DAILY, NEWS. .si-onk" UZZELL, - . Proprietors. Fa ykttkvillk Street, nvcr V. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. riu- DAILY NEWS will be delivered to julcri-er at fiftkf.n cents per week payable to the curler weekly. Mailed at? per annum; -i.oU for six mouths; $2forthre- vu linns.. 1 11 ' V-"KKK--Y NEWS at !2 per annum. PllOPJSSSlONAJ CAttDS. ) .GEO.. W. G UriToT, Ullice Over Pescud, Lee 5k Co's Drug Store, R A L E I O II N . C . jan2S-2v . " VIDE VOL.;!.' RALEIGH. N; C SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUAHY 23; 1873. NO. 277. MORNING EDITION SUNDAY EB KTJARY 23, 1873. O D U P R E E KT All parties ordering th Wtvo will please send the "moriey for the wine me paper is wanted. (Irately of Raleigh, N. C.,) Attorney uua Counsellor At Law, No. 0 Wall St.; JNkw, York, w m alteud -.promptly to all Professional b u Miiessi'uir usted io him. Reiers to, the chu-i Ju-diee and Associate J uatices of tne Supreme court of North, Carolina, uud io nine Din ui ltuiiu curoima. i blS-U ! Special Notle.es inifrtp.l in tho Local Column will h rhnr-oii on vuv v-cuis per line. ICS" J. O. II. NnTTAT.T. nf i.ha Ca i-1.it to Advertising Agency, is ageutfor.thU paper to contract for advertisements and receipt 1UI KUUBCnpUUUK. ; . B . SP R U I L L J R A T T O 11 N li Y. ATI. A XV J A CKSON . N Cv,,- Will practice luati the Courts of Halifax, Edgecombe una Northampton counties. in tne supreme Court of Ne-rih Carol ina anu in me r eucrai courts. Collections made m ali parts of North caruuua. Jan 31-Ow (j. E O . U ...SNOW , KALE I OH, N. C.-, Practices 111 the Statem! Kilr!il I'mirtu Prompt intention given to the collection oi Claims in ail parts of the Stale, janl.j-lui f ; ' J. li. UATCUELOK. 1 C. UWAB1) W. PL.UMME41 BATCHELOK. 3ATCHEL0R, EDWARDS AND BAlCUELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C.J Will attend In the ourts of Wake, irau vllle, MauKliu, Warreu, Halifax, North ampton and cnalham, and the Federal ua supreme Votiru. jan 3-tf Messrs. QrLftln and Hoffman. NewsDahpr Advertising Agents, No, 4 south street. tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers u that City are requested' to lutvetunr tavow wim uii nuuse. f V' " LOCAL MATTER. I : E. C. WOODSON, City Editor . k. : m ; For latest news by telegraph see Fourth Pae. t5 Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Post Office Directory. RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. , ARRANGE- OFFICE HOURS FKOJl 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M, B LEX SMITH A AT I'OltiN tv AT LAW, bi:u I L A N D N E UK , N C Will practice in the ( ourts of Halifax aud uiijoiniuif counties. Collections attended to in all parts of the suite. , , may 11-tf 'A ALTtli CUKK.; ' "A L A li K & M J. u L LLALlF'AXi N MULLE.' E N 0. A Y, iJiisclice in all lie Courts ol Halifax Noi'liiauiplon uua Edgecombe counties in Hie suun-iue Court of jSorlh Carolina ana in the I'Vueial Courts. Collections made in all parts ol North Carolina. mii4-iy ed. con ig land, wm. h. Day LAW PARTNERSHIP. O N 1 O L A N D & D ATIOUVLVS AT 'LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice io I lie Courts of Halifax and ad joining counties in. the supreme Court of ilie state, and in Hie ir etleial Courts. They will give special alieiitiou to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts oi executors, administrators and. guardians. Tne Junior partner will attend at his of fice in Weidou on Saturdays and Mondays of each week. no JS-tt 11. 11. Dunn, U N N SAii'nT. Williams Y I L L I A M S , O U N N & ROCKY 3IO.UM',- N. CT 7 1 L L I ' A M D S 15 U JN i R A L E I G II , N. C. Business letters may be addressed either to Kocky Mount or HaleigU.-iar Claim Collected in any part of the State. S Practice in the Supreme Court of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleign. mti l-tl. ' R E M O E D Having di.-posed 'of my Store on Fayette- ville street. 1 nave opeueu at J o. 1U IMargett Street, where I will be pleased to serve all who will 1.... aii i i in-ir iiatronaire.at the lowest lus.i.i.-' iaLes. for CASH or barter. My nUtck. Ciisit of ; ' ' Su.'ar. Collet. Flour, Meal. Rice, Salt, Mo- iassW cheese, Hams.' Shoulders, liuik .Mtiu, Lard, Vinegar, Kerosene Oil, - PickKs by the measure, Soap, itmndv Peaclus. Canned (io xls. Candies, Nuts, Raisins. A i.u.es. Onions, Irish Potatoes, Ac . Thankful for past patronage, I hope to me it tuo ame in future by fair dealing aud strict at. eution to business. Give me a Call I . C. H. CHRISTOPHERS, febl-lm No. 1 Uargett Street, Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails Western Due at 7:39 a. m. Close at 5:30 p. m. Eastern Due at 7 r. m. Close at 6:30 A, M. Northern via Weldon Due at 3:20 r. m. close at u:io a. