? 'i I ! : 1 ;i !' i' t t il. DAILY NEWS. Proprietors, r II Tl-W- : . &J - - -L--- -t-i TI Tt w TnJ !" ;..,! ! i H K A TT -H' - ;.V J W I XV tl If! :T'---' j'li l : - L RALKIGH. N. 0 . FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. 15. 1872, ; i " i KQ- )NK k UZZELL, - - FATKTKVILI.B STKltET, ,,r w. C. Stronacli & Ck.'s Store. cUiS VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. r o D VILY NEWS will be delivered to .iwri'jers at fifteen cents per week, . vAble to the onrrler weekly, dialled at f 7 $ anuiim ; ta.50 for six mouths ; $2 for thre j , ThtW-KKKIiY NEWS at $2 per annum. s 10 0,00 o . i ' RATES OP AOVEUTISlNtiij f On a Bnnim hra 1nMrtlon ' 1 00 One square, two lnsertionB.-.... 1 , One square, three insertions................. 2 CO One square, six insertions......... 8 50 One square, one month-....,...;............... 8 0 One square, three monthsM...,M 28 00 One square, six month.....w......,.w... 80 00 One square, vsm'.f 7 ""fr 00 w For larsrer rrir" tracts will be xn pareil constitute ca. i enta liberal eon j a lines solid, not re. !!.:( i;j jjiv j;:;. II A N 1 GIF Tf C O N CERT um presentation to the holders of ticketsjof 275 B E AUTIF ULLL Y -LO C ATED COTTAGE L. OTS MORNING EDITION atcigU gaitg gcws. FRIt AY......... NOVEMBER 15. 1872. "Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be char?pd rii. S-aii parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted, i I; LOCAL MATTER. Em C WOODSON, City Editor at the no w and elegant sea-side resort, j y jyjE JG J X II J p M C m X, IN THE V U E D E L ' E A U NEARLY EVERY HORSE CITY ATTACICED. Oa Ilamptoa Kflids4 Opposite Fortress fionroe, Virginia, Oxen. and Males Only Seen Streets. TOGETHER - WITH $30,000 IJT CtILEEJrBACILS! TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. the appearance of the Horse Drop9y, which, according tcpur telegrams yes terday morning, attacks horses that have suffered severely from the Epi zootic. The cases referred to appeared in the stables of Samuel Merrill, Esq , Superin tendent of the Raleigh Gas Works. The symptoms are nearly in accordance with those contained in our telegrams from New .York yesterday morning, viz: Swelling ot the belly and legs, and other svmDtoms as described, umy a- few mules have as yet taken the Epi zootic, and we are irlad to say the malady does not spread in this direction. J.f the mules and cattle are taken with it as Is reported in other localities, then we will indeed be in a pitiable con dition. I From other; localities, as will be seen by our telegrams the malady is raging, Harp, "W. G. Upchurch and Gen. R. F. Hoke, to purchase a lot of land known as Cook's Hill, for the new fair grounds. This site is located 01 a mue irom the Western limits ot tnecity immedi ately on the line of the N. C., and the Raleigh and Augusta .air J-ane ivau- road. . The committee was turther empower ed to make all necessary arrangements or the erection ot suitable buildings, ITS SPREAD IN THE COUNTRY. Appearance of the Horse Nearly every horse in the the exception of a few old hardened sta Meeting of the Board of : City Commissioners. A call meeting of the Board of City Commissioners was held Wednesday evening. Hi3 honor Mayor oni the Whitaker, presiding. Present, Gorman Prairie, Battle, UpchurchStronach and Ellison, colored. The meeting being called to receive the report of the Committee appointed a previous, meeting to locate the new f.iir rrrMinrla in pnninnr.tinn with & Dropsy, rjommittee from the State Asrricultura Society, a report Irom the same was 11 J A ... I caueu lor. pity with c . T -p Te.on the Dart oi t,e Committee, stated verbally , that the TELEaRmlPUIVJZjrS- NOOITDKPATCHES. Important from FranceSpeech of , , President Thiers. Paris, Nov. 14.- Thiers in his speech thanks God for the reparation and gen eral prosperity of the country. Refer- tlD" tO tUe SUCCesa Ul IUO aou .v, m says the whole available capital ot tnc - .. D I A,.mn.n.;ai a--rirl waa nttei eii to r ranee. the general arrangement or tne grouna " , ht uuoUred .4- Irnm T1TTTH TO nmR IL I njiv.,j , million of francs of the war indemnity, and she will receive two hundred mil lion more in' December. Budget ehnws 'A.-- deficiency of one hun dred and thirty two million francs for the last fiscal year, but estimate snow Ac., and to reDort from time to time to the Executive uommuiee. j uuau- mous vote the President, Colonel i, XL. Holt, was added to the committee. A committee consisting of the fol lowing gentlemen : Dr G W Biacknall, Colonel J fii tiecK, jonn .tiuiu.s, . a - n liUp5nm af eXDeDdi Mahler and A Creech : werenpointea enue It' wiu be restored tu lav uii tuu a c and to sell the same, togeiner wim me buildings thereon, the proceeds of auch sale to be placed in the hands of the Treasurer, and by him paid over te the committee in charge of the new grounds. It was decided to hold inonhly meetings of the Executive Committee, on the first Thursday of each montb.at in and a surplus may be looked ifor in 1874. . : - i . Allusion is made to the disa.