A :4 DA ILY N s. VO.NI3 & UZZELL, - - PEOPRIKTOR3. Fa 1 kite v hxk Strkkt, tncr W. C. Stronach A Cola Store. CASH 1 VARIABLY IK AJBTAWCK. fho DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ubscriber at fiftekn ckkts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Malted at 7 por annntn ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for thre o nonths. The WEKKLY NEWS at 82 per annum. PROF-ESSIONAI CARDV j. B. BATCH BLOR. I. C. KpWARBR. W. PLUMJ-KR HATCH liLOli. ' BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCIIELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend In the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and tho Jederat and Supreme Courts. r r4 'J Daily News. VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1. 1873. NO. 231. MORNING EDITION. SATURDAY. JANUARY 4, 187S. Jan 3-tf 5" Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fil- teen Cents per line. A L E X II 8 MIT II Meteorological Observations. rom the meteorological report of Prof. W. C. Kerr, State Geologist, lor the month of October and November, we set the following facts : For the month of October the mean temperature for the whole State wai 54 ; cast of the Blue Ridge 55, west 51. Highest maximum at J-denton, S6 ; lowest at Franklin, 72". Lowest ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Will practice in the ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. , Col lections attended to in all parts of the State, may 11-tf KTAU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. - D R TURN E R Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman. Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. : D E J T I S T Office on Fayetteville Street, . Over Williams Book Store. nih7-3m. LOCAL MATTER. S WVN. II. SMITH. I mit n & GEORGE V. STRONG. S. T R O N G E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. ARRANGE- RALEIGH TOST OFFICE MENT. I TTOItJYEYS JITEjI IP, Raleigh, jr. C. j Office over Citizens' National Bank, tscnange J'lace. . myv-om Walter Clark. Q L A R K J. M. Mullen. MULLEN ATTOIUYEITS AT JUf ir, - HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In all ihe Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. in the Supreme Court of North Carolina una m tne Federal Courts. 43- Collections made in all parts of North S H E Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Will attend the State and Federal Courts held in the counties of Wake and New xjanover. . xnh3-tf ANDREW J i tt n t n v ATTORJTEY Jt T EAU RALEIGH, N. C. will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. . ap.Jl-tf D RS. JOHNSON & HINES The undersigned having formed a part- nersmp, ior me practice 01 tneir proiession in all its various branches, resoectfullv oi- -r tlieir services to the citizens of Raleigh and the surrounding country. 1 r. Johnson will aiwavs be found at h is well known office or residence on Hiilsboro wtreet, while Dr. Hines may be found, lor t lie present, at the Yar borough House or at it. juuhsou s omce. - CHAS. E. JOIIN.SON, M. P. PETER E. HINES, JW. j . do Mm - ED. CONIGLAND, - WM. if. 1)AV LAW PARTNEiWini'. 0 1 0 N.I G L A N.I) fc 1) A Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Court? of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of tne state, and id tne ederal courts, iney will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. " The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldon on Saturdays and Mondays or eacn wees. no as-ti OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 i. at. Eastern Due at G r. m. Close at 6:30 A. M. Northern via AVeldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at J:15 A. M. Northern via Greensboro Due at 7 Close at 5:30 p. m. Fayetteville tnd Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 0:30 A. m. Close at 3:00 p. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. Put all letters ior bailing in letter box, as that is the last place wo look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general delivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for . Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 A. M. tO 4 P. MV . 