JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. WEDNESDAY. .....MARCH 12. 1873 THE RADICAL HUE AND CRY. WHO IS GUILTY OF USURPATION ? t The Radicals are greauy rejoicing over the decision ol the Supreme Court, sustaining the action of Gov. Caldwell in fppoi for Directors of the Railroads, and for the Penal and Charitable Institutions of the State. fpu. u snnromo f!nnrt . .. ... v, u ousts the Uirectors appomteu uv tuc acts ot the Conservative Legislature of 1871V72 on the ground that these ap- ' ;n.ii md. T".. -I?. -IT" f ana mai me ouiy filling the several positions, is for the Governor to nominate and tho Senate tp ynnw to connrrn. i' J cu occur while the Legislature is not in pession. then the Governor has a ngn: to appoint. . In the opinion of the Supreme Court,. luvucumuuui ? the Legislature had no authority in law to make appointments, and what is Vnownas the Legislative Boards of t. i jt-t-A f onflorl fr I jjireciors are ucviaicu uu - ..... . f pirn I i hold the places which tne law oi ioi- 72 conferred upon them. This decision has given unspeakable joy to the Radi- mu: .r rrnwintr cais. xucu usnepu.. w a lustily over the great victory of Cald- well.over the Conservative Legislature, i and are denouncing the latter for its r- .n u.i n.nrnat.inn iuny, iui.60KpB - -r i I 111 liittlWiU HJJU'UkluvuM w.v. . I tion of the law. r i i- t- i. .1 ,.;t;in I wepuoiiBuwuay u wu,muU.Wu- over me signature oiruj. . ii ? I... At Tl nn wrn ttftn by a leading Conservative in the Legis- lature of 1871-72, which shows incon- testablv that the interpretation put on nn.iu.ntinn hv thfl kUS r rr J. , nAMnA.Af;nA T.Aiolafnrn tiro a TkTPPlQP.IIT I the same of Governor Caldwell, and the Radiral Lpp-islature of 1868-69 1 In Kadical Legislature OI lOOO i xu . .j. -.s.i. oiuerurua, tuc vauiv.aiB Caldwell at. their head, are guilty of the identical folly, lawlessness and usur- nation which thercharge on the Con- nnf nn nhifh thoirohiirffP on thfi I .(111. I .. , o -i l 1 servatives. ueiore ine Dupreme vuun decided the Case, the acts Ot the KadlCal r ' r-,oo vl.iro r uegiiiiaiuic ui ioua-v was iuc v iu. l i 1 u r . ; T omotn. I uie lauu, auu iuc vt.. ture only obeyed that law as they be unbecoming to the judicial ermine, to 1872, that the meaning of this sen ... , I r 0 n coK i niim!;m. tence is different from what the Court lound it on tne statute dookb. i When the Conservative Legislature made the aDDointments under the act r 1Q71.TO tua rio-t. v n..nof;tnt;nn i... ' tradictions, had not been construed by the Courts in the matter of the apDoint- wuux io m vu utaiwi ui uvub inff Dower of the Governor and Leis- lature. Not until the decision in Clark against Stanley was promulgated was there anv judicial liaht as to who is an omcer, ana wnai is an omce, uuuer tue nrpsent Constitution. The Conserva- - . - i tives only acted on the law as it existed for an unconstitutional statute is the law until reversed. Tn oWnPA nf .n, ?nrlir.Ul rlpnic. ... j j I ion, the Conservative Legislature simp- iy puiauuu mc tuutac iuib uitu uixu marked but by their immediate Radical predecessors. It was presumed that the latter understood their favorite bantling their own Carpet-bag Constitution, whirh p!, rpf Pndprf to nnr. J k- . stand. The Bar of the State, was astonished at the novel principle established by ; tuc oupieiue vuun, iu Claris, rys. ouu- ley, as to, what constituted-in office in NTnrHi rrr,iina fnr nn)fiho low no nrh i.tif.P h.d vpr -huin in ; . " . - the definition of the term, and it was an innovation for which the. Radical Carpet-Bag Constitution is responsible. rri n t 1 MO,i The Conservative Legislature of 1871- 72 had no judicial authority. They - simply acted in conformity with the act of the Previous Radical Legislature- Dresummir that the Radical Dartv were presuming that the Uadicai party were acting in conformity with their own pet organic law, which has been so