'ATiniymji Strut, Over W. g stronach Ok Co? Btore. Payable to the ca wMWt lfj.6? 1UB KEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. " "' .... '- THURSDAY All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time-the paper 4e,faip , IS" Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will bearre4 (20) -J. O. H. Nbttaiv of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, U agent (or this paper - vawmtre iLu, neii amy autnorizea . . M5itT- 4 ;V Messrs. Grttaii and HimiSlri: WUWftfikk Ad yertlainir Agents, No. 4 south S reel. Baltimore, Md., are duly pthorixjd to con tract for advertlsenentt.4oSt rwI Advertlaera la that City arw requested to leave their favors with this house. ct !S-THK AORtctfLTokAi JotTRAlf XllB Tiis Miiwa The .State ,. .cuuctjj.ttjbai Jocbjs At. an eljbt-page Weekly published In IiiU city. vlU be clabbed with the XUitf News at $8.50 per annum,' and ''with' the W KKXLY Ngvi at 30 oer. aJinum Oninn directed to either baber,VU receive prompt" attention.,, , !rS';:J?- , . " LOCAL MATTJER, 1 E. C. WOODSON City titon i fi",,For a(ea, new by telegraph J orreuond.taiw wUI please write .vtK... Local Buur&i'XAiVAl.V. ( Rain again vesterday. Quiet still reigns at the ice u burt Our city is flushed of juvcnile'Italian fiddlers, . - . f. -f r Dixon cotton VeeiJ cab !be obtained Qf W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Coi Sea no tice . .t . ; , A houf witV seven- rooms and every additional convenience can be rented. See notice of IJzzle & Co. .'if ! The members' tit "the :rLegislature should call and subscribe to the News before leavlnsforiheif homes. I ! 4 y . The proceedings of the meeting of the Board of City Qomajjssionershcld-last night, are crowded out this morning. Ouf coton'taaRieeiseryl qfued.ttie attioh oi tha Btoaai of JDicfprs of now, owing to the sameness in prices which has prevailed for the past week. Butlew.deaire eitbtrlo SCUqt bayJ J. W. Hqldeu, Esq., ot this city, pro poses to write a memoif of UnioiSmen 6f both parties from the inception of the late war 'doWU to th? preehfr time? ,e,Board 'bf Cbuti"! y mmissioner meet at the Poor House on i Saturday next; at the'Wofk Hoaie vo, Monday, and in this city on the fTiiesdayjJoyri ing. ' Rem nember Dr.. Li ndamaQ,, the. Chiro t, is making som6 wbnaeffuCTles podist in Corns, Bunions and Bad JNail3. If you have Ihern. lbfif fail WivelnM call. Ilia jwmi2$f&ki&VB2h House, where he will remain a few days. His eJiargea are moderate givehM, aj call. ' Tills 'beinrf the- day et ! apart ;iythe GeoeratYAsSrhblj o;the;Pbyttfail Church asr-H'-dayot special sprayer fox Coiregea ' and 8chodl3-llvitfe;seice will bo heldinithe Cbapel'of 4'the Peace Institute at 12$ o'clock P. M., conducted by Rev. Dr. Lucy. The public are in vited to attenoHrriiyu'l ,.J M. 4.UJa LpGisuvriyK.-r-Te Jepaesterdaj reached the RevcrweBilT'geU tog nearly through witltithe aecond read tog. q ibft .... ,7:.. rru- .K.t aaA 8il,u " u?:jZr:Z ".aUben prlected, and perhaps, an equally anv cliscusaion. as tar as reacucu, wo the clause relating to the tax imposed upon foreign insurance conipanieAwbich was placed. at 3 per( cent. JUr the. State upon airj premium's Ibr insurance 6b-' tained 19 theSiatff , v' . The Tiuty'in'P toJtt? - , j L.itu a f tn ... . t K-f Aiiaa again tne Vr7 wZllposited was concerned, when on vesterdav. The remarks ot Mr. ale-fV t. , . ... , a nrn nhop hf Person, in advocacy oi me measure, were' listMked io;itb5marked attention, and extorted compliments from tlwr iiloatpnwbttnced pponentsvof the m.Mm itR Mholarlv . iumb. was eloquent ahd u rirnmntuti VP. and addressed to tba-i- reason rld:"urt'rhe.-pasaibdft M the hearer i(, The .beandeupe, .91,0 merit of the speech waa tiw-unaiYiucu Wiuthti fU'J fthtk to the- ttttenti.n'Whicirtli uouse gave iir wv . . . a - w., i h,:. .a- , aL a. aru-uk pr. Mr. Badger made a rejoinder, but bis4 failure .to meet the aumenta ot tne gentleman preceumg uui-w rent, dis speech waa a labored one in ever fJcu(aiheilt-i ; second reading aUer, Tt tmbAtor.te m i OS t d i si r ace l tf I r ' n ousieri g au m nurt 'of certain RepfipiWahlJ $ey of ofieridg7captic4UandVfxivilous amend meots, and calling the yeas and naysy delaying irreatly the dispatch of the . RrTnirvR CorhT.Tfia ;Coort j.met. vestcdaVatiaXli . ,rt nt. .Tbe areument of the ,eof B X.VBled v.;Elizabeth M;,.n t-t ai was continued and the Court adjourned 4tj,U to meet this inormoK at 10 o ciock; wnen the argument sumed P -1 i LEAVJSa,rPU,Vyjl8HIKGTpN -Jud-" A. 8. 'ilerrimon, if. VtenWk . ... . i i elect t leaves this city this morning ior nliSfAitiM4aW O if .1 9 a 1. . . nt f i.o KoiiutH has been 1 MWM caueu uj me Vrwint ' indnsr llardmpn will be sworn in as Senator on the4th of March. His term will last BtX years. DKVOTioNJ'oLEi3-Ihe beautiful and tonchinir devotion known as the 4 Statibnsl 4ht Cross T !