STON'K i UZZELL " iWWs " ' F ATKTTEVILLE STEECT, !; , ; WM V. CStronach & Co.'s StoreJ.'i' HASH HtVttRIAULY IN ADVANCE. TJ,'11 NEWS will be delivered to ui.scribers at fifteen cents per week. pu able, to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 imth""1"5 UOfP8ix months; 2 for three r T'"3F EKKLY NEWS at 2 per annum.. ' "UNGUAL DIRECTORY; Lf. it. .'GOVERNMENT AFl'AIliK. . U. S. illarshal. S:unuol J Carrow-Oflice Club House, 1 1 1 1 IsLioro Street. JJ. s Int. Uev. Col., 4th District. L A-?1111."10.9 ou Edenton Street, near National Hotel. ' U. S Assessor, 4th District. ''i33' Jones Office Andrews' Build ing,' ilillsboro Street, 5. S. Commissioner, U. U . liest;-Office Hillsboro Street, lal0 li.-n. Branch's oflice. - , . IT. S.. Commissioner. uvS ,,A; .W l'r-Offlce with 'Marshal, Hi ilsOoro Street. ':-,. - Supervisor Int. Uev. for North and South Caiolino, P. YV Perry-Ofiice Andrews' Building; H UUtboro Street. STATE GOVERNMENT. Governor Tod. R. Caldwell. ' " ; private Secretary J. B. Neathery. s.vretarv of State II.. J. Meunlnger: ruilc Andrew Syme. Attorney General Wm. M. Rhlpp. Public Treasurer David A. Jenkins ,,'hief Clerk Donald W. Bain ; Teller A. 1) Jenkins. ! . : Auditor II. Adams ; Clerk A. J. Partiu. superintendent of Public Instruction Alex Mclver. . , superintendent of Public Works C. L" Hams. Adjutant .General John 0. Gorman, statu Geologist W. C. Kerr. i,iurailan Thert. II. Hill. . i SCeeuer of the Capitol Patrick McGowan. CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor Wesley5 Vhitaker-' Treasurer M. W. Churchill. iutulHsioner J. P. Prairie, A.. N. Up 4iuircii, .Stewart Ellison, Eastern Ward. K. I. Kattle, W. C. Stronach, M. W.Chure hiil, Middle Ward. J. C. Gorman, Albert lolinston, Norrieet Dun3ton, Western Ward. Clerk and Tax Collector M. Grausman. Chief of Police James King. street Commissioner Jos.T. BackaUm. Captain of Police C M, Karris. . - Sergeant Charles Hunter. - x. Janitor Oliver Roane. Policemen James Doyle N. Unchurch, Win. Durham, RobTt Wyche, J. M. Petross, M:ii tainThonipson, Howell Morse. The Board of Conimlssioners'lio.ld its reg ular meetings on the last Wednesday night In acu month. . WAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheritr-T. F. Lee. leiut v Sheriffs J. J. Nowell A. Magnin. Supei . r Court Cleik and Judge of Pro bate J. N. Bunting; Deputj W. Whitaker. County Treasurer Win. M. Brown. ; itKister of Deeds W. W." White. C'jeper of the Poor House Wilev Yearby. Co a 1 1 1 y Coin m i ss io n er s Rob t. V W y n ne, M. (J. Todd, Wm. Jinks, John U, Caswell, . llayncr. ! POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT . I'ostfiiaster Ci J. Rogers. Oiliee hours .rosii tyx A. M. to 7:45 P. M., during tiiewedc '.except while the mails are being distri buted.) No mails received or sent on Sun day, therefore the office will not be opened on that day. Office hours for Registered Letter and Money Order Departments, from X.WA. M. to 5 P.M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails. .' WEdTfcucK New Orleans La., .Augusta, Georgia, Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, Salis bury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hills Owro, &c, due at 7 A. M. Close at 0:20 P. M. IEastekn'. Charleston, s C Wiimington, Niewbern, Beaufort; Goldsboro, Sre., dur 4..'fj P. M., close 0:20 A. M. " NotiTit krn, via Weldon. New YorK, Bal timore, Philadelphia, Washington, Rich mond, Petersburg," Norfolk; V eldon, ie.f due 8 P. M-, close y:.50 A M. FAVK'rrEVlLbE, via Chat ham K. -R. Due 1) A, M., close 2:10 P. M. CHUltHECS. Presbyterian. LoeiiteI corner of Salisbury an I Mo an streets, Rev. J. M. Atkinson, D. D., Pastor.. Services every Sabbath. llaptist. ' Located corner Salisbnrv and Edenfon st reets, Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., Pastors Services every Sabbath.. '.' Christ, (Episcopal). Located corner Wilmington street and Newlern Avenue, Rev. It. S; Mason, DD., Rector Services every Sabbath. -Methodist. 1st Met hodist, located on Edentoii "street Rev. A. W. Mangum Pastor. Seryicee every Sabbath. 1 Weslevan Chapel, located on Person street Rev. Al 11. Raven Pastor. Services every Sabbath. St. John's (Catholic). Located corner Morgan and Wilmington streets, Father J. V. McNamara. l'riest. Ser vices every Sabbath. ; . : ; masonic. ' - Hiram Lodge, JVo. 40. ' A.S.Lee, Master Masonic Hall, corner Dawson and Martin streets, third Mondaj night in each month. ! -' i Wm. G. Hill Lodge, Tio. 218. William SimDSon, MasterMasonic Hall, vacond Monday night in each month. I lialeigh Chapter, No. 10. Dr. Wm. G. Hill, H. P Masonic Hall, Tuesday night afterhird Monday in each !finoch Council, No. 5, II. & S. M. John Nichols, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master Masonic Hall, first Mondaynight In each month. I. O. O. F. Manteo. Lodge, No. 8. ' M. WChhrchill,N.G