1 " 95 OA LY NEWS. "5 '.ti lit I) ATX'' NE'WSi" 1 ls s ri)Ni-: UZZELL, - - Pkophietors. -RATES OS" ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertloB.I..,..........? 1 00 One square, two insertions 1 50 Ono square, three insertions.,. 2 00 One square, six Insertions.... 3 50 One square, one month. 8 00 One square, three months...............:..... 16 00 One square, six months.... ..... 30 00 One square, t".. elve months,........: 50 00 . For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non parell constitute one square. i . . . . , AVETrEViiXE Sti:eet, ver?VV C. Stronnch & Co.'s Store. Hi CAI INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE, ru I'lLV NEWS will he delivered to rs tit fifteen cents per week; ho t U-j carrier weekly.' Mailed at i7 I"'r :i:in i'iu- V j; S.;"it: for six -ui oulhs ; $2forthre ; VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9-1873. NO. 264. IvLV NEWS at 2 per annua., i i . ' " ' ' ' v " . i - - - - I . i '' i ; -1 . . : v-- . ; ' . . . '. - ; ,i : ' ' ,' ." .' 5 i O O , 0 G O run Diui:c.Ton.s ok tub V u 1) E , L ' E A U C O Ilrivi'.r, f.n- reusons already given . to the public, denied it judicious to postpone Their (; !i V X I) t; IF T CONG K II T In aid of l.U new and delightful .s-1: i - a i n i: xiEsoiiT, The undersigned take pleasure iii.au-nouin-ing that tlie Concert-will take place, without jail, On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, I X THE OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, YA., When the following magnificent ' gifts, '.imoii'iting ta 1 00,0 0 0 DO li L A II S . Will he distributed ly lot to the holders of i ickcts : I'Gifc in Greenbacks of $ 5,003 o Uifts in Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 2) Gilts m Greenbacks of SoOO each, 10,000 75 lJeautifully located Cottage Lots " oy the sea," o0 by 130 feet, at Vue ile L'Eau, valued at $100, 3U,000 2u i other beautifully located Cottage 1a, by i:J0 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, vakieil at SAW each, . . ltK) (Jit us iu Greenbacks of i-luO each, 40,000 10,000 i 1 Gifts, valued at SlOJ.OdO Vis), );;) TICKETS AT 83 EACH. The distribution of -Gifts will take place immediately after tiie Concert, on the vast -Uiire of the Opera House, and in lull view f the audience, uivder tlie immediate su pervision of the i'resideut and Directors of the Vce de L'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that uie gnts are properly distributed as adver ii.sed: Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of-Norfolk,-Hon A S Watts, Myor of Portsmouth, Col Walter 11 Taylor, of Norfolk, Hon John li Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, tJ ames G llolladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the tickets be not all sold when the concert comes oil" the presents will be distributed in proportion to the number sold. . .Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our Hanking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without disiouut. l'or farther particul ud for tickets, apply to the undersigned, who alone are au ' horied to appoint agents lor the sale of . ickets. . The undersigned, Directors of tue Vue de L'Eau Company, pledge themselves to tlie public that the above Grand Gilt Concert .shall t ike place on Thursday, . February 'jtn, 1V7.S, as announced in above card, ou me b.isisof the crigiuil advertisement as to the distributiouof gifts : ' Win. Limb, 11. J. Neelj-, M. Parks, . 1. (.roller, W. 11. White,. W. Heed, . K. (S. Gliio, G. V. Grice, N. Luiruss, , E. C. Liudsey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and can be 'ijtain. it tiom the following agencies : Fogarty X: Co., Lank of Portsmouth, Lain & Brother; ISurruss.Son S Co. HUltllUSS, SON & CO., L.-uikers and Financial Agents Vue de L'Eau Company, o ii f o l k , v a . ' kit' Tickets can be purchased of 11 . 11 . BRAD Li i : Y Fayeltaville Street, ii A LEI G U , ' . C a ii-dtd T II El - A D J U S T A li L E SPUING IJED BOTTOM, Of which we are tlie '-1 OLE ilANUFACTURERS AND PRO PRIETORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. , IS TIlL PEItFKCTION OF romfort, Durability & Cleanliness. We mantificlnre thesa Reds of all sizes, to tit every kind or style of Ledstead, and will manufacture them expressly for and i-iiver them at HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES AVithout Extra Charge, .ilIowii sufficient use to assure satisfac tion, before payment Is required. All our sroods are made in the most thorough manner, of the very best ma- t trials, and are warranted for ten years use, tr remain perfect and serviceable. We have purchased the right in this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to manu facture them in any quantity. Dr. ihacknall, at the Yarborough House, who has them in use, can tell about the iledS. . " Persons in Raleigh or vicinity desiring a Spring lied to try, will send lenjitn of one ut tlie slats across bedstead, to JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, Hlllsboro St., Raleigh, K. C. .1. A. Jones,) . 