A7 Lfoy - - .... ? . - kvILY NEWSJ t I'ZZELL, - - Profkietoks. ATBTTEVll.i.13 HTKRET . C. Stronach A Co.'s Store. ASM INYAKIAHI.Y IN ADVAXCE. , . , ll.Y NKWH will be delivered to '....rs at fiktkkn cents per -week, itHM-!irrier weekly. Mailed at 7 " . iinin ; J-jOfor nix montliH; $2 forth re !1' 4u'I.V N'KVS.lf. S2lwr iiniinrr 0 O , O 0 0 .1 s x n' ; i i' t v o n c: k it t ,)t: licit t.'t!i')irMrtvof tickets of j A C TJFULLLY L 0ATEl if V rvr y M, O T S ti,i t:'f t?ut --ide r-i"rt. X: E D E L ' E A U iH feita R5als4 Opposite Fortrs Monroe, Virgiaii, roGKTUEll :A'IT1I j iCKETS ONLY $5 EACH. i u- now, attractive and beautifully-located -i . nuhril Seaside watering place, named DC L ' E A U . ii:uapton Itoads, nearly opposite For-.-,-s Monroe, A'irginia, in full view of that ..rirtss. Fort Calhoun, Chesapeake Bay, V James Uiver, with a water view uusur- '. tvMi in America, where every luxury of v-a and' land is obtainable, was opened to public for the flrsL time the past season, h having proved a success unpar relied i tiie history of seaside resorts, has in-' l'Ktd the stockholders to make an effort . i croat ly enlarge its capacity soas. toao mimoiUte the reat public; to this end Utv uave determined to offer Inducenieuts rio u ui nat y character, in th& shape of n CR4ND IJIFT CONCERT." ! . i h r.us of whiflithey hojo to be al.-lu-ti . . xeouio their public-spirited niai . uiJabie undertakiua oi making v r k in; ii f. at: 1 1 nd 6tiu'ulc lub'Ji't rf the S:t'. . f i -4 v - .);. rivu-.euts to the public e very v ;.? it') wher . i.urcisay tioKet,lliey proj pro Ut if- 'i ll LS-T AI 'jLS-l--i-r.i'"-. T K ", tM purchasers bt ticket, by distribution i.y lot, the follawiusinaniiicent gifts: : iift in Greenbacks, of -.' $ 5.0(X , ii Its in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, 5,0w i Gifts', in Greenbacks, of $oW) each, 10,x r. beautifully located Cottage Lots, " by the sea," 30 by tao leet, at. - Vue de L'Kau, valued at t RW, .flier beautifully located Cottage JjU, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue tie L l '.au, valued at $2U0 each, -'Gilts, ip, Greenbacks. oilu0 each. J ;:f's,' valued at f l'K'-J MMM TICKETS AT 15 EACH. ; :. Gin (id Concert will Sake place in the NORFOLK 0EltA HOUSE, -o Thursday Evenius, Feb. 20, ?73, v-, iii iii itself be a full consideration . lor the price charged for Ad-. i ;;o distribution of Gifts . will take place rniueaiaieiy Jiiter V, tatre of the Opera House, and in full view of me audience, under the Immediate su pervision of the President and Uirt;ctors of die Vue deL'Eau Company, and the fol l'wluis disUnguished gentlemen, wbo have kindly consented to be present and see that the guu are properlylistrlbuted as adver- ! lloiTjohn RLudlow, Mayor of Norfolk. Hon A S Watts, Myor of Portsmouth, Col Walter II Taylor, of Nortolk, . . Hon John U Vbitehead, l.x-Maj-or of Norfolk, , -'- James G Uolladay, Esq., of Portmouth. The iioard of Directors is composed of the iilowlnz gentlemen, whose well known cuaracter lor integrtty, honor, and public paterpriseare so well known as to guarau tfee success, and a lair and Impartial distri- Major George W Grlce. President Bank of J.ort!inoutn, . . Col William Lamb, President A'irst Na tl jnal Bank, Norfolk, .r, Gen V DGroner, General Agent, Boston 'Hpiain Nathaniel Burruss. bon A Co.. Washington iteed, Eaq of Peters & Keed t G GUio', Esq., Superintendent Bcaboard and Koanoke itailroid. ' ' , KobiM-t-j Nwiv. Esq.. of Ii J & W Neoly iiVKiii purlin. Esrj.. President Alhc- :nrle & Chesapeake Canal Company, u- t i nauA' w.un.. ltpal FAate Broker, William hi. White, Esi;, Attorney ut .Law, l ife iS'strllintlon will be, by blindfolded r-?rs.ns or children, from two wneeis, one f whidi will contain gltu on printed slips tied in envelopes of tho same size, tne '.iher will contain tags, .witli. numbers on ateiu corresponding with all the tickets sold; after the corfteuta of .both wheels are liioroui'hly mixed by revolving, the Pf''a at the lirsi wheel will take a ivumber there horn, and then the person at tho seconu vfht-ei will take a gift therelrom, and the t;iit thus taken will belong to the number UK-en immediately before It , -his procehs t. ill continue the numbers and giftsteing publicly announced until the .Yf.'i",1' ....i.. or., i nnAirlfts are distributed. . Thus the public will readily see there can no fraud, collusion, or knowledge ol MKtt gift any number will get. should the tickets be not all sold wl ieu 'n.u. oucert comes otr, the presents will be 'istrlhutcd In proportion to the number ViVs hoped tiie p"ubllc will promptly re- puna iu this etlbi t to establish upon a Urm ifeis h dtligliUul resort during the heaicu TICKETS ONLY S5 EACH. 