DAILY NEWS. TONE & UZZELL, - . Peopriktoes. Fatkttkvillx Strkkt, Over W. a Stronach & Co.'s Store.8 DAILY NEWSr I RATES OF ADVERTISING. M One square, one Insertion....... I 1 W One square, two lnsertlons................' . 1 50 T One square, three insertions............' 2 00 One square, six Insertions.. 50 One square, one monilL 8 00 , One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months. 80 00 One square, t.. elve months, 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADTA2SCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to iubscribers at fiftekw ckhts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 17 per arm urn; 13.50 for six months; $2forthrc3 j NO. 240. nontns. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. VOL. 1. RALEIGH, N. C.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 15. 1873. Daily News.' - HE MORNING EDITION. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION Acceptance op Mr. Bat tt.tc Tt will ho sun fnim the cnrrp. SllC JillCijU fttfi) tQtV$. pondencebelovr that Got. Caldwell has appounea txon. ivemp r. uauie, Duper- WEDNESEAY..-. JANUARY 15.1873 wtenaent ot mono instruction, vrtiich position has been accepted by that gen tleman. The correspondence speaks for itself: Kaleigii, Jan. 14, 1873. Kemp P. Battle, Esq.': Deab Sib The office of Superinten dent of . Public Instruction hating become vacant by the death of Rev. James Reid, it devolves upon me to fill the vacancy. This is an office of great importance to the people of both races, and the success or failure of our com mon schools is largely dependent upon the qualifications and fitness of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Alter maturely considering the matter J3F Special Notices inserted ia the Local Column will be charged Fit teen Cents per line. fif All parties ordering the Nows will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Grlffln and Hoffmanj Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street. JJaltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at om lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor The Bible Agent at Durham. The Rev. P. A. Strobel, Bible Agent for North Carolina, addressed a large au dience in the Baptist Church at Dur ham, on Sunday, January, -12th." At the close of the address the Durham Bible Society was re-organized, and the following officers chosen: President Rev. J. J. Renn. Cor. Secretary John L. Markham. Treasurer and Depositary James W. Cheek. Executive Committee Dr. E. Parish, Haywood Andrews and W. P. Hughes. Pice Presidents Durham Township, W. W. Guess ; Patterson Township, D. C. Gunter. V In the afternoon the Agent addressed the Freedmen, ,at the Baptist Church, and organized of a Bible Committee amongst them, whose duty It will be to ascertain the destitution amongst their own class, and report it to the Durham Mayor's Coubt. John Woodwine, the notorious horse thief, was brought up again before Mayor "Whitaker, as J. P., yesterday. Several of the wit-r nesses were examined, and the case concluded by sending the defendant on to the Superior Court. The National Hotel Bar will always be supplied with the best of wines, whiskies and liquors of all .kinds, as well as the best of cigars, which will be served up by our young friend Harri son. " Local Briefs.- Fraps has his handsome "lunch coun ter in full blast. There is some talk of macadamizing "Wilmington street. It should be done. Fifty colored laborers left yesterday morning for Edgecombe and Wilson counties. By reference to advertisement it will be seen why the "Weed Sewing Ma chine is the favorite. Dr. W. M. Wingate and Prof. W.-T. Walters, of Wake Forest College, were in the city yesterday. There will be a special Convocation of Raleigh Chapter No. 10, R. A. M., tor work, Thursday night. This city has a lot of the most impu dent, trifling and roguish s;reet gamin3 that ever cursed any place of its size. W.G. Hill Lodge No. 218, F. and A. M., will have a special Communication tor work, in the third degree, Friday uight. : The work Of moving the Raleigh Fe male Seminary goes bravely on. Every thing will be in readiness by the time ft the opening. ! .. A large number of members of the General Assembly arrived by the trains yesterday. The rest will be in on this morning's train. We understand that Ufillsboro will end a. large delegation to attend the cjrand New Year's Bali in this city to morrow evening. . Notice is given elsewhere to the sub bribers to the capital stock