Lv.ZF.LL,- - - Proprietors Fa VKTTF.vri.i.n. Street, v,"-'NV.m;:a!:i.v in advance 1M I t ....... I j . l:vy, v U K.. .i able to irrior wc-e!;!y. ' ! mucin u(hs. i '!.-. ,V !;: ivl,Y lU-lW'H per aiiuun' KM) 0 0 I'll! 1 P1HE0TO.K3 n i: l k F Tlir, . v u a o . ruivmjf, lor' reasons nlreodv u: die, iK'iiu'.i it judicious tc; ' Riven to the postpone' their G it xs u in I T CON c i: n T ni aid of tnis new and del lVht fni ' . -. - 7 jsj. &j -C tfj J?i Tin? undersigned take pleasure in au iaVtJat t!,C l,0,,.CCrt lviU h,ku On Thursday, I'cb. 20, 1873, INTHr.OPI-ilLV HOUSE, NORFOLK, V.V., W tM-a tiie aiiioiinlhi'j folluwhif; to . iiui-Miliceiit iilfts. 1 00,000. DOLLAllrf, 1 :rtin Greenbacks of r (Xrt .' .;.tt.v". t" tcuoaoii ox Sl.liU.) each -ft nut r ;lt; greenbacks of jSoOO uach 10,000 000 -J "J 130 feet, at .Vue de , . , ,J.1:"U1' valued at 200 each, 40 000 looomsm Grtenbacks of SHX) each, lo'.OOO , tj v. Vji i. i'd Gifts, valued at : ),Ot)i) TICKET-)' AT 3 . ine.lisinbution of Gifts will take place i laiiieuiately alter t!ie Concert, on the. vast Mage oi the Opera House, and in full view ot i lie audience, under the immediate su I ''I' vision of the l'resident and directors of tiie V uk i)E L'liAU (JoitPANY, and the fol ov. ing distinguished gentlemen-, who have kindly consented to be present and See that 'he guts are properly distributed as adver tised: . v. iw . -v James G Holla Jay, ilsq., of Portsmouth. Sliouldthe tickets be not all sold when i.tre coneerucomes oil; the presents' will be ..islninrted in iroport,ion to the number soid. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our iankmg House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without diSLounr; I'or farmer particulars and for tickets, appiy to the undersigned, who alone are au i noruced to appoint agents lor the sale of I ickets. " . . 'tf unJersigne J, Directors of tc'eVue de I. Lau Company, pledge themselves to the public that the above Grand Gitt Concert Miall take place on Thursday, Februury - tli, lsij,.a,s announced in above card, on K.i iue advertisement ) the distribution of gifts: as -win. Limb, R. J. Neelv, M '. 1?. (imntr, ,V. H. White, W. y. i. Uhio, (4. W. On-, N. i:. C. Liudsev. Parks, Reed, ilUITUSS, 1 lekt-ts are now ready for sale, and can be ";",:,!-, from thoiollowing agencies: ; " I'ogajty & Co., IJank of Portsmouth, JJain t Urother, Uurruss.Son & Co. HVllllUXS, SON CO., itiiicrs and Financial Agents , . VuedsL'Iim Company, X O li F O L K , V A . Tickets can. . ba purchased of 11 . II . BR AD JL E V Fayettvil'.e Street, RALEIGH ju.'20-dtd C PltOFilSSlONAl CAKDS. Gr E 0 . II S N O . W N. C., RALEIGH. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. janl-5-lm . - L , -li. IJATCIlEUOKi L. C, ED',V'AKDS. W. PH'SMEH UATC1IELOK. 1 3 AT C II E L O It, EDWARDS -J- U AI CI1ELU It , AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wakej "Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, Northr iiinpton and Cliatham, and the Federal and .Supreme C ourts. jan3-tf A L E X II S Oil I T II ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND .NECK, .N C Vili practice in the; orts of Halifax and adjijining counties.-.;, C)liections"attended to in all parts of the State. - may li-tf : Waltki. Clark. . Q L A It K ' & J. M. M ULLE M U L EN, .ITTOiljrjSJTS 1T ALli HALIFAX, N 0. Practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Northampton - and Edgecombe: counties, in the supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts.- Jtfif Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. ' mh4-ly Ki). conk; jj, . w.u. u. 1ayv LAW PAUTNKHSIIIP. 0 i o I G LAN D & DA Y A T't OllV VS AT X AAV , HALIFAX, N. 0. ' : '..'''. ' .','.'' I'i uclice in the Courts of Halifax and adr loiniiig counties in the .supreme Court of i he Mule, and m the t edeiai Courts. They a in gu i; c-pecial alien lion to collecting and biisutUiif, Iju.sliics.sinh. to iiujusting tliu ;i( ':iaiiit? oi executors, adminisLratuis and .giiardiaiis. '. . . I'u.j J uiuof partner will attend at his of lice m.Wouloii on .salurUays and JSlond.iys i c.cii week. -'no 26-11 li. 11. liUNN, ; Sam'l T. Williams W I L L I A M S , 13 U "N N & A TTO 11 A 'ii S 'A'': . i T Xl II , liOL'KY AlfiuXT, N. C. Y X L L I A M,S & li U N N , It A L L I G 1 1 , N. C. liusiness letter's may be" addressed either to Rocky Mount or Ilaleigii.sur Claims Collected la any part of the State. v Practice in theiSupreme Court of the Slate and in the Fetleral Court atltaleigh. mli 1-if. . . Reamer wce!;;y. mVu-,i r IV .ZTr. . .