IJAIL Y ISTEWS. -nSB A UZZKLIs - - ruoPKlKrous. Fatettuvillk Rrr.nrr, ,wr W. C. Stronach & Co.'!! Store, rASH" INVARIABLY. IN ADVANCE. n.e DAILY SKWS will bo delivered to i.itirl'jera at fiktee? cents per week, , -aide to the carrier weekly. Wailed at 17 1 (VrHnniimiliaJforKixmouthsj t-lforthrei I ... inLllS. . rue WEEKLY NEWS at $ 2 per annual fidOvOol U It A N I) Ci I r T O N c.eut pres&itat ion to tho holders of tickets of y,7 r K A U T I F II LL L Y LOO ATE D : . -- " ' : " ' u tl new and clegaut ca-sido resort, V U E PEL E A U , Hitnipiiwi Pailst Opposite fortress Moaror, Virgiuia, TOGETIIEU f iVITH TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. i Lo new, attractive and beautifully-located -vtit hern Seaside watering place, named. A" IT E D E L ' E A U. ..:t Hampton Hoad;; nearer opposite For i res-s Monroe, Virginia, in lull view of that oriress, Fprt Calhoun, Chesapeake llasv aiid.James Ulver, with a water view unsur passed in America, where every luxury of ea and land is obtainable, was opened to r lie )ubllc for the first time the past season, and having proved a success unparrelled in the, history' of seaside resorts, has in- lueeil the stockholders to make an effort greatly enlarge its capacity! bo as to no- 'ommodate the great public ;j to this end they have determined to offer inducement f no ordinary; character, in the shape of a :ilAND GIFT CONCERT, v means of which they hope to le able to 'lo execute their public-spirited and i.utdabl4 undertaking oi making VUK I) E r li ' E A U til e tlinhd tkci&'ulc Jlesort of the South As iiuh cements to the public every where u urcna.se tickets, they proj-e to pre sent a - Ml 111 S f M A S Ifl F T ,S the purchasers of tickets by distribution !v lot, the following magnificent gifts: i fiift lnGreeub;gkdKs,or;7-- (ii lis in Greenbacks, of $ 1.0OJ each o, WW M Gias. in Greenbacks, of $M0 each, ly,tm T neautlhilly located Cottage Lot. - v) oiher beautifully located Cottage. JVEau, valued at &2UU eacli, 1;X Gifus, in GrenlaeKs, .C;$H each. i"l Gifts, vaed at ?lntV-'' '.l.OIMV TICKETS AT f ii i:acii. ! , i ;rand Conceit w;ill lake place in tlfe- XORFOLK OPERA HOUSE, ; ' : i . .. ;i ; On Thursday- Evening, Feb. 20j '73, And 'will In itself be jL full consideration, lor the price charged for Ad mission Tickets. l iie distribution of Gifts ;wlll taktj place wii mediately alter the Concert, on the vast 'tuKe of the Opera House, and in full view 1 i ne audience, under the Immediate su pervision of the President andUi rectors of lie VukdkLEau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kludly consented to be present and see that he giits-are properly'distributed as adver- J ion John R Ltidlow, Mayor of Norfolk, Hou A Walts, Myor of Portsmouth . Vol Walter II Taylr, of NorfoLk, ; Hon John B .Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, James Gl Holladay, Esq., of Portmouth . The iioard of Directors is composed of the Miowlnj gentlemen, whose well known character ior integrtly, honor, and public enterprise are so well known as to guaran tee success, and a lair and impartial distri bution ol the gifts : , ' Major George W Grice, President Bank of Portsmouth, , - '"' ' Col Wililaoi Iiamb, President First Na tional Bank, Norfolk, . ; Gen V D Groner, General Agent Boston Steamship Company, . ' 'iiptaiif Nathaniel Bnrruss, Son,& Co., Washington' Heed, Esq., of Peters & Heed Merchants, . ' - . -. E G Ghio. Esq., Superintendent Sealxwd Hi-id Itoauoke Rallrotd. " . -, Hubert J Neely, Esq., of R J & V Neely . & Co, -..Marshall Parks, Esq., President Albe marle fe Chesapeake Canal Company, E C Llndsey. Esq., Real Estate Broker, William H White, Esq., Attorney at Law, Norfolk.. ' " . , , l iie distribution ;will be, by blindfolded rnous or children, from two wheel, one f which will contain gifts on printed slips t'Hit;d in envelopes of the same size, the "U.er will contain tags, with numbers on insta- corresponding with all the tickets ld ; after the contents of both wheels are thoroughly mixed by revolving, the person uv-the first wheel will take a number there irom, and then the person at the" second wheel will take a gift therefrom, and the ;;ift thus taken will belong to the number taken immediately before ifc,this process win continue the numbers and gifts being publicly announced until tne whole lout 'uudred and and one gifts are distributed no- fraud, collusion, or knowledge oi ' 'leit gift any number will get Should the tickets be not- all sold ;wnen '!e concert eomes off, the presents will be "Mrihtued In proportion to. the number v'i i. - - ; t - - ft w hoped the public will promptly re M'ond t this effort to establish upon a hrm '"Jis adelightlul resort duringhe heated TICKETS' ONLY S5. EACH. V "iking House in the city of Norfolk, on i ! seination of the tickets entitled thereto, '--'tioutdisLount. - : lJf further particulars and for tickets, :il'!.v U) the undersigned, wlio have under i,Ken tii,i exclusive financial management 1,1 tiiis M-heniP ' and who alone are author- ""''I t unnohiL iLS'ents for the sale of 'Sift.