-tcrf ol the late war,the cruel dismembermenjtnf the country, the frightful bun hen it had to bear, and the establishment 'ot the republic. All these things suddenly hurstincr on a I surprised and disheart- 1 the nrst norsaay o, ?.u o iQ if. ""ruA n3 reparable disasters if order had pot r'Vr':.!.; been maintained. i;oniuiniee, iuat tau uu v --r- Awards by the Mixed American and :. , I British Commission. ;i 1 Washington. Nov. 14. The Mixed Commission on American and British Claims has made the following awards: $7,442 in gold, to bo paid by the) United States to Great Britain, m respect 10 he claim of Thomas McDowell, lor in uries to his dwelling house, fencing, anrl .'iir.n. etc . and at jAtlanta for timber cut, and two bales ot cotton and Other property alleged tq have ocen kaken by Sherman's army ; $171 in gold fen the claim of John Kalcr jfor two horse?, a saddle and j iidle, alleged to have been taken by the 1 United States forces in the Shenandoah Valley in 18G4, and Lamiuyr a stack of hay at the same time. The Counsel for the United States unsuccessfully resisted this ciaiin on the ground that Gepyral Sheridan txepted hi raid as a lawful act ot ;.r in the tHemies' '.country!.!; The property was not taken uridcr fequisitiou and with an implied promise j r paymeni. ji pi English Aid to Boston Terrific Gale and Eire Bismarck Sick London, Nov. 14. At a meeting yes terday at Boston, Lincolnshire, it was resolved to aid the sufferers by the grekt fire in its American namesake, and sub scriptions for that object are novf being 1 secured, (j Measures lor the react of the sufferers are also beinj taken in Lou- 1 The gale of last night was exceeding' 1J severe on the , Prossiani coast at bter. ulsurd. Its effects were inostdwastioua. Twelve vessels weie sunk in ibe harbor. Tlie j towri j was iniitlKte3r and inj. .tbe height oi the storm i;tir 'broken out among the! Jwalthouses jwhicf spread raoidiv and' is I siiU burning.; j Svyeral to attend will be present. An appeal is made to Republicans not to spare even excessive sacnuees. Event8 have given them the Republic ; the ReDubhc exists as the legal govern ment, and attempt at any different lorra' livts lepmttd liijurtd. j I'litue t.-t 1. Bismaiek and j tunny i iiersons 1 a ;i I S E 11 ! ! P I. i Physicians i but was It :i nd captured Iroiu tl;p etieiiiy, ..perijup: strojed and ' pc; imps ,qrii'Jpriit(. was all of'u cliKMet. r which raigh oi'ilinariiv would beusetut to the efteiny and thtlel'ore a legitimate; subject bl f.ithri' nt'nr ir iiclructionJ urid fur huvr; )ne ru VarzMi trt . . i 1 ' i. : . .J y. m The Tweed: it YttlitK - i - i , !; V :F-J I.W Vi U ! jlliiirUiM l nil enemy of the t his .d 'micue can the been Prominent Arrivals. The follow in leading citizens of Richmond, Vir ginia, arrived at the Yarborough House of government would lead to the most; yesterdav, being the Committee ap- lemuieicvu m.uu X A. JO.V... v ' f formal The new, attractive and beautifully-located Bonthern Seaside watering place, named V U E D E L ' E A U. on Hampton Roads, nearly opposite For tress Monroe, Virginia, in full view of that fortress. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Bay, 1 To r.ioa wivom. with a water view unsur passed in Araertea, where every luxury of iea and land isjobtalnable, was opened to the public for tr! first, time the past season, and bavin? proved a success unparrelled in th history of seaside resorts, has In duced the stockholders to make an effort to greatly enlarge its capacity so as to ac commodate the great public; to this end they have determined to offer inducements of rio ordinary character, in the shape of a GRAND GIFT CONCERT, . , .!' -: by means of which they hope to be able to to execute their publio-spirited and laudable undertaking of making iTJ E D E L'EAU t he Grand Seaside Resort of the South gers, are now down with the malady,but Committee after examining several pointed to inspect the Richmond ana m f h Republic by the up to a late hour last evening no fatal cases were, reported. Only the oyer worked horses seem to be sufferring from the malady, those that have been properly attended to and well fed have it only in a mild form. The weil- knowu 'Torn Benton'of DrJJugene