'M ...u-.-ency Gifts will U paid liicash at our uikni ' ilouse in tho city of Norlollc, on l i . .M.ntatkon of the tickets entitled thereto, vuhoutdisiount. : . , . lw,jfu I- Iniliwr rwirtlCUiarS HUU iu mv,i-f , who have under i.du ih" eiclusAvHanc al management A nils huiieme, and who alone are hor; !.-d to upiwlHt agents for tho sale of ltlJRIltJSS, SON & CO., i: ;ikM sand Financial Agents Vuo de L'Eau Company. N O It F O L K VA Tickets for sal at. citizkns;national bank, It a LEI O H . N. Q lT 1 HE Ju-AILY . EWS. Tr r - . - ' " ' " : . . 1 1 i. - i ' , ; ' VUL. 1. EVENING EDITION. Site galcialt aitjj FIUCAY.:.. .JANUARY 3. 1873. r 5T Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will bo charged Fif teen Cents per line. SST-AII parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Grlrtln and Jiotluian, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No, 4 South ytreet, lUltimore. M., are duly authorised to con tract lor advertisements atom lowest rate. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. HALEIOTT. POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGIE- office norr.s fuom 8 J a. m. to 7 r. m. Time of Arrival an Closing tiie Mails : Western Due at 7 a., m. Close at 5:30 p. 31 " ' '' E:stern-Due at 6 v. r. Close at 0:30 a. m. , g ' . Northern via Weldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 a. M. . ' Northern ri$ Greensboro Due ut 7 a.m. Close at 5:30 r. m. Fajetteville nud Chatham Eailroad Mail Due at ft S9 a. m. Clo?o at 3:00 p. m. -. , No mails received or sent oh Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter lox, a a that is the last place we look tor them before closing a mail.- It is not certain that a letter will leave by first ontj4oin;r mail; when it is handed in it general (J.tvorv window, or to a Clerk, . Orfice hours for 3Ioncy Order and Registered Xettcr Departments from 9 A.-'M. tO 1 P. M. V J. Roueus, Postmaster. "I.-oCAIi lJmErs. , Emancipation Day quietly. passed !! 'very " Among the beau. no hues iu a cravat are admissible but blue and black. The new. year opened gloomily far as the weather was concerned." ! as Yesterday was moving dayt and a dis- intie ;Tniortt;'j nad or it. . .r ; Chicken and turliey thieves mining depredations, nightly tern Ward. are com- . in Wes- N A house containing six fooms con veniently located, can be rented of Alfred Upchurch. See notice. A good house can be rented of W. S. Mason, located on corner of Salisbury and Martin streets. See the notice. A little white boy, living in Eastern Ward, while playing with a companion yesterday,. fell and dislocated his left shoulder. - ' We heard that some mischievous urchins .yesterday blew the horns off the William Goat of Sheriff Lee with rire crackers. ... The National Hotel re-opened yester dav, as per . advertisementv under favorable auspices, ana gave us guebis a tine dinner. Tiie new year callers had a merry - 1 1 1M "1 At. ...aMA t mp vstprflav. i 11 uav inev cic; disnortincr themselves on the strpets with last teams. I J Thfi Board of Countv Commissioners meet to-morrow. We hope they will fix up Walnut Creek bridge on the 1' ay ctteville road. An editor savs : "We are living at this moment under an absolute despotism We suspect he married the woman.. wrong A cotuiortablc dwelling, on the corner of Person and Davie streets, near Person street Methodist churcli, is tor rent. See notice elsewhere. I The four horse carriage that conveyed four of our young married men on their New Year's calls, came to an anchor at 7 o'clock precisely. Ti,n nlnum Xrttinnal Bank lias de-" clared a dividend of 6 per cent, on the capital stock,. in the last six months, payable on t he 0th iot. See advertise ment. .:" . " " ;' - ' Our News Editor, Mr. Sy tne, was es corted home the.other. night by a squad f rWrs The only remarkable thmg abouMhe cciurrence was the rapid time made. T?amCp A' Co.. clothiers,' announce a heavy sale of goods.caused by thd-great reduction in their prices. As will he ihn ar?est sales mauc becu, vuvj ----- a in the city. " nirtcknarl. tiie whole-souled landlord nfh.;- well known Yarborough, gave the .News office a New Year's treat vebtcrday, in the shape of tine wine and delicious cake. Do so some more. Doc- ter. 1 ' ! . .