- . .' , UliltllTJSS, SON JSc CO., I,:,'!' '- find Fi nancial Agents .... Vito do L'Eaii Company. N O R F-r LI , V A". Tickets for sale at; ITIZENS'.NATIQNAL BANK, RALEIGH. N. C. '. ' -III 'Tww 'if ,v Witf.w.Q 1 VOI,. 1. EVEni3G EDITlOn. Cite yicigu gaUy m$. THURSDAY. jANUARY 2. r BT Special Notices inserted iu the Local Column will bo charged Fif teen Cents per Hue. i Rjr AlI parties ordering he News will please send the ; money for the time the paper is wanted. - Iessrs. Grlffln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 south street, l .altlmore. Md.. are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements iatoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. C C WOODSON, City Editor r i ( 1 . ' Post Office Directory. KALEIGIf IWST OFFICE -.'ARRANGE-- - MENT " v. v- . " : - : --.''"'' OFFICK II0UR3 FROM 8 A. M, To'7 T. M. "Si. 1 . - Time of Arricnl and Closing the Mails: Western Due at T Ia. sr. Close at 5:30 p. m. I Eastern Due at 6 P.ir. Close at U:30 a. Mr" . ."..' ;. .v . Northern via Weldn Due at 3:20 r. m. Close at 9:15 a. ii. Northern via Green&boro Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 p. jt. . Fayetteville ami Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 0:30 am .Close at 3:00 P. M. f '- '. . No mails received orient on Sundays. Put all letters for rlailing in letter box, us tLat is the laU place we look tor them before closiri a mail. It is not- certain that a letter will leave by lirst outgoing mail, whqii it is handed in at general de.ivorv wulov, or to a Clerk. ; '".''.';::-, OHice hours lor Moijiey Order and Registered Letter Departments l'rom 9 a. m. to I t. m. I C. .T. Rogers, , J Postmaster. LjJCAL' IJltlF.FS. " -Oet -vaccinated. :'.- f . ' Happy New Year's.-! , - - ' - if - ' - " '': The days begin to lengthen now. - 'IT'- - Shovels have been tjrumpa the past Vew Year's turekys vvere in demand ytsterday. 1 Bad weather (or moingr and yet it must be done to-dav. I - 'Pt.vr Wlla Lav.'i played out, but belles are stilt tnc ju. the merry It is past the time for foretelling a hard winter,. it comes ir earnest. There is not enough snow to warrant the anticipation of a New Year's sleigh rMc- ; ; : i : . : Make good resolutions as to your conduct during the ne' year and stick to them. .' " . The dearest object to! a married man should be his wi e, but it -is not un irequcntly her clothes. . ' ' A new song is headed "Hafk; howthe birds sing." Well, thly can't be "ex pected to sing very vel this weather. " One style of -bohnjjt is called the "Mansarti," because it fakes agreat deal of 'man's-hard" earnings to pay for one ol em. ; , - . '. . . ii If some of the poep in this section don't quit sending us poems we will write some poetry ourselves and pub lisji it. . ' - '..Don't hi ich your horses'- under the eaves of a roof covered with snow, un less you desire a ?msh-up of your team.. Jj . :4 See the advertisement in another col umn ot the North Carolina Almanac by J. II. P'nniss. Now is the titn.e to buy.; ; v . . The statues oi limitation exoired ves- terday. . Business at thq varicjus" J. P.'s othces was as a matter 301 consequence brisk and liveJy. . I ; : Prof. '.C. B. Fairchldfwants 1000 bushels of wood ashes instead of 100, as published by mistake iiji his advertise ment yesterday morning. .Those' who wish to rlat a cbmlorta ble residence for the ensuing year will find it to their interestJto; read the ad vertisement of W. II". T)odd, in to-days issue, r . . I ' : See the annouueemeni of the re-open-" big of the popular National Hotel. It is in hands now thai will run the ma chine according to 110 vie. Read the advertisement. - 5 Thomas Harrison, one of the best bar tenders in North Carolina, will take charge of the National jplotel Bar from and after this date. Tommy is not only - . 