3SS3J U AIL Y NEWS. I'ONE & TJZZELIi, - - PROPRIETORS. FATETTKVILLK &TKEET, . Over W. C. Stronacu & Cc's Store. CASH INVARIABLY IM ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to lubKcribcrs at fifteen cents pev week, payable to .the carrier weekly. Mailed at t7 iwrannam; $&50 for six months; $2forthrt3 months. The WKJCKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. vj, , . 1 Badly RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, ae lnsertiOH....-L.-i-. 1 00 One square, two Insertions.................... , 1 50 ' One square, three insertions...-... 2 CO One square, six insertions . " 3 50 One square, one month ................. 8 CO One square, three months............... . 16 00 One square, six months. 30 CO One square, tvelve months, ...... 50 00 or larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. 1. NO.x239. RALEIGH. N. 0.. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 14. 1873. r:uytJ- PROFESSIONAI CARDS. J. B. B ATCH KXiOR. ' I. C. EDWARDS, W. PLUXXKK BATCHILOB. " "O ATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND 0 B ATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend In the Courts of Wako, Gan vllle. Franklin. Warren, Halifax, North n.nint.nn and Chatham, and the Federal and Supreme Courts. - Jan3-tf TUESDAY, .-JANUARY 11. 187?. L E X U SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N C. Will practioe in the r ourU of Halifax and adjoining counties. m Collections attended to In all parts of the State. " mayll-tf D T U B N R. D E JTT I ST Office on Fayetteville Street, Over Williams Book Store. mh7-3m. GEORGE T, STBOHG. ST R 0 N G VT. N. H. SMITH. I C M I T H & A TTORJTE I'ST EA Raleigh, N. C Office over Citizens' Exchange Place. National Bank, my7-6m Walter Clark. QLARK J. M. Mullen: & MUL EN ATTORNEYS AT LAW HALIFAX, N. 0. Practice in all ibe Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgeeombe counties, la the Supreme Court oLNorth Carolina and in the Federal Courts. ' Mt Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mn-iy g A . AS II E Attorney andConasellorat Law. Will attend the State and Federal Courts held in the counties of Wake and New Hanover. mhJ-tf A N D H E W J. BU RTON ATTORNEY AT LAU It A LE 10 II, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal t:urts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. ap li-tl D US. JOHNSON & HINES LIORNING EDITION. EST Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be ckarered Fil- teeu Cents per line. AU parties ordering the Nows will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman. NewsDaoer Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorised to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. MM LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE- OFFICK HOURS FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 I. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 p. u. Eastern Due at 6 p. m. Close at 6:30 Northern via Weldon Due at 3:20 p.m. Close -at 9:15 A. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 p. m. Fayetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 a. m. Close at 3:00 P. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays Put all letters for mailing in letter box, as that is the last place we look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general : delivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 a. m. to 4 P. M. C. J. Rogers, Postmaster. Local Briefs. The Legislature convenes to-morrow The old Baptist Grove is being fenced in. The undersigned havina formed apart nership, for the practice of their profession in all it various branches, respectfully oi ler their services to the citizens of Raleigh and the Biirroundinz country. Dr. Johnson will always be found at his well known office or residence ou xiUla'.xji o street, while Dr. Hines may be found, for Hie present, at the Yarboroujf h House or at Dr. Johnson's office. CU AS. E. JOHNSON, M. D. PETER E. HINES, M. D. de Mm - KD. COXIQLAKl), TTM. H. DAT- LAW PARTNERSHIP. Lieut. Gov. Brogden reported at the National last evening. Maj. J. T. Littlcjobn, of Granville, is in attendance upon the Supreme Court. E. W,.Po"u, Esq., ol Johnston, hon ored our sanctum with a visit yesler day. - Supreme Court. This body met at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, all the Justices present The following cases were called up and disposed of: E. O. Macy, Administrator vs. State of North Carolina, from Wake ; refer red to clerk to had the facts. A. M. Lewis lor plaintiff, Attorney General Hargrove for the State. Duncan McFayden et al, vs. John T. Council, eiaifrom Bladen; confin ed for issues. B. & T. C. Fuller for plaintiff, W. W. McL. McKay for defen- W. D. & J. L. Pickett vs. D. J. Suth erland, Administrator, et al., from Dup lin. Smith Strong and vv. A. Allen for plaintiffs, and W. A. Wright for defendants. Referred to Clerk of Dup lin to state account. Administrator made party defendant. Henry Melvm et al., vs. James K. Melvin et at, from Bladen. R. H. & C. C. Lyon for plaintiff, and W. S. & D. J. Devane for defendants. Case argued. 