- On the corner of Hillsboro ana ihc- Dowell streets is a large bank of dirt thrown out on the side walk, ana pe destrians who arc compelled to pass this locality have cither to tKc . mo. muu-iu the middle of the street, or do worse by rroingover inu .uuuu.. " Stop 1 stop ! stop 1 that engine 1 stop the 1 Chockayoxie. - v; . ( engineer, who wasmoyiago local freight yesteniay morn the Raleigh and Gaston ai'ruau :-Li mklmn?. officers dwcll- jfan-s out-houses, &c, were all on me, - lunaks. dismounted from his engine, and anxiously inquired 6f Major Vass. " What is the matter' "Our bbv has a tooth," said ; the ,exciteu ATior. Cant. Stone is not a cussing man. but lrom the emphatic manher m. hich he blowed Jus Horn, ana ins abrupt and hurried departure from the ri... ,fti,t. nimt tiie Dutchman scene, u imAig - RALEIGH. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY & 1873. The Anniversary Celebration. In accordance "with the published pro gramme, 'the frccdmen of the City met at Metropolitan Hull yesterday at 10 o'clock, and commenced exercises of the Anuiversary celebration of the emanci pation proclamation ol Piesideut Lin coln. The exercises were opened with an appropriate song bv the choir, the daughter of Geo. W. Brodie, the cashier ot the Freedmen's Savings Bank," oper ating at the organ. Both the instrumen tal and vocal 'musio was capitally ren dered. W. Hufus Davis read the emancipation proclamation. The Orator, Chas N. Otey, was then intnxluceil by the Presi dent of the day, Chas. N. lluner. Before the commencement of the oration quite a number of white gen tlemen, of both. political parties, entered the hall, who listened attentively to the long address. , Otey is one of the best colored orators we ever listened to; the speech was an able and well written document, abound ing in good advice to his race advice, which, if followed, would greatly tend tend to the cultivation of kindly relations between the races. We regret that we have not sufficient space to give this excellent effort a more ex tended notice. We really think that the colored people of the city should have it -published for general circula tion. At the conclusion of Otey 's speech, the town clock sounded two, when we were strikingly reminded of our New Year's turkey, and left the. hall. f Stall Renting In Metropolitan Market. Yesterday the annual rent ing of stalls took place under the super vision of J. C. King, Chief -"of Police and Clerk of the Market. Thy follow ing is a complete statement : Butclier' Stalls. No." 1, Talbott Smith, $325 per annum; No. 2, Wil liam Yearby; $-175 ; No. 3, Alvin No well, $210 50 ; No. 4, John Stills, f 420 ; No. 5, II. W. Smith, $360 ; No. G, S. Cooper, $300 ; No. 7, C. Moss, $341 ; No. 8, Talbott Smith, $470. , JIuclsUr's Stalls. W .D 1 Smith, .No 9, $218 ; No 10, Wm Green, $280 ; No 11, Wm Hicks, $235; No 12, Niok 'Alford, $300 ; No 13, Wilson Donald son, $110 ; No 14, Atlas Cole, $131 ; No 15,; Benj. Hiler, $155; No 1(7; Francis Jordan, $140 r No 17, Charles Hunter,' $165 ; No 18, Spencer Hackney, $150 No 19, Virgil Rix, $155; No 20, Thomas Donaldson, 100; No 21, Paul Lioek, 182 ; No 22, W.: Bell, $160 ; Jones, $141; No 25, Nklc AUord, $195.50; No 20, Alexis Long, $17o. The sum total of these rents loot up nearly six thousand dollars, and this is exclusive of the two basements, which rent for abou; $600 per year. These rents exceed greatly those of last year. We oiler, free gratis and for nothing the following advice to a mead that lives on our path home : If you have occasion to use a wheelbarrow, leave it, when you are through with it, in front of the house with the handles towards the door. A wheelbarrow is the most complicated thing 'to fall over on the face of the earth. A man win ran over one when he never would think of fall ing over anything else ; he never Knows when he has got through tailing over it either, for it will tangle his legs and arms, turn over with him, ana rear up in front of him, and just as he pauses in his profanity to congratulate himself, It takes a new turn and scoops more skin off of him, and he commences to evolute anew, "and bump himselt on iresh Dlaces. A