tji. s. i DAILY NEWS. S lNE & UZZELL, - - Pbopkiktoks. FATJETTKVI1.L.K STREST, 'jver W. C. Stronach & Co?s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADTANCK. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to lubscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at ?7 per annum; $3.50 for six months; $2 for three Blonths. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. rnorssiOxiAi cards A. 8. HEKBIM05. S. A. ASHE. - T1I01IAS C. FULLER. MEURLMON, FULLER & ASHE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, RALEIGH, N. C. Will practice In the State and Federal Courts, wherever .their services may bo required. OFFICE: Former oaice of Phillips & Mer rimou. ' feb2S-3m Q VIDIJ-..D U P R E E , (Lately of Kalcizh.N. C.,) Attorney and Counsellor At Law, No. C Wall St., New Yokk, Will attend promptly to all Professional business entrusted to him. Refers to the ChieT Justice and Associate Justices of tiie .Supreme court of North Carolina, and to the whole liar of North Carolina. feblS-tf B S PRUILL, J R, ATTORN E Y A T X A W , JACKS ON , N ... C . Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgeeo.nbe and Northampton counties, in me Hnpremo Court of xN'orih Carolina iind in tue Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. jan 3i-0w Q E o. IT" n o w , RALEIGH, N . V . Practices in the otate and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to the collection of CIuj ins in all parts of the State. junl5-lm J. 11. BATCH ELOR. L. C. EDWARD W. PLUJiMEU UATCilKLOR. XVTCHELOR, EDWARDS AND BAlCHelLOK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALE1G1I K. C Will attend in the "ourts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, Ilaliiax, North ampton and '.hathaui, and the Federal auu .-supreme ioui is. jan 3-tf . A LEX ." II . S M I T II , ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, CO T L A N D N E CI, N . C . V'iii practice in tue ourts of Halifax aud adjoiniiij, counties. Coiuctions attended to in all parts of the iaState. may il-tf Waltkr Clark. J. M. Mullen. QLAlt K & M U L L E N , DAL I FAX, li. 0. Practice ij ail the Courts of Ilaliiax .Northampton and Edgecombe counties in tue (supreme Court of North Carolina and in me r eueral courts. Jtkr Collections made in all parts of North Carolina.- mh-ly ED. CONIGLAND, ... WM. 11. AlV LA W PARTNERSHIP. Q O.N I G L A N D & D A Y , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad orning counties in the supreme Court of the tetute, and in the r cdeiai courts. They will giv e special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts of executors, administrators and guarutans. Tue J unior partner wijl attend at his of fice in Weiiiou ou tiaturaays and Mondays ?f eacli weeii. no :i6-ti a. il. i;unn, Sam'lT, Williams Si & W 1L L I A M S , itOCKY MOUNT, N. C. . ,y 1 L L I A M S & li U N N 11 A L E 1 G H, N . C. liainess letters may be addressed eiiuc-r t -j itocKy Alouut or lUicis luiiccted in ny part of the State. I'laciice in the supreme Court of the State ana in tli b eaerai Com L ul Kaieign. inn l-il. E. W. 'lHoitASoN. L. J. LaLARIlB W . T U O M A S O N & C O . , tsucccssors to E. T. Hall & Co..) AnttioaeciA and Icmciission Slerehauts, NO. a, W i 1 j M 1 N ti TON STREET, RALEIGH, N. C, special attention paid to the sale of Real Estate. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Refer to J. G. Williams, President State National Uank; A. G. Lee & Co., Ralcl-h; W. Whitaker, Mayor of Raleigh ; W. C. Stronach, Raleigh. i A full stock of Groceries on hand at reasonable prices. E. VV. THOMASON & CO. novC-tf 1873. 18T8 Receiving a very largo lot of STAl'LK WD DOJIESTICJ DRY GOODS, ' COKSISTIKG OF Hleuehed and Unbleached Domestics, - lileachea and Unbleached Sheetings, 1 laid and striped Homspuns, Kentucky Jtans, (for spring, 400 Counterpanes from $1.50 each, and - upwards, which have been bought at the lowest CAsH lUILis, and will be SOLD LOW. ' r i w- 11 TUCKER & CO. febl9-tf JORTH CAROLINA JEAN S SATIN ETTS" AND CASIMERES, Just received at ue.JiGSE, PETTY & NBWSOM'S I VOL." II. MORNING EDITION. WEDNESDAY.- ... ..MARCH 5, 1S73 j" All parties ordering the New will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. X3g Special Notiees inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. O. H. Netttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, N. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street. Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor jjrgf Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Jg Local Briefs. Good mountain beef is now supplied to this market. Century Yhiskey, the creme de la creme of all Whiskies! ' Wickersham was confirmed as post master ot Mobile. School Books can be bought of R. L. Branson. See notice. A good horse, harness and buggy is lor sale by the Messrs. Coleman Ero. lion. J.J. Hickman, the lecturer, was in the city yesterday. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday at the Work House. The Board of Directors of the Iusane Asylum meet on Monday next. L. E. Ileartt, Esq., has been re-elected Treasurer of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. . ' The ladies ., of the Salisbury street Biptist Church, of this city, intend having a Fair shortly. Tife political wire-pullers in this city are about to fix up the slate for the municipal election in May. W. M. IJuggms is said to be the for tunate man who is to have the place of Steward ol the Insane Asylum. James McQueen, the killer of the no torious Boss Strong, was paid the 0,000 -reward by the Public Treasurer on Monday. Wrood sold high in this city on yes terday. "The oldest inhabitant" don't recollect colder weather. Up to the present writing there have been one hundred and twenty-eight ap plications for the post ol watchman at the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. There were one hundred and twenty lour deeds, mortgages, &c, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of this county during last month. In publishing the list of marriages which took place in this county last month several errors crept in. To the parties concerned we oiler an apology. The Board of County Commissioners, at their recent meeting in this city, ex tended Sheriff Lee's time until the 10th inst., for the settlement of County taxes. .Oa Monday the Public Treasurer paid the Coleman Brothers 35000 the sum agreed upon in regard to the compro mise in connection with the peuiteutia ia contract. If the "party who, on Saturday l .itl took a blue broadcloth overcoat tha didn't beioug to him, wiil return the papers in the pocket, no demand for possession of the coat will be made, and not a question asked. Mr. William Gainer, of this county, was lomid lying in the road near his house on Saturday in an insensible, con dition. He was taken up and carried home, but died next morning. It is said that Mr. G. had been drinking very freely. We call attention to the card in another column of Mr. Charles W. Spruill, Attorney at Law, Warrcnton, N. C. He practices in the Courts of Warren and the adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. S. Courts at Raleigh. We regret to learn that the new Methodist Church at Apex, this couaty, was destroyed fire on Monday after noon. The church wa3 also used as a school house, and all the books, etc., of the scholars were destroyed. The build ing caught from a heated stove pipe. The new Board of Directors of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, met Monday evening and organized. They adopted a resolution," declaring all the offices connected with the insti tution vacant. The Board meets again this evening when an election will take place. The New York "World of a lew days ago has the following allusion to Dr. Satchwell : "Dr. Satchweil, of North Carolina, one ot the oldest graduates of New York University and a prominent South ern physician who has not been North since the war began, will deliver the annual address before the alumni of the medical department, at Association Hall, on Tuesday evening, March 4. A New Post Office. We learn that a new Post Office is about to be estab lished at Nuse, a depot that has recently been established on the line of the Raleigh " and Gaston Road soinc, ten miles from Raleigh. This will be a matter of great convenience to the peb pic ot that vicinity. Our young friend J. H. Carver is the Railroad Agent at that place. RALEIGH. N. Scene in an Aetist's Studio. Some days ago a gentleman from one of the extreme Western counties called at the studio of W. Garl Brown, who is one of the most polite and polished gentlemen as well as the finest portrait painter in the South. The stranger en tered and was courteously received. "Take a chair," said Mr. B. "Not much time to si, stranger,'; was the refined reply to the invitation. "I want a pics ture taken can you do it ?" Pointing out portraits of different sizes ; Mr. B. enquired the prefence of his customer. "The largest and the best; I have the money to pay down for - it," was the magnificent response. The canvas was soon in readiness and the job regularly commenced, and "after a half an hour's sitting the subject was dismissed with an invitation to call again. He did so, and according to