t ZZZT Zir-znr"" " '; " ; " "i.r..L i rsm--T "' "' Z r daily news. S TONE fc UZZELL, - - PROPRIETORS. Fattetteville Street, Over VV. a fStronach & Co.'s Store. ' i . CASH, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ubscrlbers at fifteen cknts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 17 per an nam ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for thre months. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annunc PitOFifiSSlONAJ CARDS. A. S. JIERKIMON. S. A. ASHE. , THOMAS C. FULLER. MKRRIMON, FILLER & ASHE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, HALE I (ili; N. C. ' Will practice in the State and Federal J uoui is, wnerever nieir Bcrviues iuuji h p. r p. o u 1 r e d . OFFICE: Formtr omee of Phillips & Mer- riniou. X reDZS-dm o V I D E I) U P R E E (Lately of Ilaleijih, N. C.,) Attorney and Counsellor At Law, No. 6 Wall St., New Yokk, Will attend promptly to all Professional business entrusted to him. Ileitis to t lit Cliitt Justice uud Associate Justices oi t e Supreme vourt ol jsorth Caioi.iia, and to the wuu.e bar of Kortu Carolina. lebls-n s. B . 8'PKUIL L ..... J R A T TO'HNKV A T L A V J A C K ON , N . C . Will practice in all the Courts of Ilaliiax, hilut'LUl Uc tiUU aNultlliiili p.uli COUU.K. lu me riuprmuu Cuuii ui xviu caiuiiuu. and 1.1 tiie federal luuiis. collections made in ail parts of NortL. E O II S N O VV IT L,l f 2i . C . , HALElGli. i'ractice iu the htutc and Federal t ourts Prompt ctitentivn giVt-n l lue collection oi Ciaiiiia ia ill pans ui the stale. Jan 15-liU J. B. BATCIIELOR. L. C. EDffAKB ,W. 1'JL.UAl.JtIi.K BAXCUK1.0it. B DATOliELuH. EDWARDS AND !JAiClit.LOH, ATTOUNJiYS AT LAW, UALEIGU N. C. ' Will attend In the t ur -e of Wake, Gran ville, l-'iaukliu, W arioa, lialiiax, jS'urtn aniion and .huthain, and the Federal and auprtme ouris. jana-ti A. LEX S M I T II A 'A' TORN 12 V AT LAW , SCO 1 L AN D N E CK,: N . C Will practice In the ourts orHalllax and adiuiiantL counties. ContcUons attended to in all parts of the a tale. aay li-ti i mm. - ii' M U L Q LA ii k E N -, r. . ii" HALIFAX. N. c. iTactice iju all Jie Courts of Halilax JNoithamptou and Kdgecumbe couuueo An tue oupiemo Court oi iNortii Carolina and in the Jt'ederai Courts. . couections maue in all parts of North Caiouua. mu4-ly. CONIGL.A.KD, WM. H. ADT LAW PARTNERSHIP. O IN 1 G L A N D & D A Y , :. ' I ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW, 1 HAL1PAX; N. C. ' " Practice in the Courts of Hn.liruy ai loining countiesin the tiupreme Court 01 tue otate, una m toe r eueiai courts. They Will give special attention to collecting ana consulting uusittess, and to adjunjUug the accounts oi exec u tors, ad minis trators and guaiunins. - The Junior partner wijl attend at his of- I jicc in weuiou on Saturdays and Mondays u tot" ec. - lloaS-U li. il. iJU'N, B c s 'N y a m'l T. Williams & W I L L 1 A M iS KOCKY ilOUJNT, N. C. . W I L L I A M S & B U N N kaLkiuii, N . c .' ' 5, business letters . may be addressed eituer to uocicy Alount or liaieiga. tlaiius icllctteU in any part of the State. 'SSt Praetice in the Supreme Court of the State ana iu the l edc-iai Court at Kaieigh'. mn i-ti. . E. W. TUOMASON.' -; L. J. LABAliSB U W . THOM ASON & CO (Successors to E. T. Hall & Co..) Aactioneers and Commission Merchants, NO.. 3, WILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH, N. C, ' Special attention paid to the sale of Eeal fiaiaie. ''. fOWfiTONKfli'MTfl RnT.TP.TTTi'.n ltefer to J. G. Williams, President .State National Hank; A. (1. Lee fc Co., ltalelh; V. Whitaker, Mayor ol KaleighJ w. j. atronacn. itaicigh. A full stock of Groceries on hand at reasonable prices. E. W. TUOMASON & CO. novaj-tf 1873,. 1873 "i Recelykig a very large Iot of ' STAPLE AM) DOMESTICS DRY7 GOODS, " C0N8ISTiNOS0p' j Bleached and Unbleched Uomestlcs,! bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, Plaid uud sniped Homspuus, : . Kentucky Jeans, (for spring, 400 Counterpanes from $1.50 each, and upwards. which have been bought at the lowest CASH PUICta, and will be SOLD LOW. ' ; , W. H. & It. a. TUCKER & CO. . feb'9-tf ORTU -OA SO li.IJf A H E'AN S ' SATIK eVts1 AN'D fCASIMERES, ' ' Just received at l ' ; ..'-", iU . . 1. yoL. ii. MORNING EDITION. t t 7 t VV E)Ut jiUln)U JIUJJ QtW$. SUNLAY.:... ...:M ARCH. 2, 1873 tr All parties ordering the News tvill please send the money' for the lme the paper is wanted,. . r-Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty, Cents per line. ?: : : T-J. 0 H. NuTTALt., of the Charlotte Au-vei tising Agency, is agentlor this paper ia Charlotte, N. C, He is duly auihorized- toconiract for advertisements and receipt tor subscriptions. ; Messrs. Grinln and Hoffman, Newspaper dvertisinj Agents, No. 4 oulh b reel. tract for advertisements atom lowtt rates. Advertisers in that City are rea uested to leave their favois with this bouse.. ; ' S"The agricultural jouBS al And TH K N KWS.