DAILY NEWS. sroNKAUZZELL, - - Proprietors. Fatetteville Street, over W. c: Stronach & Co.'s Store. DAILY NEWS. - f IHE RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion......... 1 1 2 00 50. 00 une square, two insertions One square, three insertions., 3 58 8 00 16 00 SO 00 CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Hie I'.VILY NKWH will bo delivered to niisi'i ibei-H at fifteen cents per week, p.i.yauie to the carrier weekly. Mailed at ?7 'i -.annum ; t t.50 lorix months; $2 forthre i n mihs. I'll.- WiiKKLY NEWS at 2 per annua.. une square, six insertions.... une square, one monin One square, three months.... One square, six months. One square, t'.. elve months. 50 00 ; Jt or larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. T0L.1. RALEIGH. NV C WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBHUAHY 12. 1873. NO; 266. News. 1 0 0, G O O . TIIK DIUECTOKS OP THE V U E D E L ' E A U CO. Having, for reasons already given to the pub 1U-, denied it judicious to postpone their (i It AND GIFT CONCERT I n aid of tiiis new and delightful S JE A - S 1 1 E IZESO It T The undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing that the Concert will take place, without mil, - On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, I N Til K OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., When the following magnificent gifts, amounting-to 100,000 DOLLARS, Will be distributed by lot to the holders of ticket: 1 Gift in Greenbacks of 5,000 o Gi tls in Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 20 Gifts in Greenbacks of 5600 oach, 10.0U0 7i LleauUfully located Cottage JLots ' by the sea," 30 by 130 feet, at tie de L'Eau, valued at 100, 30,000 jh) oiuer ueauuiuuy iocatea uottage Lots, 2d by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at 8200 each, 40,000 I K) Gills in Greenbacks of SloOeach, 10,000 I"! Gills, valued at $100,000 W.OOi) TICKETS AT $3 EACH. The distribution of Gifts will take place i tiuuediately alter the Conceit, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view of ine audience, under the immediate su- pervision of the President and Directors of rue v ue de l'au company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that vno guts are properly distributed as adver tised: lion John II Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, lion A s V atts, jinyor ot I'ortsmoutli, Col Walter li Tayler, of Norfolk, Hon John li i Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, James G Holladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. "Should the tickets be not all sold when i he concert comes otiL the presents will be distributed in proportion to tho number sold. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our 15. inking House in the. city ot Norlolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, vithout discount. - l or further particulars and for tickets, upply to the undersigned, who alone are au- honzed to appoint agents lor the sale of tickets. The undersigned. Directors of th.e Vue de L' hla u Company, pledge themselves to the pubiic that the above Grand Gilt Concert si, ail take place on Thursday, reomary j a ii. Is;;!, as announced in above card, on t.ie basis of the original advertisement as to the distribution of gifts: Win. Lamb, R. J. Neely, M. Parks, . 1). li roner, W.H.White, W. Heed, l-. G.Ghio, G. W. Grice, N. Duirus, E C. Liudsey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and can be 'blained lioin tne following agencies : Fogarty & Co., Bank of Portsmouth, liain & Brother, Burruss, Son & Co. UURRUSS, SON & CO., bankers and Financial Agents'" Yue deL'Eau Company, N O R F O L K , V A . tlj' Tickets can be purchased of , It ... II . BRADLEY Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C ja20-dtd T HE AD J US T ABLE SPUING BED BOTTOM, Of which we .are.the LE MANUFACTURERS AND. PRO PRIETORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. ; IS THE rERFECTION OF Comfort, Durability & Cleanliness. We manufacture these Beds of all sizes, to lit every kind or style of Bedstead, and will manufacture them expressly for and de.'iver them at 1 f HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use, to assure satisfac tion, beiore payment is required. All our uoods are maue in the mcst thorough manner, of the very best ma terials, and are-warranted for ten years use. to