man never ceases to tall over a wheelbarrow until its turns com pletely over on its back, or brings up against something it cannot upset. It is the most inoffensive looking object there is, but it is more .dangerous than a locomotive, anil no man is secure with one unless he has a tight hold of its handles and is sitting down on some- thinw. A wheelbarrow has its uses,with- out. doubt, but in its leisure moments it ig the grcat blighting curse on true dig- njty. , - . - . ' - The Small Fox in Franklin. Mr Rogers and son, have aiea wnn tne small pox in Franklin county since our last report. Dr. Wr. M. Crenshaw, a of Louisbur2, is domiciled with this ttistressea iaiuiij, ipft. his own family, home and patients to render all the aid and rebel in his nowet- to the poor unfortunates. It is believed that through the efforts of Dr. Crenshaw the disease will not its nresent locality. We c;ivuu v . - i , rax, tliink that the CountY Commis- sinners should reward the self sacntic- whir.li this ?ood man has vTiii.itrd tor the vvellare of his fellow citizens, in a substantial manner. Personal Intelligence. Tlnn Thomas Settle is at the Na- tional. ' James E. Graham, Nova Scotia, D. R. Onodloe. of Warren and J. II. Tucker, ol M;ssissippi, are at tne laruorouyii. J . . ., IT , 1. Douglas Bell, .Esq., the State Ageat for the Globe Lite Insurance company, returned to the city yesterday. ; Capt. John W. Blount, General Agent of the Lile Association oi Aiueuoa, tun, lor New York city yesterday, on busi ness connected with his agency. . Gen. A. M. Scales. We learn that this gentleman has moved his residence from Wentworth, Rockingham County, to Green.sl)Oi', where ho will continue t pracf.ee law. The General iT well known and popular throughout the whole State, and we trust that success will attend him wherever he may go within its borders. Small-Pox in Wake County We regret to announce that this malady has .., r..rl in this county. Mr. Henry H, tiV....p a sick with it at his father's Sidney IL Hester, E-q., some tenmiles irL: of this city,:in Wake Forest township. We suppose that measures have been taken to. prevent it spreau. Newsiana. '' Baltimore has one of George Wash ington's family clocks. He hadn't but seventy family clocks, And they 'are get ting scarce. ' ; The married ladies of Hannibal, Mis souri, have formed a "Come Home Hus band Club." It is about four feet long and has a brush on the end of it. Fashion reporters announce tfcatsitin dresses are to be worn no longer by brides. They couldn't well be worn any longer than they have been with out tripping up every one in the room. A Mrs. Day, of Springfield, 111., lately gave birth to quadruplets. The broken hearted father says Solomon was." quite right when he fold we do not know "what! a day may bring forth." Livingstone Benne.tt Stanley may be great as an African explorer or,- to state it just right, an explorer of Africa and a finder of stray missionaries and missing Scotchmen possessed of geogra phical tendencies ; but he is a sad failure as a lecturer. A popular speaker in New York said in his sermon recently : "After Benedict Arnold shot Alexander Hamilton he was a doomed man." The same preacher will perhaps next Sunday tell his people that Booth shot George Washington. A Kansas man dropped a little note to a neighbor's wife, inviting her to meet him tinder the palelsilver moon. The husband cot the note first, and kfcpt the appointment. Two doctors have been at work on the Kansas man, in whom they fountl a rich lead mine. A. Q. Cumber gets off the following : What fruit resembles a portion ot a lady's dres9? The apple for Eve par took of it an t created a hustle in the Garden of Eden. Tenderness of heart should not com pel a milkmanwhen watering his tired lrorse to do the same by his weary milk cans, even if they have ridden about the city awhile. An old man's advice to a voung man, is .don't love two girls at once. Love is a eood thinir, but it is like butter in warm weather it won't do to have too' much on hand at once. The bravest man yet discovered is a fellow who heard a noise in the cellar. and carefully avoiding disturbing his wife, crept on the roof with a pistol. and remained there all night. Old Mayo .dosen't believe in chest protectors He says he fell on his lace the other irrht, and hurt him ju' inraij x . iue on. Dobbs mention that the