V,.- DAILY NEWS. n TTT O O "3 DAILY NEWS. STONE A UZZELL, . "PROPRIETORS. JP"ArETTKVILI.KSTItEET, i vtr W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH IN VAW ABLT IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to abscrlbers at fifteen- cents per week, payable to, the carrier weekly. Mailed at " per an nam y fcl.50 for six months ; $2 for thre 3 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, use insertioH.........;...s I 00 One square, two Insertions- i 50 One square, threa insertions........ 2 00 One square, six Insertions 35 One square, one month..... .....!!! 8 00 One square, three months. 16 00 One square, sii' mnritlM.xl..'.Z..'....... 30 00 One square, f elve months ....".."." 50 00 ior larger ad vr rtisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. I i YOL. II. RALEIGH. NT THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 6; 1873. NO. 5. The WEEKLY NE"W8 at $2 per annum. x " ' ' ' ' ' V . . .' : .i ' '. . . I . 1 - . !l j , , ............... : PROFESSION Al CARDS. A. S. IXKURIMOX. V I S. A. AShK. ! THOMAS C. FULLER. MERRIMON, FULLER & ASHE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, RALEIGH, N . C . Will practice In the State and Federal Courts, wherever their services may be required. OFFICE: Form r office of Phillips 4 Mer rimoii. Ieb26-3tn Q VIDE I) U P REE , (Lately of Raleigh, N. C.,) Attorney and Counsellor At Law, No. 6 Wall St., New York, Will attend promptly to all Professional business entrusted to him. Refers 10 the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of tiie Supreme court of North Carolina, and to the whole iJar of North Carolina. febl8-tf 8. Q B . S PRU.I L L , J 11 , ATTORNEY A T LAW, JACKSON ,N . C . Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgeeo.ube und Northampton couniiea. in the Supreme Court of .North. Carolina aud in the Federal Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. jan3i-Gw (A. E 0 II S NOW RALEIGH, N. 0 . ; Practices in the State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to the collection of Claims in ail parts of the Stale. . jiinio-lm i. B. UATCHKLOg. " L. C. EDWAKD V. 1'LUJlilKK BATCHELOK. & ATCIIELOR, EDWARDS AND BAiOilfcLOii, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C.J - ill attend in the carts of Wake, Grau vllie, r-'taukliu, Warren, llalilax, .North ampton aud '.lwtr.aiii, and the Federal ana suyreme -'.'our id. jan3-tf A. L E X ; iL a Al ITU, iii'TOlINL'l' AT LAW, SUO 1'LAND N E C K , N . U . vv'ii. 4'r.icticoiu lite . ourts of ilaiiiax aud adjoint;;, counties. Coiiui-tioua attended to in ail parts of tne fclute. may n-ti Walt ait CLAitc J. M. ilULLEN. M U L L E N , V K HALIFAX, N. C. rruetiee in all vhe courts of Halifax 2o: luainpton aud idyecombe couhtlea in tue oupicmo Court oi Nurth Carolina and in luc i ecleiXU ooui'ts. Jtjf Collections mauu in ail parts of North Carolina. innl-ly ED. COMGLA.ND, WAI. 11. ALV LAW PARTNERSHIP. C OISIG, LAND & DAY, 'ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad ,ouiiuy count lea in tne toUpreme Court of tho atate, ana in tue t edeial Courts. They Will give Siecia attention to collecting and con&uiiiug ouaincss, and to adjusting the accunto of ex.ecu.tors, aduiiiiiSLiafuio and fiiuraiaiis. Tne J umur partner will attend at his of fice lu NVciOou on oaturaays and Mondays of cacti weeit. no a-ti ii. li. SAM'LT. WlLLlAilS L N N & W I L L I A Al 6 , ROCKY .VUL'.NT, N. C. v 1 L L I A M S LA; li U N N R ALL Kill, N .- C . A iiusiness letters may .be addressed eitner to liwcKy Mount or iiaieigcu-a? tlaitas lollettcd tu aay part of the St&te. jf piactice in the Supreme Court of the Slate anu in the Federal Court at laleigh. mh 1-ti. K. W. '1HOM.ASON. Ij. J. Labahkb V. TUOM ASON & CO.j (Successors to E. T. Hall & Co..) Auctioneers and Commissloa Merchants, NO. 3, WILMINGTON STREET. RVLEiail, c. Special attention paid to the sale "of Real EsUtte. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. 3- Refer to J. G. Williams, President State .National Jianlt; A. G. Lee tfc- Co., Itaiein ; W. WnitaJier, Mayor of Kaieigh ; W.C. tttrouach, Raleigu. A full stocK. of Groceries on hand at reasouabfe prices. 