DA 1LY NEWS. P 'NT. & UZZELL, - . PkoprietorsT Fatkttkville Steeet, over W, C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. DAILY NEWS. 1"T7 TJ- RATES OF ADVERTISING. One sqnare, one insertion S 1 00 One squar two insertions. 160 Ono square, three insertions... ...... 2 00 One square, six inser tions............. 8 56 One square, one month..............M.. 8 00 One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months. ................. 30 00 One square, t".. elve months...... ...... 50 CO For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. CASH INVARIABLY -IN ABVANCK. nio.n.vti'iY NEWS will lie delivered to j;i!tH:-4Hrs at fifteen cents per week, p"i3f-ttrt; to theoarricr weekly. Mailed at f7 ix-r'muuiu; i'J.oOi'or six mouths; $2 forthre ii- riths. I lie AVEiSItliY NEWS atiS2 per annurc. VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4. 1873 NO. 257. Daily News B 0 0 ,00 o THE mnECTOUS. OF TIIE- V U E. D E L ' E A U C 0 . Havitisr, for reasous already given to the IHi'ili, domed it judicious to postpone their (; It A X IV U l F T CONCERT In aid of this new and delightful $ t: . f - s 1 i: :z k s a iz -sr , The rinder.-dghed take pleasure in aa nouneing that the Concert wilt take place, without iail,"v Ou Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, IX T1IK OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., magnificent gifts, When the aiiiountiny following to 1 0 0,000 DOLLARS, Will be distributed by lot to the holders of tickets : . . 1 Gift iu Greenbacks of $5,000 tii its m Greenbacks of 1,000- each, 5,000 :.' e Jilts in Greenbacks of J&W each, 10,000 . ) IVauUi'ully located Cottage Lots "by I ho. sea," 30 by lo0 feet, at Viio do L'Eau, valued at 400, 30,000 other beautifully located Cottage Lots, S by 130 feet, at- Vue de L' Kau, valued at $2tK each, '" 40,000 IM Gifts in Greenbacks of UK) each, 10,000 lui Gifts, valued at 2t,0:0. TICKETS AT 5 $100,000 EACH. The distribution of Gifts -will take place immediately after the Concert, on fyie vast ttage of the Opera House, and in full view of the audience, under the immediate -supervision of the President and Directors of the Vue de L'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kiudly consented to be present and see that he guts are properly distributed as adver liscd: Hon John 11 Ludlow, ilayor of Norfolk, Jlon A S Watts, Mayor of Portsmouth, Col Walter H Taylor, of, Norfolk, - Hon John 11 Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, ' r James G Holladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the tickets be not all sold when the concerE comes off, the presents will be distributed in proportion to the number solit. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash a6 our Banking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without disLOunt. For further particulars'-and for tickets, apply to the. undersigned, wlio alone are au thorized to 'appoint agents lor the sale of tickets. . The undersigned, Directors of tiie Vue de L'Eau Company, pledge--. themselves, to the public that the ubove--Grand Gilt Concert Uail take place on .' Thursday, February 'Jth, lVTii, as announced in-above card, on tue basis of the original ;iidverLiatnieut as to the distribution of gifts:. Win. Lamb, R. J. Needy, M. Parks, . i). C. roner, W. II. White, ' W. Reed, 1'. G. Ohio, G. W. Grice, N. Uurruss, E. C. Lmdsey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and can be obtained from the following agencies : . Fogarty s Co., . '. Bank of Portsii'iouth, Bain & Broiheiy Burruss, Son & Co. Ji U 11 It USS , 5 ON & COt, .Jankers and Financial Agents . Vue de L'Eau Co nip X O 11 F O L K , V A . my. Ha Tickets can be purchased of U . II . B It A1 L E Y Fayetteviile Street, li A LEI G II ',- N . e ja-'J-dtd . ' . , ritoiii.ssloAJ E O . II . V AllUb. S N O W ' A HJxtJW AUA. .A A Ms KALE I Gil, N. U Practices in tiie state ana i ederai -courts. Prompt attention given' to the collection ot Claims in all parts 'of the Sla ie. , j.iul5-lm 11. BATCH ELOIl. " L,. C. KUWAllOS I. V.' 1'I.U.JlMki. UATCIIELOK.. TATfMlELOll. EDWARDS tAND 1 J JJATCIIELOIl, ATTOIINEYS AT LAW, UALEIGII 'N. C. - Will attend in the :'ourts of Wake, Gran ville, .Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North aniptoii and '.liatluim, and the rederat :iiiiit.-upiemo ourls. j-an d-ti MORNING EDITION. 3Iu llaldglt aUtj tw. TUESEAY.... .FEBRUARY 4. 