& Afca-uled every night during-Lent in LAKrVsiffi .If ftlkr4JSftce'e:se where oi land lqj. sa county by J. A. Pbrier. sale in FranKim It is desirably i t n :i xTT .!'?. Y AY0ii; the WkN. a R. 11.-1 We orroid tiTe ca&rfi ' - ' - - T -V ' - r J'Tfeer Joint Select- Committee appoint. m uuiaunuwi wuu me IOIIOW ing :5.tTathe Senate' 'concurring; nfat j and tluete frtxn 4heBeiata - W .'aiiM)i&i Udlo.inTU" Ibe. indebtedness of WTlateldrflrlWroUna Railroad i hat. gave rise to a late decree of the aalqof said, road and to, see it an? means tan be devl&ed by the General Assembly, .bj which the sale, of .said 6at tattctojatent with the interest of the 'Stale, be hi evented, and rehort. bv :WH df-otKerSriae saboiit the following The oommiitee ha?e examined a large Attmberof witnesses among them Preai ffent'Tatfc of the oid. Mr. Mott. ex- 4presi4ent IV F Simoaton; R. Y. McAd dm, N, VV. Woodfin, T. L. Clingman, andseveral others, and tbev have eicit ed a great manfacts in connection vith the road which are rendered irrelevant f ibVbrttott?n view of tfieUate action of the honorable the General Assembly, fnHrecting-ihe appeal from the decision of the Circuit Court of the United Stotacfot th,eicsterB1pwrivt qtjtbis State, and the fact that such appeal nas been taken! t And while your committee is by supplementary resolution directed to "'consider and report, of the grave proportions : prlaws ' involved in the matter, they hxve concluded to. leave these questions' t be reviewed and de cided, in tbQf Appellate Court, which is not1 only learned but august Tbey subjoihUis moyUig cause of all the embarrassments which have ot late fallen n pan the road was the mortgage executed under color of an act ot . As-'' seinbfy enithM "a 4 act toTenaance the. value ot the bonds issued for the con pletion ot the Western North Carolina Railroad," and for other purposes, rati- bed 19th clay of December, 1866. and said road predicated upon said act. Under color of said act, and possibly rW Pflrs,uanceaflf;.fita. ppvjsipps,, bond were issued to the extent ot nearly one million and bjali, pf dollars, a mortgage was executed on the road in the full hope andexreiijonjtli's!t Ihjp bonds would -j find ready . purcJiaserg at the. mbfae? 'markets oi the world. The uu lortunae; cbmplc$tio'ns t in .Europe, re -; suiting from ; the rupture of friendly elilTfeen' jFrancq and, Prussia, shut .upthat "resource bC 's'aV.;' "The, credit of tne State was greatly impaired fcy tescesfsyeiJoanSiPfsQpd ,-for like purposes as these, and in a snort time pired in the utter failure of the State to tneci,rBaiuriBgMnrert8t ooi nercDonas, and because of other facts which are painfol enough without being paraded iaAhia connectven, n ,x -ir n y...tr At thitt . juncture the 'officer " W lib $tbb4raVthe1iead of " the road resorted tO'the expedient of , hypbthecating 'the bori ds' a jJool lateral securi ry? ; dot ' t hW loan of money; 'supposing that at no -distant day the pressure might lift and he would be enabled to negotiate the sale ot the bonds upon more satisfactory and advantageous terms than were then leaslble.iHe effected; - about S225.000.for which lie cave hia potea.and by;'way of ; lurther' a&urauce deposited about 8500,000 ot the atout S500.UUU ot the mortgage do nas larse an ount of the bonds not then or now penected. The bonds were . mar ketable then at about forty cents on the dollar, with some deduction for commissions. Your committee do not think that the hypothecation was exces sive so far as the amouatof bonds de- we con sider the fact that a large proportion of thctn ,were imperfect. The rate of in terest and 'corn missions, with contin gencies, on this loan; reached th.c crush in 't fi'urte of if De'ctfter'astruiif-a rat which would frrina-, the life toit bf an enterprise more prosperous thaq the Western JNortn uarouna tioau. una loan and its security was negotiated by irrIbttwbO'wat tbeo iPreaidentt of .(k irad, ' & Via langQagerasxoh curred in by those officers bf the "rbad with whom he spoke and consulted, me receipts of tberoad were not such as to enabia; .the officer? to meet all expenses incident to the practical wording ot t h ft road, and Yiia uid k'te ' the- interest of thMeseearities iThe larger 'not Wi'bnbVlban 'wassosed andexpen.') ueaaoawgHAM v.v" yr-rt-brother creditrsof the road whose, fva'nfa, LW.S.re pressing and immediate. Pay day came at last and it was iouna necessary m a to contract another aeut 10 pay tnis one. In other words, to change mas- i.