DAILY NEWS. S TONE fc UZZELL, - - PROPRIETORS. Faykttevili.e Street, Over W. C. Stronach & Cc's Store. CASH IN VAKI ABLY IN ADVANCE. tW DAILY NEWS will be delivered to lbscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f 7 per an nam ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for thre 3 months. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. PROFESSIONAI CARDS. A. S. MEKRIMOX. S. A. ASHE THOMAS C. FULLER. 3IERRIMON, FULLER & ASHE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, R A LEIGH, N. C. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts, wherever their services may be re q-u i r e d . r OFFICE : Forrat r oltice of Phillips & Mer rimon. ; leb 2S-3m Q VIDE D U P R E E , (Lately of llaleich, N. C.,) Attorney and Counsellor At Law, No. 6 Wall. St., New York, Will attend promptly-to all Professional buMness entrusted lo him. Refers to the chief Justice and Associate Justices of tiie supreme court of North Carolina, and to the whole bar of Norm Carolina. leblS-tf B SPRUILL, J R A T T O R N E Y A T L A W JACKSON, N . C . Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgecombe j.nd Northampton counties. iu me Supreme Court of North Carolina una iu the teueral Courts. - collections made in ail parts of North Carolina. jan3i-0vv c 1IAULES W. SPRUILL, ATTO R N E Y AT LAW, Wahrenton, N. C. COURTS Warren and adjoining coun ties, supreme Court ol Ncrth Carolina, and United .States Courts at Kaltigh. in li 5-Ui ra & W 2iii . Jr. B. BATCH ELOR. L. C. EDWARD W. PLUMMEK BATCHELOK. BATCIIELOR, EDWARDS AND BATCH ELOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Will attend in the Courts of Wake, Gran ville, Franklin, Warren, llalilax, North ampton aud .nathauj, and the Federal ana aupreiue vouris. - jan3-tf A. Li E X II S MIT II ATTORNEY AT LAW, GOTLAND. NECK, N. C. Will practice in the i ourts of Halifax and adjuininfe, counties. Collections attended to in all parts of the Slate. may 11-tf Walter Clark. f L A R K J. M. Mullen. M U L L E N , & HALIFAX, N. 0. Practice iu all the Courts of Halifax Northampton and Edgecombe counties iu the (supreme Court of North Carolina and in the FeUeral Courts. f Collections maue iu all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly ED. CONIGLAN'D, WAI. H. ADY LAW PARTNERSHIP. Q ON 1 G L AND & DAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, "HALIFAX. N. C. ' Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad .oiniug counties in the supreme Court of the state, and in me b edeial courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the accounts oi executors, administrators and guardians. t The J unior partner will attend at his of fice in W eidou on fcaturuays and Mondays oi each week. noffi-U 13. H. BUNN, U N N Sam'l T, Williams W1L LIA M S , lTTOHJTErS 1T IF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. W I L LI AM S & B U N N lTTOIlAE1TS JlT XUF li A LEIGH, N. C. trn Business letters, may be addressed either to Rocity .Mount or Raleiga.-iUr Claims Collected in any part of the State. K3 Practice in the Supreme Court of the taie and iu Uiv b ederai Court at itaieign. mh 1-tf. E. W. Thomason. L. J. Labakkb W . T HO M AS O N & C O . (Successors to E. T. Hall & Co.,) Auctioneers and Com mission Merchants, NO. 3. WILMINGTON STREET, RALEIGH, N. C Special attention paid to the sale of Real instate. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. 3- Refer to J. G. Williams, President stilts National Bank: A. G. Lee & Co. llaleiuh ; W. Whitaker, Mayor of Kaleigh ; W. stronach. Raleigh. - ; a full stock of Groceries on hand at reasonable prices. . E. W. THOMASON & CO. uov26-tf C Ml A N G E OF SCHEDULE RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR-LINE, ) KU1'KBINTKNXKNT'S Okfice, J Raieiiih. N. C Nov. 29ch.l72. 1 On and alter Saturday, Nov. 30th. trains on the R. S - A. A. L. : Rcav. 'Viu run daily, (Sunday excepted.) as follows: Mail Train leaves Raleigh, 3.33 P. M. Arrives at Sanford, 6.16 Mail Train leaves Sanford, 6.30 A. A) J Arrives at Raleisih. U.20 " Mail Tiain makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston Rail, road, to and from all points iNortu. AiwiniKanffird with the Western Rail road, to and from Fayettevllle- and point on Western Railroad. . " A. B. ANDREWS, June 17-tf superintendent. E. II. P L U M M E R & CO., 121 Sj camore Street, Petersburg, Va. Dealers in IR0.Y, STEEL AXD AGRICULTURAL PLEMEMS. - 131- Orders will receive prompt and careiul attention' and n.r rpsnHtttllltlV solicited. General Agents lor the Farmers Friend Plow, The attention of Farmers li tspei cially invited to this superior PLOW.which iias met wuu universal commenaauoii. nichi-Dtf ' JL.