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 5:30 m. Close at 0:30 p. M. Fajetteville and Chatham Railroad Mail Due at 9:30 A. M. Close at 3:00 No mails received or sent on Sundays l'ut ull letters tor mailiutr in letter boA, n3 that is the last place we look lei them be tore closing a mail. It is ot certain that a letter will leave by first outnoinj niail, when it is handed in at general de.ivery window, or to Clerk. Uthce hours lor Money Urder and Registered Letter Departments from A. M. tO 4 P. M. C. J. Rogehs, Postmaster. Local BniEFs. (3) Century whisky, the enme de la Crtme bi all whiskies ! Caplain J. G. IIeter, ol this city, .has been appointed consul to bantiago, and will, we learn, accept the appoimmetu Five hundred bushels of corn, cleaned at the Nejvbern city "rauery, expressly .lor the Ralemh market, at A. U. Lee & CoV - It cost the State 10 to raise the United States lia-j; on the capitol yester av. A man had to bo naid that amount to climb tne pole ami nx in ropes. - ' - - A L a ma n (j ii County. On a recent trip to Alamance county, we visited several ot the large manutaetories that renders that county famous, amorg the n.umber, the whiskey distillery ot Messitf. Ilutcheson & Co., and the large cotton lactory ot Messrs, Holt & Moore at ilaw river. Henry Ilolt, a son of the veritable Col. Jesse Iloit, the most famous-whisky maker of modern times, runs the whiskey distillery. Lieury is a chip of the old block,' and his reputation is last equaling that of his lather. We learn. Horn the proprietors,. that at an early day, they will commence die erection ot a mammoth brick nou&e, as their constantly ' increasing trade is reaching beyond the capacity of their . . i. i: . .. nn. .... present spacious estauusuuicui. Aiitse gentlemen mauulactuie a pure article, each ot corn and rye whiskey, are known 10 be fair, square, honest dealers, and ate entitled to a large aud general L WASniXGTON's B I It T n D A Y. In informing our numerous readers that yesterday was the birthday of Georgo Washington, wo do not propose to emulate the example of other papers in regard to astronomical observations as to the rising and going down of the moon, or intend to arrogate to ourselve3 an exclusive knowledge of the fact upon wnicn we now write. We are charita ble enough to believe that almost every body is conversant with the dictum of the Almanac. But those few unfortu nate souls who" were oblivious of the fact that yesterday was the natal day of the little boy who cut the cherry ttee were reminded it it through the exuberant t patriotism oi . Adjutant General Gorman and the Keeper of the Capxtoi McuOwan. Acting in, hearty co-operatior, they had the flag of the nation displayed from the staff on the top ot the- Capitol, and by skilllul diplomacy procured a . diminutive iron cannon which they had placed' in the capitol bquare, near the bronze repre sentation of the Father ot his country. and proceeded to salute the flag." The cannon was an undeniable success. What it lacked in size it made 'up in the loudness of its discharges. Each successive , report threw the crowd of little nigger and white boys, who soon collected around it, into the most ecstatic excitement, and they testi fied their unqualified approval of the proceedings in various indescribable ways. This endorsation of the demon stration must have been peculiarly gratilying to the officials above men ¬ tioned. It required no close observer to detect in their faces a consciousness of a duty well performed, and at each outburst of applause the benevolent smile wreathing their lips betokenbd the satisfaction which the felt at this mark of appreciation. We beg leave to offer our congratulations, and to indulge the hope that these enterprising and patriotic gentlemen may live to celebrate many mote twenty seconds, and ve re warded in the same appropriate manner In the afternoon the Raleigh Bra's Band (colored,) took up position near the statue, and proceeded to discourse some excellent music. Whoever had the selection of the nieces played has certainly some humor and a good idea ol the "eternal fitness of things." We allude especially to the piece called "Departed Days." What could be more appropriate? The music is of a dirge like character and suited to lament tVe present departure fiom.the ipurity and .honesty which characterized the administration of affairs under. Wash ington and his immediate successors. Contributions to the Sta"b Agricultural Society. On yester day, the following contributions to this Society .were added to those , already made: - I -W H Holleman,$10 ; G B Moore, $5 : S D Harrison, $5 ; G T Cook, $10 : M A Parker, $20 Z M Gill, $3; G W Kiqg, $3; W RCrawtord, $25; it b Johnston, $3 ; J R Cawoll, ,50ct?. ; . J, Q King, $1.00 : J M Towies, $5 : u Lovecc op., 20 ; W E Forei h, $3 ; Yerby & Rogers, $5; Marconi Alfoid, $5; T H Btigga, $50; Wm Grimes, IfluU; L KosentnaU, $25 ; J M Rosen uaum. 