JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAII'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor, WEDNESDAY.... .OCTOBER 2, 1872. NATIONAL REFORM TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT : no n. ic e a it e e ee r : OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : it. cn jiTz n it oir'jr, OF MISSOURI. ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. . STATE AT LAKGE. Thos. J. Jams, of Tyrrell. E. W. Pou, of Johnston., FOR THE DISTRICTS. First District OctaviuS Coke, , of Chowan. Second District Swift Galloway, of Greene. i --. Tnird District T. C Fuller, of Cum berlaDd. . - Fourth Djstrict II. A.London, Jr., of Chatham. Filth District David F. Caldwell, oi Guilford. Sixth District W. L. Stede, of Richmond. Seventh District F. B. McDowell, oT Iredell. Eighth' Distiict- Thomas D. John st on, of Buncombe. SUB-ELECTORS FOR T II E FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Header's. Con. Dem. Ex. Committee, Fourth Congressional District, ' September 10th, 1872. The following is the list of sub-electors for this Congressional District. Wale. Alonzo Stephenson, Jacob II. Flemming, George W. Crockett, Chas. M. Bu9bee, J, A. Paschal. ' - y Granville County. Col. John W. Hargrove, A. S. Peace and W. II. P. Jenkins Orange. Addison Mangum, Calvin E. Parrish, and Wm. M. Patterson. Franklin County W. S. Harris, T. T. Mitchell and W. K. Bar ham. Nash County. Dosesy Battle, B. II. Bunn and W. H. Wheless. Johnston County. Dr. J. T. Leach, W. H. Avera and L. R. Waddell. Chatham County 3. G. Eencher, O. A. Hanner and J. M. Moring. tJ, . Je4.TrrrTii3 and btanly, l; Earnhardt, Con. 29th. Mklcnburgify'-urge that J-nE TRIANGULAR CANVASS IN TENNESSEE. The present campaign for Congress man at Large in Tennessee is a singular and exciting one. The regular nominee of the Liberals and Democrats is Gen. B. F. Cheatham, one of the most distinguished Confed erate officers. He was regularly chosen as the standard bearer by the State Con vention of .the party. Immediately alter his nomination, Andy- Johnson popped up, and declared himself an independent Greeley candidate. Horace Maynard,, who is at present a i Representative in Congress is the regular Radical nominee. - The consequence i?,! we have three candidates in the field,and they are all stumping the State together. Of course, both Genl Cheatham and ex-President Johnson are, championing the claims of Greeley for the Presidency, and Maynard's only hope for an election is to so divide the anti-Radical vote in the State as to step 'j into Congress through the dissensions in the ranks of his opponent. ' vlohrison is considered' a very strong man among the masses but the ''ques tionable shape" in which he comes before them is calculated to impair their confidence and weaken his influ ence At this stage of the canvass it is impossible to say what chances John son-stands of creating . a spl.t ; in the party. In a regular contest, Tennessee would give the Democratic and Liberal nominee from forty to sixty thousand majority. There are two Greeley tickets in the field, and this will lead to some em barrassment and troubiejwith our party in that State. We are in hopes, how ever, the difficulties will be' reconciled before November, and that only one set of electors will be voted for by our friends. It will be a great calamity, if through the dissensions in our party, a State like Tennessee, where we have an over whelming majority, should -be lost to our cause. Gen. Cheatham is a worthy and pop ular rgentleman, and as the nominee of the party, should receive its unani mous support. GRATZ BROWN IN INDIANA. We have already alluded to the fact thatM3ov. Brown, of Missouri, has been making able and telling speeches in Indiana. We have before us hisspecch made at Loganspcrt, Ind., on the 27th ult., which is one of the most able addresses we have read in this cam paign ; we cannot refrain from laying the following extracts therefrom before our reader;. The speaker, after review ing the carpet-bag rule in the South, and the