' UUxX.':jJcJ1X." v-'';-' (T I. .V ,-ne l).VtL NEWS will bo delivered to u,l.s T ihelrl at FIFTRfc 'C'RNTS per 'Wk ls., .-able to the currier weoklv MaiLTat & ' "i'YNgHat SJr annum.' i; i;n i:u AL ii r evvo it y . I'. S. .ilOVKItNMKNT AFFA I US V. . c Marshal. ' I llllil.'l 1. CaiTOW l)rMf t 'USX. ir,;'..!:' U.-ishoio Street . s. Int. liev. Col., 4th IKstriVt H J'. S. Assessor, lth District. IT. S. Commissioner. l. IS. AT. nest-Oftlce lliiisboro ssuvetfaie tji-n. branch's otlice. ' Si Commissioner ' ,f U.VrC -W.h 'Marshal, supervisor Int. Key. for North mid ! South Caiolind ;.. .wVFerryMfflcer Andrews' BnildiiU1 ill'""!! OllbXl, .T,.- static govehn;ment. f Ciivernor-Tad. R, CaTawoll'. n'M. ' :i 1 Viiv'Alo Secretary J. B. Neuthery wietarv of Stateir.i J. Memiiuer- Cuilc Andrew Syme. - . , " ' Attorney General Wm. M. Bhlpp " : ' - 1'uiilSp Treasurer David A. Jenkins'' Vhief Clerk Donald V. Bain ; Teller lV JclitClUS. ; , Au.litor H. Adams ; Clerk AI J. Partin ;siip-nnteiident of Public Instruction Aiex Mtdver. , supeiifitemlen!, of Publle ' Vorks tl' is 1 1 -i rrw ' Adj u tant General John C Coniiaii. t.tieueoiogist w.U.Kerr. . , ,v. ii.iDrarlan Theo. II. inn. ' - ' f I ;K.-c(M.-r of the Capitol Patrick McGowun. CITY GOVERNMENT. 1 Mayor "Wesley Yhitaker. (Tit asmer M. VV. Churchill. !oiu:uissiouers J. P. Prairie, A. X. Ui-rirutvh,-. Stewart Ellison, Eastern Ward K. 1". Mat t ie, V. C. St ronach, JI. W. Chure iml, Middle Ward. J. C. Gorman. Albert Johnston, Norileet Dunston, Western Ward, and Tax Collector M raofitnaji. t'nief of Police James King. .street Commissioner Jos. T. Baekalan. Captain of Police C. M. Farris. k ' Sfi-geaut Charles liuuter.. - - Janitor Oliver Hoane. , 4 , , i Foiicemeu-James Doyle, N. lTi)ciiurc!i Wai. Durham, Hob't Wyche.-J. M.'i'otrss Mariaiu Tliompson, Howell lorse. "--. Tiie Board of Cominissloners hold its re"- ular ineotinirs on the last Wednesdav niiht In eaci month. ' - -WAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff T J F. Ia e. " Dtput V" Sht-riils J. J. Novell A. Manin. sup.n . r Court Cleilc and Judije of l'ro- bate-.f; N. hunting; Deputy W. Vhitakr. County TrVasurerWm-. S.I. lirowh. s H-n;ister of Leds V. V. Wliite, ( 'Ceeper of the l'oor House Wilev Yearbv. County Commissioners-'-Kobt.W.VV'ynu'e, :A. G. Todil, Wm. J inks. John 11. Casvvell! It ayiicr. war off:cw Ai7??.tr7.p, - I'ost master C. J. Koe;ers. Qm hours .roia i A. M. to 7:1. P. M., during tUe week iexeept wiiile1 the mails are beim; dlstri tufed.) No mails received orscui un Sun day, therefore the ottice will not ie opened o that day. Ollice-hours for llcistered letter and Money Order Departments, from. A. M. tojj P. M. i'iiae of Arrival and Closing the j JUails. WkotivUX New Orleans, I-a., Aus?itsta, G'.oria, Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, Salis bury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hills- o jn, etc., oue at a. i. Close at ti:'-U V. M. Kastekx. Charleston, s. c Vilmington, Nowbern, Deaufort, Oold dsboro,' se., due :1) . close U:lii A. AI. NojtTHKitv, via Weidon. Xpu- Yorn, Uui timore, Pnilatlelphia, Washington, I Lic-U-inoud, Petersburg, Norfolk, Weld. m, ,V3... due M., close 0: 50 A M. FAVKrrKvrr.r.E, via Chad ui it. It. -Due 10 A, M., close 2:W P. M.-- ' ClJ.UTiHE.JS. 1 1 rresbyteriasi. fiOCateJ corner of Salisbury and Mo'-an streets, Kev. J. M. Atkinson, IX 1)., PusToi-.-. Services every Sabbath. ! Baptist. .. Located corner Salisbury and Edenton .streets, liev. T. II. Pritehard, D. D., ' i'astor. Services every Sabbath. .: Christ, (Episcopal). Ijf)C;ited corner Wilmington street and Newbern Avenue, Kev. it. S. Mason, D. D., U-ictor Services every Sabbath. . Jlethodist. ' 1st Methodist, located on Kdentoa strt-'ei, Rev. AW. Maugum 1'a.stor. Serv'ices.every Sabbath. ' Wesieyan Chapel, loeatel on Person street I lev. A." It. Raven Pastor. Services 'every. Sabbath. St. John's (Catholic). . Located corner Morgan and Wiiiniisglon' si reels, Father J. V. McNamara. Priest. ,sr vicesjvery Sabbath. ' f MASONIC. ' ; Hiram Lodge, Xo. 10. A. S. Lee, Master Mttisonic Hall, corner Da,wson and Martin streets, third Monday aight In each month. - Win. ii. Hill Lodge, No.21g. William Simpson, Master Masonic Hall, ftcond Monday night in each month. -lialeigh Chapter, IVo. 10. Dr. Wm. G. Hill, H. P Masonic 'Hall, Tuesday night after third Monday in each month. rinoch Council No. 5, II.' & 8. M. John ,hols, Tlirice Illustrious Grand M;-, ji'asottic Hall, fiivst Monday night in each mouth, , S I. O. O. F. -jlanteo Lodge, M. V. Churchill, N.G Odd Pellows' Ibill tufttr Citizens' National liank,Tuesda,y nigh t of each week. -, S.alon Jales Lodge, Vo. Gl. J. C. S. Lurnsden, N. G. Odd .Fellows'. Hall, Tnursday niht of each week llaleigh Lodge, No. Go. . Hicks, N. G Odd Fellows', Lo.le, iljets Monday night of eacli week. 3lcli.ee Kncainpment, No, 15. .I.e. S. latmnsden, C. P -pdd Fellows'. 11x11, :.;coud and fourth Friday night, oi Ol'ih mouth. " , JiHiailTS OF PYTHIAS. Centre Lodge, No. 3. .'t. 11. Dradley, W. J. Meets at Odd Fal O.vs llali. ' j FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. - Oak Cilv Council, No. 1G. 'Toco H. 