DAILY NGBH- RATES OF ADVERTISING, One square, He insertioa.MMM.w...M.. 1 00 One square, two lnsertion8.....-. 1 50 On square, three lnsertlonsUt-. ' 2 00 One square, six lngfti-ttmiq ,,,... ,..,,., .. 3 50 , One square, one EaontliWMMH.M.ii. 8 00 One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months 30 00 One square, twelve months,..,........ 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. 1 - . ! . .( j . ' , CASH NVAJlUliLY IX ADYAKCE. .'"'' I no waily news will be delivered to 'iubscribera afc..KiKTKEN: cents per week i i . . a i - ' i 1 . r .. 1 1 . rler weekly. Mailed at t'i I TV VU.. v-erunnr.ru ; nonths. brShfnionths; S2forthr'e J VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C.. FRIDAY M011NING. JANUARY 3. 1873. NO. 230. f-ho vV KtCKLT NEWS at $2 per annum. O AlLY NEWS. j '"N'R fc UZZELL, - Proprietors. Fayetteville Street,' ; i '.v W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. " - ' - -,: fV-' v. -:- ' . , WewS 10 0 .000 MORNING EDITION it A : N 1 i I F T- .'IJ O N C IC It T in. J presentation to the -holders of ticket 9 of rr, UH.VUTIFULTJ.Y-LOCATED FRIDAY.. 4. JANUARY 3. 1873. Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will fbe charged Fil teen Cents per line. i ., J3T All parties ordering the News will please, send the money for the time the paper is wanted. r. t t i an Tj a t s M the 11. 'v f ml elegant ea-sido resort, V U E D E . L ' E A U ,,' iM nn(on Iloaib Opposite Fortress Source Yirciuia, TOGETHER I VIT11 TICKETS ONLY $5 EACH. ! . . ' " 5 '-. - : ' Tlie how. attractive andbeautifnlly-located southern Seaside watering place, named Messrs. Griffln and Hoiffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4' South Street. Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL .MATTER. E. C. WOODSONf City Editor 1 ' r h ijr . Local. Briefs. I Yacciuatioa 13 all'Ute racjc here now: , Ii continues very juicv under foot. Work upon the nev,- Fair Grounds has commenceiL Wil- . A slight scrimraa2: enlivened minton street yesterday. A small house, convhtiently locate J, V? wanted. Apply at this office. Judge Tourgee is holding a special term ot the Wayuef county-Supeiior Court. . V U K P E L ' e A r; lljuhptou Roads, nearly opposite For tress Monroe, Virginia, in lull view of that fortress. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Day, and James River, with a water view unsur passed in America, where every luxury of ea and land Is obtainable, was opened to the public for the first time the past season, and havin proved a success unparrelled in the history of seaside resorts, has in duced the stockholders to make an effort to greatly enlarge its capacity so a to ac commodate the great public; to this end they nave determined toolTer inducements of ho ordinary character, in the shape of ;t GRAND GIFT CONCERT, v mans of. which they hope to be able to to execute their public-spirited and , laudable undertaking ot making . V IT E DEL' EAT the A couple ol wagons lyesterday- after noojn stalled on Martintreet just below the Post-office. 1. "'e hear that the hyjbcneal torch is to be several times lighted in this city lvtorc balmy May'usbtfs in the flowers. Gov. C;aldvell haa reeived an invita tion to attend the Prison Reform Con vention, which mecl.3 pin Battitnore on the 21st inst. - -'. t The Euzeliaa and ffPhilomathesian Literary. Societies of Wake Forest Col lege, celebrate their 08th anniversary on 14th 01 next. month. wqmun on Cabar- anitisement vester- i n rut I Seaside llesorl of the iyAith Vs iiuU-cements to the public every u purchase ticket, they jropoe 1 ent as where o pro- ril ltH TMAS G I F T f ihe purchasers of tickets, by distribution by lot, the following magnificent gilts : . i Gift in Gr"?nbckH, of $ 5.WX) Gi fts in Greenbacks, of $1,XX each, 5,(MX A) Gifts, in Greenbacks, of SoOO each, 10,km) 75 Deautifully located Cottage Lots, " by the sea," 30 by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at $400, 30,00i) J)t other beautifully located Cottage. Lots, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue ie . L'Eau, val-ued at $200 each, -l0o0-l"0 Gifts, in Greenbacks, of V.) osch, li'.mt) A drunken negro i rus street furnished dav morning for a crowd of street ! gamins i'or nearly an hour. ! it The annual uleetmgfof Hook and Ladder Comp&ny No. 13 for the election of officers for the ensuing year, will be held this evening at 7 o'clock, at Fire men's Hall. A full and prompt attend ance is requested, r ,1 : . A new dish has been inuaaurated at one ol our leading citjr restaurants Chinese sausage, i he riieat from which it is