of the Ncrth Carolina State Life Insurance Company that a meeting for organization will be held on Friday; the 24th inst. The hat brim of a little white boy, living in Eastern Ward, was shot off yesterday by the accidental explosion of a gun which he was handling. For a wonder the Coroner and undertaker missed a job. The January interest on the one, two and three year city bonds will be paid on presentation of coupons at the Ral eigh National Bank or State National. See the adverti ement of the CityTrcas urer iu to-day's issue. Yesterday was decidedly the prettiest day of the season. The weather was mild and spring-like, the promenades in tip top order and the ladies were out in numbers, capitol square being thronged iu the afternoon. Fred Olds, Esq., yesterday morning committed a wiltul and deliberate mur der, armed with a lightwood knot, on the body of au owl, while sitting on the fence just .in rear of the Raleigh Na tional Bank. We wer6 gratified, to learn yesterday that the Grand Jury had commenced, in accordance with our suggestion to investigate the failure of the authorities to keep in proper repair the bridges and crossings on the roads leading into this city. The card of Geo. H, Snow, Attorney at Lay, Raleigh, N. C, will be found in another column. He practices in the State and Federal Courts, and will give Sad Affair. From the Wilmington Journal of yes terday we glean the following particu lars of a very unfortunate occurrence : "We regret to learn of a sad affair that occurred near Flemington, oa the Wilmington, . Columbia & Augusta Railroad, last Saturday night. A freight rain had rtsn off 'the track near that in all its aspects, I have determined to 1 Society, f,o will supply all the books pace one 0f the cars tearing up the acquaintance, I believe you possess, in I The Agent preached again at night, jj. -VV. Wilkins, the section-master, was an eminent degree, all the qualities and in the Methodist Church, to a large and therefore at work there with his hands qualifications which are necessary and attentive, audience. until after nightfall. requisite to make our common schools The Durham Society has hitherto fin;sh the work as soon as possible, he a success, and that your appointment done very little in the Bible cause ; but ba(j a Sra(e and was himself shoveling win give general, 11 noc universal, sans-1 it cuieia unu. me year 1010 uu vcij tne js tQey uaCi nearly nnisneu, faction. I am further persuaded that encouraging prospects. The Agent re e gpoe to one of the hands and told your freedom from political prejudice ceived in collections and trom tue nm to hurry up, and at the same time and intolerance will prompt you to take Treasurer $40, and the Executive Com- 8trUck him with' the spadej not, it ia as much interest, and manifest as much mittee made an order for $90 worth of Sa, at all in anger, but, unfortunately, zeai in oeuaii or tne education ana woks io repieoisu iue lyepusuury. iue moral culture of one race of our'fellow- Society will hereafter limit its opera citizens as of the other; and that you tions to the two townships of Durham will know, or favor, or ignore no one on and Patterson leaving the other town account of his or her race or previous ship3 in Orange county to be supplied condition, but that you will administer by the County Society centering at Hulsboro, and the Society centering at Chapel Hill. A little systematic and vigorous effort, and a division of labor will soon supply all the destitution in this county. this office and discharge its duties im partially, and without lavor or fear. 1 trust, Sir, that you will accept the accompanying commission, and give me your valuable aid in an honest effort to build up and maintain a good system ol common schools in our State. I am Sir, very truly, Your obedient servant, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor. . Scf KRioR Court. The Court met at 10 o'clock. Mr. W. P. Batchelor one of the Coun sel for the convicted men of the "Hicks outragc,"case made a motion for a new trial, in which he cited points of law, and made a happy appeal for his cli ents. Mr. Batchelor was followed by Messrs. Cox and Lewis, who represen ted the State, also Col. Edwards for the defence. The Judge overruled the motion. State vs. Wilson Bridges, for murder, Gen. Cox for the State, and R. II. Bat tle for defendent. Verdict of the jury "not euiltv of murder, but manslaugh ter." Judgment of the Court four vears at hard labor in the State prison. State