STONE 4 UZZELL, -- . PKoPRiffTORS. ayettiivixtjs Street, C!V.!r .M :C:t!lcl1 Co.'s Store. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to iibser ber at fifteen cents weL " payable to the carrier weekly . uedt ft lho WKtJtvLX NEWS at 2 per aunum. MORNING EDITION, SATURLAY. FEBrtUARY 22, 1S73. lT All parties ordering (t he New win i lease enu trie mOuftr for the time the paper is wanted. ;-Speclal Notice inserted in the l ocal ;olunn will bo charred f20V Twenty Ccut perjiuc. , K J ' i ' ii . j i Ad-J. O. IL -NXittaWa, of- the. Charlotte Advertising Agency, inageulfor this paper in Lua lotto, ,..C. He 1 duly authorised" to contract lor advertisement' and receipt lor kubscription. . Messrs. GrUnAfcidilolfMW;Newplf Ait vertixnni ; Agents No. 4 South street, Haiti more, Aid., are duly authorised tflcou tract tor advertisement at out lowest rates AiiVf rliKets 4n Altai Ctlyjiir requested, to leave tiieir favoia witb ul Uouso, LOCAL MATTER. Ii.- C. WOODSON, City Editor LoCAL. BlUKKS. ,' Raffling is still the' vogue, i!- Noisy. 8trett ;umin8-and howling dogs are still the subject of much cotn pluiuk H A". u: ; -u. - n Thomas Purneli, Esq., , a talented young number l .the Sale nv Bar, i'ornv erly of Wilmington, is uow in the city. A dog, nigger light' and a runaway mule constituted tbe sole excitement on Wilmington street yesterday afternoon. No cases bt'fote tbe 'Mayor 'on yester day. This state ot things has gone on for nearly a week. When will things get Utter? , The funeral of Mrs. J. P. Prairie will take place thin morning at It o'clock. from the Kdenton Street Methodist church, iuste id of yesterday morning, as 'announced yesterday. We take pleasure in calling the atten tion of our readers who are engaged in mercantile pursuits to the card of Mr. Janus Y. Land is, of Oxlord, N..C, who is connected .with' the large Notion ILiuse ot W hit field. Powers & Co., 471 Broadway, N. Y. Mr. Lindis is almost worthy gentleman, of courteous bearing and efficiency ai a salesman,1 has been representing this-firm for 'some two or three years past, and we heartily coni mend him and his house lo those of our merchants dealing in articles in his line, who wish to be Well served. Mr. Lan dis refers to all the merchants at Ox ford, Mr. Appletox Oaksmitii will, by permission, address the members of the General Assembly and the public in the Hall of Representatives oil this, Satur day evening, at half-past seven, upon matters financial, personal and political, a if ec tin;? the j. future progress and 'welfare, of Nrtrtli Carolina. - He hopes tor a full atttnelanc of members and gentlemen interested in Railroad ques tions dowi the fruhji-ct of legislation. Dkatii of Cm,. .Wxi'., BistiuAii. A telegram was received in this city yesterday announcing the death of the distinguished Col. Wni. Bingham, in Florida, on Thursday. Though antici pated by his friends for several months, his death has created a general gloom of melanqboly over the State. No man was more 'widely known than Colonel Bingham, and the sad announcement of his death, wi I be uceived with uni versal regret. We deler a general notice of this distinguished North Carolinian till to-morrow. Mrc.v Minrs 15 Buncombe County. A valuable mine of mica. has recently been discovered and is now 'eing developed in the. county of Buncoinbe on' the lands ot the '"Blackstock Mining - Company." Great 'excitement now prevails in that county on this subject, and , the atten tion of capitalists 13 being attracted to that country. The completion of the Railroad through (that section would devel ope the richest mines of this and other minerals in the world. We hope something maybe done by our General Assembly to hasten the , completion of the Western N. C. Railroad, Think of It ? By reference to ar.o her co'uinT., it 'will- be seen that 1.; our biHtmss men-were called on y.sicrday ur sub.-cripiioirs to the new t'n'V Grounds.- Wiiile. we cannot in jus tice ' 10 nt hers compliment the individual liberality of some yet wedo imt uxi,at liiicrly to siy that a'few buboes men are giving-much, less than tiieir frien Is are expcCiing Of them. We le.l n.i hcitancy, howc vermin asserting that there ina'a man in Raltigh who cannot atFoid to give something. If we 'have no Slate pride to stimulate us, let us .uok to uur own individual interest, ami see how fifty thousand dollars can be 'turned loose in Raleigh during one week, and not fiiwU its way into the poekena of most every person, regardless' ot .business or posittou. We. must all now give to this worthy enterprise, or acknowledge that, the old North State cannot compete with her tsister States. The Washington and Lek Ukiter; bity. Endowment- Fund. Mr. VV. A. McCue, the agent for this University, is at present in Riteigh in the interest of that school. The endowment fund is obtained by the disposal of scholarships running through four,. sessions. We have examinca the plan upon which these scholarships are given out, and think them most admirable. The Washington andXee University is now upon a sound and healthy footing, and is destined to be one of the first insti tutions of learning in die country. Mr. McCue is at preseut stopping at the Yarborougb, but intend visiting van ous portions ol tbe State and extending his cauvass throughout the South. This institution, it will be remem bered, formed the rejreat of the Jament ed Confederate chieftain after he had laid aside the sword, apd thus forms a part of the history of that great and good man. . 