1 j I K. W. TUOMASON & CO. ! nov2(J-tf 1873. .1873 SPlZIJt a lttltITJlL.S, Receiving a very large lot of STAPLE AXD DDJIESTICJ DKY GOODS, CONS1STINO OF Pleached and Unbleached Domestics,! iiieucheu and Unbleached Sheetings, Plaid and Striped Homspuns, Kentucky Jeans, (for spring, 400 VounterpaneH from $1 50 each, andr upwards, which have been bought at the lowest CASH I'RlCt.S, and will be SOLD LOW. W. H. & R. S. 1 UCKER & CO. febl9-tf N ORTII CAROLINA JE AN S SATIKETTS AND CASI MERES, Just received at . PRIMdOSE, PETTY & NKWSOM'Si CORNING EDITION. Slit !ald0lt ga geiw. THURSE AY...... ......MARCn C, 1873 LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOOUSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write on one side ot tue paper. Local Briefs. Buy a ticket for St. Patrick's supper. (1; . Pare and ' mellow J Century Wht6key ! ; ... Not a criminal case hittl come before the Mayor up to, G p. m. yesterday. The Executive Kansioh h for rent. See the advertisement of the Governor, j The- Exchange Ilotel on IIlJsboro, Street, 'fs fojr. reqt.. Apply to ' Wm. Grimes, Esq. ? ' Any one desiring to rent a comforta ble six room house, lor the balance ot the year, can do so by, applying to A. G. Lee & Co. See the advertisement. J. S. McSween, Esq., the clever editor of the Fajetteville' Ecvjlc, did us the pleasure of calling at our sanctum yes terday moruiug. Glad to eee your Mr. Mc. Call again. We learn that our young friend Mid shipman Busbce, now on duty in the European squadron, had the honor, not long siDce, of an aulience with His Holiness Pio Noao. Senator Y. W. Flemming, who has been in the city since the adjournment of the Legislature with nis friends, left tor his western home last evening. . There will be a meeting of the Exec utive Committee ofthe State Agricul tural Society to-day, at 11 o'clock, in the office ot the Secretary ia the Fisher building. Senator J. W, Dunham, Chairman of the Joint Select Committee to cancel vouchers in the Auditor's office, is still in the city iilteiiding to the duties as signed to that committee. The work upon the proposed im provement ot the Yar borough' House Commenced yesterday. The present wooden addition will be removed to make room lor a hacdome biick wTing. We are fndebttd to a iriend in Gran ville county for another club of sub scribers to the News. The many friends who are working for. us in differ ent sections have our warmest thanks. The Board of County Commisioners met on Tuesday at the Work House. No business ot public importance was transacted. The disbursements for the past month amount to $23.55 ; cash on hand $209. - We were in error in stating on yester day that the County Commissioners had extended the time of Sheriff Lee lor settling county taxes to the lOih iust. We should have said that the time was extended to the 10th prox. On W ednesday morning, at 9:30 o' clock, there will be carriages in waiting in front ol the Mayor's office to convey the members of the Board oi Directors ot the Insane Asylum to that institu tion to attend the first meeting of the said Board. Subscriptions to tiie New Fair Ground.:. We add the following sub scriptions to the new Fair Grounds to those already mentioned in these coiumns : W S Primrose, $10 ; D J Ellis, $30; R W'Best, $20; II Fendr, $10; Jos H Green, $10; P C Flemming, $5; II Welton. $5: J R O'Neill, $10 ; D T Ward, $3 ; J B Bobbin, $5 ; J A Jones, $20; W R DiX, $10; Rev Aldert Smedes, 100; Hon Kemp P Battle, $100. A lew thousand dollars more will put the State Agricultural Society on a sure footing. For the want of it, will our people look on and see the whole thing fail ? Now's the time or never 1 Meeting of the Board of Direc tors for the Penitentiary. The Caldwell Board of Directors for the Penitentiary met yesterday at thatinsti tutionj and organized. '-.The. old Board turned over the books, papers, &c, and made a formal surrender of control.' The new Board gave notice that at the re-organizatioa one-third of Lhe over seers and also one-third of the guard shall be colored men. The Board meets again to day. Spring Clothing. Messrs. R. B. Andrews & Co. announce in another column that they have just received an elegant lot of gents' fino dress shirts of the newest styles, and htve open a lull stock of mens', youths anu bovs black and colored felt hats. Give them a call. A Localizer Sold. The Local Edi tor of the Era announced very gravely jestirday evening, that the Rev. A. W. Mangum, of this city, had been ap pointed "Inspector of Vegetables" for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. The party "who perpetrated this "sell" on that local shouid he awarded a medal. - For Rent, Lease or Sale. The residence on Ilillsboro street belonging to Captain J. G. Hester, containing II rooms already furnished, will be rented, leased or sold oa Saturday at public auction. See notice elsewhere. Supreme Court. The Court