DAILY NEWS. roNF. .fcUZZELL, - - Proprietors. ; pATKTTEVXLI.lv STREET, Over W. C. Stronach A Co.'s Store. I) A XL Y NEW S; RATES.OF ADVEIlTISINt;. One squs'.re, one insertion One square, two Insertions.. One square, three insertions.. One square, six Insertions.,; , One square, one month. . One square, three months... One square, six months.. ! 1 00 1 60 2 (A) 3 50 8 00 10 m ?M 00 CAHH INVARIABLY I ADVANCE. ihe DAILY NEWS will be delivered to kt,si iioers ui. tners HI Miibiia L'bara per wccn.. . . FIFTEEN .vable to the carrier weekly. ailed at 7 One square, twelve months S) 00 Fof larger . advertisements liberal con tracts will, be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. annum ; 3.50 for six months ; $2 for three '' The' WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. 'VOL. I. II A LEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 15.1872. NO. G J:. The Daily Hewsj . GENERAL DIRECTORY. ;' . U. S. GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS. U. S. Marshal, . s.uauel 1. Carrow Office Club House, HULsboro Street. ; . - I', s. mi. lie?, oi., ia u tsirici. 1 J. Young Office onEdenton Street, near National Hotel. U. S. Assessor, 4th District. Gen. W. D. Jones Office Andrews' Build t,i, 1 1 illsboro Street, . ," U. S. Commissioner, 11. W. Best Office Hillsboro Street, late u. Branch's office. U. S. Commissioner, A. W. Shaffer Office with Marshal, Hiltsboro Street. . supervisor Int. Rev. for North and South Catolind, r. W. Perry Office Andrews' Building, liiboro Street. - , - ADVERTISING "RATES. DAILY. 1 Square, 2 Squares, 3 Squares, 4 Squares, l column, U colnmn, I column. lm. $ 8 12 16 18 20 311 . 45 2m. 8 12 15, 18 2 24 40 75 3m. $ 16 19 22 25 30 60 100 6m. 30 35 40 50. 55 90 100 12m. $ 50 65 75 . 85 100 160 DO WEEKLY. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Tod. R. Caldwell. Private Secretary -J. B. Neathery. - Secretary of State II. J. Menninger; Clerk Andrew Syme. . " Attornev General Wm. M. Shipp. Public Treasurer-Pavid A. Jenkins; ihief Clerk Donald W. Bain ; Teller A. D. Jenkins. Auditor H. Adams : Clerk A. J. Partin. Superintendent of Public Instruction Alex Mclver. superintendent of Public Works C. L. Harris. Aiijutant General John C. Gorman. State Geologist W. C. Kerr; Librarian Theo. H. Hill, ki t-per of the Capitol Patrick MeGowan. CITY GOVERNMENT. ilayor Col, W. H. Harrison. Treasurer Jas. P. Prairie. Commissioners J. P.Prairie, A. N. Up rimrch, Stewart Ellison, Eastern Ward. K. P. Battle, Simon Hayes, M. W.Churchill, .diddle Ward. John C. Gorman, Albert lolmston, NorfleetDnnston, Western Ward. Clerk and Tax Collector M. Grausman. Chief of Police W. H. Martin. Assistant Constablos--B. H. Duuston George Scales. .Street Commissioner Jos.T. Baekalan. Captain of Police C M. Farris. Sergeant Charles Hunter. , Janitor Oliver Roan. Policemen James Doyle, 11. Mors.:, Rob ert Hall, Wm. Durham, Rob't Wyche, J. M. Fetross and Nathan Upchurch. 'Hie Board of Commissioners hold its reg ular meetings on the last Wednesday 'night in each month. . lm. 2m. 3m. 6m. 1 Square, $ 3 , $ 5 S 7 810 $16 2 Squares, . 5 12 16 26 3 Squares, 7 "12 - 15 24 33 4 Squares, V 9 15- 17 28 40 5 Squares, 10 -1(1 18 .'52 45 V colnmn, 12 l8 20 35 50 Yi column, jj .hj m m I column, 30 40 50 80 150 These rates are as moderate as they 3au be made, and will be strictly adhered o. All advertisements not contracted for luder these rates will bo charged regular ;ransient rates. STONE & UZZELL. -Jr-J. M. BROUGHTON will serve the DAILY NEWS in any portion of the City at Fifteen Cents per week, payable every two weeks the paper to be left at any place of business or at any residence within the corporate limits. Parties want ing the News will engage with him, or leave their address at this office. Parties failing to receive their papers will please give notice at once. Mr. B. will thoroughly canvass the city, in order to make the circula tion large and complete. The NEWS will be, found for sale every morning at the Depots and Hotels. 3P Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fif teen Cents per line. , : 137" All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. WEDNESDAY. .MAY' 15, 1872. ERS. WAKE COUNTY OPFIC Sheriff T. F. Lee. Deput v Sheriffs J. J. Nowell A. Magnin. Supei . r Court Clerk and Judge of Pro late J. N. Bunting; Deputy W. Whi taker. ( ounty Treasurer Wm. M. Brown, ltegiste.r of Deeds W. W. White. Keeper of the Poor House Wiley Yearby. Couuty Commissioners Robt.W. Wynne, M. G. Todd, Wm. Jinks, John R. Caswell, s. Rayuer. ' . ' E. C. WOODSON, City Editor. LOCAL MATTERS. ' ( u The Last ' of the Mohkg ans." On last evening we interviewed a man who represented himself as just from .the .Tolleat Barracks Prison in Illinois, who wits captured as a Con- ederate soldier, near. . Greensboro', in ,18G5. The circumstances of this extraordinary case are as i follows : He was capturefl jbv the Federal troops at Cold Harbor on the 31st of May, 1874, and