! j i lillf; :- i-n:ii:. ' :M!f i I' I ! '-1 j i DAILY NEWS. TOXE a UZZELL, f. . PROPRTBTORk FATrrrEviLLK strekt, W. C. Stronach A' Co.' Store. CASH ISVARJABLY IX ADVANCE. . K,rt .kAILY NEWS will bo delivered to iansoner at rineEN cknts per week p cvable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at (f vy nuuuui; iauiorsixmoning; z rorthre vumtha. ' . Th WEEKLY NEWS at 12 per annun . s 100,00 o ; R A N D I F T C O N C K R T -niul presentation totlje holders of tickets of 275 BEAUTIFULLLY LOCATED C O T T vl G e : s O T S at (he new and elegant sea-side resort. V U E D.E L ' El U On Hampton Roads, Opposite Fortress Monroe, Virginia. TOGETHEU VITH TICKETS ONLY $."5 EACH A The new, attractive and beautifully-located Southern Seaside watering place, named V U E . D E ; L E A V, on Hampton itoads, nearly opposite For tress Monroe, Virginia, in full view of that fortress. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Bay, and James River, with a water view unsur passed in America, where every luxury of ea and land Is obtainable, was opened to the public for the first time the past season, and having proved a success unparrelled in the history of seaside resorts, has in duced the stockholders to make an effort to greatly enlarge its capacity so as' to ac commodate the great public; to this end they have determined to offer Inducements of no ordinary character, in the shape of a (illAD CilFT CONCERT, by means of which they hope to be able to to execute their public-spirited and laudable undertaking of making I V U E DE, L'EAU the Grand Seaside Resort of the South Affindecements tojthe public every where tojpiirchase tickets, they propose to pre sent as , C II RISTM AS GIF TS To the purchasers of tickets, by distribution by lot, the following magnificent gifts : 1 Gift in Greenbacks, of ! S 5.000 5 dirts in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, 5,000 JO Gifts, in Greenbacks, of SoOO each, 10,000 75 Beautifully located Cottage Lots, "by the sea," 30 by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at $400, 30,000 "200 other beautifully located Cottage Lots, 35 by 130 feet, at Vue do L'Eau, valued at $200 each, i 40,000 10Q Gifts, in Greenbacks; of 5100 each. 10,000 .401 Gifts, valued at -$100,000 20,000 ' TICKETS AT $3 EACH. The Grand Concert will take place in the NORFOLK OPERA HOUSE, On Monday Evening, Dec. 23 1872, ' And will in Itself be a full consideration for the price charged for Ad- mission Tickets, The distribution of Gifts .will take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view " ..r th mifiienee. under the immediate su pervision or the President and Directors of tne vuiDiEii iuiu uurA. i, uiiii iuo Al lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that the gilts are properly distributed as adter- Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, Hon A S Watts, Myor of Portsmouth, Col Walter H Taylor, of Norfolk, -Hon John B Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, James G Holladay, Esq., of Portmouth. The Board of Directors is composed of the fUbwlng gentlemen, whose well known character lor integrtty, honor, and public enterprise are so well known as to guaran tee success, and a lair and impartial dlstrl- 1.,,11n n thA rlft.s : Major George W Grlce. President Bank of I'orismouiu, . t - , Col William Lamb, President Hrst a il.mol nnir Knrfolk. Gen VDGroner, General Agent Boston Steamship Company, Captain Nathaniel Burruss. Son & Co., Washington Keed, Esq., of Peters & Reed Merchants, . , . cl , 1 , E G Ghlo, Esq., Superintendent Seaboard and Roanoke Kailnwd. i r ' . Robert J Neely, Esq., of R J & W Nrly I, 1 V . 1 i Marshall Parks. Esq., President Albe , mnrle t Chesapeake Canal Company, E C LlndseyEsq., Real Estate Broker, J William U White, Esq., Attorney at La w, NTbe distribution will be by blindfolded persons or children, from two wheels, one of which will contain gifts on printed slips sealed in envelopes of the same size, the other will contain tags, with numbers on ?hem corresponding with ull the , tickets Hold" after the contents of both wheels are thoroughly mixed by revolving, the person at the first wheel will take a number there from and then the personal the second Shell will take a gift therefrom, and the JlfthnstAknwilfbelong to the number &ken immediately before lt,-t bis process nanue-the numbers and gifts, being ki??i nnounced-until tne whole lour publicly announcea uu distributed. ltu hoDed th public' will promptly re- mouths. . TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. without discount. . tickets. For further particulars and for wew, aPly to the undersigned, Jbo tow nndefr taken the exclusive flnnc al manageen of this scheme, and who alonere auu ior I zed to appoint agents for the saie oi tickets. - . . i : u. s BURRUSS, SON & CO., Cankers and Financial Agents - Vue de L'Eau Company r. NO R F O L K ...V. A ; ; . ... . ' , .V ''';';;,: , ; , . Tickets for uale at ' CITIZENS' NATIONAL RANK, R A LEIGH', N. 