Gns som, the fine black charger of Dr. F. B. Haywood Jr., and the pair of mares of Dr. Jas. McKee, succumbed yesterday morning. . The old "Roan" ofDr. Fab Haywood, Sr., Dr. Wm. G. Hill's 4 Dun," Dr. Chas. E. Johnson's old "Wttitey" and Dr. Burke Haywood's pair still bold out, but all of our young M. D.'s; are either on foot or accommodate them selves to mule transportation. The horses at the three public stables points and locations had finally settled on the plot of gronnd known as Cooks, bn the Hillsborough Road, about H mile3 from the Capitol, belonging to Mrs. Brown, and could be purchased for $50 per acre. which the claimant, United Stales, 1 : by make no ' reclamation ' betorc i Commission. lue t Claimant. Dat tor! twentv-three verus, tperinaneiiuy domiciled lirVirginia : 150 in gUl . ou t u: claim of James McCabe, or proper ty alleged to have been taken by rMps under the command of , Shermau in MiaaissiDDi. February 1864; $5,698 in Danville Railroad, and the JNortn mbl Tbe better policy would be to- 'gold on tne.cmun m V' Z "iV Carolina Division.: They came by. special impres3-op the institutions of the coun- tor injury anp oestrnc.wu ui train. The members of the Committee b iemtmA of Conservative Repub, wWle in i whpoon Pf " J ..t Tt,v,r, Wm R kaci Z :. mu- n.wi, mn.t. iiftfion- force ot theUnited States ; 0 in gold Banker and member of the City Council, servative . otherwise it cannot exist, on ??f?gJ :.-a Ti,Amoo n tnharpn merchant ... v. ifnc ia rphose. been ( donucue(UtiUra M ni tcu,. ami i iiuniai w.-w i iiiaai luii 1 1 i.k i rcti J i . t nuvv w r-' i . - . Cnt. Lee accompanied the report ThPv were necomoanied by the ! follow, rr,ia moca miaht live through a few since 1850, aqd;had deciaxeu.nisi mien. with a statement of facts showing the ing weu known citizens of Richmond i da of atntation ! after frightening tion of becqmg a citizen m 190 J. ,ue natural advantages &c.. of the locations mx Waiter q. Turpin, Engineer Jamei oti!er8 lt fears itself and falls into the occupied fifteen acres, ou and a ftor nnh rliapiiRsion. on motion of D;i, Tmnrmremoma Dvid J. Burr. e a mror t m vi Hny the sad sion llidcre, K ing between tne opposiu0 Mr. Prairie, the meetins adjourned till Vv.Prrside.nt Chamber of Commerce j Km;i;ntintT iournev from anarchy fforcts m that botly 1 contestea oaxiiC ou , w . . I " . . . t . uuu UUU....-B j-- - yesterday morning at y ociock, xuai me 1. ; t i k ;, t iiroiVv f.. r .t.-ilry. ": lit- ! . 11 . . trlld ii in J Trial. 4; The tteeM it mm t ti i mjin jVlbanyf andj ,UQ Irom the county general; m in tho ieo'pi iin: (if j .Jmlgc IJar-j .'ji:ts uV.iSht tokuo 1 ksllt 1'lHi C!S , 1 ' T1 vviii itejl lleet. U Ui ending. NTKV YORK. 'I- N'L.v! .j-tef'U' u.igjiiHlj AHll, v ;vem ! Up Kales i,na bik-K .Flour. out!eiil. f ir S a9 10 d ox !.:: t. .Whisk ;iull. t ! wmt 1 ' ! n 1 n I 1 . 1 ' L nri pr.rt.arw' Virginia Home Insurance Aarn anH Hp.nrtisni to anarchy; the Soth December, isuj. ne ciai.int - j . , iu ura uuciu vwv. - - -x t n l Ul L V, n Pioh 1 .V . . m- ,. m! t. n,.nnlr for ei very;iii-i"(!"i irade. fcie-ijeity mixedi 64 01 315 76ul5 UO.I Litiul ufctiv tine.qntet, (ilV.a6i. -i CnUOn .Net; ieot Ksiies for I u lure bates as follows ; Nov it rui News 14 i Tii c United arrived at San iii 'Panama.1 She i!it:-rihP.icitid IN uu'Ck, 1 Hxf li; allU It com li;-Cotton iih t; m Orleans la-K. is iU tiU common! 10 y .. 1 v iiiut item Kw- i x prt :aul Imme- iti, KNtiu uas ue-, eiired 7ai!3;1 wes v'4 1 lt'.'- easier at iS.VS.-'M- lurpen- irti pis to-dfiy, ; .gross iJetHtry to-day, 19.C50 ember, is ::i-u;ai5 w to; Commissioner absent may be enabled to ComDanv. P. G. Coghlan, of the Rich- Thp fii;htest fault is sufficient to-wreck vote on the adoption or rejection ot the mond Enquirer, Secretary Chamber ot t ReDUblic ot France. C i Member. mim ykH&AW&x February ls?4ii!h $ M:reh 19a,. April are all on the mend, and the prop rie- As indecements to the public every where torjurchase tickets, they propose to pre sent as I CHRISTMAS GIFTS - . m x. l .lln! Knf !r To the purchasers or HCKeis, uy u i h v lot. the following magnificent gifts : - 5.000 10,000 tors expect to resume business in a very few days. : I' . It is generally believed that we are now in tfib midst of the crisis5, and its . 1 T : r.n,tA TTorr four hnrspn WOrat 13 UClug paosju. "'J arc seen on the streets, all the drays anu public carts betog drawn by mules and oxen. Wood is scarce, but owing to the large importation of oxenjfrom the imintrv thfi nrice so far has not been report. THURSDAY MORNING, 9 A. M. All the Commissioners present except Mr. Churchill. Dunston, col., moved to rescind the resolution offered by Capt. Gorman at the meeting on Wednesday night, "ana d Corn Exchange. R. 1j Blankenship, Superintendent Belle Isle Nail Works, Parker Campbell, Banker, P. H. Starke, member City Council, and Col. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer and Sup't. R. & D. R. R. i These gentlemen express tnemseives the Republi strong, it inspires con the value aK his stable,1 corn crb and 1 --. "J- " n . 1 - : a nrprlv and I certain personal properly auegeu iu nW.in foreien have been taken by the Vltt;tl ?ta W-A I ' . - I . .i . . 1. ... I. . !IV ,R I i i:-L mi Ifllii Ifl JI-IKi i.r ! 1 i. ! .:.t : I?,7ilihri,.m of rrancc. It sho clioosed in gold on; ;tl.o claim ot , J,. ... .1 ennilihrium of France. nr tn isolate herself she may become! r , ana useiui by trusting a committee be appointed by the Mayor as being exceedingly pleased with the to act with the committee of the Agn cultural Society in the selection of giounds for the Society, the igtion of said committee to be final. The motion was laid on the table by a vote ot 5 to 3. Cant. Gorman then moved that the report of the Executive Committee of condition ot the Road, and the courtesy and hospitality extended to them at every point. They will return this morning to Richmond. Marriages in Halifax County. surrounded friends. I To the assembly is left the institution of constitutional ; measures. The decisive moment has arrived lor tne work. The President promises a deference to co operation and devo tion. The President concludes by Inirnlrinor O-nd to bless the work of the assembly, and lender complete urner, lor house and "property j ourneu j the U. S. army up jn McClellan's retreat in Virginia: $12,969 in gold oa tlie claim of John Burnside, for mules Sand caits, and harnes taken by the- Military in Louisana in 11862 j 7,500 on the claim of Michael Gary, for cattle iunmhed United States on requisuinn by tue 1'iimm'issarv 'of L subsistence, November rm. v -i . ... .) .:. Foreicn Markets. 'b 1 4 t 4i 1. ' il i T j ' ' ber 14.--Bonds and Louisiana his claim was ior Tlie Commission disal lowed i met: in Oreenbacks. of . 5 Ui fts in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, "0 Gifts, in Greenbacks, of SoOO each, 75 Beautifully located Cottage Uots, by the sWlO.by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at 8400, "00 other beautifully located Cottage Lots, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue de L-Eau. valued at $200 each, 100 Gifts, in Greenbacks, of lu0 each, nmMlnfti at i $100,000 n nno TICKETS AT $5 EACH. 30,000 40,000 10,000 The Grand Concert will take place in the NORFOLK OPERA-HOUSE, fnntrotv to tho exnectation the State Asrricultural Society in regara ilUSCU. V"U'J I I O . 1 i 1 1,1a and tears 'of many in this city the mar- to, the location ot the ground at Cooit s ket is well supplied with meats, vegeta bles, &c, &c, from the country, and there has been no occasion for an ad vance in these commodities. So much for being prepared and conveniently lo onted for oxen transportation, which i vet the cheapest. From several points in the country; we learn with regret that the epizootic: is sprcad ic to nearly every farm, but fortunately for oui farmers, it occurs at a season that the loss of time doe3 not connict with the farming interest, j ' For the benefit of our country inenas (and all others) we publish below an other treatment which we take from a iQfn tin m her ot a celebrated meaicai Hill be adopted. , Alcnn Jnf -Rnfield led to the altat Miss The yeas and nays, oeing caueu, Tnnfe Bel, daughter of Col. vote stood as follows Yeas-Messrs. Stronach, Gorman, Upchurch, Johnson and Ellison 5. Nays. Messrs. "Battle and Prairie 2. Dunston, col., was excused from vo ting. ' ' . ; ; . Tbe minority then asked that their protest against the adoption of . the re; port be recorded. Granted. j Tn the countv of Halifax on Thursday, I nraVile a consummadon which has not been obtained since the commencement of this century. The message was well received by Left and ueuire io wum it gives great satisfaction. The Con servatives moved the appointment of a nT,;ti on tn iiraw no a reolv. 1 he two young couples were made happy by being united il the bonds ot mat rim -n v. Our voung friend John T. of Kntield . lea to tne auai D. B. t?ii that nlnr.e. 1 nev are nw v"i - a - touring life to them. I 11 B. Mabrv. Esq.. of IV. It IS iuuusui iu . . Hilifax town, was made! happy, the same evening by being married to Miss Aice iiarK, daughter of Edwin Clark, Esq., of the same olace. They left next morning lor a Th( affair, message will lead to an early dissolution of the assembly. ! Destructive Gale on the British ... ;;, j Coast.' I j- : ;.'::; Tnox. November. 