-TJW tUte . UKlvUll UJiAti JotjRiNAL, an eight-page Weekly pub.ished iu was city, vtiii oeciuuoeu witu me uaili ilEWsa' per annum, auu wiin me vV mKLY News at S3 5(i per annum. Oruers direcied to either paper will receive prompt atU;..tlon. . ' , LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODnOM, Citv fcidilor . If" For latest news by telegraph ee Ftiuuh 'Page.' 3 ) , ,, Bag?" Corresspouiieuts will please write m oue si ue oi tue paper. Post Office Directory. t ilALEIGH POST OFFICE MENT. AHRANGE- OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 J A. M. TO 7 P. M. Time of Arrival and Closing the Mails : WesternDue at 7:39 a. m. Close at a:4Q P. M. ; I Eastern-Due at 7 P. M. Close at 0:30 AM. Northern cia Weldon Due at 3:20 p.'M. Ulose at y:lo a. m. Northern via Greensboro Due at 5:30 M. Close at 6:30 P. M. ' ' Fayetteville ud Chatham Railroad Mail Due a9:30 a. m. Close at 3:00 p. ii. No mails received of sent on Sundays. Put nil letters for mailing in letter- iwA, as that is the last place we iook tci them before closing a mail. It is ut certain that a letter will leave by first outgoing mail, when it is handed in at general de.ivery window, or to a Clerk. . Office hours for Money Order and Registered Letter Departments lrom 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. i : C. J. Rogers, i J Postmaster. - Local Briefs. The State capital will wear a gloomy aspect this week: ' Century, Whiskey the crevie de la creme of all Whiskies 1 Like unto the past ten days, yesterday could boast ot no case at the Police v ourt. Street beggars have long ocen a nuisance, and .we are sorry to say they are on the increase. . . Our local chief returned yesterday Irom a visit from Warren.' His absence and pre esent sickness will account lor past defictences. It is said that the different Caldwell- Boards of Directors for the several State Institutions will hold their first official meetings to-morrow evening. 'Mine host" ot tue larborocave a most excellent 'dinner.. yesterday com plimentary , we presume, to the Legis lators stopping with him, many ot whom left last night A good many of the members of the Legislature left for tueir, homes y ester day evening, and there will barely; be a quorum ot the two Huuses present to- morrow. i. Capt. -W. H. Kitchen, of Scotland h mnrln enr-ha Allnnt fiaht against Hon.. (J. ,,-Li. -1 nomas in Second ' Congressional District; the . .1 iaet August, IS in the City. : ; A little colored girl living in Western Ward, had her right eye severely injured yesterday; morning by falling u non an UDricrht stick: which irashed .1 tl I 1 ' ' . W me ngni, nana corner. The building occupied by Mr. Kreth, merchant tailor on Fayetteville street, is being torn down in order to make room for the .: handsome store to- be erected by. Messrs. - Williamson, Up churh iss i nomas. " Tiie' Slate. We now learn that the following is the slate made'out'at Re, 0 . . r publican headquarters in connection with the ofhees connected with the va rious State institutions in thiscityl ;We are given to understand; that Mr. R. B Ellis succeeds Mr. 'Leach as Steward of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Mr. M. Grausman takes the place of D. C. Murrav as Steward of the Peni tentiary, and" VV. n." Thompson takes the pface of Deputy Warden of that In stitution, vied Mr. Everard Hall. In regard to the office of the Steward of the Insane Asylum, we have no Doa itive information, but learn that the ap plicants are numbered by the hundreds iic euppuoc tiiaioi. vfituuu niu ic- main as Superintendent of theIcsine Asylum, but that Mr. Tomlicson will be displaced 'as Principal of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. Centeskial Exhibition. -Philadel phia has just had a rousing meetingof her citizens to, take into consideration the coming;.J exhibition. ; Books I were opened and one million seven hundred, thousand dollars ' subscribed .1 in, puu evening.. ;r ; ; ;.:;--v;;:!i ' ; ' ! v We predict one of the largest gathern ings . ever assembled in America, and trust the enterprise may proyla gobd bucccsj. , y:x .:.,: .; ;' '-t.tz ; Can't vve profit py,'Sqhf examjiles and subscribe liberally, to,, perpetuate our K ; ; ; RALEIGH- N. The