DAILY NEWS. s:iNK 4UZZELL, - . Propkiktoks. Kayktteville Street, ? over W. C. Stronach & Co.s Store. CASH IX VARIABLY IN AVAKCkT The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to mitiserlbera at fifteen cents per week i.iv:tle to the carrier week! v. flailed n.t. 7 r annum; 13.50 for six months; $2 torture .3 uiouui. - u The WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. JL .0 a " ' 1 ' j?g.,J " 1 "aWWI" ' IW lf'MMMMBMBMIIiMBWBW!llBlBP"''''j"M,MMMIM"M ' 1 11111 1 M" " , 1111111 -hip M .'."T VOL. 1. 10 0,000 THE DIRECTORS OF THE V U E DEL ' E A U CO. Having, for reasons already given to the pui)lrc, deruod it judicious to postpone their RASD GIFT CONCERT In aid of tnis new and delightful s i: i-smE n r s o n t, Vlie undersignetl take pleasure In an uounciug that the Concert will take place, vithout mil, On Thursday, Feb. -20, 1873, 1 N TIIK OrEItA U0USE, NOHBOUv, VA., nyigiiifioent gifts, 100,000 DOLLARS, Will be distributed by lot to the holders of ticket: 1 Gift In Greenbacks of S 5.000 5 Gilts in Greenbacks of $1,009 each, 5,000 'At Gifts in Greenbacks of ,.o(X) eacti, lo.uou 7a Beautifully located Cottage .Lots " by he sea," 30 by 130 leet, at Vu da L'Kau, valued at $ WO, 2W otuer beautifully located Cottage 1als, 23 by 130 feet, at Vue Ue L'Kau, valued at $200 each, 100 Guts in Greenbacks of SloOeach, TUf:srAY. When the following amounting to , 30,000 40,000 lO.OuO M Gifts, valued at $10J,000 20,000 TICKETS AT $5 EACH. The distribution of Gifts will take place immediately alter the Concert, on the vast stage of the Opera House, and in lull view of me audience, under the immediate su pervision of the President and Directors of Hie v c? DKL'JSAU tOjirAA i anu. me fol lowing .distinguished gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and see that ne guts are propeny uisuiuuieu as auvta Used: . Hon John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, lion A S Watts, Myor of Portsmouth, 4!i Walter H Tavler. of Norfolk. Hon John li Whitehead, Ex-Mayor of Norfolk, James G Holladay, Esq., of Portsmouth. Should the tickets be not all sold when the concert comes oil", the presents will be diMtrihuted in proportion to the number sold. ' Currency Gifts will be paid in cash at our liankimi House In the city of Norfolk, on presentation of the tickets entitled thereto, without uiSLOunt. -For further particulars and for tickets, uooiv Lothe uudersieued. who alone are au liurized to auooiut asrents Jor tne sale of .ii-lct'ts. Tue undersizned. Directors of tbe Vue de L'Eau Company, pledge themselves to thtr l.ublic that the above Grand Gilt Concert muiII take nlace on Thursday. February JJth, 1S73, as announced in above card, on lue basis of the original adveraseinent as to the distribution of gifts: Wm. Lamb, R. J.'Neely, M. Parks, V. li. uroner. " W. H. White, W . Heeu, r . G. Ghio, G. W. Grlce. N. Hurruss. E. C. Liudsey. Tickets are now ready for sale, and can be o.i tamed from the ioilowiug agencies : Eogarty sc Co., lJank of Portsmouth, Bain & Brother, Burruss, tion Ji Co. fJURRUSS, SON Ac CO., -Bankers and Financial Agents Vue de L'Eau Cuini any .NORFOLK, V A . Ji- Tickets ca,n be purcnased of It . II . BRA 1 L li V "Fayettevilie Street, ' i l 4 RALEIGH. N. TUESDAY. MORNING. FEBRUARY 18. 1873; NO. 272. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, eae Insertion..........:.. ....f 1 00 une square, iwo mseruons.........-. . ov One square, three insertions 2 00 One square, six insertions 8 50 One square, one month..... ..,..ra.... - '8 00 one square, tnree months................... 10 w 8ne square, six months.- - 30 00 ne square, t elve months,-.'........... 60 00 -or larger aavertisemenis, tioerai con tracts will be made. Ten lines; solid' non pareil constitute one square." f , . : - CORNING EDITION ........FEBRUARY 18. IS73 4 J3T"AU parties orderin? tjin'itfi.. will please send the monev forOio ivc the paper is wanted. 15?" Special Notices inserted in the ocal Column will be charsed (20i . i WfeSTEIK, OETp CAEpLIKf jRAIL - RdAb.-The oiiowlng is a'copy 6 the resolution, authorizing and directing the Treasurer and Governor in certain mat ters connected With' the Western North Carolina Railroad, passed by the Gener al Assembly : Y Called Meetikg Publix; 'Scnoots in. - kaleigii. i esieraay ? ' aiternoon, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR lA .. -:is. i a Iq Senate called s ta orSeir atalO o'clpek, by the Lieutenant: Gfyccnftr;- -i.-jui Journal . -oc yesterday ' read -and; tp sis mud'fi U) vtP.ji- ed Senator 'Syman,' of Warren.' 