) Mi ilea n my ! ISTi M. r .r. ;ss. I M. (J.4C the ick- ol Seen n- kins tout LK I. ion ! I DAILY NEWS. TOXR & IJZZELL, - - Pbopbiktojw, "" ATirri; v ixlk Strut, Yer c' 8tropach 4 Co. store. CASH IKVARIABLT IK ADVANCE. j ThA n it.v nttwh win hn 4aii..j ( u wv w W W UVil "OA "LV inhseribera at FiFTKEt cknts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f7 perauunra; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for tare 3 nonths. k The WK10KLY NEWS at 2 per annum. 100,0 00 WHAND GIFT CONCERT aud presentation to the holders of tick eta of 573 BKAUTIFULLLY LOCATED O T .T wf C E LOTS tt the new nd eVeftant oaslde resort, V U E D E It v E A U In ttsm B4s40j8ile hAfta Tlxpaia, 930,000 j.r GitEEjrn cksi TICKETS ONLY f5 EACH. 'Lite new, attractive and bean tlfally-lorAtM Southern Seaside watering place, named V ' U R D B L ' F. A U. oil Hampton . Roada, nearly opposite For ixeas Monroe, Virginia, In foil view of that fortreas,' Fort Calhonn, Chesapeake Bay, and James River, with a water view nnsur assed in America, where every luxury of aea and land is obtainable, was opened to the public for the first time the past season, nnd having proved a success nnparrelled in the hltitory of seaside resorts, has in duced the stockholders to make an effort to greatly enlarge 1U capacity so as to ac commodate the great public; to this end hey nave determined to offer inducements n no ordinary character, In the shape of a GRAND GIFT CONCERT, hy moans of which they hope to be able to to execute their public-spirited and laudable undertaking of making THE DE L'EAU the Graad Seasid JUnort of th South A Indocements to the public every where to purchase ticaow, they propose to pre nt as C II I S T M AS GIFTS To the purchasers of tickets, by distribution try lot, the following magnificent gifts: 1 Gift in Greenbacks, of $ 6.000 3 GJ ft in Greenbacks, of 11,000 each, 5,000 20 Gifts, in Greenbacks, of $500 each, 10,000 5 Beautifully located Cottage Lota. oy the sea," 80 by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eaa, valued at 8400. 30,000 1530 other beautifully located Cottage Lots, 23 by 130 ieet,at Vue ae L'Ean. valued at 20y each, 40,000 100 Gifts, in Greenbacks, of IV0 each, 10,000 4oTGlfts,Talodnt SlOu.OOO 20,000 TICKETS AT P EACH. The Grand Concert will take place j In the NORFOLK OPERA HOUSE, Oa Monday Eveninff, Dee. 23,1872, And will In itself be a full consideration for the price charged for Ad mission Tickets,: The distribution of Gifta will take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast tha nnm House, and in tull view ofthe audience, under the Immediate su rrvt.ion of the President and uirectors ef the Vpa na L'Eac Comfakt, and the fol lowing dlstlugulshed gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that the gifts are property distributed as adver tised - Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk. Hon A 8 Watts, Myor of PorUmouth, Col Walter H Tayier, of Norfolk. Hon John B Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, - ' -. - - i- t. wvxAm n vrnnaao.v. "Eaal. of Portmouth. Tbe Board of Directors is composed of the fallowing gentlemen, whose well known character orintegrtty, honor, and publle enterprise are so weU known as to guaran te success, and a I air and Impartial ditri 1WW flrlPwiWeD Bank of Cl WiUlalxx Lamb. President First Ka tlonal Bank, Norfolk, . A A Gen VDGroner, General Agent Boston Captain Nathanlil Burross. Bon Co., Washington Reed, Esq., of Peters A Reed EGGhio, Esq.. Superintendent Seaboard And Roanoke Kaiirod. Robert J Weeiy, Esq., of R J & W Neely Co Marshall Parks, Esq., President Albe marie & Chesapeake Canal Company, S ;'i inH.. Kjn.. Real Estate Broker. William si. White, Esq., Attorney at Law, NThe distribution wlU be by blindfolded persons or children, from two wnel, one of which will contain gifts on printed slips aealed in envelopes of the name size, the ...ho., nit i 'rkiita.in tans, with numbers on Arrun.,nilini2 with all the tickets aold after the content of both wheels are thoroughly mixed by revolving, the person at the first wheel will take a number there- o n. thtn the Derson at the second wheel will take- a gift therefrom, and the srtft thus taken wlllbelong to the number r',..,, immflriiateiv before It. tills process .nnlinnu. the numbers and Kifts being hundred ana ana uu s'-'r?, ""- nt!". .it.im will readily see there can tie no fraud, collusion, or knowledge ol i- . i . n n m hr will set. Z"J MTt. H not all sold !when nreToncert comVff-the PnU be distributed in proportion to the number ?- u-a th nnhitA will nromotly re nd to thU effort to establish upon a firm liisls a deUghtlul resort during , the heated months. TICKETS ONLY 3 EACH". Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our banking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation ofthe tickets entitled thereto, without distount . , For further particulars and for tickets, ftply to the undersigned, who have nnder tiken the exclusive financial management ofthiK scheme, and who alone are author ized to appoint agent for the sale of tickets. "' ' " ' BURRUSS, SON & CO., ..... t ' Bankers and Financial Agents ' Vue de LjEau Company, K O R F O LK f A . , t,' ;Ticketa for sale atj ; , CITI2ENS XaTIOXAL DANff, R A LBIGH, N. C.: VOL. 1. MORNING EDITION. TUESIAY .DECEMBER 10. 187?. Special Notices inserted io the Local Column will . be charged Fif teen Cents per line. CST All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON. CUT Editor 3F"8ee fourth page for telegraphic news. . ; - y Pout OCce Directorr. RA LEI Oil POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE- OFFICE" HOURS FBoM 8 J A. it. TO 7 P. M. Timef Arriealand Cbnng the Mails: Western Due at 7 a. m. Close at 0:30 p.m. Eastern Due at 0 p. m. Clorat 6:30 A. M. "j! Northern via Weklon Due at 3:20 P. m. Close at 9:15 a. si. Northern via Greensboro Due. at 7 a.m. Close at 5:80 p. m. . FayetteYille snd Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:110 a. m. CJoe at 3:00 P. M. No mail received or ent on Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter box, m that is the last place we look lor them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general di.ivery window, or to a Clerk. ; Office hours, for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. v C. J. Rogers, Postmaster. Local Briefs. Cold, windy and dusty the weather. Sheriff Ashwood, of Ashe county. ! brought to town Saturday oneDavis.and placed him in the Penitentiary, baying been convicted of forgery, and stnten ced to nine years' imprisonment. The only case before his honor, the Mayor, yesterday ,was that of Jack Pool. charged with retailing spirituous liquors on runaay, ana ai9o playing cards with one William Mitchell. Jack was made to ing to the tune of 80 and Mitchell at $ 10. The Kay of the transgressor is rocky. A fare opportunity now offered is to insure in the Connecticut Mu tual Life this niontb, in order to secure the advantage of the large dividend hat it will be enabled to pay next year, on account of its few losses accruing tbiB year, and its very low rates or ex penses. Omcc opposite post office. ltf Christmas is coming, and the Legis ators will all go home to enjoy it. Of course the little ones at home will all expect something, and the question naturally anses, where is the place to buy the necessary nick-nacks. Br reier ence to the columns of the News, it 'ill. At. . - w win do Been mat nat. u urown nas tne argest and most complete stock in the city. Potter & Co. have greatly improved their restaurant on Fayetteville street,by opening an entrance from Fayetteville street, next door south of Ramsay the clothier, by -which persons can go to private rooms, newly carpeted, .comior tably heated, get their meals, and never know there is a barroom or bowling ally connected with the house. lie has polite and attentive waiters, excellent cooks, and a bill of fare not to be sur passed in the city. How can he resist it ? we mean Col. W. II Tucker, the old bachelor of the firm of W. II. & R. 8. Tucker & Co., who has sold and handled himself the wedding outfit of thirty-five young people who "have gone the way they long have sought," this fall, not to say anything of ' the various bridesmaid's paiapnanalia. Jt be remains single two months longer we shall then express openly an opinion that is fan taking hold of u?. , Many or our btate papers are causing considerable trouble to the Post office here arid to members of the Legislature by send ng occasionally papers to the members without prepaying the postage. When such papers are delivered the P. M. has to charge postage for a whole quarter, or 2 cent9 per copy, which t is double the prepaid rates. It the postage was paid at mailing office it would be only 1 cent. It is a fine of $50 to send papers through the mail without prepayment, unless it , be to a regular subscriber, and then the kindness of the editor is not apprecia ted when the person whom. he wants to have his paper has to pay the postage New Advketisemkxts. Sec the fol lowing advertisements which appear this morning: it t Five dollars reward for a cloak lost. Messrs! Miller & Nelson havel an im- I portant communication. j Valuable city property will be so'd on the 24th inst., by A. N. Ujchurch, Commissioner. i - . .. i For holiday presents, go to J. W. Watson's fine art gallery, second door above Tucker Hall. ; D. S. Waitt has just opened A large stock of dry goods, reauy-made cloth ing, &c. His store is two' doors above the market. The .Nokth Carolina agricultu ral and Ihduhtrial Convejtion. The above named body will Convene in the Court House in this ;eity, on Wednesday next, at 12 o'clock,., and intbe Hal of the House of Represen tatives on Wednesday night. Members and delegates are 1 requested ; by. the Secretary, R. W. Best, Esq to meet ac cordingly. 