- i i . i in JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAM'L' T WILLIAMS, Political Editor. TUESDAY. . .MAY 14, 1872. STATE DEMOCRATIC CONSEEVATIVE TICKET. FOR OOYEKNOK ' ' AUGUSTUS S.MERRIM OiST , Of 'Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR O II N II U G II E Of Craven. J S FOR SECRETARY OF STATE J O H- N A . W" O M A O K Of Chatham. FOR AUDITOR COLLETT LE YEN THORPE, Of Caldweil. FOR TREASURER J O II N W . G R A II A M Of Orange. FOR SUP T PUBLIC INSTRUCTION NEREUS MEND EN II ALL, Of Guilford. , FOR SUP T OP PUBLIC WORKS J O SEP II II . S EPA R K , Of Wake. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL YV I L L I A M M. S II 'I P P, - Of, Mecklenburg. TIMES AND PLACES FOR HOLD ING THE NOMINATING DEMO CRATIC CONSERVATIVE CON VENTIONS IN THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS OF THIS STATE. 1 District At Edenton, Thursday 23rd May, 1872. 2 District Not yet appointed.. 3 District At Wilmington, "Wednes day, June 5th. 4 District At Raleigh, Thursday, June 6th. 5 District At Greensboro', Wednes day, May 22nd. 6 District At Charlotte, Thursday May 23rd. 7 District At Wilksborp, Thursday May 23rd. 8 District At Marion, McDowell county, Saturday, June 1st. JUDGE MERRIMON'S APPOINT V ' ; MENTS Judge Merrimon will address the public, f at - the following places and times: Beaufort, Carteret Coiiuty, on the 3rd "June. Goldsboro, on the 5t.H of June. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the "State Executive Committee' ot the Democratic-Conservative party in the city of Raleigh,; on Friday, the 7th of June next, on important business, and es pecially for the purpose of appointing four Delegates and lour alternate Dele gates lor the State at large, to the Na tional Democratic Convention to be held in Baltimore on the 9th ot July next ' Two Delegates and two Altei nates to the said National Convention, for each Congressional District-in the Stte, will be appointed by the several Conven tions of the party, soon to be held in fie respective Districts. If not thus appointed, they will be selected by the State Executive Com mittee, to be held in this city as afore said a full attendance of this Commit tee is urgently requested. Presidential Electors will be appointed after the meeting of the National Democratic Convention in Baltimore. D. M. Barrixger, Chairman. The following is a full and correct list ot the State Executive Committee : CKNTRAL COMMITTEE. Hon D M Barrlnger, Chairman ; Gen V" R Cox, R H Battle, C M Busbee, J Q DeCar teret, R B Haywood, W H Jones, O P Meares, J J Davis and J J LiUhford. . 1st Congressional District Col Win p Martin. Pasquotank ; Jos B Cherry, Bertie; J J Yeates, Hertford; V B SatterthwaiA, Pitt. 2d Congressional District Col Walter ClarkHalifax; Henry R Bryan, Craven ; Fred Philips, Edgecombe; Lotte W Hum phrey, Wayne. 3d Congressional District Jos A Engel hard, New Hanover ; TC Fuller. Camber land; J Q Scott, Onslow; A A McKoy, Sampson, 4th Coneerrisonal District H A f .ondnn Jr., Chatham ; Thos Webb, Orange; Claude J a oaunuers, uonnston; James fc Amis, Granyille. . ; 6th Congressional District Daniel W Courts, Rockingham ; J I Scales, Guilford ; M S Robins, Randolph ; Col 15 B Withers, Caswell. tith Congressional District E Brown, Mecklenburg; Waiter L Sfeele.'Richmond ; W A Graham. Jr. Lincoln ; S H Walkup, Union. -7th Congressional District Jno S Hen derson, Rowan ; T G Tucker, Iredell ; W H H Cowles, Wilkes ; Jos Towles, Ashe. 8th Congressional District David Cole man. Buncombe; A C Avery, Burke; W P Welch, Haywood ; G M AVlitesides., Rutherford. . , Democratic Conservative papers will please publish f oregoing till 7th June. 1 D. M. B. . CHEATED. John Hyman asserU that he was cheated out of the Radical nomination for Congress by Thomas and his friends, last Thursday, at .Wilson. This he al leged after the nomination was made. And yet Hyman moved to make the nomination unanimous in the face of the fraud 1 " Will not the colored men of the Sec