DAILY NEWS. r)NE i TJZZELL, - -, Proprietors. Fatkttkvillk Street, over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. - CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVASCK. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscri'jers Rt fifteen cents per week, payable t o the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 per anuum ; $3.50 for six months,; $2 for thre 3 months. The. WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. r DAILY NEWS. , HATES OP ADVERTISING.' Onfl Knnnrp cnc Insorflva 1 flfl H One square, two insertions... r'.7... ,1 60 jxv quare, mree insertions... - z uu One square, Blx insertions...... . 3 56 One square, one month, .. 8 CO One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months. ....... .. 30 00 One square, U. elve months, ... ;.. 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal eon tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. 0.. SUN DAY MORNING. JANUARY 1873. NO. 244. PROFJSSSIONAI CARDS. E 0 H S NO w BALE I Q II, N. C, Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. y janl5-lm J. Ii. BATCHELOR. LaKDWARns. W. PLVM1IER BATCIIELOR. "OATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND -13 BATCHELOR, - RALEIGH N. C. ,vllle. Franklin. Warren, Halifax.North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and Supreme Courts. jan 3-tf A. LEX II S M I T II ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NE(JK , N. C. Will practice in the r ourts G? Halifax and adjoining counties. ; . Collections attended to tn all parts of the State. ' may 11-tf D T U R N E R O E JV T I ST. Olfice on Fayetteville Street Over Williams Book Store. nih7-3m. WALTER CLARK. Q LARK J. M. Mullen. & MUL EN , ATTORNEY'S AT HALIFAX, N. 0. Tractlce in all ihe Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made In all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly N D R E W J. BUR T ON, lTTOR JTEY AT L,l 11 R A LEIGH, N. C, Will practice in the Courts of Wake and ; Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. apll-tf ED. CONIQLAND, WM. II. DAY' LAW PARTNERSHIP. ON IGLAND &- D A Y C ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of i lie State, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldou on Saturdays and Mondays uf each week. no &-tt 15. II. Buns, TD U N N Sam'l T. Williahs. WILLI A M S , & ,lTTORJTEYS IT X.1W - ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I A M S & 13 U N N , ATTORNEYS' JIT E.llf RALEIGH, N. C. a- Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.. Claims Collected In any part of the State. 3- Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, nihl-tf. 1ST 0 C -E Mot Ice is herebv eiven. that an appllca' tion will be made to the Legislature of North Carolina, lor a charter to incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company, jan 14-tf OFFICF CITY TREASURER, Raleigh, Jan. 11,1873. The January interest on the One, Two and Three year 'City of Raleigh Bonds will be paid on presentation of Coupons at the Kaieigh National or State National Banks, lluleigh, N. C. m W. CHURCHILL, , janl5-3t City Treasurer. BE A W KIN S C 0 C O T T O jr e -Jt C T O RS AND General Commission Merchants, 43 West Lombard Street, " II A L T I M O R E , M D . Liberal advances made upon consign ments Fertilizers furnished at lowest rates, ja 13-tmh 4D - ' ' : - . - J NO. B.Neal. Wit. J. Baker J 0 II N B. NEAL & CO., COTTON FACTORS', and ".':; GilMlRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOB PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, " Norfolk, Va. -liattleboro "Advance" copy. sep'iid&w-tr A Y N E A L 1j v v a GHOCEB ANDGENERAL prodcce:commissios: mfrcuant - - V. i-v rn T Has and will keep in stockthe best qnal Ity of FJIMIL.Y GROCERIES. I csDecially invite all interested to call, bel PS I can make It to yov ir interest to purchase from me, as I am determined to tell Groceries with as close margin u i they can be handled In Kaieigu. iijr uu Thanking you for your fayors in the past and hopinjj a Bnare oi yuu i"t, -the nature. I remaLl truly, t1TYvir jan5-tl WAYNE ALLCOTT MORNING EDITION. SUNDAY.... .......JANUARY 19. 1873 J3T Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Til teen Cents per line. J3T"AU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street. ialtlmore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. Em C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE- OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 J A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : 5:30 p. m. Eastern -Due at 6 r. m. Close at 6:30 A. M. Northern via Weldon -Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 a. m. Northern via Greensboro -Due at 7 a. m. Close at 5:30 p. m. Fayetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 A. m. Close at 3:00 P. M. iso mans received or sent on Sundays, Put all letters for mailing in letter box, as that is the last place we look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general delivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for Monev Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 a. m. to 41 P. M. C. J. Rogers, Postmaster. 