villainous way iu which the negroes were compelled to vote by the carpet-baggers, said : ''But enough of this. My object has been to bring before you simple facts, facts sworn to, facts reported to the Congress of the nation, from which you can form an intelligent judgment for yourselves in regard to the whole mat ter. It thus appears that the troubles of the whole Southern country came of bad government ; from the close of the war up to 1867 affairs there were per fectly quiet, with no occurrence of violence; that the attempt to band the colored population together in secret leagues against the white population engendered bitterness and barbarities where kindliness-had before reigned; that public ., opinion reasserted itself there, and put an end to counter organ ization under the Ku Klux regime belore the United States authorities intervened, and that while the Ku Klux have disappeared, the jcarpct-baggers still wage their infamous war on all so ciety with impunity. In this connection it is a matter deserving grave consid eration that public opinion should still have had power, in all save, a few con tracted localities, to quell such a de velopment of the worst elements' of society. If the Ku Klux Klan was, as many assert, a great conspiracy against all law and order, extending over nine great States and 700,000 square miles of territory, is not its sudden suppres sion in them all, if you choose to ex cept a few counties in North Carolina, strikingly illustrative of the fact that there is a public sentiment there which may be relied on to uphold the ends of good government if justly dealt with, and invoked in the name of, love, not hatred ? Does it. not demonstrate that the ultimate peace of the country can repose on such social thought, while it never . can on the animosity of race ? And, on the other hand, does it not prove even more conclusively still that the existing administration there, under the manipulation of the carpet-baggers and the pupilage of -the President and t. : a- i ins party, aoes not rest on any loundation m public opinion that can restore just laws or pub lic virtue ? With, all the cor ruptions emanating from it at the south, when has it ever in like manner aroused itself and bid them end ? , With States in the very agony of spoliation ; with every morality setsclfiir''JL'lJ bribery, venal if PARDONED OUT TO TESTIFY. .The Radicals in Pennsylvania are in a terrible straight. Their candidate for Governor, Ilart ranft, is accused of all manner of crimes and corruption. He belongs to what is kn6wrias the Cameron Ring, and it was by the personal eVforts and Jnf-'-- Senator Cameron. Aa2. i:. n securrrrewarrEilisonence of expression do we hear from such a con .Warien, Geo U.Ii'Vas enabled to The; Wages of Sin. The New York papers are full of the sad story of Maude Virginia Carlton,of New Orleans, sent by; -wealthy and respectable parents to school in 1862, at Xavicr's Academy, Chicago, under the care of the Sisters of Mercy. She went in 1862, at the age of twelve years, and after her schooling was over, her parents being dead, mar ried, became the widow of a suicide, went to New York, led a fast life, be came an ill-treated kept mistress, and finally died at Bayonne, N. J., of con sumption and neglect, heij paramour taking the rings oil her dead fingers to a- pawnbroker. "The wages of sin i death."! ' Latest, advices received from different quarters of Virginia show that the can vass for Greeley and Brown is warming up in this State. Clubs are being formed in every direction, and the spirit of the people is all that could be desired.; After the 1st of October the political campaign will be enlivened by the efforts of all the leading speakers of the State, among whom we may men tion Judge Ould, Judge Crump, Lieutenant Governor Marye, Colonel Baldwin, Colonel Gilman, Mr. Bocock, and others of like ability. The letter of Governor Curtin breaks the back of Cameronism and corruption in Pennsylvania, and so in the nation. It is received ' by the people with the same ardor