DAILY '..'NEWS. sroxK A UZZELL, - - Proprietors. i'AYJETTKYJliI.E STREET, -vt W. C. Stronacli & Co.'s Store. IL-Yt new.s. i RATES OF ADVERTISING. - One square, one insertlosM..........$ 1 60 . One square, two insertions 1 60 One square, three insertions............ 2 00 One square, six insertions.. .............. 3 50 One square, one month 8 CO One square, three months... .. 16 00 One square, six months. 80 00 One square, t".. elve months,....ii.i;.i.... 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con- tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. - CASH IXVARIABLY IN ADVA5CK. l !.tr )AILY NEWS will be delivered to jub-ri'iurs at fifteen cents per week, p iyab!e to the carrier weekly. Mailed at ?7 p-.-r annum ; $;l.30forsix months ; $2 for thre i i atlis. VOL. 1. i ;i ; W'ltKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUAEY 13. 1873. NO. 267.: : MT1 HIT PDA 1 0 0,0 GO 41 THE DIUKCT0U3 OF THIS V U. E I) E L ' E A U C O . Having, for reasons already given to the public.-, uemed it judicious to postpone their li It A N 1 ii IFT C ONCEUT 1 n aid of this new and delightful n i: a - s i n e it e soizT, The undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing that the Concert will lake place, wit hout mil, On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, I N TI I H OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., Winn 1 1 1 o following magnificent gifts, iHUOUIllillg to 1 00,000 DOLLARS, Will be distributed by lot 'to-the holders of i I'lvcu-: 1 liift in Greenbacks of .. $3,000 j til its in Greenbacks of $1,00) each, 5,000 ) U tls i n Greenbacks of ,$600 each, 10,000 T'i Ueautlfully located Cottage Lots " by the bea," 30 by 130 ieet, at Vuo de L'Kau, valued at $400, S0.000 i ot her leautiiully located Cottage luts, a hy 130 feet, at Vue de lKau, valued at S2oo each, 40,000 li Gilts iu Greenbacks of lv0 each, 10,000 I ciif:s, valued at $100,000 EACH. vl ,().)!) TICKETS AT $3 The distribution of Gilts will take place Immediately after the Concert, on the vast -tage of the Opera House, and in full view i "the audience, under the immediate su pLTs isUm of tiro President and .Directors of liic VuedeL'Eau Company, and the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, who have Kindly consented to be present and see that i.e gius are properly distributed as advei .;.ed: ' ; - - Hon John K Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, Hon A S Watts, Muyor of Portsmouth, Col Walter 11 Taylor, of Norfolk, Hon Juiiu 15 Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk," Raines G Ifolladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. should the -tickets be not all sold when Uie concert comes off, the presents will be distributed in proportion to the number m;M. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our Kanking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without discount. I'm-furt iter particulars and for tickets, jpply to the undersigned, who alone are au 1 norized to appoint agents lor the. sale of k-iccts. . Tue undersigned, Directors of the Vue de fEau Company, pledge themselves to the piiiule mat the above Grand Gilt Concert -'laii take place on Thursday, February J.-ru, ls-73, as announced in above card, on i.ie basis of the origin tl advertisement us ; the distribution of gifts: m. Lamb, It. J. Neely, M. Parks, 1 K viivuier, W.H.White, W. Reed, i. Uhio, G. W. Grice, N. arruss, E. C. Lindsey. i.-kel-i are now ready for sale, and cau be i.tiiit'it iruin the following agencies : Fogarty s Co., liauk of Portsmouth, iiain A Uroiher, liurruss, fion A Co. iiUltltUSiJ, SON fc CO., V, kfi'.s anJ Financial Agents Vue de L'Eau Coiii p.; N O i; F O L K , V A . Tickets can be purchased of It . II . li It A 1 L. E Y Fayelteville Street, R A L E I G II . N C j a -0-dtd T II E ADJUST A B L E SPUING UEI1 IJOTT03I, Of which we are the . LE MANUFACTURERS AND, PKO I'lUETORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. IS THE FKKFECTION OF Comfort, Durability & Cleanliness. We" manufacture these Reds of all sizes, to lit every kind or style ot Bedstead, and will manufacture them expressly for and .t-iivtr them at HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES t Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use to assure satlsfaC' t i.