OdciPeJlows' Hall Drer Citizens' National Bank,Tuesdty night iff each week. . Seaton Gales' Lodge, No. Ci. J. C. S. Lumsden, N. G. Odd Fellows' Hall, Tnarsday night of each week Raleigh Lodge, No. G5. Hicks, N. G Odd Feltpws Lodge, i jets Monday night of each week. McKee EncampiDent, No. 15. JC S. Lumnsdcn, C. P Odd Fellows' .Hail, second and fourth Friday night .of eish month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Centre Lodge, No. 3. - ' , R. H. Bradley, W. D. Meets at Odd Pj1 oas Hall.' FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. Oat Citv Council, No. 10. . ! Tlieo H Hill, Presidents-over Galley ' ft Bros.; Fayetieville street, Monay ftlght of each week. -. . HALLS. i, ; Fayetteville street, between Morgan and tliirgelt. TTi Metropolitan Hall. ..Market Square, over Market House. Oak City Hall. ; ; Jorner Wilmington and Martin stioets, over i'ooi s .aioiiiis. i ; . : : BANKS. . ' ' " . ' . ' ' Citizens' National. William E. Anderson, President-Corner Martin and Fayetteville streets. State National. . 1 Jno. G. Williams, Fresident-Fayettevilhj street, one door above Tucker Han. Raleigh National. W. II. Willtard, President Corner llar ett and Fayetteville streets. i Freedmen's Savings Bank. . (;eorge W. Brodie, Cashier-Corner Ilai ett and Fayetteville streets. , MISCELLANEOUS Academy oFxcdU n'j . O A , H. McKee, i Pscs denl-Mrst Mon Jiy nigrMn each mouUi t each others U mttWue Steam Fire Ensiue CW W C St nach Foreman Rescue VayetVeviL St, first Monday night In eaeh month, ' , , ni : Ualeigii Typo, Un1nB,S;rnJ. John W. Marcom, r deu Market rtall, Wilmington street, ever Market House meeta first .Saturday night in.cacu month. , ; .1 VOL. I. Site Jiatcijjlt 1mU tm. MONLAY .'.' .SEPTEMBER 30. J.S72. Special Notiees inserted in the Local tJolumn will be charged Fif teen Cents per line. '-.,' -grAU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. ADVERTISING RATES. DAILY. ltn. 2m. 'Sin. Cm. 12m. 8 S 12 $ US $ 80 $ 50 12 15 10 & 65 10 18 .22 40 75 18 20 25 50 85 20 21 : 30 55 100 30 40 00 WO 100 45, . 75 ' 100 Hi') 00 1 Square. 2 Squares, 3 Squares, 4 Squares, 54 column, column, column. WEEKLY. lm. ; 2m. 3tn. tlm. .iit. I Square. S3 - 5 $ 7 S10 $ 16 I Squares, 5 9 12 10 26 3 Squares, . 7: 12 15 24 35 4 Squares, 0 15 .17 2S 40' Squares, 10 hi is ;;2 4-5 column, 12 IS 20 85- 50 JS column, - 20 2,5 30 50 - 80 column, 30 ' 40 50 80 150 These rates are as moderate as they can be made, and will be strictly adhered to. All advertisements not contracted lor uder these rated will be charged regular .ransient rates. . STONE & UZZELL. THE NEWS DURING THE PRES IDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. We desire to have the News largely 'circulated during5 the Presidential cam pnin. The larger our subscription list the more effectually' will ve.b enabled to work, and to-Sthis end we trust our trietKU aud pa'trops ''Vwill - exert them sejves somewhat in , uddiar; to our pre sent list. The nation will in Novem ber declare lor Giieely and Cliowx, and it is essential that North Carolina should place herself .squarely on this liberal movement for such a consummation will we earnestly labor. In order to place the Daily and Weekl Nkws within the reach of all, we will send them lor a period of four months nt the following 'fates: DAILY NEWS. 1 One copy..... Five copies . Ten copies.. ...? 2 2-5 ... 10 00 17 25 WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, . ........1... .....I..... S CO Five copies......... ........ 2 50 Ten copies, - 4 50 Fifteen copies...... 0 00 Twenty copies,.... ,......... 8 0J One hundred copies,. 35 00 - We trust our IVicnds in the State will assist us in adding names to our list, as by a little exertion on their pa: t we can be enabled to accoriiplish much good during the preseiit'campalgn. LOCAL SIATTETi E. C. WOODSON, Citv Editor Local Bhiefs. . f The weather has. become quite pleas ant since the rains of last week. A thousand more subscribers to the News wanted before the first of January next. '-.-"-'. '1' . - -. - i .The Chief of Police had a lot of spoilt beef and sahsae removed from the market house Saturday. Conductors will- bo placed on the freight trains on the North Carolina Railroad on and after to-morrow. ; Prof.'W. B. Roy all, of Wake Forest College, accompanied by his wife and daughter, were in the city Saturday. ' The Police Court Saturday wa3 de void of any interest to "ye local." Not a siugle case 6f any kind was reported. Deer are reported to be numerous in the southern portion -of this couniy. "Dtars" are quite nutnerbus in this cky, a3 our street daily give evidence. Our merchants and others will remem ber that the job office of the News is prepared to turn out all manner of work at the shortest notice, ;and upon the most reasonable terms. Rnsmess was brisk and lively in town Saturday. Martin, Exchange Place and Hargett, were blocked with wagons and dravs, and once or twice the police were called upon to open the streets. All hands in the office return thanks to Tom Ilanison, with Miller & Nelson, under the market, lor a nice lot of iflrpshmcts. some of which were spiritual,'yvUch came just in the nick of time Saturday. , ! ?.'