met ycsteiday at the usual hour. All of the Judges present.' The argument of the case ol u. J. Uervey vs. B. U. !c J S. Edmunds Halifax, was concluded. "Startlikg News-"-Pi of. Hicks has arrived at home again Irom Wilson Court. See his notice elsewhere. He claims that he brings "startling news." Supreme Court Opinions. Opinions were filed in the Supreme Court-yesterday in the following leases i s ii: By Pearson, C. jl ". " j R. S. Pullen, et tl. vs. City of Raleigh, from Wake. No error. , Judgment af firmed. - - Salem Female Acaderayi T3. . Mary E. Phillips, from Forsythe." Error. Venire aenovo., : :;k- ? . . . ; A. W. Lawrence, tet : ul.t. Morrison, Administrator, from W. II. Ire'dell. No error. Jadgment affirmed. A. C. Sutherland, vs. Elizabeth Stout, from Ashe. Error. Judgment . re versed. . , : ; : s ; k By Reads, J. ; 1 ' ; Joseph Haskins, vs. J. M.; Weith, from Guillord. No error, affirmed Judgment W. II. Bailey, vs, Tod R. Caldwelf, Governor, ' f rom Wake. No ' error. Judgment affirmed. , : ''.'4 I Thomas A. James, Administrntor, vs. J. k . Long, etal. irom Iredell. ITd ferror.. 'Judgment affirmed: '' '-r.5 " " S f Vl ' George W. McMinn, vs. Julia A. Freeman, Executrix, Irom Henderson. No error. Jugdment affirmed. C. C. West, vs. J. W.- Cooper, et al.t from Cherokee. No error. Judgment affirmed. - , S. A. Powell, vs. Jas. M. Weith, from Guilford. No . error. Judgment ; af firmed. T. C Utley, Guardian, vs. Thomas Young, et al., (2 cases) from Wake. Enor. Plaintiff recover costs in this Court. Augelo Garibaldi, vs C. W. Hol lowell, Executor, et al., from Halifax. No error. Judgment affirmed. . By Rodman, J. . Lewis V. Sloan, from Lincoln. Judg ment affirmed. Hislop, vs.Hoover, from Mecklenburg. Error. Judgment reversed. Pope, vs. Edwin Whitehead, et al, from iliilihtx Judgment affirmed. SI. A. Bledsoe, vs. Elizabeth A. Nixon, et al., from .Wake. Reversed in respect to the covenants. Affirmed as to the rest. By Boyden, J. Brown, Daniel & Co. vs. P. B. Haw kins, irom Edgecombe. Error, ment reversed. judg J. M. Wells vs. F. Sluder, -AdminisJ trator, from Buncombe. Error. Judg ment reversed. . j State vs J. G. J. D. Wiseman, Irom Y'ancey, No error. Judgment affirm--ed. J. W. Simmons vs. R. from Tyrrell. Error, versed. Mate vs. Simpson Hassell, et al. Jut gment re- Mord ccai and Thomas GrifSce, liom Wake, No error. Judgment arhrmed. , John R. Wbitaker vs. Peter Forbes, tt.al. from Halifax. Error.. Judgment reversed. By Settle, J, J. S. Dancy, H. Smith; et. al ment affirmed. Administrator," v.. W. from Ifalilax. Jud EC- G.L.Johnson vs. Lucy A. Neville, from Halifax. Judgment affirmed. May Porter vs. Levi Jones, Alleghany. Judgment affirmed. W. F. Deal vs. W. Palmer, from Caldwell. No error. Judgincnt af- inmcd. Solvent Credits not to be Taxed. -The following opinion in ihe case of Pullen vs. the City ol Raleigh, deliv ered by Judge Pearson in the Supreme Court yesterday, decides that-money credits, investments in bonds, stocks, &c, the property mentioned in the first clause of Section 3, Article 5 of the Con stitution of the State, is not taxable by municipal corporations. The following is the opinion : "lhe power of the city authorities to tax debts and securities tor money held by the citizens, depends upon the charter. That instrument enumerates nomina tim the subjects or' taxation eight in number, beginning with real estate situated in the city, ending with en croachments on the streets by porches, &c. But no one ol these eight specifi cations uses any word which, by the utmost stress of construction, can be made to embrace debts and securities for money.' The word 'property,' aliout which so much was said in the argument, is not used in that enumeratios ol the subjects ot taxation. In regard to that word, by the-by, we see that the Constitution does not make it include 'money credits, investments ia bonds,' &c. 4 Real and personal property' is used in a sense to exclude such ' credits and investments,' Art. 5, Section 3. We concur with his Honor for the reasons given by him. Judgment affirmed." Beautiful Cotton. We have been khown by Mr. Ricks M. Pearce a sam ple of the Pearce Cotton, grown on the farm ol John J. Pearce, Esq., at Ililliardston, in Nash county, and have no hesitation in saying it is the most beautiful specimen ol cotton we have ever seen grown in the btale. it is snow-white, of the long staple species, and would doubtless command a price much above that ol low middling in the New York market. Mr. John J. Pearce hns some of these seed tor