DAILY NEWS. TONE & TJZZELL, - - Proprietors. Fatettevilue Street, . Over. W. g Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ubscribera at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly, ilalled at $7 perannnni; 3.50for six months ; $2 forthreo months. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. daily'Mews. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion..... ...3 T-00 wne square, two insertions-.. 1 0 vxiw square, mree insertions One sauare. six insert.inn 2 00 3 56 8 00 16 00 SO 00 One square, one month......... une square, turee months. One sauare. six rnntitho.. linn Rn li ArR. t. p vnrannTha A " T - - - " ..... ........ w V 50 00 ror lamer aaveriispTnpnTjs wrai nn. VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16 1873. NO. 241. tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. ( . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G- E 0 II S N 0 W N. C . , jl TTOR JVE1T RALEIGH, Practices In the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. janl5-lm J. B. BATCHELOR. I C. EDWARDS. W. PLUM3IER BATCH ELOR. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. J Will attend In the Courts 61 Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and supreme Courts. jan 3-tf A LEX' H 8 11 I T II ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N C Will practice in the ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Collections attended to in all parts of the State. mayll-tf D T U R N E R D E JT T I 8 T . Office on Fayctteville Street, .Over Williams Book Store. mh7-3m. Walter Clark. J. M. Mullen. Q L A R K & M U L EN, ATTORNEYS JlT LA 11 HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgeoombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. jf Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly A NDREW J. BURTON ATTORJTEY AT LAU RALEIGH, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. ap 11-tf ED. CON'IGLAND, war. n. Dat LAW PARTNERSHIP. c ONIGLAND & DA Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of ihe State, and .in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. The Junior partner -will attend at his of fice in Weldou on Saturdays and Mondays of each wee it. . ao2S-tf B. H. BqN, Sam"i.T. Williams. B U N N & W I L L I A M S ATTORJEYS 1T LA f JF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I AM S & BUN N, ilTTORJVElTS j1T IP, RALEIOH, N. C. 5, Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount-or Kaleigh..dr Galms Collected la any part f the State. JSOf Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, nihl-tf. O E Notice is herebv eiven. that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature of North Carolina, lor a charter to Incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company. Jan 14-tf OFFICF CITY TREASURER, Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1873. The January Interest on the One, Two and Three year City of Raleigh Bonds will be paid on presentation of Coupons at the Raleigh National or State National Banks, Raleigh, N.C. M. W. CHURCHILL, janlo-3t. City Treasurer. H ,A W KINS & C O CO TTOJT JP A CTORS AND C.cneral Commission Merchants, 43 West Lombard Street, IJALT1MO RE , M D . Liberal advances made upon consign ments Fertilizers furnished at lowest rates. ja!3-tmh4D - Jno.B. NeAL. J O II N WM. J. BAKEU B. N E A L & CO., COTTON FACTORS, - AND CEXEBAL COMMISSION SEKCBAHTS AGENTS FOB . PATAPSCO GUANO CGMPANY, Norfolk, Va. -IJattleboro "Advance' Kep'23d&w-tf copy. T A Y N E A LLC O TT W GItOCEK AND GENERAL PUODICEZCOMMISSIOS! MERCHANT, Has and will keep in stock;the best qual ity of j FjMJrilL, 1" GROCERIES. I especially invite all interested to call, believing I can make it to your Interest to purchase from me, as I am determined to ell Groceries with as close margin as they can be handled in Raleigh. My Increasing trade certifies to this. . Thanking you for your favors in the past and hoping a share of your patronage in the future. ; I rema:, truly, a1jIjC0TT. MORNING EDITION. Wxt Mrifllt gaily THURSEAY JANUARY 16. 1873 J3T" Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fit teen Cents per line ISjfAll parties ordering the New! will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors witn this house. LOCAL MATTER. E.C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. AKRANGE- OFFICE HOURS FROM A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails: Western Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:80 p. M. -Eastern Due at 6 r: m. Close at 6:30 A. M. Northern tia ,Weldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 a. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 7 A. u. Close at 5:30 p. m. Fayctteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 A. m. Close at 3:00 P. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter box, as that is the last place we look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mall, when it is handed in at general delivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. C. J. Rogers, ' Postmaster. df For latest news by telegraph, see Fourth Page. Local Briefs. Nearly all the members are in. " Old Prob " said rain for last night, and rain it did. Thomas Peck & Son celebrated Lager Beer, only keep by Fraps and Walker. Treasurer Jenkins returned to the city yesterday from a visit to his family in Gaston. W. M. Black well, Esq., ol Granville, owns a mare that has given birth to six colts in three years. The heavy pressure on our columns to-dav necessarily curtails our local space. 've regret it oat it is jusc so. Ye local has been promoted Irom re porter in the House to the Senate. We have tried it on one day "and want to go home.1' The Lunch Counter of Miller & Nel- son's Jront casement oi iyietropciitan Hall, is supplied with every luxury of the season, and open night and day. t The rooster that has been living six months with his head chopped off, and now.being exhibited by his lucky owner, is en route this way from Columbia, S. C. There is a lone grave on an obscure road in Harnett county, marked D. W. M., Co. B., 40th Ala. Reg't. Mai. H. M. Miller, of this city, will give any infor mation con the grave. erning tue n nereaoouts oi i See the advertisement elsewhere ot G. T. Stronach & Brc. The best guanos are kept by them. Bacon, tobacco, fish. segars, ana wmsKies or an Kinci3 on hand. They have several horses lor sale. It is said that operations will com mence on. the Masonic Temple at an early day. There are parties in the city already who desire to put up a large steam "engine in rear of the building for the purpose of renting steam power to the various machinery which will be used in this building when completed. Superior; Court. The entire day's sessions was consumed in the trial of the hnv George Dowd. for murder. Our j o ' readers will remember this case as the "Oberlin Murder," a full account of which appeared in the News at- the time of the occurrence. . The circumstances attending the cisc are, briefly, as follows : The boy George, quite a youth, stabbed his step-father in the leg with a small knife, while the said step-father was unmercifully beat ing him with a stick, about one month Ago at Oberlin (village, v Gen. Cox and F. H. Busbee appeared or the State and Maj. A. M. Lewis lor the defendant. : The evidence in the case was plain that the boy did not intend to kill his fond patient ; that the blade of the knife in strirking the femoral artery was merely a chance lick, unfortuuate for the child-whipper; and after an able argument on both sides, and an elabo rate charge by the judge the jury re turned a verdict of not guilty. Tub Soluble Sea Island Guano. Mr. W. C. Stronach, Agent for the Soluble Sea Island Guano Company, advertises, in another column this morn ing, this excellent fertilizer,accompanied with a number of certificates from many of the leading farmers of the State. This fertilizer obtained the premium at the Wilmington Fair for having raised the largest amount of cotton to the acre. It also received eight premiums at the Wayne county Fair. Messrs. R. W. L. Rasin & Co., of Baltimore, the proprie tors of this guano, have been in the busi ness 24 years, having bought the first cargo of Phosphatic Guano ever im norted into the United States. ;. Supreme Court. Courr met at 10 o'clock, all the Justicespresent. , The following cases from the 5th Ju dicial Circuit wcreTtaken up : Thomas Robinson, executor vs Henry Mclver, et ahirorn Richmond. Put off and colleeff costs of plaintiff. T. 8. Ashe forplaintifl and Battle & Sons and J. WHinsd ale for defendants. t' -r xtt:ii: i. -1 t t. m jouu 1. uiiuams, ct ui, va uuuu i. Touncil, from Moore. Continued by con sent. John Manning and J. D. Mclver ocub. uuuu iuoun.uS uuu o. j-,. i for plaintiffs and Neil McKay, Phillips & Merrimon and B & T. C. Fuller for desendants. The papers in the case of John Mc Crumin vs Cyrus Bennett, et al, from Moore, were handed to the Court, an " advisari n being entered in the case at the last term. Sinclair, Owen & Brown vs State of North Carolina, from Cumberland. Re ferred to the Clerk to find the facts, J. W. Hinsdale for plaintiff and Attorney General tor the State. ' State vs Samuel McMillan, et al, from'. Richmond, case argued. Attorney Gen eral for the State ; no counsel for the defendants. 