5F For latest news by telegraph, see Fourth Paue."' Local Briefs. Another grand dress hop, is talked of. No Mayor's Court yesterday, and not a single police an est. Several civil suits were tried before ustice Whitaker yesterday. Ample religious facilities are accord ed today to all who are piously inclined. In the last two weeks some 30 colored aborers have left this county for South , , I A negro man living some 10 miles east of this city, had his left hand badly shattered by the accidental explosion of a gun which he was handing, What have we done that the Rocky Mount Mail should cut us oft its list.- To get a copy of this week's issue of said paper, we were compelled to bor row. None of our business, but should it rain to-day, as in all probability it will, will it not prevent some ol those who went through the drenching rain to the Tucker ball Thursday night from going o Church. jDarmei, the druggist is securring a large and general assortment of fresh goods in his line. His stock of toilet soaps is peculiarly attractive. Get the Pans boquet, and you need no lubin to 0ffe3ten you up. We would again call the attention"of the proper authorities to the open con- dition ot tue unnnisnea wen on tue corner of Salisbury and Edenton streets. When we have "well enough, ' we will let it alone not until then, Owing to the want of drainage on South street, the tenants of Mrs. Eliza- beth Wilton are sadly in need of boats for transportation about the yards. The Street Commissioners will take due notice of this fact and govern them selves accordingly. Prempert the barber who is by the way the only white barber in the city, and a thorough gentleman besides, still runs hi3 Tonsorial saloon opposite Metropolitan Hall. There is no man in Raleigh more higniy deserving oi a large patronage than Prempert. Our Churches To-Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to-day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city 'are earnestly and r.ordiallv invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present toconduc visitors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and Hi o'clock p. m, Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and o'ciock p. m Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury nnd Morgan streets, Rev. J. M. Atkin son. D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock A..M. and o ciock p. m. Christ's rEpiscopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. R. S Mason, D. D., officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. m and 7io'clock p. m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner ATrrrnn Xr. Wi mm?ton streets, itev. j. V Mr.TTamara. priest, officiating. mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock P. M. Person street Methodist Church, Rev. f 11 n'lek a m and 7 m. at 11 O CloeK a. m., auu IT . u. JJEATU Ui A T. 7 . u. Wo rpfret to announce tnc aeam oi vv. V Johns. Esq.. a well Known anues- ... j oam.A oitW,m of this county, which ;.npnrrwi vpsterdav at his residence about 8 miles southeast of this city, w r,nA iwtt. henrd of the getleman' iiim. onri timrefore. can eivenopartic lars.' Mr. Johns was about 3o years old. A Curious Prophylactic Against Small-Pox. In view of the prevalence of this dreaded disease in various por tions of the State, we publish the fol lowing statement from an Alabama physician, as the facts stated therein may possibly haye much merit in them: At a recent meeting of the Alabama State Medical Society, Dr. G. D.Norris, of Huntsville. stated that, durincr a visitation of small-pox at Huntsville, a number of families used a tea made of the cimicifuga racemosa, and that in no instance did any of these persons take the small-pox. Dr. Norris was unable to learn at whose instance this device was adopted. He stated further, that, during the time these families used the tea, he attempted to vrc 'inate a number ol the families and that in every instance he failed, but that after the tea was discontinued be succeeded with vaccination in the cases where he had failed while they were under the influence of the tea. This cimicifuga racemosa is known as the black snake root, or cohosh. It -should be used in. moderation, because large dose3 produce impaired vision, r2? nausea ana vomitipg. its mc- . i . bv manv pminpnt lnpmhpra rf thp. mprl. ical profession. Id the Transactions of the American Medical Association, vol. I, 352, Dr. F. N. Johnson reported ex traordinary success with it in acute rheumatism. In chorea, a disease often allied with rheumatism, the medicine has been very successfully used. One ounce oi the root may be boiled for a short time in one pint of water, and from half a pint to a pint may be used in twentv-four hours. The fluid extract is probably superior to any other preparation. 