'Jd ; namseyK Co., $20; PC llardte, $10; J T Harris, $20: Smith" & btrong,- $5U : J t; Hrqw- cfD, ?:. i ri linrt 1 no . I " "i V" " . . Ui ; Adding the above amounts to' tncse already subscribed for the newiFkir Grounds, we do not have $5,000, so it remains with the citizens not yet called on to. say whether we shall have another Fair or not at present. To us the thing looksA little blue." We do not l'ke to throw cold water on any en terpiise, but we had just as well look at it in a proper light and see things as theyaie; while some are enthusiastic, liberal and publics-spirited, others are careless and don't care a fig one way or the other, and are perfectly willing to see the Fair go down. We here enter our solemn protest against breaking it up, and say let us go ahead and have it, if lor no other purpose than to have a general meeting of the farmers of the State once a year at the Capital j We contend that there can never be much prosperity and advancement in agricul ture and the mechanical arts without yearly meetings, and an interchange of views on these subjects. Have not other States kept up their Fairs for the past ' twenty years, and have not most ot them gone far ahead of us in improvements?. Then, why shoud we remain so long in this dorment condition ? Is it for the want of money or enterprise ? It for the want of money, let us have a little more enterprise, and we venture the assertion that money will soon follow. Thirty-five hundred dollars have already, been raised. . Five thousand more is wanted to enable us to compete with our sister States. Shall we revive it, or abandon the whole project ? That is the question. We hope all will come to the rescue before it is too late. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR- O LI NA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vi NIGHT SESSION. ADIE-V NECK-TIES, &C New designs and shades f - LADI ES' FI JHU'S and NECK-TIES, something new mid beautiful. Also ,ace Collars aud Undereeve Luce and Eu.bioi Jed Handkerchiefs, Plain Linen and liemst ched H dkfs, Kid Gloves, and u lull line ..1 Ilfwierj W. M.. & ti. H. TUCKER & CO. 1ST A I O N A L HOTEL patronagjev The celebrated Gnnitc Cotton Mills ol Messrs. Holt & Moore, at Haw river, are the largest in the State, ia fact, but lew In the Southern States that can compare with them. We will in a day nr two uive a detailed account of this immense factory. Col. Bennett. The Pee Dee Herald tin-. 19th iust.. sneaks as follows of Col. R. T. Bennett: Col. Bennett having obtained Tnderl nite leave of the Legislature, on account oi indisposition, came home on Wed nesday of lasi week and remained over until Monday morning, when haying so far reamed his healtu to oeueye ne could endure the perloimauce ol his arduous duties in the Legislature he rr-tnined. Col. Bennett has had a very task this session. Several of our exchanges have spoken in the most flittering terms of the way .in which he w'orkc. " He is a hard Worker here at 't.rtnio unfl wo lire sure he sustains his 1JC1U Vj character fully where he is now, (TuardiDg evciy interest. -f the people and serving them in the most effec ive manner. At tne eiose oi -no tcwu , v. Oxfokd Items. Our correspondent, under date of yesterday, sends us the following items of interest from his section : , .At ' a meeting of citizens held at the Court House, on Friday the- 21st inst., over which Maj.; J. T. Litlehohn prt feided as Chairman, and T. T. Giandy, Esq., acted as Secretary, a decided and unequivocal opposition was manifested to tlie bill belore the Lejiislature lor the dismemberment of Granville by cut- iinir oil a portion ol it and a ldinr it to Frankiin. A Committee was appointed o draw up a memorial -protesting ainst a measure which our people characterize as unjust and improper in he highest degree, irrespective of pohti cal bias. The oroctedings of this meet ng will be published in the NEWs,and ither Itaieigh papers. The meeting of the Peop!esBuilding aud Loan Association on Jc rutay eve ning was numerously: attended. Over one thousand dollars were exposed for sale, Capt. C. Betts officiating as auc tioneer. The members ot the Assooa tion are delihttd with the working of the Association thus far, and tome