1873 Special Notices inserted in th Local Column will be charced Fit- teen Cents per line. All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted Messrs. Griflln and Hoffman. -Newsnnnpr Advertising Agents, No. 4 South street, Baltimore, Md., are duly aithorized to con tract ior advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER, E. G. WOODSON, City Editor For latest news sec Fourth Paue. by telegraph, A. LE X H S M I T II ATTOUNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND N E C K , C Will practice in the ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. " ' , ., . Coliecuons attended to in all parts of the State. " mayll-tl. WALtEk CX.AKK. Q L A ll K J. M. M V LLK U L - EN , L'Cal CuriiFs. - Tiie Gilliam county q-icstion come3 up as the special order for 12 o'clock to-dav. Manv ol the friends and on- ponents of the measure are in the city. The city was remarkably quiet on Sunday. Everybody was on good be havior. The Legislator's wore their store clothes, attended Church and be haved themselves bec.oininalv. Travelers to the good old town of Warrenton will be "lad to learn that. Mm ErownloV Hotel is being -rebuilt, and Mr. l&rwood. its enterorisin-2 nro- prietor is determined to make it lirst. class in-everv uariicular. It is to be en tirely refitted and refurnished. Charlotte boasls ot a . cumber one House, known as the Charlotte Hotel. kept by our genial old triend Mathews, who thoroughly understands every de partment ol his business. He will make you comfortable within with his excel lent bill of fare, and all over, his- iood attention to your. wants and kind treat ment. :. M.vyou's Couut. Ilia Honor, the Mayor, disposed of the lollowing cases yesterday.:- Clara Haywood, col., for using pro fane language in the Market,- was made to smir to the tune of S5. Henry Hawkins, for disorderly con duct on the street, was also required to donate a small amount to the city Treasurer, . Alexander Morton got up before his neighbor's chickens Sunday morning, and lor the kindly act of assisting them Irom the roost, the Mayor held him to bail for 100 for his appearance bclore Judge Watts the first Monday ol April next. Win, Edwards s,ud Fletcher Lock hart had a "dificil" at the National Hotel, and creating a disturbance in this generally quiet and peaceful locality, were fined f 4 each. Wesly Joyner entirely overdone the the thing when he stole a lot . of fresh tnc.it from William Perkinson, Sunday night, lor when officers Funis' and Dun ston commenced search lor the meat they found u leather bed and other articles stolen from W. P. Weatherell, in November last. In default of bail, Joyner was committed to Wake county jail. ... 'frit: Discussion in Charlotte. Our llepoiter was "present at the discus sion in Charlotte ou Saturday between Mr. Turner and Capt. Waring, on the subject ot the public printing. Alter a lengthy speech from Mr. Turner, Capt. Wairng replied in a. speech of about 'haft' an hour, aitcr-which Dr. Fox intro duced a resolution endorsing the course of Capt. Waring, as the Representative of Mecklenburg in the State Senate, which was adopted unar)i?nousli ly the assemblage. There were probably one hundred persons present on the . public square, where the discussion took place. The meeting was first advertised to take place at the Court House, but only five persons attended at that point, whereupon it' was adjourned to the pub lic square. We may allude to the discussion more iti detail hereafter, but at present we only give the substance of the resolu tion adopted sustaining Capt. WariDg in all of his legislative acts, ' St. Patrick's Meeting. A meeting of citizens; principally members of the Catholic congregation, and those favorable i 'ip the celebration of St. Patrick's -iiy, was held in the parlor of the Yaibb rough House Sunday evening. On moUof Rev. Father McNamara, Mayo? Whitaker, was called to the chair, and E. C. Woodson, requested to act as Secretary. . The following Committees were appointed for the approaching celebra tion : Committee of Arrangements. T F Lee, Chairman, Mayor Whitaker, Auditor Riley, Patrick Dolan, J P Prairie, Father McNamara, David A Wicke:, Louis Labarbe, Philip Mc- Gowan, John Caton. '. The gentlemen composing this Com mittee will be distinguished by White Sash with green trimming. Invited Guests. It was proposed and passed unanimously tiat the Rev. Father IcNamara. on the part cf this meeting tender invitations to participate in the iestivities-.pt. the coming celebra tion tD the following personages : His Excellency Gayernor Caldwell, Right Rev. James - Gibbons, Bisliop of Richmond ; The Rev Clergyof Raleigh; and other Rev. gentleman of Fayctville, "Wilmington, Newbern, Portsmouth and Petersburg, Hon "William A Moore Hidenton ; Ltr lugene urissom, buperin tendent ol Insane Asylum ; Hon Mr Tomlinson, Sup't Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum ; Hon E Manly, Newbern ; William Grimes, Esq Raleigh; Hon Thomas Settle, Greensboro ; and Repre sentatives of the Raleigh Press, Marshals. T F Lee, Chief Marshal, Patrick McGowan, Sr., Henry Gorman, M A Prendergast, James Duffy, John Armstrong, Frank Tighe, John Waters, A W Fraps, George Scales, P McGowan, Jr., Captain Lipscuro, William CarsoD, Charle3 McKimmon, J Green, Joseph Watson, James H Miller, James Gor man, Amos Labarbe, George Goodwin, W W Upchurch, Henry Hardee, James Byrne, George Up church, L D Womble, F Menninger, Patrick Sweeney, ! Thad Bosher, Mr Pomeroy, Henry M Miller, John Ware, J Ilammiil, John GougK, Mr Berry, M T Leach, - Douglas Bell, A Magnin, W W White, W 11 Pepper, William Blake, George Walter, William Simpson, A Stronach, William Forest, George VY VY vnne, ft (j The Western Expositor. We have just received the first number of the "Western Expositor," a new paper which has been started at Asheville, N. C, by Thomas D. Carter and Willough by F. Avery, Esqs. The first issue presents a most hand some and elegant typographical ap pearance, and displays much ability in its editorial columns. The paper is devoted mainly to the interests of the Western section, is Conservative in politics, and purposes to wage a bold and uncompromising war against all Railroad and other swindlers. The "Expositor" takes strong grounds against the sale of the Western Road, and on this question antagonizes the position of the Asheville "Citizen" and the "Pioneer." . ? LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR" O L I N A . The Adjustable Spring Bed Bot tom. Messrs. J. A! Jones . and D. J. Ellis, two gentlemen well and favorably known in thiscitv, announce in another column this moruipg that they have become sole proprietors and manufactu rers for the State of North Carolina for the adjustable spring bed bottom, to which we have referred to before several times as being the patent of Messrs. Bartlett & Pomeroy, of Balti more. Having been using one of these spring bottoms for a month past, we are prepared to speak knowingly ot its merit. We have never seen its equal in ctimfort, and would advise every ons desiring to "rest pleasantly to give MessrsJpues & Ellis a call. See their notice. - . . Bible Meeting at the Capitol. We have been requested to state that a meeting in the interests of the Bible cause in North , Carolina will be held at the Capitol this evening, at. 7 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by the State Agent, several Clergymen of the city, and by distinguished members of the Legislature and other gentlemen. Burials in Salisbury on Sunday. A correspondent writing from Salisbury, under date of tho second inst , says : "Five burials here to day. The wile of Dr. J. W. Jones, Mrs Bastrain, Deputy U.S. Marshal J. L. Cuthrell, and two children of a Mis. Swink." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E M O Y E D ville street, I have opened at Vo. 13 liar sett Street, where I will be pleased to serve all who will iavor me with their patrooage, at the lowest poss.ble rates, for CASil or baiter. My stock consists of Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal. ltic. Salt, Mo lasses, Cheese, Hams. Shouldtrs, Bulk Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by tiie measure, Soap, Brandy Peachts, Canned Goods, Candies, Nuts, ltaisins, Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes, c ft3 Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit the same in future by fair dealing and. strict atleution to business. CJive me a Call ! . D. CHRISTOPHERS, No. 13 Hargett Street. febl-lm C. T II E A D J U S T A -B L E HALIFAX, iV. C. Practice in all the Courts of ixaiiiax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. In tiie supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. t r.T .u Collections made In all parts of North Carolina. . mlil-ly Wit-.". 13 A V N S Ilaip: Woodson, T C Evans, John Ross, "O l,i... t...i a xr TTnnknivth . Hav ng apposed of my Store on I ayette- F-M Sorrel 1, John Gillespie, R F Las well, Janies Forest, John C Symc, James Sorrell, A C Sanders, John Forest, Jarnes Doyle, C M Farris. The gentlemen composing this body will be distinguished by Green Sash. Honorary Committee. On this Committee the following names were proposed end passed with applause : Dr E B Haywood, Hon Kemp P Battle, Maj J B Gayle, E?q, Hon D M Barrin ger. Erasmus F Page, Esq, Dr W I Royster, Thoj P Devereux, Esq. Dr II J Menninger, Col S T Carrow, Dr William II McKee, Thos Briggs, Esq, Maj R S Tucker, A Creech, Esq, Col J N Bunt ing, John-C Palmer, Esq, Maj J P II Russ, W C Upchurch, Esq,' Dr William Little, Henry