11 ROVE'' OP n REPRESENTATtvis. I At 3:30 P. M. Mr. Spcater Robinson cauea the Mouse to order. . " : The bill to allow a special tax in Gary . Township, Wako county, was taken up and passed its third reading yeas 62, nays li: T ; ;' The bill to allow the Commissioners of the tQwn ot Mmfreesboro to levy a tax. was taken , up and, passed its third reading yeas 55, nays 19, , , 1 "The bitl to allow the Commissioners of Mecklenburg county to sell the jail, &c, was taken up and passed its see on d reading yeas 73, nays 2. . t , On motion of Mr. Jbnes, of CaldweJl, the House branch of the Committee on the 1 Western" North Carolina Railroad was excused from attending the session of the House this afternoon. , ; lue bill to repeat certain portions of chapter 250, laws of 1SS9, was taken up and passed its second reading.' " The bill to prevent the sale of liquor near Horeb Church, Robeson, county, was takeu up , and passed its "second reading. 'J'-'" , " "' ' - The Wit to prohibit the sale of liquor on the Sabbath was taken! up'. ." f ' Mr. Craige moved to lay on the table. Lost after quite a lengthy, debate, and tbe rejection' of numerous amendments, the bill passed its several readings. : The bill to declare Trent river, Jones county,; a, lawful .fence--..wa taken up and passed its several readings.. The bill to protect the navigation of White Oakland Trent riyers, Jones county, was.taken i tip . and passed its several readings. ; . , lue bill to regulate the customary penning of sheep' 'in Kennikeet and Hktteras townships, Dare i county, was taken up and passed ita . : several read ings. -,Ur; 'I The hill to allow" the" Comnissioners of Forsy the county to appoint a Tax Collector was. taken up aad parsed its several readings, , , ; ;V ; The bill to allow the" Commissioners of Wayne county to .levy a special tax was taken up and passed its k second reading, yeas 05 nays 5. : ' Adjourned. t : : ; i- : AFTKBK00N SESSION, t r Twenty Cents per line.; JKShJ. O: 'II. KYlTTAT.T. f . iUo.. nAia. Auvertising Agency, Is agentfor this paper u vu.iuu,i.u .neis auiy authorised to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. Messrs. Grlffln and Hoffman, -Newspaper --- - --- -l- ..fcvuvo, A.u, .1 klWU LU DUQCt, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to cn- iruct ur aaveriisemen ta at out lowest rales. Auvertisers in that City are, .requested to iucii i.ivuia wibu mis nouse. LOCAL MATTER. there was a meeting of the Board of City Commissioners, at.the ca.lLQL.the Mayor, l for . the purpose of hearipg suggestions from Dr. Sears, Agent 'cjfj thA'n Pihnrlv Fundi in ! recrard ) 'to Resolved hk t he Senate, the House lof I prlnratinnftl matters: This' eentlcmait' ncjjieocuittii vus concurring, wWn AiVLktXAM wt vi Stwj,i V j. .i, l J-1 v 1 Messrs.-Xove, Averay Dannam,' Todd, . Y ; r , .UUI"U scnoois pi a A'S" simuar 10 iuyc Welch f-Mnrrav i Price. uandGadAr name, and that of such others as may ot Richmond; He' stated' that this r7lca'r m"'a nnit ,ith ,;m r o ,i tvi maae reports t irom fscanuing. oniinit- United State, for the yeaten District tawtete bt.ractea -ppMat ot feS, yj worm -oaronna, renaerea at tne last I & cmnd nlasa. increased the value ot real Pr 1 ; , . . . . ti'J term thereof -in 'the case of Henry Clews and othe.-s plaintifis against the Western North f Carolina RaiL road Company and others defendants, and to prosecute 'such an appeal to -a final issue; and to institute a new suit or suits and to take' any other or farther proceedings in .the premises as. he may. material , interests of; the community ailnntinofU. Amon? other things the said, that North Carolina's share in ihe reabody unawns pemg neia m reserve until a disposition was shown to place such schools in operation.; If.. Raleigh wnnlrl RAt thfi ftxamnle in this State1 in oe aavisea, latue name or ihe State or-T this direction, the effort would receive- "."fvii ,ui uj vmw, jiciovu 7 fc I assistance irom tne x uuu. -mi. . jatio tin OtUTJHOoa 'jiU i Arbiil t04imend Ctdev'of CiviViT cedure in relation to appeals. .l A bill to i amend section ;34l4f Code 6t Ciyil; Procedure i ns :ua t-ti- Mr.! McCabe.ia bill to prode for filling vacaiei-iiMhe-oince oi uounty .') Mri Seymour,: a, bill regardiogj Ihe in he JG. C. VOODSOX,:Citv,Editor! R A LEI G II , N C ja2G-dtd O M A-.b fc T A iS L V I'PvOPRIETOll OF "CITY GIt.VNAltY," DEALEH IN 10UN, PEAS, WHEAT, OATS, BICE, iC, U Heady access at my Warehouse for THE DELIVERY OF CARGOES, Handling and Storage at small For latest news .'byi telegraph see Fourth Paue. ' ? Correspondents will please write on one side bt the paper.