i OAIXY NEWS. ";XK UZZELL, .-: Proprietors, fAYnTKVILLK STREET, , . "vtr W. C. Stronach A Uo.'s Store. RATES OP ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion. ....S 1 00 One square, two insertions 1 50 uns square, inree insertions.- a eu One square, six insertions..... 3 60 One square, one month-...-.......'.. 8 00 One square, three months.. Z.... 16 00 One square, six montha.-...i.1..4,. 30 00 One square. tv.elve months,....u.,.. 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. v t'li.- DAILY NEWS will le delivered to ; ns-rierR at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly; Mailed at f7 j trummiu; fcl.50for six months tt for thre . " VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. 0.. THU liSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 2. 1873. SO. 229. i'ho WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per mmnn.. 3 E W S f s () () . () O 9 MORNING EDITION. 7- U It A K I) I I F T I V. O N O JfcMt T ami prrsonlat'u.u to the. holders of tickets of ! T. II K A LTTIF ULIJALOC ATED Bit lnlriflh gmlt m. Thursday ....January 2. 1m. jg Special Notices inserted in the" Local Column will be charged Fit teen Cents per line. tjAll parties ordering the News iyill please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. " A J O 7 T 1 g 1: E O T S mj ih now mid elegant sea-sido resort, 4 V U E D E L BAD Messrs. Grittln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. I No. 4 South Street, lialtimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors. with this house. LOCAL MATTER. ita danplunHoa(l84 Opposite fortress Monroe, Virginia, TOGETHER I iVIT :i,000 rjV Git CKS! TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. The new, attractive and beautifully-located Southern Seaside watering place, named V U K r E E A U, ..n Hampton Roads, nearly opposite For tress Monroe, Virginia, in full view of that fortress. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Bay, ;ind James River, with a water view unsur passed in America, where every luxury, of sea and land Is obtainable, was opened to the public for the first time the past season, and having proved a success unparrelled U need the stockholders to make an effort to greatly enlarge its capacity so as to ao eommodato the great public; to this end t hey have determined to offer inducements . of no ordinary character, in the shape of a GRAND GIFT CONCERT, V means of which they hope to be able to "to .execute their public-spirited and ;ndablo undertaking of making V v It E I F. L ' E A U the - ,f.tnl Seaside llewrt ' tli South- . As Inducements" to the public every where io purchase tickets,, they proinase to -pre- -;it US - ' . E. C: WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. AHRANGE- RAIjEIGH POST OFFICE. MENT. OFFICE HOURS FROM A. M. TO 7 P. M t II it I St,M A S GI F T S ! ) thi pu rchasers or tickets,' by distribution !y lot, the following magniticeut gilts : ; Gift in Greenbacks, of 3 5,000 Gilts in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, 5,000 W Gifts, in Greenbacks, 6f &t each, IOicj 7a Beautiiuny locaiea uwimgo xjui, " by the sea," 30 by 130 feet, at Vne de L'Eau. valued at 400, ') other beautifully located Cottage Ixts, 25 by 130 feet, at 'Vue de L'Eau, valued at $2U0tach, im Gifts, in Greenbacks. d 100 aeh, 10,o) in (litt, valued vV i '-i . . ' . ;:, TICKETS' at r EACH.; ? Uc: tir:u4 Coneerf will' take iMace l the NORFOLK UPER A HOUSE, On Thursday Evening, Feb. 20, ?73, Mid will in Itself hevfTTtiH consideration jnra-rtt4fargexl lor A1- . v . . ... . -I'hn attribution fit" :! .will tae place immediately after lICc Ikpert, on the vast stue of the Opera '?uima in iuuview ofThe audience, unf V tb immediate su pervision of the PWiden lawd Uirecton f the Vub de L'Eau oMFVy, and the fol lowing distinguish. I gentmen, who have kindly consented t. jePrnl and see that t he gifts are properFuted as adver- Hon John R Ludlow, sr- of Norfolk, Hnn a h w,tts. Mnyorl jirtsmouth, Jot Walter II Tayler, o f i .folk, ii-m Jyuu & .Whiter W dix-Slay or of. Xorfcf-tt 'S'T James Q Holladay, Esq Jrtmouth. The Boara of Directors is codwi of t he fallowing gentiemen. whose 'known cnaracwjc lor integrtty, honor, fa,a public enterprise are so well known as t guaran tee success, and a lair and impart u distri bution oi the gifts - . . Major George W Grice.rresldent?ank of PtSTilUaln Lamb, President Filt Wa. tlonal Hank, xsorioiis., , ;) , - Gen V lGroner, General Agent fon Steamship Company, c, . W Captain Nathaniel Burrussj Son 