-HE VOL. II. MORNING EDITION. l&lxt JlaJdgfe gaily gws. WEDNESDAY.. MARCH 12, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Briefs. . The Board of Directors ol the Insane Asylum meet this morning at 10 o'ciock. Hon. W. A. Snikh passed through this city vesterday on his way to Greens boro. See Citize port oi the condition or the National Bank in - another column . Blank books tor the various County officers are beiDg sent out by the Secre tary "of State. Messrs. A. G. Lee & Co. are constant ly receiving bulk sides, mess pork, lard, bacon, &c .. There will be no services at Edeuton 6treetM. E. Church to-night on account of repairs to the interior. Registration for the coming munici pal election in May wiil comraenc one the 1st ot next month. Spring styles of goods of almost ev ery kind, have been received by Messrs. W. II. & R. S. Tucker & Co. See notice elsewhere. The Executive office was notified yes terday of the death of Edward Barnett, Commissioner of Deeds for North Car olina iilthe State of Louisiana. See. the card of Mr. Frank M. Fitts, of Warren, N. C, who is now- with Messrs. Jones & Plummer, Commission Merchants and Grocers, Petersburg, Va. T. C. Evans, local editor of the late Daily Era, will, we understand, soon commence the publication of a paper in this city. It is to be independent in politics, Bishop Atkinson preached in the Episcopal church in Hilisboro on Sun day last, morning and night. At night there wereome dozen persons con firmed. On Monday night some thief made an unsuccessful raid on the shingle pile of Maj. A. M. Lewis. The contents of a double barreled gun was expended in vain. The Messrs. Coleman Brothers, recent contractors lor building the Peni tentiary, will put in a bid lor the build insr of the proposed new ccovernme'nt building in this citv. Miller & Nelson, Front Basement of Metropolitan Hall, have just received a new supply ot Massey & Co. s celebra ted Ale, the best brand in use. Also a fine lots of Havana cigars. Call and sample them. Tickets for reserved seats to hear John G. Saxe, on the 24th, can be ob tained if early application be made at Branson's Bookstore. The Lecture will be delivered at Tucker evening of the 24th inst. Hall, on the Officers Upchurchand Durham, early yesterday morning,pickcd up two,show trunks in front of Mr. D. S. Waitt's thing store.- They had been acci dently lett out when the store was closed. The owner got possession of the property. - Baptist Fair. As .per announce- ment,the Baptist Fair opened last even inn at Tucker Hall. In truth the ar rangement of the room presented a scene beautiful in every way. The decorations of the Hall and tables were such as only a refined feminine taste could give birth to. Aside Irom all the ethereal attractions the eyes of the matter-of-fact were taken up with the array of substantials. Sweet hams, fat turkeys, well flavored ducks, lucious oysters and delicate chicken salad, &c, were spread in a prolusion and served in a style wnicu wouia carry out tne idea of the most Hospitable, and pan der to the taste of the most fastidious epicure. The Fair will continue for one or two days. Daring the day meals can be obtained at the Hall. Mayou's Court. On yesterday His Honor, the Mayor, had but little to do in the police direction, and the appear ance of the Court room was in great contrast to the day before. Only two insignificantcases were up for adjudi cation. They are of such small impor tance that no mention Of them would be made here were it not for the exceed ing scarcity of local items. Henry Alston, colored, arrested by officer Crossan for disorderly conduct on the street, was fined fo. Adam Williams, colored, arrested for disorderly conduct, was v made to say that he was sorry $5 worth for his ugly behaviour. v Alter I he disposition of the above two cases the Court adjourned in dis gust. Berger Family. This troupe opens at Tucker Hall, on Monday even- l next. The Berger Family Swiss Bell Ringers are too well known to the public to require an introduction at our hands. w 1. he press speak ol their performances as being - admirable, and several members of the troupe are rated as artists. For the past several months there has been a dearth of amusements in this city, and we have no doubt but that the Bcrger'a will receive a large patronage during their stay with us. Crazy WoaiAN.