1 State vs Joe Patterson, from Rich mond. Case argued. Attorney General for the State and P. D. Walker and Busbee & Busbee for defendant. E. L. McLean, executor, vs James T. Leach et al, from Harnett. Neil Mc Kay for plaintiff and B.' & T. C. Fuller and Moore & Gatling for defendants argued. MurdochJ McKennon vs M. Faulk, administrator, from Cumberland. Death of plaintiff suggested. B. & T. C. Ful ler for plaintiff and J. W. Hinsdale and C. W. Broadfoot for defeudant. Berry Rush, et al, vs Halcyon Steam boat Company, from Cumberland. Case argued. J. W. Hin6dale for plaintiff and B. & T. C. Fuller lor defendants. Stare vs Eli Simons and Gus Allen, from Anson. Attorney General for the State and R. T. Bennett tor defendants. Set for Thursday. Oxford Items, Our Oxford corres pondent, under date of yesterday, sends us ths following items from his section : Orphan Asylum. Rev.v A. D. Cohen is on a visit to Oxford with the view of making some preliminary arrangements looking to the opening of St. John's College as an Orphan Asylum. He proposes to commence work at the ear liest practical moment. We infer from what he says that in a month or two he will be fully installed in his duties and prepared for the reception of orphans. He has thus far made a most favorable impression on our citizens. He preached two very acceptable sermons m the Baptist Church on buauay last. Rev. R.B.Grijfiti. -This gentleman, who succeeds Rev. Mr. Gannon as Pastor of the Methodist Church, seems destined to be much beloved by his congregation. Hi initiatory sermons have beeen highly spoken of. Mr. Orimth was formerly connected with the South Carolina Conference. The kitchen of Mr. Elijah Averitt, of this county, was burned on Saturday night. All of the contents of the buil ding were destroyed. The result was doubtless accidental. Loss, two or three hundred dollars. Droves of mules and horses are con stantly passing through here on their way to the lower counties. The Building and Loan. Association meets at the office of John W. Hays, Esq., on Friday night the 17th of this month. Any of the members disposed to borrow money should make a note of this so as to supply themselves with greenbacks. Legislative. in the, benate yes- terdav a bill wa3 introduced by Mr. Norwood, allowing the United States Government to hold lands in the State whereon to build dwellings, coal de pots, bouvs. lieht keepers aird the neccessary out houses, &c, for the dwellings of Light-house keepers,which passed its- several readings without a dissenting voice. , Notwithstanding it was the first day after the recess, and barely a quorum present, the Calendar was taken up and eeveral unimportant bills passed a sec ond reading. The Legislature is de termined to work as rapidly as possible, and use all means in its power to ex pedite the business before it. The House had largely over a quorum, 98 members having responded to the roll calk A memorial from the Grand Jurors of Clay county, asking the removal ol R. M. Henry, the Solicitor of that Judicial District, lor arunKenness ana inatten tion to the duties of his office, was pre sented by Mr. Anderson, of that county. The same gentleman mtroducea a resolution, based Upon the memorial, impeaching R. M. Henry, Solicitor ot the 12th Judicial District, for high crimes and misdemeanors in office. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Badger introduced a bill to ex change the stocks which the State owns in railroads, corporations. &c, for the bonds with which said stocks were ob tained. The exchange is to be made at par, and no special tax bonds are to be received. Mr. Brown, of Davidson, introduced a bill submitting, fseparately to the voters of the State, the various amend ments contained in the bill now pend iug in the House. For full particulars, the reader is referred to the reported proceedings to be found in another column. Hox. J. J. Hickman. This distin guished temperance orator telegraphs from Philadelphia that he will arrive in this city this afternoon at 4 o'clock. We are requested by N. B. Broughton, W. C. T. of Hickman Lodge, to state that there will be a meeting ol welcome of Hickman Lodge at the lodge room this Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Let