IJAILY NEWS. S )NE 4 UZZELL, - Pbopbietobs. FAYCTTEVIIiIiB Sl'KEET, . Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 per annum ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for thre 3 months. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. RATES OF ADVERTISING r - One square, 6ne lnsertlOH....w............ lOtt" One square, two insertions-................ ' 1 50 One square, three Insertions.-.......... - 2 00 ; - One square, six insertions ...r, 3 6 yne square, one month-.. 8 00." One square, three months . 16 00 - One square, six months. -...-..w... 80 00 One square, U. elve months,............ 5000 rat larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. ; : : VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 25. 1873. NO. 249. -. ..- - - . . i . . . . . , . - , i PROFSSlONAl CARDS. Gr E O . II . S NO W RALEIGH. N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. janl5-m . , J. 15. BATCHELOB. L. C. EDWARDS. W. PLUMMKR BATCHBLOR. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS -AND BATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal aud Supreme Courts. Jan,8-tf LEX II d M I T II A1TORNEY AT LAWf SCOTLAND NECK.-N. C. Will practice in the . ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Collections attended to In all parts of the State, may 11-tf D R T U R N E R D E JY T I S T . Office on Fayetteville Street', . Over Williams Book Store. inh7-3m. Walter Clark. J. M. Mulle Q L A R K & M U L EN, .ITTOIUTEITS JIT EM HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in all ihe Courts of Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties, in- the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. 8- Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mhi-ly A NDREW J. BURT ON, J RALEIGH, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wake and Halifax, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claims collected In any part of North Carolina. ap 11-tf KB. CONIGLAND, wir. ii. Day LAW PARTNERSHIP. ONIGLAND & DAY C ATTORNEYS AT LA1V HALIFAX, N. C. . Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad Joining counties in the Supreme Court of the state, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldou on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. no 2s-tf li. II. BUNII, gUN N Sam'l T, WiLLiAiia. WILLIAMS, & ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. W I L L I A M S & B U N N RALEIGH, N. C. to. Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleighgar Claims Collected in any part of the State. MS" Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and In the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. W YiNNE, Y ANCEY &CO. LIVERY SALE AND KXCUaAGE STABLES, Are constantly receiving JltU.ES 1JTD IIOIISES. They have now on hand some 30 Mules and 15 Fast Horses. Janl6-3m. Jp2MBERS OF THE LEGISLA TURE Wishing to STYLE procure WATSON'S NEW RE3IBRANT PHOTOGRAPHS, are requested to call early ; do not put It off until you are nearly reauy to go borne, tjail and sit at once, in order that your pictures may be executed In the very best style. Remember the place, 2nd door obove Tucker Hall. J. W. WATSON. Jan21-tf RESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED, New Currants, Raisins, Citron, Lemon Peel. Dessicated Cocoanut, Flavoring Ex tracts and Essences, Candies, Nuts, Green corn, icKies, liranay I'eacnes and uream Starch. Strawberry cakes. Ginger Nuts and Snaps, Sugar. Cream, Soda and Oyster cracKers, JNic jocks, tc, JNew iorK buck wheat Flour, Champios Family Flour, uosnen ana Mountain cutter, &c, c. L. D. & W. U. WOMBLE, Fayetteville Street, opposite Market. O C E Guab!diak Mutual Life Ins. Co.,1 ... N Raleigh, Jan. 6th, 1873. J Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the Agency or the widows' and Ornhans' nenent jjire insurance com - pany, the Reserve Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Company oJ New York, has been witnarawn iromtnenrm or Messrs. wm II. Finch & Co.. and that Mr. ANDREW SYME is hereby appointed the General Agent of the said Companies for the State of North Carolina. The patrons of the Companies will please communicate with him in reference to all mutters connected with their business. BLACKFORD & CLARK, General Southern Managers. Jan7-2awlm. TVTEETING OF THE TRUSTEES LVJL OF THE UNIVERSITY. There will be a meeting of theTrustess of the university in tne executive Office, on v eunesuay tue tnu inst., at a o ciock tr. M A full meeting is aesirea and requested. TOD R. CALDWELL, Goveraor and President of the Ji 10-law3w Board of Trustees. QORN, OATS, MEAL, BACON Mess Pork, Bulk Bides, N. C. and Family Flour always on band. Consignments dally n.i.pltrvl A fi TPHJ'. m. m TWDLEY'S FRESH TOMATOES Dudley's Tomato Catsups In Decanters. An excellent line of English Sauces Just MORNING EDITION. Wxt pfeitjlt gaily Qtv$. SATURDAY. ....JANUARY 25. 