and enthusiasm which marks the progress of Horace Greeley through the West. These are the only senti ments to which the popular mind is now responsive. The call is an audible one everywhere for reform, and the right men, like Greeley, Buckalew, and Curtin, are demanded as leaders in a cause whose ultimate triumph is certain. The young man Charles Loughlin, who was shot by a constable in Norfolk, Va., on the 15th ult., and was supposed to have been recovering, died at a hos pital in that city on Sunday morning. The constable has been arrested and lodged 'in jail. The fiie in Norfolk, Va.. Sunday morning, destroyed. some;$26,000 worth of property, upon which there was only some $3,G0O insurance. The fire did its work on Union street, but threatened at one time - to burn through to Main street." r - ihe St. John's Commaudcry of Knights 1 emptor,, ol Wilmington, Del., will visit j Richmond, Va., on the 15-th insc. . ; i s - A large! fire is Iraffinsr in the Dismal Swamp, three or four miles below Suf folk, on the line of the Norfolk and Pe tersburgand Seaboard -railroads. Among! the. Virginians in Europe, Miss Mary Lee, daughter fof the late Uen. Kobcrt. L. Lee, is reported at Vc nice. I - AMUSEMENTS, JS T T U O K E R II A' L L : FOIt 4 NIGHTS and 1 MATINEE, On Wednesday, October 2nd. P R O F D 12 B R E T , I' the great ILLISIOMST AlkD VEXTUILOQIIST, Interpeter of Ancient Necromancy and Il lustrator of Modern Prestidigitation, will have the honor of presenting his unique combinat ion of Science and Art, introduc ing some of the strangest and most incom prehensible effects ever imported from the wonderland. Bis Extensive Cabinet of Wonders ! - Allows of a change of Programme every performance. Among other novelties he will exhibit the wonderful GOBLIN D R U M which, beats a tattoo without the aid of human hands. A really scientific wonder. . dejws pujren no we .! which is alwavs full or always empty. THE SERIAL SUSPENSION, Or, Sleeping in the Air without' support. T II E W O N E R F U Ii CLOCK which tells the time any one in the audi ence requires. Instantaneous Growth of Flowers I ' Or? a Visit to the Land of Flowers. W O N D E It F U L B O X Avhich a Child can lift but Giant cannot. Very Marvelous. r t 2P THE WONDERFUL HAT, 3 Showing that a Hat that would not bring much will sometimes carry a great deal. .Erial Treasnre; or, Catching Gold In the Air! A new way to make money. THE INEXAUSTIBLE BOTTLE 111 nstrating Professor De Bret's method of calling up Spirits from the vasty deep. The Wonderful Burning Globe ! which consumes articles by fire and then restores tkem to the owner. ) .The Bakery of the Period Or, producing a cooked Pudding from the bottom of a hat. THE WIZARD'S ARITHMETIC Or method of telling any number or num bers written by any one in the audience. Ihe E:it of Cutting off a Boy's Nose j tcithout hurting him ! ; The Wonderful Magic Bottle ! From which many Glasses of Wine or water can be produced and any amount of Rib bons (perfectly dry) at the same time. tfA large number of Valuable Presents will be distributed among the audience every evening, without extra charge, vary ing in value from Twenty-five -ents to Twenty-flve Dollars. Prot. De Bret is determined to maintain his reputation as the Fairest and Most Liberal Gift Distributor in the World. . 50c. 25c. 7 IpIRST IN T IIll MARKET. WEIKEL LEADS THE VAN. THE. LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS EVER BROUGHT-TO KALEIGH. v C. Weikel takes great pleasure in inform ing his many friends and patrons that he has just returned from New York, with the largest and most attractive stock of goods of every description ever bi ought to this market My stwk embraces in part, . Freneh, English and German -1 - -.