b A IL Y N E W S . :' 'E &i UZZELL, - - Proprietors. jfAYKTTEVILLE STREET, ..vtr W. C. Stronach i Co.'s Store. .AJSH INVAUtAHIA' IN ADVANCE. fur lILY will be delivered Jka DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertioH.M.....M.$ I 00 T 1 One square, two Insertions........ Ona square, three insertions.... One square, six Insertions...... .... 1 ou ... 2 00 ... 3 53 ... 8 00 ... 16 00 ... 80 00 iubsoribers at v i v r ken cents nor week. One square, tnree months...., jviyable to the currier we- M tied at ?7 une square, six months. One square. V.. elve months. 50 00 ., i:: lorthre i at .lis. Tii- WEEKLY VOL. 1. or larger advertisements, liberal con RALEIGH. N. 0.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 5. 1873. SO. 251). tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. er annun, too A A) V U T1IR , DIKECTOIiS OF THE E D E L ' E A .for reasons already u CO. given to the publie, denied it judicious to postpone their li St A N 1) CI l F T CONC E 11 T In aid of tnis new and delightful S e'7i-s vfii i: n v s out, The. undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing that -the Concert will take place," vi i hoiit laik . On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, IN Till OPEK A HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., When the following magnificent gifts, amounl ing to 1 0 0,000 DOLL ARS, V ill be distributed by. lot to the holders-o f t ieketar : I "Gift in Greenbacks of 5.000 Gills Hi Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 -M Gifts in Greenbacks ofjM) eaeh,"lu,000 7" Kt-antllully located Cottage Lots "by the sea,'' 30 by 130 feet, at" Vue ile L'Eau, valued at 100, 30,000" -") rh. r beautifully located Cottage -!, us, by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at 200 each, ' 40,00j I of) Git is in Greenbacks of ;100 each, lo.yow I'd Gills, valued at clOO.OOJ "20, 000 TICKETS AT $3 EACH. The dis: ribution of Gifts Nvill take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view of the audience, under the immediate su pervision of the President and Directors of Lhe Vue de L'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kludly consented to be present and see that Uve gilts are properly distributed as adver i ised: "... lion John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, Hon A S Watts,- Muyor of Portsmouth, Col Walter II Taylor, of -Norfolk, -Hon 5 John 11 ) Whitehead, Ex-Mayor" of Norfolk, : James G Holla-day, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the. tickets be not all sold when the concert comes off, the presents will be distributed in proportion lo the number sola. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our Hanking House In the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without disLOunt. For further particulars and for tickets, apply to the uudersigued, who alone are au thorized to appoint agents lor the sale of tickets. . Tue undersigned, Directors of tr.c Vue de L'Eau Company, pledge themselves to the public that the above Grand Gilt Concert shall take place on Thursday, February llijth, 1S73, as announced in ubo e card, oh ine oasis n tne origin i aavcriisemeut as t the distribution of gifts : Wm. Lamb, R. J. Necly, M. Parks,. V. D. lironer, W. H. White, W. Reed", Fs- G. Giuo,':. G. W. Grice. N. lhii'iusi E. C. Liiiu&ey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and can be . .t-;U ned from the following agencies : Fogarty ss Co., Bank of Portsmouth, .-. Bain it Brother , Burruss, toon & Co. , jiiiruuss, son & co., -('ankers and Financial Agents Vue de L'Eau Company. N O it F O L K , V A . MORNING EDITION. m Mdnlt gan tw. WEDNESDAY. .FEB KUARY 5. 1S73 Special Notiees inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fif teen Cents per line. :4?AJ1 parties ordering the News will please send the mouey for the tune the paper is wanted. Messrs". Griflln and Hnfrhi an. "Mewsn.mrr Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street. Lalttmore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract lor advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers, in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor $W For latest news by telegraph, See Fourth Page. t Local " Briefs. ' The Mayor had no levee' yesterday. Harnett court commences on Monday next. - - West Davie street is almost impassa ble So we learn.J Kiting is the favorite amusement of the bygs just now. The Bible meeting in Common's Hall was largely attended lust night. Rev. A. W. Mangum is recovering slowly from his. recent severe attack. Don'c forget the Agricultural meeting at Metropolitan Hall Thursday night. Several good hordes can be bought ot Dr. II. J. Menuinger. See notice elsewhere. Darell Kimbell, of Warren county, drew the $10 greenback prize at Chi riski's performance Monday night. Don't forget that the sale of the re maindcr of the old Fair Ground lots takes place on Thursday. The others sold dirt cheap. The biggest bale of cotton rlceived in the market this season came yesterday.'