- ' N - ' ' j . i nil l mi ir I -v . . I j'v.aa. . "by tiio sea' 30 by 130 feel, at , fc. J10 tle iiau, valued at $100, .t Sloo.otK) KACII. Hon john It Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk. Hon - a S Watts, JNIyor of Portsmouth, Col N alter II Taylor, of Norfolk, Hon John li Whitehead. t-.Miivnr'v.r ar Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court atltaleigh. mh 1-tf. ArOL. 1. MORNING EDITION. V .V C7 sun Lay.. ..FJBBaUAUY 2. 1873 t?7 Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charred Fit teen Cents per line. - i-i? .u parties oraenng the Neu's will please send the money for the s? Att - . wiuiT i m; paper i-8 wanted. a Tt,f-'.,7,-.GrilHn and lloftinan, Newspapt r '"-r-SonUs, No. 4 south Street i t , Yr Z i are dulv authorized to eon u act lor advertisements iifmn V? "y, requested to .-.v luvi, Miuia wuu mis nouse. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor 8 For latest news by telej'iapii. sec Fourth Pa'e. Local Biuefs. lion. Wrn. A Smith 'was in yesterday. the cify All oi' the street gas lamps will be in leumr in a uay or two. Anotntr nop is talked of lor the lat ter part ot this week. I olograph offices kit Morrisville anil Mebanesville are soon to be opened. Appeals from the Tenth District will be called. in ihe Supreme Court to-mor- Wiiliam Eaton, is in attendance Court. ' Esq., of Warrcuton, upon the Supreme . Sheriff N. showed his g terdav. 11. Jones, of Warren. face in our office! yes- Chiriski igain to-morrow of valuable evening. See advertisement gifts to be drawn for. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Fythias of this State will meet in this city next January. a . i it'. i , . magiu uouois ease -goiu watch ;is for sale at W. W. Woodeli's, Wilming ton bucet. bee his notice. A bill to give Raleigh cumulative suhiage m municipal elections was in troduced in the Senate yesterday. An adjourned meeting of the Trus tees ot the Luivcrsity, will be held on the lotn inst. See notice elsewhere. There were 114 deeds and mortgages registered in the office oi the Register oi lecus month. ol this county during the pas Ample worship accord ing to the dictates of conscience will be afforded to day to all who may have pious inclinations. Yesterday Governor Caldwell issued a commission to Hon. Av S. Merrimon az uniieu states senator tor the term begiuuing March 4th, 1873. A small colored lad,living in the Wes tern Ward, received a bad injury to his right eye yesterday morning by a stone thrown at him by a young companion." The Midland Air-Line Railway bill created a three-hours discussion in the benate yesterday. Ihe opponents of the bill think the powers sought arc too great. - ;; Like unto the proverbial slowuess of the production ot grist by the mills of the celestial divinities, the work of macadamizing Fayctteville street joes on slowly but surely. The mail train on the N. C. R. R.,ran off the track on Deep River bridge yes terday morning. The delav short one. The day before the freight nam uiu on me nuciv. ai. iue same piace. The magnificent prairie wolf skin robe, which was raffled off at Pepper's last evening, was won by a prominent member of the House of. Representa-, tivesfrom the West. The robe is in deed a valuable one. ' Our "Local- Chief" wa3 absent yester day in ' Charlotte. He 'has been in there on a run to see what the peopie that section think of "things in gener al and the world in particular." We hope he is having both a pleasant and profitable time. supreme Court. Yesterday the Court met at the usual hour. All the Judges present except Justice Settle, The argument of the case of R. L. Wat son et al, v. s. W. N. Addingtou, from Macon, 'consumed the the session of the day. Ovide Dupre and Jones & Jones for the plaintiffs, and A.S. Merrimon for defendants. ' The Court adjourned to meet Monday -morning at 10 o'clock. .John'S. Bryan, Esq. This gentle man ha3 been appointed agent of the JN. C. R. R., at Salisburv. Mr. Brvan nas ueen connected with theroad lor sometime past, and is a gentleman of large experience in railroad matters.and possesses business qualificutions of a high degree. We dislike to see M. B. going fiom our midst, but congratulate him upon, this deserved promotion. Meetinu of the Board of Direct ors of the N. C. It. li. On Friday tiie Board 't Dirjecprs of the N. C. R. R. met at Company Shops. Of the proceedings we are not informed, but learn that Col. G. M. Lea, Treasurer, and C M Crump, Secretary, resigned their positions, and that J A McCauley was appointed' to act in both ot their places. Pkaue Wahraxt Issued. Yesterday aliernoon his Honor, Mayor Whitaker, at the instuiKie of Andrew Hampton, i.