jJAIL Y N E AV S . TONE & UZZELL, - - Proprietors. F ATETTEViLLK STREET, yier W Ct stronacli & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. : Tho 'DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at H perannui; KJ.50 for six months; $2 forthreo Tho WEEKLY NEWS at 12 per annum. PROFI2SSIONAJ CAUDS. G E O h S N 0 W ATTOUAEY ATEA1V, RALKIQII, N . C . , Practices In tho Rtnto Prompt attention given to the collection of vmiinoiuaujinruiuj meeiiaie. janl5-lm J. B.HAIUIIKLOE. L. C. EDWARDS. W. fLUMHEH BATCHEIiOR. 1-JA.TClIELPR, EDWARDS AND 13 BATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North- iimiuou una .nauiam. ana me teaers an upreme Courts. Jan3-tf A L EX. II SMITH ATTORN E Y AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N C . Will practice in the ; ourts of Halifax and auiointnsr counties. . Collections attended to In all parts of the ?... . i 7 i-,o.va. 'liny D 11 T U R N E R U E JT T I S T . Office on Fayctteville Street, .Over Williams Book Store. mh7-3m. Walter Clark. QLARK . ' J. M. Mullen M U L EN , . .ITTOItJTErSy AT LA 11 UALIFAX N. G. ; . ... . ' Practice In all Ihe Courts of Halifax, ivnuiiuupuju ana iuigeeonioe counties. I u the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts, of North Carolina. - mh4-lv N D R E W J. BURTON, ATTOR.JVETT AT JLAlf, R A LEIGH, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake fend Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. - . apll-tf KD. CONIQLAND, W. II. DAY1 LAW PARTNERSHIP. Q ON I G L A N D & DAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ; HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of i Imj HUtte, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and iruardians. The Junior partner will attend at his of- "iuuu on oaiuruays ana Aionuays til' each week. - no 28-tf it. II. Buns, SamlT. Williams. jj U N N & WILL I A M S , A TTOllJTE $ A T LA W ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ILLIAMS & B U.NN , A TTOJtJVE ITS AT LA If, RALE I Gil, N. C. tQ, Business letters may bo addressed cither to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.-pr Claims Collected la any part of the State. Jf Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, inn 1-tf. O E Notice is hereby given, that ah applica tion will be made to the Legislature of North Carolina, lor a charter to incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company, jan li-tf . OFFICF CITY TREASURER, Raleigh, Jan. 14,1873. The January interest on the One, Two and Three year City of Raleigh Bonds will le paid on presentation of Coupons at the Itaielgh National or State National Banks, Raleigh. N.C. SI. W. CHURCHILL, janl5-3t - City Treasurer. H A W KINS & CO. C O T T it JT F A C T O It S AND (ieneral Commission Merchants, 43 West Lombard Street, R A L TIMOKE, M D . Liberal advances made upon consign ments Fertilizers furnished at lowest rates, ja 13-tmh 41 Jno. B. Neal, J O II N Wm. J. Baker A L& CO., B. N E COTTON FACTORS, . ' ' AND '' . COl&AL COMMISSION MERCHANTS I'ATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. ": " . " ' a-P,attleboro "Advance" copy. M-t.2.kltW-tf - VV 7 A Y N EA L L C O-T T OHOCEIi AND CENKBAL puodi cr;commission: mfrcuant, '" : ; '". lia and will keep In Ktotktho best qual ity of ' M ' , - FAMiLY GIIOCEIIIE&. J I oKpccially invite all Interested to call, bc-licvins I can make it to your Interest to purchase from me, as I am determined to kiell Groceries with as close margin as they luiii his iiuiiuicu in luiimgn. my increasing trade cot tines to this. r , Thankiiii? you for your favors In the past and hopli:.i-tt share of your patronage In the future. - I remain truly, Jan 5-U WAYNE ALLCOTT. . I HE I AIL : JN E VS. ; VOL. 1. MORNING EDITION. SATURDAY,. ..JANUARY 18, 1S73 r$W Special Notices inserted in the juocui Loiuma win oe chareed Fif teen Cents per line. JSTAU parties ordering the News Will nl.nca miijI U 1 -. . , ov., me uiuucy lor me limp tnp nanar ia A' A v a o wauieut Messrs. Griffln and Hoffman, Newspaper Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to IfkavA thai 4V iWT. v. - - xm T w 9 WlbU JUUUSe LOCAL MATTER. J2. C. WOODSON, City Editor ESP For latest news by telegraph, see Fourth Pae. Members of the Legislature wanting copies of the Weekly News next week, containing a fall resume of such matter as have been in the Daily this week, will please give us notice to day, either at the office or with the Re porters of the News in the two Houses. It is necessary to know to-day the num