Mordecai, Esq, William II Finch, Esq, Dr Babcock, Jno C Blake, Esq, Capt A W Lawrence, John G Williams, Esq. Col J M Heck; P A Wiley, Eq, Gen R F Hoke, Ruffin Williams, Esq, Hon R C Badger, John Nichols, Esq, Hon Josiah Turner, Jor dau Stone, Esq, Maj W A llearne. Arm stead Jones, Esq, Hon D G Fowle. J C L Harris, Esq, John C German, Esq, Gov W W Holdeu, Dr W II Howertou, Capt A B Andrews, Hon B F Moore, Gen W R Cox, Hon W A Smith, Capt S T Williams, Hon D A Jenkins, Geo. T Stronach, Esq. Orators. The following gentlemen were named as the regularly designated speakers ot the evening: Major Seaton Gales. Charles M Bus bee. Esq:; Hon W A Smith, Rev Father McNamara. Besides these the company will be entertained by a number ol gentlemen who are expected to offer volunteer sen- , SENATE. Monday, Februaiy 3rd, 1873. Senate called to order at 11 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. t Journal of Saturday read and ap proved. Reports of Standing Committees. Mr. Gudger, from Committee on Judi ciary ; Mr. Love, from Committee on Propositiorsand Grievances ; Mr. Todd from Committee on Enrolled Bills, and Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, from Com mittee on Constitutional Reform, sub mitted a report on the bill relerred to said committee, with eighteen amend ments, which was on motion of Mr. Morehead, of Guilfofd, made the special order ior 11 o'clock to-morrow. Petitions and Memorials. ; By Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, a petition from citizens of Robeson, asking the passage of a law to prevent the sale of intoxicating liqours within three miles of Big Branch Baptist church, in said county. By Mr. Smith, a petition from citizens of Granville county in x regard to the proposed new county of Gilliam. Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Ciwles. a bill to establish turnpike roads in Surry and McDowell counties. Referred. By Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors with li miles of Cherry Stone church in Robeson county. Referred. By Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous, liquors within three miles of Big Branch Bap tist church in Robeson county. Refer red. By Mi. "Walker, a bill to prohibit the sale of sDirituoua liouors within the corporate limits of Rutherfordton. ferred. By Mr Scott, a bill -to aniend charter of the town ol Beaufort. ferred. '''--. . By Mi. Todd,; a bill to repeal sub chapter 1, of chapter 113, laws of 18GS and 1809. Referred. By the same, a bill concerning the establishing and laying outublic high ways. Referred. Inlroductlqii of Resolutions, By Mr. Murray, a resolution in rela turn to private bills, providing mat Fridays and Saturdays shall be devoted to the consideration c f these bills. Re ferred; By Mr. Cowles, a series of resolutions of regret and indignation at the cor rupt and liaudufent conduct and prac tices ot certain members of the Congress ol the United States, recently brought to the attention of the public.'as iollovvs: The General Assembly of JXortli Caro lina do Ilesulce, 1st. That to maintain, Re- the Re- SP11ING J1E1 ROTTOItI, Of which we are the SOLI-: MANUKACTUKKltS A'NI) PilO PUIEToas i OR NO 11 ill CAIiOBINA. IS THE PERFECTION OF - Comfort, durability & Cleanliness. "V'e mannf icture these Beds of all sizes, j to nt every kind or stylo of Bedstead, aim will manufacture .them expressly for and deliver them at timents during the evening. ED. CO.SXGi.AXl), LAW PAIITNKRSHIP. C O N I G L A.N D & D A Y ATT ORNE V S AT LAW , HALIFAX. N. C. .. Practice in the Courts oi ilaliiax m d ad ioiumg countie3-in the SuPfV.fJ he .-.tSle, and in tiio edeial Courts, lhey w ill gi v fecial attention to collecting and counting business, and to adjusting the iiccunts of tixecuiora, admiuisiiatois and I'lliUMMUS. ... .. ' T.ie Junior par inc-i will aiienu a.v uxa vr lice in " uidyu oil of each week. .-idturdavs and Mondays no za-n li. li. liUSS, : jjUNN SAil'LT, WILLIAMS W I L L I A M S , - ltOCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I A M S & B U N. N 2 TTOIIJVE YS 1 T 11 M UALEIGII, N, C. eBusiness letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh.asr Claims tttllectcd la asy part of the State. Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, mli 1-tr. , Personal Intelligence. Col. David Settle, of the House, is confiried to his room by sickness. Col. R. M. Armfield, of Statesville, G. N. Foke, of Lenoir, and D. M. Furches, of redell, are in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Col. S. L. Fitmont, of the Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, Maj. J. II. Englehard, Editor of the Wilmington Journal, , Robt. M. Furraan, Editor of the AsneFille Citizen, and Capt. A. G. Moore, of Haw river, are registered at the Yarborough House. (! Quite a number of prominent citizens of Warren and Granvilleare hi the city, representing the pro's and con's of the proposed county of Gilliam. Capt Baxter, of the firm of Baxter, Nasl& Co., Norfolk, Va., was in the city yesterday. Meeting of the State Executive Committee. The regular monthly meeting of the ExccutiveX'ommittee of the State Agricultural Society "will be held on Thursday. It was contempla ted to have a general meeting of the citizens and otliers in Metropolitan Hall on Thuisday night, in the interest of the Society and tor the consideration of the new Fair Grounds, but it has been deemed best to postpone the meet ing until next week, when the plans of the grounds and the buildings will be reaiiy for exhib.tion. Col. Holt will endeavor to have on hand at that time otic or mote good speakers. Due notice of this meeting will: be given. - : : Supreme Court. Amos Ladd and wile vs Henry Chambers et al, Wilkes ; Bailey, Batchclor & Son for plaintiff. Smith & Strong and Avmfield for de fendant. Left open. James Harper. Ex'r, vs John Suclderth et al, Caldwell ; Moore & Gatlingt and Folk for plaintiff, Phillips & Menimon for deiendants. Left open. State vs Lafayette Parker, Wilkes ; Attorney General for plaintiff,xBat'tle ft Son and Duprc for defendant. " Put off cost vi county. Wyatt Perry vs John F Grear et al, Ashe; G N Folk lor plamtid, Armheld & Todd for defendants. Lelt open. G W Long vs Wm Pool and J W Miller, Alexander; AY P Caldwell and Folk lor plaintiff, Armfield for defen dants. Argued. James Duvall vs H HRobbins, Ashe ; Todd & Caldwell for plaintiff, Folk for defendant. Argued. Mary Porter vs Lewis Jones, Allegha ny ; Todd for plaintiff. Folk & Armfield for defendant. Argued. . Sjate vs-..' George Graham, Wilkes ; Attorney General tor plaintiff, Furches lor defendant. Argued. " R. J. McDowell vs Alexander Clark, Iredell ; Caldwell for plaintiff, Aruifield for delendant. hv(t open. '"'... Sam C Waugh vs George Blev'ins, Ashe ; Tocld & Folk for plaintiff, Triv ett, Furches and Hargrove for defen dant. Lelt optn State vs John Ellen et al, Ashe; At torney General for plaintiff, Todd for IIOTKLS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use to assure satisfac tion, before payment is required. All our goods are made iu tiie most thorough manner, of the very best ma terials, and are warranted for ten years use, to remain perfect and serviceable. We have purchased the right in this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to manu facturo them in any quantity. Dr. Blacknall, at the Yarborough House, who has them in use. can tell about the Beds. Persous in Raleigh or vicinity desiring a Spring Bed to try, will send length of one of the slats across bedstead, to JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, Hlilsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. J. A. Jones,) 1. J. Ellis. ; ; febi-tf TORTII CAKOLI XA J E A N si , SATINETTS AND CASIMERES, Just received at PRIMROSE, PE TTY & NlAV fiOM'S decs-tf ". . :. - j U S T "RE C E I V ,E 1), A large lot N. C CornWhlsky, in bar rels and half barrels. Also Rye Whisky, in half barrels to suit the trade. jan21-tt M. A. PARKER. 10,OGO LBS. BULIC SIDES, deiendant. Arjrued. Legislative. As will beeen from the reports of the House of Representa tives!, "that body has been engaged for the past two Bitting days on private bills. Nothing of -.'general importance i . w as (lone. Removed. A reference to our columu of new advertisements will disclose the lact that C. D.. Christophers has removed from his old stand on Fayetteviile street to No. 13 Hargejt street, whete he con tinues the grocery business. Mr. Clins: tophersis an active and reliable business man, and we nope he win meet wun a liberal patronage. Several locals arc necessarily crowded out of this issue. 2.500 Lbs. Lard in kegs and bbls.. 2i0 " Ream's Wrapping Paper, POOL n MoRING'S, jan25-tf Wholesale Grocers. -gjVERYTIIING USUALLY FOUN D In a First-Class Drag Store At SIMPSON'S. nov2G-tf lACillSE protect and preserve the integrity, dig nitv and honor of the national Legisla ture, is the liigh and patriotic duty of the people of the Union as well as that of Congress itself. 2nd. That this " General Assembly have heard, with feelings of mortifica tion and painful regret, of the corrupt and fraudulent conduct and practices of many members of Congress ol the United States materially affecting their integrity and honor as members of that body, which has recently. been brought to the attention of the country through investigations made by Congressional Committees' of the- bribery practices of persous interested in the 4 Credit Mobil u-t'-'-aiid otliers setkihg and- securing places in CongrcbS by, open bribery. 