1). J. Ellis, j . . febl-tf R s M O E D Having disposed of my Store on Fnyette- villu street, 1 have openeu at Ya, 13 Mar sell Sirccl, u hfM .. r M ill benieased to servo all who will lavor mo with their patronage, at the lowest doss. bio rates, for CASH or barttr. idy -lock consists of - u-ar, ColFee, Flour, Meal, .Rico, Salt, Mo: lasses, tjiieese, Hams. Shoulders, Lullc .Meat, Jrd, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Picitles by the measure, Soap, -Hraridy Feaclus, Canned Go jds, Candies, Nuts, 'Raisins, Apples, Onions, Iiishl'otatoes, &c ; Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit tlie ame iu future- by fair dealing ..ma strict'atiention to biRHnes. (Jive me a Call ! I). CHRISTOPHERS, febl-Yu (J A No. li Hargett Street. li M E . R c o u rou n i) - PFCTOllAL CO (Kill SYKIJP, 1 1 will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, SoVe Throat, BroachUis, and all Diseases ol Hie Tnroat and Lungs. I'KKPAHEI) BY J. It. II. CARMER, Druggist, No. 11 Fayettevtllo Street, Raleigh, N. C. Jan29-tf CORNING EDITION. He litleiaj ga lvss. sun r. Ay ...FEBUTJARY 9. 1873 2-if Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will le charged Fif teen Cents per line. ?AU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Grilnn and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertisins Agents, No. 4 South street. Raltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER, K. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write oa one side ot the paper. l''or latest new by telegraph see Fourth Paue. Post Office Directory. UALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT, ARRANGE- OFFICK UOL'US FUOM SJ- A. I. TO 7 P. If. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Dae at 7:00 a. m. 1 Close at 5:30 v. xt. Eastern Dae at 7 p. t. Close at G:30 A. 3.1. - Northern vui Weldim Due at 3:20 r. m. Close at 9:13 a. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 5:30 xi. Close at 6:30 p. xr. rayctteville and Ciiatliam liailroad Mail Due at 0:30 A. xt. Close at 3:00 p. XI. No. inai U received or sent on Sundays. Put h!1 letters for mailing in letter bo a, ;.s that is the last plaee we look ici them before closinga mail. It is - wt certain that a letter will leave bv ilrt outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general de.ivcry window, or to a Clerk. Oliico hours for Money Order and Ilegistered Letter Departments from 9 A. XI. to 4 P. XI." . C. J. IiOGEltS, Postmaster. Local JJurEvs. (1) Ture and niello w! Century Wlii.ky ! : . The Legislators' will. 'wear their tore clothes to-d ty. Tile Doard of Couuty Cotnuiissioutis meet oh Monday. Bishop Gibbons will fc in this city next San d ay". The Mayor had an easy time in his Court Saturday. Ko case came before hilli. D.i Cost's sexhiljinon to-morrow niht. Sti.uie our tickets at Branson's Book Store. The silo of the Old Fair Grounds lots v ill comuience . to-morrow at 11 o'cl'Kk. Notice is yiven elsewhere that ap plication v. ill be made to t he Legislature for an act incorporating the 'Tialeifjh Club." A runaway horse with a sulkv at tached, dashing down Fayetteville, was ,onc of the few notatlle street events yesterday. . . The horse rallle at the Yarborough bar room last evening resulted in the animal bcin won bv Mr. F. C. Miller. member ol the llouse oi Representatives. That gentleman can now enjoy evening rides. The Advcrtieement of Mrs. F. xi. Johnson, dress maker, that appeared in the News a few days since, located her residence one door east of the Presby terian Church.on Morgan street, when it should have been one door west. The press and people speak in high terms of Da Costa's exhibition which comme nces this evening at Tucker Hall. It is endorsed by the Clergy, and some of the most eminent men in the coun try have given certificates under their own hand of itssuccess. Go and see it. 