4Cl Vshinston Keed, Ewj., of Peters & Merchants, ' 'n.ni'iint searaW . tj G GUIO. sHn jjjf-"' :; i Koberl J reoi , h-i " - Marshall rarks, Esq., President Alb Marsnair x . . Coinpauy - K C Ti. indseyTKsq.,Keal ltate Broker. wVlliam H White; Esi., Attorney at Law ....Hnn will be by bllndfolde oVn of children; from two wheels, on H?li?will Contain gift on printed slipA fTnenve!opeForthe same size, thel dvvniecontoin tags, with numbers on S "AVi.rniidlna wltn an- uie nciteis ' -old" after me wAtents of both wheels are Souehly mixed by revolving, the person S the ffisiVheel will take a number there ? , ond then the person at the second nell will take a gift therefrom, and the .i A thus taken Wilf belong to the number Taken immediately before it.-this process J i Continue the numbers and gifu being i blily announced-until the whole lour uudreU and and one gifts are distributed. Thus the public will readily see Aierc can . .. no fraud, collusion, or knowledge, ol ,., tt ft any number will get. ' should th7ckets be( not all sold :when .' uo 1 , mmwi otlT the presents will be V'.'rrtion to the number Time of Arrival and Closing the Mailt : ' Western Due at': 7 a. m. Close iat 5:30 p. m. I . Eastern Duo at Cj r. 'at.' Close at 6:30 a. m. 'v,; I Northern via. Wedon Due at 3:20 i. m. Close at 9:15 a. m. i Northern va Greensboro Dae at 7 a. m, Close at 5:30 r. m. Fayetteville arid Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 a. m. Close at 3:00 P. m. . : ' : . No mails received r sent on Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter box, as that is tlie.last place we look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a' letter will leave by first outgoing mail, vhen it is handed in at general de.iverylwindow, or to a Clerk.- ' f '-;.: " ' ' Office .hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 A. M. to 4 p. m. 1 I 0. J.i Rogeks, : 1 Postmaster. LoCAb HltlEFS. is - if Emancipation Day passed off very quietly. . - ; , Among the beaux no hues in a cravat are admissible but blue and black. The new -. year opined gloomiiy as far as the weather was concerned. Yesterday was moving day, and a dis agreeable time the unlottunates had of it. t'..;:- ;. . -:;' Chicken and turkey thieves are com mitting depredation? nightly in Wes tern warn. ; : A house containing six rooms con veniently located, can be rented of Alfred Upchurch. Sep, notice. A good house can be rented of W. S. Mason, located on corner of Salisbury nnd M.artiu streets. See the notice. A little white boy, living in Eastern Ward, while playing with a companion yesterday, fell and dislocated his left shoulder. . 1 We heard that some mischievous urchins yesterday blew the horns off the William.Goat--of -Sheriff Lee With tire cracker's.. , The National-Hotel reopened yester day, as per advertisement, under favorable auspices, and gave its guests a fine dinner. I V, , Inauguration of State Officers Brief Rem auks by (jov Caldwkli. --Yesterday, at 12 m., pursuant to the requirements ol i law, the recently elected State Officers, with two excep tions, we.e qualified and inducted into office. The ceremony took place inthe Half of the House ot Representatives Just before the oath of office was administered" to the Governor elect, Hon. Tod R. Caldwell, he made.the folr lowing brief Inaugural Address : May it please Tour Honor and fellow citizens rf the State of North Carolina: In obedience to the will of the , people ol North Carolina, I appear before you to-day to assume the office of Chief Magistrate of the State of North Caro lina for the next four years. It has been customary, fellow citizens, and almost universally so, that the Governor of the State of. North Carolina should be in augurated before the "General Assembly ot North Carolina. On this occasion, however, there is a departure from the general rule, lor the reason that the Gen eral Assembly is not in session, and the Constitution provides that in that event I shall take my oath before one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, .j Gentlemen, I accept this honor, chief ly upon the solicitation of lriends, and am sorry that I did not prepare myself with a little speech for them on this occasion, i . In assuming this high and responsible office, believe me, I will ever make it a point of duty to take care of the interest of the: people of North Carolina.. I do not mean to act the part of the partisan in this office. Of course, where I have patronage to bestow, other things being equal, I shall give such