-' It weighed GC0 pounds, and was purchased by the Cheatnaia Bros. Col. V,'. II. II. Tucker has returned from' an extended visit to New York, and 13 now receiving a hirge . f i ' jIaiii net in i Irr Ail V t .J lllV.Ol.av Y LJJA3, stock of an Tickets can be pnrcaus -d of it. II . 15 It A 1) Ij li Y Fayetteville Street, li A L E I G II , e ja 'Ju-dtd -- . St l! pi Father McZam;ira will be absent Irom t::e city u.uu r ruiay. lie leaves mis mornins? to visit his missions alontr the lUlei-rh ifc Gastan Ilailroad. PROFESSIONAJ L O . II . CARDS. S . N O Dr. J. iUenninger advertises elsewhere- that he will rent out his desirable dwelling, located in the eastern part ot the city. There are' eight acres of land adjoining. J. M. Ellington, of Apex, this county, has" becn;. awarded the contract to place the ience around the new I1 air Grounds. le has several saw mills at work get ting out the necessary, lumber. See the advertisement of Mrs. F. A. Johnson, the fashionable dress maker, n another column, with a full and efficient force at her command. She is Oxford Items. Our Oxford corres Sale of Furniture and Household pondent, writing under date of the 4th Articles. Dr. II. .T. Menninger adver- inst , sends us the following items of Uses, in another column, that he will sell interest from his section : Mr. John L, Jones, of Tally 116, Gran ville county, will soon open a warehouse at that point. Mr. Jones has an interest in a Granville warehouse at Oxford. It is a very large and commodious building and was constructed chiefly at hisnsti gation and on a plan suggested by him. A petition, numerously signed by the citizens of Granville, irrespective --of party, urging upon the Legislature the appointment of four Courts per annum lor this county, instead of two as at and it is thouirht it will be present, is beiDg circulating favorably acteil upon by that body. The necessity of havinir four Courts annually is most obvious to our people, who approve of the movement with unanimity, so iar as I have heard. Hon. Wm. A. Smith, Congressman cct, is in town on a visit to his sons who are attending school here. The Rev. Junius P. Moore, of lhe Methodist Episcopal Church and Pre siding Elder on the Newborn Circuit. was in Oxford a few days ago. Mr. Moore has recently suffered a sad be reavement in the losa of hi3 wile. . The Ilev. T. U. Faucette was in town on last Saturday. We learn from him that his wife will open a select school for boys and girls on Monday the 3rd of February, at Belmonte. Mrs Fau cette blends capacity aud fidelity as a teacher in a very eminent degree. She has also had ample experience as an in structress, having won bright laurels in that vocation, both at the Oxford Fe- male College and the the Oxford i emale Seminary. Persons desiring full infor mation in regard to thi3 school can ab- tain it by addressing Rcy. T. U. Fau cette, Sassalras Fork Post Office, Gran ¬ ville county, N. C. at low rates all of furniture, embracing hi3 household parlor, sitting room, bed room, cunning room ana miscellaneous lurniture, carriages, bug gies, &c. If the same is not sold private ly before the 5th ol March, they will then be offered at public auction. Here is a good opportunity to invest. Died. We mentioned a few days since the unfortunate circumstance that necessitated the amputation of the leg of Capt. W. T. Williams, of Ringwood, Halifax county. We aie pained to an nounce the death of this' gentleman from the cfleets of his njurie which sad event occurred oiFriT night Lift. V ". "' '- - w ATTORNEY ii A LEIGH, 1T FJll U N. C, Practice? In the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection oi Claims in all parts of the :sta te. janl5-lm . J B. IJATCIIELOIi. L. C. KDWAKDS. W. 1'l.UlliIKit BATCH ELOU. B EDWARDS ATClIELOR, BATCIIELOP., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halilax, -Nortn-uinptoii and Uiatham, and the l-ederal :md Supreme ourts. - jand-tt L E X . II . M I l ft , A ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND N EC K, N. C Will practice in the ourts of 'Halifax a'ad adjoining counties. - : r CollectTons attended to in all parts of the Sfate. " - -" Waltkk Clark n L A R K J. M. M U L M .iTTOil-VWS HALIFAX, N. 0. DLLS E N IT .USS i -..,. t,.n all tlio Courts of Halifax 'v..,i.ui.iuti and Edireeombe counties In the supreme Court of North Carolina and iu the l cueriueouns. . , e. in all warts o IN or in vyai. ii. Day- prepared to increase her. business. , already large fctTREM Yesleruay Court. This tribunal met the usual hour. .The 'follow- morning, at Da All of the Judges nrescnt. ing cases were taken .up: . Priscilla Walker vs A A Sh'arjjc, from Iredell ; argued. Caldwell for plaintiff and Furches for defendant. State rcMJ: C Campbell vs L N Campbell, from Iredell ; argued. Fur ches for plaintiff and Armlield for de fendant. Thcs A James, adm'r, vs JF Long, el al, from Iredell ; argued. Bailey lor plain till and Caldwell tor cjelendant. Tuttle cc ruett, ex'rs, el al, Y3 W J Puett, et al. ftom Caldwell ; left open. Folk for plaintiffs, no counsel for de fendants. W F DealvsW Palmer, from Cald well; argued. Folk for plaintiff and Armfield for defendant. The Court adiourned to meet this morning at the usual hour. The docket of appeals . from 10h District will be finished to day Legislative. In. the Senate yester day the principal matter under discus sion was the Agricultural bill, intro duced by Mr. Norwood, of Orange. The bill provides for the appointment of two.Statc Commissioners, whose du ty it shall be to go into every county of the State and instruct 'the farmers in the general improvements in agiicul ture. Mr. Merriiuon offered an amend ment that the pay of these Commis sioners should be taken from the appro: priation already made for the Geologi cal. Bureau. The discussion on this amendment was lengthy and quite interesting. The Senate adjourned before any action was taken on the bill, and it will come up aain to-day as unfinished business. The special order lor the Senate was the consideration of the Gilliam county bill. Ou this bill Col. Cunningham, the able Senator from Person, made his longest and best speech of the session. From consideration the tact that seve ral more bills of the same nature are pending, several members have asked us to publish the Senator's remarks in lull, which we propose to do in a day or two. Bible Presentation. A very in teresting ceremony was performed at the Peace Institute yesterday at noon. A committee, consisting of Rev. J. M. Atkinson, D. I)., Messrs. Jesse Brown, T. E. Selby, W. J. W. Crowder and Rev. P. A. Strobcl, Bible Agent for the State, waited upon the Rev, Drury Lacy, D. D., and presented him with a very LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR O L I N A . Friends of Temperance. We are pleased to know that the'order of Friends of Temperance in this city is rapidly extending its membership, and every day increasing its usefulness. They propose, at an. early day, to inaugurate a series of public demonstra tions, which will doubtless redound to the good of the cause. . Illness of Senator Waring. The many warm friends of the gentleman whose name heads this article will learn with deep regret that he is lying quite ill at his home in Charlotte. We wish him a speedy recovery, so that he may return to his sphere of usefulness in the General Assembly. House for Rent. A house, contain ing four rooms, with kitchen aud garden attached, in a good neigh borhood, is for rcut.i See notice else where. Reduction of Telegraphic Rates. See the notice elsewhere of Col. B. W. Starke, Manager, who announces an important"" general reduction on tele graph rates. Correspondence'of the Daily News. Jfeesi'S. Editors : Your correspondent "North Carolina," in the issue of Feb. 1st, is in error in regard to all the mate rial facts there stated in regard to an injury to a freight traia on the North Carolina Railroad. No bridge broke down 'on the road, and no cars were thrown into the river. A broken wheel or axle threw several freight cars oil the track, and damaged a few floor beams ot the Deep River bridge; but the trusses were certainly., uninjured, and the General Manager, who is a first-class engineer, immediately after the accident made a personal inspection, in cornoany with myself," and reported that the bridge was so strong thatxi train of locomotives closely coupled could not strain it to one-fourth its breaking weight. The btidge had been under inspection, a few days before, and new cross ties laid. All similar structures are constantly supervised and closely guarded against decay, or the slightest insecurity, A. S. Lufokd February 3rd, 1873. ..." 