3d. -That "such . liaudalcnt conduct n.r r-rinw-s. (noiit to excite Iceliuirs ot deep indignation and profound alarm in the minds- of the aihtyicaii people for the integrity, safety and honor of their political institutions ; and merit sternest rebuke.' 4t'n. That it is the sense oi tins General Assembly- that ;Cbugress 'owes, it aa a duty' .to themselves, and to the peopie of the United Stales, to try, ex pose and expel jhe guilty parties lrcin seats in that august body,' which they dishonor ud disgrace. 5th. That a copy ot these roso lutions be sent to each ot, oui. bena tors and Rcpsentatives in Congress with the request that they present a copy to their -respective bodies. Elites iS upended. On motion-oi Mr. Avera,the " poison bill was taken from, the calendar and referred to the Judiciary Committee. ,On motion of Mr. Uowlcs a iiouse reso lution asking our representatives in Coa'ress to use their influence to secure the. passage- !of a law to' establish a branch mint at Charlotte, was taken up. ; : Mr. Worth was opposed to the reso tion. He did not think the mint would be worth a cent m the people. As an old miner he, knew the disadvantages that miners labored under, but he was willing to postpone the resolution till the Senator from Mecklenburg came in. The resolution was adopted. On motion of Epps, colored, House bill No. 161, authorizing the Commis: sioners of Halifax - county to levy a special tax, was taken- up and passed its third reading. . On motion of Mr, Cunningham, the bill presented by himself in regard to railroad traveling was taken from the calendar and relerred to the Judiciary Committee. ' On motion of Mr. McCabe, the bill to incorporate the -Edgecombe Female Seminary was taken up and passed it3 third reading. On" motion of Mr. Worth, Senate bill the Chapel nill & iron Mountain Railroad, was taken up andpassed its readings. '...' On motion of Mr. McCauly, aresolu tion for the relief of John J. Husty; Sheriff of Union county, was taken up and parsed. On motion or Mr. Ellis, of Catawba, the bill to iocorporate the Horscford Manufacturing Company was taken up and passed. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, the bill to define the duties of county Commis sioners was taken up and passed its final reading. On motion of Mr. Long, the bill to abolish the Scotch Fair, near Laurel Hill, Richmond county, was . taken up and passed its readings. On motion of Mr. Avera. the bill to incorporate the town of Selnuu, John son,county, was taken up and passed its readings. - On motion of Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, the resolution proposing to raise a joint Committee of both Houses of the Gen eral Assembly,with Dr. Eugene Grissom on said Committee, to repair to Char lotte and Wilmington, to ascertain at what cost, etc., certain buildings and grounds can be purchased lor as branches of the State Lunatic Asylum, was taken up. Mr. Ellis advocated immediate action on the resolution, that is, it in the wisdom of the General Assembly, they thought the mode expedient. Mr: Morehead, ol Guilford, offered an amendment jh-at this Committee shall also visit Thbmasville, in Randolph county. : ' Mr.. Welch opposed the resolution. He thought that much swindling had been done in this matter of lunatics idiots, &c, in the operations oi the lavv allowing idiots to draw 100 per annum lrom their counties ; and referred to the fact that Wilkes county alone drew $1,G00 this year, in addition to their insane now in the Lunatic Asylum. He thought the Insane Asylum now in this city amply sufficient for the unfortu nates in the Stale that could be reclaim ed (and this was the contemplation of the move, only.) if extra arrangements were to be made, he thouj ht. Raleigh was the nlace. as every member on .the . floor should feel a pride-m perpetuating: the State Institutions at the Capitol He thought that tiie condition or cur Treasury could not at this time warrant . i ! : l' . i 1 . 1. 