nAILY NEWS.p rONE & UZZELL, .- . - Proprietors. FATJCI'l'EVILLE STREET, Over W. C. Stronach fc Co.s Store. U8a INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. , rhe DAILY NEWS will be delivered to .iiscribers at fifteen cents per week. Arable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 17 j -annum ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for three "ThehvreEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. GENERAL DIRECTORY. U. S. GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS. V. S. Marshal, M-aael 1 Carrow Office Club House, TlaURev. Col., 4th District. t j Young Office on Edenton Street, -par National Hotel. U. S. Assessor, 4th District. Gen. W. D. Jones Office Andrews' Build me Hillsboro Street, s' U. S. Commissioner, It. V. Best Office Hillsboro Street, late Gen. Branch's office. ; . V - ,4 U. S. Commissioaer. - t A. W. Shaffer Office wLh Marshal, Hi lisboro Street. v. - supervisor Int. Rev. for North and Sooth Caiolina, p. W. Terry Office Andrews' Building, a ilisboro Street. . -- STATE GOVERNMENT, Governor Tod. R. Caldwell. private Secretary J. B. Neathery. secretary of State H. J. Menninger; . clerk Andrew Syme. Attorney General Wm. M. Shlpp. - Public Treasurer David A. Jenkins; Chief Clerk Donald W. Bain; Teller At D. lonlrins. 1 Auditor H. Adams rClerk A. J. Partln. Superintendent of Public Instruction Alex Mclver. . . , Superintendent of Public Works C. L. Adjutant General John C. Gorman, state Geologist W.C. Kerr. librarian Tbeo. H. Hill. I Keeper of the Capitol Patrick McGowan. 1 CITY GOVERNMENT. " Mayor Col, W. H. Harrison. Treasurer Jas. P. Prairie, Commissioners J. P.Prairte, A. N. Un church, Stewart Allison, Astern Ward. K. P. Battle, Simon Hayes, M.. W. Churchill, Middle i Ward. John C. Gorman, Albert Johnston, Norfleet Dunston, Western Ward. Clerk and Tax Collector M. Grausman. Chief of Police W. H. Martin. Assistant Constables B. H. Dunston' George Scales. Street Commissioner Jos. T. Backalan. Captain of Police C. M. Farris. Sergeant Charles Hunter. Janitor Oliver Roan. Policemen James Doyle, H. Morse, Rob ert Hall, Wm. Durham, Rob't Wyche, J. M. Petross and Nathan Upchurch. The Board of Commissioners hold Its reg ular meetings on the last Wednesday night in eacn montn. . WAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff T. F. Lee. Deput f Sheriffs J. J. Nowell A. Magnin. Supei. r Court Clerk and Judge of Pro mi uJ. N. Bunting; ieputy W. Whltaker. County Treasurer Wm. M. Brown. Register of Deeds W. W. White. Keeper of the Poor House Wiley Yearby. County Commissioners Robt. W.Wynne, il. G. Todd, Wm. Jinks, John R. Caswell, .Bayuer. POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Postmaster C: J. Rogers. Office hours rom 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., during the week except while the malls are being distri buted.) No mails received or sent on Sun ty therefore the office will not be opened, va that day. Office hours for Registered Letter aud Money Order Departments, from 84 A. M. to A4 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails. Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, Georgia, Columbia, 8. C, Charlotte. Salis bury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hills boro, &c., due 1:30 A. M. Close at 6:30 P. M. Eastern. Charleston, 8. C Wilmington, Newbern, Beaufort, Goldsborr, Ac., due 7 P. M., close 9 P. M. Northern, via Weldon. New YorK, Bal timore! Philadelphia, Washington, Rich mond, l Petersburg, Norfolk, Weldon, Ac., due 4 P. M., close 8:30 A M. Fayette ville, via Chatham R. R. Due t A, Mfc close 3:30 P. M. CHURCHES. Presbyterian. Located corner of Salisbury and Morgan Btreets, Rev. J. M. Atkinson, D. D., Pastor. Services every Sabbath. Baptist. Located corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., Pastor. Services every Sabbath. Christ, (Episcopal). Located corner Wilmington street and Newbern Avenue, Rev. R. 8. Mason, D. D., Rector Services every Sabbath. Methodist. 1st Methodist, located on Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum Pastor. Services every Sabbath. Wesleyan Chapel, located on Person street, Rv. Ai R. Raven Pastor. Services every Sabbath. St. John's (Catholic). Located corner Morgan and Wilmington streets, Father J. V. McNamara, Priest. Ser vices every Sabbath. MASONIC. Hiram Lodge, No. 40. A. S. Lee, Master Masonic Hall, corner Dawson and Martin streets, third Monday night in each month. Wm. G. Hill Lodge, No. 218. William Simpson, Master Masonic Hall, second Monday night in each month. Raleigh Chapter, No. 10. Dr. Wm. G. Hill, H. P Masonic Hall, . Tuesday night after third Monday in each nonth. jnoch Council, No. 5. R. & S. M. John Nichols, Thrice Illustrious Grand aster Masonic Hall, first Monday