remain perfect and serviceable. We have purchased 4he right in this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to manu- laeture them in any quantity. Dr. Blacknall, at the Yarborough House, who has them in use. can tell aoout tne Beds. Persons In Raleigh or vicinity desiring a Spriust Bed to try, will send lenath of one ol the slats across Deusteau, to JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, lllllsboro c, uaieigu, in. j. J. A. Jones, D. J. Ellis. J febl-tf R E M O E D llavinir disposed of my Store on Fayette viile street, 1 have openea at , Yo. 13 Uargctl Street, where T will benleased to serve all who will lavor ma with their patronage, at the lowest noss.ble rates, lor cawu or uarter. iy stock consists of ; Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal, Rtc3, Salt, Mo lasses, Clieese, llams. bnouiuers, uuik .Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by the measure, Soup, Brandy Peaclits, Canned (Imds. Candies. Nuts. Raisins, Apples, Onion3, Irish Potatoes, &C -L. Tliankful for past patronage, I hope to luejit the same in luture Dy iau- iu.-annj and strict attention to business. Give me a Call I C. D. CHRISTOPHERS, febl-lm No. 13 Hargett Street. 0 A R M E R S C O M P O U N D PECTORAL COUGH SYRUP, It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore inroat, uroiiChiiis, anu au uiaeusea 1 the Tnroat and Lungs. rilEf'AREO BY J It. H. CARMER, Druggist,: No. 11 Fayetteviile Street, Raleigh, N. an29-tr ttM O. MORNING EDITION. She gtalrigft gailji Qtw. WEDNESDAY FEB KUARY 12. 1S73 MfAll parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. ?2ST" Snrcinl nti-p lncortpil in tlm Local Column will be charged Fil- tecn Cents per line. Messrs. GrifQn and Hoffman. Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 south street.. liauimore, Aid., are amy authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in , that City are requested to leave ineir lavois witn tnis nouse. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor For latest news b telegraph see Fourth -Page. Correspondents will please write on one side ol the paper. Local Biuefs. D. I?. Goodloe, Esq., of Warrenton, is in the city. The Knights of Pythias will meet to- ni"ht for woik in the -first and second decrees. Judge D. A. Barnes, Dr. S. A. Wil liams and T. Stewart Armstead, Esq., arrived in this city yesterday afternoon. Eil ward Cai swell and Theo. N. Ram sey, Esqs., leave this city this morning ior uoiusooro. 3ir. Uarswcli is can vassing in the interest of the Good Templars. The moving of the Baptist. College building, " on wheels," will commence on Thursday at 12 o clock.- The "North American Iloue Movist" will have his hands full, we opine. Metropolitan Hall was crowded again last night to listen-to the address of Mr. Carswell. the Canadian humorist. Quite a number of persons were induced to join the order of Good Templars. The News job office having obtained a new ana elegant large jot press, is now better prepared than ever to do.all manner ot joo work, bend in your orders if you wish neat work. Parties in the country wanting work done, have only to notify us of their wants. Conceut at the Peace Institute. Last eveninir the young ladies and teachers of the Peace Institute, of this city, gave their semi-annual concert,and a charming entertainment it was. The spacious and well proportioned Chapel was filled to the extent ot its capacity by an appreciative audience, whese de light was frequently manifested by out bursts of hearty, but well-bred. applause At the hour this wrtiten, it is too late to enter into details as to the charming perjormances and beautiful surroundings. Ihe various all well rendered, both ccution and expression both vocal and instrum order of talent, combined with an artis tic ability, was develoned Prof. Baumann and his corps of a:sist- tants mav well congratulate themselves upon the success which dias rewarded their labors in the musical department of this excellent institution of learning. At another time a more extended and descriptive notice of this delightful concert will be gnen, together with some remarks upon a few of the many points of excellence which characterize the management and discipline ot this institution The Freshet in the Roanoke. Our Wcldon correspondent, under date of Monday, thus speaks of the high waters in his section: The