DAILY NEWS. - I'OXR A UZZELL, - - Piiopiti ktokh. FATETTKVii.r.K Street, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ABVANCK. lti DAILY NEWS will be delivered to mbscribers at fifteen cents per week, i lyablo to the carrier weekly. ' Mailed at 7 jjci-anunra; 13.50 for six months; $2 forth re months. , f he W KEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. I s 1 0 0,0 0 0 , ; it n i a i r t c o n c e n t pi -esfritatifin to the holders oft iket; of t ;r BE AUTrFULLLY LOCATED f r T.. 4 : LOT 8 at the now and elegant sen-side resort, ' V U E D E L 1 E A U ,. tin (lampton lloalstO)pstle Fortress Mornw, Virginia, TOG LTii EH J A'lXll IICICETS ONLY $5 EACH. I ite new, attractive and beautifully-located southern Seaside watering place, named V It E D E L ' E A V. 'a Hampton Roads, nearly opposite For l ress Monroe, Virginia, in fall view of that fortress. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Bay, and James River, with a water view unsur passed in America, where every luxury of ea and land Is obtainable, was opened to the public for the first, time the past season, aud having proved a success unparrelled in the history of seaside resorts, has in duced the stockholders to make an effort, to greatly enlarge its capacity so as to ac commodate the great public; to this end they have determined tooner Inducements of no ordinary character, in the shope of a i ' fJKAND (JIFT CONCERT, v means of 'which they hope to be able to to execute their public-spirited and Inudable undertaking of making V U E T E L'KAIT Mi o : ili'-ind fi fa side Resort 'of the South As indecements to the public every where ro purchase tickets, they propoe to p're- C II HIST M A S G I F T S To the purchasers of tickets, by distribution by lot, the following magnificent gifts: I (lift in Greenbacks, of $5,000 ." G i fts in Greenbacks, of 1 1,000 each, 5,w j!) Gifts, in Greenbacks, of iMW uach, l'.),tht T Beautifully located Cottage Lots, . " oy tne sea," su uy uu iwi) ui Vn.rfa r.Han train Ml ftt. 4!MI. 3f i other beautifully located Cottacre Lots, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue or L'Eau, valued at $200 each, lOrt GifLs, in Greenbacks, ot $ H"1 each, Mil Gifts, valued at .0,000 TICKETS at : KACII. I he Grand Concert will lake jdace in the NORFOLK OPERA nOUSE, itn Monday Evening, Dee. 23, 1872, n.i will in Itself be a full consideration tor the price charged for Ad mission Tickets - M-i.o. .tiairihntinn nt flifta iwill take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast Uage of the Opera House, and in full view . ot the auuience, uuuer mo iiumcuunv .i- , oervision of the President and Directors of i he Vce de L'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that l he gifts are properly distributed as adver- HonJohn It Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, lion A S Watts, Mtyor of Portsmouth, Col Walter il Taylr, of Norfolk, lion John H Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of. Norfolk, Tames G Holladay, Esq., of Port mout h . The Board of Directors Is composed of tlie following gentlemen, whose well known character lor integrtty, honor, and public enterprise are so well known as to guaran tee success, and a lair and impartial distri bution ot the gifts : Major George W Grice.Pr ?sident Bank of Portsmouth, ' . Col William Lamb, President First Na t lonal Bank, Norfolk, ; . Gen V DGroner, General Agent Boston Steamship Company. . Captain Natlianiel Burrnss, Son A Co., Washington Keed, P:q.f of Peters A Keed .Merchants, , , i E G Ghio, Esq., Superintendent Seaboard and Roanoke Kailrotd. . Kobert J Neely, Esq., of R J A W Neelj' A Co Marshall Parks, Esq., President Albe inarl A Chesapealce Canal Company, E C Lindsey, Esq., Real Estate Broker, William H White, Esq., Attorney at Law, The distribution will bo by blindfolded t, i i m run from two wheels, one of which will contain gifts on printed slips sealed in envelopes of the same size, tlie other will contain tags, with numbers on rhem corresponding with all the tickets sold' after the contents of both wheels are thoroughly mixed by revolving, the person at the first wheel will take a number there from and then the person at the second wheel will take a gift therefrom, and the iift thus taken Will belong to the number taken immediately before it,tU is process trill continue the numbers and gifts being publicly annouaced-until the whole lour ' undred and and one gifts are distributed. Thus the public will readily see there can do no fraud, collusion, or knowledge ol ' hat cift any number will get. Should the tickets be not all sold Iwhen the wjuoert conies off, the presents will be .listributed in proportion to the number Slt is hoped the public will promptly re noud to this effort to establish upon a