: - r. ; : a - : ; V-:v -;7; '-: V .J-.; j Vi- .T':' M:.:--; h :::" -H v:pcj;:;: -7. 'h;3 VH'lH: P'-;' ;U'1P rli'P .MM; T I I 1! ( ! ? t ? i ! ( i I !:' m ! i if: ! -t THURSDAY.. .....NOVEMBER 14, 1872. JOKDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAM'L T. WILLIAAIS. Political Editor. Wk surrender much ot our editorial f pace to-oay to the interesting account of the Jiivi'ients connected fwjth the great fire jn Boston. BE AT YOUR POSTS ! We fesptctl'ulty urge upon she Dem ocratic members fleet to "Uie L''gislu- ture the importance ol luing t their posts on Honda v, tlie 18th. iU- liist ly of the session. j .The work of j ii"i(itizii!; tin- two houses of the Leihttu:e is oi very great importance. The li.tlicals wi!! been hand to a ni;m, and will take every advantage of the absence of nu members. We have a good worki'i" majority, bat it is not sufficiently large for any Democrats to be absent at roll call the first "day ir . the session. THE SMITH 'POISONING CASE. The particulars of the ' death of Rev. J. Brinton Smith, D. D., have '-been aiten minutely tbroush our local col umns, and -we do not propose to re canitulate them to-day. We will mere- ly give a general statement of the facts in order to make a few comments there on, as a subject of so grave importance cannot well be -passed over in silence. Dr. Smith died on the first day of October last. On the morning of that day, he drank a dose of Seidlitz' pow- ders which was administered to him, at his request, by his daughter, Mrs. Fran ces L. liann. ; A few moments after ; taking the powders, the Doctor was taken suddenly ill and was attacked with convulsions. In less than half an ' hour h w&s a corpse. The manner of his death having ex cited serious suspicions that he was poisoned, a post mortem examination was made by several eminent physicians of this cityv The result of that exam ination was not made public, but it was decided to send the stomach of the de - ceased to the celebrated Dr. Genth, of Philadelphia, for chemical analysis, and get his. opinion for the guidance of the Jury of Inquest. The Coroner who took the stomach to Dr. Genth, carried also the tumbler in which the powders were mixed, the empty paper powder wrappers which had contained the dose, the tin box containing the other Seid- . litz powders from which the dose was X iken, the spoon used in administering the medicine and , a glass jar ot sugar out of. which the powder had been sweetened. Dr. Genth first examined by careful ; tests the sugar contained in the glass jar, and next the tin box of Seidlitz powders. . A His analysis proved l!hat neither of these contained any ttrychnine or any metallic, poison. He then directed his attention to the wnpty powder wrappers, including the white and blue papers which had con tained the acid powder and the soda He found little white powder adhering to the blue paper which, alter being subjected to several chemical tests, de velobed the most characteristics of strychnine, which no other known sub Stance gives. He therefore pronounces the white powder adhering to the blue paper to be strychnine. He next examined the spoon used in Administering the dose which contained trace of white powder and discovered that it contained characteristics of . strychnia. His next ' step was to examine the tumbler which contained a part of the dose which Doctor Smith had swallow ed, and alter various tests, Dr. Genth entertains no doubt of the presence o strychnia in, the tumbler. ' The examination of the stomach was - reserved for the last, and having failed to find, bv numberless experiments, Prussic Acid, Arsenic, Antimony, Mer cuay, Copper and Lead, he proceeded to make the necessary tesis for Acaloids, and from this investigation came to the conclusion that' there was a trace of strychnia in the stomach, but in very small quantity.' . The above conclusions are taken from Dr. Genth's lengthy report as furnished to the Jury of Inquest on the 11th inst, who' after considering the same and other evidence in the case, agreed upon ' the following verdict as published by us this morning ; That the deceased J. Brinton Suuih came to . his death n the morning of the 1st day of October 1372 Irom the , effects ot strychnine, administered by Frances S. Mann, and that Mary E. Smith was the custodian of a key ol the closet in which was found a vial of said poisonous drug." ; . , Mrs, Mann and Mrs. Smith, the for mer the daughter and the latter the wile of the