'Hill, I'resident over (Julley t Uros., Fayetteville strctt Monay nigot o:' each wek. ' IlALLSn TutLcr IJnll. Fayetteville street, between Morgan and :i ugett. . Metropolitan Hall. Market Square, over MarKet House. Oak City Hall. Jorner Yv'iltnington and Martin streets, o ver P.iol & Mori ng. " BANKS. Citizens' National. WillianYE. Anderson, President Cornel Martin and Fayetteville streets. 3 - V State National. Jm. Q. WiJUams, President Fayetteylllo olivet, one .ioor above Tucker Hall... Italcigh National. . Vvr. H. Willtard, President Corner Har- u ;in.l Fayetteville streets. ' ; Freedmen's Savings IJauk. . Ceorge W, llroilie, Cashier Corner Ha-iv 11 a,:id Favctteville streets. . -'miscellankou . academy of Med it- nv O' II. McKee, PsesldentFirst Mon Jay liigr i.n each month at each others oMse. " ' , lictrnn sionin Pirfi Knsrinc Co. - V. c. st naeli, Foreman Rescno Hall Pay.-tteviLj street, lirst Monday nigbt tn 1 K b month, , , , Italeisli Typo. Union, No. 51. John W., Marconi, President Fireman ' . ; htll, Wiliiiinarton street, ever Market House meet lirst Fatiirday njght in each L ; i r i. he uleigU gaily :gw$. WEDNESLAY... ...OCTOBEU is?:'. - A 1 1 f i , ,- 23?" Special Nbtiees i user ted iu the liocai 4;o:um:i will be churired Fit leen jt'ents per lino; . j - , . ., All parties ordering. th,NMVs piense senu iue money ior the uttue me paper i wauled. ' '. --i). AUyjERTlsiNG KATIiS. ua;ly, Cm. i ;:o ;j(1 'i' w MM 12m 1 Square, 2 S(iuaa-en, ; .'J Squares, J Squares, ' i fcOlmnri, 12 eolnmn, (olumn 5? 8 .,12 hi 1S- 'JO ' ;;o "J 1-i l! ' 1.0 : ii 1H 20 10 li." 7) Sj UK) Hi!) i:n. .-2rfi; ;,Sm. Out -ivi. f : s 5 S 7 flo . $ io ." i VI il! 21 7 -l-J ir 21' ;j It 1" 17 2S 40 io is ::2 4") 12 IS -2i) : All 2 1 2j ;!; :"() SI) 3i 40 60 SO 1,K i Square. Squares, i Squares, 1 Squares, Squares, eolumn, i eolumn, column. fe-TIiosi! rales ait? as moderate - as they su be made, and will be strictly adhered io. All advertisements not,. contracted for luder these, rates will be charged regular .iiuisient rates. STONE it UXZELL. ; -Til v spivs TirrTiwi 'phi,' iir't? I DENTIAL C AMPAIGN. AVe desire to have the Neavs largely ciiculatei darinnftho Presidential cam-. )aii;n. The larger our subscription list the more efiVetually will Ave 'be enabled to ''work, and to this toil- we trust our I rien Js and patrons wiU exert-tbem-sc'.vcs somewhat id , .'uldinf! to otir r.re- se7it list. The nation -will in Novem ber declare for Gukely and liuowx, aiul it is essential that North Carolina should place-herself, squarely on this liberal movementfor- such a 'consummation will we earnestly labor. In order to place the Daily and VVeeklv News within the , reach of ail, we will pend them tor a period of four mondis at the following rates :, 1) Vlf-Y xicws. One coiivrr.. ... h' ye Co i ws r. .-. I en copies .......... 17 2." WEEKLY NEWS. One copy,.... ? 00 Five copies,., 2 50 Ten copies,... :....,'. i 50 Fllteeu copies,...:,... 0 00 Twenty copies, 8 u) One hundred copies i..... 3-1.00 We trust our friends in the State will a&sist us in adding' names to our list, as by a little exertion on their pas t we can be enabled to aeComplisli much f-o d tinrin'r the tires'ent cam rial irti .,.,;' - LOCAL'' MATTER. li. C. VOOISON, City JEditor Local ilnrErs. : : A lot' of iiew books has just been t( ceived at Branson's. Sec his notice. ; Ciiurchiil, of. the National , is prepar ing for the reception of the visiting Fire Companies. Twenty five marriage licenses were issued in this county last month 9 white and 1G colored. The Raleigh and Gaston Tload will run special trans to the State Fair, at 2 cents per mile each way. Likely twelve months' old babies sell in the market at ' .$1,100, and is said by hu old resident to be cheap at that. Tom-Moore Whiskey, declared to be the best in the market, sold only at Mil ler & Nelson's, under the Market, f. Fine ' Norfolk and Ly nnhaven Bay oysters served daily at the counter of Miller and Nelson's, under the Market. j'.. :- ,v. : ' t. A goodly number of visitors are -in town, many of them in attendance upon the. meeting . of the Stockholders and Directers bl tiie lialeigh and Gaston Road. . . . ';." - - ' ; '...'.; ' ; We learn , from Policemen on duly yesterday morning, that bet A' e'en the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock a slight fall of snow occurred, enough to cover the brims of their hats. ( - The protracted meeting at both the Baptist and Methodist Churches are increasing in interest. , : Larger .crowds were in attendance 3fmday night than at any time heretol'oie. ; fheie will be a meeting of 'the stock-.' holders of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road in 1 his city to day. There will be an adjourned meeting of the stock holders of the fame road to-morrow, , Tne evening edition 'of th'i Sentinel yesterday said it is reported that Rich ard Bobbin, of. Warren, dud hi'l week .quite suddenly. His nearest neighbors knew nothing oi ins d'-aiiv yesterday morning. j ; i 4 Election blanks are; now being pent out froi.n the o flice of the Secretary of State, to the several counties, for the Presidential' election in November. The .law. requires them to go out thirty days prior to the election, j - ' ; Tr.