hrni basis a delishtfnl resort during the heated mouths. TTCJKET3 ONLY S?5 EACH,' - t " Currency Gifts will be paid In cash at-our hinking House In the city of Norlollc, on presentation of t he tickets entit Ud t hereto, without discount. , , , l or further particulars and for ticliets, apiy to the undersigned, who have under taken, th exclusive financial management of thi'j scheme, and who alone are author ized to appoint agents for the sale of rickets. ilUKftUSS, SON & CO., bv,v:rr:- and Financial Agent3 ' Vne de L'Eau Company. O il FOLK, V A . Ticket s for sale ot-J CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, RALEIGH, N. . :. i - J' -r v -. VOL.'l MORNING EDITION. Tirun.SlAY.............:...DECEMFEJt l'J. 1871'. IST" Special Notices inserted in the iOcal Column will be charged Fil pen Cents per line. r tee All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor jjirSe fourth page for telegraphic news. Post ODiee Directory. RALF.TG1I POST OFFfCF. ARRANGE MENT, i OFFICE Homs KUOM 81- A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of A rrival and Closing the Mails : Western -'Due at 7 a. m. Close at o:30r. m. . Eastern T")iift at 0 j-. M:.' Close" at 0:30 a. m. ' .. . . .; Korthcrn tht Wcldon -Tuc.at 0:20 r. M. Close at 9:15 A. m. Northern ria Greensboro Dnf tit 7 A. m. Close at o:P0 r. m. Fayetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at a. ai. Clb at 3:00 P. M. No mails lvci'ivcd or sent on Sundays. Put all haters lor. mailing in letter box, as that is the last place we look for them before closing a- lhaiU It n not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, vviicn it is handed in at general div-iv window, or to a Clerk. " - : .: Oilke hour? for Money Ouder and Registered Letter Departments Irom 1) a. m. to 1 p. m. , . -, . C'. J. Roc-ei:s, Postmaster. Local Briefs. ; - Gov. Caldwell's ofTif in I 1,7G8. ' majority Is The weather still ..remain0, rainy and disagreeable. ilrizly See Ennis' card elsewhere tonceihfng the North Carolina Almanac. Christmas groceries of every kind can be found at Wayne AllcottV See ad vertisements elsewhere. Which machine took the premiums at the Southern 1873 ? The Howe. moat first Fairs in The new dwelling of .1. V; Logan Harri:?, on ilargett Ktreet, is rapidly ap proaching completion. It i.:- evident that Christinas' and egg noijg ate close at hand csjg are retail ing at -10 cents per dozen. ? Governor Caldwell. is to be Governor, for the next lour years o the Legisla ture declared yesterday. Mr. Sneed, the Representative from Granville, chaws ' the old Ptyle u red streak " put up in twist. ' .The House was in session last , night The proceedings will be .published to morrow morning. A, meeting of the stockhoKlers of the Raleigh National Rank will be held on the second Tuesday in January. Those in want of grain and foruge, can be supplied by calling on Odboin, Prairie building, on Wilmington street. A large number of the. "members of the General Assembly -left for their homes last evening, many others will go to-day. ' . Mrs. Jsancy Thomas, aa oli huiy sbmc some f-ixty years of age, died in this city yesterday morning of internal can cer. Womble Ibo., Fayettevilln-ktreet, have on hand every manner oc good things for Christmas. See their: ;hotiee 1 elsewhere. j The 'Raleiuh market has been sup plied with beef lor the hi ft- few days from Alleghany county. If retails as high as 12 cents. . j " New manied peoi)lt and others who contemplate keeping house, -remember the auction pale of Furniture tit the National llotel on Monday next,;. 23rd inst. ' - .. 4Alam3 Williams, of Johnston county, SieVl on: the 10th inst., in his one hun dred and fifth year. He leaves' twenty seven living children. The National Hotel closes to day, but it ia. expected it will be rc-opened in January. Mr. Churchill, the late man a'er. noes abroad t recuperate his fast failing health. O Owing to ihe Legislature being in session both yesterday and last inght, ourLocal was nnible to do much m the way ol localizing, aud lience the short comings in this column. . Rut few ladies have been seen on the streets tor the last lew lays, in conse quence of the inclement weather ; and the difficulty experienced by pedestrians in getting about. Ve hope it won't always be mudfly. s Tim debate in the Senate "yesterday nnou the question of bringing the action of the Printing Committee before that body lasted some hour and a half. 5 The Senate decided by a large vote that they had no power to revoke tho action of the committee. A synopsis of the Tun ning debate will be touitd in the Senate proceedings, . f A. M.'IIaldeiiy,a crazy msn ofReids ville, Rockingham county, was brought to this city by Sheriff Rennett yester day. He could not be admitted in the asylum, and was taken to the National Hotel and kept under guard all day,-he being considered extremely dangerous. He was taken back home last night. He was the craziest crazy man that has visited these parts for some time. Will not the ' Legislatoso increase the i'acilitics-of the -asylum, and thus: pro vide for these poor unfortunates? RALEIGH. N. TlIK CoXCBKT AND EXHIBITION AT the Dkaf and Dumb and the Blind Institute. It was our pleasure to at tend the concert and exhibition given by the pupils of the Deaf and Dumb and tne lilmd Institute on Tuesday evening. 