made was hung at fine front door of the said restaurant vfsterday , We'll take'the other kind. 1 1 ! Gifts, valued at -0,000 TICKETS AT 5 EACH. I'nc Grand' Concert-will -take place in the' The Christmas Tree loii; New Year's evening a: St. Augustine (colored) Chapel, for thechildrenf of the Sunday School, was a very pleasant affair. The children enjoyed the occasion hugely, and were very grateful to the friends of the school for their liberality. ' f - : Ciptain Whitejthc Egister of Deeds for AVake county, issued C9 marriages licepses last month, and yyet he remains m single NORFOLK OPERA HOUSE, " On Thursday Evening, Feb. 20, '73, i). I will in itself be a full consideration for' the price charged for Ad mission Tickets,; The distribution of Gifts .will take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast aa"eof the Opera House, and in lull view of the audience, under the immediate su pervision of the President and Directors of the Vuede L'Eau Company, and the fol ' lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that the gifts are properly distributed as adver- ilon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, iion A S Watts, Mwyor of Portsmouth,., Col Walter II Tayler, of Norfolk, ,. Hon John D Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, " ' .."' James G Holladay, Esq., of Porfmouth. The Hoard of Directors is composed of the following gentlemen, whose well known character ior integrtty, honor, and public enterprise are so well known as to guaran tee success, and a lair and Impartial distri bution ol the gifts : . -Major Georji vV. GricePresident Bank of Portsmouth, ''',.- , , t -kt Col William Lamb, Pr widen t Mrst Na tional Bank, A'orfolk, , Gen V D Groner, General Agent Loston St eamship Company, . . Captain Nathaniel Burruss, SouC &Co.f VV'aBhington Reed, Et(i.rof Peters & Reed Merchants, , J . , E G Ghio, Esq., Superintendent Seaboard and Roanoke Railrotd. . . Kobert J Neety, Esq., of 11 J & W Neely Marshall Parks, Esq.r President-Albe marle 3fc Chesapealte uauai company, , E C Lihdsey. Esq., Real Estate Broker, VV-Uliam H White, Esq., Attorney at Law, "tuo distribution'' will bo by blindfolded persons or children, from two wheels, one of which will contain gifts on printed slips wealed in envelopes of the same size, the other will contain tags, with numbers on them corresponding with all the tickets sold after the contents of both wheels are thoroughly mixed by revolving, the person . at the-first wheel will take a number there lrom and then the person at the second wheel will take a gift therefrom, and the ift thus taken will belong to the number f.. iron immediately before it. tuis process will continue the numbers and gifts being -1 nnhnnlv announcea until iub wuoie lour cussedness himseii. liice an old cunning rat, he leaps, the way- for .others to the trap, and never nibblesiat the bait himself." . ;. -Mnndred and and one gifts are distributed.. to us the public will readily see there can i, no- fraud, collision, or knowledge ol t o-ift anv number will set. Should tlie tickets be hot all sold Iwhen the concert comes off, the presents will be 'distributed, in proportion to the number SIt'is hoped the public will promptly re Hpond to thistibrt to establish upon a hrm tmsis a delighvul resort during the heated month. . TICKETS ONLY 5 EACH. - -. - , a- rency Gifts "An De paid in casli at our . 'tiiicina ""'.."tho city of'Norfolk; on , , t-entation of the cmel!4 entitled thereto, L Mhout discount. For l'urtiier. paruosir8 ami for tickets, ,r!v to tn uuuwo'b- who nave under r'feii exclusive "Cial ; The largo fancy -clocK, one of the finest parlorv ornaments wTe ever saw, valued at $120, Js to lie raffled off at Nat. L. Brown's store fvs soon as the chances are all t&ken.. Sixty chances at $2 each, and more than half taken. This is a capital opportunity for lucky ones. . A ietter was received a; the Executive office yesterday, from a citizen of one of our Western counties, asking the Gov ernor to grant him a divorce from his wife. As to the reply ofj his Excellency to the request ot this unfortunate Bene dict, wc are not infofined, but we think he will hardly putksunder whom rGod has joined together.! . We return our thanks o Messrs, Mil ler & Nelson; Restaurantlurs. for a fine canvass-back duch,which we will enjoy to-day to the full extent df our capacity. These srehtlemen have o iff hand at all times the very choicest"f wild game and disDense the same at their lunch counter, fixeck up bv'the well known caterer, Freeman, in any style to suit. The American Geographical Society, Cooncr Institute, have applied to the State authorities to furn&h them with maps, larae photographs 01 scenery, geographical and geological reports and statistical iniormation as fnay oescpor tray the geographical leatires, represent the true condition of commerce and trade ol this State.' This Society is col lectincr data ot this description in all of the States, in order to illustrate the un tqualcd advantages oJ ohr country at the great Vienna International Exposi tion, which is to open May 1st, 187.3. . I ;' Ed Lane, Jr., an attachaof the Yar boroufrh 4iarber shop, vesfierday after noon launched a snow-bail, compound ed of snow, rock and mud, at another colored.