y' . . j - - - ' . -' . .... D AIL Y NEWS. TONE & TJZZELL, - - Pkopriktok. Fayettkville Street, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. ! I T 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. ui- One square one lnsertloH:..'...!.-...? 1 00 One square, two insertions....... 1 60 Ona square, three lasertian&..........i.. 3 00 Une square, six insertions , 3 50 One square, oue nionth.........,....,....,.. ' 8 00 One square, three-months:.;.:.-..... IB 00 CASH-r-IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. f he DAILY NEWS will be delivered Co subscribers at fifteen cents per- week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 ptjranuuiu; $3.50 for six months ; $2 forthre : months. The WiOKKLY NEWS at 2 per annuri.. One square, six month. 30 00 One square, t'..elve months, , ....... 50.00 for iarei advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. - ' .- i YOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9 1373. NO. 235. A. D s C s si 1'ROFKSSIONAI OAKDS. J. R. BATCH KLOR. X. C. EDWARDS. W. PLUSIMEK BATCHELOR. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, ATTOllNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the 'ourts ol Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North ampton and .hatham, and the- Federal and supreme r ourts. jan 3-tf SHIT II LEX II ATTORNEY AT LAW-, SCOTLAND N E.CK J N . C . Will practice in the ourte of Halifax aid adjoining counties. Collections attended to in all parts of the State. 'nay ll-tf R T U K N E R v O E .1 T i s r OiEce ou Fayetteville Street, Over Williams Book Store." -3m. mh; H. SMITH. I T II & UKOKGE V, STRONG. ST H O N G Raleigh, N. C. 4i OfflcB over Citizens' National Bank, Excuauge I'iace. - my7-m o:o Walter clark J. M. M U L Mullen. EN , L A R K & ,1 TTOItVH V$ J T HALIFAX, X; A c. fracttce in all the Courts of Halifax, NoiiUamptou and Edgecombe counties, in the supreme Court of North Carolina aud in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly : t - A . AS il . E Attorney and Counsellor at Law. W attend the State and Federal Courts held in the counties of Wake and New uanover. !llll tf A NrD it E Vv J. B U It T O N :lt A L E I G II , N. C. Will practice ii the Courts of Wake and Haiuax.and in the supreme and Federal Courts. . Claims collected m any part of North Carolina. ap li-tt D It S . J O II N S O N & II I N E S l .ie undersigned h iving lormed a part- lierstup, for tue i-i aclice oi their piole.ssi n in ail Us vari.us b.auclies. respecll'uiiy oi ler tiieir services to tut; citiztLisot Ualcis and the surrounding country. ir. JonUiOti will always be found at his well kui)y.'njliice or residence on iiillsboro kUc t, y-.ii Ui. HiUfs iuay be lcund,lor t;.e nrcbeiii. at the Yaroorouiiii House or at Johnson '.s oilice. CllAs. E. JOHNSON. M. D. i'l.ltAi HlNiS, M. V. de 1-i ti ED. CON1GL..-VN1J, WJI. JI. DAY LAV rAllTNEUslIlP. c ON I G L A N 1) & D A Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. I'ractice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joiuiug'couuiiea in tn supreme Court of UK- slate, and in tue t edei ai ourts. They will giv e special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to acijustiiig the uccounu oi executors, aduiluistra tors and guaivllaus. - Tue Junior partner wiil attend at his of rice in Weidou on sattuuays and Murfidays of each week. no S-ti 15. H. BUNN,- &Aii'x.T. Williams. V 1 L L I A M S , ID U N N & UN N AD KUCKY MOUNT, N. C. W T ILL I A M S & Y U IN iN RALEIGH, N. C. Bus'vuess-letters may- be addressed eitiier to itocky Mount or iuuuigh.4r Halms tulUittJ in any j.'art of theUte. Practice in the Supreme Court oJ lite Stale airtl in the Federal la.rt at liaieiyiii' inn 1-U. ji i c jl: l. l a n t: o u s . JAM ES i'lRSSON & SON, . Manufacturers of, and Dealers in, - . A I a W O E O il T VS. Cor. of llargett and Salisbury Sts., RALEIGH, N, C, T ESTI 31 O N I A L S . . Vv'AlvE FOREST COLLEGE, N. C April 8lh, 187:'. MR. JAS. PIRSSON : 1 sir- The Piano whhdi I purchased from vou in -September, lS70,'is a very superior it.'lisiK been fieuueiitly tested by com- petent judges.allof whom give unequivocal , testimony to us eAtti.tin.c for a better