rbc ptfiglt gaily gfww. JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAM'LT. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. SATURDAY .FEBRUARY 8, 1873. SENATOR TODD'S REMARKS. We have the "pleasure of laying before our readers this morning the remarks of Senator Todd, of Ashe county, deliver ed in the Senate on Thursday last, on the Constitutional Amendments. This speech is iu the right spirit, and its sensible, practical views will receive almost universal endorsement ot the. hands of reasonable men of alV parties? HON. &IOX II. ROGERS. We are under-many ' oblig'-u ions to Hon. Sioti II. Rogers lor various Con gressional documents. Col. Rogers U woi king very efficiently and zealously for the benefit of his con stituents ns well as the people ofjthe whole State, He has introduced, re cently, several -important bills in Con gress, one of which relates to the, repeal of the tax r on retail dealers of leaf . . tobacco, which we have, already pub lished in full. He has also introduced a bill to repeal the tax 'on "distillers of fruit. GOV. GRAHAM RELIEVED. We announced yesterday that -the United States Senate, on Wednesday last, concu ed in the House BUI, removing the political disabilities of Go,. William A. Graham, of this State. Senator Ransom called up ,.the Bill, which had been referred to a select Com mittee, and succeeded in getting the Senate to act on it favorably. There are several othrr distinguished citizens of this State, among them Hon. Burton Craige, of Salisbury, Hon. W. N. II. Smith, of this City, nd Colonel David Coleman, of Buncombe, who ought to be relieved before Congress ad journs, and we trust Gen, Ransom and the members of Congress from this State, will use their efforts to have all North Carolinians, who are now banned, restored to their political nguts. SUGGESTIONS. . A correspondent writing from Greens boro,, suggests to the Legislature the propriety of passing an Act ''authorizing the citizens of any school district, when ever (iO) ten tax payers, whose tax shal be above the average of the tax payers ask it, to vote to tax themselves suffi ciently to sustain good public schools ten months in each year." We do not know that we understand this proposition precisely. We presume the writer means that ten tax payers o the average grade in a? school Distiiet ought to be permitted to vote a tax xn the tax-paye'is of the district tor schoo purposes. If he will give his views more explicitly, we will publish them Our intelligent Ring wood correspond ent, G. E. M., thinks the Legislature ought to pass a bill for the benefit of the Medical fraternity. He suys: "Their's Is necessarily a credit businses, and they should at least be benefited the same -wav tnat laborers and mechanics aie under the lien law." ASKING V1R SUSPENSION OF JUDGMENT. Senator Pomeroy aiks for a-suspen sion of the public judgment until 1 . has an opportunity ot explaining tl; charges against him. When the election of United Stati Senator from Kansas came up before tl Legislature of that State, on the 29th January, S.C. Pomeroy ,one ot the presen incumbents, was overwhelmingly d feated for re-election by John Ingalls. . Pomeroy had been working very zeal ous'y lor the position, and had kept lobby of strikers at an expense of filteen hundied dollars per day, lor two wet before the election, to advance his cau It is estimated that he spent one hu ks se ' dred thousand dollars in the Svnatori campaign. He was very sanguine suecet!, and. claimed eighty volts in the Legislature, enough to elect him. When the vote v as being' taken, Mr. Yor'.i,benator Jrom Montgomery county, pased up to the speakci's desk, when his name was called, seven thou sm.d dollars which E'omeioy had given . him for his vote and influence. He gave a lull history of the transaction. His , remarks produced great excitement and inuignatic-n against Pomoroy, and the tide immediately turned against him. Ingalls received one hundred and fifteen