1 t. . i; ' ,1 expert as a.mixer, unt 1$ .cieyer anu io- lite with it. We were in error itjj stating in our yesterday's issue that the convicts brought down from Randolph county on Monday were colored people. They are all White. : The only business at tjie Mayor's office yesterday'was the linKtng togetuer 01 "two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat ai one.' A bad day's business that is,;! We mean it was dull as the bridegroom forgot to leave the discretionary lee. I v The Superintcndentland teachers of St. Augustine (colored! Sabbath School will give the pupils aChristmas Tree this eveniDg (New Yeaf s) at St. Augus tine Chapel. All the ffriends of the school are respectfully ihvited to attend and witness the enjpy merit of the children. if The ridiculous errodwhich appeared in our last issue, in the local brief in reference to the swearing - 'in of State officers elect, was the fault of the com positor, the proof having been properly corrected. A more explicit apology would neither mend natters nor.be , ' 1 - 1 " I. U I ..II 1,1. Il-I. . " ; . " " " " RALEIGH. N. 0.. THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 2. 18731 Oun New Yeati's Tukkey. "Tis Utter. to be born Jucky than rich" said some one, whose rwxme we do not now recollect, neither do, wc care, so long as we have enjoyed the privilege of the saying. After some rascal purloined from our co.op our Christmas turkey, wc got mad and fell back on our relations in Peters burg, .where" more than One turkey went the way of all (turkey) ilesh. Having made .this much, on our return home we felt able to invest in a turkey for a New Year's dinner, and accordingly transfercd from Paul Lincke's stall in the marker, a fifteen pound gobler to our coovp at home. Tuesday night, while all in the house was still, likewise the turkey in the coop; probably while we were dreaming of the second choico of our New Year's dish,' (we are a married man,) some rascal, without the fear of our dog Jack before his cye3, invaded the premises and stole therelrom our New Year's turkey. Sadly we gazed upon the vacant ropst the next morn ing, and with a heavy heart came to our office where we recited our misfor tune to a few condoling iriends. The large-hearted Dr. Blacknall of the Yar borough House was one of the number ; brushing a r tear from hjs eye as we ended our sad tale, he hurriedly lclt the office and in a few minutes returned with a drcssecL gobler that weighed just one and a quarter pounds more than the one we lost, adding a few remarks that we did not hear, (after wc got our hand on the turkey) some thing about poor local Editors happy new yearv &c. We got the turkey will eat him to day, smiic and think of the big-hearted doctor. ' Personal Maj. II. W. York, of Chatham, is in the city, stopping at the Yarboro. Gen. T. L. Clingman and N. W. Woodfin, Esq.,, registered at the Yar boro House yesterday, F. C. Itobbins, . Esq., of Randolph, member ol the Senate of tho last Gene ral Assembly,' was in the city yesterday morning, but lelfc-Xor home on the even ing train. Key. J. K, Griffith arrived in the city yesterday altcrnoon and left this morning en route lor Oxford to officiate in the M. E. Church of that place, to which charge he was assigned by the recent Conlercnce. Thco N. Itamsay, Esq.,-the Temper ance Aposlle of this locality, is now on a visit to New York and will return in a few days accompmied by Hon. J. J. Hickman, of Ky., and will then contin ue his crusade throughout the State against rum and Tum-sellcrs. We 'were glad to shake the hand of lapi. tt, v. x uuiipa, ui iiiriivin, iuu. evening. . The Captain represents that well known wholesale and retail cloth ing house, of W. G. Jones, No, 124 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. The Arlington Hotel ol Washington D. C, for the third time since its open ing, has undergone a complete embelishment. It was originally fitted up in grand style, with every con venience, elegance and luxury that experience, taste and judgment could desire ; and money accomplish. Dur ing the summer succeeding, it was beautifully frescoed and rcnovatec through-out. Within the past two months all the chambers have been covered with the new style of cor ruscatcd gold and silver, paper. The House has been re painted, re-carpeted and a number of the rooms re-furnished!. From the constant efforts of tlyj'Messrs. Hoessle, to beauiify and improveit, "The . Arlington' is now far more luxurious and magnificent than when first opened, 'aDd is beyond question what they designed it should be The Hotel ot the Capital. Gv. Wake