- - -i-J BROADCLOTHS, ' j DOESKINS, VESTINGS, &C. ENGLISH MELTON, 1 ENGLISH KERSEYS, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH CHENIOT. Beavers of ail Descriptions, fox Strits and Overcoats. ' ' To all of which, I invite a careful inspec tion from the public. In the mechanical department of mv House will be found only the very best worirmen, ana ail worn turned out, I an . Jt Orders from a distance respectfully solicited, and personal attention given to tne same. , sepuy-tr General Admission, Children under 12, - Reserved Seats, 75c.' Doors 'o-"' o'clock. Performane,a.r!A F ROOFS STRONACH & BRO., -"'Si- i Gv. 8 -W aft kj-- -Mm " o'clock. en os commencos at & announcement J- RESPECTFULLY ANOUNCi: myself a candidate forjASSISTAjr DOOR-!' xi.ii Jst un or ine uouscof Kepresentatives and refer to every Democrat and Conserva-: nve, iu gwu outuuiiig. in warren countv ' ANNOUNCE , I REPPECTFULLY myself a candidate for the office of DOOl?. ! KEEPER of the Senate of North and would refer to any Democrat iu New- i bern. 4 -i . : i . sepl2-tde JAMES E. MORRIS. O B E R T E ors T E II JP NORFOLK. sTii LE Y 1 C II E II , NORFOLK, VA se7-md J A M E Si W GIL ME R Manufacturer of Silk Iats, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HATS, CAPS, JLAUIES' FUIIS, YVALKIXG CAAES & I'MBRELLAS, 14C, Main Street, Head Market Sqr., - .-: -: " I :t NORFOLK, VA. septll-3ra. I i Jno. B. Neai.. O II N B. N Wm. J. 13a kek. i E A L & CO., I COTTON FACTORS', - .-. ' i I ' : ." .AJSTD ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAMS, '';;'.' ' j AGENTS FOR - PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, 43-Battleboro "Advanc sep23d&w-tf i Norfolk, Va. i. e" copy, Wholesale and; Retail - - IT : ' V E O T MI I E 11 , AGENT FOR THE EL1PTIC YOKE SIIIRT 124 Main Street, Opp. Roanoke Av NORFOL 4- Second Floor dev jobbing. sedlldtwlm B AXTE R N A S Va. oted exclusively II & CO N" 1 departme"' lv x ZZ lSZi, with ",juTLT t j j, .ooutry, ofliceering all J YW W; - with a control of the .vrioie colored vote, as is claimed, what 1ST ADVERTISEMENTS. ; Vvr r. o o k s cMLJLVmlnation. Large numbers of Republicans have riSrccrrjTrand other canvassers make 1 .repudiated the nomination and have declared open hostility to the nominee. These refractory Radicals are led by John W. Forney, editor of the Phila- rlelnhia Press, one. of the leading Re- .t , v. . . publican organs of the country. For riey has been excoriating Ilartranft, and nmsialnr liia rnn n npt ? rTl . TO 5 1 1l th i fiVPS AsstfiTiWT FT.rnTORS FOR Ipvius - kJ.JK, m. - " I , .1, TT! ,.,rn TlfPfiTATP. AT LARGE. I SWinciiers. n.s not buul n Luiu u The following named gentlemen have the Radical party in Pennsylvania into been appointed in joint meeting of our Committees s.9 Assistant Electors for stituency solicitous to impose purity and . . f. , r 11 . dethrone rascality uocs its louowmg give any promise oi a relorm, or any it a point to see that ureeiey ana Brown clubs areorganized and put into operation in every township in their respective counties. By order of the Committee. II. A. LONDON, Jn., Chairman. a reat state of confusion and demoral ization It has now been found out but alas ! too late that Ilartranft V nomination was a fatal blunder. In order to disprove the truth of the charges againts Ilartranft, a fellow by th'e name of Yerkes has been pardoned out. of the Penitentiary by the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania to testify in be half of Hartrault. Yerkes was tried, convicted and sent to the State prison on the charge of embezzling the city funds Yf Philadelphia. He uas at one time a ntrtner of Ilartran ft. As soon as he is pardoned out of thcPenitentia ry-v he makes affidavit that certain charges of corruption against Haitian ft are. not true Whsit will Uio nennle think of a DO- NOTICE. r. ." : v r i State Democratic Conservative0 and the to the Penitentiary, to procure evidence the State at lare, viz : 1st District- Jesse J. Yeates, of Hert ford. i 2nd District Frederick . Philips, Edeecombe. I 3rd District C. W. McClammy, New Hanover. 1 4th District Ovide Dupre, Wake. 5th District John A. Gilmer," Guil ford, i Cth District Wm. R. flyers, Meck lenburg. ! 7th District S. Tiivett, Ashe. 8th District James II. Love, Jr., Jackson. D.