'Ire Peace Institute Cantata! We publish with pleasure the tallowing Communication in relation to the late cantata at the Peace Institute: Raleigh, Dec. 7th. Mews. EdUors of the News; I received in '-the distribution of th mail yesterday evening thti followinu note, under dte of .Di-ctniber the 5 li written in a delicate hand and deli ciously perfumed: "It Mecklenburg would write an article on the Cantata last Friday niht at Peace Institute, and publish it in the News, he would very niu.h oblige many triendaand alm!ivi8auurir the . Ladies op Raleigh.'1 ' I am almost convinced it i3 all a hoax that it didn't emanate Iron) any ladies or lady at all, but trom some masculine genius with a dangerous talent, if not propensity,1 for forgery. But I shall nevertheless (with your indulgence and CO-operation) treat the request aa a flattering verity. I am not quite jissured that it is not, and my rule of service to the opposite sex is like that of the law which holds that it is better that ninety-nine eu'Ity persons escape than one should suffer innocently. Applying the principle more deservedly, it is surely better that countless numbeis of joking masculine 'jail birds" should be unworthily in dulged than one woman not to speak ot "many" should in anything or in anywise be disobliged. I must needs divappoint my lair cor respondents though, do wnat I will. They have doubtless mistaken me (if this note is genuine) for a musical critic. But I am anything else. I love music love it passionately without in the least knowing why. As to torit ten music, that is, and w ill ever remain, an inexplicable mystery to me how any body on earth can read it. The notes and longitudinal bars suggest to me no utlie. association or similitude than that of a five rail fence with very black little "niggers"' climbing it at all stages of getting over. With this trank preface, I proceed to pronounce summary judgment upon the "Cantata." AH the parts, aud all the persons singing them, delighted me, and in my unlearned opinion reflected inlin ite credit upon the pupilage and pre ceptorn of fhe( mu.-ical d p u tinent of Peace Institute. As to u . n ,s;hei :art, the viioIl and m- voicv h;vvv haunted me ever sii.c- Ir. lurtn-r praising her and no ne ti.Nt-, jiarueul .i y, I must not be understtx; ! iiiVidi)Ul. but only as conforming to ttio u -ayt- ami etiquetteot al. courts roy.d to piaisi only Majesty" m the restnve t .M..jsty, or where It is concerned.. Ami the Queen"in this case,I am quite sure, will take toe praise like -Maiesty, and nut et it turn her pretty head except m a more literal senc- somen m- wheu we chance to meet in the direcuon ot one of her most loyal and devoted sub lets. I would I couM dvscrtbe, f.r such readers ol the News as were not at the Cantata, her appearance on that cc sion But.Icoultl us easiiy write an immortal poem. "I must be let off with the easy old comprehension of dtsciip tion in such cases, that she "looked every inch a Queen." But her s'ng ing her voice! Ah, loi that I liny. not evei any easy old formula of empty words to escape in. Yet I can scarcely say uiore 61 it, iu my ignorance, than that it was a wonderful soprano. I be lieve that is what they call it. At any rate, , " . It was like the warbling of a bird, bo sof , so nweet, so delicately clear ! A voice of mel ing tenderness, ideh b.'ent With pure and geu.le musings till the soul. Commingling with the melody, was borne. Kapt and dissolved lnecs.uey, to Heaven. ' But Esther ! mock queen of ancient Persia, and queen most real ol to day in all that makes a queen better than her hand-maidens, wotild'st know the moral of so rare a gift? An, it please you, my liege, even I will suggest jt jt is to use and not misuse it, and to be gratefully happy in it as Heaven which gave it may direct and shape your lot. Like beauty it is a dangerous gift, and especially so when it is com oined with beauty and ambition. T know not if you have the last, but if you have, fair lady fair girl take it not amiss that I, almost a stranger,- should presume to charge you to put it utterly aside, and never be tempted to take it to your heart and counsel at-ain. You may have seen in print (as I have of late) other and higher, because more competent, praise ot your voice than this of mine, and it may have suggested to you a glorious public career. The opinion expressed that you might make yourself the per of any who have en- joyed or now enjoy lame aud triumph on the Lyric stae, might or might not be fulfilled. But in either : case, if I have not read the history and the secret soul of your sex altogether wrong, you would equally find at the end of a;l the. saddest failure of all, in the conviction, too late, that you had mistaken your true mission and missed your own trne happiness in this world. In my humble but devoted opinion, woman's only true and intended hap piness is impossible of ; achievement iu any pursuit o fame. least of all in any that withdraws her irora that sweet A. 111." . . 