1'- I r AlfUifrConstitueienaVAacrmelits passed tlir.thirdaffiTIiiuJeTS8 npon which no vote was; taken .before adiournment. v2 lidoubtfuMhat frig ameDdnicnti wiU; fimw several DcL crats. oppose 1t;iind V number of So ixubaicaua-, thorr supjjTjrfed the o4er aniendments will also Vote against ij. was adopted giyiDff.thoPiilil JO davs after the adjfnftient 'ot thej LegisTature for getting totli public . omr. lournais. i uia is the time that has been allowed in former years, but a recent act passed required the printing and vfclnog of thelaws, documents and journals within 40 days. The public and private laws will be published within 40 days alter adjourn ment. , . r - ., J Oxford Items. Our.correspondent, under date of yesterday, Tsends us the following items of interest from this section : . : u. . The robbery perpetrated on the Express, office ihere will not "prove so great a los3 to tbe parties concerned as was at first supposed.. .The amount abstracted was at first estimated to be about two hundred dollars. Further investigation' developed that the total amount missiDg was more than nearly one hundred and fifty dollars, and one hundred and twelve of this sum was in the shape of a draft sent to Mr. John L. Jones. The parties on whom the stolen draft was drawn have been instructed not to pay it. The real amount of the 15ss therefore d windles down to less than forty dollars. ! Miss Saliie Norman, of Wake county, grand daughter of the late General William T.' Norman, of Granville, was united in matrimony to Captain Wil liams, a druggist of Franklinton, on Wednesday night, February 19th, at the residence ot Mis. Col. R. p.Taylor, near Oxford, Rev. Lewis K. ' Willie, performed the nuptial ceremony. Dr. A. F. Osborn has sold the. house in which he has bien conducting his bdsiutss as druggist, tu Mr, Robert E. Elliott. Dr. Osborn purposes changing his residence to some point in Virginia. Mr. Elliott will probably rent the store to certain parties who are thinking ot opeuiug a general auction room. Omitted Proceedings. The 'Senti nel, in its account of the proceedings in the House on Thursday, omits all mention of the speeches or position of Messrs. McGehee and Gudger when the Anderson-Norwood letter cameiiip for discussion. As soon as Andersons letter was read, Mr. McGcheesaid if this matter meant anything, it meant an offer for a bargain in relation to a public measure. The honor of the House, demauded an investigation,, and he demanded it. He said if the House stooped to legislation of this kind, it would and should sink into merited contempt, &c. . Mr. Gorman thought theletfer plainly impugned the integrity of the Commit tee who awarded the contract for the printing. Mr. Gudger said he felt it his duty, a3 Chairman of the House branch, of the Printing Committee, to speak, as there was an imputation against that Com mittee. He said the Committee in'pur suaHCe of law, and in good faith, made the contract with the News office. He believed the House to be satisfied with the contract, and knew he spoke the sentiments of every member o'f the Com mittee in saying they could not, nor would not it they could, recede from their contract. He regarded tbe many insinuations ajjaifist that Committee as ialse and unworthy of notice. i Mr. Badger : lou cannot undo the contract lf-vou would. The Constitu tion of the United States prevents. Mr, Gudger: There is no desire to do it. Mr. Bennett offered the following res olution, which was adopted under a suspension ot thcruWs: li'esolveil, I hat a Committee ot three be appointed to investigate the matter of the i. letter sent to this IlouseJrom the Senate, purporting to have been 'written by J. S. Anderson to J. V. Norwood., and report at their earliest convenience. Water Works. A bill 'to Incorpo rate water works for the city of Raleigh has been introduced into the House;, and passed its second, reading'. It was in troduced by Mr. Gorman. Its incorpo rators are among the most energetic business men of "the citv. and may have a capital stock of $200,000. Its object is to lurnish the citizens oi