instructions repeated his visits for several consecutive days. At last the potrait was finished. It suited to a T, and the sitter was de lighted with the life-like reproduction on the canvas .of his pulchritude, and he gave vent to his satisfaction thusly : Wall stranger, I told you I didn't mind the expense, and I dont nuther, and (producing a $10 note) gracious knows I dont begrudge this money. Mr. Brown's face at this moment in dicated some astonishment, but he soon recovered himself aud quietly informed his visitor that his charge was$250."TJie h- 11 you say," yelled the terror-stricken countryman. "Blacknall at the Yar borough House told me you would charge $10 lor your biggest size." "I think there must be some mistake," said Mr. Brown. "I do .not think Dr. B. would have so misrepresented me." "I'll swear he did," was the re sponse. Mr. Brown here betrayed some little symptoms ot being vexed. "Oh ! you needn't get mad, I urn right.. Aint your name Watson ?" "No sir, my name is Brown." ' "Whv the devel didn't you say so at first?" Here the curtain drops and we know riot the fiuale of the scene. Wiio Kkows? The Charlotte Demo crat, requests us lo publish the follow ing: "Was the annual meeting of the Stockholder in the late Bank ol North Carolina held" in January last ? Why was not general notice given of such meeting? It the meeting was held what was done? How are the aflairs of that Bank being wound up ? At the close ot the war the had on harjd over $400,000 in specie what was done with it? Who knows anything about the management, and who will give in formation ou the subject? As an in dividual stockholder, and in bthi f of other stockholders, we respectfully ask lor information. " A Tertuble Blow. A Senator in the North Carolina Legislature, signing his name W. L. Love, sent a note to the Editors of the Raleigh News ordering his paper to be discontinued because they did not talk about him as he de sired. We hope the News will not sus pend. And we will say for its encour agement that we have outlived many such terrible lloirs, and can outlive a thousand more. Nil detptrandiim.'1'' Liftrlvtte Democrat. . We still survive, Dr. Yates, and hope to be able to stand all such blows tor speaking what we think to be right. Head Cut With a Cleaver. Yes terday morning, at the Metropolitan Market, Francis . Jordan, white, and John Chavis, col., became involved in a quarrtl over a disputed debt matter. Angry words were indulged in, when Jordan seized a cleaver and gave Chavi3 a severe cut on the head. The wounded man was carried to the office ot Dr. Jas. McKee to have his hurt attended to, w hiile Jordan was arrested and carried before his Honor, the Mayor, who bound him over in a bond of $200 to appear at the next term ot the Superior Court. Arrival of Moke Exglish Immi grants. We saw yesterday morning at the North Carolina depot some twen ty passengers direct from England, and learned that they intend stopping lor the present at the "Meredith Place," the propeity of Mrs. Harriet Eersfield, some three miles from. Rakish. We learn that they intend to locate in this immediate section where as good cot ton and corn soil may be found as can be desired. We give them aV hearty welcome. Supreme Court. This Court met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. All of the Juitices present. The argument in the case of R. B. Ellis, vs. Institu tion for the Deaf, Dumb and Biind,from Wake, wai concluded. . The case of II. J. Hervey, vs. B. C and J. S. Edmonds, frcm Halifax, was argued Conigland, and Moore &' Gatliug lor -the plaintiffs, . and Clark & Mullen, and. Batchelor, jEd wards & Batchelor for the defendants. The Court then adjourned until this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock. Complimentary to Capt. Ashe. The Wilmington Journal, alluding to the copartnership which has been formed between Messrs. Mcrrimon:Ful lex and Ashe, in this city, thus Ulludes to our young townsman : " Captain Ashe's many fnends in this section wiil be glad to know that his talenls have secured thus early for him, in hi3 new home, such a flattering recognition as this association indicates. He wili, as he deserves to, succeed. " . Three Men Drowned. We learn from a private source that three colored men were drowned in jMaherrin river, near Murfreesborb, on Saturday.- They bad been out fishing, and in returning home hitched on to the steamboat Helen Smith. T3y some . meacs the steamer ruq over the rope by which the boat was being towed, causing it to swamp, and drowning all of the occu pants. - ' - Pianos Wakted. Apply. at this of fice. ... 