i - ' -"" : ,-"'t"w'Si ,mvJ,r rL ' 1.- i . - -i c'iji ' D'-rTcnr- -"H I i " i 'I ptfynw, ', , - ..n ,, jiuii i,,n,UZu'i m". "' " ' " ' ' I -..- . - X-..& , J-T . r.i.. . . " C --J3..f TT-f ... ""-y .ww 'Wwit wwiuiiMiiuyiw n . LY NEWS. i JLXA-li.f-.V. -.ifcv-W-b. - FR0P&IKT01&3. fa rTTEVi Street, W. C. siroaach & Co.'s Store. n-iVAKlABI,y IN ADVAJ5CK. r ivl. V KKWf? per annum. I:: CAUOS. f . ..nOIMlW. ' 1 S. A. A3UK I ,,nv. rriiLtiR & ASHE, . " . i . .11 .4 I aw 1 p.-.;' -hprevor iheir -ervles may I t0U ' be rconlTetli" ' t.FirF.Fonmf ottioeof Phillips Mer- '0 i- I II E 'J l. (Luttiy or iuieish,1 K, :.,) ; 1 . a nil tvfouf n a I Hill HUf" " - '.,(,. llltr lo th '''Vjauiof ttuU A(iMiclae Justices of ti.e !J' r iiit tuurt f Xiorth Caroima, ud to ijiillil.l- ..r t i Sir ilmo ... 1 u . 53 I li U.I L L , J It . i .... ,.),. I r t o it n e X; ; A T I, A w , JACK O -K' i N . Os : vvili iiriciioe luull the Courts of Halifax, '.hi i ue and orllmuipion. ooumto. un. ujreia Court ol xSoriU Carol lna f;,,'u-.uk.iia msia.m ai parts of yorth J 0 Ml AULES tV; 6PKUILL, A i TOR N K V AT LAW n. a: it Alt v. .w. j. j . '.fl..VHrii n "u:vd iJoinlasr- couu Vm u, I AU' I ! NcftU-thutHlua, MUd L b UCUELOK, KDWAIIDS AND a.ViCiiKLoiv : ' A 1 IO I4NEYS AT L A W , K A LEIGH N. C.J V :i. jii'ttuJ lu uuru ui Wake, Grau . c ri.iuS.ln., vkii-tt-ru, lluliiax, ivortu It.uUiL. aiiu ..ii.ui.ju,..iuiu lutj reueiai Sou a-tf 8 m fr ii" L ti X 11 nl OHM: Y AT LAW, IUJ L A M) li f ii - IS C. oiu ta of Hal i tax ud u.iiiri.u.is aiicuded to iu ail pans ol tUe .ii-lr.:: Ci-akk., L A :lk K - & J, il. MULtliX. MULLEN, j HALIFAX. JV. C. 'iTuL-ik-e n. uil he Courts of Halliux inrltiaiii jloa tud .d$(cconibe cuiiulica t tut cupit-jjic Court ol ortii Carotiua iiJ tU Uic I'euei'b.lCoUrU. ' ' " j-C'ji.t:ciiuui uuwc in ail parts of Kortb b.uiiui. ' run 4-1 y k c'os;gland., vni.H. aUy LAW FAUTNEUSIUPV"'." ; '. O .N 1 U L A N D &' li AY, j AT I OIIM.Y& AT L A W,, , ilALir AX, N. C. l r.ii t.cc lu lue Cuiulhof JluliiuX aiulad- liiuhig ni,i;Ut iu ibu tsupreuie Court of ciutc, uijtu ju ti.e t cv.ci ui courts. Uiitiy :.i en . j.tn .a. all clii lull lu collecuug aUU ;.ui:t. o iiiM:it-!i!, ana lo aujutlUg I He ruuus ui ciccmurs, uUiuiuiMiuluia unu 'UlUl.L i ic K.iw.-r piu iuer wiil Hlic-ud at hisol c ;.. i.uu.t mi cut utuax a attd Moutln b ttt'CH. UO L-tl Sa11'L.T. WlLClAJiS oi W i L L 1 A -M b , D I A i.KKV MOUNT, N. C. V J L L 1 AM S & B UN N U a c t., GH, N. 0. i. liUMiil'Si, Iflli ...i I.I -nut,..,! r ' " - - ilJUV UUUiWOu ucrw 'ay-Aluuutor italeigh.gr l!ius iulttctrd in u) part f the SUte. ! iact.ee IU the Snijitliie Court of tlie Kiieauu-u in. l-euciui Court a. I lUvieJuU. 111 M i-ll, ' . - H. IlluMASUN. L. J. LaBAKJlB T uo m a so n & co.. iftuecesaor." to E. T. 11 all A Co.,) - ; -;.C f .' ; vvaiiulssia liertliauts, Mi, H'iLAIM,tuN ST II LET. ,11,'4V "VtiU-iu paid to the sale of Real W N .-10 In M ENTS 0 LICITED. Uvlt r t. . ll. VVilliiitnu Pr. vl lnt iw'ua :V't.'u!! iJ-oik; A. O. Lee . 6l Co.. Mayor ol Haieiyh ; A li,U v-. 011.1........ I... I . . Cil.St,. 1 UIIIV.CIICS Ul JIIUIU htoi'tr l.t 11... I... ...I A . c priew. tiovin if L. W. THOMASON A CO. IE. L tJ M E li & CO., l.ivt.'- i'c tersbnre. Va.'. i w itiUItlLTl'UAL IU- i'tttuii," wul 'fefivi- prompt and care, 'wu-r-i d a "P'-etiuliy so.iclted. il,.v At it' the KariiieiWFriei ul ud : -1 l'u..vH ot Km int-1 k i-i . t-n tie- wu IJ. ,r- 'rdver.-ftn eoiuuieathttion. VV1;;'1' FAMILY !ROE II EU S;'U)reilUkt jm.