1 hornas J. McDowell, Administrator, vs. William II. White, frem Bladen. Busbeefc Busbee lor plaintiff, no coun sel tor cieienaant. uase argued. Sfatc vs. Leanord Pepper, from Robe son. Attorney General Hargrove lor the State, no counsel for the defendant. Motion to dismiss for want of appeal bond. E. J. Larkins vs. Patrick Murphy, Administrator, from New Hanover. M. London for plaintiff, W. 8. & D. J. Devane for delendent. Case argued. Weith & Arents, vs. the city of Wil mington, from New Hanover. Robert Strange, and Wright an 1 Steadman, for plaintiffs, M. London for defendent. Pending the argument of this case, the Court adjourned to 10 o'clock this morn ing when it will be resumed by London, Esq., for the defendant. A Fox Chase. Sunday, a tame fox at the City Hotel escaped from his cage,and attempted to make his way to his own native wilds by flight, but all the men, boys and dogs in the vicinity joined in tto intercept his foxship and quite an exciting chase ensued. Policeman Farriss made the first grab for the meat when the fox relieved him of a small portion of his middle finger. The policeman thus resisted, called to his aid help, making the usual signal ,on a plank with his 'billy." No valiant policeman was near to hasten to the relief of this distressed companion, but the "diffikil" was surmounted by the time ly appearance on the field of contest the distinguished "purps ' tido iJryant and Jack Woodson, who succeeded in bringing Reynard to bay. Fire. The fire alarm sounded last night at 7J o'clock, and promptly the several companies of the City Fire Bri. gade were at the Bcene of action & burning chimney at the Yarborough House. ' ... The report of the lire at the Yarbo rough House created quite a consterna tion among the business men on Fayette ville street; who rushed to tho scene like so many wild men. We saw the city bankers out, and judging from the quick, elastic step of the venerable Cha& Dewey no one would have, considered him the oldest bank officer in the State. Jno. G. Williams, Esq., the President ot the State National.was as active as a school boy in a rabbit chase. Col An derson, of the Citizen's, we did not s6e, not only youthful, but well fixed up, a we were mistaken for him more than. once. When the chimney ceased to burn, and the danger declared to be over, it was a pleasant sight to see so many faces wearing smiles where they rarely ever appear. . We forgut to mention that our politi cal editor, who occupies a room in the third story, succumbed to the excite ment of the moment and acted well the part of a skeered man at a fire by throw ing his trunk out and carefully bringing down bis inkstand, scissors, and a half dozen old exchanges. Nobody hurt and no damage done. Kissing. A young lady ot MaysviUe objected to her sweetheart kissing her recently, because the Observer and Re porter was in the room. Courier Jour nal. ' Hit had been our paper she would have smiled sweetly, placed her lily white hand on her soft cheek, and re marked, Plant it right here, my love. Durham Tobacco riant. If it had been our paper, she would have said, yes, kiss me as often as you please and let the Banner tell it to the the world rthat it was so sweet, and I More of the Robeson Countv Out laws Shooting ofFloyd Oxendine by John Locklear, Etc. From the Wilmington Star of the, 12th inst. we get the following particulars of which the above caption speaks. We are at a loss to comprehend the action ot the Marion county authorities : "From agentlemen just returned from Robeson county we learn that a Sheriff's posse, consisting of William Wilson, the slayer of the notorious outlaw, Andrew Strong, Floyd Oxendine, who also figured somewhat in that tragic occur lence and William tMcClenney, went across the line into Marion county, S. C, some time last week, in pursuit ot Stephen Lowrey and John Locklear, the former