-Late Monday even ing -Martha Tucke col was taken in charge by the police and lodged In tl guard house on account of being insane, and at times being violent, iahe has always borne a good character, and her insanity is attributable, it is said, to the hcartilcss desertion by her husband. As the Lunatic Asylum is lull to overflow ing we do' not know what disposition the authorities will make of her cases rj rv3 RALEIGH N. Meeting of the County Board of Education. A called meeting of the County Board of Education was held Monday at the Court house. Messrs. Wynne, Todd, Rayner and Jinks were present. In compliance with section 24, of the present school law, the Board ordered , . . . . i -i .t rtj.i.r an election to ue neia on me aim oi April, upon the question of levying a special county tax to supply the defi ciency for the support ot tree schools in the county for tour months during the year. The following poll-holders were ap pointed: Bartons Creek J. H. Hutchinson, J. P., S. M. Beckwith and J. D. Allen. Buclhorn W. B. Jones. J. P., D. H. Gardner and H. Lashley. Cedar ForkO. H. Page. J. P.. J. S. Moring and Win. Barbee. House's Creek J. D. Haves, J. P., Jacob Sorrell and Daniel Tucker. Little liiccrKilcy Pi i vet t, J. P. , A. J. Nowell and M. Vhitley. Marl'' Creek W. A Rhodes, J. P., J. P., W. J. Andrew Tucker andS. W. Hood, Middle Creel: J. A. Adams, J. A. Norriss and G. H. Alford. New Light F. J. Bailey, J. P., Ward and E. II. Ray. Oak Grove B. Y. Rogers, J. P., S. J. Allen and Roland Goocb. Panther Branch J. H. Adams, J. P., S. M. Williams and J. J. Younsr. St. Mathew J. A. Hodge, J. P. John Rogers and B. B. Buffaloe. St. Mary's J. G. Adams, J. P., W. R. Poole and Eli Durrc. Sicift Creek L. D. Stephenson, J. P., R. C. Badsrer and J. D. Shaw. Wale Forest-S. C. Smith, J. P., W. B. Dunn, Jr., and Newbern Watkins. vhite Oak A. B. Freeman, J. P., Daniel Mann, and B. H.Howell. CaryF.lll. Page, J. P., W. E. Pell, and R. II. Jones. Raleigh Eastern Ward D. A. Wicker, O. Winters, and H. M. Tupper. Middle WardW. Whitaker, J. P., William Mitchell, and K. P. Battle. Western Ward N. Dunston, J. P., A. Johnson, and L. E. Heartt. " Mine Angel Before Thee." We are indebted to Captain C. B. Denson, Pittsboro, for a copy of the work bearing the above title. " Mine Angel Before Thee " is a com pilation, whose purpose we cannot bet ter express thau in the following words taken from the preface: '"It is such a compilation of texts from the Holy Scriptures as to preseut, ia connected narration, a conflict of the strength'iof the World and the strength of the Spirit; the New Birth from sin unto hie and gradual growth in grace: tlie putting on the whole armor in right eousness, and entrance upon the iour- ney in the desert ; the struggles of the way and the exceeding great and pre cious promises reserved lor the faithful. . Every book of the Old and New Testaments speaks its words of warning, of command, of instruction and encouragement." The work of the compiler, who is a relative of Captain Denson, has been faithfully and attractively done, its typographical appearance and arrange ment being all that could be desired, and is dedicated, by permission, "to the Right Reverend Thomas Atkinson, D. D.. LLD.. Oxon.. Bishop of North Carolina. Judge Manly, of Newbern. Fath ¬ er McNamara has received the following note from the Hon. M. E. Manl v, of Newbern, in answer to an invitation to attend the celebration of St. Patrick's Day in this city : Bear Father McNamara : It would afford me, I assure you, much pleasure to be with you on the 17th. The day consecrated to the especial remembrance of the great apostle of Ireland is, in every way, worthy of being honored. If it be at all practi cable, I will report myself to you for that occasion. A t all events, I shall be with you in spirit a spirit in unison with all who honor the great Saint, and (I may add) the great man whose work, under God, has proved so