DA XL Y. NEWS..- Si'i.'NK tfc UZZELL, - - Peopriktors. FAYETTKVILLE S-KEET, Over V. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. rhe DAILY NEWS will be delivered to 5 i s. ri'jers at fifteen cents per week, ,-. 1 v:ible t o the currier weekly. Mailed at J7 -n r an n am ; toM for six mouths ; $2 for thre o 'i Uo' Cv IlKKLY NEWS at S2 per annum. s 10 0,0 00. ID'AILT'NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. : One square, ne Insertion 1 1 09 One square, two lnsertions...... . 1 50 One square, three insertions 2 00 une square, six insertions................. s oo One square, one month 8 00 One sauare. three months 16 00 One square, six month a.-... M 30 00 une square, v eive montns,.......... oo uu For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non-' pareil constitute one square. VOL. 1. RALEIGH. N. C: SUN DAY MORNING, FEBRUAEY 16. 1873. NO. 270. j ; ; . ; . , , , . . . ,,, ..... . . . , . .- ... . ' " : : , . . , ; 1 i - - v ' i THE DIUKCTOKS OF THE V U E D E L ' E A U C 6 . Haviiiii, for reasons already given to the public, demed it judicious to postpone their II A N D GIFT CONCERT In aid of this new and delightful & ei -SIDE 11ESO 11 T, liio undersigned take pleasure in an" nouuving that the Concert will take place, viiiiout iail, - . Ou Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, ; N' Till: OPERA HOUSE, NORFOLK, VA., When the following -magnificent gifts, .limiting to 1 0 0,000 DOLL AUS, Vv'ifi be distributed by lot to the holders of '.Ickets: 1 cilft in Greenbacks of $ 5,000 u'i its in Greenbacks of $1,000 each, 5,000 Li liitis in Greenbacks of SoOO each, 10,000 , i i;ear ti fully located Cottage Lots . "b.vtm sea,"W Dy 13U leet, at Vi e d L'Eau, valued at $100, : ' ) other oeautifuily located Cottage Lots, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue de i Kim, valued at 5200 each, : in ti ills in Greenbacks of 100 each, 30,000 40,000 1U.000 l Gifts, valued at $100,000 ,h) TICKETS AT .S3 EACH. The distribution of Gifts will take place Immediately alter the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in full view of i lie audience, under the immediate su pervision of the President and Directors ef iht! Vue de L'Eau Company, and the fol- - lowing distinguished gentlemen, wno have iiindly consented to be present and see that. i:o gilts are properly distributed as adver- lis.ed: - Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, iluu A S Watts, Myor of Portsmouth, Col Walter H Taylr, of Norfolk, Hon John B Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, , James G Ilolladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should tho tickets be pot all sold when the concert comes olf, the presents will be distributed in proportion to the number sold. Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our Banking House in the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without discount. For further particulars and for tickets, i iiol v to the uudei si2ued. who alone are au- Uiorized to appoint agents lor the sale of tickets.- rue undersigned. Directors of the ue de L Kau Company, pledge themselves to the imblie that the above Grand Gilt Concert siiailtake place on Thursday, February JJlh, 1.S73, as announced in above card, on Kie has. is of the original advertis-ment ius io the distribution of gifts : Wm. Lamb, It. J. Neely, M. I'arks, . L. orouer, W. II. White, W. Keed, G. Ghio, G. W. Grice, N. Burruas, E. C. Liud.sey. i i - kcts are now ready for sale, and can be . .1 unt-d from the following agencies: Fogarty it Co., Bank of Portsmouth, Bain & Brother, Burruss, Son & Co. HURRUSS, SON & CO., ...liiu rs and Financial Agents Vue de L'Eau Compau y, N O IX F O L K , V A . Tickets can be purchased of U. II. BRADLEY Fayetteville Street, R A LEIGH, N . C ja-O-dtd ' r jj ll O M A IS tt T A N L Y l'UOPRI ETOR OF "C1T Y G 11 AN ARY," DEALER IN CORN, PEAS, WHEAT, OATS, -MCE, iMC Ready access at my Warehouse for TUE DELIVERY OF CARGOES, And easy Handling and Storage at small expense. BEST QUALITY OF CORN Direct from Vessels at the Lowest Whole sale Prices. Communications for Information Concerning the Grain Market in this City 'promptly answered. All orders should be accompanied by the money or City acceptance. Offlceand Warehouse on Market Wharf, jalO-lm NEWBERX, N. C. R E M O D Havin'' diyoosedof my Store on" Fayette ville street. 