taken to Point Lookout, where, on the verge of jstarvation, lie yielded to repeated solicitations to take the oath ot allegiance and joined the 1st Regi ment of U. S.j galvanized troops, with the mental reservation to desert at the first opportunity ; offered, . Ujs., com mand arriving ift front of Petersburg early in 18G5, he improved this oppor tunity and crossed the lines, rejoined his command in Petersburg1 stating air the citcumstances connected with the case. . He was again captured by the Federal troops near Green iboro' In t 1865, and sent to Jolleat barracks prison, 111. He was then recognized .as a member of the U. S. galvenized reg iment, tried for desertion and senten ced to be shot. Soon after his. sen tence the Avar closed, ' and his punisK- ment was commuted to seven years imprisonment j in the barracks prison with the application of cat-o nine tails, once a day. for six weeks, which he says he received in full. His name is Henry Bedford, and was a member of Company II. 31st X. C. Regiment, XUingman's Brigade, Hoke's Division. j According to his statement, we do not think he should be stigmatised as a deserter, though the United States Gov ernment, acted magnanimously in com muting his sentence. What he did (though it may have been an error) was according to his conception for the good of the lost cause, the memory of which every Southern gentleman reveres as sacred. I TELE Gll.l PUIC JTE 1FS. IsxiolTmsPAcliEsT n. 1 Fleetwood Park Races Dr. How. ard Indian Damages. v 1 NEW York, May 15. . There were fiv trots at Fleetwood Park yesterday, irst, won by Frank, in three heats ; best time, 3:06." Second, woa by Belle Jones in live heats ; best time, 2:54'. Third, won by Geo. W. Palchen, four heats ; ,; best timb, 5:28. Fourth, won by Starlight, four heats ; best time, 2:43i. Fifth, won by David, two heats; best time, 2:55. A letter from C6diz says, Dr. How ard suffered, "considerabsr on a yoyage, from being loaded witu heavy chains, but upon request of the American offi cials at Codiz, the chains have been re moved. ..The. action or Congress rela tive to his case has not reached Dr. Howard nor the Sp anish official at Co -diz. - - t m From London. London, May 15. The London journals of this morning devote much spaco in their editorial columns to remarks upon explanations regarding the indirect claims and posi tion of the English government made in the House of Lords last night by Lord Granville, and in the "House of Commons by Lorn Gladstone., Ihe journals approve now pending, bu rence in them by Senate. New. York' Markets; New Y'okk, May Cotton quiet ; sales 500 ; uplands ; Orleans 2l. Flour active and firmer; common to falrextra $llj50; good to choice $13.75. Whiskey active and lower at 89. Wheat. 2a5 higher for winter : red Western The committee on -foreign relations of 9Gattf. Corn firm and-actlVeat"77a78;South- Washington Affairs. Washington, May 14. i House-The Committee on Naval affairs agreed upon report in, favor of the construction of ten sloops of war, the Senate held a meeting to-day on additional articles to the treaty from Washington came to no conclusion. Tlje committee meets again to-morrow. The opinion of the Senate has no yet developed itsell, although the measure, as an administration proposition, will, it is thought, be ratified. -.- " The President sent a message to Con gress advising federal regulation for the protection of emigrants. ! Delegates from the Western and Southern cites arrived in this city last night, representing the interest ot the Atlantic and Western cau.il, to open Witer communication between the Mis sissippi river and the Atlantic. A meeting to-day was attended by several Senators and Representatives in Congress, and was organized by Edward Anderson, of Alabama, as chairman, and Col. Capers, of Georgia, as Secre tary. : The aelegation calls upon the President in a body to-morrow aiid will present an address. '. . Pork lo.ifj14. Ijird firm. Naval Stores quiet. Freights quiet. ; Money closed o7. Sterling stringent at 9. Gold 1414g. Go-tef nmwilts advanced Jal4. All round States closed steady. Sales of Cotton for future deli very to-day as follows: May 23(Ss'23; june 2?y,(c? 2311-10 ; July 23K5 11-10 ; August Sty,; September 21 ll-lti2l9;; October 2) lo-ltfl 21; November 19; December lit. ' Baltimore Markets.-'; " ' : BaiItimohk, May 11. Flour steady and advanced.- Wheat scarce Corn active--white ; "-yellow.. 