DAILY 'NEWS. I t' VETrKYiLLE Street, ' ' over V C. Ktronnch Vco.'s Store; '' V CASH INVARIABLY IM AOTlwr'" The DAILY NEWS wilt bo, delivered to .ibserlbers at fifteen cents per week pit,yail to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 the WKKKtY NEWS at $2 per annum. i: er at, m it e cto r yt - AX. . GOVERNMENT AFFAIR. ' r 1 - ' f . i i j U. S. aiarshnl. J If. SVlllt.'Rev. CnlX Jtl.SlL.i:; L At X',KlU3,"T9mce 011 KJenton Street ne.ie National Hotel. . ' u. s. Assessor, 4th Dislrit. Je?; uY'.D- Jones Ofllce An'drewV. By ild- ,, 'U S. ComiBissioner, V. , , 1' y Liesi umca lliiisboro Stivet. Ikte ianlli ofllco. t i i i v, i (i iV' i i V' ' natfer-Olfico wi ; h Marsha!, MiiIMtrvtKor ini. itev. for North anil i ' South X'luoHii.n , t - ii .l!v-")V' J'r'y--Oili;o Aiiilrews'iniildhig, . i IHM M OtiCVW . : i .:JiJ i 1 ir ; ; STATE OOVKUNJtKN'T. - I'ovprnor-To J. U. Caldwell. I'riVHte .s.!crtaryW, il.Jf Atliery. Srotur of State li; J. Aleunlnyer: ("kit Andrew Syme. , , Attorney General Wm. M. Shi pp. l'ulilio Treasurer David A..' Jenkins vJiiier Clerk Donald W. liain ; Tel'lei-rA. D Jenkins. ) Auditor II. Adams ; Clerk A. J. Parti a. Superintendent of Public Instruction Alex Mclver. ! . i i s . . .. j superintendent of Public Works C. Is UariiH. v Adjutant General John C. Gorman. auttelloologigrrHW. a Kerr. , : Ubrarlan Theo. II. Hill. ' " Keeper of the Capitol Patrick McGou au. CITi' GOVERNMENir -.- '. Mayor Vesley Yhi taker. Treasurer M. W. Churchill.- Commissioners J. P.Prairie, A.'N. Ud : church, Stewart Ellison, Eastern Ward. Iv. IV Hat tie, W. C. Stronach, M. W.Clinrc hill. Middle Ward. J. C. Gorman, Albert lohuKton, Norfleet Duaston.Western Ward. Clerk and Tast Collector M. Grausmau. t'hief of Police James King. r Street Commissioner Jos. T. Backalan. Captain of Police C. M. Farris. Sergeant Charles Hunter. Janitor Oliver Roane. i ;-vt ; , , Polieemen James Doyle, N. Upcliurch, Wm. Durham, Kob t Wyche, J. M. Petross, Martaiu Thompson, Howell Morse, i r k The Board oi Commissioners hold its reg ular meetings on the last Wednesday nibt WAKE COUNTY OFFICEItS-: Sheriff T.'F. I.t.e. Deput v Siieiiffs J. J. Nowell A. Masuin. Supt-i . r Court Cleik and Jndtre of Pro Ijute J. N. Bunting; Deputy Wi VVhitaker. i.'ounty Treasurer Wm. M.-Brown.s J lteisier or Deeds W. W. -WUite. IW OFFICE ARRANGEMENT . Postmaster C. J. Rogers. Oilice hours lam A. M. to 7:15 P. 3d., during Uie week (except while the mails are boim; distri buted.) No mails received or sent on Sun day, . therefore the oilice will not be opened on. that day. Oinee hours for Registered Letter and Money Order Departments, from S:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Time of Arrival and "Closing- the ; Mails. r WEdTiSRX New Orleaiis, La., Augusta, Newbern, Beaufort, Goidsboro, tc., due ii: 15 P. M., close 0:20 A. M. NoiiTHEUN, via Weldon. New Yoik, Bal timore, Pniladelphia, Wa'shinsrtiuj, Rich mond, Petersburg, ,ori'olki Weidon, Ac., due o P. M., close ii;.'0 A. M. Kayeti'kville, via Chatham 11, R.1 ue 1) A, M., close 2: 10 P. M. CHUTtllECS. Presbyterian. i Located corner of Salisbury and Mortran streets, Rev. J. M. Atkinson, DrD., I'astor. Services every Sabbath, j Ilaptist. Located corner tsalisburv and Edenton , streets, Rev. T. II. Pritchard, D. D.,- Pastor. i Services every Sabbath. I Christ, (Episcopal).' ' Located corner Wilmington street and Newbern Avenne, Rev. R. S. 'Mason, TUD., Rector Services every Sabbath; ; ' Methodist. . ' 1st -Mfithodistj located on Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum Pastor. Services every Sabbath. 1 Wesleyan Chapel, located on Person street Rev. A. R. Raven Pastor. Services every Sabbath. St. John's (Catholic). Located corner Morgan and Wilmington street s. Father J. V. McNanjara, l'xiest. fcer-vices-every Sabbath. ' ' v ' MASONIC.' Ilmim Lo.dsre. No. 40, , A. S.Leo, Master Masonic Hall, corner D.iwson and Martin streets, third Monday night In each month. Wni. . Hill Iode, No. 218. ' William Simpson, Master Masonic Hall, d-oud Monday night In each month. Raleigh Chapter, No. 10. ,; Dr. Wm. G. Hill, It. P Masonic Hail, Tuesday night alter third Monday in each month. . iioch Council, No. 5, R. & S. M. John Nichols, Thrice Illustrious Grand Master Masohic Hall, first Monday ' night la each montli, - 7 .,: ' ' - ;-' ; I. O. O, F. Mantco Lodye, No. 8. M W. Churchill, N. G Odd Pel lows' I la 11 o ter Citizens' National Banls Tuesday night of eacli week. ' Seaton Uales' Lodse, No. C4. J. C. S. Lurnsden, N. G. Odd Fellows' Hall, Thursday night of each week icaieign ljoue, no. oo. Hicks. N. G Odd Fellows' Lodge, Meets Monday night of each week. . McKce Encampment, No. 15. J. C. S. Lumnsden, C. P Odd Fellows' Hall, second Hod fourth, Friday night of eah month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. r Centre T.odge, No. 3. R, II. Bradley, W. J, Meejs at Oddi-'al-ovv:s Hall. FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. Oak Citv Council, No. Id. . Theo 11. HilL President over Galley Bros., Fayetteville street, Monay night of each week. . . ,.Vr. --' ' HALLS. ' ' . Tucker Hall. , Fayetteville street, between Morgan and fiarattt. -,f ... 