marvelously fruitful and glorious down to the pres ent day. With sentiments ot high esteem, . I am faithlully and truly yours, &c, M. E. Manly. Newbern, 2d Sunday in Len . Gilham's Fertilizer Messrs. C. W. Grandy & Sons. We have only time this morning to call attention to the advertisement of theGilham Fertil izer, C. W. Grandy & Sons, Agents, Norfolk, Va. TheGilham Fertilizer was tested last season, along with several other well- known Guanos, by Captain James R. Thigpcn, one of the most skillful farm ers in the State, and produced the best results by practical experiments of any other. This is a higher recommen dation than anything we could write, and the fact that Messrs. C. W. Grandy & Sons are the agents is conclusive evi dence that the Fertilizer is what it is represented, as these gentlemen would not be agents lor any other except a first rate article. The Messrs. Grandy & Sons are well known throughout tne State for their integrity, popularity and success as Commission Merchants. St. Patrick's Day. To those who ioined in the festivities the 17th of last Marrh, we need say nothing. But to those who were not fortunate enough to attend, we would say let nothing pre vent your attendance on the coming St Patricks day. Weather and Provi dence permitting, we will don our best suit and be on hand at the appointed hour, sharp. But as an old hotelist, we cannot ex actly see how mine host, Dr. Blacknall, can get up much oi a supper ior one hundred and twenty persons lor one hundred dollars. He may do it but we can't see it. However, the Doctor is always au fait in these matters. , (2) A puro Whiskey 1 stimulant, Century C WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 12. 1873. " Romance in Real Life."- The saying of the Bard of Avon in regard to the inevitable ripples which are sure, sooner or later, to mar the smoothness ot the current of true love, has become to be accepted as a truism, arid its truth was exemplified a short time ago in the town of Fayetteville. A young lady of that place was beloved by a young man engaged in business in New York City, and an engagement entered into. The days glided happily on. Life to thems was divested of its realities and none ot its asperities came to the surface. Through the wechinations of Cupid a garb of roseate hues was weaved with which to clothe almost every incident of their lives. None ever loved as they. At last they awoke to the conclusion that an attempt must be made to give a . realization to the delicious dream. The day was named upon which they were to become one in law as well as in thought, feeling and desire. The ex pectant and happy groom purchased his wedding outfit, and on the pinions of love winged his flight from the great metropolis to the quiet and rural town of Fayetteville". Without accident he soon rtposed himself within its pre cincts. To say , that he wa3 happy would be to utter a platitude. His felicity was of the gushing order. He longed to make others a , shar er in his bliss. He sought out some companions ot summers equal to his own, and in their appreciative ears poured his tale of requited love. Here, unfortunately to relate, Bacchus began to diiipute the sway of Cupid and the liquid homage at the shrine of thi3 thirsty divinity became deep and con tinuous. According to plain Anglo Saxon, the party got very particularly and unmistakbly drunk. The lady heard of the debauch just as she had covered her wealth of golden hair with the long and fleecy bridal veil. In an in stant her resolve was made. She de termined that the man who could so far forget what was due to her as to mingle a bacchanalian revel with the holy and solemn services of the marri age ceremony was no fit husband for her. Appeal after appeal was made to alter her determination, but to no purpose. In her resolution she was as fixed and "as unmoyable as the moun tains. The would-be-groom sadly took his departure, and let us indulge the hope thit he left a better and wiser man. Back to the rush and throng of the great city he betook himself, and sought to forget his sorrow by giving; his undivided attention to his avoca tion. Months rolled on until nearly another year was numbered among those that were, and not one word had been exchanged between these parted lovers. Now here comes in the ro mance with which we have