deceased, were arrested on Tues day afternoon under -warrant of the Coroner, and were committed to the jail of Wake County, where they are i now held, pending an application for a ' writof Uealeaa Corpus, which has been sent to Judge Watts,who u now holding Halifax Superior Court. JjJ.'Tbe comments .we shall make upon -this subject shall be brief. The circum stances" attending; this extraordinary case have caused a deep feeling in our ,' community. j - -Dr. Smith was Northern man and has been a resident of Raleigh for four or five years.' At the time of his death, he was President of St. Magustile Col- lege (colored) and an able and distin guished Episcopal min'stjjr. H was a geutlcman of rare intellectual endow i ments and of the hnest conversational gilts, and had many friends apd ad mirers in this City. " 4 : " His wife and daughter, who aire now charged with his murder shared in the confidence and esteem which wjere Jelt picion had ever been breathed them. Their present excited-, a deep feeling of piy and sympathy, and ' notwithstanding the circumstances - of suspicion by 1 Which nuder Piovidt nee they have been sur rounded, ihcy Imve manjy fiienMs who have Uie utmost confidence i their eni'ue iun cence and beiieve they will be tr.uuiphautly vindicated wpen all the evidence is brought cjut. It .8 a maxim of our law that every mvn is presumed to be innocent .pntil he is hho.wn to be guilty, and when two helnkss women, who have stocid high in the c:mmunity, whose characters are nroachable are charged with the I proacuauit, are cuargea wiu u.e irre heinous crime of poiscn ng their own father and husband, whatever fnay be J the prima facie case against th((m, the voice of humani hasty conclusions tone that the clouds of distrust and sus- picion may disappear before the light of truth and justice. I THE VOTE OF THE STATE. The vote of North Carolina last Tues day is not very encouraging to the Rad icals. The official returns come in slowly While they indicate that the State has ne largely for Grant, they do not buow mat iuo xvauicuu. nave uiuC auj gains on Caldwell 8 TOte. In some ot j the largest Democratic counws our I friends remained at homel The! Radi cal vote is not increased, but thejDemo cratic vote is not polled. Our strength was not brought! out. land, while the Radical vote about iuc bouic iuk n ao iu pLuguo, uicc- ley falls largely behind Merrimont show-I inc that our friends did lot m to the , A. i election. J . our peopie couiu not uury iiieir piej- udices. They were not willingo vote for a life long abolitionist and Repub ut,l! ",,tu J wwugui, uun litn u-hi.n thoiT tlmnrvhf tlia.A iksr Aa nn chance to deleat the Radical party. TheV would not vote for Greeley under ,;rP,l:t.n.M fr rtT thoSai,lK w.v...wu.- in 1 ennsylvauia ana ump in uctooer, they gave up ail hope of Greeley's elec- tjon ;! I ,v i i I. c u vuk , ouj opponent of Radicalism, however much we may diner ad to the course -t outy and policy In the future, it beliooves of the Radical party, to fight nnSerone banner and in a common cause. 1. SCENES AT THE BOSTON FIRE. EXCITING SCENES AMONG THE MERCHANTS. p& Jl EJfl O TfVrG GO OD S.l The Flames Bursting Irom the Gran ite Structures. THE FRENZIED SHOP GIRLS TOE SKIES LIT UP WITH LUCID FjLAMES. People Knocked Down and Killed by lh Blazinc Missiles, A P ANDEMONIUM ON EARTH I: ' - - 1 ' - Terribly Grand . Spectacles. l CRAZED WOMEN WITH BABES IN THEIR ARMS. MANY KILLED WITH FEAR. SArUTG IIEIIltOOMS. SCENES LIDIC201S AND OTUEBMISi;. i LAST SABBATH IN -BOSTON THE I 1 1' OF iOc-TI. We i.ave gleaned from our exchanges the following '-interesting account an! incidents of the great Boston firel' Our late Northern c )temooraries snWelv speak of anything else, and editorial columns oi the last the fwhole New York Herald were exclusively devoted to art tl cles connected with this terr ble c0nflrt- i-'y gration When the lire broke out most U the people were within doors prlpariag for the coming Sabbath, which (s generally observed in Boston with some strictness, and those who were in the streets- were commonly about the same jjiusiiless making purchases, and so on t butfwhen it was seen that a large Ire "was" ill pro gress other things were neglected, and a crowd collected in Summer I and Kingston streets. The building at which all looked was the big-.dry goods house of Tibbetts, Baldwiu fc Davis, on the corner, which which was so dry that when the flames burst j froni the roof, brands, burning