14. '1 He heavy On Monday Evening, Dec. 23, -1872, journal, and especially recommended bv a leading pnysiciau ui miij . . m n n a mnat. plpcrant U11II1SU5 noo Z . Z I -lift participated in by many of the most me gallant beaux and beauti ul oeues -oi - d Hiawatha, have al ?t i;r. j ii.n .n..nnmt nn nnnnties. 1 oariis ucuigo " ., IiaillaA HUU LUC BUUUUUUiug and the occasion will long bo remember And will In Itself be a full consia And for the price charged for Ad mission .. r nft 'will take place full consideration .iThe. natisnt should be excused from alllabor and allowed complete rest. The stables should be cleanly and wen ven tilated. Disinfectants may ; dc useiui and in some stables necessary, .any oi the following will answer: Carbolic acid, sulphate of iron, or oromo-cniora-lum. The patient should be properly Raleigh . Baptist and Episcopal Churches. "Mecklenburg," the intel- ligent Ualeigh correspondent i oi tue Norfolk Journal, speaks as follows ot rhn orirwfi named Churches: "The people ot this capital are surely ed bv the fortunate participators more than ordinarily Diessea in au no,fo;n. t thPir worshiD. The churches Number Five. J. H. King, are all comfortable and well constiucted; 0f Lincoln county, Thursday settled two of them are notably large, and one in 1qU with the State Treasurer the is exceedingly beautitui. in w monnt of State taxes due by his coun npon the Southern bound train ior I ' C eyailed on the British hripf amonrn awav irom Home.' aucii t . . K.,n. Vp ywa. j toast yesterday were very destructive to and shipping, iveports ui Sheriff I An Fifty lives are known to have been lost and it is feared that this number will be increased by the reports of addi tional disasters. I 7 ; -rvlsionon President and Directors ,o owinrdisunguishedgentle nose ana eyesire- kindly consent -?Dea"as adver- ' ed with water, and the ildW Mayor of Norfolk. Smbs if cold, bandaged bC drink Hon 'John Jl Ludlow, .Mayor oiiN , chill' sliffhtly remoyed, Walter H Taylor, of Norfolk, avor of but not enough to make :t )warm and Hon John B Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of bu ;ale The diet should be light Norfolk, , - . portmoata; ftn5 of a laxative nature, say spout if&r?"Z&&aiB composed of the , a . nr hran wetted or scalded, with a S:SXr:anld1S UUeaalt added Hay in limited quan character ior integrity, . ran. . . ailowe(J. ! f fPnd a lair and Impartial distri- "' a to remedies I wish to Bay tuition ot the gifts m - . PonVnf H. t; trpatment snotila not De I niw m an v various observant roving oci luj lands, I have seen and entered few shrines to the "Living God!' more ap propriately and pleasingly beautiful, without and within, than "Christ Church" in Raleigh. I have not space to describe or criticise,, r ! But I enioin. tor their own sakes, all who may contemplate a visit hither to come prepared to remain over one ou bath at least, ana to go umumv Episcopal service. Neither eye nor ear will soon forget the impression. They will certainly hear a good and devout sermon if the venerable pfetor in regu- ty for 1872, as lollows : , Public tax, U 8PECIAL TAXES. For erection of peuitentiary and support of convicts, j For Insane Asylum and Insti tution Deaf, Dumb and Blind, $2,217.50 784:46 the horse i . rofm Lamb, President First Na ll0an1aDG'r2ner! General Agent Boston Steamship 9mpany, Son & Co Capta n Nathan el Ba g & Reecl Wasningio" -i-. MSS, Esq., Superintendent Seaboard and goanoke Kilrot tL y Neely Kobert J Neely, nq-. "l " Marsnan sey.,;. .r ATtrnev at Law, William a- " 1-' iar Miartrp. should be in the pulpit. And iuTt they will be sure to hear the superbest nA ;nRtriiment. II them either injurious or uncalled for. t the g".1? ,v,. Tro iri Pint Bank, of I v,ot heroic Major George j ' ", n,nQd-lettin2 cathartic nau seates, and arterial datives are i . n bQth of voice aDd Instrument, ti, -Fsn.J President Albe il "hesaoeake Canal Company, mJ ? Sr: Real Estate Broker, E C I-indsey Eq., Real William H White, Esq., Norfolk. . . .,, be by blindfolded The distribution win n -wheei- one i- 1 1 i ma r iniiiL bifv " sons or cnuuiu, , printed sups whichwillconuingifwonpe g tue In anVfilODeS Oil'"0.?" Mhora on am wm. -jhe tickets naing bolh wheels are contents of Doui wn QQ Next, whatever medicines are adminis v triven in tha form of terea suuuni & 7 . . . dran-hts or drenches, as the animal is sure to be thrown Jnto paroxysm of cou-hing-the moment a drench is at Smptedfand. some of the medicine .will in sSch event, be almost sure to find Total special tax, $17.76.30 TAXES FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES.; j Retailers, ; f! V $17.82 Auctioneers, . , Total ; $1 oa Total'amount Taxes, ; $4,001 62 Washineton AffairsHorse Malady. Washington, November 14. Rain ing steady. 