-UCK Fahmixo. Geo. , W. Atkin son, Esq., living ninp miles ; south cf this city, furnishes our city market with pure 'white cabbages, weighing from GJ to 10 lbs., a specimen of Avhich he left at our ollice yesterday, decidedly .the finest we have seen tliis season. Mr. Atkinson informs us that trucking does not conflict with hi other J farming, a-ftd finds it verv prolitable. The fine specimen left at our office was raised iron) Landreth's late flat Dutch seed. '. WifEitSi Aits-TriW.?Tlie: Secretary of State has received from- the; counties in the State only 40 ofliei d .returns of tlie Auaust; election. JSemi-omeial re- J turns haveb. cn rvrciyed but ue taw require' these returns .to ue ..,e addred to the Speaker of the House, andthcy:afe not opened Wl .tl.e to. semblinfi of the Legislature. . It is time the county officials were arousing from their Rip Van Winkle condition. h" IF T iULEIGHl ; ..,JIeetix5 of thk Eoai!d of City fco-MMisstoKEKS. Yn adjourned meet ing 'o'f '-the 'Hoard. jf City CoinmissiouLis was litld-ui llie i.Iaj-OiV -c flice Moiiday evening. : The Jhiyoi -of sickiuts, t ing absent on acecnint ( 'ommissior.er Prairie presided. t : t ; I resent, . Comuiissionei's-' uorman. Hattle, Duiistou,,' Johnsyu, , Ellison, TJpchureh and Ckuielidl. f " Tiie ;" petitions of James Bryan arid W. II. 'Lyon, for liquor lieeiifes, were granted. The petition id A. U". Frnns, for restaurant licenses, was granted. j . A resolution was -offered by Commis sioner Gorm-iii, aDd 1 unanimously adopted, as follows :. That.' the sum of $3,00 be appropriated out of the City Treasury to the IIool: and (Ladder itucl Rescue ' Ste&m Fire Companies of this city for incidental expenses. Tiie petition for a well on Salisbury street, north of Edeuton street, w is granted. i Commissioner Gorman, ehairinan-of the Committee on Oakwood Cemetary, Submmitted a report .recommending that the city take twenty fch:re.v in the Association- adopted. j The city was 'ordered to .seiT 3,000 worth of the city three year bonds at not less than par. On motion of Commissioner Battle, it was resolved not to reduce the number of street bonds the preseut month. L On motion ol Commissioner Johnson it was ordered that whenever a squad of street hands were less than ten in number, the overseer hi charge would work himself. , ; 1 Flic street ' conunittee tere rupicsteu to consider the practicability ol opeu- lnj: a street, connecting V iIminiton street with Smithfield road, &nd also to confer with the crossing of Johnson street. i A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Stronach, Eiiison and Johnson, was-' appointed to make necessary ar rangements to light up the streets during Fair week with gas or something cheap! cr. The quarterly election of police oflU- cers AVis Jjien ordered and tiie old officer!? w?ie re-elected wilir-ihefollowing addi tional names: Robert llaii and Thomas ManIy, both colored. ! The city Treasurer, M. W. Ciiurchillt submitted his report, as follows: j Amount vecejved from Rev- ' 1 enue and other sources, $30,007 Ooj Ainount paid out a: per j vouchers, 3,000 00 Bal. on hand in ..Treasury, .,.$35,407 00 On motion, P.oaio adjoiiiuedl' Tub Death of Dit; J. Buimon .iiiTii. A general glooi-a .pe vad-rn the city yesterday morning upon the an nouncement of the sudden death of the Rev. Dr. J. Brinton Smith, President of St. Augustine College of thi-a oily. Dr. Smith arose at his usual hour, about" oj- o'clock yesterday morning, and after performing h's usual duties about the house and yard, walked out to his1 farm, but a short distance from his residence. Meeting his overseer, he gave him some special instructions in regard to the day's work, and returned to his residence for breakfast. -Before going to the table, he remarked t hat he was' a little unwell and thought a seidlctz powder would help him. His daughter at once prepared the powder.: He drank it, and went in to breakfast. After eafing his breakfast, he returned to the farmland while conversing with Mr. Seweil, the overseer, he .experienced (a3 he expressed it) a peculiar sensation, and at once returned to the house. Ar riving at the house, he said to his Tandy, "I am dying and feel that I am pois oned;" five minutes afterwards and he .was a corpse. Dr. E. Burke Haywood was immediately sent for, but of -course too late to be of anyserviee. Owing to the suddenness of the death of Dr. Smith,' a jury was summoned by the Coroner, and an inquest was held over the body. Alter an investigation of several hours, in which "the retrains of the seidletz powders in the glass were examined, &c, the jury, adjourned till this morning at 10 o'clock, when a post r.iortt'iii examination will be made. In the death of. Dr. Smith, Ilab iuh has sustained ao irretrievable .loss: He was a Northern man by l-irtli and edu cation, came to this State si lite- the f 1 1.1 1 . . . - s . . . war, jouuueu me rr. i uguatsue t-;oi;ge, for the educMtioti of colored men for he Episcopal ministry, was a public snirit ed, enterprising citizen, and did more than any one man to ptomotc.iu'.migr'.i lion of Northern men to our State. Iu the absence of Dr. Maso'a: he fiequeutly filled the pulpit, of (Graw) Epipeop;d Church,. ia this city, and was lau.