ber wanted. Local Briefs. The "heavy" locals in the Wilming ton Star are c illed " museings." There seems to be a general disposi tion amon7 the mpmhprs nf ihn T.o.rSo. lature to adjourn at an early day. Those who tftVp nlf!i5iiro in norrlon inir are besrinninr to nrfinnm tho 1oa for early Spring silads and xther escu- 1CUIS. J miui unuiait, lb la ascertained that one million nmi fnnr worthless dogs are roaming the streets i tnis city. The Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society intend to push vigorously the work on the now Fair Grounds. A small colored bov broke the arm of a nlaYT.mafn roetnntt wiahmU.. i 4.: i lag him with a brick-bat. The parties live in eastern ward. We are requested to sav that the Rale oflpts heretofore advertised bv C. B. Harrison, will take place at the store of wm.xii.- Jones, ;sq., at 12 o clock to day. Plats of the lots and grounds adjacent may be seen there during the day 01 sale. Messrs. Over by & Johnson succeeds J. J. Oyerbv in business, advertisement ol which is made in to-day's issue of tne jnetts. iheir place ot business is on Wilmington street and they keep at all times a choice stock of Groceries, VVinc3 and Liquors. .Old Nash brandv is a specialty of their sample room. Go and see them,, ye thirsty. . h , Advantage op Advertising. Capt. King, Chief of the city police, yester day received abetter from a gentleman in Henderson, statins that the shawl as described in aii advertisement in the Daily News was his. He furthermore gave a further description of the shawl, in which he facetiously remarks '"that a moth fell in love with the material of the shawl and ran off with a portion of it" We are requested by Capt. King to say that the shawl has been safely stowed away "Wliere neither moths nor rust aotn corrupti nor theives break through and steal," Supreme CouR-i. This body met at 10 o'clock, all the Justices present. ; inecase ot YY. H. ilowerton. et al. vs 8. McD. Tate, et al, was called up and the argument opened by Judge If : rit i i" i '. jueriMinon lorine aerenaants, consuming the entire session. The argument will be resumed to day 1 he Attorney Gen eral ans! W. TT. Hail " r J wvhj ivi hus plaintiffs and David Golemon and Phil lips & Merrimon for the delendants. This is the same case heard before Judge Cloud, at Chambers, a few days ago, and appeal taken from his decision to tne supreme uourt. 1 . . The Peace Institute. The spring session of the Peacje Institute, located in this city, will commence on the 10th of February, as announced in advertise ment elsewhere. This school,- under the management of the Messrs. Burwell and Mr. S. J. Stevens,! is now in successful operation, and the principals believe they are prepared to offer most excellent advantages for tlie education of young adies We invite, especial attention to the notice in another column. - Hon. J. J. Hickman. This distin- guished Temperance lecture arrived in this cfty yesterday afternoon. He comes in the interest ot the Good Templars and will, we learn, visit different points" in the State to establish Lodges of his order. Mr. tlickman is not only pre- poseing in appearance and manner, but is an oratorof ability. We understand that he will be in Oxford on Wednes day evenin Fell in tue Well. One of. the newly sentenced Penitentiary convicts whose name we did not learn, while drawing water at the Courthouse wellJ j esterday evening, under the supervision of theguard, fell in and . went through to the bottom, a distance of about fifty eet. He was taken out sale, though severely oruiseu, mus auuiuj auinci inkto the chain of evidence that 0 is never in uanger. AVinters' Row. We are gratified to ltarn that steps are being taken to sup- y..,n nrTr nnd frpniipnf. row?; tliat this delectable locality in Eastern Ward, known as Winters' Row. Mr. Winters,the proprietor ol the houses, who is y theXway, a very peacable and high toned citizen, assures the Mayor that he will nt orice have the houses now orenpicd by lewd women vacated. ' RALEIGH; N. 0.. Ye Local in Trouble. In our yes terday's issue we had occasion to use the following local items nnder our head of of "briefs." "Chapin's Escape" is "what's the matter with Ilanner." (This is another goak known only to a few.)" "There are four John W.'s sitting' in close proximity in the State Seriate1, viz: Messrs. Cunningham, Dunham, Nor wood and Ellis. It 13 said by some that they are the finest looking men in the Senate. Wish our conscience could let us say so too." At 10 