" i. 1 f-x L C f JT5.A .iJCa HiCJ-. ''-"-I?- 1 1 n :I ndoiit'tA' 3 3S3B3BX r -I f " ........ -.v, ,f - cut? -.iJijl 1 L AIL Y NjEWS. Sr""H UZZELL, - - , mOPRIETOES. 5'AtETTSVIU.E STREET, ' "ver W. O. Sti-pnnch & Co.'s Store. -ASH-INVAlilAHLY IN ABVAXCE. i'ii-; DAILY NEWo will be delivered to iub -oribors fit fifties cents per week, p-iynhlc to t he earner weekly. Mailed at ?7 iKTimiiuju; $3.50" for si x tnont hs ; i'l fortlire j i'Uo SV liKKLY NEWS til $2 per aanurc. i 0 0,000 Kin Diarccrons of tub V U E DEL ' E, A U C O . Having, for reasons already given lb the public, denied it judieious to postpone their (i 11 A N D G I FT CONGER T In aid of t.iis new and delightful S E 1 - SI O E It ESO II T, The undersigned take pleasure In an nouncing that the Concert will take place, without lull, Ou Thursday, Feb. 20, 18T3, I N THE OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, YA When the following magnificent gifts, amounting to 1 00,000 D OLLi IIS , Will bo distributed by lot to the holder of tickets: 1 Gift In Greenbacks of $5,000 5 Gifts in Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 'M (Jifis in Greenbacks of $000 each, 10,000 75 Ut-autllully located Cottage Lots " by tiie sea." 30 by 130 feet, at Vuu de L'Eau, valued at $100, J'M other beautifully located Cottage Lots, 23 by l;0 leet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at S200 each, 100 Gitis in Greenbacks of f luO each. 50,000 10,000 10,000 101 Gifts, valued at $100,000 2t),(X0 TICKETS. -AT 3 EACH. The distribution of Gifts will take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view of the audience, under the immediate su pervision of the President and Directors of the Vue beL'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kiudly consented to be present and see that uie guts are properly distributed as adver- Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, lion A S Watts, Mwyor of Portsmouth, Col Walter H Taylor, of Norfolk, Hon John 11 Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, James G Holladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the tickets be hot all sold- when the concert comes otf, the presents will be distributed in proportion to the number sold. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our Banking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitlud thereto, without discount. For funnel particulars and for tickets, apply tothe under&igned, who alone are au '.iLonzedtoappoiut agents lor the sale of .ickets. Tue undersigned, Directors of t lie Vue de lj Ji.au Company, pledge themselves to the public that tne above Grand Gilt Concert shall take piace on. Thursday, February 1'ijtn, lt73, as announced in above card, on the basis of the original adveruAtment as to the distribution of gifts : Wm. Lamb, R. J. Necly, M. Parks, V. D. Groner, W. II. White, W. Reed, S- G. Guio, G. W. Grice, N. Buiruss, E. C. Lindsey. Tickets are now. ready for sale, and eaif be obtained from the following agencies: Fogarty & Co., Bauii. of Portsmouth, Burruss, Son & Co. BURRUSS, SON & CO., Vue de IHiiu Coinji N O 11 F G L K , V A . ny. Tickets can be purchased of 11 . II . BR AD L E Y Fayetteville Street, II A L E I G 11 , In' e ja 2G-dtd T II E ADJUST A E L E SPUING BED BOTTOM, r . Of which we are the SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PRO PRIETORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. ' IS THE PEKFECTIOX OF Comfort, Durability & Cleanliness. We manuf iclure these Reds of all sizes, to lit every kind or style of .Bedstead, and will manufacture them expressly for and deliver them at HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use to assure .satisfac tion, beiore payment is recpaired. All our goods are maue in the most thorough manner, of the very best ma terials, and are warranted for ten years use, to remain periect and serviceable. W e have purchased the right in this iat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to-manu-facture them in any quantity. Dr. lilacknall, at the Yarborough House, who has them in use, can tell about tne Reds. Persons In Raleigh or vicinity desiring a Spring Red to try, will send length of one oi the slats across bedstead, to v JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, iiinsboro st.,naieign, ji. v. J. A. J0tes, t 1). J. Ellis. febl-tf E E M O E D liavine dis-poicd of my Store on Fayette- ville street, I have opened at JTo. 13 Hargelt Street, where I will be pleased to serve all who will tavor me with their patronage, at the lowest poss.bie rates, for CASH or barter. My stock consists of Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meat, Rice, Salt, Mot lasses, cheese, Hums, snouiuers, iuijt Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by the measure, Soap, Brandy PeachtS, Canned Goods, Candies,: Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes c. ta 'Thankful for past patronage, I hope to inei it the (tame in future by fair dealing and strict attention to business. ; Give mc a Call ! j C D. CHRISTOPHERS, febl-lni No. 1j Hargelt Street. c A li. M e n s C 0 M P O U N D PECTORAL COUGH SY1JUP, It will cure Coughs, Colds, Iloarssness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Diseases ol the Tmoat and Lungs. PEEl'ARED BY J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist,' No. 11 Fayettevllle Street, Raleigh, N. janiSMf . 1 C. -.1 . .44 ' .. LJ o:: J l . 14- M j A - e VOL. 1. 35hc plftglt gatltj TUESDAY; ...FEBRUARY 11. 1873. "Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged JFil teeu Cents per line. JSTAU parties ordering the News iviil please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Messrs. Grlfiln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertisina Agents, No. 4 South Street. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. ' 12. C. WOODSOJf, City Editor SrlF0 Correspondents will please write oa one side ot the paper. - - ltT For latest news by telegraph see Fourth Pae. Local Biuefs. (2) A pure stimulant, Century whis key ! - See Gartner's notice elsewhere of Car bolate of Iodine Inhalant. E. W. Thomason & Co. have a fine full jeweled gold watch tor sale or raffle. Da" Costa at Tucker Hall again to Right, with his exhibition of art and beauty. Apair ot wild '..mules furnished the excitement lor llartin street yesterday afternoon. The work ol macadamizing- Fayctte ville street don't go on bravely any longer. A runaway mule team broke in upon the tedium of Wilmington Itreet yes terday afternoon. ; Dr. J. G. Rose of Smithfield was thrown from his buggy and had his arm broken last Sunday evening. Pugilistic exercise between two juve nile Africans yesterday alternoon, afford ed amusement to the passers by on Ca barrus street. Elder Q. A. Ward will preach in the Hall of the House of Representatives this evening at 7 o'clock. All are in vited to attend. ... Yesterday morning, in Western Ward, a small colored lad severely sprained his leg while indulging in the fascinating game of hop, skip and jump. See notice elsewhere of " Claims of Census Takers and Mail Contractors." Ex Governor W. W. Holden will give prompt attention to claims ol this kind. 'Henry Wiliams, alias Henry Butler, colored, was killed by N. IJ. Toler con stable in Bentonsville, J ohnston county last Saturday morning. The negro ran and Toler shot at him four times,the last shot taking effect iri Henry's back. Edward Carswcll, the Canadian Hu morist, delivered a lecture to a very large audience at Metropolitan Hall last evening. The lecturer made a fine im pression upon his hearers, and at urgent solicitation has consented to lecture again this evening at the same pi ace. Tiie Western Road. We publish in our columns by special request a communicatian signed "The West'" criticising Gen. Mahone's purposes in regard to the Western North Carolina Road. We do not approve of the article as we have no evidence of Gen. Mahone's designs in the premises. We do not doubt that the Southern Securi ty Company, the Pennsylvania Central and Mahone have an eye to their own interests and care but little about the interests of North Carolina. We have no sympathy with any of their schemes, and we ask the Legislature to do all in their power to protect the State's property froms acrifice and ruin. BArnsT Educational Convention. Thi3 body will meet to-night, and after organization, will discuss the impor tance of a high grade of scholarship in our institutions of learning. Dr. .William Royall, of Louisburg, will read a paper and Rev. .T. C. Hiden, of Wilmington, will deliver an address on the subject. The ministers and teachers of the city, Judges of the Supreme Court, State officers, members of the Legisla ture and our citizens generally are invi ted to attend. 