being the only remaining member of the band of outlaw oi which the famous Henry Berry Lowrey was once the leading spirit, and tfcre lat ter being accused of the murder of the McLeod family in Cumberland county, some years ago. Mr. Wilson and the others returned on Tuesday, and reported that they came np with John Locklear in Marion coun ty, Lowrey having disappeared before their arrival. As the posse neared the house, Mr. Wilson called to Locklear to come out, when the latter replied by threatening to shoot him if he did not leave. The party continued to advance, however, and had come within a few hundred yards of the house, wlen Lock lear fired upon them, shooting Floyd Oxendine and wounding him severely, though not dangerously, in the neck, breast and hand, while, in the midst of the confusion which ensued the mur- TEIEGRjPHIC JTi: tS. SUNDAY NIGHT'S DISPATCHES, ro Sunday's Telegrams Condensed. It is understood that the Republicans in the Arkansas Legislature will make no caucus nomination for U. S. Senator. The Democrats hold the balance of power. A dispatch from Minneapolis, Minn., dated Jan. llthj says the snow storm on the S. Paul and Pacific Railroad was the severest! ever known. At a sta tion called Kirkhaven there were several fanners, when the storm burst upon them and during its prevalence they left witn their teams for home, and very few of them have since been heard from. One wagon was found containing a Miss Poland and a lky, both of whom were frozen to death. Many team3, both oxehand hor,?es, are found" frozen in dri'ts. and the fate of their ownera is unknown. - New Orleans Is reported quiet and the politicians active. There is a quorum in both legislatures. TheFusionists are making extensive prepartions to inau nurate Gov. McEnrey. Pinchback will inaugurate Kellogg on Monday. TJbassey will reply to Dion's chal- lenge of Tuesday for a billiard match ac cepting the terms except the num ber of games. He proposes the number of games to be four and number of points 2000. First game to be played in New Orleans, the balasce wherever ' Dion may designate. I The Secretary of the Tieasury decides that except in caseswhere the circum stances were peculiar it is inexpedient to commence suit for the recovery ot du derer escaped through through the back withia the lines of the Confederacy at door and beat a hasty retreat. Mr. Wil- t- the war 0nened. or for the re- son and party followed the fugitive, who was making his way towards his old haunts in Robeson county, and finally succeeded in getting a warrant lor his arrest from a magistrate be the name of Lee, which was placed in the hands of a special deputy. After a vigorous pur suit the uartv finally came up with Locklear and succeeded in effecting his C O N I G LA N D & D A Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Prantloft In the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of Qe suae, ttuu m iuoiouwiuvAui, wilt ir.vft Krtfv.ial attention to collecting and r-nnK.iittni? business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. 'Pii Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldon on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. - t o-u B H. BUNjr, U'N N & BAK'L T, WILLIAMS. WIL LI AM S ATTORNEYS JIT IAlf ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I A M S & 13 U X4 2i W ATTORJTEYS AT LAW . R A LEI QH, N. C. Business letters may be addressed either to Atociy aiouui, w xvaiciu.-cv Claims Collected in any part f the State. Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the reaerai court at rwana. inh 1-U. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 AMES PIRSSON & SON, Manufacturers of. and Dealers in. f 1 A JT O JF O It T E S Cor. of Hargett and Salisbury Sts., RALEIGH, N. C, Col. 8. D, Pool, the Reading Clerk p the House, reached this city by last evening's train. The case of the colored men charged with homicide comes up before Judge Watts to-day. The macadamizing of Fayetteville street is progressing slowly. This is certainly a good move. John Q. Kirkland, a leading and prominent citizen of Orange county is registeredat the Yarborough. Several police arrests were made on Sunday, among them was one of our good looking young city gents for fast riding on Davie street. Mai. W. J. Yates, of the Charlotte Democrat, with his two daughters,passed through the city yesterday en route home from a brief visit to J ayttteville. Special attention i3 directed t the advertisement of road wagons of all