Legislative Action Upjon the Penitentiary Contract. A3 stated lu our issue jcaiciuay uiuiuiug, iuc Legislative Committee appointed to negotiate with, tba I Messrs Coleman Brothers for a surrender of their contracP lor the stone and brick work of the Penitentiary, Bubmitteci a report of tLeir action Friday night, which' was adopted by both Houses, the two Houses subse quently , agreemg to -. pay ,he. Messrs. Coleman the sum of $35 000. The following is a report of the Committee : 'Alter a thortjuah ' investigation of the matter they ascertained that under be, ex ting eontract thejstpne andbfick woik ot the Penitentiary would cost the. State ttbout the sum of four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ; that the net ptofits to tiie1 contractors would amount to about thesurri of 'fine" nuti-. dred and ixty thousand 'dollars. "arid that the State cootd do" 'the, work emi braced . in , th6 contract at a saving nl about two )undre'dtfi..usarid dotmrs ; and that lv bubstituiinjr biiOk for stone, the State can save about thiec .hundred thousand dollars, :y haying the work done with t-onvict labor. We ii.i" -.1 arc a-turtu uv ilie.i'est mechanics thai a building; constructed of brick, Hbovo the liround imerCtHi be made tquafiy 'as secure, and durable, and by the physic craus, oi inu peuiiwuiary t mucn more comfortable and healthy.; Wo (also find that by the'nddition 61 a few feet only to the hciht of the wall, four hundred aiid tifiywldrtional felfs caa be made at a nominal' cost. Ih' view ot the fore going considerations,,;, jour, committee nave felt the importance to the tdx-uav ers of North Carolina, that tlie-coutract with Messrs". Coleman Brothers should be rescinded, as one of the two alterna tives only presented themselves tos the committee, either that the penitentiary suouiu remain in us ununisneu state witit a vast expoase of xtrti-Qards and con staut lepaus to the temporary stockade, cell, iSco , or that tin enormous tax should bu levied udou the nenble to nav for L work which could be eouallv done, with? prehending that t?se contractorrhad a To aid all who desire well-quallfled vestedright.which would be recognized Jreprleent Teachers who desire po ltv thft r.ourtR. the onlv nlan whinh Ktii'-fcns- , . ,,Mr(1,j ;tR,,if tn tup mindnf thp rnmnut-tA'Blve Parents information of Schools. gCsted llStir to tue Ulinas ol tue Ctmmit-To JJelL reut aud exchange school Prop tee of relieving the people of the burden ea. Address, :''.:' ot this contract imposed upon'tiiem, ' ..- James iTJrHGATE. ... . . , r, i $cl-6m llillsboro, N. C. . either by a mistake or by the ignorance m, ot the Representatives of the State, i was to oner the contractors a fair and ; reasonable price to rescind it, and theyl congratulate the Gtneral Assembly, thel . , , tax "payers and themselves, that they? nave ueeu auc 10 arrive at tue ...very favorable terms set forth ;n . I. - rniu.n ,u 1,10 ing agreement AGREEMENT. ' It is hereby agreed between Robert S. and B. F. Coleman, under the firm and i stvle of Coleman lirolhcrs. r.ontrar.tors s i . . . . . . - - i tor the stone atir! brrek Wtytkot the State penitentiary, and the join select commit tee of the (ieneral Assembly, that the said Coleman Brothers, for and in considera tion of the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars cash, to be paid by the State ol North Carolina jto them, do hereby agree. to relinquish all right and title to the work to be done and the piofits to be derived therefrom, and do rescind and annul the said contract, upou the pay- ment of the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars as aforesaid, fully and freely sur render the same to the State." And the said ioiut select committee in behalf of I t I. 1 , .. I .,1.1 . I . 1 ..... . I . a t ticeupai?tmuivuo.weioyHttiw lo Py i ue saiu coienian urouiers tue sum of thirfy-fivo thousaud .dollars for the surrender of thc'Said- contract as aforesaid. ;"' .'" "' w" ' ' " c !',!'