75. Oats 57(00. " Pork H. . liacon lieavy and nominal. Foreign Markets. ' fjONiiOX, May 14. Noon Con sols a?. r.oniLsfiO. Pa it is, May 14, Hentes 51 and Q. Bonds !)5,5. Fraxkfort, May 14. Livkupooi. May 14. s 10 H. T A L L E Y Manufaeturer'df all kinds of C Ji Mi I E S AND DEAT.ER IX FRUITS, 133 XUTS, TOYS, CANNED FRUITS, dc. t: 1 S y c a more Street, PETERSCriiG, A. Col Ion opened steady! Upland? Orleans 11 iU. I. pf the negotiations doubt the concur- the United States New York AfTuirs. New York, May 14. The Annual meetins of the Musicians National Association is in session, it has been resolved to hold triennial meetings hereafter. The Secretary of POST OFFICE -AKIjpEMENT. - i Postmaster C. J. Rogers. Office hours iroin 0 A. M. to 8 P. M., during the week (except while the malls are being distri buted.) No mails received or sent on Sun .! iy therefore the office will not beopened on that day. Olllce hours for Registered Le tter and Money Order Departments, from A. M. to 4 P. M. Time of Arrival and -Closing" the flails. Westeux-New Orleans, La., Augusta, .Georgia, Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, Salis bury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hills boro, &c, due 1.-.-J0 A. M. Close at 6:30 P. M, Eastern. Charleston, S. C Wilmington, Newbern, Beaufort, Goldsborr, &c, due 7 f. M., close 9 P.M. ' Noktheus, via Weldon. New YorK, Bal timore, Philadelphia, Washington, Rich mond, Petersburg,-Norfolk, W eldon, Ac, duel P. M., close 8:30 A. M. 1'ayettevil.t.e, via Chatham R. R. Due v A, it?, close 3:30 P. M. CHURCHES. Presbyteriau. . Located corner of Salisbury and Morgan Civets, Rev. J. M. Atkinson, D. D., Pastor, s- rvices every Sabbatlu Baptist. - Located corner Salisbury and Edenton streets' Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D,, Pastor. .Services every Sabbath. Christ, (Episcopal). Located corner Wilmington street and NVwLern Avenue, Rev. R, S. Mason, D. D., Hector Services every Sabbath.' 3Iethodist. 1st Methodist, located on Edenton street, ll. v. A. W. Mangum Pastor. Services everj Sabbath. Wesleyan Chapel, located on Person street, Ucv. A. R. Raven Pastor. Services every Kubbiitll. - St. John's (Catholic). Located corner Morgan and Wilmington fcti eet s, Father J. V.McNamara, Priest. Ser vice j every Sabbath.' - Mkktisg of the Board of City Commissioners. Monday; evening, the Board of City Commissioners held an adjourned meeting. Mayor Whttaker presided, and all of the Commissioners, except Mr. Gorman, of the Western Ward, were present. ; The proceedings of foimer meetings w. re read arfd approved. Mr. jBattle thought that on account of the absence of Mr. Gorman, the elec tion of city officials should . be post poned, and on his motion, the matter was postponed until the next meeting. On motion of .Mr. Prarie, it wa3 onlered tliat when the Board arliourn it adjourn to meet on Tuesday, 24th youthful niinds. inst. Mr. Battle oflered a 1 resolution iu structinl the City Attorney to report to the Board whether any, and if any, what changes in the mode of levying city taxes are necessary under the Con stitution of the State. The resolution was adopted. : On motion of Eilisou, it was orJered. to pay the poll holders in recent elec tions 3 apiece. Ellison moved that the committee of lrecholdcrs, appointed to assess dama ges caused by widening and extending streets, be paid three per diem. After some discussion the matter was postponed, and referred to the city at torney to ascertain whether or not the Board had a right to pay them The Sunday School. One of the "Institutions" pi the .Baptist Sunday School in our. city, is the Infant Class, presided over by Mrs. Wm. II. Dodd. This class numbers about 125, ot which 65 is the average' number present each Sabbath: Thei. class comprises chil dren from three to twelve years of age As the children are learned to read they graduate in this preparatory school and are turned over to Superintendent Heck's department for lurther instruc tion.- 1 he school rauiu or the "Infants is hung with pictures illustrating Bib Heal history,! a fact which shows that ! their indefatigable prcceptness is au fait in a thorough understanding of the proper i means to impress the lfctrss been well said the Kavy was me- moralized to prevent government bands from interfennjr wi other musicians. Ih the business of Congressional Proceedings. . : : Washington, May 14. ; Senate A fiercjs trio contest, invol ving ciyil rigiits, supplemental eniorce ment, and amnesty, which were attached as amendments to an unimportant bill, Partizans to these measures blocked in the Senate. ' House Tariff was up. No action on Morrill's amendment this morning. J New York Affairs. New York, May 14. The new officers of the Stock Ex change were installed to-day. Prcsi-: dent King and chairman -Wheelback. made addresses. The board voted a service of silver plate to Ex-President Clark. In the Methodist Conference Rev. Dr. Wild, delegate from Canada, addressed the Conference, saying that the Cana dian Methodist Episcopal Church would prefer a Union with the Episcopal Church of the United States rather tban other Methodist bodies in Canada un der their present relations with England. He,said the Methodist Episcopal i hurch in Canada is doing more and more fa vorable to the independence of the Church and State and for the non inter- lerence of Europe w:th tliis continent and was politically and religiously grow ing tired of the interierence ot England" xvpplausej. Ihe addresses ot Ur Wild and his colleague Dr. Benson were on motion ot JJr. Haven reierica to a committee of nine. Cotton Markets. CliAniLESTOX, May li. Cotton (iniet ; middlings 22. . Piiiladklphia, May 14. . Cotton dull ; middlings 24. ' - r. - Boston, May 14. Cotton dull; middling 21. x Augusta, May 14. Cotton quiet; middlings 22Vi. ' GalVkstox, May 14. Cotton dull ; good ordinary 20J. - Memphis, May 14. Cotton quiet; middling? 