of them are taking an additional number of shares. One of the buyers of the moirey put up on Friday lust, invested nearly the whole ot the money he bought in new hares. The selling of money is somethin novel ia this part of the country, and uersous wishinir to understand the modus operandi can get the desired information, through the Secretary ot the Association, Mr. John W. Hays. A selected lot of ery btautiiully coal- cured tobacco, belonging to Mr C. Currin, sold at Taylors warehouse on the 2lst inst.. for two huudred and fifty. dollars per huudred pound?. The Curnus are famous raisers ot nne tobaeco.. . Has been re-opened for the reception of the irave.iiig public. vrOT1JPP ' A. J. Pahh. General Manager, . li. L. HouroN, Ulliee Clerk, . W. II. Billings, Caterer, ; . . d J. t. Hahklson, in ciiarge of Rar anu liilliard Koom-. . at thp nast v....,.,.. in. assured that tne past repu;Uon of the House will be imta.n ... ...i.i,,,,,! riKir.l to expense. Omniou doubt not but the people of Anson wil cheerfully accord to him the culottium el without regard always at depot. F. J. Haywood, M. jan 1 da wlni. us to expense. H. RAG LEY & CO., Lessees. D. Wm. H. Bagi-ey. C O R N A N D O A T S u,..hoiu White Corn 600 best Seed Oats. VVlLLLl&N. UIUURCH THOMAS. le iri-tf '.-.- ; s T ONE W O R K Wanted, conuavty. -feet litlliC build a MILL UAM abonf no ieet long bton3 n tue grouud. t - , yt j Apyly to axRONACU & PRO. of "well done Vant." r Hop miiil and laithful ser Public CuABiTiESThe debate . . . -. . "i i . Upon this constitutional amenuuieui yesterday in the House excited a good deal of interest. The mutter became divested of all partisan features, as mem bers of both parties opposed and suppor ted the amendment. Messrs. Jones, of Caldwell aud Luckey, of Rowan, were active in opposition to the measure, while Mr. Brown, ot Mecklenburg, and others earnestly urged its adoption. Mr. Luckey said that'the buperinten- dents of the Insane Asylum and Deatj Dumb & Blind Asylums and the .chair- in .in of Board ot Public Cnarities were all three opposed to the proposed amendment, and that he could not vote lor an amendment here that he could not vote tor at the pons ;. mat n tne amendment passed and was submitted separately to the people, he could not vote lor it ; if, however, all the pro posed amendments were all submitted as ji whole and not separately, he would then be compelled, as he was last ses sion, to vote lor the whole oi mem. ); cases were argued AT THE at this National. The excellent hotel, on not noticed in our brilliant hop TiVidav cveuimr. was lust issue ovvini; to an inaavcrieuce. usual with occasions' ot this kind at tne National, the attendance was huge, ai.d a good time generally was had. The Superintendent, Mr. Partin, and the Clerk, Mr. Hortoti, with their habitual urbanity, did all in their power to make everything pleasant to the participant-.. M. W. Chukcuill, Esq. Through. a private letter we learn that this gentle man is in Jacksonville, Fla., and his many friends in this city will be glad to know.that his health has materially : i Wo ham that Mr. .0. will IU1UIU"-"' return to this pince in a month or two, and resume bis duties as City Treasurer, Oun Churches To Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. Gentle- manly ushers will be present toconduc visitors to pews which are always free Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating." Services at 11 o'clock, m. and 7 o'clock r. m. Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D.. officiating. Services at-11 o'clock a. ii. and 8 o'clock p. M. Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury and Morgan streets, Rev. J... M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. M. and 7 o'clock p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. It. b. Mason, D. D., officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. ar. and 7io'clock p. M. . St. John s (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High niusa at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock r. m. ..... ; " . ' . Person street Methodist Church, Rev. R. H. Whitaker, officiating. bervices at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7 a. m. Commendable. Mr. J. H. Mills, the Superintendent of the Orphan Asylum which has recently been established in the St. John's College building at Ox ford, will send from here to-morrow morning to that institution several orphan children. In this connection we learn tuatMn?. cLrtinger, of this city, has furnished thete children with good baU from bet millinery eitablishment, Supreme Court.