votes, bung over one hundred majority, and when the tidings were borne to PomerOy of his inglorious defeat, the saintly Pomeroy- became utterly dejec ted and despondent. A correspondent who saw him two hours alter wards, writing to a Northern paper an account of the melancholy scene, says Pomeroy went from despondency to desperation and from desperation into brain fever and delirium. He has since written a letter, asking for a suspension of the public judg mi nt untii he can publish his defence. In the meantime the Kansas Legislature haa passed a resolution calling upon him to resign his seat at oucc, and he was placed under arrest on the charge of Mony, for bribery and corruption. Whv semblea faithless lover? Because he leaves Ins sweet 'arts to the care of another. .it!1"111 annurjcecJ in London that Jhe BritUh court will jo into mourniDff preveni' for lhe ' .Em Vicar General Stan . RAILROAD SCHEMES. We have not opposed any of the new Railroad schemes that have been the subject of discussion during the present session of the Legislature. In no in stance, we believe, has there been a dollar of appropriation asked from the State in furtherance ot any of these schemes. Our people are anxious to have Railroads, and do not care partic ularly by whom they are built, so that they can have the advantage of them after their completion. Therefore, when a number of gentle men come, before our Legislature and ask for a charter to build a Railroad through JNorth Carolina, and do not ask for any pecuniary aid from the State, it is very natural that the. propo sition meets with little or no opposition, because the representatives of the people know the anxiety of their constituents to have railroad facilities, and cannot see any good reasons for refusing char ters to any persons, who will .declare their purpose.and ability to carry out, in good faith, the projects proposed in the bills of incorporation. v The first important measure orthi3 character was the bill incorporating the New Yoik, Norfolk and Charleston Railway Company, which passed the Senate with one rote against it and the House with three vote3 against it. Soon after the Legislature met after the recess, another bill was introduced, ostensibly with the'purpose of enabling the New York, Norfolk and Charleston Rail way Company to construct its pro posed road through North Carolina, to protect the capital of the company, &c In that bill, banking and other privi leges-were asked for, and.it was urged that it was necessary that the bill should pa3, in order than the New York, Nor folkjind Charleston Railway Company mi"ht be aided in constructing their road. ; On Monday, the Senate passed the bill incorporating the Midland North Carolina Railway Company, which pro poses to run a Railroad from Beaufort to Memphis, only three Senators, to-wit Messrs. Dunham. Ellis, of Columbus and Merrimon, votiug against it. The New York, Norfolk and Charles ton scheme, if we are not mistaken, was proposed by certain citizens of Phila del phia and. New : York, and the Mid land scheme by some English gentlemen of reputed wealth. It is a simple thing to grant a charter for a Railroad where no appropriation is asked, aud everything look3 fair, reasonable and richt. It would be wron ; indeed, to refuse to allow any in dividuals with capital and enterprise, to build a net-work of Railroads through ou the State. But we think it wouh be well lor the Legislature to inquire l there is not something ulterior iu view in the -minds ot these strangers Who come to North Carolina, with the avowed puipose of giving our people Railroad lines through the State. We know that our Legislature, in iirantinr the charters to these new Rail road companies, are influenced by mc tives ot patriotism and a sincere de-sire to advance the material interests o North Carolina. But we think they should look carefully into the characte of the strangers who are proposing al sorts of Railroad schemes, and asking extracidinary