DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion-.,.....!.......-...:! 1 tKJ- On6Rnnn.ro twn Incertlnno 1 50 s 2 li yjuv square, tnree insertions... One square, 6lx Insertions...... CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Tlfe DAILY NEWS will be delivered to absorlbera at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at ti per annum ; $3.50 for six months ; 82 for thre 3 months. "ne square, one month.. Onfl Rnnnrpi t.hron mnntho 1 ---- fJ-t3 ...................... vu .: One square, six months. 30 00 One sauare. t elve months . an art .16 00 For larger advertisements, Uberal con t tracts Will be madfl. Tpn linna crili vr-ni r vol. i RALEIGH. N. C TIIUIIS DAT MORNING. JANUARY 23. 1873. NO. 247. The WEEKLY NEWS at 2 per annum. pareil constitute one square. ; - f. DAILY NEWS. TONE A UZZELL, - . Proprietors. Fatkttkvillk Stkkkt, Over W. C. Stronach. & Co,'s Store. rm - ! -- " -. .OaiIjY ,PROFSSIONA J CARDS. Q- E O . II . S N O W , lTTORJETT HTL.Jl1 rale i an, N . c . , Practices In the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. janl5-lm J. U. BATCHELOR. IC EDWARD8. W.-PLUMMER BATCHEXjOB. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend In the Courts of Wake, Gran- amp ton and Chatham, and the Federal ana supreme courts, jan 3-u A LEX II SMIT II AITORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N C. Will practice in the r ourta or Halifax and adjoining counties. Cor.ections attended to In all parts of the SUte. mayll-tf D R TURN E R D E Ji T I S T . OlCcc on Fayetterillc Street, .Over Williams Book Store. mh7-om. Walter Clark. Q L A R K J. M. MULLE & M U L EN ATTORNEYS JIT X f HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all ihe Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In the Supremo Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly A NDREW J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT iir, R ALEIG II, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. ' ap li-tr ED. COXIQLAND, WJI. H. DAY' LAW PARTNERSHIP. C ON I G L AND & D A Y MORNING EDITION. Wxt pfcitjb guilt '.fjtawj. THURSDAY ..JANUARY 23. 1873 J3jTSpecinl Notiees inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fit tceu Cents per line. $3?AU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Avut.C7, - Wa K UVUIU tolled, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave meir lavors wiw um nouse. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor For latest news by telegraph, see Fourth Page. Local Briefs. Hon. John Manning was in the city yesterday. - Prof. W. C. Kerr ha3 almost entirely recovered. " St. Patrick in the morning " comes on the 17th of March. We are glad to learn that Rev. A. W. Mangum is much better. The Board of City Commissioners meet next Wednesday evening. Legislative incidents. In the Senate yesterday quite a lengthy debate took place over the bill in favor of Jno. G. Williams, Esq., of this city, which bill was finally referred to the Judiciary Committee. This' bill contemplates transferring to Mr. Williams any legal right the State may have in the 8,000 acres of land purchased- iu Harnett county in 1868 by the State as part ot the intended Penitentiary tract, for the payment of which the State' issued one hundred $1,000 bonds, 56 of these bonds being sold to Mr. Williams lor $28,000, which bonds Mr. Williams still hold. The argument is that the said bonds having been declared illegal by the Supreme Court, and the only actual monies having been paid by Mr. Wil liams, the State investing only the said bonds, Mr. Williams was entitled, so far as the btate was concerned, to all interest it . may have in said lands. It will be remembered by the reader that the purchase ot this land by the State from Mr. J. D. Pruyn cre ated considerable comment and feeling in the State at the time, but the public had lost sight of the matter until thus reproduced. From the tenor of the dis cussion yesterday, it would seem that the Legislature intended yielding the State's claims, if any it has, to Mr. Wil liams, as he is the only actual sufferer from the transaction. The land is probably not worth $1 per acre. During the consideration in the . Sen ate yesterday of a question concerning the "pulling down of certain wooden houses in Goldsboro, Harris, of Wake, urged that the doing of this might Honor to Wnon Honor is Due. A distinguished Representative of the present General Assembly hands us