- - j . - Local Bkiefs. ; ' ; Up to C p. m., yesterdav, the flavor had interviewed no cases. i Yesterday was the first genuine sun ny weather we liaveseen in some time. Governor lUwell. who has been' confined to hfs room for ten days bast from severe illness, is, we learn, improv ing, but is vet utmble to leave his bed. Only one dav left to invest in fthe Yeu de L'eau Gilt Couccrt. Call; at Bradley's to day and get a ticket. tWe are iu. and intend lo pocket that W. D. Jones. Revenue Assessor of this District, has received orders from the Commissioner oi Revenue at Hashing ton to close up the ollice Of Assessor and assistant Assscssor ot this District by the 20th of May, and to turn over all the books and government property to the Collector. Mountain Beef. We are indebted to Dr. J. T. Roid, of McDowell county, for an elegant piece of steak sent us yesterday from the stall of W. R. Crawford at the city market. Dr. Reid brought quite a number of his excellent mountain beeves to this market last week. ; 1 Li connection with this, we would Jcall. the attention of those, in authority on the .North Carolina Road to the great inconvenience and loss they cause to parties shipping live stock to this market by the present freight schedule over their road. Stock comim; from over the Western North Carolina Road has to remain at Salisbury from 4 in the afternoon until G the next morning; has to stop over at Company Sbops that afternoon, and remain until the fol lowing aiternoon, 'reaching Raleigh the third afternoon in a jaded and feverish condition, having lust in weight bv the delay. .' If some arrangement could be made for transporting this stock more rapidlv, it would 'build up the stock raising in the western part of the State, would add largely to the nrohts of those engaged in the business, and would give to the eastern markets of the State a quality or beef superior to that with which our markets are cursed. Cannot something be done to bring about the desired end ? And easy expense. BEST QUALITY OF COItN Direct from Vessels at the Lowest -Wholesale Prices. Communications for Information Concerning the Grain Market in this City promptly answered. . All orders should be accompanied by the money or City acceptance. Onlce and Warehouse on Market Wharf, NEWBEUa, rs, C. ja 10-lm B E M O E D of Huvin riirDoted.bf my Store on l-ayeiu vilit; fvtrooi.i uave opened at ro: 13 liar gill Uriel, wnoi e I will be pleased to serve all who will i,v vor me with their patrouage, at the lowwl poss.ble rates, for OA.SiI or bariti. Mj 4tock consists of . Siiar. Collee, Flour, Meal, IllcJ, Salt, Mo - iSsses, Cheese, Hams. Snoulders, Bulk Meat) Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil,. FicKles by the' measure, Soap, .brandy Peachts.-.HJanned ' Goods, Candies, Nuts, ltalslhs, Apples, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, I hope Uimerit "tne same in future by fa:r dealing and strict attention to business. dive me a Call ! C. 1. CHRISTOPHEKS, febi-lm No. 13 llargelt Street. C R M E R S O M P O U N D PECTORAL COUGH SYRUP,: It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all Diseased ot tue Throat and Lungs. FltEPAKED BV J. 11. H. CARMER, Dfuggist, Street, .Raleigh, N. C. No. 11 Fayettevilie an2a-tl O LD CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, &C J. A. JONES having this day sold out his stuck ol Rooks Stationery, Sheet Music, &c, to me, I resume business as attne old stand, his successor No. 15 Fayettevilie street, RALEIGH, N. C, Legislative. The proceedings the House on yesterday were, as a general thing, devoid of public inter est. When the bill came up requiring Judges of the Superior Court to ap prove or disapprove the Clerk's judg ment in special proceedings, etc., Mr. Morrison stated that he was the intro ducer of the bill, and thought it an important one to the entire State. Its nrovisions had been thoroughly dis cussed before 'the Judiciary Committee, and there met with no opposition. He intended the bill to be a hit at no par ticular Judge, for if a Judge did his duty, it could-not affect him, It he failed to do his duty, then the parties injured had a remedy unoer this bill. The bill passed its second and third readings. . .. Owin to the absence of a number ol members, the Constitutional amend ment abfishing theoffioe of Superin tendent ol Public Works failed of the requisite two-thirds vote, and the con sideration ol the others was postponed until to.day. The reader is reTerrcdno the reported proceedings. Anniversary Celebration. Last evening, Yictor Fire Company, No. 1, col., celebrated their fourth anniversary by a torch-light procession through the principal streets ot the city witn tne ISaieign lirass lianu at meir ueuu. When the march of the procession con cluded, the crowd repaired to Metropol itan Hall, where congratulatory ad dresses were delivered by several colored !' momlinro rf tlif T .prri al fi 1 11 rp rl hia Wim. panyhas distinguished itself on anum- ber ol occasions