3Ietropolitan Hall. Market Square, over Market House. Oak City Hall. .Joi ner Wilmington and Marl in streets, wer Pool & Mori ng.; . . ;.- .-j . i jtiANKS. ' Citizens' National. William E. Anderson, Presldent-r-V(n":' Mai l in and Fayetteville streets. - State National. Jno. G. Williams, President Fayetteville (tree!, one ilooralwve Tucker Hall. , ; ' Raleigh National. W. H. WilltaFd. l'resident Corner Har- it and Fayetteville streets. ; . ; , v. u George W. Freedmen's Savings ani. , 'hii iiiui i-ay M1HOKLLANEOTJ ; ; ' . Academy ot MediL-iio' i .V II. McKee, Psesideht First Mon iiy nlgl- in each moiiUi at each others! ""Use. . Uscue Steam Fire Enalne CO. V. c. Kt uach, Foreman-Resouei Ila l, - fayetieyiLrf 6treet, frst Monday night each month, -." , Raleigh Typo. Uniou,jNo Tohn W. Mhrcom, Presidenf-Vireinans'. Sill, Wilmington street, ever -Market i House meeU first Saturday night m eacn month, ' Keeper of the Poor House Wilev Yearby. County Commissioners Robt. W.Wynne, M. G. Todd, Wm. Jinks. John R. Caswell, IlavuLT. : o. &c. due at 7 A. M. Y'iose at(i:2')P. AL ! 1 1 E! El 1LJ U i A jV.:A.k:l VOL. I. TIIUIWAY..........,;;...OCTOBER 3. 187?. L' 2Special Notices inserted in the I..oeal Column will be charged Fit leen C'ents per line - Jf-'All partfe Ordering the News win piease sena tne money lor the u me the paper is wanted. ; A I) V E RT IS I N H II A T E S . i" DAILY. Ini.- 2m. ;ni. Cm. 12m. .t jaiv $ : $$0 $ &i .12 ir pj ar 5 10 ' IS . 22 40 75 ' lW' 3) - S 2j 85 20 2i :0 5 100 ,-A-ij, w . . .ao ho ' 4''' - 7i l. ' KXJ ;. f(i 0 1 Square, 2 Squares, ;5 Si'liuires, , , l .rViivarfe, J i-' '4 column, ,ooluiunn i ' column,' ; ' "IAiH J. jl l WEEKLY, lm. 2m. 8m. Grn. ui, S .5 $o 7 $10 $ 18 5 12 lti 26 7 12 ' 15 24 155 a , 15 ' 17 2S ' 40 Hi III 1H ;!2 ! 45 '' 12 ' I S 20 l S5 '50 20 2 - ).. -50 80 o0 v;-40 I 50 80 150 i Square, i Squares, J sHquares,. " 1 "Squares, Squares, column, ' Ja column, column. j-These i-ates are as 'moderate as they oau be made, and will be strictly adhered to. All advertisements not contracted for jader these rated will be charged regular transient rates. STONE & UZZELL. , . - 'ivIIE NEWS DURING THE PRES. . IDENTIAL C AMPAIGN. "Vl- desire to have the News largely chv.ut.itcd during the Presidential cam paign. The larger our "subscription list the more eiTectUyilly yill, we.be enabled to' work, and to this end we trust our Iricnda and patrons will exert them selves somewhat in adding to our pre sent list;. ,The nation ,J.will in; Novem ber declare lor Gheely and Crowx, and it is essential that North Carolina should jUce herself squarely on this liberal movement lor such a consummation will we earnestly" labor. In order . to place-the Daily and VVekklv News within the reach of all, we will send them lov a; period ot four months at. the iollowins rules: A1JY NEWS. One copy...., Five copies ..... ..S 2 2-5 .. 10 IX) .. 17 25 Ten eojies.. WKEKLY NEWS. One copy........... . . S 60 f ive copies, 'Z oo Ten copies, ........li......: 4 50 Fifteen copies. 6 00 Twenty copies........... ........J...:. 8 00 une unnureu copies,. .,..... tm w We trust our friends, in the State .will assist us in adding names to our list, as by a little exertion on their pav t we can be enabled to accomplish much good during the present campaign. V v" LOCAL MATTER. , E.,C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Buiefs. K And still they comesubscribers lo the News. '" ' " - Oysters retail in the-market at $1.G0 p :r gallon.- ' - . Johnston court closed i a fall term )n M m day last. A Greeley and Brown club has been organized at Carey, a - : The receipts of cotton in this city will average a hundred bales per day. r , Just received at Putter & Go's, a large lot ot Lager Beer aud London Dock Porter.- ' . .......... '. 'Dick: Partinis the champion billiard ist of the city. lie runs a saloon under the National. Hotel. . Meeting of the Stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston railroad to-day at the Company's office. "T ...... T'liifnlrfi. ,a nhnfinn1 4 r, Vito room by sickness in consequence of which no session of the Mayor's Court yesterday. J..