-wi ht-iire navment is reuuired. All our iroods are made in the most thorough manner, of the very best ma terials, and are warranted' for ten years use, to remain perfect and serviceable. We have purchased the right in this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to manu-r-icj nro t hem in anvauantitv. Dr. Rlacknull, at the Yarborough House, wi.it'li;is them in use. can tell about the lleds. - - Pfrvniis in Ralelzh or vicinity desiring a Mnrimr I'.f-ii to trv. will send length of one . of the slats across bedstead, to JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, Hlllsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. J. A. Jones, i j). J. Ellis. febl-tf R M O D Having diypo&ed of my Store on Fayette- villa street, 1 have opened at JTo. 13 Uargctt Street, where I will be pleased to serve all who will lavor me wi'th their patronage, at the lowest Loss.ble rates, for CASH or barter, ily stock consists of Su-ar. Coffee, Flour, Meal, Rica, Salt, Mo lasses,, cheese, Hams. Bhoulders, uuue. Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by the measure, Soap, Brandy Peachts, Canned Goods, Candies, Nuts, Uiiisiiis. Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes &c it). Tliankfal for past patronage, I hope io merit the same in future by fair dealin :'aii strict atteution to business. Give me a Call ! C. D. CHRISTOPHER, febi-lm No. 13 Hargett street. c U M E It S COM P O UND PECTORAL COUtill JYKUi It win .ni- rvmiriia fViids. Hoarasncss, Sore Ttiroat, RroMchitis, and all Diseases v ot tuo Throat and Lungs. : I'llKPAEED 11 V J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist,: No. ll Fayettevillo Street; jaut-u Raleigh, N. C. MORNING EDITION. T'HURSEAY..... .FE B RUAItY 13 1873. r-All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Or Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charred Fif teen Cents per line. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 south Street. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. ' E. C. WOODSON, City Editor 5FJ.;,cr latest news see Fourth Pa-je. by telegraph Correspondents' will please write oa one side ot the paper. " Local Briefs. A hOD is talked of to come nfT soon h.l uie x aiuoro uouse. ' Governor. Caldwell is rapidly recover ing from his recent indisposition. Our city was visited last night by quite a heavy rain storm, accompanied by thunder, lightning and a little hail. - i- r i T-r We were niei sod to see in- our office yesterday, Col. James Y. Bryce, one of the most enterprising and popular citi zens of Charlotte. "X; A small colored lad yestcrdayjmorn ing, livingin the Eastern Wardwaa knocked down and severely injured by a runaway horse. "Old -Probability" objects to the house-rolling to day. In consequence thereof the Baptist College building will not be moved until lurther orders from Old Pr.ob." Don't forget the Agricultural meeting at Sletropolitan Hall this evening. -This meeting is one of importance to all of our business men and merchants. Let there be a large turnout. Wo welcome to our city lion, Thom as J. McCaig und family, who are now stopping at the Yarborough IIouse,with a view to making Raleigh their home. Mr. McCaig is .a retired lawyer from Maryland. The forty-sixth regular meeting of the "Mechanics1 Building and Loan As sociation," will be held in the Court House on Friday evening next, the 14th instant, at 7 o'clock. Members can pay their dues to the undersigned on or before the day ot meeting. All delinquents will be fined in ac cordance with the by laws ; take due notice thereof and govern yourself ac cordingly. Wji. SrarsoN, Secretary. Leg i s l ati ye. Yest erd ay th e session of the House of Representatives wai uuimpoitant, save in the final passage of the "machinery" bill, the bill estab lishing special Courts in cities and owns, and the bill to amend the act to create a mechanics' and laborers' lien aw. The latter bill we publish below n full as it passed the House: Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. 1 hat every building built, rebuilt or repaired, to jrether vvith the lot on: which said building may be situated, and every lot, arm or vessel or any kind ot property, whether real or personal, not herein enumerated, shall be subject to a lien or the payment of allxlebt3 contracted tor work done on the same or for mate rials furnished. Sec. 2. The lien hereby created shall attach for the value of such labor or materials luruished, upon the property mentioned in the first section of this act, on filing the notice herein-after provided for,' and shall be preferred to every other lien or incumbrance which shall attach upon the property subsequent to the time at which the work was com menced or the materials furnished. Sec. 3. The notice of the lien herem provided for shall be filed : 1. In all cases wnere tue sum aamana- ed does not exceed two hundred dol lars, with any Justice of the Peace ot thft countv wherein the pranertv is situated or the defendant resides. 