1 have opened at .lo. IS Uarsctt Street, where' I will be pleased to serve all who will lavor me with their patrouage, at the lowest poss.ble rates, for CASH or barter. My stock consists of sugar, Coffee, Flour, ' Meal, RIcj, Salt, Mo lasses, Cheese, Hams. Shoulders, Bulk Meat, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, l'ickles. by the measure, Soap, Brandy Feachts, Canned . Goods, Candies, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes, c. W2, Thankful for past patronage, I hope 10 merit the same in future by lair dealing and strict attention to business. Give me a Call I C. D. CHRISTOPHERS, -febt-lm No. 13 Hargett Street. c R M E R COMPO U N D PECTORAL COUGH SYRUP," 11, will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Diseases ot the Throat and Lungs. ... ' " PREPARED BY J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist, No. II Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. jan 20-tf O LD CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, &c. J. A. JONES having this day sold out his stock of Hooks stationery, Sheet Music, &c, to me, I resume business as his successor nl the old stand, - No. IS Fayetteville street, RALEIGH, N. C, I shall endeavor to keep a good stock of the latest and most popular books, which I shall sell at the lowest cash prices. 1 respectfully soliciti orders from the old customers of the house, and others wishing oods iu my line. The latest News Periodicals kept con .tant.yonhand. L. BRANSON, Successor to J. A. Jones, MORNING EDITION, i SUNDAY. ..FEBRUARY 15.187? tiTAU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Special Notiees inserted iu the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line ? f 3ST.O. H. Nuttall, of . the Cliarlotte Aavertisrng Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, N. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. Messrs. Grifnn and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street. Laltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at om lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor j . . . HP For latest news by telegraph see Fourth Page. - iHT" Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Post Oliice Directory. RALKIGII TOST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE- OFFICE 1IOUI53 FllOM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : Western Due at 7:30 A. m. Close at 5:S0 P. M. Eastern Due at 7 r. m. Close at G:30 A. M. Northern via AVeldon Due at 3:20 p. m. Close at 9:15 a. si. Northern via Greensboro Due at 5:30 m. Close at 6:30 p. m. Fayctteville and Chatham Kailroad Mail Due at 9:30 a. m. Close at 3:00 p. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. Put nil letters for mailing in letter bojt, ns that is the last place we look fci them before closing a mail. It is ot certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general de.ivery window, or "to a Clerk. Ohlce hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments lrom 9 A. M. to 4 p. M. C. J. Rogers, , . Postmaster. Local Biuefs. A raffling mania is on the increase. ( 1 Pure and mellow ! Century WhfcL-n I . Snow, rain and any quantity b mud yesterday. - - -- -- Gov. Caldwell is still confined to his room by sickness. Bishop Gibbons preaches ac the Catholic Church this morning. 'Yesterday afternoon the streets of this city were in a navigable state. Rumors., of weddirgs in the early part of the Spring are whispered. The Supreme Court has t he Battle Melvcr imbroglio under advisement. Both the Yarborough and National Hotels, have been crowded with visitors the past week. Ample opportunities arc afforded to day to indulge both genuine and os tentatious piety. A large amount of business was tiansacted yesterday in the Senate in a "piivate bill ' way. A parcel of drunken negroes for a while on Friday made the "night hid eous" with their yells. A runaway horse and a first-class dog fiht relieved the dullness of Salisbury street yesterday afternoon. We learn that a large black bear was seen the in the north eastern part of this county ou last Thursday morning. Attention is called to the advertise ment, in to-day's issue, of a handsomely furnished room in a desirable neighbor hood. -1 There is a dearth of amusements here. Our fine Halls arc unoccupied. A first class Company would do good busi ness by coming to see us. The only matters of importance acted in the House ot Representatives yester day, was the resolution in reference to the Western North Carolina railroad and