- Yesterday- the Court met at 10 A. M. All the Judges were prestnt. The argument of the case of Stitch T ..... . ii i i vs. Lookabill was continueu oy crorreu & Bailey for the plaintiff, and the papers handed up. 1 he lollowin Tuttle vs Puett, from Caldwell, ar gued. Busbee & Busbee for plaintiff, no counsel tor deiendant.' Shelton vs D.ivies, from Haywood. Continued for absence of counsel. liilliard vs Rowland, liom Nash, argued. Battle & Son tor plaintiff, Moore & Gatling for deiendant. , . The Court adjourned to meet on Monday at 11 A. M. Deatii of Mrs. Eliza Plummer. It is with.: regret we announce the de mise of this most esiimable lady, which occurred early yesterday morning at her residence in Wrarrenton. Mrs. Plum mer is the relict of the late William Plummer,' Esq., of Wantuton, and the mother of the wife ol Jo.V B. Latehe- lr. Esq., of this city, aud a sister-m- law of Judge Battle. ' No one was more beloved in the community in which she dwelt than M rs. Plummer, and her loss will be deeply depiored and keenly felt, and a more lead'y pen than ours must eulogize her many good qualities and virtues. " -.' ; The State Fair. Every public spirited man in the State, , regardless ot color or condition, should feci a pride aud deep interest in the institution, be uawilling to see it go down, a little help from each county would insure its success, and put the Society on touudation. Let every farmer, mechanic and well-wisher to the lend a helping hand. ; February 21, 1873,' At 7:30 Mr. Speaker Robinson cal lied the House to order.r V- ; 5 Mn Badger introduced a bill to pro tect the youth of the State in regard jto Uhpore liquor.; Calendar. Unfinished Business. ' ' Senate. bill to alter th- Constitution in relation to public charities was post poned until to-morrow at 12 m " House bill to allow th Commission ers of Anson coojnly to levy a-special tax passed its second reading, yeas p7. On motion of Mr. Whisnant, he rules wefe suspended and House bill: to amend chapter 241, laws 1870 and '71, was taken up and. passed its several readings. Mr.. Badger introduced a resolution that when the House adjourn to night, it adjourn until Monday at 10 A. M. Mr, Morrison introduced a substitute for the resolution. , Mr. Morrison moved to lay the whole matter on the table. ! The yeas and nays were called, and the motion to table prevailed yeas 91, nays 15. House bill to prevent the sale of liquor in the town ot Webster, passed its several readings. House bill to validate the sale of cer tain lands in Wilkes county, passed its several readings. House bill to establish fees of Treas urer of Rutherford county, passed sec ond reading. House bill to allow several eounties to elect a Fiuance Committee, passed several readings. House resolution instructing theJu- dicary Committee to examine into the propriety of amending the present fee bill, so as to increase the fees of Clerks and other officers, wa3 read. . Mr. Bowman moved to day the reso lution on the table. Lost. Mr. Morrison moved to indefinitely postpone. Mr. Bennett said the present fees were unjust. A sheriff i3 not allowed more fees for serving process at a distance ol twenty miles than he is for serving a process at a distance of two miles. The motion to indefinitely postpone prevailed, yeas 02. Jlouse bill to incorporate the town of Castalia, Nash county passed its several readings. House bill to incorporate the Cross Creek Benevolent Society of Fayette ville passed its several readings. House bill to require the Auditor ol State to give bond in the sum of $50, 000, was postponed until Monday at 12 m. House bill to amend section 34, chap. . 113, laws of 1863 and '69, passed its several readings. : House bill concerning corporations, passed its several readings. House bill to provide for amend ments in Justice's Courts, passed its several readings. House bill to amend section 3, chap ter 139, laws of 1870 1 passed its several readings. House bill to amend section 504 code of Civil Procedure, passed its sev eral readings. House bill to amend sections 49G and 497, Code .of Civil Procedure, passed its several readings. . House bill concerning Superior Courts passed its several reading. Rouse bill to allow Constables same fees as are now allowed Sheriffs passed its several readings. House bill to amend section 37, chap. 116, laws oi 1868 and "69 was postpone1 ed until to-morrow at 11 a, m. Adjourned. Bill for the relief of the Commercial Bank of Wilmington was taken up. The provisions ot the bill are to this effcDt, that $74,000 bearing dale the 20th November, 1862, held by the Com mercial Bank of Wilmington, purport ing to have been issued in Feb. 1801, be eudorsed by the Public Treasurer. A lengthy discussion arose on this bill, Messrs. Norwood, Mabsorr and others advocating its passage, and Cun ningham and Respess opposing. : Mr. Cunningham said the passage of the bill would inevitably lend to dan gerous consequeneesas the door would be opened to thousands of other cases that he knew of. ' The bill failed on it3 second reading. Resolution "for the relief ' of Arthur Denniss, passed its several readings, f ' Bill to amend the charter of the town of Beaufort, passed its readings. V ' Bill for " the promotion of stock rais.