patronage to party friends judiciously and in a man ner consistent with the privileges of my office! I shall endeavor to discharge my duties to the best of my ability. When I cannot fill the office from my own party, acceptably to myself, I shall then consider it my duty to select a d man f nom the opposite party, I know that every ' good and true, Republican in the State ot JNortu Carolina will approve my r determination in this respect. I hope, however, that I will be able to find in our own party intelligent, well educated and .honest men enough to fill these offices. I desire in conclusion, to tender to you, and through you, to the people of North Carolina, niy most sin cere thanks for the generous manner in which you bestowed your suffrages upon me for the highest office within the gift of the people, and to give the assurrance that in the discharge of my duties, I shall have an eye single to the interests of my beloved btatc and to all her citi zees without regard to party, and while i claim no immunity Irom just criticism, I bespeak in advance a fair hearing and honest judgment from the public I am The Anntversaky Celebration. In accordance with the, published pro gramme, the freedmcn of the City met at Metropolitan Uall yesterday at 10 . . - 1 o'clock, ana commenced exercises oi xne Anniversary celebration of the emanci pation proclamation ol president Lin coln. The exercises were opened with an arjnroDriate song by the choir, the daughter of Geo. W. Brodie, the cashier of the Freedmen's bavings Bank, oper ating at the organ. JLSoth the instrumen tal and vocal music was capitally rendered. W. Rufus Davis read the emancipation proclamation. The Orator, Chas N. Otey, was then introduced by the Presi dent of the day, Caas. N. Hunter. Before the , commencement or the oration quite a uumBer of white gen tlemen, ot both politica. parties, entered the hall, who listened attentively to the long address. Otey is one of the best colored orators we ever listened to ; the speech was an able and well written document, abound ing in good advice to his race advicej which, if followed, would greatly tend tend to the cultivation oi kindly relations between the races. We regret that we have not sufficient space to give this excellent effort a more ex tended notice. We really think that the colored people of the city should have it published for general circula tion. . At the conclusion of Otey's speech, the town clock sounded two, when we were strikingly reminded of our New Years turkey, and left the hall. Stall Renting In Metropolitan Market. Yesterday the annual rent ing of stalls took place under the super vision of J. C. King, Chief ol Police and Clerk of the Market. The follow ing is a complete statement : Butcher's Stalls. No. 1, Talbott Smith, $325 per annum; Nor 2, Wil liam Yearby, $175 ; No. 3,' Alvin No- well, $216.50 : No. 4, John Stills, $420 : No. 5, R. W. Smith, $360 ; No. 6, S. Cooper, 300 : No. 7, C. Moss, $341 : No. 8, Talbott Smith, $470. Hucksters Stalls. W D Bmitii, No 9, $318 : No 10, Wm Green, $280: No 11, Wm Hicks, $235; No 12, Nick Alford, $300 ; No 13, Wilson Donald son, $110; No. 14, Atlas Cole, $131; No 15, Beni. Hiler, $155; No 16, Francis UJordan, $140 ; No 17, Charles liunter, $165 ; No 18, bpencer liacicney, $iou ; No 19, Virgil Rix, . $155; No 20, Thomas Donaldson, $1G0; No 21, Paul Lincke$182; .No 22, W. Bell, $160; Newsiana. A. Q. Cumber gets off the following': What fruit resembles a portion of a lady's dress ? The appte for Eve par took ot it and created a (mstle in the Garden of Eden. Tenderness of heart should no'V com pel a milkman when watering his tired horse to do the same, by his wearv milk cans, even if they have ridden about the city awhile. ; t v An old man's advice to a young man,. is don't love two girl3 at once. Love is a good thing, but it is like butter in warm weather it won t do to have too much on hand at once. , , The bravest man yet " discovered is. a fellow who heard a noise ip the cellar, and carefully avoiding disturbing his wiferept on the roof Tvith a pistol. and remaired there all night. Old Mayo dosen't believe in chest protectors. He says he fell on his face the other night, and hurt him just as badly as if he didn't have one on. Dobbs mention that the young poet -who went about sighing for "An angel in the house,", got married recently, and now he sighs more than ever. It is suggested that in building rail roads the rails should be heated red hot, so that the workmen will lay them down