- boy who was pacing in front of the hotel. The missile? took enect iust where the iugular veil crosses the tmrotid "land, and laid tholuufortunate vouco'ster senseless for a short while Policeman Mitchell, alias jBoot?, came iilon'r and marched tiie Isnow-ballist beibre the Mayor- who, aftc reprimand ing him on 'the heinousess of his olience, consigned him to ihe lock uj for Ihc spaceof two hours ip "chew the cud of sfceet and bitter .lanies." Old Dominion Magazine. The De cember number of this excellent peri odical published at Richmond, Va has reached its, and the choice matter with w hich it is filled made it a wel- come visitor, me contents cmurace articles from some of the most popular writers in Virginia, which will be pad with interest. , 'Gertrude of Wyoming,' by T. B. Balch, D. D., is a pleasant Story of Virginia life in former days ; "The Nightingale," trpnslated lroni the French, is concluded; Hannah Marsh contributes quite a readable ' ittle romance lentitled "Buried, but not Dead ;; the conclusion of the interest ing story by Mrs. N. . Ogg, ''Carrie Clifton," is given. A chapter on "Mar bles," by Win. N. Nelson, is decidedly good, and brings to mind the hanpy days or boyhood.' A short Crmstmas story, entitled "The Little Red Break- last Cape, byJMary Wilkinson,and 'l he Iron Captain,' are both excellent. A very interesting sketch or "Home,77 and its author, John Howard Payne, is also good reading ; and the same may be said of a revicw of Gen. Wise's "Seven Decades of the Union." Mrs. Wallace concludes her charming story of "Mrs." 'Judge i Clayton's Post-ofhce" m this number. In addition to the above will be found some sweet pieces of poetry ; "the Editor's Table," full of reliable items ; book, notices, and useful house hold recipes by Mrs. Judge Clopton.i We hope the Old Dominion will meet liberal support during the present year. As it has great merit we recommend it to the reading public. The subscrip tion price is $2,50 per annum. A IIealtuy Old Chap. There is a man in Alamance county who is 79 years old ;' has been married four times, all four of his wives are dead. He had eight daughters and one son, the so havimr 'died an Linfant. His eight daughters have been married,- foifr of whom are living and four dead. His eight daughters gave birth to 73 chil dren, forty of whom have married, and hadnearly .400 children ; of , the 400 children, nearly all are young, but some have married, and raised some 50 chil-, dren; several of whom have married and had about .15 children. Five of these have also married, and. raised about fj children. To sum up, this man had 4 wives, 8 daughters and 1 son ; 73 grand-children, 50 great, great grand-children, 15 great, great; great grand-children, and 6 great, great, great, great grand-children. He is just old enough to marry again, and proba bly will. : Newsiana. 1 A. Q. Cumber get oil the lollowmg: What fruit resembles a portion ot a ady's dress ? The apple for Eve par- ook of it and created a bustle in the7 Garden of Eden. Tenderness of heart should not com pel a milkman when watering his tired horse to do the same by his weary milk cans, even: 11 they nave riacien aDout the city' awhile. . An old man's advice to a young man, is don't love two girls at once. Love is a good thing, but it is like butter in warm weather it won't do to have too much on hand at once. The bravest man yet discovered a ellow who heard a noise in the cellar, anjl carefully avoiding disturbing his wife, crept on the root with a pistoi, and remained there all night. Old Mayo dosen't believe in chest protectors. He says he tell on ins lace the other night, and hurt him just as badly a3 if he didn t have one on. Dobbs mention that the young poet who went about sighing for "An angel in the house," got married recently, and now he sighs more than ever. --'.'.