ond District resent this insult to their race by the Hadieal leaders, who are afraid to nominate one of their cumber for any important position, because, as these leaders allege, such a policy would injure the party ! The men who controlled the Wilson Convention which defeated Hyman, arc mostly Rcvenne officers. Perry, Frank lin, Wriguty-Itenfrow, all Federal offi cials, were thVwire-workers, assisted by Gen. L. Q. Estes, lateof the Revenue De partment, ; ; " f If Hyman will not undertake it, can not some other colored man be found in the Second District, who has the manli ness andindependance tin oppose Thom as the office holder's candidate ? We shall see. ' VI TO-DAY. J udge Menimon will meet Gov! Cald well today at Pittsboro, tho latter having consented lo a discussion. Our managing editor, Jordan Stone, Esq., will be on hand, and will give the read m of the News a full report. C. H; BROGDEN'S UEUUif ao A GENUINE. KJSruifAiiA.ii. The Legislature of 1868 was over whelmingly Republican. It was in tensely loyal. It was so thoroughly Re publican and so intensely loyal, that it had no occasion to be honest. The leaders of that notorious body even forot the yankee maxim " that it is the hest policy to be honest," or at least in their greed tor gain they overlooked their lest policy, and resorted to: bribery, corruption and high-handed stealing. The sense of our very moral community was shocked at their immorality,; sus tained though it was, by so much loyal ty. Clamors were heard on every side for an investigation. The good name of the State demanded it. All honest men joined in a cry for a thprongh,searching investigation into the bribery and cor motion of the Legislature. The very loyal representatives of the Republican party could not withstand this demand of the people. On January 13, 1870, Mr. Love, a Con servatiye, introduced in the Senate a resolution appointing a committee of investigation. It was passed, and Messrs. Phillips, Bragg and Scott were dulv annotated as the committee. The j r l comSnittee commenced its investigation On. March 4, Mr. Saitli introduced a resolution " to abolish the investigating committee ordered by the Senate." Maj. Graham moved that the resolu tion be not received. His motion failed Curtis II. Brogden, and twenty-one other Republicans voting against Graham's motion. After some parliamentary ma neuverine, Mr. Smith's resolution to abolish! the investigation was voted down, but Curtis II. Broaden voted for ir resolution to abolish the investigating committee! Why did the Republican candidate for 'Lieutenant Governor vote to abolish the , investigation ? Who knows , the secret springs af a 'politician's action Why did he object to an investigation of fraud and corruption in high places especially when the committee was composed of Phillips, Bragg and Scott Ah ! Mr. Candidate fqr Lieutenant Gov ornor, is there not a secret history at tached to that vote? Was that vote given in the ihteres1; Of the people of North. Carolina.? Was the commit tee about ,to expose to the gaze of the people certain transactions you de sired to ccver up to conceal? Were you acting iu the interest of Littlefield ? Everybody knows that Littkfleld had bribed your loyal aqd Republican Leg islature had bought it and paidjor it. Swepson swears he paid 241,713 for LittlefieM, and for the most part .to membeis of your Republican Legisla ture. Now, were you prostituting your high office to cover up frauds and bribery ? What is your answer to this question. Mr. Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor ? Turn to you sworn testimony before the Shipp Fraud Committee page 533. " Question. Do you remember being present at an entertainment given at the National Hotel during the latter part of the session of G9'70." ! , " Answer." (by Curtis II. Brogden.) ' I was present by invitation," Arc. "The1 question of repealing the Bragg com mittee was mentioned, and I think it was agreed by a majority of the Sena tors present that they would vote to re peal it on the next day." "Question. Was General' Littlefield present ?" " Answer. He came in and took a a glass of wine vi-tli his friends and re marked to them that it they knew as much as he did about that Bragg Com mittee they would vote to repeal it next day." . Now turn to the sworn testimony of "Brother"" R. W. Lassiter, (as loyal Re publican as may be under thq Cide of Civil Procedure) -page 124. Question. "Do jou know anything about an entertainment given by Milton S. Littlefield on" &c. ? . Answer (by R. W. Lasnter.) "I was invited by O. S. Hayes, &c. Upon my arrival at the hotel, I found a conside rable number of persons in the room where the supper was given, consisting Chiefly of members of the Legislature other persons, however, being present Littlefield was present.' ? After the oyster supper was over, there was general conversation, and speeches were made by Brogdek, Burns, Littlefield and others. According to the best of my recollec tion, it seemed to be the understandin that the resolution raising the Brao- Committee, should be repealed, but whether there was a formal vote taken I do hot know. I think there was a resolution introduced the next day to repeal the resolution appointing the Bragg Committee. Question. "Was it not charged in the Senate on the next day by Welker and others that Gold, Bonds, or Money or some other consideration was offered to members of the Senate to procure the passage of the resolution repealing the Bragg Committee ?" - Answer. "I do not know what the tenor of Welker's speech was. ; I heard that he used strong language in oppos ing the repcal, and also that the Sena tor from Rockingham, Mr. Lindsay, stated that he had heard that gold or something .had been used or offered to procure votes enough to. carry the re peal. Of this I know nothing exceot as I heard it repeated. And the day after the Littlefield oys ter supper, Curtis H. Brogden voted to repeal the Bragg and Phillips Conven tion of Investigation. See Senate Journal C9-70, pages 493, 494. THE VOICE OF TIIE DEMO CRATIC PRESS. The position of the News in declin- ing, at tliis time, to hoist the names of Greeley and Brown at our masthead, seems to meet with general favor wfth showing which way the National poht our party, and is in accordance with ical wind is veering, which we will con- the attitude of a very large majority of the Democratic papers of the country, both North and South. In this State, we 'believe the Wilming- ton Starand Charlotte' Despatch are the only two; of our Democratic cotempo- raries that have aV yet raised the Greeley ! Jlag, and- both 1 of these we have no doubt, have taken this step with the view of indicating to the National Democratic Convention tlieir I desire that oiiryparty should endorse the Liberal ticket, as the most likely to de- feat Grant. If we understand their po- sition aright, neither of theso papers endorses! Greeley unconditionally, but with the simple purpose of giving ex pression to the policy they wish to see adopted i by the National Democratic Convention. In the oresent condition of political parties, of course the Star and Despatch have the; undoubted right, a3 Demo- crailC journals, 10 umiuw.ih.uuu position, and it mayin tne ena turn out Hrat tlwir nonrse was the nroDcr one. While we incline lo the contrary opin- " 1 w I iou, we uneeriuwy awuiu iu uui uui- poraiies the right we ourselves shall exercise, to pursue that course they deem best calculated to insure unity and con cert of action on the part of the Dem ocratic forces. We desire to see the Democratic party iii'oroughfy organized. It is only by dis cipline that we can hope to become a power in the land. If our columns scatter eff in straggling parties, with- out system and without organization, we cannot hope to march upon the ene- my with that compactness ot strength and resistless force which discipline, unity and combined power will give us. Our National Convention meets in Baltimore! on the 4th