liaieign wiin a full supply of water, and have the privilege to. conduct the same irom such springs or streams as may be deemed practicable through the streets ol the City, ami toe eAeiuaivc pnvnc; to supply the same to firms and individ uals. The Commissioners ol the city are allowed to subscribe to the stock of said Company not exceeding over half the capital stock, payable in cash, or bonds bearing not more than 8 per cent inter est, payable in thirty years, and the dividends and pronts accruing to me city from the water works, to be appro priated towards the payment of its s:ock and 'interest.'" When $2G,CO0 has been subscribed, the Company is authorized to organize and begin its operations, and has the privilege, of issuing bonds and mortgaging the same towards the comppletion of the work". The details of the bill hedge its provis ions around about in such a manner as to properly protect both the corpora tion of the city as well as the individual stockholders. The -act, in the opinion of those who have the best interests of the people at heart, is deemed a good one, and under its pro visions it is cordially hoped Raleigh will be , early, delivered from its present perils from fire as well as incon venieutfe from lack of sufficient water. When opportunity offers, we propose to publish the act in full.) Vil TV rUX1 A 1 ' Kr -r-r, 1 II II II iv II i I 1 . ' A 1 1 ... 1 1 4 .. .. : - r - V 1 II l t v -r . .. ... 1 " - U i-1 i A . f r I J II A ' M 11 j 1 t E l 1 . ti ll El II I - 1 i M . A . II 1 . i tilt 11 11 a XI " 1 ! RAXEIGH sl!TUR DAX MORiVINGv FEBRUARY 22.1873. Supreme Court. Court convened yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. All the Judges on the bench. The follow ing cases argued? i ,:- Nathaniel Brogden vs. Bank of Cape tart iron jtowan.. v v Baiely Iter plaintiff and Blackmer & McCorjkle and Battle & Son for defendant j -State vs. J. W. Elliott., from David son. -Attorney , Qeneral and.W. ill. xauey ior the. state and.R. Gorrell iod L. M. Bcbtt lor defendant, (concluded.) "The case ' of" A. ' B. ; Stit li vs. Jacob Rookabi il, from- Davidaron, was taken op but not, concluded &t Xhe adjoqrn ment of the Court. W. H. Bailey tnd Ralph Gprrell for the .plaintiff and t)il. lard.ilmtfr mlltfitha Slacker; & McCorkle for defendant. I ; 'Thacase will b& resmried this morn -iog. The Court , adjourhed to meet again at the usual Jiour. The Western' N. i C. Railroap. Our telegraphic dispatches yesterday from Greensboro gave a Jull synopsis of the proceedings b-fore Judge Dick' of theU. 8. Circuit Court at Chambers. The Directors of the road held a meeting, in the parlor s of the Ben bow House in the morning and passeil the following resolutions presented by A. C. Cowles, of Yadkin: Resolved, That the Western ' North Carolina Railroad Company. Eastern Division, appeal from the decree ren dered in the Circuit Court of the Uuited States i for i J be f Western., section of North Carolina against defendants in the cause m equity, wherein Hiram Sibley, Henry Clews and such others as may unite with them as parties plain tiff, are plaintiffs, and said railroad company and others are defendants, and at tne last term ol this Court held at Asheville, to the Supreme Court of the United States, and in order thereto that .David Coleman, B S. Gaither, aud Messrs.. Smith & Stronir. Attorn.-vs seperattly or both, then take any.aud au sucti steps and proceedings as they may deem expedient and oroner in taking such appeal aud prosecuting the same to a naal issue. IieolveL further. That our said At torneys, seperately or together, be au- tuorizea on behail ot said company, to institute any other, proceeding in said Court as elsewhere, in law or equity, and take any other orders in the premises, deGmed by tbem proper aud expedient to protect the interests of said company, and defend their rights acainst thn claims operateil by said Plaintiffs, and any and all of them under the alleged deed of trust to said Henry Clews and Tod R. Caldwell, or in any way what ever and the interest of the stockhol ders of said company therein. Resolved, further, That said Attorneys and each of them be'iully authorized to act for and represent us in any and all proceedings had or to fcc had as aforesaid. , Fair or No Fair The Ball in Motion Thirty Thousand Dot.t.aus Required Books OrEN Subscrip tion Commenced. Yesterday the fol lowing (gentlemen subscribed the amounts annexed to their names,payab!e tvo,iour aim six months,lor the purpose of building the new Fair Grounds.and it is to be hoped that a sufficient sum will be raised to carrv out the ohms nn,l designs, and place old North Carolina on a footing with other States who are going ahead in such matters. We will give every few days the amounts as last a3 subscribed. The following were