. ' ': '' In testimony whereof the parties here to set their bands and seals this -Feb. 28th, A. D. 1873. ; Z I K B. F. COLEMAJJ, Y RoBEitT S.' COLEMAX, I R. P. Waring, Ch'm of Com. r;w. KikVs,5 -4n ; ; J. W. BuovvN, ' i . Johk G'Makler, J. C. Rhodes. ' ' . All of which is respectfully submit-; tetl. R. P. Watiing; Ch'm; Ottt Cvinitrviv.fi ' Tn-Div Dixrinft ' . . , . , ,. " BerVlCeS Will. De I4C1U at uie iouowmg Churches to day, (Sunday.) ' Strangers , , . . J ' , and others in. the citv : are earnest! v and rordiallv invited to attend, w 6tml- 1 maaly usfierslwill be pfesentao condric visitors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist Church, xj lw- tj'- a'--wT' tw.,- w - I lUCIi LWLI SL1CCL. 11E.V. IL. II . UU1. . I ' V7 . T 1' ofhV tinrr Sprr ppjntH nV t i m and 7i o'clock p. m. . u",,i' ; ,:;. Baptist Churpb, corner Salisbury and Edenton -streets, Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D'-D.', 'officiating. Services at 11 o'clock A. m. and 8 o'clock: p. Mr - -y ' ; 7I i i Presbvterian Church, corner Salisburv and Morgan streets. Rev J.f M., Atkhv Sd tdSlo ' ociocK. am. a,nu ucipth. p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Churchl Wilming ton street,' Rev. R' S.,. Mason, D. D., officiating; services at 11 o'clock a. m. and. 7io'cock p. mV v-yi '-IUTm-a -l St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, Driest, officiatimr' High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at3.o'clockj P. M. ;;; ' ' ; .' ''. i",.; Person street, itethodist Church ,! Revf R. H. Whitaker, 'officiating.'" -Services at 11. o'cloek a. ra., and 7i a. pi, "J Legislative. But the House yesterday t libusteririg on the "pa can- -mebefs, upon tne cuarten 01 toewn or-iieauiQriv I 1 A. I IT : 1 s . S 1 1 i t' "'i W"? 'T? an Kinus oi invoiou3 m 01 ions, ana oaa tne yeas-nna nays canea upon , tnem., Thus all legislation was blocked T or the' greater part of tha.sessioaf We Tri P , A" oaj ..U:"T?1C"V8 oaa xac seii-reppcct ana goorj. p&rt' et their party lriends. 'Despde the liUrocand llauonnnH Voarlor Tlio bill passed its second feading.wThe bro- esedirig'ap.t lit tie oi any geuerui puuiiu miercsi. A large bald eagle wa3 killed in the South-eastern portion of this county the: first tyart of 4ast week.4 ! )a:0 . 1 C. SUNDAT MO ACTION OF THE SENATE UPON TUB Governor's Appointments, -The Sent ate went into executive icutive sessien yesterf J femal hed'n sesl i day at fl Vct sion for several lvours. .considering thi appointments of uovernor Caldwell J under the (atdision ot ftbe;Supcem4 Court for thV Boards of the different btate Institutions and the other oraccrB uffected.bythe decision.:. The following is the action of the executive session:! Imane Asylum Board. Wesley Whil - aktcArifirined by u Vtts of 80 -to 6 ; 1 C. Badger, confirmed by 28 to 11 ; Dry, . G. Ramsey, notconfitmed by 19 to l6- -(26 voesiUeing required to confirm) ; 4 P. Prairie, not confirmed by 20 fo i4f; Gi W." Stanton, confirraed by 30 to .7, Dr. T.L Banks, not confirmed by 23 i 12 ; W: R. My tr?,'cdnfiruied by; 85 to;4 ; G. W. Brodie, col., riot confirriivd by 20' to 13; 'Henrv W wiser, not confirmed liy 21 to 13; Rev. .7. W.; Hood; col.; not confirmed by 20 to 11;. C. L. Harris, npP'Sfftxcd. by 4$ toL18 ; Dr. A. B. Chapin, not 'confirmed by 21 ftjf2 Hr. M: XVhitfh'ead," cntirmed bv to 3 ; EiBuike Haywood, confirmed by 30 to Penitentiary Board. Alfred Dockery, fGi .VV. Weikn. Juo.(R. Harrison. Willie D. Jones and Jacob 6. Al'.en, all failed' to bticoimnneil by a vote of 24 to 12; ' Dcaf Dumb and t B ind 'Asilum. John Nichols, confirmed by a von: tit 35 to 0; Albert Johnson, confirmed by 3;iu 6 V IV Pi Lee, nOtVontirtned by 23 tn 17; r. M. Argo, not confirmed by 21 to 15 ; R. S. Tucker, contirmed by 25 to 3 ; C. D. Heartt, ctintirnied by 27 to 0 ; Handy Lockhart, confirmed by 37 to o. ... ; , .. : ;v, Librarian. Thomas R. Purnell, con firmed by a vote ot 32 to 5. i i Keeper of Capitol. Isaac W' Rogers, coufii mcd by a vote ot 33 to 8. le'Spring SeSsionoi ism opens January tue WtV.. --r Vi,i- ke ute Prof. AiUcUeiC of the University ever lortu carouna. uecam . . that U i UliKjN U A U addi icepij to oi a , oot4 tor a oi ii thedl Biall StaJ men COAL YARD. our miiil miu G Y P T C O A L whlJ the thet 1'airJ Nor ers lor any auu an quantities, ii seui, ja 'diiv heiorchand. this! rut.rs through the Post Office or left at Nuws omce, will receive prompt atten- i. uoii verea at resiuences. J. A.. IK)KTER. has It Trail ' ' RKlAtJRA?lTS.' mall "IS Itsrl r -v--vr a xri-v I ir T ITU A "NTT VliUO joixxj nuoiauaam. Major Seaton Gales to Lecture -;- in Wilmington. A will "be seen from the following from the columns of the Wilmington Journal ol the 28th inst., Lthia talented, igentleman, will, , next month, deliver a lecture in that city. The compliment; paid to the Major ,theiein is. in every way deserved : " We are glad to be able to announce that Major Seaton. Gales, of Raleigh,' has consented to deliver a lecture in this city on the night of the 80th. of April next. The arrangements are made? 1 I . unuer me. auspices oi-vue rar uouge, lnqcpenaent yruer, oi .oaa. u eiiows,ana the committee