Revenue bill. Mrs. M. J. Palmer, wife of Prof. W. J. Palmer, the former Superintendent of the Deaf & Dumb Asylum in tlm ciiy, has been confined to her room by rheu matism in Bellville, Canadar "St. Valentine's Day passed off quietly. We got several, but they apparently came lrom euviou3 souls who have no appreciation for our personal pulchri tude and moral worth. We deny the allegations and defy the allegators. The School Bill, We shall publish from time to time, the most important changes made in the school law by the recent enactment. The following act which is now a law will prove of much interest to many of our readers : AN ACT FOR THE JtELIEF OF CERTAIN SCHOOB TEACHERS. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina, do enact, that the County Treasurers be authorized and directed to pay out of the schools funds in their hands, such sums of money as may be due to teachers of public schools for sessions rendered prior to the ratification of the. present school law. Provided, That the said claims shall be audited, and approved by the County Commissioners Ratified, January 17th, 1873. The Rcsenvikk Gardens -We invite especial attention to the card of Mr. T- A. Newbury, florist, at Magnolia, N. C. Now is the time to buy his seeds. Items from ocr Oxfohd I Cohees- rosiDENT. Under yesterday's date, our i;orresponaeni senas tue ioiiowing : The freshet in Granville last week Jl A 1 .1 11 was a heavy one. The mill-dam at Cannady's mill was 'washed away, and also the bridge which was near the mill. -. A barn of tobacco, belonging to Mrs. Col. R." P. Taylor,' narrowly escaped being consumed by fire a few days ago. Fortunately the flames were discovered in time to be extinguished before any inquiry except of a very slight nature was sustained. The fire was purely the cause of accident. ' ; The ware house at Tally Ho, was established by Messrs. Webb, Fleming & Co., and not by John L. Jones as stated in a former item published by you under the caption ot "Oxford Items." The mistake arose from the fact that Mr. E L. Jones is a member of the firm of Webb, Fleming & Co. and his name was confounded with that of his uncle, Mr. John L. Jones, who owns an interest in' the Granville ware house at Oxford. , On last Wednesday Mr. E. L. Jones informs us that about 10,000 pounds of tobacco were sold at the Tally Ho ware-house, ranging in price from"; four dollars and five cent3 to as high as sev enty.two dollars per 100 pounds. Sales are made at Tallv Ho evcrv Wednes day ' ' ' ' "' The question ot cstablishirig a Bank is being talked of by some of the lead ing citizens of Oxford, and we trust they will put their views into practical operation. . The idea of a Railroad connection has not been lost sight of, and when Oxford can boast of railroad and shanking facilities it is believed her career ot prosperity will make rapid strides. Vith the display of a proper spirit of liberality, energy and enterprise, both of these schemes beyond peradventure, could be successfully carried but. t -' Our CnufiCHES To-Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited . to . attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present to conduc visitors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7i o'clock p. m. ' ; Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. II. Pritchard, D. D., officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. M. , Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury and Morgan streets, Rev. J. M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. ; Services 'at 11 o'ciock a. si: and 7J o'clock r. m.. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. R. S. Mason, D. D., officiating, services at 11 o clock a. m. and 7o'clock p. M. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock p. M. ' Person street Methodist Church, Rev. R. II. Whitaker, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7 a. m. Supkeme Couht. The Supreme Court for the past two das have been hearing the argument of counsel upon the cases of the People vs McKee, the People vs Bledsoe, the PeopIe: ys John son and the People vs McGowan. - These cases involve the validity of the 1 ap pointments of Directors for the Lunatic and Deaf and -Dumb Asylums and the Penitentiary and the Keeper of the lapuui, uiauo uj tuc vjovuiuor ltibi Summer, and the constitutionality of the different acts of the General Assembly appointing the present incum bents. .