'l : 1he B ail y Ne wt ? i 1 ry - : ; , . J r "T : , , . r : . . ,. ' . ,. ... i. , ,.; .' ". , . ... ., .. ' , ' .-. . , 1. , s ., . ! ,. ,; THURStAY... .NOVEMBER 4. 1872 "Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged , Fif teen Cents per line. ! I AU parties ordering thei News will please send the money lor the time the paper is wanted, j E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Briefs. And still it rains. t. The General Assembly meets o Mon tlay.v Quite a number of our citizens left yesterday morning for the Wilmington Far. ine Mayor s uourt was not in session yesteraay. vvnen tne ins Kiws are tiring, little ones lose their interest. , The Sheriffs are more backward ,in settling this Fall than in the rjast six years. St) say those who have k right to know. '' j .. I - Harrison, the grocer, the manlof big cabbages, sent us a specimen yeiterday weighing 14 lbs. He has five" hundred more of the same sort. ; j Bradley, the man of " new ideifs," re ceived yesterday a large lot of clear Havana russian cigais, something en tirely new, and a "good thinjf tb those fond of puffing. The News office were trcatell to. a Duck supper at the Restaurant of Miller & Nelson's last night. The :log ex perience of the proprietors of this restaurant, enables them to keep;a first- class eatinsrhousc. The Board of city Commissionirs And the Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society, will both be In session to day. The new Fair Grounds will of course be the subject bf flebate. It is to be hoped that the'Cqrnmis sioners will accede to the wishes of the Society in the location, as I we learn t bey are the best that can be olftained in the vicinity, and moreover harmony with the two bodies should prevail for the benefit of both. J . I John tue Baptist. The Bilhcal Re corder, of this city, thus comments on an . r r J ? t ' ' t extract irom a masonic speeca recently published in the Masonic Monitor : " But I return to the day we celebrate. It is, the 24th of June, St John's da v. St. John were one of onr order and a good showman in the Judge'k country : and were also a hardshell Baptist who preached in the woods as we do 'o day. He was persecuted for our sakes and driven into tne wilderness, where? he nad nothing to eat but locusts (which is a cinatell for grasshoppers) and. wild The Masonic Monitor publishes the foregoing as a part of a speech deliver ed by M. W. G. M. Artemus Ward. We teel constrained to add a few remarks : 1. Many well known facts 'and unan swerable arguments satisfy us that John the Baptist was not a Mason J f 2. He was not a "Hardshell Baptist." He exhorted men to repentj and con ducted a great revival. 'IIairdsbell j , ... ' f Baptists ' do not preach refitance, nor conduct revivals. r 3. John the Baptist was and killed for preaching m prisoned unpopular truth and for rebuking sin, and not for our sakep." We hope as the political campaign is now over, the masonic editor will have ,raore time to prepare his cahd'u ate for masonic patronage. "Gab,' We hear people '. frequently b," as they are pleased to denominate the habit in dulged in by some men who haye more brass than brains, and seem to think no a-semblage can be properly enlightened without hearing from them. Wfe regard this thing in a different light.! So far irom considering it a "gift' ! wa believe it to be a curse. If not a curse .to its possessor, it is certainly a. curscjjto that portion ot mankind who are .urougnt into contact with him. Hd is as regular standing bore on all occasions, and if he eets into a deliberative assembly. as such creatures crenerallv do. he ibeco mes an c ' absolute nuisance. " Magistrate's Couht, B EFOllE D..A; Wickeii, J P. David IMevv feon.pnargen with an asau!t upon Trim illaily, col., fined $1 and cota.J. to drive a wairn