11ns should be made by some able pharmaceutist. The dose of the fluid extract is about a tcaspoonful three or four times a day. The facts stated by Dr. Norns go to confirm the truth of Jeriner's discovery, that vaccination is small pox. Another curious fact is worth remembering in this connection. The cimicifuga race mosa is called the black snake root, and is supposed to have received that name from its assumed efficacy in curing the bite ol the rattle-snake. Here is another curious coincidence : Professor Heriry, of Manchester, England, dis covered that a heat equal to 33 degrees of Farenheit's scale entirely destrovs the poison of small pox, of the rattle snake and of the cobra dicapello. This important truth should be a prophylac tic against the senseless destruction of bed clothing and personal clothing of victims of small pox. Boiling water is 212 degrees of Farenheit's scale, and will utterly destroy small pox poison. Black snake root Will be in much greater demand than ever before, if the above statement be true, and it the ,. . - , . iacis uecome generally Known, ivn antidote against small-pox, against the bite of a snake, as well a3 rheumatism, is surely an article of great value. We are informed that the black snake root and ginseng are found to grow luxuri ously and very abundantly in Western North Carolina. It is probably more abundont there than anywhere else on this continent. Borrowed Books. A friend, who has suffered from the evil complained of, suggests the following article on book borrowing : Our own experience has been an ex pensive one. A large number ol our books are now 'out on the borrow Some of them our most valuable works, and many have been out for a year and more. All efforts on cur part to have thm brought home have proven fruit less, and we have come to the conclusion that some of our 'book' friends have no conscience, way, to borrow a oook, involves certainly as sacred an obliga tion as does the loan of the price ot the book in money. , But there are many people who take a different view. We have loaned out a large number of books, and perhaps as many more were taken irouvour shelves during our ab- sence, and without permission. Only in a few instances are they returned We hear the same complaint from other people who are unfortunate enough to own books.' Supreme Court. This body met at 10 o'clock, all the Justices present. Argument was resumed in the case of W. H. Howertou, ct al., vs. a. Mcl) Tate. etal.. and continued throughout the session. Judge Mernmon concluded his argument for the defense. V. II Bailev. Esq., commenced his argument for the plaintiffs, but did not conclude before the adjournment ol the court. Col. Coleman will follow Mr. Bailey for the defendants. On Monday appeals from the 3rd J udi cial District will be called peremptorily. On Thursday appeals will be heard from the 7th District. Sunday School Meetings. There will be a mass meeting ol the bunday Schools in our city, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, in the Baptist Church; also at the same church at 7 o'clock, P. M., a general meeting of the parents and friends of the young. Rev. J ohn Mc- CullaL'h. of Kentucky, Secretary oi the Southern Deparment of "The American gnndav School Union," and Rev. G. S": Jones, of North Carolina, who lor the 1)ast rive years nas laooreu as a ouuuay - School missionary in our btate, will ad dress the meetings. All are most cordially invited to at tend. Death of an Old Resident, Mrs. Margaret E. Ramsey, for many years a resident of Rocky Mount, died in Wil mington, Del., on the 12th inst., in the 55tlf year of her age. Her remains rp.ir.hed this place on the 11 a. m. train yard ot the M. E. Church, of which she J 0:Qforl4. nTV Kfe onr, mnmliPr. I ttO i ,VJ LMJltJ l.