sale, and has deposited with Mr. George T. btronach & B:o., ol this city, a speci men of the cettou and beed lor inspec tion. See his advertisement elsewhere. Auction Sale of Livery Stable. Remember the auction sale on Saturday of the livery stable of Messrs. Dunn & Co. Here will be an opportunity for parties investiug who may wish horses, buggies or phsetons, or who may desire to establish a livery t table. j Found Dead. On Tuesday an old eolored woman some sixty years of age, living near Morrisville in this county, was Jound dead in her bed. As her death undoubtedly proceeded from nat ural causes. Coroner Magniu did . not deem it neeessary to hold an inqucsu Pianos Wanted. Apply at this of flee. St. Locatorial Correspondence. Our 'peripateUc " Lokle Eddytur" sends us the following correspondence from Kew foai " He" is rather fob d of writing, but is more partial to urollinff poker:" ' V THZmt Gatawa County, ) MarcU 4th, 1873. ThfiSL'jrpricg term 61 Catawba Court, his- houor Judge Anderson Mitchell, presiding, commence i.in this place yes terdy. Tbe4 ehttrge cf Judge Mitchell to the Grand Jury was quite lengthy, but dignified1 and ab!b. ' The State docket was tuken up by 8o Bettor 'GaldwttHhithe afternoon, and several cases disposeti of before night. The dokeV fenmbeiA 43 cases, three fourths of which are for bastardy, the others being minor 'offences, ' with the execption-of ne case of murder, which 19 somelliing'; unusual jn this welt ordered "county, " The murder case is, however, one of little interest, and it is liiot believed that the State will be able to convict. A woman is charged with the mtrrder a! her i&eguimate offspring, and tiie evidence is far from being com plete. ' ' -' The summons docket numbera six cases only ; the civil issue seventeen. The Court will adjourn by Friday at fartherest. We notice in attendance upon the Court the following members of the" Bar : " ' Col. R. F. Armsfield, N. L.'McKorkle, D. Schenck,. D. M. Furch'es, M. E. Lawrence, John F. Murrill, W. P. Cald well, John F. Hooke, N. P. Bynum, John B. Hussey, Beverly Cobb, Col. D. Coleman and W. II. Bailey, Esq., The weather is intensely cold here, so much so that we , are almost unable to leave the fire place in our room,: and as Newrfoa comes under one of the "pro hibition" laws ot the Legislature, fire is the only means ol keeping ye local warm. In consequence thereof we'shali proceed by the next train to Guilford Court, where we have a right to expect a warmer reception. The good people of Catawba, we are proud to say, openly endorse the course ol the News, and ecem anxious of an opportunity to express their gratifica tion by liberally subscribing tor it. We are hurried by the near approach of the mail hour, and will therefore close till to-morrow. Items From Our Oxford Corres pondent. Our Oxford correspondent, uuder date of yesterday, gives us the following items: Mrs. Horace L. Robards has been ap pointed matron of the orphans at St. John's Orphan Asylum. Mrs. Robards is well known to the people of Granville as a highly accoiu plisbed lady, and it is thought she com bines in an eminent degree the requi site qualifications for discharging the duties devolving upon her in the new position she has assumed. She has commenced her labors with ardent zeal and with the determination to excel. Her late husband, Colonel Robert. L. Robards, was many years ago a leading citizen ot' Oxford, aud was conspicuous for his enlarged hospitality. The people of this vicinity hail with delight the information of the passage of the bill authorizing the commission ers of Granville to issue bonds fo rail road purposes. They think this looks like business, and foreshadows that we are soon to have a railroad to Oxford. At the lust meeting of the Oxford Reading Club Mr. A. S. Peace wus chosen President. Messrs. R. L. & D. A. Hunt have dis solved co-partnership and Mr. D. A. Hunt has connected himself with the house of H. C. & W. G, Herndon as a member ot the firm. ' Mr. William II. Hicks paid a flying visit to Oxford a few days ago. lie has been for some time past an official on the Raleigh & Gaston Rail road, and has recently received the more lucrative appointment of Secre tary of the N. 0. State Insurance Com pany. . - " - - OI Verb ish My Bkaver ? A "member." from the West, upon reach ing home, writes us the following : O ! vere ish my beaver hat now gone to? If you vaite I will told it to you now ; Last night as I koom up on dat Railroad I lost niin, and I cannot told you how. As will be