'i he exercises consisted of a public examination of the pupils of the Deaf ami Dumb, a few of the Junior classes in the Rlind Department, and vocal and instrumental music by the blind pupils. The members ot the Legislature at tended almost in a lxidy, with the usually large delegation of our citizens. The oflicers and teachers of the Insti tution were all on hand, and with a characteristic cordiality, received the many visitors and provided tfcw sual comfort of good seats, ore. The examination ot the Deaf and Dumb, with the remarks of the teachers, Messrs. Tomlinson and Dudley, as to the manner of teaching, was peculiarly interesting and entertaining. In the Blind Department, Mr. W. J. Young and his accomplished lady are the principal teachers, supported by Miss Dupre and Mr. John Simpson, both blind and graduates of the Institution. The vocal and instrumental music was very good, and, it any difference, better than is usually heard at school exhibitions. Before the close of the exercises, Col. J.' T. Morehead, the President of the Senate, arose and on the part cf many of his friends around him, returned the thanks of Mie audience to the officers and pupils of the Institution for the delightful entertainment given, and asked that one of the officers would come around with the hat that they might show their appreciation in a moic substantial form the funds received to be devoted to a Christmas fund for the poor unfortunates connect ed with the Institution. Mr. Tomlinson returned the thanks of the pupils for the generous offer, and appointed Messrs. Leach and Young to hand around the hat. We are pleased to say that quite a handsome sum was raised, sufficient for the purpose. : Adjournment To Day. The Legis lature adjourns this ruorning'until the 15th day of January next, after a ses sion of thirty-one days. We wish each aud all of the members h safe return to their homes and a pleasant Christinas. To those who have wives and pratling little ones, we can wish them no great er pleasure than we know their greeting will give them, but to the large num ber of young men in both houses who are not so fortunate as to have these .blessing's of life, we most hcartity wish they may make good use of their holi days andjat last obtain "promises" from some fair damsels. The Legislature thus far have done much work. An innumerable number of small bills, of much importance to the different sections of the State, have been acted upon, while the various com mittees have been actively at work upon the important measures which are to be considered immediately upon the re-asscmbllng in January. We have no doubt but this Legislature willl carefully consider and judiciously act upon the grave measures which the people feel a deep anxiety in. Personal. We are pleased to see in the city Robert C. Mont gomery, E?q., formerly a citi zeu of Warrtnton, tN. C, who sev eral years ago removed to Texas, but has returned to the land of his choice, the old North State. Mr. Montgomery has formed a business connection with J. M. Rosenbaum, where he will be pleased to see his many friends on the line of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road when in the city. Good luck ahd success to friend Robert. Saleof'Du. Smitu's Place. The residence of the late Dr. J. Brinton Smith was sold at public sale yester day. There were acres of land at tached to the place. The property was purchased by Rufus G. Dunn, Esa., of Wake, for $20,300 one third cash? Stolen Goods Captuked, Deputy Sheriff Magnin yesterday captured in this city a lot of stolen goods, embra cing hardware, ready made clothing, and other things. They are at the Sher iffs office awaiting identification. ' Wood fok Sale. Friday and David Jones advertise elsewhere that the best hickory and oak wood can be obtained at their wood yard in this city. They will haul it to any portion ot the city desired. ' The Fk anlin Insukance Compeky Messrs. P. F. Pescud & Son," Agents, uu vs city, advertises elsewhere tins Read the notice. $25 R E W A R D ! Tli '.hnvp vewfvr1 will lie nniil fnrn rl-inc nut-lace four-year old HTALLION, recently stolen from one of tlie Kastem counties. Any inlormation concerning the said horse will be left witli me. .TAME 4 C. KING. Chiel Police, declS-.';t Raleigh, N. C, SOUTHERN EDUCATIONAL , ... BUREAU. I. To aid all who desire wel 1-qualffled Teachers. 