8f C. WEDNESDAY MOHNING. MARCH 5 1873. For Woodson's Benefit. The fol lowing bill of fare for the inauguration ball last night has just been sent to our local by telegraph from Washington. He is not here. It is well. Should his eyes peruse the savory list, knowing that it was too late lor him to reach the spot in time, well might his friends fear the consequences. His loss, however, is the gain ot the crowd that will at tend, and again we say, " It is well." But oh ! what torments await the fiend that thus tortures a man who never did him harm. "U . We append the bill of fare : 10,003 fried oysters. . , ' s.uuu scuiiopea oysters. 3,000 pickled oysters. 03 boned turkeys of twelve pounds eacli. 75 roast turkeys about twelve pounds each. . - 130 roast capons, staffed with truffles. 15 saddles of tnuiton, about one liundreu pounds each. . 43 pieces spiced beef, forty pounds each. 2u0 dozen quails, larded aud roasted. 100 game pates, nity pounds each. " 300 tongues, ornamented with jelly. UoO bams, ornamented with jeily. SO salmon, baked, Montpeier butter. 100 chickens cnaud et froid. 400 partridges (Washington style.) 25 ooars' heads, stuffed and ornamented. 40 pates de foie gras, ten pounds each. 2,000 nead cheese sandwiches. o,0(X) ham sandwiches. 3,000 beef tongue sandwiches. 1,600 bundles celery. b0 barrels salad, z barrels lettuce. 350 chickens, boiled for salad. 2,0u0 pounds of lobsters, boiled for salad. O.uuO t-ggs, boiled for salad. 1 ban el of beets. 2.50J loaves of bread. 8,000 lolls. 24 cases Prince Albert crackers. 1,000 pou ads of butter. 3v 0 Charlotie russes, 1 pounds each. 200 moulds wine jelly 200 moulds blancmange. '5oO gallons ice cream, assorted. 20J gallons Ices, assorted, loo pounds mixed cakes. 150 large cakes, oiuamented. to large pyramids, assorted. 25 barrels Malaga grapes. 1 cases oranges. 5 barrels pples. 400 pounds mixed candies. 10 Doxes raisins "200 pounds tsheiied almonds. 300 gallons claret punch. y 800 gallons-coffee. 2oo gallons tea. loo gallons chocolate. Colored Lodges of Good Tem plars A Correction. Having seen in the papers that Lodges of Good Templars have been recently organized in-this State among the colored people, I desire, as the Chief Executive Officer of the Order in N. C, to state to the public that such statements are not true. Temperance societies have been or ganized 4imcng the colored people, but the constitution of the Grand Lodge of N. C. forbids the initiation of any one into a Lodge, working under its juris diction, who is not of pure white blood. The Grand Lodge of N. C, as well as other Grand Lodges under the jurisdic tion of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge, has supreme control over the question ot eligibility, and as the word white is in its constitution, no colored lodges can be organized under its jurisdiction, nor can any colored person be received into the Order in this State so long as that provision, of the constitution is binding. The officers ol the Good Templars in North Carolina, as well as the officers ot the Eutin Order South, are ready and willing to aid in the organization ot temperance societies among the colored people, and a Ritual is now being pre pared for them, which will give them an organization distinct from the Good Templars to beraauaged aud controlled by themselves. - - T. II. Pritchard. .A Conundrum. A tall slim frier d of the New York Post is in trouble. He wants to know what character to as sume at a masquerade. A Gotham journal advises him to chalk his head and go as a billiard cue. lle might braid his legs and go as a whip lash. Courier Journal. lie might wind himself round and round a tew dozen times and go as a ro oil tape. Lexington Caucasian. The Paris' True Kentuclaan advises him to wrap himself in the American flag and go as a barber pole. A little straw around his fett would enable him to appear as a broom. Inte rior Journal. ; Let him bristle his hair and go as a whitewash brush. St. Louis Journal. Let him swallow a few marbles and go as a rattle-box. Cash Bool: He might put on a brass cap and represent a pair ot tongs, or put an in sulator in his mouth and go as a tele graph pole. Paducah Kentuchiati. Give him a hymn-book and let him represent Skiler Colfax's reputation for truth the sliraest thing on record. Graint House at Newbern. See the card of Thomas Stanley, of New bern, N. C, who deak extensively in grain. This housa is perfectly reliable, and orders will receive prompt atten tion. Get your Tickets Early. Tickets to hear the great, American poet, John G. Saxe, can be obtained at the book stores. Price of tickets 50. cents each. Reserved seats $1. Ladies Fair. The ladies of the Baptist church are requested to meet at the church to-day at 3 p. m. to make arrangements for holding a Fair.