NEWS. roNE-4 yzZELL, - '- Proprtktoks. Fatxtteville Stkkkt, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to mlwcrlbera at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 per annum ; L50 for six months; $2 for threes months. The WEEKLY NEWS at 2 per annum. PROFESSlONAI CARDS. I. II. BATCHKLOR. L C. EDWARDS. . W. l'LUMXBK BATCUKLOR. II ATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND J BATCIIELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. RALEIGH N. C. Will attend In the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren,; Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and- the Federal and Supremo Courts. , jan3-tf A Ii E X . XL i.i S MI T H , ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCO T L AN D NEC K , N . C . Will practice In the onrts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Collections attended to In all parts of the state. may 11-tf 11 T U R N E R D E JV T I S T , Oiiice on Fayetteville Street Over Williams Book Store. tnli7-Sm. W. N. II. SMITH. GEORGE Vi STEOS Q. g MIT II & S T R O N G ATTORNEYS AT LA ir, Raleigh, N. C. Ofliee over Citizens' National Bank, Exchange Place. - my7-6m Walter clakk. J. M. Mullen. MUX E-N, Q L A R K & ; t TTORJ1TE ITS AT LA9 HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In all the Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly g A . A S. H E , Attormey and Counsellor at Law. Will attend the State and Federal Courts - . . ,.v wuuwco vi rf KUU XCW Hanover. . mh23-tf NDREW J. BURTON, A TTORjrEY lau RALEIGH, N. C. .. W ill practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal 'ourts. Claims collected in any part Of North Carolina. ; - ap 11-tf D R S . J O H N S O N & II I N E S The uiuiersianed having formed a part nership, for the practice of their profession in all its various branches, respectfully 01 wr their services to the citizens of Kaleigh i. ud the surrounding country. " Dr. Johnson will always be found at his well knovfcn office or residence on Hillsboro utreet, while Di. Hines may be found, for the present, at the Yarborough House or at lr. Johnson's office. CH AS. E. JOHNSON, M. P. . PETER E. HINES, Al. D. , de 1-lna - . . . I D. CONIGLAND, W.H. IAY LAW PARTNERSHIP. C 1 ON I G LA ND & DA Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In the Courts of Halifax and ad joiniug counties in the Supreme Court of he state, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consultiug business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. , 1 "The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldon on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. no 28-tl 15. II. BijNir, Sam'lT, Williams. U N N & W I L L I A M S , Jl TTOItJVE ITS JLT IJM ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I A M S & B U N N , ATTORNEYS AT L.JI IP, RALEIGH, N.C. S Business ' letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.r Claims Collected in any jrt f the State. 4- Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh. ma l-ti. MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES P I R 8 SON & SON, Manufacturers of. and Dealers In, . I 1 O E O It T ES. Cor. of Hargett-ahd Salisbury 8t., . RALEIGH, N. C, TESTIMONIALS. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, N. C V April 8th, 1H72. MR. JAS. PIRSSON : Sir: The Piano whioh I purchased from you in September, 1870, is a very superior one. It has been frequently tested by com petent judges, all of whom give unequivocal testimony to its excellence. I could not ask for a better instrument. - Very Respectfully, - , W. Q. SIMMONS. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED IIT THE . " Host Skillful Manner. IW PIANO FOR Send for a Circuiai. -JAMES PIU880N. E. A. PIKSSON. may 2-tf. R O M O - C II L O R A L U M , THE EE-ST DISINFECTANT At " SIMPSON'S uoviiG-tf ' Drugstore. HINTING PRES8 AND TYPE FOR SALE. One Novelty Printing Press, Type and Fixtures complete, with a considerable quantity of extra type for sale cheap. Apply at L. BRANSON'S Bookstore, nov5-tf Raleigh, N. C. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for JOB WORK will receive prompt ttcntiori, and will be executed with neat tieHs and .cheapness, at the NEWS' office, . Fayetteville street' it.hl 5 RaleiKh. N. C. 1HE YOL. 1. MORNING EDITION. WEDNESDAY '.JANUARY 8. 