vs Matthew Norwood ; assault and batterv guiltv. Jnd .Raleigit, January 14th, 1873. His Excellency Tod 12. Caldwell, Gov ernor of 2sorm Carolina: Dear Sir After careful deliberation I deem it my duty to accept the po sition of Superintendent of Public In struction in North Carolina, which you have eo unexpectedly tendered me. The cSuse of popular education should be raised above partisan considerations. Reciprocating and honoring your mo tives in endeavoring to effect this great object, as shown in the appointment ol one not or your own party, i snail labor with earnest .desire, as the Con stitution provides, to diffuse the light of knowledge equally and impartially among all the youth of the State, with- bate Judge of the county was ordered affair, and no one who knows him be out bias of politics of bias of race. '. , to have him apprenticed. lieves.for a moment, that Capt. Wilkins io aiu in relieving me intellectual 4 state vs Cham Dion Mason: trespass had anv idea ot mnicting a cieatn oiow, guilty. Sent to the county work house lor three months. the blow fell on the back part of the neck and the man leu dead. A physt cian was at once sent for, but life was extinct These arc the facts of the unfortu nate faffair as we heard them detailed, Beyond this we could learu nothing, not even the name 01 tue uniortunate man. v ; Since the above was put in type, we have received another version of the sad affair from a lriend up the road. He states that the aeceasid, whose name was - John , was insurbordi nate to directions given by Captain Wilkins, when the latter struck at him with the hludle of a spade. One report is that the blow fell on the back ot the man's head, and another ha3 it that he dodged the blow and, in doing so fell and broke his neck. At any rate, his neck was broken and he died al most instantly. A coroner s inquest was held vesterdav. but we have not learned "the verdict. Dr. Morri son, ot Whiteville, who made a post mortem examination, states that, al though the man's neck was broken there was yet no external signs of inju rv. the scalp and the back of the neck exhibiting no bruise, whatever. The TELiE aiui PJIIC jrEirs. T NOON DISPATCHES. Arkansas Election Matters Decis ion ol the Conrt. Little Rock, Jan. 13. Judge Cald well rendered a decision tordav in the case of Judge Harrison, ; against Gov. Hardley, and others He sustams a general New York and Foreign News. New York, Jan. 14. A London let ter says that the retirement Of Bismark from the Prussian Cabinet is .really due to the differences arising between him and Emperor William on the Chinese question. The Kaiser became alarmed at Bistnark's course towards the Catholics andjdeclined.to further follow the Prince defendant's demurrer to the jurisdiction reduction of telegraph rates will be in- of the Court. He says the Court has no iurisdiction under the Enforcement Act of any election, except where the parties have been deprived 01 their right to vote by reason of race color or previ ous condition of servitude. In the complainant's 'bill no averment of this kind is made. V He gave leave o tne counsel to re-argue the . case before a full bench ia April, when it is thought Judge Miller ot the Supreme ' Court and Circuit Court Judge Dillton will be present. .. . ''" Referring to the decision . 01 Juagc Durell, of Louisiana he says the Court in that case decided it had jurisdiction solely on the ground that the averment in the complaint set up that the parties had been deprived of their right to yote PROFESSION A J CARDS. J. B. BATCHELOR. I. C. EDWARDS. W. PLVM3CEB BATC2IELOK. ' BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend In the Courts ofWafce, Gran ville, Franklin. Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham., and the Federal , and Supreme Courts. - jan 3-tf auijurated shortly by all the companies. Several oyster vessels trading between New York, and Chesapetke bay have ba?n missing since the late gale. E X H S M IT H Congressional Proceedings. Washington, -Jan: 14 Senate H The Judiciary Committee have been di rected to inquire into the power of Con gress regarding railroads in the differ ent States. The bill allowing National Banks to loan individuals or corporations ten per cent, of surplus profits has passed. The Agncultural and Industrial Art College bill ha3 passed and goes to the President for his signature. The House was engaged-all day in : A L ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NEC K, N . C . ' Will practice in the ourts Halifax aud adjoining counties. ; . Uoiiec lions atienaea w m bul pi w ui - ; may ii-t , State. D R T U R N E R Office on Fayetteville Street, .Over Williams Book Store. mh7-3m. . .