o'clock vesterday morning our sanctum was infaded by a fierce look ing member of the House, with a coun tenance more in pity than anger, who handed U3 the lollowing communica tion : Raleigh, N. C. Jan., 17th, 1873. Capt. E. C. Woodson Sir : I cannot allow the article in your local column of this morning con cerning the disabilities imposed by one "Chapin's Escape" to pass unnoticed and.for your wanton breach of the "code honorable" in that regard, I do deliber ately challenge ou to mortal combat" with a "quart tickler" of said Escape at your convenience. Signed, "Tns Old Lady Herself." We replied to the "old lady" as fol lows :. My friend Mr. G is authorized and instructed to accent the terma offered in your note, at the earliest prac tical moment. Should the ever occur in the night time, he is. instructed to use a certain box of Harnet t. county "cracklins" to give the necessary light lor the occasion. .Respectfully, &c. We had no sooner disnnspd nf thia " diffikil" than we were waited unon by still a fiercer lookinsr man. with a countenance more expressed in anger than sorrow, who handed us the follow ing note : Yarborougii House, Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 17. 1873. Capt. E. C. Woodson, Sir: I see from the News of thia morning, that you have made some pub lie statements, doinsr great iniustir.n to the personal appearance of certain dis tinguished Senators. As a friend to the gentlemen alluded to. I demand a retraxit, or that you give that satisfac tion due from one gentleman to another. vvna nigh regards, . John W. Smith. N. B. I desire to ask who ronat.itn- ted you a judge of " oersonuel ." unless you presume upon your own pulchri tude, and also by what authority you wear your cravat with the bow to one aiae unless you answer this accord ing to the Code, you may expect to have other John W.'s after you. J. W. S. We read this communication over thp second time. We did not know Smith exactly, and yet the name seemed some wnat laminar to us ; in Inez we were decidedly of the opinion that we had 1 1 A t f nearo. me name oeiore. We answered his communication at once, and smt 'if. by the fierce looking man : JOHN W. smith, Esq:: Sir You must be mistaken, in your man. I cannot conscientious! v claim the title of a gentleman, and never nro- fessed to be one. In regard to your N. B., I will "rise to explain." All the John W.'s have doubtless observed rhnt I wear the style of collar known as the uarroie, ana my narrow black cravat is my time piece. At 8 o'clock A.M., (the hour I rise.-) I Din the cravat to" thp. collar; at 9, the pin is gone; at 10, the bow of the cravat which started in front completes the evolution of a quarter's distance to . the rear ; at 11, it is half way round : at 12. it is three Quarters and so on. makinir acomdete circuit hv my dinner hour, 3 o'clock. It thi3 is not satisfactory, address your next com munication to mv friend Carter. Assis tant Doorkeeper of the House, "who is a gentleman, and will doubtless render you the satisf ictioh you desire. Yours, &C. We felt easv as we handed tho com munication to the fierce man, and while we were indulging in the pleasant med itation of how we had disposed of the troubles that crowded thick and fast upon us, a man more fierce than all the rest, ana whose countenance well, he was awfal madi threw udou our table still another communication, and imme- aiately, lelt the room ; we were rlad of it. It read : Senate Chamber, Jan. 17th, 1873. Srn: The Junior "John W Ur.,rU leave to suggest that "ye local's" refusal to acquiesce in the opinion held as to the pulchritude of the "John W." quar-. tette, arises not from a scruple ot con science, in which article the aforesaid local is notoriously and lamentably de ficient, but from an innate aversion had, and always manifested by said local, to a commodity known as Truth. This man bcinir an entire stranerer to us, we did not deign to reply. We do not recognize him, from the fact that any.asscciation or recognition with such 1 -1 a man wouia prove actnnicmai to our business. We are glud to state that at the pres-. ent writing, the coast is clear, and there is yet a chance left for us to die a natu ral death. Superior Court. The Court met at 10 o'clock. Criminal decket resumed. State vs John Johnson and Anthony Farrar, affray. Defendants submitted. Judgment of the Court that each be fined $5 and costs. State vs William Chavis" and George Curtis, murder. General Cox and F. 1L Busbeejbr the State and Judge