aptly termed a Undle of absurdities. ' ' ir'uoa Ko : W. UM OUJ u.u.FWUu 1U the matter of the Legislative appoint- . ments, as is now so boldly charged by the Radical papers,' Gov. Caldwell and the Radical nartv set the eXmr,1e and r..J they are responsible font; and we bhall hold them responsible before the . people ot North Carolina for all the ? . . .... . - . trouble tnat. has. grown out ot these BPTPrnl onhnintmpnta , vt, Let us glance at the facts, and see if we are not sustained in making' this . . uiu iuis cnarge. ; iaice, lor example, the ap- pointment of the Penitentiary Board. The Supreme Court, in its lave decision, says that the Directors must be nomi- natprl Vw thp. ftnvfrnnr .nA rrA . uj ius auu iua iuo wuaiuis appointed oy ttie act 01 the Legislature r 1 QT1 5TO trtit- Ifnci. " - rT JX lull. iu nit, jjxtooi.-j. iut&ci V) Bledsoe, Boylan, Thompson and Coffield are therefore illegally appointed, but that Gov. Caldwell's appointees are the nn.ri legal Board. . it is true, tue conserva uve Legis lature by act ratified on 1st April, 1871, abolished the Board of Commis- and substituted the Board ot sioners anu .uiUiulcu oi Directors, but the omces were tne same s IQ laW, UaYiutj aiuuiicfc vntiit ; According to the opinion of the Su- . preme Court, the Commissioners were s jr sucn piace fficers as well as the Directors. It is true that subsequently the Courts '", On the 12th April, 1869, the Radicals passed an act appointing C. L. Harris Alfred Dockery, S. F.' Patterson, u. "Wm. jVelker and Alfred Howe, colored, Cofflmissioners to have the Penitentiary constructed. Under the law these Radi- cal preappointed by the legislature, made a contract with the Coleman Brothers for stone work' for -' the Peni- I to tertiary, wmcn contract u ue.u . - centlv rescinded by the conservative ceouy rtst.iuui.u i Legislature, at a saving to the tate oi over two hundred thousand dollars! Governor Caldwell, as President of the Senate.signed the Radical law, by vhich ' D ' " i t - i a 3 tlm (invorn.'Lr I me uegisiaiuti, uu UUv , made these appointments ! As our correspondent Publius shows, jhe KadicV Legi.ature "P- pointed a Superintendent of the Insane . Asylum, and provided for his holding t.h fit office for eierht vears : and alio pro- t.j c fnt for ni. I yiueu ui - . rectors of Railroads and other corpora- tiona different from that provided in the OnnatHntinn.. - 7f s-7 riif or " flnv.' TTnlden was de- i , , T, j i posed and Gov. Caldwell succeeded to his place, the latter made his ;own ap- L;fDnQ for ihp, Rnilrnfids and Pub- lulUi w " . lie Institutions, for the purpose of oust- ing tne appointees wuo ueiu unu mS act ot the Conservative Legislature of I 1871 - '72; yet-it is apparent that the i rf ...jj-nw nndpr Governor's mind had suddenly under- gone a very singular and remarkable alteration. tv- n motmrr thpA nnnnint.mfinta as x-u u mu"iuD -r - ii. of5 uovernor, ne piaceu uiwl iu u tude of airect opposition to tne con- struction impliedly put upon the Uon- cf;tufi7n l himsplf and hv tu Radical j-- Legislature of 18G8-G9, to whose laws ue suDscrioea ins own &igu uwuuai &o i President of the Senate, and which did not rprofrnize the aDDointinsr power of firm5nfT tii (innomni- with thp rnnrirminori ' - ' power of the Senate, in accordance with tho latft oninion of the Supreme I -r Uourt. We would not mumate mai. ..!.' .,'!.