splinters,! and sparks rell in showers in air directions, on the roofs of the neighboring build ings, and in the "streets bielow. There was little time to think of saving the goods there deposited, they bc;ng iq tv bids us to beware of I Washington street, where are many nne tercst. via Avemen witn ianiuy piaie i T I chnna onH ctnrpo thpir TOinrlnws nhlaze I to save ran iiboit with it in their handSi of their guilh but to I -th ilk . Vewelrv. a perfect panic and could notle persuaded by their their nature inflammable and the build ing being a tnass of fire." Houses in the immediate neighborhood were then seen to be rapidly taking fire at their rnnf thfl Mansards affording hariily o,r nrntprrinn at all. It was found that Wihthrop square must go, ns the wind was blow-in more freshly than at first, neoDle bean t) think that in reality an ipon Alerchanta . whse warehouses - fn i,.mi tl.pv iammed and elbowed their way shouting themselves hoarse in their madness tocet. at the houses in which their foods and papers were lam I vay. " Paiiiilnns nriccs were offered to those who wprfi able and willincr to; lend - a Kor.i i th work- and between those trvin"- to force their wavto the fire and thnstfendeavorinff to fisht their way out of it, a scene ot confusion which baffles , are v - and UQWort, of the maenifjCent "ranite buildings which line th them, and when thefire had turned seixp.d the crnwri that, snrtrpd northward I and swept by the goods that looked so temptingly easy to ue ouuuneu; uu uo The shoo ?irls here were in a nerfect lrenzy, and in getting away naa to taKe their chan6e3 in the crowd, .to be I knocked about and as likely as not be trodden down. The wiud had now in- creased in violence till it had become a most furious gale, blowing smoke and 1 firebrands into the faces of the crowd, and beating pack the hrcmcn, who stood a,s firmly as possible to their, work. The the lurid flame3 which hissed ai0Dg the streets and ran from house to house hck- ing and lapping them, and writhing about tnem like nery serpents. A little j . ... . mm - ..... I girl, whose name is unknown, was in one of the upper rooms of a house in vy asmngion street, tooKiDg out oi a - - I window at the fire. She was seen from the street to be struck full iu the face I ed back into rbm & i moment or two aiterwaras names oegau to burst, and in an incredibly short time the whoIe uPPer Part of the bouse was crackling and blazing. A woman witQ the child in her arm3, aad her 1 ciotues nearly Durneci irom ner back, J came rushing into the street from the building, shrieking and calling wildly tor hpr hnahAnri' nnn Tirpeontlxr cho dia. I I . . . I I appeared, running in the direction I whence the fire was coming instead of J "om it, probably Having been crazed 1 J uer "ure auu me suuenng oi ner chi d- Peon e were knocked down, an i some were killed, by blazing missiles almost before it was known that there J was any fire where they were, for the wind canied the flames in almost every direction with fnahtiui speed. Confusion was worse confounded and n.. t.-nn U C n . 11 1 i 1 ssLiua ncic imunu juko me oircci auu trodden into . utter worthlessness, or picked up and lugged away by th passers oy. mere was no limit to tne u:: rL ! J robbery, lor owners could not be told juhw, ugHuut ao, pcitui tuc from thieves. Carts and trucks, dragged by men and horses, passed and iammed their way aloDg, breaking boxes and "Pitting in their passage, and making ture ot what pandemonium must be. On their heals the blazing buildings dropped great gouts and flakes of fire, as though from the fingers of a bloody hand dipped in brimstone. The fire, owing partly to the state of the wind, did not proceed with very great rapidity down Kingston street-it was slow, but u was sure. VY n at is more terribly grand than the onward march of a mighty fire in a great city its arms outstretched to grasp and wither granite and iron which then seem almost to be as easy a prey as dry wood i The flames in Lingston street, as they crept out of windows ana stole solidly on, to build ings about them, seemed a vast network of molten iron. The stones cracked and fell hissing with the water that had been showered upon them, and the iron bert and doubled upon itself in long loops. 