young pwi who went about sighing for "An angel in the, house,'r got manied recently, and now he sighs more than ever. It is suggested that in building rail roads the rails should be heated red hot, so that the workmen will lay them down rapidly. Virtue has been given a new start by the burning of a rake factory out west. Our barber 6ays there is one chin that's never shaved an urchin. ! Bedclothes Three sheets in the wind. . Old Dominion Magazine. The De cember number of thi3 excellent peri odical published at Richmond,. Va., has reached us, and the choice matter with which it is filled made it a wel come Visitor, me contents emuiaue articles from some of the most popular writers in Virginia, which will be read with interest. 'Gertrude ot Wyoming,' by T. B. Balch, D. D., is a pleasant storv ot Virginia nie in iormer aays ; "The Nightingale," transiatea irom tne French, is concluded : Hannali Marsh . if- .1 rnntribntes ouite a r3adablc ittle romance "entitled "Buried, but not Dead : the conclusion of the interest ing storv bv Mrs. N. F. Ogg, -'Carrie Clifton," is given.. A chapter on -vaiar- bles," by Wm. N. Nelson, is decidedly erood. and brines to mind the happy dava of bovhood. A short Christmas storv, entitled "The Little Red Break- fast Cape,' byJMary Wilkinson,and lT Iron Captarn,' are both excellent. , very interesting sketch of "Home," a The A and its author, John Howard I'ayne, also good reading; and the said of a review of Geh. same may be Wisc'& "Seven Decades of the Union." Mrs Wallace concludes her charming story of "Mrs JnrW niavton's- .Post-office" in this number. In addition to the above will i . 1 .. . - ..... ... f f n r t rrtnf rn Oe lounct some swecu uicvo uvj , "the' Editor's Table," full of reliable items: book notices, an d useful house hold recipes by Mrs. Judge Clopton. We hope the Old Dominion will meet liberal support during the present year. As it has great merit, we recommend it to the reading public, lhe subscrip tion price is $2,50 per annum. A Healthy Old Ciiai There is a man in Alamance countv who is 79 vears old : has been married four times, mf ' all four of his wives are dead. He had eight daughters and one son, the son liavin"- died an inlant. liis eigni been niarriecU four of whom nre living anjd four. dead. His eight daughters gave birth to 73 chil rin.n t'nrtv of whom have married, and i,.. nnrlv 400 ' c u (lrcti : ot the w.., -, - . .. . . .. , children, nearly ali ate young, nut some j - . hnvf. m:i'rrmd'. ami raised some ou cnn dren "several i whom have married and had about 15 children. Five of these have also married, , and raised about 6 children. To sum up, tliis man had 4 wives, 8 daughters and 1 son : 73 jirand-childrtn, 50 great, great irraud-children, lo reatj great, creat I t ..... . - fl rrriinf rr fft" f- IT- nppiM t Teat ,ri and-ehildren. lie is just olci enough lo tnairy ugain, auu nioua- bly will. ; : - v . Wilmington Stkeet. This thorough fare is in a wretched condition. The sidewalks.are not one ..whit better than the middle of the street, particularly O . - o ... . . " .. J I... tire western sidewalk. Upon this street a -laro-e amount of. business is done, and it bids fair to become the business street of the eitv.- We trust the Board of City Commissioners will give this mat ter their attention at the next meeting Musical "Reunion. On Wednesday evening Prof. Grotz entertained a num ber of musical friends at the Piana Ware Rooms oi. Mr. Pirsson in thi3 city. He performed on one of Pirsson's grand square pianos. His rendition ot com positors of Meldesshon, Mozart, Beeth oven, Chapin, &c, were executed in a style which only genuine lovers of mu sic and artists con properly appreciated. Our talented ama'eir friends, Messrs. V. Royster and William Simpson, were on hand with violin and flute, and added much to the. pleasure of the evening by their excellence performances. Mr. Grotz is at the head of the musi cal --(department of the EChool of the Misses Nash & .Kllock, at Hillsboro. -The - thorough manner in which the Professor instructs his pupils reflects grert credit, both Upon himself - and the good judgment of the ladies in secur ing the services of such an accomplished musician. : Police Items. Yesterday Montford Haywood and John -'Freeman, "both colored, were interviewed by His Honor Mayor Witaker, for indulging in a fisticuff in the