0. J. Rogers, - Postmaster. Local Briefs. Vaccination was popular all day yes terday. The Mayor had not a case before him yesterday morning. - Two runaways on Wilmington street yesterday morning. The Board of City Commissioners will meet whenever they can get a quoium II. L. Pike, former editor oi the Ral ill Mantuird. is livinir in ban ran- j - i CISCO. - J. Q. Williams, Esq., has qualified as one oil the magistrates ct Carev town ship. Ex-Secretary of State, Dr. Hr. H. J. Menninger, left for New York yesterday evening to have hi3 eye operated upon. A small wooden shanty burnt up in Eastern Ward early yesterday morning. There was no alarm. It was unoccupied. Complaints are being made of boys rowiusr stones in the street. It is a -t dangerous practice and should be pre rented at pnec. Sam'l T. Williams. W ILL I A M S 13. H. BUSS, DUNN & jlTTOItJTElTS JIT JMTir, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. XXT I L I I A MS.& B U N N TTonjrEirs at Lm RALEIGH, N. C. n Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.-esr Claims Collected la MJ part of the State. Practice in the Supreme Court o f the Htateandin the Federal court aiKaieigu, mhl-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. "LAMES PIRSSON & SON, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in. I M 1 JT O JF O It T ES Cor. of Hargett and Salisbury Sts., RALEIGH, N Meeting of the Executive Coi- MITTEE N.'C. AGBJCULTUr.AI.-S0CIETT. -The regular monthly meeting of the- Executive Committee of this Society was held at the Tarborough House on Friday evening. . Messrs. W. U. nics, n. K. UaTp, M J, Young, G. W Blaeknall,;j. M. Heck, W. F. Askew, W. G. unchurch, Jordan Stone and W. C. Kerr were present. The business before the meeting was minimum at Webster, 22p, highest at mostly in relerence to the sale of the i ink : f.ll 01 rf vreensDoro, o. a Average rain fall 3 present Fair Grounds and the improve inches. First geueral frost on the 15th; I ment of the new Grounds one and i at several places m the mountains on the 2nd, at Greensboro and Murphy on the 11th, at Weldon on the 12th, and in Currituck oh the 20th. For the month ot November average the mean temperature for tho State was 40; east of t he Blue Ridge 41 ,west 30 . Highest maximum at btatesville, 7(5 ; owest at Bc;one,52. Average rain fall 3 inches ; maximum at Murphy 5 inches; minimum at Greensboro and Webster 0.6. TELEGItJlPMC JVEWS. NOON DISPATCHES. More Stolen Goods. On Thursday afternoon officer Farris, armed with a search warrant, sworn out by- Dr. H. J. Menninacrv proceeded to I the house of John Sturdivant, col., and on examina tion louffd crockery, cairpetins: and towels belonging to the aforesaid Doctor. Sturdivant was arrested and bound over to appear before the Mayor this morning at 11 a. m. On yesterday morning the same offi cers," under authority, examined the premises of Frauc:s Cotton, col., and Ruiu's Crockett, col., but found nothing. Dr. Menninser's residence has been robbed of numerous articles in the last two months; among them a handsome silk dress and a valuable set of china, and the object or the searches above mentioned was to recover them if pos sible. V Meeting of the Board of Educa tion Important to County Treas urers. Yesterday the Board of Edu cation held a meeting in the Executive office. In compliance with section 43, Public School Laws, the apportionment, half miles west of the city. On account oi the bad weather the sale of the old Grounds has been deferred until about the 15th or 20th inst., and it was re commended that the Selling Committee should confer -with his Honor, Mayor, and get the co-operation Street Come issiener, bo thai tlJ may be laid eff in such a manm they may correspond with the iutuTe running of the streets in . that part of the city. On the evening of the 8th inst.. Mr. T. M. Holt, the President of the Society, will visit Raleigh fdr the Duroose ot meeting the Executive Com mittee at a called meeting. Newsiana. Baltimore has one of George Wash ington's family clocks. He hadn't but seventy iamily clocks, and they are get ting scarce. The married ladies of Hannibal, Mis souri, have formed a "Come Home Hus band Club." It is about four feet long and has a brush on te end of it. Fashion reporters announce that satin dresses are to be worn no longer