.. Harriss, ot the Era, made a staving mistake in his local notice oi Dro. nipifPt'a marriasre. the editor of the Jefierson Messenger. Of course, the fault was with the compositor, or nar- riss is a very ugly talking ienow. . At the telecrraob office in this city a new arrangement has been, effected, for "cutting off," which requires the use of on Instrument, with almost as many wires attached to it as the. strings of a harp, and resembles somewhat this musical instrumeii.6. ovuic, win uui the wires to day. " tiVo dined at the National .It'otel' Stilurday, and feasted on that most delicious ot scasonauie uisucs, ,i,r;.v,Q a rrcat ; luxury, especially to up country-ite. Churchill has all first class hotel keeper, ...a ,o are rrUfl'to sec tiic JSational piosperous, and prospering under Ins administration. : rP tt i? hRKAS Siiooter" Noisance. We have before takeD occasion to speak of the (l bean shooter" nuisance, which i. mwlomii'. witli the Ijovs seems to - - , u This city.. Saturday last a small nro boy was shot in the eye by a nt"lo wj ..... ..i.,- I. f if rixrhltnrl white boy au m i pJf,yub ? 11 . r I e hnv's eve. The boys U ilestroved with their shooters over ' of Window lights of the Jim Church;; the BW of.j5 city have been aim st ridd ed with tLJm and the practice is fast becoming m into erawie uuisau . H" . of . narents is respect ri w c.lKTbl. niinci. Ut mean, SaJlS be taken to arrest ta progres.. 1 HE RALEIGH. N. Ouu CnirucHES ToDay. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers w ill be present to conduct visitors to pews which are always free: Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a.Im. and 7i o'clock v. M. i Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton street-vRev. p. H. Pritchard, D. D., oificiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. xr. and 8 o'clock p.m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. It. S. Mason, D. D., officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. ' Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury and Morgan streets, Rev, J. M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. .M. Person Street Methodist Church, Per son street, Rev. Mr. Rtvcn officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock r. m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Revj J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock P. M. One Year Ago To-Day. fust oue year to-day the business public of Ral eigh and the surrounding country have been supplied with the market tele graphic reports, commencing last September with the Carolinian, and continued by the News, when we bought the former paper out in Febru ary last. Without the intermission of a day, this public has been supplied with this news, at a cost to us of $3 per day, and for this expenditure, be it said to the liberality of the business memof Raleigh, especially, we have been hand somely rewarded and appreciatively sus tained j To a community of (he commercial interests of Raleigh, the importance of daily news and market reports by telegraph cannot be over estimated, and by referring to the matter here we merely desire to say to our friends and and patrons that We shall continue, to serve them as we have done, an I we confidently look for such continuance and increase of patronage as our paper and our tfiorts to serve the public shall merit. - Appointments.- Theo. N. Ramsay, General Deputy of the Independent Or der of Good Templars, will address the citizens of North Carolina, on the Tem perance question, at the following places : I Smithflekl .Mondav Scut. 00 Boon ruou -iiiii.. tv euicuay, ui i Kinston Thursday, " 3 4 9 10 11 2 25 20 28 30 LaGrange...... Wilson Rocky Mount Frldav. ......Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ......Friday, Saturday, Tarboro, ........ .osedale. South Mills Camden ! H. .... Sawyer's Creek,.. jiizaDetnuiiy ......Monday, Hertford : f..... Wednesday, lVl on i nn Thn rooir 31 Ruffin-Badger lust.' ute, Wednesday, Nov. G Pittsboro Thursdav. " 7 Jonesboro ..Friday, " 8 Graham Tuesday. " j 12 High Point ..........Thursday, 14 15 19 21 22 2.5 27 28 20 Winston Friday, Iexinffton ....Tuesdav. - Jerusalem '. ....Thursday, Mocksville ...Friday, Asheboro Monday, Troy's Store ..Wednesday, isew nope Academy rnivsuav. Pleasant Grove.... Friday, Mofflfs Mills Monday, Reidsville Wednesdav. Dec; 2 4 5 7 9 10 Wentworth ...Thursday, Yancey ville ...... Saturday, Kumn Monday, lieaksville Tuesday, A Move in The Right Direction Some of the members of our coming Legislature, fully appreciating the de- pletcdjWorn out, and exhausted situation of our good old State, and the complete blindness ot the larmer3 who should use common sense for her restoration, have determined to use the following mode of convincing them of their folly: They propose to lessen the tax on all farmers, who are not only alive to their own interest but whose State pride prompts tnem to promote tne general welfare of the people, and decrease their tax in proportion to the quantity! of clover or grass seed sown, and in like proportion increase the tax on those who seem evidently determined to ex haust their lands with all possible speed, and then sell oat and leave. We ;are glad to see our grocery merchants ahti cipate the move and laying in a large stock of seeds to supply the demand. Appointments. The General Agent for the North Carolina Masonic Temple Association has made the followingjap poinlments for Alamance county Worshipful Masters are requested; to call their Lodges together ?t the times appointed : 1 Eureka Lodge No. 208, Tuesday Oc tober 1st. I Industrial Lodge No. 212, Wednesday, October 2nd. Mt. Herman Lodge No. 247, Thurs tay, October 3rd. Cane Creek Lodge No. 142, Friday, October 4th. Pleasant Hill Ledge No. 168, Satur day, October 5th. , . '. i ' "The Spirit of tuk Age." This is the name of a new . weekly, published by Messrs. Edwards & Broughtoa in this city, the first number making its appearance on Saturday. .-. It is publish ed in the interest of the order of Good Templars, and has for its contributing editors the Revs. T. II. Pritchard and H. T. Hudson. The Spirit of tJe 'Age, succeeds the Banner of 2 emperance, recently published by Theo. N. Ramsey, Esq. We wish the new enterprise much success. Colored Members of the Next Legislature. There will be in j the next Legislature, as far a3 we can ascer tain, 16 colored members 4 in the Sen ate and 12 in the Home. This is a gain of one in the Senate and a loss o gome lour in the House. ; Notice to Tax -Payers. See; the notice in another column from M. Grans mfn, cor-cerning tax payers. Y LJLJ 0.. MONDAY MORNING, HekHIAND ThkRK.; ;. . f'.ir,'.'' ' When is the book of Nature studied ? When autumn funis' the leave?, and they are red. .- ,. ( Clouds afe the veil behind which the face of day coquettishly hides itself, to enlunce its beauty.- Most of the shadows that cross our path through life are caused by stand ing in our own light. 1 " No cows, no cream," was the way ah intelligent compositor set ;up the Words "No cross, no crown." j The'pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the greatest art in life is to have as many of them as possible. . - ' ' ; The man who would shine in conver sation must possesMorigjnal ideas and strong sympathies be able both to communicate and to listen. Wit and gaiety answers the same purpose that a fire does in a damp house dispersing chills and drying up mould, and making all wholesome. j A gentle heart is like ripe fruit, which bends so low that it is at the mercy of every one who chooses to pluck it, while the hardier fruits keep out of reach. -' - - -...'.. j An old bachelor, who bears his lonely state with much equanimity, says: ." It is better to be laughed at for not being married, than to be unable to laugh be cause vou are. I The PnoEKix Fire Insckanci2 Com paxy. Ve were pleased to meet in this city on Saturday, Mr. T. II. Dashiell, he general Supervising Agent of the 'ucenix Fire Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, - New York. The Phoenix rankj among the best companies in the country, as was proven by its promptly paying the loss ot $3o0.000 sustained by the Chicago fire. . j Mr. Douglas Bell, late the Agent of this Company, having resigned, Mr. Dashiell is engaged in closing up the business of the last twelve months, and appointed uoi. j. m. late as Agent. We accompanied Mr. D. in a ride around town examining the risks which have been taken by Mr. Bell within the ast 12 months.and were pleased to hear lis commendations upon the judgment which had been displayed by that gen tleman. Although. Mr. Bell has done a arge business in the city, he his never sustained a loss. Work Doxe at the Insane Asy lum. We are requested by the Steward f the Insane Asylum to say, in answer to i suggestion of "An Advocate for Work." in a romnmnioatinn I of flm !News of tlie 38di, in icgard to giving "the work of the Penitentiary and the Asylums to the poor, instead of appro priating the funds of those institutions to enrich a few already thriving per sons," that all the work of that institu tion, appropriate to lemales, such as sewing, knitting, . &c., is done by the nmates. I he lemale attendants and patients make all 4.1ie new garments, and mend all the old ones for tile entire institution. i , Native Talent. We were j shown yesterday a