every member be present to greet our noble standard bearer. Personal Intelligekce. Col. David Colemanr of Asheville, and Col. J. W. Hinsdale, Of Fayotteville, are in attend ance upon the session of the Supreme Court. : .. Mayor's Court Josh. -Thompson, col., the man that went fp Heartt's boots, brought before his Honor. An investigation of the case elicited the t that he did not "carry away," nor was the attempt to steal made sufficient ly plain to the Mayor to cofcvlet. He was therefore dismissed. J. A. Burnett, for being drunk and disorderly on the streets, fined $5. Geo. H. Sxow, Esq. We call special ,tfOT,;rtT, tr th nrofpsiinnftl nAT( ni fipo I attention to the protessionai card ol Geo. H. Snow, Esq. Mr. Snow is a young lawyer oi nne abilty and talents, prompt and energetic in business, and thoroughly reliable in everv respect. All matters entrusted to him will be taitniuuy attended to. Members of the Legislature are re minded that Miller & Nelso&s Billiard Saloon is in full blast and open night and day. t 'HE WEED SEWING MACHINE. Why is the Weed Sewina Machine bound to please all the ladies? .Because it is the best feller in the woria. jala-tf S TORAGE FOR COTTON The best facilities for STORAGE in the city. Basement room, floored and well ventilated; opening on Martin street. 125 x30 feet. nov21-t W. H.DODD O T I C E Raleigh, Jan. 21th, 1873. Notice is hereby given to the subscribers to the Capital Stock of the North Carolina State Life Insurance Company, that a meet ing ror organization will be held at the Citizens' National Bank, Raleigh, N. L, on u riaay, j anuary zna, i73, ai v& o ciock. W. E. ANDERSON, JOHN C. BLAKE. ja 15-td Commissioners. - Sentinel and Era copy. N 0 W , R E A D Y AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SEASOAlBLE CLOTUIJTG FOR M 1?N A N D B O 7 S Just received from . ojur Manufactory in New York, made EXPRESSLY FOR OFR RETAIL TRADE, and which will be sold at the Xowest Posssible Prices. It. B. ANDRE WS & CO., 27 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. novlO-tf E. "W. Thomasox. L. J.: Labaeeb W. THOMASON & CO. (Successors to E. T. Hall fc Co..) Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, NO. 7, EXCHANGE PLACE, RALEIGH, N. C, Special attention paid to the sale of Real instate. x CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. 43-Refer to J. G. Williams, President State National Bank ; A. G. Lee & Co., Raleigh ; W. Whitaker, Mayor of Raleigh ; W. C. Stronach. Raleigh. A full stock or Uroceries on nana at reasonable prices.' ti. W. XULUAlAfeUJI or w. nov26-tf J. R, H. CARMER, Ao't WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK Drurs. Chemicals. Patent Medi- eineg, Spices, Teas, Dye Sttifls and Garden Seeds, No. 11 Fayetteville Street, Has just received a large and elegant as sortment of TO I L E T G O O D S , CONSISTING or Hair, Tooth, Nail ad Clothes Brushes, Combs in variety, Extracts, Soaps, Bath , Towels, Toilet Towders, Powder Puffs and Boxes, Pomades, Cor luetics, Infant Hair Brush Co nibs, Colognes, Hand Mirrors, Ac., kc. All the Patent Medicines of the day. A fine assortment of Brandies, Wines and Whiskies, and Cigars, Ac. - The finest stock of Trusses, Suspensory Bandages, Male and Fumale fchoulder Braces in the city. The Best preparations known : Carmer's Rosiana Injection. Carmer's Pectoral Couh Syrup, Carmer's Citorhia Hair Oil. Carmer's Carolina Baking Powder, Carmer's Cold Cream lor Chaps, &c. Carmer's Bouquet Cologne, the very best. Carmer's Tooth Powder, unsurpassed. ' iSS-Prescriptious prepared and renewed with accuracy and despatch. nov!9-dtf M E A T AND LAUD 40 Boxes. 20,000 lbs. Buik Sides. , 40 " . fcmonwers.. 10 Tierces Leaf Lard. 20 Kegs Lard. 25 Half Kegs Lard. ; 25 Buckets Lard. Receiving this day, bought since the de WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCII & THOMAS. JUS T R E C E I V E D 75 bbls new Sack Flour, -&0 boxes Cream Cheese. . 