1873. Snr,iiil Notirna insrrtof in tho Local Column will be charged Fif teen Cents per line. 137" All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at oui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGE MENT. OFFICE UOUP.S FKOM B A. N. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrical and Closing the Mails: Western Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 r. m. Eastern Duo at 6 r. ir. Close at 0:30 A. M. Northern via Weldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 A. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 7 A. m. Close at 5:30 p. m. Fayetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:00 a. m. Close at 3:00 P. M. No mails received or seat on Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter box, as that is the last place we look for them before closing a mail. It not certain that a letter will-leave by first outgoing rnall, when it islanded in at general de.ivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 A. m. to 4 p. r. C. J. Roseks, Postmaster. Local Briefs. A man that ought to be re-membered a one-legged soldier. Work upon the new Fair Grounds is to be vigorously pushed forward. The marrying season is now fully set in and the parson's fees average well. . The work of improving the Yarbo rough Hotel is to commence in a few days. - The office of t hy North Carolina Lund Company has been removed -.from the Tucker building to the Fisher building. See notice of Tax Collector, who is preparing the delinquent tax list to be publishedjilnot paid in by the 20th inst. The grand New Year's Hop, at the National Hotel, takes place this evening. The fashion and elite of the city will be in attendance. . A special convention of Raleiiih Chapter No. 10, of Royal Arch. Masons, will be held on Saturday night. A full attendance is desired. The sessions of the two Courts, Su preme and Superior, attracts a crowd of vi-itora to the city and gives to the streets a lively appearance. A small one room shanty, in the southern extremity of Eastern Ward, burnt up Mondsy night. It was unoc cupied and no alarm was given. A good Book-keeper, one who is thoroughly acquainted, both by capac ity and experience, desires a permanent situation. See notice elsewhere. Joseph Archer, ot the well known Hardware House of Meade, Orr & Co., of Petersburg, Va., is in the city on business connected with his firm. We are glad to hear that the indispo sition of W. II. Jones, Esq,, noticed in our last issue, was not so serious as first repbrted. He is now walking about and hardly feels the effects of the attack. We were pleased to receive calls yes terday from our young friends F. A. Woodard and John W. Blount, Esqs., of Wilson,- who have just been granted license to practice law by the Supreme Court. ... Mr. W. C. Morgan, of Zane6ville, Ohio, is at the Yarborough House. Mr. Mor gan is here in the interest of Blandy's Steam Engine Works. Zanesville nianu facturerers are well known throughout the South. Christmas was observed all over the country. A sweeping change has come over the country respecting this holiday such an one as would astonish the old settlers, could they see it. It is a change vastly for the better. The editor of a state exchange says : "We expend $500,000,000 yearly for liquor for drinking." And his paper has a circulation ot only seven hundred copies, too We don't see any use in a man exaggerating that way, even if he is an editor. Salt is a capital material for keeping beef, pork, butter and sundry other matters and things sweet ;,but it isn't worth a cent for preserving ice on a side-walk. We have seen it tried a great many times and it always proved a failure. A trrand sale of uicturcs is to take place in this city, and $950 ; worth of presents are to be given in connection therewith. No. 14. Favetteville street. over Pescud, Lee & Co.'s Drug Store, is to be the scene ot this- astonishing operation. Be on hand. Deatii in Battleboko. We are pained to learn of the death of Mrs Alice McGuire. wife of Mr. R. H. Mc- Guire, cf the Battleboro Advance, and daughter of Henry G. Williams, Esq., of Battteboro. winch sad event occurred at the residence of Mr. Williams on last Friday. The deceased lady was young, amia-. ble and greatly beloved. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved family. RALEIGH, N. 0.. Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners. Pursuant to adjourn ment, the Board of Commissioners met Monday evening. Present : W. Whitaker, Mayor, and Messrs. Battle, Ellison, Dunston, John son, Churchill and Upchurch, commis sioners. The petition of Mr. He well was read and discussed and, on motion of Mr. Battle, the following ordinance was adopted : " No new blacksmith shop, erected nearer than 30 feet from any building in the city limits, shall operate until further orders from this Board," Mr. Battle also moved that a Com mittee of three be appointed to report to the next .regular meeting a general ordinance to govern the whole question. Adopted. The Mayor appointed Messrs. Battle, Johnson and Ellison. On motion of EllisoD, col., a com mittee of two,, with the City Attorney, was appointed to co operate with a committee ot the State Agricultural Society, in laying off into lots the old Fair Grounds and to see that the streets so laid off shall correspond with the streets of the city ; and said committee, on the part of the city, are instructed to see that the moneys arising from the sale of said lots be appropriated to establishing the new Fair Grounds, and said committee was authorized to call into service the City Surveyor in laying off said streets. The Mayor then ap pointed, on behalf of the city, Messrs. Albert Johnson and StewTart Ellison. The City Tax Collector was ordered to proceed with the collecting of city taxes according to law. The petition of W. H. Bagley & Co., for liquor license was granted. The expenses of the' city for the month of December, 1872, amounting to $2, 435.09, was ordered to be paid. Several crossings were petitioned for, and the Street Commissioner was or dered to lay off the following: On Hillsboro street, near the store of Albert Johnson ; on Cabarrus street, near the' store of Samuel Merrill; on Wilmington street, near the City Hotel ; and also to repair a bridge on Lenoir 6treet, in the Eastern Ward, near Mr. Bryan's. On motion of Ellison the follow ing resolution was adopted : Jiesolved, That the Treasurer is au thorized to issue $6,000 in three year's bonds, under the same regulations as those already issued, lor the purpose of payiug the necessary expenses of the city. On motion the Board adjourned. Supreme Court. This tribunal met yesterday but triiusacttd no business save the examination of applicants of lieense to practice law. The class was- a large one and composed of young gentlemen of great promise. The lol- lowing is the list of those who received licenses : : T. B. Bonner, of Hyde ; T J Swann, Mecklenburg ; J S Adams, Buncombe, R B Baxter, Buncombe ; Lawrence ; Pulliam, Buncombe ; W. F. Pool,. Pas quotank; W. C. Fields, 'Alleghany ; H E Cullom, of Johnston ; T A Woodard, of Wilson ; O H Allen, Duplin; R S Bynuin, Stokes; R J Shipp, Gaston : J W Mauney, Stan ley ; S W Bryan, Pamlico ; J S Leary, col., Cumberland ; W C Munroe, Jones ; M J Hawkins, Warren ; William Marsh, Surry ; J W Blount, Wilson ; Franklin McNeill, Richmond ; Alexander Malloy, Richmond; U M Barham, r ranklin ; J H Boothe, Wake ; William Wbitford, Craven ; W C Bower, Northampton ; G W, Bower, Ashe. Premiums Offered. We cannot take up a State or any other paper that we do not see blazing announcements of "premiums offered." Some a sewing machine lor the person sending a club of so many subscribers; others a "beau tiful chromo" for a smaller number, &c. Being constaiitly reminded of the sub ject, byjthese blazing announcements, we too propose the following premiums : First, to any Wake county nun .en gaged in the wood trade who cannot conscientiously sell rotten, worthless stuff for " first class wood, seasoned under cover, ' and who won't always take pains to put the few sound sticks there may ie in the load, outside. A second premium is offered to the man, who will not sell a thirteen year old, starved to death, dead hen as a spring chicken, and beef that comes; right out from under a stag's yoke as sirloin beef from a two year old heifer. When these premiums are taken up, we'll offer one lor a hen's jruv tooth, or an honest of fice holder. 