uy renaering emcient . i r t . i bcrviecs at nres. e wish mem suc cess. . . , : Lecture by the Right Rev. Bishop Gibbons. bt. John s (K. U.) Church was well filled last evening by an appreciative audience to listen to a discourse on ".Education" by mis qis tinguished prelate. The reverend gen- tieman 13 deciaeuiy one oi tue nnest eloqutionists in the South, and certainly the best that na3 ueen neara in Raleigh lor a long time. Want of space prevents us giving the lecture a more extended notice this morning, but we will publish a synopsis of it to-morrow. and that ia aid of such proceedings and necessary thereto, the Public Treasurer be further authorized and directed to givesuch bond or bondsAwith or with out (sureties, as may be required in the name of the State or ot such others m whose came and such suit or suits may be brought or-such proceedings be had on behalf of the State, and to be binding on the State, and any sum that may be adjudged to' be paid by the State or the person or persons prost-cu-ting said suit or suits, or other: proceed ings on its behalf, and for, Us benefit, or liable on said bond or bonds, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury jaot otherwise appropriated.' This resolution shall take effect from and after its ratification. Ratified 15th day of February, 1873. Confirmation at the v Catholic CHrmcH.-M)n BundaJ morning at; St. John's Church Right Rev. James Gib bons, Bishop of Richmond, Va., adminr istered the sacrament J of confirmation to the several candidates who presented themselves. The Church was literally crammed with people eager to witness the im pressive and beautiful ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Bishop made the participants a short, address replete with loving admonitions and judicious advice. His words were'so full ot tender care and his manner so affectionate that everyexpression which fell from his lips commanded strict at tention anu impressed-- themselves upon all hearers. At the conclusion of the reading of the Gospel the "Father Matthew Tem peiance Society," through Mr. M. Barbee,presented the Bishop with an ad dress, asking him to deliver to them the pledge of the Society and to bless their badges. In complying with the request the' reverend Bishop made- a few well timed t and lprcef ul remarks on temper ance. ' J ;- Notwithstanding the pouring rain in the afternoon, the Bishop's lecture at the Church, on " Papal Infallibility," had a very large attendance, and on every hand we heard it lauded for its sound logic, chaste language and the unostentatious yet elegant manner of its delivery. There is an indescribable charm about thi3 reverend ' gentleman's manner, whether "in ordinary conversation or: speaking from the pulpit, which at once fixes the attention of his hearers, and canies him straight way into their good will, and the elegant simplicity of his manuers serve to render him universally beloved. - . - ihe ed Mr. u-auie A ,l.d ? iuj , -j . v,uuii, , uou 4u yunvi ix"J Itlfarncl ! Cn i 5 A I . . i J . - - i i iiii. L"t i u ill lur rt'i villi in i j i in i. 11 m luu iir I a system. . He moved that the Mayornd 6' K two Commissioners be appointed a M rtid - thei; bill,1;' and JJJ . V r , " . T aiesErsuis,.ott!UOium9u3 Auen, uuu- Assembly to amend the charter ot- the hS , , jjtU irt i?no,a 'nrfnnQPii thA t- f A. ii I UdLUt iUUI LfUJ AtVUWVWW v w ww-w-va mw lj.su lUM.uisiiuuu u.s.r..v - . i measurers beinsr detrimental .ta the :n t aAntar f quisite authority to levy a tai lor s9hooi iateto( the manufacturer ? nf" T"TTh Ul purposes. .The thanks of the Board were tendered to Dr. Sears for his address and suggestions. The -, Doctor acknowledged the compliment,' and the Board adjourned. ; Prof. . W. : C. Kern and o Rev. Dr, Pritchard were present, and informally participated in the meeting, ; . Supreme CouRT.--The Court assem bledat the usual hour on yesterday. All theudges were present of tar as. well as to the.shipper. - Bill laid, upon the table. m. m mi 1' ... I i The argument in case of Battle, vs Mclver, was continued by Messrs. Fowle and Baily. for the defendant, and con cluded by Mr.. Batchelor for the plains tiff. The case of Brown.Daniel & Co., vs P. R Hawkins, from Edgecombe, was Central Railway Company was put upon its third reading. : - Mr.' Humphrey moved to strike put the amendment heretofore, ! passed ', qiuiring- said corporation to complete the road through bhelby totherford' ton,, and to insert the following : "That should this corporation purchasa" the Western North' Carolina RaiiroacLjpf in any way obtain the Controlof thart rctad, it shall not have the right . to ' take I up oedb. Mess Lll To X, tl W M i 1U forfeit Ml MU to xSi tie u stall comm. defendant. . . i n1.