of July. If the contest at that time be unmistakably narrovved down as between Greeley and Grant, we' cannot doubt but that our i party will, decide to take the former. But there may be such complications by that time, that it may hu the duty of ovtr Convention to pursue a line of con duct which 'cannot ivw be even con - ! .. . jectured. Therefore, while we prefer Gicclcy to Grant, let tis bide our time, and await developments in the near future. We notice the New York World ot last Saturday, has classed the attitude of one hundred and sixty-two of its Democratic exchanges in every section of the country. Of these forty-five are in favor of a straight out Democratic ticket ; slity-eight occupy the position of the News and favor awaiting the action of the Democratic Convention, while twenty nine support the Cincin nati nominees. TRIP TO NASH. During bur visit to Nash last week, i - - in company with Judge Merrimon, we spent the first evening with our young friend, James S. Battle, Esq., of Rocky Mount, junior member of the well known firm of W. S. Battle' & Son, pro prietors of the celebrated Rocky Mount Cotton Factory, We were taken through the extensive works of the Messrs. Bat tle, whose enterprise and indomitable energy are an honor to the State. We are pleased to know that these gentle men are meeting with that" success in business which true merit should always command; Besides the Cotton Factory, the Messrs. j Battle are running saw. grist and flWr, mills, and carry on a large meicantile business. 1 Tha second evening we spent at the residence of B. H. Bunn,Esq., where we received every attention that cwurtesy could suggest. Both of these yOung gentlemen's man sions are presided over by model house keepers in the persons of their accom plished better halves, and the evidences of elegant neatness, good living, com fort and domestic bliss which we wit nessed at their homes were enough to extort sighs from the most callous hearted bachelor, and cause-him to ex5- claim : j " Domestic hoppiness, thou only bliss Of Paradise that has survived the fall." While absent from our post, wc had the pleasure! of meeting with the fol lowing members of the press : Bonitz, of the Goldsboro' Messenger, Barnes, of the Wilson Ledger, Battle, of the Rocky Mount Jai7, Harris, nf the Battleboro' Advance, Fjirman, of the Franklin Courier, andjManning Bros., of the Ro anoke News.' ERRORS. We notice that our friends of the Ncwbern Journal of Commerce have the names of several of the Democratic Executive Committees printed errone ously. That paper has only seven Con gressional Committees, whereas there are eight. A revised listwill be found in our columns this morning. On the State ticket, wc notice the Journal of Commerce has the names of James, H. Separto and Nereus F. Menden hall. The first should be-Joseph II, Se park, and in the latter the F. we think is an error. We desire to call the attention of our cotemporary to this error, as it would make considerable difference if ballots should be printed with the wrong names, as they would . not he counted for the nominees. ON HAND THE POLITICAL SITUATION. We have in hand a large number of notices of the press on the Cincinnati! nominations and other political straws, dense and give to the public as rapidly as possible. The publication of Judge Merriraon's sncech and the proceedings of the Baptist Convention prevent us giving our usual variety in this issue. e deem it important to "keep our )opular senti- readers advised of the merit. The Greeley ticket is growing strong er each day. Several leading Demo- Crat3, inclacJin" Wood and Brooks, of New York, Gen. Gordon, of Georgia, Beck and Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, h01u John Goode. of jVirginia, and many others, have recently endorsed the Liberal candidates, IJirOUTAIV I Read the important notice of Hon. D. M. Bariinger, concerning the State Executive Committee in this city, on the 7th July. We will refer to this matter more