7 'WW -TOii .1 i DAlLYNiSs. SrOKK 4k UZZELL, - - P3 FATRtxrnxxSTKxnl Over W. C. Stronach 6 Co.'s txroxa. CASH IirVAaiAfcLY IK ADVA) i no daily flfiwij wiu oe aemfei abscribera at Ttmia gknts perlv payable to the carrier weekly. MaileV x Ti per annum ; gS.50 for six month ; $2 fo K 3 moron. i Tne nxsws at t' per anim MORNING. EDITION SATURDAY.-.. .MARCH 1. IS. The Daiei 'jliii 1 VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MOENING, MARCH lV 187& Knr-All narties orderinr the New viii alease sead the money for tke time the paper is wanted. Hf" Special Notieen inserted in tke Local Column will be charted (20) Twenty Cents per line. . ' . ...... Items Phom Our Oxford Cokbks-' poSdent. Ottr Oxford correspondent, under date of yesterday, giTea us the following items: " - v H. Mills arrired in town a few date ago with several Orphans a jtp be placed under the care andinstruc tion of Rev. A. D. Cohen, tbe Principal a cnarge ot the Asylum. This Institu od is last in its incentinn .nri i. inentlv worthy of the fasterW nam 1 JP ... . . pupia vi ma Dtate. Mr. Uohea 47-J.O. H.'Ncttaix, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, 1 agentfor thU paper la Charlotte. N. C. He la duly authorised to contract for advertisement and receipt for Hubacriptions. Mewrs. Qrlffln and Hoffman, Newspaper niU. OUUkU Maw Htes that anything that person see fit c be1 m mi con- rates. YSES; Tn Uilt CUf are requested to leave their favors with this house. THK iTHB AGRICCLTORAI. JOTrBNAI.ASD i tne u a i i.x with tbe f:. " 7,. t,- t 5i i nr annum, orders directed attention. inniiMAL. an eienicpaire 7. niii h clubbed wltD 1U 1 U19 iaj " xrvwa ot &.50 tier annum, and LOCAL MATTER. IS. C. WOODSON. City Editor 3P For laicst news by telegraph see Fourth Page. Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. 3 Post Office Directory RALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. ARRANGE OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 J A. M. TO 7 P.M. Time of Arrival and Cloting the Mail : Western Due at 7:89 A. m. Close at 5:30 P. M. Eastern Due at 7 F. it Close at 6:80 4. If. "Northern a Weldbn Due at 8:20 v. m. Close at 9:15 a. m. Northern via Greensboro Doe at o:fO m. Close at 6:80 F. M. Favetteville and Chatham Railroad ilail Due at 9:30 a. m. Close at 8:00 P. M. No mails received or sent on Sundays. Put nil letters for mailing in letter box, as that i the last place we look lot them before closing a mail. It is ot certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general de.ivery window, or to a Clerk. Office hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Debartments from 9 X. to 4 T.'U. C.J. Rogers, Postmaster. lVfc. Whether in th fihark nf tnnn. ' v. uiuuJ , inning, food or other necessaries, will accepiaote. Bugar. , coffee. flour, bacon, beef, beans, &c, t be donated bv nra. houfia of abundance are Uterallv filled to cohictness. Anv onei vhn ;d asuWey ot the intereslni- f joutVol inmates, with thai? Url.ZX countenances, wiU have the best a ot bis heart stirred witbiri .he success nf oA frauirhlwith infim.KL ate and herpovr in.;.. rising gyration that otlieAiB. I " Sm ue ruaeiy tossel on the tne lowest strata of tations to the induj r present and the practice of virtue smili emot him i chance, billows where te vice are menta to sent. , The ladi -valuable a 4 society, rence of induce rer ab lered making yariU articie8 of clotbinghat ..uuiuon oi the orplans W""W4VV " "jssary mat they shdild uarc at oucc wnrotect them from tual sunermg.T Q Vuanes ij. tji 0f the firm of Hill , , . -tuuu, a., ' is on a vis; pereiuuaiuK aurtue interest of hi house. , , It is reported tVt Mr. W. Hamilton young Attorney Law, will soon Uke uphis residue at Oxford. We trust soon to hear dne confirmation of tne report. ie National, attending Wil- )urt remains Local Briefs. Col G. N. Folk is at G; V. Strong, Esq., is ! son Superior court. Tbe quirt at the Polk undisturbed. i Fresh shad are getting lore plentiful n this market, and arc qufe popular. A set of Supreme Court Reports can e bought of H. G. Lewis, q.. of this ity. - Not en a dog fight brofe tbe mo tony of our streets yestelay after- OU. The adjustable spnng-bedlpttom is st uecoiuini' the rage. See lyertise lit elsewhere. Quite a number of the me Legislature will attend the ion at Washington City. - Cannot the celebrated Come Owens, be induced to pay th sit when he goes to Wilmingt When the Spring opens full the i Wc I lings will be commenced :d i tLis tdwrp. IT 1 9 rr a rv eiearn mat in lauy uo towrun, Dranville county, there have been sty - line births since tbe first of Janiv m Hurrah lor old Granville 1 1 . A . v . ..... .. 