instrument. Very Respectfully, W. G. SIMMONS. PIANOS T L' X E D A S D EKl'AIKED IN THE iJIost Skillful Manner. TPIANOS FOR, RENT.M Send for a Circuiai. JAMRS PIRSSON. E. - K. PIRSSON, may 2-tf. - ls - - B It O M O - C II L O It A L U M , THE BEST DISINFECTANT At nov20-tf SIMPSON'S Drug Store. I PRINTING PRESS AND TYPE FOR ' SALE. . One Novelty Printing Press, Type and Fixtures complete, with a considerable quantity ol extra type for sale cheap. Apply at BRANSON'S Bookstore, nov &-f Raleigh, N. O. . RDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for JOB WORK will receive prompt attention; and will be executed with nea' .. uess and cheapness, at the NEWS' office, x Fayetteville street tali! JUllgh, N. C. MORiHHG EDITION. lalcigh UliiJ SjiCiU. TI1URSLAY. ..JANUARY 9. 1S73. ""Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged FH teeu Cents per line. tr"All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is uniilcd. Messrs. Grifllu and Holtiuau, Newspaper Advertising Agents, ISo. 4 south fcjueet. Baltimore, Mil., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. AUvei Users in that City are requested to leave their favors with tnis nouse. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. AltKANGE- QFFICE nOUllS FUOM S A. M.'-TO 7 P. M. lime of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Dae at 7 a. m. Close at 0 r. m. Eastern Due at C p. m. Close at 6:30 M. Northern via, Weldon Due at 3:20 M. Close at 9:15 A. M. Northern via Greensboro Due at 7 M. Close at 5:30 P. M. F.ayctteville and Chathani, Railroad Mail Due at 9:o0 A. m. Closest 3:00 p. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. rut all letters tor mailing in letter box its that is the last place we look tor them before closiui: a mail. It is not certain that a letter, will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed m at "-euLral t e.iverv window, or to a Clerk. ' Olhce hours lor Money Older and Registered 'Letter Departments trom 9 A M. to 4 P. M. C. J. Rogers, - " lN-stmaster. Ls CAL Briefs. . The streets are drying off rapidly. llis-Honor. the Mayor, had no cases to aUjudicate yesterday morning. Joe JeiVcrson, the Rip Van V inkier, is Lulled lor Wilmington Monday h'.ght Tt ,...!! .,(' il.ii U'i--K.ir 5 ! . U tir i tie una ati ui iui, jt-i3iii.i.uuiiuue, whieii receiulv trave wuv. has been . - repaired. " i'l.e fitv Ordinance in rentru to hos ruiuiii? at large is not regarded by the otiicefs. ' . The trial ol the pat ties conuec ted with tht-. Hicks robberv and attempted .... w . murder oeeuis to day. Chas. Edgar Mills has been appointed Commissioner at Deeds for, North Caro lina, resident, in New York. Tue building ot J. A. Jones, Esq., on ilillsbnio street, intended' to be used as a lemale tehool, is nearly completed. Capt. John Vr. Graham, ol Alamance, and Prof. Y. T. Brooks, of Wake Foi. tot College, were in the city yeste-rduy. A speciai convocation ot Raleigh ( hHot. r It A. M. No. 10. is called lor Saiuitlay night, earnestly desired, A lull attendance is We tearnthat the Young Mcu's Cuns- liau As-ociatiou oi this city .intend soon to open a Read lug Room. A move in the night direciioii. Fi esh meat in the market has gne up 9.(1 tu'i- c.t ni. caused doubtless by the increase I. pi ice paid this jear v r ' - 7 - - lor sluus. 1 he "etear pe;pic nave tue oius the bills to loot alter ali. : ri.i ic m a lean i ol amusements cXlStinii IU tilto City. "J uon t suuit . . i .. . i t Kit '.'tiouiits conio .along I , -Ne don't see why Max Suakosn can t pav us u visit. ' A parcel of negro b. y s greatly an ut veii, piscrs-by on Cabarrus street . !.!, il liv thiowinLr stones. i(ie V, ' . . . J M , ' . , ; ii.i'ii- ' wilh tin and silver stars liiiciieie with such sport., , Wheu" eio our citizens intend to act in re aid to the Cumulative fcunrage ni.itter ?' The Legislature will soon be again in session, and the matter should come beioie, them early, if at all. The January number ol the Masonic Monitor , Goldsboro, will appear will aouear in a f.jvv days. It will contain lull priceed ings ot the Grautl Loeige, auu luc au diessot Past Grand Master Clark. Mr. N. Palmer, of this State, is now n the city at the