1 he houses while being gutted were great cauldrons liom which the fire darted and bubbled up, roaring above the noise of the engines working below, and filling the heavens with its crimson light. As the fire s Dread- through-the adjacent streets threatening to consume ah the lower part of the city, the enure population become aroused, and far up town, though it wars now late at night, there was no thought ot going to bed. Women left alone in the magnificent houses in Beacon street, became so ner vous and fidgetty that they could scace ly endure , to stay in the house, and a somewhat ludicrous story is told ot a Mrs. M., who. 'actually, had her penates j i 1 - . . i , r-.- . . uui uuus, pictures, ana ueirioouis, which n .1 ... l i .i .. nun tuuie uuwu iu ner iroui uie time. when her great great grandfather burned Avhitches in Salem, all packed ud to gether and placed .on the floor in tlie ,ial, condemning t her less 'frightened "nil uaiumiiv , less inicrcsceu; servants from sleeping all night, except on floors und lounges Another Jady, whese husband owned a large dry jroo-ls " emporium " in Kingston street, uml had left lier in bed at ten o'clock at uight, could not end uie the excitement alone and so ordered up her coachman and kept hhn driving-her 'about - the lower town tillfour o'clopk in the morn ing, protruding her head from the c,yq window and,' wildly calling to every man who bore ths slightest rciehiblance to her lost lord, and the dismissing him with, " Oh, it isn't you, is it?", Others, to whom baked bean's are an ' absol ute necessity on Sunday morning, are said to have been seen with jars full of them stainding disconsolately at their doors, watching the fire at a great distance, and fully determined to 'carry their breakfast away with them arid, 'if ncces cessary, to have their regular meal on the Commons in the morning.. In the narrow and ' mysteriously " tortuous streets of the lower towu-made years ago by the devious paths of cows seek ing and returning irom pasture -there amount ol uamage uiuannv,-. j yu-. this Wiis in the vicinity of a pirt o1'. the probabilities and then rushed away rather the great business quarter of the crying and ernzed with lear and excite- f rr Thf firp : nes were not prompt men'.. L. at liddi en, forgotten orttban- -. Uk-I.o rlrvrn nc nn( ' ten - t wi ndil' iinil (lll'llSS reathlf sns-'I iv at band, owing to the general, dearth doned amid the tur.uoii i.nd riue , sat faffainst of healthy noises, ana it was w-ijj.y- w i-u,U!,IUm ""i'1".", . v A . n.i,;,.,, t,i:,. a MhIihtp of water I terror in everv direction, vainly seeking aiiuaupu ... - r iniM- thir n..nnr,.ntc f v omen i n I cui a- mora. were scattered all about came ruumuS ...j monu in 1ucii4um.uUv1,uuu.. Warrenton ; Dr J Q. King, Warrenton; t V and driving- luriously from up town, to rise and hot knowing bat the ; tire Hunter, Esq.. Warrenton; J! Buxton Wil- and some, trying to force their; horses might at any morient reach them,, in JW through the now enormous crowds, had their weakness net less than ten 01 Capt a b Andrews, Ralegh, NC;CaPt to be beaten back by the police. L'eay- twelve of such unf )itunate,pcrsons are JoUn lancy, TJi?,;iPS w their beasts at anv plice that came said to have been killed by fear,' which my, N C; Ir S Peete Var f .... L n . I r ! . .. I .. : .. .I'...- n n n hurt) nnl h (i I lilHr. r.Kfl.. HailCUiUU, despair renaerea more despairing, as is .crave out down town. Houses and whole sola neretoiore.ana expecis to Alwurs tho pkp .at -mHi timoa Th. Word of hniirlin. '.. i...: ' ki "ou reofonable terms. The . - r r . I v u.,,6o nuc uciu" Hiuwu seen at Messr. Wynne. Y most useless oi articles were born about up, ana this noise added the effect of stables. s ; Was unbelievable excitement; .in ou h Cove poor people ran about like luna tic:, when they ihbught the fire was on their track : half naked, and yet with o their household x6od$ find utensils un der their arms,' the v ran about.. shrieKing and bemoaning - their lmid .Wmen - with b;il.es in thei I J 11 1 ( 1 idlt r i arms. stopped ior; mstanr." to i near and dia bed were delivered prematurely ; tne even their trusted relatives could not allay. In one of the tenement houses devoured by the fames a woman, her new - oorn lniant, ana ner nusoano weie burned to death, tie man nouiy reiusing to leave his family and being unable to reniovethem to a alace of safety. The alarm bell sounding and the shock of explosions which shook the city to its very centre' as-house fifter house was blown up to prevent the further spread of the conflaimitioa. added unsncakabl horror to the scene. It was a wild night of fear and anguish to many a poor soul, but it was not