beautiful specimen of worst ed work, representing a large bouquet of flowers, nicely encased into a bcauti- ul walnut frame, the hand-work of Mis3 Florence McGowan, of this city. The boquet is formed of a large vari ety of ... flowers, the various tints and shades of which are drawn on v almost equal to nature. j Miss Florence is a pupil of her moth er, Mrs. Patrick McGowan, who teaches this desirable accomplishment to classes at her residence on Salisbury Street. She also teaches wax, wire and hair work, and if desired, will wait on la dies at their residences. j The Approaching Fair. The Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society were again in ses sion on Saturday evening. Arrange ments are progressing for the approach' iing Fair. A list of special premiums will be out in a day or so. From What we learn a complete success may be looked for and the coming Fair will doubtless eclipse every previous one. ! Back-bone. A new way to an nounce more back-lone to a firm, is to place the back-bone of a whale in front of your door." Sjiirit of the Age. ''Kurrect," neighbor. The bone in front of our door indicates correctly that the News is not wanting ia back bone, but is doing a whaling business. Wc hope, however, you will not consid er xxsjithy. Religious Notice. At IT o'clock to-day " (Sunday,) at the Methodist Chnrch, the ordinance ot baptism will be administered to candidates, for mem bership and the door of . the church opened lor the admission ot members. Up to date there have been 30 or more conversions in this church, and still the interest increases and extends. Personal Intelligence. Geo. Peace, Esq., representing a well known Fruit Canning establishment in Baltimore, is in the city. The True Democrat, Blanton Duncan's paper, alter about three week's trial, has suspended. . . Mrs. Mary Ulemmer Ames is writing a memoir ,of the late Alice aud Phcebe Carey. 7 . McCormick,caudidate for delegate to Congress from Arizona, has no opnosi tion. GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, CIlOW Chow, Worcestershire Sauces, Bed Cords, Coil Rope, French Bluing, Cigars, Wrapping Twine. Paper, Envelopes &c. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. 11500 LBS. RED SOLE LEATHER, 300 lbs ITarn ess. 100 lbs Shoe Thread, seplS FOOk&lomXG, News SEPT. 30. 1872. TEZjEGKIiI V IIIC JTE JJ?. .NOON I)ISPA?TcllTT Pardoned. ' Philadelphia, Sept. 23. This evening, ex-Gity Treasurer Mer cer and Charles T. Yeiker-, the broker, who were convicted aud sentenced to the eastern penitentiary last winter for embezzling the city fund?, were released upon a pardon from the Governor. The pardon was brought from Hariisburg by Col. Lee, Private Secretary of , the Governor, ;and B. Bueher Swope. A number of the friends of prisoners, was at the penitentiary ,when the pardon arrived. To the pardon there is a con dition. This states that if there is any money paid for services in connection with the receiving cf pardons, then they are to be null and void. These conditions were accepted by' the prison ers. Since his release, Yerkes has made affidavit, denying the chargts" made against him and Gen. Hartranlt and the-auihentk-ity of the papers .which Jiave been issued as evidence against him,' an alleged to have been signed by Yerkes He adds that it is a base for gery. , The release of .the prisoners created great excitement in this city. International P.eace Congress Let ter From CJaribaldi The Custom Tariff-Von Arnim. Paris, Sept. 28. The International Peace Congress has been in session at Lugano, Switzer land, this week, and adjourned to day. The Le FrancaU publishes a letter from Gen. Garibaldi to the President of the Congress, in which Thiers and his policy towards Italy are denounced in terms o? great severity. The Chambers of Commerce of Bordeaux, Nantes and other cities insist on being consulted in any revision of the Custom Tariff. Count Von Arnim, the German Ambassador, will soon go to Germany again, on leave of absence. Indian Conference. St Louis, Sept. 28. Fifty two JChiefs and braves passed East to see their father. A grand Con ference was held at Boggy depo,t yes terday by the representatives of the various tribes which the notorious San tana and Lone Bear attended, having been brought from their prison in Texas, where they have been incarcerated for the past year. The object of the Con ference was to have-a full interchange of views about the present Indian troubles and this: delegation goes to Washington City to arrange an amica ble settlement. Senator Wilson at Lancaster. j-t- r uasusstsJRV. Va., ' Sept. li?v 7 Wilson addressed a large meeting here. Y nson was giact to speatc nere because it was the home of Thad Ste vens. He said : " This fk, lit i3 not between Grant and Greele', but it is an issue ot principle. On the one hand the party of liberty, or the great Republican party ; on the other, the Democrats appear, whose records are too black to azc upon. ' New York Affairs. New York, Sept. 23.' ColThos. A Scott to-day completed the contracts for transporting supplies, provisions and lal orers and 2o,Uuu tons of iron to be used in building the Trans-Continental Railway " which be gins at the Missouri, Kanas and lexas. Rail Road. Cambetta and Thiers. Paris, Sept. 28. Gambetta, in. his speech at Grenoble, severely criticised the conduct of Thiers in prohibiting public cerebrations oi the anniversary of the first Republic. ; Striking Carpenters Frost. Chicago, Sept. 28. Four hundred and fifty striking car penters paraded to-day. A heavy lrost is reported in the ortn west. . . '.'"