- ing, withamendmcht of the Committee on Internal Improvements," passed its readings. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertloH...............? 1 00 One square, two Insertions 1 50 On square, three insertions.......... ...... 2 00 One square, six insertions................. 8 56 One square, one month ...................... 8 00 Pne square, three months...............,... 16 00 One square, six months. ............ SO 00 One square, f .elve months,............. 50 00 For, larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. Bowe, col., moved to indefinitely postj pone. , The yeas arid nays were called and the motion failed, yeas 43, naya C4. (A strict party bote with the exception of Blr. lnvett. 'v The bill then failed to pass its first reading by the following ballot : Ykas Messrs. i Anderson, of .Davie, Ballard, Black well, Brown, of Meck lenburg, Bryson, of, Jackson, Bryson, ol Swain, Bryan, pf Sampson, Bryan, of Wilkes, rep., Bryan, of Alleghany, " Hyrd, Carter, Carson, ind., Craige, Dick- ey,Dula,rep.,Freeman, Gant,Gidney, Gil mer, Grady, Gudger, Haynes, Ilinnant, Houston,, Hughes, Johnston, Jones, ot Caldwell, Jones, of Orange, Jones of Tyrrell, Joyher, Johns, Lindsay', Luckey, Marler Maxwell, McGehee, McNeill, Mitchellj Moring, . Moss, Morrison Out law, ; Prcsson, Reid, of Mecklenburg-, Richardson Settle, Shinn, ot Iredell, Shinn, of Cabarrus, Shackleford, Stan- tord, btowe, Todd, Tnvett, rep.. Tur ner, Warlick, Waddill, Waugh, .Webb, The resolution in regard to relieving I Wiley, Whitmire, Wheeler, rep., Wood- xnc -aisaomiies or : w. y. xxoiaen was i uouse. ma. nexttakerf up. i - - Harris, colored, opened the discussion which became general, first on the mo tion to re-refer to the Judiciary Commit tee, and on the, motion to refer to the Supreme Court for information as to whether or not the General Assembly had the rower to take action in the matter. Nays Messrs. Abbott, Badger, Beat- Blythe,Bowe,Bowman, Brown, of David, son, Bryant, of Pitt. Bryant, of Halifax, JLJrookSjiiunn, Copeland, Corson.Dudley , Lllison, Fletcher, Foster, Godfrey. Gor man, Goodwyn, Gray. Guy ther, Hamp tou, Heaton, Hughes, Jones, of Camden, Jone3, of Northampton, Jordanj King, Lloyd, McLaunn, Millerj Mizzcll, Pat- During the discussion, Mr. Respess rick. Paschall, Perry, of Balden, Scott, said in substance, that the Democratic side of the House should show that magnanimity that had characterised their acfions in the passage of the Am nesty and Pardon bill, and vote accord mgly for this resolution. Mr. Welch said that this lecture from the Senator from Beaufort came with bad grace from that side of the House ; that he thought that Governor Holden was a member of the League and pardoned by the Amnesty bill, as his offences were comm'tted bv order ol some member or officer of the League, as sworn to by a prominent Republican. Harris.col., replied that the witness re ferred to by the Senator from Haywood was Mr. Badger, and that he (Harris) was present at the meeting referred to, and such adyice was given to Governor Holden by Senator Pool On the motion of Mr. Worth to table the resolution, Mabson, col., called the yeas and nays, and the motion was lost by 15 yeas and 20 nays. The vote then reculrred on the refer ence of the resolution : to the Judiciary Committee, and pending the discussion on this motion, Mr. ! Avera called the previous question on the passage of the resolution. 1,1 Mr. Welch demanded the yeas and nays: ; ; ' j " The resolution was lost by the follow ing vote : Yeas Messrs. -Chamberlain, Harris, Hill, llolloman, Ilorton, Hyman, Long, Mabson, McCabe, McCottcr, , Miller, Powell, Respess and Walker 14 Nays Messrs. Allen, Avera, Covvles, Cunningham, Davis,--Ellis, ot Catawba, Ellis, ot Columbus; Flemming, Gudger, Love, McCauley, Morehead, of Guilford, Morehead, of Rockingham, Murphey, Nicholson, Norwood, Price, Scott, StaU ford, Todd, Welch and Worth-22 Sharp, Sneed, Winslow, Whisnant. 