2. In jill other cases with the Clerk ot the Superior Court of the county wherein the nrouerty is situated or defendant resides. Sec. 4. The notice of the lien shall be filed as provided in the preceding sec Hon. at anv time within six months after the performance and completion of the labor on the final iurnjshing of materials or the gathering ot the Crop and shall specify : 1st. The amount of the claim.. 2d. The person against whom the claim is made. 3d. The situation and description of thfi nronctv to said lien in concise i - J laneuiiac. j-ec. o. Proceeding to enforce the lien herein created must be commenced in the courts having iurisuiction of the tJV sum or sums demanded. Sec. 0- Upon iudgment being ren dered in favor of the plainthK the execution therein shall direct the officer to sell the property ot the defendant upon which naid lien has attached.' Sec. 7. The act of the General As sembly, ratified Gth day of April, A. D. 18G9, wid also the act of the 28th of March, 1870, are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This act shall be n force from and after ils ratification. The Veu ds Leau Gift Concert. Tin. rlav for this grand drawing is rapidly approachin , the time being the ;nt in this city has 20th inst. sold a good number of tickets, but has a large number still on hand. We saw a letter yesterday from Messrs. Burruss, Son & Co., the General Agents at Nor lolk, Va., who say. that the drawing will positively take place at the time appointed and that- the deepest interested is being manifested in it. Sec the advertisement on 'our first page. Educational tion. Conven- Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1873. MORNING SESSION, President Ellis called the house to order at 10 a. m. ' Alter the singing of a hymn, and prayer by the Kev. Mr. Overby, the proceedings of last night's meeting were read. The following permanent officers of the Convention were elected. President W Royal, D D. Vice Presidents B Oliver, J W Ellis, J II Picot, RII Lewis. Secretaries W II Pace and N B Cobb. The Convention decided to meet at 10 a. m., and adjourn at 1 p. m. To meet at 3 p. m., and adjourn at pleasure, and to meet at 7 p. m., to adjourn at, pleasure. ! - Julian III. Picot, Esq., of Buckhorn Academy, Hertford county, read an ad dress upon the relation ot the Academy; to the Colleges and the best means to increase the number of students in the former. : On motion, the members ot the Legis lature, the Supreme Court and the State officers were invited to be present-thia (Wednesday) evening, and at all times when they may be enabled to do so. ? The Rev. Dr. Sears, ot Staunton, Va.j Agent of the Peabody Fund, was invited to participate in the proceedings of the Convention. Also, the Rev. Mr. Tup per, of Raleigh. j Dr. Sears responded to an invitation, and addressed the Convention at some length upon the subject in relation be tween the Academy and the Co' lege. He argued that the College was almost wholly dependent upon the Academy without the advantages of the latter the Professor in the College is compelled to descend from that standard of teaching which it was intended for him to occu py. He ;; believed in the practice , of economy in the system of education. The want of" a knowledge of proper economy throughout the whole school system of the land was sadly felt. Education must : begin at the bottom ot all knowlcdge'and this first knowledge must be found inthe Academy and even . m the smaller schoolsas.the knowledge gained here would prove a great saving in the higher schools. The experience of all Cdllees will substantiate this. And - further, be did not know a single University in the country that was anything more than a mere synonyme for a College the same causes detracted from the standard of tho Universities that affected the Col ics. A thorough course of elementary instruction was absolutely necessary. nd our best efforts for the advance ment of the cause of education should be devoted in this direction. The speaker urged iu earnest language the great power of intelligence when placed in the proper channel. Dr. Pntchard said he would like to have three or tour good Baptist Acad emies in the btate. as lecdcrs to the Wake Forest College. The Rev. F. II. Ivey responded to a call, and also urged the advantages of encouraging Academies, and advanced some practical suggestions as to the best means of increasing and advancing these institutions. r AFTERNOON SESSION. Convention met at 3J