1873 J3 Special Notices inserted in the Local Colnmn will be charged Fif teen Cents per line. 5r"AU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Griffln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE- OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 J A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Due at 7:30 a. ji. Close at 5:30 p.m.' Eastern Due at 7 r. m. Close at G:30 A. M. Northern via Weldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 a. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 5:30 a. m. Close at 6:30 p. m. Fayetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 a. m. Close at 3:00 P. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. Put all letters for mailing in letter box, -as that is the last place we look for them before closing a mail. It is not certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general delivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours, for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. C. J. Rogers, Postmaster. r? For latest news by telegraph, see Fourth Page. Local Briefs. The city was remarkably quiet yes terday. The Supreme Court will hear appeals td-d.iy from the Seventh Judicial Dis trict. Albert Johnson, Esq., on Hillsboro street, has a hen that lays duck eggs in size. The appeal of the men engaged in the Ilicks outrage case was docketed in the Supreme Court yesterday. (' Old "Prob." don't say so, but the in dications at 12 o'clock last night were very favorable for snow to-day. The billiard tables at the National Hotel are being renovated and refitted with new cloths and trimmings. Geo. E. Pittman, W. C. Templar, writes Theo. N. Ramsey, from Newbern, that the Lodge of Good Templars which le organized with ten chartered mem bers in that city a lew week3 ago, now numbers fortv. .Nick Allrod, colored, a stall keeper at the market, while chasing a recalcitrant youth through the market yesterday, ran against an iron post witn such torce as to knock him to the ground, where he remained insensible for several minutes. He afterwards recovered from the shock and was taken home. The iriends and patrons of Miller & Nelson; front basement of Metropolitan Hall, are lniormed that they are now receiving a full and complete stock of Wines and Liquors. Especial attention is directed to their Bar Whisky, a su perior article, and also their old Nash Brandy, bought by one ot the firm in .Nasli countv. T Col. T, M. Holt, President of the North Carolina State Agricultural Soci ety, was in the the city yesterday, in consultation with the members of th3 State Executive Committee. The reg ular monthly meeting of this Committee will be held on the first Thursday morning in next month, at 11 o'clock, on the evening of which day it is con templated 4 to : bold an agricultural meetiBg ot tue citizens ot Kaieigh in Metropolitan Hall, for the purpose of considering the plans and arrangements contemplated by the Committee and of iurthenng the obects ot the Society, Judicial SuppER.-Judge E. G. Reade, Associated Justice of the Supreme,Courc entertained hisbretheren of the 'ermine with an elegant and sumptuous supper last night at the Yarborough House. Just before the supper was announced we had a peep at the table which was arranged in accordance with the finished and elegant taste of Mrs Blacknall the hostess. On this ccasion we believed she excelled herself, as we never looked upon anything more bewitching ly tempting. The Caldwell-Battle-McIver Iebroglio. In the casG of K. P. Battle vs. A. Ktclver, touching the office o Superintendent of Public Instruction His Honor Judge watts, decided in favor of Mr. Mclver, at Chambers, yes terday. An appeal has been taken and wil probably be heard in a few days by the Supreme Court. Batchelor & Edwards for plaintiff, Fowle &Bailev for defendant. St. Patrick's Day. Maj. Seaton Gales has been chosen the chief orator on the occasion of the approaching anniversary celebration of St. Patrick's Day. We learn that several other dis tinguished speakers have been invited to be present, among the number the Rev." Bishop Gibbons, of Virginia. House and Lot for Sale. A. G. Lee, mortgagee, advertises, elsewhere that he will sell, on the 26th