5'J kegs Leaf Lard, At FOOtL & MOftlNGS, Oct 20 Wholesale (irocei-B, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR OL IN A . Wednesday, Jau. 15, 1872. SENAlE. ; The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock by Lieutenant Governor Brog den. He said : Senators : The Constitution of North Carolina declares that the Lieutenant Gov ernor shall preside as President of the Sen ate. Having been elected to this office by the people of the State onttae first Thurs day oi August, anu uaving taxen ana oay oi August, lot BuuuaviBgianenana SUDSCrlbed my oath of office, I appear bsfore you this day at your first meeting since the first day of January, to enter upon the dis charge of my official duties. l deem it due to myseu to aeciare, on mis occasion, that, "with malice towards none, and with charity for all," I shall try to act rainy ana impartially, Knowing no party but what I conscientiously believe to be rigl t, and shall rely upon your kindness and indulgence to cover my errors. My past experience has taught me lhat it is al most impossible for the presiding officer of a legislative body, composed of course of so many ainerens imnus anu. opinions, to give entire satisfaction on all occasions. But it will be my constant aim and desire to act according-to parliamentary laws and deci sions and the rules of order for the govern ment of the Senate. As you were in session for about one month before your late recess, you are in- lormed or the situation oj our public attairs and the financial condition of the State.and you may rely upon my cordial co-operation in support or an wise ana juaicious meas ures tending to promote the happiness and prosperity of the people. . rne puDiic institutions oi me estate snouia receive the careful attention of the Legis lature. The Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb and the BlindLthe Asyluni.for the Insane, and also the Penitentiary are all supported bv the tax-payers of the State. and it is the duty of the Legislature to prop erly investigate tne management oi mese institutions, and to allow no injustice or oppression, no favoritism or partiality to be wrongfully practiced by any of their managers or employees. . Liet us raitniuiiyattenaiomeeaucationai interests and necessities of the children of the State. Let us provide necessary and proper means for the cultivation of the intellect and the improvement of the mind and morals of the rising generation. Our Constitution wisely provides "for a general and uniform system of Public Schools, wherein tuition shall be free of charge to all the children oi the state, between the ages of six and twenty-one-years." - Our nresent free school law is tlenc;ent. and needs emendation and improvement. I believe in the truism that " morality and intelligence are the only sure basis of our government." , A well educated and christ ian people are always prepared and quali fied to guard and protect their rights and liberties. The main object of wise legislatian should be to correct the errors of the past, and to pass such laws lor the iuture as experience and the necessities of the times may point out to be juaicious, necessary ana proper In an legislation recKiess proaigamy ana wasteful extravagance are injurious to the best interests of the people, and should be avoids d as much as possible. Economy forms one ol the prominent vir tues and duties of 8 Republican Govern ment. It does not consist, however, in with holding from faithful public service a lust compensation; neither does it consist in according with parsimonious hands in pro viding for the public necessities. But it consists in closing every unnecessary araln on the public treasury; and also, for the same purpose, mere;is strenuously requirea a juuicioua ajjpuctinuu ui liio itpprupriu.' tions to their objects, and a vigorous execiv tion of Hue laws regarding them. Morth Carolina has wituin ner borders all the elements of a greau" $tate. But her vast agricultural and mineral resources are not yet fully developed. Her people are chiefly engagea in tne cuuivauon oi me son ; mat vocation which was truly said by George Washington to be "the most healthful, the most useful and the noblest employment of man." Agriculture, commerce, manufac ture, and the mechanic arts, are the great sources of our National and State prosperi ty. They shouia be properly encouraged by wise anc1 j udicious legislation . It is a fixed principle in our Government which cannot be too closely adhered to in practice, nor too oiten repeated, that it was instituted to promote the welfare of the people; that those who make, and those who carry into effect the laws, are but their agents; and that to generate any distinct interest between the people and their gov ernment is incompatible with this princi ple, and was never contemplated by the framers of our Constitution. A perfect tolerance t f political opinion. and freedom in the exercise of the elective franchise, are indispensable; for a govern ment based on public opinion becomes im paired when intolerauce and lawleSxSon- trol of the