1. i : i . : . tue expense oi enlarging iue ouiiamga. Mr. Ellis replica by saying tliat ue supported the resolution on the account of itkvimmediate necessity; tnat the houses la : Wilmington and Charlotte proposed bythis Committee to purchase could be RiadeT'any in 60 days, and to build here in Raleigh would require months. Mi,- Wortii. opposedke resolution because he -could not conscieutuonsly favor anv more, appropriationstill tiie Committees appointed oa these matters made reports showing au actual necessi ty lor such. ! Mr. Murphy replied to several of the objections offered by Messrs. Welch and Worth. In; his remarks he reierreu t the statistics to show that the clarS ot unfortunates that this resolution pro poses to favor, have been sadly neglect ed in the State. He thougtit some means should be adopted to enlarge the capacity for the tale keeping and pro tection of the lunatics. He proposec that arrangements should be made by granted an indefinite leave of absence on -that account. ' Mr. Gorman, a memorial lrom certain citizens of Wake county, protesting against the passage of a bill prohibiting ; tte sale of liquor in the neighborhood of New Hope Church. Messrs Moring, Morrison, Waugh, Wiley and McNeill, submitted reports from various committees. By Mr. Heaton, a resolution concern- : ing speedy returns of elections. Calen dar. : x . - By. Mr. Watson, a resolution in ref erence to placing the counties of Orange and Chatham in the Eastern Judicial ?o District of this State. Calendar. . , v'"" By Mr. Richardson, a resolution oi instruction to the Committee on the . Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. Cal endar. By Mr. Black w-cll, a resolution in re gard to night sessions. Calendar. By Mr. Craige, a bill to amend chap. ter 12 Code Civil Procedure, in reler ence to ".Blasters and Apprentices.". Referred. By Mr. Carter, a bill to make an ap- pn-priation .for the year 1873 for the , Deaf Dumb aud Blind Asylum. Re ferred. . By Mr. Carsou, a bill to repeal chap.' OG, laws of 1871-'72. Referred, i The Senate resolution-in refeperice to the sale ot the Wilmington, Oftarlotte and Rutherford Railroad was taken up. Requests the Governor and Attorney General to invcstigate.the affairs of the road. The resolution passed its seve ral readings. Senate resolution lequesting informa tion of The Governor and Attorney General in regard to the sale of the Eastern Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad was taken tin and adopte. ; " Senate resolution asking our Repre sentatives in Congress to use their influ ence in securing the passage of the bill donating public lands for educational purposes was taken up and, on motion, laid on the table. Senate bill to amend section 1, chap. 152, laws of 1872 was taken up and passed its several readings. benate bill to extend tii-j time for the redemption of property '-soid for taxes was taken up" and passed its. several readings. '."...-... . Senate bill lo incorporate- the Ncuse River Ferry Ln;pany,was taken- up and pase-i its several reading. Seaate, resolution raising a Jouit Committee to cancel vouchers bonds. which oniiict labor could be made beneficial in doing ihis "necetsary. work and thus economy to tiie State b.: pre scrvvd. I:i .-.replying to 'the charge-o Mr. pi:tra Ve:ch;th-:t swicd.i: had b e;i per- . . . i ... I uu i'.r tii:-; j-iw in rea.ru . Jit L i.ii. ts, h-j was mttrruptea Dy inat gen tieihai' wlwrh tld. tnat as the Ooannis- 7 s'iOUCtA. of CJUutiei ii-id the uo'.Vt;' to s who weieU'ntitit .d to thc.&p:',i'"Pl':! -.!: the d,;or iv.'is -U-fr .open i.or svv'iniibi5i:; Mr. Miner advocated tue , p isige o the resolution 'As one of We Commit tc.-i mi i lie Committee on the Insane 5cc, in Luditos office was taken up and adopted. '; ( Messrs. Watson' aud Cope'and were appointed as the House branch of said Committee. The bill allowing tiie Commissioners of the town of Lenoir to sell certain bonds was taken up and passed its several readings. - Bill to allow the levy of a speeial tax ia Currituck. county, was taken up and xa33.u no otL.uu ica.iiii juw j, iiao IX . , , , . - ; '-- After debate, thu vote by which the resoImidniuntructing our Representa tives in Coiijiress in reference" to the ed ucational bill vas laid on the table was andfhe lesolution -was reconsidered adopted.; . - The bill" to prohibit the sale of liquor within o miles of Mount Pleasant Acad emy, Cherokee couity, was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill n ford -count UP- make Reedy Creek, Guii , u lawful lence was taken ii.d passed its several reading?. :!! to chanrc tne time of the of the Uoard ! Commissioners Board of Education of Carteret Th-: m - ti;: ail 1 Coil! .Tilt! bill of Fibithc! w-t ) akvn re-tdir.gs The h.ll to prohibit the sale of liquor .kci up and pasied its ;o )!!C!);"":orate the. Trustees Chuic i, Cleaveland couiity, up and passed its' several As ruin, .:!