day of February, the house and lot in the southern portion of the city, owned by Matilda Gallagher, See the notice. Organization of the North Oar-- odin a State Life Insurance ; Com pany. At a meeting of the subscribers o tbi3 new company, held 'at the Citi zens' National Bank yesterday at 12 o'clock, on motion, Gov. , Tod. R. Cald- well was called to tee cnair, ana Jor dan Stone made Secretary. Col. Wm, E. Anderson reported that 178 shares had been taken. On motion ot Mr. Kemp P. Battle, it was Resolved, That the capital stock be extended to include all snbscribers since the limit ot $100,000 had been reacted, and such subscribers be allowed to participate in this meeting. Upon examination, it was ascertained that 551 shares wereieprescntcd in per son and 513 by proxy, being a majority of the whole stock. On motion of Mr. Battle, a- scries of by-laws were adopted for the govern- ment ot the company. On motion, the election of a Hoard of Directors was gone into, and the ballot being taken, the following named gen- tlemen were elected as directors for the ensuing twelve months : Messrs. K P Battle, W E Anderson, W T Upchurch, John U Williams, W Cox, John JNieuois, J 15 uatcneior. ohn W Ounningham, A A McCoy, I J Young, W A Smith, W J Hawkins, Walter Clark, T M Holt, J J Davis, T I Cameron, J C McRae, Tod R Cald well, C Tate Murphy, W L Saunders, R Y McAdder, James A Graham, L W lumphreys, John Manning. On motion of Col" Anderson, the sal ary of the President was fixed at $500 per annum, and, upon further motion, the compensations ot other salaried of ficers was left to the Board of Directors. On motion of Mr. Battle, the question of increasing the capital stock of the company wis left with the Board of pany Directors. Messrs K P. Battle, John Nichols and J. B. Batchelor were appointed a committee toarrange and have the by- aws and charter ot tue company printed. Tod R. Caldwell, President. Jordan Stoke, Secretary. "We were pleased to see the full atten dance upon the above meeting and the positive interest manifested by the .stockholders. It is evident that the eaders in the movement mean work, and as they comprise many of the most nfluential and wealthiest men in the State, we have no doubt, but that the enterprise will fully succeed, and that North Carolina will have a State As sociation at its Capitol of which it may well be proud. At a meeting ot the iJoard ot Direc tors at a later hour yesterday evening, Mr. Kemp P. Battle was elected Pres ident, Major Frank H. Cameron elected Vice-President, Major John Devercux elected Secretary and Treasurer, Col.. Wm. E. Anderson and Mr. John C. Blake, in connection with the President, made the Executive Committee, Dr. E. Burke Haywood made Medical Director, with Dr. W. S. Royster as Assistant Medical Director. Major Cameron will take up his resi dence in this city, as the duties of the Vice President will require his constant attention at the olhce of the company, and the general management -of the affairs of the company will : be under his immediate supervision. The selection of the above aamed officers can but give satisfaction to the stockholders public. and confidence to the Col. Tew and the Dhy Torttjgas. Some two weeks ago while Capt. A. B. Andrews, of the R. & G. R. R,, was traveling in the southwest he met with Gen. Maury, of the Confederate Army, who accidently , hearing that Capt. A. was frdm this State, told him the following incident, which he assured Capt. Andrews was true : He said that some months ago, we forget the exact time, a squalid, ragged, sickly looking man came into his office in Mobile, asking for chanty, and say ing that he was a Confederate soldier just released from the Diy Tortugas, where he bad been confined since the war. Gen. Maury examined such papers as the man had, and becoming convinced that he was no impostor, a&ked him a great many questions, and among others it he was the last Confederate prisoner at the Tortugas. The man said no; that Col. C. C. Tew, from North Carolina, was stm there. Our readers will doubtless remember that some four years ago, there was a similar rumr afloat concerning Col. Tew, but from some unexplained cause the matter was not silted to the bottom. It appears to us that the frequent recur rence of these reports, to say the least, indicate that there is same foundation for them, and we but express the feeling of many, not only in this State, but all over the South, when we say tbat this matter should be looked into. Why cannot some of our Congressmen venti late the whole