-siii'd a Peace Warrant against O. M. I'ord, J. B. Ford aud Rufus Ford. The partus eouiplaineuof were bound over in a peace bond of 200 each. Jugged. Yesterday ' two colored men, Jim Rice and Puryear Alston, were incHicerated In the jail ot this county on the mittimus of A.B. Freeman J. P., of; White 0 aktownship, on t ie charge of stealing a gun from W. F. Rogers. T TTle pisr two sittmg days on private bins. Nothing of general importance was done ' -V - : , : . . - ! : I UALEIGH.N. Oxford iTUus. Our Oxford dories pendent writing under date of the 1st in5tsends us the following : r.t. . ' . . . ine ;wo lonacco ware-honsps it Oxford are drivinir a fond ltnni we heard a prominent farmer.whn sold his tobacco at Taylor's ware-house'' anv uiai ne received. : more lor it than thn 'price he had fixed on in his mind aa wli!it it was worth'- oroucrht to brin and at Osnrn's ware house a small Ant ' l uuiuilKIJlir TO JVir. 'Ill, K .Trnlfine brought one: hundred ond seventv five uonais per tjunured pounds. .l.o . i- . . -'. neiuicrson. a nromisinf" young lawyer of this county, Ims lately uceouie a citizen o Uxlorr . fin ii n member of the distinguished family of iienaerson, many b! whom, by their superior mental. : endowments. ' have written their nanus hiHi in the nieh oi lame m several. States of the Union. ana a descendant of the Pifted .Tnd. Henderson for many years a jude of the Stfbfcme fJrvurt "NTiK i...,fi- whose legal opinions, not to sav Wai . - . - v w i lit U11U intuitions, were equally as remarkable for their sound. common sense inr tneir iceen penetration. b - J w v Ji. Xi. . uwen lias rented a nnrlinn oi tee us born House as a residence for im lamily; . :? life has also rented an office at the Osborn House, to be used for the convenience ana accommodation rf those who may require his professional Mrs. Susan P. Wiggins,, wife of James services. jl viggius, lor manv vear3 a resident of Oxford, died in Rusk, Texas on the -istn oi jJecember in the sixtv-third year oi her age. Mrs. Wiggins was a sister ot the late.Dr. .Tanu a A n nachii oi iuuviiie, una tne nail sister of Col f? T MJfKoll .w ""utii,, niiu is at nresenr. a citizen of Oxford. Her husband was for many years a clerk ol the County vuuit ui uranviue. lie, was a. so a zealous member of thn n i. i . v uurcu, anu, we be ieve. one of its elders up to the time'of his removal to lexas. Ouu CnuitCHEs To Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to-day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. .Gentle manly ushers will be present toconduc- yisitors to pews which are always free. iiidenton Street Methodist Church. -L.ueni.on street, nev.. w. II. Hobbitt. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 o clock p. ji. shy tcrian Church, corner Salisburv aua JMorgan streets, Rev. J. M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilniine- ton street, Rev. R. S. Mason. D. T) oniciating, services at 11 o ciock a. m. and 7o'clock r; m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan cc Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock P. M. Person street Methodist Church. Rev. Mr, lleadren, offaciatinEr. Services at 11 o clock a. m., and 7$ a. m. 15dy 1 our Tickets. The Vue de L'eau Gift; Concert will take place on the 20th inst: This concerts which is in thi n. hands of some of the mostreliable gen tlemen in Virginia, ha3 for it positive object the completion of the Vue de L eau property,the summer resort below Norfolk, which, became so lashionable last summer, while the gifts to be awarded are valued at $100 000 Knowing personally many of the'gen- tieman connected with the enterprise. ana, uavmg enjoyed a brief season at the seaside resort which it is sought to improve, vwe are prepared to speak positively of the merits ol the whole thing, independent of the prizes that are to be given away. Mr. H. II. Bradley, of this citv. is the agent for the sale of tickets. r The Bexefit of