freshet in the Roanoke reached its highest Saturday night. It was within six feet of the great freshet of January, 18G5. The water subsided very slowlv last night, but this evening it has been going down more rapidly. The steamer . Silver Wave is below the Petersburg railroad bridge, waiting for the water to get low enough ior her to pass under and come up with her cargo. Captain Locke thinks he will be able to bring her up in two or three days. The new embankments)! the Peters burg railroad stood the pressure of the water without material injury. The weather has been so wet and unfavorable for out door work .hat the farmers have not been able to do much, and at this writing (9 p. m.) the indi cations are that we will have more rain. Moskley The Confectionek. By reference to our adveitising columns it willbe seen that Moseley who is, by the way. known as the "children's friend," f-vA ntrnrr tlnnrr in tho flnnfpP tinnnrv and fancv iroods line. Toys of evcrv description from a Jews harp to a sailing sieamuoat . ; uaivcs, cauuiea, confectioneries and family groce rics. Moseley ha3 one of the ' greatest curiosities in the shaped a toy that has ever been brought totown and it is real ly worth a visit to see. A live baby seven and a half inches in length and weigh in" 23 -4'lbs. which squalls and squirms like a sure-enough baby. It is really a curiosity. Don't forget his places nearly oppo site Tucker Hall, when you want cakes, candies or toys lor the children. Col. R. T. Bennett. This gentleman is at present confined by sickness to 1 ; .i -ir! ..." u TU,. his room at ine imuuiuugn. . c hope he will be in his seat in a day or two. The Wilmington : Journal of yesterday thus alludes to him : "Colonel R. T. Bennett, the a'.le representative from Anson, was in the City last evening, en route for Raleigh. Colonel Benuett has taKen a pubiuuu u the House of which he may well be proud, and which has enabled him to be of great benefit,not only to Anson and this portion of the State, but to the State at large." '. . Still Sick.- Gov. Caldwell, who has been quite ill for several days past, was, we iCarn, better yesterday aiternoon Be on the Alert. In order that our merchants may be kept posted, we give the following account from the Wilmington Star of the 8fh inst. showr ing how a prominent business house in Fayetteviile was swindled the other day : 4A prominent mercantile firm of Fay ette ville was made the victim a few days since of a trick,the equal of which, especially in the daring eflrontery of the perpetrator, we have seldom heard or read of in the annals of roguery. A neatly dressed man, of prepossesing ap pearance, entered the store and after looking about a while remarked to one of the proprietors that he was indebted to the farm in the sum oi $100 and would like to have his bill made out and re ceipted and he would pay the amountt. Ihe porpnetor said he remembered nothing of the occurrence, but asked his name and, upon ore assumed for the occasion being given, the book keeper was requested to see if there was any charge against him. An examina tion of the books was made and no such name could be found. "Neverthe less," remarked the unknown, "I purchased a bill of goods in this store to the 'amount stated, on sixty days' time." He then went on to designate the different clerks who -served him on the occasion. The storekeeper was astounded at the apparent honesty of the stranger, a quality so rare among the human lamily in these degenerate times, and proceeded o lecture his book-keeper tor his careless ness and neglect in not entering the sale at the time.. He then made out the bill and receipted it, when the amount was paid over. The stranger, then sauntered abut the store a f'ewT minutes, when he remarked that he would like to purchanse another bill of goods. The storekeeper, anxious to retain such an honest customer, smiK ingly assented and hastened to supply him with everything he required. Goods of different descriptions, amounting in the aggregate to about $700 wTorth, were put up, the unknown desiring them to be sent to a certain point, which was done. The stranger then took his de- parturc ostensibly for the purpose of getting the money to pay for the goods, since which time neither the man nor the goods he purchased have been se'en or heard of in Fayetteviile. Hereafter. extremely honest people