devoid of ludicrous in frandsons an'd soils to act in a rational manner. , Family pride and love of u uouuw ' , K i American citv. and to many an old wo- man, and many a young one, too, ior that matter, ft would be almost as hard to lose an old tea set or cabinet as to lose a iortune. Like veritable descendants of the Puritans, they would not fly until the last moment. . But when the- last mo- ment came, tueir only thought was to rescue the precious relics which.had erations. One of them rushed into the street tugging away manfully at a huge carved oaken table, which, by dint of i . i - I - . M m 'I almost herculean eflorts lor her sue J had succeeded in getting as far as the j sidewalk- Here,' with the accustomed - - . 1 i. . . . .1 loiai ciepravuy oi inanimate tnings, it defied her, and despite all her exertions she could move it but a few inches at a 1 crakled, fiercely, but to all rcom- f apnuauoaa 10 leave sue replied teat tne 1 table nad "come over the Mayflower, " 1 and that 6ho wouI(l sooner lose life it- self than the memorable piece of furni- ture. Another, of a stouter build, snouiciereu a large clock and truaged off with it manlully; the disarranged machinery beating a perpetual alarm as thuli trh hrnt pat ind wi Irl o nnin t onr1i sacrilegious handling. .O . , Early in themorniagof that sleepless mgnt or men and the elements nearly the wuoie 01 uie lower oxsiness part ot tne c tv was iu ashes or in name WrIU fell with a sullen roar, sending up show- ers ot sparks and cinders, and the lurid smoke rolled above the .town..')' The rising sun was scarcely noticed in the unearthly lights 'as the Dav of Doom Between tour and five : o'clock the gas" 1 - T" 1 1. A . . , ( i uic. iiie&Lieeis were surging witli peo- pie running and ridinsr, and crettinsr at trucks and carts to carry away things. in liroaa street, where for some reason "tr uzzi ki?1 uaa, c"; jjitgiiii-u, guuus nuc iiirown ana ieu into the harbor, the sight from which was most gloomily magnificent. I It was Sunday morriine:, but no one exceDt a few devotees thouaht of 'attending church, and as the day went on services I For the Daily News. Armlstead Jones, Esq, : Messrs. Editors : Having i seen a munication signed Granville, recom- menaiug t lie above named centleman for the position of Reading Clerk of the TTonof T?pnrp00ntat;0! - u "" f .. .v-uu.,... o wucu ui Wake county I endorse what is so well said by your coi respondent in regard to Mr. Jones fitness for the same. . He is a vnung lawyer oi nin standing a rpn- 7, ."A , st5IUUIUc3 a Bea fleman ot high moral and social bearing. a true Conservative, and in everv resoect eminently qualified for the position. cious selection could not be made, I i.pw vmimo ji iuia yeiuieuiau may receive the considerations ot the House i Conservative Raleigh, Nov. 13. 1872.; ! ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N O C Eli! 1 Is hereby given, that application will be made to the next Legislature of -Worth Carolina, to lay off and establish a new county between Tar,"Flatand Neuse Rivers out fa portion ot" Oranville, Orange and Wake counties. novll-tf A F F & CO M PAN V ' S AURORA RYE WHISKEY. ,w"e receive .this celebrated Whiskey direct fteork the Distiller!' s ' ' -':"!' in lawxe lots, and offVr it lath-j traJe in' the DOUDLii STAaiPKD PACKAGES, t as low a.s any -Northern, or omg nouse,can,i .... , Dealers, jo Korlh aroli aiHAluUTritnd PUKK suited to their tiade. ; - Whistiy well 'y:EL.JL10TT Sh iVJlITE, WHOLESALE: LIQUOR : DEALERS, Norfolk, Va. . ' r.ovi i-Div,'. - -j. i MEMBERS OF THE LHlGLS- LATUIIK. ROOMS TO L'KT.f Tvo FRONT ROOMS conveniently "loca ted, in Ave. minutes walk of ihe Cur.ito! over our store.on Wilmington street noia-tf .; . . ; , LliACH BROS. p R O P OS ALS FO R W O O U Piopnsalsto' iurhisli GO cords of DRY PINK WOOD will l reoelvrwi ot itL i hetcrelary of State untlll2o.'clock M. ot Monday, November I8thi Award to l made to the lowest bidder. -i . HENRY MENNINGER f Secretary of Stafe. no 13-lt jpO STOCK; Ii A I S 15 US. I have for sate, at mv plantation. t,in. wood, Davidson eounty, NC, live thorough bred NORTH. UKVUNBULLH, from twelve months to two yearn old. Prices from $25 iu t accoruing 10 age ana cnoice.' Address me at Haw Iiiver P. ., Alamance countv N.C. . .,' - . . THOS.-M, IlOLTi ' no 13-2m : ! LD NORTH STATE INSURANCE ; company, i t AVARKKSTOX, !V. C ! i: : :U If !'