Advertising. Mr. W. L. Montague, who yesterday morning advertised in the News that he would do glass gilding in the citv for a few days, came in our office ves- terday afternoon "to congratulate us " he said, "upon the value of onr paper." lie had received a large number of orders during the morning. Some several days since a firm in Norfolk advertised in the News for a partner in North Carolina with &5.000 or $10,000 capital. Within three days we received a letter from a responsible party desiring to invest in the place. Who will say that advertising in the News don't pay. The Baptist Educational Gonven tion. This occasion promises to be one of unusual interest. Besides a .large number of distinguished men from our own State, Dr. Barnas Sears, Agent of the Peabody Fund, will be here, and Drs. Curry, Broad us, Cutting and others have been rnvited to attend.. Half-fare tickets can be secured by delegates who will travel' by railroad, and we hre requested by DrZ Piitchard to ask all who propose to attend to notify him at once. . .'-'' Ho, for Texas 1 R. II. Kingsbury and family, of Oxford, reached this c.ny Friday afternoon, and left on the West eru train last night bound for Texas. Mr. "Kingsbury wus for a number J years ?a leading meichant of Oxford, and has an- extensive reputation as a firct class business, man of ri:i practical juuuieiiL aim mmiiciai SKlll. V v t 10 gret to lose such citizens, but trust Mr Kingsbury will realize all his anticipa tions in his new home. He has a most interesting family, whom we know the people will mis3 sadly. Board of County Commissioners The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday at the Poor House, and will meet in this city to morrow. On Tuesday the Board meets at the WTork House. Iiantist. ChnrVi I W w&h&xa w A 1 111 I 11 III I V II I I I I I X I l! x . f?Aa .A-i. t-. m tne uuatnam county Societv. I jjvji.ui.ujj ooccis, ivbv. li. i rironarfi i r- . - r n ' 1 lowing officers were chosen : Vwai.. oeivicesai XL OCJOCK Prr?iderM-J IT V-rrnr I a. m. and fi nVloeV ircsilieRl J- LL i'rrar. t, , v. Cor. Sec'y Major J. W. i resOYierian unurrh ronipr S iiiohnrx- TpicnrcrT.1 i ni Several locals are necessarily crowded, out of this issue. C. SUNDA Y MORNING. Matkimokial. The following is an exhibit of the marriages consummated in this county last month : . WHITE. S P Anderson and Laura P Hood. B B Brogden and F C Olmstcad. . WF Bradwcll and Rosana Bagwell. Willis Carpenter and Elizabeth Hill. J W Edwards and Celia Scars. ) .T. M Griffin and Evalina Gardintr. J C Griffith and A E Clayton. A P Hicks and Nancy A Lynch. ; .CD Jones and M J llinton x Rufus King and Cornelia Hailey. ixii, Lunwsy ana Jva liepiton. WG Olive and CF Holland. A J Olive and E D Bcckwith. Young Penny and S K Lcc B A Pollard and b A Stokes X A J Prince and K Powell. W II Pollard and Martha Watkins. S Y Rigsbeo aud R E Evans. W C Sorrcll and Virginia Warren. W C Stevens and C E Hunter. . " Lewis Tatton:and Virginia Smiths Robt. Williams and Martha Saunders J Williams' aud Nancy Honnecutt. H A Wonible and A M Holleman. B A Watson and S A Carpenter. COLORED. Clem-Banks and Adeline Ciegg. John Farrow and Jane Dozier. E Goss and Patsey Person. -J W-Hintou and Caroline Welder. Spencer Hackney and M E Warey. Scott High and Ella High, j David Holland and Melinda Jones. Anderson Harris 'and Malinda Colton. llilliad Mason and Jane Barbee. Henry McCullers and Mary Jones. Z Morgan and Lucinda Boddie. B Rogers and Addie Burt, M Russell and Salhe White. . Squire Rogers and P Strickland. B. Rand and Catherine Sturdivant. M. Ray and Mary Ray. P. Smith and Violet Rogers. John Saunders and-Selina Jones. . JNeedham Saunders and Adeline Jones. Henry Snow and Emeline Mitchner John Scott and Lizzie Scott. Mack Williams and Mary Miller Calvin Wintaker and Harriet Whi ha. ker. Bible Meeting at IIayw'ood, Chat ham Cotjxty. A meeting of the friends of the Bible cause was held in the Methodist Church, at Havwood. on Thursday evening, January 30. After an address by the State Agent, Rev. P. A. htrobel, a-branch Bible Society was organized, winch is to be auxiliary to The f ol- Scott. Treasurer E. B.Clegir. Depositary-J. H. Farrar. -xecutivQ Committee Dr. R. II. Wyche'B. J. Howze andR. S Andrews The Townships of Cane Fear and New Hope! in Chatham county, will constitute a he territory to be supplied by tnis bociety. Soon alter