P. M. Prajcr by Elder Fontaine. Piot. F. B. llobgood read a paper on the relative merit of curriculum and elective system in Colleges. : Elder T. J. Knapp read a paper pre pared by Dr. McDowell, of Murfreesbo ro, on what should be the extent of curriculum in female schools ? r Dr. Sear3 addressed the Convention in favor of a modified form of elective system. Our Reporter did not hear any ot the addresses delivered, in the afternoon, but learns that - this effort of Dr. Sears was one of much power and depth. . Convention adjourned until 7$ P. M. EVENING SESSION. " ' : ' Convention : met . at 7 P. M.r Dr. Royall in the Chair. , Prayer by Rev. N. A. Purifoy, ! Elder N. B. Cobb read a most inter esting essay on the present condition of education in xiorth Carolma and what can be done by the Baptist to improve it Mr. J. II. Mills', of Raleigh, addressed the Convention tipon the same subject. The Reporter wotsid like to give Mr. Mills' remarks, entireas w,e deem him one of the most practical and . soundest thinking men in the State. . Mr. Mills was followed by Dr. Scars, who addresed the convention at some length upon the same subject. The exercises to-tiay,win be or a most ; interesting character-, At the morninjr session addresses will be de livered upon " the necessity for endow ment ; at the afternoon session ad dresses upon "Education, considered financially does it pay ? " m the even ing upon the importance' and practica bility ol raising $1U0,UUU for the endow ment of Wake Forest College during the present year. Supreme Coukt. The Court met yesterday at 10 A. M. Allot the Judges present. The following cases were argued.:- i " ' - - - Bryant & Read, Trustees et al vs A L Scott, from Northampton. DA Barnes, Peebles &; Peebles and.VV N II Smith tor plaintifis and G Y Strong ' lor delen dant. - . - ' ' - - State va Noel J Falkncr, from Gran ville. Attorney General, Busbee & Bus bee and Batche'.or, Edwards & Batche lor for the State and M Lanier, D G Fowle and G H Snow for the defendant. T T Grandy vs W B and Edwin Fer- ebee, from Granville. M Lanier for the plaintiff and T L Hargrove and Batche- lor. Edwards Cc uatcneior lor aeien- 9 fend ants. . J W B Watson vs O L Dodd, from .Wake. E G Haywood and Moore & Gatling for plaintiff, no counsel for de- danUv; . r , " : : ,( ' ' - " The Court adjourned to meet this morning at the usual hour, ( 1 ) Pure and mellow 1 Century Whisky The IJaptist Oxford Items Our Oxford corres pondent, writing under date of the 12th inst., sends us the following interesting items from that good &ld town : Cyrus Mos3, a freedman, foimcrly the slave of the widow Adcock,'was com mitted to jail in Oxford on Tuesday, February lltb. He is supposed to be the principal of a band of rogues who have been thieving extensively in the Brassfield section of country. Charles Jeffreys, Caleb Adcoqk and Coley Dilu ent have all missed tobacco, and it is believed that Cyrus and his clan have been guilty of the stealing. Last year ihe same party stole a-sheep and hog from Rulus Bobbitt, Esq., manufactured tobacco from W. F. Freeman, Esq., and leaf tobacco from J. Thoma3 Mitchell, Esq.,besides committing depredations of a minor character.' Cyrus Moss was committed to j on Tuesday tor burn ing an out-house belonging to Jimmy Adcock, containing about twelve hun dred pounds of coal cured tobacco. Ferry Skidmore, who was tried beLre James B. Tucker, Justice of the Peace, on the charge of purloining money from the Express office, was set at liberty, the evideuce, in the estimation ot the said officer, not being ot a character sufficiently direct to justify continuing him in custody. - Mr. T, B. Kingsbury, ex-associate editor of the Ssntinelt and at present representing the house of Walter & Co. dealers in clothing, Kentucky jeans, cas simeres, etc., of Baltimore, and Colonel John ll,-Anderson, representing the dry goods house of Peake, Opdycke & Co., Broadway, New YorK, are on a visit to to our town. Colonel Anderson has been, a portion of the time, the guest of Major N. A. Gregory. Taylor's warehouse and the Granville warehouse were both crowded With'to bacco on Tuesday, February 11th, the quantity sold being estimated at from forty five to fifty thousand pounds.! It is very gratifying to witness so decided a success on the part ot our warehouses. The young ladies of Oxford, while pre eminently distinguished for their personal beauty and accomplishments, abound in other qualities equally wor thy of admiration. Whenever called on to gender any service in behalf of the interests of religion or benevolence, they always