DAILY NEWS. s ."! t UZZELL, - Proprietors. Faykttkvilxe Street, vr W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH IS VARIABLY im advance. r.e DAILY NEWS will be delivered to i.iiis ri'3trs at fifteen cejjts per week, vty;iiU' 10 the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 p. ! .iinuim ;;l.r)Oforsix months; w2forthre;, 11 Mllll'. - i ',; WEEKLY NEWSat $2 per annum. A. n Daily VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. 0. Fill DAT MORNING, FEBRUARY 14; 1873. NO. 268. I KATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertl0B...................5 1 CO Onfl Rnnnm two Insertions ........ . 1 60 - One square, three insertions 2 00 One square, six insertions........... 8 60 one square, one monm o w - one square, tnree monies ...-... 10 uu One square, six months....................... 80 00 One square, f.. elve months,.............. 50 10 For larger advertisements, iiDerai con- ,. tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. . . . I O O ,000 THE DIRECTORS op the V U E D E L'EA U C O . Having, for reasons already given to the public, domed it judicious to postpone their (i H A iN D GIFT CONCERT In aid of tills new and delightful S E .1-8 IDE . II E SO It T, Tho undersigned take pleasure In an nouncing that the Concert Avill-take place, without mil, On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, I N THE OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., When the following magnificent gifts, amounting to 10 0,000 DOLLARS, Will be distributed by lot to the holders of t iokeu : 1 Gift in Greenback's of $5,000 - 5 Gilts in Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 20 Gifts in Greenbacks of &300 each, 10,000 7" Beautifully located Cottage Lots " " oy the sea," oy isu ieei, at Vuo de L'Eau, valued at $100, JvK) other beautifully located Cottage Lots, & by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at $200 each, no Gifisin Greenbacks of $100 each, 30,000 40,000 10,000 4"! Gifts, valued at 51Q&000 20,000 TICKETS AT $5 EACH. The distribution of Gifts will take place immediately after the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view of itie audience, tinder the iinniediate su pervision of the President and Directors of tue VUE DKL fcAU com.ia.:n x, anu me iui kr.ving distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that .:ie guts are properly distributed as adver- is.'d: Hon John It Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, lion A 8 Watts, Mtyor of Portsmouth, c ol Walter H Tuvler. of Norfolk. lion Jolm 11 Whitehead, Ex-Mayor -of .Norfolk, , James G llolladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the tickets be not all sold when iiij concert comes off. the presents will be distributed in proportion to tho number sold. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our U.wiKiiig House in mecuy 01 .unoi., on . presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, -viiuout discount. ' l-Or lmtuer particulars and for tickets, , tpply to the uudersigued, who alone are au- norized to annoint agents lor the sale of ': i.-Ucis. Tiie undersigned. Directors of tue ue tie 1; ,'Eau Company, pledge themselves to the uouo that the above Grand Gilt Concert i:l11 take place on Thursday. February J itu. Ib'-i. as announced in above card, on i.ie basis of the original advertisement as to the distribution of gifts : Wm. Lamb, R. J. Neely, M. Parks, V. 1. uioucr, W. H. White, W.Bied, i G. Ghio, G. W. Grice, N. isurruss, E. C. Lindsey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and c an be o -tuned from the following agencies: Fogarty &Co., Ban k of Portsmouth, Bain & Brother, 5 liurruss, son & Co. BUItltUSS, SON & CO., Kaukers and Financial Agents , " Vue de L'Eau Company, K O II F.O L K , V A ... K J- Tickers can be purchased of II . II . BRADLEY r . ' Fayetteville Street, ' Ii A LEI G 11 , N . C ja'2G-dtd MORNING EDITION. The Baptist Educational Convention. MOKNIKQ SESSION. PvICAY. .FEBHUAIIY 13.1873 All parties ordering the News will please send the money" for the time the paper is wanted. "Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged Fil toeu Cents per line. Messrs. Griflln and Hoffman. Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are Tequestedto leave their lavors with this nouse. LOCAL MATTER. 12. C. WOODSON, City Editor SdfcF" For latest news by telegraph see Fourth Paye. . 