the following communication for publica tion, which we willinglyjgive space to : Mr. Editor: Qn the night of the alarm occasioned .by the accidental burning out of one of the chimneys cf the Capital, one ot the firemen, as the Fire Companies were tugging up Fay etteville street, was heard to say to his comrades: . " Pull up 1 pull up ! : the Capital is on fire I the loss 1 the loss 1 " All honor to the unknown fireman, and to his honorable fellows,for the deep interest manifested in the safety of our proud Capitol. May they long live to behold its broad dome unscathed by the devouring element which so often brings to ruin the finest specimens of man's architecture. ' It is gratifying to know that the citizens of Raleigh have such a deep personal interest in the proud old Capitol, which is the common property as well as the pride and boast of all the citizens of our good old North State. Long may it stand a blessing to the city of Oaks, an honor to the State, and the citadel of justice and liberty, within whose granite walls shall originate counsels of wisdom which shall lead us on to peace and prosperity. A Countryman. Dead Body Found. From a corres pondent at Thomasville, we learn, that a few days since a party of hunts men from New TTaven. donn. while Nothing of interest took place in the inflict some hardships upon the poorer going through a piece of woods, on classes, jut. xiumpnrey lmorineuimui me plantation oi ur. Diencien nan, near that the Dill contemplated no sucn Thomasville, came upon a dead body thing, and that the bill was presented Notification wa3 at once given to the by a gentleman belonging to the same citizens and a posse sent to view the party as Harris. The latter replied, body. The dead man was recognized "He had not spoken in a party sense, a3 one Dr. Taylor, known in that scc- nor did he acknowledge that every bill tion as a root or Indian doctor. coming from the Republican side was right the Republican party had done many foolish things within the last few years." A rather amusing spat took place in the Senate during the consideration of a bill vesterday incorporating the House of Representatives yesterday. New Jersey is proud of a woman weighing 272 pounds in her neck-ribbon, A husband can readily foot the bills cf a wife, who is not afraid of being seen footing the stockings of her husband. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of 1 he State, and in the Federal Courts. They ' will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the "accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. The Junior partner will attend at his of fice iu Weldon on Saturdays aud Mondays of each week. no a-tt" IS. U. Bdsn, Jg U N N & Sam'l T, Williams. WILLIAMS, ..ITTOllJTEYS UT Ll IP, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ILLI AMS & BUNN W ATTORNEYS ;1T JL1H RALEIGH, N. C. t3 Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.- Cl&Ins Collected lu any part of the State. 49" Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and In the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. N O W R AN E A D Y f M A! E N S E S T O C K OF S EJl S OJtlULE CT, O TIIIJVG MEN FOR AND BOTH Jnst received from our Manufactory In New York, made KX.PUKSSLY FOB OCB RETAIL TRADE, and which will be sold at the Lowest Posssible Prices. WOVlO-tl R. B. ANDRE tfS A CO., 27 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. R EAT EX CI T E M E N T AT irji ts oJms gji l,ier jt. Just received , another supply beautiful of those PICTURE PAPER WEIGHTS, . Just the thing for II O L I D A Y PRE SENTS. dec 20-tf CALL EARLY. J. w. WATSON. T HO M AS S TAN L Y PROPRIETOR OF "CITY GRANARY," dealer IN COO, PEAS, WHEAT, OATS, EICE, Mr, M, Heady access at my "Warehouse for THE DELIVERY , OF CARGOES, And easy Handling and Storage at small expense. REST QUALITY OF CORN Direct from Vessels at the Lowest Whole sale Prices. E. W. Thomason & Co., No. 3 Wil mington street, have for sale privately, to-day, a fine bay horse, 9 years old, also a fine milch cow. "Messrs. J. J, Hickman, of Kentucky, Edward Carswell, of Canada, and T. N. Ramsay, of this city, will soon com mence a canvass ot the State in the in terest of the Independent Order of Good Templars. A stylish bonnet can be obtained from Paris for $126. Of course all good husbands will cut this out and show it to their wives; and when it comes home won't she say, O, what a duck of a hus-bonet