1 A Uroom factory will soon be sta P Wilniington by Mr. J. B. Wa uo iur a number of years was a bl upil at the Iastitution in the city. ' Mr. 0bot n. a train and feed deat t this city, to build a private wai uuse near tht proposed new buildu we uepot 01 the N. C. K. K. The erection ot Legislative. Tt Senate yesterday concuned in the HoL Amendments to the Amnesty bill, a.ndne game is now a law. The Revcuuelil passed its last reading, after some slqt amendments to the bill as passed Hou.e. The Senate appropriated 15,000 for the erection of a building Stable for the usoof tbe deaf, dumb blind for a colored asylum. Ti Treasurer was authorized to borrower the Treas ury of the 8tate, to mei deficiency existing, the sum ol $140,b. . The Senate will so it Executive session to day at 12 o'clocHp consider the appointments of the Cyernor for the office! recently made vnt under the recent decision of th Supreme Court. V r - rne proceeaings or tbe Ho were 0f an unimportant character. An guccess lul attempt was made by Mr, to get up the militia bill. I improbable that the bill will this session. lhe uou?e last night concurrein the Senate amendments to the Reveni bill, the most important of which w the tax upon foreign insurance comies. 1- 1 n, be) t orman now ached Fight for ' the Spoils. It is an nounced confidentially, in Republican circles in this city, that the official head of Cdvin Rogers, the Postmaster of this city, goes to the block, and ex-Goy. Holden takes upon his shoulders the mantle of that decapitated functionary. This is considered certain by the know ing ones. It is also asserted in the same circles that Hon. W. A. Smith has recommended the appointment ot Willy D. Jones. exAsse88or. as Revenue Col- tor of this district tice I. J. Young, the present incumbent. So it is settled that Mr. Young's bead is to roll. . We sup pose Mr. Smith is paying a debt of gratitude. ' ' ; ; v Mr. Jones, after finding; out that, he could not get the Congressional nomi nation last summer for himself, threw his influence for Mr. Smith and sue cceded, after a ho; and close contest, in securing him the nomination against Mr. Young. This is a family fight i6t the " loaves and fishes," and . we don't care a cent which whips. We should like to see the fight terminate like that of the Kilkenny cats. -' We also learn that it is decided that Mr. Albert Johnson, of this city, is to succeed Mr. Leach as Vice Principal and Steward of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. It is rumored that the slate is made up for the distribution of the other offices connected with the differ ent institutions in and around this City, but we have not yet learned the partic ulars. Supreme Court. The Court met yesteTday at the usual hour. AH of the Judges present. John G. Dancy, Adm'r, of Halifax, vs. W. H. Smith, et al, Battle & Son and Conigland for plaintiff, and Moore & Gatling for defendants. Argument con cluded. John G. Dancy, Adm'r, of Halifax, vs. John J. Long et al. Battle &, Sons for plaintiff, and Moore & Gatling and Bitchelor and Conigland for defen dant. Argument concluded. . The Court adjourned before the ar gument in the case of the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad vs David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer, irom Wftke. Messrs. Batchelor, Edwards & Batche lor, Smith & Strong and Walter Clark lor the plaintiff and the Attorney Gen eral for the defendant. The Court meets again this morning at the usual hour. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR O LIN A house; of Mr. Anderson Excused. Th lowing resolution was introduced i rT r t . . ? mi uuuk vi xicpreseutauves on i uuriy evening by Mr. Gudger and adop Tbe resolution explains itself: " Whereas, The committee appoi ed to investigate the matter of the 1 ter written oy J. s. Anderson, a men' ber of this House, to J. W. Norwood, Senator ol this General Assembly, hav reported that " Mr. Anderson had no purpose to infringe the privilege of Senator Norwood, &c, therefore, fictolved, That it is the sense cf this House that J. S. Anderson was not ac tuated by or guilty, of any corrupt pur pose in writing and seeding said letter, and is therefore fully exculpated from all charges against him in this House." Gov. Caldwell's Appointees. The Boards of Directors for the different Institutions in and about this city, sent to the Senate by Governor Caldwell, and which will be acted on by that body in executive session, to day at 12 m : Imtitution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. John