t-ornament this simple tale. The lady by accident yiiited New York, and the qoundtm lover by accident found out she was there, and by accident they were thrown together. The old love in their bosoms had not been entirely extinguished, and the sight of each others faces was all that was required to blow the sparks into a living and irresistable flames. Pardon was implored and granted, and an immediate recourse to the Priest was had, and the two were blended into that long desired oneness. Though the above may not contain anything with which to "adorn a tale," yet that it "points a moral" is unmista kable. Hon. Sion H. Rogers. this gentle man, member of the late Congress from this district, arrived in this city yester day afternoon from Washington. Mr. Rogers made the people of this district a faithful and zealou9 representative, and it is to be regretted that they will not have the benefit of his experience and talent during the next session of that body. Mr. R. was accompanied by Mr. Mclntyre, a fellow-member from Georgia. A. J. Burton, Esq. We were pleas ed to welcome to otir city yesterday A. J. Burton, Esq., of Halifax. Mr. Bur ton was formerly upon the editorial staffof this paper, and but a few months since laid aside the pen, pencil and scissors to engage actively in the pros ecution of the legal profession. We are id to know that his health is mate rially improved and that he is prosper ing in every way. " The diplomatic corps in full court costume called on the President Tuesday to congratulate him on the re-inaugi ration. Many ot them were accompa nied by ladies of their families. Several ladies ot the Cabinet ofheers households were present, and nearly all the mem bers of the Cabinet were in attendance After the usual formalities between the President and foreign representa tives, Blaque Bey made the lollowing address: Mr. President : I have the honor to offer you the congratulations of the di plomatic corps upon this the occasion of your re-inauguration. I feel both pleased and flattered that the duty has devolved upon me to express to you the sincere wishes of my colleagues and myself, for the preservation of your life and the consequent success ot your ad ministration. To this the President replied, Mr. Bean : I receive with sensibility the congratulations which you offer on the behalf of your colleagues, accredi ted to this government. My inter course with you all has hitherto been agreeable, and I trust may so continue. It is my wish and shall be my purpose in the luture, as in the past, to keep up with the countries which vou represent those cordial and lriendly relations which are essential to general prosperity and happiness. OES, SHOVELS AND SPADES. 6 dozen California Hoes. 8 " Ames Spades. 7 " Thomas' Spades. 6 44 Ames' Shovels. 6 44 Thomas' Shovels, 5 44 Pitchforks, at G. T: STRONACH & BROS. 100 K E G S N A I L S 50 tees Horse and Male Shoes. Saddles, Collars, Biidies and Harness of all disci iptions, at marll-U G. T. STRONACH & BRO S. News TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. New York Affairs. New York, March 11. Professor John Torry, of Columbia College, is dead. The suspension of C. B. Comp & Co., cotton merchants, was announced yester day. Employers and workingmen are now beginning to discuss the proposed movements in various trades in reference to wages and houis of labor. Conflict ing opinions prevail on both sides. The employers seem to be unanimous In opposition to the reduction ot hours, while the workingmen are not united, and many remain tavorable to the ten hour system. It is now publicly charged that Mrs. Putnam, the wife of the victim,received fifteen thousand dollars from a rich relative of Foster, the car hook mur derer, for writing the letter to Governor Dix, asking for a commutation of his sentence. German Papers on Grant's Inau ral Address. London, March 11. Special des patch , from Berlin to the Baily Ifews says that the German papers ridicule and sharply criticise the address of President Grant, delivered on the occa sion ot 1113 second inauguration, lhe papers ask whether monarchical States ought to keep up diplomatic relations with a power whose Executive thus in sults them. -' : Erie Enjoined. Albany, N. Y., March, 11. The assembly adopted a resolution restrain ing the Erie Railroad Company from paying dividends on fraudulently issued stock, and appointing a committee to investigate the matter. The Capsizing of a Circus Tent. Louisville, March, 11. The tent of the Great Eastern Circus was blown down. One boy was killed and two were seriously injured. Greedy Congressmen!. Columbus, Ohio, March 11. The lower House passed a resolution censur ing members of Congress who voted that the increased salary be retroactive. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington News. Washington, D. C, March 11th. Tn the Supreme Court to-day the naval question was argued between Judge Pierrepont and Mr. Evarts, whether a statutory assignment of a ship on the high seas, under the laws of the State where the ship was owned, could be de feated by a subsequent attachment lev ied on the ship entering the port of an other State. - The mail route from Shreveport to Monroe, Louisiana, has been awarded to Sawer, of Texas. Daily service. The Texas routes have not yet been award ed. The Republican Senatorial caucus this alternoon agreed to add two more members to each of the committees on Appropriation, Public Lands, Post Of flee and Privileges and Election. Each of these committees will have two opposition members, as will also each of the Committees on the Judiciary, Naval and Military Affairs. Several ot the committees may. have three opposition members. The Com mittee on Foreign Relations will have only one opposition member. ' The Re publicans leave to -the opposition the filling of the reserved vacancies. The President to day - re appointed the present Directors of the Union Pa cific Railroad Company from one year from to-day. They are Hiram Price and James F. Wilson, of Iowa ; J. C. S. Har rison, of Indiana ; J. H. Millard, of Ne braska, and D. S. Ruddock, of Connec ticut. The following are the nominations : P. G. Hindson, Register of Land Of fice, Montgomery ; P. Findlay, Receiver of Public Money, Jlontgomery: J. F. Wilson at Iivnchburg, II. B. Nichols at Norfolk, J. E. Whittles at Houston, E. L. Moore at Key West Postmasters. Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia, March 11. At the an nual meeting of the Pennsylvania Rail road Directors a report was read, giving a highly encouraging state ot the pies entandof the future prospects of the company. With the , acceptance by the stockholders ot the act of the Leg islature, recently passed, authorizing the doubling of the capital of the company, a greater and more rapid extension than ever of the facilities of the road will be practicable, antfHts managers will be able to consummate their great scheme for making the road the high way of the continent tor travel and traffic. With an increase of capital the compa ny will be placed in possession of the means for laying two additional tracks between this city and Pittsburgso that it will have in operation four tracks, two to be used tor through and two for local trafficiOf the expediency of thus doubling the carrying capacity cf the road there cannoc"pQssibly be a doubt, and tnat 6uch a thingshould be at tempted is one of the best possible evi dences ot a lar-sighted and sagacious management. Massachusetts Senatorship. Boston, March 11th. The first bal lot in the Senate stood Boutwell 10 Dawes 11. Loring 9. and Hoar 4.: the rest scattering. In the House, Boutwel 110. Dawes 83. Loring 16, Hoar 7 Whitin- 9. B inks 9 tlio reel ccnttprmo ... .v.v u.......Uo SECOND BALL'JT. In the Honse Boutwell 184, Dawes 92, scattering 2. The Senate balloted four times without result. Dawes lead on last ballot. The President's Southern Trip Fost poned . Washington, March 11. The Presi dent answers invitations from the South, "I have been compelled by pub lie duties to indefinitely postpone my visit to the Southern cities." NO. 10. Weather Report Washington, March 10. Probabil ities for Wednesday in New England and the Middle States, rising barome terwesterly winds, partly cloudy and clear weather for the south Atlantic and eastern Gulf . States. Cloudy weather and light wicdp, northerly winds and falling temperature will probably ex tend southward over the western Gulf States; Wednesday morning for the Ohio valley and the upper lakes, dimin ishing winds and generally clear weath er, for extreme north-west falling ba rometer and southerly winds. From New