1. - ' I . privacy oi. me sue is uorn and w is meant to beautify and purify, and be?t enjoy. If any ot you slruild thi-ik th ir this sort of exclusion and seclusion o you 19, in effect, but to make your lives altogether useless and inglorious, I can only assert in answer here, that there never ha9 been, is not now; and never will be any great or good or ulorious career in my own sex not directly or in directly due to youis, as "thy power behind the throne. ' le throne." ord more .f,- -or"-rather --to. Esther," particularly, '-and-.' 1 iy take my pretd leave of One w "Queen reluctantly lane my p you all or the w Let her take or reject anv p ir; hole of my advice, so hat she take none of it as intended offen-e or familiarity. I wou'd rather she used her extremest queenly prerogative arid i took my lite or what were lnnniulvr Worse still, that I houhl never be taken, myself, "foi better or w rst-,'" by any ill juding but most lol-inaiutd lf ely little tyrant of her irresistaiil-,' iiv xp?icai.le Se". MkoklknJtjf. Rei-orted esplallf for die IallylNews hh? t'hritian Advo ate.l Proceedings of the; 36th ?esion of the r. CfoBiereiic-of the jM. Church. Month held . mf ; Fayette vil e, N. corameuciaj Decem ber 4th, 1872.' - k ' ' :" ' THIRD DAT. . , The Conference met rttrriit to ad j6ufnnieri,M and;was jrucof Uuh re bgious sei v ceB.conducied byRev. C H Phinps. -; , 1 v 7-. . . Tue AIuiutes of yesterday were read and 'approved atier;whtcti, the follow i ng nit ml ers a ppeare I and to k t h ir sats II II (iibKns, ' aJ -.Uunr, J F R-yt's, J E Fails. T D Winchester. Q iestitm first was taken up-4-Wh are admitted on trial f a:id the follow ing were'properlv. recommendfil and admitted : J 0 Snihth, Sandftircf, 'ItT Leaf d, T A Coon, J T Gibbs, Wi U Nor man Que-tton. second wa9 taken up, "Who reiiiain on trial 1" R - F Bu-npass. J Wilson, F D SwindtlluJ Q Bagwell, P Greening passed the anrual eXamina tion of character, and were continued, R F D xon being ahsent on a count ot sickness, his character passed, and he was continued on trial in thesecon r year. . J II Gwyn not having stood his ex amination according to Discipline, was continued on trial in the class ot the first Year. J VV Randall -end F A Bishop were ai-coii'inuea at their own request. Question fourth was taken Who are admitted into fu 1 Connection ?" J T Hnrris L H Gibbons, A A B shamer. W B Maness, A M Long, li -M Brown. F L lteid, H. F Wiley, W li FoQerson were examined according to Discipline in open Conterence hj the Bishop, approved oy the H,xaininjn; Uommttiee. passed the annual examination of char acter, and was admitted into lull con nection and aleeted to Elder's 0rders. Tha Bishop called lor reports and the Secretary read a reprt From Rev. W. M Robey, President ot Davenprt Female College. Bho wing it to be in good condition L)r Craven submitted the report of Trinity College, which contained some valuaUUi information " The'f'eport was referred to the committee on exluca- tion. 7 " " " ur Kwd rca,a report, Petting! forth the condition and prospects if Greens ioio Fitutile College, showing it to be m pr.' ot e inpUnon, ami inspirint; n.e hop that it my be tpe.lily filled Wl! f pUpllS A cm.iilfrceof three, E'ders' W C viannon. l i v i It nd A li Uaven were appoint. r to investigate the case ot yv i Jicv'ie.iatt. Afier tne usual snnouncements, the Coid. rent e unj urned 'with benediction iiv D.. Deu s II kndeksjn Items Ku Klcxisii. Oar H. ndtrson correspondent, under vt sterdaj's date, gives us ihe ,folowing temsr: J - - Mis JcUnie Patterson read here Fri lay niyht. She is a most excellent reader, and gave great delight to an ap pre iative audience. Willi a musical and & xtle voice, taultlesH prouiuncia 'inn, emphasis and punctuation. he makes the meaning ol . what cbe reads, whether tragic or comi:, grave or gay. so clear us to force the audience to com prehend and sympathize.. - t 'Leaf t bacct) is selling at from six to sixt-five dollars per. hundred pounds at the H nd. rson warehouse Auotiier- warthtu&e is btiilding, and the building ot a bird one is under consideration, a. d a part st i i be oi - me siock atreaoy tu) It is1 believed 'thiit the Hjrt case of KuVkluxisHi ihjrjhia State incurred wiiiiiu ihree niifea irtjhis' place just after tle Mar. uuder the regime 6f that IF. wonderiuT. instilUtiprrrtlte.jFreetlman's BUreaiL - One MHills-tri'Firgs.'a Iree ne gr: d theold i8u'e," thinking that ireedoni, under the new"ordert tning, meant that every -ldack.niaaiCiuld ofo as. he plea ecLgave bis old ' wile an unmereiiui. Hogging, ani Vetpop a little Utah for his own ptrrsohal benefit. One night he had returned fiom.his 'Vrand