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S C II O O L B O O K S ! SC IIOOL BOOKS!! . ; SCHOOL BOOKS!!! ; School Eooks, adopted by tbe State and others, Eold at the lowest cash rates by . li. BRANSON, mho-tf ' Raleigh, N. C. nrrORSte, HARNESS AND BUGGY - ' For Sale at A action. ON FRIDAY, 7th inst., at 12 o'clock. M on Fayetteville street, front of Towles' Store, we shall ofier for sale to the highest bidder, our well-known ROAN HORSE, wan Harness ana jsuggy, complete. , mh5-3t COLEMAN BROS. pHARLES W. SPRUILL, A TTORS EY AT L AW , . - , Warrexton, N. C. , ; COURTS Warren and adjoininji conn ties, Supreme Court of Ncrth Carolina, and umieu mates uouria ai itaieign. mh5-Dlm&W2m. TELEGIZIPIIIC JTE US. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington News The Inaugural. Washington, March 4th. It is very cold. The steamer Volunteer . which was ashore on Hawk Beach has gone to pieces. The cargo is on the beach wait ing shipment for Wilmington. -'. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT Fellow Citizens: Under Providence I have been called a second time to act a3 Executive over this great nation. It has been my endeavor : in the past to maintain all the laws, and as so far as lay in my power to act for the best in terests.ot the whole people. My best ef forts will be given in the same direction in the future, aided, I trust, by my four years experience in the office. When my first term of the office as Chief Exe cutive began, the country bad not re covered Irom the effects of a great in ternational revolution, and three of the former States of the Uni6n had not been restored to their federal relations. It seemed to me wise that no new questions should be raised so long as that condition of iiffairs existed; therefore the past four years, so far as I could control events, have been consumed in the effort to restore har mony, public credit, commerce, and all the arts of peace and progress. It is my firm belief that the civilized world is tending toward Republicanism or government by the people through their chosen representatives,and that our own great Republic is destined to be the guiding star to all others. Under our Republic we support an army less than that of any European power of any standing, and a navy less than that of either of, at least, five of them. There could be no extension of territory on this continent, which would call for an increase of this force; rather might such extension enable us to diminish it. The theory of government changes with general progress. Now that the telegraph is made available for communication through, together with rapid transit by steam, all parts of a continent are made contiguous lor all purposes of govern ment, and communication between the extreme limits of the country are made easier than it was throughout the old thirteen States at the beginning of our national existence. .. The effects of the late civil strife lave been to the slave and make him a citizen, vet he is not possessed of the civil rights which citizenship should cairy with it. This is wrong and should be corrected. To this correction J stand committed so far as executive influence can avail. Social equality is not a be legislated upoa, nor shall I ask that anything be done to advance the social status of the colored man, except to give him a fair cbance to develop what tDere is good in him. Give him access to schools, and when he tiavels let him feel assured that his con duct will regulate the treatment .and tare he will receive. The States lately at with the general Government ;are now happily rehabuitated and no executive control is exercised in any one of them that would not be exercised in any other State under like circumstances. In the first year of the past administration the proposition came up lor the admission of banto Domingo as a Territory of the Union. It was not a question of . my seeking, but was a proposition from the people of Santo Domingo, and which I entertained. I believe now, as I t'id then, that it was lor the best interests of this country for the people of Santo Domingo and all concerned, that the proposition should be received favora bly. It was however rejected. oonstK tutionally and thcretore the subject was never brought up again by me. In future, while I hold my present of fice, the subject of acquisition of terri tory must have the support of the peo ple before I will recommend any propo sition looking to such acquisition. 