night each month, , L ft O. F. Sfanteo Lodge, No. 8. T. W. Blake, N. G-Odd Pellows' Hall, erCltizemV National Bank, Tuesday night each week. Seaton Gales' Lodge, No. 64. John C. Blake, N. G. Odd Fellows', Hall, iursday night of each week. ' Raleigh Lodge, No. 65. Thos. Badger, N. G Odd Fellows' Lodge, eets Monday night of each wesk. JJIcKee Encampment, No. 15. W. p. Weatherell, C. P Odd Fellows' Hallt second and fourth Friday night ot ach month. . ' KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Centre Lodge, No. 3. R. H. Bradley. W. . Meets at Odd Fal lows Hall. , FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. Oak City Council, No. 16. W. B. Hutchings, President over Gulley 4c Bros., Fayetteyllle street, Monday night o each week HALLS. ' Tucker Hall. Fayettevllle street, between Morgan and Uargett. ' Metropolitan Hall. Market Square, over Market House. uait city nail. Corner Wilmington and Martin streets, (verPool& Moring. BANKS. Citizens' National. William E. Anderson, President Cornej Martin and Fayettevllle streets. State National. Jno. Q. Williams, President Fayettevllltj treet, one door above Tucker Hall. Raleigh National. W. H. Willtard. President Corner Har- gett and Fayettevllle streets. - - Freedmen's Savings Bank. - George W. Brodle, Cashier Corner Har Kett and Fayettevllle streets, MISCELLANEOUS. Academy of Medicine. d .Vi , H. McKee, Psesldent-Flrst Mon Jay nlgr- in each month at each others bouse. Iteseue Steam Fire Engine Co. W. C. St nach, Foreman Hescue Hall, Fayettevil. street, first Monday night in tach month, Raleigh Typo. Union, No, 54. f John W. Marco m, President Firemans' ilall, Wilmington street, ever Market House meets first Saturday night in each 1 VOL. I. SATURDAY ..APRIL 20, 1872. r"Mr. J. M. BROUGHTON will serve the DAILY NEWS in any portion of the City at Fifteen Cents per week, payable every two weeks the paper to be left at any place of bnsinessor at any residence within the corporate limits. Parties want ing the News will enzase with him or leave their address at this office. Parties failing to receive their papers will please Rive notice at once. Mr. D. will thoroughly canvass the city in order to make the circula tion large and complete. The NEWS will be found for sale every morning at the Depots and note is. t5F Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fif teen Cents per line ' (3TAU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor. LOCAL MATTERS. Conservative Nomination for City Commissioners. MIDDLE WARD. . Hon. K. P. Battle, W. C. Stronach, B. F. Cheatham. EASTERN WARD. W. G. Upchurch, G. T. Stronach, John Armstrong. The Collectio of Subscriptions in the City. On account of the rapid increase of the city subscription list of the Daily News, the city contractor will hereafter make collections every two weeks, instead ; of every week as heretofore. ' Local Briefs. Have you registered ? j The city is again quiet the ''enligh tened" citizens of the State have all re turned home. The condition ot OuentBrvant is im- proving, it is now tnongnt prooaoie . - w. . . .i he will recover I "An ill wind that blows nobody good." It is said that $5,000 was spent in this city to secure the nomination ot Settle, the Peruvian, for Governer. The subscription list of the News is raDidlv increasing. Our mail books can, however, contain many thousands of names. The good people of Granville county are coming rapidly forward to the sup port of the News. At one post-office in that county! we have obtained forty five subscribers. Good for Granville. Carmer's Soda Fountain is still in full blast and dispensing a most excellent article of the cooling beverage. See his announcement, and dout forget his place, No. 11 Fayctteville street. Th lipavv rain fttnrm Thnrsdav nioht had the happy effect of thoroughly cleansing this- town notwithstanding the late session of the Radical Conven tion here, Raleigh looked bright and cleau yesterday morning. Here and There. , What kind of pillars take to them selves wings? Caterpillars. It is a aueer woman who sks no questions, but the woman the queriest. who does is Gambetta arrived atBrest yesterday He will continue his tour Brittany. Exchange through Fires were in the wogds in every di rection around Wilmington on Thurs day night. Wil. Star. It is now a mooted - question. Which causes a girl most pleasure, to hear herself praised, or another girl run down? - : . ; The 'proud cathartic State' is what her loving . sons call Kansas. It all comes from the cultivation of castor beans. Young ladies now wear small mirrors in their lockets, thus carrying with them the reflection of the face they love best. -: Prospective brides should never an nounce that they will not exhibit their presents. It has a bad effect