-, lcpnccinn1 . fl-kA rorlif Trvl"ilini. . nn A oy reason or tneir race, coior or previ- padfic Railroad difficulties. ous conaition 01 servnuae. xn iuis sun S W. N. II. SMTH. I M IT H & GEORGE V. STB ON G. S T R O N a no such averment h made, and the complinant is remitted to'the Courts ol this State for relier. gment $10 opinion therefore seems to have gained fine and costs.- ground that it was broken by aJlaJU State vs. Andrew Olive ; larceny The deceased was employed ca the mv guilty. Judgment of Court. In con- terial train with Mr. Farmer. sideratioa of defendant's.youth the Pro- Much regret is expiessed at the sad famine of the rising generation, in re moving from the State the blight ot Tgnorance,in re-kindling the extinguish ed fires of our venerable University, once so honored and useful, in placing North Carolina abreast with the most cultured of English speaking people, is worthy of the ambition of any man. Deeply impressed, notwithstanding your favorable opinion, with a sense of my want of the requisite qualifications to accomplish the task, yet intending to bring to the work industry and zeal, I will enter on my duties, relying on your efficient aid, as well as on the co-operation of the Board of Education, the or of causing death." Inveterate Rogue. Last cveuing about the hour of 8, Joshua Thompson, a young colored man, entered the Shoe and Hat store of C. D. Heartt & Co., and attempted to appropriate a pair of boots. Being discovered, he sought safety in flight. 1 After running a considerable distance he was overhauled by Mr. W. N. Har-i ris and given lodgings in the guards house, to await an examination this morning. Joshua had just been rcleasecL Trustees of the University, and most of from jail in the morning, having served NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HE WEED SEWING MACHINE. Whv is the Weed Sewing Machine bound to please all the ladies? . because it is me Desiieiicr im. me nun. jalo-tf OFFICF CITY T R E A S u It i H, Raleigu, Jan. 14, 1873. Th .Tammrv Interest on the One. Two and Three year City ot Raleigh Bonds will be paid on presentation of Coupons at the it&ieign iNauonai or iaie ixauouiu nanus, Raleigh, N. C. janlo-3t City Treasurer. Washington Aflairs. Washington, Jan. 14. The Judi- ... a j 1 t-t .1! .1 ciarv Committee 01 tne nonse aiu nothing this morning regard ing the Louisiana complication. They will wait till . the papers submitted to them are printed. The Credit Mobilier Committee had a long session, and will meet again to- niijht. Col. Carrington, President of the James River and Kanawaha Canal Company, will address the Committee on Commerce in lavor 01 tne appropna tion for that work. Many Virginians are present. The Committee holds, a special meeting to-morrow to hear Col. it. vv . liugnes, 01 v lrgima, un lue suu-, lect. ' ' The Finance Committee reported that their is no law for re-issuing the forty-four million of legal tenders re tired by McCulloch. u Marshal Bazaine Deeply Affected at , the Death of Nanoleon The He- maius Lying in State. Pakw. Januarv 14. Marshal Bazaine is deeply affected by the death Napo leon. The news rendered him quite UT. His wife has gone to Chiselhurst. London, January 14. Arrangement- are made for the admission of two hun dred persons hourly, to view tne re mains of Napoleon while lying in state'. Weather in New YoTkSafe Land- ingot a Cuban Expedition. New York. Jan. 14.--The thaw continues, and the weather, is mild. The Herald states that the steamer "Edgaf Stewart," whicn recently let t Aspinwall with a full cargo and some recruits for insurgents, sately landed on the Cuban coast. . Foreign News. London, January 14. Marshal Lea" boreuf, General Froissart and General Failley have arrived at Chiselhurst from France, to attend the funeral ot the late Emperor Napoleon. It is stated that Uueen v ictoria will visit Empress Eugenie alter the funeral. Prince Tecke left this city for Chisel hurst yesterday. The commandant ot the Royal Mili tary Academy at Walwich, where the Prince Imperial is a cadet, has forbid den all entertainment at the Institution until after the funeral of Napoleon. Issue of Bonds By the Erie R. K. New York, January 14. The Di rectors of the Erie Railroad have pass ed a resolution authorizing the issue of. ten million convcrtable bonds at par, for the purpose of improving the road and laying doable tracks. ; aTTOIUTEYS JIT If, Raleigh, N. C. 5 Office over Citizens' National Bank, Exchange Place. my7-6m WALTEIl CLARK. LA R K & O J.. M.. MULLEN. M U L ' E N', .ITTOIUTEirS JIT JLa ir, . t 'f - f ' . . - - - .' . ! i if .. . HALIFAX, N, O. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. ' Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly s H E Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Will attend the State and Federal Courts held in the counties of Wake and New Hanover." - mh23-tf . . Escape of a Prisoner, Boston, Jan. 14." George W. Wil liams, whose trial was pending to-day in the United States District Court for robbing the - mails, escaped from the ante-room of the Courthouse. His whereabouts are unknown. - . - "X; i Weather Report. Washington, January 14. Southern Atlantic" States, southerly to westerly winds and cloudy weather, and rain probable for the Gulf States with winds veering westerly to southwesterly during Wedncsdav. R E W J. BU RT.ON ATTORNEY 1T E1U, v RALEIGH, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, aud in the Supreme aud Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. apll-tf RS. JOHNSON & HIKES albot the Legislature ot the State. Thanking you lor the kind terms of praise with which you accompany my commission, I am, Very respectfully yours, Kemp P. Battle. J-- - " -& ' a 1 out a term of imprisonment for larceny. Ir- E O II The Gen'l R. E. Lee Monument. The grand monument to the memory of Gen'l' Lee is now rapidly. being con structed under the direction and skill of Prof. Volentine. And in order to complete it at the earliest possible day, the Executive Committee of the Lee Memorial Association, of 'Lexington, Va., which is composed of 'such distin- Tiiat Brandy. Several days ago we inwardly resolved to become a teetota ler, and up to last evening wc were really astonished at our success. Step ping into the Yarborough House about ten last evening we met a distinguished citizen of county, who informed us that he had in his possession a flask of grape brandy, 32 years old, that was made from the Scuppernong that grew on the vine that was discovered by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584, and asked us if we ever drank anything we are not a teetotaler now. ATTORNEY It A L HIGH, S N O W N. C. , In thP State and Federal Courts, Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in an pans 01 iue niair. Janlo-lm &tatcanQ eaerai v,ouriS,auU vYx guistfed men as Gen'l Pendleton, Gen'l prompt attention to the collec lonof fi 5 ? , McLau2hlin, Col. claims. Mr. Snow is a young lawyer Joh Chas. Davidson, and of ho ordinary ability. Rev. J. Bj Bobbitt, Editor of the "Christian Advocate," occupied the pulpit of Rev, Mr. Mangum's Church on Sunday morning, and preached an able and impressive ser mon. Mr. Mangum was prevented by indisposition from filling the appointment. others, have authorized the publication and sale of a perfect steel engraved por trait of Gen'l Lee. The proceeds ot its sale' to be applied in furtherance of the object of this Association, namely : to the erection of a monument to TO Be Hanged, Jude Watts yester day overruled the motion of the Counsel for a new trial for S;mpson Mordecai and Tom Griffice. the authors of the "Hicks outrage." and will on Friday pronounce upon them the sentence of death. It is understood though, how ever, that an appeal will be taken to the SuDreme Court, which being now in O T I C E Raleigh, Jan. 21th, 1S73. Notice is hereby given to the subscribers to the Capital Stock of the North Carolina State , Life Insurance Company, that a meet- lug lor orgaumanuu wui uu iiciu .11 iue Citizens' National Hank, llaleigh, N. L, on Friday, January J4tn, 1S73, at l-' o clocli. JOHN G. WILLIAM, W. E. ANDERSON, JOHN C. BLAKE, jal-3-td . Conimissiouers. Sentinel and Era copy. First Act of the Kansas Governor. TorEKA Kansas, Jan. 14. The first act of the new Governor wad to send a message to the President to withdraw the United States troops from the Cher okee neutral lands. MIDNIGHT DISl'ACTHES. "g A N K R U P T S A L E Taiuable Real Estate. OF the memory of Gen'l R. E. Lee, at the session, will take up the case before its Washington and Lee University, Lex- adjournment. Not so Slow. Justice is not so slow every case. For instance Chick P.nntQ n nnlnrinus rowdv of Winter's t. . i.i iaJL T.nVn rhnmn. ot the Lee Memorial Association. We nn Snndav