- v O n i i m n Vknof rf fripnrlj t m on in r n..... if-... lf.,7 ner 1033. xwcicy juuu. Mrs. Ramsey was the mother ot Mr. Ramsey the eiterprisiug clothing raer- chant oi tuiscuy. : A runaway mule team caused a little current of excitement on McDowell street yesterday afternoon. Superior Court. The Court met at 10 o'clock. Criminal docket resumed. State vs. Henry Garrard, assault and battery. Not guilty. The Judge proceeded to pass sentence on Wm. Mitchelli colored, alias Chick '' BOots, convicted several days ago for assault and battery oh Lake Thompson. Judgment of the court that the de fendant, Wm. Mitchell, alias Chick Boots, be conOned at hard labor in the State prison for three years. Simpson Mordecai and Thomas Grn- fice, , the convicted men of the "Hick3 Outrage " case were brought before the Bar ot the Court and Judge Watts pro nounced upon their guilty heads the sentence of death as follows : "You have been convicted bya jury of your countrymen, selected by a jury of yourselves, of one of the highest crimes known to our law. The Court, on account ot your pover ty, and in obedience tc-a. general pro vision of tbe Constitution, assigned you counsel learned in the law, and faith fully have they, discharged their duty. Every effort has been made by them in this Court to avert the terrible doom that awaits you. No reasonable complaints can there ore be made by you or your friends tor want of able and learned counsel. Neither can you complain at the verdict of the jury, who were forced to render a painful and unwilling verdict, from the overwhelming and convincing testimo ny against you. And we cannot sup pose that any prejudice existed against you in the mind of the jury, when ten twelfths of them were of your own race. Your own conduct has brought down upon the terrible judgment of the law; and you . have placed upon the Court the saddest and most painful duty that can attach to the position it holds, that of consigning you to.a felon's grave ; and while regrets lor an ill-spent hie will be. of little use to you, you will have a short period for repentance and prayer : aud I beseech you to seek forgiveness of Him who alone can save you, even' to the. uttermost : That in the world to come, in vast eternity, to which we are all hastening; you may stand redeemed from sin and accepted through the mediation and atonement of, our Lord and Master. . .v Now, in vindication of the majesty of a violated law,' aud in obedience to its mandates, It is the Order oi tht Court, that you, Simpson Mordecai and Thomas Gritiice, betaken to the Common Jail of the county, and bp kept in close confine ment therein, until Friday, the 28th day of Februray next, and on that dav you shall be taken thence by the Sheriff, and between the hours ot twelve o clock, meridian, and two o'clock, past merid ian of that day, and within the Jail enclosures, you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. May God, in in His infinite mercy- and goodness, have mercy upon your souls." An appeal by their counsel was prayed and granted. ; A drunken or crazy man got into the capitol yesterday morning and created a great disturbance in the passage be tween the two Halh of the Legisla ture. He wa3 taken out by the Pages of the House. The policemen that ar rested us sometime ago for whistling was not around while this wholesale disturbance was going on. Hudson Degree . Temple. There will be a meeting of t his organization on Monday evening, the 20th. J. J. Hick man, the R. W. G. O., will be present and exemplify the work. Lecture. We understand that Hon. J. J. Hickman will deliver a temperance lecture in this city on Friday evening. The Hall in which the lecture will be delivered will be hereafter announced. Masonic. There will be a regular Communication of Hiram Lodge No. 40, Monday evening, at the usual hour. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UDSON DEGREE TEMPLE. There will be a meeting of HUDSON DEGREE TEMPLE NO. 1, I. O. G. T., on Monday evening, January 20th, 1873. Hon. J. J. Hickman, It. W. G, C, will be present and exemplify the work. Members of the subordinate Lodge, who have not taken the Degrees, will have an opportunity of doing so. V. BALLARD, D. T. D. W. Whitakek, D. S. ianl9-lt. z o o . 1 o o - -.So CO ?M '"! i J . o g " 2 rr 2- S2 0 a- 111 o Co V s: o o IX, 2 o 52 o i r a o (D ex SB n 03 p 1 3 ii OT " (9 " B o CHAS. D. IlIIiL, CUAS. It. SKINKER, G. OBEK t SOS. Special. H1 L L & S KIN K E. R COMiHISSON MERCHANTS, LVo. 1? i'txtr I Street, RICHMOND, VA , Solicit Consignments of Tobacco, Xfott'on Flour, Grain, &c., General Agents' for Virginia and North Carolina for Messrs. G. Ober & Son Standard Fertilizers. . apb-wit c LASSICAL & MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. TALLY HO, N. C. J . HORNER, Pbincipal, The Spring session opens on the Srd Mon day in January. The price of board and tuition per session of twenty weeks is $t0. Students are eonveyed from Franklintou to Tally Ho, without extra charge. dell-W4tpd LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR- O LI N A . SENATE. Saturday, Jan. 18th, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieut, Governor Broaden in the chair. Journal of yesterday was read and ap proved. ,-' Petitions and Memorials. 