rapidly. . I Virtue has been given a new start by the burning of a rake factory out west. Our; barber says .there is one chin that's never shaved an urchin. i. Strange Bedclothes Three sheets in the wind. ' For the Daily News. Rev. B. York, D. D. At the close of the winter fcession of Ruffin Badger Institute, in Chatham, a pleasing little occurrence- took place. The, Rev. Dr. York, for five years, had presided over the Institution with great success, and resigned his charge to as sume his duties in Rutherford. College, where he was elected Professor of Logic and Rhetoric. This veteran educator, though having completed his 70th year, is still as hale and vigorous as ever. Late in the evening J. H. Boothe, Esq., Principal of Yates Academy, and a former student of Ruffin Badger, in a neat and eloquent address, presented the venerable Dr. with a magnificent gold medal in behalf of the Trustees and students, as a mark of their high esteem and respect. The medal is the work of Canfield Brothers &Co., Baltimore, and bears on the obverse the inscription UB. York, D. D., from Ruffin Badger Institute,' TEf.EGRjl I'll Id JfTE If S. N7oTmsp AlxiiHsr No U, ' V K Davis, $102 ; No 21, Friday on tte reverse, a cros upon a book, and Tnnja SI 1 - Nr. , NlPk A tnrfl I -wr, ----- $195.50 : No 20, Alexis Long, $17o. The sum total rif thec.rent3 1'cot ud rfearly six thousand dollisfs and thisis exclusive of the two basements, which The Louisiana -Muddle. New ' York, ;Jan. 1. The World says that several of the Sub -Committee ol the Lonisinna delegation are still in this City, aud are daily receiving as surances that the people of the North are beginning thoroughly to understand their cause and'the situation of affairs in Louisiana. They pronounce several telegrams from New Orleans, by way of Washington, which assert that the peo p't; of New Orleans and Louisiana have quietly acquiesced in the situation untrue. 1 A Tribune Washington dispatch says: Some Louisiana liberals are now in thi3 City discussing the shortest way out of the political muddle" in that State, They say that matters have become so much mixed up there that they can see nO method of remedy except in som j sort of reconstruction. They propose that Congress shall pass a resolution declaring that a Republican form Governmet shall no longer exist in Louisiana, and that it then proceed to order a new election. . The Sun to day clls upon Congress to make thorough investigation into the Louis- iana case when it re assembfes. The Sun relutes the assertion that 'tis useless to investigate the causes ot the quarrel in Louisiana, and says this disposition to shirk from the discharge of a great duty like that which has arisen in that Statt is an alarming sign of the times.So iat to sav that a thorough discussion ol thi3 Louisiana business will do no good is simply I an excuse for neglecting a duty whose performance requires skill and ncrvei 1 New York Affairs. New York, Jah. 1. The weather is bright and clear this morning, andthe streets m good condition, the slush having frozen. All the stores and places of business are dosed. Every body intent upon enjoying the holiday in calls. ' By the falling of the scaffolding at the jLiberty Copper mines, Federiek county, Maryland, yesterday, twenty, six miners we're precipitated several hundred feet into a pit; eight were seriously injured. A Times New Orleans dispatch say it is rumored that there' will be an at tempt to inaugurate the McEnery State. officials the 9th inst., and trduble is anticipated. A. T. Stewart presented one thou sand dollars to the fund lor disabled foreigners zalcs Errazeus, Charge ; d'Affairs ol Chili ; Senor Dardon, Charge d'Affairs of Denmark. - v ; The Ministers were all ; accompanied by their Secretaries and attaches, and many of them by ladies. The Rt. Hon. Russell Gurney, British Claims, Commissioner,- and lady, were also re ceived with .the diplomatic -corps'. The army and navy was largely rep resented and presented "a brilliant ap pearance. Judges of Supreme Court and of the Court of Claims, Members of Congress veteran soldiers and oldest inhabitants paid their respects as usual. At 1 o'clock the public reception took place, and the entire ceremonies termi uated at 2 p. m. , rent for abou; SGOO per year. These now, may ft please your Honor, ready rents exceed greatly those of last year. tO'take the oath ot olhce." The new year caller's . had a merry time yesterday. All I day they were tlisporting themselves ! on the streets with fast teams. j t ",The Board of Countyi Commissioners meet to morrow. We, hope they will fix up Walnut Creek bridge on the Fay etteville road. An editor says : ; "We are living at this moment under an absolute despotism." We suspect he married the wrong woman.. , ,A comfortable dwelling, on the corner of Person and Davie streets, near Person street Methodist chttrchj is lor rent. See notice elsewhere. 