has succeedodin securing tne opera nouse lortne occasion, vve hope to see i well filled; by our citizens to Irear this1 golden ton'ued orator of North Carolina. This lecture will pro- uavuji, uu,o.vu. iyi.i" " night by one by Major Uales before the Wilmington Liicraryj,AssfTCiation ; out as the arrangetrienta ar,e,uot yet perfect ed, we c annot a nnouhce ;it positively, wuo ius vumuiiui!, uv. . in tucir euoris ie peouie tins vkiv uesir able;object. f:,v,:, '. V: ;' ScpbemeCovrt: The Court met yesterday-at he usuafhour. All of the Judges present.' The' fyllowjpg: cases were arguetFi--'l ;Marcelfus Pope, it all Ed w in White ,"ff 'i rl n V k a a head, e at, Halifax. Batchelor, Edwards c t,.-.'f. . - a tv AJttiuoeivJi uit m uibiuiijus, auu.via.iB. & Mullen for defendants jdo, iv; vnuar, vs. ,x-eter i.oiues, . - ' - . - ' Edward Conigland aud 'oqre -& Galling for plaintiff;, and- Batchelor, Edwards Us Batchelor lor defendants. The Court adjourned to meet again at 10 o clock, on Monday. How High is Dat ? A distinguished gentleman fromthe eastern part of the Stt -'iusil" that he bought a ticket ovet a vmli'Ourl thriiKrll hp. hail 11 1rtr iviicu anri ...... . ..w 0 . w ..ww , next :morning, the bar being closed,M xwas nunnng arouna in great tnuuiatiou Tfor a h"orn" when 'hi 'accidentally ' die- covered a bottle full in his "pocket. Where. is Theo Ramsay ? . , ; Typographical. At the regular meeting TJalpifrh ,. Typographical lay evening M. Union, held on yesterday '4 V'B. Gilbert: Esa.: was elected to reoresent that bodv in the next eessioA riVais.d rthis easoh -byMessra Booker & Clark. Thev are the first we r 1, - , .ai-n-' t v- ? .'v-.tr! ,? .T-I'-i IliirT i'! ; t r? r1E I have on hand a TENON MACHINE. and- wilt tseii on yery reasonable terms, c'gmo v,' 1 ' W-Ui 1 : ' J. J. MINETREE, mhlrStit. LoQlsbureN. C; O D ..I. i'- - .t .1 l. 4 Watches sent C. O. D. tolje examined be fore paid for, t ?nd forPiuc List, j - roWJliYfrV. The'argument of the case Raleigh & amendment to section third, Augusta Air Line Railroad, vs. David h coIored ftnd whiteguarcteall-not Jenkins,; Public Ireasurer was con- be tniploytd in' the same Company, eluded. ; . k ' ..,...JJ 7 r V . . -r ' i Vt ' ' l I rod flin eta I tJ . rn onn vtraa ratrian ii'v nriln A - littlp wM finnp in 01 tne international union, wuicn meeis 'W"V& - ' , i 2v. J .t m """i. " Uki nine as none in . . . .! . I Rill tn omnrl thPfhArrpr nF thi Wnst- I' i. .in.noH - ...... ... .. . j " "., 1 at Aioutreai, uanaaa, m june next. ; ; rr- ; , - ii " vjyfv.,..--j- , , --vv , iwin to the fiU . - . ern Division of the . N. O..R. R., al-H ' ' ' . "' r . rt of the Ttepubli- "lUmsnES, VVe h tCM&tV tb hi to ampnrl ' 'V'' . r . convicts on.tuc same. aou. to. nuiuor- - . ,i ... I i kii nfiii r r ranu na rrnm iir i jnuri fxr i I vuuvaa va auvww oai aia uua iv ' i ' " ' i f ' v t m-i I cZ . ;' r ' ; ; ; .avi.j LEGISLATURE OF. NORTH CAR O.LI N.A.. HOUSE OF,. REPRESENTATIVES. faouse met at hM&ciM?.1 , . 1 5 i- Mr. Johnston int'rotlulieti a' ft!3olutio. in lavor of James M. JtOung, bnentt ol UUUV'UJ W I.UUI1IV. 'Reslritibn i was kenp'anV, Miribn. boticlef MrGeytber :JadAon 'tiie. moti table. ' f ' :l ! I 1 MrTrivtt; wasi,iinrrouoced;?is4 being, confined to his room by sickness. f The tiin 1 tabtlnwiz.itlje. Westerb Railroad company to: issue .bonds, pas ed its several readings '.L'.vt--.'-'-- ; Senate bill to submit the Cpnstitu-, tionai amendments-to a vote of the' peo -. S- . rr ; a . . aha . ple (1st Thursday in August; 1873,) was, taken up and referred to a select cot-. mittee or uve. v - - .. . . . The, bill to incorporate the Central ire insurance Uompauy ot Kalcmh, was taken up and passed its .several rcd-J ms- f v' f.;,: 1 The bill to be entitled an act author- izing the State Treasurer to pay Messrs. Ct dt: in an Brothers $35,000 for itscind- ing tiie. Penitentiary contract passed its seve'r'aT readings. J;1 : " ,, . The bill fcr the benefit of itho Insti- tntion lor the Deaf, Dumb and Bnud, passed its several readings. The bid to amend an act to Charter the town of Dallas , pas ed its several reading's.' M The bill to repeal that portion of the law exempting Rail Road and other monicd corporations from taxation was taken up and passed its several read ings The bill to incorporate the town ; of Madison, in Rockingham county, passed its several readings. Thefbill to empower the Commrs- capuLsioners of MiIton,'in Caswell county; to issue bonds. ? - ' Mr. Browu, of Mecklenburg, intro duced a bill to amend an act for the support -of the Insane Asylum y the reu ceedinj' By