- auy ucw ligut, 4U .a.v. w w., manner of making these appointments, was thrown upon Governor Caldwell's mind by any of the Judges of the Su. ,.: , w.. i Dfclllc vUUt. VU. UU i i?c nuuiu uu" be considered as ..charging any Justice on the Supreme Court .Bench with nav I r T,1IiU A inr hintnd to hia Excellencvrthen AC- - cidency, that these appointments had neretorore oeen mauo irrC8uiany uu illegally, and hinting farther, if he Illegally. UU UlUlliJ" IttllUU, 11 uc nrMii.i moiro enmo new nnninmpnti! nuu muiv -r 1 giving auai nxeuua luc umu, hPwnnld he sustained bv the Sunreme -j -- - x i O.nnrt ! Oh Tin ! Rnr.h PnTlfllir.t WOUld , ------ ougnno ue mauu uv UJr uuC4 only know that the Governor changed nis mina suaaeniv. anti new in iue ce 'I.. .. ...... I of the acts of the Radical Legislature, which had beensigned by himself. We only say tnere was a very remamoic j j - - change in the Governor's opinion, and he proceeded immediately to act in contravention of the statute law made by his own party, and for which his ""r' . The Conservatives followed the Radi- . . . , cal interpretation oi tue v,arpet-Dag Constitution, and if there has been any usurDatory conduct in the Legislative aDDointments of officers, the Radical r . , , , gisiaiu Pwio.jr c For the Daily News The Legislature of '71 and the Gov ernor's Appointments. x Tne Supreme Court has decided that thex act of the , Legislature of 1871- '72. takin? from the Governor the au- thority ta appoint the State Directors - i Co Hn Railroads, Asylums, etc., is unconsti- 5??, the Legislature of 1871-72 did wrong in mterienng witn tne governor s autnon- ty." Charlotte Democrat, Jlarch Mh. The Radical papers wiilv doubtless bowl to : 8U.rfei4 OYer what they choose t0 term tue lawlessness ot tne Legisia- ture of 1871-72, in providing for the and appointment of certain Directors, etc.; maDuy Conservatives will probably Join m theory. For our own part, if our foresight had been as good as our kind- sight, our action in the Legislature of IB' wouia navevDeen amerent, tuis Nelrankly confess. j J At the outset, we desire to state by way of protestation that we do not pro pose to question at this day any decjs- ion made by the Supreme Court. ye are thus Particular in disayowing such ..puiPuac iui ai u uuuuug t-onservauves wno are so reaay to con- j demn their political associates, as to pistaKe a mere detence lor an aggress- . , . . " Tr 7 .5 1 J0" e J09? auoui uie governor a power to appoint hinges on the following clause in the v,oDsuiuuon . "i ue uovernor . snail f V f thp SI and consent of a majority of the Sena- tors elect, appoint ail officers whose I nffippo arc pat nhliehprl hv tliiu flnnotitn. . -.-.. j wuav..u- uo' T wnicn riau oe crcazea oy law, foseappomtments ar emt otherwise pri r and no such oflicer shall be eiected or appointed by the General Assembly." This section provides for the appoint- !?LVT1?0t Pla.cemeD- Thf o i uensmuuon requires inat an ot- uv,u oiiuu iinc uu uani 10 Buppurt me v"uaLIl'ulluu uu-iaw oi me unuea otaiea, uuu ui me otate 01 xxorin sj&i I i - As it was said by the Supreme Court in Worthy "against Barret, in 1869: The test in deciding who is an officer, is whether or not this oath is required to betaken? Directors, wroxies. trustees. &c. have never been required bv law to take this oath.; The Supreme Courr in 1869 f?0 by naJ??.e e"P"i whoae incumbent woblid to take this oath. arirj amonw them do not mention either rtir.ift.7. i i -wo, yiuAtcov iiupicca UI UaviULUS, f c lhG oath has never been taken D r. m- . . . did decide that all such persons areJ officers, although no such oath is re- i quirea oi tnem bv law. But the T.PfrU. lature of 1870-71 thought themselves safe in adopting the decision of the Court in 1869i and may be excused from blame, for not knowing thatin - " V h. XeTatre of T 1870,71 had declared these placemen be officers, they would have flown T " - - "vj - , . placemen, and as such not theUConsti- The embraced in the section of t tution above granted. The other point in determining the meaning of this section is to ascertain -rrrVi a f trmrrla n ro tr ho intpmnlntpfl atr. pr r the voids provided for. Up to the decision of the Supreme Court in 1872 it was conceded that the ZX laV- ' go it -was the understanding up to that decision that the Governor shall nominate and the Senate confirm all ol- ficerg (not placemen such as directors, proxieg trustees, &c.,) whose offices are established by this Constitution, or