4...... .... . . MARRIED. WOOD HAIT1ICOCK. In Granville county, February 2nd, by William E. llul lock, Esq. t at the residence of Mr. Daniel Haithcock. the father of the bride. Mr. Pleasant Wood, of Oxford, and Miss Amelia Haithcock. No cards. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. roTTFiTniTrAT SENATE. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1S73. The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Brogden in the chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. : Reports from Standing Committees were submitted by Messrs. Love, Mur ray, Gudger and Todd. , Petitions and Memorials! By Mr. Smith, a memorial from citi zens, of Granville county in regard to the new county of Gilliam; To be read when the consideration ot the bill comes up to-day. By Mr. Grandy, a petition from the Board ot Cowixiissioners 'of Camden county, in regard to the levying of a special tax in said county. Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Miller, a bill for the promotion of stock raising. Referred. By Mr. A vera, a bill ta make it a misdemeanor to fail to pay poll-tax. Referred. By Mr. Cowles, a bill to repeal sec tions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, of an act in re lation to public Administrators. Re ferred. By Mr. Morehe'ad, of Guilford, a bill to provide for the adoption of minor children. Referred. By Mr. Humphrey, a bill to provide for two additional terms of the Superior Court of Edgecombe county. Referred. By Harris, col., a resolution proposing to relieve the political disabilities of Gov. W. W. Ilolden. Referred.: Calendar. Senate resolution in regard to the payment ot census takers for the year 1800. Asks our Representatives to use their influence in securing a law for this purpose. Mr. Todd said that as Congress had already passed the law necessary; he post- port of Mr.; Cunningham s speech, which was ou the clisatvandage attend ing tne formation ot new counties at his time, a synopsis, of which he would Here append, Dut having oecn requested by scyeral prominent Senators to publish in full his remarks on the subject, he considers the synopsis un necessary here. On the motion to .indefinitely pne, Mr. uunmnguam caiieu tne yeas and nays. The motion prevailed by 24 yeas to 11 nays, as follows : Afiirmative Messrs. Uarnhardt, Cuu- nin iham,Dayis?Dunham, Ellis,of Colum- buf. Epnes. Flemming. Gudger, Hill' Horton, Humphrey,! Hyman. Long Miller, Morehcad, of Guilford, More- head, of Rockingham, Nicholson, Nor wood, Smith, Stafford, Todd, Walker Worth. 21. , Negative Messrs. Ay era, Cowles, Cramer, Grandy, IlarrisxIIolloraan, Love, Meriimon, Murphy, Murry "and Weich. 11. , The considcratiocjof the Agricultural bill was resumed, A lengthy and inter esting discussion ensued, participated in by Messrs. Flemming, Morehead, of Guilford, Merrimon, Love, Murphy, Avcra, Worth narriss, Respcss and Norwood. The subject of the discus sion was Geology, State Geologist, Geo logical Survey, Geological Museums, Geological appropriations, big and little rocks, mineral springs, coal and iron, oyster and terrapin shells and the soil of Johnston county. (Note Lack of space prevents even a synopsis of the remark3 made oa this bill.) Pending the discussion on the amend ments proposed to the bill, the Senate apjourned. "jpRIDE QF RALEIGH" TWIST Ream's Roll and Fancy Bar," are now the favorite brands of North Caro lina chewing Tobacco. These brands, together with several others, comprising all grades of first-class chewing tobacco, are manufactured and sold at wholesale, at C; F. Ream's Manufac tory, Raleigh. - Orders from all sections of the State rc pectfu ly solicited, which will receive strict personal attention. ' The Messrs. Parhanis are still at this Manufactoiy. and will be pleased to attend to their fritnds and customers. septlS-tf. . ME RIG AN STERLING NEW SOLID METAL KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOON?. One Half the Price of Plated Ware. Send for price list and descriptive Cata logue. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Agents. : FlSHEH BUIIjDING, jan2S-tf Raleigh, N. C. c R M E R COMPO UND PECTORAL COUGH SYRIT1V It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Brouchitis, and all Diseases ot the Throat and Lungs. pkepaeed by R. II. CARMER, Druggist, No. 11 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. jan29-tf B E M 0 E D KD. C'U.NIOLASD, LAW PARTNERSHIP. c ONI GLAND & D A Y ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW, " ' HALIFAX, lv. C. Practice in the Courts of ILalifaxaud. ad-miin-'countles-in the Supreme Couit ot "...I i 1 1, Inderal Courts. They w ill iii ve siHicial attention to collecting and tonsShing business, and to mljusting thc nccuunts of executors, adianusiiatuis and con at K Tne Junior partner, will attend at his of fice in Weidou ou Saturdays and Mond.xj s ..F . --K-.il Vl-ll U " .yi v ... - . . 15. 11. 15UKK, 13 SAM'LT. WILLIA3IS W 1 L L I AM S , U N M &; ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ILL1 A AL &, Ii U N N W RALEIGH f-N . C . Q. Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleiga.a' C'iaiuis Collected la any part of the State. Mm" Practice in the Supremo Court of the State and In the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. Dwelling Uurnt. We regret very much to learn that on Monday last the dwelling house of Mr. W. H. Rand, in Panther Creek Township, in this coun tv. some nine miles south of this city, was destroyed by fire. Nothing was saved furniture, wearing apparel and everything in the house were burned. . A large amount of provisions, stored an an out-building, were also consumed. The loss is estimated at fmm 3.000'to Sl.OOO. and there is no insurance unon the property. Nothing is known of the origination of the fire Mr. R. has the earnest sympathy of a large number of mends, and we sin rnro.lv hone his losses may soon be j k made up. County CosiMissiONEr.s.-The Board of Countv Commissioners met at the Work House yesterday, and transacted the usual monthly business. The Board expressed their satisfaction of the man ner in whiqh the institution is managed. The receipts for the past month amount to 8171.50, and the- disbursments for the same period amount to $28.72. There are, at present, six convictst here and the services of two guards are re quired. On -Monday'- the Board met in the rnurthouse in this city, but nothing of rrennral interest came up. The session wa3 occupied in auditing accounts, etc. The Board meets here again to-day and also on Monday, at.which time the Sheriff will complete his settlement for county taxes. For Sale One hundred and fifty acres of land fur sale by E. W. Thomasoa & Co., nine miles south cf Raleigh, lying on the Atkins and Cove nant road, and adjoining the lands of J. J. L. MeCullers, " J.-.B. Strain and others. . . t elegant Bible in the presence of the teachers and pupils. The presentation speech was made by Rev. P. A. Strobel. Mr. S. on behalf ot" the Board of Managers of the old North Carolina Bible Society,and of the friends of the Bible cause generally in the State, asked Dr; Lacy's acceptance of the Bible as a token of the high apprecia tion in which he was held by his breth ren in the ministry and by the commu nity generally, and as a fitting expres sion of the obligation under which he had placed to that good cause, through a long series of years. It was meet that this presentation should be made in the Peace Institute, a seat of learning, the name of one, with whom Dr. L. had been long associated as an Elder of the church, ot which he had been Pastor. It was proper too that this act should be performed id tne presence of the pupils of this Institute, that they may learn how a ; lite ol piety and useful- ' 1 lit.- ness, sucn as ne naci ica, orings a rich reward ; hot only in the peace and comfort which fill the heart of the Chris tian, but in the honors which "gather around the " hoary head1' when found "walking m the waysot righteousness. The speaker assured Dr. L. on behalf of himself and those whom he represented, of their mo3t ardent wishes for his health and spiritual comfort, and his future happiness. The venerable Dr, Lacy responded under much emotion. He was surprised and almost unnerved at this unexpected visit from his friends, and received with a grateful heart this token of their kind regard and confidence. A similar token of recognition for services in the Bible One large bay Horse, 1G hands' high, S years old. perfectly sound, senile and fast. of "Grey Eagle" slock. Also a Sorrel Horse, 14 nanus high, good saddle norse. Apply to DR. li: J. jii;nnin(ji:ic, feo-eodlm Newbern Avenue M AN T U A M A KING . MRS. FRANJIS A. JOHNSON, one door East of Presbyterian :;" Church, Morgan street. MANTUA MAKING