- It is suggested that in building raib roads the rails should be heated red hot, so that the workmen will lay them down rapidly. . . Virtue has be'$h. given a new start by the burning of a Take f act oryout west. The Addkess o-s.-EjjrANciPATioN Day. In our last issue, our readers will re- member,.we alluded to the address of Chas. N, Otey, col., the orator of Eman cipation Day, in complimentary terms. In order to how that our words of Cbinmendation 'were neither ill-timed nor Out of place, we give thefollowing extract, and we are sure no one can take issue with the sentiments therein" ex pressed. We only. regret that our ex perience leads us to believe that the wholesome advice conveyed, , will fall unheeded upon the ears of those for whom it was intended: ; '"I believe there is also a growing tendency among us to hate white men, especially those who differ from U3 in politics. This is decidedly wrong. We were all born and jajsed in this country together and together we are to live. We can't afford to wage a war of races, and for those men who teach you, in in flammatory speeches, that the whites are our enemies, I have the most decid- Election of Officers. At the last regular meeting of Oak City Council, !Nb. 16, Friends of Temperance, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: - President Rev. L. Branson. Associate. E. A. Johnson. Chaplain. Rev. R II. Whitaker. Secretary W. M. Utley. Treasurer Mrs. M. E. Whitaker. Financial Sec'y Mrs. Carrie Whit . jlgr ' Conductor W T Utley. "; Asst. Conductor I. W. Rogers. ; In. Sentinel J. H: Atkins. Steward W. C. Carter. TELEGRjlPIIIi; JTE 1FS. NOON DISPATCHES. ed contempt They purposes, and know do it lor selfish that they speak falsely in thu3 addressing you. . The white man is our friend ; he ha3 shown this, but lie has as much right to differ from us m politics as we from him, and neither do right in censuring the other."; ; - , "Let us do out duty 1 as we under stand it,and leave it to every man's con science to perform his own. We have no right to dictate how any man shall vote. We don't all have the same understanding ; every man does not see through the same things eyes, and a colored man has as much right to exercise his, free will as the greatest man in the land. Freedom ot opinion and freedom of speech are rights guaranteed by the Constitution of our glorious country. , Let' time show men their folly ; revilings, stones and clubs can never do it, for if you "convince a man against his will he'll be of the same opinion still." "We are living in a fast age.. Let U3 drop old prejudices, adapt ourselves to the times in which we live,, and keep pace with the march ot truth and free dom. We must not be laggards in the race. We have a great work to perform, and let us go. about it manfully. "Get education then, for "knowledge is power ;" get weallh, for it will carry you where nothing else can enter." . Pegasus in Full Speed. On the principle that the hair of the dog is good for the bite, we insert the follow- imT fmm on. npocinncl cnrroennnlonf with the hope that the purpose of the gifted author of this grand poetical ef fusion will be speedily accomplished. If his verses will have the effect he intended, we shall feel under lasting obligations for bis kind services ia rid ding us of a grpat annoyance Dear Woodson : In your paper of the 1st inst., occurs the following threat : " If sorne of the poets in this section don't quit sending us poems we 'will write sgme poetry ourSelve and pub-. lish it." The divine ajaius.instahtly seized us, and a few turns on the crank of our poetical organ produced the verses be low. It will save vow the trouble of carrying out your indignant threat, and this shof fired at the poets and pqet-ass-ters,will dismount every one of their Merry New Callers. Cer made himself illustrious bv chroniclinir 4he adven tures of Don Quixote. Bunyan, alter the lapse ot; many years, still lives in the mir.ds of men by his beautitul allegory of the Pilgrim's Progress. But what elo quent pea shall describe the adventures ot ye merry Raleigh New Year's Call ers ? We leave the ! task to others and only give above the style in which they went. V .Classes in tiie German Language -As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, Mr. August Doepp, of this City, offers his services as an ipstructor of those who desire to obtain an "accurate knowledge ot the German language. Mr. Doepp is a gentleman of culture, and in every way competent to fulfill his contract in this respect, lie also possesses the advantage of speaking fluently and thoroughly understanding the grammatical construction oi.tne English