'Messrs. -A. T. Mial, Jos. Blake and Ashley have appointed a Committee to let out the contract for repairing Bat tle's bridge across Neuse Kiver, and Messrs. Williamsonr Page, Richard Edwards and Jesse to let out the contract for repairing the bridge across Crubtree Creek at Morrisville Suflemu Court. Court met yes terday at the usual hour. All the Jus tices present, lhe hollowing cases were ai trued and consumed the session of tiie day : G. TV. McVVmn, vs. Julia A. Free man. E'x. . Ilenderson. On Counsel for plaintiff, D. Coleman for defendant. ' E. O. Macy, Adm'r., vs. State of North Carolina, Wake. A. M. Lewis lor plain- till and Attorney General lor State. .'Hie Court adjourned to met on Mon day morning at 1 o'clock. Appeals Iro'm the 12th Judicial District will be called on Monday. R.gl-k Caught. Yesterday after noon a iittle spirit of .excitement ncr.ured on Salisbury street which, for the tinienbeiug, relieved the monotomy which had been hanging over that locality nil day. A United States sol dier had. it seems, stolen 'some money Irom one of his company, and ou oemg seen on the street abofe alludcti to, was pursued by a number of his comrades and a souad of negroes, ine gentle man was overhauteu at me ucpot uy colored man and handed over to the soldiers, who inarched him off to the irarnsoj. While it lasted the race was a lively one. Attention. -The members of Manteo Lodge are requested to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall this Sunday mornin o'clock. -' IJy order ot the N. G. : W. O. Wolf, R. S. An Important Decision. The fol lowing decision in the Donaldson will case, which we take from the Pough kecpsie (N. Y.) Eagle, being a matter in which the University cf North Carolina is interested, we publish the article in full : "Robert Donaldson, late of the tow n of Bed Hook, Dutches county, died on the 8th of June, 1S72, leaving a last willaud te:tament whereby the deceas ed, after giving some 6uiall legacies to different friends, gave to his sister and two daughters each an annuity of 2,000, and to his two sons each an aunuity of 1,000. After the payment of these, he gave the residue of his property to be equally divided between the University ol North Carolina, the American Bible Society, the American Tract Society, the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis sions, and the Theological Seminary at Princeton, New Jersey. The children brought this suit ask ing to have the bequests to the several charities declared void, because the estate is suspended during the lives of the eister and children, and the bequest is therefore contrary to our statute pro hibiting the suspension of an estate for more than two lives in being at the death of the testator. The case has just been decided by Judge Barnard, holding that by the will the executors took a trust estate in all the property, and that it lasted until the death of the last annuitant ; of these there are four, the absolute ownership is illegally suspended for more than two lives in being at testator's death, is void, and that the plaintiffs are entitled to the real and personal estate of which the testator died seized (except that specifi cally given) as heirs at law of testator. By this decision the children of the testator come in possession of an estate worth $200,000. The plaintiffs Were represented by II. A. & J. Nelson, of this city, and William Allen Butler, of New York, the executors and the several societies by Charles Tracey and Tompkins Wester- velt, of New York, II. M. Taylor, J. P. LT. Tallmaa and C. Wheaton, of this' citv. Ourt CnuiiciiEs To-Day. Divine services will be held at the followinjr Churches to-day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly end cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present to conduc visitors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. xi. and 7 o'clock p. xi. Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. II. Pritchard, D. D., oliiciating. Services at 11 o-elock A. xi. and 8 o'clock p. xi. Presbyterian Church, comer Salisbury and ilorgan streets, Rev. J. M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Set vices ;;t 11 o'clock a. xr. and 7i o'clock p. xr. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. R. S. Mason, I). D., officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. xi. and 7io'clock p. xi. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock P. XL Person street Methodist Church, Rev. I. II. Whitaker, officiating, Services at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7 a. m. 