on some people's generosity. There was an other prominent arrival at Breast veaterdav in the Eastern Ward, and it is safe to coniecture that he will start on a trip through the world. We always knew. Wilmington ws a terribly wicked place, but did not think the Devil was going to foreclose on her so soon. This should be a warn ing to Greensboro and other wicked cities. Citizens Meeting. At a called meeting of the citizens of Raleigh, held yesterday to take into consideration the name of a suitable person for M ayor, Mr, Geo. W. Wynn was unanimously chosen for the position. Mr. Wynn will take the field against the regular nomi nee of the Republican party. Meeting of the State Medical Society. The meeting of this Society will take place at Newbern on Thurs day, the 21st of May, instead of the 16th as heretofore advertised. The Rmtft nanera advertismsr this .meet- pv.Mw rr ing (a list of which papers will De found attached to the notice in another column) will please make the correc tion. '' Commissioners Covin:. Before' U 8' Commissioner B. W. Best, April 19th, 1872. U. S. vi. Richard Pickard, from Ala mance, charged with illicit distilling, and having in his possession unstamped whisky. , -'.r:0.. Charges sustained and defendant bound over to the June term of the Circuit Court, in the sum of $250. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, The New Baptist Parsonage. We visited yesterday, the newly erected parsonage, built for the Baptist Church by Messrs. Betts, Vaughn & Allen, of this city, to be used as the residence for Dr. Pntchrd, the pastor, The 1 ocation opposite the church, on the corner of Salisbury' and Edenton streets, is convenient, the site beautiful i ' r iy a i - ami me premises sumcientiy large. The design of the building was got ten up by the contracting parties, and is certainly one of the moat conveniently arranged and best constructed resi dences in the city. The contract for the entire b"ildmg, including all the out-houses, fencing, &c, was taken for $3,500, which taking into consideration the character of the job, is decidedly low. The residence has seven rooms,' with a basement, an elegant and spa cious verandah,extending the full length of the building along the street tronts ; bath rooms, pantry, closets and a private closet or dressing room attached to the four bed rooms,with a large and spaciom Hall extending from the main entrance on Edenton street to the rear of the buildingj On the first floor are four rooms; the parlor and dining room on the right of the hall, between which are folding doors, so constructed that they can be easily opened by a child. On the left of the hall i3 the chamber and nursery. Large French windows open from the pallor and chamber to the verandahs on each side. . A beauti ful winding stair case lead from the Hall to the three bedrooms on the sec ond floor. In the rear of the hall is the entrance; to the basement room, which can be conveniently used for various purposes, either as a cook room, wood or general store room. The kitchen and servants room is connected by a covered way with the building, which renders this department as convenient as if connected with the main building. We were particularly pleased ' with the splendid and beautitul oak graining and general inside painting executed by Mr. Bullock, an employee of Mr. Parish, the painting contractor for the work. The house will be ready for its occupant in a few days, a:nd we con gratulate the church in befnsr enabled r. : u a.:. . r lurmsu mcir p&lui u ucai, uuiuiui- taDie, pleasant ana convenient a nome. Who Administered the Sleepy Potion ? On Thursday night the Rad ical Convention was concluded with some several hours speechifying on the part of John Pool, Settle, Chamberlyn, negro Sykes, R. M. Douglass, (Grant's private Secretary,) Jeems Harris, Marcus Erwin, and nobody else, for the au dience left the latter speaker entertain taining the vacant seats. The amount of gas expended cannot be computed, but it was evident that a mifty effort was being made to create the impression that the disappointed administration representatives from Washington (who came here in the interest of Judge Set tle) were entirely pleased with the turn of affairs, But westartedto relate that a sleepy ' ' potion was administered by some one of the speakers. An individual who cared not to be enlightened, fell ashep,uncared for, "utthonored and unsung," amid the tumult! that "surrounded him. The meeting adjourned, and still this "dele gate" slumbered on in dreamland who can know of what he was dreaming; most probably of ' borne and loved ones," who were anxiously awaiting his return from the "grand and glorious' Convention of which he was a member certainly not of the "harmonious dis cord" which characterized the evening. All became quiet in the hall, and still our hero slept, until tne ' "wee sma' hours of mornin" aroused him, and he awoke to find The lights were fled, The tfarlands dead. And all but he departed Silently and sadly the! sleeper wended his way to the front door, but only to .find himselt a ptisoner for the night. 