the war. the Rev. Mr. Ilnr- dee deposited some Bibles and Testa ments at Haywood asacrant from the Parent bociety. Some of these have been sold and others donated. There i3 still a small stock of cheap books on uana. until nowT there hn iPPn nn Society, at Haywood. The Executivn Committee gave the State Agent an order for $50 worth of books on which A 1 I 1 - tuey were able to make a payment of nearly $20. The State Agent will make a donation to this Society from the , o""- " it win have the means to commence at once, thf work of simn rin f!. .1 t : i. i. : I in its territory. - ' . Mt.ri.riJll'' Lill" III'M I II Mi l . V - o ........... . KlKGSLAKD & MlLLKlt. The Co- paiinersnip ueretolore existing be- twecn these gentlemen has expired by limitation. Mr. Miller will hereafter conduct the business at the same place. parties having real estate to sell or who wish to purchase, could not do better than to place their business in Mr. Millers hands. Read rim a.lvrrf... ment. bT. Patrick's. Day Celebration There will be a meeting this CSu C-3 ning at 7 o'clock in the reception room of the-Yaiborongh Hotel, for the purpose of consultation respecting the celebration of the 17th of Match. All the irishmen of Raleigh, and others connected with the Catholic congrega tion arc respectfully invited to be pre sent. Signed. ; Father McNajiaka. AMUSEMENTS. U C K e 'iT " H A T 1 L Positively the Last Nisjht ! THIS IfOXDA ', FEBRUARY 3rd. IM n E NS E S V C C S S ! E V E R Y B ODY D LTL I GHTED ! C II I It 1 S li I . G H A S D CO M B I N A Tl O N ! Three Leading PresentAjb be given awny , on Monday Night ! elegant Booking sto ve b eauti'- -FUL LQUNGE IiAltltEL OF FLOClt V ' Besides ihe regular " 150 LTseful and Costly Tresents to be Given Away. 'v. Admission 2"cts Reserved Seats.... ilcts Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Poriormaiice to eoramnce at 8 o'clock. NEW AD V ERTISE .I E IV T S . ' 0 li S A lT"' One magic double cas j gold watch "ery line. Applv to tl W. W. WOOHELL. A DJOlhNED MEETING OF THE -A TRU-sTEF.S OF THE UNIVi IlSlTY. There M ill be a--meeting of the Trustees of the University in the Executive oilice, .n Tuesday the lSth instan.f. A fail meeting is desired and requesletlj .: T'.m It. CALDWELL, .. (ioyernorand President of Foard of Trustees. feb2-dtf QORN, OATS MEAL, BACON, Mess Pork,.15uik Sides, N. C. and Family Flour always on hand. Consignments daily eceive t. ; A". G. LEE a C IO OOO IouIjs suga all Ria-1 T. sTRONACH & BRO j. r. ii. car-UEr;; Druggist, .- '.. No. 11 Fayttteville Stret-t, jan29-tl Raleigh, N. PEBHUAR1 2 1873; LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR. O L I N A . I SENATE. - February 1, 1873J Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieuteuaut Uovernor Brogden in the chair. Journal ot yesterday read and an- n roved . .; i s i Leave of absence was -minted Mr Ilolloman in consequence of sickness in ma jaiu'iy. Mr. Powell was absent from his on account of sickness. eat i Mr. Murray reported from Committee on "Engrossed Bills ; Mr. ' Love, from Propositions and Griev nces ; Mr.iJ. Turner Morehead, from Corporations; Mr. Gudger, from same; Mr. Welch,' from Judiciary; Mr. J. W. Ellis, from Corpo rations; Mr. Todd, lrom Engrossed Bills; Mr. Merrimon, from Judiciary. ' I v j.ur4 xsorwood.a bill to allow cumula tive suftrage in the city ot Raleigbin tho election of . Town Commissioners: Referred. Mr." Houston, a bill - lor the relief of Thos. H." Andrews of Wilkes, couty. Referred. ;. Mr. Flemming, a bill to incornorato the Trustees of the Marion Bantist church. Referred. Mr. J, W, Ellis, a bill requiring that all persons Hiable to pay a poll tax ouan uo icijiiueu io cxniDic a tax receipt before beinz allowed to vote. Inflicting a oenaltv for such oflFenre Referred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Love, a resolution in regard to the sale of books by the Secretary of State, authorizing the same to sell various public documents and laws now m his hands. Undtr a suspension of tne riues. was adopted Mr. uowles called iip bill extendin" the time tor taking out land grant Allows two years more time. Passed second and third reading. Mr. Avera, a resolution that the Senate met on and alter Monday next at 10 ociock. Adopted Mr. Troy, under suspension of the rules, called up resolution in favor of J. McQueen, of Robeson county ; that the Treasurer be