Yarborough. Mr. Palmer is traveling in the interest of T. M. McCarthy, & Co., Baltimore, a well and favorably kno wn liquor house. We were glad. to- sue in our eity yes terday, W. J. Yates, editor ot the Char lotte Democrat, Jos'ph J. Davis, Esq., of Frankdn, and .J)iiu M. iitoimg, a , a memi-er ot tijellouscol UepitStiitatives from Chatham. We again remind the public .that Hickman Lodge iNo. 1, boon l empiars, wiil repeat on Fuday evening, the enter- tA nmi-rit which ttiev eave uuiihk ine Christmas holidays. We will publish the piogtamme to morrow. We learn that the work of erecting a k.,n'.4cnni store- bufldins upon tne site pow occupied by the building used Uv Mr. Kret l. the uieienaui uyior, apu on the vacant lot next to it, on Fayette ville street, will soon commence. Temperance Lectures. We are requested by Theo N. Ramsay, (who is now in New YTork city,) to say that h has made arrangements with Edward Caiswell, the great Canada Tem nerance Orator.to visit several prominent places in North Carolina in a few days. Mr. Carswell will open his lemperance CTsioi naiun in this State at Raleiirti. on Monday, Frebury 10th. 1I is humorous and attractive speaker. :: III. Col. fi. T. Carrow, U. S. Mr shall, is confined to his room with a Organization of the N. C. Life Insurance Company. The meeting of State Life Insurance Company was held at the Citizens' National Bank on yes- tcrday. Messrs. Iv. P. Battle, W. J Hawkins, J. SI. ILck, A. G. Lee, John G. Wil liams, V. G. Upchurch, W. E Anderson, W. A. Smith, Graham, T. It. Caldwell, A. B. Andrews, J. C. Blake, R. II.. Batt'e, W. C. Stronach, W. K.; Cox, Wm. Grimes and P. A. Wiley were present. On motion, K P. Battle was appoint ed Chairman, and John C. Blake, Secre tary. Oa motion, Mr. Graham was request ed to read the charter. Upon the charter being read it was accepted. On motion, the capital stock whs limitett, for the present, to $100,000. On motion of John G. Williams, W. E. Anderson and John C. Blake were appointed a Committee to open books of subscription immediately at the three National Banks in this city, and as soon as the $100,000 is subscribed, they shall call a 'meeting of' the sub - scribers within ten days thereafter in the city of Raleigh. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SuruEME Court. Court met yester day at 10 A. M. All of the Judges were present. Tne following cases were taicen up : Stephen W Britton vs W R Miller, ah Bertie; Smith & Strong for the plaintiff and D'GFowle for the defendants . Louis-a Eason, Adm'x, -vs Jos It Btl- lups, ct'etl, Pertuimans ; W N. II Smith for plaintiff, G Y Strong for the defend ant. Jno L llintoi vs B F Wbitehurst, Pasquotank ; Sm th & Strong (or plain tilt", Batclielor & Son lor defendant. W B Fercbec vs N C Home Insurance Company, Camden ; B itehelor & Soi for plaintiff, Battle & Sms and Snnih x Strong tor defendants. . It Paxton and wiie, et at, vs R B Creecy and wife, et aZ, Chowan; Batch elor tfc Sou and A M More for plaintiffs, no ounsel for elefendants. State vs Edward Williams, Pitt ; At torney Gtueial lor State,; Joinsn . & Nelson. Smith & Strong and Ovide Dupre for defendant. At 12:30 tue Court adjourneil to meet iiaiu this morning at 10 o'clock. ' Superior Court. Yesterday morn ing the Court opened at 10 o'clock, auti the foliowing is a brief synopsis of : the pioceetliugs : State s. Wilson Bridirers was called up, ehargcel witn muruer, auci tue ue . - . i l i i. J ' tend int was arraigueel and reminded to jail. " State v. Geo. W. ttwepson came up, and the tlefciidaut was Called anel fuile.il; judfieuieut'.iisi. btate vs. reter liatlger, anray, was taken up anel a 7tol pro o tiered. State vs. Badger llarnon, ehargetl with injury to stock, was tried, and the jury returned a verdict ot not guilty. Mr. II. E. Cullom, o Johnston, a) neaicil. exinoiteu ins license irom tne r 1 buprtme (Jqurt, ana was actmuteii to ni'ictice as an attorney ot the Court. The Court' adjourned while the trial of the case of the State V3. Shcppard et ai was uroimssinsi. to meet thus hi(rn g at 10 o'clock. ; To day, thecaseof Simpson Mordecai and the other ueirrots who robbed and beat Mr. Hieks some time, ago,comes