Nichols, T. F. Lee, Albert Johnson, T. M. Argo, R. S. Tuck er, C. D. Heartt and Handy Lock hart. Penitentiary. Gen. Alfred Dockery, John R. Harrison, G. W. Welker, Willie D. Jones and Jacob S. Allen. Insane Asylum. Wesley W hi taker, R. C. Badger, Dr. E. B. Haywood, J. P, Prarie, J. G. Ramsay, G. W. Stanton, Dr. T. L. Banks, C. L. Harris, Jas. W. Hood, Geo. W. Brodie, T. G. Walton, Henry Walser, Dr. M. Whitehead and Dr. A. B. Chappin. Keeper of Uapitol. Isaac W REPRESENTATIVES. . MIGHT SESSION. '' .: Thursday Feb. 37.1 ; At 7:30 o'clock Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order The first question was on he motion of Abbott, coL, to reconsider the vote by which tbe bill for amnesty and par don passed its third reading, and which, on motion of Mr. 'Settle, "was tabled yeas 83, nays 14. '; v'S'?'?1 K:'X. The bill to incorporate the Plymouth and Fairfield Railroad Company was taken up and passed: its several read ings. . ". : " .'. !" i .The bill to regulate mortgages by corporations and sales under the 'same was -taken . up and passed; itsSBeveral readings. ,k '-''' Mr. Gudger introduced a resolution in favor of J. S. Anderson. A bill to authorize the Commissioners of the town of Washiogtoa to. levy a special tax. . . ; "; ""i ; . . The bill to authorize the Commis sioners of Cumberland county to levy a special tax passed its second reading -yeas 87, nays 1. ''. ; The resolution in relation to Mr. J. S. Anderson, exculpating'him from blame in reference to his letter to Senator Norwood, was adopted. ' The bill in relation to the charter of thetown'ot Trenton, in Jones county, was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill to incorporate Jonesboro, in Moore county, was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill concerning dams across Ca tawba river was taken up and, upon motion of Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, was laid on the table. The bill in reference to public bridges over the Dismal Swamp Canal was taken up and passed Its several read ings. The bill to authorize a survey of the State line between Cherokee county and Tennessee was taken up and passed its several readings. The resolution in favor John H. Hill passed its several readings. The bill in favor of the heirs of Jesse McEoy passed its several readings. The bill in reference to the Wilmingt ton Ship Canal Company was, on mo tion of Mr. Morrison, laid upon the table, ' X The bill to incorporate the N. C. Clas ses of the Dutch Reform Church was taken up and passed its several read ings. . k; - The resolution in favor of the Enroll ing and Engrossing , clerrks passed its several readings. x Rogers Sick and Destitute. On Thurs day evening, just as the shades of nigh.t were deepening, tbe police picked np an unknown while man on Hargett street in a sick and destitute condition. He was conveyed to the station house, and nourishment and medical aid given him. He has obstinately refused to tell his name, but says that his home was originally in Newberry, 8. C, but now in Nansemond county, Ya., whither he was groing when overtaken by sickness. He is at present provided for at tbe Pit: ITntffl wliprAPVcrv attention ia nairi p i " " J f to him. . - ... .' - ware.hou i The State Agricultural Journal. Rowan County. Rowan county has reason to be proud of her Representa lives. Messrs. Luckey and Craiee. rhe latter has been detained from his seat or several days du ring tbe last week, ut is always at his post when able to tend. , This is Mr. Uraige's hrst ses- n in the Legislature, but he has taken stand in the House of which his nds may well be proud r. Luckey was in tbe last Legisla- tit, and was well known as one of its mt useful and efficient members. Dufog the present session he has la bori with great diligence and zeal in theVerformance of his public dutits and la entitled to the thanks of his constaents and of tbe people of tbe Stattbr his services in their behalf. . the new i the N. C. R. R. depot will shortliLThe second number of this journal, feeS' UlUdiQS " fiublished in this city by Capt. R. T. SKW M publishes Lrning, . . , 'a presents a most handsome appear- I Mr. T. J. Reams adrtlM in aA other i be. A list of its contents can be found luian that he has o exhibition at thel Vur advertising columns. Copies of fHoro House to-day tbe "Champion pwe Aiover." uo and see it, , Ube bar-room of Messrs. Millar & lelwn is always supplied with everyr that is good in the drinking and ting line. Their house is open at all ;ra. ; I ? Qet your " Corns, Bunions and Bad f s cared by Dr. Lindoman, without