1 . But little improvement in Gov. Cooke called a meeting of this territory in behalf of Boston. r , Three thousand horses reported sick at Louisville and the disease is spread ing rapidly. Nearly every horse in Mil- 986.84 waukee is affected, w neeung auu i adjacent country is seriously anecieu. on engagements the present choir remains in the gallery. Whoever plays tne organ tueie, cptv ally, must be a pure and good spirit, as ,. : ; 1 XTiitim in hpr art. well as an iubuucu mm'"" , , t, t it imrrl ht-re to keep mail and passenger train, on tne b riij tv a 10 the (v Wni.inn T?il Riau ran on UD mY wuuieu luiuaiiniixj 1 uiiuiiivjii m 11 Accident on the Wilmington & Rail Road. The aown Wil- Weldon A-r"-r children, irom orwhichwlllconta. eiRff taes with numbers on them corresponding wiin . wheel! sold; after the oonu- - 4 lhe rsoa thorougniy YVih take a numoer meic at the nrst wheel will iae .a second rrom.and then the pereonai tfae wheel witt take a g J1?? the number Klftthus taken Will "fit-thla process ? , ,riiotiilv before iw unff iaKu 1U"XW iT umbers ana gna wiU continue the numrjers f publicly annoanced-antu t alstributed. mndred and and .one gbas ar there ca Thus the PObUo will jeadiiy wiedge 0l iae no fraud, collusion, What gift any numberwiu gefc-.. ;when ' Should Wtickets be not m be the concert comes off. tne . number ed in prui . win nromptly re- It is hopea in ibiigfi upon a nrm o tnis ,T,,rin the heaieu basis a dellgnwui nn'l hrnnr.nial ;n)n thA WlUUUiyc ouv robes thus inducing faial bronchitis or pneumonia. Bails should bot le given P . u .irrhpn back Or OUt, they Will , y'Tu I thrnat will d the irritability 01 be increases in aiwuiF"&r- ant them Powders over wi"i iu -.r miYPfi ui the food the patient will usually with the rooa vuo v Elec-tu- sold. Iti spond to basis a a months. are "Weil-nigh .. . . i-4.i, rrA and Dowders, ari.es, ay 1 ,.f . uA cnoressfullv t I 1-. ivilMlP! Ilt'n lilu V WW h'-' w m.r; ; where the throat aamlT irritable, and, coughing IS tcnuoi. c"" --- inrlnred. TICKETS ONLY S3 EACH. aply to the unwni. managemen taken tne exciui" alone are auvuui or ttils scheme, and who alone 8ale of 31 zed to appoint agent tickets. . r i BURIVUSS, SON & . ' . . ;oi Atrents n ' U Vuedc .L'Eau Company. NO R F O L K , V A . - . pickets for sale at. CITIZENS' NATIONAL DANK, RALEIGH, K. c ; .nor Mf CO . . 1 a mu n. te of ammonw, or bjpo p6tash, munav ftrrodvne to sulphate 01 soaa. - - . t v.ih TI 1 1 1 1 1 CAUUf v rvbe" added. . The proper dose c -,lnr of these medicines may oe ruo of either o these three ounce3 of )cd up w - d thege poured in mnev or moitov , mouth froin a n. j iven in on the tongao with a poo , this way wrtt r-wftnwcd: But lapped up , to ive it, and Uttle trouoie 1 , dicine in no danger 01 Kir. -'ftd bv this . . 1 I I I II I 11 VJ f , thc trachea " ' ijbytf the method. About the 1 . n Iiniment nd-Dipe, irr cases that - t . l- y ill... VJ several churches find it hard to ever ,.ca the. P.niscoDal lor any otner. iuu lUUU r I m t there is so much to attract to some 01 the others, too, I do not much fear I shall ever neglect any oi tnem. The Baptist Ciiurch is an apparently new and very handsome structure ; very lare lor a place ot this size ana popu- lation; and the pastor, jur. rnuu, is a man whose graces and abilities would distinguish and attract to any rmb.it. una were they but ordinary, hi voice and articulation alone, with zeal, would make hi3 ministry a popu lar and successful one." . t v shall oublish to..morrow what he hp. Presbyterian Church. We arlvisa "Mecklenburg" to ATpthodist Churcli and OUUUJJ . -.-r? iwtpn to the nonular pastor, Rev. A. V Man-rum. whose sermpns are always Impressive and eloquent, j Com , 1 ,1 t snouiu. nrove severe, atb-kttng of the Executive mittee of the State Agricultural Society. The Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society met in the parlor ot the Yarborough iioue yester dav at 1 o'clock. ! ' the track near magnoua uuu, nirht, and seven cars smashed up, roaK- a complete wreck. Travel was cut off till 12 "o'clock, M., yesterday, w hen track was completed arouoa me wreck. All t,ram botn to v iiiiuugu.u & Weldon, were behind yesterday, in consequence ot the disaster, ooiue three or lour persons iniured, and many dreadfully scared, j Trains will run aiu-r i" u...vw rupted, all the aeons naviug removed. 