you are. It js now ascertained that the burning of the flue of a chimney at the Capitol, a few nights since, was not concocted by Gov. Caldwell for the purpose of smoking out Alex. Mclver, the late Su perintendent of Public Instruction. Stewart Ellison, colored, yesterday introduced a resolution into the House concerning the sidewalks of Raleigh. We do not know the provisions of the resolution, but we hope they are such as to compel the repair of Wilmington street in particular. ; Eighteen cents was paid yesterday for old wood, the refuse part of a cotton press, by M. A. Parker, Cotton Factor, on Martin street. The wood was neatly and substantially packed in a cotton bale. We may add, that this wood is in demand at the same price. The Proprietor of a Boarding House in this city had occasion to leave the city yesterday for a trip to Granville, and reauested one ot our honorable Senators, whom he regarded as the safest of the male members of hi3 house hold, to keep an eye to his interests du ring" his absence, at the same time stating there were four grass widows in the house. The Senator regarded the responsibility too heavy, and immedi ately changed his quarters. Movements of the Bible Agent. The Rev. P. A. Strobel, Bible Agent for the State, preached in the Presbyte rian Church at Pittsboro, in Chatham county, on Sunday morning the 19th January. At the close of the sermon, he made a brief Bible address, and a collection was taken .up. In the afternoon, he addressed the Freed men in their own Church. These people appointed a committee to assist in the work of supplying the destitu tion amongst their own class. At uigbt the Chatham county Bible Society held ' its anniversary at the Methodist Church. The Hon. II. A London presided. Prayer was offered by the Rev. William Lincberry, of the Baptist Church. The Agent delivered a lengthly address, after which a collec tion was taken up. The election of officers resulted thus : Hon. H. A. London, President. ; Rev. William Lineberry, Vice Presi- dent. N. A. Ramsay, Cor. Secretary. . A. G. Headen, Treasurer and Depositary. Executive Committee J. A. Wo mack, William A.Nash, G. W. Thomp son, Stephen Hanley and John W. Hatch. The Executive Committee gave the Agent an order for upwards of $100 worth of books on which they paid him nearly $50; having a credit balance of $01 at the Bible House, the debt of the Society will be small. A grant was solicited from the Parent Society, as the destitution in the county is very great there having been no efforts made in the Bible work since 1860. The work of canvassing and Bupplyiug the county is to be com menced promptly and vigorously prosecuted. This Society commences the new year with encouraging pros Builders The body showed no marks of vios lence ; and as the deceased was an in offensive person, it i3 reasonably sup posed that he died from the effects of his own medicine. Mayor's Court. Victoria Pool wa3 Scuppernong" Navigation and Transs the only visitor at the Mayor's levee yes terday. She was prevailed upon to attend Dortation Company, mr. lalis, of Columbus, good humoredly wanted to know what effect thjs bill" would have upon the "scuppernong" interests of Eas tern Carolina, if it would enhance or decrease the value of scuppernong wine, and if it was intended for boats to be navigated in rivers of this delightful beverage ? Mr. Cunningham hoped the "transportation fee" (the $25 required by law) would be paid in scuppernong The bill passed unanimously. by CaptainWatson, Chief of the Night Police, and the Mayors left bower," who gave her a ticket, in consideration ot the "little trick" she enacted.at the store of Messrs. Williamson, Upchurch & Thomas, (instead of G. T. Stronach & Brother, as roported in yesterday's News) in hiding a piece ot domestic, where she thought it was least likely to be searched for. In consideration of her prompt attendance, &c, the Mayor complimented her with free lodgings and board in Hotel de Lee till the first of April next. COJIMENDAELE LIBERALITY. We learned yesterday, by acctdsTt, that du ring the severe cold tpell of weather that visited our section on and after the Christmas holidays, the Raleigh & Gas ton Railroad brought to this city and distributed through the loung Men's Christian Association, 75 cords of wood, charging only $1 30 per cord, delivered at the wood yard ot the depot. 