which shall be created by law, and when appointments are ,not otherwise provided for by law. The rcadinf, now insisted on substU tutes the words " in this constitution" for " bv law." This indicates that the aDDointments to some uncreated (and -J Xeare provided for in the Constitution bv some partic- uiar an(i designated methods, other than by nomination and confirmation ; and that only these particular uncreated office8j the .8 to which are not otherwise provided for in the Con- stitution. are to be tilled by nomination and confirmation. be rdoaed ,or not putting such a con struction an the Constitution. Indeed. the idea had never becjp broached. It had been quietly accepted by all par- ties that the other was the onlv con- JJ Zt T, sect10iij ana it was settled tnat this was so without cavif, dispute or criticism. 1 he very wicKed and lawless Legis- ature of 1871 committed a very grave . . JO offence "did a verv PTeat wronf " in following the law as declared by the Radicals on this particular subiect. and ,mon;nAa i, iu un,iiiub moi, uau then been suggested fortius section of tfae Con8tittttion It ig cbarged against the Conservatives that their action was the offspring of lawlessness, and that tney acted in denance ot tne uovernor's recognized power. Let us look over the precedents . - , - Tfje Radical ut appointed Commissioners to establish a Peniten-1 ,i,rv in ISRS in 1 ftfiQ thPnm thmn tiary in 1868 ; in 1869 therturned them out and appointed another set : in 1871 the QongjVative Legislature turned these out aud appoiDted another set in this the Legislature of 1871 only fol- m IU19 IUB J-lVtTlSiaiUie Ul lOll OQIV IOl- lowed tlie Dfecedents ot 1869. 1 . . - Qa ronf,oraii Ua AnntBl "Z::r .." 1 ' L ! umucr ia sciticu iuc umer way, out yet 1ft - wna opnprnllv crrrpr1 rvn ll cioo I " "---"J - now says it is. Jos. W. Holden, Spea- ker of tue House and Gov Caldwell. President of the Senate, on April 12th, iowff, diucu .uc uv.i. ui iuc jauiuai AoCDITlh T ssemoiy m wnicn tne - auty oi tne is declared as follows : "He isto make the appomtment8 and 'su , tne vacancies not otherwise provided for - - - - w v-wu v i by law in all the departments." Section 26. chapter 270. Acts 1868-69. Here is the testimony ot the t that the 6rd ' t . SUDDlied after "provided for," as above, are "by aw." for if an net of the T?nrlirnl T.prrio. I 1jt1' -t-. u " n"J p"n n D a L"urf' atie8,a Uov ala well and opuaiier xioiuen, son oi tne men uov ernor, isnot evidence of what the Rad icah then thought, pray what would te f . In. .18?9'. tb.e. Radical Legislature abolished the old Directory ot the In sane Asylum, and made a Board of Supervisors : and provided by law for the appointment of these Supervisors otherwise than by nomination and con Jirmatwn. They went further. They practically elected the Principal of that Institution for eight years, themselves, See page 558, Acts '68-'69 Thp? Hv nnh tn ho iirA i w vw mvvui v y iiaib i ulci iricu at all with the Trustees of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind Asvlum 'hat we do not find that they were ever ap- pointed by nomination and confirma- tion in 1870, these Radical luminaries, whose false liehts have so treaohernnslv led Conservatives into lawlessness and wrong, by an act attested by Gov. Cald- well and J. W. Holden, the son of the then Governor, provided by law for a method of appointment o'f Directors and proxies for the State in all corpo- rations. &c, &c, other than that method provided in the section of the Constitution above quoted. See chap 112, 1869-'70. . In fact, we find-by-instances similar to those above given, toa numerous to mention in detail, that Legislature of 1868-70 did not hesitate to provide by law for the appointment of such officers; that it was their understand ing that they had an undoubted right to do so. Their construction of the Constitution was adopted by Governor aiuweii as iresiaent