-5j ttu.- .t..iw J?'J - . . - '. . 3At:ld A M.; Speaker Rohinsin called the a,3uso to order, a : i J ; ? Journal of yesterday ;read , and;., dp- Messrs. vvaugn. Anderson, oi oavie porta from various Standing Com tees. " :.?;-.. n L'ByiMr., jRichardsoa' t a, , resolution reference-, ta night cessions. Calend T My Mr, Marlcx ft bill to allow certain counties tOilect a Finance ;Committfee. Referred;-) itVi t nl-.t . I ff By MV Jonesvi of : Camdeni(; bill jfor the, protection pf publici highways CM88, ing .the rDisnial. JBwAmp Canal..; Re-. ferrfid.riM :;tv.;n yni: ixo ; s -id f n. ', j , .Bjo Mrjtlt&eeler, ja b4U to protect farmerai : iron i,irud8.KiiniuCommer4ial fertilizers.;; dtelerred,.; iuVi- ,i( I ; ; ii i A- Cionimunication,.ws. received ; frpm 4he Secretary of .the State, ia- jreferefice to .granta issued from that t office , j and McL:ioa' i? u "t.'lvx;ir.I aa Ji ?i On motion of Mr.' Woodhouse. the pill amend: ithe , act - establishing aty ot iJare was taken up and several readings. -lot-.t :n ; . .;' motion .of .Mr Sbackleford, the resolution authorizing: j the j Auditor to issue a duplicate.. warrant forr$280t tjoi E, mr 111 1.-1 1 .3 . . 1 t l makipg it the duty of . Superior, .Court Thn I ill innnrnAfofinrr ho s ITrtIrtIIrt. I m. V. , Lj Clerk'oijdghtiu special, proceed ings yvithin, SO days . was taken . up and passcrl its aeyeral; reading,ui .,)Mi v.y: j4 : i -.On; motion of : Mr JJean the. bjllj to incorporate the tawi vfAshboroRanT dolph county, was ;taken up and gassed its several readings; .t. ; i Jj;i ;. o J v On motion, pf Mr Rhodes, the Toil to relieve County Commissioners was taken up and .passed its .several readings, j t :i On motion of Jones, of Northamp on, col., the bill to change the time of hold the track of any part of said road but I ing , Superior courts ir . Northampton s . , . I county, waa $iaaeu up anu . fjwscui ta plete it tQ, Asheville '.witmu two years several readings. TThe bill trausfers auer Bucn: - purcuawj" or wuww , - uu i thecounty to tue 1st District ana pro - commence on in each defendant The argument in the case of Irving C. Stone,vs Jas. F. Latham from Hyde,waa commenced by Messrs. Fowle and Busbee & Busbce for the plaintiff, and the Court adjourned pending the conclusion ot the argument. Prof. Eugene T. Jones. This gen tieman, a son of the President of the Warrenton Female College, is now lo cated in Austin. Arkansas, and is Presi dent of the Male and Female Institute of that place. He ha3 our best wishes for his success. . Supreme Court Decisions. Yester day the Judges of the Supreme Court filed the following decisions : Br Peab3on,' c J! - Joseph H Cardwell, Administrator, vs William Mebane et al. ; from Rock ingham. 'Error. ' Venire de novo. Priscilla Walker et al., vs A A Sharpe, Trustee; from Iredeil. Case dismissed as on demurrer. - ' By Reade, J. Titus T Grandy vs W B and Edwin Ferebee; from Granville. Error. . Ve nire de novo. Thomas II Brem vs John Allison , from Mecklenburg. No error. Affirm ed. :- - - - - By Rodman, J. B P Moore vs W II Shields, Admin istrator, et al. ; from Halifax. No eiror. Affirmed. . . . . , .. ' 'Jane "C llinton vs 'David' Hinton, Executor, &c. ; f rom Wake. Case re manded for further proceedings. By Boyden, J. W J Critcher vs D B Hodges ; from Watauga. No error. Affirmed. ; Reuben Perry vs Syl fester Pearce ; from Johnston. No' error. Judgment affirmed" ' ! By Settle, J. . Abram Martiu vs W Z Richardson et al.; from Rockingham. No error. Affirmed. ; ? -r , . r John Long et al., vs Isaac Holt ; from Alamance. Error. Judgment reversed. Returned. We are pleased to see Capt. David Settle, the efficient Repre sentative from RockiDgham, again in his seat in the House. He . returned to the city yesterday morning, after a pro tracted absence in consequence of sick ness. ' "' .'''.' " ' . ' ' For the Daily News. 'Jestina Sente." The attention of Senators is invited to a bill which has passed the House and will soon come before them for consideration. It is a bill to declare larceny of goods under the value of five dollars a misdemeanor, but it might well be entitled a bill to remove the safe-guards from property in eastern North Carolina. We will not trespass upon the space ot the News to give our views at length, but epitomize several objections : 1, The aggravation of a larceny docs not depend solely or chiefly upon the value of the article stolen. It is a higher offence to break into a house (not under circumstances amounting to burglary) and steal four dollars, than to steal ten dollars worth from the field. 