3 . r . The four horse carriage that conveyed four of our young married men on their New" Year's calls, came to an anchor at 7 o'clock precisely. 1 The Raleigh National; Bank has de ar ed a dividend of 6 par cent, on the Vital stock, in the last six months, See advertise- fcble on the 6th inst. Vr u'hoDedtbe p'ubllc will promptly re- Hid to this euui b -' . sis a deliglitlul rewrt luriti the heated -p. lui Ml'MlthH TICKETS ONLY; 5 EACH. Curr.ncy GifU u'Kr ftirthUrtlcalo: and for ticket, loi luriuy. i who have uuder- ;iPntl J exclusive nnanelal manugt taken ""e exi-iuo alone are author- ltdliareate for the ale of SON & CO., in i iiciieis. URRUSS jjiMifcorH and Financial Agent Arue de L'Eau Company. X 0 R F O h K-j V A Tickets for ale at CITIZBNS'INATIONAL BANK, News Editor. Mr?Svme, was es- corKl home the other night by a squad of dtjs. The only remarkable thing aboutthe occurrence wal the rapid time made. , Ramsey Ci., clothilrs, announce a heavy sac otgods,caused by the great reductibnin their prices. As will be setn, they c'im the hirgest sales made in the city. t: 1 IJ'jicknall, tSe whole-souled landlord of ;ijk well ktowh YarlMirough, gave the UEWS,ofl?t a New Year's treat vestemiv. ih the shape of fine wine and delicLV r.akr.' Do so some more, Doc- ter. On tlcorner t'MIillsboro and Mc Dowell i-ects .i3 i large bank of lirt thrown t on the side iwalk, and pe destrian's jo are compelled to pass this locality havvi either t take the mud in the middle if the bUc or do worse by .going over tic barj. ; : u Stop ! sto! stop 1 that engine ! stop the Chockayte." Caftti Stone, the engineer, who vas movin'' put with the local freight yestVrday morUAg,thinkiug the Raleigh and Gaston faVoad office, warehouse, workshops, ori'-jers dwcll- ing, out-houses, tc., were'all on file,. put on breaks, dismounted from his engine, and anxioudy intjuireil of Major Vass, " What ithe matter f "Our bby has" a tooth," ' said the excited Major. Capt., Stone ia not acuss:hg man, but from the emphatic manner in which he blowed his hotn, ml his abrupt and hurried departure from the scene, he thought what the Dutchman whipped his Ron for. i At the conclusion of the address. Hon. Thomas Settle, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, proceeded to formally qualify the following officials;: T. R. Caldwell, Governor ; D- A, Jenkins, State Treasurer ; T. Li Har grove, Attorney General. Subsequently Hon. S. W. Watts, Judge of the Su preme Court, qualified W. H. Hower- ton. Secretary of State, and Silas Burns, Superintendent ot Public Works. . ! I .. The Lieutenant Governor, Curtis II. Brogden, and John Riley, Auditor, did not put in. an appearance, lor reasons we know not. . .. The Superintendent of Public In- struction elect, Rev. James Reid, having died, the office will be filled by appoint-. ment by the Governor. -'.:' The Treasurer is the only officer of the outgoing Administration who re tains his office, it we may except the Governor, who was elected Lt. Gover nor in 1868 and succeeded the guberna torial chair by reason of the impeach ment and deposal of. Gov. Holden. Gov. Caldwell has, we learn, re-ap pointed J. B. Neathery, Private Secre tary. S. M-Parishof this city, holds the appointment as Chief Clerk of the Secretary of state's office. We uoder- siand that no change will be made in the clerkships ot the Treasuary Depart ment. - Wake Forest College. We have- received from the faculty the Catalogue of Wake Forest College r for 1871-'72, from which we are pleased to learn that the College is now in a healthy anct prosperous condition. This College is situated within fifteen miles of this city, on -the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, lint Rnnnriito and anart from the advantages of accessibility, it is presided over by a most able faculty, who, as will be seen from' the Catalogue, have inaugurated a thoroughness of instruc tion, second in extent to no College, either Iforth; or South. The Spring" Session ol .this College will'open February 1st. Good board can be secured on College Hill, at jrom $7 to $10 per month. We offer, free gratis, and fbi