respond with an alacrity and cheerfulness that reflect the highest lustre on their characters, . These re marks are prompted by the information received from a reliable source of the industry they have displayed in work ing for the Orphan Asylum. Quite a number of them congregated at the Orphan Asylum building, heretofore known as St. John's College, on the 11th inst., and vied with each other in plying their needles industriously, un der the direction of Mrs. Sarah A. Elli ott, who is signalizing herself by her voluntary efforts to render the Asylum a success. Persons in any part of the country who wish to contribute to a cause that commends itself to every human bosom, can send contributions to Rev. A. D. Cohen, the Principal in charge, by appointment ot Mr. Mills, who will make a proper disposition of the donations. AEENDMENTS TO TUE CONSTITUTION. -As will be seen by a reference to our report of the proceedings -of the Senate yesterday, the following amend ments to the Constitution of the State have passed their third reading by the requisite two thirds vote, and now await action of the House : Bill in relation to Public Debt Bill in relation to State University taking it out o.f the Common School system. Bill abolishing Superintendent Public Works. Bill in relation to exemptions. . Bill in relation to State Census. Bill in relation to Public Charities. Bill in relation to Federal officehold ers. Bill in relation to bienniel sessions of the Legislature. The amendments in reference to the Judiciary department and thetownship system tailed to pass their second read mrs. Tiie Westekn Road Mr. Feem ming's Resolution. The resolution of Senator W. V. Flemhiing, of McDowell, in regard to authorizing the Governor to appeal in the case of the Western Road, passed its second reading in the Senate yesterday, and was made the special order to-day at 11 o'clock. .Ihe bill authorizes the Governor to appeal from the judgment rendered in the Circuit Court in . favor of Henry Clews and others vs. Western Railroad, and also to institute such suits as the Governor may think necessary in mat ters growing outot said judgment the State Treasurer to give the ; necessary appeal and prosecution bonos 1 his action is eminentlv proper, and we believe the people will endorse the course of .Senator Fk mmmg in the premises. . Mr. Craige latroduced substantially the same resolution in the House a few days ago, which we commented on and approved at the time. Farmers and Mechanics Aesocia tion of North Carolina. At a meet ing ot the Board of Directors of this As- sociation neui u: oiusworo;, on Mon I ll ' it -l l ' -.r day last.,' v. r.-ivorncgay, jm.., '.was re elected PrtJhlent, Maj. II. L. Grant, Treasurer, and J. A. Bonitz,' Esq- the Editor f I lu: .'excellent paper, the Carolina Messenger, Secretary, for the ensuing year. We learn that the condi tion ot the Association is all that could be desired. The prese.1t officers have gone to work with a determination to make the second annual Fair equal in every repect to that held in 1872. Lost, Strayed Or , Stolen. The gentleman whose name heads these columns mysteriously disappeared from this office early "yesterday afternoon. His friends are apprehensive that some evil has befallen him, the exact - nature of which thev would not like 1 to say. The beautiful oil chromo, "The milk- man,' will be "ivea for his return to this office with clothes untorn. Cotton Exchange. It is now a well established fact that Raleigh has grown to be a thriving cotton market. :. Daily our streets arc almost blockaded with bales of this great commercial com modity. Frequently the . sidewalks of our principal streets are so blocked with cotton bales that great annoyance is experienced by passers-by. We readily agree that everything possible should be done to. foster and to increase thi3 trade, and every inducement offerred to attractit hitherbut we do not think the sidewalks of a city should be umbered up with articles of merchan-! dise to the serious inconvenience of the rest of the community. Now, in our opinion, this evil can be easily and pro perly remedied, and that too in a man ner conducive to the interest ot all.. Let the Board of City Commissioners. grant a space of, say, 60 feet on the westj end ot Baptist Grove, and erect thereon! large and handsome cotton sued wtih convenient and well arranged offices at each end, and let the place -be knownj by the name ot "Cotton Exchange,'! or "Cotton Park," or by some other ap propriate name. Let this policy bg inaugurated, and we are sure that thousands of bales ot cotton will find their way to this market which are now shipped in other directions. We invite our practical and business men to give heir ideas as to the posibility and utility ot this plan. ' , : . To the Patrons of Raleigh Fe male Seminary. To give time lor tne completion of the repairs and additions to our school building, I have rented the property on Newbern ' Avenue known as the Cotton Mansion or Kings- and Place, where I am prepared to ac commodate the school. , i The Spring Session will open' next Monday, the 17th. F: P. Hobgood. 