1 Let it be Done. We hear it sug gested by business men of the city that the present Court House is much too small for Court purposes and that an addition must be made to if. Further more, it is proposed to mc ve the jail on a lot in the rear of where it now sets and west of Salisbury street, and then move the Court house just on a line with the Engine house.' This will give a beautiful lawn in front of the Court house, and so. alter the appearance of things that one would not believe it the same olace. Then there could be the necessary sewerage from the jail, some thing so much needed. All this can be done for less than four thousand dollars and not jar a brick. So says Mr. O. R Smith, the great house rnovist. By all means, we say, let it be done just lm agine the new Post Office on one side, the Masonic Temple on the other and the Yarborough House, vhen completed, in front. Factories. We are informed that Mr. Robert Love is having machinery put up near Hadley's Mills, in Chatham county, on the Raleigh and Augusta -w . r i it it n Air June, lor a spoice ana nanaie iactory, which will be in running order in a lew weeks, nia factory is in a section where hicknrv timber abounds nlentiouslv. We also learn that a spoke and handle faclorv is beinsr erected at Oak Ridee. in Guilford countv. althoush we did not obtain the names of the parties engaged in this last enterprise. ij'AILY WEDNESDAY MORNING, Wake County Superior Court. Yesterday at 10 a. m. Sheriff Lee opened the Court, Judge S. W.' Watta on the bench. The following is the Grand Jury : J. P. Prairie, foreman ; Tho3. Manly, C Morgan, Paschall Evans, R Malvin, John Rhodes, James Weathers, A H Davis, Dan Tucker, Oliver W Roane, Geo. Lee, Isaac Hunter, James Doyle, Sylvester Dunston, Henry Hunter, Mur ray Smith, Mac Smith and E D Haynes. In several -petty cases a nol pros was entered, and in several others defendants submitted and judgment was suspended on payment of costs. The Court adjourn till 2:30, p. ra. - EVENING SESSION. Court met at 2 o'cloc, Te case of the State vs. Calvin Adams, colored,tor affray and assault and battery, was the only Jury case tried. A verdict of not guilty was returned. Several other cases were called, and judgment ni si entered against both principals and securities where the parties failed to answer. " On, Vare 1 On, Yare ! Isn Mink LeetleDorg Gone?" A ycung gen tleman of this city, (well, not so ouncr either,) lelt Henderson Monlay moai ing, in company with a long, keen nose, slim bodied, slick tailed grey hound purp. The Conductor objtcted to his being transported in the passenger car, and our young, or rather medium aged friend, transfered his tender charge to the kindly care of Theodore Joseph, the mail agent. Arriving at Franklinton, our young, or rather medium aged friend, dis embarked from the train to speak to a lady acquaintance. The purp heard the voice of his master on the outside, and at once plunged through the mail coach door. The persuasive dog eloquence of the young,or medium aged friend,with the Dutch accompaniment ot Theodore Joseph, to persuade the " purp " back, was enough to make a dog laugh, but the last seen of the purp, he was travel ling in a 'opposite direction from the departing train, with head erect and his tail likewise. Complaint. The following commu nication explains itself. In our various business connections with the post office in this city we Inve always found the clerks and officials prompt and effi cient in the discharge of their duties, and in sheer justice we venture our honest and candid conviction that the fault is not with the nrfice in this city, but it is somewhere, and the evil should be lenicdied : Ca'pt. E. C. Woodson, G ity Editor D.iihj Xeics : On tiie 23rd day of Dec. List' I mailed letter in the Raleigh post-oliiee, di rected to E. G. Hill, Esq., Smithfitld, Johnson county, N. C, The letter con tained a sum of money. Mr. Hill writes Jan. 2d. 1873, that he never received the letter or money. In November last I had three letters detained on the same route lor ten davs. The