'St. Patrick' s" Celebration. On he evening of the 2nd., a meeting was held at the Yarborough House for the purpose of making arrangements for the celebration of this time honored festival. i.t that meeting the Marshals and nonary Committees were appointed. The Assembly named thereon a number of the leading citizens and fnend3 of the Irish cause. As some have asked whether it was the intention of the meeting to furnish free tickets to the persons named on these various bodies, I wish to state that such was not the intention of that meeting. It was sim ply intended, to designate the various Committees and Marshals, for the occa sion, and at the same time -to make lonorarv mention of those friends whose names have been thus employed. It would be impossible for Father McNa mara or the nianagers to issue so .many tree tickets. It is evident thev could not afford this, and they are well aware that gentlemen who wish to participate in that evening's festivities do not at all expect any such exemption. There wi'I be of course a few invited guests. These are all' the free tickets which the Pastor or the Managers can afford to issue. . .- " (Signed) v T. F. Lee, ... Chr'm Com. of Arrangements. Death of Mrs. Mary F. J ones. Our Henderson correspondent .scuds us the following in relation to the recent sudden death of this estimable lady, mother ot our fellow-citizens, .Messrs Armstead Jone3 and William Jones, which took place in Henderson , on the 7th inst., at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Jon. D. Hawkins: ' "Mrs. Mary F. Jones, consort of Col. P; E. A. Jones, deceased, was the sweet est of characters we ever knew ; for many years a member of the Episcopal Church. But one short year aero, her husband, Col. Jones, a man of character and influence, joined the innumerable throng, and now Angel3 join in the cx ultant shout as wife and husband meet before the throne of "I Am." The de ceased leaves six children, who bitterly mourn their bereavement. God be mer ciful to them, and bless them. May we live as irreproachable a life as Mis. Mary F. Jones did, and b ' as ready' to meet the Tyrant as she, 'and if there be a Heaven, we like she will be in its heart of bliss." ' ' Seaton. Gales.-LodgEj 1. p. O. F. Meet at Odd Fellows' Hall, at 9 this (Sunday) morning. Other Lodges, and all other Odd Fellows, are invited to unite in the funeral ceremonies of our deceased brother: A. L: 'Adams I , By order r : i j.u " " ; M. V'B. Gilbert, Sec'y. Legislative. Yesterday was private bill day in the Senate, and many .were the bills that went through. (See pro ceedings.) - . - As will be seen by the remarks of Messrs, Respess and Cramer, these gen tlemen are not willing to submit to the party lash, and will kick in harness. , Senator Waring, though not entirely recovered from his recent attack, ap peared in his seat yesterday. ; Mr. Price is still detained from his seat by sickness. . Mr. Merrimon was granted leave of absence for 11 days from and alter Mon day. In the House, nothing of importance occurred.. The day was commenced in the consideration of private bills. , Mr. Bowman moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution impeaching R. M, Henry, Solicitor of the 12th Judicial District, passed. She House promptly tabled the motion to reconsider pn the motion ot Mr. Anderson, ol Clayv The "machinery bill" passed it boad reading, and was recommitted to the Finance Committee. ; Funeral Notice. "The funeral of the late Alonzo Adams will take place at the Baptist church this morning, at 10 o'clock. The remains of. the de ceased will be interred in the burying ground of the family, some six miles from, the city. The (riends and ac quaintances of the family of Lvnn Adams, Esq., are invited to attend At a meeting of the Odd Fellows, last night, the following programme was agreed upon: The Lodges, and mem bers temporarily in the city, will meet at Odd Fellows' nail, at 9 o'clock, this morning, and, forming in procession under Past Grand W. H. Bag ley, Chief Marshal, will pass to the late residence of deceased and from thence accom pany the remains to the church. After the conclusion of services at the church, the procession will precede the remains as far as the Executive Mansion. The following pall-bearers will ac company the remains to their last rest ing place : A. A. Green, L. W. Wrenn, E. W. Thomason, J. W. Brown, W. O. Wrolf and W. II. Cole. We Told You So.