Fowle and Gecrge II. Snow lor the defendants. The entire day was consumed in the examination of witnesses. By agree ment of counsel, argument was waived. The Judge delived a brief but elaborate charge, and the case given to the. jury. Verdict not guilty. The contest over the office of Super intendent of Public Instruction is excit ing much interest. We don't intqnd to lerLouisiana and Arkansas go ahead of us in everything. SATURDAY MORNING, TnEO N. Ramsay, Esq. This far famed and well known catnip tea ad vocate has just returned from a very dry sojourn in New York and Washing ton. He is eloquent in his descrip tive conversations of what he saw and heard, but prides himself mostly upon having interviewed President Grant and having caught a glimse of the charming Miss Nellie. Mr. Ramsay i3 an earnest and zealous temperance man, but lacks tact as much as he de spises whiskey. The idea of any one seeking to interest GrantJ in an anti whisky movement 1 Mr. - Ramsay's great modesty prevents him from edi fying his innumerable friends by Re tailing the full particulars of his distin quished reception by Rev. IL Ward Beechcr, Woodhull anck Claflin, Susan Ant'.iony, Jay Gould and the other ce lebrities of the great city. If Mr. Ram say's visit did not exactly amount to an ovation, it Was certainly a success, and we congratulate not only him upon its conclusion, but the entire community. The knowing ones here are confident and emphatic in their assertions that we may soon look for a change in the policy of the administration towards the habitual imbibers. It may be so. but we doubt it. If it comes, wTe are prepared for the worst. The New Hotel at Halifax. The Roanoke News thus speaks of the " Southern Hotel '.' which has just been completed at Halifax, that will add greatly to the appearance and general convenience of that town : " We learn that the new Hotel, at Halifax, is completed and ready for occupancy. It is finished with a special view to comfort, convenience, elegance and safety, and no better chance tor a profitable investment, by a competent hotelist, is, or can bej offered anywhere. We rejoice always at the prosperity of our neighbors, and more particularly do we in the case of Halifax, which, with its age, eligible location and enterpris ingi go ahead citizens, should only be second to the cities of our State. " Kerr Craige, Esq. We heartily indorse the following compliment to this young member of the House, taken from the last number of the Salisbury Watchman : "Kerr Craige, Esq. We are glad to see that this young man is taking that position in the Legislature to wbioh his talents, industry and irreproachable character entitle him. He is perhaps one of the" youngest members in the House, yet he has but few superiors in the possession of those qualities that are essential in the make up of an effi cient and acceptable representative." Unintentional. Our special Ball room reporter in his account ot the Tucker Hall Ball, stated that the supper was gotten up by Mrs. Sorrell, uninten tionally neglecting to state that the Ice Cream was furnished by Mr. Moseley, the well known Fayette ville street con fectioner. Justice's Court. Andy Jones, col., arrested by officer Farris upon a" peace warrant, was brought before Justice Wicker, and bound over in the sum of $200 to keep the peace towards Peter Rogers and the balance of mankind, until the next term of Wake Superior Court. Mayor's. Court. Burwell Perry, arrested upon a requisition from the Governor of Tennessee for stealing in that Stato a bale of cotton, wa3 brought before the Mayor as J. P., and in default ot $1000 bail, sent on to the Superior Court. , A Lively Nuisance. Street beg ging is becoming more prevalent than at any other period in the history of our city, and we really think that some mean3 should be adopted to abate the nuisance. Fire. The alarm this morning, at half-past one.was caused by the burning out of a flue of the Capitol. Slight loss to the State. Firemen on hand. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .0 OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. J. Ji Over by bas associated with liim in business J. J. Johnson, Esq., and the busi ness will hereafter, be conducted under the style and name of OVERllY & JOHNSON, Their stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, "WINES and LIQUORS of every grade, is large and attractive. Call and see us. Jan 18-3t A L U A B L E FUR N.I T U RE F 6 R SALE. On Saturday, the 81 h day of February, 1873, at the residence of the late Judge Saunders, on liillsbcro' street, in this city, will be sold, at auction, a large lot of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE. The sale will take place at 11 o'clock, A. M. Terms made known on day of sale. KEMP P. BATTLE, Adm'r of Mrs. A. H. Saunders. Raleigh, Jan. 16, 1S73. jan Ki-td o LD SUGAR CURED HAMS New Sugar Cured Hams. Plain Ciinvased Hams, at lowest figures. W. C. STRoNA'Cii. M EAT. AND LA R D 40 Boxes, 20,000 lbs. Bulk Sides. 