roanoke "r Valley. ... ' I "';.- - "-rhe keeps posted. "d wbt be says can be relied on his responsibility having been : proved by hla jMoceas.' Petershnrsr-Preg-i i- rcss j . . 4 Nash we know he is a" critical Juref f nt nianm Matlnc with . manufacturers. Lowest prices granted and the most liberal terms. jV man : ctcreuuig, t q- T O ' 8 E. P H C'A!Mrr R V : PETEUSBUKU, VA., . , Wholesale ;ad Betaii Drnfgist, Offers to the country trade a large and well. assorted stock of ' '' . : drugs' and' , ciiijjbiV ' White Leads, Linseed Oil, Varnishes. Tar- t pentine, and other PaintoLPalnt Br nshes, Varnish Brashes, Ac ; Machine Oils, iu Tanners Oil, Neat Foot OH, all ' i , .-.,-i4:-f;;ikindofi..: pljl ,a- ''-.'.- - DYB-STUFT8!. . An lllnvRed,' Indigo. Ac; ; J j i" ' r ' ' Blaek Pepper, Bplce, . ; . , -. t Ghagerf Mace, Nutmegs. Ac, f ' . 1 ' 1 Patent Medicines, j Soaps Half Bnishes, Tooth Brushes Trnw(Wi DreSSlIlg UOmDS rOCKet UOIUOOJ CUVOiVVW, j Proprietc.mtoologn, Extct,, ' i : mhlTV A

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