grants of power from the Legislature. We call attention to an article be low from the New York World, on the subject of Alien. Charters, which showj in a btrong light the workings o ancillary corporations. It will be seen that the World savs the Southern Security Company thought by some to be the PennsylvaC nia Central, is the Credit Mobilier over again, and that companies that promise to do anything and go anywhere are on the saftie principle: From the New York World. Alien Charters. The scandal o that vagabond entity, the Credit Mobil ier, throws a strong light on twp mat ters of very con'siderable tlegal and ceo nomical interest: the capacity, as a matter oi law, ot corporations, and es pecially fiscal oues, to act beyond the limits ot the jurisdiction which creates them, and the economical expediency oi wnat may oe termed ancillary char ters one corporation created to do the business of another and making profits at tne otners expense. Incidentally a third and minor matter also attracts attention the inexpediency of allowing chartered companies to change their names at their own volition. Aliases are badges of crime the world over, and it may be assumed that the indi vidual or the company which changes the name its sponsors in ban tism gave does it for no good. All these have their illustration now. Here we have a compauy with a Pennsylvania charter some ten years old, which has changed its name and place of abode twice it not three times, and has made an its prohts out ot another company on whose sides it fastened and on whose life blood it preyed It was the "Fiscal Agency," the "Credit Foncier," the "Credit Mobilier." It left its birthplace owuu, uguicu iui a wine uneasily in Jew York, and finally came to grief, falling to the earth with a ghastly scream and a filthy flop, saturated with carrion, in Massachusetts. It was born in iniquity for we learn that the babe saw the liht in Pennsylvania, simply because the lying-in expenses were most moderate or, in plainer words, because it cost less money to engineer a mysterious fiscal corporation through a Harrisburg Leg islature than one anywhere else. In former days-not very remote ones either no State asserted this doctrine more peremptorily than Pennsylvania. Foreign coal companies were sternly re fused admission and the old mortmain penalties were invoked against them Foreign insurance agencies were taxed out of existence. It is only since tbe want of insurance capital Ct home has been felt, and her exorbitant railway system, with iti "leases" and " guaran tees" all 9ver creation, has been born, that all this is changed ; and now every ennsylvania charter that is granted contains permission, if not, like this credit Mobilier, to do anything, certam- y to go anywhere. This is especially the case with .the ancillary corporations known as "improvement" and "security" companies which the Pennsylvania monopoly has found it necessary to call into existence. : The one called the "Southern Security Company" is the Credit Mobilier over again, with, no doubt, the same secrets and proba- Diy the same doom. Yet with all this facility on the part of the com munity which procreates this brood oi miscniei the general law remains tne same, and it would, we repeat, be power- ess or mischiet but lor acquiescence or express permissive legislation elsewhere. The Credit Mobilier no doubt had acquiescence, but wc very much ques tion whether either in New York or Massachusetts it ever had permissive egislation.