sizes, offerered for sale by Wayne All cott, the agent of the manufacturer for this city. The mail and passenger train on the North Carolina Railroad was delayed till 81 o'clock yesterday, caused. by the breaking of some of the machinery about me engine. Notice is given elsewhere that an ap plication will be made to the Legisla ture of North Carolina for a charter to incorporate a Fire Insurance Company. The local of the "Wilmington Journal forgot to mention the advent of the new year, and the Bobesonian comes out with the last two issues dated " inn." (Note. James, this is a goak.) : A special meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held to night for the purpose of re-organiaing Cumulative Suffrage. We call the attention of those that favor the adoption of this system of Suffrage In this city to the fact that the' Legisla ture eonveneso-morrow, and it is high time that action in regard to the matter should be taken. We again suggest a Citizens' Meeting in order that a proper memorial may be proposed, asking the General Assembly to so amend the charter ot the city. The advantages accruing to property-uolders from the adaption of such an amendment are obvious and require no discussion. We sincerely hope the matter will at once be acted On. Sunday. The day was beautiful and the weather delightful. Divine. services were held at every church in the city, and the congregations at all, a3 usual large. Rev. W. H. Bobbitt, the presiding elder of this Conference Districtoccupied the pulpit of the Person street Methodist Church, (which .has been vacant since the commence ment of the year) in- the forenoon, and the Edenton street Church at night. We regret tosay thaf much drunken ness and general disorder was obesrva ble in some portions of the city on this holy day,and though several,not as many Dolice arrests made as there Ehoua have been. , Mayor's Court. Stephen Wood wine, the great mogul of hog thieves, was arrested on Saturday night, charged with stealing from Martha Price and others. He was committed to jail in default of $500 bail to await the arrival of his witnesses, when he will have an other hearing. William Mitchel, alias Chick Boots, one of the most turbulent characters of Winter's Row, for assault and battery on Luke Williams was committed to don't care who knows it (Ky.) Banner. When the kissing occurred, the young lady posted a Sentinel in the Southside to see that it was well and warmly done for says she, with a sly wink at the Sentinel, " He knows all about ithe has been there." Southside Sentinel. The Sentinel is mistaken ; the kissing did not occur. But, had we been there, it should certainly have gone on, and the Reporter could neyer have known the number of limes. Danville (YaO limes. Our neighbor of the Times is mista ken the kissing did occur but had we been there Oh 1 ye Gods and little fishes. We would not haveknewn when to stop gathering the nectar from those coral lips, and looking at the an gel wing3 which were spread in those clear blue eyes; for no Record of the time would we have kept. Reidsville Record. .. The Record is mistaken. The kissing did not occur, because the young lady obiected. But if it had occurred and our reporter had witnessed the opera tion, the blushing damsel would have doubtless exclaimed " Don't carry the News to mother!" Whereupon ye local would soon have absquatulated. The Peabody Fund. The following inquiry concerning the distribution of the Peabody fund has been sent U3 by a correspondent. Doubtless those in charge can give the necessary infor mation. We know nothing about it. Mr. Editor : I learn from the Report of the Superintendent of Education, that the Trustees of the Peabody Fund, do not give aid to Colleges, nor to pri vate or denominational schools, nor to any that do not have one hundred pu pils, with an average attendance of eighty-five. I should be pleased if some one would inform the public upon What grounds Mars Hill College received $300, Cane Creek $300 and Bush Hill $300. Were they non denominational ? Did either of them have an average at tendance of eighty-five. TRUTH. covery of duties on goods imported into said States while the jurisdiction of the United States was interrupted. The diplomatic correspondence ac companying the President's Annual Message has just been published. It appears from the documents that our government addresses letters to all of -m . - - ' T1, ' our JiiniSters in x.urope, instructing at the lower end of tho