.. !"1.L. f CAPITAL STOCK, - 100.000. Insures "l-alatt Loss er Danaje by Fire. i i : - "' j :" I " ";;'V President. ! Vice-President i Secretary Treasurer. OFFICEKS : COL. V. S. DAVI, V.. II.'PLUMMEU, B F LONG, r WM J NORWOOD, T C WILLIAMS, Sup't Agencies. DIKEfTORS rni vs Davis. Warrenton: E II Plum-'i novl3-D&Wtf O C E o , j p. F PES CUD & SON, General Life & Fibe Insurasce Agt's, No. 12 Fayetteviile Street, ' ; P.ALEIGH, N. C, Nov.12, 1872. ' We take pleasure In informiag our friends that the following Companies have teler graphed us that they can pay Boston losses, and remain unimpaired : r . Liverpool & London & Globe, ; i Home, of New York, i j Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn, i i Frauldin, of Philadelphia, Paj AIds. of Erie, Pa. The Georgia Home and North Missouri did not lose any n THiL goW ; T t O N A H AN HA YENS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, I " M . AND DEALER IN-.; -j ; ; GVLkisl FISH. FERTILIZING LI3IE, STOVE AND GRATE COAL. Craven Street, Newbern, N, C. Refers to :' Judge Daniel, G. Fowle, R. S. I Tucker, 'Julias I.ewis & Co. i : ' - J novlO-tf "YTALUABLE LAND FOR I SALE . , : 1 ' :t IS THE J' I ; -j . COUNTY OF WARREN. ' fill III WZ LJV. A a , IAJXjLA. UA.T JM. J V -i-M. i-w mtTVDTA A "V Of?V flAir r TAVT?f ber on the premises, in the county of Warren, I shall sen at public auction, nve 5", nlr CUUUIJ vi I? u, uuv-vvv -y, the White Sulphur springs, adjoining tne lands of coLJi.Heck an d others ,1 he wond leadine from the suiohur Sorinttsto and one-nftn in 1 second growtn. 1 -me sou rh rta.ee is undulating:, sou leriue. wen wheat, cotton, corn, tobacco, oats, clover, c There are about m acres of Tich bottom fedtftli1Sctlo, "" watered, and yields excellent crops 01 , Terms one-fourth 0i) easb, balance in one and two years, j A s pkruy Per Jos. J. Davis. LOTJlSBUEG, Oct, th, 1872. nov 7-tf . I i ' -Attorney. ,., .. ' . j 1 . ' F INE KENTUCKY 1TULES FOR SALE. The undersigned has arrived lagain in f Raleijh with a lotof flne, large ! KENTUCKY MULES. cent counties, for the liberal pa.ronage be- 82? tSSStSfSetSS the rluies sell his stock muleb can be ancey 3k Co.'s. Inov 5-lm. I o W. T E R K E L L u I Salisburt. N. : c I i (Formerly of Wake County,) family grocer and produce DEALER, Keeps constantly on hand Chickens, Eggs' Butter, Cabbage. Apples. &c.. Sc. Particular attention given to buying and snipping iay, jotton, urain ana Four. Orders solicited and filled at short notice ! KEFEEBY REKXISSION TO W H Jones & Co.. Commission Merchnnta Raleigh ; A G Lee & Co.. Kaleieh : T J Fos ter. Ksq., Salisbury ; Crawford AHeilia:, Sal- isuury ; iiiaiuucy ot rsro., isaiisDury; uen y u juura, assessor tn jJisinct. OCt4-tf. .j . i i i ; . , j ::: '!i ' - ' ,1 I-"' ' -':- -" : 4r-J-'4-r;i O ALE OF L A N D Theundersi2ned.DursuanttnnwrcriV.r. them '. by. the. deed of Osbum Hunter and Nancy Hunter, will offer for sale at the jouri iiouse aoor in the city of Raleigh on sntr.W n- i u 0n f" fatnraay December 14th, 1872, - a certain lot in the city of Raleigh, bounded I r. r ","u,v" wvu'"lus &necL,anaaa joining the lot Of Wm. Vaughn containm. K an acre. . ; V- s ' ontainllii T?H : One-half cash the balance on a lJ7tn& I JoPfl itos n' n a ttxt i Awueigu, a.ov,oin, lorz , novll-lm RIVATE j BOARDING HOUSE MRS. ALBERT JOHNSON 1 ! Having reu ted the ' E X C II A N G E JI 6 T E L llsibor.street' ean accommodate some twenty boarders. Teims moderate no 13-St -t o n E f e ;e I) 700 Bushels Bran. I 800 Bushels OatsJ : 70 Bushels Eve. liusncis t orn. I ; .! . '. W. C. STRONACH. JN 1 C E at the Court House in the Jitv of Raleigh h?:$. COTTAGE. Rh 5l v an ue KOid. oil MatnMnf h,d mi. o .. ... T 11 0 M A S-. IS T A N L Y L ; DEALER IX iALUR IN ALL KINDS GRAIN, Buy and sell Cornj direct from Vessels in ' !-' -. largo and small quantities. OFFICE AN D V A It E - II O U S E, Market Whart New Rerue, N. C. 'nov 9-lm ' :, ' M I -M . ..; .1 , ; -. 0,000 v T I E - - S G.T.STllONACH A: BRQ-' : "FT'E DISEASE, BOOKS, &C. .-Call and order, a book on the horse and Vf read' ffr the disease when it comes. Dovtf - - Rarelgh.N.C. gALT, SaIt, SALT, SALT, SALT, siS. rWprtblngtonV' Fine Saltlu fAWBON, UPCIIUUCH 4 THOMAS. JOB,, WORK OP FATCWV racte '.co to the Nfi.wnt rfn - - vuiv;. iiT ' ,-"u.i;il"in;T uiree rooms, iormerlv the residence of Charles Thompson dt ceased unci all necessary out-buUdlnei-iJia MISCELLANEOUS. Y HOTEL Cor. U ilminston and Davie Streets. Formerly Coahc is) C J ! A. ';- 1 7 - i i Good and comfortable Booms. Servants, arid' a Table supplied with tlie IJest the market all'ords. r j i Uatfs of Boakd JVr day, tj- ! I Per week, i i ' ' "t" 4 per mon tlii ! JO w ; Uj. B- rUY ANT, Proprietor. Octl2-lm " $200 R E : W LV R D Fire Company. No. 1, of the city of Kaleigh, held Monday night, October li, , uie following resolution was adopted : Ji "That the foreman be authorized tot oner a reward of S-'OO lor . such information as will lead to the discovery and arrest ot tne party or parties who caused the estruc Uon of the "Sentinel" offlcej on the ynlsnt of the 10th of October 1872, thereby damag ing, the Engine House and Hall of, Kescue Company.