called on yesterday and responded, viz : Daily News, $50 ; Julius Lewis, & Co.. $100 ; N C Land Company, $50; John G Williams, $150; J P Gulley, $100 ; George W Wynne, $100 ; W C btronach, $ 1UU; 1 J Young, $100; WF Askew, $100 ; G W Biacknall, $200 ; J McEllington, $100; A Creech. $500 ; W H & R.jS Tucker, & Co., $300 ; A S Merrimon, 25 ; J N Bunting, $50 ; Jos B Bachelor, $25 ; A N Winston, $20; A W Lawrence, $25 ; John C Blake, $50 ; II Mahler, k$20 ; L D & W R Worn We, $5 ; James II Harris, $10 ; F Bevers, $20 ; George E Lougee. $5; Busbee &T5usbee, $20 : Jones & Jones, S20 ; Batt le & Son, $50; George W Brodie. $5; Sumuel Rouland, $10; W R Hutchings. $10; N S. Mhsc ley, $20; John Armstrong, $20; C AVeikel, $10 ; Nat. L Brown, $10 ; A P Bryan, $5 ; John Q Palnicr.o; J It H Carmer, $5 ; Mrs II Andrews, $10 ; Wm Garl Biown, $23 Mr Belviu, $5; ilr Ball, $2 ; Mr II C Prenipert, $3; Kreth, $5; Money, $5 ; S D Wait, $20 ; Mrs Carrie Taylor, 5 ; D S Wait, 5 ; C D Heart!, $20; S Branson, 5; E Fas nach, 30; J W Watson, 25 ; Dr B tbcock, 10 ; R B Andrews & Co., $5Q ; J B Burwell, $50 ;' Brown & DuKston, $5;; ,Wui" Sinip,on, $20; J McCallum,' $20; Jno Nicholson & Co., 20 ; S T VViihami?, $G; Jno R vViliUms. $25; Dr E Buike Haywood, $10; Alfred Wil liams, 10 ; V Turner, 10; Jno Gathn, $20 ; Wayne Alicott, $10; Isc ffittin ger. $20 ; II II Temple, 25 ; J M To wits, Jr., $5 ; R II Bradley, $10; R II Jones, $5. B A XT E R NASH & CO. Exclusively Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES AND L,IQtJORS, Ilave In store and offer for Bale .low to cash and prompt paying customers, a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Borpen's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, Cauued and cased goods of all Jiimis. - Agents for the celebrated 'Old Challenge' and " GatEi Kye Whiskies." The Aurora Indiana Gaff Whiskey is now conceded by all epicureans to be tbe finest flavored pure wmsicey niaue. Try it and be convinced. BAXTER, NASI I & CO., Norfolk. Va. JEWELLING HOUSE TO LET- For the uresent year my DUELLING HOUSE, out-houses and adjolninggrounds, (8 acres) orchard, vegetable garden, &c. lientfww. uit. ii. j. BiiiiNriii, fe 5-eodlm Newbern Avenue. O R S E S FOR SALE One large bay Horse, 10 hands high, 8 years old. perfectly sound, gentle and fast, of "Grey Eagle" stock. Also a Sorrel Horse, 14 hauua high, good saddle horse. Apply to DK.H.J. MENNINGER, fe 5-eodlm Newbera Avenue, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAJt -" oil n a. ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wednesday. Feb. .20, 1 873. " " . NIQITT BESSION. ,'' rAt 7;30,Mr. Speake Robinson called tuVHbuse to order." '. : ' Mr; Mizzell, of Martin, came forward, was qualified and took his seatl On "motion of :Mci .Dula, the bill to allow the - Commissioners of "Wilkes county to ; issue .bond3, was .taken up and passed its second reading yeas 87, nays 10." " v , On motion of Mr. Johnston, the bill, In ''reference '.to .the distribution of a portion of the school funds in Cedar Creek Tovvnship, mbej-land county, was taken up and passed its several readings. ' ' , By Mr. Maxwell, a resolution of the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks. Cal endar. On motion of Mr. Badger, the bill to establish the weight of a busliel of sweet potatoes and turnips' was taken np and passed Its second reading. (50 pounds is the weight established.) 4 The bill to require fines and penalties to be paid to County Treasurer for educational purposes was taken up and, after debate, on motion of Mr. Marler, indefinitely postponed. . . t , The bill for the general relief of Sheriffs and . Tax Collectors passed its several readings.' - Y. u .'.'. The bill to prevent the sale of liquor in tbe town' of Statesville passed its several readings. ! : Bill to allow a special tax in Cherb kee county passed its second reading, yeas 100, nays 0. Bill to allow a special tax in Ala mance county passed its second read ing, yeas 91, nays 1, - On motion ol Mr. Bennett, the House concurred in the proposition of the Senate to raise a Joint Select Commit tee in regard to the contract for build ing the Penitentiary. Bill to prevent the sale of liquor in certain localities in Kenniskeet Town ship, Date county, passed its several readings. : . By Mr. Johuston, a bill to amend sections 31 and 33, so as to make them conform to section 28 of the school bill. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the bill was taken up and passed its several readings. . Messrs. Brown, of Mecklenburg, Mar- ler and Rhodes, were announced as the House branch of the Committee in regard to the Penitentiary contract. Mr. Stanford introduced a bill to provide for the printing and distribution of the revenue and machinery bills. On motion of Mr. Stanford, the rules were suspended, sod tiVQ bill passed its several readings. ': ' ; ; Bv Mr. Benaett. a bill in reference to the statuie of limitations. Referred. Bill to allow the Commissioners in Brunswick county to levy a special tax passed its third readiug, yeas 88, nays 3. Bill to cure certain defects in regard to enterics of laud in Swain county passed its several readings. By Mr. Badger, absolution employ ing additional clerical assistance. On motion of Mr. Badger the rules were suspended and the resolution was adopted. Adjourned. . SENATE. Friday, February 21, 1873. Senate qalled to order at 10 o'clock, Lie-utenant Governor Brogden in tbe Chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Hyman, colored, askeel lor and ob tained leave to recoid his vote in favor ot the Halifax and Scotland Neck Rail Road. , Mr. Smith was granted leave to re cord his vote in the negative on the bill changing the dividing line between Granville and Franklin. Mabsou, colored, presented. a petition Irom the Mayor and Board ot Alder men of the City of Wilmington. Reports from several Standing Com mittees were submitted by 'chairmen ot the same. By Mr. Love, a resolution in regard to the time allowed the Pubiic Prin ter to get out the laws, journals and ehicunients, amendatory of act recently passed requiring the whole to be done in 40 da vs. The resolution allowed 70 days for all except the laws. Mr. Fiemming moved to amend by giving 90 days for the publication ot the journals and documents. Mr. Cunningham supported Mr. Flemming's amtndment, saying that he desired to give the Public Printers a sufficient time to do the printing in a proper manner, with credit to them selves and to the State the printing was in the hands of gentleman of high honor and integrity, and lie was willing to give them the time they asked, believing that they would do their lull duty in the matter. Mr. Flemming's amendment was adopted. " After a brief discussion, the previous question was called, and the resolution as amended passed by a vote of 33 aves to 3 navs Messrs. Cowles, Love anel Mabson, col., voting in the negative. By Mr. Cramer, a resolution providing for the indexinr; of the public laws and the payment of $50 to Mr, Parrish, Cleik in i lie Secretary of State's .office for this work. -Lies over under the rules. By Mr. Cunningham, a bill to protect the property of the University of North Curolina. Referred. By Mr. Chamberlain, a bill to dig out or dredge out the shoals in Pasquotank river. Referred. By Mabson, col., a bill to amend the charter of the city ot Wilmington. Referred. -. .. Leave of absence was granted Mr.' Merrimon till Sunday next. Mr. Smith till Monday, and Mr. Cramer indefi nitely. ; ; Mr. Allen was requested to state that Mr. Dunham was detained from his seat by sickness. Messrs, Barnliardt and Troy were also reported sick and unable to fill their seats. ! - - ' . ' ' Special Order. - Bill to amend and keep in force the act to ouna a turnpiice road, irom Ma rion, Id McDowell county, to, Aeheyille, 'Jiuncombe. county, taken!up. Mr. Gudger, at considerable length, advocated tne necessity ,ot, the" passage of the bill. i " Mr. Morehead, ' of Rockingham, op posed the bill., V '.'"' I j ' The amendment to strike out the 8th section was lost and the bill passed its second reading. '- , '; "i ; Qn motion of Mr. Murphy, the fuiiher consideration, of! the bill wa3 postpoaied till Tuesday next, and made the special order for 12 o'clock on that day. ; . The bill to regulate the rate of inter est was next taken up. The bill allows individuals to loaa .money at the, same rate of interest as banks, and also the same privileges. . Amendments were offered by Messrs. Morehead, of Guilford, and Norwood. : A gejoeral and lengthy discussion en sued which the reporter regards unne cessary to report, as the bill failed on its second reading. '-y Mr. Humphrey moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill failed to pass, and the motion of Mr. Cunningham to layithat motion-on the table failed. Pending the further consideration ot the motion to reconsider, the Senate adjourned. ; : . .. 