- How manv other financial cockatrices are wriggling about in secret under Pennsylvania or other charters it is not easy even to conjecture. A few timely quo warrantos would do great servite '"now and then. Had the wret bed Pennsylvania corporation which has brought so much shame on the country been "visited" in Mas sachusetts by a stern inquiry as to the legality ot the charter under which it acted, Mrs. Wilson would not have had her equivocal wedding-gift or Mr. Dawes his dividends. It is not of the personal aspect of this matter that we care to speak. As a question ot economy and interfederal law and as such alone have we considered it it is of far grayer moment. The matter ot ancillary,, corporations is another one not less interesting. From the Greensboro Patriot, Feb. 5th. ; Amnesty. The Amnesty Bill, which has passed the State Senate, will be up shortly be fore the House, and. we trust, when it does come up it will be met and hand led in a broad, liberal spirit, and not in the spirit of the partisan, which was too apparent in the discussion in the Senate. Wq listened to a part of that discussion, and we could not help bui be struck with the Schylockish cry for vengeance and flesh that marked the vindictive harangue of Respess, of Beau fort. It is too late in the day for the exhibition of a spirit like this and it does little honor alike to the man who exhibits it or the party which endorses him. Whatever your opinions may be about the outrages that were perpetrated by the members of secret political societies, you should remember that they were committed in times of unusual, excite ment, when men often commit acts which in their cooler moments they mightlook upon with horror themselves. And it behooves the well wisher of his State, to whatever party he may adhere, to open the way to peace, harmony and forgetfulness, and let fall the curtain between us and the unhappy strife of tne past. He whose heart is not made of pois oned fctuff.gand who has the right sort of brains in his head, will take this view of it. and do to others as he would wish to be done to him nndcr (similar circumstances. What srood can come of this eternal cry for vengeance, for that it is, though it be disguised under the name of ius tice, we can't see, and why any man of generous impulses or enlightened mind should want to keep it up we cannot conceive. We like a good hater, but we despise a narrow minded one. When the measure comes uo it should not be met with party harangues and handled for party effect, but it should be discussed on its merits, aside from party considerations, and every member who has the independence to hold the otale above Ins party will support it. A correspondent of Turf, Field and farm asks ior a remedy tor white worms incoUs, he having several that are troubled. He says that they keep lean, with flatulent rumbling in the ab domen ; they seem feeble, and sweat easily, lo this the eaitor responds i ne ordinary remedy 13 tue loieetion every morning, for a week, of a pint of 1: 1 :r 1 . -. T iiusuuu 011, containing two uraenmsot spirits turpentine. A good preventa tive, as wen as a remedy, is a mixture of powdered copperas and wood, ashes. placed whcie the horse can lick it. or a small teaspoonful o! powdered cODoeras " " L' ven rnr 'c rimes n ria-v A. iiorriule accident occurred at the residence of Henry Cairnes, near Jeffer son, lad., on Friday night. The house was burned, and Mr. Cairnes, two of his children and his brother perished iu the It - , names. un the SOth ultimo a terrible hurri cane took place at Aspsnwall, Central amenca, aid property to the amount of $500,000 was destroyed, a number of snips were sunk and driven ashore, and uiree lives lost. NEAV ADVERTISEMENTS, g A L E POST PolSTTlf The Sal Of th fnrnitnro rtf "f.c A TJT feaunders 1, deceased, Is postponed for one .tccjv. me saie win take place at the resi satttimUv111, JardS Sannders, on KEMP P. BATTLE, , . , 4dm r of Ml'8-A-H. Saunders. Raleigh, Feb. 7, 1S73. feb 8-td $5 250 W0RTH 0F rR0PERTY AN ATTRACTIVE RAFFLE ! ! The Livery stoc of S. M. DUNN & CO.. will be raffled on the 28th of February, at the Yarborough House, consisting of Thir teen Prizes, valued at $5,250 ; 525 chances at S10 per chance. The chances are sold in Tickets, and the purchaser's No. on the Ticket, 'ine money tor the Ticket will be placed on deposit at the State National Bank, and if the rafl?e is declared a failnr each Ticket will