-.:,y.i'rt i )AdX ft -.UfJi.lf ,rU tfniean whneVCblohat had tecbme' 5Pr0sIdentof the Jroad andjie I finally cbntf acted" a' new loattiwilb'L&n caster; Brown & jCfinanpial agents at that time of Hiram Sibley. It may be rwrktasWhth waa succeeoeu in tuc jjiwhuouvj i rpad by Colonel Tate, he had the name oT ColohelTate pu upon the notes for thAloania-hia own stead. CbUTate, l?rownv& Co.. rel U9UU to j t2f Knai uiiabilitvf iftitliuHnatten his name trom tne 'noiea. -i-m raio interest oh this loan was 16i per cent than the first one, .but lew y " -r J ' 1 c ...rniLt n-ThAii3t tha resources of BUUWICUl " . v . the most .prosperous sort of enterprise in short Qsfa&d'l audi) it , t. Colonel l!ate entered into stipulations gO dii and, ihrcase of defsulty that .the bonds deposited1 mTgh3C.bflWte4lWt f he debt4 ' Maturity came;but tufe con - aSrtii.theiOAW.dera.ul, lj,WyffiW ot .each dnder.ery partxif!the;kinind t..i....la mora Bold" and bid in at; the 1 ' ' ' '- " ' ' - , . . , of our rA4ifiJhl8 Report of Xm Joint tSeh ggyqggWilMIWM!-MSMSSSaSg?"'"WI J'2Jgmm''l'mmtmmmB i iiim mi " n ... . 1 . ' ' ' - " ' 1 n n .;n, ti , -II'-;' J w-. a ttttty TrT- , r,TJ , ,r n ,.ti"ii. ,m . -y v- debt and,, the charges for. selling, total amount being about $250,000. . lion that! ibJt&se loftbi T failurt L bl iUe company to pay any inst llment of the interest which might be due, for three rrionths after demand, Yon substantially to that effect, then the entire prinoipal of the bonds should become due. Such a stipulatlensauiHo obtain corfveV antes of this description in use of late. Whether it was competent so to stlp- uWte'In Abetmbrtgage, without 'ezptess authority to that efiect: m.the act of As semblyrJs,,fjgiftve.Jlegftl ftuetQn iUpon Wpich respectable lawyers arejat yari anbe, and your Committee leave it to 1e answered if the Appellatt tJonrtln'ihis .coe, as tht.rquestioD'; ia "oae of the points sougni to De reviewed. thiB prtnclpal hxr ihtefest of tneWcls issued by this foad and embraced in the Lancaster. Brown' & Co.s claim." 1 OI other claims commuted in that 'de 4 creei souu t,t 'them have been u reftis ised by the company and'are!itigated4,nrw at the instance of sbrhe of the officers of the toad.5 The 'tot:al atrionnt of 'the decree in the cause was about$l,300 000,' some;1$500J0P0 ot 'which; cbnsisting'of imperlect bonds, have been canceled. 1 We cannot, in justice to jthe witnessea who have been examined, some of whom' lorn are or were officers of -the road while these events were transpiring, close this report Without saying tha.t eyery'witness who has i been. i summoned ; before the committee "has 1 appeared ' with!'Com mendable dispatch, given their testimc&iy. Kitltentlrt fatrnesi 'sa uii as the committee can iud?e. and in our opinion; so far as the testimony adduced gpes, the charge of fraud, collusion'or othericomplicity betwecu ,thtt officers and outsiders or any of these witnesses is unfounded nn i fact, and' upon -the evidence as adduced we'are of ;,opihion 1 oat mere isno goou .grounu liiab aucnt accusations should longer continue against tlies jgeietyen itl-lt ft ,snk- ing tact that a man's hindsights are better " Wian Ws'lbreslghts,". t is easier, to look back and tell ;how errors could rhdecofhf qitut ofhe tJi iftc-a States in the case which ' was at oealed irom. waa in rmrt made on of have been avbided than' tor point tnewl'TftWJ. Whitaker ndpthers, this Board ot ia advance and, suggest, their scurej The scope of the resolution under which the committee .is acting is of so broad. a character:thai we feel it incum bent on us to make such susrerestions fof the action of "this ''Legislaturt' as are consistent, witn tne interest oi tne peo ' ! . . .'it . I ? . . I . 1 " ple bf the counties thrtfujrV.whichY the road is to pass, and the parties io the record in the suit nowpending. -Y' 1 5 1 The appeal already, taken. trom ?. the decision of the Circuit Court operates 4s a tupersedeni bf further, actioh in the direction oi tnesaieoi uie ; roaa . unfjer the judgment or the Uourt, except by consent. The .crowded state of the dockefrof the Supreme Court .of the (Jo Aedi States, which consisted ak the beginning ot the present term of sever 41 hundred cases, renders the hope of in. eary. djsipnto tle canse iferjoip.. In the meantime the counties through which the road is to pass are deprived of the, facilities which-. its comoletion Would oflfer'at their doors all action is luspended and the best interest of the feople ot, that section is i2nored it we old our lianm hncfaWait the 1aW's de lay.'7 Your committee suggest, with the View ot accommodating the aforesaid interests, that it is' competent for the Circuit Court! notwithstanding the ap iaieitVthe'ro&l.Sseu property on such terms, by such persons under such reputations and restrictions t iAl.il Aiurn 4ti trihK: Tiei?! tTULU kreof opinion that the Court could re quire .guarantees iorttMe;, pompretion,ot tne.roud .10 this nd,vour commutee Recommend that the General 'Assembly pass a resolution asking the Judge of the Circuit Court toappoint three per Sons in additir n to those already named for that ,parpbseVabd that' thetive con ¬ stitute commissioners to sell the road ; the-Coutt makjB Ani order ifdritlii rhle. the term of purchase to be credit of eighteen montus-i or two years: atall events sucn time as win insure tne ue- cision(ff theSupremeCourt-ontheap-j peal. Title to be retained and the pur- .chasers to bCipat. under comuulsionto ibuild the road, beginning immediately. And lestc Wd.f tf'cririrf bf thVt'ourt may accord with, these suggestions in conse quence ot supposed want 01 power in the premises or other cause, your com mittee. recommend the passage ot a bill or resolution appointing His Excellency mington, j. m. wisson, 01 unanoiie, ai. E. Manley'ahd' Waiter L. Steele as Com missiooetswhpv acting in; concert with. the representatives appointed bv lhe stockholders, will negotiate a gale9 olj all the interests of -the State land individuals and H others in . . 