subject, and by that means forever stop the painful reports that we continually hear respecting the mysterious disappearance ot Col. lew. Can't Exactly See It. We receive occasionally communications from va rious sections desiring consideration at our hands, as there are large numbers of persons in the world that control easy and graceful pen3 we give the follow ing as a specimen, received by us yes- terday : " Sir I hev bin thinkin for som tim that I woold write to you to relate what happen in this quit neighborhood but I can only agree to thii on conditions that I state facts aid you publish it m a oropper form I am no ban to write as you will readily see from this letter but there is some fiew things that happens hear that perhaps would prov interest ing to yourt numerous readers. I will state facts and you can put it in propper form " : ' Mayoh's Couht. Robert Seymour, a United htates soldier, brought-up a standing, by .Officers Peatr'os and Dun ston, ior being " drunk and down " on the street. Sent to camp. . The Bible Agest at- Jonesboro.- The Bible Agent, Rev. P. A. Strobel, delivered ;an address in the Academy at Jonesboro, on Tuesday evening, Janua ry 21st. The Jonesboro Bible Socusty embraces in its territory the townships of Pocket. Sloan's and a portion of Greenwood, in Moorexcountyf so much of Chatham county as lies between Deep River and the Moore line, and a small portion of Harr ht county.' The nflnrprn nrA N. R. Bryan President. X. James Dairy m pie Cor. Secretary. George S. Cole Treasurer. N. R. Bryan & Son Depositary. Th- JoesbcrotXty is one of the best managed and most efficient in-the State. Its sales of Bibles and Testa ments are larger than any other Society in proportion to its territory. The Executive Committee gave the Agent an order lor about $150 worth of books. rhe receipts from collections and sales pt books as reported to the Agent amounts to $60. It is believed that there is not much destitution in the bounds of the Societv. but whatever it may be, it will be supplied SurREiiE Court. The Court met at usual hour, all the Justices present. Eli C. Keerans et al.. vs Dempsev Brown et al, from Randolph. Ball & Keogh and Gorrell for plaintiffs, and DUliard & Gilmer and bmith lor de fendants. Case argued. John Long et al., vs. Isaac Holt, from Alamance. Dilliard, Gilmer & Smith. and Parker and J. W. and J. A. Graham for plaintiffs, and W. A. Graham for defendaat. Argued. Tn"u J,olin 1 iana vs- Kh TaPf TU ,from, Ala,m.an?: Ot.i. T1.: C T-l T i i o. . uuu i i.. vxrauam lor niamun. and W. A. Graham for defendant Argued. Jas. F. "Winstead and wife vs. Joseph A. Stanfield and wife, from Person. No counsel for plaintiffs, and W. A. Gra ham for defendants. Argued. Messrs. Pool & Morikg. It will be seen by reference to the advertise ments elsewhere of this enterprising house that they have on hand at all times all manners of groceries and pro visions, l he Messrs. lJool ca Monng are most excellent business men, and de-x serve a consideration at the hands ofthe trading public. x MARRIED. PENDLETON JONES. In Warrenton. N. C on the 22d inst., by Rev. C.T. Bailey, jir. a. . mndj.eton, ot I'orismouui, va., to Mrs. V. L. Jokks, of Warrenton. Greenville, N. C, paper copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F OR FRESH OYSTERS -AND Ilomlny Beans, call on janiitl A. G. LEE & CO. HOUSE AND LOT IN RALEIGH FOR SALE! On WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of Feb ruary next, at the Cout House door in Raleigh, I will sell, by virtue of a mortgage executed to me by John and Matilda Galla gher, the house and lot in the southern part of the City of Raleigh, occupied by the said mortgagers, and owned by Matilda Galla gher, on the North Carolina Railroad, and near trie soutnern terminus ol Wilming ton street, containing about 2 acres. lerms maae Known on day 01 sale. A. G. LEE, Mortgagee. Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 2Rh. 18,3. jan2o-Do0d. H OUSE AND LOT FOR RENT. House Cottage style, containing 5 rooms. with 2 acres of land in lot, good well of water, barns and stables attached. The house is located near the Peace institute. R. K. FERRELL. Ja2I-Dlw Raleigh, N. C. ;P ARTNER WANTED, From the State of North Carolina, with a capital from 5,000 to $10,000 to enter into an already established business i"a the city of Norfolk. The best of references given, and the si me required from applicants. r or iurtner lniormatlon. address uapt. Sam'l T. Williams, Editor Raleigh News. janzs-iJim. O T C E Notice is hereby given, that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature ot North Carolina, Jor a charter to incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company. ' jann-u . - War. Ellison. "JJVL LISON L. Habvey & HARVEY, WHOLESALE E I QUO tl DEJtEEllS, 1 309 Carj. Street, RICHMOND, VA. Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated KNICKERBOCKER" Old Rye Whiskey oct7-wly , O R S A L" E A Tortable Steam Saw Mill (18) Eighteen Horse Power, as good as ew, Terms easy. Appiy to - XJ. J. HOjIjIS, urocer, Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. ja 22-Dlt&W4t - . O C Application will be made to the General Assembly at its present session, for a char ter for a Company to be known as "THE OLD NOKTH STATE LUMBER, MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY." ja 22-Dlt&V4w Hfify AGENTS, WANTED FOR J. J J each and every State and Territo ry in the Union. 100 per cent, allowed to Traveling Agents, and 40 per cent, allowed to Local Dealers to sell Prof. P. S. Hicks' JNiedicines. Fo'ur different kinds for vari ous diseases. Send S10 per Express or Reg istered Letter, and 1 will send by Express a full variety of the different Medicines at the above rate-. There is no tax or license upon the above Medicines in Nonh Carolina. Medical circulars seutfree to any address. Address PROF. P. S. HL 'KS, P. O. Box 141, Raleigh, N. C. Office at th i Courthouse. : ja 21-Dlt&Wlt O X.F O R D II I G II S 0 II O O L, J. II. HORNER, pVmrinals U, II. GRAVES, J rincipals. The Spring Session will begin the second Monday in January. Terms as heretofore. Oxford, N. C, Dec. 12, 1872. u decll-DlawAWlw LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR O Ii I N A . SENATE. Friday, Jan. 24th, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. . J&port of Standing Committees. Mr. Love, from Committee on Propo sition and Grievances, Messrs. Allen, Dunham, Seymour and Grandy, from Judiciary Committee, Mr. Morehead, of itockingham, irom internal improves ments, Mr. Murray, from Enrolled bills, and Mr. Barnhardt made reports. Memorials and Petitions. By Mr.XGrandy, a petition, from citizens of Pasquotank county, praying the forfeiture of the charter of the toll bridge over Pasquotank river. Refer red. ' .-. Introduction of Hills. By Mr. Flemming, a bilitq amend an act incorporating the town oJNCatawba Vale, in Catawba county. Referred. r -r o . viii x i-M ' i. ii iy jjxr. oeyuiuur, a mil 10 piuuiuit tue sale of intoxicating liquors to minors Referred. By Mr. Troy, a bill concerning Jus tices of the Peace in Cross Creek Town ship, Cumberland county. Referred. By Harriss, colored, a bill to re-enact section 568, chapter 7, laws of 1868 and 1869. By Mabson, colored, a bill to incor porate the Cape Fear Water Works Company. Referred. Introduction of Resolutions By Mr. Cunningham, resolution of instruction to the Educational Commit tee, providing lor the sale of Durant's Island to Greenlief Johnson, of Balti more, Md , lor $ 1,005 cash. Under a suspension of the rules the resolution was adopted. By Mr. Nicholson, a resolution in relation to refunding certain railroad tax to the Sheriff of Iredell county. Referred. By Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, a res olution in regard to" the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Referred. By Harriss, colored, a resolution in favor of M. A. Bledsoe. Referred to Committee on Claims. '''' Calendar. Senate resolution asking our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence to secure a law to entirely abolish the Internal Revenue system, and if this cannot be done, to so amend the law that our county officers be re quired to collect and assess the taxes. Mr. Nicholson advocated at consider able length the adoption of the resolu tion. The resolution was lost on its second reading. Mr. Love moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was lost. Mr. Gudger moved to lay that motion upon the table, when Mr. Nicholson called the yeas and nays. The motion to lay on the table pre vailed. Senate resolution in regard to enlarg-' ing the capacity of the Insane Asylum, was taken up and re-referred to the Committee. . - Rules Suspended. Under a suspension of the rules, and on motion of Mr. Seymour, the House bill to change the name of Holden Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, to Mechanic's Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, of Newbern, was taken up and passed its readings. The resolutions of Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, in regard