Hampshire. Concord, March 11. Henry A. Bil lons, Chief justice of New Hampshire. is dea, , The election unusually quiet. The snow impedes travel to polls. COMMERCIAL KJSPORTr New York Markets. NnW V(1B V Aforfh 11 Cnttrm rtntl sales 913 bales ; uplands 20J; Orleans 21. nour moderate reuesi ana uncnangea ; WhiabpV S1V Whoof vorir Hull n wl ' V. V VA J UUAA aUU UUU11" nally unchanged. Com easier moderate busin- ss. Poik firm, new $16. Lard weak. Turpentine dull. Rosin, tallow and freights quiet. - Cotton Net receipts to-day 229 bales, gross 2,478, Sales for exports to-day 77. Last evening 3u0. saies ior future delivery to-day, 2,000 hnlps na fnllnwa- fnwli lOly'alQayT- Inril 1QIT May 19al9; June W I5-lGa20; July 23a23.. Gold loi- Money closed at 7. Sterling firm. Governments closed stronz. . Foreign Markets. Liverpool. March 11. Cotton opened ami ana easier; Sales 5,000 bales. uplands 9-; Orleanta. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W E ARE RECEIVING REGU laxly from Ohio consignments of BULK SIDE, MESS PORK, LARD, HAM, &C. &C, which we will sell at Baltimore prices, with freights added. Also on nana on consignment 200 BLSHELS WHITE CORN. A. G. LEE & CO. mchl2Dtf KOBT. H.JON KS. HK5BY L. PLtJMMEB. M F I T T S, jpy R A N K x of Warren, N. C. with JONES & P L U M M E R, General Commission Merchants Sc Grocers, 114 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG, V A. Consiunments of Produce respectfully so licited, to which personal attention will be given. Orders fcr goods filled on reasona ble terms. Sole Agents for the sale of the "Excellen za Tobacco Fertilizer," and "Paragoa Cot ton Fertilizer." mchl2-Wlm. U S T RECEIVED 600 Sides Sole Leather, . . 100 Barrels Irish Potatoes. 400 Bushels Spring and Winter Oats. 150 Boxes Toilet and Family Soap. 100 Barrels White and Yellow Sugar, at G. T. STRON A.CH & BRO'S. D I S S O L U T IO N The eonartnershiD of UZZLE & CO.. has this day Deen dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due tne nrm win oe paiato WYATT. GREEN & CO., our successors. who also assume all debts owing bv the firm UZZLh & CO. March 10th 1S73. - JSf O , T I C E The undersigned having succeeded Messrs. UZZLE & CO , in the GENERAL. GROCERY BUSINESS, ' have moved to SOUTH SIDE MARKET SQUARE, where they will keep a full line of FIRST CLASS GROCERIES, &c. WYATT, GREEN & CO. Althouah retiring as a member of the firm, my connection with the house of W TA TT, G BEEN. Sb CO., will be continued, and I respectiully in vite my old friends and customers to call on us at our new stand, SOUTH SI0E MARKET SQUARE, where will- be found everything usnally kept in a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE. iuran-3m r. u. uzzlu. Tqr A W K INS 4 CO., C O T T O JV r Jl C T O 11 s ' AND - General Commission Merchants,a 43 West Lombard Street, A LTI MORE, M D . Liberal advances made upon consign ments Fertilizers Curnhsbed at lowest rates. ja 13-tmh 4D LECTION FOR AGHIEF ENGI NEER OF FIEE DEPARTMENT. Notice to the Firemen of theCity of Raleigh. ' Section 15 of the "Ordinance for the Gov ernment of Fire Companies in the City of Raleigh, adopted by the Board of City Com missioner!:, June io,io7U, says: Sec. 15. There shall be elected In the month of March, In each and every year, a CniefEngineer ot tne ttaieign ire uepan mentwho tball have teiiera! supervision of all the Companies of this City. He shall be elected bv the members of the several Companies atVgeneral election held for that purpose at the engine nouse at Market Hall lor the term orne year, or until his successor sball be instauea. In compliance with theprovlstons of the above ordinance, AN 1 ELECTION for a t hief Engineer of the Fire Department or Itaieign i her. bv ordered for TiiUKSDAY, MARCH 20tb, 1S70. Polls open at Fireman's Hail. raf of Metropolitan nan, itoms 1 M. 10 1J o'clock. 1'. M. IL T. CLAWSON, mh7-td Acting Chiel Engl reer, D IXON COTTON SEED 309 Bushels genuine DIXON COTTON JSEED for saie at 50 cents per .Bushel. Apply to W. H. & R. S. TUCKER $fc v O. feb27-12t. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion.. 1 1 oo One square two insertions 9 l 50 On square, three Insertions.. a 00 One square, six Insertions 3 59 One square, one month 8 00 One square, three months is oo One square, six months ;.. 