-.., . i I i ! 5 ' . In obedience to the foregoing resolution X do ofier S&K) for the information desired. ' : i W. C. STKONACH, I f ; -. y: -t"-, ','4 .vfi.. Foreman. D. ReiD TJrctJRCii. Sec'y. i ' , octl6-dlm S ' i . ,; . -'. ! AY . H D 0 D 1 u ' COEXER ' Wilmington and Martin Streets, ,.-..-.-..H - Kit- T :-Url : Is now receiving an entirely new stock of Ooods, consisting in part ot tne ionowiug articles, viz : :y -!-,; ' - i !. i Canvassed Sams, 'y Pearl Starch, j Prime Goslien Butter, Washing Soap, 1 tsreaKiast uacon, ioiiei soap, Bulk side Bacon. Pari r Matches, Leaf Lard, in and bbls. ; ii f uovt Java coiiee, , noe Blacking, i Lagulra Blueing, ' ' Cone.Lye,i;'' j Axle Grease; i Gun powder. ' i I Rio - ' Crushed - Sugar,' tiranuiated " Powdered " ' : A - r; y Percussion Caps. Horse & shoe brushes. --Brooms, ; i'"- - - V i---- !'.,-, c Bucket, I rmi j Horse & Male Shoes, Sole Leather, ' j ,i : Shoe Thread, f i I ; Boots and shoes. - Extra C " Demarara " Porto Rico " Yellow C Teas;- li -, 1 - i 1 Molasses, Prime Pac'ry Cheese, Axes, i , ij .': (joiaen yrup, ;.Axe Handles, (i: Cotton Bagging, Wrapping Paper, r ( Cooking Soda. ' WraDDins' Twine. - Table wait. Adamantine Candles, Family Flour, inferior to none, i i Ream's Tobacco at manufacturers prices, Egerton's ScotchSnulE, i I t ! Bird and Souirrel Shot. Ac. Ac. ' ; n ;: i. . ocW-2m i ! ?-) i-j .- i ; ' i-: I - M J l - li- ; V, E ! W G O O1 D ,S FOR ." U.;:il 8 7 3 - 7 3 j- - .:;;.ri AT PRIMROSE, PETTY NEWSOM'S. .-;'-.".;-f .U-it n yyi A laree assortment of Silk and. Worsted Dress Goods, - t , 1 .. - -- -! . - i .. - f':-':i:. ;!.;::'!.! I'51-"' .1 '-' I : English and American Prints j '-''-t.i.' y ry'yVA -iv-M " at 8, 9, 10, 12)4 "ud 20 cents per yard, i: I BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTIcS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS and NAPKIN8, ! . LINSEYS, PLAIDS and GINGHAMS. DOESKINS, CASSI5ERES and JEANS, OPERA and WHITE FLANNELS, ' - -.hH " "' -'-"'-;i" -"'V-""-" H:" ; I - : i ;i LACES, EMBROIDERIES, ! GLOVE3, " ;--: -"-:.'!-:; ! "S;:U : CORSETT3, HOOPSJ BUSTLES, ! NECK-TIES AND ' ' BOWS. Bats, Ilats, Hals, : WW A SHOES, BOOTS AND GAITERS' ."' ' - ' rv '" : -i ""..:.;;:. UNDER VESTS FOR LADIESJ GENTS ;::-: -: -.: '-! : ' I - i; 1 ihi j AND CHILDREN. 1 i v-- - :.--'M-';U---.i :.:;. -."'-': ;- .'.I-i BALLON'S FRENCH YOKE SHIRTS Furs, Furs, Furs. 11 ; -r : - I -- - ! H'- . Are prepared to sell to 'Merchants' and invite their attention to the i ' "J ";. " -: . - I 1 !;-."; - GENTS' S I L K j 3 A T S !':' Latest Styles, S ii j .-1 ocBOSE' rETTY NEWSOM'S. O. RAND LODGE OF NORTH CAR Office of Gkand Secbetart. Raleigh, Nov. ith: ' aJ L.J 1R79. The Grand Lodee Of Frpft It'll rl A Masons of North farnitna 11 its 86th Annaal'Onr;o' Ir ?29dy. 2d of DecembeT nextTt neH8. d reP"sehtatives ?attendln?th2 rni-t ""UM w"e Liiey laKe the cars i 1 twhIs ,arranSement' has beeli madjith the railroad anthnri Ho 0 Ti iXTTZSr. lia . nov 5-td D. W.BATTST Grand Secretory . JrS i- : A & 1 co. u'1-' - A T"- rr - i. " Exclusively Wholesale Dealers in " GROCERIES .AND LIQUORS. Have in stora ofnt&PtP of Staple and Fancy Groceries - " yOi? EIGN AND D OMESTIC WINES ; ;r; f AND LIQUORS, Ua ; Borpexi'sl Eagle Brand Condensed Milk anf" offiPit 5?iWted OW Challenge' nm yuU: -ve v hisktes." '! ihe Aurora Indiana Onffwwci,.'.. eonccded by all epicureans 6te the finest " ' BAXTER, NASH 4 CO.. urxotit,; ya. IIISKEY! W IIISKBAM ! 5 bbls, Bowen's, in :. Monongahela w ' Gamecock, '-. Corn, 1 " Martin's, " " 4 u more coming at lowest. vi n -.'-.'. - G; T. STRomah D, Sq-EW FALL STYLE SILK II ATS - " - WUHU Rest gallfyf lltmen- only S5.50. - Aug.O.tf.:.11- R-S- TUCKER S CO. OUGAR, j SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR. 2."? harBo1! t T T.i. f ? warre,s A Sugar, p' V ? r" ruuUKUl & THOJJAS. gTOSE WALI,i, E It T iTlZiTa For Wheat. Said tc be cquat to any in lise. Sold Dy J oct31tf ' 22jt- PARKER, 2000 p?uias. bkeIkpast I ANNOUNCEMENTS. T RESPECTFULLY ; ANNOUNCE X'vnt ;'!' ''it- -hi M- 1 1 t.