22. ; Wilmington, May 14. Cotton firm ; middlings. 22. ' . . ' Baltimore, May 14. CoLton firm; middlings 23. : . A Savannah, May 14. Cotton, holders very firm, at 22-. Norfolk, May 11. Cotton quiet ; low middlings 22'. ;i ' New Orleans, May 14. Cotton stead-, firm ; middlings 23. ; . Mobile, May i 1. Cotton firm : middlings 2222V. . i .- Infanticide in Williamsburo-An Insane Mother Drowns Tier Infant in a Pail of Wateri Weddings and parties furnished at short notice, and In the best manner. aprSw3m. j ; ! Robert I f. JojiKS, . Henry-L. Iummk'k. ir TO NESl?LUM MEU & CO ., . ' ;-' ' i ' . ' .::! i ' (JRXKUAL . ' . -A ' T " Co m m i s s i o n Merchants, Richmond, Ya. j j Solicit consignments of TO B A C.C O, F LOU R, G R A IN . ; i j AND- OTHER COUNTIlV PRODUCE, To which careful personal attention will be 'given and prompt returns rendered., Agents for the sale offne ' -Excelleuza Tobacco Fertilizer. Cash ailvances od Produce Mn hand et on Bills Lading. , r ' -: aprSwlm. ; V 51 G BE NT LEY CO At about elev foieitoon, the poli Mrs. Eliza Harri Fourth street, Spanish Matters. Paris, May 15, Reports have been received from the CarHsts sources that the insurgents have occupied Billbaal. Don Carlos entered; Biscay and the Carlists are masters of that "Sunday schools are a power in the three basque provinces. An important! land," a power; for good. Many men engagement is expected in Biscay, can now trace their record to paths of rectitude by remembrance of the early precepts aftectionatelv instilled in the Sabbath school. . Weather Report. ' Washington, May 14. Clear and, partially cloudy , we-tthcr. - and easterly to southerly winds for .New '-'r .'' l r . 1 en (ijCiocK fcaturuay ee v.ere notineci tnat residing at 343 South Wiliiamsburcr. liad drowned her infant in l a pail of water. Officers Powell and Quinn were sent by Captain Woglom to investigate the case, and when tney entered tno apartments of Mrs. Harris they found her sitting by with N. 31. WILSON . PKODUCE Commission JITcrchanls, 1300 Cary Street, .V '.II I C II M O N I , V A.. Cons i gnm en ts s ol i c i f ed . Leaf Tobacco made a. specialty. - - j np2.-vvm. SPECIAL NOTICEai j S-"An, going to Petersburg?" "Y.' ; 'Then by all means visit J T. Youa & Bro.'K, Marble Front Jewelry Emporium , and look at their magnificent display of Watches, Jewelry, Jjiamonds, Opera CuainM; Glove Bands, plain Gold Rings, Stive ! Ware, Christmas and Holiday goods. Ycu ! will find attentive Salesmen, wno wll- pleased to show j-Ou the entire stock l oung s i. wpecs win save your ey sight.-rnree tnousanu pair som. fcoie uacuu for Diamond Glasses. ; . What Dyspepsia may End In. Indi gestion is not dangerous, says tho facultj-. remaps not, in ltseit, wnue u remains mere indigestion; but loot at the conse quences to which It may lead, and often does lead, when it becomes a chronic dis ease. A soark of fire is a sma!Lililn a England, Middle and South Atlantic the winuovvand at her feet was a pail rt der mill, or kindle a name that will con- Warning to Parents No. 2. On yesterday we gave an account of the fearful mangling of a small colored boy at the Central depot, in this city, who fell from the plat to r ni of the cars while in motion. Afs stated, the boy only followed the example of a great many others, and it happened to be his turn or fate to fall under the cars.- At 9 o'clock last evening .the poor little sufferer was relieved by death.. He is the third boy that has been Nashville Races. Nashville, May 15. - -. i . . First race, Double Out, winner; timcw 1:50, 1:47 J. Second race, Eland, wm-j ncr; time, 1:47, ltlbj. t ner7 OI T killed in this way within the short space John Galligbar for a contract, at $G0 f Jd &m wc counted clev- per months to water the tour principal ttn , QJ .ra n, t. acts of From Albany. Albbany, May 15. Borak canal at Biir Nose will be re paired by the twentieth. , Lexington Raees. !' lIexington, May 15. First race, Hollywood; time 3:4l, 3;33i. 2:44. States on Wednesday. Thence west ward, with increasing cloudiness and easterly to southerly winds. An area of threatening weather and rain will extend eastward over the upper 1 ike region and Ohio valler, and possibly Lake Erie and the western Gulf States. An area ot low barometer is apparently advancing eastward toward ' Iowa. Dangerous winds are net antici .atedj but increasing to brisk, and possibly high winds are probable for Lakes Michigan and Superior to-night or Wednesday morning. Second race, Plantarium ; time MIDNIUIIT DISPATCHES. licenses were MASONIC. ! Iliratn Lodge, No. 40. A. s. Lee, Master Masonic Hall, corner 6 .iwsou and Martin streets, third Monday i.iu'lit in each month. Win. Ci. Hill Lode, No. 218. William Simpson, blaster Masonic Hall, tti-und Monday night in each month, llaleigh Chapter, No. 10. l: Wm. G. Hill, H.