street. Montford having been proven the aggressor was made to contribute $5 towards paying interest in city bonds. Mary Ann Moore, a dusky damsel of some unknown number of summers, was arraigned for sacrligiously cutting the door ot Tupper's church. She was cautioned to sin no more in this direc tion, and allowed to go on her way re joicing. Classes in the German Language As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, Mr. August Doepp, of this City, offers his services as an instructor of those who desire to obtain an accurate knowledge of the German language. Mr. Doepp is a gentleman of culture, .and in every way competent to fulfill his contract in this respect. He also possesses the advantage of speaking fluently, and thoroughly understanding the gramaticai construction of the English language, ment. See his advertise- Hor at tiie National Hotel. Wc are informed that the young men of the city are going to give a dance at the National Hotel on next Wednesday evening. :Now a dance at any place is a good thing, but when'vou haxe the magnificent dining room of this hotel as a ball-room to whirl your partners be present and want to , see the room 'full ovojfltiwillf? ' o Vaccination is all tho rage here now. For the Daily News. Rev. II. York, p.. D. At the close of the winter session of Ruffin Badger Institute, in Chatham, a pleasing little occurrence took place The Rev. Dr. York, for five years, had presided over the Institution with great success, ana resignea ins cuarge io as sume his duties in Rutherlord College, where he was elected Professor, of Logic and Rhetoric. Thi3 veteran educator, though having completed his 70th year, is still as hale and vigorous as ever. Late in the evening J. H. Boo the, Esq., Principal of Yates Academy, and a former student ot Kumn uauger, m a neat and eloquent address, presented the venerable Dr. with a magnincent gold medal in behalf of the Trustees and students, as a mark of their high esteem and respect.. The medal is the work ot Canneid Brothers &Co., Baltimore, and bears on the obverse the inscription "B. lork. D. D., from Ruffin Badger Institute," on the reverse, a cross upon a book, and the date "Dec. 15th, 1872." It was a well merited compliment to one oi ixorin anumas luusi- gmcu sons and most zealous educators. Amicus. The Arlington Hotel of Washington D. C, for the third time since its open ing, has undergone a complete embelisbme-nt. It was' originally fitted up m grana style, with every con- veaience, elegant-e and luxury that experience, taste" and judgment could desire and money accomplish. Dur ing the summer succeeding, -it was beautifully frescoed and- renovated -throughout. Within the past two months all the chambers have been covered with the new style of cor- ruscated gold and silver paper, lhe House has Ijieen re painted, re-carpeted and a number of the rooms re furnished. From the constant efforts of the Messrs. Rocssle, to beautify and improve it, "The Arlington" is now far more luxurious and magnificent than when first opened, and is beyond question what they deBigned it should be I'M Hotel ot the Capital. " " 0v. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO. 2, 83 7 , THE BEST, CHEAP MACHINE, Makes the Lockstitch alike on both sides and v iil not ravel.. , , , . . Will -Jo any work the high priced ma- Agents w'an'ed in territory not already taken up. '.- Every Machine Warrantedor five years. Address, D. G. MAXW ELL. Atlanta, Ga., or Ch trlotle, N, C. General Agent for Nrth and South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida. jan3-Lm rp H E II O M E S II UT T L E NO. 230. TELEGIljiJPIUV JIEjrS. Presidential Vote of New Year's Way at Louisiana the White House. Etc. - , Washington, Jan. 1. General' B. B. Simms, with the vote of the Electoral College ot Louisiana, has arrived and delivered his packages. It is understood that the vote which he bear3 for Presi dent is blank, and that for Vice Presi dent will be counted for Gratz Brown. The reception at the White House to-day fully equalled in the splendor ot its details that of any former occasion. The ceremonies commenced with the reception of the diplomatic corps, which formality was executed by Secretary Fish. v The -Ministers' were resplendent in lull court c stume, and many of them were accompanied by the ladies of their families. They were headed by Blacque Bey, the