1 his While the holy emotion my tongue dared is the contract price paid lor wood by not speak, , the Road at considerable distance from FlasaJ ",Lilke a flame from my heart to the citv. when buying it by immense Your arms hsld me fast O, your arms were quantities, thus giving the T poor not f? ' . . . , onlv this benefit but free transportation. loiu : Your elances seemed drawing my soul through mv eves. As the Sun draws the mist from the sea to And your lips 'clung to mine, till I prayed in mv bliss They might never unclasp from that rap turous mss. "You Kissed Me." At the special request of the Senators from, Wilson, Guilford and McDowell, we copy the subjoined article from the Goldsboro Messenger of a recent date. We would be glad to keep it stand ing six days at their request, but from our standpoint, an old married man, we think one insertion sufficient for the nurnose. We have been there, and know how it is : Ypu kissed me ! My head had dropped low on your ureas i, With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR- .;;., UL1NA. SENATE. Communications for Information Concerning the Grain Market in this City promptly answered. All orders should be accompanied by the money or city acceptance. Office and Warehouse on Market Wharf, Ja 10-im NEWBERS, N. C. JQUDLEY'3 FRESH TOMATOES Dudley's Tomato Catsups in Decanters. An excellent line of English Sauces Just received. W. C. STRONACH. Important Notice to and Saw-Mill Men. By reference to advertisement elsewhere, it will be seen that the Building Committee of the new State Fair Grounds desire proposals for the erection of a fence around the said grounds, some fifty acres in , cir cumference. Proposals must be in by the 3rd of February, and should be left or directed to the News office, marked upon the back of the envelope the nature pt the letter. You nissed me ! My heart and my breast and my will, , In delirious joy for the moment stood still: Life had for me then no temptations nor charms, No vista of Dleasure outside of your arms And were I this instant an angel, possessed Of the glory and peace that are given the blest, I would fling my white robes unropiningly down. And snatch from my forehead its beautiful crown, To nestle once more in that haven of rest. With your lips upon mine, and my head on your breast. You kissed me ! My soul in bliss so di . vine. Reeled and swooned like a man who is And I thought 'twere delicious to die then, if death Would come while my lips were still moist with vour breath : 'Twere delicious to die, if my heart might crow cold While your arms wrapt me close in that passionate fold, And these are ihe questions I ask day and night : Must my life taste but once such exquisite delieht ? Would you care if your breast weio my shelter as then ? . And if I were there w'ould you kiss me again? How, Now ? - We copy the subjoined article from the Friend of Temperance, not because of its pleasant reflection on our friend Ramsay, the "Good Templar" Lecturer, but as a "good thing." Bro. Whitaker, though a worthy Minister ol the Gospel, has a good deal of the old Giraffe in him yet. He says: "Ambitious of notoriety, a youth of this city, informs the world through the Press dispatches, that he has interview ed Gen. Grant and the other heads of Departments, with regard to the "new temperance movement in North Carolina." "We hope Friends of Tempeianee will not become alarmed on account of this interview, for we have no idea that President Grant will interfere with our Order, or that the Heads of Depart ments will urge him to make us adopt the "new movement." Let U3 continue in our quiet, humble, yet earnest efforts to advance the Gospel of Temperance, patiently awaiting the appearance ot the President's next communication to Congress, which, ot course.'will inform that body and the world what the "new County op Gilliam. The Commit tee on Propositions and Grievances to whom was referred the petition, for the formation of a new county out of por tions of Granville, Franklin and War ren, heard the friends and opponents of the measure at length on luesdayat ternoon. The Senate Committee, as will be seen from our report of legisla tive proceedings, reported yesterday morning adversely to the formation of said county. The general feeling und temper of the present Legislature seems to be against the advisability of form ing new counties in any section of the State. - - Personal. We noticed the arrival in this city last night of