by brides. They couldajt well be worn any longer than they have been with out tripping up every one in the room. A Mrs. Day, of Springfield, 111 , lately gave birth to quadruplets. The broken hearted father says Solomon was quite right when he said we do not know "what a day may bring forth." Livingstone Bennett Stanley may be great as an African explorer or, to state it just right, an explorer of Africa and a finder of stray missionaries and missing Scotchmen possessed of geogra- Further Trouble 'apprehended in New Orleans North Carolina - Bonds"-;. New York, Jan. 3. The billiard match between Daily.and Cyrille Dion was drawn off by alleged miscount. P. T. Barnum lost a thousand dol lar diamond in a stage. The heaviest fog of the season is prevailing. Few ferries are running. Ful ly forty thousand working people are de tained by the fog. The safe of the Fifth Avenue Theatre has been recov ered with its contents uninjured. A New Orleans dispatch apprehends trouble on Monday. Imory will have three to lour thous- troops at his disposal. he committee on securities and stock ihange have recommended that orth Carolina bonds be divided into two classes in dealings ot exchange. That those with coupons on, due Janu ary 1st, 1869, be placed upon call and designated as North Carolina old bonds to aid North Carolina Railroad Com pany, coupons on ; and that the second class be those with the first maturing sevens, coupons off, due July 1872, or October 1872. and be designated on call as North Carolina old bonds to aid North Carolina Railioad : Company, coupons off. Escape of Conyicts, Auburn. N. Y.. Jan. 3 At about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon seven con victs escaped from the State Prison here, by digging through the wall where the shaft ran through for the purpose of turning the machinery in the prison. It is believed mat tne convicts nau assis tance from outside, as they are all sop posed to have been provided with citizen's clothes. The escape was project ed and conducted by Dan Noble, the notorious Lord bond robber. ' t ; Horse Disease in Colorado. Denvtcr. Col.. Jan. 3. The horse Weather Report. . Washington, Jan 3. For Southern States, East ot the Mississippi, winds veering to westerly and northerly with falling temperature and generally clear weather. Death ol a Peer. London, Jan. 3. Earl Galloway is dead; aged 72. years. New York Markets. New Yokk. Januarv 3. Money stringent durlntr the dav but droooed at close to 5a6. uoiu quiet H5iau. sienmg cwseu u"1"" at y'4. Governments quiet all day, closing steady. State bonds dull and steady,1 cotton nrm; sales Daies ; upmnus 209: orleans211. Southern Flour quiet and steady. Whiskey dull and lower at 74. Wheat, shade firmer moderate demand. Corn a shade firmer and very firm. Rice firm. 8a8V Pork firmer at Sli OVi. Lard steady Taliow, Freights and Navals quiet. Cotton Net ieceipts to-day 35U; gross ; sales ror future delivery io-aay, itio bales as follows: Januarv 19 a 20: Feb ruary 2a21 ; March 20a20 9-16; April 20 a0?; May 21 1- ,6a21 ; June 21a21. RATES .OF. ADYEIiTISING . One square, one insertloa...-............. 1 00 une square, two insertions . . l w One square, three insertions.--. 2 00 une square, six insertlonja... 3 on One square, one monthj... ........ 8 00 One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months ...... 30 CO une square, tr. elve months....... 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. , REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. ttTnTl" REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Under Haleigh National Ban. Land buyers may rely on Purchasing ctircc rom tn Troperty Ownersl ,Np Middle- ' men or Agents allowed lo Speculate or charge an advance on O wner's price of Farms, Ac. Foreisn Markets. London-. January 3. Consols 91?i a 91. Fives ttf. :. Paris, January 3. Rentes 52a65. ' Frankfokt, January 3. Bonds 95. , Liverpool. January 3. Cotton opened Arm, uplands 10i4al0 ; Orleans 10, liATER jtton nrmer : uptanas : Or leans 10; sales 18,000 speculation and ex port 4.0UO. Wilminston Markets. Wilmington. Januarv 3. Spirits tur pentine steady at 55. Rosin quiet S3.10 Ior strained. Crude Turpentine steady. 