up SriLT Out. The only excitement on Fayetteville street yesterday was the 'spilling out' of a one mule wagon, Jas. II. Aloore, Esq:, the Steward ot the Lu natic Asvlum. which broke down in front ol the office of the' Southern Ex press Company. Mr. Moore was coming iuto town to my in some necessary sup- so ies ur tne asv iiiin. aim iu inc wa;ou Was a IWO ganou ju" niLuuiain no tion of said suDijlies. In the break elown, Mr. Moore was thrown iH such a way as to cause him to perform that most difficult feat for a man of his age the double somersault. We witnes&ed ; the feat and must say it was well done, i fleeting much ci edit upon the capacity A Mr. Moore, considering this was his first appearance before the public. rtiejug a. ores lid came tumbling after Mr. Moore and striking him on the back ot his head, caused a severe in enture in the jug, which was the only casualty we could report ; the wagon being taken to the shop and speedily lepaired. A Beardless and Hairless Man. We are lnformetl by a friend from Greensboro, that there is a gentleman in tha.t city who is beardless and hairless. His face is as smooth as the tace oi an inlant on v three weeks old. IDs head is entirely bald ; and. -what, is more cu rious and mysterious is, that he has been that way every since his birth. He wears a closely fitted wig. lie is about thirty-five years of age, and is married and has a family ot two. or three children; has good health, and has no; lost a single day's work by sickness in many years, l his mystery puzzies tne nn.st eminent physicians, not one being able to account for it. The Hop at the National The New Year's hop at the Niitioual last evening was inueeu a crowning success. The large ball room of the Hotel, was tilled at an early hour with the beauty and gallantry of the city, and the Terpsi choie tn exercisis enjoyed as usual to the hearts' content of all present. Several sets were kept up till a late hour, and all departed, seemingly well pleased with the pleasure and enjoyment of the occasion. The proprietors of the hotel and the polite and affable Manager, Mr. Parti n, kuow well how to cater to the wants ot their guests, as evidenced in their first attempt before the public last night. Omitted. The name of Samuel Johnston Skinner was omitted yester day in the list of gentlemen licensed to nractice law by the Supreme uour:. Mr. Skinner hails from the live town ot Henderson, Granville county. A Great CoMFortT. A few days since we give a brief notice of the Bart- lett & Pomeroy's adjustable Spring Bed, which has been on exhibition at the Yarborough House. Wc have since liad the; pleasure of testing its merits by actual trial, and most cheerfully re-assert what we at first said. It 19 all that com tort, ease and economy could demand.. It has also been tested by some of our , leading citizens, and they have all willingly given testimony to its merit. Mr. Pomeroy has shown us certificates from Dr. Eugene Grissom, of the Insane Asylum, Rev. T. H. Pntchard, Prof.. John B. Burwell of the Peace Institute, Dr. G. "W. Blacknall, ot the Yarborough House, and Thomas H. Bnggs, Esq, who have tried the spring bed and who uhhesitatingiy fpeak of its great com lort and ease. " K-essrs. Bartlett & Pom eroy design establishing a manufactory' in this city, if they Cin succeed in get-. ting some one to take hold or it, which we hope they can do, as we believe in encouraging every enterprise to come into our midst. We are assured that an abundance of suitable timber is to be found in thissection. The price of the beds places them within the reach of .all, and yet we are informed by Mr. Pomeroy that parties wishing to engacre in the manufacture of the spring bed could find in it a most handsome revenue. Mr. Pomeroy ana his agent, Mr. Pettinger, will take pleas ure in exhibiting the bed to any one. They can be found by application at the 1 arborough House. The Executive Committee of tiie State Acbcultural Society.' This Committee held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the Yarborough, at the instance of the President, Col. T. M Holt, who was present. No business of a positive character was transacted. the timeot the meeting being occupied in hearing reDorts from the Building and "Sel'iiner Committees and in amining the draughts of the buildings to be erected upon the new grounds just west ot the city. It is estimated that the designed im provements will cost some $20,000, and it the citizens of this city and those in the State interested in the matter will give to tVe Committee a proper support. they will arrange t e grounds second to but few in the country. 