observed by the above touching lines a paraphrase ol ''seven oud" a member (from the West) lost his bat, and lor fear that an alarming item may get into the papers, especial ly alter the passage ot the "Amnesty Act," we desire to inform you and the many friends ot the gentleman, that if a hat should be found on the Railroad track near Morrisville, with the in scription on the inside "T. D. J. of B.," they need have no fears cf accident to the popular Representative, as we saw him get off the train at H. to repair his los3 in head gear, and spend a day or two in making "calls." Sentence Affirmed. Yesterday the Supreme Couit rendered a decision in the case of State xs. Simpson Morde cai and Thomas Griffis, affirming the judgment of Hie Court below. These men, it will be re.snembered, were con victed at the last term Of the Wake County superior Court of burglary, and were sentenced to be hanged on the 28th of February. These are the men who broke into the store-house of Mr. W. H. Hick?-, near this city, and so se verely beat him. At the next term of the Court the condemned will be re sentenced. As Appeal to tiis Medical Pro fession. We publish in another column an earnest appeal to the medical mcAot the State, from a commit tee of the State Medical Society, to attend the i.ext a; nual meeting of this Society, which will be held at Statesville on the third Tiles day in May next. -We are requested to call the attention of the press of the city and the State to this address, and to request its publica tion in the interest of the medical pro fession of the State. . i Sheriff N. R. Jones, of Warren, put in an appearance in this city yesterday afternoon.' " . . Citizens' Meeting. As has been heretofore announced ; there, will be a meeting ot .the citizens of Raleigh to morrow; "evening, at. Metropolitan Hall, in reference tottJe proposed Fair of the State Agricultural Society. in this city next Octobeft .We earnestly hope that there will be-a. large, turn. out on this occasion, as upon," the action of the meeting - will depend ithe feasibility of carrying out thle plansof the Committee in reference to' the arrangement of the new Grounds and, in fact, the . very existence of the Fair in this city. ; Ap peal after appeal has been made to the citizens of this place to come 'forward and make Raleigh contribute a credita ble' proportion towards making the State Fair worthy of both the Capital and State. Raleigh is mostly benefitted by these annual Fairs and, therelore,it behooves her substantial citizens to put forth strenuous exertions to make them all they should be. If we are to have a decent Fair in October, now is the time to act. If we arir to have the State Fairs continued ia this city, we must now give an earnest of our intention of giving them in future a much better support than in the past by making suitable arrangements to? sustain the Executive Committee in the efforts they are now putting forth to make these exhibitions creditable alike to the enter prise and resources ol our State. Again we urge a lull attendance upon this meeting in order that therb may. be a full and free expression of opinion as to the plans proposed, and that prompt and decisive action may be taken. Jurors. The following is the list of those who have been drawn to serve as' Jurors during the April term of the Wake County Superior Court. The Court convenes on the 7th of the above mentioned month f ' FIRST WEEK. 19. Thos. Bradford, 20. A. Ferguson, 21. Wm. Smith, , 22. Jas. Taborn, 23. E.E.Gill, 24. Albert Pettiford, 25. L. E. Heartt, 2(J. W.J. Hicks, 27. E. F. Wyatt, 28. J.H.Harris, 20. J. W. Collins, 30. H. A. Montague, 31. Stephen UoRoway, 62. J. 11. Wiggins, 33. Madison iJaugh, 31. R J. Holt, Jio. Allen Crenshaw, 30. T. R. Rollins. Talbot Ligon, Jas. M. Puce, Badger McCullers, John Pierce, W. H. Hollownv. o. it. l. liosner; 7. Wm. Gant, 8. llinton Jinks, 9. J. R. Rogers, 10. D. H. Gardner, 11. John R. Harrison, 12. Lemon Hinton, 13. Wm. Yearby, 14. Jesse Hicks, 15. Griffin Stewart, 18. Sam'l Ruth, 17. Wm. Mitchell, 18. J. T. Coicleugh, SECOXD WEEK. 1. A. II. Jones, 2. N. M. Alston, 3. Wm. Jones, 4. John W. King, 5. Henry Marshall, 6. Henry Spikes, 7. R. H. Scott, 8. D. L. Bel v in, 9. Wesley Powell, 10. James Grady, 11. Calvin Mitchell, 12. Rans. Honeycutt, 13. S. H. Bledsoe, 14. Wm. Green, 15. Alfred Stewart, 18. W. H. Mullen, 17. Sam'l Mangum, 18. Jacob Norwood, Items From the Executive De partment. The Governor on yesterday issued a warrant ot delivery to James Canton, special of