nothing the following advice to a friend that lives on our .path home : If you haye occasion to use a wheelbaiTow, leave it, when you are through with it, in front of the house with the handles towards the door. A wheelbarrow is the most complicated thing to fall-over on the face ot the earth. A man -win ran over one when he neverwould think of fall ing over anything else ; he never knows when he. has got through falling over it either, for it will tangle his legs and arms, turn over with him', and rear up in front of him, and just as he pauses . - . . "... i c in his protanity to congratulate nimsen, it takes a new turn and scoops more skin off of him, and he commences to evolute anew, and bump hicnseli on iresh places. A man never ceases to lau over a wheelbarrow until its turns com pletely over on its back, or brings, up against something it cannot upset, xt is the most inoffensive looking object there is, but 'it is more tdangerous than a locomotive, and no man rs secure witn one unles3 he has a '-tight hold "of its handles and is sitting down on some thing. A wheelbarrow has its uses,with out doubt, but in its leisure moments it is the great blighting curse on true dig nity.- ' - - - - It was a well merited compliment to one of Norths Carolina's most gifted sons and most zaalous educators. Amicus. The Arlington Hotel uf Washington D. C, for the third- time since its open ing, has undergone a complete embelishment. It was originally fitted up in grand style, with .every con- , elegance- and luxury mat experience, taste and judgment could desire and money accomplish, uur- . i T It- - ing the summer succeeding, i was beautifully frescoed and renovated throughout. Within the v past two months all the chambers have been covered with the new .style of cor- ruscated gold and silver paper. Ihe House has been re painted, re-carpeted and a number of the rooms re-iurnished. From the constant efforts of the Messrs. Roessle, to beautify and improve it, "The Arlington" is now far more luxurious and magnificent than when first opened, ami is beyond question what tucy uesignetj it buouiu uc Hotel ol the Capital. 6w. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. :ppOUr S E FOR RE NT. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING, con taining four rooms ,on the corner of Ferson and Davie streets' near Person street Methodist Church. Apply to K. 11. W HiTAK.t.lt, jan2-lt Editor Friend of Temperance. The last accident of the year was-thel exolosion of a soda water fountain at I May's factory, . Rose,, street, last night. One maii.was intured and the building badly damaged. Fibel's furnishing stare, Ghurchstree was burnedTast night. Lo; teeri thousand dollars. Fifth Atenne Theatre Burned. ' New York, Jan. 1. The Fifth Ave nue on 24th street, adjoining the' Fifth . Avenue hotel, burned to the ground soon after the matinee, performance this p. m. The audience, which had as sembled to w'itness the play of " False Shame," had , scarcely more than dis persed when the fire was discovered. Weather Report. Washington, Jan. 1. For South ern States, East ot the Mississippi, eas- . terly to southerly winds and ; cloudy. weather with rain from the Ohio Vat- ley to the Gulf. ; . " ! T COMMEItCIAL REPORT. ' No market' reports from any quarter yesterday on account ot the New Year. holiday. real estate exchange. xPcTrtIiIj J-N COMPANY, EST ABL SHED TO PROMOTE THE O F ' S A IE LANDS, AND FACOTIIAGK .EMIGRATION ! TO 7; ';- JTO It T II V JI ItO 1,1 JTjI OFFICE: : RaHigh, Worth Carolina This Company has been In successful op- y 'ration over three years; and continues to (Buy.Eell, Lease or Rent. Keal Estate, npon ; commission or otnerwise, on mo most i- v arable terms -n -' ' s"-- Parties hlng lands to &UU4jdyio their t"3s t to call at our nnoe. or ccrts- itu us, as our iaciuties xor- seuing1. increasing every day. . 2 in. 