-. The cases present the same points1 of law, with some slight variations1 aad have been argued together.; The ar gument ha3 been full and elaborate. The Attorney General and Batchelor, Edwards & Batchelor appeared for the plaintiff and Fowle, Merriraon, Battle Son and Busbce& Busbee for the de fendants. : . ' - Newspapers. The Rome (Ga.) Courier has n well written article on newspapers, from which we copy the following paragraph : "The value of a newspaper a3 an ed ucator in his famiiy is invaluable. No volumes ot books can present the same amount of valuable matter, collected in such pleasing variety, as is presented by the miscellanenous press of the country. In it is given in weekly in stallments, the history of- the age in which we live. No place so obscure, no home so humble that it may not find and enter. It is to this class that we would address this article, not in be half of the newspapers, but in behalf of the moral, intellectual, and material interests of our country." Dr. Sears, Agent op the; Peabody Fund. A large and appreciative con course assembled in the Hall of the House of Representative on Friday ev ening to hear this distinguished scholar and educator. He was introduced to the introduced to the meeting by Hon. D. M. Barringer, in appropriate and very complimentary .terms. His address, of more than an hour's length, was received with great satisfaction by his Very in telligent audience. He illustrated, in a most lucid and happy manner, the ad vantage and necessity of popular educa tion in all countries, and especially in a free and republican government. He spoke in general and in detail of the systems and progress, of free schools in this country and especially at the South. A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks was given to the Rev., and dis tinguished speaker for his very (able, instructive and interesting address. Only $10 Each.- Our paper yester day inornrng made the tickets for the livery stable raffle read $100 each. They are only worth ten dollars each. Call and secure one. . . ' Disguised. At the hour of 10 last night our clever- young Foreman, B by name, was. missing lrom the omce, and notwithstanding enquiry was jmade, no tidings of the missing was received. The Devil was sent out on a search at 111 o'clock.- After visiting the tele graph office, Frapp's, and other points, he returned and reported that he bad seen nothing of the pissing Foreman, but there was a stranger in the business office of. the News, on the ground flooi;, about the 6ize of B , but a much better looking man Another ,man in the office went - in search for the missing, and soon return ed with.the glad tidings that the strang er in the business office was B , with his moustache dyed, but so complete was the disguise that the Devil didn't know him. ' ' " ; It is unnecessary ,tbadd., that.'B has recently lallen in oVe. v . ; - - m . ( ';': A Compliment to Senator - Flem meing. The Raleigh Sentinel a day or two since paid the following compli ment to Mr. Flemming, Senator from McDowell: v ; ;t: " ; "We heard one of the oldest.Senators gay that he always learned something when Flemming spoke, though he was only a ' boy; his reading and reflection had been so directed as to make him one of the most useful members of the Senate. , - Mr. Flemming has introduced a resolution authorizing the Governor and Treasurer to appeal in the suits against the Western North Carolina Railroad, and to give bond, &c." . The resolution referred to passed the Legislature yesterday. I Secure Your Tickets in TniE.-t- But two more days reraaim in which tickets can be bought in the Veu de L'Eau Gift Concert, which takes on Thursday next. The Agent here, Mr. R. H. Bradley, has sold quite , a large number. Call and get one to-morrow. The character of the concert is guaran teed by the gentlemen who are at the head of it. And Theue is Light. For the first time in two vears the street lamps of the city were lighted last night We are too full of joy to give utterance to onr feelings on the sobject, but when we are reminnded that we can no longer write on this almost stereotyped" subject, it makes us feel sad. But we are will ing to compromise..". . Owing to the length of the telegrams our local space is curtailed. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ti?nvTF iTTr dens , , Magnolia, N. C. Feb. 13, 1873. and GARDEN PLANTS. I have a fine siock and healthy, at prices as low as at the North. Catalogue sent free. They can be forwarded in pots or in moss by mail. febl6-linw. F. A. NEWBURY. S ALE POSTPO NED The sale of the furniture of Mrs. A. Hi Saunders, deceased, is postponed for one week. The sale will take place at the resi dence of the late Judge Saunders, on SATURDAY, the JEU of February, 1673, at 11 o'clock A. M. KEMP jP. BATTLE, Adm'r of Mrs. A. H. Saunders. . Raleigh, Feb. 11, 1873. feb 13-td J U S T R E C EIVED 15 Sacks choice Rio Coffee. 50 barrels Sugar, all grades. 20,000 pounds Bulk Sides. 2,000 pounds Bulk Shoulders. 3 car loads Molasses in barrels, tierces and hogsheads. 50 Boxes Candy, assorted and braided." 2o boxes Lemon Biscuit. j1Ktiiite and stock 1 i"eas. feb 11-tf M. A. PARKER. EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND In a First-Class Drug Store At SIMPSON'S. nov26-tf . . gALT, SALT, SALT, SALT. 4,000 SACKS GROUND ALUM, 300 SACKS MARSHALL'S For sale, to arriv DcROSS ET WILMINGTON, N. C. feb 13-2t JpiSH, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH 75 barrels all grades. For sale by G. T. STRONACH & BRO., Market and Martin Sts. F LOUR ! FLOUR 1! FLOUR 1 1 ! 20 Barrels people's favorite Flour, equal to Patapsco. 100 Barrels Superfine Flour. - 100 Sacks Extra N. C Flour. - In store this day. WILLIAMSON, UPCHUCH & T HOMAS. ja 10-tf 40 CASES BRANDY PEACHES 75 Boxes Assorted Candy, 50 Soap, 20 20 1 ., Raisins, . Pearl Cakes, POOL &AlOORING'S. 25 At 25 BLS. S. II . SYRUP 15 IG d Syrup, POOL & MORING'S. At rQUDLEY'S FRESH TOMATOES Dudley's Tomato Catsups in Decanters. An excellent line of English Sauces just received. vv. J. htuuin ACtl. QORN, OATS, 3IEAL, BACON, Mess Pork. Bulk Sides, N. C. and Family Flour always on hand. Consignments daily eceived. a. ii. Li&is a u jEMBERS OF THE LEGISLA TURE procure WATSON'S Wishing to STYLE .'.:. NEW REMBRANT FIIO TOGRAPIIS, are requested to call early ; do not put It off until you are neany reaay togo dome, call ana sit at once, in oraer mat your pictures may be executed In the very best style. - Remember the place, 2nd door obove Tucker Hall. .J. W. WATSON, janil-tl" FACTORY FILLED thought a thorough equation ot hies lenburg, the bill to authorize the Com ' simnid Lp hpld !n n.11 rasps, and thjh ihe msssioners of Mecklenburg county to e froin Liverpool, by n(,t:nn nf thft Oommittp.e should be ritsI sell the iail, and for other purposes was CO., LEGISLATURE OF. NORTH CARf I I ' ' v, it. t Sattjbd at Feb. 15, 187&-1 JjSe0"69 Lieutenant Governor in lhe clwnrioo.i i; JouraaL of yesterday read' aiapi-1 proved. ; .,t- ."..r-ujuoijn 1 3 , ;.. ...I. -..I- - ' ' .Mr.- Avera asked the privilege tfi re cdrding his' vote' in - the. affirmativbn the school bill passed yesterday, . fuait j On motion of Mr. Gudger;v the Tulep were suspended, and, the bill in, rqlatior to '" the sale of . spintupus liquors f . A j f taken up and made the'special order foj Tnftsdav next at 11 o'clock.? Tl ' . Petitions and Memorials.,- . By Mr. Allen, a petition from citizen of Kenansville, asking a law to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within the corporate limits of said town. i 15y Mr, Allen, a petition from eitizeiaB ot Hertford ana Northampton prayi a new ciunty. . r..- i vVo.nd I uu By Mr. Price, a petitioifrbn ciOTh of Davidson county. asktngVwrmiseion to sell certain real estate -in the town Lexingtom:. (-,.":.' ' j - a Introduction of Bills.' a ' ii Ttv Mr Allnn. jt.PuIl ro nrerent the salo of spkitupts-'- io;ttorer; withinthb t corporate limits of Keharisville, DuplijiT i By Mr. Avera; a bill to lay off aa establish a new ' county ' to be;'calI6A Bragg. I,;,-: ,!. f .' s .vts, By Mr. Grandy, a bill to authdrizb the Commissioners of .Chowan county to issue coupons' to pay-the' indebted By Mr. Hill, a bill to;: mcoTporate I Charlotte BaptistChrch in Brunswick I county. . - X ,n--;4.i:t ?Iaaie of liquor, in that place.; . , By Mr; - Seymour, a 'biUto- .repeal chap. 79, laws of 1808- ': 'r:;; jir waring, aDui to ; nx, luciees i of the Coroner of Mecklenburg- county, Referred.. v, ; ' r ' Introduction f Resolutions. By Mr.Cowles, a resolutien;to prir t the muster rolls of;the war of;i812. , By Mr. Ellis, orColuhibu$, a resclu-' tion in lavor 01 j. ii iiui.; sn in favor of J. IL HV -. . ; f By Mr. ,Wanngi .a resolution ;of Jd- ruction to the Attorney General; t. t 1 struction to the Attorney The resolution reads as follows : J J HT Whereas," It appearing from statement