Trim atfempted over cer- tain crossing near the Raleigh alid Gas- tr.n mil mad Dcriot. JScwsom. an pmnlnrH! of 1 he rail roadl am instruction from the officers to that effect ordered Trim peremptorily to take his wagon backh and notj to dross the -forbidden erround. Trini, gave him enmn imnndpri'ce. Newson went for him. Police enterferred, brought him before the J. P., paid his and departed in peace. fine aind costs - To Liquor Dealers. -Ve djircct the attention of the Liquor dealersof Ral eigh and elsewhere to ?thc announce ment in to-day's News of Messrs. Elli ott & White, wholesale Liquo dealera, Norfolk, Va., of the advantages they offer in the article of. Gaff T& Co's. Aurora Rye Whiskey. These gfntlemen offer this celebrated article as lpw as it u rmrrhfised of an JNoithern or t;u j- - a . , Southern house. Give tl em a trial. PERSOXAL lKTEIXIGEXCri - r.ni: William Foy, Caven jcounty rv x Holt, of Alamanle; Gen. 111. M. a Dftn'l McUlure, u. d. vr, tt a . fl U Pntton Baltimore; Geo. T.Leno,orK, tk. fir.n Ot LeSCll 1IU P, u if..a v,j, uric ii - tcrday. No Mcles SiCK.-The rumo that the & Cols . Live- U,S i'haT been ttackld with Fnizootv proves to be .infcorrecl. ... W LL ii ! a . fine otof .Sw Ken Air. lWHK" " , . I. ..Ainfir01r tnpKy wur -v.-f phib tcd the 5 ': tUnra WI1ICCII nit c vi'"i"j slightest symptons of l.e. 1 A V I I I M V I". Ill V I-"--- RALEIGH. N. 0 rfjrOTHEIZ Jtt Will I) EH, COLORED BOY KILLS . STEP-FATHER. HIS CORONER'S JURY SUMMONED. E 11 U I C T The Murderer Committed to Jail. Yesterday morning George Dowd, a colored boy living in Oberlin near Ihe city limits was arrested upon a warrant wsued by D. A. Wicker, J. P., by officer Kingcharged with stabbing his step father Turner Davis. Before the trial could commence ustice Wicker received information of the death of Davis from the wound, and Dowd was at once com mitted to jail. , Coroner Magnin was notified, who summoned the following jury:! J H Rogers, Moses Patterson, W II Mat thews, Henry Farrar, Richard Shepperd, John Strickland, Wm Copeland, John F'aggi Frank1 Ricks, John James, Moses Blackwell, Richard Strickland, and re paired to the scene of the outrage. TUB JURY IN SESSION. The jury met aS the residence of the deceased, and after being duly sworn, went into the examination. It was shown that a difficulty occured between George Dowd and Turner Davis, his step-father; that in a scuffle that ensued, Davis was "cut in the ieg with a small pen-knite in the hands of Dowd, and bled to death before a phy sician could be summoned. Dr. James McKee made the post mortem examination, who testified as follows: u I found the deceased with a wound in his right thigh, two-inches below : ligament, directly over the course of the femoral artery, an incision on the inner side of the long muscle of the thigh developed the complete severance of the femoral artery. Death was caused by hemorrhage, caused by the division of said artery." The Jury, after mature deliberation, delivered the verdict in accordance with the facta. Whereupon the Coroner isiued his warrant, and George Dowd was committed to jail to await the ac tion of the Grand Jurv. Dkath op Capt. Geo. B. Baker.- We regret to announce the death of Capt. Geo. B. Baker, which occurred at the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. H. W. Miller, in this city, at 61 o'clock yesterdaj afternoon. Capt. Baker was connected ,with the "Sentinel" office until his health com pelled him to retire from business. lie was a native of Fayettcville, but has been residing in Raleigh four or five years. He was, we presume about thirty five years of age. j ( His death is not altogether unexptc ted as he has been suffering ftom that insidious disease Consumption for some time. j . Capt. Baker was a gentleman of ex cellent moral character and was highly esteemed and respected in this com munity. We tender our sincere condolence to bis distressed family in their deep affliction. ! The Dog Law. The law which our coming Legislature proposes to pass in reference to worthless curs will prove of lasting benefit to all classes, especially to the poor men of the State. If we understand it correctly it is substantial ly this : That each and every dog shall after the 1st ot next May, be taxed $3 and be required to wear a collar to show that the tax had been paid. This is a special tax, and is to be applied to the education of the )oor