Dean ot the corps, followed by Sir Edward Thornton, and all were presented in th order ol their rank. There wereialso present, of the foreign' legations, Baron Ledroer, "the Austrian Minister ; Cdlonel Freyrrej the Prussian Minister, arid lady ; Count Corti, the Italian Minister ; Senor Marisal, the Mexican Minister ; M. Kurd Van Schloer, the German Minisier ; Counsellor Borger, the Brazillian Minister, and lady ; Admiral Polo de Bonable, Spanish Minister ; Baron Offen berg, the Russian Minister; Marquis De Noilles, the French Minister ; Senor Martin, the Columbian iinister ; Senor Dardon,the Minister frorn Guatemala ; Mr. Delfasse, the Belgium! Minister ; General Golloff, the Generalj Agent of Russia, resid ing in New York ; Mr. Steror sen, the Swedish Minister; the Chevalier ober, the Portuguese Minister ; Mr. Preston, Haytian Minister; Jjr. Westonburg, Minister from the iNetherlands ; Mr. Mori,. Charge d'Affairs of Japan ; Senor Gon zales Errazebs, -Charge d'Affairs of Chili ; Senor Dardon, Charge .d'Affairs of Denmark.) '1 The Ministers were all accompanied by their Secretaries and attaches, and many of them by ladies. The Rt. Hon. Russell Gurney, British Claims Commissioner, and lady, were also re ceived with the diplomatic corps. The army and navy was largely rep resented and presented a brilliant ap pearance. Jhdges of Supreme Court and of the Court of Claims, 'Members of Congress, yeterain soldiers and oldest inhabitants paid their respects as usual. ,t. At 1 o'clock the public reception took place, and thf entire ceremonies tcrmi 4 '-m-' - Filth Avejnue Theatre Burned. New YonK, Jan. 1. The Fifth Ave nue on 24tb Street, adjoining the Fifth Avenue hote , burned to the ground matinee performance this soon after thej p. ra. The audience, which had as sembled to witness the olav of "False Shame," had scarcely more than dis persed when the fire was discovered. Weather Keport. Washington, ; Jan. 1. For South ern States, E&st ot the Mississippi, eas terly to southerly winds and cloudy weather with) rain from the Ohio Val ley to the Gu4f. NOON DISPATCHES. Loss of Diamonds Grant Making'a Scape Goatol the Attorney General. New York, Jan. 2 Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Davenport lost their diamonds at the Filth Avenue Theatre fire. Musical instruments, music and library are lost Mr. Daly had no insurance. .Loss over a Quarter or ia nniiiou. vaiuaoies iu the sate u-ere lost. The Theatre belonged; to James Fisk's widow. Subscription have been, started lor the burned out Thespians, t A Herald Washington dispatch says : It j&ppears that ,. ' iiitornty General -Williams has been usea as a "cover lor usurpation by Federal bayonets in the Louisiana trouble. Heis allowed to be made the target ot attack in order to shield President Grant personally from, the odium attached to the high handed action Of the Government. At torney General Williams has merely executed the jorders of, his chief. He has done nothing of his own volition in the matter. The dispatch signed by him and addressed to Pinch back, recognizing him as the rightful Gover ner and the Kellogg faction in the State House in New Orleans as the Rightful Legislature was dictated by President Grant himself. It is even aid that it went against! his legal conscience to carry oit the instructions of the Presi dent.; . S .v - ' ' rbreign News. London, Jan. 2. -The log of the stea m-sh i d -M i a u tso t a, 'which a arrived at Liverpool Tuesday iast, from New York, shows that heir cargo of cotton was on lire when the vessel was five days out from the cotton port. One hundred and fifty baled were destroyed. Emigration Convention. Macon; Jan1. 2. The State Emigra tion Convcntibu is in" night se3i;)ir. The Hon. J. F. Long !i5 been elected per manent President. Two hundred dele gates are present. Boutwell Ahead itf the Massachu setts Senatorial Race, ' Boston. Jan. 2. The organization oi the Legislature indicates that Boutwell will be chosen Senator to succeed um- ner. ,. .. l'oreisn. Jiarkets. ijjNnoN.' January 2. Console VlaMj& Fives W. . "'- -1 ' - Pakis, Januarys. lteutes aiaSo. FiiAKFOKT,jJailuary 2. Conds&oJ. . LtVEKFOoL. January 2. Noon Holiday, Ereadstnffs quiet. Xew York Markets. Nkw Yoak,S January 2. Cotton quiet; sales ar.0 balus.