in all its branches. Otily the very best Seamstresses employed. The patronage ot tne luetics so licited. JSatisiaction guaranteed. fe5-3t D WELLING HOUSE TO LET. For the present year my DWELLING HOUSE, out-houses aud adjoininggrounds, (8 acres) orchard, vegetable garden, &c. Rent 000. DR. II. J. MENNINGER, fe 5-eodlm Newbern Avenue. s E O F FCRNHTBi: AND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Being about to give up House-keeping, I offer for sale at very low rates, Tarlor, Sitting Room, Bed Room, Dining R,oom, Library and Miscellaneous Furniture. also ' Carpets, Stoves, Crockery, Pictures and Mirrors, Kitchen Furnituie and Curtains. Garden and Farming Implements, Carriage, Buggies, Spring Wagon, Ac. If not disposed of at prirate sale will be sold at ' tin Lie uc tio On the premises, oh Tuesday, March 4thL 18T3. DR. H fe 5-eodlm J. MENNINGER, Newbern Avenue. cause had been made to him many years since oy me American jjidio Society. This present ot lioU's Holy Word, coming from his immediate lriends and neighbors, was especially gratifying to him, and lie desired to ex press his profound thanks lor this evi dence of their good will. ; Dr. Atkinson made a few remarks, designed to impress the scene which they had been witnessing, upon the hearts of the pupils ot the Institution. He then dismissed the audience with the benediction. Beautiful Chromos. Thco. N. Ramsay, of this city?is Agent in Raleigh for the Christian Union, published in New York city, by J. B. Foard & Co. It is a large size Weekly Journal. The subscription price is $3 per year, and every subscriber will receive two beauti ful Chromos, Wade Awake1' and Fast Asleep," or, a beautiful French Oleo graph. This is the name given only to the highest and choicest class of French and Italian paintings in oils the per fection of oil Chromos. This picture is entitled "LittlcJRunawny and her Pets." II U I N COTTON.. FOODIJ Wando Fertilizer : J E ZELLS' AMMONIATED BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE! !! ! We are ui'itin prepared to All orders for the above Fertilizers. The result of last year's experiments by our best farmers is so satisfactory that comment is unneces sary. W e respectiuliy solicit oruers. jan23-V2m A. G. LEE & CO. TO S20 PER DAY ! AGENTS J Wanted! All classes of workins: people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work lor us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars tree. Address u. snnson Co., Portland, Maine. . jalO-Wly T'llE WEED SEWING MACHINE JL "Why is the Weed Sewing Machine bound to please all lie ladies? Because it is the best feller in the world. jalo-tf RDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for JOB WORK will receive prompt O regarded its adoption unnecessary. Res olution failed. Senate resolution in favor of Hender son Adams. Authorizes the Treasurer to pay II. xdaui3 the sum of 213, &c. Messrs. Worth, Gudger and Ellis, ot Columbus, from the Committee on Claims," stated that the resolution was one ot merit, and favored its passage. On motion of Mr. Loye, the consul- .... . . i cration ol the resolution, was postponed till Friday next; Senate resolutionfixing the hours ot meeting cf the Senatewas laid on the table. House bill for the improvement of agriculture was taken up. The bill provides for the appointment of two commissioners, tec, (heretofore stated.) Mr. Norwood auvocated the passage of the bill as of great importance to the people of the State, and at some length stated the advantages that would result from it. - '"- Mr. Merrimon opposed the bill from the fact he did not believe the com missioners, proposed to bo appointed, could possibly perform the duties assigned by them in the time prescribed in the bill.- He favored. -the section of the bill incorporating in our public schools an agricultural feature, but otherwise thought the bill defective, Mr. Worth was glad to come to the support of the Senator from Orange in the passageof this bill. The bill proposes as one of the proposed . Commissioners. Mr. Sampson,ol Guiliord, who has done more good towards the development ol agriculture than every Agricultural or Geological Society ever organized in the State. He thought the passage of the bill conducive to the general good cf the people, and he would support it. Mr. Merrimon offered un amendment providing that the salaries of the pro posed Commissioners be paid out ol the f und appropriated to the Geological survey. Mr. Morehead, of; Rockingham, was