1 chase money, may considlered, propyitbemqd, that theybe nv powered to pass" Nip6n the dsim's'of Jal gu,cfttraiipr oiuie oaci, no w q Alliga tion a may suDmit to tueir. action, ana that' they1 be einpb wereXl tq CottprODttise. the indebtedness oi th9,xoad;, Uiat the purchaser at such sale be'; required! to gtve gdarahtees fdr thelauuediate' and promptresumpuon ui.iua'wora oi uuuu ing and pushing forward the uncom pie ted part ot the road, ana'tnat trie money uarising t from, theale.; jt. the notes, or-bonds to secure it, -be applied .iil . .JfilixJ t-m. t. .-. 1 i..ti Z. to the jurisdictiontthe cmnmissiQnor ptbirUe eitsblish'jtheir claijns, and in case there be an excess that it bepaid Aaal' ,MnMAa.aa .r in.. 1am . Anf ltlan to it. That this commission, or a ma - rc4y4tlemtle4heowrtft WTpoW& to act in the place and stead of the LegislaUirein thiS part Jdulaf. a And in order, lbatr any. , failure Jo act may be cared inAjiAiliXtUk fdUbyritig ,1atternatieS'totskebe places oi:Uheiii?.sioni whit hthtey may Jbe appointed, to wrt -j Wi'Ti Ebrtch.1 Wm-'Eaton.-Wi1 H. BaU tie, Jame. A.ieak and Alfred M. Bcuki Id'-'siicceed'eacii .dfithem:tO"th0 lull Voweral t ,sOja or! WhatimOilon r - T o .Tr: iTn i case they fail ta act. It is believed that in thWsfy ' soldti'on 6f he dLGcailtl of the situation may be had and tire 1.1 - 5 A." .if 1 A 3 1 tne enterprise "upoir ksucn terms, unuer . u stfdfi ttP.es tfridYegulations as to time of TY ! sale. terms oLsale; setUHtriothesmiiS' i-Es - . j f , - i 1 . t i i i -TI t' . i JW hi. as may be road be pushed forward to an early com pletion. 'Your committee herewith, submit the testimony taken in the in vestigation, and beg to be discharged from fh-tJier consideration oi the matterJ I ; Bbnijbtt, Fi.TPMMrxn. Waring, " HousTbn, .O M HOT t!?Vt i i duysur. .. i BBSsioMb tnlKSAAOTi.trk:-TbeH fol jawing cot respondence;, ih xefereneQ to Ihecbntrbr'ntthe affafra1 of tMs in stitution explains itaelf i 1 o r 1M. Vhos Jbi. Johnson : Dear' 8i&Lfhe SdpVetne Cbtlrt hav- ipy - decided the Board ol Directbra appointed by Gov Caldwell for the Ic- saae-Aeyram to be the lawtQl Board. fyob.FiWjio jgaf4h hpnerto suggestvat " hour to-day, or to-morrow, will 8U?t Jou to. tu.rnkthe. control ot the said institution, over to said Board. hare the honor to be 1 ; Your Obedient Servant, . Chairman Board Directors ; m . In reply to Johnson, he Chapman of the Legislative Bqard, l" iUla vuuaaer iuu toiiowing resoiu- tion passed by the out-going Board, accompanied bv a letter responding to that of Mr. Whiuker's : ; -i i "Ralkioh, Feb. 26th. "Afro manfinnAf ihu HtfutAM Insane Asylum of North Carolina, held this day.tbe following proceedings were had: i . j,.. : .. .. . "The Supreme Court having decided 'hat the Actvof the Legislature appoint- ig this Board'of Directors is void in 80 ar as it undertook to appoint the samefand that the -Board of Directors ab pointed, by. his Excellency, the Gov- ciuuii a lamui uunru auu euimeu 10 aaminister the anairs.of this institu, tjon, therefore : , n , . . f "Resolved, Thil in'obedience to" the decision of the Supreme, Court lately ntade in the Case oJ the 'People ex rel. will, on the 27th day of Feb., A. D. 1873, at 12 o'clock of that dav: surren der , the Institution.! &ql to the said Board appointed by the Governor." r A true copy from the minutes. -v :4ri W. E. Andkrsok, . '' . " ;; Secretary. Ws Whitaker. Ed C Chairman m Board of "North. 7V Carolina:- ... I ukar out 1 take pleasure in hand ing you above a resolution adopted by vie xusane Asyium. x nis uoara, over which 1' have been presiding, will, through me, deliver oyer to you, at the Citizens: Bank to-morrow, (the 27th.) at 12 o'clock M., the entire possession and Control or that Instituting t A i I 1 have the honor to be, 7 s ? ' " Very . RespMtfulIy, . - Your Obedient Servant, Chas; E. Johnson. Masonic. A special . communication f ,Wm; G. Hill Lodge, No, 218, will be eld this evening at .71 o'clock,1 for work in the third degree. Y :V i j m.-. MARRIED. ... . ,7 -Y7 i CliARKTOMPKtNS. Married on th biornlng- of the 25th Inst., at- the residence pf the bride's mother, by Rev. T. H. Pritch ard, D. D. MaJ. Chas. H. Clakk. or Golds I f Norfolk Journal please copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLA TURE: rqni Myle BONNEt or HATrfor their wife, Knowing that many j the Members be- TINQER. 