Mr.A.S Pendleton andlady, formerly Mrs. V. L. Jones, ol Warrenton,who were married yesterday. They are going on a tour South for a short time, after which Mrs. Ptndu ton will return to our city to fill her engagement as teacher in the Baptist Seminary. Mr. Pendleton being engaged in an extensive agency for the Southern States, will make Raleigh his leadquirters. St. Patrick's Bay. We learn that preparations are already on foot to cele brate this national day of Irishmen with more eclat and on a grander scale than ever before known in this city. An attractive programme of proceedings ias been determined upon, but more of this hereafter. All we ask, let it be equal to the last celebration and we are satisfied. Col. T. M. Holt. This gentlemun President of the N. C. .Agricultural Society, will be in this city" on Friday, and wishes to meet the members of the Executive Committee at the Yurborough House at 11 A, M. Ve are glad to sec such interest taken in the Society, nnc feel no hesitancy in saying that-if the proposed programme is carried out, pco pie from abroad, vis'Uipgus next Oeto ber at the Fair, wi'tj. say old Hip Vai: Winkle is wuie awake at last. movement" is. : "Jn the mean time, where is "Jesse Holmes ?" uncle Alarga supply of corn meal, seed oats, mill feed, baled oats, iodder, hay and shucks, at Osborn3 Grain and Feed Stor, Prarie ' Building, Wilmington street, in this city. ; Wednesday, Jan. 21st, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieut, Governor Broaden in the chaif. Prayer by the liev. Dr. Mason, of this city. , ' ' X Journal of yesterday was read and ap proved. The Chair appointed as select com mittee to prepare and report ' a revision of the incorporation laws, chapter 199, of 1871 and '72, Messrs. Murphey, Nor wood, Mernmon, Grandy and Hams. Mr. Btilley presented a petition from N. L. Thornton, of Beaufort, to be al- allowed to sell. liquor within one mile of a church, except upon church days. Referred. I Mr. Stilley, from Committee on Enrolled Bills, Mr. Cowles. from Com mittee on Internal Improvements,' Mr. Scott, from Judiciary Committee, Mr. Flemming, from same Committee, Mr. Avera, from Committee on Propositions and Grievances, Mr. Gudger, from Judiciary Committee, Mr. Dunham, from tame Committee, Mr. Worth, from Committee on Finance, Mr. Merrimon, from Judiciary Committee, Mr. Nor wood, from Select Committee on State Debt, made reports. Mr. Avera, moved that the bill to make a new county out of Granville, Warren and Franklin, to be called Gil liam county, be made the special order for Tuesday, the 4th of February. The Committee on Propositions and Grievances reported ; unfavorably on the said bill. Several messages from the House, one requesting the Senate to concur in the appointing of a joint committee to in vestigate certain charges against Patrick McGowan, keeper of the capital, of appropriating public property. The Senate concurred. Message from the House transmitting a message from the Governor concern- ing the sale of the Western North Caro lina Railroad. Referred to Joint Select Committee on the sale of the said Road. . Mr. Seymour, a bill to amend chapter 185, acts of 1869-'70. Referred. Mr. Humphrey, a bill for the relief of Mike Woods, ol Wayne, to allow him to collect back taxes. Referred. Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, a bill to prevent destruction of timber, making it a misdemeanor for persons to disturb timber upon another person's land. Re ferred. Mr. Troy, an act to change the line between the counties of Cumberland and Bladen. Referred. Mr. Nicholson, a bill to allow certain real estate to be redeemed wit hint welve months after being sold. Referring to schools, churches, fcc. Referred. Mr. Nicholson, a resolution for the relief of Jno. J. Hasty, Sheriff of Union county that he be relieved o: the 2 per cent, per month imposed for having failed to make collections in time. He ferred. Mr. Troy, a bill to incorporate the Merchant's Bank of Fayetteville. Re ferred. Mr. Cunningham moved that the special order for the protection of lite and property upon railroads be placed upon calendar. Adopted. The special order to incorporate the Edgecombe -b;ema:o beminary was placed upon calender at the request of Mr. Troy. Mr. Waring moved, under a suspen sion of the rules, that the bill to incor porate the City Hall Company, of Char lotte, be recommitted. Adopted. Mr. Stillev. a resolution