2. The number of colored magistrates, and what is worse, worthless white men, in large Republican counties,! who would be enabled to shield their con stituents from justly deserved punish ment, by imposing a nominal fine. 3. Making tne punishment ot what has always been a felony, the same as the lightest misdemeaner known to the law. For an assuuit and battery a man may be fined a hu idred or five hundred dollars, but for breaking into your gin house and stealing'riity pouuds of your seed cotton, thirty days imprisonment is the extent ol the punishment. 5. The natural and inevitable tenden cy of magistrates to put a small value upon the articles stolen, will place into their hands almost the entire criminal law of the State. The natural tenden cy of a'Court to enlarge its own juris diction is well known. Does any State of the 'Union place thirty days imprisonment as the the ex tent of punishment lor a larceny of property to the amount of four dollars. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E L V Y N N U R SEUY. Messrs. Allen and Humphrey .warmly supported tbe adoption of the substi tute..: , ;.fi ii r I Mr. Welch opposed the striking -out of the substitute requiring the ' road to be completed to Rutherford ton, as i he deemed that it would be unjust to the people of that section, who had sub scribed Ito tbe Wilmington, .unanotte and Rutherfordton Railroad, not to complete this road as the ! charter of that Company iequired. '., ',' ; 1 Mr. Dunham argued that the corpora tors in the Carolina Central";; Railway Company had nothing to do .with the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford ton Railroad Company,' farther than; to hold mortgage bonds upon the same ; that the latter Company "was utterly unable to complete theroad, and that the new corporators desired and had a right tq go in some other direction than the one required in the charter granted to the W. G. & R. R. R. ; Mr. Murphy argued to tbe same effect. He thought that so long as the corpo rators asked nothing unreasonable 'in their charter and no aid from the State, they should not be restricted to any given line'. " L 4 Mr. Seymour could not see how; the corporators could be '-restricted, and would vote.fortbe striking out OtUhe amendment.. v . - ; i The motion to strike out was adopted. The amendment offered by Mr. Hum phrey was adopted. ' " ' Mr. Miller offered an amendment, re quiring the Central Railway Company to complete the . W. N. C. Railroad, should they get possession of the road, to the town of Shelby, within twelve months after said possessidh should have been obtained.. Adopted. : The bill as amended passed its third reading ayes 33,' nays 3. '; , , '! ;f ' .Mr. Waring moved to reconsider the vote, and th it the said motion to recon sider be laid on the table.' Adopted. Under a suspension of the rules, Mr. Seymour called up bill regulating the number of officers of the General 'As sembly and defining their duties. Passed second reading. ; I "; - Further consideration of the bill'was postponed until Wednesday at 11 o'clock, and ' the same ordered to be printed. , . -' ! - . -i "'" Mr. Welch introduced ab'll declaring wha: portion of the debt of North Car olina is'valid and to pay-off the same.' The bill authorizes the Governor fo ap point three discreet and able persons as Commissicnera on, the part of. the Stat6 whose duty it shall be to ascertain and estimate the State's interest Infrailroads and other public improvements ;'tq as certain the debt contracted 'anterior to the warl as well as the amount .actiially expended for the legitimate purposes night session. Mr. Woodhouse moved to table. Lost. ' MrWoodhouse said he : opposed the bill in toto, and would move to indefi nitely postpone. Lost: . r--. The bill then passed its several read ings. , '; ':'.: i v Mr. Badger introduced a resolution requesting , a report from -the State Treasurer of the number of land grants which have been, paid for and settled during the years 1868 69 '70 '71'72. The rules were suspended and the reso lution adopted.' , j The hill to incorporate the Transmon taihe Railroad Company was taken up as' the special erder. V ", - Mr. Luckey moved lo' postpone until Friday. , .... ;. : , Mr. Bryson, of "Jackson, opposed the thofion. . .'