-i i 4 ij-t ih myself a candidate for ASSISTANT DOon KEEPER of the House of Representatives, and refer to every Democrat ami Uonser ' tive. in good islanding. in Warren county l seP7-tde i G. W- a TUcker! T ' RESPECTFULLY , ANNOUNCE " . j '' i ;" !:t ; ' if- '(': ! ; ' r - I'r ! j I l- j: j.: L myself candidate for the ofnee or DOOrt. 1 KEEPER of the Senate of Nrrth Carolina and would refer to any Democrat; in New-' bein 4-; fe- --4 -.-M -:f ft-i H t ' -( i h' sep'l2-tde , 1 . JAMES E. MORRLs. - J AM E S W OILM E R ' ! i: . 1 !-I ! I ! i I I I i ! 1 . IN l Manufacturer of Silk Hats, ! m - : ':- w '- -.11 ;.;! n II MP ! i r:i'i ; "Wholesale and Retail Dealer In n . 'mm:m' fiv. irilirl-IHitln HATS, CAPS, LADIES' FURs; j ?;!' i f. I f H- liM f ,j 1 I y ! WALKING CINESrj &liilIBRELLiS. 14G, Mains Street, lieatl Market Snf.. 2! f. ill NORFOLK, VA. septll-3m.j 18T2;1 FALL SEASON 187-2 BERKLEY, MILLAR & GRAN I) Y JOBBERS j IJT GOODS, FAXCY GOODS m IP- i ! o a t 'JK s i 1. 112 Main St and 8 (3 ray St., NORFOLK,1 TA, s We solicit the patronaere and cash aril prompt paying buyers, and do guar antee our trices ana .terms as . s - low as ,any Honge. in, t 1 "the (North,: . Orders Promptly and Carefnlly Fl 43-N. BWa ?elt Gootts ito- Merchants only."ffiSi i' i;l sepll-iai I i u G UL v kr &! BR0 Wholesale and Itelail -!' I ) DEALERS Foreign and Domestic jjry uoous ana JXOLiona,-, Boots ahd Bhoes li 1 j;,;:';:.y Hatisand; sC'ap i Trunks and Clothine ! a specialty. II I Corner Fayetteviile and Sor4h Market "; 1., i -j j- i. I i; I -I RALEIGH , N . C Mi- i -! ' I I-" j 1 Announce tfeat they have the fullest store": in the State, of & good assortment of the ahnvn HnM-ofli eoods: which i thev nroDOs'e to sell at the ldwest cash price, and call ea-; pecial attention to their own br?nd ol . r' t ' i Ladies Morocco Shoes . at S2 SO ner oairl Warranted: I I I ; Invite' the attention ofi -Country; iMer- ohant to their separate department - lor Jobbing, - i -j ! r:j" j j H 4; ury woods. 1 1 1 . . I i Boots and Shoes. iiats. Clothing, &i. R. C. Redford. of Wake. G. D. Markham. Orange, and A. Mooring, of Chatham ; 'are witn us, ana wm ; oe pleased to gee then numerous irienas. ! 1 1 ! 1 Very Respectfully,1 J. P. GULLEY, & BRtt ocS-tf p a ,. it II sfiEi; & , j Wholesale C OTTO and Retail Gvocer, i-r FJIC'TOII AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, !M : !:'i-l- i No. 2 South Side Market Square, l-;:!'. RALEIGH, N. C. Keeps constantly on hand a large anu : ' i ' . I il i l choice stock of General Merchan- ! 1 I i i dlse, consisting in parts of j )-i T i': . .1 Hi ! ' :h : i !:.:: ! t SUGAR AND COFFEE ALL GRADES. MOLASSES J SYRUP, i : ii:!'-- LARD, BACON SOUE A AND UPPER LEATHER, HARRNESS Hi : leather; SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS,, -i: FLCUR. SALlV IRON, SODA, SOAP: Mi i -' IM ! - STARCAv CHEESE, &c r .i. -i, Cootg and Shoes In Rreat Yarlety , MANUFACTURED TOBACCO; jl jq 170 jts ojp j& is KiJrns, i. i ALWAYS ON HAND. Especial attention given to consignments ' ! ': and prompt returns made sep23-3m : ; i 1.1'..;;, vir':i3.:J . P. . P E S C U D & ! S ON, LIFE AND FIRE I I , . - 'yy I-'"-" ' ' y.- I IJTS Ultj&WCE.-.jl GE 'JT, TS, RALEIGH, N: C. ! ': i- 'y:'ii .. :.y ".. 'J i'- i (apital and Assets of 1 Companies Represented$32tO0O,00O. We Invite the attention of all person Great Security and bxce . : I' " I- ! ' ' 'J. i f !! ! t.".i i.t eding j Lo w C st of Insurance in the .Ur-?; i NATIONAL;-;. And for the sake of fh orphans oftheniar,?rn become prejudiced against lAfe Insurance! by misrepresentations, or the increasiuff instead of reduced post ;pr their boSSS w NaUonaFcfS vorlf , Btto fldence and Wears agents for the following first-Slain iSS aif abo ire PevIal tPnir, o, YorkmeFire lnsurace Company.ol New sylvania. I c - I ComDrisino- th thllr nu.l -in rope and America, urd wottTs TitJtl &mlllar as household of o; thify Paw many millions havK, ho8e wno otherwise wouJu navebeen.bankrupt,.iH 5 1 , t : i :. n We insure at thA Linnet ;i'i 'i Af M1?ncand Propriety, in all parts of North Carolina. ', i 1 OctlO-iiU I F L O U R X. if:- ! .!. -ivi-j ..; 50 barrels "Elm Grove" Family Flour &very barrel warranted, -j r i 1 . vyv u. oTKQNAUfi POR GREEN, j APPLES, A FAMILY, ii. Sit." Strips and choice hams at ' ' LEAOU BROS, Lard and Hams of all kinds, call on i I v.-j-ii , A. U. LISE fc CO.