to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, the preamble of which states that suits are now pending in the Superior Court of New Hanover to foreclose the mortgage on said road, and requests the Gover nor to inform the General Assembly what is being done by him for the in terests of the State in said road, was taken Up, adopted and sent to the House, j On motion of ' Mabson, col., the bill to repeal the act incorporating the Cape Fear Building and Loan Association, was taken up and passed its several readings. : Special Order. The consideration of the "Midland North Carolina Railroad Company'bill come up a3 the special order at 11$ o'clock. On motion of Mr. Avera the bill was considered by sections. Pending the discussion on the 6th section of the bill, on motion of Mr. Merrimon, moved its further considera tion till to-morrow at 12 o'clock. Messages Re&iccd From the House of Representatives transmitting a number of "bills and res olutions, asking the concurrence ot the Senate in the same among which was a resolution of introduction to Joint Committee to investigate alleged cru elties in the management of the Peni tentiarv. Instructs the Committee to hold their sessions with open doors.) On the motion tp concur, Mr. Waring from the Joint Select Committee on the Penitentiary said that while he wa3 willins and ready to vote for the con currence he desired to say that it wonld seem from the resolution. that the Com mittee had been setting with closed doors. Such was not the case. Noth ing had been ylone by that Committee in the dark. No political bias or prej udice had been exhibited, and he knew that every member of that Committee were wiliing,for the world to sec and know their actions. The message was concurred in. Miscellaneous. Leave of absence was granted Epps, colored, Senator from Halifax, till Mon day next. Mr. Respess stated that Missri. Hollo man and King were detained from ilu-ir seats on account of iickness. Mr. Waring staled tbat Mr. Powell Senator from Chatham, was confined to his room by sickuess. The President announced the n-mie of Mr. Nicholson as the Senate branch ol the Committee of Inquiry conccrniu the Keeper of the Capitol. On motion of Mr. Avnra the 4wAm nesty and Pardon" bill wa3 .referred to the Judiciary Committee. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Speak er Robinson called the House to order at 10 a. m. : ' Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Stanford presented a memorial, asking a prohibitory law in regard to the sale of liquor near certain churches in Duplin county. Mr. Shaw, a memorial from citizens of Mcore county asking, the passage of a law to prohibit the sale of liquor in (Jai thage. ilr. Gray, a memorial from citizens of Dare county ' in reference to fees of pilots. : Mr. Normenr, a memorial from citi- zeDf .obea conaty. asking a law prohibiting the sale of liquor within three miles of Ashpolo church, Robe- ,son. ; , - , From the Speaker's desk, a memorial from the Trustees of Vine Hill Acade my, Halifax county, prohibiting the sale of liquor in the neighborhood of said Academy. . Messrs. Settle, Moring. Brown, of Mecklenburg, Johnston and Gorman ubmitted reports from Standing and Select Committees. ByMr. Biythe, a resolution to fix the time foiNconsidering private bills. Cal endar. x Bv Mr. Scott, a bill to make Trent river a lawful fence. Referred. By Mr. BennefK a bill to repeal sec tion 2, chapter 4, Revised Code. Re ferred. X; By Mr. Dula, a bill to allow the Com missioners of Wilkes county to issue bonds. Referred. By Mr. Watson, a bill to incorporate the Chapel Hill and Iron Mountain Railroad. Referred, By Mr. Brown, a bill to change the county line between Mitchell and Yan cey counties. Referred. By Mr. Blackwcll, a bill to regulate the amount of; toll to be charged on the Buncombe Turnpike. Referred. By Mr. Perry, of Bladen, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor in French's Creek Township, Bladen county. Re ferred. By McLaurin, col., a bill to amend section 10, chapter 139, laws of 1870 1. Referred. By Mr. Gray, a bill to create a Board of Navigation for Ocracoke Bay and Hatterns Inlet, Referred. By McLaurin, col., a bill to establish a House ot Reluge and Correction in New Hanover-county. Referred. By Mr. Lutterloh, a bill to change the time of holding the Superior Court of Cumberland county. Referred On motion of Mr. Michael, the rules were suspended and the resolution asking our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence against the repeal of the bankrupt law was taken