2 o'clock in the We passed the hall at morning and heard the unfortunate del egate gently "tap, tap, tappin (T . at the door.,? cravins outlet : but not being the janitor, and having no means freeing him, we left him to enjoy of his silence and solitude. Now who administered which of the speakers can lv quiet the nerves of a this potion ? so thoroug-wide-awake delegate ? ; Arrival of Freights. The follow ing freight arrived at the Raleigh and Gaston Depot yesterday : . une lot of lime, to Jeff Fisher: 9 packages merchandise, W. H. & R. S. Tucktr & Co. : 1 do. do., Phil Theim ; 3 do. do., M. Roseubaum ; 4 do. do., M. H. Brown ; 2 do. do., Peoples & Ward ; 1 do. do., J. B. Gayle : 14 do. do R. & G. R. R. ; 1 do. do., J. P. Gulley & Bro.; Howe Machine Co. ; 4 do. do., J. ,C. Brewster; 2 do. do., Pescud, Lee & Co.; 17 do. do., W. C. Stronach & Co.; 31 do. do., 4. H. Adams ; 56 do. do.. J. Lewis & Co. ; 1 lot guano, M. A. Parker; 8 nackages merchandise, W. Johns; 75 do. do., L. Adams; 7 do. do., Lassater & Royster ; 5 do. do., Seapark, Hicks & Co. ; 2 do. do., W. D. Upchurch; 62 do. do., W. H. Morris & Co. ; 1 do. do., Doepp & Jones ; 2 do. do., A. Creech ; 5 do do., A. G. Lee & Co. ; 2 do. do., A. T. Neal ; 1 lot iniano, Upchurch & Dodd ; 13 packages merchandise, Betes, Vaughan & Allen; 6 do. ao., u. iioman; 2 do. do., Jas. H. Adams ; 25 do. do., J. N. Towles; 13 do. do., King & White law ; 4 do. do., D. A. Parham ; 14 do. do., J. M. Pool ; 2 do. do., O. D. Lips comb; 5 do. do., O. T. Stronach ; 1 do do, L. D. Womble; 3 do. do.,; A. C Saunders & Co. ; 1 do. do., Leach Bro. ; 1 do. do., C. B. Harrison. ApporNTED. Gov. Caldwell has ap pointed Willis Bagley, Esq.,ofPerquim mons county, Solicitor for the 1st Ju dicial Dircuit, vice J. W. Albertson, promoted to Judge, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation 'of Judge Pool. Thanks. We retuan our kindest thanks to Mrs. W. R. Pepper, for a large waiter of Springlettuce and radishes, the products of her garden.- -They were much finer than we have seen this teason . mmY Wake County- Superior Court. Judge TP". A. Moor e, presiding Uh day's proceedings.' " ' - - State & E, G. Hill tt W. H. Cullum. Tiiis case has been pending two or three days. E. G. Hill the plaintiff, for- mpr Sheriff of Johnson COUntv. brinoa nt;n ninst the Dresent k jr,i0f '4Ar I LUC UClCUUaU W AW v W Ul LUG emoluments of the office since Defen dent has held it, claiming the office under the "holding over" decision of the Supreme Court. ; Cullum was elec ted Sheriff m 1870J over the then Gen. Cox tor defendant. Terdict ren dered for plaintiff. ; i; The Grand Jury reported that. the jail was cleanly kept; tnd in . general good order," but much in need of re pair. " " -;-T ' -. - Oxford Items. The election of May or and Town Commissions for Oxford will fake place on the 6th of May. Persons living in the corporation and entitled to register should do so before or by the 26th of April, as otherwise they will not be allowed to vote in the, town election. In other words the Registration Books for the town will ;be closed on the 26th of April. , p Edbdcco Haiders. -Some rouges several They have recently made aj tobacco barns in this riid on county. have broken into the birns of Mr. It. L. Hunt, Mr. II. T. Knott, Mrs. Nancy Hobgood and others, j A couple of the rouges who tslolc about 200. lbs of very fine tobacco from Mr.; Mitchell Curvin a week or so ago, were caught and will probably be tried at Apr.l Court, which bogius on the 4tlj Monday in the month. - ' i I . - , A Train Struck by Lightning. As the engine "Kemp P. Battle," mov ing the down freight over the Raleigh and Gaston road on Thursday night, was about midway; between Kittrclls and Henderson, its ;; headlight was struck by lightning, the lightning then passing back without; causing farther damage until it reached the box cars, when two of the latter were unroofed. Fortunately the engineer, the conductor nor the assistants sustained no inju ry fuither than a severe shock and a good scare. We have often heard of an engine "running against lightning," but this is about the practical demon stration wc have seen of it. The Skating Rink. Last evening was the occasion of the grand Skatinsr Dress Carnival tit Oak City Hall. The lads and lasses were) out in numbers and in their brilliant costumes, ren dered the scene beautifully grand and attractive. The large audience was