Forest College. We have received from the faculty the Catalogue of Wake Forest College, for 1871-'72, from which We are pleased to learn that the College is now in u healthy and prosperous condition. This College is situated within fifteen milc3 of this pity, on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, but seperate and apart from the advantages Of accessibility, it is presided over by a most able faculty, who, as will be seen from the Catalogue, have inaugurated a thoroughness ol instruc tion, second in extent to no College, either North' or South. - The Spring Session ol this College will open February 1st. Good board can be secured on College Hill, at trout $7 to $10 per month. In Errou. Wc were in error yester day in giving the particulars of the painful accident wliich befell Mrs. W, J. Edwards on Monday afternoon. She did not have a spasm and fall into the fire as we stated. We learn, from one in a position to know, that the unfor tunate lady fainted and in tailing over turned a kettle of boiling water "and was very badly scalded. We were glad to learn last evening that though suffer ing a good deal, her condition had de cidedly improved. We trust but a few days will elapse eie we have tjhe pleas pleasure of announcing her complete recovery. J . Col. L. 6. Edwards. This gentle man arrived in this city on yesterday. The Colonel has associated himself with Messrs. J. B. Batchelor & Son, in a law co-partnership, and will, in future, re side here.- We are exceedingly grati fied at this, as it is a most valuable acqusition to this community and a brilliant, addition to the Raleigh Bar. Col. Edwards is well known to' tlse people of this section as an urbane and polished gentleman, and a lawyer ot much talent and learning. We -feel assured his success will be commensu rate with his merit. A colored woman residing in the Western Ward had both of her feet se verely scalded by the accidental upset ting of a tub of . hot water while enga ged in washing? clothes. Wild ducks, canvass' -back and" other 'varieties received this day at Miller & JfTeloon!?. inauqunation.op state officers Brief Remap.ks by Got. Caldwell. Yesterday, at 12 m., pursuant to the requirements of law, 'the recently elected State Officers, with two excep tions were qualified and inducted into office. The ceremony took place in the nail of the House of Representatives. , Just before the oath of office was administered to the Governor elcet, Ho a. Tod R. Caldwell, he made the fol lowing brief Inaugural Address : "May it phase Your Honor and fellow citizens of the State of North Carolina : In obedience to the will ; of the people of North Carolina, I appear before you to-day to assume the office of Chief Magistrate of the State of North Caro lina for the next four rears. It has been customaryr icllow citizens, andalmost universally so, that the Governor of the State of North Carolina should be in augurated before the General Assembly 01 iwtn Carolina. On this occasion, however, there is a departure from the general rule, lor. the reason that the Gen eral Assembly is not in session, and the Constitution provides that in that event I shall take my oath before one of the Justices of the Supreme Court. Gentleraen,I accept this honor, chief ly upon the solicitation of friends, and am sorry that I did not prepare myself with a little speech for -them on this occasion. . 1' In assuming this high and responsible office, believe mc, I will ever make it a point of duty to take care of the interest of the people of North Carolina. I do not mean to act the part of the partisan in this office. Of course, where I have patronage to bestow, other thigs being equal,vl shall give such patronage to party friends judiciously and in a man ner consistent with the privileges oi my office. I fshall endeavor to discharge my duties to the best of mj ability. Whoa I cannot fill the office from my own party, acceptably to mystlf, I shall then consider it my duty to select a good man lrom the oppoate party, and I know that every good and true Republican in the State j of North Carolina will approve my determination in tins respect. I hope, however, that I will be able to find in our own party intelligent, well educated and honest men efough to fill these offices, I desire in conclusion to tender to you, and through you, to the ! people of North Carolina, uy most sin- J cere thanks for the generoui manner in w,hich you bestowed your suffrages upon me for the highest office witJiin