-P Masonic Hall, fiit sday night after third Monday in each lilUI.lt 1). . cuocli Council, No. 5, R. & S. M. John Nic:hols, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master Masonic Hall, first Monday night ni fueh month, postpo . The following liquor granted : . Jackson Batch elor, Cabarrus street ; Nicholas John, Eayetteville street ; P, C. Walker, Fayetteville stre'et ; Marx Schloss, Wilmington street. The Mayor was authorized to adver tise the ordinance in regard to.- the re tailing of liquor. On motion, the board adjourned to meet on the cveuing of the 24th inst. yesterday engaged in the same carelessness. Fair and FestivaL Sometime Senate A .bill Congressional Proceedings. Washington, May 14. or creating a District! Federal and ill" occur next ernitv of the LO.O. l Manteo Lodgej No. 8. T. W, Blake, N. G Jdd Pellows' Hall, 'vt-r Citizens' National Bank, Tuesday night ea:li week. ' - . j Seaton Gales' Lodge, No; C4. lohn C. Blake, N. G. Odd Pellows' Hall, Hiursiliiy night of each "week. ilaleigh Lodge, No. G5. ' ' iios. Badger, N. G Odd Fellows' Lodge, I ix .Monday night of each week. JtlcKee Encampment, Np. 15. V . P. Weatherell, C P Odd Fellows' "iill, second and fourth Friday night of ' uii month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHI AS. Ship Arrival Port News. On " Grasmere " in the City Cemetery may be seen a beautilul ; model of a full rigged ship riding at anchor. It i3 about fifteen feet long, aud every spir, and appointment is in perfect ac cord. -1 Ins unique and pleasing orna ment to our." City ot the dead' will be viewed with great interest by visitors to this lovely spot, both adult and juvenile. This ship is the result of the careful and laborious work of our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. A. P. C. Bryan, who is most appropriately styled among us the 14 children's friend." - Mr. Bryan was formerly a sea captain and our landlubbers can therefore un- during the term of the Supreme Courts, which w month, the Masonic Frai city, their wives, daughters and sisters will hold a Fair and Festival, the pro ceeds jof which is to be applied to the building fund of the Masonic Temple, which will soon be. in course of erec tion. That success will attend this movement, there is no room to doubt. ' Died of His Wounds. We learn from Yancey county that Deputy Mar shal C.N.Keith, who was shot in Yan cey county on the 2nd of May by Er win Duyck, died. on the 2nd. Keith had ja Commissioners warrant for the arrest of Duyck who resisted. Duyck wts shot in the shoulder, but is recovering. He is under guard. Court in the Indian Territory was up Nye said the resei Indians was a com Was in favor o through them and settlement. ' Kellogg' s suppl bill resumed and vote of 34 to 17. Mr. Thurman, debate, said he th Arrests Under the Enforcement Act Death of Hon. Alfred Huger. Charleston, S. C., May 14. New arrests of citizens under the en forcements act are diily reported from Fairfield, Oconee at .1 other counties. Hon. Alfred Huger, a well knovn CharleStonian and conspicuous Unionist in the, time, of nullincation and seces sion, died to day, in the 84th year; of his age. ifewiis postmaster ot Charles ton from the time ot President Jackson till eighteen sixty-five. - Dr. Huston Sues the American. Baltimore of water, With the babe, partially nude, in it, face downwards. The officers t ol d t u e w r e t c h e d m o i is e r t h a t sh e h a d better, dress and go with them to the station house. This she did without making any objection! The body of the babe was also removed t'A the same nlace. . Durinsr the alt'ernooh, medical gentlemen visited Mrs. Harris, and found that she. was suffering from puer peral mania. She gave birth to the infant, a female, nine days ago. Her history is'a sad one. She is a native of England, twenty-nine ypars of age. Her husband, who is saul ti Ue an Lugiisii tnariner, left her. about three years ago on a voyage, giving her absolute control ot their three chiidieij, aged respec tively five, seven ami ten vears During his protracted absence, it is alleged, she became the mother of the babe m ques tion, and since then received informa tion that he was on his Ivay to join her and the children. ; . This-iutornntion clrazed her in conscq ucrce of the sad condition in which'slie was placed, and in her frenzV she commttted the grave offence for which she was arrested. She is kindly cared tor by C .jpfairr. Woglom. New' York Herald, j sume a city, in line manner inaigesiion ; may produce gastritis, cancer of the stom- ach, congestion of the bowels, apoplexy, liver urease, ana many oineri dangerous maiaaies. is u not wise, men. , to