- ; ".':: ; ' John Kel ley requests us to say that that us horses "did not runaway from , the Depot yesterday and his transport . " . . i-' M.t 4.. ' ' V ; i: ' lion is penecuy saie. s The Concert and Fair ad vcrtisetbto take place at Metropolitan Hall this evening, is indefinitely postponed on ac count of the death of Dr. Smith. ;' Five compositors'; in, the. News office lnive recently enlisted under the banner of the Friends of Temperance and the Good Templars. Go in boys, it's a good thing We will get it down to 10 cents yet.f ' ; :;' -,; V u . Geo. Peace, representjng several wholesale houses ot Baltimore, is 'still in the, city,; making i'riends and custo me rs. A long acquaintance with Mr. P. will justify 'us in commending him to bur mcrcliant. i - "-. : We arc requested ' by AV. W. Jones, Esq., of this city, t-o say that, although having consented to serve as Assistant Marshal at the State Fair, legal business will require his absence in the West for several weeks, and he will in conse quence be unable to serve. The Committee of Arrangements for the reception of the visiting Fire Com panies on Monday next, held a mcetiag Tuesday liight and appointed additional lucuibere on the Committee. Hon., K. P. Battle, Maj. Seaton Gales and Mayor Wesley Whitaker, have consented to deliver addresses of welcome. ii Si G. Ryan, Agent of the Globe Mu tual Life .Insurance Company of New York, left the city this afternoon on a canvassing tour. .. . "l;. j. ; H.'-:.' tThis Company, although it Jas been doin" business in th South only one month, 1X3 a good force employed and is doing a successful business. t T s .TrcjcKit ' Haij.. De Brei, - l the Mugician. opened at Tuokpr Hall last evening,' to'itiJlerably fair house, and succeeded by Ms many wonderful tricks oi' lecr-dc-main in entertaining his udietncc,BorncTof wMclfwcre really astounding to behold- .. , ' . He re-opens toiight with an entire change ot programme, and- having cstuhiilKil reputatV'-L vyill . dubt Icss Jraw' a" large house. SeoKh.s announcement- under head of amuse-ments.' ii ii ii ri i i s r i i . - " w i v ... ri ... i .v s ' --t - "-w- ' v1. i I I 1 II ' t - - C I xa A II it T"J . -my I v a. I . . - r , 7 ,L! 11 A L HIGH. Tue Hendkrson Fair. Our Hen derson correspondent, under date ot yesterday, furnishes us with the 'follow ing items concerning the approaching Agricultural Fair : j A stroll to tiie Fail5' Grounds !in this place oh yesterday, was truly refreshing. We found some thirty hands 1 busily engaged '.u hammeriug, sawing, dig ging and' scraping, under the energetic aiauageiueut ot that stirring old wheel horse'lUol. (commonly called) ''Smith". Harris. We. found a new buitdicg erected :70 x 40 feet, tw. s ories high, the lower room ior liuggies carriages. V&cM 5cq. ,; the uppei floor. to be used as Floral Hall. We also found in addition to these two spacious rooms, seats Under thef joof of the same; buil ding for the accommodation of at least two thousand persons, ranged ohe,above another, "circus , fashion" so"' . that every one can witness the trotting on the whole line ofthe track. In the main building also, is a large room to bfc used by the President, chairman of the Executive Committee with their appropriate aids,"also in another wing of the building is a room fixed up ex clusively for ladies; A large number of good stalls lor horse:5, cows, sheep, pens for hogs and coops tor poultry, are in rapid progress and will be completed by Saturday at the farthest. j The grounds seems to have been de signed by nature for the purposes of agricultural fairs, five acres of the same being covered by a lovely grove of oaks affording ample shade,. and-the trotting track, some 1,400 yards long, adjoining, skirts the inner edge of a barrier, cov ing some 33 acres, so that any one standing on the ground can witness the whole trot the entire distance. jWe have heard competent gentlemen t say "Ibis Was the best track in this State or Virginia. i Articles are already arriving for exhi-. bition from Petersburg and Norfolk, horses are being trained daily upon the track, and everything bids fair forthe best exhibition ever held h$ie. Gran ville, Warren and Franklin counties abound' with fine crops of . tobaCco, cotton, wheat, oats, potatoes, &c., and Will be on hand to show their products. and if any other of our sister counties think they can "fan" them out, well, just come along and you are insured a fair, square deal. j The young people are looking forward with profound interest to the hop and cotillion party on the evening of the 10th, being the third night of the fair ; music, beauty and love will.'bje there, and had your correspondent not put away childish thiDgs,he would certainly "wade in,'? as he may be tempted to do anyhow. Tut: Death of Rev. Dr. J. Brixto:; Smith Post Mortem Examination ... , . The Jury yet in Session The Sto mach and Brains of the Deceased taken to Philadelphia by Coroner Magnin for Scientific Examina tion. Yesterday morning at 9 .o'clock Coroner Magnin, with Drs. E. Burke Haywood, Jas McKee and Fab. J. Hay wood, Jr., repaired to the residence of the late Rev. Dr. J. Brinton Smith for the purpose of making a post morten examination of the body. As the jury could arrive at no verdict