-li beloved jby the. congregation. H2 deatii is univer-aily regreited, and his" jamilv has tiie W:lTllK"f svmpathi? of tin: (-t)Uiinunity. We , propoje in to-mo.-rov. 's is-3'iie to give details of the lite, .'character and deatii .of this go-.d and eminent chris tian.. . . ; Ran Away-. A pair of liorses attach ed to a carriage ran away from the een tral depot y est e: d ay morning, rcsui ting in a general smash up of the vehicle, but not injuring the lady passenger in the carriage. The carriage'. -was one of t hnsi'. fleet.'- ol v between tiie Kriti-l t-j vnd the other points,, and art month lor that purpose. hired by This should be a warning to iiie trav elling public, and a reminder that the omnibuses '.. especially those under the charge of our enterprising young friend Brown, nre the salest transportation. The Hexdeuson Faiu.- This Fair vjill commence on Tuesday next, awd we are pleased .to learn that an unusual interest is being manifested in it this year. ; An elegant two story building has recently been e rected fronting the race track, with an amphitheatre in front. Special trains uiii be run both from this place and Wcldor, at two cents per mile each way lor persons attending. Of com so Rtdeigh will be well represented. U" AiJL I N. (1; WEDNESDAY MOimiNG, OCT. 2.1872 - i lire State Faik. -: The following . gentle men have been f-chctcd, and '.const nted to serve, as the Marshals for tha State Fair, to'comnience in this citj t n tiie loth inst.: ; Chief Mash ui Col. W. K. 3;a is, i d Fraukhu. - J ' 1 r Assistants Capt. Arthur B n ties, Wilson ; J. C.Battre, Nasi) ; V, A. U. Branch, Beaufort; A. II4 . Boyden, Jr., Rowan ; Plummer Batchelor, VVako ; J. L. Bridgers, Jr., Edgecombe ; Dr. W. R. j Capeheart, .Chowan ; Majj J. M. Crenshaw, Wake; Joshua Cooper, Granville; Dr. C. F. Dowd, Yake ; I. j J. Doric h, Wayne; Plummer DdVis, Franklin ; T. P. Demeux, Wake ; Samuel Flemming, McDowell ; A. W. Graham, Orange; Ms J. JbAvkins, Warren ; T. B. Jlymn, wSne f rdi- nand Harris, Halifax ; W. Y'.. Jones, Wake; R.. W. Joyncr, Pitt ; A. D. Jenkins, Gaston ; Guilford Kidder, New Hanover ; M. T. Leach, Wake ; T. F. Lee, VtTake; E. II. Merrimon, Buncombe; A, G. Moore, A'amance; R. M. Pierson, Jr.,1 Yadkin ; P. F. Peseiu, Jr., Wake ; S: C. Pool, Wake; A. II. Ricks, Nash ; Col. J. M. Staples, Guilford ; Geo. Tate, Mee.kichb.urg ; Jno, A. Williams,1 Cum berland ; W, A. Whitakcr, Wake; R. E. Young, .Granville;1 Wm. Glenn, Yadkin. Col. Davis has displayed good judg ment in making his selections, and has chosen gentlemen o'f excellent business judgment and of casv manners, which win iiuu no uttie to the success at the Fair. The Marsha's ate requested to report here on Monday, the 14th. New Advertisements. The ''open ing day of. Mrs. Andrews & A mis, the Fashionable Fayetteville street Mil liner?, is set spurt for Friday the 4th inst. The excellent taste displayed by these ladies in -their former selections is well known to every lady of Raleigh, but this season they have eclipsed all former' pure-bases. They have purchased a much larger stock this fall than usual and spent much time at the beadquar te'rs of fashion in New York city. We tell the ladies that if they don't want to he behind in "the world of fashion to wait for the opening of Mrs. Andrews Amis. Country mot chants and mil ihiCts yyiil read th'dr ' announcement in anotner column. , II.. B. Andrews & Co., Clotheirs, &c., announce the opening of their Fall and Winter stock of Clothing. The name of Andrews, the clothier, is" too well k n o w n in No it h Ca rol i n a t o r e qui r e commmt or praise'. from us. What An-, drews' says may be sworn to. His stock is unusually large and attractive, and all he asks is trial. j E?py.ial attention is called to the advertisement of De Bret's great exhi bition of Magic and his ' Cabinet of Wonders." The press of the various cities 'through which he has passed, speaks of his performances as truly won derful, and lead, us to believe that in magic he is equal to Signor Blitz or Wyman. His first exhibition will take place this evening at .Tucker Hall. Go and see him. Personal- Intelligence. C. ;B. Harrison, E sq , left tor Louisi ana yesterday. -A. Y7. Graham, of Ililbboro, atLs in the cliy yesterday. Gen. Abbott, left yesterday for Charlotte. ' Watch him, Bro. Jones. ; r Er: Thomas C. Pugli, formerly of Jlamilton, N. C but now. of Bltimore, is in the city. Dr. W. P, Young, of Oxford, will soon to move to Waco, Texas. He will carry .with him the well' wishes of his many friends. Sam'i P. Arrington, Junior member of the large Commission firm of John Arrington & Sons, Petersburg. Va.. is iregistered at the Yarborourh. Gul. Walter f Clark, of IIalifax, ;is registered at the Yaiboro. He is in attendance upon the meeting of the Board of Directors of the R. & G. R. R. to-day. - j ,' T.B.Evans, Esq., Junior Editor of the Hillsboro Recorder, passed through the city last evening, en route to his .home from the East. So ho. says, but We believe die mafic a special trip in jsea'rch of his overcoat which was de iivered to - him, pipe, steni5 medicine land all. .. '...'. ,.. "-... - j J.TI. Horner, E , Piincipal of the Oxford Male Academy, was in the city yesterday. Mr.