1 Ovide DcntE, Esq. We regret to learn that this young gentleman will leave this city this morning, to take up his residence in New York city to de vote himself to the practice of his pro fession, the law. Mr. Dupre is a young lawyer of fine attainments, indefatigable energy and high moral character, and is destined to rise to eminence in his profession. His many friends in this city will regret to lose hira from- their social circle, but their best wishes will attend him in his new field of labor and duty. Loitcn Bitos & Mills. This ent prising firm have just completed their new brick warehouse and wharf at Newborn and are prepared to handle Cotton, Corn, Iliie, Peas, Oats, &c., &c. They always keep on hand a large lot of comr Those having business to trans act in their line could not do better than by calling on these gentlemen. Wc invite attention to their advertise ment which appears in this issue. Sale-of Old Faiu Ground Lots. Yesterday some eight lots of the old Fair Grounds were sold. The lots were 52x210, and brought an average price of some $300. There are some 43 lots remaining, and the sale will be resumed on Friday next at 11 A. M. Fon Rent. Mrs. Margaret M. Henry will rent her residence, on Fayetteville street, near the Palace. Sec notice. MORNING EDITION. 'J 'I! J ' Y i s t . - y- ; ' 'iTr! .fT if. '' i ' ' RiVLEIGH. N. 0.. Patrick McGowan, Esq., Keeper op the Capitol. As our readers will readily remember,Mi Gorman one of the Representatives of this county in the House,, some days since offered a reso. lution raising a Joint Select Committee to investigate certain charges against this official of malfeasance in office. The Committee was appointed and an In vestigation gone into. The report of the Commitvee, submitled in the House yes terday by Mr. Gorman, fully acquits Mr. McGowan t of, the ; charges made against him. Here is the report: j ; "The Committee respectfully beg leave to report that under the general charge iu the resolution of mal feasance in 1 office, there were five distinct specifications brought to the notice of the Committee, all of which were carefully noticed and witnesses qualified and examined oh both sides to the number 13 ; and upon the evidence adduced they unanimous ly -agree that it is the boucden duty of the Committee to fully acquit Patrick McGowaD, Keeper of the Capitol, from any malfeasance in office on all of the charges brought against him. ; , j Your Committee, however, beg leave to state further that some irregularities do exist a3 to the affairs of the keeping of the Capitol and Capitol grounds, and although,according to evidence brought before the Committee, these irregular-i itie3 existed to a much smaller extent under the management ot the present Keeper of the Capitol than heretofore, yet they feel it to be their duty to recommend some amendment to the law for the government of the Keeper of the Capitol. (Signed.) Thomas A. Nicholson, of the Senate, Jno. C. Gorman and W. S. Carter of the House. The Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal for January, 1873. This able publication is on our table. It is published in Louisville, Ky., and is edited by the distinguished E. S. Gail lard, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in the Louis ville Medical ColUge, assisted by a corps of Associate Editors of marked ability, among whom we recognise the name of Dr. W. A. B. Norcom, of this State. This Journal justly stands at the head of American Medical Monthlies,, and the name of the distinguished Gaillard as ils Editor is a sufficient guarantee to all Southern gentlemen as to its ability and value. He will be pleasantly remembered by the veteran soldiers of the Army of Northern Vir ginia, as their Medical Director, who, in tne discharge- of his duties, lost his right arm at the battle of Seven Pines, by the side of his commanding Gener al, Joseph Johnston. The medical pro fession of the South will be pleased to see the face of the distinguished south ern physician, Dr. J. Marion Sims, whose portrait embellishes this number. We cordially recommend the Richmond and Louisville Journal' to the medical profession ot North Carolina. It is the largest Medical monthly published in the Union. Terms, $5.00 per annum. Address E. S. Gaillard, M. D. Supreme Court Decisions. The following decisions were filed by the Justices yesterday. Bv Person C. J. E. T. Hutchison, Ex'r., vs. S. P. Smith et al, Mecklenburg. Plaintiffs appeal, judgment affirmed ; defendants appeal, decree tor specific performance. ' State vs. Richard Davis tt al, from Rowan. Error.' - By Reade J-. J: C Pinnix vs. C. N. McAdoo et al rom Rockingham. No error ; judg ment affirmed. J. C. . Chambers Ad'mr from Bun combe. No error ; judgment affirmed. By Rodman J. L. D. Shields et al vs. S. N. Martin,ei al from Mlecklen burg. Appeal dismissed. -Chas. Skinner vs. D, L. Maxw3ll,4from Mecklenburg ; judgment affirmed. By Boyden J. . . State vs. John Eller e al from Ashe. No error ; judgment affirmed. - E. C. McLaine, Ex'r vs. J. L. Leach, et al, from Harnett. No error ; judgment affirmed, By Settle J. Jno. J. Shaver vs. Commissioner of Salisbury, from Rowan. No error. State vs. George Gti ham from Wilkes. No error. 