-M. Baiuunger, Chairman " State Dem. Con. Ex. Com. W. . Mason, Chairman Lib. Rep. Ex. Com-. . Raleigh, Sept. 2G, 1872. Liberal Republican Executive Commit tees, including the Congressional Dis tiirt Committees, in this citv on the 10th of October. A full attendance is respectfully requested , j D. JM. iiARKIKOEU, Chnn State Dem-Con. Ex. Com. W. S. Mason, Chin'n State Lib Rep. Ex. Com. Raleigh. Sept. 27, 1872. to vindicate the character of their can didate for Governor ? The fact that a convict has been pardoned in order, that be might testify for Ilartranft is ctod evidence of the lattei's corruption. Just received; 1 Lot Methodist Jiymns. 1 Maury's Geographies. 1 " Initial paper. i " Baptist Hymns. , Call soon, L.' liUAIsSON, oct2-tf j Kaleigh, N. . , -.t-. mrTTTi T TTTT P UTkT.TTpf A special Afternoon's Performance for Ladies ana uniiareu uu SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK. livery Child attending will receive a HANDSOME PRESENT. ADMISSION . Adults, Children, octidlt 50 cts. 25 cts. T A VI S , . D RAKE & ; CO., A 'iv-r,.- , : -. ' t JonB v. - - " i ' .1-- ': : "" - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC j.-- - v ':'-: - ; ! ' . ! ' I) R Y GOODS, Dress Goods and YanKee aouou, .. . ; : I : ' ' '. CORNER BANK AND SYACMORE STS. PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE DEALERS, Are receiving per Steamship to-day ; ow xtags tuo conee, 100 Bags Laeulra. lOQBbls. Refined Sugar J 1 ,.20 Hhd&RawSiis 5U.- kgs Syrup, lfifL. Rr-rAS Candles. ano Pk?a of Linuor. consisting of Whis key, Rum, Gin, Brandies.Wmes, Cordials &C. . -A ' ' . . ... To cash and prompt parties special t in lucemehts will be offered, i i i BAXTER. NASH & CO.. 1 ! Norfolk, Va. 18T2 FALL sKAS0N 872 BERKLEY, MILLAR & G RANDY &m of camdtv 'to rid them of the "ATEETING OF THE sign 01 capacity to mi tnera qi.uw jyj univers evils under vhich they are wasting Tiiere wlll be a meeting o1 away ? ineivu mux are uissoiveti gone back into tue darkness oi aliena- but the secret oetu-at. THE NORFOLK FAIR. We are pleased to learn that the offi cers of the Virginia and North Caroli na Agricultural Society are making extensive preparations for the first exhi bition of that Society, which is to be THE TRUSTEES SITY. of tlie Trustees of the University, iu the Executive omce. on Thursday the 17th of October, at eleven lion ana amxosuy uui uie saiei A general attendance of Trustees is de- leaue Oi tne carpet-oagers mouiumg sired anil requesieu. the colored race into a caste organiza- . ..Y 'rA ZrvnZtV tion, ply their hatetui work ana piunaer, A,FX m. Iyer. Sunt. Public instrution. plunder, plunder 1 What hope nave you from an educational system thus teaching three millions of black men to hate the white man? What faith- have you in that idea of government which values it only as an instrument to rob capital, to assail property, to confis cate all ownership through taxation ( What expectation have you that the putrid pool of corruption which slime and swirl round offices there will turn to wholesome, living waters ? I do not say one word that shall invite repulsion and hostility to the frcedmen of the bouth: Their deliverance has been our work, their ignorance and 'incapacities are re sults of slavery, their natures have many amiable traits and easy conn uenccs: but 1 do desire to urgent the strongest language the men of the North to come forvvavd now and aid ii dcliv- them iroru a bondage which threatens, in the hands where it has fallen, to be more desolating to them than any endured heretofore. This gospel of hate which is being inculca ted will annihilate them if persisted in. Fhis control is mcurating a war of races. and "the deliverance must come from you who have-"shown such sympathy in the past. Your passions are appealed to by florid orators ot press and plat form, who stage it 'before you in the cast off garments of Ku Ivluxism, recit ing b.f harisrns it i3 credited with ; but they tell you nothing ot its real cause. Far less do. they portray that social force, impotent to correct its own head long .career that pestilence of fraud and vice which must be stamped