be good for the amount of $iu at tne aoove namea sanu. We refer by permission, to the following namea gentlemen: ur. u. W. Blacknall sneritr T. b . lee, a. p. Williamson, Esq "j a. u. jjotj, , r . aoiLcw, r-sq., Will, T. ivogers, etui,, uiiu j no. j. w imams, :sq. Sentinel copy one week. o s P O N E D Until 11 o'clock, Monday, February 10th, 1873, The sale of the OLD FAIR GROUND LOTS. J. J. XJ.TUHFORD, r j, r, Auctioneer. By order Selling Committee, fe 7-td J-HE WEED SEWING MACHINE Why Is the Weed Sewing Machine bound to please all he lad iPR iecanie it is the best feller in the world. AMUSEMENTS. T U C K E R HALL FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing Monday. Feb. 10th, O Jl' CO S T Jl s EXHIBITION OF BEAUTY AND ART! Endorsed by the Press, the Bar, Ministers, m nus, cruets, ana an lovers oi ' THE BEAUTIFUL. A BJI I s SION: Parquette, ................. . 75 Gallery...... 50 iteservea Seats, $1 00 Tickets to be at. T!nnann' Ttnnlr 1 c. . -L-v-rfc. - A 0 R D On, House of Chaeles Pratt, 1 New York; Jan. 30, 1873. J JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisher Building, Raleigh, N. C., Sole Agents: Owing to several incorrect reports of the late fire at our Works, and in answer to numerous inquiries from our friends, we take this occasion to inform you that our business will not be seriously impaired on account of it, and that we shall continue to nil orders as promptly as heretofore. Be low we append extract from the New York "World," of Jan. 27th, as containing the most correct account : - "About ten o'clock last evening a fire broke out In Charles Pratt's Astral Oil Works, looof North Twelfth street, Brook lyn, E. D. Dense volumes of smoke soon followed, and the fire continued to spread until six of the large stills were in one mass of flames. Steps were at once taken to pre vent its spread to the main buildings, con taining a very large amount of property. in tnis tney were more successful. The stills are located on the east end of the works, and are isolated from the store houses and factorv. The Iokkaa urn ast frl lows : There were fourteen stills la all, six of which were on Are. There were four stills of 275 barrels capacity, and two of 500 barrels capacity. Tuese were all destroyed. Involving a loss of 820,000. Loss on oil esti mated at 85,000. Loss onbuildiDgs about 82,000, The buildings about the stills were all new and were not quite finished. There are 300 men employed in the factory, but the Are will not interfere with them much. This was believed to be the finest oil fac tory In the country, and occupies a space one block in width, from North Twellth to North Thirteenth street, and from First street to the East River, a distance equal to three blocks." We may add that two of the 500 bbi. stills are now found to be but 6lightly damaged. No damage whatever was done to Treating and Bleaching Tanks, or Pump Room. The loss is simply the temporary reduction of about half our distilling capacity, to which extent we shall resume on Wednesday, the 2Uth Inst. Our Gasolene Works are at Hunter's Point remote from the Are. No delays will occur in shipments of ASTRAL OIL, or other goods, as the large stock on hand will be suflicient to meet orders until the Re finery is fully repaired. ' ; Yours respectfully, feM-tf CHARLES PRATT. Sentinel and Biblical Recorder copy. WA Y N E AL L C O T T F1JIIL 1 GROCER AKD GENERAL PliODTCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Manufact urer of Excelsior, Laurel Wreath, ami iuobs K.ose .moiiug Tobacco. Ag-ntfor RUSSKLL- Virginia Wagons. ASSISTED BY J. M. Broughton, B. C.Rogers, J. A.Rogers, Salesmen. ANDREW A. GREEN, Collector, and In CUUI'JJti OI Consignments, Freights, Wagon Agency, . Tobacc Works, Weekly Price Current. Particular attention given to Conslcni- ments. and returns made nromntlv. All letters of inquiry nromDLlv answered and the best possible information lur- nisneu. Send for ALLCOTT'S Weeklv Price Cur rent. feh4.t.r o E Notice is hereby civen. that an annlir'.a. tion will be made to th rrisiat.nr nt oi m titruimii, ior a cnarter to lncorpo- micruo xusui aucu uompany,- ja.11 11-11 "VfORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC. 1873. 