1 say here, however, that I do not share in the apprehension held by many as to the danger ol the government becoming weakened and destroyed by reason of their extension of territory. Commerce, education, and rapid transit of thought and matter by ttltgraph and. steam have changed all this. Rather do I be lieve that our Great Muster is paving the way for the world, in his own good time, to become one nation, seeking one language, and when armies and navie3 will be no longer required. My efforts ia the future will be direct ed to the restoration ot good leelin betwen the dinerent sections ol our country; to the restoration ot our cur rency to a fixed value as com pared with the world1 standard of values, gold, and if possible to a par with it ; to the construction ol cheap routes of transit throughout the land, t the end that the proceeds of all sections may find a market and leave a living remuneration; to the maintenance of friendly relations with all our neighbors and with distant nations; to the re-establishment of our commerce and share m the carrying trade upon the ocean ; to the encour agernent ot such manufacturing inter ests as can be economically pursued in this country, to the end that the exports ot home products and industries may pay for our imports, the only sure method ot returning to and per manently maintaining a specie Da sis; to 'the elevation of labor and by a humane course to bring the Abo- nginees of the : country uuder the be nign influences ot education and civiii- izaaon. it is eitner tins or a war 01 ex termination. Wars ol people, subjecting commerce and all " industrial purpose: are expensive, even against the weakest pt-op! and are demoralizing anu wicit td. Our sapciioriry of srrength and advantage of civilization fehouiJ ;"kc us lenient towards the Indian. The- wiong alreudy iaflicu d ujion him shou be taken into account and the tMi;u.c.i olaced to his credit. The mora! view of the question should be considered, and the question asked, Cannot the In dian be mada a useful and productive member of society by proper teaching and treatment ? If the effort is made ia good faith we will fctand better belore the civilized nations of the earth and in oar own conscience for having made it AH these things are not to' be ft3Com NO. 1, plished by one individual, but they will receive my support and such recommen dations to Congress as will, in my judg ment be of service to carry thrm in ef fect. I beg your support and ; encour agement. It has been, and is, my earnest desire to correct abuses that have grown up in the civil service of the country ; to secure this reformation rules regulating methods of appointment and promotions were established and have been tried. My efforts for such reformation shall be continued to the best of my judgment. The spirit of-the rules adopted will be maintained. ' I acknowledge before this assemblage, representing as it does "every section of our country, the obligation I am under to my countrymen for the great honor they have conferred on me by returning me to ths highest office within their gilt, and the further obligation resting on me to render to them the best services within my power. x- This I promise, looking forward with the greatest anxiety to the day when I goal I be released from respdnsibilities that at times arc almost overwhelming, and from which I have scarcely had a respite since the eventful firing upon Fort Sumter in ' April. 1801, to the present day. My services were then tendered and accepted under the first call lor troops, growing out-of that event. I did. not ask for place or posi tion, and was entirely without influ ence, or the acquaintance of persons ol influence, but was resolved to perform my part in a struggle threatening the very existence of the nation. I per- ormcd a conscientious duty, without risking promotion or command, and without a revengeful feeling towards anv section or individual. Notwithstanding this, throughout the war and from my candidacy for my pres ent office in 18G8, to the close of the last Presidential campaign, I have been the subject ot abuse and slander, scarcely ever equalled in political history, which to-day I teel that, I can allord to disres gard in view of your verdict which I gratefully accept as my vindication. : " : - . Throat Cutting iii Spain. . Paris, March 4. Thiers has issued vigorous orders to prevent the introduc tion of arm3 into Spain across the rench frontier. Spanish mails are severa' days behind time. The Fioarro reports that two bands of Carlist insurgents have entered the province