at length to-morrow. ' . Tli. Lnmlnn Rnnd.v mnrninfr Oftjfltfl- says tiiat comnumications have been passing between the Washington Cabi t i -r i ii i. 1. f il ecfaQa Vnon tV,?.T-S ? Z nast week. The United States nave made no deffinite proposition of a favor, able character, it is hoped, however, that the President may recommend and the Senate appiove of a modification of the treaty. The course of the British Government, before Parliament, will de pend on the reply of the Washington Cabinet. Public opinion in England is averse to any action which will close negotiations for settlement. A Dptroit dispatch, under date of Sunday, says tlut fifteen hundred men, employed at the Heckle Calumet and Sshoolcoart JEnes, are on a strike. Iroops have teen aemanden by .the (lan reDlic(1 thtt h hd no aTaijable troops but Gen. Cook sent n company of infantry. It is feared that the die order will bospreaa to other mines. Mr. Bonner gave his youu stallion. Startle, a trial on Prospect Park Fri- day last, when he trotted a mile in the remarkable time of 2:19. This is the fastest time ever made' by any stallion of any age, and yet Startle is not yet five years old The Georgia Press Association visited Nashville on Sunday, and were ban queted at Exposition Hall. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L A S TIN G - P O WD ER" a fo: Democrals atul Conservatives. A Popular Paper for the Campaign. JOHN SPEL3IAN, Editor, RALEIGH, N'. C. On or about Wednesday the 22d Inst., will be issued the first number of the People's i Campaign Paper, bearing the above name. 1 It will be issued weekly till the close of the August elections. TERMS: Single copies, $,25 Clubs of live and upwards, to one ad dress, five copies for 1.05 " Blasting-Powder" will heartily and vig orously support the nominees of the Greensboro Convention, and expose a"nd denounce, unrelentingly,-Bad ical rascality and abuses. It will be larger than, but much upon the plan of the " Little Adder," so successfully, conducted by the under signed during the memorable campaign of lbtk), and will occasionally contain appro priate illustrations. A paper fewrless in its course, and attain able by reason of its extremely low price, is much needed by the great mass of the peo ple and cannot fail to aid in arousing them to the deplorable condition to which we are all reduced by Radical villainy and mis rule. Thesubscriber calls upon the active, leading men of the State to aid him in reaching the popular mind by giving to this paper the widest circulation. A slight eflbrt on the part of each of such meiii in the several counties of the State will secure at once a circulation of thirty thousand copies which will be the means of laying important facts and figures before one to two hundred thousand readers weekly. The efTect of this need will not be dwelt upon. To achieve such a result surely is worthy a little effort. Shall it not be made? Send in the lists of subscriptions. Already they come in clubs of tens, fifties and hundreds. The cash must in ail eases accompany the orders. ; A limited number of select advertise ments will be inserted, by-urgent request, at $1.50 per inch tor the first, and . seventv five' cents for each subsequent Insertion. The money must also accompany the ad vertisements. Address JNO. SPELMAN, - - Editor & Proprietor, mayll-3t. . Raleigh, N. C. . ' 5000 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND R E V I V A L 71 US I C BO OK S A little shop-worn, will be sold at half price, viz: i Board covers 15 centspostage 5 cents. Paper covers, . 