the gift of the people, and to give the assurrance that in the discharge of siy duties, I shall have an eye singlo to the interests of mj beloved Sf. und- to til her xiti zfryt .rvUhont regard to party- I claim noTmmutxVilrJijust criticism, I bespeak in advante a fair hearing and honest judgment frim the public I am now, may it please your Honor, " ready to take, the, bath of ffice." At the conclusion of the address, Hon. Thomas Settle, Associate Justice of theSupremc Cturt, proceeded to formallv qualify thelfollowing officials: T. IK, Caldwell Governor; D. A. Jenkins, State Treasurer ; T. L. Har giove, Attorney General. Subsequently Hon. S. W. Watts, Judge pf .the Su preme: Court, qualified W. H. Hower-. ton, Secretary of State, and Silas Burns', Superintendent ol ' Public Works. The Lieutenant Governor,, Curtis H. Brogdcn, and John Riley, Auditor, did not put in an appearance, for reasons wc know not. The Superintendent of Public In struction elect, Rev. James Reid, having died, the office -will be filled by appoint ment by the Governor. The Treasurer is the only officer of the outgoing Administration who re tains his office, if we may except the Governor, who was elected Lt. Gover nor in 1868 and succeeded the guberna torial chair by reason of the impeach ment and deposal of Gov. Holden. Gov. Caldwell has, we learn, re-ap-pointed J. B. Neathery, Private Secre tary. S. M Parish,-of this city, holds the appomement as Chief Clerk of the Secretary of State's office. We under stand that no change will be made in the clerkships of the Treasuary Depart ment - '' ; -'.' .'.' ':.- . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' 1ST A T ION A L II O T E L . IiaLEIGII, Ji C - Has been re-opened for the recoption of the traveling public. A. J. Paktin. General Manager, lt. Ii. IIoktok, Office Clerk, - : , W. II. Hillings, Caterer, J. T: llARiusoif, In charge of Bar and Billiard Hoom. Visitors may be assured -that the past reputation, of the House will be mttiiitain ed without' regard to expense. Oiinilms alwaj's at depot. W. II. BAULEY & CO., Lessees. F. J. Haywood, M. D. WmvII. Bagley. jan 1- dawlm D WELLING HOUSE FOR RENT. A DWELLING HOUSE on the corner of Ilillsboro and West streets, Avith 0 rooms, gas in all the rooms but one. On the nrem ises there is a fine well of water and all the necessary out-houses. For further partic ulars apply to W. H. DODl. jan l-lm Cor. Wil. and Martin Sts. B E S UR E.. YOU G ET T II E Geuuine Turner N. C. Almanac for 1873. Trieo S3 00 per hundred ; l'J cents per copy, address J. II. ENNISS. janl-tf Publisher, Raleigh. rpURNEIl'S N. C. ALMANAC, 1873.' T Great State llmanac. Price per gross $7 00; per1 hundred ? 00; one or more dozen seat post paid on re ceipt of 7J cents ; single copies 10 cents. Address : JAS. H. ENNISS, janl-tf . Publisher, Ualeigh. O R It E N A THREE ROOM HOUSE lor Rent. For particulars apply to ALBERT MAGNIN, at SUerirTs Office. ' l.dec3l-3t rpiIE REGULAR' ANNUAL Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will ba held on the second Tuesday of January, lt73, being the 14th day of tho month, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, at their banking house in this city. 1'. A. WIJjBI, MrblairTDisr New York Affairs. New York, Deo, 31 .The remains of Hattie Adams, drowned a few days ago, by the carriage in which she was riding being dragged into the river by runaway horses, was placed in the re ceiving vault of Greenwood Cemetery to-day. They will probably be removed to Cleavcland. - The funeral of Jane Stewart, burned in the Centre street fire a week ago,took place to-day from St. John's Episcopal' Church. The laborers continue digging in the ruins for the remains of the other mis sing girls. 1 The Chamber of Commerce,at a meet ing Thursday will take action on the bills pending in Congress in reference to emigration. The commissioners of emigration will memorialize Congress in opposition to the bill in the House to promote emigration to the United States. v ' . - - General Intellisencc. y Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 31. All pris oners confined in the.Frankfortjail escaped last night by cutting through the roof. MEMrnis, Tenn., Dec. 31. All the shore ice below Wolf river disappeared during last night. A large quantity of ice is running in, thej-iyer and it is be lieved that the gorge i at Randolph is broken, but the ice has jsoftened so much that no further damage is apprehended. Boat3 at the levees arc loading and pre paring to leave. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. '3i. Early this morning the ice broke the steamfers Mountain Boy, Messenger and Grey Eagle loose from the foot of Walnut street wharf and carried them, down on the mail line wharf boat at the foot of Vine street, sinking the Mountain Boy and damaging the other two boats. The Mountain Boy is sunk to her boiler deck and is being held up by ice. She is valued at nine thousand dollars, and is now being wrecked. The Messenger is crowded between the Mountain Boy and Grey Eagle and has both sides and her alter guards broken in and her cylendar cracked. She is in a bad condition and it is very doubtful if she can be saved. Four hundred and fifty tons of cargo are on board of the Messenger. The Grey Eagle has her guards smashed and is crowded on the wharf boat. .The Leona, owned by the Louisville Mail Line Company, was landed a mile or so below the city and is fast in the ice. No coal of any amount was lost here, though several, empty barges moyingbefore 76lock; and has not gorged since, as it is still running. It is feared the ice will move again at any moment vWhen greater damage isjpxpec ted. All the boats have steam up. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. -Jno. A.! BrOwn, the oldest Banker, and Broker in this city, died to-dav, aged 80. In 1871 he donated $300,000: to the Pres byterian hospital in this city. V Jefferson, Mo., Dec. 31.: The legis lature meets to morrow. It elects a U. S. Senator to succeed Blair. It is probable that the pure Democracy will rule, Cincinnati, Oun, Dec. 31. Saint James Episcopal Church has been burned. ; It was valued at $40,000. The Indian War. ' San Francisco, Dec. 31. The mili tary sent to fight Indiahs have not yet succeeded in drawing the warriors from their stronghold at Ben Wright's cave. Every strategy Jto dislodge them, thus far has failed. Ilowiltzers and bomb shells, which have arrived from Fort Vaucouver, will be u?cd against them. Additional troops have been stationed at Fort Klamoth. Captain Jakes band has been increased, and now numbers over 400 warriors, who are all well armed aud have the reputation of , being good fighting men. J .' Col. Bud Do bio arrived last night, with "Rosalind Elms " and "Dan Voor hecs," which.wcre taken to the agricul tural park to-day, to go iiitp training to race with Accident. Observance of New Year's Day in in New York Birth and Deaths at Sea. ' New York, Dec. 31. The stock ex change, the produce exchange, "the. custom house, banks and stores through out the city close to-morrow. No evening papers in this city; will be issu ed to-morrow. It 13 reported that the steamer Casta Riea had her pfropeller broken on" Dee. the 10th in the Gulf of Mexico. '.The Bark Columbia, from Bremen, after 74 days rough passage, arrived this morn ing. She has3G7; passengers, and had two births and 22 deaths on the pas sage. Foreign ftews. Madrid, Dec. 31. Senor Zorilla, President. of the Council, in a speech yesterday repudiated the idea that any intervention from loreign countries would be alio wed by the Government in the matter of forms in the Jpamsh colonies. - - London, Dec. 31. The weather to day is tempestuous. Some damage to shipping reported. Sir Bartle Fi ere is expected to reach Zanzibar by the middle of January. Montreal, Dec. 31. A fire occurred in St. Peters street. The loss amounts to $500,000. The thermometer is 15 degiecs below zero. Female Voters Susan D. Anthony In Limbo. Rochester, N: Y., Dec. 31. Four teen female voters gave bail. Susau B, Anthony refused to give bail and was remanded to the custody of the Federal Mar.-hal. Washington Affairs. Washington, D. C, Dec. 31 Ru mors ot Cabinet changes are all. un founded.' Boutwell however, will quit if elected Senater from Massachusetts, NO. 229. NOON DISPATCHES. The.IiOnisiaia Muddle. New I York, Jan. 1 TheT World say3 that several of the Sub -Committee of the Louisiana delegation are still in this City and are daily receiving as surances' that the people of the North are beginning thoroughly to understand their cause and the situation of affairs in Louisiana. They pronounce several tJegrams froni New Orleans, by- way of Washington, which assert thatythe peo ple of New Orleans and Louisiana have quietly acquiesced in the situation u-itrue. ; . .': ." ' y. A. Tribune Washington dispatch says: Some Louisiana liberals' are now in this City discussing the shortest way out of i the political muddle in that State. They say that