the South Carolina authorities, diiected to the Sheriff of Haywood to deliver up the body of one Montgomery Bishop, charged with having committed murder near Spran tansburg, S. C. Bishop wa3 arrested in Haywood county, on the 15th of Janu ary last and committed to the Waynes ville jail to await requisition. The Governor has appointed R. J. Moses, Columbus, Georgia, Commis sioner of Deeds for North Carolina in that State. ' Dr. William Barrow, of Northampton county, has tendered his resignation as a member of the Board of Public Chari ties. ' On yesterday morning the resigna tion of Marcus Erwin, as Solicitor of the 11th Judicial District, was received and accepted by the Goverrfor. We suppose that a nomination to fill the Vacancy will be mbde in a few days. Should be Returned. The State Librarian yesterday received a letter from Mr. W. B. Hyde, of Kenosha, Wisconsin, staling that an acquaint ance of his living near that place had shown him the original draft of the first Constitution ol this State, which he (the acquaintance) had taken irom the State Library : some time during the war. Mr. Hyde offers to secure the re turn of the document should our au thorities deem it of safficient impor tance. By all means the manuscript should be returned to our archives, and prompt measures should at once be ta ken to regain possession of this memento of the. illustrious North Carolinians who framed that instrument. The tetter has been submitted to the Goyernor lor his action in the matter, and we hope that he will take immediate advantage of Mr. Hyde's kind offer. Unmailable Letters. Letters for the following parties are now held in the Post Office of this city for lack of proper postage: J. Wesley Gray, Thomasville, N. C. ; J. Q. Johnson, Smithfield, N. C. ; Mrs. Alice McDermott, No. 1, Centre Market Place, New York ; Edward H. Hasweil, Thoinastoa, Maine ; Henley Dunston, Tarboro, N. C. ; John Hinton, Enfield, N. C. ; Fletcher Phillips, Forestville. N. C. ;Johu E. Crowell, No. 186, Mott Street, New York; Miss Emily Ander son, Washington, Ohio ; Joo. I). Gully, Clayton, N. C. ; Mis3 Helen Gilmore, Egypt, N.C. An Excellent Appointment. WTe are informed that T. II. mil, Esq. of this city, has been by tiie Executive unanimously chosen Committee of the North Carolina Life Insurance Com pany as the special agent for the com pany lor this city and county. No better selection could have been made, as 10. inugiiry and business qualifica tions,. Mr, II. has. no 6Uj.crjo.- m this community. Besides he is taorouiiiv posted in insurance matter.. 'and is in every way quahued lor the poaiti.m. . TXTELirS GILT-EDGE BUTTER Crtam Cheese, Soda and Lemon Biscuit. Orders solicited. A. G. LEE & CO. 1ST ORTll CAROLJN A ALMANACS for 1873, calculated by B. Craven, D. IX KriiiU in yuuc uruera ui uuyc i L. BRANSON. . Publisher and Booksei le r, nov5-tf Kalelgu, N. O. TELEGIlJlPIIilC JTEirS. , NOOIUATCIIS' ; Aews From London. Londoh, March 5. The Times ha? a special lrota Berlin stating that the ability of the government of France to give financial guarantees sufficient to secure the early evacuation of French territory by German troops ; is doubted in that city. . ..'.. :IT The son' of the late Ex-Emperor, Napoleon, paid a visit to Queen Victoria yesterday." k.; if r A: movement .is on : foot among the Irish population of London for a great meeting in "Hyde Park in favor ot amnesty for the Fenians, .-now field in prison by .the British government. The Beting, over which Dr. Isaac Butt, member ; ol " Parliament lor Limerick, will preside, will probably be held . on the lGth of this month. Bank of England Fraud. LoNDoN,March 5 The circumstances of the fraud on the Bank ot England remains a mystery. Noyes, the clerk or confederate .of the forger, now, under arrest, is a native ol the United States. He protests" his innocence, but doubtless jnows more than he is willing to tell at present. Astonishment is expressed that the extent of the transaction did not arouse the suspicions , of the bank officials, but it seems that, the operators represented that thev were'inteiested in the introduction oi American Palace cars on British railways, and." were ar- rangingjor their manufacture cn a scale which required the employment of a lanje amount of funds. Foster, the Car Hook Murderer. mellow Feyer, &c. New York, March 5. The weather is clear and cold. The gale has some what subsided. Foster received his reprieve last night with great rejoicing. Jay Cooke & Co., have no advices in dicating their loss of