1 Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Local Briefs. A slight snow fell yesterday after noon. The street gas lamps a3 yet emit no light. What is the matter ? The News had four reporters out yesterday and still we lacked one of having enough. It is thought the Legislature will ad- journ aaring iim latter part 01 inis month. A white woman, in a beastly state of intoxication, disgraced McDowell street yesterday alternoon. A number of colored laborers last week lei t this county for the turpentime orchards ef South Carolina. , Colonel T. M. Holt President of the State Agricultural Society, arrived in this city yesterday morning. Citizens are complaiuing ot throwing rocks in the street policcshould see to this matter. But for a slight scrimmage on boys The 'Win ters llov:' a dead calm would have per vaded police circles yesterday. A buck, weighiuii 173 pounds, was killed the Utter pare of last week ia the the llev. Messrs. Knapp, Scars, Tupper TnuusDAY, February 13th, 1873. The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock by the President, Rev. Dr. Ptoyall. Hymn, "Come Holy Spirit, &e." Prayer by Elder F. II. Jones. Proceedings of yesterday read and approved. The President appointed Messrs. Mitchell, Pace and Pritchard a Com mittee to procure a list of the delegates in attendance upon the Convention. Br. R. II. Lewis, of Mills River, pro ceeded to address the Convention on the "Necessity for Endowment.' Alter the excellent address of Dr. Lewis, the Rev. Dr. Wingate made a few remarks on the same subject. The report of the Central Committee was read by Dr. Wingate. The President then asked God's bles sing and direction in regard to the ad dresses and reports just made. Dr. Sears led in prayer. Drs. Pritchard and Wingate delivered brief addresses on the subject of endow ment of Wake Forest College. Dr. Wingate thought it very impor tant that brethren who might be select ed as canvassers should feel the impor tance of the work to be done, and to make it the great work of the year. There were difficulties in the canvass. Our population is generally a country population and it is therefore harder to reach them than;if they lived in cities or towns. We may not expect what our numbers would seem to indicate. We will have to take canvassers from men who are employed, and earnestly em ployed, in other work, and our number of men who have the ability to conduct a canvass of this kind successfully is small compared with our Baptist popu lation. On motion of Elder Ilutham the re port of .the Executive Committee was received. On motion of Dr. Pritchard, the sub ject of the "Present Condition of Ed ucation in North Carolina, and what can be done by the Baptist to improve it" was taken Irom the table for luither discussion. Elder Ilidcn addressed the Cohven tion at some length on the subject. The discussion was participated m by The Agricultural Meeting Last NIGIJ.T. In pursuance to the call, and notwithstanding the extremely inclem ent weather, there was a fair attendance of the citizens of Raleigh, and members of the Legislature and others visiting the City, at aietropouian nan iasi nigoc. Col. T. M. Holt cauea mo. meeting to order, and on motion, Col. Walter Clark, of Halifax, was made Chairman. extreme southwestern part 01 this coun- ty by a colored man. Ilonr S. F. Phillips has sent to the Treasurer of the Youug Men's Christian Association fifty dollars, as one of his regular contributions to the poor ot Raleigh. The Ft. Rev. Bishop Gibbons will arrive in this city by the Chatham train Saturday, and will be the guest of Wm. Grimes, Esq. He will preach at St. John's Catholic, Sunday and possi bly another day before he leaves the city. The Messrs.. Gill, 011 Exchange Place, by the way one of the cleverest firm ot gentlemen in the city, have again plac ed us under especial obligations for a bottle each, of their "old Family Circle" Rve Whiskey and Nash Apple Brandy. As. we are a temperance mau we turned it over to Synie who says the like he never tasted befor'. Svme is a 200a judge. Write Wasiiixg. The, -called White Washing Cbmmittee, being the Joint Committee to examine in the Pen- terrtiary affairs, especially the charges lleged against ,the President and Board ot Directors by the Governor in his an nual message, have reported to the Senate through their Chairman, Mr. Waring, ot Mecklenburg. The report not only exonerates the Board of any derelection ot duty, but approve ana commend their