i His charges are moderate. Ladies laaeu at their residences without ex- .caargeV. D. L. will attend patients y-j uuui a p. IU. uive uiw a vail. Tbe Penitentiaby Contbact. be pmittee appointed to confer with the pssrs. Coleman Brothers to negotiate "e part of tha ritate for the release tbe contract tor building the Peni- r'lary, reported to the Senate last i;ut, to the effect that these gentlemen luia release the contract for the sum $35,000. An interesting debate cn- d, a synopsis ot Which will be found ur repor; elsewhere, rhe bill passed the Senate, and being awards transmitted to tbe uouse fied that body by a large. vote. u 1 otice. Mr. J. J. Mine tree, of Loo- li'igt has for sale a Tenon Machine 1 1 SDoke Lathe, with all the neccssa- hxtures tor making spokes. See ice elsewhere. I paper can be seen by application at . i office. It is worth onlv S2 per an- and is clubbed with the News at tates. i, . X Ambers of the Legislature should ev tibe before leaving for their homes. U- - t Thos. C. Fuller. We are gr l to learn that this distinguish ed! eman has concluded to remove froi yetteville to Raleigh, and will in t, ture practice law in this city In co-rA rship with Messrs Merrimon tier was a member oi the Con Sngress, and is well known as I 1 .. 3 auiest lawyers sou ucn the State. TT a -dov f aw rw ootanMa mm a. a viu vokwiu nd and fellow-citizen, Mr. Herbert,, li. was united in marriage j evening to one of Hills laughters. Miss Marv E. Heartta ot L.-E. Heartt, of this city. Ikl nction with a host of friends oi ;ouple,' both in this city and Hillsl te offer our good wishes. We hope! a current ot their lives Curbed by a single wave 'flow ; on smoothly to ei rout ? erberi on wedi boroVfa feden peaki will neverl of odversitv tbe end. (3) A"j Whiskey I timulant, Century vsumul SENATE. Friday, Feb. 28th, 1873. Senate called to order at 10 o'clock, Lieut Gov. Brogden in the chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Norwood gave notice that he would introduce a resolution to the effect that the two Houses go into ex ecutive session to-morrow at 12 o'clock, in order to consider the message from the Governor transmitting his nomina tions for the offices of the different State Institutions, under the recent decision of the Supreme Court, Mr. Respess, Senator from the Second District, tendered his resignation, in consequence of being an officer of the United States. An address was read to the Seuate from that gentleman bidding farewell to the Senators, and expressing his appreciation of the courtesy with which be bad been treated. Mr. Cunningham asked the unani mous consent of the Senate to take up a bill introduced by himself to allow the town of Milton to issue bonds. Carried. Mr. Cunningham said the bill au thorized the Commissioners of Milton .. , Thebill concerning the; Marion snd Asheville Turn pike , Company,; carrying out the provisions of the act incorporat ing th'esameijwa again, cb vete by .which it failed j three days ago having, been reconsidered, h Lost by' i Tote Qf 18 yeas, 24 nays. , ' ' V A motion to reconsider the, vote was; laid oh the table, ."..t'J,, The:4omflibu87 liquor prQhibition, bill was reported '. from the Committee4 , of Conference of the two louses, , embra'c ing.yariousamendm Mr. Allen reported from the Judiciary Committee the amnesty bill. ' , 0,1 .: r Mr. Seymour's amendment tp excuse certain parties was lost 17 yeas, 25 ny. ; J,'. - . ', .: . ; . t The House , amendments , were con curred in'" , , t .:t. , : ' :- l ' Mr. Mtrrimon, a resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Buncombe coupty.; ', The Chair announced a message from tne supreme Court, transmitting an opinion of Judge Rodman concerning service rendered by Judge. Hehry. Recommending that he be paid .$350 for holding certain Courts. ,; Mr, Merrimon offered a resolution that the same .he paid( Judge Henry Adop ted. ; .'. .' ; ' h i i " Bill concerning the laying off of pub lic highways' in Burke and . Mitchell counties! Passed. Uai:.'tVfir. il ' : Bill concerning the working of the Penitentiary convicts upon the Western Division of the W. N..C. R. R. Passed, A bill amending the School Act. Passed. . . V. . ' ; Resolution concerning , the distribu of the laws of '68 '69. Passed, j . ... Mr. Murphy, a resolution appointing Dr. Wm. R. Sharp and Captain. C. B. Denson members of the Board of Pub lic Charities. Adopted. . V The Revenue Bill was put upon its third reading, and, after being amended so that the Register of Deeds be entitled to fifteen cents tor each return made by any merchant to be paid by the