. . - , -. ' , Mr. Gudger favored it. Mr. Badger also favored the motion. The question on the motion for post ponement being taken it was adopted. The bill , to declare certain larcenies misdemeanors was taken Up as the sec ond special order and passed its several readings!.. ' .;;', ' ' A message was received from the Sen ate transmitting amendments to : the House bill to amend the School law of 1872; -; ' ' f-" . . ' After debate, the motion of Mr. John ston tq postpone the question of concur rence or non-concurrence was postponed until Wednesday at 11, A. M. , ; Constitutional Amendments. . The Senate bill to alter the constitu tion in reeraTd to the public debt wa3 taken up, and passed its second reading by the lollowing vote : ; , - Yeas Me3srs.! Anderson, of Davie, Anderson,' of, Clay, Badger, Ballard, Bean, Black well, . Blythe, Bowe, Bowman, Bryson; of Jackson,- Bryson, of Swain, Bryant; of Pitt, Bryanj ot Wilkes, Bryan, of Alleghany, Brooks Bullard, Carter, Carson, Corson, fox. Craige,. ; Dickey, i ' Dula, Ellison, Fletcher, '-Foster, Freeman, Gant, Gidney,' Godfrey, Gray, i Gudger, Guyther, Hampton, ; Hayne3, Houston, nughes, Johnston, Jones, of Caldwell, Jones, of 'Camden, Jones, of Orange, Jones,' ol Tyrrell, Johns, Jordan, Lut terloh, Luckey, Marler,! Maxwell, Mc Gehee. JIcNeill, Miller, ' Michael, Mitchell, Morrison, Nonnent, Outlaw, Patrick, Perry, of Bladen, Pres.n, Richardson,. Rhodes, Scott, Settle, Sharp, Shinn, ot Cabarrus, Shack U-rord, Stanford, Sto we, Todd, Trivett, Turner, Warlick, Waddill, Watson, ? Waugh, Webb, Winslowj Whitmire, Wheeler, Whisnant; Woodhouse. 81. . Nays Messrs. Abbott, Bryant, of Halifax, coL, Bunn, col., Dudley, col., Jones, of Northampton, col., King, col., Lloyd, col. b. . The Senate bill to amend the Uonsti- Senate met at 7 o'clock, Lieut. Governor in the Chair. - The Commissioners ot the following counties were empowered to levy special taxe3 : TraDsylvania, Cumberland, Per son, Moore, Randolph, Caldwell, Pitt, Harnett, Lenoir, Granville, Swain, Montgomery, Currituck, Greene, Cam den, Bladen and Pasquotank. Bills allowing Commissioners , of Al- . exander and Stokes counties to levy a syecial tax passed their second readings. Mr. Grady introduced a bill in favor of the heirs of Jesse McCay, dee'd. On motion, the vote by which the Commissioners of Pasquotank county were authorized to levy a special tax, was reconsidered, and further consider ation postponed until to morrow night. Resolution in favor of the counties of Brunswick, Northampton and Edge combe that they be refunded such moneya, as they may have paid into the' State Ireasury above the requirement of the law was considered and passed its several readings. The resolution of instruction" to the Attorney General, concerning the $5,000 drawn by Geo. W. Weiker from the State Treasurer while he was President of the Penitentiary Board under the appointment of Governor Caldwell, in March last, was considered. ' ! Mr. Seymour moved the further con sideration ol the resolution until Thurs day next. Adopted. The bill in relation to cumulative suffrage for Raleigh was made special Order lor to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. Adjourned. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I shall endeavor to keep a good stock of the latest and most popular dooks, wmcn x giiall sell at the lowest cash prices. i reKiiectmllv solicit. orders Irom the old customers of thehouse.and others wishing f-oods in my line. , , Tim latest News Periodicals kept con- fctantlyon nand. . L. BRANSON, Successor to J. A, Jones, Messrs. Leach Brothers. See the double column notice elsewhere of,thes9 gentlemen. Their stock of groceries is large and complete, embracing every thing wanted in that line. This is one of tlies most reliable firms in thecity. fI Ovide Dupre, Esq. It will be seen from the card of this gentleman, lately of this city, that he has located on Wall street, .New York, and offers his profes sional services to the public 1 We are glad to learn that Mr. Dupre begins his career in the great metropo lis under favorable circumstances. His talent, energy and character will com mand success, and his friends in the old North State will watch his career with deep interest. -We wish him the full realization of his brightest hopes in his new location.- i; " . j The Kelvyn Nursery. Capt. C. B. Denson advertises elsewhere that he is ready to - furnish, from his Nursery cyerything f ne.w'" and ' desirable for ornamental planting, both seeds and elsewhere his " advertuement - (2) A pure stimulant, Century whis ky! .7 i-". l . EVERGREENS, SHADE TREES, 11CSES FLOWERING SHRUBS, B- P F S O Ii L E R A O E D N iV D E T UE v ;' S , R S R and HEDGE PLANTS. Send now for Catalogues of everything new and desirable for ornamental plant ing. Flower Seeds, fresh and true '20 papers for $1.00. Strong .Plants, wed accli mated, and low prices. We oner a mucn iar?ei stock than ever before. Daily communication by Chatham Railroad. Especial attention to plauts fr Cemeteries. Flans and estimates for orna mental gardening. Address, C. B. DENSON, feblS-lw. Pittsboro, K. C. g AVE TIME AND LABOR '' By using Peter E. Smith's PJ1TEJVT SVZ,I1 PLOW, Which will plow 10 acres per day with one man or boy, and two horses. This, plow has been used with perfect success for three yearsPrice Soo.. uet the - Common-Sense' Cotton' Planter, the best and cheapest in use, and so simple that any boy can plant 8 acres per day. .Price lo cash, to accompany all omens.' PETER E. SMITH, ' febl8-tf r Scotland Seek, N. C. THOR JOB WORK OF -EVER -E? character, go to the NEWS Office' " ' Fayettevilie street, uver w, o. strouaan a oo' turton b, abolishing the office of Super .'