right of suttrs ee withdraw it that support ; and we should bear mind that, wnue unoer tue imperative Re publican principle, the will of the majority is to prevail in all cases, yet that "the mi- nority possess rights, ' to violate which WonnnSitionPto noii'ticai mnasnrps hontd rather be invited than deprecated, for in I A message lrom the House of Repre laudable opposition there may be found opntotirM informintr the Senate that the oftAn.itv f roTti irmr nnrchnn rl it ha t-v,r tt ten that "every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle," and that, as citi zens of the same republic, we are all equal ly interested in tne nonor, weiiare ana hap piness of our common country. I congratulate you, Senators, and the peo ple of Horth Carolina, upon an era of good feeling which has dawned upon the country and the calm which has followed our State and National elections of 1872. It shows the wisdom, virtue and efficacy of our republi can constitutions and laws, when six mil lions of voters in the United States can go peaceably to the omnipotent ballot-box, without any force, fear, or intimidation, and cast their votes for the men of their choice. ' ' Differences of opinion in relation to the affairs of government may be conducive in the end to the discovery of truth, and a frank investigation of matters ol public importance ought never to be discouraged. But 1 think that well-meaning and sober minded men will agree that there has been too much passion and too little reason; too much party and too little regard for princi ple ; and that in examining the acts of our public servants, there has sometimes been a fearful disregard of truth and justice. Iet us hope for more generosity anu chanty hereafter. With no vain regrets for the past, let us look hopefully forward to the reward; of the future. Let us try to pro mot the further development of our vast and various resources, and improve the credit of our State. Let us try to keep step with the progressive spirit of the times, aud the onward march of events, and show to the world that we have not lived entirely in vain in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Letustry to preserve untarnished the honor of North Carolina. Let her bright escutcheon never be stained with the foul blot of Punic frith.. It has been well and wisely said, that " private credit is wealth public honor is security. The leather that adorns the royal bird supports his flight; strip him of his plumage, and you fix him to the earth." May our state continue to advance and improve in all re spects until It may be truly said of her, "her ways are ways of pleasantnt ss, and all her paths are peace." Let us try to serve her according to the measure of our abili ties and the best lights of our understand ing. Let us remember that we. have a country to serve instead of a party to obej . " Let names, and sects, and parties fall, And publis good be all in all." The roll of merr.bcri was called and the following Senators answered to their names: Messrs. Alien,-' A vera, . liarhhardt, Cowles, Cramer, CuukiDg ham, Davis, Dunham, Ellis, of CaXawba, Ellis, ot Columbus, Flemmipg, Mania, Hollomao., Humphreys, King, M ibson, McCabe, McCauhy, McCotter, Miller, Nicholson, Norwood, Powell, Price, Respes?, Sco'.t, Smith, StatFord, T dd, j Walker, Waring, Worth, Long, Morea Istad, ol uuuiiiKi, Murphy, Slurry. Absent Messrs. Grandy, Gudger, Hi!l,'Horton, llyinan, Love, Merrimon, Morehead, of Rockingham!, Seymour, Stilley, Troy, Welch. A quorum being present the Senate proceeded to business. Journal of jjie 19th of December, was read ;uni :ipproveJ; Mr. Fle.iiining stated that Mr. Love, Senator, from Jackson, wa3 detained Irom his scat bv sickness. Mr. Cowles made the same statement in regard to Mr. Merrimon. from Bun combe. Mr.'Nicholson stated that Mr. Welch of Haywood, was detained by afflictions in his iamily and sickness. On motion ot Sir. Norwood, the mes sage from the Governor in regatd.Light Houses ixrc, was referred to a Select Committee. The following Committee was anoin ted : Messrs Norwood, Flemming and Respess, - who retired to the Committee Room for immediate consideration of the, message. . On motion of Mr. Dunham, the name of the Senator from Guilford, Mr, Morehead, was added to the Judiciarv Committee and the committee on Ed ucation. 