without a positive knowledge that the Doctor had died from the effects of poison, when all the evidence adduced in the trial pointed directly to the fact that he did, upon Jthe advice of Dr. E. Burke Haywood, Coroner Magnin will leave the city this morning, with the stomach and brains of the deceased for Phila delphia, where they will be examined by the celebrated Dr. Genth and his prolessional opinion obtained. In the ineantime the jury will remain in session. ! Grave . apprehensions that Dr. Smith was poisoned, exist in the minds of the Community, and it is feared' that tlu matter will yet assume quite an ugly shape, though suspicion as yet points to no one definitely. V I The affair creates no little sensation: lrom the fact of the great ami univer sal popularity of Dr. Smith with all! sects and parties. Appointments. Prof. Southgate, the Agent of the Masonic Temple, has made the following appointments to meet the Lodges designated, and desires the W. Masters 61 the said Lodges to call the Lodges together at the times named i Granite Lodge, No. 191, Clayton, Oct. 8th. Archer Lodge, No. lW, Creech ville, Octo ber 9th. J.- B. Person Lodge, No. 257, Beulah, Octo ber 10th. St. Patrick's Lodge, No. 274, Boon Hill, October 11th. ' Fellowship Lodge, No. SI, Smithfickl, Oc tober 12th. Mill Creek Lodge, No, 123, Newton Grove, October 14th. . Mineo Lodge, No 200, Blackmail's M ills, October 15th. Nahunta Lodge, No. 2;19, Naliunta, Oeto ber 17th. American George Lodge, No. 17, Murfrees boro, October 19th. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, Edenton, Octo ber 21st. Perseverance Lodge, No. 59, Plymouth, October 22nd. Elizabeth City, U. D Elizabeth City, Oc tober 24th. Widows' Son Lodge, No. 75, Camden C. H., October 25th. Atlantic Lodge, No. 233, Currituck C. H., October 26th. Singular. A gentleuan of this city killed a bird in Johnston county a few days since, which being unknown to him, he brougnt with him to the city. No one could tell him what kind of a bird it was, so he went finally, where he ought to have gone at first, to Mr. J. F. Taylor, otherwise known a3 Font Taylord. He began : ' I killed a bird a few days ago, with which I am unfamiliar "where, in a swamp or on high lands" "Ou a telegraph wire." Without waiting for a description,' or seejng the bird, Col. T. then said : t' Well, it is the shrike, or butcher bird," and proceeded to despribe it. The same evening the bird was sent to him, and he was confirmed in dii " singular guess Upon looking in a -book on ornithology, Col. T. was sustained. Funeral of Dr. J. Bklnton Smith The funeral of the late Dr. J. Brinton Smith will take place this eveniqg from Grace Episcopal Church. The public are invited to attend. N. C. THURSDAT MORNING. OCT. 3. 1872. j New Advertisements. The enter prising firm of dry goods dealers, Messrs. J. P. Gully & Bro. j corner Fayetteville street, and Exchange Place, advertise in to days issue, the arrival and opening of an immence stock of all goods in their'Mne lor (he fall and winter trade. These gentlemen are well known in this c.-mmunity, a3 first class merchants and fair, square and honest dealers. From a personal inspection ot their large and attractive stock. We pan; assure the ladies Lhat Mr. GQilly, is a man ol - decidedly 'good tasf?, but don't take our word for it. , Go and see for your selves: - , 4 r Joy to the afflicted the celebrated Beck wit h's pills are again before the public and sold wholesale and retail by Joseph Carr, Wholesale and Retail Driiggist, Petersburg, Va. See adver tisement. ". ' ' . . George T. Stronach & Bro., Martin street and Exchange Place, announce to-day the arrival of new goods in1 their ne. ' .. Lost A dog, the finder will return to Leach Tiro's.,- and get; ihe reward. Wke Forest College. We have been furnished the following commmi cation for publication.: I - Mews. Editors : It will be necessary ere long. for the State to furnish for its colored population a Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute. As most of this class re uneducated it . would be' well that such an Institute should be located in the country where.a piece of adjoining land might be. cultivated so as to make the Institution in part, at-least. self-( sustaining. The Baptists are a large' and influential body in the State! It their College was located-at Raleigh it would evidently be to the -interests of the denomination. We would respect fully suggest the purchase of the Wake Forest building by the State fori the purpose above named, and the purchase by the Baptists of a location, arid ; the erection ot buildings, Raleigh. for a College at Baptist. Colored Liberal Republicans. Alfred Williams, colored, a delegate to the Louisville Convention, has called a meeting of the Executive Committe of colored Liberal Republicans of North Carolina, to convene in