evening. He was arrested commend this portrait to the public,and , . " . . . by the Police, taken, beiore tne Mayor ington, Ya. The portrait will be sold only by subscription, through regular authorized agents. Every subscriber for the portrait will receive a certificate signed by the Secretary and Chairman Mnnrlnv morning, who sent uim on to the Superior Court. The Granl Jury found a true bill on the same day, his trial came up in the afternoon, and he was convicted by a Jury. J udge Watts will doubtless pass sentence to-day. Commodore Stanly -Commodore Stanly, of the United States Navy, o brother of the Hon. E. R. Stanly, of this State, is- in the city to petition the Legislature to pass some laws for the better protection of the North Carolina coast. ' Commodore Stanly holds the govern ment appointment ot General Supenn honfi somt cood enersjetic man will secure the agency in this section in order to help oh the good work. Messrs. W. W. Bostwick & Co.; Nos. 177 & 179 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, have been constituted and appointed General Managers of Agencies, and any communications, addressed to them for circulars, terms, and certificates, will receive prompt attention. Bankultt Sale of Real Estate. Mr. Richard W. Harris, assignee of Archibald Taylor's' estate, advertises to day that he will sell at public auction, on the 5th of March next, in Louisburg, Archibald Attention! Members. As many -changes will be made in the-boarding houses of the members since last Ses sion, those desiring the News will either leave their names at our business office or with the reporters at their desks. The Daily News will be delivered to members at their private rooms or on their desks at sixty-five cents per month. ' Rejected. The alphabetical poetry, (We know not what else to call it) though' well written, and really a good thing, we cannot use on account of its personal allusions. True, we know it is all in fun,. no offence meant, and in all probabilty none wouid be taken, but we know the young ladies would not like to tee their names used and that's whv. the track of land on wsich tendent of all the Light Houses, Bouys, Taylor now livea, situated in Franklin &c, on the North Carolina and Virginia county about 4 miles west of Pons' gold mine, and containing a,3d acres, i ins is a fine opportunity tor those wishing Coast. ; W. P. Batchelor, Esq. This prom ibing young lawyer yesterday made his maiden efiort at the bar. His argument was upon a motion for a new trial for the negroes convicted of burglary in the recent Hicks case. The Judge, in Overruling the motion, took occasion to speak in eulogistic terms ofMr. Batch eloi's speech, characterizing it as an ingenious and able argument, also com plimenting highly the appositeness with which ho presented his points of law in sustaining his position. Stealing A Dress. Last night Ida Lynn, a young colored girl was arrested on the charge of stcaliug a dress from one Lucy Moore, colored. The dress being found on Ida's back,she was incar- to invest as it is thought there is a gold cerated in the lock up and will be inter mine.upon tne premises On WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of March, 1871 1 shall sell at PUBLIC SALE for cash, to the highest bidder, in the town of Louis burg in Franklin county, N. C. the TRACT OF JLjrn on which Archibald Taylor now lives, sit uated about four miles west of Portis' Gold Mine, in Franklin county, N. C, and con taining, by Taylor's schedule in Bankrupt cy, 2 ,271 A C It E S . This is a very productive body of land, adapted to the growth of Wheat Corn, To bacco, Cotton, kc, a large proportion of which is in original growth, with n. larire amount of low grounds on it. The dwelling is large, convenient and eostlv, with all necessary outhouses conve niently arnvnged. It is supposed by many persons that this land has a, Uold Mine on it, The tract ot land is very large and valua ble, and is sold under an order of the Dis trict Judge of the Eastern District of N orth Carolina, pursuant to the provisions of the Bankrupt law. - I shall also sell at Public Auction for cash, to the highest bidder, on MONDAY, the 10th day of March, 1S73, at the Court House door in Oxford, Granville county, all the right and interest of the said Archibald Taylor, arising under the will of Hobert Tavlor deceased, in all the property, real and nersonal. of Hobert T. Peiham. derived under said will, and now in the hands of and under the