excellent management of the Penitentiary. Now we hope to Ipso nf ni tpn H nr v n:itra",e3 and We manufacture, these Beds or au sizes, ., . , . inmnf,tnf, Whl. toiit every kind or style of Bedstead, and iuiu .wv j will mauulacture mem expreb&iy .eiiver them at T Ii: E ADJUSTABLE Hufham Pritchard and Oliver, Messrs. Pritchard and Wingate made announcements of future proceedings o the Convention. After the benediction bv the Presi dent thcConvention adjourned. EYEMXG "SESSION. The Convention assembled at 3 J o'clock, the President in the Chair. Piayer by Elder Horner. Paper read by Elder G. W. Newell. "Education considered financially Does It pay ?" The subject was afterwards discussed by the Hon. D. M. Barringer, Drt Scars and Elder Hiden. On motion of Dr. Pritchard, the Con vention adjourned. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR . OLINA. I ': senate. J . ; ': V . Thursday, Feb. 13, 1873. v The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock , by the Lieutenant Governor. ; Journal of Saturday read and approved. t ;- - ; cot, King, col., Llcyd, col.,' and Mc Laurin, col., voted in the negative. The Senato bill to amend the Consti tution in relation to Federal and other ofliceholders, was taken up and passed tax in Brunswick county. Referred. A message was "received from the Senate proposing to print the evidence taken by the Joint Committee to inves tigate the affairs i of the Penitentiary. The proposition to print was concurred its first reading by a vote of yeas 97, in. .' nays id. -v. : Y On nVolion of Mr. Bowman, the bill Messrs. Abbott, col., Bowe, Bryant, of to limit the meetings 1 of Boards of Halifax, col., Bunn, col., Corson, Dud- County; Commissioners was taken up. ley, col., Goodwyn; Hcaton, Hugher, On motion of Mr. Troy, a corrected IThj bill provides that in counties hav- col., Jones, of Northampton, col., Km?, . i . - - v . . i r- ... i i ti a . i -m r -r . . i Tr TTomn P "Rattle exnlained Hhe reDort ot his motion in regard to print- lncr a DODUiation oi o.uuu me uommis- i cor., uioyu, uoi., isiciiaurm, coi., auu: r f,i moMnr tn hp. t.n pndpavnr inr t.hp. renort of the Penitentiary Comi- sinners shall draw t)av for 12 days, and I Patrick voted in the negative. . to raise'sufficient money to erect suitable mittee, with testimony and documents, for 1 jeach additional 5.000 inhabitants, The Senate bill to amend the Con- DUHGinS upon lUo la" giuuuua wuiku i nts cciib ku iuc have Deen purcnaseu just west oi uiis city, the old grounds being inadequate and unsuited lor the purposes 01 tue North Carolina State Agricultural Society. B2. m?etlQg ? S aaIQTl their respective Committees. ; It IX lUCKer, 1 J lOUDg, a tanuiuu, ... -inn f TVfP Wlnh tho rpnnrfc T m T 1 Til TT I7m V amH st litro I " jjx a i.eaen, i: xx xU3uCO auu Mr-Ellis, from Joint Committee on IU V VI iug JU ail caiuou uiu-auA , taking hold of the matter by the citi zens of Raleigh and the people of the State, as something in which we should eel a State pride. We would line to I it L 1 1 erive a svnonsis oi tnese gentiemeua remarks, but want of space prevents u miles of Zion church, Reports of Standing Committees. . Messrs. Allen, Todd and Gudger, lrom the Committee on the Judiciary ; Mr. Ellis, from Joint Standing Committee oq Insane Asylum, made reports from they may draw pay for four additional days: ' .t'-..v;."r; :' ;:--J: -v - 1 Mr. Bowman urged the passage of the bmv " : -i ;Mr. Watson f opposed it as unfair to the Commissioners under ' the exist ing' state of affairs. stitution in relation to public charities wks taken up. Making those inmates octhc charitable institutionswho own property over and above the homestead pay, and those who do not shall be sup ported at the charge ol the State. Messrs. Luckey, Turner, ana lirown, Mr. Jones, of-Caldwell moved to lay ot Davidson, opposed the bill on the table. J ;The motion was adopted ; by a !.vote of years 57, nays dl. - ' Bv Mr. Badger, a joint resolution invi ting Rey. Dr. Sears to deliveran address on Education in the iiaii or the uouse doing so The lolkming contributions were made during the meeting: Mr Alex Creech $500 ; Messrs WH&RS Tuck er & Co $300; Dr George W Blacknall $200; Messrs J M Ellington, William F Askew, I J Young, AV" C Stronach, Geo W Wynne and J P Uulley $1UU eacn. On motion ot Dr .blacknall, the ioi-. lowing Committees of three from each Ward in the city were appointed to wait upon the citizens