tbund7-yand:w.'nVtuKiPlS'iUo a few strains on bis violin. He had Dlaved rriost of the newly inTrbduWd4 airs, such as the "Kingdom are a Cumin' " and was .indulging jin a ; jremintscence, the Vejyy4;Vyher:l1idXmi-Cp: From," when somebody I d cwme1lu where i,., .IVZ:.PC i..... he knew : not anddreWi'ai , , meal bag over him, which bag .they' carried out and laid across a log arid 'iggtd just us Madison Fogg had Vfl gaed his wife About this time Fottg was in tlie1"!! visible empire." From the , noie heard, it is suggested that riovfas in tbe bag., F;gg yet lives in lrsst'ul ign- rance, and the leader ot that'Ku Kux KIhu, on - that ' darKsonie night, js thought to be safe in tlie" fiosbm tt the Radica.1 party. r jr The new county of Gilliam Jb the ex citing topic i the flay i lt"tneets with aiuiostjiuahimous iavor ivithin the contemplated limit's; rr I " i - PERjONAL PKiviLEop.- .We wish tiw.TB vva bo such word.-7. Wheiiever a m mber rises from hiueat tt?" i-question d' p-rivi'lige, We' begin to trendde with tear and trepit ration.-oecuasti we know wifh'arf evening and mornini editioa. II is llt'Al . til II iup;'tlllllj u qruiu i tvooorarhical errors' and the'NEWs is livD me:tHtn exeepuoxi to this rtlle this Hire. ihe nme .V45 f tie. id Uii r ridav last we puoiisheu ot Mr t tie,.' as Little-"Mr.' course-duLnot. want .to be made Itillel "ot''and rosli to a question of privilige. Mr Settle was very right in t.Hjiag fh-; Niiwk reporter; wnuhL honorable. The gallant Representative j from" Rti-'in-guut nel I'lajir n'.tearf. j that the. Nk W'jaod'-'trie ibal i'uce' of the. 1 Stte5 prVs ;ombiifd. cu!l makeiilfe l ot lmi or hi ' praise wbrthv efforts tt. red-x;rn, North Carolina - rn F uleMn4l4 lat exiting -fSj m Ratiical-' Catje eaiivass. f Vv in:i y u U d ue. i epat at ion ant apoU uy Utr ht; little repirt,.and hope the " 11 P ' f " r ' vt sP7mvJ'3iu e jto-..H niorefsiutious; mJ-iuturerro wnom we make hltle d. '" '-... " Tlie ta't iTreasiirri wiTtnte piCA jud niehi to-d iy against "ili f welveWftb at cotlnfy: " sheiitfti thai have not aa yet settled. TUB NORTH CARoLl.U LBGIS. LATUHE. NINETEENTH DAY. i Fridat, Dec. 9, 72. -' 8ENATE. ' ' . enate, callt d U oider at 11 p'clock. m.. President Morehtad in the chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr jl-ison, ot this city. t v ";. ij)prnal of-yesterday .read and ap proved. Report frtm Committees. Messrs. Murray and Davis made re ports from standing committees. ' The resolution tor the relict ot I hos. B Bailey. Principal ot the Lovejoy. Academy,1 that he-be relieved trin the lease of said Academy, and the same be leased to Mr. J, M W hite for the pur poses of a male academy, wa?, under a suspension t the rulef, put upon its second reading, and, on motion, the matter was recommitted to the Com ¬ mittee on Pu''lie Grounds. . ? Message from the house j Informing the Senate of the' passage of a resolution concerning the .supplying of additional seats in the House ol Representatives. Concurred in. Introduction of Bills and Resolutions. Mr. Flemming, a bill to regulate and coutrol the transportation of freight upon Railroads and-- other transporta t ion companies-1 u the Mate.T-to prevent liscriminajyionip., ttV'K of through freigVt over local li eights. Relecred to Judiciary Commit ee. s- . ' ' .j.Mr. Long, a bid to.p'tvent the sale ol spiuiuous nquoij, wi.tnin .iipj muei Mt. Gilead Church,-- iu Montgomery Couiy. i; rxeterretK - ( ' I Mr. Loveya P'lblor the renero Geo. C. Hanstiu.iRV red. : Mr. - Respass", - ao act i ncreasing . the powers of JusUees oi the Peaee that the Justices ;ot: the Peace shall have control 1 al &s s t larceny of less than f25, pfovidiVx it be noi burglary ; lteterretf.--r- - : i Mr. NttrwiM)d,"t'nC art to protect the Railroads of Xhef . Tate.coticerniog the guage of the: sa-nie,'tfiit n person or body. politic sb-di change the 4 leet- 7 inch gauge within the State, or lay tlown a thirdtiack. liehjfred, and ordered t( be printed r - Mr. ReBpass, n act to prevent the Sileol spintutm- ' q io,s within two miles ol Chi iftia h hi Church, in BeaUtort Cunty. li t lied. s..( All. Ilumpf.iey. A re-o mi- n in tavot of "Win A. Mooit , Jud ,t d the Second District; that li" tienucHoH ik m le loi his failure to hold the' Fad -Term t Hyde Superioi C utt Itir 1872, fets tail ire htiing 4n cus 'quenci . siCKneas. v-ie rcaoioiioii wasdtscnsett ai mucn length, as to v hether or not J ud. es should be paid tr not bonding 'courts 1mm any cause. Mes-rs - Humpfirty, Norwood, Muri,hy, Grin-v, Dunham Flemming and Hani?. ,t.