ot thebenate and 1- W. Holden, Speaker, who signed aU their actg and also by Gov. Holden, who made appointments and recognized appointments made by others under Tf18, ' And we reneat that t.h nnnRtminn given by the Supreme Court in 1872 to I .1.;. -1 f 1 . ..... lUJS ciause 01 xne constitution was un- heard of before that time. It is proper to add that all the acts' which were DaSsed bv the Conservative., nnd wh,h are complained of as being in deroca- titm ot the Governor s authority were passed before the Supreme Court had made its unexpected decision ! And yet in face of the above the Radical papers have the effrontery to charge the Uonservative Legislature with lawless ness Publics TUST TO HAND. A FRESH SUP- tl ply of Apples, Oranges and Lemons, at ti MUfsELEY S. THRESH COCOA NUT CANDY, nocoiaie ana uurni AJmonas, c, at TTRESH COCOANUTS, -ENGLISH tf ' ' moseley; THRESH CRACKERS OF EVERY 77, Y&Teu??.ne assortment of cases, at aiu& x FRESH PICKLE, CHOW CHOW Cauliflower, Gerkins, Ac, at tf MOSELEY'S. MAYOR'S OFFICE. Raleigh, N. C, March 8, 1873. I will attend at the Mayor's Office, In the city of Raleigh, on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 1873, to take the tax list fpr the pres ent year. Persons falling to list their prop erty will be subjected to double tax. W. WHITAKER, mh 0-td Mayor. AMUSEMENTS. U C K E R II A L L W O NIGHTS O If . ! Y Monday and Tuesday, March 17 and 18 First APPrannce"iB of tie Original and Only I BEBGER FAMILY StTISS BELL RIGGERS ! 1 And their Entire Company of Talented Musical Artists. Tne mosttiigaut and Popular Troupe Traveling ! All the Latest Song . and Newest music. YOUNG LADIES' SILVER CORNET BAND! PARLOR OR CHE STRA! SID N E Y F R A N K S ! Miss ANNA BERGER, Gold Cornet Soloist Miss ETTIE BERGER Staff Bell Player '-Z: fred. g. berger........ ..Harpist An the Favorites will Appear ! Admission,.'.-.'... 75 cents. Reserved Seats, $100 Gallery, 50 " Seats can be secured at BRANSON'S BOOK STORE. NnTn-Tn view of the fact that an inferior Troupe, purporting to be SWISS BELL RINGERS, appeared in Raleigh about a year ago, the. management begs . leave to state to tne citizens oi naieigu mui. i.uo entertainments of the BERGER FAMILY are entirely different from and bear not the slightest resemblance to the performance Riven by the party in question, it is con- tne above occasion, nave not Deeuequauou byfcompinyhat by any Company for many years, ir many y mar 125t W. W. FOWLEB. Business Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mn ttPORT OF THE CONDITION h-r fA Citizens' National Bank, of . Raleigh, North Larolinay at the close of business, 28th February, 1873. RESOURCES: d,d.!? u. s. Bonds to secure circulation, iuo.uuo oo Due fromredeemingandreserve agents,... S5,(84 GO Dueirom T'other National Banks, Due from other Banks and Bank- 6,308 'y 1,821 94 12,500 00 4.500 00 Bankinhouse;;".' Furniture and'Fi r uiuiiuio ou i iLmco,.. 9.000 10 riT.. nura uam, 1,107 53 8,855 00 2.30. 80 Cash items, including stamps.;. Bills of other National Banks,.... ; .28,600 00 3.179 07 Fractional currency, SDecie. coin 9.248 78 r, fender notes.... 24.500 00 S 690,306 60 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pa d in,..., $100,000 00 3,700 00 8,005 01 surplus iuna,.... Froilt and loss,., ttMMNMirt National bank circcle tion out- i:::Z 88,690 00 419,170 85 6.4S8 06 sniers- uuecKs outstanaing. jjg National Banks iue to other Banks and Bank- 113 23 ers,. 