up and adopted. On motion ot Mr. Dula" the rules were suspended and the bill to change the time ot holding courts in the 10th Ju dicial District was taken up and passed its several readings On motion of Mr. Blackwell, the rules were suspended and the resolution in favor of the sureties of Jesse Sumner, was taken up and passed its third read ing. On motion of Mr. Anderson, of Clay, the report of the Committee on Privr leges and Elections, unseating W. P. Mabson, the member from Edgecombe, was taken up. The weight of the testi mony goes to show that the said Mabson was not a citizen ot .Ldgecombe county 13 months preceding to his election Abbott, colored, moved to postpone until Monday Messrs. McGehee, Anderson, of Clay, and Moring opposed any further post ponement. Mr. Badger lavorea the motion Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, also op posed any further postponement. The motion to postpone was put to a vote and rejected. Mr. Badger moved to postpone until Saturday. Lost. The testimony was, on motion of Mr. lleaton, read. After reading the evidence Mabson took the floor and, in substance, said : I have only one or two remarks to make in reference to my claim to a seat on this floor. I have been a citizen of Edgecombe county since 1869, as my sworn statement to the committee will show. When I left that county, I left for temporary purposes, and when my engagements in other counties termina ted, I returned to Tarboro and resumed my employment there. I only ask justice at the hands ot this body, and it it is deemed proper to return me to my constituents, I accept the situa tion. ' .Mr. Badger then argued as to the con stitutional meaning of the word ''resi dent." He thought that within the meaning of the law Madson had a residence in Edgecombe county twelve months preceding his election, &c Mr. Norracnt thought the weight of the evidence was in favor of the sitting member, and went on to analyze the the testimony .presented by the Commits tee on Privileges and Elections. He thought the fact of Mabson'a having registered 'and voted in Beaufort county, while claiming to be a citizen of Edge combe, amounted to nothing more thn a breach of the criminal law of the State. Mr. Badger then read from the dtcis sion of Judge Gaston m the cise o Roberts vs. Cannon, 3rd .Dev. & Bat. 256. .V Fletcher, colored, followed u favor of the claims ofi he incumbent. Mr. Moring contended that the testimony went to show that Mubson was domiciled " in Beaufort county in 1871, and therefore, the case cited by the gentleman from Wake, (Badger,) wa3 directly against the clainio of the incumbent, Mabson was a peripatetic school teacher at best. sojourning where ever he cou!d get a school. (irarii.g that Mabson voted illegally in Beaufoit, should he now be allowed to take advantage of his own wrong. ilr. Moring proceeded at length in arguing the illegality of the claim ofthe sitting member, , ;K , Messrs. Waugb, Elliso.i, colored, and Heaton would vote against thei adop-! , tion ofthe report as they did not think. , the evidence proved conclusivelv that Mabson was ever domiciled in any f county in this State except Edgecombp . Air. uowman had not a ? single, doubt but that Mabson had been a citizen of Edgecombe since 1869. His (MabsonV) voting m Beaufort, was a violation' oif the law. Whether Mabson really,: so' o voted under a misapprehension was t another question. . " , . if . Mr. Brown, of Mecklenbunr. did not see how gentlemen could vote to keer' a member in his seat who bases his claim to it upon the fact ol haying,, sworn falsely in order to vote in Beau fort county in 1871.. If the claimant had really a domicilin Edgccombe in1 1871. and took thn rpfriatritirtn AofK in? Beaufort county that same , year, he has,, either committed perjury or he was a" cuizen 01 iseauiort county, ana not or Edgecombe. Gentlemen- could take either born of the dilemma they!wished. Mr. Moring said that gentlemen on . the other side attempted to extenuate Mabson's voting in Beaufort, by saying1' j: . 1 :. l : uc uiu ju uuuui jjiisappreuension,' ana in the next breath descant upon his great intelligence. Now, should not the defendant's intelligence have kept him from falling into such an outrage ous error? Before the Committee Mabson absolutely denied the registra-, tion and voting in Beaufort until it was proved upon .him by witnesses upon veracity is unimpeachable. As a last resort he claimed his right to testify in his on behalf. iNow what credit can be given to thej;statement of a man whose in attempting to prove citizenship in one county, acknowledges perjury in an other. 