1 -- 1 Calculated by Dr. Craven, and compiled by L. Branson, printed on fine-sized and calen- ueieu piiper, neauy ana elegantly. It contains many useful recipes, much Miuauie BtuuBiicai matter, ana many A G It I C ULTU RAL items. It is emDhaticallv an AnnTnm TTTD AT T W . . - . , . ---.vwu- iuivauauiuaiiau it is ainerent from every other Almanac : has lwpn nnhiicho.i a number of years and sold successfully. 1 ' r, enaiujy as gooa if not ucuci wau any oilier. a iew still on band order soon. Lu BRANSON, Bookseller, .dec 20-tf Raleigh, N. c! 10,000 LBS' BULK SIDES 2,500 Lbs. Lard in kegs and bbls.. '2'lQ 44 Rfiiim'a Wronnlnc DorA Ream's Wrapping Paper. POOL & MORING'rf, Wholesale Qrocers. At Jan25-tf s P R. I N G S FOR 1873. T Y L E JUST RECEIVED, Gents' Spring Style Silk Hats, at the Boot and Shoe Store of ietXj-at C. D. HEARTT & CO. QALL AND SEE NEW GOODS. A large lot of Envelonos. PrpsVirtorto n 1 m j ti r 1 4 Biviiua auu xiyiuus. u ine Letter, Note and Cap Paper. VALENTINES Lovely. Also a few Almanacs to close out, at L. BRANSON'S, Bookseller, Raleigh, N. C. feb6-tf ADJOURNED MEETING OP THE TRUSTEES OP TTTP1 TTIIV EPsitv Tht M will be a meetiner of t.hnTnietiico luouuiyeraiiym me iycecutive office, on luesday the 13th instant. A full meeting is uesirea ana requested. TOD R. CALDWELL, Governor and President ,,..,'.- of Board of Trustees. feb2-dtf pLOUR 1 ? FLOUR ! ! FLOUR 1 1 1 20 Barrels people's favorite Flour, equal to Patapsco. i(io Barrels Superfine Flour. iw sacks Extra N. C. Flour. In store this dav. WILLIAMSON, UPCHUCH 1HOMA8. J U S T It E C E I V ,E D, - A large lot N. C. Corn WhliW In k. rels and half barrels. Also Rye Whisky in half barrels tp suit the trade. Uly MISCELLANEOUS. E. B. ANDREWS & CO CZ,OTHIEltS, Respectfully asks the attention ,of PARENT 8 & GUAIiDI AN 8 to their large and well assorted STOCK OF BOY'S & YOUTIPS CLOTHING - " - received this day. Boy's and Youth's Overcoats, Youth's and Boy's Talmas, Boy 's and Youth's School Suits, Youth's and Boy's Dress Suits, Overcoats and Business Suits For extra large men, Just received at R. B. ANDREWS & CO.'S, ' Clothiers. C ENTURY WHISKEY! Persons in delicate health, often find it difficult to obtain a Pure Stimulant when rrpR(ri hPfl VV thoir PhvuMons anil IHo for Druggists and other flrst-ciass trade mat tne t CEJTTVRY lnilSKJEY is particularly designed, prepared from It Is differently ANY" WHISKEY IN MARKET, and Is driving many old brands out of market, because the "principle upon which it is made is superior." The almost universal testimony of those wno nave usea tne CENTURY WHISKIES is. that there is an entire absence of Head aches, and other disagreeable after-effects so often experienced in the use of other brands. This is a direct consequence of the Purity of the Century Whiskies, and the immiritv of manv other brands. They are ABSOLUTELY PURE; four prom inent cnemists certify to this fact, viz : Prof. SILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con necticut. .1 Prof. C. U. SHEPAUD, Jr., State Chemist 01 auum carouna. . Prof. W. C. TILDEN, Washington, D. C. Prof. JOHN DARBY, New York. All of whom agree in pronouncing it "without fault," add "free lrom any dele terious suostance Whatever." For sale by first-class dealers everywhere. ieD o-om. E A L EST AT E AGE Jt C T The partnership that has for the last year existed between Messrs. KINGSLAND & MILLER having expired, the business will be continued as heretofore, under the RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK; B Y jijrDREir .11 mlt.fr, who will endeavor to conduct it in a satis factory manner and to the best advan tage of depositors of lots and tracts of lands for sale. His commis sions will be as hereto fore.fi ve per cent on actual sales. NO SALES NO CHARGE. Mr Miller is constantly selling and offer ing for sale very eligible building lots in different parts of Raleigh. Also plantations, large and small, wood and timbered lands, &c, tc, in any quanti ty in different parts of the State and at prices correspondent with the times. He solicits calls from . buyers as well as from sellers. Now is the time to buy in North Carolina, febl-tf A. MILLER. JARGE STOCK BOOTS, SHOES and Staple Dry Goods. ou .K-iis mre JbearLard. 