48 Fayetteville fetreet, has order ed in time anl Just received by Express the very Latest Spring and Bummer Ktvles. to an Inspection of which the Members who are so fortunate as to be marrid, are 'especially and most respectfully invited. Sj s uca a sva KftMiM aitiv iwaiic a perhaps the 8igut will have a good effect iand make theni WUer meu. ' 2t. i-r t 'ti ' ' Xj .uy.i.-i 1:; -a wiu sen privately tne T TRACT OP, L. A XD knownaat . SIMON JONES' TRACT, located flve .miles east of Franklinton. on Bnfialo Creek, containing 400 ACRES. witt1 sek. containing 4U0 ACRES, with all necessary improvements on the nlacei ad) onewwninKio tee tne raim can do sft by applying to either the undersigned, inr itaieig, or to wliorte, en the prein- TKRAfS.nne.i.hlril null hnlonAAnno anT 'two years with interest. . - i 3Teb27-ti - f. v: - J. A, PORTER. , pYRY -R CE tT T- 7 JHOUSIJ with 7 rooms ' larjre fron t and back yard, good -garden .aftd well . of water' . ' ;r.:- s , Qrocers Ac., -feb27-tf. , F i t'"S r I XO Nj.CO TxTiOiN, E Bp ; Basils goiuine .-r? f I i ( -"i l tftr sale 50 cents per Bushel, Apply tolcof Henry. Clewst fybey and others' . 4.u-, i-u. . 1? -BU.K.JEf.JIi"-Bl I NY; Pearl Orii Carolina R tt ,1 htm Split Peas ii ,1 xanioca. . alA Peart arleyVI f:i cMX' U uuciiwueat Floor, -Eimgrove FamUy Flour, f V 'Uuy and Try' Family: Flour. feb JKMf . -W e.' ijrrtON ach. O R iX &J ttT l c:s I j Ors.hn.ni Flom. - lebSKtc a. u j, ao ri vf, . C. STROX ACH. . EteeUenaa OtAtto FcWiliaer..- r-rj FIshGiisiKfciKt j. f-f.i fii.i.jfa Soiubie'Seai Island Guano. ,i KmplreUaauotudM i .'Sold-brsAa ; iw"..t - - - - W. C. 8TRONACH. Hlii IV j Lit U Wit lit ii Ii i! .LL i it "rOLASSES AND SYRU PA. iyjb- ii trn .ii l -mv.' -' Nbf Golden Byrnn. t : LtUo'deiiSyrup, fe t-tf OUK4A ALUUOU nviwsorjiu LltsiuTVklE OF NORTH CAR-1 on if a: iM SENATE i ' Tuksdat, February1 25,' 1873; r? Senate called to, order at 71 o'clock. i "POtt'. vterday morning did mn cuuuiuue iiie oenaie proceeaings ci was discussed at tome Lleng'th aud recommitted. J i i 1 hilf - message; was receivea irom tne uause trausmittmg a resolution appro virijr the centennial celebration m the city of Philadelphia, in 1876. and urg ing the co-operation of our people, and asking the 'concurrence of the Senate. Concarrcd In. I . ,,,': : u : -j ;h j iiiu to amenci an act to establish a turnpike road from the town of States ville, Iredell, to' the town of Mount Airy, in Surry county. 1 "' Bill to authorize the Commissioners of! the city of Charlotte to Bell its pres- J ent jail and lot, &c, passed its second reading;. ' ' ' " ' ' Bill to authorize the Commissioners of Franklin county to levy a special tax, 'passed its second reading ' r- .i . The Senate concurred in the House amendment to the bill to incorporate the Bank of Fayetteville, restricting in- terest to the legal rate. '(A message was received from the House;: transmitting sundry engrossed outs w men were appropriately reiecrea. I Bill to incorporate the North Carolina classes Of the Reformed Church of the UbitedStatesJ't Vi-i'i y,i hi-P This exbausted the calendar of pri vate bills " .. ' Y ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.: j v Tuesdat, Feb 25tb, 187SV. 1 I i A : KIGHT 8ES8I0K. ' 1 By Mr. Johnson, a resolution relative to .the celebration of. the centennial an niversary of the Mecklenburg Independ ence, on utn way, 1070, which was adopted.''' " ".Y '"! 7':;" ! 5 K 1 By Mr. Lucky, a resolution) relative to the appeal in the United States Cir- i cuit Court, in the case of Henry Clews, Sibley, and others, against Eastern Di vision of the Western North Carolina Railroad. ,f ; j ;- : . ': ! By Mr. Bennett, a resolution in rela tion to the celebration of Centennial Anniversary of the Union, on the 4th J uly, 1876, at Philadelphia, which was Adopted. . " 7 i The AmnestybiU" ws 'postponed un- Amnesty' til to-morrow. j i-a Special Order.' u I House bill to incorporate the Cincin nati and Great Western Rail way, passed its second reading. , Calendar. The calendar . was placed at the dis posal of the Speaker, and the following bills were disposed ot; : House bill to allow, the Commission ers of Hertford county ta levy a' special tax. Dassed its third read in sr. f A resolution in favor, bf A.' M. .Lewis, Jr.r .was introduced .by. Mr. McGehee and, referred., to.' an appropriate, Com- House bill to amend the charter of the Halifax and Scotland Neck , Rail road Company, passed its third read ing. . : ,'. ' V. . Y; - . House bill to authorize Granville county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Granville Railroad Company, passed its third reading. . House bill to, authorize the, Com mis sio n era 01 Pitt county, to levy a special tax, passed its third reading. ; Y ' . Senate bill to change the line between Waden wd.bps counties; passed its third reaaing.