children of the State. When we; take into considera tion the thousands of worthless dogs and the great ignorance prevailing among the rising generation, the gener al cry will be, up I with education and down with the dogs ! ' , It is a notorious; fact that the number of dogs in North (Carolina is constantly multiplying, while education is being much neglected arid the children of the State are growing up in idler.ess. I ignorance and Death ok Capt. J. Q. DeCarteret. Capt. John Q. DeCarteret, well' and fa vorably known td the citizens of Ral- eigh and Wake county, died yestcrtlay at the residenee of his mother in this city at 4:40 o'cloc months since Capt. : A. M. jSome lour DeCarteret was siuit ten with Paralysis, from 'the effects ot which he never recovered, and his leath was anticipated by' his friends. He was one ot 1 the leaders ot the party of Constitutional reform in Wake, having been nominated by the party for the Legislature in 1870. : He wis also a member of the Democratic State Executive Committee. . " His funeral will take place tomorrow from Ihe Baptist Church at 3 o'clock P.M. The Fire Brigade of the city, of which he was a member, will turn out in a body to the funeral. Office of the Phenix Insurance Company of Brooklyn. New York, Nov. 11th, 1872. J M. Tate, Ag"t, Raleigh, N. C: Dear Sir : We have pleasure in in forming you that our los?es by the fire iu Boston cannot possibly exceed 450,- 000. - Oar Assets on 1st of .November. - 1872, 52,032,191 01 Total amount "insured in burnt districts 430,000 00 Thus leaving us, even in case our losses are total, $1,582,191 01 Stephen Crow ell. t 1 President. . Meeting of the Executive Com mittee. I here will be a meeting "of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Agricultural Society to-day, Thursday, at II o'clock, at the Yarboro House; A full attendance is desired, as matters or great importance will com un for action. . THURSDAY MORNING. NOY. 14. 1872. Tribute of Respect, At a meeting of the Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, held last night' the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, Our respected fellow-member and kind" friend, Capt. J. Q. De Carteret has beejt called from his earthly labors, therefore; - j Resolved, Thai in his death this Co. has lest one of f s earliest and most de voted members. If j Resolved, 'thafwe as a company and as individuals extend our sympathies to the family of or late associate in this their bereavement. j -.. I Resolved, As a further mark of respect that this Company will ! attend his funeral . . 'ii.. 'j . 1 Resolved, That a.copy of hese resolu tions be sent to tbi family of the dee'd, and entered on ihe Company records. . T. L Lova, ; ) .. j J C. W. Driver, Committee. . W.jR. Pepper, ) . ;, Attention Hoot & Ladder.--You are commanded to meet promptly at your Hall this (Thursday) evening at 2 o'clock, to attend tke funeral of Capt. J. (I. DeCarteret. Application is to be made to the next session of the Legislature for the pas sage of an act establishing a new county from portions of Bladen, Sampson, Dup lin and JNew Hanover. i j . . - . : !..!:.. - I . . r i i Greeley's maiory in Missouri is iover 29,000. The State Senate will probab ly have ten, and the House forty six Democratic majority. The Democrats carry a large majority of the Congres sional districts, i ' ; . j ,; ('- J': ' . ; j "i. Many gentlemen have pockets made iu the sleeves of their overcoats, where in a lady may keep her hand warm when walking arm in arm wi4h them. An amateur editor in Indianapolis has made his fortune by his pen. His father died of grief after reading one of his editorials, and left him $130,000. i Poor Mrs. Fair has now been sued by Judge Quint, one of her counsel, for over 18.000 and he has attached her bank account. i s The salary of General McClellan as erigineer-in-chief of the department of docks- in New York has been reduced from $20,000 to $10,000 a year, at his own. request. ;. .' :;-; ; , - ' ; . Penny subscriptions are being collect ed in London,, with a view of building a church in Fulham Fields. I REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE; T7INGSLA.ND & MILLER REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Under Raleigh National Rank; Land buyers may rely on Purchasing direc rom tn Property Owners. No Middle men or Agents allowed to Specalate or charge an advance on the Owner's