language. See his advertise ment. ' , Unbailable Letters. The follow-' t.i. i.' -ll. i. V. TI n 4- 4-1 r ing is tne use 01 letieis nciu-. wjo post-office in this city, for lack of pro per postage: J.F.Young, Concord ,N.C; W. A McMulliri, Louisburg, N. C ; N. Vesson rihonfil Hill. N: )C: Daniel Davis Ocrocoke, N. C ; Penelope Draughon, Engfield, N. C ; Rev. W. F. Walters, Forestville, N. C ; Mrs. W. 15. ltoyan, Wake Forest, N. C. Death of an Old Citizen. We regret to announce the death of Thomas R. Debnara,.Esq., an old and highly respected citizen of this county. Mr. Debnam died of pneumonia at his residence at Eagle Rock, oh Wednesday afternoon, in the 67th year ol ins age. He leaves a large family, and his demise will be sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends. L.oss of Diamonds Grant Making a Scape Goatot the Attorney -General. New York, Jan. 2. Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs: Davenport lost their diamonds at the Fifth Avenue Theatre fire. Musical instruments, musicand library are lost. Mr. Daly had no insurance. Loss over a quarter pf a million. Valuables in the safe were lost. The Theatre beloqged to Jarnes Fisk's widow. Subscription have been, started lor the burned out Thespians. A Heralds' Washington dispatch says' : - It! appears . that Attorney GeLeral Williams has been used as a cover for usurpation byFederal bayonets in the Louisiana trouble. He is allowed to be made the target ot attack in order to shield President Grant personally from the qdiuai attached to the high handed action of the Government. At torney General Wiliiams has merely executed the orders of his chief. He has done nothing of his own volition in the matter. The dispatch signed by him and addressed ; to . Pinchback, recognizing him as the rightful Gover ner and the Kellogg faction in the State House in New Orleans a3 the rightful Legislature was dictated by President Grant himself. It is even said that it went against his legal conscience to carry out the instructions ol the Presi dent ' , . . Foreign News. , London. Jan. 2. The I02 ot the steamship Minnesota, which arrived at Liverpool Tuesday last, from New York, shows that her cargo 01 cotton was on fire when the vessel was five days out from the cotton port. One hundred and fifty bales were destroyed. v 1 '-- Emigration Convention . Macon, Jah 2. The State Emigra- tion Convention is in night sesion. The - Hon. J. F. Long has been elected perv manent President. Two hundred dele gates arepresent. ' "'- . i ' Boutwell Ahead in the Massachu setts Senatorial Race, Boston, Jan. 2. The organization of the Legislature indicates that Boutwell will be chosen Senator to succeed Sum- ner. . -, f ; '' .: .,.' .. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. More Wrecks stabbms Affairs. New York, Jan. 2. The Govern-" ment bougbt no bonds to day. The ship Bennington, from Liverpool for Calio, was wrecked off the Canaries. A boat with eight reported lost. Seven stabbing cases are reported last night. Two or three will prove fatal; - r New York Markets. -- . , . , t New .York. January 2. Money closed stringent l-la3-16 per cent; commission. Goldllallv Gold sterling closed steady . at Q)4- Governments very little doing. State bonds d.u tl and steady, V- ' Cotton quiet; sales l,6ts0 bales' ; uplands orieans2Ui Southern Flour qniet.ancl hieady. VV hlskey heavy and lower at iM5. Wheat, shade nrmer moderate demand. , Corn moderate request and steac'y.- Rice ' quiet, 7aSX. Pork lower at ZIX T LaTd . steady Tallow, Freights and Navls -quiet. Cotton Js'et receipts to-day '797; ' gros ' 5,497. - - . Sales for future delivery to-day, 9,350 bales as follows : January li)-16al9 54: Feb ruary 20Ja'20-S ;March a)ji20K ; April 20'4-' a2it5i; May 21 i-l6a21; June 21a2J. " Foreign Markets. ' v London, January Consols a 9174 . ,Fives;9C.. :, ,., " ."' Pakis, January 3. Rentes 52a95. . ' . Fbaxkfort, January 2. Bonds 95. LivIsrpool, January 2. Evening Cotton ' firm, uplands 10al0;. Orleans 10. . Total "; sales since December 20th 76,000: export 5,000 ; speculation 7,000. . , : Later Da'tt'on firm; mIps 12 (MS; snftftnl.i-" 'tion and export 2,000.' ; r Baltimore Markets." firm: Baltimore, ! January 2. Wheat choice white S2 20a 30;' amber ti 20a2 30. Corn white 63a65 ; y ellow4 62a64.: Oats steady at 4ia5d. Provisions quiet-Jind un changed. Whiskey - Wilmington Markets. Wilmington-, January 2. Spirits tur pentine steady at 55. Kosin quiet 83.10 for .strained. . , Crude Turpentine steady, 3 00 for hard";. 