ceun tj with some other amendments of a minor character, it was passed. Bill concerning tbe establishment of an institution in Raleigh for the colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind passed . its several readings. It authorizes the ap propriation ot $5,000 for the erection of. a suitable building for the purpose on a portion of the public grounds in Raleigh. .Bill passed its third reading by 29 ayes, 9 hays. During; the debate upon this bill, Messrs. Murphy and Scott made warm and earnest appeals in favor of the un fortunates who it was sought to benefit. Mr, Chamberlain called up bill pre venting the obstruction of fish passing up Roanoke river. Passed its several readings. ' "". ..' ..... . v Resolution in favor of Sheriff of Buncombe county, and John Bowles, of Catawba that they be allowed by the Treasurer money for the warrants which they had taken up in favor of the Marion and Asheville Turnpike Company. Failed to pass. x . Resolution providing for a deficit in the Treasury. Authorizes the Treasurer to borrow a sum not to exceed $140,000. Passed its several readings. . j Bill for the relief of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum appropriating $15,000 to the same. Passed its . several read mgs. v - - -; v.- Mr. Cowles called up bill for chang ing the time of holding the Courts in the 10th Judicial District. Passed.". Bill to repeal certain parts of chap. 170 of laws 1868-'69. Passed. ; Adjourned. , . v evening session. ' " Lieut. Governor called the Senate to order at 7 o'clock. The following bills passed third read ings: ; . ' ' . ' i- ' Bill to re-charter the Hickory Nut Turnpike Company. ' . . ? Bill to repeal chapter 79, law 1868 and '69; - -u.L : ... a,' if on the contract would be one branch of repudiation.; The bill passed its second reading by oteof Si yeai,' tiays.fu' j .. Bill - passed: its ' third 'rbadrng bv a' Vote of 33 yeas, 8 hays;" li : "' ,J : Messrs.5 Cowles, ' Ellis,1- of . Catawba, Gudger, Horton, Poweil, Seymour, and ;Wetch voting in the negative;4 " i ; Btir W repeal chapter 3, 'public Jaws 1871-72,' passed its several readiagg. Bill incorporating' the Cincinnati and Great Southern' Rail way ''was considr ered. h'l ,J- umui, L-.-h j . V1 Mr. Fleming' rnoVed' io amend by pre fixcirig his bili'prbtidin'g fiVe commis sioners to' confer with Messrs. Wood ftp and " Ma'ck Erwin ik! tetatfoh to 'the sal and completion "of the ''Western North Carolina Railroad. ; i r'J -J; ' ' 5 MrvHumphrey iriov'e'd1 to' 'strike Out the names in, the bill anH; insert Messrs:' Wm. A. Aliens J. M.. Worth, AY 8.-Sey-: mour, J. L.. Robinson and T. A.,NichoI- son in piace oi inose named oy Mr. Fleming." ' '' - . I Mn ? . Flemming's amendment was adopted together with the1 amendment of Mr. Humphrey... . i "itiii tlr! Cowles , offered an amendment that no sale made under this act shall be binding by ihe State until such ac tion shall have been submitted to,, the General Assembly. ' i 1 This ameidment'occasioned a debate, during which Mr. Ellis, of Catawba-; claimed that he represented a Jarge num ber ol the private stockholders in this road, and be knew they were , opposed to the proposed step he was in favor of letting the suit take its own course, and not. taking such , hasty taction as now proposed. . . , t Messrs. Merrimon and Flemming op posed the amendment: 5 Mr. Cowles' amendment failed by a yote of 15 ayes to 20 nays, , , . Mrf Merrimon oflered a substitute to the effect that Messrs. A. M. Scales, R. F. Armfield, M. P. Penland, L. M. Mc Korkle and W. W. M'Donell be appoint ed commissioners to confer with, the commissioners to be. appointed by the U. a. circuit uourt at ureensooro' con cerning the sale of the road; ' Lost, r Bill passed its second reading. . I Mr. Cowles moved as an amendment, that the committee shall sell the road for enough to defray all expenses incur red in the sale thereof j u ( ! 1 : " .. - Bill passed its third reading by a vote of 26 ayes, to 9 nays. ; : q ! Bill ..amending -4he- charter of the town of Dallas. Passed. 1 ' Resolution in favor of Samuel Rives, Jr., and others for the apprehension of one Kctchey. Passed, -j , , : .f DAILY NEWS. . ;RATES OF ADVERTISING. une square, wae Insertion One square, two lssertlona One aq nare, three lasertlona. One aquare, six insertions une square, -one month. f 100 . 