1 - -, , , , Messrs. Gorman and Brcwn of Da vidson favored the rejection of, the re port. . '"i -; Mr. Johnston next occupied the floor and said that as Chairman of the Com mittee he felt called upon to make a lew Remarks in defense of the action of the Committee. He did not believe it necessary for him to disclaim that be was acting as a "partizan" on thia floor, (as had been done By the members from Mitchell and Davidson,) as ha did not believe that any member wouldfor a moment, entertain the idea that either he or any member of the Committee who signed the report, was actuated by any such motives, and especially was it unnecessary as all must know that if the report of the Committee is adopted, and Mabson unseated, his successor from Edgecombe county will certainly be a member 'of the same political party as Mabson, and in all probability . of the same color. The legal, and he must be permitted to say the, "techni cal," view taken by the member from Wake, (Mr. Badger) it seemed to him would operate more strongly against Mabson than in his favor. The" evidence is that Mabson registered and voted in Beaufort, this he could not do unless he were a "resident"' ot that county as required by the Constitution and laws, and when he committed these acts he declared, in addition to the. oath which he took, that he was a resident of that county; and if " resident"" means "a nerson with a "fixed abode." as contended for by the member from Wake, (Badger,) then Mabson, by lm acts of registering and voting, declared himself to be "a person with a fixed abode" in the county of Beaufort, and therefore entitled to vote there. So that whether the word "resident," as used in the Constitution, be taken in the sense contended for by the member from Wake, or in its broad and generally accepted signification, (which was, in his opinion, the proper one to give the matter under consideration.) it does not affect the question, ? i ". " It seemed to him that the whole question turns upon the weight of evi dence on the subject. We have' Mab- I son's oath of registration and his vote -. in Beaufort, in August. 1871. as'testirled f r VTr TTt T? oc rvnoo 1 tt TThilv Via in effect, declares he is a resident of 'Beau fort, and his own testimony before the Committee, sustained by the receipts tor taxes, going to show his continued intention ot remaining a citizen of Edgecombe county. Now which arc we to believe? Suppose Mabsdn had gone to a State and exercised the right of voting, is there a member ot this House who will not agree that tue exer cise of this right would prevent him from asserting he was a citizen of thia State at the time he then voted ? t The same principle applies where a voter exercises the same right in a county, other than that in which he has previously resided. Now, how' much' credence are we to give to the testimony of a man who, on one occasion, declare? himself to be a resident of one county, and on another, when it is proved that he has thus exercised this privilege, in opposition too to his emphatic denial, brings himself forward as a witness, be fore the Committe, and swears that he did "vote" and "register," as proved," but that' he did it under a misappre hension of his rights? But it 13 said by the member from Mitchell, that Mabson acted under a misapprehension of his righes, when he voted in Beaufort. -Why didn't Mabson make that plea before the Committee, and make, himself a witness "before" the Committee proved him guilty of the act? He chose to "deny" the exercise of any right as a resident of any other county than Edge combe, until the Committee brought before them a witness who testified to his voting in Beaufort, and "then" he chooses to take that horn of the dilem ma in which he is thus placed,:and which makes him an illegal voter in Beaufort, rather than lo3e hi3 seat upon this floor, as a member, from Edge i combe. ' '.' . . The member lrom Mitchell uses an arguuicut in behalf ot Mabson, that no member ol this House, if he were on a jury.in Beaufort and Mabson was in- jiCtui ior inegai vutiug, tuuiu unug in any other verdict than thatMabsbn was an 'illegal, voter." . It ii a remarkable position to take.that in order toentitlc one to a seat on this floor,! he must be proved guilty of iltegl voting. J$Ut it this man was indicted in Beaufort for iKegal voting. Mr.' J. afscrtcd " that the member from Mitchell, or any Vnc else on a jury to try the cause, Would rit be CONTINUED OK FOURTH TAGE.