40 Ihe bill to alter the Constitution in regard to the term of office of the Gov- (Makiug the term two years in stead ot.fbur.) Was taken up. A ballot was taken and the bill failed by a vote of yeas 60, nays 44. Ihe same vote as above with the ex ception of Messrs. Bryan of Wilkes, Carson, Dula and Wheeler. Who voted this time in the negative. Adjourned. ' SENATE. February 22, 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock by Lieut Gov. Brogden. ' ; ; , Journal ot yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Love entered a protest against the passage ol the resolution (on yesterday) requiring the laws to be published il 40 days and the journals tiud documents in 90 days, as in his opinion the time could be lessened. V Messrs. Cunningham from Commit tee on Education, Gudger from the Ju diciary, and Avera Irom Corporations, submitted reports from their respective committees. . . Messages were ieceived from the House returning several bills concurred, in, and the school bill witli amendments to three ot the sections. - Messrs. Cunningham and Ellis, of i sure every btate Gone to Wakrenton Court. Capt. E. C. Woodson, our Local, has gone to Warienton, to be in attendance upon Warren Court during the coming week in the interest ot tue jn ews. lie hopes to meet with the many frieuds aud. patrons of the News in that section, and we will doubtless .hear. a. good report tl his labors there. Remarkable.- During the past week not a siDle criminal ease came up bi lore the Mayor. This is a good show ing for the morals of the city, but it is rather hard on local reporters. But such is our devotion to the public good we will not complain, and really hope that this state of affairs may continue. Personal. Major A. C. Avery, of Burke, and N. Wr. . Woodrin, of Ash ville, are in attendance upon the Su preme Court, ;-'- Columbus, fivored -the motion to recede from the position taken by the Senate. Mr. Cbwles favored the appointment of a Conference Committee to consider the amendments ' suggested by the House,, and tieuiatuk-d : the yeas and nays on the motion of Mr. Cunningham to recede. The motion prevailed by 18 yeas and 15 nays. Also a resolution requiring the Sec retary of State to furnish, the public laws of 1871 and '72 to the couuties of Greene, Gaston, Beaufort and others; also requiring the State Treasurer to pay, not exceeding $iio ror tue same, ami requiring the Solicitor oJ the 6th Judicial District to bring suit on the bond, of Dr. H J. Menninger for . this amount. Passed. Mr. Love offered a resolution to pre vent the suspension of the rules o lj by unanimous cosscnt, after ll1 o'clock to-day. and that the calendar should betaken up in its numerical order Adopted. - i , Qdlendar. The bill to charier the Old orth State Life Insurance Company of War" renton, with au amendment by the com mittee on Insuiance respecting the rate of interest of said Company to 8 per cent, passed its several readings. The bill to authorize two extra terms of tii Superior Court tor Granville couaty, passed its sereral readings. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved.' Mr. Norment was announced as being confined to his room by sickness. Fletcher, colored, presented a memo rial from certain citizens of Richmond county, asking a law to prohibit the sale ot liquor within three miles oi Spring Rill church. Reporti from Standing CommitteeV wefe submitted. IJy Mr. cTorman, a resolution m re rruril in thf rnrtr-jit. nf Wflchi r rrt .mi Calendar. . By Mr. Goodwyn, a resolution it. regard to the introuction of bills and fesolutious. Calendar. Mr. Watsop was announced as bein detained from his seat by sickness. " My Mr. Marler, a resolution in regard to the birth day of Washington. .Refer red. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a rsolution in favoj of J. II. Hill. Calen der. By Mr. Shaw, a bill to incorporate Jonesboro, Moore county. Itelerred. By Mr. Gidney, a resolution to pro- Vide for a casual deficit in the rreasury.1 Referred. The; Senate amendments to the "machinery bill" were taken up and aigreed to. The bill to amend section 37, chapter 116, laws of 18G8 '9 was taken up and passed its several readings. . On motion of Mr. Brown, of Mecklen burg, the resolution in favor of Jno. II Hill was taken up aud passed its several readings. ; " On motion of Mr. Gorm m, the resolu tion in reference to the portrait of Wash ington was taken up and, on motion ol .Mr. Gudger, was indefinitely postponed On motion of Mr. Waddell, the vo't by which the bill to amend section 501 C. C, P. passed its third reading latv evening, was reconsidered. The ques tion recurred upon the passage of tin billon its third reading, and the bii iaifed to pass. : Oa motioa of Mr. Marler, the