5 , . . ' ' i Hymenial. Last evening at the residence of R. G. Dunn, Esq., near this city, Jby Rev. B. T. Blake, Henry Powell, Esq., and Miss Fannie Wyatt, were united in marriage. We wish the vappy young couple every success in ite, and with the poet heartily say:' f ; "Smile heaven on this fair conjunction.'' Salt. Messrs. DeRosset & Co., of Wilmicgton, advertise in another col umn this morning, that they have for sale 4,000 sacks ground alum and 300 sacks Marshall's Factory fi led. See the notice. . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j g ALT, SALT, SALT, SALT. 4,000 SACKS GROUND ALUM, 300 SACKS MARSHALL'S FACTORY FILLED For sale, to arrive from Liverpool, by : IfcIlO SS ET v CO,, WILMINGTON, N. C. feb i3-2t j G HR 1ST MAS HOLIDAYS W. R, S. TPCaER & CO., Have added to their; L A 11 Q E S T 0 C K Many desirable articles suitable for CllIlISTJfiaSl l n ESEJTTS. Ladies Winter Dress CSoods, Scarfs, Neckties, Cloth Cloaks and Sacques, Glves, Furs, &c. MFJICERS OF THE - LEGISLATTKE Respectiullylinvltec! toan nspectlon ef onr StOCK. W. 11. All. S. TUCKER&CO. decH-dtf 50 BOXES BAR SOAPS. loo boxes lA. cross fancy toilet soap. 20 cases Concentrated Lye, 25 cases Starch, 10 boxes medium Tobacco, 1!) " . Fine " 500 Pounds Smoking Tobacco, 20 gross SmitT at LE AC II li T7ISII, FISH, FISII, FISH, FISH 75 barrels all grades. For sale by G. T. STPvONACII & rRO., ! Market and Martin sts. Jno. 11.Nk.vl. JO II N Vv'it. J. Bakeb : B. NE A L & CO COTTO'i FACTOJt?, . '' AND ' - ;- '', '. AOENT3 10K .-:-u- .'.-: ;'...-'" -'.- I PATAPSCO guano COMPANY, Norfolk,, Va. J ; ; ; 4; 4ttfnA01eboro "Advance? copy. G ILL AND!, SEE NEW GOODS. A large lot of Envelopes, Presbyterian Psalms und Hymns. ; ' - Fine Letter, Note and Cap Paper.; ;. VALKNTINES Lovely. " Alsi a few Almanacs to closfi ont, at i! -'-' ' - ! L. Ji HANSON'S, 1 i feb3-lf - f Bookseller, ltaleigh, N. C. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR OLINA. SENATE. Wednesay, Feb. 12, 18 Senate called tp order at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the chair. '-' Journal of yesterday read and ap proved., Mr. Ells, of Catawba, asked permis sion to change hi3 vote on the Consti tutional bill in relation to public chari ties which he thought ought not to pass, and would therefore record his vote agaiast the bilL ' " - , -' Reports of Committees. . Reports from Standing' Committees' were submitted by the following Sena-' tors, Messrs. Allen, Troy, Flemming, Love, Avera, Marring and Waring. - j Mr.,Waringi from the select Commit-; tee 'on the Penitentiary, submitted a vo-s iumnous report ot the operations of! that Committee in the Penitentiary af-l fairs, and on motion of Mr, Cowles the report was transmitted to the Housewith a proposition to print. Introduction of Bills. By Mr. Flemming, a bill concerning the jurisdiction of Superior Courts. . By Mr. Barnhardt, a bill to mcor-. porate Cold Spring Church . and Bethel Church in Cabarrus county. . , Introduction of Resolutions. i By Mr. Todd, a resolution concerning distribution of the laws of the Special Session of 18G8. .' By Mr. Morehead, of ,. Guilford, a resolution in; regard to adjournment ; fixes the day of adjournment tor the 24th of February. Lies over under the rules. ' - " ".:' ' By Harriss, col., a resolution of instruction to the keeper of the Capitol and public grounds. ; . ; By Mr. Norwaod, - a resolution' in regard to the fixing of a regular rate ot interest, &c. Referred to the Finance Committee. - Special Order V . The, resolution oflered by Mr. Flem ming, instructing ana authorizing tne Public Treasurer in certain cases come up as the special order at 11 o'clock. The resolution authorizes the Goyer- nor, in his individual name, to pray an appeal from the decree of the Circuit Court of the United States . for the Western Distiict of North Carolina ren dered at the last term thereof, in the case of Henry Clews and others vs. the Western N. C. Railroad, to institute suit &c., or whatever else, in his opinion, the interest ot the State inuy require in this matter; and authorizing the Treasurer to give bond and pay such other ex penses as the necessity of the case might demand. The resolution passed its second read ing, when. . Oa motion of Mr. Waring, the reso lution was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, with instructions to re port thereon to morrow mornieg, and made the special order for 11 o'clock of the same day. : f At . 