- Col. P. F. Fai- son, wagon ana two horses, went through the bridge over Pigeon House branch yesterday, and the waters being high it w-as with much difficulty that he saved his team from destruction: We have on several occasions diiected the attention, of the Township Trustees to this trap, and warned them of the danger of incurring a law suit by inju ry to either man or beast, or both. Now, k'you have done it." Col. Faison sus tained a los in .the mishap, and we learn he will institute a suit for the re covery of damages. Life and Fire Insurance Agency. Messrs. A. M. McPheeter3 and John Dcavereux announce in another column that they have opened a life and,firein suance agency in the Citizens' National Bank building. Thev are State Asent3 for that most reliable Southern Compa ny, the Carolina Life Insurance Compa ny, of .Memphis, .Tennessee. Messrs. McPheeters and Dea'vereux sue too well known in this section and throughout the State to need any. notice at our hands, more than to say that they arc thorough business men and will un doubtedly push forward the;r business Cumulative Suffrage. The bill providing for cumulative suffrage for this city came up in the Senate yester day, and on motion of Mr. Norwood, its consideration was made the special order for Friday next. This bill is one of great importance, to the Citizens ot Raleigh, and we be lieve our Legislature will pass it without hesitation. The tax-payers of . the city are almost unanimously in favor of it. Let us have cumulative suffrage, and for your honorable body will we ever pray. And. There Will be Light. We ask our ."Local" brethren of, the city press to keep quiet on the light ques tion, ; Who wants gas light when We have light, '.moonlight? Wait until the first dark night and i there is not light, we will all make a general charge. We are informed by Capt. King, Chief of Policejdliat the lamps arc all -in order, and when a necessity occurs "there will be light.','; ;So hold up boys, and let's give them a little blow. , Grand. .r Textperance r Rally. Edward Carswell, Esq., the Canada temperance humorist,- will address the citizens of.Raleigh, at the Metropolitan Hall, totmoirow, (Monday) night, at 8 o'clock. The citizens' generally are respectfully invited to turn out and hear this distinguished' advocate of the temperance cause. Mr. Carswell will leave for the eastern part of the Stato on Wednesday. Brief Respite. Wc leave the' city thjs mornirjg for Harnett Court, the condition of the streams permitting. If we succeed in making a safe pas sage over the Cape Fear to-morrow, we will despatch a messenger post haste to relieve the fears of our menus aud creditors at-home. From Harnett, we propose to go somewhere else, Attention. The members of Ral eigh Lodr:e No. Go, I. O. O. F., nr requested to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall this (Sunday; morning, at 9 o clock Bv onler-o! L. G. Barley, N. G. K Magnin, See'v. The Governor Sick. Wc learn that Governor Caldwell' i3 quite sick, btin confined to- Ids room and under the treatment ot his physician. He has been unwell for some days. v.- -: - - DIEU- HAWKINS. Ajn Henderson. N. f'., at the residence of her mother, Mrs. John .D. Hawkins, on the morning of the 7th cf February, 1S73, Mrs. Maby F., wife of the late Col. F. K. A. Jones, iu the (Ulrd j'C-ar of her age, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR O Ii I N A SENATE. February 7, 1873. 4! NIGHT session. Mr. Allen, of Duplin, in the chair, y The calendar of private bills taken up, and the following passed their several readings : . , - Bill in relation to the county of Pam lico. ' ' J-r i- Bill to charter the City Hall Company of Charlotte. " ' : Bill to empower the County Commis sioners of Caldwell county to sell certain public lands in said county. Bill to repeal chapter 146 law3 of 1870 and '71, to lay out and construct a road in Surry county. ' - Bill to incorporate Mount Prospect Company Ground, in Union county.1 . Bill to incorporate the town of Rock ingham, Richmond county. Bill to change the name of Boon Hill, in Johnston county, to Princeton, and to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors in said town. Bill to incorporate King Solomon Lodge, No. 313, F. & A. M., in Robesont county. Bill to incorporate Seaton Gales Lodge No. 04, 1. O. O. F., of the city of Raleigh. - Bill in favor cf Mike Woods, of Wayne county. ; Bid to incorporate the Merchants' Bank" of Fayetteville. Bill providing for the appointment of two additional Marshals for the town of Charlotte, ; M" Bill to empower the town Commis sioners to levy a special tax for the purpose of buying fire engine and apj paratus. Passed its second reading.