3 00 for hard; 4 75 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar market steady at - oo. Baltimore Jtlarkets. Baltimore. January- 3. Wheat quiet; choice white 82 15a2 25: amber 82 2Ua2 80, Corn white 63ati4; yellow 62aW. Oats steady at 4Sa50. Provisions quiet and un changed. WhisKcy w'A- - J BOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS JF O 11 S 1 JL E malStf . . ... , ,. "VTORTH CAROLINA LAND AM COMPANY. . . ESTABLISHED TO ' v. P It O M O T E T II E S ALE O F i LAXDS, AND EXCOUEiGR EMIGRATION TO rliseasft is rarinj? in Denver and other sections ot Colorado Territory. The horses of the stage company are sick, and no coaches arc running between among the several counties oi the State, phical tendencies: but he is a sad failure Central City and Georgetown. ui iue uistriuuuve SCUOOl iuna in tne n.a a Ipr.fnrer TESTIMONIALS. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, N. C. , April 8th, 1872. MR. JAS. PIRSSON: Sir : The Piano whioh I purchased from you in September, 1870, is a very superior one. It has been frequently tested by com petent judges, all of whom give unequivocal testimony to Its excellence. I could not ask for a better instrument. Very Respectfully, W. O. SIMMONS. PIANOS TUNED A ft I) REPAIRED IN THE Most Skillful Manner. i?"PIANOS FOR nENT.t Send for a Circular. JAMKS I'IRESON. E. A. I'lESSON.' may 2-tf. . B IV O M O - C II L O R A L U M THE PEST DISINFECTANT At nov26-tf SIMPSON'S Drug Store. PRINTING PRESS AND TYPE FOR ' SALE. One Novelty Printing Press, Type and Fixtures complete, with a considerable quantity of extra type for sale cheap. Apply at . L. BRANSON'S Bookstore, uov 3-tf Raleigh, N. C. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTIU 1 for .TOR WORK will receive womiit RDERS FROM pi attention, and will be executed with neat- uess ad cheapness, at the NEWS' office, Fayetteville street' mbt Rallah,N.C. Yesterday we had a Spring day. The atmostphere was so pleasant and balmy that we almost looked to see tne ro3es blossoming. The installation of officers of Raleigh LodgeL O. O. F. will take place on Monday evening at Ucld iellows' iiaii, The, list of officers elect bus already been published Read the advertisement of George T. Strocach &j Brother, Grocers and Com mission Merchants, Exchange Place. This is one ot the most reliable firms in the city. . On Thursday Colonel W.. E. Ander son, Treasurer of the Board ot the In sane Asylufri.drew 25,00Ofrom the btate Treasury fir ihe use ot that institu tion. A cood dwellinnr, with outhouses, lo cated on Person street, and an office in the Sentinel building, can be rented Ior the yeaf by application to Williamson, Upchurch & Co, Two drunken white women had a hair pulling on McDowell street yester day. When the sport was over enough loose hair could have been gathered to make a first class braid. We are pleased to learn that .Drs. J. Miles Hunter & Tew, who, have some time past had 'there advertisement m the News, are meeting with much suc cess with their infirmary in Goldsboro. We are Dleascd to learn that the old wooden building, corner Wilmington and Hargett street, has been sold. We may soon expect to sec it torn down to make room tor a large brick building. - Some enterprising individual could, make money by establishing ferries-at the various street crossings in this city. It seems that the work done on them only make them a little worse than they were bctore. TheShcriflol Johnston county yo terdav brought to the city one Mike Mitchell, colored, under a capias issued from this county, and lodged him in iail. Mike is charged . witiv staouing Rnrton DuDrc some two or three months ago. - w Raleigh Social Cluit. The annuAl meeting of the Raleigh Social Club oc- nnr-pcl last evening. Ihe event was celebrated by a general reunion sup per, a lull account oi avimcm wc tii publish to-morrow. The following officers were elected for the ensuing vear : President Hon D M Barringer. Vice Presidents Chas B Root, Esq., and Major John Devereux. Secretary J C Jordan. Treasurer C Root. Executive Committee D M Barrin ger. chairman, Jno Devereux, C B Root, L C Edwards, T D nogg, G H Snow, C M Busbee, C Root and George Jordan. Treasury was ordered. The amount is over $50,000, and will be paid over