this city Oct. 10th. A The Committee are as follows : '' Gay Lord, Rowan; George Alston, Chatham ; Thomas Scott, Edgecombe; Edmond Morriss, Blount's Creek; Nelson Turner, Orange; jW, H. Reavis, Granville ; Harry Dancy, Nash ; William Cawthorn, Warrtn ; Geo. W. Price, Jr., New HanOver; John Leary, Cumber land S. A. Basbee, -Green . Allred Williams, and S. J. Cross, Wake, Erratum. In our report of the pro ceedings of the Commissioners meeting Tuesday night, we showed from the City Treasurer's report that there was now in the Treasury $32,407, when it should have been $7. An "-0" was left out by the compositor in the amount that had been paid out, and the proof reader made his calculation according ly, hence the error. '- The only difference made by the mis fake was the general rush made at the Treasurer's office yesterday, commenc ing at 5 o'clock, a. m., by every man, woman and child in the towu and vicinity that held city scrip. . ; j Fair Week Attractions We have been shown a letter addressed to the managers of Metropoliton Hall from the DeLeon Bros., in which they state that they will open in this city Fair Week, with the finest Opera Troupe that ever visited, the city. At great trouble and expense, these celebrated managers have secured the very best talent that America can aflord, among whom is the Mrs. Viola Pomeroy, the great light of the New York stage. This will indeed be a rare entertaidmenf, and will doubtless be patronized by our citizens in accordance with its merits. Personal Intelligence. . Attorney General Shipp returned to the city yesterday morning. R. M. Furman, Esq., Editor of the Franklin Courier, is in the city. . j Capt. Sam. T. Williams returned to his office yesterday evening. Col. T. Brown Venablc, of Granville county,! is at the Yarborough. j A. M. Noble, Esq., of Selma, N. C.; was at the Natinnnl vnefprrla-j . ' ... . www UWj I Capt: J. J. Davis, of Franklin, lKnc-et3r;(Tht t0 voe ' r our sanctum "with a visit yesterday evening. Col. S. S. Rojster, of Granville, Maj. W. J. Baker, Norfolk, and George W. Gricc, Portsmouth, are at the Yarbo- rough. 1 Col. V. II. H. Tucker returned to the city from his long visit to New. York yesterday evening. The Colonel is as usual lively, aifd considering the fact that his labors have been necessarily heavy, owing to double duty in watch-! ing both the dry goods and pork mar-5 ker, he b in good health and condition.! 1 Meeting of the Directors of the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. The Board of Directors f r the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad met at the office of the com pany in; this city yesterday. We learn that a j committee ot gentlemen from Wake Forrest College appeared before the Board and argued the public and private necessity of changing the present depot of Foiestville to Wake Forest College,! one mile below its present location. 1 What action was or will he taken by the Board is not knf'wn. Hor. We return our acknowledge inent3 ti the Managers for an invitation tp at end the Hop and Cotillon party, to be given on the occasion of the Cen jtral Agricultural Fair in Henderson, October '10th. 1S73. j The Managers are, Capt. Jon. Boothe, T. N. Jones, M. J. Hawkins, Jas.' B. Young, Col. W. R. Swain,W. D. Royster, T. T. Hamlin, Dr. Waller Brodie. TELEGRAM P III C JTE IP& NOON I) IS PATCHES. The Cincinnati Industrial, Exhibi tion. ' I Cincinnati,; Oct. 2. ' The cotton departments; of the Cin cinnati Industrial Exposition .will." be open for entries until the 10th of No vember. Premiums-to l (r awarded on . November 13th. :, 1 4 ; , The commissioners otter 'silver, medals for test bales from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, ' Alabama, Geor gia and Tennessee, and sweepstakes for the best bale from these seven States. In addition to these, large cash pre-; miums will be offered ly the merchants ppuiiiio:i aueaujf iiiauf, inuicaie: a display far exceeding that of any nre- & nnKn., ; ,1 .. 1. -.IT-- 1 vious,exposition in this line. : The Japanese Reactionist Move ment, i :v, Washington, Oct. 2. Mr. Mori, the Japanese charge deaf -faires, explains the present reactionist movement in Japan by saying that it 13 the effort of older men in public life to counteract the progressive movement of young men who have obtained the vir tual control of affairs. Mori hopes the building of the two Japanese vessels in New. York will not long be delayed on account ot funds. . .. ' ; Affairs in England. ' 7 j ' London, Oct. 2. Lord Hatherly has resigned his Chan cellorship. ' ' ; The Solicitor General, in addressing his .constituents; congratulated them upon securing the ballot and England's peace with all nations. He declared that the award ot the Geneva tribunal could be paid without' increasing any taxes. ' " ; Affairs in California. San Francisco, Oct. 2. The