of Madrid. Bayonke, March 4. The news receiv ed here Irom the northern and north east provinces of Spain, mostly from Carlist sources, shows that the inur rection i3 growing stronger every day. The situation at Parnpetuna is critical. A rising of Federalist is apprehended in this city. The National troops were withdrawn Saturday into the citadel and!the commandant threatened to bom- bardthe town if the Federalist, revolted. Carlists chiefs Alio and Dorregarray, with four thousand men are within three miles of the walls ot the city. The garrisdn numbers 3,500 men. The reinforcements sent by Gen. Pavia de serted on the march. The Cariists under Seballo recently deleuted the crovcrnmeut forces com manded by Cebninelty near Tournea. l he utter lost several officers and twen ty privates killed. Cebninelty retreated to Barcelona. . The insurgents are rapidly organiz ing their increasing-,, forces in Basque rrovinces, JNavarre, Alavia, Catalonia, Roieneid anu Arngou. Tiie army at Vetroy, lorrnerly under tha command of General Merriones, has been reduced by desertions from twelve thousand to seven thousand men. it is reported that Carlist band has retreated to vicin ity of Arrajuez, 28 miles southeast of Madrid. Madrid, March 4. In the Assembly to-day a bill was presented bv Senor Castillau. re-establishing Spanish lega tion at Berne. Tne Imparcial s-iys that a column of troops while pursuing Car lists in the province of Lercida suddenly mutinied and refused to continue pur suit. . ' The Memphis and El Paso Bond Swindle. L;kdon, March 4. The case of the Memphis and El Paso Railroad bond has been tried bctcre the criminal Court. Fremont and six others are arraigned: for a irauduient sale ol worthless bonds, amounting to six mil lions. , Fremont ha3 been cited but can not answer in time. IDNl;iIT DISPATCHES. A' Mill and a Row. Collieks, W.V., March 4. Barney Campbell and Harry Hickman fought thirty-six rounds. They fought one hour and tea minutes when most un satisfactory termination took : ; place.. Scddens and the notorious Ned O'Bald win got in a quarrel, and in a lew min utes hundreds ot pistols were drawnj and alter a promiscuoUo fight, iur'-vhrch all preaeut indulged, it was discovered that the "Irish Giant" had been severe ly handled., A ring was pitched at 10:30 a. m, and when beddon' : referee and O'Bald win's second got in a fightthe principal skedaddled.. As there has been no decision, the fight will again take place two months hence. Washington, News. 4 WASHixCtTor, March, 4,--Tha SniSe is in extra. .session and atljoarnuil to Thursday noon. ThV, closing scenes of Congress were merely ths loutine. -, No accident adds interest to the real ity of the magnificent Inaugural display. There were soma nine thousand .troops in liae. The pyrotechnics make the ?ky glare .to-cight from nadir to zeiiuii, . ; ; . ;'; . : ' ,n I.'c .V; York and Panama Advices. New YoKis March 4, Advices from Panama state .that the Isthmus CaDal expedition ; is progressing , favorably with a base at Chiri Chrisi.. ,. L v ; , , Veather Iteport. Wasuikotun, March 4.- For the Middle and South Atlantic States r sing barometer and temperature with clear weather and diminishing winds. DAILY 'EWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING One square, oue lnsertiom..., . s i on One square, two insertions...... "" i vi One square, three insertioniS. !. ' 2 00 One square, six insertions ' 3 One square, one month.......... a ()ft cEl Zll' ' lre months. . 16 00 One square, six month...... ' 30 00 One square, elve months,..".V.3.""'.. 50 00 tor larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. , , Frauds on the Bank of England. Loxdox, March 4. The reported frauds on the Bank of England amounts to two million dollars, and that of this amount 330,000 was drawn u pon Jay Cook McCullocli & Co. ?00,000upon Rothchilds, and a large anibunt, exact figure unknown, nrjgntho Barring's. Some of these houses are said to be making strenuous "efforts -to suppress detail transacfioriiH .ft i3 stated, en what appears . to be good ; authority. that one of the members of the house of Rothchild went to Newgate" to-r1 ay, and had an iutervicw with Noyes, the alleged accomplice of -swindlers, iand startling revelations concerning k their operations were made, but which kept for the present. is From San Francisco. San Francisco, March 4. The United.States steamer Lincoln left for the scene of the wrecked steamer Geo'. S Wright. It is known that Major Wright and wife were aboard. New York Markets. New York:.