out if contagion is to stop. Alluding to the immense tunds that S MALL F-AIIM FOR S ALE , . jp jr, x . T It U D E , 1 8 1 2 t t.KPll fiSArATJi FARM, con tain- inn 27 acres, located near jumuruoji, imm- AVe take pleasure in informing the diately on the hue oftne naieign f uuu M.fctb f Vtrrlni3, .n.I Worth Carolina. It It ana six iniies irmu "- i iinituauv e - ' R AN 1) O P E N IN G OF FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Friday the 4lh inst., j . I . .... . . I AT MRS. ANDREW'S AM) MISS AMIS', The largest and most attractive stock ever nrougnt to itaieign. comprising every novelty in style ana nnisli. The Latest Parisian, London and American Myles. KE. MEMBER THE OPENING DAT. la'nd'is well improved. Upon it is a neat COTTAGE DWELLING , containing three bed-rooms and a parlor, and all necessary ouwiouse. . A lot of HOKShS AJND JMUIjs ou uie farm will also be sold at reasonaoie raies. octl-dlw J. A. i UliTrtl, uonstauie. "YTALUABLE ! CITY PROPERTY V . 'AND : I T. A T A T I O N FOR SALE . yi'at wf are now receiving by daily arri vals from the Northern cities I our Fall supply ot , - --) "- " " Ferelgn nd Domestic Dry Goods and Notions and will be prepared to offer by the 20th of September, the Largest Stock in the State. JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS , ' " :'T- - " i V 112 Main St. nnd 8 Gray St., NORFOLK, VA. "Ve solicit the patronage and cash and prompt paying Duyers, anu uo guar- antee our Prices and Terms as low as any House in the North. Orders Promptly and' Carefully Filled. N. B We selll Good's to Merchants only.-a 1 - i sepii-oin I offer for sale the followiug city property, t.-a mi mnrnvw neon vviiminsiuu su. ' in in" I ' l fronting 21 feet 7 inches and running oacK 31 feet. ' ' " . . ' . nriP lot corner rrnrsett and Blount streets size : Fronting on Hargett 51 feet, and 65 feet on Blount street, the lot now occupieu !is n. Carrinsre shon. T .1 1 t l..i nilLTurtl TrminilH OT II II I ( I, L X IV ' U (Vb llli. v.iiniv.1 i. ti street, well imnroved. with dwelling house terest lo buy of us. Our sunerloT advantasres in the purchase of Goods (having a resident buyer in New York and buying direct from manufactur ers and tnelr agents,) enanie us at. an umes to offer goods as 10 w as any Jobber in any Northern citv. "VVe coraially and confidently invite every buyer visiting this market to an examina tion of our stock, feeling assured that our prices and terms win ruace u lo nis in- I . sepia-ii TTTILLIAMSON, UPCIIURCII V T : ' r- . T II O M A WHOLE 8 A LEG ' V . ; AND & r o ce u a ! TO THE TRADE. , ! ' '". . ilrs. Andrevrs and Amis, having pur chased an immense stock of all classes of Millinery Roods direct from manufactories, are prepared to offer to country merchants are in eood renair. The lot contains aoout mm ami n. halffl.cres cround Three half acre lots, lust east of the Fair Grounds, now occupied by Mr: Homer as a. garden. nnres land 3 miles east of the city, one and Milliners, every style and variety of 0f the best plantations in the county, now under cultivation, producing coiion mie rior in qualitv and quantity to none. Commission Jtl e r c h a n i i - i No. 4 Martin street, with live large rooms anu hu iiecajijr i . . . i - i . i outhouses, including stable. The buildings TISSOLIJTlON OF COPARTNER- OPPOSITE CiTIZENS' NATIONAL BANK SHIP. Hats, Bonnets, Millinrry Goods, &c, at WHOLESALE RATES, at niices that cannot fail to win. An inspection oi tue stocic is -earnestly desired- S ....... ciz-it E. Li IIAKPING, New. i or k. It. li. Andrews, -: itaieign. Persons desiring to purchase, will please call and see me. I will take great pleasure in showing the property and stating terms. sepzl-tt -T tioa. M . ! cjSS iv l x . I A G O N A L CO A T S ! D The coDartnershiD heretotore existing under the name of Leach Brothers, and doing a general wholesale and retail groce ry business in the city of Raleigh, is this day dissoved, J. P. Leach withdrawing irora tne nrm. We esnecially request all those indebted to the OLD Fl KM to come forward and set tle, as the business must be closed at once. J UKU. T. L.KAU11, IN. I., . M. Pr LEACH, j JOHN P. LEACH. r O T O C A R M E R-'-.S . And get one of those Jl T O Jfl I Z E It & , i '.