will be looked upon with a certain degree of suspicion by our friends, the merchants alluded to as a result of their experience with their uuknown customer." The Agricultukal Meeting at Metropolitan Hall. As heretofore announced, Col. T. M. Holt, the Presi dent of the Agricultural Society, will uc in iuc city lo-monow m me inieicita oi me society ana witn a view oi lurthenng the efforts that are being made to arrange a Fair Grounds near Raleigh second to none in the South. A meeting of the Executive Committee will be held to morrow morning at 11. meeting of the citizens and all others interested will be held in Metropolitan Hall, when addresses will be made by different bersons. the rilans of the new pair Qround be exhibited, and various matters pertaining to the lair next lall be discussed. It is to be hoped that the citizens of Rakigh, who are deeply interested in the success ot the efforts now being made, will turn out in large numbers to encourage the Committee. and the President, who are laboring so faithfully in the cause, with their pres ence. Supreme Court. The Court met yesterday at 10 A. M. All of the Judges present The following cases were ar- gued : Julius S Joyner vs Thos II Speed, Franklin ; Jones & Jones for plaintiff, and C M Cook and J J Davis for defen dant. E O Macy, administrator vs State of North Carolina-r-Wake. A M Lewis for plaintiff and Attorney General for the State. Jane C Hinton vs David Ilinton, exe cutorWake. W S Mason, T P Deve reux and Smith & Strong for plaintifi and Moore & Gatling for defendant. Reuben Perry vs Sylvester Pearce Johnston. A M Lewis for plaintiff and Smith & Strong and L W Barringer for the defendant. Ann Williams vs Silas M Greene Cherokee. Ovide Dupre and W H Pace for plaintiff and Jones & Jcnes, J C S Gudger and W M Shipp for defendant. The Court adjourned to meet this morning at the usual hour, ihe 6th District will be continued to day. Majou F. II. Camekon. The Wil mington Journal, of the 8th inst., in alluding to the resignation of this gen- tleman as Secretary and Treasurer of the Wimington Life Insurance Compa ny, says Major Cameion resigned this posi- tion to accept the Vice Presidency of the North Carolina State Lite Insurance Company, of Raleigh, to which he was recently elected. We regret that he has found it necessary to leave us and can only tender him our most sincere wishes in his new held oi labor, we congrat ulate the new Company in haying secur ed the services of one so competent, and are confident that, in his extended sphere, he will gain an increasing repu tation tor himself while establishing his Company on a firm and profitable foun daf.on." . ' Personal. We noticed quite a num ber persons in the city last evening from different portions of the State, in atten- -. k T'.l.-..otJMinl Pnr rhntS.m CianCU UUUll lUCJUUUtuuuuui ivum.u now in session at the Baptist church in thi- T.lace. Amonji the number we were pleased to see our friend Julian Picot, Esq., of Hertford county, whose trenchant pen has often graced the . -C ...,., I.nrn .it columns oi our pupci uw. .1.0 Weldon. May neuve a tnousauu years. (3) Century whisKy, ine creme ue rui of all whiskies T U J V"iv v - . . I "A" utiu luuiuuun Uiui""n J-x. Tl, T"l,.n I-. U pieces were o'clock, at the office of the Secretary " " . . "its third reading by U to 0. Same in.point of ex- in the Fi3her building front room third in several, floor. I . " .r., liiu in relation to tne state census, ental, a high At 7i o'clock in the evenin?r a general m , , VCV ' .... . UJ8.., .. ua u uv; abolishing the same, passed its second The Baptist Educational Con-1 vention. This Convention met at the Baptist Church at 1 o'clock last even- ing. The exercises were opened by singing, Rev. Dr. Pritchard leading in the old song of "Come Thou Fount of every Blessing." Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Walters. v On motion of Dr. Pritchard, Hon. John W. Ellis, of Columbu3, was made temporary Chairman, and W. II. Pace, of this city, and Maj. W. .L Yate3, of the Charlotte Democrat, were requested to act as Secretaries. Mr. Ellis, upon taking the chair, said: Brethren, of the Church, Gentlemen ot the Convention and Ladies: I thank you for the compliment in calling upon me to assist m the permanent organiza tion of this body. I sincerely hope its proceedings may result in the increased usefulness of our Church, and is the J general advancement of our ccuatr-j Messrs. Walters, lluTham, and Ivey were appointed a committee on permit nent organization. The President announced that all persons present interested in the cause of education were invited to par ticipated in the proceeding of the Con vention. Dr. W. M. Vingate introduced to the audience Rev. Dr. Royall, who proceeded to read a" paper on, " Certifi cateS and Diplomas in Academies and Colleges dependent upon a high stand ard of scholarship how far practica ble?" An address, on the same subject, was delivered by the Rev. J. C. llidcn, of Wilmington. We regret that lack of space to-day precludes the possibility of even giving a synopsis of the excellent addresses of the above named gentlemen. Suffice it to ay, that all who went to the Convention last night wili attend to-day, and all who would enjoy a rich intellectual treat will not miss an opportunity to attend the meet ings this week. , ; Ihe Convention will meet this m,orn- ing at 10 o'clock. The following will be the principal order of exercises : Thfi iplntinns Viptween ihfi Afrar?pmv and College. How mav the number of u former be icre!ised ? Paper Rev. A F. Redd, Raleigh, N. C. Addresses Mr. J. II. Picot, Murfrecs- bcro, and Mr. J. C. Scarboro, Selma, N, C. The Small-Pox in Franklin. Dr. Crenshaw, of Louisburg, who has been quarantined for some time past ith the small-pox in Harris' Township, gives the. following particulars of the ravages of this disease in that vicinity. ri.. 'inta , ftnn item u letter to Representative Williamson, of that county, and published in last evening's iiVa.Says the Doctor : "The first week in Du-cember M:."- with dysentery of which he died. It was very contagious and it spread to Wilson Bolton's, Andrew Jackson s and Dorson Jean's. I have been residing for the last 7 weeks with these dis tressed families,quarantined lrom Louis burg. I have treated 28 cases ol small pox and am very sorry to say that in consequence of the unpreceden ted spell ot cold and bitter w'eather. the unfavorable surroundings of many of my patients, and the virulency of the disease, ten of the cases died, viz: 1 at the Bolton s ; 4 at Rogero' ; 1 at Jackson's ; and 4 at Jeans'. The cases at Jeans were perfectly OYerwlelming, partaking of congestiveness, and the who died were con fluent and typhoid. Having had large experience in treating small pox, I pro nounce thi3 altogether the most viru lent visitation of the disease I ever at tended. I subioin a list of the deaths : Reuben Rogers, his son, Absalom, and daughter, Arabella : Mrs. Bodson Jeans, her son, Norfleet, and daughters, Jo sephine and Mary; John Jackson ; and J. W. Dickerson. Thanks to a Kind Provdence for vaccination, the disease was warded off and entirely or greatly mitigated in its icverity. It has now entirely subsided in Harris' Township. " The State Agricctltural Journ al." This paper, to succeed the Mccon- structed Farmer andthe Goldsboro Far mers' and Mechanics' Journal, will be commenced in this city in a few days. It will an be eight-page weekly, and will, we doubt not, supply the want ol such a journal that is felt in the State. Capt. R. T. Fulghum, the Editor and Pub- lisher, is busily engaged in getting out tuc mat uuuiuci. vnpi. uauiuo luiyptu will still be associated with it in as Ag- ricultural Editor. We wish the Journal much success. A Horse Thief at Large. A Salis bury correspondent; under date of Mon day, says that John Allen Ketchey, the notorious horse thief, who had been chained in jail, has just broken out and is now at large. OtllTUAliY. Died, on Sunday evening, the 2Gth ult., at Glen wood, near Morganton.MiiS, Fran ces Way land l ate, wne ot Knox i. late, Esq., and daughter oi iienry t: Bond, Esq. formerly ol Lenoir county, N. c. Mrs. Tate was a ioveiy una most estima ble lady, and it is with deep emotion that we pay our feeble tribute to her worth. Her amaibility Jand uniform cheerfulness rendered her a lavorite wherever she was Known, Willie iii-i iujc injuujiipiioii- ments gave delight to the refined and cul wmie ner rare accompiisn- .sii Kncoi ir.m sei . aim n is nam to real- ize that i he bright face and graceful iorm will hft seen no more in our miust. lliiiay 1 Vint to love her, none named her but to ue iruiy sili u. nci uuw uw" 'xktiviv I . -- She was a member cf the Protestant I Discopal Church, ana uer pure ana exem Diary li'e proved the sincerity of the faith tual Snc piuicaacui uuv ouuu. w "As sets the morning star, which goes Not down behind the darkened West, nor VlideS v obscurea among the tempests of the sky, But meits away into tne ngnt oi neaven. Tnhpr hereaved husband and relatives we ui tender our most neartieit sympatny, . " - - . Ashcvilie, teo. i, i... ivav' u v Uiivi iriiu a lxa Mil uua m uiuvu I aEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR- --.. O Li I N A SENATE. Tuesday, February 11, 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock, by the Lieutenant Governor. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. , ' Petitions and Memorials. By Mr. Avera, a petition from citizens ol Johnston, asking that no action be taken in the matter of the sale of spir itous liquors within two miles of Clay ton, Johnston county. Referred. By Mr. Long, a petition from citizens of Rockingham county, asking the en actment ot a law preventing the sale of spirituous liquors within three miles of Rockingham Courthouse.- Referred. Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Love, a bill in relation to the sale of spirituous liquors. Ordered to be printed. - - By Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, a bill to amend sections 264, 265, 270 and 273 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Introduction of Iiesoutions. By Mr. Flemming, a resolution au thorizing and directing the Treasurer in certain matters: Made the special order for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. By Mr. Welch, a resolution of instruc tion to the Committee on the Lunatic Asylum. The resolution requires a re- port of the number namesland from what counties of the inmates of the Asylum. Reports of Standing Committees. Messrs. Love, Ellis, of Columbus, Avera, Norwood, Dunham, Gudger, Murry, Todd,Morehead,of Rockingham, Mr. . Flemming submitted reportsjrom their respective Committe. Snerial Order . Tlic hour at 12 o'clock having arrived, the l special order for that hour was uiu consiueration oi tne Constitutional Amendments. The vote by which the bill in regard to the University ot North Carolina was defeated, was reconsidered, and the bill passed by 36 yeas to 4 nays, . Messrs. Eppes, Hyman, Ilill.and Holloman vot ing in the negative. : The bill provides that the charge of the University be taken from Ihe Board of Education and be transferred to the General Assembly. The bill to abolish the Code Commis sioners passed by 37 yeas to 5 nays. Mr. McCabe voting in the negative, which makes the difference in the vote above. The bill to abolish the ofSce of Super intendent of Public Works passed its third reading by d7 3reas to 5 nays. (Same vote as above.) The bill in relation to the State debt passed its third reading by the same vote as above. Bill in relation to tax exemptions pro vides that any species of property to the amount now provided for in the Constitution, may be- cxeffi uted, passed, reading by the same vote as aboyc. Bill in relation to Federal and State office-holders. (This bill meets the same requirements as provided lor in the late proclamation ot President Urant.) Jiill passed it3 second reading by the same vote as above. Bill in relation to public charities passed, by, 36 to 7, its second reading. Bill to change the sessions ot tne General Assembly to biennial instead of annual, passed itssecond reading by 38 to 4. Mr. McCabe not voting. Bill in relation to the term of Execu- tive officers. Providing that the term shall be two years instead of four, failed to pass by a vote of 20 ayes to 13 nays a stnet party vote. Bill in relation to abolition of town ships and to come back to the old pre cinct system, failed by a vote of 29 to 12 which was also a strict, party vote. Bill in relation to the pay of mem bers of the General Assembly, allowing them $300 per annum, and 10 cents per mile, also failed by 33 to 11. Mr. Flemming thought the 3d votes .a a t 1 1 was tne necessary two-tnira3, one Senator having lesignecl made thenum ber 49. He therefore appealed from the decision of the chair. The President stated, before putting the vote, the' nature of his ruling, and that the very same question arose in 18 , when the Hon. W. JS. Edwards, ot Warren county, filled the position now occupied byhimself, and m his