7 By Mr. Cunningham, a series of reso lutions passed by the citizens of War ren county in regard to the proposed county of Gilliam. The resolutions were referred to the committee on Prop ositions and Grievances. Reports of Standing Committees. Mr. Murray, from committee on En grossed Bills, Mr. Allen, ironi Judi ciary, Mr. Welch, irom committee on Corporations, Mr. Norwood, lrom com mittee on Agriculture, Mr. lodd, trom committee on Enrolled Bills, submitted reports. Mr. Dunham, irom the committee to cancel the vonchera in the Trcisurer's Department, reported that the commit tee had performed that duty. On motion of Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, the rules were suspended and the bill to amend an act to incorporate the town of Excelsior, in Burke county, was taken up and passed its several readings. A substitute lor the report of the com mittee, which prevents the sale ot intox icating liquors within two miles of the suid town, was adopted. , Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Powell, a bill to amend the charter of the Cape' Fear Iron and Steel Company. Referred to Committed on Internal Improvement. By Mr. Cowles, a bill to. amend sec tions 35 and 43, chapter 193, laws of 1871 -'72. Referred to Judiciary Com mittee. By Mr. Earnhardt, a bill to encourage manufacturing and the improvement of water powers, and to amend chap. 158, laws ot 186S-'G9. . By Mr. McCauley, a bill to incorpo rate Mount Prospect Camp Ground in the codnty ol Union. Introduction of Resolutions. By Mr. Powell, a, resolution of in structions to our Representatives - in Congress in regard to the Educational Bill now pending in the U.'S. Congress.: Being a joint resolution it lies over one day. - ..'' ''',. ' Special Order At 12 o'clock the bill to incorporate the Midland Railway Company was taken up on its second reading. Messrs. Humphreys and Moorehead, of Rockingham, from the Committee made some explanations in regard to the amendments proposed by the Com- mittee. Mr. Morchead, of Guilford, was not prepared to vote intelligently upon the bill, from the information he could glean 4 from its reading and would therefore move the special ord?r. be postponed till Thursday at 12 o'clock and the bill be printed. - Mr. Humphrey thought it best to let the bill pass its second reading and then Mr. Moorehead's motion adopted. Mr. Ellis of Columbus, thought that as the proposed Railroad would enure to the advagtage' of Foreign Corporat ions, he was unwilling for the State to incur the expenses ot printing, and moved its lurther consideration until Monday week. Mr. Welch and Morchead advocated the printing of the bill that it might come properly before the Senate. Mr. Norwood, was in a stingy mood and was not willing to incur the expense ot printing. Mr. Welch replied at some length, advocating the bill, as its passage would be condusive to the interests of West ern North Carolina. After a considerable discussion, par ticipated in by Messrs. Humphrey, Ellis, of Columbus, Flemming, Norwood and Todd the vote was taken on the several amendments offered by the committee tfnd adopted. The bill with amendments passed its second reading. On motion of Mr. Humphrey, the rules were suspended, and the bill was made the special order for Friday next at 11J o'clock . . On the motion ot Mr. Humphrey to print the bill, Mr. Stafford called the yeas and nays. The motion prevailed by 28 yeas and nays 12. ' t Messages Received A message from the Governor in re ward to the State debt, in which he com plains of no action being taken by the General Assembly on what he terms this imnortant matter, and no attention paid to his message touching this point. .... . To relieve himself from the responsibil ity he encloses With his message a bill to restore the credit ot the btate. (Note.) The reporter is at a los3 to know, under what head of his reports to place this bill, as there is no precedent to follow, as this is first time in the history of Government's that a Gover nor introduces a bill in the Legisla ture. On motion Mr. Stilley the printing of the message and accompanying docu ments, w a3 ordered. Mr. Morehead moved a reconsidera tion; stating that he had voted under a misapprehension. The vote was recon sidered. On motion of Mr. Merrimon the mes sage and accompanying documents were referred to the Joint Committee on the State debt. Miscellaneous. . - Mr. Respess stated. .-that the Senator from Lenoir, Mr. King was detained in his room by sickness. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. the' House was called to onier by Mr. Speaker Robinson. Prayer by Ilev. Mitehell,colored, of Alabama. The Journal of yesterday wai read and approved.; . Messrs. Jones, OtCaldwell, Bennelt, Morrison, McNeill, McGehee, Brown, of Mecklenburg, llacner, and Turner sub tnitted reports from various standing and select committees.' , By Mr. Bennett, a resolution empow ering the Judiciary Committee to send for persons and papers in relation to the impeachment of R. M. Henry, Solicitor of the 12th Judicial District. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, a resolu tion in regard tb repairs in the Hall of the House. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Darden, a resolution of re quest to our Congressmen in regard to Indians. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Marler, a resolution printing the act to pay the expenses of idiot3 and lunatics. Referred. By Mr. Waugh, a resolution of in struction to the Committe on Education. Placed on calendar. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a res olution of instruction to the Committee on Public Buildings. Placed on calen dar. By Mr. Brown, of Davidson, a bill to amend section 5, chapter 106, C. C. P. Referred. By Mr. Bennett, a bill to provide for amercements in Justice3 Courts. Re ferred. By Mr. Guylher, a bill (o re-enact the act to secure advances made for Agricul tural purposes. Referred. By Mr. Lindsay, a bill to change the fees of Constables. Referred. ' By Mr. Woodhouse, a bill to levy a special tax in . Currituck county. Re ferred. ' By Mr. Todd, a bill to amend the act to incorporate the town of Boone, Wa tauga county.- Referred. By Mr. Waugh, a bill to amend an act establishing the Marion and Ashe ville Turnpike., By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Meck lenburg county to sell certain lands. Referred. By Mr. Bean, a bill to amend section 3, chapter 169, laws 1869-'70. Refer red. By Mr. Bennett, a bill to amend sec tions 49G and 497, C. C. P. Referred. By the same, a bill to amend section 404, C. C. P. Referred- By Mr. Cox. a bill -in reference to Superior Court Clerks. . Referred, By Mr Badger, by consent, a resolu tion ' requesting information of the Treasurer of the Board of Education. On motion of Mr. Badger, the rules were suspended and the resolution was adopted. . , On motion of Mr. Copeland, the rules were suspended and the resolution reauestmg our members of Congress to support the policy of the Government towards the Indians, was taken up. . Mr. Jones, ot Caldwell, moved to lay on the table. The motion to tabic was lost by a vote of yeas 24 nays 81. Mr. Turner moved to postpone until Wednesday at il, a. m. Mr. Houston moved to indefinitely postpone. After a considerable debate in which Messrs. Jones, of Caldwell, Cope land,Brown,of Davidson, Waugh, Hours ton,Goodwyn and ; others participated, Mr. Wauh moved to strike out the third section of the resolution wjiich endorses the policy of the Administration towards the Indians. On motion .of Mr. Darden, the previous question was ordered. The motion to indefinitely postpone was put to a vote and rejected. The motion to postpone until Wed nesday was rejected. The question then recurred upon the motion of Mr, Waugh to strike out the 3rd section. The yeas and nays were called and the motion to strike out failed by a vote ot yeas 41, nays 67. The resolution was then adopted by a vote of yeas 56, nays 51. By Mr. McNeill, by consent, a bill in regard to descents. Referred. , By Mr. Scott, by consent, a resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Jones county. Placed on calendar. '. By Mr. Gorman, by consent, a bill to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. Referred. On motion of Mr. Bennett, the rules were suspended, and the bill to incor porate the Wilmington Trust and Say ings Bank Company, was taken up. 1 A long discussion ensued, and the bill underwent some amendment. On motion of Mr. Brown, of David son, the bill was postponed until Wed nesday at 11, a. m. By Mr. Gudger, by consent, a resolu tion in favor of the Commissioners of Madison county. Referred. A message was received from the Governor, transmitting a report of the late Superintendent of Public Instruc tion in reference to bids for Swamp lands' belonging to the School Fund. On motion, the message and accom panying documents were ordered to lie on the table., On motion of Mr. Brown, of Mecklen burg, the rules were suspended and the resolution of instruction to the Commit tee on Public Buildings in reference to repairs on the capiiol, was taken up and adopted. By Hughes, colored, by consent, a bill to levy a special tax in Granville, county. Referred. On motion of Mr. Stanford, the reso lution in favcr of Judge James L. Hen ry was taken up. After a very lengthy debate the mat ter was, on motion of Mr. Waugh, re ferred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Johnston, from the Committee in Privileges and Elections, submitted a report declaring the seat of P. Mabson, Representative lrom. Ldgecombe.vacant The report states, in substance, that the we ght of the testimony went to show that ilabson was not a citizen of Edge combe 12 months preceeding his elec tion. - . On motion of Mr: Johnston, the rules