12 o'clock the, consideration ol the Constitutional Amendments- was resumed.; . v The consideration of the reconsidera tion of the vote on the per diem and mileage of the General Assembly was postponed till Tuesday next. : The IOHOWing oius passeu men imiu reading ' by the requisite two-thirds vote, only Messrs. Eppes, Hill, Hollo- man; Hyman and McCabe voting in the negative : 1 .. Bill in relation to the change in the University. ""'.'', Bui in relation to the btate Uensus. Bill in relation to Public Charities. Bill in relation to Federal and other office-holders.' ; Bill in relation to Biennial Sessions. . The following bills failed to pas3 on their second reading by a strict : party vote: - ' ' :' ' ";' ; Bill to change the Judiciarv system. providing for the election of Judges tor life or on good behaviour by the Legis lature.'' ' ' ;'-'' ' --I" r '.Bill in relation to County Commis sionersabolishing . the office and designating the i county authorities. Bill in relation to the Supreme Court -providing for one Chief Justice and two' Associate Justices. - s . The "bill in relation to Judges of the Superior Court and the Districts, pro viding for nine Districts instead of twelve, and requiring the Judges to ride their circuits in rotation, was, on motion of Miv-Morchead, oLGjoilford, divided, First rth? propofcition ,to change the number of Districts, &c. Second requiring the Judges to ro tate, '&c. ' ' -' ' ' The bill in relation to the terms of or ficer3 holcling.offices that aic prohibited by the change m the Constitution, pro- vidiug they shall Isold on till their term expires, and also providing for the re numbering of .the, sections of the Con stitution when' clianged, passed its second reading. On motion ot Mr. Morehead,- of Gun- ford those bills, that have pis;d their third t'.adiog were er. grossed and sent to the Iloaie. ; . '; -, , - .; Rules S-txpendcd. .Mr. Lave called up the bill in rclalio'i: to the Raiboh G:ip Narro w G i irc iliil road, and o ;: his motion was in do die special order for W to mo trow -air. wortn caimu up o; i cstablisti a uhitonnity ol intert st. The consi deration of the - -r':'''-- School BUI : r:-;; : -t- i 1 . '1 T . 3 lL I'll t next came up as Hi e special T.ler for 12 t.'eloek. A. "c-neral ;:. us:cn ar,sc in regard to the umculmeuts -adopted in the'various sections 'of t!ie bill, aud pending the sume the Senate adjourned As heretofore sialc:?, cc . propose to publish this bill in full when peifecttd andv;therefore, i ivc ,no report on the discussion or tho hhlendments adopted. HOUSE OFsr REPliESENTATIVES, At 10 'A. M. Mr. Speaker Robinson callecl thi : llfnisi 1 to nnlei-. ;f j ' f ' Journal of, jester ddy read ! gnd ap proved.' '.'; - !' .V. " -; : Mr.'Wubb "pr(senH-d a memorial from certain citizens .ot Newport,' V.-. rtei et county,. ast-:ing the Lgislat nc; ia.-t to repeal 'OieVUvv prolubiting the: s i't: liquor t efv,, , . V: Mr. Webb presented a counter peti tion in regard to the same matter from certain citizens of that place. , iMr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a memo rial from certain citizens of Mecklen lenburg county, asking a change of tho charter of the Atlantic, Tennessee, & Ohio R. R. . , . Mr, Pacha'I a mt moria J rom certain citizens of W arren county, askingj a charter for a public highway. , . Mr. Paschall, a memorial from certain citizens of Jones county, asking ajlaw to prevent the sale ot liquor in Trenton. Mr. Shackleford presented a Counter petition in regard to the same matter tiom certain citizens of Trenton. Messrs. Turner, ;Brown, of Mecklen burg, and Wiley submitted reports from various Standing Committees V By Mr. Stanford, a bill to raise revenue. . Calendar. T s ; . By Mr Palchall, a bill to construct a public highway in the county of Wars ren. Referred. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklcnbnrg, a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Meck lenburg county to sell the jail, &c. Re ferred. By Mr, Paschall, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor in Trenton, Jones couuty. Referred. ; By Mr. Bullard, a bill to prevent the sale ot liquor in certain localities in Cumberland county. Referred. By Mr. Shackleford,a bill to authorise the Commissioners ot Onslow county to sell certain lands, Referred.' . ",' The biil to provide for collection of taxes by the State , and tho several counties of the State on property, polls and incomes was taken up as . the unfinished business of yesterday. . Mr. Jones, of Caldwell,moved to strike out "100" wherever ft occurs in tho bill and insert ,"$50," so as to exempt from taxation properly to the amount of 50. Mr. Jones took .the ground " that" an exemption from taxation to the amount ot 100 was legislation in favor; of ; the weatheir class and . discrimination against the poorer class, &c, , Mr. . Badger concurred . with Mr. JonesL; ..l.';",. i(-'- TLe amendment was adopted, yeas 57, -nays S8. 7,.,.'4; " x'iHii ' Mr. Norment moved to reconsider the vote by which "$100" exemption was stricken from the bill and "450" inser ted was adopted, ; ' Messrs. Houston, Luckey " and Bow man favored the'motion to reconsider. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, opposed the motion for the reasons which he gave when advocating the insertion of $50. Pending the discussion, the Chair announced the - Special Ordir, - . the bill for Amnesty and Pardon. Mr. Jones of Caldwell, moved; to postpone until 12 M. Tuesday. Adop ted. - The consideration ot the "Machine ry" bill was resumed. On motion of Mr. Stanford, the pre vious question was ordered on tho bill. The motion of Mr. Norment to recon siderHhe insertion of the $50 exemp tion was put to a vote and adopted, yeas 88, nays 1L . The motion striking out "$100" and inserting the "$50" exemption was put to a vote and rejected. (The exemption remains at $100.) . The bill then passed its third reading by a vote of yeas Go, nays 42. - On motion of Mr. Stanford, the bill to raise revenue was taken up, ordered to be printed and made special . order for Friday at 11 a. m. A communication from the Baptist Educational Convention, nolv in session in this city, inviting members to attend i s sessions wa3 read. ... ... . Mr. Johnston moved to reconsider the vote by whichHhe bill repealing the charter of the Cape Fear Building As sociation failed to pass its second read ing on yesterday. Adopted. " . - : On motion of Mr. Badger, the bill was recommitted to the Judiciary Com mittee. Oa motion of McLaurin, colored, tho bill to establish a House of Correction and Rctuge in New Hanover swaa taken up and passed its. several readings. ihe bill in relation to .the office ot Sheriff ot Yancey county "was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion ot Mr. McGehec, the bill to provide for the printing and distrw huiion of Battle's Digest wa3 taken up and passed its several readings, On motion cf Mr. Gorman,'the bill to amend the act cr3,iting a mechanics' and Hbiiici: litn law was taken up. (Makes the law apply to all branches of mcdia'deal tradts) ' Ellison, colored, offered an amendment which gives 0 months to register the liens instead of GO dys as the bill pro vides. ,Tho amendment Wa3 adopted. The bill then passed its third reading. ' The resolution in favor of J: J. Hasty, Sheriff of Union comity, was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion u Mr.- vv uiimire, tne uiu to i)ieviit the ielung ol treei m. rencu Bruad Ivivtr was taken up ad passed its several readings f .'The-bill to allow a special tax inYad kin couuty tva3 taken up and passed ils ihird;ieud"iugf.-yeas 92, nays 0. On .moiion ol Mr. Sharp, the hill to a!f nv ilie OtHumiisioners of thetown of Mtirlrccilx ro to levy a tax iwa3 taktn np and :.issc:d iu -six on X reading, yeas 03, nays 2, ' :. ; ; - ; Oa motion of Dudley ,thal bid . to a:iKi:i d ' chapter 1 30,"Iaw8 'o! 1870-1, in rehttiori to the fees of Justices 'ot the Peace wa3 taken up and passed its sev eral readings. . r ; - On motion of Mr. Morrison, the bill nersans WHO i:svc attaiuta the uge bt 00 year3 from serving cn and, on motion, juries was taken up laid on the table. Oa motion of Mr. Cfaigc, the bill for the better" go fern meut or the' tovvn of Salisbury t;U3 taken up. The Commit tee to v. hun the bill was referred re ported a substitute, which provides that in all cities, "and towns of the State special courts shall he' Established for the trial of misdemeanors,! &c, com mitted within the corp .rate liinita, and that courts shall bo held by the Mayors 'or- chief oTici-rs, who shall' have all the powers granted to Justices ot the Peace by chapters' 2,"3 nd4, laws of 1809. . The sutstitute was adapted an t I i U If 1

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