price of Farms. fcc. 11.0 USES AND B UILDING E O T S mal8tf F O 11 S t E E' O W IN S T O RE Six (G) varieties of Flour, r A. B. G. Crushed and Poto Ilieo Sugars. Rio, Laguara and Java Coffee, i Canton syrups and Cuba Molasses, N. O. and Rangoon Rice, I " " Western, Break Ja-t and Va. Ba;on, " ana fanvasea Mams, Corn, Oats and Meal, I Tto tAiia A nnlaa &olt Ulnrfn Pepper. Snice. Qineer. SoaD and Lard, Bagging, Ties, Twine, Rope and Paper, . Boots, Shoes, Sheetings and other f imoua goods. " -! i f A.liAMJ15KStU., no 13-tf No. 2 Martin Street. n -TTfl A R TlfJ A Tf SU G A R Bright Porto Rico, . " CO. " C. Yellow, i standard A, " Crushed, ' t i Best Granulated, i Very cheap at A. C. SANDERS, No. 2 Martin Street. oet L3-tf A. c R D To the Democratic-Conservatives and Liberal Republicans Elect : ' ' k . !!.:' Gentlejien respectfully . announce myself as a candidate for the office of PRIN -CIPALi CLERK of the House of Represen tatives. Itaving served in that capacity in the House of Commons of the General As sembly of 1852, 1 refer to any living mem ber of that body for the manner in which I discharged the responsible duties of the position, and for my present qualifications and fitness for the office, I beg leave to give as references any gentleman in the State who knows me, and especially my brethren of the press. I i i Respectfully your obedient servant, . STEPHEN D. I'dOL, Editor : i Journal of Commerce. New Bekne, N. C, 1 Npvember 0th, 1372 J nov.9-tf t : . r K S 1ST E W B O O Just received, I i 1 Lot Methodist Hymns. ! 1 " Maury's Geographies. 1 " Initial paper, l " RAntist Ilvmns. Call soon, i L- BRANSON, oct2-tf , i . lialeigh, N. C. ATULLETS, MULLETS, MULLETS, 10U barrels Fresh Corned Mullets, in store, WILLIAMSON, UPCIIURCII & THOMAS, noV O-tf I . I I ! Jg A G G TN G ! BAG G I N G 1 The very heaviest India, i i ' 'J lbs to the Yard. A. C SANDERS A CO, oot2t-tf No. 2 Martin Street. TEEEGRAPUIC JTEUS. ' nonIhpatches. 7 " ' '' ': j : i- : j -,:--- -New X0' Affairs. New York, Nov. 12. The steamer Arizona is over due. The Government sues the' German Savings Bank for $40,7p0 unpaid; taxes and $5,000 penalty for failure to report, r Receivers have been appointed for the International Insurance Company,! . f - A Correspondent telegraphing from Reindsa, Cuba, under date of Nov. 9th, says that he has just returned from the Camp of the Cuban leader; Manuel Agreenot,1 and that their horses, ammu nition and arms are in very fair condi tion, but ammunition is scarce. ( The commissary abundant except coffee, j Genersl Sholler, of the New York lire department, inspected the burnt dis tricts of the Boston fire, and says it whs in consequence of the delay ot the fire men to reach the scene, and the narrow ness of the streets and great heat which prevented effective work. 'Ife 1 agrees with the Boston chief that the explosion of buildings by gunpowder tended to spread the conflagration. He assures the people of this city there is no likelihood of a. similar calamity befalling them., A secret meeting of underwriters adopted the rates of 1870, which lis in j advance of the present rates 10 to 15 percent, to ubject mansard roofs. Referred i to a special committee. .: f j . i A special from Little 'Rock claims Arkansas I by nearly five thousand for Grant and twenty-seven republican ma jority, on joint ballot, securing republi can fcenator. : I - Telegraphic Summary, ! St. Louis, Nov. 13. Col. Grosner assumes the editorship of the Evening Dispatch. ; : !"- j ; ' : Indianapolis, Nov. 13. A; special session of the Legislature convenes to-' day, -: ".:". . j !' Cincinnati, Nov. 13. The mules at tacked on Friday appear to be recover ing. Freights are accumulating at the river and railroad depots. The Ameri can Express Company are using oxen. Boston Nov. 13. The following was issued this morning from the Relief Committee room : It having been sug gested that the Secretary and Treasury might issue an additional amount of currency in view of our calamity, ! ' Resolved, That this Committee earn estly remonstrate against any sucn issue as unwise, unnecessary and prejudicial to our whole country. , ' ! j j j The sale of Belmont's collection of foreign paintings last evening realized over $80,000. . ;;. j .:.' ;;; .".. '... -. Several phases of horse malady ap peared in the large stables.) A! relapse tending to dropsy with several fatal instances. The disease