--Horner has the .reputation of being one of the first jlcachers in the State, and Ve are pleased to learn that his school numbers some 70 se.liohus th.'s cession."-' j . . : ' . - . ' , j A DlAOOLlCAL MCKDEIi OF A CHILD. -W e learn of a i ;f diabolical murder of a child by its step -fat her ia the Scot hmd Neck section, Halifax county, on Saturday last. , A negro man named Thomas Dabney. some CO years of ae, and emjiloyed upon tiie farm of Col. Walter Clark, w as f he husband of a jwoman who had. a daughter some twelve months ot aye. the child ot a former husband. On Saturday morn ing the man endeavored to make the Child stop crying, and not succeeding in this, be seized the. c hild and dashed its head against the ih.or, injuring it so Severely as to cause irs death in a short while.: His wife. witnessed the act, but was powerless to prevent its committal, j- The; -murderer was arrested and lodge 1 in 'Halifax j Vd on Monday. The murder occasioned a strong Reeling with tlu negroes against the perpetra tor, and lie was closely guarded until tne oiurets t tiie law took v hold of dm. ArroiNTEi .Ye are gratified to parn that J. F. Jordan, Esq,, of this city, has been appointed special Agent of tiie He urity and Annuity Life Insq-. ranee O. mi pa niy, of New York, of wldc'i Maj. If. ii. .flay is the General Agent , f'r fiic Siiite. No better seloc- fion ed :j.f have bi n made than Mr. Jordan, as he is v,il known to the j eople cd the Slate us a thorough busi riCS3 man in every particular, --N 3 An EARHliST ArPiiAL. The follow ing communication, furnished us for publication, needs no comment at cur hands, as its earnest language '.should go straight to the fy.np'ithies-of. every reader : - - - - "When God to sldeld froru cold and fit?oriii, Crave trees to build, and fires to warm, He did not mark for each-his part, but gave to each a human heart' Winter yea, cold. odd -winters with its blasts an' tempests,' storms,';,and shadow of " sunshine shine, i's rapidly aproaddng. Have you, . Kind reader, made every requisite , pre paration to meet the transition from October's Indian! summer to the bleak chilling winds" of November ? - Have yoir tilled . your ga r n e rs w iili 's'o r e? , reaped a plentiful harvest from the fruits of the earth and eased your soul of anxious thought lor the morrow, by filling your mind', with pkasiu t relkc- tions of;' eating, drinking ard 'merry making.? Have you tilled your wood - yauos lor winter hres, t stacked your hay for horned cattle and well bied "horses yea, have you laid by your supplies without separating the tithes 'that right fully belong to God's poor? If "soviet me recall to your mind the impartial duty of providing for the poor .'at this season. , The poor, say you who are they ? -Does not. the rain and dew fall alike on a!!. Yes, I answer, on all that inheret a portion of God's property Then why sr-.o.uld any man be popr, Simply because selfish n ess predominates and we f;re unwilling to shaie. our. portion j of earth where i wealth lies buried, with our brother.. In this autumnal return when Fairs are held to exhibit the talent, the character, energy uDd perseYcrance of leading citizens in several States, has any step been. taken towards gathering and directing a fund for the poor? Is there in the I3order3, of our own State one philanthropist, ready to sympathize, by soothing their grids arid sharing their portion of the world's goods allotted titan, blessing and being blessed by the widow and orphan, w!ii!e increasing the cruise of oil in the dwellings of poverty ! If so then fet! him emerge from obscurity, secure tl lame and importance he justly merits, and Carolina's sons' and daugh ters will delight in showing the many advantages derived from promoting the happiness cf the poor, Christ's, "poor, through 'which we are blessed. Who can visit and atteud daily to the inter ests of his fellow, creatures in distress. -t. iMiout feeling i--. bled, even when a high stand isxv1; " ' "v V!ie estimation ot his neighbors, and tiij- aliection of friends gives him a clearer consi!;nce from having discharged this duty witli his means of benevolence. Thai' man'.' must indeed be hard hearted who can lie 'down' at night -resting upon his downy pillow, without having lightened the heart of the widow,; whose tallow candle barhou to fho tockd, and 5at chunk of hre was carefully turned over with a wea i ied arm that had drawn stitch by stitch to procure the morrow's bread for her fatherless children. Can any man, any citizen of North Carolina, say uthey have done all they ' could " to lighten the widow's burden and. provide for the orphan since the Fair of 1871 ? If he can, hand his name down to future generations for a household word with the fairest of creation, making him the theme ot song, the hero of verse and admired of all admirers. Let 'this exa I ted vi 1 1 ue place h i m upon a pi n na cle where beauty (if person, animation, clo quence and fascina,-;ig manners that interest the heart witi accomplishments, dazzling the mind, I: ;ve failed to attain I do not, Mr. Editor, Consider myself authorized but permitted a:s a citizen to make a suggestion to the presiding officers ol our numerous Fairs. I make it, though inclined to believe the sug gestion would have had , a more decided .effect emanating from those in authority, if their attention was not distracted by the labors of industry and developing talent to crown the summit of their glory. 