1; ; . !: ' The Fair Grounds. As will be seen by the report of the Commissioner's Worinpsriav evening, me v"' mittee is at work. j At present ' we have m.if. nn the subiect, ns we have no preference as to location, but one thing on that i?; that1 something may be done to put our State Fair on a fnnlincr with the Fairs ot other States, And we insist that this shall be done, , ...l.Mt lll U in motion we and wuiicj - 1 t Tj-rnVt-.' rollinff: . Waul i-v ki-lA- - , n Brokers Kesumed--Inurance News. Tiw York. November 14. The ' : ' 11 three brokers that 1 suspended Monday have met their and resumed business. j . mi,,. Hir.,.Vot Tncnranr.R Comoanv. Ot 1UC jjxaittw uj. 4 ' this city, pays their full losses. j, MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. steamer Sunk on the Mississippi. Ctxtinnati. Nov. 14.- A dispatcn says the no comment! to T. M. Holt, President, in the ' .i;uf otl with are COIUMV"v ri;ises. acom- A more Bcnou,.-rr, m. "rveterinarian Wr.J nowpainedto '; ti-- Col Chair. " ! . .' , The Committee previously appomteu to confer with thc Board of the City Commissioners, relative to the new site for the fair grounds,! reported the result of their action together with a copy of the Commissioners report at a meeting of that body at 9 o'clock A. M. The proceedings of the Boatd nf Commissioners having been read. the following gentlemen r armnointed a Committee to wit: T. F. Lee,W. J. Hicks, N. S, TnE Smith Poisoning Case Judge Watts will; be in the city on to-morrow, Saturday. U hear the argument i Li,.. ,nitiT of aoolication for counsel iu " e ,. tt 1 n...a tV.i- the release ot Mrs. w Ti Aluun and Mrs, ..Mary Smith, charged with poisoning Dr. J. If . Crxitlt .Thpc- udies are still in the custody lion. V. II. Battle and his sons Kemp r .....i t? it- lUtt e. Jr.. are uie counsel f, HIIU ' for the prisoners- , stpfimer St. Marys, which lelt Memphis for Cincinnati last night, with 236 bales ot cotton, and ten passengers, struck a stump near Morris' Landing at halt past 9 o'clock at night, tearing a hnlA between her wheel and stern, caus- i,r to sink n less than ten minutes n 1ft fpfit ot water. When sue situck " . , j u tioarlerl for the bar opposue aim SUC Tf na - ... , ' 1...4. 1. nw hmn curnnff :r u ran upon 11, out nu m"- omo and she floated off down the river nearly a mile, to Brandy wine bar, upon wine.. she now lies. As tar as Known meie, no lives lost, her passengers navinj; ueeu canied safely to the bar, and thence ashore in a lite boat, une nreinau missing. The steamer uity 01 uesiei, passed soon alter sue wiucm, u ricd her passengers to Cairo. Tha bt. Marys was valued at $36,000.' and was ;o.,r0H in the Cincinnati -omces it $16 000. The steamer will prooamy oe raised. '..; 1 -. r r Another I California .5 jsiarmquaK . No Tidings 01 tne Atu" o,v PnAxnsro.; Nov. 14. A sharp shock ot arthquake at Austin, Nevada, Tuesday night. A light shock was felt in Stockton On the same nigiu. . No news- ot tne .steamer ai-"". l,ic!vis ten tlns overdue irom i:aiiuiu at San Diego. 18615, id 3536.000. the lollowin2 claims: n rancis d.r'rired htmseU a native ;E4aiii, and resident at .Missouri. and Idinois since 1861 ; he claimed lor his personal injuries and expulsion from . his home by Federal troops $10,000, and for pro perty taken nearly $2,000 more. The claimant offered n proofs. John N. Trook, ior farm 1 rent on the road lead ing 1 irom Washington to Alexandria, and damages committed to thCi premi ses.!. The entire claim being ior $17,000, but it was declared to oe coi wiuim the jurisdiction ; of ; the Commission. Lucy J. Park, who alleged herself to be the widow of a British subject fclaimed indemnity for destruction by thUnited States stroops of a boarding house &c, in Tennessee,! and for flour, corh, v etc., alleged to have been taken j by the United States stroops. The. evidence wfta imsufficient. and besides the widow admitted that she was a citizen of the ttuI states John Gummer. who claimed $1,200 for sadh s and idlers stock, tools, hogs, corn, chickens, tc, alleged to have, been consumed ard taken away and destroyed by the j United States troops in Missouri,; November 1864, In addition to insumciency o proof the claimant , was, and had been since 1853 permanenOy domiciled withA in the United States,' and " in that por tion which during the war was in the! nnemies country. Ann E. Marfay, whd claimed ; about $8,000 '. for tobacco alleged to have-belong and destroyed ana injqreu or nppiu-- priated by the United Otates ioro.a ui Farmville, Virginia April lboo, me proofs were insumcient. unaries iic- Wertil, WllO uas ueeu.uuunuivu country since 1847, palmed $2,323 for damages to his dwelling house, etc.; in Vicksburg, by the United states uoops. Nothing appeared in the case to charge the United States with any portion tu the claimant's claim, Annibai iMagmre, a native Canadian, but since lSao a ies.