agreeably and pleasantly entertained, witnessing the spirited contest of the skatists, and all seemed to feel them selves under special obligations to the gentlemanly proprietor, Mr. Todd, through whose energies these entertain- 1 A A 'riL I T 1 I ments are Kept up. inext Friday even- is the last of the season. TowNsnrp Meeting. The Demo crats and Conservatives of Hay's Creek Township.iwill hold! their Convention to-day ; to appoint I delegates to the County Convention, which convenes in this city, Saturday,! May 18th. We have sent forward copies of the " IIol- den" and " Abbott" jresolutions, passed unanimously by the Radical Conven tion, the same that drove Maj. Smith and others from the party. These resolutions, at our request, will oe read three times before the meeting, and copies distributed throughout the township. Warrenton Items. B ro w n 1 o w 's II o tel is offered for sale. The present ven erable proprietor, Dr. T. S. Brownlow retires on account ot age and infirmity. John Hyman, the candidate for Con gressional honors in this District, it seems, can't be bought off, as he still persists in iu;.ning. He is said to be ahead of all competitors and will doubtless receive the nomination. .' Miss Lethe Smith, an aged maiden lady, and one ot the oldest inhabitants, died in this place a! few days since. tommy tadd alston, was a delegate to the radical pow-wow in your city. c A Ricn Treat. The editorial corps (or. a portion . thereof) of the News passed Mosely'a lla'st evening at a very opportune moment;, just as he was in a treating humor. After giving us a touch of his soda water qu ality.we were invited into his ice-cream saloon, which has recently been! fitted up in elegant style. We 'friz" to a saucer of as nice as ever touched our lips. The saloon is now in oDeration. ind those fond of this luxury can be supplied with an elegant article at Mosely's. New School House. The School Committee for Raleigh Township are erecting a very handsome two story building: in the Western Ward, on the lot adjoining the residence of D. C. Murray, Esq. The house, when com pleted, will be a very handsome one, and is well arranged for a male and female school, h ; Religious. Re vv B. -S. Bronson, of Charlotte, will occupy the pulpit at Christ's Episcopal Church, to morrow. The Rev. A. Wi Mangum will deliver hi sermon "to young men" to-morrow evening at the Edenton street Metho dist Church, j Dr. N. A. H. Goddin, late of this State, has been acquitted of the charge of causing the death of Jennie Y. King, of Richmond, Va. , In another indict ment against him for the same offense, a nol. pros, was entered. HOTEL ARRIVALS. YARBOROUGH HOUSE, ! G. W. "BlASKNALIi, PBOP'B. , ' Raleigh, April 19,1872. W A Smith, 'Johnston; C D Hill. Rich mond; John W Jones, Newbern r Charles M Crump ana wne, aj nnuc " Mrs J M Lea. Company Shops; JohnEudy, Cleli Minis; W DBayner, fayettevllle, d T Ward. Frankllntn ; John Hutchison. Graham; J P Clark, Baltimore; CP Chub- buck. Boston; vr j.w3cwiuuSu, Richmond ; D LigonN C R.R. Rheriff, plaintiff in the case. Attorney- Jf; iu" James w wkc k, byte vvhite, General Shipp and Messrs. Strong and SI1?68 ? TxfV7- K?'er' ? Lewis appeared for plaintiff, and Messrs. 2rlck!T' n,nf WTer Robert Morris, Tnnr fr GntlinEr. Busbee &Bnah o' 1 APRIL 20, 1872. TELEGRAPHIC JVElfS. - NOON DISPATCHES. Pennsylvania and the -Cincinnati ' . " , -. ; Jtlovemen ' ; : : . ' , Philadelphia, April 19. The following gentlemen, have issued an address to the people of the State, and announce their determination to attend the Cincinnati convention: - Hickman, David Birclay, John W. W. Irvin, Wm. Painter, Thomas J. Vorrel, William II. Armstrong, Wm M. Sehere, Jay Culdwell, Sam Evan.s, Hiram M. Sutherland, Henry 8. Cake, Monow 13. Lowry, O. K. McClure, J. R. Svpher, Wm; L. Denniss, Linedley Darlington, Caleb H. Needless, J. Bay ard Y ood7vieo. D, Chancey, Jonas M. Walker. F. Ballenger, Charks Hoover, Isham Kames, B. F. Etter, Tlieo. HeEr, Daniel D. Dilmore, J. II, L. Jackson and J. M. Bbyer. The Philadelphia signers, have called a meeting 1 for Saturday to appoint a Committee, to arrange excursion rates for delegates to Cincinnati and to transact such other business as may be presented. . English Parliament. v London, April 19. The Commons went into committee of the whole on the Ballott.Bill. An amend ment offered by the Government punish ishing voters for openly displaying Their ballots at the polls was defeated after a long discussion, by avote ottwo sevent-ty-four to two forty-six. The announce ment of the result was received with' cheers from the Tory benches. Chairman of the National Republi can Executive Committee. New York, April 19. Governor Nowell, or New Jersey, has been re-elected chairman of the