- Uplands wy. ; orleaus 21. Flour linn. Wheat lirm. i.orn steady. Pork quiet, $12;50aS13.C9. Lard quiet, steam 7y&7 Turpentine dull at 69a60. Rosin quiet at titaS-i 05 for tmined. -Frwighis -dull, quet. ; , . ' , tlntat Vrt to.S and iuttttsi per uay. Exchange, long short 10. Govern ment bonds dull b firm. State bonds dull anditeadr. r DAILY NEWS.- RATES OF ADVERTISING. , One square, oae lnsertiOH.M........;.$ l do One square, two lnsertions.........:...... 1 CO On square, three insertions.. 2 00 One square, six insertions........... ., 3 50 One square, one month 8 00 One square, three months.... 16 CO One square, six months... 30 00 One square, twelve months,.,... .v 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. RE Alt ESTATE EXCHANGE. JfifGl?! REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE,. Under Jlahigh National Bank. ' Land buyers may.rely on rurchasins dim rom tn Troperty Owners. No Middle men or Agents allowed to Speculate or charge an advanco on the r .: ' - . . ' Owner's price of Farms, Ac. IIOCSES AND BUILDING ' O TS F O H S AIs E I. malS tf "1SJORTH CAROLINA LAND C O M PAN Y . ' KSTAEL SHED TO PRO XL O T E T II E S A L E USDS, 1XD EXCOrRAGE EMIGRATION jro n tim cjm n o 'Jl M Jrjt v OFFICE: ,' . ; llaUigh, JTorth Carolina. This Company has been in successful op eration over three years, and continues to Buy, Sell, Lease or Rent Real Estate, upon commission or otherwise, on the most fa vorable terms. - j : Parties having lands to sell, will find it to their interest to call at our office, or corres pond with us, as our facilities lor selling are increasing every day.' ; - Large tracts are rendered more saleable by being divided. This Company is favorably" known at home and abroad, as the large number of emigrants it has introduced and located in this State, falls attests. . Parties entrusting business in their hands, have the best assurance,' that t hey will be fairly reDresented. Address all communications to the North Carolina Land Companv, or to 'William Scott, Secretary. GEO. LITTLE, WILLI AM SCOTT. . President " -' Secret arv. nov 7-tf MERCHANT TAILOR. TJI It ST I NT HfE MA R K E T WEIKEL LEADS VAN, Tll. LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS EVER . BROUGHT TO RALEIGH. C. Weikel takes great pleasure in inform ing his many friends and patrons that he has just returned from New York, with the largest and most attractive stock of geods of every description ever brought tc this market. My stock embraces in part, ( . French, English and German ' BROADCLOTHS, " ' ; DOESKINS, VESTINGS, &a ENGLISH MELTON, ." " """ ENGLISH KERSEYS, SCOTCH AND "ENGLISH CHENIOT. Reavers of all Descriptions, for Suits and Overcoats. To all of which, I invite a careful inspec tion from the public. In the mechanical department of my Wnnao -n-ill h fniinrl nnlv thft Tfirv host woritmen, and all work turned out, I au l confidentlj' guarantee. jy Orders from a ai stance respecttiuiy 'solicited, and persona attention given to the same. sepiia-u . AUELSlOR COTTON GIN H w C9 OD ft n I .11. V P. ft nvi.s Cim, manufactured by O. VV. Masny, Man, Cut.., will picx lasier ana cieaner than-any other,-and will-not break. The roll ts rat proof,- and is fuiiy warranted to i-.crfoi'Tn' we'll in .every respect. Send in your oruers cany, :: iuv Mrmuuu i K Apply to R i:.kmitii, HcotiAiid Neck, N. C. Agent for North Carolina and Virginia . Local Agents Wanted. Jnne 1-tf. rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL Meeting of tlio rttkhoi.i;i of tin Bank will be -held -on - the MX-ond iuesday of Januaw, 1873, bring. th 1 1th d:y-of.the month, between the houroi'P)aud lo clock, at their banking w.wt -in this city .T A 1 S r, K 1 havo lor sair, at iu.v pj.Uiiauoii. wool, Davidson couniy, N.C , live thorough ured NOKTH !EV.;N; 15U rLH; I rom twelve months lo two years old. Prices .from. $25 to S10 according to age and choice. Address me at Haw Paver V. ., aiu nnce wumj , c, " 1 IltKS. M. HOLT, no lS-2m . .-''' - - -.' h N U AX M E E TING The Annual Met-ttng f the Stockholders of tho Noith Carolina Home insurance Company, will be held fit their office in this city, on Tuesday, the Nth day of January, PJTd, at 11 o'clock, A M - SEATON GALES, dec25-td -Secretary. J U S- T RECEIVE D -ToTibls new Sack Hour, . 50 boxes Cream Cheese. , . 50 kees Leaf Lard. At FOOL & MOKINGS, Oct 23 Wholesale Uroc, ifeiJ .mi-- . I whipped dm Bon ior. 4V g-tf

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