distance is only thirty miles. there no remedy lor this negligenee ? R. T. Laswell. City Improvements. Everywhere in the city improvements are visioie. New building arc going up on vacant ots, and old buildings bein n-paired and removed. At no period in our history has-as much life, activity and general prosperity shown itself as at present. , Ot the various building now in pro cess lof erection we have noticed, parti- cularly.that ot Mr.Mort Flemming,ol the Raleigh & Gaston railroad, on Eden ton street, built in accordance with the very latest style of architecture, and one of the neatest, and cheapest buildings for a small family we have yet seen, s Mr. Flemmiug is a Warren county man. rue timber in the building was grown in Warren county, and a Warren county man, (J. S. Allen,) is the buil der. , Temperance. We are not a tem perance man in a strict literal sense, but a firm advocate of the principle, and therefore call the attention ot ;young men to the following exhibit fur their own good : Three drinks a da v. at lo cents a drink, will cost 45 cents a day, or $3.15 a week, including Sundays, or $12.00 a month, or $151.20 a year. Three "good" cisars a dav will cost the same. At the end ot the year, what has the moderate drinker and moderate smoker to show for his monev 1 The amount wasted for these dangerous luxuries (?) would pay the premium on a very handsome life insurance policy. That Cradle. Walking along Fay ettevillc street yesterday, in company with a friend, we halted in front of Morris' Furniture warehouse, where our friend desired to examine a new style swinging cradle that was oh exhibition in front of the door. He was much taken with it, thought it a good trick, wanted to purchase, and asked our opinion con cerning it. As it was entirely out of our line we confessed our - ignorance ol "how the old thing worked," but was relieved by the appearance of Mr. Mor- riss, who informed our friend that the cradle was sold4 having been ordered expressly for a Raleigh editor. We pro claim our innocence. Wilmington Life Iksurakce Com pakv As will be seen by a change in the advertisement cf the Wilmington Life Insurance Company, Dr. A. J. De Rossett has been appointed to supply the vacancy in the board of directors of said Comoanv occasioned by the death of Col. Robert II. Cowan. News papers in the State, advertising for this Comnanv. are directed to makexthe 1 ml New Advertisements. We direct attention to the advertisements, in this issue, of W. II. & R. S. Tucker, & Co., and W. C. Stronach. Both ot these houses are too well known to . need word3 of- commendation at our hands. They ..deserve and receive an extensive patronage- News. JANUARY 8. 1873. The Legislature.1 We notice a good many falling into the error con cerning the time on vr hich the Legisla ture will re-assemble. For the Infor mation of all who feel an the matter, we will state that this body will re-assemble on the 15th of this month, riot on : the 13th as some have it All. those who- have kept up with theNprocecdings of the General Assem bly, will remember that the adjournment for recess took place on the 19th of Dec. with the agreement to convene again on the 15th of January, 1873. " .i '. ' Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Company. As will be seen fey the. ad vertisement in to-day's paper, Andrew Syme, Esq., succeeds W. H. Finch, Esq., as the General Agent for this State for this staunch and prompt In&uranc Company. ' Mr. Syme is a gentleman. of integrity and a business man ot the highest qualifications, and every one may rely upon his statements as to the operations of the company he repre sents. We , inadvertently omitted a mention of this in our last issue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. gTrliTTroNA A BOOK-KEEPER of long experience, and one who can give every reccommenda tion required as to character or qualifica tion, wishes a permanent situation. Applv to . A. G. LEE & CO. ja8-2t pORK INSTITUTE. WARREN COUNTY, N. C. Th Snrinsr spssirn rf nnrns .1A"MTT- ARY20th. Total expenses: Tuition Classics and Mathematics, $ 25 I Board (including washing, lights and. luei.) 5 oa Hall' the above required in advance. -Pu pils charged from date of entry. Deduction made in case of protracted sickness. Hack hire from and to Warrenton depot at the expense of the Principal if timely notice is given. Auuress, JU11JN till A HAM, - Warrenton. N. C. jan 5-d2awawlra JSq AT IONAL IIOTE L RALEIGH, jr. a Has been re-opened for the reception of the traveling public. A. J. rAKTiN, lieneral .Manager, R. Li. HOKTON. Ofhce Clerk. W. H. Billings, Caterer, J. T. Harrison. In charge of Bar and Billiard Room. - . Visitors may be assured that the past reputation of the House will be maintain ed without regard to expense. Omnibus always at depot. V . H. UAliLtl tU, Lessfccs.