1 Reports of Committees. Mr. Norwood, from select committee on the Governor's message, submitted a report and offered a bill in relation thereto, which .will , be found under its appropriate head. x , Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Ellis, a bill to amend an act to incorporate the town of Excelsior, in Burke county. Referred to Committee on Corporations. By Mr. Waring, a bill to incorporate the City Hall Company of Charlotte. Referred to Committee on Corporations. Uy Mr. .Norwood, a bill to amend an act allowing the United States GovernT ment to purchase and hold lands in North Carolina, for the purpose of erecting light-houses thereon, so as to authorize the Government to erect light house keepers' dwellings, buoys and coal depots. Under a suspension of the rules the bill passed its several read ings, and, on motion ot Mr. Murphy, engrossed and sent to the House. Calendar. Senate resolution in regard to Inters nal Revenue, taken up on its second reading. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, the resolution was made the special order for to-morrow at 12 o'clock. Senate bill amendatory of an act to consolidate the school law and to pro vide a uniform law for common schools, taken up on its. second reading. On the motion of Mr. Ellis, of Ca tawba, to lay on the. table, Mr. Cowles called the yeas and nays. The motion to lay on the table pre vailed by 28 yeas to 6 nays. Senate bill No. , in regard to the taking of oral and written depositions, taken up on its second reading. The bill with the following amend ment, by the Judiciary Committee, which is, in substance, to amend the present lav so as to provide for taking depositions in Justices Courts, and really a substitute for the bill, passed its second reading. Messages Received. From his Excellency, the Governor, recommending the Legislature to amend the act ratified on the 25th day of January, 1872, entitled an act to au thorize and empower the Government of the United States to purchase and hold lands in North Carolina, for the purpose of erecting light houses t hereon, so as to authorize the said Goverement to erect light house keepers' dwellings, buoys,and co;il depots and the buildings connected tnerewitn. On motion of Mr. Elemming the mes sage and accompanying letter of Com modore Stanly wa3 referred to the Committee on internal Improvements. On motion ot Mr. .Norwood the com mittee was allowed and requested to sit immediatelv. A communication from the State Ge- oloaist was received and referred to the .Committee on Internal Improvements. I - " - o - - House had organized witn a quorum present, and ready for the transaction of business. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. ' At 12 m. Mr Speaker Robinson called the House to. order. The Clerk read the journai ot-Thurs -day, December 19th, 1872, wh:ch wa3 approved. The roll was oalled and 93 members were ascertained to be present. The following is the list of those who responded to their names: Mr. Speaker, Messrs. Bbbott, Anders, son, of Davie, Anderson, of Clay,Badger, Ballard, Bean, Bennett, Biackwell, Biythe, Bowe, Brown, s of Davidson, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Bryant, of Pitt, Bryan, of Sampson, Bryan, of Wilkes, Brvau, of Alleghany, Brooks, Bunn, .Byrd, Carter, Carson, Copel.and, Corson, Cox, Craige, Darden, Davi3, Dudley, Dula, Ellison, Fletcher, Foster, Free man, Gant, Gidney, Gilmer, Godfrey, Gorman, GoodwviV Grady, Gudger, Guyther, Hanner; Hampton, Heaton, Houston, Hughes, Johuson, Jones, ot Caldwell, Jones, of Northampton, Jones, oi Orange, Joyner, Johns, King, Lind say, Lhyd, Lutterloh, Luckey, Mabson, Marler, Maxwell, McLaurin, McGeuee, McNeill, Michael, Moring, Morrison, Norment, Outlaw, Paschall, Perry, of Bladen, Perry, ol Wake, Press n, Rcid, of Mecklenburg, Reid, or llandoloh. Richardson, Rhodes, Shaw, ttiiinn, of Iredell, Shinn. of Cabairus, Shackelford, Stanford, Stowe, Todd, i iivett, Turner, Wariick, Waddill, Watson. JWaugh Webb, Winslow, Wiley, Williamson, Whit mire, Wheeler .and Whisoaut. Mr. Moss, of Wilson, was announced as being detained at home by llic de-ash of his lather. An lsjtuunue leave or ubs-.