to. solicit contri butions to the fund desired : Eastern Ward Messrs N S Harp, W G Upchuich and Geo W Wynne. Western Ward Messrs A creecu, w C Stronach and T F Lee. Middle Ward Messrs R II Tucker, Geo W Blacknall and I J Young. On motion of Mr F HiBusbee, the Ex ecutive .Committee was requested to appoint one gentleman in each county in the State to solicit contributions for the purpose desired. The canvassers appointed will at once wait upon the citizens ot Raleigh. and we know they will contribute ud- the Insane Asylum was ordered to be printed. ;: ';; '.;' ' 1 Introduction of Bills. , 1 By Mr. Long, a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within two of Representatives on Friday evening. in Kichmonct Calendar. " county. Referred. On motion ot Mr. Joyner, the rc?oiu- By Mr. Waring, a bill in relation to adjourning on the aitn inst. was tasen judgments. Referred. By Mr. McCotter, a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Pitt county to levy a special tax. Referred. By Mr. Morehead, of. Rockingham, a bill to charter the town of Madison, Rockingham county. Referred. . Bales Suspended. On motion of Mr. Flemming, the res olution in regard to the Western North Carolina Railroad, offered by himself, (reported yesterday) was taken up, passed its third reading, engrossed 'and sent to the House. Messrs. Cramer and Waring were in favor of postponing its consideration till after the report of the Joint Com mittee on the condition of the Western North Carolina Railroad. Messrs. Gudger and Flemming favor ed its immediate passage. - Mr. Flem ming stating that if not passed before the 22nd of February the object of the resolution would be lost. Mr. Waring asked the Senator from erally to aid the efforts which are being McDowen for a detailed account ot the made to arrange a Fair Ground here which will be au ornament to the city and a matter of pride to the State. The sum of $15,000 or $20,000 must be raised, and Raleigh will have tobear the principal burden ot this. The plan ofjjuildings was exhibited, and if the same are earned out, Raleigh may indeed feel proud of her Fair Grounds. These plans can be ;sctn at the Secretary's office in the Fisher building. The President of the State Agricul tural Society yesterday adored to the Executive Committee the name of Dr.B. F. Arrington, ol Goldsboro. SPIIINU BED BOTTOM, Of which we are the BE MANUFACTURERS AND PltO VRIETORS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. ) IS THE PERFECTION OF Comfort, Durability & Cleanliness. HOTELS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES g Without Extra Charge, allowing sufficient use to assure satisfac i ion imtiirH navment is reauired. All our noods are made in the most n.oroutrii manner, of the very best ma terials, and are warranted for ten years iki lit rpma in nerieet and serviceable. We have purchased the right in this pat ent for the entire State, and will sell county rights on reasonable terms. We shall be ready in a few days to rnanu fjctnrft t.hein lnAnir nuantlty. ivr liiaelinalT. at the Yarborough House, urir. huM them in use. can tell aoout. tlie Persous in Raleigh or vicinity desiring a SDrine Bed to try, will send length of one oi tne siais acrusss ucuoicuu, w, JONES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, The Teport was transmitted to the House with a proposition to print. Legislative. We sent irom the Senate Chamber yesterday, by a colored boy, a report of the proceeding from where our report ends, in which was the consideration of the School Lill, "with the discussion and amendments thereon, but it was lost, a3 we discover ed too late last evening to remedy. The Senate, however, adjourned before the vote was taken and the bill will come up for consideration again to-day ..as- unfinished business. J. A. Jones, ) 1). J. Eli-is. J febi-tf R E M O E D iiftvins disnosed of my Stoie on Fayette ville street, l nave opeueu at JTo. 13 Uargctt Street, where I will be pleased to serve all whq will lavor me with their patrouage, at the lowest ....hin rates, for CASH or barter. My stogie consists of - Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal . lclt. Mo- lasses, oneese, nanu. duu.o, Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, Pickles by the measure, boap, . I', ran dv Peachts. Canned Ooads, Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Apples. Onions, Irish Potatoes, &c. Tliankful for nast patronage, I hope to merit the same in future by fair dealing and strict attention to business. Give me a Call I C. D. CHRISTOPHERS, fe'ol-lm No. 13 ilargett Street. EVENING SESSION. Convention met at 7J o'clock," the President in the chair. The Convention opened,, by singing "Come Thou Fount ol Every Blessing." Prayer by Elder C. T. Bailey. Dr. Pritchard read a paper on "An Endowment Essential to the Prosperity of a College." ',,.'