Nation al Republican Executive Committee. ; The Union League, by resolutions, pledges the support or the League to the support of the regular nominees Of the. Republican Convention. Washington Affairs. Washington, April 19. correction. It was Newman, not the Macon first nptional bank, which the House autho rized the change of name and place. The first national bank of. Newman is authorized to move to Atlanta, where three-fourths of effect. the stock rates to that Cons sessional Proceedings. ' Washington, April 19. Senate Mr. West offered an amend ment to the Postal Appropriation bill, providing for-mail service for ten years, from New Orleans to the Mexican ports and Havana. House Civil service. nberal Republican Convention of West Virginia. ' Parkersburg, April 19. The Conference of the Liberal Repub licans and Democrats resolved to use all honorable measures, at Cincinnati, to nominate Chase. Victoria to Visit Napoleon Glad - stone. . London, April 19.' The Queen will visit Napoleon torday at Chiselhurst. Gladstone declines to answer Any questions regarding Germany. : ; Matamoras Not Attacked Trevino. MatamorAs, April 19. Appearances indicate that there will be no attack here. .Trevino has a plenty of men but no food or forage. . Ship Yard Burning. Liverpool, April 19. L'ird & Berkenheadjs ship building yards are burning. : MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, April 19. Delano is absent from tie Cabinet. The Geneva Conference was discussed. Details untranspired." The President sent a message to the. House to-day, giving full details of his information regarding ku-klux in seve ral South Carolina counties. His infor mation was mostly oral, except that de rived from Akerman's report, which asserted, among other things, that these pombiuations embrace two-thirds of the active white meu and have sympathy and countenance of a majority of the other third. They jire connected with similar combinations in other counties and States, &c, - Akermen accuses these peoplo ot sys tematic perjury, whereby the prosecu tion of members was defeated. Terrible Tornado in South Caro lina New Market House at Co lombia Blown Down-Damage at Chester. . , Charleston, April 19. A terrible tornado swept over the up country Thursday night. - The . new market bouse at' Columbia, which was about finished.was bloWn down. But the -worst damage done was in Chester, at which place 62 houses were entirely destfoyed by the stoma and many others seriously damaged. , Nobody but four colored persons were injured by the fallinsr houses. Miles of fencing were blown down and thousands of large fruit trees torn up by , the roots. The total los3 in Chester is $50,000, and mostly falling on persons of small means. A meeting was held in Ches ter to-day to take steps for the relief o f the sufferers. The tornado moved wesf- wardly, and was of short duration: Father Sa vice's Visit to America, i . New Yobk, April 19. Father Savizzi's visit to America it to obtain aid and subscriptions for the Italian church. He says he firmly be lieves that Pope Pius. IX. is. the last Pope that Italy will ever see. He will visit Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati, and probably Chicago and St. Louis. NO. 43 . k' Congressional Proceedings. - Washington, April 19. Senate Win dorn reported on the the postal bill, with Amendment, doub ling the San Frahcispo and China and York and via Rio Jancrio subsidy. ; The deficiency bill was, taken up, and Morrill, of Vermont offered an amend ment, providing that the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims shall not extend to or include any claim tor abandoned or captured property received or collected, either by the civil or military authori ties of the United States, Under the a;t of March 12, 1863, unless in enses Com menced within two yjears after the sup piessionof the rebellion, and where the claimants have proved to the satisfac tion of the court that they have never given aid or comfort jto the rebellion. Cole moved to lay Ithe motion on ; the table, on the ground that it was not eermain to the bill, lost ayes 16, navs 25. j . f vr--. " Sumner called for jthe unfinished bu siness,"' which was ja bill prohibiting any distinction on accoupt of race or color, in the public schools of the dis trict of Columbia. ! Laid aside by a' vote of 16 to 25. The Texas Pacific' Railroad bill was called up, and II am il oh, of Texas, made a speech in opposition. House The civil j service bill occu and was finallv re- pied the entire day committed by a vote of 96 to 79. "T;r France and Germany Ship Wrecked. London April 19. A special dispatch to the Daily News from Berlin, says that no ultimatum, as alleged by the Daily Telegraph yester day, has been sent to the ; French