over, a quarter million iu the Bank of England swin dle. They are in rece'pt ot their usual cables and no mention of it was made. Foster's friends think the punishment will be commuted to life imprisonment. Foster is the Car Hook Murderer. A woman died yesterday with symp toms of yellow fever. . . ;. : O- '- . - ' Wassliingtou News. Washington, March 5. It is proper to say that the sacred phrase thoutrht- esslj' placed by the artist in charge of the decorations anions the legends of the .inaugural ball, was removed by order of the Committee of Arrange ments. Most of the new Senators were seated yesterday. Senator Spencer, of Alabama, was called, bu"; did not put in an appear ance. It was understood that objec tions would have been made.-- Neither Gen. McMillan nor Pinch- back were called. - - - ' Telegraphic Wires Cut. Philadelphia, March 5. The wires of the Western Union Telegraphic Company on the P. W. & B.- Railroad were cut last night malicouslv, and the workitig of trains was seriously Impeded thereby. The damage was done in Maryland. Pennsylvania Central War iu New Jersey. Trenton, March o. The National Railroad bill p-ssscd bv the House was ost in i he Senate by a vote ot 10 to 11, Indignant demonstrations were made in the gaii: nounced. lies when the vote was an- illlBNIGIIT DISPATCHES. Washinston News Appointments m the Executive Famil y The Cabinet, Stc. . Washington, March 5. Levi B. Luckv succeeds Col. Robt. Douulass fts the President's Private Secretary. C. C. Sniffen appointed Assistant Private Secretary, and. O. L. Pruden Executive Clerk. Senator Edmands yesterday received a dispatch from the Citizens Committee at New Orleans, calling upon the Senate to take immediate action upon the credentials of Hon. W. S. McMillan. Upon mofion of Voorhees, the House voted thanks to Speaker Blaine. : There is much speculation relative to the Cabinet, loundcd n the mere report that, recently the members of it have formally tendered their, resignations, thus necessitating new nominations to the Senate. The question about the Cabinet was, however, settled last fall soon ajter tue rc-eiection 01 rresiuenc Grant. At a Cabinet meeting all the members, being present, they informed him that wishing to do nothing what ever to embarrass him in his administra tion, they would tender their resigna tions, to take effect on the fourth of March ensuing. The President expressed his thanks lor their menaiy leenngs, anu iniormen them he had no desire lor any one of them to withdraw from their present position, but preferred they should all rtmam. .running nas since occuirea to change the position of affairs as it ex isted at that time. Th only immediate change will be in the Secretaryship oi the Treaiurv should the presentjneum ; bent be elected to the Senate of the United States. The opinion that the President need not renominate the pres ent members of the Cabinet lor contor tion by the Senate is strenghtened by the face that all of them were at their respective departments to-day attend ing to their official dutiw, and it 13 said by gentlemen in Executive positions that no such renomnation-i will be made. C Smith has bei3n confirmed Inspec tor General of steamboats. The Department of State is in receipt ol iii?--T'-'Hion that no fines on Ameri can vessels in Cuba are to be enf rced until approved by the Intendente. ' By tptcial ipplka.ion of Hon. W. A. Haudly, the Piesident will pardon R. S. Gray, a Ku Klux prisoner confined at Albany. Giay is a citizen of Randolph county. Alabama. - . ; m 1 m " Chemical Works Burned. New York, March 5r TheChemic il Work nf Jacob El:as were ' Durnea. Loss 180,000. New York items. ' . . New? York. .March 5. ChtirlesBptf j builder pt iron clads is dead- The Riverside Hotel,. at Patterson, New' Jersey; is burned. ' ' -"-"'' ' Jay Cook & Co. have sustained no loss.-.' The bank of England aDuears to be the only losers. .The defeat of the Air-Line Railroad bill in tbeltfew'Jerisey" Legislature yes terday,; created; greafe Lndjgnation, and fears were entextained at one time that some Senators w:ould be lynched. agent has absconded with the proceeds of Sunday's lecture, nearly eight hun dred dollar. " " ' " '- . : . t 'fho Irish Giant in Limbo. ; Steuben ville, Oni.or March 5. Ned O'Baldwin, the Irish giant, and a' party. of roughs arrived here' last mgutlrom West . Virginia, where a priis fight had been goingi on, ;' After .visiting one; drinking saloon, . they , . attacked an IrishmaD, who" caused the giant's1 arrest. His fines amounts to fifty four dollars, and he will remain ia the calaboose ten days at the expense of thejeovsnty. ' , Weather Report. ' Washington, 'March 5. For the Midrib? Sfntps tmnhpr v-wiivrts tLiid rail. ing barometer, with ; increasing cloudi ness. For the South Atlantic and Guif States southeasterly winds' and cloudy weather, with' rain on the" western Gull and possibly ' on the South .Atlantic coast, -v.'