.. Elder Hiden followed in an address upon the same subject. He referred to the importance of keeping alive this imnortant matter, and the general apa thy shown by the public press of the tate. He said in his town, WHming- tonhere were three daily papers, and not a line has ever appeared in those papers in regard to this general ' State Convention on Education. He was surprised- and mortifiedyet it was.a fact. Ho : attributed this nttigence on the part of the secular press tcnQtice and refer to the importance of thematter now before the Convention, a3 much t the brethren engaged in the cause as to the papers. He knew, (and called on the Reporters to prove it,) that the newspapers would take pleasure in giving space to a short, well written ar ticle any time, and on any subject. He closed with an eloquent appeal to the brethren to renew their energies and come forward and push this good work along., 1 Other addresses on the same subject were delivered by Elders Sladc, Ivey, Bailey, Knapp, Horner,' Dr. Wingate and Senators Ellis, Avera and Mr. How ell, ot Gates. -; - After prayer by Elder N. B. Cobb, the Convention adjourned sine die. From Henderson. Our Henderson correspondent, under date of yesterday, says : ' " ' c ; On the 11th inst., 40,000 pounds of tobacco were sold at the two warehouses, Henderson and Cooper's, at prices rang ing from $10.75 to $150 per hundred. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTST iTc E I V E D 25' Sacks choice Rio Coffee. 3 barrels Sugar, all grades. 10,000 pounds Bulk Sides. 5,000 pounds Bulk Shoulders. 2 car loads Molasses in .barrels, tierces and hogsheads. , . ' 60 Boxes Candy, assorted and braided. 25 boxes Lemon Biscuit. . 20 boxes Brandy Peaches. Also a large lot of Corn, White and Stock TCflS ... febl4-tf M.A.PARKER. SALT- SALT- SALT, SALT, 4,000 SACKS GROUND ALUM, 300 SACKS MARSHALL'S FACTORY FILLED For sale, td arrive from Liverpool, by ' dc no s s et a co., ' condition of the road, to show : the ne cessity of the immediate passage of the resolution. Mr. Flemming stated briefly the pres ent financial condition and prospects ol the road. Mr. Norwood favored its immediate passage. - . - Mr. Waring withdrew his opposition. The resolution passed by 39 yeas, nays none, and was, on motion ot Mr. Fiemming, engrossed and sent to the House. On motion of Mr. Avera, the Hon. B. Sears, General Agent of the Peabody Fund, was requested to ad dress the General Asscmoly on the sub ject of Education to-morrow evening at 7 J- o'clock. On motion of Harris, colored, the Senate bill to change 4he dividing line between Granville and Franklin coun ties was taken up and recommitted to the Committee on Propositions .and Grievances, with instructions to report thereon at their earliest convenience. ; On motion of Harris, colored, the vote by which the Constitutional Amendment in regard to the rotation of Judges was 'defeated, and was' recon sidered, and, on motio.i of Mr. Allen, the consideration of ihe motion was postponeel till next Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Special Order. The bill-, to incorporate : the Raibon Gap Short Line Railroad Company, came up as the special order for . 11 Up. . ' ,,-;' Pending definite action the : : Special Order was announced, it being the bill to pre vent usury, which was taken up and its consideration gone into. ; v ; Mr. Lucky moved to layon the table. Adopted, yeas 67, nays 46, f The bill 4o ineorporate the Trans- mountaine R. R. Company was favora bly reported upon by Mr. McGehee, from the Committee on Internal Im provements. -.' ' ; On motion; of Mr. McGehee,- the bill wa3 taken up and made special order for 10i P. M, on Monday next, and ordered to be printed, j Mr, Badger introduced a resolution appointing a joint committee of five to examine into the business of the Gen eral Assembly and to report a day for adjournment. Adopted. I On motion of Mr. Richardson, the resolution in reference; to State taxes due by Craven county was taken up