40 " " " " Shoulders. 10 Tierces Leaf Lard. .' 20 Kegs Lard. 25 Half Kegs Lard. 25 Buckets L:rd. Receiving this day, bougJit since the de cline. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. w AGONS, WAGONS, WAGON S I will receive this week from ItUSSELL'S JlilGijriA MANUFACTORY 1 FOUIi-nOliSE WAGONS, " G TWO UORaE WAGONS, 4 ONE-HOUSE WAGONS, AN D 2 C A R T S The above wagons are new, warranted as represented, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Those in need would do well to examine these wagons BHore y'urc-ha.siiielse here. WAVNK ALLCOTT, jan li-tf Agent. JANUARY 18. 1873. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR. O LI NA . ; -"'X- SENATE... - Friday, Jan. 17th, 1873. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by the Lieutenant Governor. Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. McCabe stated that Mr Cham berlain was detained at his home on account of sickness. By Mr. Stilly, a petition from the Citizens of Pamlico township, Beaufort county, praying the General Assembly not to pass any bill' that would attach them to Pamlico county. Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. . , Report of Standing Committees. Messrs. Allen and Morehead, of Guil ford, from the Judiciary; Committee; Mr. Murray, from Committee on Engrossed Rills; Mr. More head, from Committee on Internal Improvements ; Mr. Todd, from Com mittee on Enrolled Bills; Mr. Flem ming, from Committee on the Library ; Mr. Murphy, from Committee on Insurance, submitted reports. Introduction 6f Bills. By Mr. Cunningham, a bill to amend chapter 185, laws of 1869, in regard to townships. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. V By Mr. Allen, a bill to amend an act chartering the Wilmington Life Insur ance Company. Referred to Committee on Insurance. . -" : By Mr. McCotter, a bill to amend the charter of the townof Farmville, Pitt couaty. On motiori'ol Mr. McCotter, the rules were suspended, and the bill passed its several readings. ' XBy Mr. Nicholson, a bill to amend chapter 71, laws of 1871-'72. Referred to Judiciary Committee. , By Mr. Respess, a bill to prevent the sale . of spirituous liquors within two miles of Concord church, in Beaufort county. - Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. By Mr. Stiiley, a bill to incorporate the North and South Air Line Railroad. Referred to Committee on Corporations. By Mr. Powell, a bill for the relief of John G. Williams, Referred to Com Mittee on Claims. By Mr. Stiiley, a bill to provide for a special rate of interest. Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grie vancies. By Mr. Avera, a bill . to incorporate the town of Selma, in Johnston county, Referred to Committee on Corporations. By Mr. Powell, a bill in relation to fees of Justices of the Peace and Con stables. ' " . . Introduction? of Resolutions. By Mr. Waring, a resolution in regard to the Insane Asylum. ; By Mr. Humphrey,' a resolution of in struction to the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Respess, a resolution raising a Joint Committee to examine and cancel vouchers in the Auditor's office. By Mr. Flemming, a resolution of in quiry as to the feasibility of establish ing a Bureau of Statistics of Agriculture and Immigration. Referred to the Committee on Immigration. By Mr, Murray, a resolution of in-, struction to Judiciary Committee. Re ferred. By Mr. Merrimon, a resolution in favor of Hon. James L. Henry. The resolution provides for the audit ing of the accounts of Judge Henry at the rates of $100 per week, for the holding of terms of the Court of Oyer and Terminer in several of the Western counties of the State. Under a suspeasion of the rules the resolution was taken up. On its passage on the third reading, Mr. Respess called the yea3 and nays, which resulted in 38 yeas and 2 nays. Calendar. - Under a suspension of the rules, the bill of Mr. Allen's to amend the charter of the Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance Com,pany was