2. To reprt sent Teachers who desire po silieus, . a. To Kve Parents information of-Schools. 4. To still, rent and exchange school Prop erties. - Address, , JAMES SOTJTHGATE. declS-fim llillsboro, N. C D R U G S T O R E. FOR SALE. The subscriber desires to sell bis interest in the Drug Business of Thomas A Robbitt, Warrentou N, C. This is the only lrug Store In the place, and can be made to pay hanilssmely. A gaod bargain will be given. Reason for selling, bad health. decl8-tf E. H. I30BBITT. rp O STOC K II A I S E IIS. I have for sale, at my plantation, Lin woo I , lav id son cou n ty, N. C. j five thorough bred NORTH UKVON BULLS, from twelve months to two years old. Prices from $25 to SW according to age and choice. Address me at Haw River P. O., Alamance county. N.C. - TUXW. M. HOLT. li 13-2aa C THURSDAY MORNING. DEC. 10. 1872. THE NOUTII CAROLINA LEGIS LATURE. T WEN TY-SEVENTH DAY. . SENATE. Wednesday, Dec. IS, 1872. Senate met in Chamber at 11 o'clock a. mM President Moreheadin the Chair. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mason. The" Journal of yesterday read and approved. Reports from Standing Committees were presented by Messrs. Allen, Nor wood, Todd and Davis. '-:-.,..'; A message war; received from the House transmittir a numl&r of en grossed resolutions and bills, asking the concurrence of the Senate, which were appropriately disposed of. Introduction of Resolutions. Mr. Cunningham, a resolution ot in struction to the committee on Educa tion. Tabled. Mr. Seymour, a resolution of instruc tion to the Public Printer, relating to the printing of the laws as compiled by Judge Battle, as to whether the same should be printed for correction before they may be adopted by the General Assembly. Questions discussed at some length, and on motion ot Mr. Love it was postponed until the lGth of January. The special order, House bill con cerning the firing into trains was made the special order for the 22d January at 12 o'clock. Mr. Cowles, a resolution instructing the Senate branch of the Printing Com mittee to report what contract they had made, with a view of its ratification or rejection. Mr. Waring said the Committee was ready-to report this morning as to the contract made, but could not see that, under the act by which the contract was made, the Senate had any right to reconsider the action of the Committee. The committee submitted ior inspec tion the contract which they had made with Messrs. Stone & Uzzefl, accompa nied with a report. Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, moved to accept the report. Mr. Alien thought there was no way of annuling the contract, except by the repeal of the act creating the Commit tee. It was exceedingly questionable whether the Assembly could now exer cise any control in the matter. This was the view taken last year, and this was the opinion held by a number of lawrycrs in the Senate. " Mr. Mcrrimon had the contract read, and upon finding that it was dated on the 10th inst., aud the act empowering the Committee being rati iied .oa the 17th, he argued that the contract was of no effect, and hejoffered as an amend ment that the committee on printing be instructed to make no contract for the public printing until further instructed by the General Assembly. Harris, colored, objected to the amendment as being -only technical. The contract was undoubtedly in good faith, and be wanted to see the report accepted. ' Mr. Waring argued that the powers of the Committee were absolute. They exercised their powers, and the ejection did not reach the substance of the matter. The contract had not been delivered. Mr. Mcrrimon argued that the objec tion was not merely technical. The Committee had acted with too much haste. They had acted before powers had been delegated to them. The act was not retrospective no valid contract had yet been made. He could not see, however, why the Committee should object to having their action considered by the Assembly. It might be that Senators desired to make the printing less than appeared in the contract. He believed that the Assembly could pass a supplemental act reducing the pay. Mr. Stilley thought the Senate had no power to reconsider or reject the action of this committee. He moved to strike out the last clause of Mr. Cowles reso lution. - Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, favored the motion to ssrike out. Mr. Love opposed the motion. He thought the committee at the time they made the contract, had no power, and hence their action had no validity. Mr. Worth thought the discussion arose ,rom the fact that the committee had disappointed the expectations of a large