on tne requisitions ot County Treasurers, approved by the Chairmen and Secreta ries of County Boards of Education. The Treasurer reported that he had, from time to time, invested the perma nent school fund in United States inter est bearing bonds. The Board unani mously approved the fiction, and in structed the Treasurer to continue to so invest said funds as thev accumulated. ErirnANY. Father McNamara makes the following correction in regard to this festival : Editors News: There was a slight error in your i4 Church calendar lor Jan uary " as published yesterday. The fes tival ol the-hpiphany is set as observed by the Catholic and Episcopal churches on the 7th of January. This may be only an error of inadvertence, neverthe less it may mislead some persons who may wish to attend Divine service next Monday." I can answer only" for the Catholic church. Our spiritual Mother has held this festival irom its first insti tution on the 6th of January. Very respectfully, &c. Father McNamara. George - A popular speaker in New York said in his sermon recently: "After Benedict Arnold shot Alexander Hamilton f he was a doomed man." The same preacher will perhaps next Sunday tell his people that Booth shot Washington. A Kansas man dropped a little note to a neighbor's wife, inviting her to meet him under the pale silver moon. The husband got the note first, and kept the appointment. Two doctors have been at work on the Kansas man, in whom they found a rich lead mine. From Rome. Rome. Jan. 3. Tho Pope, on receiv ing the Palatine Guard yesterday, made a brief address, alluding, to the per secutions of the church and declaring the countries of Europe were dancing on perilous ground. Murder and Robbery. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 3. Mh. Mary Ann Lamplcy, aged seventy-two, was murdered during the absence of her daughter at the opera. Twelve hun dred dollars aq,d some jewelry are mis sing. 1 Cotton Markets. Baltimore:, January 3. Cotton firm ; middlings 20-. Wilmington, January 3. Cotton firm; middlings ID-. Mobile. January 3.--Cotton firm ; good ordinary 18; middlings 10 . Norfolk. January 3. Cotton firm and higher ; low middlings New Orleans. January 0. Cotton fair demand, good ordiuary li low middlings middlings tj. Memphis, January 3. Cotton firm ; mid; diings 04a20. . MERCHANT TAILOR. IN T HE MAR KET "gMRST YVEIKEL LEADS THE VAN. TUi LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHING GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO RALEIGH. jro it T si a n o jl i jyji .; OFFICE; Raleigh, JTorlh Carolina. This Company has been In successful on- eration over three years, and continues to nay, oeii, jjease or tent tteal Jiistate, upon commissioner otherwise, on the most fa- vuiauiu terms. t i Parties havinsr lands to sell, will And it tn their interest to call at our olflce, or corres pond with us, as our faculties for' Selling are increasing every day, . , -jargtt tracks are rendered more saleable" by being divided. , 'lnis company is favorably known at home and abroad, as the large number of emigrants it has introduced and located in this State, fulls attests. i " ; ; . -. i-arues entrusting business' in their hands, have the best assurance, that they mitl lui fnl.lir 4 .1 ' Address all communications to thm "Nortli Carolina Land Company, or to William Scott, Secretary. liEO.'LlTTLiE, William Scott, t President. secretary. . nov 7-tf ". : ' " J)R. J. MILES HUNTER & TEW, SPECUtE PllCTICE. Capt. Johk D. Smito. Our rner chants and the shipping public general ly seem to be highly pleased to see Capt.. of Navarrc are raisipg volunteers A Serious Cat-astrophe Reward for its Recovery. A handsome re ward will be paid for the recovery, by the donee, ot a beautiful specimen ot the genus felis with gray and white streaks and yellow paws youthful in appearance, and jmeek-eyed and gentle as a lamb. JNo other marks recollected. It is prized chiefly on account of its being a gift its humility and amiable disposition it3 pet name its beauty, and the pleasant associations ana cir cumstances connected with its donation. John D. Smith at the North Carolina depot again, and the draymen are all to a man perfectly delighted. The Captain is a business man and a good fellow. Long may he be with us. Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Yesterday the Board of Commissioners of this county held a regular meeting in the Court house. No business of much gen eral importance was trransacted. Most of the session was taken up in passing upon and auditing claims against the county. Foreign News. Madrid, Jan. 3. The municipalities to ficht the roaming bands of Carlists. Members of the Sagasta Ministry was absent from Amadeus' reception. Heavy Loss by Fire. ArNSWORTHjll., Jan. 3. The Fertiliz ing Comnanv's Works are burned ; loss one hundred and seventy thousand dol lars. - MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Reward Paid. Yesterday the State Treasurer, on the warrant of the Gover nor, paid the reward of $5,000 offered by the Legislature, for the killing of Andrew Strong, one of the Robeson money was re M. McKay for county outlaws. The ceiyed by Col. W L. William -Wilson, the lucky man who did the shooting. Mr. Wilson has also received $i,000 from the county of Robeson. Six thousand dollars pay3 very handsomely for the ammunition expended in one shot. No Small-Pox In Wake County. We are happy to announce that the re port of the small-pox having broken at Mr. Sidney Hester's in this county, ten miles out of the city, turns out to be not true. Mr. H'a son is not only tree from the disease, but is perfectly well and walking about. He was sick for some days after his return from Mississippi, and it wa3 once feared he had contracted the dread malady. but fortunately such fears proved not well grounded. Meeting of Executive Committee. A remilar monthly meeting of the Of - ExecutivC- Committee cf the State Agri cultural Society was held at the Yarborough Hotel last night, and ques tions of much interest .to the Society were discussed. Owing to the bad weather of the last three weeks, the building and rolling committee had made no progress since last meeting, but designed doing so at once. The old Fair Grounds will at once be sur veyed and laid off into lots?, and placed upon the market. We Can't Understand It. Last night we saw a good many of our "boys" buy tickets for Hiilsboro. They told us that they were going to attend a ball that was to be given there on last evening. We expect this is true, but, what v cau't see through is, that there For Rent. A comfortable dwelling Jiouse, on Martin street, nearly opposite Post office. Apply to W. H. Pace ja4-tf t The Late Judge Cameron. An incident in the life of the late Judge Duncan Cameron, which, per haps, is now forgotten, even by the few survivors who witnessed it, is so much in character with the whole life of that distinguished gentleman, and so much out of character with" the customs of this day, that its publication, though it may have no. power to teach, yet will likely astonish the present age. Mr. Cameron, at an advanced age, was chosen President of the Bank of the State of North Carolina, at its organi zation in 1834, and so continued till his declining years rendered'him unable to bear the heavy labors of the office. In 1849 be resolved to decline the office, though he knew that the stockholders ardently desired that he should still continue to fill it ; and at a general meet- ingof the stockholders, held in Jan uary of that year, he communicated his desire to the meeting through his friend, the late Charles D. Hinton, who intro duced to the meeting the following res olutions : 1. ''Resolved, That the fidelity,, ability, and indefatigable attention which have been bestowed by the Honorable Dun can Cameron upon the affairs of the Bank of the State of' North Carolina, during the long period which he has presided over it, deserve the warmest thanks of the stockholders and the same are hereby tendered to him. 2nd. Resolved, That ; the'" stockhol ders present to Mr. Cameron a pair of silver pitchers and stand with suitable inscription, as a slight testimonial of the high estimation in which his ser vices are held by them. 3rd. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, signed by she chairman an d countersigned by the Secretary of this meeting, be sent to Mr. Cameron." The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and William A. Graham. Da vid L. Swain, John H. Bryan and Rich ard Hines, were appointed a Commit tee to present them. -That service being done, the minutes of the meeting are are continued as follows : "The President of the Bank having been notified of the adoption ot the foregoing resolutions appeared in per son, returned his acknowledgments in the most impressive manner for this marked evidence of the " continued con fidence and kindness ol the stockhol ders, but stated that he could not coa- sktently with his sense of propriety Meeting of the Committee on Direct Trade A Convention asKea ior. Savannah, Januarv 3 The commit tee on the inauguration of direct trade, appointed by the Georgia Agricultural Convention, of which General John B. Gordon is President, met in this city to day and issued an address, ot which the following is a brief synopsis : The Committee invite the cotton States to meet by delegation :n uon vention at Agusta, Ga., on the 2nd of February next; refers to the common in terests of the West and aoutu, ana asks delegations also from Cincinnati, St: Louis, Louisville, Memphis, etc., notes , the importance of the greal through lines by rail and water west especially, the Atlantic and Great Western, also the necessity of some combined, organized and sustained effort to make known abroad the ad vantages which the South offers. C. Weikel takes great pleasure in inform ing his many friends and patrons that, he' has just returned from New York, with the largest and most attractive stock of goods of every description ever brought to this market. 3iy stoci- emnraces in part, French, English and (Jerman BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTING S, &C. ENGLISH MELTON, ENGLISH KERSEYS, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH CHENIOT. Beavers of all Descriptions, for Suits arid Overcoats. To all of which, I invite a careful inspec tion from the public . Tnthe mechanical deoartmcnt of my House will be- found only the very best workmen.and all work turned out, l au confidently eua an tee. I Orders from a distance respectfully solicited, and personal attention juven to tne same. v -epu-u Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ul cers- and all Analogous ' D is o r d e r a SUCCESSFULLY TREATED, The Evidence m the Stokes Trial - ClosedSale ol Government Gold --More Italian Paupers. New York, Jan. 3. The evidence in the Stokes' case closed, and the argu ment i3 proceeding. The court was crowded to excess. The Government sold a milliom of gold at a fraction ver 11 . Two ferry boats collided; no damage done. A feiry boat ran down a row boat, drowning an unknown man. The fog is the heaviest known. Seventeen hundred emigrants have New Year's Dav, many of whom are destitute Italians. ?a Wav- onmn nnfl rnin to Hiilsboro acceDt the proposed benefaction, and nri nnvpr spf. anv one comina from, therefore entreated most Earnestly, that there. We hope some of the "Kocwfr" the expression of gratitude on their part will be able to enlighten ua. might be connnea to woras. O A R B O L I AND C A CI D CJlRUOEJlTE !O JP EIJflE, -. - .1 . i . - The Best Disinfectants in Use. . . i -, . Recommended by Boards of Health throngh- - it - out the Coantry. Wholesale and retail by the Manufacture BALTIMORE COAL TA it MANF'G CO 5'Ja Cliaries street, mylS-tt Laltiiuore, Md. , : -4 r I N C E 131 EAT Buckwheat Flour, Cranberries, Maccaronie, prunes, i Citron, Currants, 1 Raisins, f Hominy, i Pearl Grits, Irish Potatoes, Jellies, ij - , Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Goshen Butter, Prime Cheese, Vv. C. STRONACh. The London Times on the Annexa tion of the Sandwich Islands to Ihe United States. London, January 3: The Times this morning says, it must confess that the Americans will, eventually people the Sandwich Islands, which will become a valuable colony between San Francisco nnrl China and Australia; The Times reviews the Question of annexation by fillibustering .as., heretofore practiced in now rnn trips bv the ffreat Dowers, ana doubts the right or propriety of any nation taking possession of the band wich Islands in such a manner. . Unprecedented Tempest in England. Queenstown Jan. 3 Southampton and Birmingham dispatches