'Our worthy friend, the editor ot the Biblical Recorder, some months ago lighted : a taper that has ceased to burn, lor want; of oil to feed the flame. His -magnanimity suggested an asylum for the orphans , of Carolina, and as yet no provision has been la idc in response to his " V'hy Not " for the helpless and' despairing, '.ere the .-frosted heel and benumbed fingers drfi v stream ing tears from the melting eye of these poor unfortunates, die must have had a sublime vision to view in the future such quiet, peaceful feelings as; the hajipy consciousness in discharging that du'iy, would -.'have given if faithfully -performed, and echoing, T ask, u'Vhy Not " at our, Fairs, )Iace the necessity, of this woik more di rectly before; the people of our ,; goo' I ohl State " ibr their consideratie.n and attention, with liberality and endowment. Why wiii not :or,-e of our - philanthropic' citizens immortalize his name and shed a , hutic on ids State by arousing the citiz .-ns to act ion in diffusing his; sentiments and inspiring them i:y ' burning, words- of eloquence, hi appeals to.their hearts. for the Orphini Ilotnr, from which the mst beneficial results may be 'anticipated:,- "Why Not" for t his special i! j"et. erect a stand at out State Fair v.it h one of Carolina's fair datightera 'presiding, -a'nd then and there let every visitor have the amount of their sympathy recorded;, with their name. And " Why not " try. to expand the M-isnns' hearts "like a flower to '.sunshine" to unite their Lest alfctioii's in tliis common caih-.e, until the nmssive dtKus of ..St. John's Ced.'ege. are unbarred ami th'.' oiphanv voices make ' dhc ' walls resound m chantnvg notes" of piaise to their Creator, and pr.a yi ng for' .ble.-i e.gs to be poui-ct! out upon .'.the 'ie.-oi of .those who-provided, fir the good of succeeding generation--, leading them; gently to. the Lnuib.nd briru g them to tin Living ... Y.ir'ers be st cur;-. I- in herebv a hoaie nry ireaven. : i ' S. A. i: ()xford;.N.:-C, Kept. 27h, 1872.. :; ..iEETIXV: OF Til 15 i liUSTEES -(.-E Uki veesii Y.As wdl be seen n advertising columns, Gov. ('.:!) ;v . T i. . . .. rut: our President of toe Trustee s of the Uui- j versity, his called a meeting of the same to convene at t he Ext CU.M ve r iliee, 1 on the lTtii October. Tliis is ;i. nvatttr of no little importance, and it is to be hoped that a lull and prompt atten dance will characterize the meeting. SO. 153. I K ; are.1 pleased to learn' that the Representatives elect from Buncombe county, Messrs. T. D. Johnson an in ,;. ! . . i. . 'i . i.n hi. jjiucwncii, are -Aioing . active servn e.; v, e have no doubt that liiincombe wili be favorably heard from on the .Itirof November:' Wo?i- bisii:ciJi FruiulnJeut Kesistratioa iu Penu- sylvania. :'';':. Titusvii.li:, Pa., Sept. 1. The D rii Keening Press of this City announces that there is fradulent registration in Titusvilie of nearly one thousand names, and the Prais intimates that tins is a part ot the-system of colonization which has been extensively practised; throughout the rvl retriots The-Pre.S4 .is an independent paper and does not charge the proceed ing upon either pdrty. 4. The registration is nearly double that of last year. There is to be vigorous: investigation commenced at once.. j- ;; . -.'.': .'.; . ':. ' ; :' . ,- Affairs in. Japan. Washington. Oct. 1. 1 Private advices from Japan rcnorts a crisis in public affairs, and indicate the ascendancy of the old Japanese party over the reformers and an end for the present of the spread of western civili zation in the Empire. ' Minister Mori is to be succccdcil by a Representative of the non-progressives. Horace Capron,who went from Wash ington as Commissioner of Agriculture to fill the same post in Japan, lias bqcn discharged. ! . . i Peshuie Smith, wbo'went to organize a; htiv department there, has also been discharged. J ; : i General Items. Washington, Oct. 1. I,ifrmation fro in'; Europe- represent that i ho embassy to Western Treaty poweis as stranded in London, without, lands ;r authority. i ''", Work on war vessels iii New York is Mopped lor want of funds. Goes Into EfTect To-Bay. i New York, Sept. 1. Tiie treaty between the United States and the German Etiinire. for the exchange of .postal orders, goes into operation to-day. ' : v .--'.- '. The New York Mayoralty. !' "'.:'- ..'.' i New Yn'tic Oct 1 - '-..-- I-. . . . The, ,"3fetiAn;i,i Reform Democracy have nominatetFvXahr McCooie for May The Workingmens "Association have .nominated James O'Brien. Tailois Striken j - Pa r l a o eli'ii r a , Oct. 1. , The journeymen tailors' strike con tmues. They have assistance from other citf'es and will, doubtless secure their demands. ! Oil Wells Stopped, i Titusville, Pa , Oct. 1. x he oil wejls have generally stopiicd. T ..