- F. J. Haywood, M. D. Wn. H. Barlev. jan l-d,i wliu - STO CK It A I S E RS T I have for sale, ut my il:n.atiou, Lin- wood. Davidson county, jmvo ti;oi'v)Ujli DieaMUKTH DL. UiN liU-lilj), ITOlll twelve mouths to two years old. Prices from S2o to S1U aecordint; to age and choice. Address me at Haw River P. O., Alamance county, N.C, THUS. 41, HULi. no!3-2m - . . -JARGE STOCK BOOTS, SHOES and Staple Dry Goods. oo Kits rure Leai Lara. 25 Boxes extra Cream Cheese. 500 Blocks Cotton Yarn. Also large lot Bridles. Saddles. Collars and Harness and everything usually kept in a nrst class store. Jan 5-tf M- A- PARKER. E REGULAR ANNUAL Meetinz of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held on the second Tuesday of Januarv. 1873. beins th-J 14th day of the month, between the hoiiiSOiloanuio ciocJJ, at their banking house in this city. dec24-eodtm Cashier. TjMFTY BARRELS FLOUR, SACKS -i- - and Barrels. - jan 5-tf M. A. PARKER. B O A ii D I N G 2 A G A I N I will re-open my house for Boarders, by the day, WEEK.or MOjNTii, on the 1st day of December. Jj. UHAJNSUiN, nov23-tf . RaJeigh, N. C. F IREWOOD AN BRICK S FOR s A - E Apply to NORTH CAROLINA"" LAND COMPANY, T U C K E R HALL. UOv21-tf ' A W R E N N JVos. 2-1 anil 2G Union St., NO RF OLE, V A., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Carriages, Busrsies. Sulkies, Harness, Saddles, Halters, Hames, Whips, Horse J.uthins:, L.ap-Uobes, &c. Also. Tarm Wagons, Carts, Cart Wheels ana Axles, r arm uear, kc. A large ana varied stocK aiwayson nana. Unsurpassed inducements offered mer chants. " sept6-12mW. DIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE JL IJVSURAJrCE COJIPAJTY, Home Office Richmond, Va. Income over One and a Quarter Millions. of Dollars Policies Issued Oyer 17,500. Expense of Management Less tnan any Company of its Are in America DR. C. D. RICE, General Agent for Eastern North Carolina, Kaieign. HON. D. W. COURTS. General Agent for Western North Carolina, Kumn. AGENTS WANTED. Oct23-w3m : : "JJIFTY BARRELS "MOLASSES. jan 5-tf M. A. PARKER. LARGE STOCK OF Toilette Sets and Vases At SIMPSON'S nov2C-tf " Drug Store. N N-U A L M E E T I NG The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Home Insurance Company, will be held at their odice in this city, on Tuesday, the 14th day of January. 157 J, at 11 O CLOCK, A M ;' -, dec25-td- Secretary. 500 WHITE CABBAGE W. C. BTRONACH. NO. 234. NOON DISPATCHES. " Arkansas Affairs. ' Little Rock, Jan. 7. Tho Legisla ture has been organized. ' Baxter was inaugurated Governor. His address was brief and1 conservative, ana was well received by Both parties are pushing matters be lore the Federal Courts. Foreign News French Commercial Treaty with England, etc. Paris,-Jan. 7. The commercial treaty between France and England has been signed and now awaits Parliamentary confirmation. The Gazette deFrance states that Don Alphonea is i:i the Province of Ealvet, with, 7,000 men. A vigorous campaign Discussion on Lonisianna Affairs. Washington " : Jan. I 7 Sherman called iip his resolution regarding elec tions ; in Louisianna arid Arkansas Thurman Freeiinghuysen and Trumbull nave spoKen. i tie discussion is pro gressing. I 3 House. Unimportant. I . I A Domestic Tragedy ' Involving the Deatk of Three Persons. AimuRN, N. Y., Jan. 7. j-John Hills man, a dentist, formerly! .of .Madison, Ga.shot his wife, her allcjged paramour ana Himseit aeaa. I ne paramour is a highly resbected farmer,! and leaves a wjfe and three daughters. Indians Fighting. OiiAJiA, Jan. 7. The Sioux and Pawnees are fighting on Republican River. Several Chiefs haVe been killed. Troops have been sent to protect set tiers. Death of Prominent Citizen Baltimore, Jan. 7. Judge Charles G. Lang, a prominent citizen ol' Hagers town suicided. : A. breach of promise suit perplexod him. He leaves a large estate. j Works Bnrujt. Leuanon, Pa. Jan. 7. The Lebamm Manufacturing Company's Works have been burned. The tire' w3 the work of an incendiary. The lss amount? to 75,000. ' - mumnuT dispatches. The Mississippi River 'and Gulf of .Mexico tanal-Tlie President on Louisiana Affairs, &c. .ahiston,- J'n. 7.