decision he followed the precedent ot this learned gentleman. The Sena':e sustained the ruling of the chair. Mr. Humphrey, who had voted in the negative, moved to reconsider the vote and that the consideration of the reconsideration be postponed till 10J O ClOCKitO morrow. AUOpieu On motion of Mr, Morehead, of Guil ford, the bills that had passed their third reading 'were ordered to be en- rrrcoprl nnrl sent, forthwith tn rhfi ITnilSP iSCh.001, JJUL. The consideration of the School Bill was resumed, and considerable discus sion ensued on the various sections that remained to be considered. The entire bill, having been perfected, passed its second reading. When the bill be comes a law we will publish in full, and consequently the Reporter ha3 made no relerence, either to the discussion or the alterations and amendments proposed. Several messages were received from the House transmitting several bills and resolutions which were referred or dis posed f. mi. i. c t T n , .-, ; t- i m. uv. ivowiuv.vii . vuv -i - - H tin" the Keeper of the'Gapitol, Patrick " ance in office, charged against him and mmuj;n th.t lm Sona rnsnln. tion making him Keeper ol the Capitol be concurred in. The report and recommendation were concurred in by the Senate. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' House called to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker Robinson. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Joyner presented a memorial from citizens ot Johnston county, asking a law to prevent the sale of liquor near bhiioh church. Mr. Carson was announced'as being tick, ! Mr. Bowman presented a memorial uum .tcuaiu tiuicuj ui ijuitvu tuuuij, asking for a new county. Mr. Jones, of Orange, was granted a leave of absence on account of sickness in hi3 family. By Mr. Joyner, a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor near Shiloh church. Re ferred. By Mr. Richardson, a resolution con cerning A. R. Dennison, late Sheriff of Craven county, relative to State taxes due Craven county. Referred. By Mr. Rhodes, a bill to allow the levy of a special tax in Wayne county. Referred. f"sv By Mr. Paschjill, a bill to provide for keeping up the public highways. Re ferred. By Mr. Grandy, a bill to provide .for the continuation of the improvement of the Cape Fear and Deep River Stock Navigation. Referred By Mr. McNeill, a bill to prohibit the sale, of liquor near certain localities in Rnbeaon r.nuntv. Referred. I On motion ot Mr. Gorman, the report of the Special Committee to inquire in to the charges against the Keeper of the Capitol was taken up and adopted. By Mr. Johnston, a resolution confirm ing the contract with' Patrick McGowan , m i i i " " .7 43 r grounds. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the rules were suspended and the resolution was taken up, Alter a lengthy debate Mr. Brown, ot Davidson, movea to lay on the table. Lost, yeas 47, nays 51. Alter another long debate, tne res,o muon was ;auopteu. i I On motion oi Mr. McGehee. the rules were susnended and the bill to reouire a proper accountability at the hands of J officers of the State was taken up and passed its severarreadmgs. The bill to repeal the act incorporat ing the Cape Fear Building Association was taken up as a special order. Messrs. Heaton and McLaunn, col., iavored the passage of the bill. Mr. Gorman opposed it. Mr. Badger advocated it. Mr. Norment argued at length in op position to the passage of the bill. A lengthy debate ensued, when a vote was taken and; the bill failed to pass its second reading. On motion of Mr. Stanford, the bill to prov.de for the collection ol taxes by the State and by the several counties ot the State on property, polls and incomes, known as tho " Machinery bill," was taken up on its third reading. A long debate ensued upon the va nous amendments proposed by the Committee oh Finance, pending4which, the House adjourned. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R E S' H A R RIVALS lJ At MOSELEY'S Confectionery. r RANGES, APPLES & LEMONS, Just to hand at MOSELEY'S. A N N E D GOO D S Every variety for family use. Also a fine assortment Jellies, at MOSELEY'S. Tn t? "P. a tr n i n v v. r? a AJ Egg. Cream, Sola, Butter,. Famils-, Nic Nac, London and others,;at MOSELEY'S.. j J-V O-J KJ Al t J XI V-y iA. Ji X V T7INE SEGARS AND CHOICE JL" Chewing Tobacco at MOSELEY'S. nOME AND SEE WHAT I HAVN'T - , S got. You will be waited on cheeriully At MOSttLUY'S, febl'2-tf Fayetteviile Street, Raleigh. AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CONSIGNMENTS OF - - i ' . ' . Corn, Meal, Hay, Fodder, Shucks, White, and Mixed Beans, White and Stock i Peas, Sweet and Irish "Pota toes, Turnips, Chick ens, Eggs, Moun tain Butter, and everything ttsually sold on oiiijinssio Jt fed!2-tf WAYNE ALLCOTT. STOCK OF FIRST CLASS F AMI L Y GROCERIES is at all times complete ; prices low and all orders delivered promptly. I have made arrangements, in connection with my business, to ROAST AND GRIND COFFEE daily, where you can rely upon getting PURE AND FRESH ROASTED OR GROUND COFFEE j OF ALL KINDS. S Please send for sample. feb!2-tf WAYNE ALLCOTT. O R C II B R O S & M I L L S , jrE.W 'IS ERJl Having just completed our new Brick Warehouse and Wharf, we are prepared to handle Cotton. ; Corn, Rice, - -:'-:, Peas, ,-. Oats, &c,, A'C. with a "-reat advantage. A large stock of CORN constantly on hand. ' feb ll-2na OALL AND SEE NEW GOODS. j ... . - - A large lot of Envelope'', Presbyterian Psa'.msand Hymns. . Fine Letter, Note and Cap Paper. VALENTINES Lovely. ' Also a ft w Almanacs to close nut, at. Jj. BRANSON'S, feba-tf Bxjkscller, Rjileigh, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. s. B . S PR TJ I L L , JR.' ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSON, N C . AVlii practice in all the Courts of Halifax, iiUgecoiiiDe ana isortnampton counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections mad in all narts of North Carolina. jan 31-tiw G- E 11 S N O W l "... RALEIGH, N. C, Practices in the State and Federal Courts ": Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State. . janio-im B.BATCHELOR. " L. Cj EDWAKDS. W. PLUMJIER B ATCHELO B. BATCIIELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCHELOR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake. Gran ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and Supreme Courts. jan 3-tf A LEX H, S M I T H ATTORNEY AT LAW, S C O T L A N D NECK, N . C . Will practice in the ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Collections attended to in an parts or tne State. may 11-tf Walter Clark. J. M. MULLE, & MUL E N . C L A RI A TTOllJTE ICS AT I, A IP, HALIFAX, N. G. Practice in all ihe Courts of Halifax Northampton and Edgecombe counties In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts or Nortn Carolina. mni-iy . ED. CONIGLAXD, . WM. H. DAY LAW PARTNERSHIP. C O N I G LAND & DAY, ATTORNEYS AT .'LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. "Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of the State, ana in ine u eaerai wouns. xney wiU eive snecial attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and oruardians. w - . . ' 1 1 3 A - 1 . ine J unior partner win atteuu at uis oi flce in Weidou on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. no 28-tf B. II. BUX2T, DUNN Sam'l T. Williams! & W ILL I A MS , ATTOItJTEYS AT LAW, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L L I A M S & B U N N , ATTORNEYS AT JLAJJ R ALEIG'H, N. C. t?L. Business letters mav be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleigh..ffiflr Claims Collected in any part of the State. 3 Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh. mn i-ti. T f BO XES BAR SOAPS, I O KJ loo boxes J4 gross fancy toilet soap, 20 cases Concentrated Lye, 2-5 cases Starch, 10 boxes medium. Tobacco, 19 " Fine " 500 Pounds Smoking Tobacco, 20 gross Snuff at LEACHB T7ISII, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH JL. " 75 barrels all grades. For sale by G. T. STR0NACI1 & BRO., Market and Martin Sts. 15,000 LBS. BULK SIDES 5,000 pounds Lard, Oats, oats, oats, oats. (4 STRONACH & BRO. c IIRISTMAS ;IIOLIDAYSl W. II. g i U, S. TlCKEli & CO., Pave aided to their L A Ii Q E S T 0 C Kt Many d sirabJe a rticlt s suit ible for CHRISTMAS PIIESEJVTS. Ladies Winter Dress Goods, Scarfs, Nec ktier, Cloth Cloaks an I Eacqces, Gloves, Furs, Ac. CF Til ATCBE Rcipectfullyynvited toaniaspectlon of onr Stock. , - - W. H. A R. S. TUCKER 0D.3 dec!4-dtr JSTO- B. NEAL. WM. J. BA'tlE J O n N B. N E A L & CO., 'i - ' COTTON FACTORS, AND ; '. g;:meal commission aaicuiXTS AGENTS FOB PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. ea-Battieboro "Advance" copy, sepffidiw-tf ft. 1, ft'