report an unprecedented tempest last night with terrific thunder and lightning. It is blowing a gale this morning with sleet and snow. . . B O A It D I NtG;; A G A I N t riii rMinpn mv house for Boarders, by the day, week or month, on the 1st day of December. Jj. BRANSON, nov23-tf KaJeigh, N. C. REWO OI) A N Rich Gold Quartz Discovered American and British War, Ves- sels Concentratins at Honolu. San Francisco, Jan. 3. It is reported that a rich gold , quartz has been dis covered at Sitka. ; ; ' British and American war yessela are concentraUng at Honolu. F1 F O R Apply to : NORTH CtVrvOIilNA Tucker nov 21-tf BRICKS s A LAND COMPANY, Hall. OFFICE : AND INFIRM A lt Y East Centre Street, Goidsboro, N. C. - CO.VS IIETjITIOJV 'JFIIEE In consequence of increased practice, wo have opened an Infirmary at Goldsboro, N. C, for the accommodation of patients re quiring daily attention. The fact that we nave cureu a- large number of patients is me oest guarantee oi our a unity to do all we promise. . . W e invite attention to tho certificates be low, which are selected out of a large num- Der. circulars containtn; iun particulars mailed upon application. . LAGRANGE, N. C, Dec. 28, 1871. Drs. J Miles Hunter & Tew ' Gentlemen After frequfcnt application of various articles of tbe "Materia Aledi ca," to the malignant cancerous growth on my neck. I applied your "Caneer Remedy. ' (which was kindly furnished me by Dr. Hunter) according to directions, and it dis appeared within ten lavH, leaving no cica trice, v -r--v. . The pain produced by its application, to - my surprise, was insignlflcantr - xourouiigeu iriena, P. W. WOOLEY, M. D. iirtNA Vista, P. O., N. C., March 1672. In the early part of tho present month. 1 applied to Messrs. Hunter & Tew, seeking relief ior tne sunering occasioneo ; by an encysted tumor which had located itself In my mouth, between the cheek andjaw.i Alter a short time it was successfully re moved, and I am at present enjoying the blessings of being iree irom pain ior tne first tune in two years. I bear cheerful testimony to the success of these iren tie - men as exhibited in my case, W1L.KY SMITH. Duplis Co., N. C, May 1872. I had for years suffered with a cancer on my lip, which resisted pertinaciously all etiorts made for Its removal. After treat ment ior a short time by Dis. Hunter & Tew, it was successfully removed, and has not since returned nor given any evidence ol such intention. Mrs. ANNIE J. REGISTER, Kockflsh, N. C Fees from $25 to $500. ' 4 sept23-w3m . AT I ON AL II OT E L. uaeeicii, Jr. c. rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL Meeting of the Stockliblders of this Bank fill be held on the second Tuesday of January, 1873, being tne win aay oi -me -month, between the hours of lu and i o'cloci.', at their banking nouse in this city. P. A. WILEY, . dec21-eodtm -j U-shier. rp O STOCK RAISERS I have for sale, at my plantation, Lin wood, Davidson county, N.C., five thorough bred NORTH DEVON BULLS, from twelve months to two years old. Prices from Si to I0 according to age and choice. Address me at Haw River P. m Alamance county, (j. ., ,, TliOa. Ai. nutii. no"l3-2m ' . - :' : QAT3,. OATS, OAK, OATS, OA18, 750 Bushela Oats for sala ly nov 21-tf W. H. DOIJU. Has been re-opened for the reseptlonof the traveling public. " - A. J. Paktin. General Manager, ' R. L. Horton, Office Clerk, V - W. IL Billisgs, Caterer, : J. T. II akkison, In 'charge of Bur. and Billiard Room. Visitors may bo assured that the past, reputation of the Hoiue will be maintain ed without regard to expense. Omnibus always at depot. , W. II. BAGLEY & CO- ; ' . -' Lessees. - - F. J. Haywood, M. D. . . Wr. H. Bag ley. jan I-dawlm -: ' : - 'T- : ; N N U A L M E E TING 3Tlie Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Noith-carojina nome insurance Company, will be held at their office in this city, on Tuesday, the Uth day of January, l, atllo-clocK,A MEATo GALESf dcc,3-td Secretary. j U S T R EC E I Y ED 73 bbls new Sack Flour, , .v-,;; . ? 50 boxes Cream Cheese. , 3j kegs Leaf Lard, - -. , if - At - POOL & MORINGS, Oct 2 ) . Wholesale Grocers. ' E AD' PEN 'C TLB . A large Assortment latest styles just hand. ' I BRANSON, to nv-lf Bookseller Raleigh, N. .