Great Republic took three quar ters of a million of treasure' to Yoko hama. , v The newspapers- denounce the acquit tal of Mrs. Fair as a mockery of justice. A three seconds earthquake occurred here this morning. ' ' Convention of Supenntei dents of Southern Railroads. Louisville, Oct. 2. The Convention ot Superintendents of Southern and Western Railroads met here this afternoon, to re-arrange the time tables of the Western, and South ern Railroad Association.1 They also met this evening. ; New York A flairs. ':: j ;; . - New York, Oct:;2: ' The municipal reform organization nominated W, F. Uavemeyer for Mayor. Two thousand dollars worth of dia monds have been seized for having been smuggled from Havana. i ' The "Liberal Republican Ticket in Arkansas. : ' ; , Little Rock, Act. 2. A full Liberal ticket has been nomi nated, three Republicans and the balance Democratic. Andrew Hunter, Democrat, nominated for Governor. - 3IIDNIGIIT DISPATCHES. THE CiJORGIA ELECTION. RIOT AND LOSS OF MACON ! LIFE ' IN Tne Negroes Proven to Have Origin nated it ! . . THE STATE GONE OVERWHEL MINGLY DEMOCRATIC !'.' Savannah, October 2, 1 p. m. C. Bryant, Deputy - Collector of this port, attempted to create a riot at, the polls to-day and was ordered off by the deputy Sheriff, lie resisted and at tempted to draw a pistol, when he was struck over the head with a club by; the officer and taken off, and is now in confinement. The election thus far is piogressing quietly. Bradley, the negro who for the past two weeks has been inciting the negroes to riot and incendiarism, left the city last night for South Caroli na, and has not yet returned. Reports from Liberty county say the Democrats are ten to one. This is a strong negro county. '" !. : ' ; Radical leaders have collected the poll tax lrom negroes and have given them 1 1 1 , . . . . Macon., Oct. 2. A fight occurred at the polls here to day, growing out of another attempt by the negroes to take forcible possession of the polls, a device which they have successfully practiced here during the last three elections. Very early in the morning they massed at the City Hall, and marched down to the polls at the Court House in -..a column, under the commaud of their Captains, Lieutenants and Sergeants. There they found a smaller crowd, principally whites, and commenced crowding upon them and forcing them from the polls. A. few bouts of fisticuffs occurred in the dense mass, and then a discharge of brickbats came from the negroes, followed by an older from their leader, Jeff- Long, to fire upon the whites. In the course of a few seconds about fifty pistol shot3 were discharged from both sides, by which one white man was killed, ani some five or six negroes wounded, two of whom are since dead. - The attack came from negroes, and these general facts are substantiated by numerous afii- L davits before the venerable Judge Cole, of this Circuit, who was in the Court House, and himself - a ' witness; from a window that the negroes commenced the affair. After the affray, which lasted but a few moments,' the balk of ! the negroes left in haste and disorder, ! swearing that they would give up the election as they had been driven from the polls by violence, and could get no chance to vote, lhey massed a tiu ati the City Hall, where they were address ed by the Mayor, guaranteeing . iicrn perfect protection from 4 strong force I ion J l fioq.. 4- of special police which had been sworn in for the day, and free" access to the pons, out with lew exceptions they refused 'to 'tote,' and many have ( gone home. .... j the whole of this deplorable .affair is simply tlie result ol another attempt by the negroes to carry this precinct'by storm, arxl a firm purpose ot the whites ,to, prevent a repetition of the oqtraga tjuifcc nt this time. , , ; . ,. J . Augusta; Oct. . ,The election iassed off quietty.JKiicf? chmond county Democratic bv 800ma- jorityvbeibg a gain on Bullock's election of over 2,000 yptcs.; - Returns come, in slovyly, and nothing official pan be given until to-morrow. - No doubt of the Democrats "carrying the-' State' by an v v..ci w ueimmg; . ; majority pecunng bmiths. election r bv manv thousands. Great entliusiasm'is maniiested. and' the city is illuminated by bon-lires, X Greeley and Brown flag was raised and saluted by the firing of cannon. . The Jerome Park Races. New York, Oct2. ' The f al r : m eet i h g 0 f ' Jero m e Par k opened to-day: . i, .-;,? ; Ifie first race was for the Manhattan Handicap, sweeps takes of $30 each ' auucu,,uiie nine anu a quarter The following started Freakness, OHolan; : TiiOfnau. Mt Mon-i archistLbrd lkkb -Ma v4 -llJoui se, Fanchor, Bfcnnu&'and Sue' Ridcr.;- -The race; was won. by. Fat ch on, (Tubman, second, and Monarchist ' third ; Tim,' 2:t3. " : v."';1 The sedmUirace;!