matters have become so rnjtch mixed up there that they can see no method of remedy except in some- sort of reconstruction. They propose that Congress shall pass a resolution declaring that a Republican form Governmet shall no longer exist in Louisiana, and that it then proceed to order a new election. The ;Sun to day calls upon Congress to make thorough investigation into the Louis iana case when it re assembles. The Sun relutes the assertion that 'tis.useless to investigate the causes ot the quarrel in Louisiana, and says this .disposition to shirk from the discharge of a great duty like that which has arisen in that Statu is an alarming sign of the times.So that to say that a thorough discussion of this Louisiana business will do no good is simpiy an excuse ior neglecting; a duty, whose performance requires skill ana nerve. New York Affairs. . New York, Jan. 1. The,; weather is bright and.clear,this'mornmg, and'the streets in good condition, the slush having frozen. V ? All the stores and places of business are closed. Every body intent upon enjoying the holiday in calls. By the falling of the scaffolding at the Liberty Copper' mines,. Federiek county, Marylaud, yesterday, twenty six miners 'were precipitated several hundred- feet, into a pit; eight were seriously injured. . ; . A-Times New Orleans dispatch say it is rumored thatl there will be an at tempt to inaugurate the McEnery State officials the 0th inst., and trouble is anticipated. - ' A. T. .Stewart presented one thou sand dollars to the fund for disabled foreigners. . . The last accident jof the year was the explosion ol a sodal water fountain at May's factory, Rose street, last night. One man. was injured and the building badly damaged. " was burnedlast night. Xss 'seven teen thousand dollars. - , - General Intelligence. Galesbury, III., Jan 1. Eight of the finest! stores in Metropolitan Block are burned.: Loss $100,000. The Opera House was saved by demolishing the adjoining houses. jk Boston, Mass., Jan. l.-tfire broke out in granite building No.81, Wash ington street. Loss $50,000. " Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 1. The loss by ice to-day is estimated at $200,000. Chief loss in . coal barges torn from moorings. ; ' Later. At half past 10, the ice in the' river'gorged and stopped , running. At a few minutes past 11, it commenced to move slowly again. The 50th street ferry boat was thrown on the Kentucky shore opposite the lower part of the .city.; About fifty barges have been crushed to pieces and scattered along the shore on both sides of the river below the citv. v( Foreign Affairs. Berlin, Jan. l.-s-Prosecutions have been instituted against all Roman Cath olic journals in this city and in the Pro vince, which have published the recent Papal -Allocution. The excitement on this, subject is increasing throughout the Empire. Adams lledivious. New York, Jan. 1. Mr. J. 3. Adams, Emigrant Commissioner, and who disappeared Saturday last, has re turned to his hotel in Jersey city. New York Markets. J New York. December SI. Money closed at 7. Gold 11. Gold sterling closed steady at 9. Governments closed very strong. State bonds dull and steady, , . . Cotton quiet; sales '73$ bales ; upUnds 20V,; orleaus 21. Southern Flour quiet and steady. Whibkey unsettled, 9S offered.-r Wiieat, spring, held at 2a3 cent higher. Com shade firmer with a fair speculative dem and Rice quiet, 7t8y. Pork lower at $:8lArk Steady: Tallow, Erleghts and Na VaS quieu . .' : .' Foreisn Markets. - TiOXOoN. December 31. Consols 5IJilil. Fives &)U. . . . : - : Frankfort, December 31. Bonds 05,' j,. Paris, December 81. Kentes 52aS5. LiVSRPobu December 31. Cotton opened firin, uplands 10Kal0; orjeans U)4. 'Tutal sales since December 20th TttfKW;- export 5.000 ; speculation 7;000. -,r,,"": - Later Ct ion firm; sales 12,00.;: specula tion and export 2, X)0. .',;. ' . Ualtimore Markets. DaltimOre, December -81. Wheat ferm;" choice white $2 2Qa2 3J; ambe" 20a2 oi). Corn white 3aC5; yellow 02a(l..-Oats steady at 4Sv0. Provisions q.uiet and un chansied. rVhiskey 0Vv- . - Wilmington . Markets. WiLJtiisGTON, December 31. Spirit tur pentine steady at T". Kosin quiet ?3.1- lor strained. - , , ; f'rude Ttrnen tine steady. 3 00 for hard; 4 75 forye&ow dip and virgin, r Tar market steady at 2 do. . . Cotton' Markets. Cai.timore, December .11; cltou ilim; middlings; 20. -i Wilmington-, Dece rhiddlinss'10. mt)er,;u. Cotton dull; f ah t t v iioofnliAr 81. Cotton firm: good ordinary m ; middllngs-y. 