Mr. Bennett a bill to provide for emoval of causes in 'criminal pro- 8. ! lhe bill to provide lor a continuation pi tue cape r ear ana ueep uiver iavi- gatjou Company passed its several readings. The bill to change the dividirig line between Franklin and Granville coun ties passed its second reading. ' Mr. Johnston from select committee on Constitutional amendments, report ed in favor Of submitting the Aruend- ments to the people separately, which report was concurred in,"and bill passed its several readings. The House concurred in the Senate amendments to the Revenue bill. The House adjourned at 11 o'clock. SE NATE. Saturday, March 1st, 1873. ' Senate called to order at 10 o'clock, by Lieut. Governor. Journal of yesterday, read and ccr- reeled. . t j- e i itepcris were maue irom several Standing Committees. uesoiution changing tne time oi uoia- ing me Dupenor courts lor tue counties . i rt . i . ..'. r ? of Robeson andBrunswick. Passed its several readings.:;, i;; - ! - s uiu providing lor tne auoption pi minor children how the same shall be done. Passed I i - - "! .Mr, Norwood reported from a special committee UpOn a general incorporation aqt reported that the Committee had made some Drosress. but had not fully SUCCeeded in preparing a bill, and asked j that rhe Committee be continued until next session. Adopted. uiu roptne protection oi puuuc nigu- way crossings over the Dismal Swamp Cann . Passed. Troy, a biil in relation to the peniteutiarv tfro noses that the cen- unuation ot tue worK oe uone uy convict labor,' that brick be' made at the peo,' and regulating the irianner in which the work shall be done and executed, the Board ol Directors to have thevimmedi- ate control of the Woik. Mr. Wrth. moved, to strike ,out that portion of the bill 'requiring that tne said convicts shall make brick For; the building ot an addition to the Insane Asylum. Adopted. as . r Harris, col.; mOyed to ; strike out the ,nrp1 imrf, t th Ppnitentiarv. Lost fit iitru I'limii 11L liic a ruiLcuiiai v ajvj , b . 1X 3 hays Jau ' 'i the bill passed its second r6acfing, tt tv..;.:.x Ve T?;.t;ni,.. Auoptedt, . ? 'iwiiff-i ,-w--,s.. Mr. Waring . eatered his protest against the amendment; fi- ''. ' Bill then passed its third reading. Bill 1n favor Wm. H. Battle author-, izeg rev to pay him $1,500 compiling the public laws Passed several readings. " j ' for its I Ti,n Qm.t. nnnmrmH in Hniiso , A "e ucua it i,uuvu-u ". amendments to the. bill submitting to the people the uonstitutiouai Amena- mentst)rovide3 that they. shall besub- ihti striatum. Bill authorizing the laying of a spec- ial tax iri'Hertford. 'Dassed !its several readinga. I t m - ' Bill authorizing Granville county to snbscribe' to the capital stock t of the I rauvins iwmwiu vuiuFUJ,- xceea ow J8ae!ic.!;i' ize the levying of special taxes in the several counties through' which, it may hi- yt?t; Cowles moved that " nothing in this-bilLahait ihterfrro with an act '-al in ready Dassed giving ' to the Mt. ; Ai'y.1 nBuJjtatesvne, lurnpiKe vooipany tne Use oi nity couviuis. aucia. . Mr. Mortueau, or umoru. guereu an additional amendment! section au, thbrizing county ComrriiSsiODers. tb Work the prisoners in' the; jail, of the several counties on.the streets and roads. Adop 4-!WWM' A .SMc-V r ;T-" TT'.' Air. -A vera movea -on menameat - J tbe-eifeot tht the said Cpmpanies suall -1 for the re-arrest ol ariv cooticfc.who rnir Pran white in the mnlov of 'said j i .1 l NO. 2. 1 road. Lost.. . ;, ; , . - f ' ? Harris, coV:, moved that 'this . bill saair not take effect until it snail have been i ratified by the Board of Public Charities. LostJ ti unu- I Bill then passed its i third 1 read ins b amen-dedv by a rote ot 24 ayes, 15 nay4 ;iue senate then resolvecrntseltintb ,'!' Executive 'StSMion K "iUiLt in order to consider the confirmation of the appointments rnady the Governor onder t!re;; recent; decision ;of -the 8 pretrie Court; arid the lobbies and gai- ieneswere cleared; -a - ;" , ' NiqnT session. j r;; Senate called to .order ad 71 oclock. Liettt. Goy.in the; TJliair f "tf -1 i.fiill.to .prohibit the sale of, spiriiuous liquors within three miiea of Murfres- boro..,. Passed. s . . V I ? Bill esfablishine a l)oue of cpjrectUu id ine-count? ol JNew IlanovtTL . Pissn L -An act re-eoactiair ati.act''iuc4tri)rki: I tin the Granville Railroad Conuianv: Passed.' " , -'. Resolution iu favor of the Piwiual Cltrks u& .the.two lioue?.. Passed ' , Bill pFv.dirjj? for aadtjT -cleridaf force in tiie" . A.udiiorV' office iiiv'mg hiai $50 per month to employ an addi tionai clerk,;, Passed, 22 eyes, 16 riay."