10.139 45 Bs payable 60,000 00 $ 696,306 60 I. P. A. Wil.ey. Cashier of the Citizens' National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best oi my Knowledge ana ueiiei. P. A. WILEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 11th day of March, A. D.t 1873. A. V. HAYWOOD, Notary Public, Correct Attest ; W. E. Anderson, RS0N,"1 CINS, ) p. A. WII.EY. Directors. W. J. Hawkins, mhl2-lt 1ST E WAR R IV A L S SPRING STYLES, 1873 MOLESKIN HATS. 1 case of Spring style of SILK II1TS, SILK II1TS at our low prices, only 55,50. "V. II. &. It. S. TUCKER & CO. mar 12-tf TDERCALLS AND CAMBRICS JL 2 cases new Spring Styles of E It C 1 roa I JL S LADIES AND MISSES SPRING DRESSES, In beautiful designs. W. H. & Ii. S. TUCKER & CO. mar 12-tf r RING ARRIVALS BOOTS ! SHOES I I and HATS I I Weare receiving daily one of the most complete .stpefcfiiOOTS and SHOES ever brought to this city. Our stock oi SPItljrGIIlTS Is unsurpassed, and contains the latest and most approved styles. . We respectfully invite our olcKfriends customers and t he public generally to give us a can Deiore purcnasing eisewnere, mar ll-tf C. D. HEARTT & CC Kaleigh, C. gAVE LIFE AND PROPERTY JIEYBURJV, HUNTER & cos CELEBKATED Galvanized Lightmni Rods. Ask for 3ALVANIZED ROD. Thev are no more expensive than the black rods now Deing used Dy Lightning Itod Ped dlers, and are a thousand times safer and better. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Raleigh, N. C, Sole Agents for the Southern States febaj-tf . O RNAMENT.AL PLANTING. MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA. The subscriber will r.'main in Raleiarh a with biui in regard to Ornamental Piant- few days, and those desirous' of conferring ing, and those who wish to obtain Plants, are requesieu. 10 leave weir oraers witn Messrs. W. H. Jones & Co, as early as pos sible. . Persons wishing to obtain fine Magnolias will please send in orders now. Nursery grown plants. veryt satisfactory, 83 eacu ; extra siocky plants, of handsome sbape, $5 each. Pt-grown seedlings, 10 to 12 inches, 75 cents each. The number Is limited, ana good Magnolias are very scarce. Trees de livered as above, iree ol expense, at Ral eigh. mh 9-3t. C. B. DENSON. g VERYTHING USUALLY FO UND In a First-Class Drnjj Store At , SIMPSON'S. nov28-tf "W AKKIIOTJSK COTTON FACTORS And General Commission and Shipping Merchants. Town Folnt, Nob folk, Va. c g n Jl jr S P E C I A L F O G 1 1 II JlJfl9 S " C O T T O vv e oave ine exclusive rignt or sale? and Middle North Caiolina, 11 F. C! MANUFACTURED BY THE O UTIIEItJt' FEIt TILIZIJTG COJHPjtjrY AT RICHMOND, VA. F U R N I S H E D A T AT WAREHOUSE OF G R AND Y NORFOLK , V A Cash Price Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. - - ... .. -Time " 2,000 lbs, - - - FREE OF INTEREST. FURNISHED F A C T O R Y FREIGHTS ADDED. Your attention Is called to the,"Opinions ed Newspaper Coi'rerpondents from various sections throughout Eastern and Middle North Carolina, and Southeastern Virginia, where It has been extensively used, stat ing tile high repute in which this Fertilizers is held by the Planters, as matter of public concern and benefit. Enquire for Pamphlet ions of the Press and other Useful Matter Farmer. . ' It has been so extensively used and universally praised that it requires no commen dation at our hand-. The Cotton Planters earlier by Several Weeks, and nearly doubles the yield. Many say it is equaled by no manipulated Guano on the market; and Guano. There will be only a limited amount of supply and trade, and we desire that the butary to this market, should FIRST BE supplying the needs of thePJanterg, In the will go to fill the orders of theHrade a large, assigned to us. Some of the ingiedients for this Fertilizer, J to Import from Germany at a great cost, and beforehand. The Company, therefore, required us to Inform them at the beginning of the season, the probable amount our trade would require which .we did accordingly and we feel confident from the numerous inquiries and large "oraers received that the demand will far exceed our stock, or ability to supply, and therefore we bespeak our Planter lriends to send in their orders at Once, (that we may book them,' and thereby give them the preference,Kand then, they can order the Fertilizer to be shipped to them whenever they need it. x . x The Fertilizer will cosi the Planter no more to order It early In the season. 