and adopted. A message was received from the Senate informing the House that' the Senate had passed a resolution inviting Rev. Dr. Sears, Agent: of the Peabody Fund, to deliver an add res3 on Jiiduca- tion in the Hall ot the House or liepre sentatives to-morrow evening at 7 a. m. Concurred in. i . . Constitutional Amendments . The Senate bill to alter the Constitu tion of iorth Carolina in relation to the public debt was taken up. (It amends the Constitution a3 follows: Amend section' 6 of article 1, by striking out the first clause thereof down to the word "but." This is the the clause relating to the State debt. And also strikes out section 4 article 5, relating to taxation for the purpose of paying the Public Debt and interest thereon.) Mr. Morrison. was infavorof it . It was nothing more than just and fair. !Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, was opposed to the bill. '' ' - -' - I " , j Williamson, col., favored the amend ment. Y. Mr. Houston gave numerous reasons why the bill should pass. i A vote was taken up and the bill failed its first reading by. a vote of yeas 70 nays 40. ; Messrs. Abbott, col., Brown, of David son, Bryant, ot Halifax, col., Bunn, Bryant," of Pitt, Brooks, Carter, Carson, Corson, Dudley, col., Fletcher, col., Godfrey, Gorman, Goodwyn, Gray, Heaton, Hughes, col.,Jones, ot Caldwell, Jones,of Northampton, Jordan,King,col, Lloyd, Lutterloh, Luckey, Marler, Mc Launn, col., Michael, Paschall, Perry, of Bladen, Reid, of Mecklenburg, Rhodes, Scott; Stanford, Turner, Waddill and Winslow voting in the negative. Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, having changed hi3 vote to the negative for the purpose, moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill lailed and moved to make the consideration of that motion . special order for to morrow at 11 a.m., Adopted. Mr. Robinson introduced a biUYcon cerning the sale of liquor in Franklin," Macon county. Referred. Messrs. Shmn, of Iredell, and Wil liamson, colored, were granted leave ol absence. ' ' ; . On motion of Mr. Craige, the Senate resolution authorizing the Governor to pray an appeal in the case of Henry Clews et al vs the Western N. C. R. R., and authorizing the Treasurer to giye bond and pay expenses was taken up. Mr. Craige wished to make it the special order for to-morrow. Mr. Bowman moved to postpone until Saturday. Pending definite action the House adjourned. " A T PROFESSION AI CARDS. B. SPRUILL O R N E Y AT J A CKS ON.'N, , JR. Jj A W O... Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgecombe" and Northampton counties. In the SuDreriie Court of North Carolina The bill passed its first reading by the and in the Federal courts. F " I -H!iH.-.Tia iTTirlo in nil rwrta nf N firth following vote Yeas Merssrs. Anderson, of Davie, Anderson of Clay, t Badger, Ballard Bean, Blackwell, : Blythe, iJowe, Bowpaan, Brovvn, of Davidson, Brown, of Mecklenburg, Biyson, of Jackson, Bryson, of Swain, Bryant, of Pitt, Bryan, of Sampson, Bryan, of Wiikes, Bryan, of Alleghany,! Brooks, Bullard, Byrd, Carter, Carson, Cox, Copeland, Corson, Craige; ' Dickey, Dula, Ellison, Fletcher,' Foster, Freeman, Want, Gilmer,!,; Godfrey, .Grady, Gudger, Guythcr, Jlanner. Hampton, Haynes, Heaton. Hinnant, Houston,: Hughes, Johnston, Jones of Caldwell, Jones, of Camden, Jones, of Orange, Jones, ot Carolina. jan 31-Gw - s I I SlITlllPII. : llJlltZS. UL Vl UU. V Jl VJ o'clock, having been postponect Irom - ' John. Jordan. Lutth lOf o'clock, to , make, room lor me j ' M- , er Maxwell. McGehee. feb 13-2t WILMINGTON, N. C. G ERISTMA1 II O L I D A Y 3 morning business. The motion of Mr. Morehead, of Guib ford, to strike out the sixth section of the bill, which provides that this Com pany shall establish means and ways for steamships, steamboats, breakwaterj&c.', was lost. The bill passed its second read 1 rig. McNeill, Miller, Michael, Mitchell, Moring,-Moss,1 "Morrison, Norment, Outlaw,' -Patrick, ' PascLall,. Perry, of Bladen, Perry, of Wake, Presson, Keid, of Mecklenburg, Reid, of Randolph, Richardson, Rhodes, Scott, Shaw. Sharp, 'Sbino of Iredeil, -Shiun; of Cabarrus, Shacklcford, Stanford, Stowe, Q. E O . II . S N O W , RALEIGH, N.. C.V . Practices in the State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the State, janl5-lm : . Ti ATC II EXiO U . L.C. EDWAKDS W. PLUaMEK BATCHELOll. : "OATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND I P.ATCHELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. , Will attend in the ''ourts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Bali fax, North ampton 1 and jnatnam, ana me rouciiu , and supreme - ouris. ; :j-- W. H. TnK 'Veu de L'Eau Gift Concert. -We Icaru, through the agent of this place, that everywhere the demand for. the tickets of the Yeu dc L'Eau Gift Concert is increasing. In many places every ticket has been sold. Now is the time to buy. See advertisement in the News. Sick Col. W. D. Saunders, the very efficient principal clerk of the Senate, Qr 0 veteran farmer, who expected to we regret to announce, has been coniin- get only $oo,'Deggea the ouyers to stop & R, S. TICKER & CO., Have added tothelr a j: 'g e s t o c k Many desirable articles suitable for CimiSTJlMS xVUESEjTS. Xadies Winter Dress Goods, Scarfs, Neckties, Silu Todd- Trivett, LTumer,; Warlick, reading was , i- , ,0? Vaddill, Watson, Waugh, Webb, and made the special .order for. that h ;goa . , . y Williamson, Whitmire, hour ' '. vunnr- WhianantJ Woodhouse 100. i Nays Messrs. Abbott, ( Bryant, oi Halifax, cob, Bunn, col., Dudley, ,co!., Gorman," Goodwyn, Jones, of North ampton, col.-King, -01., Lioyd, col , McL'aurin, col. 11. Messages Received i: ' i From the House of Representatives, transmitting the "Machinery t. Bill," which was, on motion ot Mr. CowleS, ordered to be printed, and made -the special order for Monday, at 13 o'clock. Ffoin the House, a message coneurnu to abolis'i the office of in Senatcreolution, to print the report gUT)er;ndcnt of Public Work3 wa3 taken of the Joint Commrttee on the ahairs oi pjj passed its first reading by vote merem-cuui-ij. . . . , From the House, a message raising a Joint Committee to examineintCithe fnnrlitinn of the Calendar, ahd to hx upon a day ol adjournment. : of ve'ars 93. nays 12. The same vote as the" above with the exception of Messrs. Gorman, Heat- Hughes, colored ana uray,i wno votedELthe negative. ; -rhe Senate-bill abolishing the Uocte TmfAP. : .OF 1 REPRESENTATIVES, commissioners was-next taken up and House called to order at' 10 o'clock, passed its first reading. Messrs Abbott, by Speaker Robinson. . , ; col:, Hryant, oi xiamax, coioieu, u TA...nn rx vocTrnnv rcnn 311111 :ii-. t I . J . 1 1 1 l: . outat. v - j j ilUUiUili' JK jvsivj - i I - j . - , . ,..n,i -., ...... i ieaten. o uuca i ui.uuj,i.", v.w.v, e.d to his bed bv illnes3 i'ortwo-davs past. Mr. W. P. Batchelor, his assistant, fills the vacancy with credit to himself and the Senate. C A R M' E R - C OMPO UN 'D Hickman Lodge of Good Templars. We, are requested to announce that there will bean adjourned meeting of the Lodge this Friday evening at i o'clock for the purpose of transacting important deferred and new business. Tiie Bolles' Cotton Hoe. Messrs. Julius Lewis & Co., deal ers in hardware of every descrip tion, advertise elsewhere this morn-n-.t tho "Rnlles' Cotton Hoe. for which "PECTORAL COUGH SYIICP, It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Diseases ol theTiiroat and Lungs. PKEPABED BY J. R. H. CARMER, Druggist,; No. U Fayetteville ISlreet "Raleigh, N. C. jan2a-U much merit is claimed. where. Sec notice else- See the double column advertisement of the Messrs. Leach Bros., grocers and r.omnussion merchants- This is one of t.. mm, tfliiilde houses in the city, and well deserves patronage. ' Peiisonal Intelligkkcs. Col. Wm. Johnston, oi Charlotte, is at the Yarborough. ,, when $38 was bid, as the prices were too much The new warehouse will be finished, and-a grand opening on the 2Gih inst., by Wilkerson & Meadows. Our. townsman, W. H. Harris,' has completed hii storehouse and residence, . .... ,z,. f rs' a capital building, at a cost oi $a,uuu. Our paper, the 2ribune, ij our young riend Harrell, will make it3 appear ance in a day or two. Supreme Court. The Couri met yesterday at 10 A. M. Allot the Judges present. The. following cases were ar- guea : . .,- . ..-v, Halifax county: s ; " ' ' State vs Joseph R Branch ; Attorney General tor plaintiff, Ed Conigland, Batchelor. Edwards & Batchelor for defendant , - - Bartholomew F Moore vs W H Shields, Administrator, et al. ; Galling for plaintiff, Batchelor, Edwards and Batchelor,for defendant. Shields. Clark & Mullea for defendant iW- U Jones. (2)TA pure stimnlant, Century jwhis key I- ' . .'m " : ' '- Cloth Cloaks and Sacciues, Gleves, Furs, &c. -. r iir.n i.. - t., .f I Trinrr ortirtrffi K.ovd. r.oiored. and Mc .i Messrs. Monng, ; movireuecv rtuuis, ui -l.iu, uw.w. , j-, - . . . rrc and Morrison suDmittea reports jauriu, wi'u, iv... "'e-".'