- . . . " en fonie instances . tue. engines were burjned-iuid wells plugged. ! . IIDNICHT DISPATCHES. . ; YYeatlier , Report. . : . ! Wasiiingtox, Oet.'l. x;or the xdiddle Statesclear and clearing weather. For the South At Ian tic and Gulf States, clear, weather and northerly1 winds. . Fatal Accident. Philadelphia, Oct. 1. . An engineer auef fireman was killed near here to-day, by a locomotive be ing thrown from the track, in consc qnencq of the track having been tam pered witli. ' - - Failed. '. . .-f '.;.. '.'. Xew YntK,Oet. 1 - A warrant in ' bankruptcy' hug been issued against jMcNeai s Coal & Iron Co. , Liabilities iKvcr one. million.; ' . : Dead. ; ; Ralti.moke, Oct. 1 VY m. Presco tt Smith is dead. - The to w n a nd ceiu n try; a rou n fl i s fi i ! ed w i th sorrow.- -' ' .: ;. YTALUAELE LAND FOR I SALE. N E A R ft A L E I G ff . I ofibr'for sale the desirable 'tract, of. bind J-1 on me J arnoro' road, about 2 miles from me. corporate limits of the City of K;ileigh, lying on thevaters of Marsh Creek, and rabtree Creek, 'adjoin ins? the lands of A. G. Ijee, P.. (.:. .Mtudy, :uid others, and con tainim; '" ; .---.'- 0 T- A C 1! i; s l- aeres of vheh are cleure-il and in line oreiei;.- i if ty acres beimr - I-'iJBlST.'iS.OlV - '.GiZOVJViS-. Tiie upland is gooVt cotton land as may be s-1 n iroai ;he crop now growing on it. l-aghty .acres of wod land in original and second growth. ; . . . : Shible and two houses for laborers and D W E L L I N G II O C S E wi th six room?:, nearly all complete A most desirable neighborhood school and -church facilities. with . rJ he land will be (sold either in parcels or as it sfntjle tract. Capt. 11.15. saunuers who lives On. the adjoining tract, will show the land .to parties desiring, to examine it. For terms apply to W. H. Eatth: & iSOns, KaicJyliVN. C, or to' W. L. . SAUNDERS, Kp 1 1-lmeodaW Wilmington. N. C. ib P A lt TNE R S II I Vve have .i,4.sfciate.l ourselves under the firio itbd nann? of Williamson, ITpehtireh t Thimms for thej purpose of doing a Wholesale (iroeery and Cbiamis.slon business in this city, and offer bin-services to ourol 1 friends and the pcooLi generally.- Offices and Sales Uooin on Ma.rt.jn st reet nearly opposite the Citizens Shi ional Punk, and Oeiiei-.-.l Ware house iji.-ar i.epot of North Carolina Itail-roa-bCoiopany. M. -I. WlLld AMSU-V, . W. U. U1" illTlti ll, T. J. THOMAS, Jit. IlALiatfii, S. tl. -vl, ls72. d-lm 11500 LBS.; 2iEl S'iLE" ' LEATIIEit,. ;?) ls Ilai nsw. . nw lbs Sh'o i n road. S.plS ro.b& MoniNL D All, S": NEWS.' RATES OP ADVERTISlNfi. Onequare, one Insertion.;..:.;.;..:.'..... S 1 oo One square, two Insertions i On square, three insertions..;..; J..... 2 to One square, six insertions.:........ . 1 -' Si One square, one iuohth " S) One square, three months ' i m One square, six moriths .. ". :"""" so S OAe square, twelve months. ..""j"" &) w) tM ire,r auveriisements libtr con tracts will be niadei Ten lines solid noc pareil constitute on( square. J- - Xcw York Markets. Nkik York-, rvtohn i ' Money .strlnrenc- 1rMi.ainj j - str Vi . "1?' Vomml88lon -discounts S 'gms' from 12 to 15 for prime fS; sterling unsettled, weak. Uold !;-,lHs- tloverumcnts A'ery firm I4anv IUshW States steady. Tennes?ee flffn. I,!iVl ?yU"" CiptS f?-day' ,lct, -1; gross sales for future tlelivcry o-day, 9,i00 biiles as follows:: October lSaW li-lii' November; is l-ic. i w . u.i... ...V . - MarcJi 19 j-iua 19 15-1(1 AnrnVu T irfJP sa Wands 18: to t o r i A1-0"1: tiyora buers; common Vvi .exUa7-xwlfX ..-Whiskey unchanged. neat, itniinv s iiiio,ir ti...r.. nB. ' ciiliet l ork firmer. Lard steaiH'. Turnen- iiueuuii. llosin steady. , Freights firm. Forcn- JMarllels . ! Londox. October 1. iiubi i Coi i sol s Fives mt. .- "i -.'-'-' 1' RANK fort, October I. .Eoud.s'4! Ilcates 02 anU -i4Rtn,' Octobe'c i. - Liveriooi Oetolr I. Later Cotton firm enloa ! wnivi .' uhuiou and export S.U00. Sales oi Orleans tor iovernbern; December Jg.t Uplands, November 95-10, December II 5 lii. i Lveninj' Turpentine H to4ii. i rmmnn refill C2. ... "? i.M : .. . ! -'. -, Cotton closed unchanrred. Va quiet unchanged. Bombay shipments since last report to thirtieth, 8,000. - - ! :. 1 .. " . Wilmington - Markets. ; .Wilsiingtok, October I. Spirits turpentine nrm, 60. 1 Rosin firm. It00 T?no for low No. 1; 4.50 for rs o. 2 ; o.OO for low pale. v , . ! Crude Turpentine stead o.Cij for yellow dip and virgiu.j.' - . Cotton Markets. WiLMiNGTONi October 1.' Cotton firm ; middlings 17 Baltimoek, October 1. i-'oLton dull ; middlings lS'i. Gross receipts 171, sales. 15U, stock 2,330. j Memphis, October 1. Cotton inactive " pJ-ifp. du.nS-i7ui7.. ''!. : v vr Xew Ouleans, October 1. Cotton demand moderate, good ord I nary low middlings J8; middlings 18;.. . Norfolk, October 1. j Cotton qniet, low middlingfi -; ";'; ' Ciiaklkstok, October 1. ; Cotton firm, ordinary ICalGU Wood or.n. nary 17 ; low miUdlnugs. mi.: middlini-s 1 . iMonitK, October 1. CottOll weak. 1 it'll f. r em ui. 1 ln..?".:.r dlinys -'17175 ; middlings 18.'; - SPECIAL NOTICES. Di:. Terr's SarsapAtitt.t a At rirx. ...'