- ; . Jne consideration . ol this quefioii occupied two, hours, number of the Conservatives-opposing the increase to the pay ot the Auditor, ;. , , , f 1 A messae; was received ' from the II.use transmitting, the bill im orpora tiug tlio Ctucinnatt and Great.AVesteni' Railroad, with" the amendment on the part oi the Ilouse.-of .tiie chantje of the. names a.s ad)pt.et by the" Senate. .The House presented the names of. Mesirs. Tod R. Caldwell, George Davis, M 'E. Manley, J. H. Wilson and W. L Steele as Commissioners . to . confer . with others for the purc.iase aud completion of the Western North Carolina .Rail road. , , , . ( " Senate concurred in House amcnd: nient by a vote of 36 to 6.-, , ' Bdl tp incorporate the Haw River If on Company. Passed. .Bill to iacorporate the LockviUe Lo- 1 comotive and Car Oomnanv. Pxn.!' House resolution relievintr T. F. Lee. ijbierifl ot Wake, hehaying settled with the Treasurer.Passed. ;, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. At 10 A. M. Mr. Speaker Robinson called the House to order. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved.;. . ,. ;. ;' Reports from various Standing Com mittees were submitted By Mr. Turner, a resolution inquirinsr into the conduct of Judge A. W. Tour gee with a view to his impeachment. Calendar. , By Mr. Miller, a bill to require a de posit by foreign insurance companies doing business in this State. Relerred. The bill to " lew a special tax in Orange county passed its third reading -yeas 73, nays 0. The bid to empower the Commission- ers of the town of Milton to issue bonds I Dassed its secoud readme veas .'5. I 7 .-. - - ,o v - . nays 0, Senate bill to nrovlde for and regulate the arloption of minor children nassed I . . . . . , .. its second and third readings. ; The bdl to establish a Turnpike road from Statevi!le fo MtAirv. Dassed its several readinns. The bilL to incoroorato the Curriber- land Saviugs Bank jiassed its several . t readings, ' Senate bill to repeal Chap. 79. Laws lSGS-'CO, p issed its several readings I he bill to , incorporate, j Spring Church, , now.TB. tiiel Church, in the County of Cabarrus, passed its several readings ""! "--;- .'"?-;.;; The bill to amend the charter, of the town of Monroe passed its several read- lhe bill to allow a special tax" in Franklin County passed its third Vead ing, yeas y, nays u.'i I t The bill to amend the, charter of I the town of Be.auforj; . was.,takeu,up, and passed its second reading. " ' ; 1 Tne bill tb repeal the act -to' adtlior ire, the txchange of stocks of : the State for, bonds with which such bonds, were obtaiutd, passed its several readings. v 1 he bill to authorize the appointi ment' of ! a feeeiver:,of railroad taxes passed its sevejal readmgs.- f ; s i' j.. t The bill toamend Sections 31 38 of school law,"so that they shall conform to Section 28 'of school law 'ratified Feb ruary 2, 1873; passed its several read ings. r ':!. . .!. ' ' '. . ,t ... The bill supplimental an, act for the relief of T. JJ . .Lee, Shefifi of Wake Uounty. passed its several readinirs. --7't. I he : benute' resolution - 'appointing C. B. -Densqni $f ..Chatiham;- and ? W. R. Sliarpe, ol Davie, . memhers, ol the' Board of Charities, was'takeri, up, and on motion "of Mr. Johnston, -wa relirred to-' the Committee on -Propositions; and urievances. ... - - . ,, ;t,The Senate amendments to House blTI tq ; incorporate tbojo.Cincannatj;. Great' I 1 t ... . .1 1 nauniiv vuuipauv YCe Icliu,-;! ! -.Tt i Mr.-Gud!rerofoos4-a concurrenc& !y the House. He moved fhat the House do nof concur' " ' .' J: ' The motion of non-concurrence I was put to a vote aric arid failed for, want of ia o'uorum. . - i Mr. Robinson moved:' that the 'House concur. -,1'The yeas and riaj3 were. called atid the motion toconcur was' carried py a, vote. oi. yeas 4u, nays ot. ine resoruwon ia , lavor, ol jno.,,a. QOTTOJi , F. OO,I I I . , ZELLS' AMMONIATED ' BQNE? UPEli- f; PHOSPHATE III : i in as lue.uvc rmiaias, auu tou;i ui tuTFthlr saryl We respectfully solicit orders.'. Jn23-w2m a. g. leecq. - i --VTbRTH - CarOIJNa i ALMaN AG S to ior iSMfieuiea eys. vv"t . . In vm An ' ! )!. .117 .. . Ir r rraNSON. t .' Pnbliaher and Bookaellerr . T TloV S-tf k ' -lUleigb, H.C DAILY NEWS. RATCS OF ADVERTISING Ooeioar twa mserUons 1 An ne aqnare Six InAf rtions... "One a Hare. mi month t Oae squjjre. three m6nth8...... One, aqriSre; six mh;"v""'"""r":"' S "w?1? ' ve months,u.j.. 60 00 16 00 . uucuii auver iiae men i tract will be made. Ten - ti pareil cdnstttate one square, -6 NEW AD VERTISEMENTS t'.'