number of the members of the two Houses. He thought the printing should have been given to Mr. Josiah Turner. lie had no objection to the parties with whom the committee had contracted, but hethought Mr. Turner deserved it at the hands of the party. Mr. Waring, on behalf of the commit tee, explained the vote as cast in the committee room upon the question of Public Printct- upon the first vote four votes were cast for the News, two lor the Sentinel, one for the Era, and one for a Mr. Hill, after which, all eight votes were cast for the News, and that the contract had been signed by the whoie eiht committeemen. , Mr. Mcrrimon again-. argued that the committee had transgressed its powers. Mr. Dunham said that the Senate had no control over the action of the 'com mittee Tliere Was no power in the Legislature to revoke its action. Any attempt to modily or annul the con tract would be in opposition to all law. Harris, col., again urged that the Senate take no steps looking to inter fering with the action ot the committee. He could see no justice in such action, Mr.IIumphrey said he clearly thought the Senate could exercise no control over the action of the 'Committee t'ntir powers had been positive. " Mr. Murphy said that in voting for the pay of the Public Printer he hud no object to serve save the paying of a Jail price to those who worked for the State, lie should oppose interfering with fhe contract. , i Mr. Cowlcs said that in offering his resolution his object was not to indem nify Mr. Turner tor losses lie had siis taineoLXlIe only wanted to bring the matter .blore the Senate. v j MrJ Mcrrimon said his object was to bring the Whlc matter before the Sen ' ft EWS ate, in order that the question of re ducing the price of printing might be again considered. Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, said he had voted to place this matter in the hands of the Committecj and he should op pose any interference with 4hi3 action. 3Ir. Cunningham said there was no need of continuing the discussion, and he hoped that much that had been said was said without having becri consider ed. He called for the previous question. Nr. Stilley 's motion to strike out so much of Mr. Cowles' resolution as de sired to bring the report of the Com mittee before the Senate for ratification was adopted by a vote of 33 to 8. Mr. Merrimon's resolution to instruct the Committee to make no contract un til otherwise ordered was voted down by a vote by 27 to 13. Mr. Cowles' resolutions instructing the Committee to report its action was adopted. - Mr. Love introduced a bill making the price of printing GO cents for plain work, and .1.20 for rule and figure work. Referred. Mr. McCabe introduced a resolution incorporating the Edgecombe Female Seminary. . Special order being the bill legalizing the acts of the Commissioners ot John ston county in levying a special tax, was taken up and passed its several readings. Mr. Allen called up bill to amend the the charter of Mount Olive, in Wayne county, giving the citizens of that town the right to elect a Mayor, and the same be not appointed. Passed its several readings. . Mr. Ellis called up bill authorizing the listing of the Catawbatoll bridge in Catawba county for taxes and other purposes. Passed its several readings Bill to authorize the Carolina Narrow Guage Railroad, to be consolidated with the Chester and South Carolina Narrow Guage Railroad to become one Company and to change its name, was called. Said road to run m the direc tion of Lincolnton from the town of Chester, S. C. Passed its several read ings. Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, introduced a bill establishing a branch Insane Asy lum at Wilmington. Referred. Mr. Walker introduced a bill to abol ish capital punishment. Referred: Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, offered a reso lution of thanks to the Presiding officers and other officers of the Senate for the handsome and efficient manner in which they had performed their duties. Adopted. Adjourned until to-hiorrow at 6 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. nouse called to order at 10 o'clock. Speaker Robinson in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Mason of the city. Reading of the Journal of yesterday dispensed with. Standing Committees. Reports were submitted by chairman of. Committees as follows : Mr. Bryan, of Swain, from the com mittee on railroads, post roads, &c. Mr, Settle from committee on salaries and fees. Mr. Moore, from committee on edu cation. Mr. Richardson, from committee on finance. Mr. Moriug, from committo on en grossed bills. Mr. Bennett, from joint select com mittee on Western North Carolina Rail road, submitted u report. Mr. Morrison from committee on enrolled bills. Introduction of Resolutions. ' By Mr. Morrison, a resolution author izing the joint select committee on the Penitentiary to meet during recess. Pluced on Calendar. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenbcrg, a joint resolution to refund taxes paid- in the treasury on certain mortgages. Placed on Calendar. By Mr. Whitmirc, a resolution of in structions to the judiciary committee. By Mr. Bean, a resolution of instruc tion to the committee on judiciary. By Mr. Johnson, a resolution in favor of certain witnesses before the co'oi mittec on privileges and, elections, allows and authorizes the treasurer to pay wit nesses from Edgecombe and Beaufort lor attemlance, e, Under, a suspension of the rules the resolution passed its several reading. By Mr. Reid, of Mecklenburg, a reso lution of instructions to the committee ou Agriculture. Placed on calendar. Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Bennett, a bill to continue in forec an act to suspend the Code of Civil Procedure in certain cases. By Mr. . Bennett, a bill. ' concerning Trustees. By Mr. Norment, a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within 1 miles of. Morah Church, in Robeson county. Unfinhlud Business. The further consideration of ttie bill to charter -the New York, Charleston and Norfolk Railroad. The amendment of Mr. Ileaton, pro viding that this road shall not pass through any county without having gained tlie consent of the citizens of said county, failed to puss. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell,-offered an amendment requiring ." per, cent, ot the 100,000 subbcription to be paid in. By the same, an amendment requiring a branch load to be built to Wilming ton, was also lost. Sir. Bennett called the previous ques tion. Ou ihe passage of the bill on its Eccoud" reading, Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, called the acs and nays 90 ayts, 10 nays. On its third reading, Mr. Scott nflered an 'amendment to -the 11th section of the bill, which failed and tlie original bill pas-d i. -i third reading. Cidendni'. Under a suspension ol the rules Mr. Bennett callc-il op rite b'dl to authorijrrt the Commissioners ol Guilford county to levy . a special tax, passed ila third reading. . . : : House b;ll No. 11, to incorporate the NO. 119. town ot Rockingham, Richmond county taken up and passed its several read ings. Mr. Goodwyn called up House bill No. 21, authorizing the Commissioners of Halifax ceunty to levy a special tax, which passed its several reading?. On motion Mr. Badger the principal Clerk of the House to report imtanter in regard to whether or not, he ordered the printing of House bill No. 121, as elirected by .the House as only 1 copy each had been placed on the desks ol the members. - . Mr, Gorman stated that he was in formed that the remaining copies would be -ient into the House before the ses sion was over. Mr. Morrison calleel un his resolution authorizing the joint select committee on the Penitentiary to meet eluring the recess. Laid e n the table. Messages Received From the Senate asking the concur reuce in the House on the joint elocket committecj ou the Capitol anel select buildings, awarding the position ot Keeper of the CapitoLto Patrick Me Gowan. Mr. Stanford opposed the concur rence of the House, and advocated the claims of Col. Geo. H. Farribault. Mr. Shinn, of Iredell, also opposed the concurrence cf the House, and ad vocated the claim of Mr. J. M. Rowe. Mr. Johnson favored the concurrence and paid a handsome compliment to the public services of Mr. McGowan. Iheyoteupon the concurrence was taken and failed. From the Senate asking concurrence of the House, in relation to" construing the adjournment so as to include Thurs day the 19th inst., which wTas agreed to under suspension of the rules. Mr. Freeman called up Senate bill No. 83, to extend to the time of taking out grants in McDowell county. House adjourned till to night at 7 clock. Joint Session. At one o'clock the Doorkeeper, Mr. Hill, announced the approach ot the Senate who came in and took- seats in the Hall. V The Speaker announ'ceel the adjourn ed session was for the purpose jpl corn Daring the vote lor the Executive and State officers, for thc.counties of Macon, Watauga and Hertford and which were delayed and the returns from Macon county were upon his desk, and read. The clerk then read the vote as fol lows : For Governor Tod Caldwell re- ceived 93,132. For Hon. A. S. Mcrrimon, 90,231 (But liltle difference in the vote of the other from above. A resolution was offeted by Mr. Sey mour that returns now " in possession of the joint assembly lor officers on the State ticket be published, and the per- sors receiving the largest number of votes be declareeVelecteel. Adopted. The Speaker then eleclared