seems to effect horses that; were compelled to work during the first stages of the epizootic symptoms with a dropsical relapse and a swelling of the legs and 1 belly. The remedy used is rubbing fof , the parts with a liniment composed pt camphor, nartsnorn ana sweet oii.! I Railroad. News. Cincinnati, Nov. 13. A dispatch from Parsons, Kansas, say3 that the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas' Railroad is now completed to within eleven; miles of Red river. The bridge across that stream is rapidly building.! ii . The Texas Central Railroad; will be completed to Denni.nr by the first ot January next. The ; gap-between the two roads is now only 42 miles. I ; Shipments of cotton and cattle are increasing daily and business this season will exceed a hundred thousand head of cattle and thirty thousand bales of cotton. Foreign Affairs. ; Havana, Nov. 13. The impression that . telegrams passing ; through this Island to other places, are liable to cen sureship, is not correct, only dispatches oncinatins or delivered in Cuba are subjected to that process, ; i Capt. Genneral has ordered all pur ties accused of incendiarism to be tried by court martial: i. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. ! Foreign Affairs. Madrid, Nov. 13. Court Martial of the Ferrol reyolters continues, j Several ring leaders were sentenced tjo death. Two bauds of Carlisu appeared in Andalusia 'cut the telegraph and rail road, Troops have been sent there. Rome, Nov. 13. The Italian Govern ment quarantines vessels Irom southern tVusina, in consequence oi cholera. London, Nov. 13. Heavy gales the English coast to day, aud. mused much damage to the shipp ng. I V Matamoras. Nov. 13. General Ceballos, Military Governor ojt bvoIm announce the pacification of that statu without blood shed. : Gen Dioz paving!. surrendered and given hi3 parole to present, himself at the city bf Mexico. Pi esideut Lerao congratulates the country on complete restoration of pence. Great reioicing at the capital. Failures of Fire Insurance Cora. ' panies. f . -1 ' New Yokk, Nov. 13. The Spec'ator has the following list of the suspended Insurance Companies, and'thu: aiiiount of each which will prol-ably p.iy the Massachusetts Coiiipaulcs as lollows: Bav State 50 per cent.' Boston Go, Bojlston C5, City 40, Elliott ! 75, . Ex change 40, Fanuel Hall 50, Firemans 35, Franklin 23, Howard 25, Liwreiu e 50, Manufacturers 9a, Mcicoauts i.j.; Mutual Benefit 35, National 75, North American 50, Peoples 75, Preyed t 50, Shoe and Leather 75, Suffolk i 50, Tie, inont 25, Massiugtou 65. New VoiU Companies; Hiunholt 40, Intcniiti iii i! 74, Market 50, Providence Companies; Equitable 60, Merchants 65. I Weather Iteport. -i ' Washington, i Nov. 13.--Iu : the South Atlantic and Gulf States south easterly to southwesterly winds and partly cloudy weather will prevail.: f he Ohio valleys northerly to wes-irly; winds with clearing and partly cloudy weather with occasional slight rain and tnow. , NO. 190. j New. York Affairs.' New York, Nov. 13. Shipments of specie f to-day nine hundred thousand dollars.' -. : : . i : 1 .;:;f'- The suspension of Stanfield, Went north & Co., dry goods and commission merchants, of Boston and thi3 city, is announced. It is expected they i will resume. soon. : ; ..v i- t':; -.-. '- ;; The' Sun reports the new District Attorney as having decided to take all the indictments for murder 'ifroml the pigeon holes ami j try them' at once. There are about 100 pigeon hole indict ments for homicidcv and variojis grades of manslaughter. The bondsmen ; are in July .politicians. ! Iu addition to this there are about 20 prisoners; awaiting trial for homicide and manslaughter. Horses ' Quarantined Arrest i f Counterfeiting Tickets. I New Orleans, Nov. 13. The ior authorities tro considering the proprie ty of quarantining horses to prevent Epizootic. i .;; jT- ' p R. II. BenD' rs was arrested to-day by a Deputy U. S. Marshal and taken be fore Commissioner Shanron upon afilda vit of J. H. Ingraham, charging hipi with conspiracy, deception and fraud in printing counterfeit election tickets in similitude to the Republican tickets printed-and-voted I by Republicans of tbia State. . .Benners thousand dollars; ! gave bail for ten - Advance in Price of Leather.1- -New! York, Nov. 13. It is estimated that a quarter of a million of sides of leather were burped in Boston, riices here advanced on unflhishbd leather 10 per cent., sole-leather X and G per cent. Further . . ad vanceiiSnircipatcd. : Sheep skins heUV high: :. JtJrs "estimated that tnree minion, pounas , or wool was burned.;; l'fices here advanced 10 ter cent, i- ' Equitable; Insurance Company - -7 . stopped. : Providence, R. I., Nov. 13. The Equitable Insurance Companv of this city, has stopped. The Merchant's In surance company lias called a meeting ot the Stockholders to determine its future ftourse. . . i ii ; Recovery of; Property from Thieves. Boston, Nov. 13.