- March 4. Cotton quiet: sales 1.9G0 bales ; uplands 20 ; Orleans 21?. b lour quiet and uuchanpted. Whiskey-ouiet at 92. sprii g wheat rlrja; winter inactive, torn shade better, moderate demand. Rice steady. Pork firm at o. Lard firm, in good demand. Navals easier. Tallow quiet. J? reights quiet. wttonjNtt receipts to-day 432 bales, oss 4,010. Sales fur export 1,313. ;ross JSales bales, as fallows : March 20 3-16a2ji ; April 2o2f; May 20 13-16a20 15-1G ; June 2lka 2iu-l; Julv 21JJa21 9-10. Money closed at commission. Sterling lower at TiiS. Gold 1 Governments very dull, steady, states very quiet, little change in prices. iuluio uewvery to-aay, rz.SUO Foreisn markets. Loxdo-, March 4. Consols closed at 92U. Fives 95). Tallow 44 and 3. Feankfokt, March 4. Bonds 9-3. Paris, March 4. Rentes 57 and 22. ' LtvEKrooi.. March 4. Cotton opened with heavy tendency; uptands 9; Orleans 10. Sales 12,000 bales ; speeulaton and ex port 1,000. Later Cotton qniet and steady. Bread si utls steady. Evening Cotton closed firm. ' Baltimore "Markets. 1 Baltijiorb, March 4 Flour dull, market favors buyers. Wheat steady unchanged. Corn scarce and Ijricr. 'Ry o qulef, 80a50. Hay unchauped. Provisions strong, ; Lard firm ; steam 8;4 ; kettle Western butter unchanged. Whiskey steady. . ; . - Cotton Markets. Norfolk, March 4. Cotton firmer; low middlings ii. WiiiMiNGToN, MurcU 4. Cottori quiet ; middlings 19J4--. . ; . Kuw Orleans. March 4. Cotton, fair; good ordinary l"--; low middlings 1S'; middlings iySl!;:. " Memphis. Slarcli 4. Cotton quiet; middlings lUalO ' i .;-' Baltimore March 4. Cotton firm, mid dlings 2Uj,i. Mobile, MaTeh 4. Cotton firm; demand moderate ; middlings IWi; low middlings 18 ; good ordinary 17J-. - K E N T U C K Y M U L E S. I shall Teceive on Wednesday, the otli Forty well-broke KENTUCKY, MULES. ; , They can be seon in the stables of Messrs. Wynn, Yancey J: Co. mcii4-lv. J..W. LEE. 0 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY", Baleigh, North Carolina. .1 - ' ' '" - ' CAPITAL, - - - - - $200,000; OFFICERS: lion. Kemp P. Battle, President. F. II. Cameron, Vice President. W. II. Ilicks, Secretary. Dr. E..B. Haywood, Medical Director. Dr. W. I. Royster, Ass't Medical " J. B. Batchelor, Attorney. O. II. Perry, Supervising Agent. DIUECTOUS. -: lion. Kemp P. Battle, Hon. Tod II. Cald well, lion. John VV. Cimningham, Col, T. M. Holt, Hon. Win, A. Smith, Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Hon. John Manning, General W. li. Cox, Col. L. 7. Humphrey, C. Tate Mur-. iny, Coi. Win. K. jindeison, John G. Wil liams. Col. W. L. Saunders, it. Y. McAden, ' Col. A. A. McKoy, 1, J. Young .lames A. Graham. F, II. Cameron, J. C. Mcltae, J. li. Baici elor, J. C. Blake, Waiter Clark", W. (i. Upcliuich, J. J. Davis, John .Nichols. i'laAXUUES-AKI ASVANTAOES. It Is emphatically a, Home Company. Its large capital guarantees stren.'jth and saiety ' - ' .' ; 1. 1. - Its rates are us low as those of any first class company; It Gftrrf al. desirable forms of insurance.' Its fun Js are invested at home and circu lated among our own people. ; io unrieceary restrictions impoted ' upon residence or travel. . . Policies nou-forieitable afterjTWO years. Its officers and directors are prominent and wt-U-kuovvn NortU Cajrolinians, whose experienca as busineass men, and whose worth and integrity; are alone- sufficient guarantees of the Company's strength, sol- ency and success. TUEO. II. U ILL. Local Agent, ' ' Ualeigh, JST. C. O.K. PERKY, c . - i Supervising Agent. S-Oood Ageuis, with whom llbdtfal con tracts will be made, wanted in every coun ty in the State; : f mayl-ltf D"ncoN- CO T TO If S;E E I) Kit. .' t-'... ill '- ') -'- r'i'. 'i ' 3J Bushels genuine . t . ; , tJ , ... DIXON, COl'TON isEED(i for sale at o) cents per Bushel. Apply to " ' '"' V: )!. & R H.' TUCKEIt fe 0. feb2T-12t. T E -JLtU. L II Ot M I N Y , ' Pearl Grit, ' ' ' ''uy ' Lt ; Carolina Itice., j( .. s. ' SplitPoas, J '- -.-' Tapioca,, ; . j Peaii Barley, ; . Backwneat i'iotir, . -ii siiiw O-iweo Corn Btarcli. .-v,. ; . w. O. BTKOTiACn. P - ii ' -u r C O. T TON FOODJJ Wa'mlo Fcriilizir? t 1 Z ELLS' AM MOXLVX W EjOJi JXJ?ER- ., phosphate ft! . Ve'- are again prepared'to fill orders for rvboye Fenuixers, xne result oi lasi yeai's.eijt-ii.dpnts bouf best farmers is btt Klll'JvifCtOrj ;1 Hilt i" MTJ lUCUIl B" "a. .'LEB ilt CO. ' I have on hand a TENON MACHINE and nSrOKH LATHE, with xtk the' necessary iixtrirt s lor maliiny Spokes, which re a!raos.t wisulng to dispose of them will tcti ti very reaaouabltitranB. .Come and ste me, or address " ' ' -.-....?.', ;, -j . J J. MXNETBBB. mhl-2t Louifcburg,N.Cl

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