'rge tracts are rendered more saleable oeing divided. nee. 1 Eight of. f r mn f 1 Tntalli : Galesbcby, III., JajS the finest stores in Metropolitan Block are burned. Loss 00,00Q. The Opera House was savecOy demolishing the adjoining houses . Boston, Mas" Jan. 1. A' lire broke out in granijebuilding No; 281, Wash ington street. Loss $50,000. . . Cixcesnati, Ohio, Jan. 1. The loss by ice to-day is estimated at $200,000; Chief loss in coal barges, torn frqrn moorings. L A.TEK. At half past 10, the ice in the. river gorged and stopped running At a tew minutes'past 11, it commenced to move slowly again. Ihe outn street ferry boat: was thrown on the Kentucky shore oonbsite the lower part of the city. About titty barges have been crushed to pieces and scattered along the shore on both sides ot the river below the citv. i mt w r ,i . . ,u i . i r emigrants it has introduced and located In this State, fulls attests. . " Parties entrustine business in their hands, have the best assurance, that they;. Win oaiainy represenueu. -Address all communications to th North " Carolina Land Company, or to "William Scott, Secretary. GEO; LITTLE, W ILLIAM scott, . President. secretary. v nov7-tf . , . ' . MERCHANT TAILOR. ipi r sii Nr tIFe WEIKEL LEADS THE VAN. GENTS H 0 U S E W A N T ED Blow-up. Intelligence v,-as received here yesterday morning, by the train on the Nor. h Carolina Railroad, that the engine in Guion's Spoke and Handle Factory in Charlotte bursted its boiler on Tuesday aiternoon. causing, a good deal of damage to the building, ami wounding some four. or five persons It is said that some ot the wounded are fatally injured. Our., information in re gard to the matter is meagre, and we must await further reliable intelligence, before we can lay definite particulars ot this unfortunate occurrence before our readers. ' t " ' Wu.mington Street. This thorough fare is in a wretched condition. The sidewalks are not one whit better thau the middle oi the street, I particularly the western sidewalk. Updu this street a large amount of business is done, and it bids fair to become flic business street of the city. . Wte trust the Board of City Commissioners will give thjs mat ter their attention at the next nieting We hear that the hymeneal ? torch is to be; several times lighted in tins city before balmy May ushers in the flowers. ' The Small Pox in Frakklin. Mr Rogers and son, have died with the small-pox in Franklin county since- our last report. Dr. W. M. Crenshaw, a leadiner phvsician of Louisburg, is domiciled with this distressed family, having left his own family, home and patients to render all the aid and renet m his power to the poor untortuuatcs. It is believed that through the efforts of Dr. Crenshaw the : disease will not snread from its present locality. We really thirjk that the County Commis sioners should reward the self sacrific ing devotion which this good man has exhibited for the weltare of his fehoW' citizens, in a substantial manner. Personal Intelligence. j Hon. Thomas Settle is at the ' Na tional. ' , James E. Graham, Nova Scotia, D IL Goodloe, ot Warren and J. II. Tucker, of Mississippi, are at the Yarborough. t- Douglas Bell, Esq., the State Agent for the Globe Lite Insurance Company, returned to the city yesterday.' . Wanted to rent a Small House, three or four rooms, for about three months. Apply to j, it. ii. ttiiJiii, Jan2-2t V Druggist. JEWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT. A DWELLING HOUSE on the corner of Hillsboro and West streets, with 6 rooms, gas In all the rooms but one. On the prem ises there is a fine well of water and all the necessary out-houses. For further partic ulars apply to W. H. DODD. jan I-lm Cor. Wii. and Martin Sts. "gE SURE YOU GET THE Genuine Turner N. C. Almanac for 1873. Price -So 00 per hundred ; 10 cents per copy, auuress jan 1-tf J. H. ENMS8. Publisher, Kaleigh. rpURNER'S N. O. ALMANAC, 1873. T Great State Ilmanac. . , . i Pricepergsoss$7,00; per hundred So GO; one" or more dozen sent post paid on re ceipt of 7a cents; single copies 10 cents. Address JAS. H. ENNIS-, jan 1-tf Publisiier, ivaleigh. F O R R E IN A THREE ROOM HOUSE for Rent. For particulars appiy to ALBEKT J1AGMN, at Suenn s unice. STO C'K R A I dec3l-3t S E 11 S rp o Capt. John W.Blount, General Agent wfMS ,antCve of the Life Association of America, left bred NOitTH DiiVoX BULLs.jfrom, twelve niontiis to two years oiu. rruts numv to according to age and choice. Address me at Haw River P. O., Alamance county, N. U THUSl M. HOLT, uo l;-2m ; Foreign. Affairs. T5ft?t.tx: Jan. 1. Prosecutions havel been instituted against all Roman Cath olic journals in this city and in the Pro vince, which have published the reCent Papal Allocution. The .excitement , on this subject is increasing throughout the Empire. ' .; - Adams Redivious. Ne York, Jan. 1. Mr; , ,J.' S. Adams, Emigrant Commissioner, and who disappeared Saturday last, has re turned to his hotel in Jersey city. THc LARGEST STOCK OP FURNISHING GOODS. EVER BROUGHT TO RALEIGH. C. Weikel takes great pleasure in inform ing his many friemls and patrons that he has j ust returned from New York, with the largest and most attractive stock of goods of ev-ry 'description ever; brought to this market. iy stoeK embraces in pan.. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. for New York city yesterday, oh busi ness connected with his agency. Gtx. A. M.' Scales. We -learn that this "entlcmau has m ved his ri.sidence from Weutworth,' Rockingham County, t G-ecnsboro','. Thefe- he' wilf continue lo practice law. " The .General .is wtli known and. pip'iilar tinuuii 'Ut the whole State, and we ir'usi that success will attend him wherever he may go within its borders. N N U A L M E E T ITG Small-Pox in Wake County We regret to iinuounce that this malady has appealed in this county. Mr. Henry II. Hester is sick with it at his lathers Sidney 11. Hester, E-q., sorise ten miles Northeast of thjs city, it. Wake Forest township. We suppose that measures have been taken to prevent its spread. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the 'Noith Carolina Home Insurance Company, will be held at their othce in this city, on Tuesd iy, te lnh day pf Juuuury, 167 J, at 11 o'clock, A M t . SEATON GALES, dec25-td .-..jSccrttary. J U S T li B C E III V E Ii 7" bbU hew Sack Flour, ,x boxes Cream Cheese. ' 51 kegs Leaf Lard. : At , PUOL & ilORINOS, oct 29 Wholesale Uroceis. Presidential Vote of Louisiana New' Year's Day at( the White House. Etc. Washington, Jan. 1. General 11. B. Simms. with the vote of 'the'. Electoral College of Louisiana, has arrived and delivered his packages. It is understood that the.-vote which he bears lor - Presi dent is blank, and that for Vice Presi dent will be' counted for Gratz Brown. The reception at the White House to-day fully equilled in the .splendor ot its details' that of ."any former occasion. The ceremonies commenced with t he reception of the diplomatic corpswUicii formality was executed by Secretary Fish. Tfie' Ministers were resplendent, iu lull court costume, and manyd them were accompanied by the Indies of their families, j They were headed by Biacque Bay, the Dean ot the Corps, followed by Sir Ed wind Thornton,' aun--Jill were order oi tiifir rat;k. t. lilt; tol; ma French, English and German. BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGS, &G. . ENGLISH MELTON, ' , ENGLISH KERSEYS, ;OTCII AND ENGLISH CHENIOT. " iJeavers of all Descriptions lor Suits and Overcoats, - ' :" To all of which,! invite a careful inspec-. ; . lion tilom the public. . . ' -' - In the. mechanical department of my House will be found only the very bM workmen, and all work t iirned out, I :i'j conridentlv guaiantee, . ; , Orders from a distance respcctfully solicited. and personal fltttfiition niven to the same. . . septl'J-tf ; .Ki.slOIt; COTTON flIN fi.-.'t. j a i ft la?' . ..?ff?.-r.- z nth". prcsentt-tS! There- were aiso present. legativjiisj Minisler : Bartiu Ledroer; U;e Austrian ' O FF.1CE ROOMS TO LET iTixSins "for rent, second story, corner Wilmington and Martin streets. ,; .-.- . Apply to , ' nov il-if VV. U. DODD. (Joionei Fievne. the Prussi.afi- Minister, ai.u lady ; Count corn, . ine Italian Minister : Senor 'Marisai, . ihe, Mexican Minister; M. Kurd Van Scii'.oer, the, Get man Mi: isier ; .' : Counsellor Borger, the Bra'zi'iliin Minister, and iadv ; Adiniial Polo de Bnul!c( Spanish Miiiisier ; Baron OilVw'iKi . the Russian Minister : Maiqiis-l)e Xoiiles the French Minittur; tienor 'Mai tui, the, Columbian Minister; Senor iJAidoti.the Minister troui Guatemal ; Mr. DiU. the Belgium Minister; General Golloll, the General Ageut of Russia, n sid ing in New York; Mr. Steror- sen, the Swedish Minister j tnc Chevalier;' Jober, the Ponu-iivsi; Minister;!. Mr. PrestbrT, llauian Minister Mr. Westonburg, Miuis -jr from thb Netherlands ; ; Mr. Mot i, Charge d'Affairs of Japan ; SeMr Go.i- ft-'-. 1 o '.V - 5 n sr o t 9 This tii;!,'iiia:ii::-:;.eturH ly' O. AV. Masty, Njucoh. v.i:i icrf faster and -h-aiitr Uri'i aiVv other, jus-i will not break, 'lho rOil'ls rat'-pKif;- and U Uly wrr is i? to' jeriorni well in every r-peof. ; Hi !nl in your oTrtei s crly. hs t h I'irmml is A try K Apply to ; ' V. v.. 8iin n, - Scotland Neck. N. C. Agent for North Carolina and irinia Local Agents Wanted. Inuel-tf. ; . . . rpIIE1 REGULAR ANNi; A L Meeting.of the Stockholder of iiii.i Lank will -Uu held on the second Tuesday of Januiry, 187S, teing the lith day f the month, between the hoursof l!and i o'clock, at thiir banking UK in tbU oi'-v. . F. A. WILEY, ' d?21rrrdtm - ' -.-- 1 v Cn'dv.eT - i J I A, A

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