the Cald well ticket duly electeel, etc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rjJRESH GOODS JUST IUCEIVEIX New Currants, Raisins, Citron, Lemon Peel, Dessicatt'd Cocoanut, Flavoring Ex tracts ana essences, e'iinuies, JNots, ureen Corn, Pickles, Brandy Peaches and Cream Starch, Strawberry cakes, Ginger Nuts and Snaps, Sugar, Cream, fcsoda and eiyster craclcers, iic Nacks, $:c.r, New York Buck wheat Flour, Champion Family Flour, Goshen and Alounjtain Butter, tc, &c. L. 1). & V. R. WOMBLE, Fayetteville Street, opposite Market, dee IS- tf j T O THE BUYERS OF "TURNER'S N. C. I ALMANAC." This is to inform all' buyers of '-Turner's N. C. Almanac," that the Almanac adver tised for sale by L. Branson, of this city, is not "Turner's JS. G. Almanac," and that tlie said Branson has no interest in and does not sell "Turner's N. C. Almanac." 1 make this statement for the following reasons : First. Turner's N. C. Almanac has been popularly known lor over thirty years, as "The North Carolina Almanac-" It is usu ally soorderee" by dealers. The Almanac for sale by L. Branson is the "North Caroli na Agricultural. Almanac." This is tlie name it bears on its title paj;e, the word "Agricultural" being 'in very faint type, in his advertisement he stylos it "ihe .North Carolina Almanac," omitting tlie word "Agricultural," and also the fact, that he is tlie Publisher of the "North Carolina Agricultural Almanac.-'' The .suppression of these facts in.his advertisement is calcu lated to deceive, and lias deceived to a great extent. secondly. Turner's N. C. Almanac, ever sluce its rirst publication, over thirty years ago, has represented upon Us title page an imprint or lin engraving of our StVrte Cap itol. This has been, and is, a elistinctive and characteristic lea t n re o 1 1 h e t i ti e page ol Ule Almanac by whieb it, has always been known aud recognised. The 4 North (.Virol i na Agricultural Almanac"' lias heretofore represented a Farm SScene upon its title page, which was in character with tlie Al manac. Now mark ! The Rev. Levi Bran son buys the Bookstore interest of J. A. JoniesEsq., and becomes the Proprietor and Publisher of tlie "North Carolina Ag ricultural Almanac." iie publishesan edi tion of a few thousand of the North Caroli na Agricultural Almanac for JST'I, and in stead of using the agricultural cut which had heretofore graceU the title page of the Agricultural Almanac, he substitutes the. same line engraving, line for line, shade for shade, size ior size of our State Capitol which has for so many years been a char acteristic feature of the title page of Tur ner's N. C. Almanac. Other changes in the outward and inward appearance of his Ag ricultural Almanac he has made so as to make it resemble "Turner's N. C. Al munac" as much as possible, without a downright adoption of the whole Almanac. Taking thee tacts in connection- with that other fact the way he advertises hi "Agricultu ral Almanac," styling il tho "North Car olina Almanac," ami in what a light does it place Rev. L. Branson. Here is a publication of established value and reputation, the private;projerty of another, secured by copy right as its title pagesi ows, and 'he st eks to appropriate that valiu ami reputation to his own, without a valuable consideration, therefor. i am advised that the "Courts will give ample protection and redress, but the "nare," in Gils cane, will not - pny lor the "hounding," and with ibis statement of faets I confidently trust the whole matter to everv buyer of Turner's N. C. Almanac. JAUKS II. KNN1S, Publisher and Proprietor, uecH-lt Turner's N. C. Ihiauac. JPOR HOLIDAY P H E S E N T S , Go at once to fCsF. I IT C.ALLERV. 2nd Door Above Tucker Hall, where you will find -i I.irtf ami Ittiiitiftal colli u. ion ofPnoui.i-.ipn .Vlbuuie, i'icture Frames, Fine Cases, soeJ many ot uer Jancy articles in the picture One. What is more appropriate for ft tlniiday present? t fa 11 boou. - J. W. WAT-.ON. deiJ-tf TT3Z: .NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, oae Insert l0H.L--t..t 1 (0 One square, two lnsertlons.;.77." 1 50 One square, three Insertions . 2 00 X"" H"i, iuseri,ion.i...M..:4 s oo One innar vna mnntK- - ' o One square, three months..uL 16 00 B4t!, ii mouuis. ....... a) 00 One square, elve months,....;-....?...?.. 50 00 or larger advertisements,, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square, , - ,j 5 if o iiuMrraui v lueiiui Acanemy invite proposals from teachers lor .the establish ment of a first-class Male Bcuool in the vil lage of Scotland Neck, N. C. i . ' 1 as the course of studies .adopted by tlie Trustees, embraces a primary and seconda- rv dpnnrtmnt tho. Pi inin.a u,m i . . , employ an Assistant, and keep a Board in a; from a distance. - They orler free of rent the Academy wil h two rooms, and a Boarding House with biv rooms, with out-bnlldinxs and- garden. Tlie salaries will be the tuition fees.. The location is healthyyin a growing vil lage, convenient to Churches, -and sur rounded by an intelligent and prosperous community. A competent and 'energetic man will have no difficulty In builatns up a large Mchool. - ' v .'