3- Time Price 565, Free of Interest-Cash Price SOO-at our Warehouse In Norfolk. It Is ut up In new, strong bags of 200 lbs to the oag. "FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED," Is the old adage. If our friends neglect to avail themselvt s of the opportunity presented, and here by duly notified, they cannot blame us if;their orders later In the season have to be turn ed off. mhl2-d&w2m Established In . 1815 u Y A G EN T S R JT " F E II T I L, I Z E It . H a H a o a o H a a hj jo o H a c O a o H S a p a I o o a H a. w suLi; i ujnikul ot 6uppiy ior jiasiern ana and omneastern Virginia F A C T OR Y P R I C E S & S O N S - - G0 - - $65 BY OUR AGENTS AT V R I C E S of the Press," and the reportfcjf dlsiiiterest containing these Testimonials and Opin of General Information and Interest to the ' . y using it affirm that it matures the Cotion prefer it for many reasons to the Peruvian - this Fertilizer manufactured especially for our Cotton Planters in the section of country tr SUPPLIED, with whatthey may need. After region named, the remainder, if any over, throughout the wide district of territory the "Southern Fertilizing Company " hd this stock had to be laid in and prepared C. W. G RANDY & SONS, NORFOLK, VA. JJi ACT TO PROHIBIT THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS IN CKlt TAIN LOCALITIES. U' Section 1. The General Assemhw N orth Carolina do enact : That it shn 1 1 k.. unlawful for any person or persons, ,' or give away any intoxicating liquors h anv vav nr m QTinpr nr in onu nr.nK$j.. "J . ""J H""HIV, so oauic nuaicru.ciiuci uiicvuv ui jnuirpf tjr wiiuiu iuui liiiiea ui auhucu ennrn i . Alleghany county; Bluff Presbyteriu, church, in Cumberland county ; Asbpoin misaiuuaij nauusii uuurcu. iu Kfthn.... county, or Yopp's Meeting Houae, in Ons- itw vuuuijr. ui wnuiu mree miles of ti.H following places, to-wit: Mount Pleas u Academy, in Cherokee county; Cumin T vuuiuci lauutuuuiji ,Diw&ei 8 oM)re In I'm, . (Vfifilr Vil looa in I ' i tvi . ,u son Female College, in Henderson PnllfW.ksvlllA In .lnnpn nnnnfv T...,,i .. ' - . . " J , "uici mil church, in Richmond county ; iiig Branch Baptist church. Beauty Spot church ai. poie Presbyterian church, Zion's Tabern i cle Baptist church, Asbury church, Horeb mcvuuuioi uuuiuu, ui luuuut JJianan Ivni tlst church, in Robeson county; or with n two and one half miles of Rocky it. church, in Cabarrus county ; or witnin ti'n iinica ui luaiuiiuwiug piaces, io-wlt : 1 inev i-imrk Vii"iiVi T.nnauilla ' i. .. v ixiii cnurca or cnooi nouse, in Anson county: Christian Delight church, nr tvv. cord church. In Beaufort county ; French's Creek Baptist church. Brown Marsh Pres- oyienan cnurca, in uiaaen county; Endor Cbatham county : Methodist church v, by terian church, or Baptist church in Mr nard's camp ground, in Clay county; Pleas auv a iamo tuuikii ui I cituuh. S BlOre, 111 i.uiuiuuus uuuuiji , mucKviue Acaaemv or Cokesberry church, in Cumbe'land county New Bridge .church. In Duplin count : iuuuutuiu loiauu xowluxj', iu VIUSLOU COUll ty; Corinth Baptist church, in Granville' couniy riai rwtK. in Lfuiiaiord nmnt.-. Johnston's chapel, in Johnston county - fliilfH phiiph fiu 1 , V i n I 1T,,,. . ' i, uireuerai irrecinct xownsnip, m Kew Hanover county; Zion church.iu Richmond couniy ; bumuer triage i'ieshyttriaii churcn or Providence Baptist church in xwuovu vuuui. .lauci UCCOOUUUKS. Ill n, ( I. mond county; Little River church, in Tran sylvania county; uosnen cnurcn, Saiuuson a. ... ntin l- a Ln . - - . .. ..It.. . I. ... .