control or 1j. u. xayior. xne property consists of a large Tobacco Factory at Oxford, of !)U sshares of Raleigh and Gas ton Kail Koad Stock, and other eflects. KICHARD W. HARRIS, Assignee of Archibald Taylor's Estate. janl5-w4t .' this SurKEME Coubt. Court met at 10 o'clock, all the Judges present. Mr. London concluded his argumont in the case ot Weith & Arents vs. the city of Wilmington. J. Francis King vs. J. E. Winants, from New Hanover, M London for plaintiff and Robert Strange for defen dant. Case argued at length. viewed by 'his Honor the Mayor, morning. ' Shawl Found. A plaid shawl was picked up" last evening in front of Tucker Hall, by a gentleman. The owner can procure the same by calling on the Chief of Police. AGONS, WAGONS, WAGONS Judge "Daniel Smyser, of Norristowu, considerable Pa., died on Saturday, of apoplexy, at Gettysburg. I will receive this week from JR USSEEE'S TIR ajJTIvI MANUFACTORY 4 FOUR-HORSE WAGONS, 6 TWO HORSE WAGONS, V 4 ONE-HORSE WAGONS, AND 2 CARTS. The above wagons are new, warranted as represented, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Those in need would do well to examine these wagons before purchasing elsewhere. WAYNb. ALLCOTT, 1nn M-.f Attont. Washington Affairs. Washisgto, Jan. 14. -The Senate Committee on patents had before them this morning the bill passed by the House in May last, relieving the heirs of William Graham from all disabilities now existing, and preventing them from renewing or reviving the application of the Administrator ot the estate for a certain invention or discovery of a novel method of or means for extinguishing fires, Src. . Judge Bond, of Chicago, represented the Graham heirs and Judge Lochrane, of Georgia, and Judge Bar rett. of Washington, the National Fire Extinguisher Company, of New York. At least a dozen other gentlemen in terested in the Fire Extinguishers were nresent. The Committee consideicd that as it had been so . long since Gra ham made, his application, namely, 1837, the entertaining of the proposi tion for revising said application would work injustice to those who have embarked their capital in the new Fire Extinguishing Companies. They therefore unanimously ordered that the bill ought not'to pass the Sen ate. : . Col. Carrington tri-day made an ar gument before the Committee on Com merce, in favor ot the pending bill proposing Congre s shall, through the Bureau of United States Engineers, complete the James River and Kanaw ha Canal, and that Commissioners, appointed by .eight Western States and Virginia, shall control the same. The bill .appropriates $8,000,000 for the work. Virginia and West Virginia tender their expenditure of ten million dollars, on condition of completion, and when the national expenditure shall be fully returned to the United States" the canal is to be free from all tolls, ex cept those necessary to keep it in repair. The Effects of the Storms and Cold Weather in the Northwest. ; Minneapolis, Minn , January 14. A special dispatch to the Tribune, from various parts of Minnesota, uive further details of the terrible nature of the storm of Tuesday: last. Eight people are known to have been frozen to death at Morris aud six or eight others have sufund the same fate throughout the country. Two" men were found near St. Peter, sitting up.-ight in a sleigh frozen stiff, wrapped iu buffalo robes. At Washington two teamstcis have been frozen to death ; near Sioux city three others shared the same fate. The railroad men engaged in woiking snow banks are suffering everything, many of them being Irczen though, novo fatally. It is by far the most terrible storm that has visited this section of country since its first settlement Pinchback Electe d U. S. Senator by the Kellogg Legislature. New Orleans, January 14. Pinch- back has been elected United States Senator by the Kellogg Legisture. The undersigned having formed a part nership, for the practice of their profession in all its various branches, respectfully oi ler tneir services to tne citizens or ttaieign and the surrounding country. Dr. Johnson will always be found at bis well known office or residence on Hillsboro street, Whila LVs-Hines may be found, for tue present, at the af borougU House or at Dr. Johnson's office. CUAS. E. JOHNSON, M. D. PETER E. 11INES, 11. D. del-lm , ED. COXIQLAND, Witf. U. DAY LAW PARTNERSHIP. C O N I G L A N D & DA Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New York Markets. New York. January 1L Cotton quiet : sales 2,486 bales ; uplands 203 ; Orleans 21. Flour quiet and unchanged. Whisky closed weak at 94. Wheat closed shade firmer; red western 70ao. corn rather heavy. Rice firmer ; Carolina 8a9. Pork, new, 13 75. Lard weak at 8a8 -ie. Tur pentine quiet. Rosin firm. Tallow qniet at 8a8?i. Freights steady. Cotton is et receipts to-uay -iw; grus.s 5,062. . - sales ior luture ueuveiy -w-uay, jlw.ju bales as follows : January IS) 9-10al9; Feb ruary ltvaui : March 19J.a20 ; April 20a 20 5-iG ; ' islay 20; June 21 ; July 21. Money easier, 4a6. Gold 11J. Govern ments quiet. States very quiet. HALIFAX, N. C. Practice iu the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of the state, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the . accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. , : The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weidou on Saturdays aud.Mondaj s of each week. uo28-U - B. B H. Bonn, U N N & Sam'i,T. Williams. W I L L I' A M S ,. Foreisn Markets. Lor)N, January .1 (.Consols 92J C Fives Tallow II and G. Pauis, Januaiy 1L lteulcs 51 and 15. Livekpool, January It. Cotton opened quiet, uplands 10J4; Orleans iU;'. Later. Cotton uull, easier; sales 8,0iW ; exports and speculations l,00t. lireadstulTs duil. Cumberland cut 31. Reef, new, t5. Later. Cotton closed unchanged, t-aics 4,00. . Cotton Markets Wilmikoton, January 1 1. cotton quiet ; -Cotton active; good ordinary 17; low middlings l4; New Okleaxs, January 14.- middlings 19. Norfolk, January 14. Cotton quiet; low middlings 18V,ai9. . Memphis, January 11. Cotton quiet ; middlings 20. Baltimore, January 11. L'otton quiet; middlings 20 s- Mobile. January 11. Cotton quiet, good ordinary 17; low middlings 1S'; mid dlings! ' T A T O II E S , J E WELRY, Sterling Silver and Tripple Plated Ware and Clocks. I have just returned from New York and have purchased a large assortment of the above, My store is full and complete. I have as large a stock as before the war. New, fashionable and handsome. My assortment of Specs are complete. am irinds. from 50 cents to 15. to suit ail ages, I want the members of the Legisla ture and visitors to call and sec me at my old store Kame Dlace for 32 years. Watches nnrt .Teweirv rcDaired. special attention n.-.lfl to rmiairimr fine Avatches. Jtwels set and new pieces made for all watche. Work warranied for 12 months. I will ell cheap for cash. Don't forget or pats by the U14 watch near the Capitol and JOHN C. PALMER, Ian 11-St Raleigh, N. C. w A V N K A J LOO T T : ilOCEU .CT or.xEr. AL ATTORJTEYS JIT Ejlir, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. yy ILL I A M S & B UNN, lTT01ZVEiS 1T Ek If RALEIGH, N. C. tn, Business letters may be addressed cither to Rocky Mnuut or K,aleigh..tf Claims Collected in any part of t!ie State. J&V Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. O I Notice is hereby . given, that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature of North Carolina, ;or u charter to incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company. j m il-if ' ; H A W K I N S & G O 00 tt o r r a c t o r s AND General Cojnmission Merchants, 43 West Lombard Street, II A LTIMO It E , II D Liijcral atlvauce.-i made upon consign ments Fertilizers furnished at lowest rales, ja )o-tm'u 11) ., Wit. J. Baker & CO., pucmri;:toiissio STi Has and will keen in stok tho, bt qual ity of : : ; Vessel Foondcred. Philadelpaia, Jan. 14. A Cable dispatch trom Liverpool a nnounces the foundering of the ship Tuscaiora oS Gibraltar. She was loaded with cotton from Mobiie bound to Livejpool. The Captain and ten men reported lost. Tho vessel belonged to Cope ot Phil adelphia. - F. IM ME 1 2R O CER IE&. I especially invite all interested to eall, believing i can niske It to your nierest to purchase from nte, ? I am determined to sell Groceries witii as lo-e margin as they can be handled in Raieih. -My increasing trade ce tities to this. Than li lug you for your Sivors in the past aud hoping a sharo ot your patronage in tho future. ; I remain truly, - Jnn -tl W'AYNK ALT-OGTT. . Jno. B. Neau J O II N B. NE AL COTTON FACTOR?, . - AND ; ; ClKSiAL (03H1BSI0A JIELCHAXTS AGENTS FOR ' PATAPSCO GUANO C03IPANY, Norfolk, Va. -I5attlelxjro "Advancb" copy, sen2:lw-tf ' - - ; " gTORAGE TO II C OT TO N The best facili Lies for STORAGE In the eity. Rasement room,' floored and well ventilated; opening on Martin street, 125 x30feet. nov 21-t W. H. V ODD niSKEY!r:WHISKEY! -.In Half Barrels to suit the trad. ' " jan 4-tf Q. T, BTRONAOH p BR.