-VYYY -' - Senate bill, to, allow the , Commie- sioners ot uamuen county to levy a special tax, failed to pass its third read ing, --r i.Y ... . .Senate bill to allow, the Commis sioners of Beaufort to levy , a special tax, at-a inipi tAa iiniT i Senate-bill to revive an act to incor porate the Bank-ef-Raleigh-passed its second and third readings.: HousenhllliMo .'repeal chapter 167, law8;18G8, 1809, 1870, 871, and 1.872, relative to the r insane , Asylum, was 1 i aA . TThia hill nrnnnwa ti ronoal thit act which allows the several counties to draw $10Q . per ..year for maintaining idiots and - lunatics,: which are refused admission to the two Lunatic Asylums. i , Messrs. Dula, Rhodes and , Bennett supported the bill. Messrs. Gudger, and Guyther op; thebilL;,.. j.hm,; ..: n-,; ' , Oa motion of Lloyd: coL. the bill .was. indefinitely, postponed. j t ,: ! House : bill to amend the charter of the Western Division of the. Western North-' Carolina Railroad : Company, to allow the Company to wotk tbe PenitenUarrrToirrictsrrpassed second reading. ...u ( i, -a -f -.!,., i ,. v -rTbe resolution introduced . by Mr. Luckev. relative ,'toL the, appeal in the. i affainst,the,5VYe teraiTinvision -ol the x esiern ix., v ueauroau, pastwu teuuuu reading.' , Adjourned. !) . ji Wednesday,. , Feb! '261873 !fiait' irot ; ' Ifl oVlArlr''r Tiint' uovernor iu vnc vyuon. - .-t --, il.' Journal of 1 yesterday read and; ap : tt l! :lf f. ji ii , Mr.l Cunni unhingham presented a. memo rial' from the Commissioners of the town! bt MiFtbnv'in Oaswell county, 10' issue bonds; 'IRefetredj1 ' '-?s Reports - from : Standing' Commi ties were submitted by-Mesars. Cunningham, Murtay, ;Todd,. ! JDuaham, , Fiemming, Worth. Price andrLove , .n A'.messasew was,received frpoi the Hoose transmitting various bills, which were v concurred, iu or otherwise . dis DOSed Of.fj a I -vm. -v-t. -Utinli.tit Mx. Conningham introduced a bill, to empower, the Cpmmissionerspr the. town of Ml too to issue, bonds. .Keierred. ,.. , i, ,,Mi.DQnham.,a,biil to cuie defects in the saie of lauds by Executors, Adminis trators, &c,i JleUrrpd, ; ,., , i, Mr-iFlemmiDg, ft , bill in, relation to tba. Western. Nortii Caiclhi, Railroad. 281: This resolution empowers thtf Commis sioners named, Joseph H.' Wilson,' .Mathcw K Manly and Walter-L. Steele, to Confer with tbe parties interested -in the Western North Carolina Railroad, and if they and the parties to the second agree(then, under order' of Cbnrt the Commissioners may sell pendente lit for cash or on credit, reserving the funds to be properly applied, and take assurances for its' completion to the Tennessee line.- Referred v ;. ? ;: ; Mr. McCauley, a bill to repeal ao act concerning the exchange of stocks ot the State: for the bonds for which said stock was purchased, irtaced on calendar. . Mr. bey mour. a' bill in : regard to the weiahinir bf cotton in Craven coontv. Refe?red. ' " ! . .. , i . -. Mr; Morehead.i:ot Guildford, a-: bi.l to subm'it the proposed I Constitntiooal Amet dments, recently passed by; : the General Assembly , to the people of the State for their ratification or reiection. the said amendments to se fcnbm tted on the first Thursday in Vigust, 1373, i ne vote, upon tne aameito oe com- pared by the Governor, Secretary ot State, Treasurer and Auditor, -on i the first Monday in December, 1873. it. Mr. Humphrey moved that the i bill be referred to the Committee on Con stitutional Reform, with instructions to report the bill in such a manner as to uave the amendments submitted sepa rately to the people. Without any action being taken, on mption, the' matter was passed over informally. . - . Bill to regulate mortgages by corpo rations and sales under the same was considered. This is to enable any com pany to mortgage the property and franchise ot the eompany, and to de fine the rights of the purchasers under a franchise? 1 ii u ?; Y : Mr. Merrimon opposed the passage of the bill at some length, characterizing ias a dangerous bill, dangerous to the rights of the minority of the stockhold ers, to heirs and others. Mr. Davis moved to lay the bill on the table. Lost. Mr. Merrimon moved an amendment requiring the unanimous consent of . . . . - V . . stockholders to effect a mortgage. Lost After the adoption ot other amend ments. the bill passed its several read ings, and a motion to reconsider -.was laid on the table. . j i The bill entitled an act to raise reve nue came up as special order on second reading. - r an -tKA.-:. ',-u-;;tJ'.- The bill was adopted as it came f torn the House until section 25, Class C, was reached, which section refers . to the taxes to be imposed upon foreign fire and life insurance companies.