coffin 'are priests - J 7 mi , . . - - u reugionese. ine furniture of the m, as well as of the whole mansion, is simpKand unostentatious. The body will lie in state on Tuesday in the en trance otthe Hall of the Chapel. The general public will not be admit ted to view th! remains. No change has been made in the time and place of the funeral and burial as last announced. The cerempaies will probably take be gin at noon on Wednesday., The Em press is overwhelmed with sorrow, and her prostration is so great as to alarm her attendants. The'Prince Imperial docs all in his power - to comfort her. The Empress has received letters of con dolence from the Emperor of Russia and the King of Italy. Although none but the relatives and intimate friends of the deceased are admitted, Chiselhurst is crowded with visitors. . Religious services were held this morning in the Caapsl, wbich was filled to repletion. Princess Mathilde, Rouher and Pietreo, and Dr3.Couneau and Corvisart were present. Father Goddard attempted to preach, but was overcome by his feel ings, and was compelled to leave the pulpit. . Bencditti arrived at Chiselhurst to day and was received by the Empress. M. Olivier and Marshal McMahon'are expected at 3 o'clock to-morrow. Prince Murat and suite arrived this P. M. Great numbers ot people from France "are expected to come to the funeral. The southeastern and northern railways of France have reduced the rates of tare for the poorer classes attending the funeral. It ui reported that the Prince Imperial has already assumed the title of Napoleon IV. This leport is doubt-V les3 incorrect, but it is true that the Prince is now addressed as "Sire" by all visitors at Chiselhurst. The impres sion is gaining ground that the Empe ror died from effects of chloroform, administered to assuage pain. The French Government and; the Burial of Napoleon. Paris, Jan. 13. It is said that the French Government will permit the final interment of Napoleon's remains in Princeton arrest, the special deputy formally ae tuein to represent to the governments to France, if the funeral is made strictly hvering the prisoner into the hands or wnich they are accredited the deep in- pnvate anddeceascd is buried a3 Ex- thi 11088B from Robeson count v. E'atea at their success in securing at least one of the villainous desperadoes of whom they were in pursuit, Mr. Wilson and his friends started homewardslwith their terest taken by the "United States in the Jews of Roumania, aud to ask their good offices in piotecting them from outrage and persecution. It is officially represented thatthe ill-treatment is not prisoner, who had been securely ironedr J connected With any religious question, when, as tiitv had reacnea a point 1 but concerns labor : and tuat the Kou- within about two miles of the line, thc-y J manian government finds it a difficult were approached and halted by Sheriff J task to so act as to preserve the public Berry, ot Marion county, accompanied j tranquility and at the same time satisty Emperor, not as Empercr. The ceremo nies must be simply of a religious char acter. The President is understood to have conferred with the Minister of interior and Prefect of Police with the object ol preventing the funeral if it takes place in France, .being made an opportuny of political manifestations. ' bv Deputy Sheriff A. P. Brigman, for merly of this city, who proceeded to arrest the whole parly and made tnem retrace their steps to Marion C. H. Here they were arraigned before Justice Lee. the same magistrate who had issued the warrant for-the arrest of Locklear, when the latter was uncondi tionally turned loose, while Mr. Wilson and his party were only released on the payment to the f Sheriff and magistrate of the sum of $641.90." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O T I C E public opinion. - The Roumanian people cull upon their Government to take measures to prevent the country being overrun by Jews, and the authorities hesitate to take the required action through fear of offending; the tolerant - spirit ot Europe. Owing to this state ot thing!, the country is kept in a constant state of agitation which, prejudicial ns it is to the interest of the province, t-ivs the aims of those who desire to render stable government impossible in Roumania and thus, to fatilitate. its absorption by neighboring powerful I Bombay says that a report reached that A Woman .Confesses , to Poisoning: ' Eight Persons--Attempted" Suicide by a Condemned