- The n-ivtarv mm u;i tiO't to ;a ip f-.trwtl n.'ni t!io ..iifcii5:i))! river, . near i; iiiuulli. n deep water in tlie Gulf of ;ile.xico,would be seven millions and a hjilt ol dollars. The interest, due from1 the State of Alabama op her bonded debt, both foreign and home, was paid in full yes terday in London and Aew York. Mr.. Mitchell, Financia Agent, and Treasurer- Bingham, hae laid- their monetarv:a)lans before (the Financial Department of the Government. In a conversation- to dy, the Pre3i - dent; declaitn his pujrpose in his recas'uition of the Pinchback Govern ment was only to enable Sthe parties to make up a case for the Court. He did not regard it material which party he recognised. It was necessary only "to recognise one or the other. The Military was ordered to pjreserve peace. Pmchback's proclamation, ordering citizens not to assemble, the President regards as and outrage on the coustitu tio.n, and puts the Pinchbkck's party- in the wrong. The President has now no fear of any violation ot ,t le peace, and will soon be tribunal. says the whole difficulty settled by the proper lega Cabinet was unimportant. Municipal Affairs in Massachusetts ....... tM I . M.1 Boston, Jan: - 7. Nearly all of the cities in Massachusetts yesterday in augurated municipal governments for 1873.. Mayor Pierce, of . Boston, in his message, gives the following statistics of the great fire: j "Considering the smallscxtent of ter ritory, covered by about sfxty-five acres, and the short time that the fire had been burning, the amount thereby de stroyed was unparalled The whole number of buildings destroyed, exclu sive of those slightly damaged, was 776, of which 709 were brick and stone, and 67 wood. The valuation of theLe buildings amounts to $13,591,000, and it is estimated that to replace them it would cost at least 18,000,000. The value of personal property destroyed was about $60,000,060. .Only iourteen persons are known to . have lost their lives, and of this number seven were firemen. The debt of Boston during the year has increased $4,356: cities show a considera indebtedness." - . 000, and other )le increase of Congressional News. Washington, Jan. i7. Sherman s resolution regarding Lou siana and Ar- kansas, parsed. It empowers the Com mittee to send ior persons ana papers and to deputised persons to take evi dence. Idianan appropriations was dis cussed up to adjournment. House -I he House was engaged in discussing appropriations. New Orleans Matters New Orleans, Jan. 71 The citv is very quiet. The Pmchback Legislature 18 in joint session for the purpose oil counting vote3 for Governor. In the People's Legisl; ture the House and a quorum has fifty eight members present. The benate has no quorum Weather Report. Washington, Jan. 7 Atlantic aud Eastern From South Gulf Coasts to Ohio Valley easleriy to southerly winds, veering to southerly and Westerly, falliDg barometer, rising temperature and gen erally cloudy m either with probably light ram orer Tentes;c and Eta- tutky. '- : ' ' '" DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion f 1 00 UDeniniirn tvn Insartlmia 1 HI On square, three basertlonsTJ... ..." 2 00 wuo Buare, uweniong....... .... a acj une square, one month . 8 00 One Rnnarp t.hrA mAntha ia ai One square, six months... . 30 00 "ne square, v eive months,... 