relating to assets ot the Board ot laducation. Adopted. The bill relating to the JNeuse River Ferrv Company, was taken up. This bill restricts the cuarges ol said Uom pany. jrassea its tuira reacting uy y ayes, 3 nays Epps, col., under a susptusiou ot t'ie rules, called ud bill relating to the . A. aying a special tax in the county o Halifax. To authorize the Commission ers of said county to levy a special tax not to exceed $8,000. Passed its. sec ond leading by 29 ayes, 0 nays. Mr. Nicholson, under a suspensions of the rules, called up bill relating to the Western North Carolina Railroad, ihe said bill instructs the Joint Committee on said Road to examine into the legal ity of the bonds of said Road. Mr. U lemmiug, irom uommutee, sam the Committee had now under conside ration all the questions bearing upon the sale of tins Road, and would report in a few day?. Mr. Merrimon could see no good in giving them instructions. Mr. Waring moved to lay the matter . t .it - -r a upou rne taoie. jjosi. Mr. iNiclioisou hoped the resolution would be adopted ; it was a matter in which his people felt deeply interested, as they strongly opposed the sale of the said Road. Resolution adopted. The bill concerning the town of Goldsboro. authorizing the Commis sioners to prevent the erection ot wood en buildiugs in certain portions of said town, and to pull down others, was put upon its third reading. Harris, col. ' thought the right to oull down houses might inflict much hardship upon the poorer classes of the towhether the State had any title in theMands, and as to whether it had any powertoact in the premises, inasmuch as the Statehad not paid one cent for the said lands and did not recognize the validity of the bonds so issued. Referred to JudiciaryCommittee. Mr. Welca introduced a resolution calling upon the Governorand Attor ney General to inform the Legislature what steps they had taken, under a certain law, to inquire into the legality " i, 1 c 11.. tt i "r - .: t Ui tUC OaiC VI U1B XjU.31.CIU XJ L 1S1UJLI Ul the Western N. C. Railroad. He wanted the responsibility for this sale to rest where it belonged. Resolution adopted. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. House called to order at the usual hour. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mason, of the city. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved Mr. Whisnaat presented a memorial for a new county out of portions of Rutherford and Cleaveland counties, Mr. Woodhouse, a memorial to change the line between Dare and Currituck counties. Mr. Bennett, a memorial in reference to the sale 01 liquor near Ked Hill Church, Anson county. Mr. Dickey, a memorial asking a law o prohibit the sale of liquor within 3 miles of Mount Pleasant Academy, in Murphy, Cherokee county. By Mr. Maxwell, a resolution to ad- on the 17th prox. Calendar. By Mr. Jones, of Camden, a resolution in rererence to legislation in certain cases. Referred. By Mr. Marler, a resolution of instruc tion to the Judiciary Committee, con cerning the rates ot interest charged by banks. Referred. By Mr. Woodhouse, a bill to amend the act to establish the county line of Dare. Referred. By Mr. Whisnant, a bill to establish a new county by the name of "Centre." Referred. By Mr. Dula, a bill. to amend section 35, chapter 192, laws of 1871-2, concern ing Marriages and Divorces. Referred. By Mr. Dickey, a bill to prohibit the sale of . liquor n,ear Mount Pleasant Academy, Cherokee county. Referred. By Mr. Jones, ot Orange, a bill to amend section 27, chapter 67, laws of 1868-69, and section 4, chapier 228, laws of 1870-1. Referred. By Abbott, colored, a bill to amend sections 4 and 5, chapter 139, laws of 1870-1. Referred. By Mr. Warliek, a bill in favor of J, T. Pattersofl, Burke county, and C. C. Best, of Cherokee county. Referred. By Mr. Jones, of Camden, a bill to encourage horse raising. Referred. By Mr. Trivett, a bill in relation to the law of evidence in cases of Divorce. Referred. By Mr. Paschall, a bill in relation to official and other btate bonds, liefer red. Unfinished Business. The bill to abolish the usury law and the substitute therefor, being the un finished business its consideration was resumed. The question recurred upon the mo tion of Mr. Bowman to indefinitely postpone. Mr. Bennett, took the floor in favor of the bill and in opposition to the in definite postponement. The motion to postpone was carried