1 ' Our Garrison. It is with much pleasure that we publish below the tes timonial of Mayor , Whitaker, as to the orderly character of the troops now on garrison duty in this city, at Camp Russell : Mayor's Office, City of Raleigh, Feb. 10, 187C. I was present at St. John's Catholic church yesterday, and was gratified to hear the Rev. FathertJ. V. McNamara testify, publicly, his thank3 to the Cath olic soldiers now encamped near the city, for their manifestations of their love for him, in their liberal donations lor the cause of religion, and for their general good deportment as christians. I must be allowed to add my tribute of respect to the soldiers for their good conduct since they have been amonir us. I can say that I feel not only gratified at their good discipline and gentlemanly conduct, but that they have given me comparatively no trouble. I honor them as soldiers and as citizens. W. Whitaker, Mayor. To Eugene Kiernan and Sergeant G. O'Connor, 2nd U. S. Artillery, of the Committee. noci3 for Sale and Sheep Wanted By reference to advertisment in another column, 'it will be seen that Mr. William T. Smith has for sale another lot of fine Virginia hogs. This is-' the last lot he will bring this season, and persons wanting will make a note of this. He also wishes to buy 1,000 good North Carolina sheep. See his notice. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. FlemmiDgtOD, - February 16 ; St. Mary's, Orange county, March 8; Hills boro, March 9; Greensboro, March 11. . . ' ' ....... in 'li I .i : : : : : : 1 ' . . i ' ' ! i 1 TUESDAY MORNING. Supreme Court. The Court met It the usual hour. All of the Judges pres ent. The following cases from the 12th District were taken up : t ; ; j - lT f Ann Williams ys Silas M . Greene, Cherokee; continued Ovide Dupre and W H Pa.ce for plaintiff, and Jones & Jones, C L Gudger and W M Shipp for defendant. . . . j M H Love vs L H ' Moody, Trannsylj vania ; argued. W H Bailey and Battle & Son for plaintiff, and D Coleman for defendant. ' State vs Baylesa Henderson, Jackson'; argued; Attorney General and Ovid0 Dupre for State, no counsel for defenj dant. - ; ;;":,'! j CC West vs Jas N Cooper et al;, Cherokee ; argued. No counsel for plaintiff, and A S Merrimon for defen dants. ' R V Hix vs D D Davis, Haywood ; argued. Ovide Dupre and S A Ashe for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant. . M IX Love,, Gar'd. vs A. L Herrert, Hay wood ; argued. D Coleman for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant. - S P Shelton vs D D Davis, Haywood '; continued for want of counsel. j The Court adjourned to meet this morning at the usual hour. Appeals from the 6th District will be called this morning, x Meeting op the Board of County Commissioners. According to adjourn ment the Board ol County Commission ers met in the Courthouse, in this city, yesterday. Messrs. Wynne, Jones, Rayner, Jenks and Todd, Commissioners, were present. The County Treasurer was ordered to pay H. C. Jones $16, for 8 days services as County Commissioner, , from Dec 21st, 1872, to February 11th, 1873. David Lewis for J." A. Smith, was re lieved from paying $2.12 State and $1.92 county tax. W. P. O'Neal was granted a license to retail liquor at Rogers' X Roads. J. T. Harris was granted a license to retail liquor at his place on the Hillsbo ro road. J.N. Goodwin was relieved from paying $1.15 State and 85 cents county tax, on account of physical disability. The County Treasurer was ordered to pay R. C. Badger $80, for professional services ia the Supreme Court up to December 31st, 1872. The Board adjourned to meet at the Poor House on the 1st of next month. Personal Intelligence. We were pleased to see in our sanc tum yesterday, General Robert Ransom, of Wilmington, Captains Joseph Davis, Charles M Cooke and W K Barham, ol Louisburg, M V Lanier, Esq., of Ox ford, Captain Robert B Peebles, of Northampton, and Samuel H Flemming, Esq., of Marion. We regret to learn that Gen Ransom expects to leave the State soon, to take up his residence' in Richmond, Va. Senator Price, of Davie, has recovered from his recent attack and was in his seat yesterday. Edward Carswell, the temperance lecturer, and Rev. J. D. Huf ham are re gistered at the National. Col. Walter Clark, of Halifax, is in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Ed Conigland" Esq., and Captain R. B. Peebles are in the city in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Mr. C is at the Yarboro and Captain P at the Na tional. Raleigh Co-operative Land and Building Association. At a recent meeting of this Association, which by the way is the first ot its kind organized in the State, a highly creditable exhibit of its financial condition was made. The whole number of shares taken was 505, which has been reduced by forfeit ure and cancelation to 422. 