1 NIGHT SESSION. ' The Senate called to order at 71 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor in the Chair., , v Tbe bill to incorporate the Farmer's Loan Bank "of Wilmington was taken up and considered. After some discussion and the adoption of a number of amcndmentSjthe bill passed its several readings. Under a suspension of the rules, Mr. Humphrey ealled up bill incorporating tne uoldsboro Loan and Banking Asso- ciation. Passed its several readings. Adjourned. HOUSE OP- REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M'j Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Messrs. Moring, Gorman Bryson, ot Swain, Monison, Brown, of Mecklen burg, and Stanford submitted reports from Standing Committees. By Mr. Guytber, a bill lor the protec tion of- fish in the waters of North Carolina. Calendar. By Mr. Sharpe,.a bill to prevent the sale of liquor within three miles of the town of Murfreesboro. Referred. On motion of Mr. Dula the bill, to allow the issuancfe of bonds in Wilkes tuuui) wna mivco up auu passeu lis third reading, yeas 99, navs 4. ... The'resulutiou in reference " to the distiibution of the public laws of 1871- 2 in Greene. Montomerv. McDowell. Currituck and Gaston counties was taken up anel passed its several read ings. By Mr. Lucky, a bill to" provide for the construction of additional accom dations for the insane. Referred. By Mr. McNeill, a bill to change the time ol holding Superior Courts in Robesou and Brunswick counties. Re f erred. On motion of Mr. Gorman, the mili tia bill was ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Brown, ot Meck lenburg, the bill in regard to fences and the protection of crops was taken up and passed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Badger, the bill to establish the weight of a bushel ol sweet potatoes and turnips ..was taken up. Makes a bushel of sweet potatoes 50 pounds, turnips 50 anel Irish pota toes 00 pou.ids.J The bill passed its -third reaeling. By Mr. Heaton , a bill to submit the question ot subscribing $200,000 to the capital stock ot the vilmington Ship Canal to the voters of that city. Refer red. The bill to levy a special tax in Cher okee county p issed us tbireh reading, yeas 106, nays 0. : Tlie bill to allow a special tax in Alamance- county passed its third reaeling, yea, 93, nays 1. i he oil t to nicoiporate Flat Rock Camp Ground, Guiltord County, passed its several readings Thdill to prevent the sale ot liquor within five miles ol colored hou.-e No'l, Feeteral Imt tOAnship, New llauovei couuty. passed lis Several readings. Ihe bill to niiike entry takers lu Clay, Maco'u anel Cheroke counties ex officio county xVgents passed its several reaeK iugs. Special Order, Bill for Amnesty and Pardon came up as the special ordej. - Mr. Beunett moved to postpone until Tuesday. Mr. Badger moved to amend by in definitely postponing. The amendment was rejected by the following' ballot. Yeas Messrs. Abbott, Badger, Bean, Blyt.he, Bowe, Bowman, Brown, ot Da vidson, Bryant,of r:itt,Bryaht,of Halifax, Bryan, ot Wilkes; Brooks, Buuu, Cope land, Corson, Cox," Davis, Dudley, Dula, Ellison, Fletcher, Foster, Godfrey, Gor man, Good.wyn, Gray, Guythcr, Hamp ton, Heaton, Hughes, Junes, of Camden, Jones, of Northampton, Jordan, King, Lioyd, Luttcrlohj Marler, McLaurin, Mizzell, Miller, Patrick, Paschall, Perry, of Bladen, Perry, of Wake, Reid", ot Randolph, Rhodes, Scott, Sharp, Snced, Tnvett, Winslow, Wil liamson and Wuiauaui 51. . Nays Messrs. Anderson, of Davu, Anderson, of : Clay, Ballard, Bennett, Blackwell, Biovvn, of Mecklenburg, Bryson, of Jackson, Bryson, of Swaiu, Bryan, of Sampson, Bryan, of Allegha ny, Bullard, Byrd, Carter, .Carson, Craige, Dickey, Freeman, Gant, Gid nev, Gilmer, Gradv, Gudger, Haynes, Hinnant, Houston, Johnston, Jones, of Caldwell, Jones, of orange, Jones, ol Tyrrell, Joyher, Johns, Lindsay, Luckey, Maxwell, McGehee, McNeill, Mitchell, Moring, Moss, Morrison, Nor ment, Outlaw, Presson, Reid, of Meck lenburg, Richardson, Settle, Shaw, Sninr, of Iredell, Shinn, .of Cabarrai, 276. Shackleiord, Stanlord, - Stowe Todd, turner, - w article, VVaddill, .jWaugh, Webb, Wiley, .Whiimire, and Wood- iiouse. us. . . Mr; Dula movtd to make it special order for to-night, t . , , The motiou of Mr. Bennett was pat to a vote and prevailed. ' Constitutional Amendment. The Senate bill to alter the Constitn. tion in relation to the Public 'Debt was taken up and passed its third reading yeas i02, nays 10.. Tj ;i -j; r The bill to alter the ,Ckostitution in regard to abolishing the office of Su perintendent of ' Public ; '.Works jwas taken Up and passed its third reading yeas 99, nays 15. V:;;.'.t ;. - The bill to amend ; the Constitution in relation, to the aboliotion of ;the Code Commissioners was taken up and passed ft third reading," ycasTOO liays 13. ; .. , y,,; , ' . ,: Senate bill. to alter the Constitution in relation to exemptions passed its third- reading, yeas 103, nays 10. , Seuate bill to alter the Constitution iu relation to the University passed its third reading, yeas 97, nays J 3. ; l Senate bill to alter the Constitution in relation to the State Census was taken up and passed its third reading, yeas 102, nays 11. : ' ' The Senate bill to alter the Consti-. tution in fegard to tederal t nd other of fice-holders was taken up and passed its tuiro reading, yeas V6, nays 14. , ; The Senate bill to alter the Constitu tion so as to have biennial instead of an nual sessions