authorized pay him the reward offered by the State for the kill- ing of Boss Strong, Mr. J. W.. Ellis advocated the passage of the resolution, explaining the neces sity to be that McQueen was unable to secure the body;and thus comply with the law. '"'- '' Mr. Meriimon did not think the law had been complied with, and any action now taken would be an appropriation ane not the paying of a reward. ihe resolution passed its several read- us. . - Mr. Norwood introduced a memorial from the Wilmington Commercial Bank, claims against the State. Referred. jir. james l. JUorehead, a bill to amend Chapter 283laws ot 1S68 '69. ' Ihe Special Qrder, being the consid eration ol the Midland North Carolina Railway, which is proposed to run from Leautort to Memphis, was called up. Mr. Love opposed the bill, as he thought there were provisions asked for therein that were too broad to be enter tained. He was in favor of railroads, he cared nof how many there were in the tate, but he would not vote for a bin that had no defiuite line. Mr. Worth layored the granting of the broad privileges, as the corporators couiu then be better enabled to prose cute tneir intentions. jur. ivierriman : waiicea the road to nn - . ... . . , . T I '.1 I t lAnl' t L x alub ilU I . He thought there was nothing tangible in tho bill, and he did not favor the Legislature giving corpo rations the right to roam at will over the State. Mr. Gudger had no objoction to the compauy building, its road lrom and to any point they pleased,. provided no appropriation froth the State was asked. Mr. Troy offered an amendment providing that this act shall not allow the corporation to interlere, in its ex clusive right for fifty ' years, with any authority already vested in a ccrporatcd railroad company. Adopted. arious ame.ndo: ents were offered looking to the location of thofoad upon some definite Iinfr, creating muc'i discussion, but could . not be made intelligible without publishing the bill. Mr. Dunham said he wai a friend to internal improvements. He would .yield to no other Senator in his advocacv of all geneiahimpi()vemenl3 and in tho development ot the rcsouixes of the btate ButTie would not vote to any corporate, body the powers asked for in Lthis bill. The primary purpose of this incorporation was to make money for t lie incorporators any advantage to tiie State or the people. of the State was a secondary consideration. The privileges here asked lor were unjust to" the Slate, and such as should not be granted to huv col notation. He r.onld the bill its support, unless it was more thoroughly guarded. Mr. Merrimon endorsed every! hiuT said by Mr. Dunham. He believed' the object of this corporation was to buy up ana ootam control ot all other roads in the State. It was a species of the Credit Mobilier, and he did not want to see the roads of the State tramellcd ,by any corporation possessing unlimited powers. x ."'..-. Mr. Murphy said he had po confi- dence in, the success of this enterprise under the present bill. He said he could not see the need "of this h ric latioii il there was " nothingdefinite to be clai ned In' Hie friends i' thv. bill Let a fla-lit-ottl oil I, nU Covered !v .-ucii amount insinuative b go: ten M),t: i Oil ihioUgh.iThy portion o' iherSiati he would heanil .-iippiit it. ; , a.d rrghv (Mil fully titOK e mistaken, a ml if he eouid Ik vinced that he wa , he wbuhl ch support the bill. Here an an.uiaied discuss'ou place, Mr. Murphy having im de S':ne reference to the friends of -the bill t hat gentleman disclaiming any rtfkciK n upon any Senator, but rcfen ing to parties; wlio were pushing. the bill. Mr. Morehead, of R"ckinghMm, w.irm'v, nd vocated the biil,.-K8:.0iuiMua!i oi" .ihe Committee b; I'oie .'which', if h id b-tu considered, and did not think" any im- yvorks Co., was taKen up ana passoi readings. ' -., - -f' . : - By the same, the bill to incorporate C. 4 - i 1. NO. 256 due influences were -actuating the motives of the incorporators, nor that there .was .any collusion between them and the Railroad Rings which had so thoroughly ruined the State as laras her various lines of public improvements were concerned. t Pendinglhe discussion oT the bill, the Senate . adiourned. the matter hein made the snecial order on Monri.r .,f io v w . - - 'iy,,.i. J .IV WIUl-lV. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House called to order at tho usual hour by Mr. Speaker Robinson Journal of yesterday read and ap proved: ; Messrs. Bennett, Bryson, ot Swain, apd Jones, of Caldwell, submitted reports lonwua oiauuiuf ommitt'ses. . . By Mr. Brown, of Davidson, a reso lution abolishine' the offic Geologist. Referred. By Mr. WuU?h. a resolntion of in. sfructioo to the Committee, on Salaries and Fees to report a bill to reduce thn. salaries of Superior Court Judges. Calendar. Bt Mr. Prccson. a resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Union, county. Re ferred. Leave of absence was ranted to Mr. Banner pa account of sickness. lhn bill to lew a snccial tnv in Swain county was taken up, and passed i ita -"." xeuuiug uy a vote oi yeas ol, nays 2. The bill to incorporate thn "RfII HoVT Oyster Company was taken m. and passed it& several readings. The bill to-Jucorporate the Stanley Creek Camp Grbiind was taken up, and Passed its several readings. ihe bill to prevent theale of liquor in the town of Durham, Orahge-county, was taken ud. and nasqed if scrni-.ii readings. - Ihe bill , in favor of E. Murrill, Onslow county, was taken up, and re committed to the Committee on Fi' nance. House bill incorporating the town of Stantonsburg, Wilson county, was taken up, and passed its second and third read i rigs f The bill to prevent the sale of lienor within three miles of Beauty Spot Church, Robe?on county, was taken up, and parsed its second and third readings. 'Le bill io pievea,& saie oi lionor' . L ' I . (' within Hrhilcs of Mount Horeb -Church, liobeson county, was taken nn and passed its several readings. The bill, to prevent sale of lioudr within 3 miles of .. Ju'dsoq" Female Col lege was taken up, and passed its second and .third readhv-s. - Tha bill to prevent the felling oi trees in Horse Creek, Ashe county, was taken up and passed its several. readings.. 1 he bill in reierence to orintip.r and distributing the public documents, was taken up and passed its. several read ings. . - The bill to incorporate" the town ot Apex, Wake county, was taken uo and :... i .". i - ' ' paaacu its several -reau 'ups. The. bill to amend the act incornon.t. ing the town of Mount Olive, Wayne county, was taken up ; and passed its third reading. The bill to' suspend the writ of mandamus in Davidson county s far as it relates to the Commi.isioners of that county, was taken up and, on motion :-o I Mr. Joyner, laid on tiie table. Flie bill to prevent the felling of trees in btewarta Creek, Surry county, was taken up and passed its several read ings. The bill to incorporate the town oi iluntersyille, Mecklenburg county, was laiven up and passed its several lead ings. TheJjill ti incorporate Emelva Lod-e ISo. 2SJ, A. and Y. M., was take and passed-its several readings. The bill to change the nanveof Frank liniivilie township, Randolph countv. to Cedar Fall townships-was taken uia:ill passed its everaLreadings. The bill to allow the Commissioners ol Mecklenburg county-to : sell cei tain stoeKsvv is taken no and passed iis several readings . iie bilbto allow' the levy of. a special tax m Currituck county,. 'was taken uu and passed its second ?cadinv v . 7."i nays 00 The bill to allow the lew ol a sjxcial tax in Lenoir county, was taken up and passed its second " reading veas 07 navs 1. ' The bill to amend the act incorpora ting the town of Boone, Watauga county, was taken up and passed ir second reading. The bill to .amend tiie charter of tiie ciy of Rale'gh was taken up and pas.d its several readings. The bill io'allow tiie io voi a sfiecial tax in Granville county was tak n up and passed its third reading yeas 74 nays 0. The bill -to a'iovv the levy of a sp.-ci.-d tax in ll'irm tt county, was taki-n up and pa.-sed its second reading -vea3 55, nays 9. 1 ho IIouh: coiiciuied in the Senate aniendments'to House bill in regard to vaCcttit lands, ailowing enterers until JlViV 1st lS7t to obtain giants. The bill to am city of Raieigli, nd .the charter of t he was taken up and .passed -its third -reading The bill has beeij published in mil in the News.. Tiie bSl to allow tiie Cumnissioners of Surry county to is-ue bondsy was taken up and passed its second reading yeas 41. nays 35. The bid to allow the levy of a special tax in Montgomery county, was takea up; and pas-td it- s:c,oud reading yeas 51, nas 31. The bib io iiico:poi-rtte CiCiveland L -age No.. 301, A, ana F. M , waaken up 'nod p.s i d us se ia! rcai;ng-. '. i'he f aij i piMliib: ; -M The .lrJi.