-W'ief6me stakes uiree jear oius;: eachvwith 1,5Q added; tfo railes; Joe: Daniels won Mate second; time; 3:45 , ; , i Tlie'third race for nursery 'stakes for two year olds: $50 each, $1,000 addedJ was run by Little's colt Wild Idle, time 1:454 1 Weather Report. 1 ' : h , "'" ''; : ''' '' ; Washington, Oct:2. . In the Gulf ; and ' -South Atlantic States, winds southerly tp westerly, with generally clear and .warmer weather from the lower Lakes to; Virginia, and eastward south westerly' tO southeasterly inuuo , nil 11 ciuuuy " weatner ana occasional light rain on Lake Erie, and southward, to ; West ..' Vjrginia. , but generally clear weather in the Middle and Eastern States. ' ' ' ' ' ; ? Terrible Railroad Accident in Eng- i . . land. -f ; : ' . ' London, Oct. 2. A; terrible accident' happene(5f his morning to the passenger train from tliis city to Edinburgh." While running at very rapid speed, it came in collision near Kertlebridge, with a freight train. causing the instant death ofihe pe-J sons.. Alany others are mjnred, and it U fearod several ftheto will die. The Capture of Mozattou. San Francisco, October 2. News from Mozattoh' an'nonnces tlie capture'of that city by Pronnnciadcs on the 13th nit. Flore3 was captured with several others,.- and ..; will be tried by Court .Martialr-Many acts of cruelty 'h-.beeX .compii'tjedjhj the. victors since their entry. - ... , AVashingtou,. Affairs. . . ;. Washington, Oct. 2. - Secretary Fish has arriyed here to re main during the winter. , t A ;, Captain 'Alvero'and'Superinten'd EnoshHoog, arrived this afternoon with fifty-one wild Indiana. ' -u nf :u S. H.,Pairo, an alderman and ex-city Attorney of Mobile, Ala.,' was shot and wounded in the drm,' on the ;19th irit. by a policeman of that city while' in the act of setting fire to, Mr., T... K. Irvin's cotton office,' under, which was the store of Mayor Parkci1. Pairo had for 'soine time been auspected of being an1 incen diary, and threepoliceman were detailed some; three weeks before. the, arrest for the special purpose of. fixing the, crime upon him, which- they succeeded ' in doing alter nearly two. months' quiet and , patient watching. ' ' The spirit which actuated Pairo, in this matter seems to have been -one of i revenge on the' Mayor, of .the city, who. was about to commence proceedings against, P. 'for malfeasance in office. When arrested, the ex city attorney exclaimedj' u I have' done a dirty act, and, you ( hAve got -.OJe Bull will be in Petersburg on the 21st inst. . . . . .. 1. f - '. ItEAIi KSTATIi ;J2XCUAN E. N GS 1 A N D & M I L L E R It EAI iTTXI'XlXCII A Sil E, Land buyers ni:iy relyon liuvla.sin direct rom I he Property Owners. No Middie- inen or Agents allowed .10 ypeculate . or elia fa an ad vanee on the i t : . ". Owner's price of Farms, 'tic, , ;, : .' .'j tt'i'-- -.. ' 1 ' S ? : ; 1.! : i '. i If. 1, I- i.T S v I O It S 1 JL E : tnalStf . . . ; "pKIDE OF -. KALElGir ,TWIST.. : -i,, "' ;:i'.u Ur. . --it-f. .''''?. U . Keam' Roll and ;Faacy Bar," are now the favorite brands of North Caro lina chewing Tobacco - -' ' "' ' h These. ..brands,, together -with seyeral otherii, comprising aif gi-adesrof flrst-clasa chewing toUtcco, are jnanufactured. and soid at wholesale, at C. F. lleam's Manufac tory. Kah-if?". ' ' Orders lrom wit twiionn of the State re- specilyily, siici ted, which will receive ti"lAt rffHonid iittentioB.' ' ' 5 . Tue iMessra.1 parbanis farj still. aMtilf : Maaufactwi y. and will be pie ised lo al tend to their frit nds dntl enstomers;'-" ' ; 1 ; sepW-tf. '::; V'- H1 ; if RATE30P ADVERTISING. 822 w i ? 1 00 wu uquare, tnree liasertions... On square six insertions One Square, one month....;.. 2 00. :t '8-00 uuc Biiuaioree months ....... iq 00 One square, twelve months....."...!.:.. SO CO For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines fcrtid uon pareil constitute one square. Gold uiz-jri t. - - n Cottoii--Ilecelpt j? ntt ; W ; gross . eff" forfnture delivery to-day, 15,20!) bales a, follows i (October 18 S-ltiai8 5-16 : fsr' ecemw. lMa 1q oL8ii Wry ' February 9 7-16 !'Pn; 1S33 bales at ehi'wkiIIbu,K!J,1 whout decided vv!vlc?-1 Whlskeyacllve, steady, Trreat heavy, shaJe lower, 6.63 lor S?BFr,d I'i'nois cornhalf cent lower, M9.&iA. Pork firm, rafctfer more inqulr. mess beef jejuiet, S4a6 ; plain mess SSalO ; extra &ia.l(Li Unvl! r.nt pokv k:i ,9:1.(i', Trullne 9ulet steady, laCi'. tobinklitiUtifotiilainedrf i, Vt U Jt I'dreign-' Markets. ' London, October 2. to , . Frankfort. October 2. ' - . , Paris, October 2 ; Rentes 53 and tic ,. .' , - T . I v." L' ixilr V " f tnloi Later Cotton; firmer 1 nnlanda flinov- Orleans 9. Sates ' 10 ; specuf ation lS fcix- ports 3.: Ureadtil'ff firuiY Lard 13. 1 allow Cotton Markets. . - ' WiLanirGTON, October 2. Cottqn flrni ;;ml4d4tnK 17. j .... , , Baltimoee, October 2.. Cotton qut,ttrm ; middlings lSal8&.' i ' ' ; ; i Memphis', October 2.