-vonng rt, and Messrs. Welch, V orth, xyarimf, f ltld. Mer.imtiu, KiUit, Love, Ellis, ot Colum bus, ipposing it. I 1 he resoiutn.u was lost, by a vote ol IS a, 23 mas. - . ' i Mr. Waiiny, a r solution thaw he com mitt ee on the .sate .of iUe Viterb N- C. Railroad be instiucted to inquire into sale ol tne W lliniiinjon, uarioiie anu Rutherford- -Railroad,, and see if any leLdslalion was iiecessarv.t protect the State tand coujHy stock s therein: Re- feired. ' t j Mr. Worth asked to be, relieve! from I this ctimmittee;! : ? : J :i VTZ.i' Special OM Special Order. ! A bill relating tototitify Comniission ers, that the same snail nor qe teniuwjii io hold suck . office uiile.-s they shall have paid thrir t q an i given bond. Mr, jaerrimon s act a that tne oiu was unCtmstitntittnnl. as every voter in tbe State was attowed to hold orhce, Mr McCauIe moved that the bill be referred unhe Code Comniutee, pn motion ol Mi. Kini, the, Oili was tabled. Resolutions on Second Reading. Hotise resolution, that no member be allowed his per. d.cm when absent from his seat, exceii li. m i-'icknt ss or on sptr cial "busrhessfdrnhe Generrl Assembly- , Uesoluthin jtlicussed at s me le gth. A JlrMurohv inved .that each mem ber shall be rtq-t red to hie an amttavit ' - a , nrion his return iroin an nb?lnce as H what had oQCH.ned the same., loSt I Mil AfdW iiioih-Hf 'ttt'itfiilre out till Mr. Stilley inoviU ttrsiuke out the words "when uusen t oo , account . ot sickness." A lopt d, by aT'Vote ot 23 uvea and la nays i. - i nu rrsoiurion. ; in us aim-nucu. nan then uassed bv a vote il;28f ayes and r .-lit w 8 nays. ' J Kesolution tn Javoi tu-Llon. W. ti.uat. tie. tint he be. paid $1,500 tor the com oilatlon-Ol the-public laws oi tne mate tkt that Wm. P.. Sdchelor be paid IfSOO' aslerk4 r-Mi. liatile lessrs. VVeiti ; and,' Mr;". 3Itrnmon onblised tbe "reso. nti .n,4 As it?1 MmUghi the law: plainly , stidcd:cMat - ihe t party to arrange the"' ws Wa:t;'; obtain .his mm - "r- . pay out of the proceeds' of. the sale o the books. ? - ' y Messrs, . FIeini.iug r. .and Dunham fuuuorteti the rtsoiu'ion.- . i : - ITiwin motion ot Mr. Skriimoo. tne resoliitbin wo rtiif npn the table by a voieutiSft to 11.7-; j r-'r ' " Mr. - Avera . urn ed a eeonsideratioi ot the Vote.:" Lst. - - -., . Mr. Worth srated th it Mr. arnhard was absent from h s se.it in consequence jickness.-- lderinrtt?ieAveol absence - ;jjs?nted hrni r The-Clrairm-annouiit to the Com nirttee on4htWerei Jurtu.t rumia Railroad. Me jm. s Cf tiu'el- and ;Wanng ih aililition tc IrrFiefuminga already nouiicettf'R- -til its.M. 1 1 ' V i AifWnrne'if 'imtiit t& morrow at 11 ltoplL-i -'v 'rAit I " ?ir.' - ht.k '""" '-jsk:i , 'jrtjsE OF REPREENTATIVESf . - o, . ..; irJoiae fGUeif to?6rdr iarJ0o'cock. ! Spcnker 'Robinson in the cmtir. J JJ,!u?ia,.i If-V lvtl and ap proved. 2: t rrrV 'Petitions aud Meikerials. n zr J By m ffeirr'iVu, ai ptttaonTfrom the citizens id PerqiJiinans courrtf n regard 4heliaTe' V ruioxkattu&iquors in Report rf PtaKi.ng CninUi4xs. NO. 111. , Mr. Mori ng, from the committee on engnissed bills, reported several House bids correctly engrossed, r ! ' " Introduction of Resolutions. ". By Mr. Craige, a resolution authoriz ing the trustees ot the State Library to enlarge the rooms of the same. Placed on Calendar. . t ; ; ..By ,Mf. Waugh, a .resolution instruct ng the committee on salaries and fees to return the bill in reference to the Governor's and Treasurer's salary and be put on tbe calender. ' " s Introduction of Bills. '- By MK Marler, a bill to be entitled an . act to repeal chapter 89, laws ol li;T& .. Kcterred. . ! ' - By Mr. Darden, a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within 2 miles r winctiail in ferquimans county. Re- terred. .; . . ,- ; By Mr. '" : a bill to incorporate BellJCove OysterCompany. Referred. By MjCars m, a bill in relation to public roads in Beaufort county. Re1 erred. , f i:-'.' Bv Mr. Craise. a bill to amend section' v cliapter '60. of the public lahs of I 871 72; Referred. - 't . ( . M By Mr. Gorman, a bill to incorporate i Seaton Gales Lodge No.' 64, in the city of Raleigh. Referred. By Mr. Gidney i A bill to amend see tion 2. chapter, 95, laws of 1871 '72. teterretl. ' . . , -. . , ' . ; By Mr. Bean A bill , to amend sec tion 28, chapter 189 of the laws of 1871 '72. :g Referred. !,v.:..i ; ; i'T I " ;- f-;- tj Calendar. ; ,", Under a suspensitn of , the rules the resolution withdrawing 'the bill from the committee in regard' to the Govern oi's and Treasurer's salary to be placed on the calenoar-was taken up and pass ed Its leadings. r . :'. . 1 - House bid, ielat ve to a special tax n the county of Bladen, with a sub stitute offered by the committee, taken up f;The substitute which provides. loi he levying of - a special tax not -to ex ceed 1-5 per cent oh personaT and Tea' estate, ana the ean e tube ratihed b the county,: passed' its several read ings, .