13 ' . " 2 " NAMES OF THE BOOKS : " Heavenly Echoes," " Choral Harp." "Dia dem," "Christian Methodist " and "Zions Refreshing Showers." Ware Rooms 481 Broadway and 48 Mercer Street, Xew York. MlUlUtCE u WATERS, Publisher of Music, Books and manufac turer and dealer in Pianos. Melodeons and Organs; . may 13-2t 'JUIE MEMBERS OF THE SOITIIERX CAPTIST COMKXTIO.Y, THE PASTORS OF THE VARIOUS CUURCUES OF RALEIGH, And the Pnbhc Generally, " Are cordially invited to call and examine a very fine CI1VRCU OIIGjMT now on exhibition at the PIANO FORTE WAREROOMS "OF J AMES PIRSSON & SON, Coh Hargett and Salisbury Streets, RALEMJH, N. C. A -Une Melodeon with two banks of Keys for sale cheap. mylO 3t. g P A R KTj N G S O DA. Fearing that my customers and thepub oPS aUy "ght infer (from the list of boda Fountain's on Fayetteville st, as pub i1 S?11.11 tne " Sentinel," of tho 18th,) that 1 had discontinued the mann facture of Soda tY?rTr ,Yoxlld very respectfully announce that I still continue to dispense that cold and spanning beverage at JVo. 11 Fayetteville Street, R A L E I G II , X c, J B. II . C A It 91 E R . I N .li'T7-Soda Wntpr tickets H per dozen. A 31 E S P I R S S ON' & S O N Manufiicturers of, and Dealers In, I jt JV O F O U T. E s Cor. of Hargett and Salisbury Bts., r RALEIGH, Ncf., Jl TESTIMONIALS. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, N. Cr l April 8th, 1872, MR. JAS.PIRSSON : : ft'm .-The Piann whioh I nurchased from you in September, 1870, is a very superior one. It has been frequently tested by com petent judges, all or wnom give nnequnwi testimony to its excellence. 1 could not ask for a better instrument. Very nespeeiiany, W. G.. SIMMONS. .; It A leigh, March 17, 1871, M n. James Piksson Dear Si r : It affords me great pleasure to speak of the real merits and excellence of .your Pianos Great union Piano Co. I have used one of your instruments in my musi'c room ever since last August, 1871, and candor compels tvia in KJiv that I do not knowof another make which I should prefer to your Piano. The instrument keeps remarkaDiy wen m tune, and not a string has been broken. Hoping that the demand for your Pianos will never cease, I am yours most respectfully, F. A. KOI I L.MAN, Prof. Music at' Raleigh Female Seminary, Raleigh, N. C. V PIANOS Tl SKD A X I) HEP A. I it E D T ' IN THE ; Most Skillful Manner. - W PIANOS FOR RENT. JgJ . Send for a Circular. JAMES riRSSON. E. A. PIRSSON. may 2-tf. rpR I U M P H INSURANCE COwMP! I', C 1 NC INN A T I, OHIO. January 1, 1872. ' ASS E T S : ' Cash on hand, in bank, and in transit, $375,96.3 90 U. S. Bonds, 5-20's and 10-40's (mar ket value,) . ,51,920 00 First Mortgage Bonds.and accrued Interest (value of security.' " 700.44) 303.015 28 BUls Receivable 15,479 00 Due from-other Insurance Co'.", 6,044 46 Other Items, y,843 47 Total, $702,260 11 LIABILITIES: Losses iii process of adjustment not due, Kire and Inland, -Other Liabilities not exceeding 23,673 00 5,00 J 00 $34,673 00 $727,591 11 Total, Net Assets, DOUGLAS. BELL, AgenL ..my 0 2. ft' n c is. H 'X ft - : 'O is ''" "': v f ; ..." t ' r '-h " .1 ft ; V....r; n . ' ir: ft '. - ft a ft 88' my;-3m. J. B. M A T T I S O N. C O 31 M IS FION MERC II ANT AJsD DEALEK IN . HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Buenos Ayres Sole Leather, California Sole Leather, Orinoco Sole Leather. OAK SOLE LE ATEEB, OAK ROUGH LEATHER, STRAIT'S BANK AND TANNERS' OIL, 34 Spruce Street, New York. ' Liberal Advances made on Consignments may 1-wGm J U ST R EC E I V ED Burt's Celebrated Boots, Gaiters, Congress!, Oxfords, f and Shoes, At PRIMllOSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. 2ST O T C Sealed proposal will be received by the ferI?hiIrf i tn North Carolina Institution r?Peaf a?d Dumb and the Blind, du tShe next twen days, for the letting ?3f?f si.co,ntract to build an add! tion to the wWHUiiohAas ?raft and spebifications, Eft wbbe sen by "ing on the Princi pal. 1 he Board reserves the right to reiect f Lbithat bsJ made- ' AU propals iSay tmssed to tne Board Trstees- : II AND SO ME STOCK OF Zacc Collars, Lace Handkerchiefs, AT -v-.w: f. PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. PRIMROSE, PETTY, & NEWSOM, Have on hand, a v . FULL STOCK of all Goods kept in their line. j . 