207 shares have been redeemed, and the total as sets of the Association amount to $46, 419 08. The present value of the shares is $110. The Association is managed by the following officers : President, James H. Harris ; Vice President, Norfleet Dun ston ; Secretary, G. W. Brodie; ' Treas urer, J. B. Neathery. The Association has enabled many persons to secure homes who would not have been able to do so without such assistance, and is proving a source of profitable investment to others. Death of an Estimable Lady. The sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Camden F. McRae, of Warrenton, N C, reached this city yesterday morning. Mrs. McRae was a daughter of the lae William Plummer, of Warrenton; a niece of Hon. W. II. Battle, and the sister of Mrs. Joseph B. Batchelor, of this city. Mrs. McRae was one of the most estimable ladies we ever knew, the pride of the circle in which she moved, and loved and esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves several children who but a few months ago, were called upon to mourn the death of their father, the Rev. Camden F. McRae, a native of Cumberland county, this State, but at the time of his death occupying an ex alted position as an Episcopal minister in the State of Maryland. Sunday.- The day was clear and fair but windy and cold. The congrega tions at the various churches were large, especially at the Baptist church, where tne funeral ol the late Alonzo Adams was preached by the Rev. Dr. Pntchard, the pastor. The subject of Dr. P's sermon was " Temperance," suggested, as we learu, by the relatives ot'thede ceased. All quiet on the streets, no arrests made and not a drunken man was seen on the streets. Returned to the City. Our city Attorneys, Mpssis. L. C Edwards and B. F. Mooie, who have been abs.:nt in attendance upon Halifax Court, have, returned to the city and their duties. "' Agricultural Meeting. Our citi zens should not forget the mass meeting in the interest of the State Agricultural Society, to be held at Metropolitan Hall on Thursday evening next. FEBRUARY; lX1873f' LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CA OLI NAi . . l:;jBATE.,,i'.V'Tt': ' - -Monday,-Feb. Q, .1873. The Senate was called to order at lO o'clock, by the Lieutenant Governor f "Journal of Saturday .'read ana approved.; Aqo,.- - - -Messrs. Love, Welch and Morchead, of Rpckingham, made . reports r from- their respective Committees; ; . Introduction of 'Resolutions. By Mr. Troy relative to the Penitea tiary, requestiug the Public Treasurer to communicate to the Senate whetOT or not he paid any money to G. . W. Welker, Esq.. or any member of thfe Board of Dircctars, appointed by the Governor. If so to whom and -at whai time, etc. - Adopted.- . .-.'.y-'"' " Introduction of, Sills.''lt"' ' j By Mr. Avera, bill . to prevent- the sale of intoxicating liquors withintwi miles of Clayton Johnston, county wit memorial of the citizens thereon. - Re-j-forred. . ' ) Rules Suspended.- . j Bill to amend the charter of the tows of Milton, Person county, was called u by Mr. Cunningham, and passed " its several readings. ' House resolution authorizing th Auditor to issue a warrant for $340, to Representative Martin, county Treasurj er of Yancy county, for the loss ot one of the same amount, while being trans mitted through the mails. Calendar. . : i Bill' to amend Section, G 8, Chapter 113, laws of 1868-69, passed its second reading. ""''V;';:.. -,: ;";'-!' s House resolutions asking our Repre--sentatives and Senators' to secure tha passage of a lawprovidirig pension foi soldiers in the war with Mexico, takeri up and adopted. x ' . .' Joint resolution asking our Represent latives and Senators in' Congress to secure the passage of a law amendatory, of the Internal Revenue law, was on; motion of Mr. Gudger, laid on the Uble. . f House bill in relation to Clerks-of the Superior Courts, requiring them to open their offices every succeeding day after Monday if the business was not dispatched. Special Order. . V The hour of 11 having arrived, the the consideration of the School bill was announced as the special order for this hour. Mr. Cunningham, as Chairman of the Committe on Education,submitted some remarks in regard to the bill as a whole, but thought the sections 6honld be considered seriatim. He said the Committee had worked faithfully on the various amendments and he hoped the bill would be adopted. . The entire session was occupied, in the discussion of the Amend men ts several of which alterations were made. Pending the consideration of the 29th section the Senate adjourned. ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. Mr. Speaker Robinson, called the House to order. Journal of yesterday read And ap proved. Messrs. Morrison, Brown, of Mecklen burg, and Gidney, submitted reports from various Standing Committees. By Mr. Whisnantt a bill to fix the fees . of the Treasurer of i Rutherford county." Referred. - By Mr. Norment, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor near certain Churches in Robeson county. Referred. By Mr. Brooks, a bill to repeal chap ter 222, laws of 1869,-'70. Referred. By Mr. Grady, a bill to incorporate the town of Aeverasboro. Referred. 3Ir. Bennett was granted an indefinite leave of absence on account of illness. By Mr. Perry, a bill to prevent the sale of liquortnear;Brown Marsh Church, Bladen county. Mr. Craige was announced as being detained from his seat by sickness. On motion of Mr. Gorman, the vote by which the resolution authorizig the sale of Durants Island was ' adopted, was reconsidered. Mr. Guythcr moved to 'indefinitely postpone the resolution. Adopted. By Mr; Badger, a bill to secure a proper accountability by the officers of the State. Refeired. By Mr. Richardson, bill concerning the justification of the bonds of county officers. Referred. - " On motion of Mr. Badger the reso lution asking at the hands of the Sec retary ot State a report of : the number of grants,issued for the years,1868-9,- '70 '71 and 72, was taken up and adopted' The bill to allow a special .tax in Stokes county was taken up and passed, its third reading, yeas 77, nays 1. The bill to ailow a special tax in Washington county was taken up and passed its third reading, yeas 80 nays 0. V The bill to allow a special tax in Alexander county was taken up and passed its third reading, yeas, 83 nays 0. On motion of Mr.McGehee.thebill in relation to fences nnd the protection of crops was taken "up. Mr. McGelKe took the floor in advo cacy of the bill and in explanation of its provisions. Messrs. ' Brown and Reid of Meek burg, spoke at length in favor of the bill. They believed its passage would enhance the value of real estate and greatly improve the stock of the'eounty, &c. ' ' Messrs. Norment and MeNeil did not wish such a law for their county. Mr. Bowman, of Davidson, moved to amend so that it may be discretionary with the Commissioner ot counties as to submitting the question, in their - counties. ' Mr. Norment said that if that amend raent was adopted he would have no objection to the bill. .' The amendment was adopted. i Mr. Badger was opposed to the bill in -t- t-ly TT' m.A ""-Al every euape ur , tui w., aic uiy y cu ( i. indefinitely postpone. .- , , Messrs. Morrison and Stanford did hot wish the law lor their counties, but were willing to allow those counties to have have it that desired it. -I 1f!'.-0'"l!! 7w!h'l r.r't NOi 265. 1 Messrs;' Bowman, Ellison,11 'cot and Jordan argued in favor of the m op tion toindefinitely postpone. . After a , lengthy debate a vote . was taken 'updri the motion ol Mr. Badger to ; indefinitely 'postpone, which was Rejected yeas 31, hays 37. ' J ! . Another, long debate ensued, which Resulted in Mr. Badger m6vrag to lay oh the table. The' yeas and uays were called and the motion 'rejected by a vote oyeasL33v nays 52.5 - f r On motion of Mr. Waugb, the bill wap recomraittdd to the Committe on Agr! cul'ure. . li ". . I Mr. Gorman from Ihe " Committee to investigate the . charges " against the Keeper of the ' Capitol, P. McGowan, oj malt esance in office, submitted a report The, report fully exonerates and acquits that officer ,of all. the, charges, and the Committee sign the report unanimously, and further say that Mr. McGowan is the best Keeper of the Capitol the Stat ever had. : ' - : : :'. ..:; g:ti:i Special Order,-- --: -v Th Senate 5 bill1 to 'incorporate the Midland North Carolina Railway Com pany being the special order, its , con sideration was gone into. ' . Alter much .debate the bill passed its. several reaamgs. i Adjourned. . !'