-..' '.: '- -..'.-' Trial ot Mrs. Fair. San Francisco, Sept. 28. The Fair trial is concluded. An im mense crowd assembled to hear the closing argument The jury is out ; Washington Affairs. Washington, Sept. 23. Grant is here. The Railroad excitement throughatit Central Pennsylvania is greatl': allayed. , Straight-Out Nomination. Detroit, Sept. "28, The Straight Outs have nominated a full ticket for State offices. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Affairs at Washington. ; Washington, September 28. The President and family,' are regularly established at the White TTonsp. Assistant Attorney General Hill, officiates as the head of the Bureau of Justice, while Williams and TiHston are offcamDaiging. TliexVttor- ney General decides that a . person sending money by post clhcc orders r-nnnnt rt-eall them after thev have started. Among the presidential appoint ments to-day was that Mrs. ' A. P. Wilev. Post Mistress, at Iluntsville, Texas, Dennis Eagan receiver of public monevs at Tal'.ahasse. Fla., F. A. Amonj receiver of public money of the East Florida Land District, E. II. Rawson Marshal of the Southern District of Florida. -' . Indians here had a loose talk with the President to-day. i i : . s ; . Indian Legislature. - ; St. Louis, Sept. 28. The Ch ick asa .v Indian Legi slature - u has passed a bill memorializing Con gress to allot their lands, in severalty, and calling on the Choctaws to join them in their request. This is regarded as an advance fctep towards opening the Indian Territory to white settlement this winter. NO. 151. , Weather Report. Washington, Sept. 28. For the Middle States, easterly to southerly winds, and cloudy weather, with rain, from the western "portion of New York to Virginia, by, and on Sun day morning, and over the eastern por-r tion ol these States, during the day. For the South Atlantic State?, easterly to southerly winds, cloudy weather and ruin. .-: ' - . . New Yk A flairs. i New York, September 28. The bank statements show a gain in reserves of nearly a million and a half. This week's deaths amount to 503, a decrease of 33. " ; , The bank statement show a decrease in loans of eight and a half millions, a decrease in specie of a half million. Increase in legal fenders of a half mil lion, a decrease in deposits of Jive and a half millions. Emigrants Detained. London, September 28. The Government authorities have de tained the steamship which wis to have sailed to day with a number of emi grants for Canada, because it is now too late in the season. Negotiations Between . Russia and the Holy See. :-: Rome, Sept. 28. The'Negotiit ions between Russia and the Holv See are nroeressinnr favorahlv. The establishment ot Miniature at St. Petersburg is undecided. Woolen Hills Burned. Providence, Sept. 28. The Rivute Woolen Mill, at North Lxbndge, has been burned.. Loss seventy five (75) thousand dollars. i Suspended. The suspension of Spencei, Villa & Co.the .well known Boston : bankers, is reported. " v t The Carlists.. p Paris, Sept. 28. The vCarl:sts, after demanding the surrender of Puigurda, withdrew! New York Markets. - J! New York. September 28. '' Cotton Stead v: sales 2 230 nnln na l&V . nv- leans 19i. Four rather active, nnnt.n iVma unchanged. Wheat la2 cents Hoetter on koou spring, common and inlerior, dull, h.e.vyv Corn cent better. Pork steady, S14 10aS14 15. Lard dull, kettle 9J4. Navsda sLeaay. groceries and lreights firm. Money 7. Currency to gold sterling a7. Gold , 13al3. Governments dull, steady. States dull, unchanged. Cotton ReceiDts to-da-r . Sales for future delivery to-day, 10,200 jeceiaoer, iaj.tsii-io; January, vj 3-ieal9i4; February 19 ; April 20. . : '. f : i Foreisn Markets. London, September 28. Noon Consols 92';i. American securities unchanged. . Frankfort, September 28. Bonds 05 . , - . Paris, September 23. Bourse closed flat. Rentes 53 and 37. ;-Liverpool. September 28. i Noon Cotton opened ciuiet; steady : ud- lands l34 ; Orleans 94a9. ::- ' Later Cotton closed firm ; uplands ; Orleans 9 ; sales 14,000, speculation and ex port 3,000. Breadstufts quiet, steady. Com 30. Lard 40 and 6. Tallow 41 and 9. Evening Turpentine 44. Wilmington Markets. - Wilmington, September 28. Spirits turpentine firm, GO. Rosin firm. 4.25 for No. 1; 5.00 for low pale. ;Crude Turpentine steady; 3.55 for hard; 5750 for yellow dip and virgin. xar market steady at 3,30, Baltimore Markets. . ;, Baltimore, September 2S. Flour dull. Wheat dull : choice -white. 