-- :r- - - I House lull tor the relief of purchaser- at Sheriffs sales, provides that puchas . ers ol ' personal or real pioperty shall re oeive their deeds from cierks aswell as sheriffs. ImieQnitely postponed.! House bill. No. 94, to incorporate tbe Security Express Company, was taken up and passed. House resolution to instruct the Pub he 1 teasnrer. to pay to Louisa Heath, die salary due Hon. R. R. Heuth, late Judc tl the superior Court, ip 'this atate, f L.oOO ct his undrawn salary, I he Committee reported untavoranly pn its- pisage. - , On moiion ot Mr. Bowman, the reso lution Was laid on the table. . . House bib Ho. 11, to incorporate the town ot Rockingham. Ricbmonpl coun ty, taken up on its second read i rig. Mr. Anderson, of Clay, offered to amend a Section of the bill tSat was incompatible - with tbe preach Statt Constitution. . : No objection being offered, the clerk - was ordered do make the necessary correction.! Bill made a special ' order for 12 o'clock, Mouda next. , ' ; ; - - ; House bill, No. 17, to authorize the County Commissioners of Northampton to levy a special tax not to exceed $200 in each township for the purpose ol erecting school bouses, taken uri. lhe ciunaiittee to whom it was reterjed, re ported unfavorably, which report . w dopted, and tbe bill killed. House resolution, requesting our representatives . .in . uongress to secure the passage of a law requiring the drawing ot juries for. the United States Courts in this State to be on the same plan and in the same manner at now prescribed for theriff$.r.-Passed its rtadinus. . . . - House resolution insttuctinj; the ju- dicary committee to report a bill fn the reteif and assistance ot maimed oi , disabled soldiers who may have engaged is any war taken up aud considered. ; 31 r. Copelaud moved its indehnitt postponement, upon which motion, , ; - Mr. Jontsot Caldwell, called the ayes and navs. - .. .".. . , ' The following gentlemen, voted lor its posiponement: s -"". Mt;Bsrs. Bowman, Faschall, Uryan oi v itkes, Copeland,Caxson, and Hamp ton. . , - ! ' l' - " . Mr. Dula failed to vote, when hi name was Called, and on motion cf Mr Jones, of Caldwell, was allowed to le J cord his vote, which be did jn the amr- in at ijve, but before the; ballot was an nounced changed to the negative,- Tb-resulunon passed its readings by a; large- majority. s 7 Mr. -lay. of Anderson, moved to take up House bill No. 25 to prevvnt the sale ot spirituous liquors.wi hiu one mile ot any religious. assembly or worshipping congregation in Clay, county, passed its several readings. . . , , . House bill No. 115,-to allow the CumudSaionera" ol Bladeh cunty to adjust the debt otr said coun y. Taktn up nnt on motion, laid on the table. House relutioo No. 52, in regard to tbe Supreme Couit ; Library(MU thorizes that tbe funds received from the applicants for license to practice, shall , bu applied towards it and no unds to be drawn trom the State Trea urer for this purpostr.) Taken up i and at I opted. ' - ' '; -; -. '-5: - : " Utiuse resolution in favor of J. C Brewaier. autho'iziog - the State Treasurer to pay the amount due Mr; Brewster, oy-r aud a Dove the,, appro pnation for that purpose amounting tO 185.00. taken up. .' . . " ' Mr. Gorman advocated the passage of the resolution, stating that the bill was just, and the timely repairs made ion the, building uad aouotiess savea tms Gem ril Assembly, an appropriation of twice? the atliOUni , - ' r " v. Ou iinditm Mr. Guyther.the resolution waj. reietren to . tne "iommiuce ;P Finance." ' ; -- , H u-s bill No. 83, to provide proper ciuiiK'Aiion tor the justice of the Supreme. Court. -1 be .com uitte? to wnom it'va referred 'reco mmended Vi J ;T A ,., ,, . -. that n ru not pass, On n-ioi.on.61:: Mr. Gorm n, tne Ddi wavnmrt-rmed--ill- Monday at 11 r ' r Spe:.al Qrdr. At 1 o'clock. Hern W WUlTo. 43,4o! RATE8 OF ADTECTIS1NG. Oneqoare,'eae lnAitin ' -, f 1 Q0 One square, two mrtionf .,,.,.,.,. 1 60 Oneequathriwmsertlonsi-..... 2 00 One square, six lnsertlona - , s VS yjuv square, one montti-,, 8 00 One square, three month.-. On A an nam mi mmtki- - - is ro 80 00 One soaare. t'.. elve month. For larjte? advertisements, liberal eon trcta will be made. Ten lines solid non parell constitute one square. r - - - .jj". ij j 6000 exempt widows and- 7certain personi from taxation was taken upOn motion of Mr. Jones, ot Caldwell; was definitely postponed. p a ;l,ai L. , Huse bill No. 85, to -amend r chap. 185, laws 1871 ?72, upon' bich the Ju diciary Committee reported ' unfavora bly, taken up as the epeciaFdrder for 1H o'clock, and on motion, -the report pf theconiniittee was concurred in. ! - i : . iMuoeVaQtoux', ; On motion of Mr. fCraigej -k use of the Hall was granted Ao, the. North Carolina Agricultural Convention Wed nesday evening.' ?r'Ad5'.-;vf:. F Mr. Johnston was .relieved from the Committee to examine in the -Penitentiary affairs, and Mr. Mbrroft ap pointed in his stead. ' " -' J - .' v - - Legislative lNciotsTs.r-.it , In the Senate yesterdajv the resolu 'ion to. relieve Mr.,Thoa3Bi Baiiy from his lease ol the Lovejoy Academy was referred back tn i the OoTamtttee. Mr. Ellis, of Columbus,- favored ; tbe selling f all the public; buildings fhat are not oeing used tor public purpose-. The resolution, of Mr. 