4 75 for yellow dip and virgin, : Tar market steady at ?2 55. ' Cotton Markets.. - Baltimore, January '2. Cotton firm ; middlings 20. .. - . Wilmington, January 2.06tton firm middlings 19). - ' ' '; ' Mobile, January 2. Cotton firm ; good ordinary lSj; middlings 19, - ( Norfolk, January ' 2.-Cottoni flim and higher; low middlings 18 -; : : ;.; New Orleans, January .2. Cotton fair demand, good ordinary 18; low middlings 19; middlings 19, - . i;:;.- , " Memphis, January 2. Cotton firm; mid; . dlings 19a20. ' ' i MERCHANT 1 TAILOR. I II ST IN T HE MARKET CHuncn Calender fob January. ic following is the Calender for this month of the Catholic and Episcopal Churches : Second Sunday after Christmas. Epiphany. , First Sunday alter Epiphany. Second Sunday after. Epiphany. Third Sunday after Eppihany. 5. 7. 12. 19. 26. guns in a BY twinkling : LINE3 TO KATE A. DAM MIOOLE, JR. , ESQ.,' flimsy stuff, Our barber says there isj one chin that's never shaved ran urchin. Among the.beaux no hues ih a cravat are admissible but blue and black. . Strange Bedclothes Three sheets in the wind. ; - .1 Musical IIeukion. On Wednesday evening jprot. urotz entertainea a num ber of musical friends at the Piano ware-rooms ol Mr. Pirsson in this city. He periormed on one of Pirsson's grand square pianos. His rendition ot the com positions of Mendebshon-, Mozart,Beeth oven, Chopin, &c, was exeeuted in a style which only genuine lovers of mu sic and artists can properly appreciate. Our talented amateur' friends, Messrs. W. Royster and William Simpson, wTere on handiwith violin and flute, and added much to the pleasure of the eveniug'by their excellence performances.- Mr. Grotz is at the head of .the musical-, department of the school of the Misses Nash & Kollock, at Hillsboro. The thorough manner,!) which the Professor instructs his pupils reflects great credit, both upon himseii .and'the good judgment of the ladies in secur ing the services of such an accomolishcd musician. Of love in a cottage and such I sing the folly of such. The pathway of life is sufficiently t ough And jagged at heart to my touch. A cottage one-storywith. porches around - Mas ben tne tneme of a uarct ; His Idea may all be perfectly scuncV Lut 1 would prefer a "Mansard." Cf daffodils and jonquils, pray tell me no more, 1 Nor of bleating of sheep and of calves. Of rares amd things clinking over the door, I Uut i witn " sponauiicRs " go naives. The Poet who sang of love in this way, 1 I willingly bet you a dollar, Had no place at which he could stay Ana naa no shirt to his collar. The HoiiE Shuttle Sewing Ma- ciiine.: We invite especial attention to the card elsewhere concerning this ma chine, represented by JL. ii. Maxwell,. Esq., General Agent lor North and South y 1! 1 ! lnvrt.n nn1 T?! rn A ! TTia CiUlOllUa, vjrcoigia ivuu , a iuiju. address is either AtHnta, Ua., or Char lotte, N. C. He wai cants every machine five years. Raleigh Club. The annual general meeting of the "Raleigh Club" will be held at the rooms of the Club, this evening at 7 o'clock. A lull attendance of members is requested. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year ana other business of importance will come before the Club. The Revolution in Cuba Throat cutting and House Burning Still Going On,;Etc. r . Hanana, Dec. 30, via Key Wes-e. All the available regnlar troops in Ha vana, numberine? four" hundred, com manded bv General Chinchilla, went to Holquin on .Saturday. The volunteers consequently again -mount guard on fortifications about the city. Acting Captain General.Coballos has sent a Judcre Advocate to investfgatH the resent operations at Holquin. The iournals sayithat only five efficers and iour privates were itiueu ai, xaouuiu. The lusurgents carried off the regimen tal chest. . j Symdathiiers say the rebels will soon hold anjelection for the purpose of re placing! Cespedes with-Ignalio Agra monte is Presidentr' Their object is to create a favorable impression abroad and' avail themselves of Agramonte's superior abilities and energy. Havana, Dec: 31. Ou the night ot the 22nd ' inst. the insurgents attacked the town of Magaraboni Ibona and were repulsed by troops, not however before they had burned eight houses in, the town. i ; , On the ninrht of the 2S.th inst. the Gensd'armes repulsed a body of insur o-ents who were rnarchinsr to attacic a fortified Spanish camp at Maragua n. Suit Against an Insurance Company The Plaintiff Fails to Reedver. New York, Jan. -2. Madelane Battle, of Alabama, brought suit ip the 1 United States Circuit Court ot tins District, against the Mutual Life Insur ance Company of this city, to recover $19,000, the amount her husband's life was insured; for." She alleged in her WEIKEL LEADS THE, VAN. .: .' ; .