-iice was oranted to Jjir. Moore, ol ' Martin, on account of severe illness in his t uauy. On motion of Mr. Jones, ol Caldwell, a message was sent to the Senate in forming that body that a quorum wa pri sent and that the House was ready to proceed to the transaction of public business. Memorials. Mr Craige presented a memorial from the Commissioners ot Rowan county, asking an appropriation to pay a reward lor the capture ot JUia Allen Ketchy. Mr. Anderson, of Clay, a memorial from the Grand Jurors of Clay county, asking the removal ol II M. Henry, So licitor ot the 12th Judicial District, for drunkenness. A memorial from citizens of Franklin, Macon county, caking the prohibition of the sale of liquor within one mile of that town, was read. Mr. Shinn, of Cabarrus, a memorial from the Commissioners of Cabarrus county, asking a" fence " law for that county. All of the memorials were appropri ately disposed of. Mr. Badger presented certain deposi tions in the Martin county contest case, which were deposited with the Clerk subject to the order of the House. Introduction of Resolutions. (- , By Mr. Badger, a resolution in re gard to repairing the Executive Man sion. Referred. (Appropriates $10,006.) By Mr. Anderson, of Clay, a resolu tion impeaching R. M. Henry, Solicitor of he 12th Judicial District, for bjigb. crimes and misdemeanors in ofScc. Re ferred to Judiciary committee on mo motion of Mr: Jones, of Caldwell. By Mr. Brown, ol Davidaon, a reso lution instructing the Committee on Constitutional Reform to report a' bill submitting to the qualified voters of the State the sections and paragraphs of the . bill now pending jn thexllouse, which arc to be voted upon separately. Referred. By Mr. Craige, a resolution approo propriating $1000 to the captors of John Allen Ketchy ; Referred. By Mr. Johnston, a resolution adjourning on the 9th of February. Placed on the calendar. ; . By Mr. Badger, a resolution instructing the Committe on Privileges i andilections to take up the Martin co. contested case, and empowering them to send for persons and papers. -Placed on the calendar. : , . n ' Mr. Badger stated that he did not intend to call up the resolution until Mr. Moore, the present incumbent, should appear in his seat. Introduction of Bills: . i ' . By Mr. Badger, a bill to exchange the stocks of the State in railroads, corpora tions, &c, for bonds with which such stock was obtained. Referred. ' : The bill provides that the exchange shall be at par, and no special tax bonds received. . : By Mr. Bennett, a bill to . amend the act to incorporate the North .Carolina Railway Company. Referred. By Mr. Lindsay, a bill in regard to the payment of costs in Justices' Courts when appeals arc taken to the Superior Court. Referred. By Mr. Brovn, of Davidson, a bill authorizing clerks of Superior Courts to pay over finesand forfeitures to coun ty treasurers for the benefit of the school fund in their counties. Referred. By Mr. Houston, a bill to amend chapter 146, laws of 1871-2, and chap ter 137, laws of 1870-1. Referred. By Mr. Nor ment, a bill to amend chapter 1, laws of 1871-2. Referred. By Abbott, colored, a bill to repeal chapter 243, laws of 18G8 69. Referred. By Mr. Richaictson, a bill to incor porate the Wilmington Trust Company and SaviDg3 Bank. Referred. By Dudley, col., A bill to amend the charter ot the city of Newbern. Re ferred. By Mr. Craige, A bill for the better government of the town of Salisbury. Referred. - , - By Dudley, col., SA bill to amend chapter 139, laws of 1870 '71, in rela tion to the fees of Justices. Referred. Oa motion, the House then adjourned until to-morrow at 10 A. M. . -.- MISCELLANEOUS. JOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! The public will consult their interest by calling to see my stocl of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Readtj-JIIiulc Clothing, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' CU C R O CIIER T AND. GLASS W A RE, which can be found in any quantity, aud of E V E II Y Q U A L I T Y at my s-tore. I have Just laid in a - toaipitlc aaJ Full Assortment cf ' FALL, AND WLViEil GOODS, a;;d would be pleased to how the same. Call and examine. J, M. ROSENBAUM, (Seccessor to A. Kline,) Cor. Fayeeteville and Hargett Streets, Octl2-3m I-lalelgh, N. C. -y"AGONS, WAGONS, WAGONS I will leceivc this week fiom RUSSELL'S JIIIGVTI1 MANUFACrOKY 4 FOUR-IIOR3E WAGON5, -G TWO-HORSE WAGONS, 4 ONE-HOR5E WAGONS, AN D 2 CARTS The above wagons are. ne warranted as reprt-scuttd, and wiH bu i A on the most re:i-.onable torn." i ThOe in nceil would U Will lo examine those ivaaons bc-fur' Tmrchu.sint: elsewhere, WAVXlv ALLCOTT, jan 14-tf . Agent. D UDLEY'S FRESH TOMATOES Dudley's Tom-.ito Catsups in Decanters. " An excellent Une of English fauces' just reived. W. V. STKONAC1I. 1 Af liiVir CHAMPION FAMILY 20 Sac'is (;ra''tui! Flonr to-day t W. C. BTKONACIL CL L ii i a , 'M ULLET S, M ULL LTS 100 barrels Fresh Corned Mulljfs, u stcre. Fat and Fine . - . , WILLI A MiON, U i' 11 1 ECH & i 0,