in favor of the original bbl, but would not support it if Mr. Merrimon's amend ment was adopted, lie proceeded to show that the people and press had failed to support this important branch of our industries. The repre sentatives of the people, from the Exe cutive down, had -exhibited a wonderful lack of interest in this matter, and he regarded it as a shame and outrage He fayored the' full publication of the Geological reports as tending to - ad vance the agricultural interests 'of our State ; referred to the great good that had been accomplished by ih(i publica tion of Professor Genth's report of an inspection of our minerals, sail, climate, fcc. and which was paid lor uj tne ap propriation that is now proposea to ue reduced. &c. Mr. Morehead continued at considerable length in favor of ex tending rather than diminishing the appropriation lor the uenelit ol dis seminating a geological Knowieage oi our State. Mr. Love replied to Mr. Morehead, in which he took to task the present State Geologise, or rather the ofncial conduct of this ofaccr. He was unwil- g for appropria tions where no good therefrom resulted. At the conclusion of Mr. Love's remarks, the "President announced that the hour had arrived for the consideration of the Special Order t .which was the bill for 'the establish ment of the countv ot Gilhamon its second reading. Mr. Avcra, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, stated that when the bill was considered by the Committee, opportunity was afforded the gentlemen both for and against the movement, to state the claims of -both sides; that the Committee ot which he was actiug chairman, submitted . a renort unfavorable to We passage ot the bii!, since that time the friends of the movement had requested to offer a bill he then held in his hand as a sub stitute for the original bill. The sub stitute was read. Mr. Grandy moved to refer the new bill back lo the Committee. Mr. Cunningham moved to indefinite ly postpone the whole matter,and asked the indulgence of the. Senate that he HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At 10 A. M. Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Mitchell presented a memorial from a portion of the citizens ot Stokes, asking a change of the name of the county seat of that county. Mr. Bennett, from the Judiciary Com act incorpora- mittce, submitted a majority report favorable to the passage of the Am nest v bill. Mr. Badger, from the same Commit tee, submitted a minority report un favorable to the passage of the' same bin.- -::'." ... : Messrs. Morrison, Carter, McGehee and Moring submitted reports- from various Standing Committees. By Mr. Whisuant, a bill to settle the accounts of the two divisions of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Referred. By Mr. Shackieford, a bill to incorpo rate the Onslow county Agricultural Society, Referred. ' --- The-bill to incoinorate the North Carolina Sicel. Railroad Company was taken up and passed its several read- icgs. The bill to amend the act in corpora- ting the North Carolina Spoke & Han dle Company, was taken up and passed its several readings. . On motion of Mr. Carter, the bill ap- proopnating 4o,000 to the Deaf, Dumb and Blind lor the ensuing fiscal year, was taken up . and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Bowman, the bill incorporating the North Carolina Mica Mining Companv was taken up and passed its several readings Tne bill to repeal the tirig the Cape Feur Building Associu lion, was takeivup and, on motion of Mr. 'McNeil, CpostpolietLuntil Monday. The bill concerning . tne burvcy ol Lands in Graham county, was "taken up and passed its several readings. lhe bill to incorporate the Caiolma Central Raihvay Oompany, was taken After a long debate, the oiil passed its several readings. The bill to allow the levy of a special tax in Harnett county was taken up and passed its third read ingyeas 88, nays 1. The lull to enable the Commissioners of Surry to consolidate the debt of the county, &c, was taken up and,on motion oi Mr. Craige, referred to the Judiciary Committee. The bill to allow the levy of a special tax in Lenoir was taken up and passed its third reading yeas 73, nays 16. The bill to allow the levy of a special tal in Pasquotank county was taken up and passed its third reading yeas 87 nays 7, On motion of Mr. hitmire, the reso lution in favor of Henry Smith was taken up and. referred to the Committee on Claims. The bill to allow the levy of a special tax in Caldwell county was taken up and passed its third reading yeas 71, nays 23. The bill to allow the levy ot a special tax in Moore county was taken up and passed its third readingyeas 7G, nays 18. The bill to exchange the stocks ol the State for bonds with which such stocks were obtained, was taken up and, On motion of -Mr. Badger, indefi nitely postponed.