- - The following bills were laid on the table : ' ! ' " - . :- - Bill to fix a stated rate of interest for the county ot Beaufort. ; ' . - Bill authorizing the Sheriff of Edge combe to collect arrears of taxes. , Bill to incorporate the Mechanics' and Laborers' Mutual Aid Society. Bill to lay off and establish a county by the name ot Core. SENATE. Saturday, Feb. 8, 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock Lieutenant Governor in the chair. ' Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. ' ' : Mr. Respess rose to a question of per sonal privilege, and said he saw in yes terday's Era a communication under the head of" Have we a Republican party in North Carolina ? 'vin which the in significant author attempts, to cast re flection upon the course of Republican members ol this General Assembly, and especially upon certain Senators, myself included, for voting lor certain of the Constitutional amendments. Sir, as a Republican, I challenge a single step of inconsistency in my whole political life. The Republican party, if the writer of the above communications knew any thing of their past, have pledged, them selves in their State Constitution in avor of many of the proposed amende mcnts to the Constitution, and in the campaign ot 1871, on every political iusting,they pledged to the people their support in changing the Constitution by legislative enactment, an l there are many Republicans that are 1 ivorable to some of the proposed amend anents, and would vote for them, but lor" such small minded demagogues as " Sumerville," who only can or will be known as a Re publican as long as he is able, by such scurilous articles, to keep up political excitement. I do not know wdio he is, nor do I care ; ni3 article tens me iut ne is a Republican of doubtful value, and of as little honor, integrity, or consistency, as. he has common sense, or wish for the success of the Republican party.' And when he says that 1 ; am afraid to ex press . my honest convictions on this floor, or that I' have been made by Democrats, or by any thing else above con viction,his scurilous article included; to support ) any measure, "only lor the good of North Carolina, arid the best interest of ' the Republican party, the least I can say of inm is, that he-is a BASE LIAR. ."' Mr. Cramer also rose to a question of privilege ou the same subject, and fully endorsed the remarks of Mr "Respess, statins that in voting for the Constitu tional Amendments,-he' obeyed the- ex pressed wishes ot his constituency.' r Mr. Love ' rose to a question i-of personal ; privilege in 'regard to bis appeal from the decision ol the chair some aavs since on narnamentary; tactics. - He stated that his position had been fully sustained" by -Mr. Speaker Blaine, of the House'of Representatives; of the United States Congress, n j : On motion of Mr. 1'roy, the vote by which the charter of tlie Bank of Fay r etteviUe, passed last night ?was recon sidered, and its consideration postponed till Friday next at 12 o'clock. ' - Messrs." i Love, Gudger,- Norwood Fleming, Murray 'and - Todd submitted reortsfiom the irrespective Commit- tecs. ' y ll v'- -'; Calendar. '' ' j " Resolution in relation to the 25.00 tax required to be paid Ixjfore the con: sideration of charters for corporations, etc., so" defined as to txeuipt from; its provisions, "religiuos, -educational ?or charitable corpbrat:ons. ' '.. . The bill to ametid the, clurter of the town of Statesvills faiitd by ll ayes to 22 nays. - ; --... . ' . - Bill to authorizi the - ComaiiiohiS, of Beauibrt county, t9 levy a special tax not to fxeeetV 7,000, pasivd. its third, reading.; '.-'U'.'' Bill authorizing tiie, Commissioners of Watauga county to ley y aVspecial tax not to exceed 3,000,. fjr the purpose of, rmhur.g a Courthouse.-pscd;its 1 uii reading, :.-..! ' Bill ant oiizing the Commissioners. of the town of Washington, to kjyy ;ft snccial tax not to exceed 10.000. for the? purpose of buying lire engines, ap; pamtns, &C, I-Sid lis thud, rea(J.ng- .Bill in( reference toi;.Excqutprj aud Ad min istratof $ iu .N)r thf mpton coo u rj j passed its seyeral readings. jj ;4f j., 7 Resolution in favor of Jas. M. Young, Sheriff of Buncombe, passed its several readings. .. . .j r; v' V.-..-. i-r;..,' '" -.-;-; NkcdiantouL '.. ThejPresldent announced that lie had receiyd a communication from the Secretary and- Treasurer of i the State University, which : wa9 read and trans mittCct to the Housed" J ? hv;-rtni . ' A resolution - was introduced ; by Mr. Waring instructing the -Committee on Finance to prepare a till in relatiomto the payment of poli tax. Referred. . -MLjWorth was requested to state that Mr Murphy Was detained in his room by indisp-').oiti6ri. .' ' - - The bill -providing . Cumulative Suf frage for the city of Raleigh, Was made the special order for Friday next. s Bill: to incorporate' the1 Farmer's Loan Bank of Clintonrpsssrd its second read ing. BilL to change the name of the town of Catawba Vale to Old Fort, in Mc Dowell couhty, passed its readings. ? - Bill in favor of the sureties ot- Jessie Sumner, former Sheriff of Buncombe coucty, passed its readings. ' " 'Bill to - authorize the Commissioners of Coltimbus ' cdunty to levy ? a special tax not to exceed 300, passed its sec ond readings.