of D. W. Bain, Chief Cleric ot the Treasury Department, made be- fore the Special Committee to invest)- gate the management of the Pemtenti,- ary, that Geo. W. Welker, President Qf tue liyaru ui lircuiora ot, vuo icuiicrf-.! tiary, appointed by Gov. Tod R..Cal6-1 well, and upon a warrant signed by the' said Tod It. Caldwell, Uovernor, QWi draw from the State Treasury the sum of $3,000 ; and whereas, it tarther ap pears from said statement that the said sum of $5,000 has neither been returned to the Treasurer nor accounted f or," Ihrrpfnrft :' ' . ' . -.''" ' ' Resolved, by the Senate, the HousortnflriAr.prftl AKaemhlv biennial instead of ncurring, That the Attorney General of the State be instructed and required, in the name of the State, to institute suit against the said Geo. W. Welkery and his official bond, for the recovery of the sum with all legal interest accrued thereon. . By Mr. Morehead, a resolution provi ding for night sessions. Adopted. By Mr. Powell, a resolution lor tlie relief of the Lunatic Asylum, provides that $45,000 be appropriated for the current expences of the Asylum for tlie coming fiscal year, to be paid quarterly. Adopted and sent, to the House.. j Special Order. j j The bill to incorporate the Farmer's Bank of Fayetteville was taken up and discussed at considerable length. Sev eral amendments were proposed m regard to the rate of interest to be cnargea Dy tne uanK, etc. 1 The bill finally passed with the1 nmnnrWnr. rPRtnV.tino- its ratfi nf inters est to laws to be hereafter passed by the General Assembly. 17 lbly. Calendar. I House bill authorizing Commissioners of Pasquotank county ,V to " l(ivy ' ji special tax for" building a Courthouse. The Committee recommended as an amendment that an equation of taxes be observed between poll and property. Amendment lost, and the bill passed its .,-r " accouu icauiu, f Afr Tndrl mnvpd a rprnnsWlp.rat.5nn rFl the vote bv which the bill Dassed. He tained. , - ,- -"u .1 ' 'SV: ' ; Mr. Grandy said his 'people Wanted, mg, yeas 80, nays UO. ' -the bill as it had been passed-that he Mr. Turner presented a petition lrom Hp'w a mpm.-.rial from a lamp.' nnmber certain citizens of Statesville, asking the of his people representing over halt the taxauiu prupeiiy iu uiauuuutjr 'j'n, for this bill. To put in this equation, amendment would virtually kill the'billi He held that - the ' Legislature 'had ' noi right to increase the. poll tax. t ;i Motion to reconsider : lost, and bill passed its second reading. , . House bill authorizing thef levying of a special tax in the county of Bladen The Committee recommended that tho Constitutional enuation be observed, Amendment adopted. The bill hot to be submitted to the voters of the county. Bill passed its second reading. Bill incorporating the V Mechanics' Hose Company ot Wilmington. Passed its several readings. nouse bill allowing the Commis sioners of Columbus county -to levy a speciai tax. Passed its third.reading. Bill to amend an act incorporating the Wnghtsville Turnpike Company. Authorizing the collection of toll over said road.- ' . : - r ' On motion of Mabson, col., the further consideration of the bill was postponed till Saturday next. The yeas and nays were called, and upon a tie vote, the President voted in the affirmative. 5 The following bill3 passed their second reading: "' " " ' . The bill authorizing the Commis sioners of Camden county to levy a special tax.., .. ,! , '.; - ' Bill authorizing .the Commissioners of Green, county to levy a special ta.x.r-l Bill to authorize the Commissioners of Currituck county t levy, a special tax. " --"".'.. -'xf-n -r; 1 : ' . Bill to authorize the Commissioners of Person county to, , levy a special tax. Bill to authorize the Commissioners . , . -a . - Bill to authorize ihe County Commisf ' e WT it L - i 1 1 i sioners of Montgomery county to levy i Special tar 4 U k - - i BUhto, authorize the Commissioners nfn,on.nin. tn in ann . , ' , I Bill to authorisze the Commissioners of Harnett county to levy a special:ta'4 I t Jiill to authorize the Commissioners of , Lenoir county to levy a special tax. " -.'..; :: ' J : Bill to authorize the' Commissioners of Caldwell" county to levy; a special tax. . . f .. n i ' .