- sif-drx-iinfT nrnrn trfips. . i i ne. volu swuu vcm ujj Oran r . ti .T irillll V ill 1J UO un.uuu By Mr. Shackleford, a resoiuuon authorizing the Auditor to issue a du plicate warrant for $280 to Elijah' Mur rill, Sheriff of Onslow county. Re ferred The Senate bill to alter tne constitu tlon W cs to amend the Constitution in elation to exemption from taxation adding the words -'or any other person al nropertrMvas taKen up ana passea liKUBEiJS OF THE LEGISLATl'EE j Q " lion o Mr. McGehee, the Senate its first reading by a vote ot yeas 10& Respectfullylinvited to an n:-pectlon of oar StocK. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. bills relative to Constitutional . Amend ments were made special order to r to day at 12 M., and for each succeeding day at the same time umu tue uw am disposed of. On motion ot Mr. -uraige, tue resoiu- nnv4 ID ' The same vote as aoove wun the exception of Mes r?. Corson, Heaten Hugheswho VOteu ill tue negative... - The Senate bill to amend the Consti tution so as to take the control of the University of : North ;Caroiina.irorn tne L E X II S M I T II ATTOIINEY AT LAW, 6 C O T L A N D NECK, N . C. Will practice in the ; ourts or Halifax ana adjoining counties. Collections attenueu io m uii jjh-oui atate. ' mayn-ii WALTEll CLAKK. L A" R K & C J.-M. MiJLK. M U L en; ,-iTTiPll.TE ITS 1 T ;, LAW1, UAL IF AX N. 0. Practice in all iixa Courts . of Halifa x Northampton and EagecomDe coua tn the suDreme Court of North. Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Collections maue in an pui ta ui uiu Carolina, . um-xjr KD, c COSIGLASD, r.l: TO II. PAT , L1W PARTNERSHIP. ! ON POLAND &. D A Y, ATTORNEYS ATLAW, i HALIFAX, N. C. , Practice In the Courts of Hallfaxnd ad- loinlr" counties in the supreme Court of the StSte?ana in tUaFedcraliurts. They ..Tin tnoctjil attention toHectini' and consulting business, and to pasting the accmnts 5f executors, administrators and glhSr partner will attend at his of fice In Weklou on Saturdays and Mondays of each weeli. ; , . . no28-tf B II. Buysf, U N N & Sam'x-T, WnxiAHs! WILLI A MS, decl4-dU T7ISH. FISH, FISH, FISH, 1. ion A 75 barrels all grades. For sale by q t STRONACH & BRO., Market and Martin Hts. .v..0, ------ , , , , ;. ,.,;,, tion authorizing the Engrossing i;ierk;ot Board or yXZ .i. .. Ti.,. t nsQidtftncn WAS thn COaUOl Ol IUC UKiisiaiui . , uuo iBiu Hie UUUSO w .x.t,.j . r.r .- , - J S... K o taken uu ameuded so fts to .include tneiup ana pa&beu.ii-?M. iwu.5 vj.,--v . M Wishing STYLE EMBERS OF THE TURE to procure WATON'Si LEGISLA- NKW i J RE3IliUAT PIIOTOGUArnS, are" requested to call early ; do not put it off UUlll JUU iUDUiiuj . J . " ' and sit at once, in order that your pictures may be executed in the very best style. Remember the place, 2nd door obove .Tucker Hall. - J- W. WATSON. . jan2l-tf 5 ' . ' enrolling Clerk and adopted. ' -Bv Mr. Gudizer. a bill to incorporate the Cincinnati and Great Southern Rail-i wnv Conmanv. Referred. -.: r By Mr. Miller, a bill to prevent the obstruction of the passage of fish up the "Roanoke river. Referred.. . , l! By Mr! Joyhera resolutiori to adjourn on the 24th inst. Calendar. By Jones, cot., of iMortuampton, a bill to change the time W holding Superior CquiU ia Northampton countv. Referred. By Mr. Brooks, a bill to allow a s fecial J wjn; Hwton,- omf ot tea? 94. navs ,11, Messrs. Abbott, col., Bryant, ot Hali fax, col., Bunn," col Dudley, col, Good wyn, Heaton,, Hughes, col., . Jones, of Nothampton, col., Kins, col., Lloyd, col., aud;McL-iurin, col., voting in the rcgtitive.-' ' -. '' '4i'" -.' : J The Senate bill to - amend the Con stitution 'to :'d away with the censui clause watalien up ana -passea us msi reading by a vote of yea3 ya,, nays iu. ; Messrs"; Abbott, col., Bryant, of Hali : "fiunn: col.. Dadiey, eol ' Go jd jxorinampton TTORJrEJTS ax M TP, - ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I L.L I A M S & B U N.N,. ' -..-' -i RALEIGH, N. C. tilU Business letters may be addressed Vi ther to Rocky Mount or lialelga-eir. 'laics Collected in any part f the State. Practice in the Supreme Court of the !tue an 1 in luetiwetiuwui. a rnh l-tf. v . . p U a N O , G U A N O , GT3 A N O tons Whan's Raw Bone tow In tran sit. 8end in your orders. - , ' 'r jn lli-t f O. T. STRONACH &TJRQ.