. . . " '.! - . ' ;i." -' - Democratic Victories.- Saratoga, N. Y., ; March' 5. The Democrats carried ihe Board of Su pervisors. Last year, it stood Re publicans aud G Democrats. The Demo crats carry Dutchess county. ' ' Defaulttns Back Officer, SAYAKNAn; Ga., March: 5. Allan G. Jones, the missing book-keeper in the Southern isnnk ot Georgia, is a cieiauuer to the amount of ?30t)00:" .1' Steamer Sunk. ",) Cincinnati, March 5. The, steamer Palestine was sunk by ' a collision with the Danville bridge; over the Tennessee. : , . h ' ' fgTSee Fourth Page for Maiktts. iror the pally "News'. The !orth Carolina Orphan Asylum. Oxford, Granville Co'., N. C. Mr. Editor : Please allow me space to make the following acknowledgments of contributions in cash, and "in kind," received for the North Carolina Orphan Asylum, -ior the month ending February 28th, 1873. Those marked with a star are regular contributors : Grand Lodge of N. C, cosh, , $500 00. Kev. N. B. Cobo,$l,Jouu iNicuois, $10, - '- ' Wm. G. Hill, Lodge. No. 218, - Wm. E. Anderson, S3, A. F. Redd, .$1, Edward Fasnacu, . .1, ,.t 11 CO. 25 10. 8 00.- ... , Soil 00. Cb pt j A . Land is turni pa ; Rev. L. R. Wilgie, 12 testaments and 1 bolt cotton cloth ; Mr. Isaac ffiltinger,2 hats for girls ; Mr.-. Amis bacon; Mr. Paschal 1 meal ; Capt. John Williams t) combs, 2 packages honey soap; Mrs. Judge Gil,, liammcat-and peas ; D. A. Hunt, 2 . Dairs shoes and 1 cp for R)bert Lee Parish and sitter ; the Ljidies Aid Socie ty of the Episcopal Church, Oxford 1 bolt cotton cloth, 20 yard3 plaid, knit ting cotton, and making up same; A. II. "A. Williams, cotton ; T. D. Craw ford a large assortment of garden seed, medicines and candy ; Dr. , Paschall Dr. Young regular piofessional Sti vic es; Miss ElUGra'idy Miss -Pele reg ular professional tea'chicg ;- Sabbath School Class of; EpiS':opal Chureh, Oxford; 1 -suit lor boy ; L itham, a tod-nt at Horner's High. School, 1 pairs sheets. . The ' friends of orphans will sec by I this that we are now started upon the noble undertaking f.t providing ior una most interesting ct i-s of the indigent of our State. - ' ' ' Brother Masons, kind Citizens atjiome aud'jn other States, we appeal to every North Carolinian wherever hemay be, the po r orphans are upon their knees wiUi hands stretched out asking a pit tance: Imagine the picture! Will you, can you, re'.use to give them that which though made up nf littles will alleviate much, and secure." such' advantages, to them and. to our Stale as will brint; down not only the blessing. of the widows and orphans, but the; gratitude of the country also ! . We hope to hear from our seaboaid to our mountain tops the outburst's of sym pathy assuring thetn that they shall have educational, morid and industrial training. Contributions to the Asylum will be promprly acknowledged and judicious ly disbursed.' w - : Let our hearts be cheered by some boxes of provisions, raiment, anything that will clothe or feed the children. For any information mx regard to our plans or progress, and any Contributions to this worthy cause, address, - A.. D. Cohen, Principal N. C. O. A., Oxford. Granville Co., N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'o rT "Ti e''n t. F vn Hatnrtiav, tue ima insiaoi, av i Court House door In Raleigh, the Kxecu-. tive Mansion and Grounds will f rented fur the reinainder of the vear 1&73. V) the highest bidder. " ' : Terms Note with approved securdy. . TOD R. OALinVKLL. mchCtd "' ' ' Governor. ST ART L ING ..N E W S A. . . . . . i,rcrn. Tiir-.ivH nas arriveu at in""" - - t . - . . - ar a from Wilson court. iiewmB.i linz ne-s, and inexpressible certihcatf-s from some of the oldest and most respns. ble t itlxeus of that vicinity, slating the efficacy of hi wonderf d medicines, and the miraculous cores theyhve eirected. ieexpe ts to be at Go dsboro during tie -ent weeu-, Ctonrt weeS with his netr Tiljffl is at the Cnnrtllouse; Raleigh, S.C ' - . ' ,iaii-lipd s O HO O L ' B O O K scnooL B 0.0 ks t ! S I SCHOOL ROOKS J!?., School I'oolvR, adopted by- the .tato and others, sold at tno lowest uasfi rfit.s 1 .y , T , L. RilANiON, mnii xvuiciu, 41. v.