( Cotton firing middlings 17al7.' ' - ; New'Orleans, October s, Cotton active : 1 zaod ordinarv "Tow middlings ihW.' -i '-.!..i;.!-...irfi;ifV , ; Norfolk', OctobeT 2. Cot tohi linn e low middlings 17017. Charleston. October 2. 41 Cotton firm, good ordinary 11714;, low middlings 17al7; middlingsI7jL . - -'U-iiud K .ti ,rl - October 2. ' Cotton firm, eood demand 'iiaht oflferfnes low, middlings 17al8 ; middlings lSJi. ' ' SPECIAL-NOTICES , ain tOD." tins to of raen .and women In civilized society, much younger than the old Sagamore, are lik him, '-withered -at the top," slniply becatuse thevl have, nmlpnl tn m.. me&ns at nreServin! haur.whichfeienee ha4 placed at their dis posal.; .11 Uyon's Ivatiiaikoh be fatthfutly applied once or twice a day; to the fibers and the soalp.:it is Just as impossible that the, hair should decay, ,wther, fall out or beer me harsh and fuzzv. as that ftTm pn iinr : duly refreshed with ng hriy dews and i unli I rains, should, become arid ami hamn ne gre?n blades. This Hjiatchle&s preparation ""'""'j accpa uiciuiir aiive ana lae BKlu of the head in a healthy and clean condi tion bat actually multiplies the filaments and imparts; to, them a-lustre, flexibility and wavyfceamy unattainable by any other mode pf treatment.. It, does not, like the metallic and sulphurous hair dyes, . dry un the natural moisture of the scalp, but sup plies nutriment to the roots of the hair and vigor to the fibers. . t. i Dr. . Sage's ( s C at a tun t vl reward for an incurable case. Sold by drug gists, or by mail, 60 'cents. Address It: ' V. Pierco, lf..D;,'Buffikkly NJ ' . : "' I .i. reputation as the surest and best Illumina ting oil. ' Over' two million eallons have been sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have oc curred. Send for circular. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1770, New York. We Have Freqtj ently TTea say they would not be without Mrs. "Win slow's Soothing 'Syrup, from the birth of the child until it has finished with the teething siege, under any consideration whatever.-"- -:.rrrr: ".' - '. E B B -T- I- B E BY CIIPJSTIAN I1EID, Author of A Morton House." " Valerie Ayliner," "Mabel Iiee," ic, u Price Paper covers, 31.0.1 cloth, &10. Just received, and for sale at the feook store of - ... sept20eod2w ALFRED WILLIAMS. -r 1. 1 . ' : i 1 " t-t-r AT- 10 ! .T l i : C il ,E TO WUOM IT MAX CONCERN. Jlavlnttlocated irti'the Cilv of Raleich :T take this opDortnnity to inform the nubile generally, having served my time in the uity or petersourg, tliat I am now prepared to Set Grates, for coal of anv descriDtion. also Cooking Ranges Hot Air Furnaces, lay down Terra Gotta Pipe, construct Cisterur, 01 any aescripuon and warrant tnem water sign, 1 am aif prepnrtd toidoalLkfhds of Brickwork, Plastering, both plain and ornamental." ' . " ' ' ' ! All work placed inrayjmnds will receive my personal attention. Thankful for past favors; I hope by strict, attention to busi ness to receive a share of public patronage in the rutum ' - .. . in the future-; sept U-2awlm; WILLIAM J. GANT QO.Q K I N G, .S,T.O V. E.S We are recelvlrg pef uchooner from Philadelphia, an assortment of . . , F O U R II UNDRED a 0 0 'k ixp.J. ''n'E at in a S T O F E S , i These stotes were purchased before the heavy advance In the price of Iron; and we have brought then to this market at great redaction in rates of freight, both of which items we are prepared to give our' customers the benefit of. t. Send for price list. ' V JjUMfllKU; -yJUiXU & CO., eod&wSm . , 1 . Petersburg, a. sept2S P A K TNE II S II I P We have associated 'ourselves under the firm and name of Williamson, Upchurch fe Thomas for the purpose of dbingaWholesale Grocery and Commission.' bumnesa in this city, and otter our services to our old friends and the people generally. Office and fcjales Room on Martin street nearly opposite the . Citizens National Bank, and General Ware- , boufce near Depot of North Carolina Kail road Company. B.' P. WILLIAMSON, . ..... i , , i.W. G. UPCHUIUJH,, -. J. J. THOMAS, Jr. .Raiigii, Sept. 2d, le72. d-lm TITNGEIl, PEPPER, SPICE, CHOW VJT. Chow Worcesterrfilre 1 Sauces, Bed Cords, Coil Rope, French Bluing, Cigars, Wrapping Twine, Paper: Envelopes &c. wrapping Twin WILLIAMSON, LBS. BED SOLE LEATUEli, S00 lbs Harness; ' i ? ' .,auolUSboeThfal, i j - ' seplS . - POOL & MORING. . : .);. i ; ; ,,; . OR JOB WORK OP . EVERY ! cliaractei, go to the NEWS' Office,' i 1 t - t; i . : - Fayetteville st rtstt, Over W. C. Stronaah A Co' c r .,LR, UNp HE S COTTON Ls V" Yarn, assorted ntimbers. 1 ' WILLI AM SON UPCUUltCU dc THOM AS Nl' EA'PO AM" POWDERS. 3 Ire 5 lb. tlns. for Hotel ivnd Families. . W. USTBUNACH. iut jtu 04a muuoQk-rWitheredat.the saia a vena-aTJie Indian tufef.did nis tmn and bleachino ntu 'A I; it i tf- V x y fc,

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