cheek it; in the germ ? Nothing is more clearly and indisputably established than , that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will erad icate dyspepsia in all its stages with this wholesome, powerful, and infallible tonic and alterative. It is easier to quench a spark than a flame, and it is easier to cure dys epsia when it is first developed, than wuen it lias made neauway Dy negiect, anu becomes comDlicated with other ailment. ; There is not the shadow of a doubt that the - bitters are as directly antagonistic to" dys-. pepsia as water is to nre. xnere are tnou sands of cases on record proving this fact. The remedy is sale ana agreeable. An me liquors of commerce, prescribed as.stlmu lants,leave a sting behind. But the sting is taken out of the spirituous basis of the great remedy by vegetablo medication, and moreover, tue sumuiam mus meuicateu is of exceptional purity. Of all tonics taken as safe-guards or remedies for fever and ague, bilious remitteuts, and other epidem ics, it is the only one:thatcau uniformly he depended on. vation policy for the plete failure, and lie! running railroad opening the lands tq emental enforcement finally passed . by . ' - f A I. A in the course. 01 mo pugnt ine urn u laui nni inr. won f vorfi araint it on urin " ' o . 1 . ciple. The discu.pion was quite excit ny: over the various amendments anc ndicated the honc,iessnes5 of amnesty his session. Deficiency bill bought that both and the House sui A Youthful uSiNGisT."-- Petersburg has loaned us for a few days, a little songster. A son ol Rev. Mr. Hatcher, of that city. ' " 1 The little fellow has a snlundid voice. dprstnnd that all the annertenanees of i- Centre Lodse. No. 3. i t -i.; oV.nM t,. I . , r 1 i , ' i R.H. Bradley. W. D.-Meets at Odd Vol-. uie vcsrl "IC 1U. - ?!'. "' nil songs, ana nas given ms piaymuies nvsiiaii. manv of our people who have never seen and those of mature vears. ourselves a full-rigged ship except in the picture' included, a deliffhtlul "entertainment-lv l yw yjv xxfiir,. books, tins win DC an interesting signr. his youthful warbling nnb ritvrnBr.ii.Wn. is.- Alltlie boys are notinea now, tnat w a. Hutchings, President over Gulley they must look at but not . interfere in -"..rujeuvuiu Mirtn, uiououy uiguL anv Wav with the boat as the riiriiini' IS very easily broken or put out ot shape "l t-ath week HALLS. Tucker Hall. ' I'ayetteville street, between Morgan and Metropolitan 'Hall. olavkct Square, over Market House. Oak City Hall.- . - '"iiur Wilmington and Martin streets. r.Aoji & Mortng.- - I BANKS. .- :r .V - Citizens' National. ' - i.ii.un 1. Anderson, President Cornel uii and Fayetteville streets. State National. Jin.. Cj. Williams, President FayetlevilU- oho ooor above Tucker Han. Raleizh National. y- II. Willtard, President Corner Har- -""i i- ayetteville streets. , Freedmen's Savings Dank. tji-orao W. llrodfp f!jixh1pi- (!ornr ILir- HUd Fayetteville streets. MISCELLANEOUS. ft it ! Academy of Medicine. . 11. McKee, President First Mon it' in each month at each others ttecuc Steam Fire Engine Co. c. n . St iiach. Foreman Kescue-Hall. ' 'Muevil.e street. first Monday night in ' month : , f ' t 'laleiirh Tvno. TTninn. No- 54. Ilk W AT.. . . I.I..... rti ' 'u. lliuingtou street, ever Market him. i,leets tirst saturdayTilght in each J.,1 of This notification is sufficient for the boys when we add that it the boat is injured Mr. Bryan's amiability will be "ruffled 7 a little. , Ue is so good naturcd he can't get very mad. It the boys ofKaleigh had the voting to do in November, Greeley and Grant might prudently withdraw. City Iju'Kovemests. The Skinner residence, on the corner of Hillsboro' and Salisbury, stree ts, having been re cently purchased by a Mr. Svvcpson, of Knoxviilc,. 1 enn., is now unuergoing alterations, .repairs and generally im- nroved. When finished, it will be handsomely and gorgeously furnished, and presented to Mrs. Geo. W. Swep son, of Haw Iliver, who, with her f am ity, will reside there. . - Tuk Masonic Temple. The plan and specifications of the new Masonic Temple is now beingperlected by an Albany (M. Y.) firm 'of architects, and will be - delivered to the, directors in about thirty days. The 'work on the Temple will commence as soon as the plan arrives. ' ' ' Focxd. A find black crape veil was picked up on Hillsboro street, near Dr. Johnson's residenceroh Sunday night. The owner can get it by applying at this office; : . " . ;' J, L. Labiaux is in the city and re ports everything lively in Ridgeway, and the good old county s of Warreu respecting immigration, strawberries, peaches, &c: ' The Williamston & Turboro railroad lias been declared bankrupt. A meet ing of creditors will be held il Eliza beth city, on the 21st of May, for the appointment of an ussicee, etc. Old Probability dont say a w ord abou: rain. - x f T: - . - .-it: t - f - ; . .. 