50 00 : For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. New York Legislature Gov. Dix's ' llessage., Albany, J an. 7. Alonzo B. Cornell has been elected Speaker of the House. Gov. Dix in his message congratulates the State upon the calm which has fol lowed the national election, and that the animosities of the late rebellion are gradually wearing away. 7 Florida Governmental Affairs A Democratic Speaker of the House. Tallahase, Jan. 7. Governor Hart was inaugurated. Conner was elected Speaker of the House by the Democrats and a lew Republicans. The Senate did no business. New York Markets. New Yosk, January 7. Cotton quiet, sales 1,468 bales ; uplands 20; Orleans 21 Kiour firm, common to lair extra 5?tt 15a S8 75 ; good to choice t 85am 75. Whisky unchanged. Wheat closed heavy. Corn in good demand, shade firmer.- Rice quiet. ' Lard Arm, 7a 85-ltJ. Turpentine dull. Kosin steady. f reights unchanged. Cotton .Net ieceipts to-day 2,375. 51; gross Sales for future delivery to-day," 15,050 bales as follows : January lu)4al9 9-16 ; Feb ruary 19 9-16al9; March 19 13-16a20; April 20a205-16; May 20 H-16a20 13-16; June 211-16a21g. . Money active, hardening. GoldUalij. Governments uull, strong. States dull, nominal. Foreien markets. . London, January 7. Consols 917aifJ Fives -90. Liverpool. January 7. Cotton opened quiet, uplands 10 ; Orleans 10 Latkk Cotton quiet ; uplands 1010: Orleans 10al0. Sales 10,000 bales ; ex ports and speculation 2,000. Cotton Markets. Baltimore, January ' 7. Cotton dull middlings J0J .. . , , , Wilmington, January 7. Cotton firm ; middlings 19. Mobile, January 7. Cotton nominal.! New Orleans, January 7.Ootton; de mands moderate, easier, middlings 19-K : low middlings 19; good ordinary 18 .Norfolk, January . 7. Cotton quiet, steady; low middlings 1. Memphis, January 7. Cotton fair de mand, middlings 20. ". Th E HOME SHUTTLE NO. 2 , $37 V tiEirura JiAcnurE. .. . THE BEST, CHEAP MACHINE, Makes the LockStitcli alike on both side . and will not ravel. Will do any woric the high priced ma chines will. Agents wan'ed in territory not already taken up. Every Machine' Warranted for tive year. Address, D. G. MAXWELL, " Atlanta, G.a., or Charlotte, N. C. General Agent for Nrth and South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida. jan3-LJm " J. MILES HUNTER & TEW, SPECIAL PRACTICE. Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ul cers and all Analogous - D i so r d er i ; , SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. . OFFICE AND INFIRMARY . East Centra tit.raet, Joidhr, A" C. COJVSVLTATHtJV PRE 11. In consequence of increased practice, ve have opened an Infirmary at Goldsboro, N. C, for the accommodation of patients re quiring daily attention. The fact that we have cured a large number of patients In the best guarantee of our ability to do all we promise. We invito attention to the certificates be low, which are selected out of a large num ber. Circulars containing full particulars mailo.d upon application. LaGraxge. N. C, Dec. 23, l71. l)rs. J Miles Hunter & Tew : Gentlemen After frequent application" of various articles of lhe " Materia Medi ca," to the malignant cancerous growth on my neck, I applied your "Cancer Remedy," (which was kindly lurnished me by Dr. Hunter) according to directions, and it dis appeared, within ten days, leaving noicn trice. , ; . - The pain produced by its application, to my surprise, was insignificant. . Your obliged friend, P. W. WOOLEY, M. D. Br EN a Vista, P. O., N. C, March 1872. In the early part of the present month', 1 applied to Messrs. Hunter & Tewr seeking relief for the suffering occasioned by an encysted tumor which had located itself in my mouth, between the cheek and jaw. Alter a short time it was successfully re moved, and I am at present enjoying the blessings of being free liom pain for the first time in two years. I bear cheerful testimony to the succe&s of these gentle men as exhibited in my case. - WILEY SMITH. Duplis Co., V. C, May IS72, I had for j-ears suffereT with a cancer on my lip, which resisted pertinaciously all effort made for its removal. After treat ment lor a short time by Drs. Hunter & Tewit was. successfully removed, and has , not since returned nor given any evidence oi uch intention. Mis. ANNIE J. REGISTER, ! Ilockfish, N. C. i Fees from $25 to $500. sept 2S-w3m '- W. JJ. TAYLOK, A. S. MARTIN, rpAYLOlV, T. E. KLLIOIT. J. H WATTiBS MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Dealers in U A R M If A R 7 E V' . Corner ilalo Street tad Market Sqaare. NO U FO L K, V A . 4 , Heptll-Wfm