- ;.. -.i-. :'": Bill to incorporate the Old North State Lumber, Mining and Manufactu ring Company, passed its readings. ,Bill to incorporate the Haw River and New Hope Transportation Com pa ny passed its reading. .. Bill to incorporate the Trustees of Mation " Baptist Church, McDowrll county passed its readings. --. The bill for the relief of John Gt Williams was taken up. Givc3 Mr. Wrilliams a 'quit claim" deeflto 8,000 acres ol laud, the character of which as sworn to by witnesses,' is such as to re quire ;40 acres to support a wild turkey twelve months. This is the penitentiary tract , in which the man, Pruyne or Pryne figured so conspicuously '-a few years,5 and the bonds ior which Mr. Wil liams ipaid out 29,000. The bonds havirig been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme'Court, he only asks the title f "the State in these lands. 4 ' ? The bill pas3ed its third reading un der a'suspension of the rules. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. the House was called to order by. Mr. Speaker Robinson; , Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Messrs. Moring, Gidncy and Morri son submitted reports from various Standing Committees. " By Mr. Waugh, a bill to appoint Commissioners to construct and finish a road across the Blue Ridge, in Surry county; ' Referred. By the same, a bill to amend para graph 532 Code Civil Procedure. Re ferred. The consideration of the bill to pro vide for the collection of taxes by the State and the several counties, of the State on property, poll, &c.,was rcsumedj and the bill passed its second reading- The bill to change the time for hold ing the election for Mayor and Commis sioners was taken up and, on motion of Mr. tandford,laid on the table. .-. The bill to incorporate the Cape Fear Water"Wcrk3 Company was' taken up and passed its several readings. . The bill to repeal chapter Gl, Private Laws of 1870-71,' was taken up and passed its several readings. - The bill to allow the levy bt a special tax in Montgomery county, was taken up and passed its-third reading yeas 66, nays 13. - 1 The bill to amend sections 1, 2 and 3 of chapter 27, Private Laws of 187172, and to re enact chapter 123, Private Lnws of 1869-'70, relative to the charter of the town of .Edenton, was taken up and passed its scveral'readings. 1 : The bill to incoiporate Dabney Lodge F. and A. M was' taken up. The bill to incorporate the Oxford Colored Educational Association wras taken up "and passed ' its' several read- lags, , f The bill to incorporate the town of Pineville, 'Blecklenburg county,' was taken up'and passed its: several read-: ingsr. 5 '': A message? was received from the Sen ate acknowledging the; reception of thti message relative' to the impeachment of , VTh!bill to lay, 'off" 'and' construct u,a puoiic roaa across uranamotuer uap, L was taken up and passed its several .The bill' to. aliowt'rh.0 levy.of a special tax jn htokfes county' wa3 tdken;tip'and passed' its' : several readinsyes . 80, najaO. " ' ;'""'. , - The bill -' to (.incorporate White ; Hall Lodge No. 34,' of Mason??; was taken up and passed -its several 'rendingsf.5 - 1 r 1 ;,,.The bill to -incorporate '-the ' Onflow county' Agriculturaf Society wasr taken up and pasi6d its sbveral 'tedding's. - .The bill to extend' the-Ttmits -of-the tqwii of 'Widesbbfo Anson county, waa tanen. up- ana- passctt ns several reaa jpgs, j '' "- ! :'-'! ' ''; i " i :; ,The bill to cure existing irregularities in titles to certain Tand3 in Macon and (Glay; ebunties 'passed its several read ings. , " , '; ' :" '' '"" '" The Dill 10 levy a special tax iri ; Al exander courity was taken np and passed its second Teadmg-teas 80, nays 1. ' The bill to levy a special tax in Yad klni county was"' taken up and parsed its secoud reading, yeas 87, nays O.j .The "bill to incorporate '.the Stowe Falls - 1 Manufacturing':Companv,f was taken up and passed " iis! 'several read ings. ' " ' ' ' The bill f.0 incorporate-the Cape Fear and I eoplesr bteamtoat Company, was taktu.up and passed its several read ins.; ; - ; ' - The bill to allow, a special tax in Wi-.thington county was taken .up; and passed its secend readings 'yeas 77, nays J PQ.