160 , 2 00 S 50 800 Id 00 80 00 60 CO One square, three months One square, six moDt.ha. One souare. t- elTt. mnnt.ha iSfFfL "ivfrtlsementa, liberal con tracts will be made.: Ten line solid nm.. parell constitute one square. , . . ' - - . tJ , . t . K'''lCTl(AlftH O T E L. Has been re-opened, tor the reception of thetravelinrpuhllK X" ' i , A. JPahtj-m, General Manager, - ' IiHORToiffJOfflMtllarteTr '' .jW.JL(BnvC(er, . j c iAiilJHaaaatn cnarge or Bar and BlUlardKoomi Latovtu svu Visitors may be assured that the past refutation -or the Hoase wtli be maintain- Iiessees. f. J. HAYWico0;iaV!5. vic H.rJbAoijiT, 1" Jx A'D ,HP N C '"1 L A. large Assortment latest styles just hancU:. i 'imt t. S'jij,. BR A JN SON noy3G-t( , , BcsokseLr filejh. H to V). (BARRELS .WHISK E Y. vuru, XI. KJ.t .'If Common Rye, fl.03. . ti oommon Cera; i$Lfl5.'iii -. For sale by , " f fe 2l-tl O. T; STfBONACtt BRO. f. IXQ&oG SEED. aoO Bushegennlne,. , q,t A for sale at 50;cento pef BnsheL ' Apply to , t W. H. fe B. S,, TUCKER t cO. ' feb27-12t. " A ; ' ' i " ;v I P E A & L f lH ;0 M I NY, Carolina Eice, - Split Peas, ... 'Tapioca,-- ! o f Pearl Barley, W . t ,, BuckwneatF16ur, ' Oswego Com Starph, ; , W. C STRONACH- ATA P'Snn " TJ a HfTT.V tt yttt "Elmgrove" Family Flour. uuy ana Try" Family Flour. ebJW-tf. ;W. O. STRONACH. 1ST A V AS S A GUANO Exceltenza Cotton Fertilizer. c isn uuano. . - ... Soluble Sea Island Guano, i . Empire Guano. Sold by . , , ., . - 1 1 ' 1 W.' C. STRONACH. J O L A S SE S AND S Y RUPS. . WMte Standard Drips, No. 1 Golden Syrup, . ' No. 2 Golden Syrup, 5 1 5 1 New Orleans Molaases, , Sugar House Molasses. " ' tM 24-U. ,; . : W. C. STRONACH. - Mr. Waring. Chairman of the Corn- to submit to the qualified voters' of the mittee appointed to negotiate with the town the oue8fion of issminir bonds of Messrs. Coleman Brothers in regard to RKtbNATION OF A SENATOR. Mr. Respca from Beaufort, representing the SeconcPSenatorial District; yesterday resigneohis seat in the Senate in con sequencipf hia holding a position un der the Wderal Government, and the late ordevoi the President concerning governmdt officials going into effect on juonaay. Mr. Resfess U a Republican, but we must accdrl to him the justice to say that his coase during the session just closing nas teen commendable, and we have seen ba little party spite evidence by him. Monday's Session. If is hiehly probably thatfauch . important business will be left ontbe calendar to be dis posed of on Ionday. The members should not be t fore tbe sessio said town to the amount of $10,000 to aid in the construction of a, -Railroad from said town to some point on the Richmond & Danville Railroad at or near Barksd ale's station That Mil ton was a very flourishing town hav ing built in , tbe last two years several large warehouses, that the farmers of the surrounding counties sold the lar ger part of their crops of tobacco there that tbe town is tree from debt and that the Roane ke Navigation Company charged for the mere privilege cf boating in Dan River the freight between Mil ton and Barksdale's an amount suffi cient to pay interest on said bonds an nually. " S It was objected to' this bill on the second reading that it was unconstitu tional. On examination he found that all the authorities were in -his favor. Tbe Supreme Court had decided it to be constitutional. Mr. C. cited the de cision. He also found that other acts of the same kind had been passed. The bill passed its third reading unanimously. " M Mr. Troy introduced a resolution to closed let ever' possible before closes. X anxious to leave be shall have positively I repeal an act for exchanging the stock hing be done that is I held by the State for bonds by which ie session of Monday Caning. The employees at the Howe Sewing Machine fctablishment, in this city, yesterday ge Mr. Carrier, - the gentlemanly agent,! haadsome cane-ing. He doubtless deserd it. " ? x NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. O T 1 C JS I have on hand a TEN a SPOKE LATHE, with fixtures for maklne S almost new.and wisblns will sell on very reasona and see me. or addresn J.J. mm-zt i .1 Lb 4 iN MACHINE and 11 the necessary aes, which are dispose or tnem e terms, come INETREE. isbnrg, -N. C. . I Q O M E AN i SEE . ( THE CHASIPiON : H O U S E JO K E II, on exhibition at the Yarboroulouse from iv . ni. vo o p. m. (o-aay. - v Agents wanted. I T.J. IKAUV. ut- PrlMetor. 