by a vote of yeas 70, nays 41. The fol - lowing is the ballot : Messrs. Abbott, Anderson, of Davie, Anderson, of Clay, Bean, Blackwell, Blyth'e, Bowman, Brown, ot Davidson, Bryson, of Swain, Bryant, of Pitt, Bryan, of W ilkes, Bryan, of Alleghany, Byrd, Carter, Carson, Copeland, Cox, Craige, Darden, DicKey, Dula, Foster, Gidney, Gilmer, Gray, Gudger, Guyther, Hanner, Hampton. Haynes, Hughes, Johnson, Jones, of Northampton, Jones, of Tyrell, Joyner, Johns, Jordan, King, Lindsay, T Lucky, Marler, McLaunn, Miller, Michael, Mitchell. Moring, Moss, Pas chall, Presson, Reid, ot Mecklenburg, Rtid, of Randolph, Scott, Settle, ShinD, ot Iredell, Shinn, of Cabarrus, Shack leford, Stowe, Sneed, Todd, Trivett, Warliek, Waddill, WatsOD, Waugh, Webb. Winslow, Wiley, Williamson, Whitmire,Whisnant,Woodhouse. Ayes 70. Messrs. Badger, Bennett, Bowe, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Bryson, of Jackson, Bryant, ol Halifax, Bryan, of Sampson, Brooks, Bullard, Bunn, Cor son, Davis, Dudley, Ellison, Fletcher, Freeman, Gant, Godfrey, Gorman, Good- wyn, Grady, Ilcaton, Houston, Jone3, of Cald.vell, Jones, of Camden, Jones ol Orange,-; Lloyd, Lutherloh, Maxwell, McGehee, Morrison, Norment, Outlaw, Patrick, Perry, of Bladen, Perry, ot Wake, Richardson, Rhodes, Shaw, Sharp, Stanford, Turner. Nays 41. Leave ot absence was granted to Mr. Copeland for two days. The resolution that tliecommittee to examine into the affairs ot the Penitcn tiary stand as it is now constituted was taken up and adopted. The bill to increase the ncompesation of the Chief Justice to $3,500 and that of the Associate Judges to $3,000 per annum, came up as a special order . . w TIT t M I 11 Un motion ot Mr. waugn, tne uiu wa3 indefinitely postponed tion directing the Attorney General to r inquire into the affairs of the Roanoke Navigation Company, was taken up j and, on motion, indefinitely postponed. ' Dudley, col., moved to reconsider the'' vote by which the House rejected the r resolution in favor of Mason L. Wiggins ,, of Halifax county. " After a long debate Mr. nousl0AJ moved to lay the motion to reconsider2 on the table. ' j .. ; " The motion was carried bv a vote of I yeas 70 nays 44. By Mr. Badger, by consent, a bill to betterx enforce the laws in regard "tot highways. Referred. . .. .. By Ellison, col., by consent, a rcsolu tion concerning the sidewalks in thel city of Raleigh. Referred. 5 The Senate resolution amendatory of the Joint Rules was taken up and, on, motion of Mr. Jones, of . Caldwell, was laid on the table, ; , , r On motion of Dndley, the bill to change the name of Holden Hook & Ladder Company, No. 1, Newbern, to that of Mechanics Hook & Ladder, was 8 taken up and passed its several read ings. On motion of Mr. Gant. the Senate bill to prevent the fellincr of trees in Haw River and its tributaries was taken up and, after a protracted debate passed it3 several readings. .' after undergoing some amendment. ''-'. Thehl lto amend the school law of Feb. 12th, 1872, being the special order for this hour (1 p. m.) its consideration was goneinto. ' ,; On motion of Mr. Brown; of Davidson, the bill was considered by sections. Pending definite action the House adjourned. Supreme Court. The Court met at 10 o'clock, all the Justices present. Argument was resumed and concluded in the last two cases reported yesterday a3 argued. ....... r btate vs. Hardy Jones, from Craven. Attorney General for State, J. H. Haughton for defendant. Motion for certiorari granted. btate vs. Zadock Thompson and Sandy Brown. Attorney General for State, J. H. Haughton for defendant. Diminution of record suggested ; left open. f : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J ,F A R T N E R W A N T E D, From the State of North Carolina with a capital from $5,000 to $10,000 to enter into an already established business iti the city of Norfolk. The best of references given, and the s i me required from applicants. For further information, address Capt. Sam'lT. Williams, Editor Raleigh NEWS. jan23-Dlm. "VTOTICE TO BUILDERS AND i-l SAW-MILL MEN. Sealed proposals will be received by the Building Committee of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, at the Office of the Daily News, in the City ot Raleigh, till Monday, the 3rd day of February, 1S73, for furnishiDg all materials and build ing 900 (more or less) panels of fence H feet in length, and 9tfeethigh, with 3 scantlings to the