..' . The price of Board and Tuition haxe been established by the Trustees, which can be obtained, as well as any otkef information by application to tho Secretary '. of the Board. . .s . - : t Applications must be sent In by the 2fith inst., on which day an election will beheld . RICHARD H. HMITH, iO 'J'PRKMtVFNT. Wil. Fexxkr, Recrefcu-y. , de ll-6t ':''.!- J" E W A R 11 i V. A L H PRINTS AND DRESS, GOODS In great variety." ev'-o ' ,'"' ' .! . i :' ' , 'rc Hi '"r' TA if A new supply of'-' 1 ELF. (i A NT 8 I I-K AnT s- a oots ji jrn &rn oik &, ; A hAH G E S T o lrit ; ;.Ai' , s,I id! "f PRIMROSE, PETTY & ifEWSQM'S. ' dec7-tf .' ' ' i -r T F Y O U W A'Kf'Tin B JL. . r v -iyiil,. NICEST H AT 1 ' " " I, K AS.T 1I O ! . t .. . 4 . ' FOR T II E L K A 8.T MO KEY Come to C. IV HEARTT CO'S c O O K I N G S t 6Y E S We are receiving per schooneri from Philadelphia, an assortment of ' i ' 5 '' .;:' T n.i ' FOUR II II N D RED, 0 On KING A KB 11$ A TIN 0 S T O F 2 ;S): These stoves were purchased before the heavy advance in the price, of -Iron, ami we have brought the n to this market at great reduction in rates of freight, both of which items we are prepared to give onr customers the benefit of. "-1 ' ! Send for price list. PLUMMEB, YOUNG A CO., sept25-eodfew3m Petersburg. V a, B ECKWITIPS -ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. . . fl After a withdrawal of several years, these valuable pills are again offered to t Jie pub lic. -...'. f.i Are you a Dyspeptic suffering from occa sional headache, low spirits, colic; diarrhea, aud all or any of thq varied evils conse quent on Dyspepsia? - The late Hon. Geo. E. Badges, L. L. D., of Nort h Caroll na, says : - "I tlo not liesitate- to recommend Bkck with's Auti-Dvspkpiic PoM as a sat. and efTicacious remedy in dyspeptic flec tions, and believe them myself to be the best anti-dyspeptic medicine ever offered to t he public." - . - TIIIvSK PILLS CONTAIN OMRROtrR Y OR OTHER MINERAL SUBSTAJfCE, - - - : " - - ' v' THEY ARE PURELY A VEGETA BLE COMPOUND. Price S.ri cents per Box. Sold bv JOSEPH liARR. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, ocn-dlawAw3m Petersburg,' Va. T K T 11 C A R O.U N A -I CHATHAM COUNTY;- ' - - IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. John A. WomachPublicAdmlnistratoron the Estate, of Miles Edwards, deceased, against William K. Jordan, ltolert Ed wards and wife Bettie. Luther Edwards, and wile Cornelia, and fit tier - Petition to sell laud Tor J ho payment ! del us. It appearing to the satislaetfon'of-1he. Court that the above named delendauts, who are a portion of the heirs nt lawutul next of kin of Miles Edwards, deceased, are non-residents of the State of N orth Carol ina. It is ordered that publication be made in the News, a newspaper printed In tlie cli v of Raleigh, for six weeks, week ly, notifying said next of kin and all others having an interest in the estate of said intestate, tha t this petition has been tiled, and that the v are required to appear at the Clerk's oflit-e of saitl Court, at the Court House in pitts boio, on or liefore fhe 10th day of December next, and answer the saltt etltioii, and to take notice that i. they fait to mtswer with in that time, the petition will be taken as confessed and an order of sale granted ac cordingly. ' -- Witness, H. T. P tty, Clerk of said , Court, at office In Pittboio, this flic Nth -day ot October, 1S72 . 7 T s: t. l irrrv, r. oct wGw . .,, "j G G N OG G , EG. NO (Hi , RI M. RUM, RUM. ItUM.' ' endafi. Four joars old. . . .. ..... . ': J':;- ' ' s.: -CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, v dc 17-tf (i. T. STUO.N AiJH & P.RO. o XPfiRD III G H ! C II O O f(, J. II. HORNER, t . The Spring .Session will Iw-gin the sfeond Monday in January. Terms heretofore. Oxford, N. C., 1 c, 12, X7L . ,. , decll-niawAWiiV ' - Jno. B. Neai. Wv. .1. Bah kh. J O H N B N V, A L & CO , ; COTTON FACTOR. ' '.AND ' : ''' f " ' ' f , ; (iFAERAl. C03bniSS!0 SKBtII.41i, ; AGENT3 J-OK r .. PATAPSCO GUANO COMPAnV, - Norfolk. Va. , p S-Battleloro "Advance" ropy. " ' " L A N I) F O R H 13 NT I l will Rent for the ensuing jear TilAfrr OP LAXn-ap Um iiud in llailfax county-, couvenieMt ; . the R tleijfh andliaston Railroad. Heajthv and : goes i-. waUi.. Comfortable impiovi" ments. 11 can bcconv-nientlvdivfd-l iul. small farms. ' - - PlsTi'.' t-WiNty. nov2u-wUanl cov'3-tf

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