- Af companies. ter allengthly discussion,the Senate final ly decided,by a vote of 16 to 15,to make the taxes to be imposed by,, the State Upon all Buch companies , two per cent. upon the gross receipts derived from the premiums charged for insurance ob tained in the State, except under cer tain circumstances, and allowing the counties to impose a similar tax. Pending further consideration, of the bill, the House adjourned. .- , i . . . WedbtesdaV, Feb. 26 lb 1873. NIGHT SESSION. . ; Senate called to order at 7:30 o'clock. Lieutenant Governor Brogden in the Chair' -. -:-:u;"-- Mr T? c ruQa introiinrfd ft hill tn' in corporate the Plymouth and Fairfield Railroad Company. The calendar was taken up and the following bills passed their third read ines: v,:: Y-s-; 'yJnvi Bill to amend the charter of the city of Raleisrh in regard to the repair oi sidewalks. i ; Bills to authorize the Commmsioners bf Yadkin county. Washington countj. Franklin county , and of the town ; of Murfreesboro to levy special taxes. Bill to authorize . the Commissioners ot Mecklenburg .county to sell their present jail,' and .to , levy a special tax for the erection of another jail and pther purposes. -! , ; . Mr. Love moved that the vote, by which the Marion and . Asheville Tnrn- pike bill failcdto pasa yesterday be re considered. -The motion prevailed, and the bill, was made special order for to morrow at 12 o'clock. . Resolution for the relief qt the Wil mington . and . Weldon Raiiroud Company rcfundiug $1,900.23 of taxes pad by that uompany under protest the U. S. Supreme Court having de cided in favor of the Company in a similar case was taken up. , The bill failed to pass by a vote of 30 nays to 5 ayes.j,, , -' ', Senate refused to concur in the House amendment to bill levying a special tax in Beaufort county the House, putting the tax to be levied at $2,000 instead of $7,000 as adopted by the Senate. . Bill retunding the taxes paid by the Atlantic, Tennesse and Ohio R.; R., during the ,; years 1871-'72. ,. Failed to pass second reading by a vote ot 18 to 20. ;!: : .,.!; . ...;..VI, Resolution in favor of James C. Mc- Gowan, passed its several readings. ... Bill authorizing the. Commissioners of Forsy the county to appoint a special tax . collector, passed its several read- intra s - . Adjourned, HOUSE OF ' REPRESENTATIVES. House called to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker Robinson. t , Y Y. . Journal ot, Saturday read and. ap proved, . : . Mr.; Presson was announced as being detained, from bis. seat by sickness. , Jiiessrs, .Bennett, raa ier, iiorrisou. Moring, Settle ind Brown, of Mecklen burg, submitted reports .from standing commutes. -; u-,. . ? By vll r G rady, a bill to. amend sub di vision 27, section 4, chapter 137, laws A 1870 1 Relerred,,-, 1f yOp, motion bl iMr. Brown ; ofYMcck lenburg, the billto prohibit . the sale' ot liquor in certain, localities in various counties was taken up.' it. On, motion qtiMr. Good wyn, the pro visions relating to the sale of liquor nar the FairGroijnils Of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society and BulahY Church.". Halifax.,' county, were ; A.f er the" adoption rad rejcction'ot ntta'jrous amenuieiits the bUl passed D AJXi Y NEWS, HATJC3 or ADVERTLsirra. , t One sqoara. ae r, ' ' " i 1 C3 V One squar two lnsertlonsMWMMM.MM. 1 M una square, mree injrt.in, - " a C3 ' One square, six tasertlona............ 1 8 63 ' L One square, three months....,,..,.. 16 00- . One square, six , ; 77,. . 8 e9- One square, f el ve month, moo ' - T ' - For larger advertisements, - liberal con- -tracts will, be made. Ten line olid non- - " pareu constitute one square. . ' .;; , . i 4 On taction of Mr. Gurthtr. bis mo. ! - k tiou to reconsider the vote by which r .i i Lin . .1 . . uiq uui to -fiiier tne uonsutution in re gard to the bay of ceabcrs ; of General ; Assembly tailed to pass ; itsfirst dread ing, maae some days ago, was taken jup - (rr AAnaM.Miijui . . . . i , . i ... - . . ..... . The motion to reconsider was' put to - voie ana received, 76 yeas and 3- nays. x.li . K-cr '.jfr-i.i Jt v . A point ot order waa raised that it required the same vote to reconsider as : it required to pass tbY bill, vii :. two-J , thirds of. .the represenution - of the : House. Thexbair said that the matter , , would be taken' uadeci advisement and! :!j a dcislob rendered iJ, the poias of . order in a short time. . r On motion of ilr. Bryson. of Swaio. the bill to amcod tho charter of ahe . Western Division of the Western Nvrth . Carolina Ratlruad was'.takea ua and Passed its serond reading, veaa 83. save : 4k. !: ti Mil : -l :;. -;:J .. :l : . The Senate bill for Amnesty and Par-; don came up as unfinished, business .9 Mr. McGi bee occupied the floor. He . had no personal interest in the matter. ' No drop of his blood flawed in the veins of any one who would be helped or hurt by the action, of the 3 House in. If this matter. 