---Twenty one thousand dollars worth, of property liave been recovered from thieves. Gas was turned on to day .after t nights darkuess . : -':- wo . ; Weavers' Strike -. Patterson, N. J., Nov. i 1 Broad silk weavers' in Tilt & Sons Phoenix Mills have struck in consequence of the reduction of 25 per cent on w'ages. The strikers number 250. r;j Marine News. Norfolk. Nov. 13. The schooner Savannah Eclipse Irom New York lor with a cargo of lime and guano, put in leaking badly. Her cargo w II have to be discharged. v Dropsy Among Horses. Baltimore, Nov. 13. The Dropsy has appeared among the Horses in the Livery Stables here It is fatal in many cases.' '."I Washington Affairs. Washington, . Nov. 13. The Presi dent, ;j Boutwell j and j j Assistant Secretarv Richardson; had a Ion? con sultation to day.' j i' i j ' Horse Malady in Wilmington. Wilmington, N(v, 13. The horse malady 'made its appearance here to day. .It is in a mild form! 1 : 1:1 j lobberF of Rank. '. AiaiANV, Nov. 13. Waterford Bank has been- roMwd of ; four; hundred tho.tsand jdctllars. N' trace. New York kntkels. I New York, November 13. i Cotton firm: sales ' 2.387 bales : uplands 19' i: Orleans l9Js- Flour ratherjsietiver, un changed." Whiskey duU.l lowt-r, 9 .9!i3. Wheat a shale tirmeri less tloiua;: ; winter red weetern oSaCO. Corn inaftiVvr and uii- chanzed. Kice oniet, IViaH'A. ll'ork i Oui $15 S7a$l6. I Lard 8X. Mavaw land tallcw quiet. -.Freights ateady i ') u ..;- ! f Cotton Nvt! receipis t-i:iy ; r.- ss 5.417. 1 KM - - ! -i. ii sales f.r future delivery . tb-day, rI,;o bales as -follows:- Noveiuner,. is :i-llal.s;i; -18 15-iti: March'-.IS J.V-alO' A prii; ista 19 5-iG-iMay J9.5-l(al!KJ i '! :'::( I' ; r Money closed at 7. i (jr!d heavy. om i:j;aia' rJiowmrueiits ailvaneeil Suites iduM, Rllahtly.'io M'er on l nnessiiM iinrt South (.'iiioihui'.s. I Foreisrn Markets. , I n I .-on , "N'ow i i i Im- r li.. t ' 1 1 s' 1 1 s it' . i Five s w ; lCvenjug-ngar aiioat 2Kand 0 to ,1 ! ;FKA-NKi-ORTi NovmbtT ill. r.on.iH !?ti. ius, iNoVernlM r 1.3. lifiitO's 52i;7i). i -.'.'; ;--: '!' ; -.j LiVKJti'opi. C jttoii itjned steadv. , Novi'inber 1'X quiet ; uplaii'ls latei Cotton'steady. F;iles speculation and expert 'JAiO'-h l)M h ilt Evening Cotton eloped-, ."wiic'lianged. Breads' nits doll. Tallow. K I ;V . ; ; Baltimore Markets. ; ; -. j- I ' Baltimore, November 13. --.Flour- Quiet, unchniiged. .Wheirt ditto. Coi n istea ty. Lard lirm, K'. ;Vliiskty higher,, !K jWilminstori ' Markets.; . -ij "'":. , 1 i.' WiLirxcrox. November in. spirits turpentine linn at hi., j -' llosiu lirm .(ii) ior strained. ii. i -f " i" r - . k . -y- Crude Turpentine wieady XZ for hnrd;; .V2o nr vellow dip and vn jiin. Tar-inarket rtcatly-at 3,:J0 Cotton Markets r : liALTniouJc, Jpyfinber 1:1. ilrntmidd:i:ngs ll : : T it , i i WiLMiNflToS', Nirvlt-iuiber.l3. j Cotton firm; i:fddlings;18; !"':;"' 'if i i---- .1' '''.' Mkmphis, Novomlier V,. v'ttou i;rrh' iviUldlinsj iSalH: ' j ' ;r y' : ' .- y ' Monti-K.'November 1. -Cotton i firm, a lvaueal ; good tordliuary IVA; low niidduags l74 ;i mddiiorsli4- i i Nsw uitti.KANi.lNoiber; 13. IVjitoii In ?o1 ltMnanM, iKtriiger ;go6d ordinary 17. : low udddluis 1-f: -tuiduiinas is .-- . i :. .-.1 . ; i .6' '; ' it - j . . . . i . , . i; November l . r. lfngHjl7al3&'v.-.; Cot ton 'hi Ol low - in idd ,1NK .MfKji-T Y AND nVtrncss li'ir k:i1c. iiinlv -to W 1 1 J.fA-M t ON, U.vllUfti m 4 THOMAS. i n'7-lf .-, -. , j RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertioa U.-S 1 00 One Bquare, two lnsertions-.....w.,. I 0 Ono square, three Insertions.--2 CO One square, six lnsertionsJ.......l...i.'..'. 