gov ernment by Bismarck. Count Von Arnim, the German ambassador to France, did convey j a dispatch from Prince Bismarck to the government at Versailles, but its tone was very pacific and highly flattering to Thiers. Pre mier, in a dispatch,?' stated that he was convinced that peace was secured be tween the two nations so long as the present Executive of -Prance remained in power. In the same dispatch, Prince Bismarck complain of ithe distrust of the good intentions: of Germany, mani fested by the people of France. The fire at Loirds' ship yards still rages. Two lives lost by the falling of timbers. j The ship Maria, from Bombay. March 15th, has beon wiecked. Thirty -five lives lost, - 1 ' : ' Weather Probabilities. , ; WASiiiNGTgN, A pril 19. Partially cloudy, but pleasant weath er, will prevail very generally from the lower lakes to the Sputh Atlantic States, and - eastward with fresh winds on Saturday. The pressure will continue diminishing throughout the Mississippi Valley with increased cloudiness and problably rain, will extend eastward over the Gulf States, the Ohio Valley and upper lake region, j '"'I ' - " ' Continued Shocks of Earthquake Explosion of a Magazine at Tient sinHouses Destroyed-Lives Lost. (San Francisco, April 19. ; '' Violent shocks! continue in Inyo county.' An islacd fising in Mono Lake. Chinese advices state that on March 3rd the explosion! of a magazine at Tientsin, destroyect eighty houses and many lives, v ; ''f ' .;. The riot among the Chinese laborers in the -tin mines at Takbat, Northern China, resulted in the loss of many lives. English House of Commons. f . London, April 19. In the Ilouse-of Commons this eve ning Thomas Hughes moved to ad dress tne Cueen, praying her to urge upon the Spanish government a prompt fulfillment of its treaty obligations in regard to slavery 19 Cuba. Death from Hydrophobia. Brooklyn, April 19. Mrs. Emily Smith is dead from hy drophobia, j . .- .' . . 1 ' '". . - - Samuel A Way ick. J Boston, April 19. Samuel A. Way,! the. Boston fjiiancier, is dangerously sick. , New Yotk Markets. . . -J- New York, April 19. Cdtton weak; sales L108 ; uplands ?3;'; Orleans 24. Flour quiet and firm. Whiskey oulet and unchanged.' Wheat l2c better ; winter retf western "JOt&fT.. Corn shade bet ter; white southeAil 76. Rice dull 89 Pork steady. Lard jheayy 8(S.9. Turpen tine strong 67468 Kosm firm f-3.o0fi 75, Mor ev. supply in excess of the demand 67, Sterling firm 9lA. : Gold llli. Governments f Inspd slrnn? mid Ktfadv. Sales of Cotton fori future delivery to-day r.ll . . A.H Ot) 111 )! . Mob 093 . June 2323 23 1&-1U. 1 . " " -j ; ' Baltimore Markets. Baxtimobe, April 19- Flour active and advanced. Wheat firm. Corn active white: 6667j yellow 6667. Oats 5760. Pork4l3. Bacon heavy and nomlnaL : i - Foreign N oon Consols 92 Markets. Lonxox, April 19. Bonds 90. '.Paris, April 19. llentes 55 and 27:: s! Frankf;oet, April 18. I'.onds 9574. i Liverpool April 19. Cotton closed Orleans 11. steady. Uplands 11': Cotton Markets. . . - I Baltimore, April 19.' Cotton quiet; miild lings 2 ; I BoST03T,:April 19. Cotton quiet ; middlings 23l ; J ; ! ; . I . Mobile, April 19, Cotton firm : middlings 22. f Augusta, April 19. Cotton quiets firm ; middlings 22. f Galveston, April 18. Cotton quiet ; good ordinary 20 p Memphis, April 19, Cotton firm ; middlings 2223. New Orleans, April 19. Cotton firm ; middlings 22. . Philadelphia, April 19. Cotton quiet; middlings 23. ! Charleston, April 19. Cotton firm ; middlings 22f. Wilmington, April 19. Cotton dull; middling 22. : i : savannah; April 18. Cotton active and in good demand; mid dlings 22. , t r ' ij ; N0Br0L.1t, April 19. Cotton steady ; ::middllngs 'i. DAILYNEIVS. RATES OP ADVERTISING. ' One squju-e, one lnsertlon........M s i oo One square, two insertions.. j. 50 One square, three Insertions............. 2 00 One square, six Insertions 2 fis One square, one month- 00 One square; three months 16 00 One square, six months..' 30 00 One square, twelve months. :. 0 CO For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. RALEIGH MARKETS, v Office of the Daily News, 1 APRIL 20, 1872. COTTON Receipts light sales effected yesterday at 20U20c. for Low Middling. CORN 90 cts per bushel. MEAL 90 to 80 cts. per bushel. OATS $1 per bushel. FLOUR Super $7 75 to 8 50; Extra S 50 to 9 60; Family 10 60 to 12 00; North Carolina 9 00. . . : , . BULK SIDES $X t o 8Je. ' LARD 12 cts. in barrels; 13 cts. In kegs. SALT $2.75. ,-- . . RICE North Carolina 10 cts. - ' MOLASSES New crop per hhd. 42o. 1 n barrels 45 els. ,.... SYRUP In tierces 27 c. : In barrels 28c. Raleigh, N. C, March 1872. Mr. Stlllman, Agent of ' The Howe Sewing Machine: i We have had your Machine In use in our family for four months, find can safelv re commend