1 he plan of the floral hall building is a most ex cellent one, its dimensions being 240 by by 30 feet, with an octagon centre three stories high. We hope to see the Committee go forward with its work with the same energy which they have already manilested in the matter, as we are confident they will do. An adiourned meeting oi the Com mittee will be held at dhe l arborough this evening at 8 o'clock. A full arten dance is desired. Cane PrkskntatIon. On yesterday W. II. Crow, Esq., presented James C. King, Chief of Police ot this city, with a handsome walking cane as a testimonial of that officer's efficiency in woiking up the late clothes robbery, and his success recovering the stolen articles. We are glad that Mr. King's services have been rewarded by this maik of appreciation, as he is faithful and zealous in the discharge of all the duties appertaining-4to his office, anel has the confidence of all who know him. M. B. & L. Association The 45th regular meeting of the " Mechanic's T . ....... . . . T ...... t .-. . . . . r . ,n r T " ' will be he 1 at the Court House, on Friday evening 10th inst., at 7i o'clock. Dues can be naid to the undersigned at his store No. 33, Fayetteville street. All dues must be paid by Friday night, -r the huts will be strictly enforced. 2t. Wm. Simpson, Secretary. Pardoned. David Coll ius, of Ruth - erford county, conviutcl at September (1871) term of the U. S. ' Circuit Court in this citv of a violation ot the en forcement act and sentenced to five years impii?onment in the Albany Penitentiary, has b. ei pardoned by the "President. The papers lr his discharge were sent from tne U. S. Marshal s office in this city yesterday morning. Qcick vVork. M..re than $100,000 of the capital stock of the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company, organized on yesterday, was taken by o'clock, p." M., thus receiving the charier passed by the Legislature. This looks like work in earnest, and we have reasons to believe that this Company will continue as they have commenced. ; Dissolution op Co partnership. Messrs. Morgan, L tssiter and Church announce in an advertisement this moininir. that the co-partnership hereto fore existing between them is dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be settled by Mr. C. Las siter, whose address is Smithfield, N. C. Read the announcement. Exchange op Real Estate. That portion of the Saunders tract of land near this city, and known as the Crab trpp ffirm nn the Tarboro road, and also on Crabtree creek, has been pur chased bv Col. A. W. Shaffer, of this city, whq proposes to make a neat model farm of it. T- A T I O N A L HOTEL. na LEIGH, jr. c. Has been re-opened for the reception of the traveling public, A. J. Partin. General Manager, R, L. UobtoN, Ulflce Clerk, W. II. Billings, Caterer, J. T. Harrison, In charge of Bar and Billiard Room. ' Visitors may be assured that the past reputation of the House will be maintain ed without regard to expense. Omnibus always at depot BAGLEy & . Lessees. F. J,-Haywood, M, jan 1- dawlm D. Wm. H. Baglky. SITUATION W A N T ED . . TrrkTj'i.-T7F'PKn. of loni exDerlence. and one who can give every reocommenda r." i in ohnrnz-ier or oualiflca lion reuuncu oo --. ilon, wishes a permanent situation. . Apply to A. G. LEE & CO, ja-2t TMEOKvir nic jte irs. NOON DISPATCHES. Aid for the Cuban Revolutionists A Jilood j Aflray, &c. New York, .Jan. 8. An Aspmwall letter ''states -that, the steamer "Edgar Stewart," which had received a .new j- HT .