of the Legislature was taken up and passed its third reading. yeas 103, nays .10. ' Senate bill to alter the Constitution in relation to Public Charities was taken up. Pending a vote the House adjourned. NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. J A M E S Y. LAN D IS , (Fornierly of Oxford, N. C.,) WITH WHITFIELD, POWERS & CO., Successors to DO WD, BAKER, WHITFIELD & CO., Importers and Jobbers of YANKEE NOTIONS. FANCY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, &C. 471 Broadway, N. Y. J. Y. Landis refeTS to all the merchants of Oxford, N. C. . - - feb22-6w "PJ" U T C II E S O N & CO., OF GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, t are now manufacturing about seventy gal lons per day of the purest, and best old fashioned copper-distilled Rye and Corn whiskey. They have for their distiller Mr. Menry Holt, ton of Ool.- Jere Holt, whose whisker was so well and buu.-n. as, the best made iu the south. Henry is a "chip of the old block." and enn mab-o if just like his father. W holesale price,-fl.60 per gallon, deliv ered at Graham depot Orders solicited by all lovers of pure whiskey. xiiivius fstauusoeu a Drancn house Goldsboro. orders for aiiv of t.hir nrnnHa ol whiskey will be filled at distillery prices. They also receive consignments of grain flour, meal, &c., and are always prepared to nil orders for the same, and ship goods to responsible parties to any point. uraens respecttaily solicited. feb22-tf ."PvT O R T II -LN WA CAR O L I N A. WAKE COUNTY, Superior Court. Candace D. Johns, Thomas J. Johns, CI arles jn . Aiieu anu e,aronne v. Allen his wife, JohnSJohiis Patrick H.Johns, Hannah Job us and Jas. J. Ferrell, Plaintiffs. Against Abner Smith and wife Willie, James West anu wueuerineyAnn, William Williams and wife Dilly, and Bryant Ferrell an a wile Let he, aud the heirs at law of such of said "feme" defendants as may be dead, Defendants. -. Action for re-execution and correction of conveyance. A summons having oeen issued to the Sheriff of said county for the defendants in the aoove entitled acticn, and said Sheriff made return that they are not to be lound in .said county, and it appearing to the Uourt thai, said deftndauis are non-residents of the tstate : that there is j;ood cause of action against them.aud that tbe subject maiter 01 me uciiuu is real property witnin the State, in whicu said ueiendanis liave an interest; it is tuerefore. on motion or Rattle & Son, Atiorneyn for a lainiifr.s, oiuere i that publicatio.i be made, once a week for six weeks, in the Haitian NiiW, a newspaper puonshed in ituleuzo. com- manUing aid uefendauts to appear at the next Term of saiu Court, to be held iu Raleigh, on the 8th Monday nfier ihe 2na jjouaay of Febiuuiy, ktT3, theu and ihere toauswei the complaint, si couv oi whicii will be Uted during the riist three das ol said Term ; and that in. y taae notice lliat ri tuey lail o answer or demur to s..ideuin pUintUuriDg sa.d Te.m, -n.e piarntili's win apply lor tne leruf uemandeu in said c m p aint. W ituess, .tLn X. liuhting, Clerk of said Court, at ullli'e iu ilttreigh, tois 21st day or I- ebruaiy, ij3. - J. N. BUN 1ING, f b2'-lav(5w Q OK N xl u KJ .i 1,500 Bushels White Corn. 600 best Seed Oats. VV lLiAMsOX, Ul'CIIURCII ifc THOMAS, re -'1-tf s T O N E W O K K Wanted, contractor for Stone Work to build a MILL UaM about i7a feet long, tstoae on me grouuu. Apply t G. T. STRONACII & BRO. B C O N 25,00J Pounds on baud. For sale by , G. T. STRONACH & BRO. SE FOWL G U A. N O Bradley '8 Super-Phosphate. For sale by G. T. STRONACH & BRO. 100 BARRELS W HIS KEY. Com, N. C, $1.25. Rye, Proof, ?l.2. Common Rye, $1.05. Common Corn, $1.05. , For 'ale by leil-tl G. T. STRONACII & BRO. L O NO F O R A G E 500 .Bales Hay first cutting. 30 Bales Sheaf Oats, bright and sound. feU9-U W. C. STRONACH. L E A D P E N C I -L A large Assortment latest styles Jut , hand. L ; BRANSON, to nov3G-tf BookseLer Raieigh, N. C. F H, FISH, FISH, FISH, FISH 7a barrels all grades. For sala by , a. T. STRONACH & BRO., ;Market and Martin bts, DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertloH......... ..'....$ 1 00 One square, two insertions . 1 50 One square, three Insertions.-...'.: . 2 00 One square, six insertions..... ...... 3 56 One square, one month . .... 8 00 One square, three months .. 16 00 One square, six month. .... 30 00 One square, t elve months, 50 00 lor larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. . Ten line solid non pareil constitute one square. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T HAT A FEWO T T ' ARE TJSINQ THEM SAY OF -THE ADJUSTABLE S PltlNG (BED J O TsT O M. ',. .-:'"V IKST'ITUTIOX FOlt 'THfe1 TKAF ANti DUMB r, ;;' yi Raleigh,, Q., Jan. 25th, 1873. 