-.. i- Bv which a sinsle drop of perfume m converted into numberless minute pani cles, which hll the suirounding air wiin fragrance. The toilet of no lady or gentle-, man is complete without this instrument. sept-aiiw. : -' i . . . PAR K E R , R ANDREWS & CO C..-Z 0T.IS I e n s October. 1st, 1872. DIAGONAL PANTS! I LOR ACE GREELEY'S CLOSING SPEECH. IMt. Greeley's closing speech, upon his return fropi his late Western tour. was quite brief. He concluded .it by held near Norfolk, commencing on the saying : 4i I do not mean to be tortured 22nd inst., and that they have the most into saying another word to the end of flattering.prospects. Eastern and Cen- thc canvass. I have explained myself tral North Carolina is closely allied to as fully as seems necessary, and I trust Norfolk, and wc have no doubt will that the good work may go on." contribute largely to this exhibition. GOV. CURTIN. The .Tananese pill students in Wash i I L O Thi:5 distinguished gentleman had a I ington have been studying too hard brilliant reception in Philadelphia on Saturday. He made a long speech, echoing Horace Greeley in almost every respect, and declaring emphatically for Buckalew; He made no positive declaration regarding national politics beyond denouncing: centralization and theft. j Orcjgon has elected Mitchell, Repub lican, to the U. S. Senate. He succeeds Corbett. If the County Executive Committees will do their duty, North Carolina will. give a large majority for Greeley. - A gain of three votes in each Town ' ship will overcome Caldwell's reported majority. . j and one has been so persistent in her applications as to contract a serious disease of the eye, which threatens her with total blindness. Indeed the diffi culty is so serious that the Japanese Minister has informed the unfortunate child that she will have to return to Japan, and another student sent in her place. The name ot the sufferer is Rio Yosheni' 8, and she is not only the eldest of the party, but particularly bright' in intellect, and noted for her many amia ble qualities. When the final decision was made known to her that she must return to Japan she acquiesced without a word of complaint; but her-compan ions were greatlv distressed, and mani fested their sorrow in the most touching manner. Speaking of Father Hyacinths mar riage, the Avenir National says : "Wt are in a position to affirm that Mrs Meriman, the widow to whom he has united, possesses a fortune ot 7.,UU0." were now being used tor campaign pur poses, the speaker said : : "You know what is doing to day in Indiana, and that you have never before seen demoralization put on suca arro gant airs and boast so openly oi its power to subdue your expression by corrupting the franchise. And are our politics to be thus converted into one seething mass of corruption, that shall annul elections, debauch legislative bodies, bribe justice, blackmail all who are touched by the government, yet with no protest iroincr up from the people of the land ? Do you call that republicanism or democracy, or any form of popular government ? Does it comport with any continued prosperity to the country ? Is it not anarchy ot all moral restraint, verim!" towards despotism, anarchy of all law, inviting mobocracy, anarchy of all electoral rights, . tantamount to a plebiscituni under the Empire?" O Y R E A IV Y D I A G O N A I AT V E S T S ! Wc .desire to call attention to the above. and tender 6ur thanks to the public for the lioerat patronage neretoiore Destowea upon us, informing- them that we will continue the business,at our old stand east of the market square, under the same name as heretofore, where we shall be pleased to serve mem. ; i GEO. T. LEACH, N. Y., ! M. T. LEACH. Raleigh, Sept. 21, 1872 i m: p E T R . II I N E . S, FALL; AND WINTER STOCK. sep27dtf. RAMSEY &' CO'S. O , EIl C a.!T8 , "P1!IDE 0F IiALEIGU" TWIST. V The