- ''- . 'V : Tile; LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS EVER , "C. Weikel takes great pleasure in inform ing his manyfriends and patrons that he has just returned front New Xorlc with the largest and most attractive stock of goods of every description ever brought to this market. My stock embraces In part, ; French, English ajiid German BROADCLOTHS, ; ' ' . ; ' ; .: DOESKINS, .-.. ' . - VESTINGS, &C. ENGLISH MELTON, ; ; - ENGLISH KERSEYS, - SCOTCH AND ENGLISH CHENIOT. ' Beavers of all Descriptions, for SuitsimLQyercoals. To all of which. I invite a careful tnspec- ntaivom Hie public. v ;. In the mechanical department of ray House will be found only the. .very best workmen, and all work turned out, I au confidently guarantee, : t .. K3Orders from a distance respectfully solicited, and personal attention given io tue same. isep.u-u.. t4 ilavourneen." let such stuff " oTirl win-nil irAn non Then, Katie alcne, And ' eo in ForcottaffG love, darlintr. won't furnish a home i Except discord arid strife with a man. Then, Katie, my darling, gold is the thing-, And should ever it come my auoiage I'll build you a palace fit for a King, And then you may nave you a cottage. Police Items. Yesterday Montford Haywood and John Freeman, both colored,were interviewed by His Honor Mayor Whitaker, for indulging in a fisticuff in. the street. Montford having been proven the aggressor was, made to pleadings that she paid the premiums contribute $0 towards paying interest in city bonds. Mary Ann Moore, a dusky damsel of some unknown number ol summers, was arraigned lor sacrilegiously cutting the door ot Tunper's church. She was cautioned to sin no more in this direc tion, and allowed to go on her way re joicing. ; - . Badger management .1 mi- scnmc, " -.aiono are auinor to appoint agent . for the t)f n'rlvets. - . - , . BURRUSS, SOA& co , i',;vnier f and Financial Agcs - N f vuede L'l Companyt. O l P O L K , v . Ticket for sal ai CITIZENS'IN ATION AL It A. L E I Q H , N MEETING OF EXECUTIVK 'OHMlTTEE Aegular monthly meeting ot the Executive Committee cf thclState Agri cultural Society was h!d at the Yarborough Hotel last night, and ques tions of much interest to (he. Society Were discussed.' Owing to the bad weather of the Jast ti ice weeks-, the, building andr railing cormittee had made no progress since lat meeting, but designed doing so at once. The old Fair Grounds will at once be sur- veyed and laul off into lotsgand placed upon the market, i - .Sworn In. John Riley Esq , the Auditor elect, having put in an appear ance yesterday, was sworn into office ns Auditor .of the Stale by Justiee of 'thu Peace Whitaker, ami took possession ol lid office after filing a bond lo'r 20,- 000 Curtis 11. Broaden, the Lt. Governor elect, had' not up-to this writing (5 p., M. ) shed the. light ot his expressive and serene countenance anywhere in the vicinity ot the Capital. When lat heard from ho was midway between this' place and Goldsboro footing, it and as the road3 were very muddy, he was making but slow progress swith his untied shoes. This last piece of infor mation wc do not vouch for, a3 it, came in 'the 6hape of a rumor. We think the truo state of Lhe case is, that Curtis , is waiting lor the General Assembly to re-assemble, as he iocs not like to come upon "expenses." Temperakce. Rev. George Wetmore, President of the State Coun cil Friends of Temperance, passed through our city yesterday, returning from a short tour East, where he has leccntiy been speaking in behalf of Tempeiajce, We learn that Mr. Wet- more has,sincc he left his home in Rowan a few weeks since, visited Fayetteville, Lumberton, Launnburg, Rockingham, Wadesboro, Lilesville, and other points in the Pec Dee country Wilniiugton, Goldsboro, Wilson and Tarboro. In this campaign he has organized several new Councils of hi3 Order, besides re- . . . .1 - tit :? i i : orcanizinci otners. ue wish nun suu- ces3 in the good wprk. Batchelor, Edwards & Batchelop. In this issue will b 2 found the adver tisement of this new law co-pait nership. Of the two senior members of the firm, M(rs J. R. B itchelor and L. C. Ed Wards, it is needless to speak they have been rom ir.cn t in their profession for years.. Mr, W. P.' Batchelor, sop of ilm'-first. nnnied sientleman. and uinior See noti jc of change of schedule the North Carolina Railroal. of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. E.EATCHELOR. ' L. C. EdVAEDS. W. I'LUMJIER BATCHELOR. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North amoton and the Federal and Supreme Courts. II E jan3-tf T II O ME SHUTTLE.. !5. the first named j-entieinan. member -of tlie firm, is a ot- iriin li niomise. ana bids achieve the same distinction in the pro- voung junior lawyer fair to tVssion wlsich ot his father. has attcndfl ti,. career j Hop.' at -the. -National '.Hotel, We are informul that the young men of the city are going to give 'a dar.ee at the National Hotel ou next Wednesday evenin"-. Now a dance at any place is a good" thing, but when volt have the magnificent diuing room ; of this hotel as a ball-room to whirl your partners around in, it. i-s grand,;. as s would say, aeiigouui be present and want "lull to overflowing.' 37, O regularly to Thomas W. McCoy, agent for the Insurance Company in Mobile. The answer ot the Company that Mc Coy's power as agent had bee,n revoked about the commencement of the war in 1861 and that the plaintiff was duly notified of the revocation, and that ccn sequently anv payments she' might hato made since that time were of no bind ing effect upon the , Company: " Judge 'Bfatchford to day decided that the evi deuce did not sustain the allegations of the. Company. But also holds that the plaintiff tails to show she paid her pre mium at the proper date in 1SG3, or at all in 1S04 and therefore cannot recover. Another Railroad Accident 1 en Killed and Fifteen Wounded. Atlanta", Jan. 2. The up and down Dassenser tram collided on the Macon and Western Railroad, 87 milts from this ritv this morninsr. Licilit negroes were killed and 10 o;' '12 negroes and three whites injured. Three cars and ai cnine were wrecked. Carlotti Patti and troupe were oh board. Their wardobe a..d piano, are a total wreck. Mor.p of flu; troll nc were butt. Piitti was active in relieving the wounded Thp; r.pfroes were cmiirraUKji' to Mis - - ' -Q - . - sisippi. Health of Sninner Pubiic Debt Statement.- . WasiiinotO"; Jan. 2 tiuaiiitr had a bad niht, but 13 bei ter this morning. The statement .' oi, tlie jniouc debt for T H15 j-JACK'LblOR" COTTON G IK '.1 . Ttg&. WW ' ' tl " m- : jfeiilfii':.5 .: fir milw ' 5 - - . This Gin, manufactured by O. W. Massy, Macon, Ga wQl pick faster and cleantr than any other, tuid will not break. , The roll is rat proof, and is fully warranted JO verforra well ih every respect. ..Send in your orders early, a the demand is very KAiy to -.; T S K,11T11, Hcotianu Neck. C. . A"ent for Isorth uaroina.Jind Virginia Local' Inne 1-tf; Agfcnts Wanted. 7 H E REG V L A R A NNU A L tootinrr the Stockholueri of this Bank will be held' 011 the second Tuesday of Januarv, 1S7, being the. 14th day of the month.between the hoursof lOand io'tlcck, at their banking hon e in this city. 1'. A." WJLhl, dec21-coltm T- O ST DO rv II A S EtU S the-.:, past -. month siiovvs au iucieasc of $lG8,y30,780. The pay mthts during, tiie- month; have; been heavy t:nd thii ltd :ipls liuhr. tliC iaUiCS We -exptct to to! sec 'the room N O . 2 , -$ , THE BEST, CHEAP MACHINE, Makes the Lockstitch alike on both sides and will not ravel. . - . Will f'o any work the high priced ma- AeeLts wan'ed in territory not already taken up. ' Every IT-icJihie Wan anted fur b ive years Address, V J). G. MAXWELL. tlanta, Ga.. or Charlotte, N. C. General Agent for Krth ami South Caro lina. Georgia and Florida, jan 3-hm The coin baiau 'e-1 ii t i : I ruasurv. is 741.WV,S7o.- 7-4, "aud the eurreucy btiance is $887,- G57,o56. The special deposit ot Jegai tenders lor the redemption of certificites of indebtedness is 25,370X00, and the coin certificates are $23,203,000. I havo for hulo, at my plantation, Liu wood, Dijvi'ison county, N. C, live t inrugh orcd NOK'lii bh.VuN liLrLLs, trom twt-ive mouths to iw'o years Oid.--'rrieej tvtwi to ivC .rdiiij; to rtc atid rhoiee. Aduf me hI ll!..vaiSvt f r. o,, Alamance county, k.c. , lllUS. M HpLT. AH : t: a n E e ;im ng Weather Report, v Wasuington, Jan. 2. For Sbutli Atlantic Sta'es southerly to westerly wiiuh-, cloituv weather and rain. For the Gulf' bt Je vw nds veering to west erly b no.tLWi teriy, falling tempera ; ture and clearing weather y TS. - ThTlnmi.-il'TvtiJisf the Stoel-ihoUIere U-f Vne Jsoit'h t:u:i?iA" tiv.ms Ilistln-netj 1 Coihi. it; 'hriu at ineir ouioe y.unis . cily, oa l uesu ue uj . juuu.m j , -IfcTi at 11 o!c;JCk -A M ' ' dec2"-td : : . , . Secretary . ; ; : 1 . . , ' ir u n t. v '? Tir v r 75 bbls new Sriek Floor, J " Si iMixes c ream Chetse; h ! ; 5) kegs Leaf iard. At 100 L & M O HI N oct2J m Wholesale iiroi? is. t a r i V. M . n "t t. c -' A large Assortment latest styles just 1 llKAiSSON. hand. to