1 5 . The street sprinkler has not made its appearance. ; ,-1 - - Baltimore, Mav 14. la the Superior Court this morning the counsel for the Rev. L. D. Huston filed a declaration in a libel suit brought by Huston, against the proprietors of the Baltimore America, laying dama ges at one hundred thousand dollars. The committee appointed by the church authorities are about commen cing their official investigation of the charge against Dr. Huston. .'A' Hotel Thief Capiuled Frivlay night a well dressed yojung man called attire Grand Hotel,and;, registering his name as William J. Barkley, desired to -'Ulg resumcil. and it H Morri ll"s amend men istitute will be drop-- jed, leaving the matter statu quo. Scott called up a bill for extending to March 4th, 1873, the extraordinary cowers of the President under the l'vU Klux bill, no actiq The Senate is holding a night sessiofi on naval affairs. House A conference has been order ed on the naval appropriation bill. Tariff resumed moved to except an amendment to iii iron and iron Laborers Strike in Minnesota. 1 - 'Detroit, Mich., May .14. A special dispatch from Houghton states that the strike is general at Calu met, IJeska, Choolcral't, Quiney, Frank liri'aiHF'Pcmabick mines. Two thousand- men ' have been engaged. The ringleaders. sitCHlumet and Heska mines were i arrested but were rescued .'by a mob from six deputy sheriffs. No one has been injured as yet The strike has been L'omsr on twelve dave. Buckley, of Alabama, bottoD machinery, as the section affect manufactureries. A UMtion was made tnat wuicnes ana ai tieles of ornament be excluded froni the general reduction, and adopted. Adjourned. HOTEL i : ' '" ARRIVALS. YARBOFwOUGH IIOUSK, G. W. Blackball,' Pro f'k. ' ' , llaleigh, May H, 1872. EL Brown, Jamcd Sloan, Dr'Felfair,W Saunders, It E Walker, J H Dibble, North Carolina T WLaddT J Williams, G John son, New York ; A J McDonald, Frank Young, Baltimore; f Major Stewart and Daughter, Fort Macoin; S Ruffin, Alabama; R E Pope, Virginia; ;E wooarurj I'lni. IV Horace Greeley's Card. - New York, May 14. The" Tribune to jmorrow, publishes th;e foTowingcard : The Tinbune ceases' to be a, party o--gan, but the unexpected nomination at Cincinnati scem$ t' involve n in oevv embarrassment, and all must be aware that the position of a journalist, whb is at the same time a candidate, Is at U3 best, ukso ue anu uimcuir, tnat he is fettered in his actions, and res trained in his crit cism by a knowledge whatever he may say or do is closely scanned by thousands, eager to hnd in so interpreted as to those who are sup- i -i . 1 candidate, ana to d condition - will' nbl serviceable to them it what may be annov or perp.cx porting him as whom his shackle nermit him to ba & absolutely from t The hndersignefl therefore, withdraws ic conduct of the 3V- bune, and will henceforth, until further notice, exercise Iio control nor super vision over its columns. " fSi"ned.V Horace. Oreeley. May loth, 187 The editorial management of the Tribune falls upon Whitelaw Reid. be shown to s room. A; room "citmi (1 him. he shoithl -. aiterwanls re tired. The night- watchman jjniployed. in the hotel, while going hisi rounds a few minutes before. 7 o'clock yesterday morning, discovered f:irkley coming from the foom of Jouafll. Morreil, one of the guests, and seeufj.ng the services of Detective Hagan, ot tho twenty- ninth precinct, w t.o wa4 in the viqmity, caused his arrest. Upol searching liiui, a diamond stud. .valued t 50, which he had takeniVom the ipom, vas found In his nosicssion. TheHvailet, contaiu- hv a smail amount ot m'pney, was.found at'liiM feet -in-' the haliwilv. Tliere , wre also tound on his perso! a pair of hip ners.'used lor unlocking doors, and t number of-'skeleton kevfe. After sitting . i . ' "i for his inclure to be niiaced in the ne at Jefferson - Market and trial. -N. Y. lit raid. Rogues' Gallery yesterday morning,; h was arrakned" before Justice Cox, i committed Col. John S. Mosut Tosition. W. Iiuto wfi .i !.tt( r irom rLol. Jolai o Wf."clic-tfi :i liii-nd uithiB eitv. in wLich rclertiicc is rnr.de to a reported conver sation' bctw'e.-n Cohmel Mosby and Pres ident Grant.-'- Referring to that repoit, Col. M. says: 44 1 sfe l Jam reported as s.ivm' to uen. urant t-jai i. ouii sup Affairs in Spain. ? Madrid, 'May 14. Fifteen thousand coveinment troops are now concentrated in the depart ment of -Biscay. Opposed to them are seven thousand Carlists, who adopt the Fabian policy. . - ' . , - Ugarte, Elio, Jlada and several other Carlists leaders, who , .escaped, into. France, ' have been arrested and re turned. Senatorial Contest in Connecticut. ; s, New Haven, May 14. The coalition to elect Senator Ferry, succeeded in the nouse to-day. It gave him sixteen majority. The Senate gave Hawlev seven .majority: Ferry s ma jority on joint ballot on Wednesday, will D.e nine or ien. Hawdey was the regular Republican nominee. - - Half-Fare Tickets to the rhiladel- ptia Convention. , i PniLADELPiHA, MayJL4. Round trip tickets to the Conycntion at about half rates, and covering liberal time, have been adopted by most of the parent. . ;.;-;J Ij ja'boads, including the "Pennsylvania t The Wash i ii tuii Central aid Us; connections. ' Tliere was a frog who lived in a tiprih. He caucht such a eoid tliat he eould not sing." . . Poor, unfortunate Batrachian! In what: , a sad plight he must have been. And yet. his misfortune was one that often befalls singers. Many a onco tuneful voice amor.ir those who belong to the "ge- .... 