next annual meeting of the Vir ginia Division of the Army of Northern Virginia will take place in Richmond, Va., on the 81st inst. Gen. Jno. B. Gor don,of Georgia, will address them on the occasion. AH persons who honorably served in the Army of Northern Virginia are entitled to become members. A fire occurred in Norfolk, -Va.; on CAS SI ME RE BUSINESS SUITS, j Finn Elack Dress Suits, BOY'S AND YOUTH'S SCHOOL SUITS, YOUTH'S and BOY'S DRESS SUITS, 1 all of our own manufacture. FINE DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, Full Lines Furnishing Cjent's Cootls, ''j always on hand LA TES T S TYLES IN HA TS, j of all descriptions. Traveling 'Bags, VTalises and Trunks, j 27. FayclUville Hrret, Ream's Roll and Fancy Bar," are now the favorite brands of North Caro- linn, fhpwinor Tobacco. These hrands. together witn several others, comnrisina all grades of first-class chewinz tobacco, are manufactured and sold at' wholesale, at C. F. Ream's Manufac tory, italeigii. . Orders lrom all sections oi iub ia,ie,re- sn'ectfullv solicited, which will receive Rt.ric.t nersonai attention. Tne Messrs. Parhams are still at this Maaufactoiy. and will be pleased to attend to their lrituds and customers. septlS-tf. , GEO. T. XEACII. X. Y. ST. T. LEACH. E A C II BROTHER S COTTON FACTOR . .'!.-. . ! tf C a m tit issi on :JfIe rcha n t , RALEIGH, N. C. ' , ItEFERENcks i Jones & Plummer, Peters burg, V.; Murrelt &Tannahill, New York. septsji-dAwtf i : Wholesale and ltetail Grocer, . V:.: -: - i t .' . V '. ' .j,'; V . v C O T T O Jt JPl C T O It "' '.c;"V and j ' ''-. ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 2 South Side Market Square, RALEIGll, N. C. Keeps constantly on hand a largo and choice stock oi uenerai Mercnau. dise, consisting in part of . !--.' ' SUGAR AND COFFEE-ALL GRADES. MOLASSES, B SYRUP, AG G IN G AND TI ES. Harness, scp20 tf Britchinsr, , i Saddles, . , Bridles, O. T, STRONACH & BRO. Q II E E F I S II , S E C II E E S E BACON, HARRNE3S BRIDLES, SALT, IRON, L'ARD, SOLE AND l! ! UPPER LEATHER, LEATHER, i .. - I -j : -j COLLARS, SADDLES; '! FLOUR, L BACON, .' LARD. s'ep20-tf 1 G. T. STRPNACH & BRO. , G IIOCERS AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 Wilmington st., east of Market. sep23-dly ' ' Kf 8 A C KS COFFEE, all grades, j 10 sacks coffee. . old Government Java, something nice. , . v WILLIAMSON, UPCHTJRcH & THOMAS, Wholesale Grocers and com. Merchants.. SODA, SOAPJ . STARCA, CHEESE, &c. Boots a ud Shoes la great Variety, MANUFACTURED I TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF aLL Kijrns, ALWAYS ON HAND. i 10 KEG S POWDER Especial' attention given toj consignments and prompt returns ruade. 8ep23-3ra 2000J R A oct2-tf. L E I fi II IS Saturday nighty on Union street, des- TnOR JOB WO troying the stables of Mr. Strong and Jj charade:-, go to ti one or two other nouses achoinin"'. The loss was quite neavy. Billiard playing is prohibited by law in rernambueo, bontn America, RK OF EVERx he NEWS' Office, Kavetteville street. Over W. C. Stronaoh & Co' ANTS' 'SEA FOAM" POWDERS, VJ in 5 lh. tins, for Hotels and Families, t VV. I, rtl 11UIX LBS. PURE LEAF ,ard. 50 bbls. N. C. Flour, in sacks. 50 " A,' 'Ex C ' 'C CoHee,' and Y'ellow Sugars, 5) saclis p' irae ana uio conee, 10 sacks Old Gov Java, sclJ LEACH BROS. T U ST RE C E I V ED J - y , 40 barrels Nice FRESH MULLETS. One Car Load of .( H. SYRUP. At P0OL & MORING'?, sep2:-tf Wholesale Grocers. 50 Bass Shot, assorted nos. 100,000 G D & Waterproof Caps, 25 cases concentrated Lye, 10 half chests. Green and Black Tea. , i LEACH BROS. 10 CASES MEN'S SHOES, A SSORTED STICK CANDY. seP23 -A 40 cases pew Brandy Peaches, 25 boxes Layer Raisins, sepl8 POOL fe MORING 10 cases women's Shoes, 5 cases children's Shoes, 50 boxes assorted candy. ou gross janor jaatcnes, LEACH BR(S. A FULL LINE OF WOOD AND XA. Willow Ware, ' '- ' : LEACH BROS, , S u G A R!. S U G A R! P.X Vklo Gflirflli rill iTTArlAB telS POOL & MORING. 1200 L B 8. C II E E S,E , 2,0f 0 lbl Lard in bbls an kees, POOL & MOORING, ! i j - - a. u 1 X