Man, New Haven, Jan. 13. The confes sion of Mrs. Sherman will be published to-morrow. It admits the poisoning or eight persons. John R. Johnson, who was' found guilty on Saturday of murder in the first degree, attempted suicide in his cell to day, by bursting an artery. He was 'bund iu time to save his lite. Terrible Earthquake in India. London, Jan. 13. A dispatch from Notice is hereby given, that an applica- states. Mr. Peixotte. our Consul at Bucha- tion will be made to the Legislature of rest, in a communication to the State "It is a source 01 North Carolina, lor a charter to incorpo- rai e a Fire Insurance company, jan li-tf - ' ATC II E S , JEWELRY, TESTIMONIALS WAKE FOREST COLLEGE, N. C 1 April 8th, LS72. J MR. J AS. PIRSSON: Mm The Piano whioh I purchased from you in September, 1870, Is a very superior tuC vicinity are complaining. petent Judges, all of wnom give unequivocal fft.imonv to its excellence. 1 could not ask for a better instrument. Vfirv ReBDCCtfullv. W. 6. SIMMONS. See the call elsewhere. All the young jail in default of $500 bail. Luke was men and citizens are earnestly solicited to attend. The attention . ot the city police is called to the fact that much disorder i3 prevalent in that part of the city known as 4 Winter's Row." On Sunday even ing several fights occurred on this de lectable row, and no police about to restrain the disorder. The citizens in P1AX0S TUNED AND REPAIRED IN THE Most Skillful Manner. KZTPIANOS FOR REtfT.&i Send for a Circulai. JAIIKS PIKSSON. may 2-tf. E. A. riRSSON. B ROMO-CHLORA LUM , THE BEST DISINFECTANT At nov26-tf SIMPSON'S Drug Store. RINTING PRESS AND SALE. TXPE FOR One Novelty Printing Press, Type and Fixtures complete, with a considerable quantity of extra type for sale cheap. Apply at ANSON'S Bookstore, nov 5-tf Raleigh, N. C. Sufebior Court. The Court met at 9 o'clock. The Criminal Docket was resumed and the following cases dis posed of : State vs. Dock .Austin and Allen Richardson. . Affray, nol pros as to Richardson and Austin under a sub mission, fined $5 and costs. Nol pros were entered in the cases ot Austin Blake,Abram Haughton, and W. H. Gaserick. All bastardy cases. State vs. Mike Mitchell, assault with a deadly weapon ; convicted. Judg ment of the Court reserved In two Larceny cases one against Willis McNeil and the other against Lovelace Puryear, the defendants sub mitted. Judgment of the court tnat they each be confined at hard labor in the State Prison for three years each. State against William Mitch 11, alias Chick Boots, assault and battery. Con victed. Judgment reserved. State vs. Frank Freeman, larceny. Convicted.. Judgment reserved. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTR1 KJ for JOB WORK will receive prompt attention, and will be executed witn neai uess a&d cheapness, at the NEWS' office, Fayetteville street mill Raleigh, N, O. Arrival of Fine Mules. A car load of fine Kentucky Mules have ar rived at the stables of Messrs. Dunn & Co., consigned to W. T. Rogers, Esq. They are well broken and will be sold low. Call early. too badly beaten to make his appear ance. Jno. C. Palmer. Everybody that knows Raleigh knows "Uncle" Johnny- Palmer, the Watch Maker, Jeweler, &cr "Uncle" Johnny advertises in to day's News his large and extensive stock of jewelry, gold, silver and plated ware, which he offers as low as the lowest. Parties from a distance who have fine watches to mend, can .with the utmost confidence, trust their work with "Uncle" Johnny as he is the "very soul ot honor." Looking For Farm Laborers. Mr. John J. Battle, an extensive and ener getic larmer of Edgecombe, and Mr. Williams, Superintendent of Mr. Wil liam S. Battle's farm, in the same coun ty, are now m this city, looking ior cotton hands; These gentlemen inform us there is great complaint among the farmers of that section, as but few have been fortunate enough to secure suffi cient labor for the ensuing year. Coal, Mr. James A. Porter will have on hand, on the 16th inst., a lot of Chat ham coal, well screened, as well as a lot of oak and seasoned pine wood, which he will dispose of on liberal terms. Call at the yard on Lane street, just in rear of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind Institution. - Membirs Arriving. Col. Alhn. Senator from Duplin, and Mr. Outlaw, Representative fiom Dublin, arrived Sunday morning. yir, Hill, principal Doorkeeper of the House, arrived yciterday.' Personal. Col. Robert Strange, Major Duncan Devane and Mauger Lon don, Esq.,of the Wilmington Bar, are in the city in attendance upon the session of the Supreme Court, also Col. B. Ful ler, of Fayetteville. -Paul C. Camerou, Esq., of Hillsboro, is on a visit to the city. A. M. Kirkland, of New York, but formerly of Hillsboro, was in the city yesterday. Col. John U. Kirkland, of Orange, and Maj. James T. Littlejohn and Rus sell H. Kingsbury, of Oxf ord, are at the Yarboro House, Col. E. R. Stanley, President of the Atlantic Road, reached the city yester day evening. For Sale. 20 shares Oak City Building and Loan Association. 