2.00a2.05. Corn firm, white 70a72; yellow 60a 67. provisions quiet, firm. Whiskey 93. Cotton Markets. Wilmington, September 28. Cotton firm ; middlings 17. Ket recepts 312, sales Go, stocK 1,193. . Baltimore, September 28. Cotton quiet, firm, Tmiddlings 18. Gross receipts 135. exports coastwise 112. sales to-day 310, last evening 291, stock 1716. - - Memphis, September 28. Cotton firm, unchanged, middlinzs 17-a 17 Ordinary 16V4al6:K: eood ordinary ww miaaiings uynyA. . receipts 0,079, snipments twi, stock 3,001. . "New Orleans, September. 28. Cotton in fair demand, prices advanced : ordinary, no market; good ordinary 17a 17; low middlings i84al8; middlings 18. Net receipts 1,615, gross 2,071, exports coasi .?e -:,i."o, sales v.axi, stock ii;jiz. Norfolk, September 28. Cotton ouiet. low middlinjrs 17lxial7. . Net receipts, 637; exports coastwise. 713 : saies ito ; suck, 3,i. . ; - -,. : i ' Charleston. Septem ber 28. Cotton fiim, good ordinary 16al6; ordinary 15Kal6: low middlings 17lal7J4; middlinas 17M. Net receipts 1,900, gross 2,210, exports coastwise 2,068, sales 500, stock 12,958. Mobile, September 28. Cotton firmer, -low middlings 18 ; mid dlings lSVial8. Net receipts 1,440, exports coastwise 1,012, saies .sou, swksk o.ivj, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE K1 INGSL AND & MILLER BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, tinder Rideigh National Baruc. Land buyers may rely on Furchaaius direct rom the Property Owners. No Middle men or' Agents allowed to Speculate " - r charge au advance on the Ow ner's price of Farms, &c. 110 USES AUD B UILDING l. a t-js f t) ii s .i r : malS tf' g E E " D W II E A T , 100 bushels celebrated White Keighler and Lancaster Rel seed Wheat, -r'-. WILLIAMSON. UPCIIUR'JU & THOMAS . RATES OF ADVERTISING. -One square, one lnsert!ow.........f oq One square, two Insertions i One square, three insertions . 2 00 One square, six insertions 3 50 ?Z nre. ne month..... I a 00 One square, three months.... ..... 16 00 One square, six months............... . 30 00 One square, twelve months..........r..,. -50 CO trfL m?e vertlsements liberal con tracts will be made. Ten Hnes bolid. not. parell constitute one square. J-- I SPECIAL NOTICESi A Glorious RECOKD.-Twelve year aao a lew modest lines in a New Yerk Journal Invited public attention to a new Vegeta ble Restorative, and solicited a trial' of!its S1? as a remedy for Indigestion , bUlious ness, lever and ague, debility, nervous dis orders, rheumatism, and all omplaints requiring invigorating and . regulating treatment. In this quiet, unpretentious way, Plantation1 Bitteks was introduced to tne world. It was a success from the be ginning. .All that was claimed for Rasa ionic, a corrective and antidote to walari- wftKievr Wl3 fol?ucl to De strictly-true. Within five years the annual sales of this article amounted to oyer One Million of Bottles. A few years more and the demand had swelled to five millions. The annual consumption of the hitlers has now reached tne almost incredible aggregate of six mil lions of botUes. and for every, bottle sold ft. copy of the "Illustrated Medical Annual" published by the proprietors, at a cost of fcloO.OOO, is given away. i i . Cabbolic Salve, recommended by Phy sicians, as the great Healing Compound. Price 25 cents per box. John it Henry, sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. -. 1 . The Gales of Araby are not spicier than the aroma which the fragrant Sozodout imparts to the breath. Nor is the heart of the Ivory nut whiter than the teeth that 1 are cleaned daily with that matchless fluid. -To Owners of Horses. No one who has ever used Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Lini ment, will ever be without It; it is a cer tain cure for fYlin nro Tii -.... Bruises and Old Sores. Warranted superi or to any other in pint bottles, at One Dol lar. - Sold bv all Drue-r1st.s. , nnn m pni. Place, New York, i , Rttrxtttt's St a TRACTS are neatlv nut lin In Ilnnannollort ' pz., 5 oz. and 10 oz. , bottles, and are for sale Dy tne trade generally in every principal city and town in the United States. Cana das. and British Provinces on . . . v.j, w. n v4 ua ilk many other toreign countries.. . ti,;- i j Help for the Hopeless. You am xronlr dejected, miserable, and nothing does you anv eood. vou sav. Don't, rlssnuli- 'i'vT- Is balm in Gilead. Have you tried Vinegar Hitters.? No ! Then why don't you? Wheth-1 er your complaint be dyspepsia, i bilious ness, nervous weakness, constitutional de bility, or any other trouble, Vinegar Bitters will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial rain refreshes the with ered flowers. !; .. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, denrpssilnii of spirits and general debility in their va rious forms ; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and-other inteimittent, fevers, the Ferro-Phosphorated. 'Ellxlt of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard Si Co.. New York, and sold by all Druggists; Is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients re covering from fever or other elckness. it nas no equal. 1 - i' . ; j i Christadoro's Hair Dye stands nnri. vailed in the world. No ladv or fen f 1pm q ii of discrimination uses anyother. It Is the most peneci, reuaDie ana enectlve Hair uve in me worm, j Manuractorv. ax Mr1i1p Lane, New York. ' : t ( ; ',- : ; , Thurston's Ivory Pkari. Toottt Pmn der. The best article known forclfwinsih(- and preserving the teeth and. gums.. Sold uy an uruggisus. i'rice ana &o cents peri bottle. F. C. Wells & Co.. New York: li RlSLEY'S BTXCHTT is a ami Tonic for all derangements of the urinaryi and genital organs. The genuine, as for merly sold by Haviland, Harral & Risley; and their branches, is now prepared by H4 W. Risley, the originator and Proprietor; and the trade supplied by his successors: juorgan s itisiey, New York. j - r Svapnia, or opium nurlfled. the most perfect anodyne in the market, made by process of Dr. 1. M. Bigelow, Detroit Medi-i, 'tions of Opium. j . . . - m Pratt's Astral Oil., has a world-wide refutation as the surest and best Ulumlna- tins: ou.' over two miiuon gallons have been sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have oc-j currea. ena ior circular, uii House or Charles Pratt, established 1770, New York. We Have Frequently Heard-mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Syrup, from the birth of the child, until it has finished with the teething siege.- under any consideration: whatever. , .... . . ... The Secret ov Beauty. What is it? no longer asked, for the world; of fashion and all the ladies .know that it is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet prep-! aranon Known as v. vv. iaira sr'Hioom or xoutn." its beautifying effects are truly wonderful, t Depot, 5 Gold Street. New xoris; 5" Koskoo. This celebrated Medlelneii has attained a high reputation, as a reliable remedy for Purifying the Blood, Restoring;! the Liver and Kidney s to a healthy action and "Toning up" the Nervous System; Its' n 1 TY1 atSn a onn . vatvi r vlrnMa An una 4- V r. worst forms of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Rheu matism, Liver complaint. Kidney Disease, Eruptions of the Skin,! Nervous Prostra- dard remedy. It is now prescribed by phy sicians, ana recommenaea Dy our Dest cm Zen.S. l: ! .,;..:.,.. s TRANGERS IN THE , CITY Will find the largest stock of I - C L O T II I N, G l , ';-. . FOB . MEN, BOYS' AND CHILDREN At R. B. ANDREWS & CO., l 27 Fayetteville Street, li July 16-tf Next door to Tueker Hall. ""PRIDE OF RALEIGH? TWIST. Ream's Roll and Fancy Bar," ' ' are now the favorite brands of North Caro ; Una chewing Tobacco.! . .!. n These brands, together with several others, comprising all grades of first-class chewing tobacco, are manufactured and sold at wholesale, at Ci F. Ream's Manufac tory, Raleigh, i ! i in Orders from all sections of the State re-, spectfully solicited, which will receive; .strict personal attention. . Tne Messrs. Parhams are still at this MaHufactoiy, and will be pleased to attend to their frit nils and customers, septl8-tf. f ' ' ISSOLU TION OF COPART- - NERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing un der the name of BETTS, VAUGHAN & ALLEN Is this, day dissolved by mutual connset. J. M. BETTS, j HARRISS VAUGHAJf, 1 JACOB 8. ALLEN, - . A.-BETTS. ' ' j Raleigh, N. C. August 28th 1872. We, the remaining partners, having pur chased the interest ol Mr. Harris Vaughaii, will continue tbe Carpentering Busines In all its branches, and will complete all con tracts of the late firm, assume all liabilities and collect all claims due the firm of Betts, Vaughan & Allen. Thankful for the pat ronage heretofore extended us, we hope by promptness aud fair dealing to merit a con tinuance of the same for the new firm of. BKTTS, ALLEN & CO. J. M. BETTS, ' : JACOB 8. ALLEN, j aug29-lm Sentinel copy, -i : ' i i r !: ENTS' FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS. t.ft '. . - !-- : tVj'.f :S -'.' . 1 i' i i i . lr ! j ' We ask especial attention of cash buyer ; , to our stock of - V ' .:..-';,:; JS FINE DRESS SHIRTS ! .' which la large and complete, " : S ; '-.-! ' ; '-pp- -:r'r- '-"1 R. 1L ANDREWS A CO., ' Uunfl-tf CiothleiSi JqQQ LB3.VIRGINL cured HAMS. Somethlnar very nice . . WILLIAMSON, CPCIIURCH& THOMAS I , 7'.. f ' I I. h . ' - 1 I