25 Boxes extra Cream Cheese. 500 Blocks Cotton Yarn. Also large lot Bridles. Saddles rvnQ. and Harness and everything usually kent in a first class store. Jan5-tf M. A. PARKER. O S Yesterday morning between the Fn.vptto. ville street Canitol gate and t.h vnatnmna 816 75. The finder will be liberally reward ed by leaving it at this office. "ppORSES, HORSES, HORSES. $115, One black mare, 6 years old, 13 hands high, sound. 8150. One sorrell mare, 4 years old, 15 hands high; sound. 8100, one bay horse, 9 years old! H hand high, sound. $100, One bay horse, 8 years old, 14 hands G. T. STRONACH &BRO. N . U PCHUR CH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Mum i u v it u E Jl E E R RALEIGH, N. C., Begs leave to Inform the nnhiiA tr, t, nry . . , i." f . " -.cu uaa yo, musnwiwiana large assortment OTrfL?U$ of Nash Brandfes: vtrW 1 , " . efvnva urandies. Old Rve Whiskies of ivlohroioH , ..J8 gibben's, Shawhan and Cabinet, PureN f Corn Whiskey, noted for its medicinal properties, and Fine Wi ecription. Dealers would do well to call aud examine my stock before purchasing tie trSde6 lnduce"ts oflferS 50 BBLS- FAMILY FLOUR, 20 Bbls. Soda 1ttunlto At POOL & MORINQ'S. gTORAGE FOR COTTON ,The best lacillties lor STORAGE in the -i7;-, asement room, floored ad welt l30fetted; OPen,ns onMartin street. 125 v nov21-t W. II.DODD F E R T I L I Z E R S ! WHAN i 01 bone, -A We Invite tne attention of the Farmers of STANDARD FERTILIZERS, which we THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. v All Fertilizers sold by us can be relied upon as being what they are represented to b PERUVIAN GUANO sold by us is bought Government, and in no case from any other geiuug a spurious arwuie irum u. w cuitu Manufacturer's Agents for the sale of SOL UBLE PjI W II A N N S R A W B O N E both well known and popular articles ih in tne state ior uotton ana i;orn every year since tne close or tne war. we have in our possession testimonials attesting value which we will be pleased to furnish any one upon application. xne uasn price or wiiiVJNiM ' rnuHriiATii is o, ana su.LiU.Bij.E PACIFIC GUANO $50. at Norfolk. A limited quantity of these arti les will be sold on cron time to satis factory parties. Special rates of freight made ,jn large quantities, and information cheerfully given. We soliclit your orders. 57 Water Street, Jan2S-d&wln , W. s R G R O C E c o jfi jti 1 s s 1 o jr A FULL FIRST CLASS GROCERIES Mocha and Old Government Java Coffees. Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Choice Lagulra and Rio Coffees. Imported Pickles and Sauces. Finest Green and Black Teas. Domestic Pickles and Sauces. Best Grades of Butter and Cheese. Fine Syrups and Molasses. Elm Grove Family Flour, our own Brand. Send for Catalogue Price List a U A N O G U A B U s ox fb xx se 1 State Fair Premium at Wilmingtoa for the Largest Amount of Cottou to an Icic. GOLDSBORO, Wayne County, N. C, November 23rd, 1S72. JOHN II. POWELL, Esq.: v. 1)?:R Sir The Soluble Sea Island Guano purchased of you this season was used by 15 Sm-k?, , , .c,0111?1?' and as given me more tatistaction than any of the oth ers, ine Soluble Sea Island Guano was the one used upon the acre of land upon which my son raised the cotton upon which he took his state premium for the greatest amoun t of cotton t an acre ; and I am informed by the Chairman of the Committee that had he ff?Tthie largest amount of cotton to the acre, premiums open to all ages, la; 7hr1S0,aiiei1 rth,at Premium. beating