5 the said stock was purchased Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, called up bill appointing a time for submitting the proposed Constitutional Amend ments to the people. . The same to be submitted to the vote of the people of the State on the first Thursday in Au gust, 1873. Passed its several read ings. ; ' Mr. Humphrey, a resolution concern ing the exhibition of maps and descrip tions of tbe State at tbe World's Fair at Vienna. Laid over under the rules. Mr. Powell, two bills, , incorporating the Lockville Locomotive and Car Com pany, and tbe Haw River Iron Compa ny. Iteierreo. , A number of reports Irom Standing Committees were made. ? f i-; Tbe Amnesty bill.was transmitted from the House with amendments. . - Mr. Seymour offered an amendment providing that the . provisions ot the same shall not refer to any member of the Union League, Red Strings or He roes ot America. ' f Referred to Judiciary Committee to report at once upon an amendment made their relinquishing the Penitentiary con tract, submitted au . elaborate report, stating that the Messrs. Coleman would surrender tbe.contact upon the payment of $35,000. Report . accepted by ; -a vote of 28 to 8. k . : i ... ; Mr. Waring introduced a bill au thorizing . the State Treasurer to pay the Messrs. Coleman Bros, for rescind ing the penitentiary contract $35,000, according to the report of the Com mittee., - Mr. W. supported his bill in an earn- , est manner. Btating that tbe State could save thereby more than $200,000 the work could be done by the convicts at a nominal cost. ; . Mr. Welch opposed the measure, as. he thought tbe contract itself, was a fraud, and should not be recognized. Mr. Gudger could not favor the bill, as the State Treasury could not stand such a tax upon it. - .- Mrr Morehead; of Guilford, thought this tbe easiest way ot getting out of the dilemma; The Legislature had recogniz ed the contract as good, and it was too late now to declare otherwise.- He thought $35,000 a cheap release to. the State. ; - .. Mr, Ellis, of Columbus, endorsed the views ' held ; by ' Messrs.1 Waring and Morehead. This.8, release , would ' be . a happy one to the State. , ; . Mr. Norwood said there was a time when the State could have gotten rid of this contract but it could not be done now. . We were now bound bound by the contract, and he thought this is a good, release.-. ... j r-ct Mr. Troy would vote for this bill with pleasure. - The contract would give a profit to the contractors of more than a quarter million of dollars. The Messrs, Coleman Brothers have a legal right to carry out the contiact aAd t hold the State responsible, : and he thought the State would be fortunate to be released at the figures named; -. r ' - ' Mr. Welch again. argued that he did not believe the State' was legally bound to the Messrs Coleman Brothers. - . . Mr. Merrimon thought the: contract. was valid, and could not be undone ex cept in the manner proposed.' Mr. Worth said the, State w6 firmly , bound, and it was f only :-'a question a to whether we would repu diateto refuse to negotiate or to car- HOUSE OF . REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. 1 Speaker' Robinson called the House to order. - Journal of yesterday read ' and ap proved. . . -i Reports from various Stan ding Com mittees were submitted. -' The bill to levy a special tax in Orange county passed its - second read ing, yeas 94, nays 0. ! 1 ; By Mr. Badger, of Bladen; ; a bill to prevent the sale : of liquor to minors. Referred.' r By 3fr. Whcelcri'a bill in favor of the sureties of Mr. Mas ten, late Sheriff of Forsythe county. - ! ''' ! The rules suspended - and the bill passed its several readings. ' f" The bill to incorporate the town of Coleraine, Bertie county, passed its sev eral readings. J -' ; ' ; ' i rrne Dili to allow a special ' lax in Franklin county , passed its second reading, yeas 88, nays 0. The bill to continue in force an act to levy a special tax in Cumberland county passed its I third reading, t yeas t The bill to authorize - magistrates to deputize persons to summons in civi cases passed its; several readings . after being amended so as to -confine the op erations of the bill to Orange county.' The hill to allow the Commissioners of the town tt Chapel Hill to collect arrears of taxes, passed its several read ings.' - 5 w - ' ; . ,7 The bill to prevent the sale of liquor in the town ol Murfreesboro passed its several readings. ' ' - . 'The resolution i n '' reference to the Public Printer was taken up and adopted.