resolu tion in reference to the birth-'day o Viishington was taken up. Mr. Rhodes moved to lay on the table. Lost. I lie resolution was adopted. The bdl to allow a sjecial tax i Anson County was taken up and pae its third reading, yeas 1)6,' nays 0i. Thc Senate bill to alter the Constit.; VT O R TII C A R O L I N A , -LN WAKE COUNTY. Superior Court. Candace D. Johns, Thomas J. Johns, Ci arles rs. Alien anu Caroline v. Allen Lis wife, , JohnS. Johns; Patrick U. Johns, Hannah Johns and Jas. J.' Ferrell, Plaintlli's, Against - Abner Smith and wife Willie, James West anu wne liertiiey Ann, winiam Williams and wile Dilly, and Bryant Ferrell ana wife Lethe, aud t he heirs at law of such of said "ft me" deiendautsasmay be dead, Deieudants. Action for re-execution and correction of conveyance. A. summons navlng been Issued to the Sheritt'of said county for tne defendants in the above eutitled acticn, and said Snei ill uiadfe return tnat tney are not to be ound m said county, anu it appeaiinir" to the jourt that said defi ndauts are non-resi dents of the state ; that there is .good cause of action against tnein.aud tnat the subject matter of tne aciion is real property wiinin tne state, in wiucu said ueieudants nave an interest ; it is tberelore, on motn.nof iiattle Son, Attorneys lor x laiutins, oiderel that publication be made, ouce a weeK. tor six weeiis, in. tne liaiein JNtws, a newspaper pubiisned in Kaleiii, coni- uiauuinj; baiu ueienuauts io appear ai tue , next lerm oi said court, to be nela m ttaicigu, on uib 8iu ivionuay aiier uie ana -iionuay oi F ebruary. men ana mere . to answer the complaiut, u copy ol winch will be liled duriua the lirst three days of said Term; and that they take notice that. n tney tail to answer or demur to saidcom- plamt during said Tei in, tne plaint-ill's will apply lor the relief demandeu in said am- . piaint. w ltness, Jonn N. Uuntine. Cleric of said Court, at ollit-e in Raleigh, this --'1st day of r eoruary, is.;,. J. N. RUNTINO, f.-b22-lavOv " ('. S. ( . w HAT A FEW OTHERS WHO ARE USING THEM SAY OF THE ADJUSTABLE SPRINO'BED BOTTOM tion of the State in ird to Pub... Institution fob tiik Deaf anu Dumb AND THE BtlKI), , Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 25lh, 1873. After a trial oi the "Adjustable Spring Bed," it aii'ords me pleasuie to lecoiumenu .t to the community, as a &rcat addition to oae' comioi t iu sleeping. A trial wilt sat iiy any oue of us mem-i auu (.annot iail uoive satislaciion. : try respectfully, S. F. lOMl.INSOX, ' Principal. Insane AsYiUit ov N. C, Raleigh, N. C.,January7tlJ,'l673. I liave used Lai tlett & Pomeroy's "Ad ustabie '.-iirms Bed," and witli a mattress jr otherwise, Had it exceedingly comlorta uie and convenient, l thipiL it well.worih the in ice. j L LUGKXE CiKISiOir, M. D. BALTijtoiiK, June lst. la72. ilKSSUS. BAKTl.Jirr ii Pomekov ciKis: l am usin your Adjustable spring licds, and they meet with my uesire fully. Tliej aio simple, strong and elastic. t heir cost places them within the reach of ne poo;tsi, and then luxury renders them lesirable to the richest. J. Ai.EERTSOX."- Alansion House. 4 Baltimoke, June 1st, Vif, The Adjustable Spring Beds now in use .n our nuuse, are piouunCed by those who use thein ihe best , epriii Ba they hae over seen. (digued,) -GlLJioun & Soss.jwa Eutaw lloase.Ji Hundreds of other certiflcales on hunu. eud lor a Bed. ttieep" well cheaply. Enjoy ne night that j ou may enjoy tue uay. jii ourage home munuiactuie and do good to ..s and yourselves. ' JOES & ELLIS, Manufacturers, ' lllllsboroSt., Haieigh, iS. C. feb21-tf O F T H. . A T S Gents' Spring Style Soft Hats, -,ight, New and Airy. W. H. n it. S. TUCKER & CO. .-.o. B. NAL, I O H N Wm. J. BAKEtt A L & CO., Charities wa3 taken up as the speci.. order. Ailcf h-b.itf, a vote whs taken and th t bill tailed on its third reading,, yeas 6S, nays 33 Nof two-thirds. Mr. Wiley moved to suspend tue rules and take up" the other amendmehis. The same as those passed by the lasi Legislature and rejected by the Seu tN at this session The bill to alter the Constitution i regard to the Supreme Court, haviDg three judges instead of five as at pie-. cat, was ta.keu up. ; '.n.-yt B. N E J COTTON FACTORS', ;, . .,' AND . ,. . r BELIAL CdJiaiSslOX , UEltCUASTS AGENTS FOB , -' ... f. AfAPSCO GUANO COMPANY, , Norfolk, Va. a"B.Utieboro piidA:w-tl Advance" copy. fj VHi JOB WORK"4 OF EVERY laracte ,go to the NEWS' Office1! Fayetteville street, r w. t :. K ronaon A Co' jst E W B O O - K S Just received, . I Let Methodist Hymns. ' . 1 " Maary's Geographie'i ! 1 " Initial paper. : 4 . 1 " Baptist Hymns. Callsoou. "iL' BRANSON. '