taken up and passed it several readings. Senate bill in regard to the taking of depositions before Justice's Courts pass ed its third reading. Senate bill in relation to the office of the Sheriff of Yancey county, with an amendment from the Judiciary Com mittee, passed its third reading. House bill No. 5, to cure certain de fects in the office of the Register of Buncombe, county, passed its third read ing. House bill No. 2, to repeal chapter 89, lavv3 of 1871 and '72, passed its third reading. House bill No. 24, to exempt .the counties of Ashe, Alleliany, Watauga and Swain from the provisions of chap ter 142, laws of 18G9 and '70, which prevents the capture of trout at certain seasons and in a certain manner, passed its third reading. Senate bill No. 91, prescribing the duties of the Supreme Court,? passed its second reading. House bill No. 130, to incorporate the Albemarle and Scuppernong Steam boat Transportation Company. On motion of Mr. Stiiley, the bill was passed over informally. House bill to repeal chapter .08, laws of 1871-72, providing that its provis ions shall not apply to the counties ol Clay, Cherokee, and Randolph, passed its.second reading. Senate bill No. 73, to prohibit the sale ot spirituous liquors within two of miles ot "Christian Delight emirch, in. Beaufort county. After a general discussion, ihe bill passed its second reading. Senate bill No. 182, a bill in relation to the duties of the Register of Deeds. Tiie bill requires the .RegisUr. of Deeds to keep an alphabetical record, ot thegrantcr and grantee of all deeds, etc., in his idfice. Mr. Respes? adv.uated its p:i--gv' Mr. Gudger said that tin- laws id the special Session of 18GS provides fr the biil now under consideration. The bill was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Flemming the rules were suspended and House bill No. 123, to repeal chapter 68, 1 laws of 1871 2, (in regard to the deer law) provided its provisions does not apply to the cun tics of Clay, Cherokee, Randolph, was taken up. , . . . NO. 243. The following amendments were of fered and accepted : By inserting in the list of exceptien3 "the counties ' of Haywood and Richmond. Informally passed over. Mcs&ags Received : ; From the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of the passage of a bill in regard to the town of Golds boro. (Heretofore reported in House proceedings.) , i Under a suspension of the rules, the bill was taken up on motion of Mr. Humpnrey, and passed its several read- in Miscellaneous. rni i. i he President announced the follow ing Standing Committee on Immigra tion : Messrs.- Mcrehead, pf Guilford, Welch and King. X. ' Ou motion of Mr. Humphrey, the bill to incorporate the North Carolina Rail way Company was made the special order for 12 o'clock to-morrow. Mr. Cunningham was requested to state that Mr. Price, the Senator from Rowan and Davie, was confined to his room by sickness. Mr. Merrimon asked to be excused from duty on the Joint Committee on Constitutional" Reform, and Mr. More head, of Guilford, was appointed in his place. ... Mr. Chamberlain was granted indefi nitef leave of absence on account ol sickness. ' . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M., Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved, Mr. Johnston, presented, a memorial from certain citizens of Buncombe county, praying the Legislature not to interfere with the sale of the Western N. C. R. R. Mr. Blackwell presented a memorial of the same character. Mr. Sneed presented a. memorial from certain citizens of Qranville, Warren and adjacent counties, praying the Legislature to take away the charter of the Roanoke Navigation Company. Mr. Norment presented a memorial from certain citizens of Lumberbiidge township, Robeson county, asking the passage of a law prohibiting the sale of liquor in the neighborhood of Lumber bridge and Providence churches. Mr. Trivett presented a memorial from certain citizens of Alleghany, ask ing on appropriation to pay contractors on the Marion and Asheville Turnpike road, and to complete the same. Mr. Norment presented a couple of me morials rrom citizens of Robe on county asking the Legislature to pass a law prohibiting the sale of liquor within a certain distance; of certain churches in that county. Mr. Haynes presented a petition from certain citizens of Haywood, asking the Legislature to pass a law prohibiting the sale or giving to a minor any intox icating drink. Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, Mr. Houston, Mi. McGehee and Mr. Morri son submitted reports from Standing Committees. By Mr. Darden. a resolution concern ing the daily sessions of the House. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Houston, a resolution concern ing Joint Rules of Order. Placed on the calendar. ; , By the same, a resolution fixing the hour of daily adjournment. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Bennett, a resolution of in struction to the Judiciary Committee. Referred. By Mr. Badger, a .bill to protect the agricultural interest of. the State. Re ferred. By Mr. Waugh, a bill making it in dictable to fell trees iu Stewart's Creek, burry county, . lteterred. By Mr, Brown, of Davidson, a bill concerning the Register of Deeds m the several counties ot the State. By Mr. Turner, a bill to amend chap ter 277, hws of 1870-,71. Referred. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a bill to incorporate the town of riuntersville, Mecklenburg. Referred. By Mr. Hampton, a bilKlegalizing the acts of the Board of Commissioners of Polk county, on Monday, September , 1872. Referred. By Mr. Bean, of Randolph, a bill to allow enterers bf vacant lands to obtain grants. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Rhodes, a bill to amend chap ter 139, laws of 1870 and '71. Referred. By Mr. McGehee, a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Person county to levy a special tax. Referred. By Mr. Corson, a bill to amend the act to incorporate the town of Wash ington. Referred. By Dudley, col., a bill to change the name ot Holden Hook and Ladder Company. Neivbern. Referred. By Mr. Sneed, a bill to amend the charter ol the -Roanoke Navigation Company. Referred,. By Mr. Norment, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor within one mile and a halt of Union Chapel church, Robeson county. Referred, By the same, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor withiu two miles of Lumber bridge and Pfovidtnce churches, Robo son county, Relerred. . By the same, a bill to prevent the sale of .liquor within four miles of .'Ash pole church, Bobegon i county,' ' Referred. By Mr. Badger, a bill to establish a system of procedure in ctimiiwd cases. Referred. j By Mr. Carson, a bill to amend chap. 50, laws ot 1871 and '72. Referred. By Mr. Webb, a bill to repeal parts ot chapter 230, laws of 1S68 and '09. Rl tVrred. . By Mr. Shinn, ot Cabarrus, a bi!i to incorjjuia'e iEortka Lodge, A. Y. SI:, Cabarrus county. By Mr. Haynes, a bill top oh bit tl giving io ,r selliirg minors inioi-.icatin,,' I rink. Rdbircd. : : ;0:r Mt';ih 4 f Mr. Houston, I ic ruk were suspended and the suppleincntai v report of the C-unmittee on Hu es w is taken up and adopted. On motion of the same, the rules were suspended anil the resolutioa cor.ee. n.1 g Joint Rules of Order was ti'u u u, ainl adopted. Ths suiLe genihm n cktl up ii.e jesoluiion fixing the caily adjournment PAIL Y NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING; One square, one insertioH.........;...:..;$ 1 00 One square, two insertions.................. ,1 50 On square, three insertions. 2 00 One square, six insertions..;.... ..:..Y 3 56 One square, one month w 8 00 One square, three months.-.. .. . 18 00 One square, six months.,................;. .; so 00 One square, f elvo months 50 00 tor larger advertisements, liberal con -tracte will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. of the House, and it was adopted. t oy consent, Mr. ttorman introduced a resolution directing the Attorney Gen eral to enquire into the right . anc title of the State to certain lands, near Ral eigh, known as t4Camp Mangum." On motion of Mr.' Gorman, the rules were suspended and . the . Tcselution adopted. , ... ... On motion of Mr. Darden, the resolu tion concerning the daily sessions of the House was taken up. Mr. Waugh moved to lay it on the table. ; ,. t..;i.., j s The motion to table was rejected by a vote of yeas 25 nays 48. ; After a leugthydebate, the momen tous question whether or not the House should meet daily at 10 A. M., and ad journ at 2 P. M., was decided by the" adoption of amotion to indefinitely postpone. T.hc adoption of this mo tion was greeted .vith much applause. r.