3IOTTO;-Lo w Prices. "THITE AND COLOREl) Linen Lawns, Vf;' ;--''; -At .;:'..; PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. "gURTS GAITERS, BALMORALS, Metropolitan Ties, ' lor Ladies at x " PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. Q CASES " SEA FOAM" BAKING Powders, jnst received. . apl8-tf , v. c. STRONACH & CO. BATHING. jy?R S iJK A R K & iv. d i BATHING ESTABLISHMENT, R E I O H , N . C. This is the first establishment oil the Eu ropean style ever put up in this city. It has been recommended by Dra. J onn son, V. H. and James McKee, and the Med ical Profession generally. Cleanliness, Comfort and good Attention, Will be found at all times. Ladies Scan be accommodated by applying at the Gro cery "Store, corner of Martin and Salisbury streets, from 12 o'clock , M. to 5 P.' M. Gentlemen accommodated from 6 to 11 A. M., and from 5 to 10 o'clock, P.M. CHARGES: HOT BATH, (exclusively.) 50 cents. COLD BATH, (complete,) , & ' VULiU BATH, (Wltnoux, laneu or Hoan.) ' " Secure your Tickets at trie owre. ap 13-3m O R R E N Tiio Rnnk' SThRR nn north side of Market Square, at present occupied by w. H. Dennis & Co. The Store is well suited for n. fJrnerv-nrirt tren ernl store. ' TniB is a rare opportunity ior uiwi; w i.-"- ine a gooa nusiness stana. DfFe erms very moderate. Ajrpiy to ap22-eod3w j North Side Market, N NU1 L M E E T I N.G . The 19th Annual Meetine of the MEDI CAL SOCIETY, of ; the State of North Caro lina, will be held in .New Berne, on xues dav the 21st ol Mav next, at 12 M. New Board of Medical Examiners will be elected at this meeting. 1 JAMES MCKEE, M. D., an 17-2w Sec, Med. Soc. State of N. C. Charlotte Observer. Salisbury Examiner Ashevllle Citizen. Hickory Tavern Eagle, Tarboro ' Southernor, Wilmington Jour nal, Wilmington 1 Star, Goldsboro Mes senger. New Berne Journal of Commerce, Economist, Fayetteville Eagle, Greensboro Patriot, and Roanoke News copy two weeks ana sena oin to ur. j . vv . Jones, xarooro N. C. i 3ST- O W I N ,S T O R E Fine Black Cloth Coats, Fine Black Cloth Vests, Fine Black Doeskin Pants cut and made equal to the best Custom work at nity per cent, less prices, at K. B. ANDREWS ffi UU'S ap25-tf. J. II. SKPAKK, W. J. HICKS, , J, B. GAYLE E P A R K, III CKS & CO. MANUFACTlJE-ERSiOF, AND DEALKKS IK, 1I1CIITJIZER 1. and FLO 1VS Slcam Engines, Saw Mills, Farm Machinery, kt REP 4 IRED , Brass and iron Castings, of all Des' -' ! ' . f criptions made to Order." Would call attention of the public to thei Wrought Cotton Scr'etcs, - ;'':- '' "'if ' ,;: ," AH sizes and lengths for Hand and Power Also to their Cro well's Patent IROJT FFJTCJJTG, Something New, : Good and Cheap. Also to our new Pattern Improved SUNNY SOUTH COTTON PLOW Undoubtedly the most popular and cheap ' est Good Cotton and Cultivating Plow! made. PARTIES NEEDING ANY KIND OF ".-:" ' - --."' ft- " " .- I'. - Jastings foriJtlines, Jtritls i - And other Machinery, or Repairing of any kiuu promptly i executea, wouia ao weu to give us tneir oraers. apio-tr T'HE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. A.RGEST STOCK OP THE FINEST AND T BOOTH AND SHOES Ever Brought to the City At V Ck H. HEARTT & CO'S. ap!2-tf Q U R S. Tf 0 C K O F GENTS FURNISHING GOODS - """ "" -Tr 1 1, '.--'' Cannot be beaten in Styles and Prices. apI2-tf C. T. HEARTT & CO. j BE A U T I TJ L LO T OF Jap Silks, at . I ; PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. JM AZON INSURANCE C I N C I N TTA T I, OHIO January l; 1872. ASSENTS: transit hand' in f'bank- and in 1 UBndSr5-20'sand fold's mar-337,4" -ket value,) ? s l l " 70114 vi State Bonds (market value 'iw t2 First Mortgage Bondslnd Accrued ' 75 kSR" vaiue f securities, 317,921 07 isms receivable. . Other Itemst . . Total. 18,273 25 7,467 34 $758,098 75 LIABILITIES: ' v-" ;'. ' V-'i )- -'.-'.': Losses in process of adjustment, not yet due. Fire and Inland fc56-216 lfi Other Liabilities, not exceeding 22 Total, 1 i Xet Assets, .' . 