-J r.I:C i n li t u it-i y coi i s I i v re piss ;ge :Jor ..the. rr 81 ate, .h''. would vol luti.'ii was S li'S and be Si-eying its leral good of the j'or it. Mr. IJivo .hougli't - that - the present fl-ct'cctivd Wgwlatioh. -bn tliis matter siiouid' be corrected lx.J-. re any .more was made,"and'' moved to lay the resolution o! the lab e. On this motion Mr. Ellis, of Colum bus, called the yeas and nays. The motion to lay on the table-prevailed by 17 yeas to 12 nays. ; Special Order. The consideration of the Midland North -Carolina Railroad was t a Ken up 'at. 12 o'clock. - Messrs. Murphy aud Norwood desired-to state, that aftel maturely considering the bill and its pioposmons they would withdraw their heretofore ofhrid hy tneiu. Mr. Love, though opposed to otyositions or the bill ana sun thou opposition the .if pi the powers asKeu ior cxtraoramary, would withdraw his hostility. Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, stated that he. had said nothing on this bid heretofore, and therefore desired now to exolain his position. He wa3 in favor ot ant and every measure that would in Morganton was taken up and passed its several readings. Tii!. bid to piohibit the sale of liquor within one miie of any church on any 3 w lieu religious exercises or business coniiecrcet wun inecnurcn are going on was taken up and, or. motion, was laid on the table. The bill to allow theleviy of a special tax m Caldwell county was taken up and passed its second reading yeas hd, nays 0. ' The bill to allow a special tax in Currituck county was taken up and passeel its third reading yeas 79, nays The bill to allow theJevy of a special tax in Swain county was taken up and passed its third reading yeas 74, nays 0. - . "V .:,-' The bill to allow the levy of a special ; tax in Persou county wa3 taken up and gassed its third leading -yeas .ouynays The res j'.utio'i iustructino' the 'Com mittee on . iTivilege and Elections to proceed in the investigation of the con test case from Martin county was taken up and adopted. The resolution in iavor ,? ot tne capturers of the outlaw ' John Allen Kitciiey was taken up and passed its resound, to the benefit ol any section of several readings. (Pays them $300.) ior the tax the State, but as he had not seen any- thin" in this bill to benefit the people. 'me should vote r.o. AVhile the vote wa3 being taken, Mr. Merrimo'n rose to explain his vote, stating his ecveaal objectionsjto the bd.-,. etc. Mr' Avera .culled t:-: pr. vious ques tions which belli 'i tiist. lined, the Dili nassed i'ts final reading, only voting in the negative, Messrs. Dunham, Ellis' and Merrimcn. i (We will give the outlines of the bi'I as passed to-morrow.; The bill to allow the levy of a special tax in Moore county was taken up and passed its second reading yeas 74, nay 3 1. T he bill to prohibit the sale ol liquor in Carthage, Mooic county was taken up and passed its several reading. Adiourn. F TMIE WEED SEWING MA JL ',,'- , ..- Vihv is the Vv eed Sewing iaciiine boued to please all vie ladis-s? fiecause it is iue ue.ii iiiui ui nits wnii. ja 15-tf U O U E T COL O G N E 11 f - "l up pavers ot j.ussed its This elegant perfume lias never been sur passed for its. - 'PEKilAIiliST AND DELICATE QUAUTlKa. Prepared by J. R. II. CaMER, Draggist, No. 11 Fayetteviile Ktret-t, Itidei-jh, N. C. jan2t)-ti relief ol certain Lenoir county was taken several readings. On motion of Mr. Love, Iiouse bill toiorovide for and authorize the build ing of a 'jail at Ilaycesville, Ciay county, and passeu lts reaaicgs. On motion of Ilyman, col., the bill to j incorporote the town of Jackscn, North; j ucptun county,was taken up and passed i its readings." V j Oa motion cf Mr. Norwood, the bid to'incorporote he Cape Fear Water i works Co., was taken up and passed it- lcauinj'S. By tiie same, the bill to incorporate IIOUSE OF llEPUESEJSTATTVLS. At 10 A. M. the House was called to order by. Mr. Speaker Robinson. Journals of. yesterelay read an t up- proved. Mr. lily tue presenteu a memorial ior certain citizens of Henderson, p-.vitig that the sale of the Western North Caro-' Una Railroad be not intcrferred with. Mr, Gudger presented a uieiiion.-i of ia similar character from cu tain citi zens of Madison county. Mr. Settle was announced as still con- tiu -el to ui n om by sickness, and was 0 R S A L E : One mate double ease gold watch, "Very fine. Apply to tl W. W. WOUDKU ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES OF TIIE UNIVERSITY. There will Le a meeting of the Trustees of the University in tne Ese.-utiv office, on Tue3day the loth instant. A ull meeting is desirt d anu requetea. . . TOU 11. UAJUUWKL.JJ, " !overnran I Pif sident of Hoard of Trustees. feb2-dtf 5 .. ' 1:B:.o. FAMILY FLOUR, 20 EL13. doda Llsc-nits, - ! . At POOL&MORING'S. SAC K S RIO C O PPEE, 75 S k llarrA all's Palt, ' ' At POOL & MORING'S. 4'