. T"r . n7 .V. Intendcnt ol PubUo. WorKa. after this siiall have ' been' ascertained, the said Commissioners be -empowered to assign afl interest which the State may have in said public improvements to the parties holding such legitimate claims 'against the State in such propo sition as the aggregate interest of the State in such improvement bears to the ascertained aggrecate claims, in consid eration ot the surrender of all ' claims against tbe State. That the people of North Carolina, in their representative capacity, d3Clare that . t -ey solemly, protest against any other compromise of their liabilities. ' '. ? t ' Mr. Norwood opposed the considera tion of the resolution, and moved its reference to the Committee on public debt. ' " ; ;" '' ; Mr. Ellis, 'of Colnmbus, thought his peopU ' had 'biit" littla idei'of "carrying the whole; debt t the State, antl he wanted an expression of the Legislature upon the subject. . , -. . .u . Mr. Powell said his people idld, not have much, idea ot paying ; the, public debt, if it could ie avoided. ' Bill . made special order for Thursday.1 , ,: an. luiMiucttu, ui uuniwiu,' i un in duced, a bill insuring - the Completion of the Western rnaad (to Qreepfbbrq'. Referred. ..-.; t-ui--;-. ; ;.f , Indefinite leayc of absence was grant- was taten up and failed to pass its second read ing, yeas 75, nays iu. '' Mr. Johnston moved to reconsider the vote bv which the bill failed to pS9 its second reading, having changed his vote in order to be enabled to do so The motion-was entered on the Journal On motion of Mr. Johnston, a call of the House was had and 87 members answered to their names. Mr. Badger moved to postpone the further consideration of the amendments until to-morrow at 11 A. M.s ; A message: was, received from the Senate transmitting, amendments to the bill to incorporate the N. C. Centra Railwa7 Company- The amendments were concurrred in and the bill ordered to be enrolled. s On motion of Abbott, coL, the bill to Tepeal chapter 243, laws of 1868-'9, was taken up ' 1 . ' ' ,Tlie substitute recommended, by the committee was adopted."" ; ; t On motion ; of Mr, . Patrick, the bill was indefinitely postponed. ; : On b motion oi h Mr. Richardson, the resolution ha ving night sessions was taken up and,. after, some -debate, the resolution was adopted. . ; -jd: j On motion uf Mr. Jones, of Caldwellj it was agreed, that when tbe - Ho ise adjourn it adjourn to meet at 3:30. -.1 Adjourned ?r i j - . - j Thi unrivaled Medicine is warrintel not to contain a sintrle particle of Mercury. or any injurious mineral substance, but Is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS It has proved its Teat value In all diseaea of the Liver, Jowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good ana great in all parts of the country voucn ior its wonaertui anu peculiar power in purifyinec the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULTOR is ac knowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Ca thartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of . all impurities of the body. Such Risrnai success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the. Great Unfailing Specific for Liver Complaints and the painful off springs thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION,. J.iundice,BilUUH attacks HICK HEADAC1IK, Co ic, Depression of Splriis, SOUR STOMACH,. Heart Burn, &.Q., Ac. ' - , Regulate the Liver and prevent , , CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only by , ' " . J. H. ZEILIN fe CO.. . - Macon, Ga.j and Philadelphia, Price S1.00 per packake : sent by mall. postage paid, $1.01. Prepared ready f r use $1.00, and f 1.50. ' . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. V- Beware of tationser all Counterfeits and Tmi-feblS-D&WeodOm. OF THE LEGISLA . TURE : procure WATSON'S ; jyEiiDERS to procure WATSON'S , N W I -it R G 31 B R A TT II OTO G R APII S , are requested to cah earJy ; do not pul H off until yoa ace nearly Teady to go home. C all may tyt exeeutl lu the very let htyle. . Ilememoer the place, 2nd door ohor Tucker Hall. ' ; J. W". AVATSONtl - Jan2l-ttj : J -.,,:'r;.j v , 4 I fit w s ill ' i I li i it i i s 1 ii M if t 'A f is 't i H it k

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