- Concert at Pe ace Institute. This evening the semi-annual concert of the! pupils and teachers . of this , excellent College takes place under the-direction 6f the accomplished and scientific Prof J A. uaumann; Thes"e musical entertain ments have grown into such repute that' words of commendation on our part are out of place. AH whose, privilege it is! to attend, may be assured that a charm ing evening is in store for ' them in the' shape of vocal and instrumental music! of a high order of merit, v. " BLAKEMORE In Shelby ville, Tnn., on the 21st ot January, aged 48, Mrs. Gak tha Ann. Blakkmore, wife of Doctor J. A Blakemore and daughter of the lata Hon Daniel Locke Barriuger, for several , terms a member of Congress from this (Raleigh) District, nd afterwards Speaker of the House of ReDreserttativea of Tennessee She was the great grand-daughter of Rich ard Caswt-U, first Governor of the State of xnertn Carolina. She left a husband and large family to mourn their great loss, and numerous friends survive her in this com munity who affectionately remember her inany virtues ana lovely character. :. AEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JjV ; O " R ' R ifN T. My RESIDENCE on Fayetteville Street, near ine raiace. i? or terms apply on the premises mj . - feb 1 1-lw ' 1MARGARET M. HENRY JjO R C II BROS & MILLS, T E Jf" IS E R JV'9 Jim , C, Having just completed our new Brick Warehouse and Wharf, we are prepared to handle Cotton, "':'-'-:;- It ICe, i': Peas. ' m Oats, &c,, &c. with, a great advantage. A large stock of CORN constantly on hand. . . t , febll-2m 1ST Ol T C E Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly at its present session for an act incorporating me itAijiiJiuii tXiLU." ieiu-im jpASniONABLE DRESS-MAKING. MrsrFrances'A. Johnson 1 Is now prepared to make all styles of La dies Dresses on short notice and on reason able terms. Lest Seamstresses employed. Patterns of Latest Styles cut to order. Res idence one door West of Presbyterian Church. fe 10-eod3w A. M. McPheeteks, . T I F E ' AN John Devereux. D F IRE -: INSURANCE AGENCY, McPHEETERS & DEVEREUX, Citizens' National Bank Building, . . f - No. STExchango Plaee, ! State Agents for that most reliable South em Company, . CAS0LIXA LIFE IXSUR1SCE COMPANY, OF MEMPHIS, TENN. . All classes Fire Risks effected on lowest terms in desirable Companies. , ie iu-ii 1ST O c E Notice is hereby given, that an applica tion will be made to the Legislature ot North Carolina, lor a charter to incorpo rate a Fire Insurance Company. jan ii-ii JARGE STOCK BOOTS, SHOES and Staple Dry Goods. M Jvits vure i,eul Jard. -5 Boxes extra Cream Cheese. 500 Blocks Cotton Yarn. Also large lot Bridles. Saddles. Collars and Harness and everything usually kept in a nrst class store. jano-tf . " M.A.PARKER. O T Yesterday morning between the Fayette ville street Capitol gate and the Postoflice ?16 75. The under will be liberally reward ed by leaving it at this office. ja Li-tr TjpORSES, HORSES, HORSES. $115, One black mare;G yedrs " oldHSTi inc!s i iJigi), sou.nu. ... , , .. j ?1C0, One sorrell mare, 4 years old, 13 hands high, sound. $100, one bay non-e, 9 years oil, 11 hand high, sound. $100, One buy horse, 8 years old, II hands high, one eye. - .- , , - G. T. STRON ACH & BRO. 10 OOO BS' BULK S,DES 2,500 Lbs. Lard in kegs and bbls.. ; -)0 , " Redtn's Wrapping Paper, At POOL v MuRING'S, ' jan25-tf . ( . Wholesale Grocers.' LLTAXD EE NEW GOODS. A large lot of Enveloies,, Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns. ' ' ; , ' Flue Letter, Note and.Cap Taper, . - -' 'VALENTINES lively. Also a few Almanacs to close out, at L. BRANSON'S, febO-tf Bookseller, Raleigh, N.C. 1 UBATES OF ADVERTISING..' One square, one Insertion......;.".............? 1 00 QaesquaMj; two. insertions.: J.2...i..;4.ii "1 50 On square, three insertions- 2 00 One square, six insertions ...;.....'...... 8 50 One square, one month 8 00 One square, three months 16 00 One square, six months . ....... SO 00 one square, v , eive montns, &u uu : For , larger, advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. '-- ''".' PROFESSIONAJ CARDS.: B . S PR U I L L J R A T T O II N E Y A T :i J A CKSON . N . L A W ' Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgecombe and Northampton counties. In the Supreme Court of North CaroUna and in the Federal Courts. i Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. ; , - . ;..jan81-6w '' Q. E O . II ; S N O W! , R A L E I G"H , 23. Qi !? ; . Practices in the State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. u u m janlo-lni - y. r. B. BATCHELOE. . L. C. EDWARDS, W. PLUMMER BATC11ELOK. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR, , , K , ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. . Will attend In the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin. Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and Supreme Courts.. , t t JaniHf LE X . II T; SI I T .H , V ATTORNEY AT LAW, J SOOT LAN D NECK, N . 0 . Will practice In! the i ourts or Halifax and adjoining counties. - ? . . Collections attended to in all parts of the ' State. mayU-tf WALTEB CliABK. 0 L A R K & J. M. M U L en ; ; ji ttoiCye its , jr, jll j HALIFAX, n. a:'- Practice ' in all the Courts of Halifax Northampton and Edgecombe countiesr in the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. AS- ColleQtions made in all parts of North Carolina, .i. , , mh4-ly ED. CONIGLAND, : WM, H. .DAX 1 ' ' LAAV PARTNERSHIP , f ...! p O N I G L A N D .& D A Y , ATTORNEYS AT.LAY, ; ? . ; HALIFAX, N. C. ..Practice in the Ccurti of Halifax and ad joining counties in tue Supreme Court of the state, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians.. The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldon on Saturdays and Mondays , of each week. no 23-tf B. II. Bunn, Sah'l T, Williams Jg U N N & W I L L I A M S , lTTOIZJiEYS JIT .WIfV- X ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ' I L L I A M S & B U N N? lTTORJrE3S JIT LAW W. It A LEIGH, N. C.4 63- Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleiglir Claims Collected in any part of the State. 43 Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh 1-tf. Q II A N G E OF SCHEDUI F, 1 itALEIGII & GASTON RAILROAD,) SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 29th, 1872. ) On and after Saturday, Novi 30th, 1S71., trains on the Raleigh & Gaston RaiLoau will run daily (Sunday excepted) as follo w: MAIL TRAIN. i Leave Raleigh. I Arrives at Weldon, i Leaves Weldon, i AiTives at Raleigh, 9:35 A. 3:30 P. 9:15 A 3:20 al. M. M. Al. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. . Leaves Raleigh, - 8:00 P. sL ' ' Arrives at Weldoi t:20 A. il, . . ; Leaves Weldon, i):15 P. M. Arrives at Rale! -ii, 8:00 A. M. Mail train maiies close connection, fcl Weldon with the Seaboard and Roan ok l Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Balti more, to and from all points North, Wett 1 and Northwest, and with Petersburg Kali road via Petersburg, Richmond and Wash ington City, to and from all points North and Northwest. - , And at Raleigh With the North Caroicij Railroad to and from all points fcoutL ucJ Southwest, and with the Raleigh & Augun ta Air Line to Haywood and Fayetteville. . Accommodation and Freight trains .con nect at Weldon with Accommodation nnj Freight trains on seaboard and Roanok i Railroad and Petersburg Railroad. And at Raleigh with Accommodation and Freight trains on North Carolina Rail, road. ' persons living along the line of the roaO can visit Raleigh in the morning by Ac commodation train, remain several hourj. . and return -the same evening. A. II. ANDREWS. June 17-tf . Gen.Bur-t. E ABOARD & ROAKOKK RAILROAD COMPANY. ' OFBICK S. & R. R. R. Co. Portsmouth, Va Jan. 1, 1371. On and .liter Hiis date, the trains wl leave Portsmouth (Sunday exceptedjas Maij "train daily at i 6 am. Tliiongh freight train dally at 1.30 p. m. Way Freight Trains Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at ; ? 8.00 a' at, ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail train daily at - : G;4bP, Tlirougii i''reight train dally at 439 P. Way Freight Train Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1.30 . Mail Trains stop at all stations for pat; sengers. Through Freight Trains stops Bower's Hill, Suffork. liuckhorn, Frankllx? B.j kin's and Seaboard for psfeersers . :V i.c!.l. . - Ww-Muil train connects at Weldon wltb . ii-.f 1 1 anis of the Wilmington and Weldon,' lull and Gaston railroads. .:i.lon Mondays. AV'eenesdays aud .it Franklin, with eteamer for Ede. )ii, Plymouth, and Landings on Black i-.ttr and i.'tiowan rivers. E. G. GHI0. iur.l-ti - - Supt. of Transportation. nllANGE -OF SCHEDULE. UALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR-LINE, supekintexdent's-Office, . Italeitrh. N. C Nov. 29th.lS72. on and aner saiuraay, jnov. iWin..iK7 truhiii on the R. & A. A. L. Rr.al vriU i uu daily, (Sunday excepted.) as follows: ; . Mail Train leaves Raleigh, -n A Wi ves :it. Kiln fnrrl 6.15 '. .Midi Train leaves Sanford, V .6.30 A. M ' " " Arrives at lialeigh, 9.20 Mail Tiuin makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gastou FaUj road, to and from all points North. And at Sanford with the Western "Rail road, to and from Fayetteville and point on Western Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS," June 17-tf . . Superintendf lit,' ; .it 1 : i i fa i rv-' M i Is 5 . , f l a. A

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