3 e One square, one month... ' . -; CO One square, three montbg..., 4 j . jue square, six mODTJi...;i.. 30 oo 50 CO une square, twr-; For larr" -" v' ' ; tracts will b -.r parell constitute- w enta liberal cod a lines solid nor re. ii' ! ! .L f -E : NORTH CAROLINA LAND -A-V ... j ;. C O M PA V V established, TO p it omot T ;II E I S A IE ! i 3: j ii r; O F LA.VDS, AXD EKOl'&lGE EMIGRATION TO; it r-i JTO R T II canoEijrji t i. .it j pi;U i; V f OFFICE llaleishy Worth Carolina. 1 1 This Company has been In successful op eration oyer three years, and continues to Bu3 Selly Lease of Rent Real F-state, upon commission or otherwise, on. the most fa vorable terms."; j r ii -..!, '!j ' ;. i i-l i' iv- Parties having lands to sell, will And it to their interest to call at our office, or corres pond with us, as onr facilities for selling are increas ing every day. Ji t ,1 ! s Large tracts are rendered more saleable by being divided; i. i) in : u !i r . -gi ,(. i hi' This Company is favbirably! known fat homs and abroad, as the large number- of emigrants it has introduced and located in this State, fulls attests. i i.'V i-y. , Parties entrusting i business 1 in their hands, have the best assurance, that they will be fairly represented, ; i- t j i e j Address all comraaricatlons-to tneNorth Carolina Land Company, or to William coip, ecreiary. WiiiLiABt Scott, i ! Ij Secretary,; : nov 7-tf - ' ;i GEO. LITTLE. j (- ire8ient. O R 1 K 1 A Y v 1 AN l . ' RE I M M'K TV St o C K ii. . OF, SEjISOJMEE CEOTtMIjra ? o i.: i FOR M E N A NI) Jllibt received from our 'Manufactory ' in r wew xorK, nxaue, ;: - --. . i i ,.,.- j - - ' EXPRESSLY FOE orR RETAIL TRADE, and which will be sold at the Lowest Posssible Prices, j R. B. ANDREWS & b6., :- ! zi-. Fayettevnie street,: novlO-tl i s itaieign, xm. c. TD E T . R II! liiKtElS JL! I-;! if . COTTOX FACTOR ilii'AS U o m miss ion Jlcr chan tl Ii i li . Ii I II I . . f '.'! i RALEIGH 'N1 n t - W J 1 I f i'i'l! if References : Jones & Plurameir.Peterf bnrg, v.; Murrell & Tannahlll, N&vr Yprlci septzi-dJkwtr i QtORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE, K.-'i I Having coropleted, our large i .. -.. ii . ij . i . i . ; fi lil !i :! i i BUI C K WA REHOUSE j I !..:-! ,-1 i 1'; h I - J I i;i' '!r-ii-i i.-fj- along side the Railroad near the North Car oliua Railroad depot, -wo are prepared to receive and store COTTON and any other PRODUGE or GOODS, and' make liberal i cash advances upon sarhei when desired, ' Parties desiring to carry their cotton; over ; until next Spring, will flnd. it to their in terest to correspond with m. "1 WILLIAMSON. UFCHURH & THOMAS. nov 0 tf Commission Merchats. INE DIVES Ss ; I'M-"' : for ; 1 it ! JI D ; ' S II IR,TS, JI E It a m .- i !-,'-, ''j ! ; I H i' OF THE '; I-:.:! .. -1-1!, I 1 1 Newest and . - i ; i i Choicest Styles; I i :1 J - Ii j!" ! ii n'-hi i ANDRIW S t CO.'S. j i ! i j Clothiers. Just opened at It. B. noylO-tf ,N I) l! R W ' E ! A' fR Our stock has never lnnii so omplete as HOW, ILrtrgest Stock and Lowest Prices, j ; 11. V.. ANDIIKWH 4& CO., J s Clothiers and GntH Furnishers. ; U Next doori to.Tucker Hail, ; novlCrtf J 1-ii -: I 1 Itaieign, N. C. ;: lUNTlXa y'li'lCSi '"i'a.N V l'I'Y 'for On Novelty I Print ine I'cs, fl ypo ami Filxtures :o(iip!et'J, with jt( -tii.md6rabli quantity ot ex wa type i(6H:tle olieapo I Apply '- MM lit ' UA N .N"s Uookstore, hov 5-1 f ! taleigh, fi.V.: ST"f V J!i T li KEY S t A number ot KTUAYKI) TURKEY have found their way to the house or J. L. Ilenchain. just outride ilw eorponded.mlts of the ciiy. P-uttes piv.viiiK ownvrrshlp and paying for this ftdvtl ilsement ;. can be put In liossesioo of thn Tutkeys ij ( novs-it. ; ii . i : ri i it . i r n i O N ONI o T s 1 i. W -lil ... !' W :!.-" ' '! i Mi ; li .ill .'-"II " " I 10 barrels Yellow and tied Onion, 4 i ; .i '. -i: lit - r W. I'L HTKONaCH- J 25 r ' BOXL i PRIME FACTORY I lft VirL-iiK j'hoief finshpn Tlnttftr. I - . i . w. c. smoNXoii. L O U L O V -I:.; I 10; Sacks. 10J Barrels. ! ' " ' ' , O. T. STUON ACII fc BKO. F I S II .F, I . 8 II 50 bids. Mullets, i I cf: t " .-..1.5 ; i ; . M:u lrf iftl ill Z bbkt. noi;!-tt f G. 1'. SIRO-HACH ABRO. O ) 120 Tank Dinmond Ued Aahepoat no l:i-; t W O. STRl INACII. B A G :'r '' i-' I x ;: Tt (KW yards at t he lowest figure." r'S ! :; A i:'VUlijjK( 25 biu-rels iloantidrt Apples, " "'t!l f I i ,. '. '!..,. I ; .;! tW.C MTRONACII.: i TV( t;'x r ncOM-s with a smalfKUch- en. Appiyat jthlsOdice Nov0-2tii Hi K .IS, II G lil A tO llv n 8 U CJ 4: 10 i Uxes. NACK A KRO. 1 4 i US it" ii t 5 ol Iiri ItW I ' i I r x i it: 11, kt.

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