-f':j' ; ajjVKfi' v-s- ,.i-ax vi , , TJib bill-totiricorpprate Raleigh Back at, Company Novsl, w'asttakeuup :aod parsed its several readings. -r The bill to arnernd an; act incorpora ting ,the Asheville;Bailding i and Loan Association."was taken up 'and - parsed ita several readings.ov; ;i -. ii 0 f : ,Tbe Bill incorporating .ho town o eima, - Johnston, county, was tf ken o p an4 passed its several re:idings3! i j Tlie bill id favor of F.iMorriU, Sherifl of Onslow, county was taken up. A " ' - '" - - '" ( resolution in the shape of a general bill for Uiq relief of all" Shcrifis and Tax Collectors, wa3. reported by the Com mittcc which was adopted. The bill was then passed over informally, The bill incorporate theEdgecombo Female Seminary was taken up and passedits several readings. jThelbill to incorporate the Horse Ford Manufacturing Company was taken tip and passed itssecond rcad ings.5 ,-, - : , ..;. xx . - Senate resolution in reference to sell ing Durants Island to Greenleaf John ston was taken up and passed its sec ond reading. '. - ; Mr. Bowman moved to reconsider the vote by which the House on yesterday adopted the resolution to impeach R. M. Henry, Solicitor of 12th Judicial District, and moved to make the motion special order for Monday at 11. o'clock A. M.; i MrJ Anderson, of Clay, moved to lay Mr. Bowman's motion on the table. Adopted. '-" "r "'-' On motion of Mr. Gorman, theresolu tion in favor of J. C. Brewster,, was taken up and passed its several read ings. ; ;' ' .'." ' .. ' Adjouraod. ; '-H ! - - - zm ii ii e tsmmm rm tmji m t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1ST O T I C E Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly at its present session for an act incorporating the "RALEIGH CLUB." fa 10-1 m JUSIIIONAELE DRESS-MAKING. Mrs. Frances A. Johnson Is now prepared to make all styles of La dies Dresses on short notice and on reason able terms. Best Seamstresses employed.. Patterns of Latest Styles cut to order. Res idence one docj West of . Presbyterian Church. fel0-eod3w , A. M. McPjlEETEItS, I F E A N John Devereux. D F IRE INSURANCE AGENCY, McPIIEETERS & DEVEREUX, Citizens' National Bank Building, ' No. 2 Exchange Place, State Agents for that most reliable South ern Company, ; CAROLLYA LIFE LSl BAA CE C0HPA5Y, . OF MEMPHIS, TENN. All classes Fire Risks effected on lowest terms in desirable Companies, fe 10-tf . - , ; Jl'ROFJilSSiOWAJ CARDS. i. SPRUI L L A T T O R.N E Y AT JACKSON, N . LAW C. ill practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgecombe and Northampton counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. jan 3i-Cw Q. E, O . II . S N O W , aTTOIUTElT 1T Z, If V .''' RALEIGH. N . C, Practices in the State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. janlo-lm --- . ( J. B. I3ATCHELOR. ' C. EDWAKDS. , W. 1'i.U.M.MEtt BATCIIELOB. BATC1IELOR, EDWARDS AND ! BATCIIELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and supreme ourts. .. jan3-tf. Al L E x II SMI T II ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCO T LA ND NEC K, N . C . ' Will practice ia the ourts of Halifax aud adjoining counties. coiiectipnsi attended to in all parts or tne State. . may 11-tf , WALTElt CLAKK. '. J. M. M CXLE M U L EIV p1 LARK & All rl. Practice ii ail the Courts of 'Halifax, Northampton and Edgecombe counties. Ih the supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts.. ir Collec t ions made in all parts of North Ottroiina, ; L- -, ' mhir-ly, , EX). CONfCHiAJTD; - v. .- WM. . l)A"Sl W . ' LAW PARTNERSHIP. ' C O N I G L A N D & D AY , ' ATTORNEYS AT !LAW, ' !' HALIFAX, N. C. " viJil . Practice iu tlie Courts of Halifax aud ad foiniug countieij In the Supreme Court of . the JState, and in the federal Courts. They wiliive special attention to collecting and eonultiug business, and to adjusting the aeconuts of executors, administrators and guartiians. ' '4.iie Junior partner will attend athlsof rieu'ih Wellioii on Saturdays aud Mondajs of Liich week. : i . . -.-.-' , no2-U i ill LI. 1SVSS, 1 ' . BAM'L T, WILLIAMS? B U N N & W I LLIA11S, 2TTdIlJimEYS AT iIf , i ' ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, ( ( : j V ; I L It I A M S & B U NV lTTOKYElfS -IT La IF ' Lusiiiess letters may be addressed either'to Rot-ky Mount or lialeigh.-gar - . ' Claim? Collected la any part of the Statc. ' ; , i- Practice In tlie Supreme Court of the ' State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. '40 CASES BRANDY PEACHES 75 Boxes Assorted Candy.1 ,V) Hoac . ' . . 111120 liaisins. " ' a) ' Pearl Cakes, . a; - fstarcn At POOL & MORIKQ'B. I; A ill- m 5 J i: i la If.S I A IP i'