all 150 lbs. I am better pleased with it J;tH?her Guano1 bave ever used on cotton, and I shall use it ii preference to others next season for my cotton crop. , T. A. GRANGER. ALSO EIGHT PREMIUMS AT WAYNE COUNTY FAIR. The Amount of Seed Cotton made on an Acre ol Upland by Mr. firanjjer was Three Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-three rounds. EDGECOMBE COUNTY, N. C, December 12th, 1S72. Messrs. R. W. L. RATSTN A- and0lr e,SSS' Bnch, Uerbeit A Slfe ',fM and,ine, tODS W. H. AVER A. Esq. : ncpX Tho V 1 y " utiSL Vuano' anu Paia them better than any ihey ever Sm wiiiiS! TA",iyflf was put in cotton by the side of two other guanos, and 1 fit t ! s to say that 1 should buy the Soaible Sea Island Guano in preierence to aiiv that I have used since the war. Vorv rntfuii inuututt to an nfidTfiw bas Solable fa Island Guano more than met my expectations SSSfhiS11 l J?l?' Bald me over 100 per cent I, moreVha?! doubled the cron preference to any other when it can be had. JuU Zf?Z7t E. W. FULLER, Esq. : cotS crog'net yeal yUr GuaU thls ' To S. J. PARHAM: future , YANCEYVILLE, Captain W. P. ROBINSON, Leak Sir Iu reply to vonr innnirv on you, I wish to say that-1 aonll u anT Guano Rn Ollhnm'c Tnho7. 1. than either of the ; mehti!iee u wasused on oTt; 1 t 1 ABI,u,lttU viuuo,sioncwail& t . ..x.v.v uniitiitc.iu mvor 01 me oea tobSc ov &?fihAtet0a thaih6maae a test thIs Trent year's Sea Island Guno tt 5s convinced that the Soluble oea xsiana Guano is the cheapest guano he has ever purchased, and shall use it aaain above fertlilwr f; rYru"uc 11-stanus tne drouth better and I expect to use iHiext season Uer Iertllizers ed. I think it is a splendid fertilUcr WILSON, N. C, January 11th, 187J. Messrs. IIARRIS8 & BLACK WELL IslandnoSigl'by crops about 15 tons of your Soluble Sea heavy washing rSstfiune a.Ud Xf giTa,to.r' aud UP 10 the time of tl.e and better pleSsed than wUh the fvjitator? leased with.its action as oi the Guanaj e ' G. W. BAREFOOT, by J. J. 1. Circular of eight pages of Certificates at . ' WILT'IAJII C. STRO JT! CII'S, AGE N T A T jan lC-4m LARGE ST OCK O F a Toilette Sets and Vases not 9ft.tr SIMPSON'S -Bgyjgl- Drug store. Q.UANO, GUANO, GUANO I have on hand a. large lot Whann's Rawbone Phosphate. Would also call thnAt and planters to the well know iaTmers Stonewall Fertil Wthnin19.iS,Vby analysis, the best in market. F E R T I L I Z E R S ! JTO. 1 PER UT1jUV G UJlJTO. G UANAPE PERUVIAN. SUPER PHOSPHATE. SOLUBLE PACIFIC CiUANO. P VIIE FL O UJl OF IS OAF, FRESH GROUND PLASTER QUI CULTURAL S A L T and Jlerchants Of North Carolina to our stock offer at , directly from the Aerent of the Peruvian Person; therelore parties run no risk in esj-ivcittittLiejinoii 10 inexact inai we are the . CIFIC G U.1JTO N D SUPER P II O S P II ATE North Carolina, and have been largely used Norfolk, Virginia. O N II R N D j?i e n c 11 ji jr T LINE OF AT STILL LOWER PRICES. jan 24-lf N O I I GUANO!! II E B E is x jijrn g uirro : Co.,' list Spring, one4on of your Soluble Sea brother parties, and I find them all well Very respectfully, J. R. GREEN. SELMA, N. C, November 12th, 1S72. ai?.niS" 7. Pteasea, and will use it iu o-upcjouwiuKcep a supply tne coming Truly yours, R. HARF. LOUISBURG, N. C, December 4th, 1872. 1 yCar 0SS.aS!?- iS' 1 wU1 USG " n my Whol, ' ' ELLIS M ALONE. HENDERSON, Granville County, N. C, November 29th, 1S72. tobacco and cotton Vv like it much better than Island. Shall use in tl.e S. S. ROYSTER. HENDERSON, Granvitle county. Caswell County, N. C, December Cth, 1872. ' n t in...i .t . . lu.e Bea island Guano I got oi iui, icspecuuiiy, MAIiCELLUS MIMilS. R A L E I G II RTII CAROLINA ALMANACS for 1873, calculated by B. Craven, D. D. Send in your orders at once to L. BRANSON. ; Publisher and Bookseller, nov5-tf Raleigh, N.C. . PIR EWOOD AN iJ RICKS. FOR SALE Apply to north carolina land company, Tucker IIall. nov 21-tf ' - iV liic acre, alongside of Peruvian. I'ucilic r on tne lllll and mirml hAtt.r :nil