30 00 One square, V. elve months, 60 00 For .larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. - JJEPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Raleigh National Batik, of North Carolina, at the close of Busi ness, Felruaty 28th, 1873, - RESOURCES. Loans and discounts........ ...... Overdrafts, . U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, U. S. Bonds to secure deposits,.. U. S. Bonds and securities on frauds , Other stocks, bonds and mortga- es Due from RTdeeminlTand""Re- serve Agents............. Due from other National Banks, Due from other Banks and Bank ersf. Banking House, .......... Otber Real Estate, . . Furniture ftnri Jftxtiiroa 6S9,466 08 12,500 00 i 500,000 00 100,000 00 50,067 69 120,705 00 31,586 36 33,547 92 50,000 00 397 00 l.KW 72" 3,157 77 ' 4,027 34 56,244 33 1,054 02 30,54) 00 1,743 00 410 02 75,000 00 Current expenses,..........'....!.."...."..- raxes raia Premiums,..r. .......... Cash items, including stamps,... Bills of other National Banks.. Fractional Cnrrenr'v. tj j ............... Specie coin, . ljegat tenaer notes, $1,761,593 25 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In............... $500,000 00 37,000 00 31,642 43 449,300 00 464 00 559,027 14 1,514 35 93,810 71 70,937 22 12,364 83 . 2,533 07 ourpius j; una,...-. uiscount, Exchange Profit and loss, National Bank circulation out standing, .. Dividends unpaid.......... ....... Individual Deposits, Cashier's checks outstn.nriinir United States deposits, , deposits 01 u . h. uisoursing of ficers, ...... Due to National Banks, Due to other Banks and Bankers, $1,761,593 25 I, Charlks' Devkt, Cashier of the Raleigh National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. -C. DEWEY, Cashier. Subscribed and -aworn to before me the 8th day of March, A. D., 1873. ' . .CHARLES ROOT, Notary Public. Correct Attest: : ' : ' - - ' W. II. Wiixard.) r . - ; : A. G. Lee, . y Directors. W. G. UPCHUKCH. ' - 1 . v r . . , mch 9-3t "DEPORT OF THE CONDITION, Of the State National Bank of Raleig, at Raleigh, North Carolina at the close of Business 28th February, 1873. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, S 200,502 33 Overdrafts 5,879 59 U S Bonds to secure circulation, 100,000 00 Other U S Bonds,.... 60,100 00 Other stocks, bond and mort-. gges ; " 43,672 58 Due from redeeming and Re-." -J"' serve Agents,. 70,622 16 Due from other National Banks 12,377 32 Due from other Banks and Bankers............... " 11,179 23 Banking House.......... .....,. - . 25,000 00 Current expenses, . ' 1,273 17 Premium8,....;.M.....u. ........... , r fi,974 63 Cash items. Including stamps, 2,575 16 Bills of other National Banks, 24,369 00 Fractional currency, 1,160 15 Specie coin '- 642 18 Legal tender notes,. ......... 24,510 00 $593,737 50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In, Exchange, Profit and loss, National Bank circulation out standing, Individual deposits,.. Due to National Banks Due to other Banks and Bank ers, $ 100,000 00 '4,341 20 . , 60,770 16 ' .90,000 CO 277.691. 01 1-4596 84 15.03&29 $593,737 50 I, Samuel. C. White, Cashier of . the State NatiOHal Bank,' do solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed, SAMUEL C. WHITE, , Casbier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 8th day of March, A. D., 1873. ; W. S. PRIMROSE, Notary Public Corr o4 -ttest: ; ' J. 0. .WlXLIAMS,) " "V- !Wt s, Directors. ' D. C.rQWx-K, J , . . - mh 9-3t R IKG ESTABLISH MENT. OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. jriojrsiEun e. BESsojr, Has just received a fresh stock of FREXCH AD E.VCUSU C1SSI3IE&ES OF TUB . L, JIT EST S T 1TL ES, - ALSO CLOTHES, - 11 CASSIMERES DOESKINS, 1 . i and VESTINGS. The best of , s F RE NCII WORKMEN employed. 8atl8factlonwArranted In every respect, mar ll-3m x. E. BEfeSON. F OR CATARRH, HOARSENESS, HrnnrfiiMs. .. buv a Carbolate of Iodine Inhalant at CARMKB'8 feb 11-tf "" Drugstore. E N T U C K Y . M O L E S. I shall receive on Wednesday, the 5th Forty well-broke .': , . . KENTUCKY MULE& r. They can be seen la inestables of Messr?. mch4-lw. J. W. LEE. RDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for JOB WORK will receive prompt attention, and will be executed witn ueal ne&s and cheapness, at the NEWS' office, ; . Fayetteville street mfcl Raleigh. N. C

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