-V', ' LIFE i INSURANCE iCQJiPANXy i fi?,eiSNrthf Carolina; CAPITA i ll - v-V Z ? $200,000. IT FFIC2R3: -'-L'- H6ril5elrip P.rtTPeSidcnt; " F. H : Ca mef ob,; Vice ; Presfdent.' i a o W. II. Hicks, Secretarv. Dr-E,,B, Hy wo!, Medical Director Dr. W . 1. Roysfer, Ass't Medical ,c J. B. Bmtchclor; Attorney; h o? OU. Pcrryv Supervising Agent: , ir v J -j:!- r. 1 ' H Jr.J-.' f. ' -. J3IHECTOEIS. - Hon. KehxrS P. Battle, IlonTod R.;CaTld weU, Hon. John; W unuin'iJarn Col t Hawkins, Hon. Jo nl Mannin;GeneraI W J&1 wV- W.Humphre.v;i. Ta Mori rhy.coj. Wm. E. nd-rsm,' John G Wil- &t: H1,M8i,?ni1' MeAuen, y.olvA ; ..McK'.". I J. 'YoudB aiht-s A ranam j: a c.onon. J, C. MeK te, J. B. Kh e r. J. , ii,itke, a tr t lark. W. G. ';; FKATfJRKS KD A " VASIIAGJiS. t ; -W i& emhhatioallv ft. I fAlUA i .m rvd axt Tin iargv Capital truuraJi teen turnath .nil t.. ty.. Us raiea ar as lo as tuose of any fii t Cla$i company. , i It f frVrs t desirable forms f "insurance. Its tun. .fare invested at home and circu lateil amoii ,ur own peoule. No unnec essary r siricthjns iaipoced upon re-ldeme tr tiavel. Po icles Dou-fonei table uftiar Two years. . -t ; ... - . ., . t ; its omeers and directors are prominent and w. h knowu North Carolinians, whose ejperien.ee. as buslnesss men, and whobe worth and integrity are alone sufficient guarantees of the, ; ompany's strength, sol- -j sj O.UVA nuuecsa. ' "v i THEO. H. HILli, Loral Agent, O.H. PERRY-.-Ielgll-N.C. 8apervtsimrAgeirt-. - iGOOd AsetitS. wiLh whnm Hhfral traoU will be maU "wanted in everv 0.011 n- ,ty in the State. ; , marl-dtf Thl unrivaled Medicine 4s warranted :' not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but Is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS It has proved its great value in all diseasea of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good ana great in all parts of tire country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS', LIVKR REGULATOR Is ac knowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy : proportion in any other preparation, via : a gentle Ca thartic, a wonderm1 Tonic; an unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended, its use, that it is now regarded as the . tireak tftifdiling Specific for Liyer Complaints and the painful ff spriogfc thereof, to 'wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice.BiUous attacks, olCK I1KAUACI1K, Ooflc, Depression of Spirits,, ;SOyRi STOMACUl,(lleartf Burn, Ac. Ac .. . . RegulalethaLlveTand prevent SIMMONS LlWM TrtEGULATOR , it-., L manufactured oly by 1 ' ' J. H. ZEILIN A CO., V ;-i ' VMaoon Ga.,' and Pril adelphia. Price Sl.OO per packake; sent by mall, postage paid,;l.04."Prepred'tady lor use LjO,an4. U.. ..113 ; ut 4 1 .&OLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS, , tai Beware of all CoUnterMts'and Imi tations. , ., febl8-DSWeod6m. E A B O A R D JS?C R OAN O KB i ' RAfLROAD COMPANY.5 OKBiCfi 8. & R. R. R. Co., I 1 Pobthmooth, ya Jan,. ,.i57L On. aud alter thi' date. .the-trains wi leave Portsmouth Sunday, excepted) aa lOWSi" ' .. .J-,f. Mail train daily at ' , : Sum. Through ireight train daily at 1 - 1.80 p. in . Way Freight Trains Mondays, Wed- , nesuays ana r riuuys ai o.vj a lu t-il -Vi:..ll J.M,;:--.i(,. ;'-;.-'' ' ARRIVE Af PpRTSMOUTH. 4 -) .. t . 'i -i . j , Mail. train daily at , . '..', . - . 6:4' P "I'hroutth Frelgrit train ! daily at" W r. jiYy. Freight Train Taewiays. , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1.30 ..Mali- Trains stop awaxi' hsiuvdi: rur pat sengAs Through Freight Trains stops 13ower'HlU; Sudbikbuckhorn, Fraualii Bdykin'a 'apd Seiboard tar pwersen; -IrMalf iVaincbnriecbii',ai WWdon witn ,llitralnii of the Wilmington and Weldonf llaleigh and Gaston railroads.' . Ami on .Mondays. . w eeuesoays, aua diLVHRt Kranklin. With eteamsr ior lide ton, Plymouth,' audIjandJngw'on Black water and cnowan rivem. . . ... .?-. ; .(J , m.$. Gtn. ,,inhl-tf ., , t i SupW.of, .Transportation. N!' N 4 f h ; N O R F.Q.LKiii V A . i " MANTJFACTTJltER, and dealer in Carriages, Uusxies, f?:s!i'w' J , Sulkies, IXhracss,-) . "i!. Saddles, tlaltfirs,- "- (fII6rse Lothln; St Also; Farm Wagons, Carts, Cart Wheels an4 Axles, FarmGear,&c.v ij . '-.-A hirsre and varied, stock al Wavson hand. JUrisUrpassed inducementsr offered mer- u.iti!.tl!inQr. ... , -y, t.,,.y;;t , ,,,, Ot M.E.: A,:K! D , -ti ' Nnl?: : ;.u' - " ... ' TIIE CUATilPON IZ O : C: Vti.fi. E It , on extillnUoa'at tuearboro House from 10 . in ; td 5 p. mi to-day. ' fi ,rJ v i ! - 0 ; S9 rrt I :vo!: B.. ji- . rri.tor. rf4 3i f!iU5 ..5