-V 1. . crew rum i.ew xoris., - ana was announred as having sailed from Cart hagrna, has really sailed for Cuba, with her large caigo or arms and ammunition to! the. revolutionists.' tone is under ,the command of Gen. M. Acpiero who heretofore ha3 been quite successful in similar expeditions. Of gome sixty of the crew, forty-one are recruits tor the Cuban army. v At a free fight among quarymenin a drinking house in Centrevihe, a hanl- let .near Satigerties, New Year's night, a Miss Hill had t le top of her head beaten in, and Mrs. Steward had several ribs broken and was fatally injured. Another" woman was also brutally beaten, and some twenty men combat- tants were a.l more or less injured. The tight was one of unusual savageness. No arrest. The Wharton Trial A Motion to Quash the Indictment Denied. Annapolis, Md. 'Jan. 8. The session of the Court to day was commenced in arguing a motion to quash the indict ment agaiust Mrs. Wharton, which the Court denied. Small Pox in Ilangor. Bangor, Me., Jan. 8. -The account Courts of the have adjourned on small pox. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. . Missouri Senatorial Question. St. Louis, Jan. ' 8. A meeting of Democratic Senators and Representa tives was neid in Jciiersqn city ia$i night. Senatorial aspirants, having been" iuvitetl to uddress the meeting, Col. L. V. Bogg, Ex Gov. Reynolds, Col. Geo. C. West, Jude Upton anil General Edwards, made speeches, expressing their views on national affairs. Neither Senator Blair nor Gen. Phelps were present, both being too - sick to attend. . ; m Appropriation for the Investigation Into Louisiana and Arkansas Election Matters. WstiiXGTO, Jan. 8 Senate Twenty thousaLd dollars haye been ap piopriated tor the expenses of the Goni al it tee on Election and Privileges in investigating Eouisiaua and Arkansas elections. The discussion on Indian appropriations was resumed. . House .Nothing whatever allecting the South transpired. Foreign A flairs. SPAIN. Madrid, Jan. 8. Gcti. Flores has been appointed Governor General ol Porto Rico. ENGLAND. London, Jau. 8. It is apprehended that the reduction ot Bank, rates has been discounted today. Weather Report. Washington, Jan. 8. For the South ern States East of the Mississippi,north- crly audjnorth westerly winds generally clear weather and lower temperature. Burned. '. Oswego, Jan. 8. The Munroe and Judsou blocks are burned. L ss fcl35, 000. New York JIarkets.: New VoifK. January 8. Cotion easier. sales 1,850 bales : upUuds 20;8; Orleans 21 Flour nrm, common to lair extra mi i S8 75; good to choice 8 8ja5i2 75. 'hiky unchanged. Wheat closeu heavy. Corn in good demand, shade tinner.- Hi e q it t, 8at-" Pork 7oa$:4 00. Lard liriu, a 85-10. Turpentine dull. ItOoin steaUy. Freights dull, heavy. Coiton ANei leceipls to-day 1,212; gross 4.8S8. ' Sales for future delivery to-day, 9,800 oales as follows: January I9J-tl9j ; Feb ruarv l9-':ial9;K : Marcli 19al9 15-16 ; April 20'4a2( May zo H-10a20 13-nj; June 2ul-10a 20 9-10.' Money closed at 7. Gold 2al2i. GOv nments to better, wita litue busi ness, otales UU11. l'oreisn Markets. 8. Consols Lonhon, Fives Wi. January 92a!;2; P.vkis, January 8. Rentes V5. Francs 8.". Fkamkfokt, January 8. liouus 9.-. LiVKHfOoi., January 8. C"tton Opened easier; upiamis miaiu; uruane, iuy2 Lat"-K Cotton easier; uplands 104al0;; Irleans lOVs. . Hales 10,000 Dales; specula tion and exports 2,000. Ureadstulla- quiet. Lard 37 and 6. . , Wilmington Markets. Wilmington, January : 8. Spirits tur pentine quiet at 55e. Rosin quiet $3.05 lor &LTt lxCil. ' Crude Turpentine steady, 3.00 for hard; 4 75 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar ma,i ket steady at i2 30. Cotton Markets.. - Baltimore, January 8. cotton dull ; middlings 20J. Wilmington, January 8- Cotton firm ; midd.ings 19J4. Mobile, January 8. Cotton' weak, .good ordinary 18; low middlings lf ; middlings 19'4al93. N ew Orleans. January 7. Cot ton easiei ; good ordinary 17al7; iow middlings la 18 ; middlings 19ai9. Norfolk, January 8. Cotton easy; low middlings Memphis, January 8. Cotton inactive, drooping; middlings 20. . ro stock; raisers I have for sale, at ray plantation, Lin t, i iLavi'dsoii county. N. C rive thorough bred NORTH DEVON BULLS, from twelve months to two years old. Prices Irom $2o to $40 according to age ana cuoice. Aume me at Haw River P. O., Alamance county, JS. O. TUUS. 31. 