10 shares Oak City Building and Loan Association. The advertisers, in order to realize at once, on this stock, will sell at much les3 than its present value. The Associa tion i3 in a 'prosperous condition, and they withdraw irom necessity. For terms, &c, apply to the Secretary oi the Company. Office over Citizens' National Bank, Raleigh, N. GV 3t Sterling Silver and Tripple Plated p Ware and Clocks. I have just returned from New York and have purchased a large assortment of the above, My store is mil ana eompieiie. x have as large a stock as before the war. New, fashionable and handsome. My assortment of Specs are complete. All binds, from 50 cents to 815, to suit all aes 1 want me memueis -i iuc ucguia tu re and visitors to call and see me at my old store, Same place for 32 years. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Special attention paid to repairing fine watches. Jewels set and new pieces made for all watches. Work warranted for 12 months. I will sell cheap for cash. Don't forget or pass by tho big n2trh npnr th CaDitol and JOHN C. PALMER, janli-ot Raleigh, N. C. "Ty-AGONS, WAGONS, WAGONS I will receive this week from R US S EEL'S riR G IJTIA MANUFACTORY 4 FOUR-HORSE WAGONS, 6 TWO HORSE WAGONS, 4 ONE-HORSE WAGONS, AN D 2 C A R T S . The above wagons are new, warranted as represented, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Those in need would do well to examine these wagons before purchasing elsewhere. 0 VUlWk AT,T,mTT jan 11-tf WAYNE ALLCOTT, Agent. The National Hotel Bar will always be supplied with the best of wines, whiskies and liquors of all kinds, as well as the best of cigar3, which' will be served up by our young fiiend Harri son. gTOUAOE FOR C OTTON The best facilities lor STORAGE in the city. Basement room, floored and well ventilated; opening on Martin street. 125 W. II. D ODD yyHISKEY! WHISKEY! In naif Barrels to suit the trade, jan 4-tf ' G. T. STRONACH & BRO. . pIEDMONT &. ARLINGTON LIFE IJiS URIJYCE COJHKlWir, Home Office Richmond, Va. Income over One and a Quarter Millions of Dollars Policies Issued Over 17,500. Expense of Management Less' than any Company of its Age in America. DR. C. D. RICE, General Agent for Eastern North Carolina, Raleigh. HON. D. W. COURTS, General Agent for Western North Carolina, Kutttn. AGENTS WANTED. Oct23-w3m Department says: satisfaction to know that the action al ready taken, and that contemplated by the powers directly partaking of politi cal control, served" to hasten the results had inview -by our government, when in my appointment it sought to exercise a moral influence in the same direc tion. A dispatch from Eufaula, Alabama, gives the particulars of the bursting of one of the flues of the boiler of the steamer St Clair, at 12:30 Saturday night, by which 13 deck hands, mostly colored, were scalded. One died imme diately, one was drowned, two mortally hurt and one unaccounted lor. , Washington advices state that.Messrs Robb and Savage, ot the Commission to enquire into Mexican depredations on the Texas frontierjvvere to have left to day for Chicago, where they will be joined by Gen. Osborne, recently ap pointed a member of the Commission. Judge Moore, of Illinois, is Secretary of the Commission. The Commissi!, have the authority to employ a transla tor and interpreter and to make such other arrangements as will render the mission effective. At their suggestion cavalry will be stationed at several places along the Rio Grande to guard the most exposed points. Recent .Mexican advices state that Gen. Cortina is raising an array and will issue ai' pronunciamento on the loth of March, taking possession of the Mex ican frontier, acting independently ol the Mexican Government. v The Mexican Congress ha3 adjourned without taking action on the extension of the Mixed Claims Commission, con sequently jthe Commission will expire next March or April, leaving many cases unadjudicated. : - - . NOON