-.' ; '' ':' . ' The bill to amend the act concerning inspectors in the city of Wilmington was taken up od passed its several reading3.:n; i..w. t-n v:,:- -:: The bill for the relief of the people of Forsythe county in reference to the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad was taken up. y ' ! A rather lengthy debate ensued. -1 Mr. Badger lavored the bilL Mr. Bennett opposed it. ' ' : , Mr. -i Welch offered an amendment making the provisions of the bill appli cable to Burke county. Lost.' ' , Mr. Whisnant offered an amendment making the provisions Of the bill apply to the county ol Kutherlord. ' ; ,t; Mr. Johnston Urged s the adoption of Mr. Whisnant's amendment. ' : j Mr. Luckey moved to table the whole matter, Carried. - - -;- ; The resolution in favor of Judge Jas. lu Henry; paying him $350 for holding certain courts, was taken up. ; On motion of Mr. Bennett the further consideration of the matter was oost- poned until the next session of the Leg lsiaiure. Aajournea. - J U iiR E C E I T E D ; 15 Sacks ehoice Rio Coffee. ' 1 ;-;i GO barrels Sugar, all grades, 20,000 pounds Balk Sides. 2,000 pounds Bulk Shoulders J i 3 car loada Molasses In barrels, tierces and hogsheads. s v -. ' .- .: ou uoxea uanay. assorted and braided. 25 boxes Lemon Biscuit. - i 20 boxes Brandy Peocbes. . i Also a laree lot ot Corn. White and Stock Peas. .. . ., ,.4 ; . febl4-tf ' M.A.PARKER. ' " ' 'I ' ' "' '''. I Hi i H iw FINE SEGAR3 AND CHOICE Chewing Tobacco at MOSELEYS. THOR JOB WORK OF EVERY -L eharacte go to the NEWS' Offioe, iayeiieviue street, oTer W. C. Btronaah A Co E ARE RECEIVING1 DAILY Large quantities Corn and Meal. ' H'.POOL. fc MORING, ; feb25-tf Wholesale Grocers. jypRCHANTS ; WISHING TO purchase In this market; wllf flhd it to theli interest to examine. our stcekand prices before purchasing elsewhere. ' t PRIMROSE, PETTY A NEWSOM. decs-tf i 1 t 1 " ' 1 ' 1111 F R E 81 ARRIVALS " Atf MOSELE TCB1 Confectionery. ORANGES, APPLES. .& LEMONS, ' Jnst to hand at J 4 ' MOSELEY'S. At -L? Ees Nae. E 8 H G:B ACKERS . Cteam, Boda. Butter. Family, Nl nuon sua otneraat MUO&iiHtX ts. aOOME AND EE WHAT I HAVNT J got. You will be waited en cheerlully febl2-tf Fayettevllle Street, Raleigh. FCkXlXrEE 1SD norSEOOLD AJLTICLES. ' Being aboht to give up House-keeping, I offer or sal at Very -low rateay . parlor, ..: 'I Bitting Boom, . Bed Room, .. . , ' Dining Room, Library and Miscellaneous Furniture 4 - ALSO . . .i ...... f. ..,,. V -A- t: i Carpets, Stoves, Crockery, rictures ana Ju.irrorsr . ,;u i KttcheA Furnltuie. and Curtains. . i Garden and Farming Implements, ; Carriage, Buggies, Spring, Wagon, tc. If not disposed of at private sale will be sold at" . r- - ti iu v .Onthepremiea- on v . Tuesday, Marck 4th; 1873. .j.i.-t "Kt;-; .Tjfc'HMENMINGKR, :Ce5-eodlm. , , . Hewbern Avenue. a iTi BBLS. . FAMILY FLO UR - '20 Bbls. Soda Crackers," 'l "T , i' ? 4mieka Rio Coffee, at 1 1A "! - j febtf r POOIi A MORINGTS.J' tTTOOD'S FAMILY ROB l' HER-: 4 Wirings; v-5;ia :--.r ,: t.:,vyih ' EABOARD & "ROAN OKB ) . . . ; - .- t. RAILROAD COMPANY. . OX-bick 8. A R. R. R. Co., I -. Portsmouth;- Va Jan. 1, 1871. j On and after this date, the trains wl leave Portsmouth (Sunday exoepted)as lows: , . Mali train dally at ' '' Sam. Through freight train daily at 120 p. t , Way Freight Trains Mondays, Wed-' nesoays ana Fridays at ., , MW a a arrive at Portsmouth; Man lralffa311yal" t;Ur Tbranga Krelght train aall? al' 4S r. Way Freight Train Tuesdays, v Thursdays 4nd Saturdays at r-AJSO Mail Traliis stop at all stations lor pass sengers; Tnvongn irreignt Trains stops uowers uai. sonerav eacanorn, rrankJis Boykin's and Seaboard tor pfer2tre freight. ' " 49-Mall train connects at .Weldon wit the trains of the Wilmington and Weldonf Raleigh and Gaston railroads " And on Mondays. Weenesdaysr and days at Fraaklin, with eteamer for Ede ton, Plymouth, and Landings on Black water and Chowan rivers. - ; ? E. G. GHId, . mhl-tf ' " Supt: of Transportaticau in HA N G E O F BOH EBU L B RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AiR-LXNE. - ; - KCPlCttlNTKNClCKT'H Umt -On and alter Saturday, ,Kaxv.8Dth. t0 trains on the R. A A. A L. Read wiU run dally, (Sunday excepted.) as fellows .New No. l Shore Mackereu ,ia s .. f new no i voa-t isn. . , - ' ' T A.WS..u 7-' I Smoked Beef Ton Mullet and Shad nea. gnea Roe. I f ' ' H center's Smoked and Bo6gnaf5auiage, ' In store by t- .. ' " i .,. dty s p p ti ad ; Graham Flour, tr.C8TTJ02fACSl! J" Mall Train leaves Raleigh, ; ' S.S3 P. M. -Arrive at SanXordV' ! JA n Mall Train leaves SanJord, '' 8.80 A. AiJ Arrives at Raleigh, MU train i makes uoae-connection at RAlelh with the Raleigh and Gaston, RallJ road, to ana .rum nil pol'ifs North. ' And at Sanford . wltu tin Wtstern- Rail road, to and from Fay ettv 111 e and point on Western Railroad. w : I; A. B. ANDREWS, euperintendenl. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY J for JOB WORK will receive piompt aitution, and will be executed wltu neat .rayettevllte stre v -t: by the uouse.

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