panel. Lumber to be as follows : Posts 6x6 inches, 11 feet high, lightwood, or heart post-oak, hewed or sawed ; scantl ing 3x1, 18 feet long, good heart; vertical -boarding 1x10, good .heart; bottom boards 1x12, good heart. The names of two responsible men must accompany each proposal as securities, in case the contract should be awarded. No bid will bo considered unless this is com plied with. The party to whom this contract ia awarded, to will be required to complete the contract within a reasonable time, and no party need bid who are not prepared to take charge of the work promptly. The Committee reserves the right to re ject any, or all bids. For further information, see specification at .News office, Raleigh, M. C. r ' T. F. LEE. " ' , W. 0. Ui'OUURCii, N. S. HARP, R. F. HOKE, f i W. J. HICKS, .- jan23 10 1. Building Committee. agMMi-ua 1 1 ! mig 3bb t O C E, During my absence from the City, Mr. M. Grausman will attend to the duties of my office. M. W. CHURCHILL, ja22-D2t City Treasurer. Sentinel and Era copy 1 time. Mr. II. T. C'.awsoH, Assistant 'Chief En gineer of Fire Department, will act us Ciller uuring my aosencc irom tne siiy. M. W. VltUliUtllLilu, Chief Engineer Fire Dep't of.Raleigh. ja 22-D2t Sentinel and Era copy 1 lime. The Senate bill to incorporate the people. He would urge no objections, Goldsboro, Greenville and Snow Hil however. ilailroad was taKen up. TTr Humnhrev said the bill was not Sir. Moss opposed the bill designed to do any harm in this way. Mr. Rhodes urged its passage. A GOODCIIAKCE FOU INVESTMENT, "Rv "rpferencu to our advertising col umns, it will be seen that p.nties in Norfolk, Va., desire a partner from this State, with a capital of from 5,000 to $10,000 in a business already estab lished. This is a good opening for an enterprising m:in. For particulars read the advertisement. Paper Mills Burst. Wc learn by a private letter that Gray's paper mills, at Siilem, was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday night last. We only learned the fact "anil have no particulars wheth er insured or not, or how the fire orig inated, y Bill passed, yeas 30, nays 5. Mr. Stilley called up the bill to incor porate the Scuppernong btcamuoat Tnmsnortatioa Company. Passed its L , third reading, ayes 40, nays 0. Mr. Powell, under a suspension of the rulea, called up a bill in favor of John G. Williams." This bill is to the effect that the State is due to John G. Wil liams 8,000 acres ot land in Harnett county upon the return of 56 peniten tiary bonds held by him, he having paid 29"030 for the said bonds ami the State having paid out nothing for the said lands, it not recognizing as consti tutional and not redeeming the bonds issued lor -this purpose Mr. Williams having paid lor the -ootids held :y Stun in cood faith and bel'cre the said bonds were declared unconstitutional.' The question Created a discussion as N () T C E J" U S T - . R E C E 1 V E D A lame lot N. C. Corn Vflnskj', in bar rels and half barrels. Also Rye Wlusliy, in half barrels to suit the trade. . jau21-tl M. A. PA UK EtC PR ES:II OllAN li E R R I E.S. - Mine Mi at. W. CITRON. C1I. L OOK TO YOUR . INTEREST I- The public will consult their interest; hy calling to see my sU cl of STAPLE & FANCY DRY (iOODS, Ready-Jfladc Clolhin Mr. Muss moved to strike out section 7. I his sect ion gives counties ana corporations permission to subscribe to the capnai stocic iy a vote 01 me ms habitants of the counties through which tiie load is to pass, and of the stock liolder3 of corporations. iiesis. Bennett and Stanford advoca ted the biil. Mr. Patrick urged the immediate passage of the bill. Mr Id i' amendment was rejected, and the t ili paed its several reading. The bid to incorporate the Farmers' Loan Rank ci;ci! up as a special order, was annuded s.nd psused its several readings. By Mr. be iir, by consent, a bill to incorporate ihe tNctt hem and Tienton Steamboat Conijaoy. Referred. , On motion ot Mr. Sneed, the resolu- DOMESTIC DRY G()OJH, BOOTS AND SHOES, C C II O'C X E II I" AND G L A S S W A R E which can be found in any quantity and o EVERY QUALITY at my store. I have just laid in a Camtfetcana. Fell Asscrtacut cf 1 FALL AND WINTER -GOODS, aud would be pleased to show tl; e samo Call and examine. ' J, M. ROSENBAUM', -' . (Seccessor to A. Kline,) Cor.Fayeetevilleand Hargett Streets, Oct 12-Sm ; Ralelgb, N. C.

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