it to the pub'ic for its simplicity, beauty as a piece of furniture, and as a - help." to those of ua with large famllieR, It Is a "sine qua non." We have made with it, in addition to the usuaUiousehold work, over one hundred garments, large and small, including Coats. Pants. Dresses, fcc, some of which were heavily trimmed, " two of the dresses containing from 100 to 125 yards of tucking. It is worked with much ease, requiring but: little exertion. We would not be without one for three times Its cost. Yours Ac. A PATRON. For further information call at No. 7 Far- ettevilie Street. mh-29-lm. HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. QITY AND COUNTY PROPERTY lOVailT AND SOLD AT THK REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Under Raleigh National Bank, ? JIVCT IO JV "Si Tj ES OF HOUSES, BUILDING- LOTS, Ac, EVERY SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK - AT 12 O'CLOCK, AT THE SALES ROOM BY KIXGLIND & 3I1LLEB, Auctioneers. Land, buyers may rely on Purchasing direct ; from the Property Owners. No Middle , men or Agents allowed 10 Speculate . or charge an advance on the Owners price of Farms. Ac. ' 110 USES AND BUILDING X o E O Ml 8 Jl JL E House 12 rooms, on South' st . $ 5 Lots 60x200 " lfli Lots on Fayettevllle street, Office and Lot " ? 5,000 800 to 1,000 100 to 800 :' 1,710 100 to 200 ' 75 to 200 100 to 150 ' 200to250 1,200 to 1,400 75 to 150 50 to 200 10 Jts on Manley street. 6 ' 'V Railroad avenue. ;' 12 " . Salisbury street, . 8 " Hillsboro road, : : 2 " " street, 40 " Graham avenue, 20 " Fayettevllle road, fil T-i(s on Martin. East and Davie Streets, 200 to 400 Houses and Lots on East st.. , 2.000 House and Lot on Newbern aveuue and Person street, 4,000 O JjOIS near x upper s cuurni, lilount street, ; .00 to 4W 5 Lots near Holleman road; Blount street. - 200 to 400 House and Lot near Topper's church. Blount street, ' 700 2 Lots on Morgan street .(one ; - ..- House on,) 37010400 7 Houses and Lots u Blount ' - street. 2.500. 3.500. 3.000. tOO. 3.000. f50. 700. 2 Houses and Lots near Blount street. - 750 . House, G rooms, lot 4 acres,! , , mile from State House. zjuo 1 Lot 52x210 on Cabarrus St., (tflO House. rooms, on Martin St ., 1 - . 29,00 House, 4 " on Harrington street, : ' " 1,575 3 Lot 8 52x210 on Harrington ana Martin street, , wj to ouu Brick house, 4 rooms; near old tt eot. ! ':'; " - J.'ito 4 Houses and lots on Hargett s ttuu outic oiiccin, iac: in ran Ground. 1 430 to 656 House 5 rooms, lot 20 acres 1 mile iom city, 4,000 House rooms, lot 21 acres, mile from city. sjuu ,1,100 acre Farm near Selma, 5S per acre. 700 " " " - 450 " " Ilender- - 300 acre Farm near Huntsville son. 1 depot. ! 3 " 11,500 acres and Iron Mills, , uieaveianu county, " " 16,000 acres near Morganton, v Burk county. 50 cts per acre 5,000 acres near Gates ville. 50 ' For lull particulars 01 some auu iarms, tracts of land, &c., also for other city prop erty, for sale ana 10 rent, can at tne iteai Estate Exchange of Kingsland A Miller. ap5tf ' ,. . ' '" ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE following city Order: A 11 persons are forbidden to build on he Hue of any of the old streets extended. 'i The above Is a true copy; of tbe proceed ings of the City'oramissioners at their meeting neia 1 eDruary tne zstn, isr& mh28-tf ' Clerk, 30 BBLS. IRISH POTATOES, i aplS-tf. W. C. HfRONACli dc CO. 3 0 0 B KICHMOND Mills bolted white meal, received to-day. apll tf. W. C. BTKONAUH UU. r it s - , a B JO N E S 1TJ. Jlillincry and Dress Jtlakitig, Fob Fall and Winter 1871 and 1872. To my lady customers of North and South Carolina: lam now receiving my rail selection of choice mil line nr Consisting in part of " Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, satins, French and American Flowers ; and Straw Goods, Ornaments, Plume. Laces, French Feathers, Piques, Grasses, fcc, Turbln Suits, In lact all the latest styles of fahionabl r 1 .... Hats and Bonnbts. My goods will be open to the public on Thursday, the 12th of October. DRE r8 "Fk KINO , in all branches executed at short notlc. Iwiu asK my iaay menaa, viuib, wr w ti ding and Party:occasions, to give me a rea sonable time to make the outfit. In filling orders I will express them to the nearest point: and if requested will urnish DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, Ac FRESH MIL LINERV and DRESS PATTERNS every few days during the Fall and Winter. -All stvles 01 HAIR CURLS and LACE TRIMMINGS. Also X ANTHINE. a most excellent Restorative for the Hair. All novelties of the season, Including Ladle Jewlry.fcc -AH orders promptly filled. -r ' MRS. A. B. JONES, 82U Sycamore st.. Petersburg, Va Formerly of Wilmington! N, : mhi-tf :

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