.. Delight. ISo remedy possseases so many valuable JUediciual lroperiies as this com biuution of Koots, llei us ana Uarks. The " Q,ueen's - Delight- is acknowledged by pny sieians to. be the most poweriul remeay Known for Impure lilood, E,ivcr Complainus, ; Nervousness, Female Complaints. iVtnti- i pation, ltheumatism, Diseases ol the Kiu- ULi ! piiimic Aiiecuons, siiin Ulseases. Cmoiiic Complaints, !tc. But in this prepa- ration it is 'combined with other vegetable products, wnich render its virtues uoubjy valuable. Most diseases Iiave their origin ' ii.Ve-JJlfiod, and as a Blood Vuriller Mm tfarsaparillaamTNQiJiyDelight has no equal.- It requires out a liTKjj. mn yfn .'cue most sse-piical. , ' . - i For iFemaie Compfaints, -whether iu young or old, married or smgie, at the dawn ot womanhood or tiie turn oi life, Dr. Tutt's Diver Dills are an acknowledged remedy. ! j ; ' Dr. TutL's Hair Dye isthe Best irfi the World Kkkp'Thk Hair Unblemished. ' I am like an old hemlock -Withered at the top " said a venerable Indian Chief, pointing io Uis thm and bleaciiing locks. , Thousands or men . and-women in civilized soaeiv much yoiinyer than the old Sagamore, are' ukt -him, ."withered at the toj," siiupiv oecause itiey liave neglected to use the means of preserving and beautifylug the hair which tcieneo lias placed at their dis posal. If DvoN'sKATUAinoNbefaithrully applied once or twice a day,, to the fibers and the scalp, it is1 just as impossible that Uie hair should decay; wither, fall out or bee; rue harsh and fuzzy, as that'a meadow duly reiresiicd with nigntly dews audi unlit nuns, shoula become and and barren of green blades. Thia matchless preparation not only keeps the hair alive and the skin of the nead in a healthy and clean condi tion, but actually multiplies the tilaments and imparts to them a. lustre, flexibility and wavy beauty unattainable by any other mode oi treatment. It does not, like the metallic and sulptiurous hair dyes, dry m. the natural moisture of the scalp, but sup plies nutriment to tiie roots of the hair and vigor to the libers. .-! . : " . Dk. Sage's Catahuu IIemedy. $.iw . reward for- an incurable case, sold by drug gists, or by mail, 0 cents. Address It. V. fierce, M. D., Duffalo, Nt. Y. . - - . i ; -; ; ; J - ' i ' -A Glokious IIecord.; Twelve years aco a tew modest lines in a New. York Journal invited public attention to a new Veceta ble Ilestorative, and solicited a trial of its merits as a remedy for ihdigestioa, bllllous- ness, fever and ague, debility, nervoudls orders, rheumatism,- and all complaints ; rcejuiring invigorating and regulathi" i treatment. In tliis ciuiet,, uupretentious 1 way, Plantation DirrEim was introduced to the world. It was a success from the be ginning. All that wasjeiaimed lor it as a tonic, a corrective and antidote to malari ous lever, was found to be strictly true. Within live years the annual sales of this article amounted to over One Million of Bottles. A. few years more and the demand ' had swelled to live millions. The annual consumption of the bitters has now reached the almost incredible aggregate of six mil lions of bottle's, and lor everv bot'tl sold si copy of the "Illustrated! Medical Annual," puoiished by the proprietors, at a cost of $loyj00, is given away. I if-KOSKOO. This Celebratfrd Medicine has attained a high reputation, asareliable remedy for Purifying the Blood, Bestoring the Diver and Kldneis to a health v action. aad "lonmg un' the Nervous System. It 1 "Toning uu? the Nervous System. It ' numerous and remarkable cures, of tho worst forms of Scrofula,! Dyspepsia. Itheu matism, Liver complaint, Kidney Disease, Druptions of the Skin, jNervous Prostra tion, fcc.. has caused it to beeotno dard remedy. 1 1 is now prescribed by phy sicians, and recommended by our best citi zens, .'..-: - - . , ; UlSLKY'sBl'CHU lsa reliahifi Dh'irptinTifl Tonic lor all deransemefits of tho urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as for merly sold by liaviland ' Iiarral A. I5.is.lev and their branches, is now prepared by II. W. Itisley, the originator and Proprietor: and the trade supplied by ills' successo.s, xuoigan lusiey, jew iom.- ; ! -.-- - !.. ----- 1 I Svapxia, or opium nnrified. the most perfect anodyne in thejmarket, made by processor Dr. 1. M.Blarelow. Detroit Medi cal College. Is-always uniform in strength. wnicn is rarely the case in other prepara- tions of Opium. J Pn att'sj Astra l Oil. has a world-wide- reputation as the surest and best illuiniua- Vua oil. Over two million csilloi have bee n sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have oc curred. Send for circular. Oil House of Charles I'ratt.eslablishetl 1770, New York. We Have Frequently! Heard mothers say they would not le without Mrs. Wia slow's Soothing Syrwp. from the birth of tho child .until H has finished with the teething siege, under any consideration Whatever. ; The Secret of DeautV. What Is it? no loiiarer asked, for the world of fashion and all tiie li-dics know that it is produced by using a oenguiiuianu narmiess tenet prep aration known as O. W. Laird's "Bloom of oulh." Its beautifying effects aretruly 'O'tdei ful. Depot. 5 Gold Street. Ni w York, i -' -: - - -J I j. '; - I'-.- - rlNG ER, PEPPER, 8PICE, CI 10 . W- VX chow Worcestershire Sauces. Bel 0rds,C'oil ItopH, French Bluing, taiirs, wrappinr Twine, raper, envelopes A r. WibbiAMSON, Ul'OilbLt'U JLTJIOMAS. i it J