-' ;. A bill of a similar nature was taken up ana, on motion or xur. Laugcr, indefinitely postponed. " I Mr. Badger asked this action because these bills, introduced by himself, and referred to the Joint Committee on the Public Debt, have been substantially incorporated in a bill . from said Com mittee now pending in the benate J "The bill to re enact the act incorpo rating the French Broad Turnpike, w;;s taken up and passed its several read ing3. . The bill to repeal chapterlSO, laws of 1871-'72, was taken up and indefinitely postponed. The bill to require Executors to give bond for the benefit of the creditors ol the deceased, was taken up and indcii nitely postponed. The bid for the better protection of mortgagers -ot personal estate westakeu up. Mr. Badger moved to indefinitely postpone. ".After debate, Mr. Badger's motion was put to a vote and adopted. Adjourned Having disposed of my Store on Fayette ville street, I have opened at Ji'o. 13 llargetl Street, where I will be pleased to serve all who will lavor me with their patronage, at the lowest possible rates, for CASH or barter. My stock consists of Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal, Rice, Salt, Mo lasses, cheese, Hams. Shoulders, Bulk Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by the measure, Soap, -Brandy Peaches, Canned Goods, Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes, &c. t5C5- Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit the same in future by fair dealing auu strict ati ention to business. Give me a Call! C. D. CHRISTOPHERS, febl-lm No. 13 Hargett Street. T II E -Ml D J U S T A B L E SPRING BED BOTTOM, r Of which we are the' " SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PRO PRIETORS FOR NORTn CAROLINA. ; 13 THE PERFECTION OF Comfort. Durability & Cleanliness. Wo manuficlure these Beds cf all sizes, to lit every kind or style of Bedstead, and will manufacture them expressly for and deiiver theni at HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES t Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use lo assure satisfac tion, beiore payment is required. . All our goods are made, in the. most thorough manner, of the very best ma terials, and are warranted for ten yt-ars use, to remain perfect and serviceable. We have purchased the right iri this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights ou miKonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to manu facture them in any quantity. Dr. Blaeknall, at the Yarborough House, who has them in use, can tell about the Beds. Persous iii Raleigh or vicinity desiring a Spring Bed to try, will send length of one or tne siats across Deasieau, to JONES & ELLIS; Manufacturers, lllllsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. J. A. Jones, ) p. J. Er.Lis.J- febl tf ' j"ORTU CAROLINA JEAM8, SATIN ETTS AND CASIMERES, Just received at PRIMilOSE, PE TTY & NEWSOM'8 decs-tf r U 8 T It E C E I V iE D, A large lot N. C. Corn Whisky, in bar rels and half barrels. Also Rye Whisky, in half barrels to suit the trade. jan21-U M. A. FAHKER.Q N O W R AN E A D Y f ill M E N S E STOCK OF SEaSOJVlBLE CJLOTIIIjrO MEN FOR AND B O 78 Just received from our Manufactory n New York, ma4 EXPRESSLY FOil OUR RETAIL TBADF, and which will be sold at the Lowest Posssible Prices. R. B. ANDRE iVS A CO., 27 Fayetteville Street, novlO-tl Raleigh, N. C. 10 OOO LDS' BULK SIDES 2,1)0 Lbs. Lard i n kegs arid bbls.. Vn item's WraDDins Paper. ....r :-n,Tnliii,.i - Wholesale Grocers. At jau25-tf attention, and will be executed with uea ness aad cheapness, at the NEWS' oliice, Fay ct.tevi lie Street rahl Raleigh, N. C. remarks might submit a few support of his motion. Note.- The reporter took a full re- Jg SACKS R 1 0 C O I' FEE, 75 Sicks Marshal rn salt, At POOL & MOUING'S.jS VEliYTHliNG USUALLY FOUND in a First-Class Drns Store At SIMPSON'S, U'lVri) -tf B OUQUET CO LO Q NE I This elegant perfume has never been sur- passea iui no PEUMANfiMT AND DELICATE QUALITIES. Prepared by '-- J. It. II. CARMER, Draggist,! No. 11 Fayetteville kieet, Raleigh, N. d Jan 29-tl

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