-,!' f ,'...' ' Bill, to, authorize the Commissioners of RaHdolph counter toxlevy a" special Bill-to continuer in forcej anj act au thorizing the Commissioners of Cumber land county to levy a special tax. " Bill 'to 'authorize the Commissioners of Transylvania, county to levy a special taxjor,. the purpose ol buiidiDg a Court Houbc at Brevard: Messages Received ; - ' f t From tlie House transmitting, several bills;r-among .the number the resolution 6f 'Mr.' Flenuning in ; regard to author izing the Governor, to take appeal in re- gardt.to.lthe, .saler of .'.the; (Western N. 0, R. Bi, with, an amendment, which was concurred in. HOUSE i OF REPRESENTATIVES. rr a t a m, Mr. HDeaicer' uobinson. called the House: to order;- r ' Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. .; ",'.." X'-" . ' ' . JIStr: TiearPTiTesented a memorial from certain citizenai of-Ashboro. Randoloh COUQtv. asking a law preventing the 1 Mr."Nbrment;va memorial' asking a Uimilaif ' law fof -LumbeTton Robeson countv , Messrs. McGehee, Bryson. oi Swain, and Brown, of Mecklenburg, submitted reports fron Standing Committees.;. ' By Mr. OuUaw,- a bill . to rincorporate the town . ot; Duplin, Duplin county. Kelerred. By Hughes;1 cbl.,! a bill to incorporate the Granville Railroad Company. Re- fpfml . . ' ferrcd. By Mr. Robinson, a bill to make Entry Takers' ex officio Countv Agents." Ra- ferre V , - By Mr.' Dickey, a bill to change the liue between Cbeoorkee county N. C. and'p0lk county, Tenntssee. Referred By Mr. Bean, a bill to prohibit the gaIe of . jjqrju tne town Ol AShborO. oeferre , K - : - 1 By Mr. Hanner, a . bill to amend sec tion 13, chapter 195, laws of 1863 '9. By Mr. Maxwell, a bill concerning inspectors in the city of Wilmington. Referred. '. " - ' On motion of Mr. McGohee, the Sen ate bill to amend the Constitution of the State so a3 to make the sessions of annnal was taken uo andoassedits first rp!1H;no- hv the rpnnisire two thirds vote vears 80. nay3 6 - On motion of Mr. Craige, the resolu tion authorizing an appeal ki the case of Henry Clews vs. the Western N. C. R. R. was taken up. Mr. jQhnsjton.onerec a rcsoluton pro viding for the levy of . a tax of 25 cents on the $100 to relieve the Road from its embarrassments which was voted down. After some further debate the resolu tion passed its third reading. Revenue Rill, v- The ' bill entitled an act to : raise revenue was taken up and considered by sections. . The amendments onerea . were so numerous and the debate there on so general and long, that the space necessary to give: each gentleman a cor rect and impartial report cannot be jriven. In accordance with the ' usual custom we suppose tne advertisement Ot the bill, when perfected, will oe ordered in the newspapers in the various J sections of the State. ' The bill passed its second Tcaomg, yeas 61, nays 22. " '" "' ' ' - By Mr." Perry, of Wake, a bill to preventing the felling' 01 umoer in Crabtree Creek and Neuse river, Wake county. Referred. ' . " On motion bMr. Jones, of Caldwell, the bill in favor of Jno. G. Wnliams was taken up and passed its several readinffS." 1 On motion of Mr. Brown, of Meck- f taken up and passed us seconu reau- passage:ot a law prohibiting the sale of I "m-" " (. Mr. Turner also nresented a counter petition from citizens of that place,.ask ing that no such law be passed. -.A bill accompaned the first. The whole! mat ter was1 referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. ' On motion of Mr. Guy ther,-the bill to secure advances made for ; agncuitu ral purposes was taken up and .passed its several readings. . ( I .1.. ' 1L. un motion Oi Jir. nnoues, ine uiu 10 incorporate the Goldsboro Banking and Txian Association was taken up and massed its several readings - On motion of Mri' Badger, the bill to levy a speeial tax in Cary township, Wake county, was taken up ana passeu its second reading, yeas 75, nays 4. On motion of Mr. Whitmire, the bill to protect cattle lrom distember and other infectious diseases was taken up . On motion of Bryson, of Jackson, the countv of Jackson was inserted in tne bill. - ':''"'' .' ..'.. V.": The bill then passed its several read- ings. AdjourneJ. 0OTTON i TD2S, COTTON TIES, '23,000 Gooch Cotton Ties, for sale by n6v21-tf - - W. H. DODO. T rOtv;;r.vS!? T! JU...: T,a. . ' ' ' Yesterday morning between the Fayette ville street Capitol gate and the Postofiico $16 75. The finder will be lilierally reward ed by leaving it at this office. Ja 28-tf ..: 15.000 LBS. BULK 8IDE3 . -. ,i . i ... 1 ' Oats, oats, oats, oats. ' - ' 3.UUU UUUUU9 iHUUi . . of Swai fcounty"t6 levy a- special tax lrom year-vta : year; to build a Court House. if-.'i Laj'.'"'Vr; v vrr;,.i f : PROFESSIONAL CARDS, g B . 