-. r nr. nt. . s liiuuuu ui our. xiuoues, j.ne rules were suspended and the bill 'concerning the town of Goldsboro was taken uo and passed its several readings. Mr. Bennett, by consent, introduced a bill to incorporate the Farmers' Loan Bank. " ' ' ; -. On motion of Mr. Bean, of Randolph, the rules wercsuspended and the bill to allow cnterers of vacant lands fur ther time to obtain grants was taken up. Allows two years more. After a long debate the bill passed its several readings. .... The bill to levy a special tax for the county of Columbus was taken up and passed its second reading by a vote of yeas 94, nays 2. The bill to incorporate the town of Jackson, Northampton county, was taken up and passed its several read ings. . The bill to incorporate Seaton Gales Lodge No. 64, 1. O. O. F., Raleigh,' was taken up and passed' ita several read ings. ' " On motion of Mr. Joyner. the bill to change the name of Boon Hill, Johnston county, to Princeton, was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill to amend the act: to extend the time for the registration of deeds, was taken up. ; " Pending its discussion, the arrival of the ;.'.-. . . -.; .,.,,.. Special Order . j was announced, to wit: the bill to amend the school law. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the bill was recommitted to the Committee on Education, with all of the pending amendments. . . The consideration of .the bill to ex tend the time of the registration of deeds, &c, was resumed. After undcrgoingamendmcnt, the bill passed its several readings. . IThe bill extends for two years, from the 31st of March, 1873, the time for the registration of all deed3 and other instruments required or allowed to be registered, except mortgage deeds, trust deeds and marriage settlements. By consent, Mr. Heaton, introduced a resolution in favor of J. C. McGowan, which was referred. - By Mr. Moring, by consent, a bill to exempt persons from jury service, who have attained tho age of GO. Referred. By Mr. Bean, by consent, a' bill to change the name ef Franklinsville towc- shin. Rand ol nh nnnntr , llpforroVl r On motion of Mr. Bennett, the rules were suspended, and Senate bill to amend the charter of t.lift Wilminfrtnn North Carolina LifeJInsuranco Company was -taken up ana passea its .several readings. , . . . f The resolution puttings out the keep ing of the State Library by contract, was taken up and adopted. The bill to amend sub division 2, sec tion 8, chapter. .139, laws of, 1S70-1, was taken up and, on motion . ofr Mr. Stanford, was laid on the table. , , The bill declaring Neuse River a lawful fence was taken up. and passed if s several readinxs. , By Mr. Morrison, by consent, ta bill to amend sections 224 and 228, Code of Civil Procedure. Referred.., ? By Mr. McGehee, by consent,; a bill concerning coqjorations. '. Ilefcred " The bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in the town of Waynesville, Haywood county, was taken up and passed over informally. By Mr. Dula, by consent, a- bill to modify section 1, chapter 42 Revised" Cede. RoJered. , The bill to incorporate Solomon Lodge No. 313, F. and A. Mi. Robeson county, was taken up and passed its several readings. r, . The bill to amend the act concerning the appointment of Judges to hold special terms was taken up and passed its several reading?. 'o The bill to anund scctiou 1, chanter GO, laws ol 1870 1 wri3 taken up and, on motion of Mr. Brown, of Davidson, was laid on ihe table. Tlie bill to anient! chapter 68, laws of 1871-2 was taken up. On-motion of Mr. Jones, the words "and Caldwell" were inserted in the" bill. ; On tuotiou of Mr. Shawr: Moore county was inserted ii the provisions of the bill. ' - On motion of Mr. Perry, Bladen county was inserted. , i On u.o.ion of Mr. Trivett, Ashe coun ty tvas added. - On motion of Mr. Maxwell, the' bill was laid ihe table. (This was intended to.amei.'d the celebrated "deer law.") , By Mr. Bean, by consent, a Tjill tq re peal chapter - 71, laws of 1871 2. 'Re ferred. . . . -Tue bill to amend the act ;to. lay off the homc-tcad anel personal property exemption, wr.s taken up and passed its second reading, and under a suspension, of , the rules, it came i u on its third i leading. ' . . ' : Ihe bill prpvidis thai wheic. the homestead has ueen o: c. laid ff by creditors it cann jt ngain be so la'd off under sub:equcnt levies, except in cases of fraud. ) v.'. '.iCn'i Mr. Mois .opposed .it jMsae He thought it a dishonest Uii , and might operate to elefraud" the creditor of his just rights. .,;;-...:..;. :"'.U .ovf..; Mr. Stanford thought it was. a just measure, as it gave.Uic uuiortunate and worthy debtor some jrioUv.ion rgainst a hard and grinding creditor, Jjc, - COSTINUED OK FOOi;TlI VAOfI

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