'Norwood. introduced, in the 'Senate fl yesterdav, prohibiting the change of the' present guage upon any of ,theraiJroads in tbe. State, is an important oneaa it looks directly to the probibitrng.of the pro posed change upon the road trom Greensboro to Charlotte., I to: t i , During the discussion of the resolu tion .in the Senate yesterdav -to pav Judge' Moore for the timejduring which tne fan term or uyde -Bupenor Court should have been hcid.'babeing sick at the .time, several hrgn compliments were paid that Ventlemens official career by different Senators. 'The' Senate decided, however, that to -pay a Judge tor a failure to bold a Court rftom any cause would be in positiye violation ot n existing taw. r f A rather, amusing debate" took placo in the- Senate yesterdayToter the ques tion of- not paying members during an absence from their seats from any cause - ve b u si ness forj the General" Assem b y - Mr.Muipf.y opposed the resolution, as he saiid there was ohly7 an evidence of ct desire to; create a little "home capi tal" in the matter adittle buncombe" work that be would riot support. The Senate adopted the resolution, but it will doubtless be killed in tlfe House. Miss Patterson's .REcr-pATiONs.- Vliss Jeanie Patterson, gave onc. of her select readings last evening at the Hall of the. House of Representatives to a Hfge and highly appreciative audience. .Miss Patterson was greeted,ott her sec- nd appearance in Raleigh, by the elite and beauty of the city, smong whom she has many true friends. , r. sj- -Y' We! have so plten spoken at length of Mis-j Patterson's merits as a reader, and of her accomplrshmentsfls a lady, that it is unnecessary for us tp saj.more than hat she not only sustained her envia ble reputation, but even "surpassed her self in her admirable readings last even ing. The breathless attention, of her audience during her performance and the warm applause at tbe' close of each piece, attested the matchless 'power of this noble daughter el the South over the minds and hearts jqf herriiearcrs. She will give another , reading this evening at 7 o'clockl r ' f" "jT, The State PBtSTmcferrAtCA meet ing of Raleigh Typorapbical Union, ueld oa Saturday, nighty the. 'lollowing preamble and resolu tion: .were adopted, md copies were directed to be burnish ed to the city daily Vpfeas with tbe re -quest tcrpnbltsh ;- ,''-5XC ' . WriiiRKAS, TbeleU'tii by contract of he tStute Printing .hHsJie'ii .damaging o the . contractor, and believing ali that the employed "prihfer should re-i-eive a " just remuneTatfohforhis ser vices; therefore, ..Resolved, That we ; heartUy endorse he position, taken by Gen- J. C. Gor- uan, one of iur.immediate Representa aves in the General Assembly, in op posing the p'rriposition tblet out to the lowest bidder the pubjio priating of the State. -, ... .... .- t, if:rv . Ukited States .lOittcUtT'iCouBT Gey. j ' W... Brocks, fretidinff-rttfonday, Dec. 0,71872. :,: b U'O i In the. case of Dte tx dtm: vs. Carroll - ried on Saturday Bight the Jury return ed a verdict for the defendant, J. B. Batchelor for plaintiff 7 and ""Battle &. 6on9 tor the defendant; t : No jury cases tried to-dayfrTbo time was consumed in arguing, points ot law and the Judge deciding the'same, Womes's RiOttis.-rrlf- $bgy choose women certainly have the right to ride astraddle, and we object ctd cf tin being m&de of iC ;'"' r vj A new term has bee a invented by the classic man ofv ihej Rome ; Commercial. He beads an article on the subject of 'wbmen riding astraddle,"" '"winch we will unjoint for the benefit tof our an classical i readers; qthus-rrHippo-mnlier stradelelioa..,-,, .. ,r?, a; - 1 Slectiok or OrFtctRi.-The elec tion ot -tticers of -Wm". O. Hill Lodge, fortiie ttT?uiiTrninsonic year, held last ;.- -'u-y i',il'' '' eveningifc8ultefas foliow: .W. M-R, H, Bradley; ; S. ,W.r-Jack R. Wijljams, , J. W.N. B. BroitJitbn.' "li ; . TreRSurer W." O. Stronach.' ' Secretary'-W P. Wetherell; y , i j Incendiarism. W learn" that the j j . , ... Vfr T fV? A Reams, near I iboro.ln Pctton county, came near i ot4,loved bv fire -short while ' ny; u,,," morning: of tbe 4th I fha tip1 wmb i-liaKi-rrfwl nl In j me " lo'Ke The ; Ifofs!- by be most inaoiii e.tertibn4.'nt nU the work of an inndiiiry. rH.e vjc'oaec of his j ri,.nUisut t.uipt were ol d--;royed. ' " "V ''-- ' j nivnV t ., , : : HiNTOafAt the residence of Henry illofuecat, Ksq ,inr ihiscU-rpn Sunday, t .lwWu inst ..t9ifcioek .p.m., lntheforty- f ith jearof hfsge. AintRTUniTOJf. -4 .rrhe,-nenuoIthe tarully are respectfully mvtcd t - attenu tne lunerai irom me resi- deneeon Tuesday, the 0tirlntHt llJo'clorJt A.M. . ' ' ' . tr, Che-it $ r. i yapnti pid. rnpr. ion ' : I 1 ; .-.- '", H-tf .

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