8PRUI LL,:J n. " ' . A T T O R NET A T L A W , J A C K SON Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edge.com be and Northampton counties. In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. Carolina. Collections made in. all parts of North jansi-aw O H S N O W i ATTORJVEY' JL.J1 If RALEIGH, N. C.', ' Praotices in the.State and Federal Courts! Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in all parts of the States janl-lm ; - . 5 .: J. B. HATCHELOR. L. C EDWARD , W. PLUMMEE BATCHELLOK. BATCHELOR, EDWARDS AND 1 - batcheijOR, -. ; ' : attorneys at law, RALEIGH N. C.J . Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin. Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal and Supreme Courts. Jan3-tf A L E X . II S M I T II : 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK; N TV ill practice in the i ourts or Halifax and adjoining counties. Collections attended to In all parts of the State. - may 11-tf Walter Civrk. Q L A R K . J. M. Mulls. & MUL E N A TTORJTEJTS Jl T EA U HALIFAX, if. ; . " Practice Iu all the Courts of Halifax Northampton and Edgecombe counties In the Supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Federal Courts. . Collections made In all parts of North Carolina. . . . mni-iy E0. COSiaLASD, Wil. H. DAY LAW PARTNERSHIP.- 'l ' ';i'-' - 1 () 0 1 G L A ND & DAY ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW, - HALIFAX, N. C. ' , , ' ' '.. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians. The Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weldon on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. no 2S-U' B. H. Buns, Sam'l T, Williams W I L L I A M S , DUNN & Jl TTORJYE ITS -1 T EJl If, . ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. XXT I L LI A M & & BUN N, jlTTOREirS JIT JC If, RALEIGH, N. C. 3 Business letters may be addressed either to itocKy Mount or itaieigu.. Claims Ccllectcd in any part of the State. 43- Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleigh. rah 1-tf. Jo. B. Neal. J O II N B. Wm. J. Baker N E A L & CO., ; COTTON FACTORS ,J I ' AND .53 I ' g;lekal coMaissios: mescuixts "agents for P ATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, Norfolk, Va. ' SBattleboro "Advance" copy. . J 6ep23d&w-tf ATIONAL HOTEL JllEEIGIIt JT. C. lias been re-opened for the reception of the traveling public. A. J. partin. uenerai manager, R. L. Hoktok, Office Clerk, . . W. H. Billings, Caterer, J. T. Habbisox. In charge of Bar. and Billiard Room. Visitors may be assured that the past reputation of the House will be maintain ed without regard to expense. Omnibus always at depot. W. it. 15AUL.1HX K UU., Lessees. F. J. Haywood, M. D. Wm. H. Baglky. Jan 1-dawlm g E ABO ARD & ROAN OKB RAILROAD COMPANY. .' . - ' ' OFBICK S. & R. R. R. Co., I P0KT8MOUTH, Va Jan. 1, 1871. On and after this date, the trains-wt leave Portsmouth (Sunday excepted) as lows : Malt train dally at a in. Through freight train dally at L30 p. rr. nesdays and Fridays at 8.00 am. ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail train daily at - - 6-.45 v Through Freight train daily at tyh - Way Freight Train Tuesdays, - Thursdays and Saturdays at L30 , Mail Trains stop at all stations for pas nengers. Through Freight Trains stops Bower's Hill, Suffork, Buckhorn, Fra.ui.Ili Buykin'8 and Seaboard for ppp-ercrs freight. Mall train connects at Weldon" wim the trains of the Wilmington and Weldon Kaleigii and Gaston railroads. Audon Mondays. Weone.-diiys, and days at Fraiklin, with eteamer for hVle ion, Plymouth, and Landings on Black wuier and Chowan rivers. E. G. GHI0. ..ttil-tf Sapt. of Transportation. : C ilANGE OF SCHEDULE. RALKIGII & AUGUSTA AIR-LINE, Superintendent's Office, Kjileih. N. O.. Nov. 29Dh.lX7 On und after Saturday, Nov. dutn. ih-4. trains .u the It." & A. A. L. Road " sik Xcun leaves ttIelgh, 3.35P.M.5 .virivesatSanford, , 6.1 -. M .11 Tmin leswes Sanford, 8.30 A. MJ ' Arrive at Raleigh, 9.20 " Mill 'lvain makes close wnuectiou at it iliuii with the Raleigh and Gas ton PoUl, 1, to and from all points North. And a 1 San ford with the Western Rail rad. to and from Fayetteville and point ou Western Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, jnne 17-tf Superintendent, F()ll JOB WORK OF EVRP.X chararte , go to the NEWS' Office J ; ; : . - Fayetteville street, , , Over W. C. Stronaah & Co' ,- "