-it h .- was al id iiquor K'l. $::' .t s" o icvrid ;. ouriii i W v N LIVr UV SVhH Ail) KXCIliAti; SIACLiy, Are constiiiilly icceivb;g mi . mivenow on iianu some u.r.d Mules n hi-.'int.. m l i. ins: MurM-s. j i- r.rtm-ut -noAAwr .xi.f . tsiivcH U aiiii, ''!, !h- II. hist- i . N E . V A N C E Y cc C O . Mr. Settle was announced as still con fined to hi 1 1 om by sickrress, and was DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. yjuv Ku.uarb( two insertions.......... 1 60 One square, threa iHsertlons.......... , 2 (0 One square, six Insertions 3 so One square, one month s CO One square, three mouths... .Ti"7!' 1 CO One square, kiz montha. .". . SO 00 One square, t. elve months, '..'.'.".'.".".'.7.'. 60"00 trtaJL,i???aadvfrU1Sment8. liberal con oaren ooMade' Klines solid non paren constitute one square. II OL I D A Y S ! ! & KVS. TrCKKB, &: CO., MFSEBS LT 11 N G- COTTON FACTORS, 10,000 !X6' BULK SIDES ,500 Lbs. Lard in kegs and bbls., V , . M ' lieam's Wrapping Paper, Wholesale Grocers. -LJJ VERYTIIING USUALLY FOUND In a First-Class Orus store noUltf SlMPSON'S 'jniE WEED SEWING MACHINE - Why is the Weed Sewing Machine bound to pleuse a!i.f'je laiii-s? because it is the. best feller in the world ja 15-tf ." . ' - -v- - ASIIIONABLE BOOT EMPORIUM 15emove1io No- 173 .Main Street, next to Pwiick Manning's A large and valuable importation ol . French Call Skins. Direct from La iieJle, France, perAll iii AOTlCi-;. 1 beg l lie atenttion of my ct.' .omers aini the good public of Norfolk aDd v'hiity, that I am prepared to make p oi- FI IfcsT-CLASS. 'SOOTS AND SIIOt;S "t After the latest P risian modes. - ' My prices are g nerous and reasoi .blc aud assure those who are in need of a iieat- ij-iki.:i noot ur s.!ioe, tna! I can sit K:v lUeir cravings for durable and . htiUK work. La-ts aiiulM to jmiu- lie loot. . Prompt r's an i dispatch ui iilling an order, and riJie measures for the protection and alleviat'orv ol I iie feet, - Drop in and inspect nur new store- sjd stock. S. MARX, No. 17Main Street. .Ncxtiloor to Uuck .fannin-j"..' Norfolk. Va N O T HER A It 11 1 V A L . Just recei vt d a r.oi her unpl.y of Ladies' and Gents' Arctic Gaiters, LADIES' A.D (iE.MS' SAOU KXCLLJ)KK5, LADIES- AXD UKNTV N'DIA UI'IiUER SHOES AND SANDALS. - ja S-ir W. II. &, It. S. t IJCKEIi it CO. Jg (' A U D I X G A (t A I N ' I will re-open ior lioarders, by (ha uay, yEEK or siosTif, on day of D-jceinber. ' ' L. II It ANSON, iiovsJi-i; . It;- nU. N. C. , OF TIIE LEGISLA TURE Wishing. STYLE to procure WATiON'S NEW procure WATSON'S KfjJlURA.vr PHOTOGRAPHS, arc rca-sU-d to c;ill cariy; ilo not putlt off until you .'in- nearly ready logo home, e'all and sit at oiiee, in order that your pictures , may b.- executed in tin: verv Ijest style. Keme-moer t:c pht-o, 2:id door' f'.lovc Tucker .lall. ' J. W. WATSON.' jan21-tf ; pjOUQUET COLOGNE" Tri s, ;. -.vs. d J lt'ani, -. or iis liiiiia never been inr- l'EltM.kN :. AND "DELICATE QUALITIES. Prepared by ',. '"; J. P.; II. CaRUER, Druggist, No. 11 Fii'. etteviile Street, It i.f di, N. C. jan-tt. . : .0 A Mi M E R ' Citcriua Oil. for the Hair. S AJ Per.-, ct ;.M 1 i.ul Hair-DiCESlilet It givrs hlxi-J.i.'ict; and iw.u-.y lo tt. eh, , -and causes- ir , o curl r. el .. --o to " t.."UlU IJil UllUUUli 11. Pr. pared hy J. It. tl.tJAK d i'Al, J rn8 No.-ll Favetleville Street, Ilnleieh N O jan29-tf t'n 75 K At k Aiiirsi all's ?alt, CHRISTMAS ". ! . " ' '' ... w. n. Have added to their A J a E 8 T 0 C K , Many desirablo nrtioles siiitahle or CIIMSTJtMS FIinSEjrTS. Ladies Winter Dress Gooil-t , ' Scarfs, Neektiep, . c:oth Cloaks and Sacques, .'-.,. ... ' . ... .; Gloves, Furs, lc. - - - - -. OF THE LEGISLATURE sSS.0triiny-invied toan usPeconofonr : W. II. A R. 8. UCKEP.A CO. decll-dti ; J.NO. B. NkAI,. Wr. .T R w n-T. N E A L & CO., COTTON-. FACTORS. AND ; UVA hll.A L e03I3IISSIOi MERCHANTS AGENTS roil PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. . - . . i(fbtvSuce" copy. i'TV'ilr it i . ti A r T : ; . joi u;ukUiJi.A ,JEANS, I 1 ' - : S ATIN ETTS AND CASIMERES, .Inst received at decs-tiRIMi:OSi:i, : L'J1 Y d XtVdOM Si JUST iTc I V .E D, A large lc.t N t'. Corn Whisky, iu bar rels pnd hair-barrels. Also Hye Vvhisky m halt barrels to suit tiie trade. ' POOL A MORING'S.

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