'HI, 714,C,37 DOUGLAS BELL, . . i li! .. "-: Agent. my 6 rZlROCERIES. VEOET ATtT."Psi 1 fi 10 Kegs Family Shad Roe, received to-day. !: - . may9-tf. w. C. STRONAUH 4 CO. SUMMER RESORTS. Formertylept ly Jonah iU , BEAUFORT, ; c.. Will be opened for th on the , '"oaof is i It will be thorouehiv rpnm.,.. , fitted with new Furniture u W1 n This House is beautifully unJT, mediately over the waters of th i?4 lr PwilIniS'S?. tne Atlantic Ocean in front ati -ine xiae nows semi-dailv imi building therebvt promoting clSwF tu and coolness, while flies and Ue5s are . almost unknown. This iv ?nito notei so lavorably situated on tl i mS coast. i ,rAIianti. The Building is so cbnstrnnii' der it pecnllarly.desirable to those V Seeking Health and Pleasnrp ble to the sea-breeze "toh7 a. . on the sea-front, and delight fiTi Pr?iazza walks free from sand and ln i "i J1 joymentof pedestrains. ' inefti. ah commerce entering and nain. the Harbor will come.in direct vl 8out BATniKG II 0 USES. Neatly fitted out, will be attached to tu House, where guests can enjoy the reft? A spacious JBaii-Koom is attached tnik House, where a Band of Musin wimV. ,e readiness to give zest and pleasure to th. fleeting hours. i . " ine A Bar-Room and Billiard Table will also be convenient to the Hotpi nt. fast-sailing and wellmanaged, can be ha.i at any time to convey persons to such points as mey may.aesire 10 visit. xne suDscriDer. naving naa much exDeri. ence m Motei Keeping, and aided bv a courteous and competent assistant, flatters himself, by strict attention to business and with a corps of obliging servants at hk command, lit Tvill lie able to give satisfec tion to all who may patronise him. He promises to supply HIS TABLE with every article to be found at the first-class HotPi oi ine interior, uesiues uysiers, scollops, soft crabs, and every variety of fish abounding in the prolific "waters of the Harbor and Ocean. In this respect the subscriber wouia refer to all who nave patronized him i. years gone by. . . Terms Per Month, - $40.00 ' " Week, , c 12.00 V' Day, - s 2.50 J3 Children ten yeArs of age, and under, half-price. . ; : . GEO. W. TAYLOR, ap25-tf. '" , . Proprietor. O P E N I N G 0 : F " SODA WATER SEASON r - :' .. AT - U OF F F 2f J o ,v 1; S ' COLTJ SPARKLING SODA Vf.TKi:, Yvith Genuine FRUIT SYRUPS, is i..m. , dispensed fr5m our new and eh gant fountain at- No. 33 Fayetteville Street. To this branch of our business we give our strict personal attention and it shall be our endeavor t.o maintain the high standard of excellence whicli it has ncquir ed. V ap 27-tf s Y H O N For the convenience of persons at adlh tance and those who prefer to tak e- Soda and Mineral Waters to their houses, we have introdumj S ITP JI O JF R OTT L E S. holding -,OiE QUART each, from wlii.l) the waters can be drawn as spark -ling as from the fountain, at DOE P P ap'27-tf & JO N II S ' S PR ING G O OD S . 1 8 7 . . Our Spring stock of choice, rar ami . elegant BRIT1SU, FRENCH 1ND AMEBIC1 Dress Goods is nearly .complete. Full Lines of Prints, PERCALES, In-Dolly yarden and C,ietoun' ' J. . styles. ' ". Muslin's, Linen Lawns, and Linen Suiting, . Mohair de Voige, Chatlies, Bareges, . Grenadines, Japanese Silk, Japanese Poplins, Real Silks, Silks in Black and colors, Real Irish Poplins, V In beautiful designs and many others 11ft enumerated. apl-3ni ' W. H; & R. S. TUCKER HU JATEST FROM TIIE N SEAT. OF R IJV TILE EST ! UE.NRY BERRY LOWRKY CAPTrRF.D '. Tlie public mind having become soinewh. t appeased concerning the fate o 1 the Robeson outlaws, C ' . WEI JK E L M e r c h an t Tailor, Begs leave to announce to his friends ami the public, that he has just returned from the Northern cities, where he has selects the latest and most beautiful stylos f GEJTTS GOOnS, CONSISTING OF ; French, and English; Broadcloth DOESKINS, DIAGONALS, : FAXOY CASSI MERES, FRENCH WORSTED (something new.; PLAIN AND FANCY FRENCH A M' 1 ENGLI3H VESTINGS, Ccantlful Scotch Cheviots for Salts. These goods are really elegant. . Vnu . save by purchasing of . C. WEIKKL, mh28-tf ! RaleigiTJji, p ARASOLS AND 'UMBRELLAS The largest ported stock Ladies ! Paroo. j. J a ,u" ,t ;.iioc wp have ?fi&. W. H.&R.S.TUCKER ACO. Li