'After a trial nf th iiU." it aiforda ma n msnw n mAA. L.... , Ut the community, as a great addition to One's oomiort in sleeping.- A trial wilt sat-, L?.1?.0'. .ils menu ana cannot Jail .ti- i.. -irj very respect fnlly. , . ' S. F. Tomlinsow, ' '. if - i:-. j Principal. " 1 c ; Insane Asylum p N. c ; Raleigh, N. C January 7tb, 1873. I have used Uartlett & Pomeroy's "Ad- lUStabla Knnnir tU(1 lini ulrhw - - - - . , " ... n luatu qui pr otherwise, hud it exceedingly comlbrta- r.'X , wUIMuh j. miu it wcu worm the price. - ; . , . . . : , ... Eugene Gkissom, ai, d. Hit tt.i r r ... Tn.A i , . k Messrs. Baktx.eti' & FcSkhot . (IKNTS- I Kill llHinv vnn.' Jl.,.l..v,1. Spring" Beds, and they meet with my uesire 1 Lieir east nhir-PH t Vini within tr.A v. the poorest, and their luxury readers them -vAlPwiV -VJ LUC A lJAACt ( " j." Ai.BinftTsrN, . . . f, v . ; - - mansion ilouse. , i Baxtijiore, Jnne 1st, 1S72. The Adintilfthlu Knrinir 1la I . In our House, are pronuueed by those who v nuc.ucsii oyuut . ou.tneya nave ever seen. ' (signed,) j..: . Gilmoub A;Sds, . . , Eutaw lioute. II 11 ml rA.lw nf ti Aitf ,,.niiniM i Send lor a Bed. sreep well eneaply;' Enjoy t.htt nillit ihut ....... e .Z J d jyu uuij cijjuji mtruay, Jin courage home manuiaetu'ie ana do good to j jjn iiio 01 JiLiLIS, Manufacturers, feb21-tf' -""'sboro St., Raieigh, . c. s O F . T II A f T - S Gents' Spring Style'oa Uats, 11 Light, New and Airy. . i vvA Jjso. B. NEAii. . , . ; i; Wm. J. IIakeb J O H N B.. N E A L &k ,CO., ' ' COTTON FACTORS, ' . o ' AND "'.. : ' : GEAEUAL COMMISSION! kMEECUAXTS ; . "AGENTS FOB PATAPSCO,. GUANO COMPANY, jNdtflolk, Va. ! t ; SBattleboro , "Advance" copy. sepiMd&w-tf . A T I O N A L HOTEL. nlL,EIGH9JlC. Das been rp-nnpncrl fri i.nAM e the traveling public. kdSaiESI a. j . l ARTiN, General Manager, R. L. Hoktox, office Clerk, r y-BxLuji caterer,, . cma Billiard Room. ' Visitors miir h noom-aH v.. reputation of Mia Honvn win Komnn5 ed without regard to expense. Omnibus always at depot. W, II. BAGLEY & CO., F. J. Haywood, M. D. Wm. h. Bagley. jan 1-dawlm FOR JOB WORK OF EVERY characte , go to the NEWS' OfliceJ x-uye tie vine street. - -ver W. C. Htronaah ACo' E W B 0 0 K S Just received. 1 Let Methodist Hymns. . 1 " Maury's Geographies. 1 "? Initial paper. 1 " ntiet 11 im. i. Call soon. oct2-tf . I. A- 2t4AJNUlN, Italeigh, N. C. QOTTON TIES, COTTON TIES, 32,000 Gooch Cotton Ties, for sale by nov21-tf . . . . VV. .11. DODD. UAILROAOS. Q H A N G E OF SUIIEOUI E RALiviGlI fe GASTON Ra I lliO.VU, LiO.VU, ) ciV Y oui-iiiu.s i ii,ui; i".-i UKflCK, itaieign, Iv. .Nov. 2lu, On anu alter Saturday, Nov. 30ih, '67. trains ou the Kuieitli & ,Guuu - tUiihoud wul rundaity ifiuiiaay excepied;a- ailon MAIL TRAIN. Lieave lUvieijju, Arrives at w eidou, . Leave.- Weuioii, Arrive at Kaiei'u,' 9:35 A. oi S'.oU I', jt 'J.i f M II ACCOMMODA fiON TRAIN. Leaves Kaieign, :oo I. A Arrives at VV eidoi i 6:20 A, al"" Leaves Welaon, . y'-i i' Arrives at lUiei a, ' .! Mail train juiutw close tWhiv. ivi-'tA vVeldou with tile Seaboard a: ia Roan ok t IllOI'e. to I'rniii a 1 1 ..... v..,!. ami jNorthwesi. auil won - rw!m-.. i .. roa i via Petersburg, Rieuia i l f.: i J'vVasi. ingtjii City, to and irom a.l points Noiih too Northwest. Aud at tCaiergu witu the North CaroiiLU Railroad to auu i'otr. nit poju , .-outL'acJ Southwest, aud itU tue i;aleibj si Augua ta Air Line to nywood and i ayetteviile, Aceoiumudaiion uiif! fit.-lgut uiuuo ioi. uectat W'ctdMU witb Aecomm.uatiou and e'reign l trains ou .eaboaid and HoaiiokJ ltailroad anu Petvi-sourg iUiilroad. And at Raleigu witu Aeeoiniiiodatien and Freight trams ou isOrth Carolina RalJ. road. '. ' Persona living along the liueol tiie road can visit Raleigh in the moruing oy A eommodalion iiuiu, reinaiu several h'".ur-'. and return the same evening. "j A. B. ANDREWS mJ Geu.C3Ut.U. june 17-tf F E T E R3 B U R G R A I L R O A D CFITIC3C PETEERi ER3BUKO It. It. CO., I Jan. 1, 1872. Oa and afte.- this date, the trains over this road will run as lollows: LEAVE WELDON. Express 'i join. Mail Train, : 7:3 u.m 4: 0 j. m ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. rTTf Express, Mail, 11: "o a. m mo p. ta LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mull, t : i 7 i , i a. nx : . : : : : 3:u r. ia Express, ARRIVE AT WELDON. Leave reu rsburg, : : : luave Weidon, : ; : : Arrive at Weuioii, : : : Arrive at Petersburg, : : 8:3 p m. 8.0pm. .00 p m. 2, 0 p in. GASTON TRAIN. Leave Petersburg, : : : 7;a)a. m Leave Gaston, : ' : : ; . i.-i.j p. m Arrive at Gastoa, ::-: 12:50 p. m Arrive at Petersburg, : : 8:10 p. m Mail, . : : : 4 9:25 a. m Express, : J - : : : -: 7:00p. m FREIGHT TRAINS. Tlie depot will be closed at 5 o'clock p. m . No goods will be received after that hour, - , J. C, SPUIGGS a.8-tf - General SaperbatendeaVj

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