11UJ-.1. no l3-2m - . ' . JARGE STOCK BOOTS, SHOES ana Staple Dry Goods. 50 Kits Kure Leaf Lard. 25 Boxes extra Cream Cheese. 50a Blocks Cotton Yarn. Also large lot Bridles, Saddles. Collars and Harness and everything usually kept in a first class store. p-p.-r,,, jan5-tf ' M. A. PARKER. T HE REGULAR ANNUAL fitor-U holders of this Bank will be held on the second Tues lay of Januarv, 1873, being the I4th day of the month, between the hoursoiTO and lo'clock, at their banking nouse in this city. , : I. A. WlLliii, ' dee24-eodtm Cashier. If TY BARRELS FLOUR, SAC1 1an5-U il. A. rAUAan, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Has Just opened a complete stock of Dry Goods, IVhite Goods, Notions', Ready Made Clothing Boots & Shoes, GENTS' FUENISIIIG GOODS, HATS ANDl CAPS", hosiery, trunks, ' valises and traveling; j5ags. , Call and examine my sltock, and you will be convinced that I am detei mined to . 1 Deserve the Pjatronase of all. by selling goods I4w for cash. D. S. WAiTT. Two Doors afcove the Market. decl0-w3ni DEPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Maleigh National BanTc of North Carolina, at the close of Buii- nexs, JJdcember zltri,IiSt2. - -. j RESOURCES. ' Loans and discounts,.....; Overdrafts :. IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation, U. S. Bonds to secure deposits,.. U. S. Bonds and securities on hand, i.AxJl. Other stocks, bonds and mortga ges .1 Dne trom Redeeming and Re serve Agents... ...... ....I Currency...... 129,625 78 Gold,........:.... 3u,&2 32 Si55,G77 G2 lo.CHiy'ou 5iK),000 00 lOO.SWO 00 50,007.61' I6",0-18 (M 6G,S0i 71 5",twa ou Due from other National Banks, Due from other Banks and Bank ers, .. ..; ........ Banki ng llouse,...............i Other Real Estate ........j Furniture and Fixtures,..:.. ........ Current expenses, ..i. Taxes Paid, i Premiums, . Cash items, including -stamps,... Bills of other National Banks..; Frac t ion al Curren cy , 397 00 1.3S3 39 7,l'0J 00 3,593 80 59;o9S 28 . . l',3bt 40 .; 10,493,00 50 00 1,352,27 6.,850 00 Specie coin,: Legal tender notes,. ....J.. ......... -f- LI ABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in,..'.....U.' ' $500,000 00 Surplus Fund,... ...,...,.... . 30,000 00 Discount, 0,714 93 Exchange ...i... 466 55 Profit and loss, i 51,933 29 National Bank circulation out- standing j. , 449,6 ?2 P0 Dividends unpaid,.. ....... ....I 270 00 Individual Deposits...... y. 591,010 40 Cashier's checks outstanding,.... 2,74 0"i United States deposits,.....!.:........ 9 ,124 63 Deposits of U. S. Disbursing of- -( licers, 62.0S9 48 Due to National Banksr... ..j. , 6, 76 54 Due to other Banks and Bankers, 7,246 31 1,S'..2,570 76 I, Charles Dewey, Cashier of the Raleigh National Bank, dolsolemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. DEWEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 4th day ot January, A. D., 1873. JNO. C. BLAKE, Notary rublic. . Correct Attest W. H. WlLLAKD, in,-) A. S. Mekrlmux Directors. R. S. Tucker. jan 5-3t L L I S. O N & II A R V E Y WTH-LESAI.E L I Q VOU I E 1 JL E n s 1 3 0 9 ; C a r y S t r e e t . , " RICHMOND, VA. Sole Proprietors of- trie Celebrated "KNICKERBOCKER" Old Rye Whisk y oct7-wly ' " AW R E N N . ' :Jlo&. 24 and 2 Union St., NO ll-P OLK, VA. , : manufacturer and dealer in Carriages. Busgies, Sulkies, Iluruess, ' . Saddles, Halters, llames, Whips, Ilorse Lothing; ' . Lap-Itobes, &c. Also, Farm Wagons, Carts, Cart Wheels and Axles, t arm uear, sc. A large and varied stock always on hanu. Unsurpassed inducements offered nicr chants. sept6-12mW. -g O A R D I N G A G A I N i will re-onen mv house for Boarders, by the day, wkkk or month, on the 1st day of December. L. BRANSON, nov23-tf . , , , Raleigh, N. C. F IKE WOOD AN. BRICKS E -" FOR S A Apply to NORTH CAROLINA LAND COMPANY, Tucker Hall nov 21 -tf W N E D To sell City Scrip. Good for Tax. Apply to A. c. SANDERS & CO., nov-tf No 2 Martin LARGE STOCK Toilette Sets and Vases At nov26-tf SIMPSON'S Diuar Store. A N N UAL M E E TI The Annual Meeting of thfi-Stockholders of the, Noith OaroliiiaHome Insurance Company, will be lxia at tneir omue m m city, on Tuesdjifine 14th day or January, 187, at il oock, a mrtXT ,A T,,u . j.td secretary, n 50Q WHITE CABBAGE W. C. SrRCNACH. 