were suspended and the report was taken up lor consideration. Mr. Gorman moved to make the mat ter special ordtr for Thursday and to print the report and testimony. The motion of Mr. Gorman was di Tided. The motion to mike the special crder prevailed and the motion to print failed. . By Mr. Gomiau, by consent, a bill to repeal the Usury law. Referred. ' On moii'jajjf Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, the resi lutioiT authorizing the Door keeper to make certain repairs in the halt of the House of Representatives was taken up aud adopted. By Mr. Gorman, by consent, a resolu tion of inquiry concerning the Keeper of the Capitol. Placed on calendar. By Williamson, ca by consent, a bill to regulate municipal elections. Referred. " ' On motion of Dudley, col., the bili to incorporate the Mechanic's and La borers' Mutual Aid Society of North Carolina, was taken up and passed, its several readings. The resolution of instruction to' the Secretary of State in reference to the paper given out for the public printing, was taken up and adopted. Adjourned. " - ""."'"' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ' - ,' ' - j . : .. . J. J. Overby has associated with him in business J. J. Johnson, Esq., and the busi ness will hereafter be conducted under the style and name of OVERBY & JOHNSON, Their stock of GENERAL GROCERIES. WINES and LIQUORS of every gfade, is large and attractive. . Call and see us. jan!8-3t . "TALU ABLE FURNITURE FOR SALE. " On Saturday, the 8th day of February, 1873, at the residence of the late Judge Saunders, on Hillsboro' street, in this city, will be sold, at auction, a large lot of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE, -.a. -The sale will take place at 11 o'clock, A. M. Terms made known on day of sale. KEMP P. BATTLE, Adni'r of Mrs. A. H. Saunders. Raleigh, Jan. 16,1873. jan 16-td O LD SUGAR CURED HAMS New Sugar Cured Hams. Plain Canvased Hams, at lowest figures. V , W. C. STRONAC11. jg A N K R UPT SALE OF Trainable Real Estate, On WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of March. to the highest bidder, In the town of Iouis burg in i ranklin county, N. C. the TRjlCT OF EjUTD on which Archibald Taylor now lives, sit uated about four miles west of Portls' Gold Mine, in Franklin county, N. C and con taining, by Taylor's schedule in Bankrupt cy, 2 , 27 1 A C R E S This is a very productive body 'of land, adapted to the growth of Wheat, Corn, To bacco, Cotton, jfcc, a-large proportion of which is in original growth, with a large amount of low grounds on it. The dwelling is large, convenient and costly, with all necessary outhouses eonve- nlently arranged. It is supposed by many riprami n tlm t. t hi Tniifl Vioo : It. The tract ot land is very large and valua ble, and is sold under an- order of the Dis trict J udge of the Eastern District of North Carolina, pursuant to the provisions of the Bankrupt law. . I shall also sell at Public Auction for cash, to the highest bidder, on MONDAY, the 10th day of March, 1873, at the Court House door in Oxford, Granville county, all the right and interest of the said Archibald Taylor, arising under the will of Robert Taylor deceased, In all the property, real ' and personal, of Robert T. Peiham, derived under said will, and now in the hands of and under the control of L. C. Taylor. The property consists of a large Tobacco Factory it. uiiuiu, vu. ukj ouatca ui xiuuugu ana uas ton Rail Road Stock, and other effects. RICHAED W. HARRIS, Assignee of Archibald Taylor's Estate. janlo-w4t W. H. TAYLOR, A. S. MARTIN, T. E. ELLIOTT. J. U WATTE I'S rpAYLOR, MARTIN & CO. Wholesale Dealers in r II 1 II D IP 1 RE, Corner 2Iaia Street and Market jSqnarc. NORFOLK, VA. septll-WCm FAYETTEVILLE STREET NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! n. s. ir jiiTTr Has just opened a complete stock of Dry Goods, White Goods, Notions, Ready Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, GENTS' FUKNISIIIG GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HOSIERY, TRUNKS, VALISES AND TRAVELING BAGS. Call and exa nine my stock, and you will be convinced that I am determined to Deserve the Patronage of all. by selling goods low for casb. D. S. VVAiTT. Two Doors above the Markit. dec!0-w3m L. O . G R A D Y DEALER IK Wat c he 8 and Jewelry, HALIFAX, N C. 3-Orders by mall or express promptly attended to. special attention given to repairing Fine Watches. sep27w-tf JpiEDMONT & ARLINGTON UEF iYsuRijrE cojxpjumr, Home Oilice Richmond, Va. Income over One and a Quarter Millions of Dollars Policies Issued Over 17,500 Expcasc of Manaciiicnt Less than sny wmnany oi iis. Afe la iiacrua. DR, C. D. RICE, General Agent for Eastern North Carolina, Raleigh. HON. D.W. COURTS, General Agent for Western North Carolina, Ruffln. AGENTS WAITED.