- . . - wunij, uiciajwi inmaai tue xailS OliNeUsi1 river, in Wake county; the Court House in Wilkesboro, in Wilkes county, r within the corporate limits of the town of vnru,. age in Moore county, or Lumberton iit tvooeson county, oriiutnerioruton in Kutii- eriora county, or witnin two miles oi tin corpoi ate limits of Carthase or Lumiipvim, provided una snail enect the power of the commissioners oi numoerion to grant ii- ceu&e wiLuiu us corporate limits; or wtthm one and a half miles of Cherrv (irnvn Baptist church in Columbus county ; Belt Farm Presbyterian church, (coioredi Harris depot; Methodist church at oi,. Spring camp ground.or Methodist church uetnei camp urouud, in Cabarrus county or Murchison Factory, in Manchestii' Cumberland county, or within one jiile i t Goose Creek ; Island church, in Beaiiioi i county; the Baptist church in Abbottsburn, ia Bladen county; Newton Academv.or Fair View school house, in which j. a. shuford taught school, in Buncombe coun ty; Pioneer Mills Post Office, inCabairm county; Cypress Creek church, or the Bau lii t or Methodist church in Hallville, 1juj lin county; Vine Hill Academy, in Halifax county ; tfethel church, in Pitt county ; ihe Cnnrt HniiBB in Aahivirrt In !.,;, county; lurnersDury cnurcn, in irede.l county; or Union Chapel Methodistchureh. In Robeson county. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions or this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof b . fore any acting Justice of the Peace, lor each and every offenee, shall pay a hne of not less than ten nor more than lilty dollars or be imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court not to exceed thirty days. sec. 3. The Secretary of the State shall furnish a certified copy of this act, immedi ately after its ratification to the "Era," "Sentinel" and News for publication. Sec. 4. This act shall be in lorce from and alter the lirst day of May, A. D., 1ST.',. In General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 3rd day of March, A. !.. 1873. - J. L. ROBINSON, Speaker of the House. C. H. BROGDEN, President of the Sena ic. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 OLINA.V state, y 7, 1S73. j Office Secretary of staJ Raleigh, March 7, I. "William H. Howerton. Secretarv of State, hereby certify that the foregoing is" a true copy of the original act on file in this office. WM. H. HoWERTON. mh 8-30d Secretary oi State. 1873. 1873. S P It IJT G CLO TUIjrG R . B . ANDRE W S & C O. , C I O T II I E It S , 27 Fayetteville Street, Have just recei ved another lot of GENTS FINE DRESS SHIRTS OF TUB N E W E S T S T Y L E S, which for FIT. DURABILITY and COM FORT cannot be surpassed in this country. N 0 W 0 P E N J A full stock of MENS', YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Black and Colored Felt Hats, embracing all the most desirable shapes and colors. R. B. ANDREWS & CO., Clothiers, 27 Fayetteville Street, mchC-tf Raleigh, N. C. 19 500 LBs: SIIIP STUFF- 16,000 Lbs. White Bolted Meal. 200 Bushels Whlt Corn, 5 Boxes clear Rib Side Bacon. 5 " Rib Side " 20 Hall b bis. Lard, 5 '1 ierces Lard, 25 Boxes H. Welch's Laundry Soap, Bottled Pieties, Chow-chow, onions, Bottled Pickled CABBAGE. CELERY SAUCE and IIORSE-RADI.SI1. Large variety Canned Fruits and Vegeta bles, Plotted liatu, Turkey, Tongue and Chicken. We now have our CofiVr. Roasting ami Grinding Department in successiul opeia tion, aud guarantee satisfaction. All grade of flour always on hand. All orders thankfullyreceiveu.and goods promptly delivered. feb23-tf WAYNE ALLCOTT. JERCHANTS WISHING- TO purchase In this market, will flndittotheii Interest to examine our tst cfc and prices before purchasing elsewhere. PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM. dec8-tf f BOXES CANDY AND TEN J Vy Barrels Crackers. 25 Boxes meat and a large lot Salt, at Jan 1-tf M. A. PARKER. JVU B IN ' S PERFUME 1? Y AND TOILET POWDER At SIMPSON'S nov26-tf Drugstore. JANNED OYSTERS, MACCARONI, Wax an Adamantine Candles, Starch, Toilet and Laundry Soaps. A. G. LEE & CO. A L A ROE LINE OF FLUID EXTRACTS and ELIXIUS At nov28-tf SIMPSON'S Drnti Ktore A. SET OF SUPREME COURT REPORTS FOR SALE. i I f I t ' i. w Apply to , R. G.LEWIS, rjohl-2t Raleigh, N. C.

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