54 t OlEDMONT & ARLINGTON LIFE JL Mrs unajmCE cojipjLjrj v..S'r?,:,u .... , . Home OGice Richmond', Ya. , Income over One and a Qoarter Millions of Dollars , Policies Issued Over 17,500. Expense cf &aa ageing at Lcss,tnan apy Company 'of Its Age la !AmerIc4: D3. C. D. RICE, GenerarAgent fbr East'lrn ' North Carolina, Raleiglu" ' i i HON. D. W. COURTS, General, Aceut.for Western North Carolina, Runin. AGENTS WAITED.. -r Jo, B. Nxai TO H N WS, J. IflAlCKtC b: n e a l CO., 0;-e COTTOi(. FACTORS, ;: . ; .; ' ;-aD' ;: ''' !', -l GENERAL CCH3HSSI0N 5TESCHAXTS AGENTS FOR , , PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, . Va. S-BattIeboro "Advance" copy. ' ' r ' I sep23d4tw-tf , . - . f ., T.R. Jt MILES HUNTER TEW, I J - - ( ' ' v SPECI!!. ' PRACTICE Cancers, Tumors, Scrofula, Chronic Ul i r . cers , arid all, Analagous ; , Disorders'":" SUCCESSFULLY TREATED; 0 F F I C E AN p ,1 N'FIRM All Y, East Centre Street, Goid!oroN. G. CO-TS U4TlTIGr., TREE. In consequence of Increased practice, we have opt-itea ,,tu 1'ndriuao' at tioitlslioro, N. tj , fur tin-: accommodation of patients re quiring daily attention. The fact" that we nave carta u lare nuniDer 01 patients is . the .best urautce ol c abiliiy to do all , we pi oioisc -, e in vit' attention to the certificates be low, whicn are selected out ot a large, num ber, circulars containing fall purlieu tars mailed upon application." Ij aG range, N. C, Dec 28, 1871. Drs.'J Mile's Hunter & Tew : - - ' ' Gentlemen After frequent application of various articles of the "Materia Medi- ca," to the malignant cancerous growth on my neck, I applied your "Cancer Remedy," (wnh-h was kiuulv mrnixhii itv j appeared within ten days,,leaviug no cica trice -. ..-J -i The pain produced by its application, to my surprise, was insigniflcanl. " Your obliged iriend, . .... p. w. WOOLEY, M. D. Bueka Vista, P. O., N. dMarch is72. In the early part of the present month, applied to Messrs. Hnnter & Te,W, seeking relief for the sutteiing ctiasiojied : by an encysted tumor which had located ltselfln my mouth, between the cheek andja,w Alter a short time it was successfully re moved. andj am .t present enjoying the blessings of being free troin,pain for the first. time in two years, d bear cheerful testimony to the success of these gen lie men as exhibited in my case. ' 1 - . . WILEY SMITH. ' ; . , ; ; .Dupijis Co., N. C., May 1872, I had for years sufferet' with ! a cancer on my lip, which resisted pertinaciously all erf , rts made for its removal. After treat ment for . a short times by Drs. Hunter & Tew, it was successfully removed, and has not since returned nor given any evidence oi such intern ion. Mrs. ANNIE J. REGISTER, '. .. .,. t . Rockiish. N. C. Fees fronn $23 to $500. . : . sept 23 w3ni . ' T HE 1I O ME SHUTTLE i i n t .0 O NO. 'Z , sEinjrc jvAcnurE. THE BEST,1 CHEAP MACHINE. Makes the Lockstitch alike on both side. and will not raveL '! . ' ' T. Will do any wrork tne nign.pricea ma chines will. . " ' ' ' Agents wan ed In temfory,not fUfeaay taken un., Every Machine' Warranted for i he years. Address, R G. MAXWELL, s Atlanta, Ga.; or -Charlotte, N. C. General Agent for Nwrth and. South Caro . Una, Georgia and F'lorida. ' jan 3-12m W. H. TAYLOR, A. S. JCABTI5, T. E. ELLIOTT. . j. a 1 WATT. 8 r A Y L O R t'i M ART I N & C O . Wholesale Dealer ii i r ir Jr tn fir i i ? i RE : i- i ; -' , ' ' ' '' Corner Main Street and Market Sqtare NORFOLK, VA. 8 ;ptl 1-WCm - " . G O O K IN O 8 T O V E 8 Wo oro -reeeivine Der schooner, from Philadelphia, an assortment of II U N D RED AND HEATING O V E, S , .r 3 7 . OF FOUR nnnK INJT S - T These stoves were purchased before the heavy advance in the price of. Iron, and we have brought the a to thin market at great reduction in rates of freight, both ol which items we arejprepartd to give our customers tire benefit ot.": toend for price list. , . , . ! s: PLU M MER," YOUNG &CO., sepL25reodAw3m r ,hr: feteriiburg.Va, TTUFTY BARRELS i J MOLASSES. JD. - .itv- f Jan 5-tf M. A. PARK! R. I ) w t I 1. i t i. - i " - t 1 ! ': t !

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