1 He did, not regard this as , 1 a political issue. . He bad been invited to, no caucus to consider the measure. No one had asked his views upon the matter and he had sought those of no one. For days after the bill had been: introduced in . the Senate he had kept. his lips sealed and communed within his breast as to what his action should . -Ll be. He alluded to the false report, now in circulation, as to . F A. . . Wiley, of rj Caswell county, having confessed to one Hester, complicity in the Stephens mur- der. ; nAt the time 4 the gentle- ; man from Mitchel 1 - (llu Bowman!! . if was on yesterday depicting, with great ) vividness . and circumstantiality, ; the scene enacted in . the murder of . this unfortunate man, he (Mr. : McGehee.) ' had proof in his pocket that the report was false in every particular, &c. ; . f Mr.' McGehee then passed on to the ; merits of the bilL He alluded to the -., passions engendered by the war and the , unsettled and. demoralized condition .. into whirh the country, was plunged, at . its . termination.'. He alluded to the . numerous violations of the chastity of virtuous femsles, -the cold blooded -murder of Col. Nethercutt, and others, and to the burnings of barns, dwellings : : in various localities. . Was it strange , that, men should have associated them- . . selves together to protect the honor of ' their women, and guard their property 1 against the incendiaries' torch, and especially after it became well known in. to what: a, stained condition the judicial ermine of this State had fallen. ' He mentioned ', some of the vindictive ' expressions that had fallen from the lips of Judge Tourgee, and drew a paralel between . that officer and the blopdy Judge Jeffries. , v ; Mr. McGehee then cited numerous acts of amnesty in Europe, and said that the crime sought to be amnestied by this bill was as the unit to the millioa, compared to the crimes covered up by the celebrated act of amnesty of Wil- s liam HI, of England. He appealed to both sides of the House to pass this bill ind bring peace and quiet to hundreds, ot ( fire-sides, and forever bury the wounas and wrongs of the past. He appealed to the Democratic party to Come up to the full measure of this lofty , mission ot grace and pardon, to many not intentionally or literally criminal, ' and many who were hurried into infrac- ' tions of tne law while smarting under cruel wrongs and denials of justice. ,; ; - Mr. Badger replied. He would favor , an act of general amnesty whenever it k bould be done, in his opinion, consist- -ently with good Order and public safety. He tlid not think that time had yet ; cornel . He continued at great length in urging objections to the bill. 1 The questian v recurred upon llf. 1 Badcer'a amendment which was not to B g - . 1 .1 . a . , x . rs a vote auu rcjcctcu oy a vote 01 yeas wo, nays 56. . Y-'i-,-,- .; .-.- 7- ?,,Y,-Y : . Tne amendment offered by Mr. Ben- net to except willful murder, burglary' and arson from the provisions of the bill ' was next put to &. vote and. adopted, yeas 93, nays 14.. ; , .., , .; ... , -. A multitude of all sorts of amend ments were offered ' and rejected, when the bill pass its seeond reading by the following vote : cJV- 1 i-uivv ! 'u - Yeas Messrs. Anderson. ,of Clay. Ballard, Bennett. BlackwelL Brown, of Mecklenburg, Bryson, of Jackson, Bry 8on, of 8 wain, Bryan,' ot Sampson, 1 Bullard, Byrd, Carter, Dickey, Freeman, Gant, Gidney, Gilmer, Grady, Gudger, Hanner, Haynes, Hinnant, Houston, Johnston, Jones, of Caldwell,' Jones, of Tyrrell, Joy ner Johns, L.lndsay,Luckey, Maxwell,' McGehee, McNeill, JUtcheH, Moring,. Morrison, Noraenty. Outlaw, Presson Held, of Meck'g, Richardson, Settle, Shaw, Shinn, of Iredsll, Shinh of Cabarrus. Shackleford. Stanford. Stowe, Toddj-Turnerj Warlick,. Wad dill , Watson, Waugh. Webb, 'Wiley Whitmire, and Woodhousa 37., Nats Messrs. Abbott, Badger, Bean, Blythe, Bowe, Bowman, Brown, David sop, Bryant,of Pitt, Bryant, of Halifax, Bryan, oi Wilkes , Brooks, Carson, Copelaad, Corson, Davis, Dudley, ;Dula, Ellison, Fletcher, Foster, Good wyn, Gray, Guyther, Hampton. Heaton. Hughes, - Jones, of Caniden; ' Jones, of Northampton, , Jordan, Kiag, Lloyd, Lutterlob, afarler, McLaurin,- 'Miller Michael, Mizzen, Patrick, Paschal!. Perry, . of Bladen, Perry, ot , Wake, Reid, . ot . Randolph, Rhodes, Sharp, Snecd, Winslow, Wlliamson, Wheeler and, Whisnant 49. . , Vr.-Y TXTOOD!S FAMILY- BOE ; HER V V rings. iS-a New No. 1 Shore Mackerel. ; "' New No 1 Cod-Fish.- - ' - smoked Broiling Beet . " ... ? . : j i Mmoked iief Toagne. ; :t, ... 'Mullet and rthad Roe. .. ... ,.J M echler's molted and Bologna;Bausaeh In store by ., - - ... fe 25-tf . ; . W. C. STRONACH.' f ORDERS FROM THE COUIITRY for JOB WORK : will receive prompt attention, and will be executed with neat aessakd cheapness, at the NEWS' offloe,' r. v ;. ,ij i r, j -; ; Fajettevllia street -r mhl , v t-rs'i, Y:--" ;:i RalalKh. N. C. Mess Pork, Bnlk Sides. N. C. and la tni Floor alr-icnr', 0 .i.-Vl dj dl ..t v. !"-.;,.- - :f i - f .