DISPATCHES city that a terrible earthquake has oc-f curred at Sonsjhur, a town of India, in the District of Baroba Dom:ndo,one hun dred and fourteen miles north of Bombay. Fifteen hundred persons are said to" .'have been killed in the town alone. Nothing has been heard from the surrounding country, but it is feared that there has been 'much additional loss of life. Miscellaneous. Washington, Jan. 13. The reported consecration of a Protestant Church in Rome was premature. The ceremony was over a corner stone. " 4 ; 1 The bill for a Constitutional Conven tion for Ohio. became a law Saturday. Dispatcheslrom west of Chicago re port a thaw, with drizzling rain. Many lave been frozen to death. A luel lam- ine is appiehended. Brown & Jakes' paper mill, at Anir sterdam, If. Y., is burned. Napoleonp-IIow the Corpse Looks The i'rpstration 01 me impress. London' agent ot friend of S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ecaTTIe Ts I n g Monument for Napoleon. Rome, Jan. 13. The Municipal Coun cil have adopted resolutions of condol ence with Empress Eugenie. The first subscription list for a monument to Napoleon, which was opened by the Perseteransa of Milan, already exceeds five thousand dollars, and that paper reports subscriptions pouring in from alNjuarterf. National subscriptions for the same object h;is been opened at Venice. MIDNIGHT DISPACTIIES. Jso. B. Neai.. T O H N B. N E Wm. J. Baker A L & CO., itat.t. y. M. C. Association. Raleigh, January 14th, 1873. A special meeting oi" the Young Men's Christian Association will be held in the Lecture Room of the Presbyterian church, this evening at the VA o'clocfe, for the pur pose of re-organizing, Ac All the young mien and citlwns of the city are earnestly solicited to attend J. P. GULLEY, janll-lt ' HfKTiary. ... COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL . AND COMMISSION AGENTS FOE PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk f Va. ' -Battleboro "Advanpc" copy. tepSJwt.f Jan. 13. A dispatch to the the Associated Press, from a he Imperial family at Chisel hurlst, giies the following description of the scete there : The remains of the late Emperor have been placed in the comn. 1 he corpse is dressed in the uni form of a tela marshal 1 he upper lip is hare, the moustache having been cut off to facilitate the .taking-of the plaster cast. The beard, which remain!-: 13 brown and bushy. The features arc stern and careworn, and haveanexpres sion of pain. The Grand Cordon Le gion of Honor lies across his - breast. The hands, which were ungloved, were disposed in an easy and natural manner, the right! hand clasping the left. On the fourth finger of the left hm.5. t a ring with several diamonds, aud which was placed there by the Empress. A small cross of exquisite workmanship lies on his breast, and on the corpse is placed three sprigs of holly. Over the head a crown of violets is suspend ed. At the foot of- the coffin is the brass com p bedstead on which; the Emperor died. : Seated on either side. Funeral Obsequies of Napoleon. London, Jan. 13. A dispatch from Chiselhurst announces that visitors-con tinue to arrive there. The Urnprcss Eugenie is seriously in disposed, and her condition causes much alarm among her friends. Arrangements Jor the funeral have been completed. - It will take plice Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be cdnveyed in a hearse drawn by eight hoises. The PrinCelm perial will follow as chief 1 mourner. Next will come the Princess of the Im perial family, 'the Prince of Wale?, if present, members of the diplomatic corps, the aristocracy, the officers who were attached to. the household of the Emperor, and friends of the family in the above named order The . ladies will proceed to the Chapel in advance of the funeral cortege. Tho procession will be of a very sim pfe character. m Death ol an lix-Mavor-Credit Mo bilier. Etc. . 7 New Youk, J in. 12 -Ex M.y.r D. C. KingslanU Is .dcad,.va"gt.l7a' years. At ao interview yesterday, jl-.cs. C. Dur.ait said he would not be surprised if - the name3 ol W. E. Dodge and Hooper appeared in the list of the Credit JJnoiiier Stockholders. . He also intimat d that Dodge took care of President Grant's interest in the town hs; In this Cmiifiction, Darant des n-' t t; ia'c thelookB of thoCrjdit Mc bilier will disclose anylhinglir they sio founds but if they, are not found, ht has a certified copy of them. - - . v! -J If if I 1! .1 '7 I 11 l i' 'J 1 I i 1 !? f 0.