- dent of Louisiana. I 1 he L nueu ou ie Consul, in Tesisting-ihw claim for 10? QOO'sayjL; "Notwitlist.anding Maguire s domicile ior many years with'm tie United States, and his solemn ueel.ira ion ot his intention to forever u'scUtm and renounce all British aUe-5ai.ee, the claimant in 1863, had the assurance to raise a British flag oVei his; ho ise in Louisiana, and now has the assuraiic e t( claim ltR protection I.on don. November! L ConoisiK. v ives oty.. Tallow 43 and jtt. 1 1 1.11.1XKFOET. Noveml P lti.s, Npve:nler 1 t-ltentes 52a75. ! Ilivkhi'oIh..1 November kcCotton' open- t.d ilrai '; ublarids Orleans lt.! 1 : i,,jit. llU,ttiii firm i fpales 2 mies, : 1 Cotton Markets'! ' v.,..miu.r ii J-rottoii lirm. ,ad vanctd;-. Rood ordinary uys. ww b- 13; middlinasiss. ; ijj; SMoiiii-K. 1 1 T li- OU'' m p a n y l4 STAPH P U 6 31 OT K I Hi Kh O F LA.M1S, ASH OCOIBAtiK II 12 T tt 16 v a 11 i'i ; A H C AHdLIN A l anj L E K9!lCftATI0S lis OFFICE ilatagh, UvrlK Carolina This Company h ! S' " hi I 1 : . ::.n. -t.i !(';j, '.--!, t 1 i in Kticceksful op-, ah tieel Ation over threei vi4ri nd continues to Buv Hul teas or fe Ileal . Folate, upon corn mission or otherwif , u iu verable terms. .1 !. '!' I .1 1 : I.,. I ,,i ,t i Parties having lands to sell, will and it U thefr intcres t to caU at out office, r carres pond with us! as our faeilltlea for seUing are Increasing everyday 1 a Large tracts are iwiw'tw r rz yT 1 Vorably IS fair known at certain d to her by being divided. i the iSge nmnber of emigrants it has introduced and located in this State, fullf atiesls.! i I ! h i . j Parties entrusting; business tn "" 'hands, have the lKasiira,npe, that tt V iwill befairly represented. ! M t H ' !W AdK all communitlo tot lNorth ,..f!:i; i.nnf rxmDny. or tojWIiiiam in...v t , 1 Scot t, Secretary. 4.: ! 1 William Scott,; if Secretary, ; H . 1 ., , i,.., 1 , : ov 7-tf : w;r.i r ! k A" 1 x AH N o N q 1504 Lixri. rrwiucuu E OF 1 StliSOJItIIE CLOTIIIJTG S T O C K jus received fou NJ from our New York, made ! L i I Si' - ' Manufactory in EXPRESSLY 10 it i . ' Boston Items. 11 Nov. 11 The v. oik of pul- lin" down the walls, and .dealing j ott debns from the burnt district is pro gressing vigorously There U but little individual news aWto the Inuiunr-c of thexVmazon and Trjumph Companies, of Cincinnati, they! ftave st..ppl wiiling policies in New ( England. The Old South Church h,is been lenkd tor two vears for a Posl Office. A aif ting of the citizens Belief Committee this morning rimed lesolutions ot tlraiiks fr t!lc sympathy and aid extetu!l parts ot the union. A! i-f U RETAIL XKACE, and which willbe sold at th . I !. j 1 i'i j--ii1-'::!ir!--1 ' J ': Lowest Posssible Prices. RJ B. ANDRE V8 VU., I 27 Fayetteyllle Street, novlC-tl ! ! U I I - P Co K T II. COTfQN "u -I :;ir 's; from Affairs. ;ni A. m mission RALEIGH. N. U. 1 ); FACTOR 11 i r.-i Merchant, ?ur; V.: i M ui rell Tannahlll, New oru. I sPnL2l-.i.wtf : i '...'fh Mr - r Turl' Intelligences Philadelphia, iNov. i.-1 ue w'fi - t l . t .- A thio nni,i.m t i sn ana LUCV inivcuiw UUiiunii " . . . I 1 ' morning from Calilornia, m a speciav ' 1 1 T -Kl -.A ITit.-ilr ttPf.Oin- Car. ! liUQU, uumc.""" 7 i panied them, and will be cnicrtnineu av a banquet this evening at the La, Pierre xrM.o The horses will winter at Bris- tol, Pennsylvania. Jii.iv York Nkw Yokk. X.v. 14 - .1 i.mes Iladlcy, nroless(jr of Giiek, at Y College, is: Specie shipments i'Ml,iyi.s l,o00,- 000..-1 ; .:'-: -.. r .f: v It is stated that c7d be entered!' Monday in case. , " ! , 'The Express says u'i 1 4 tea ii.m has been suspended. ; . K i pnteque wil) Moyor H.i.'s I ibiv II II 1 STORAGE. ; ; .,1 K . I completed our large STORAGE, the Weather lleport. ' !wcrTTvnTo. Nov. 14. -Froin South Atlantic States, clearing and char weather, with frosts anM nn h westerly winds extending 10 Texas. y " S' 1:1- liilV. i; W ABEHOr SE , v i ; o.ietle KaHroaO. near the North Car alon' V. iiM-,, tii-rotwe are prepare! to oiiua nolr.MU oi"v. an.An. oti,er receive 001)5, and make libeial iEr vlv ES pou same when desired rAS.ll -irina toearry ihelr cotton ovei h? eSln " ll And it., to tnelr, in- WILLI i nov tt Commission Merchats. 31 E 1. 0 351 H,U 1 At oet23-tr til T !!i w nnnn Tina Tar sale low. A v. 8AJ IJxSKS w.s , NO 2 Martin isireei. 'I-ji L.I- - s t. ot ir tie, 1 " MCIV Vfi T' very AT. CK'.t

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