'Nokfolk, December 31. Cotton firm and higher; low m'ddlingsJ. Nkw Orleans, .December 31. Cotton active; good ordinary low middliuys Ifyi; middlings 19. ,, ' ,s Memphis. December L Cotton firm; middlings 19. - i ' '; TOO BL'SllELS AYlIhJAT ERAN, am lbs. cotton seed Meal. " . 200.00 bushels white corn meal, , V f : K I DAILY NEWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertlOH....M.;....:...j..5 1 ) One square, two Insertions ........... 1 50 On square, three insertions.....,;.......,!:..,' 2 00 One square, six insertions ...... . ;J fio One square, one month............ , 8 00 One square, three months... ..!!!. 1 w One square, six months. 30 00 One square, t'.: elve months,. 5000 or larger advertisements, liberal con tacts will be made, Ten lines solid non pareil const! tute qne square. - -' rai. esta 'exchange. iITglTn ' real estate exchange. - Under Raleigh National Barik. Land buyers-may rely on Purchasing direc ; rom tn Property Owners No Middle men or Agents allowed to Speculate - I ". or charse an advance on the . ...... Owner's price of Farms, &c. ' HO C'SES AND BUILDING . LOTS F O II iS Jl I, E- maistf TCTORTII CAROLINA LAND -t- COMPANY.. EST ABL SUED ' :-. .TO j -;' P R Q.Jtt O T E T H E SAL E m -- - - " .. of . i ' ; i LANDS, AND EXCOEEAGE EMIGEATION TO ! ro ii tii ci n o OFFICE; Ilalcishi JTorth Carolina, This Company has been lni successful op eration oyer, three years, and continues to Buy, feell, Lease or Rent Real Estate, upon commission or otherwise, on the most fa,- '-: vorable terms. : t ' Parties having lands to sell, will find, it to ' their interest to call at our office, or corres pond with us, as our facilities for sehinp are increasing every day. t . Large tracts are renderedmsore saleable by being divided. . . . This Company Is favorably known at home and abroad, asthe large number of emigrants it has introduced and located in this,8tate, fulls attests. " . . - t. Parties entrusting business iif their " hands, have the best .assurance, that they, will be fairly represented. J ' Address all communications to th North -Carolina Land Company, or to WUliam - William Scott, Secretary. nov7-tf Presidentr MERCHANT TAILOR. R'S T IN THE MA R K ET WEIKEL LEADS THE VAN. THE 'LARGEST ;sTOUK OF GENTS rURNlSUING GOODS BROUGHT TO RALEIGH. C. Weikgirfcakesgreat pleasure in inform ing his manyfriends and patrons that he has j ust returned from New York, with the .' largest and most attractive stock of goods of every description ever brought to this:u market. My stock embraces in part, ' - '----.l-J- ' i French, English and German BROADCLOTHS, - ; DOESKINS, - .,' ' ' i VESTLNaS, &C. ENGLISH 2LELTON, ENGLISH KERSEYS, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH. CHENIOT. . Beavers of all Descriptions, -' for Suits and Overcoats. To all of which, I invite a careful inspec tion from the public. -- . . In the mechanical department of my " House Will be found only the very best workmen, and all work turned out, I tait confidently guarantee, , - 5" Orders from a distance respectfully . solicited, and personal attention given vj2V the same. v ' j .-. sept!9-tf rptfjs .JSAUKLSIOIJ COTTON GLN . H a 2: n p 9 C a ; This Gin, manufactured by O. W. Massy, Macon, Ga., will pick, faster and 'cleaner than any other, and will not break. The rolfis rat proof, and is fully warranted to perform .well- in every respeet. Send In your orders early, as the demand is very great. -.- . . -' 1 . Apply to I". E. SMITH, Scotland Neck. N. C. Agent for North Carol ilia and Virginia Local Agents Wanted . :inne 1-tf. . ' '" . . - ' . . rji O S T O O K R A I 8 13 II S T have for salev at .'my plaiiatioii; Lin wood, Davidson eouiity, N. C, live thoriis!i bred JSORTII UliVONlilTLLH, from twelve months to two yeai: old. Prices fnnv2r to SW according to'ae and choice. Address me at Haw Iliyer 1. )., Alamance count y, v c Tirny if 4lin.v. no-K m A, N.N U A L 'ME E TING The 'Annual Moetiagf the. Stockholders of tho NoitU .Caioiina Home Insnranee Company, will be lieldat their ofileo In this citv, on Tuesday, the Hthtlay of January, 17S, at 11 o'clock, A M - BEATON GALES, , dec25-td - - ; Secretary. J U S T RE C E I V ED 75 bbls now Sack Flour. ".' - r10 boxes Cream Cheese. - 5 kegs Leaf Lard. At FOOL & MOIilNGS, oct23 ' Wholesale Grocers. o FFICE ROOMS ,T O LE T 4 rooms for rent, second story, corner "Wilmington and Martin (streets. Apply to '.1 . IRHMlc' " - - - ' "

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