1.. .Tl n ntAM it O-vyl 1 tT "ft I it in the head" or on the lungs, or both combined. For the above-men tioned " croaker,"- we are not aware that any remedy was ever devised ; but we rejoice to- know tnat an iiuman singers may keep their heads clear and their t hroats in tune py a iimeiy uneoi ijr.nuK Catarrh, remedy, and Dr. Pierce's Golden by druggists. . ' . ' . A KTAttLE Is.sriTL'TtoN-. Just at the pe riod when- all stable-men wxre omplaiii ins that the horse-ointments Of the day were unstable remedies, the .MCSTAmi Li x'i mis nt made its entree in Missouri, v, ithout any flourish of trumpc ts.aud witlt in one year became the favorite imbroca tioa for the external distempers and inju ries of -horses' arid, cattle in all the Western and Southern States, l-rom tnat ijme to this it has never had a rival in the estima tion of accomplished horsemen; norls lis . i i.i ......... . . . . . . . . vi, ti . r- i f II nouseiioiti rcuuuiiiuu ia . vino v matlsm, neuralgia, sore nippies ana ikcu breasts, tumors, mump;, sore throat, ear ache, toothache, bruises, burns, wounds ami sprains, a widt lehiiia its celebrity k ahorse Liniment. The Mothers of Ameri ca know its val ue, and apply it promptlj to the external injuries ol the '-rising jen cratio!i."'a!id iu fact there is not a city or township in the. United States, where th6 MrsTANO Li.nt.mkm is iiov regarded bf both sexes and every cla as a blessing to tin: community I i--'r. . : T:1 .-!:.. Kit TO THE SUFFKIUNG. Ihe Itev William H. Norton, while residing in Brazli as a Missionary, uiscovered in that land of medicines a remedy for CoNstrsu-riOJi scrofula. soukTiikoat. Couohs, Cold ASTHMA ASI) NEKVOCS. W'KAKXKSS. IhU remedy has cured myself aftr all othei medicines had failed. I - . -I, Wishing to benefit the suffering, I will ti i l.' I ) I.1!.' i il1 remedy to au mho uesue it v k.tu v -CHARGE. I Please send an envelope, wnn your nwni- and address on it. Aulress, IlEV. ILLIAAl IL UlilU, i . mhl 07ti Broadway, New York City.; . were car nort him 'even ifi a fUemocrat nominated against him.? I no no! Mahout coming out in the papers to cor rtct thisv but I hope mylriends will not think that I s ttd any sch thing. On the contrary, I expressly told General Grant that I would j sup-port the Dc.m- ocratic nominee, but; as oens een mm and Greely, I was iii xr of the S'juth 'oing lor the one that i would offer us The most oenercus terms ; i. e., that the Pliladclohia Convention mtiit outbid Cintinnati.v j ; An Iowa woman lias invented a wash ing machine, 'and l$s f already -had' it patented. She walked olf : from her husband the day afte slie receiyed her I - 1 K S-Ko.skoo. This celebrated Medleln has attained a' high reputation, as a reliable remedy for Purifying the Blood, ltestorlnjf the Liver and Kidneys to a healthy action, and "Toning up'' the Nervous System. Iu numerous ami remarkable cures of th worst forms of Scrotum, Dyspepsia, Kheu matism. Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease. Kruptionx otthe Skin, Nervous ProKtra titu, &c.j has caused it to become a standawl remedy. It is now prescribed by phyid- cians, and recommended by our uaitwa zenv. PaVliamcut Adjourned for Holiday. ',-:. ; LoNpoNMay 14. : l'arliameht. has adjourned lor the usual .whitsuntide hoHday. Lords will re-assemble on the Slst inst.' Com-! mons on the 27th. lrs Grant's that rooon iU'Mr' 'Pttrlvt ?ays usuat- Tublav afn ipceptioin at thy Vttt Ho ue, will be diiCoritiilMed oh ' i?l after Tr.esd -y iHXt. ' ' : A. E. I)Ickiu.i)i b WoMirSs Journal to Si xl th; lie noi u ijy that tl Iy did not go to the CJihcinnati Conyi tion, but had. ii" intention of going. No enemy to the huma.: race is more to be dreaded and is more insidious in its approaches than the too fatal destroyer of health and happi ness of mvriads " Consumption In its Ghastly foriu."' The duty of all in to guard S"ainst the flrst advances. This may be done bv thfttimcly use of 1h. TUri'Ti EX PECIOBANT. " : ' r i k Bosrox, February 2, ls7t.: Hi Tctti " Dear Sir Will you please inform meat what druggist, in New York, I canjget yoj'tr Expectoraut, as I can use some o' lt-toal-vanrnge. havinst satisfied that it has but to bo li wd to establish its merit. : It M-oilcs like magic - What is your wlflewwe price. ,i.-.!iv..r,Yi ii v' York? liCt. me know wiiru it ma lie had lor the present in New York, ami 1 M ill communicate lurther with vouat anot her time.- ; i . W. II. B.nKO-v,!t(SumuicrSt.; I -l. a'litCw Hair Dye is Harmless, A