- ,,iU"t ai- iXi: k""1. :'-'-" ' : i..-. , Bologna Sautsajfe. W. i. STHbNAt'U. 'IT- 1;Y A-a v An i O 'U A N O : ,. . i r y m:VS will be delivered 10 ; . ' I -I TKEX CENTS pet W(k, ' L, . , ru-r vrooUy. Mailed at t7 " ' '-, ' wfxrlx-rnonaiM; J2 forthre j ; I- VOL. II.' MORNING EDITION. FRIDAYI ... ..MAKCH 187. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Bhiefs. e The Raleigh Club is still in a 'flour ishiag condition. , ?unilf rtfptv erl'vxtar ah? North selecting their spring stocks. We bear of a number ot new build ings soon to be commenced in the cit ' --Our" peripatetic Local returned 1 rikA..a.1 . n 1 . . T f- jcstciiitiv eveninir irnm i.mitxiinrv uourt. p The State Departmentsesteftiw could rurnish us with no ims oi y&U-Zi Cotton has had a yblack ejti' -forM Borae uajs, winch baa cawed-a depres sion ia the cottonbiarket of RaltiurTSTr A ood qualify of cotton was yester-1 aaj .wottu cents in UieTH,!eigli market. ( . J t Jlr W R. Vrawford w ill have at Liil store -this moring one M thosj final infiunt'ain beeves Tfcat wenb &een on tlifci streets WedncsdavX V K Prof. Stevens w HjktttrVut Peace Institute to nihtat SiKrSubject' The Pott aud tiie PMVpKer01m pui'iic are respcctlullv itivirtd to at- tend. We had a visit yesterday Jrort M. J. McSveen, ol the Fayette A Eagle. Iluinnr ha8 it that he is on hV way to Tennessee to capture one of the fiir dauhteis of that State. The lumber tor the - Iir Grouotl 1 rente has at rived upon the ground, and the fence will soon be erected.; We are iniortned by the Building Committee that the charucttr ot,the lumber is most, excellent. We had the pleasure ot seeing in our office yesterday Mr. W. C. Troy, Senator froiih VuVklrlAi'vVnvriltA'wa8 P7 ing a hriel 'visit to Raleigh! Mr Troy is one t the -most tlKcient andfnergetic iuuuIk;i"3 ot the Legislature. " All quiet along Uplines "r, waa t ee repoit yesterday liotn" the different Stale Institutions which have recently chang ed bauds under orders Irom the Supreme Court. The exchange of officials was m rde Without any bloodshed. A Persons indebted to the late firm ox Buckulew & Ldswtll are requested to call cti CapC'R. F. Laswell, at Miller'u & Nelson's saioou, under the -market, and receive receipts for their indebted ness, as business must be settled ouee in five years. t The epitomized report of the resolu tions ami acts pasMd at the session of the Legislature just.--closed, "published by the News this week, is one of the most complete things j too kiud e.er gotten up in this State, occupying four teen columns ot the Daily. HCKK AD TlIEKli. . . A maguauimous witness in Iowa post poned his wedding twenty-two hours to accommodate the court. - ; The beacon for keeping diaries begins w'Ttii t be n'st'ot'the j Car; aud lasts np to about the rirfct week in February. A female leetuier says that the only detent thiug about Adam was n rib, and that went to. make' something ietter. A C aiiiomia widow, just before com mitting buicide, wrote to a triend that "it nearly killed In r to leave her poor childii!'." - ' ; A lively young lady says it's all a mis take abt.uf lier iot(taking mi interest in niiuried gentlemen, for "bh'e does m those 'whose wives aie dead. Ooe of the numerous iessoiia of the Credit Mobilier developments is that loud and patriotic pctients should be caieiut about i.mii..' their off-pnng alter public men.- Fashionable milliners tell us that the Spting bonnet -will be a uioditie.atiou ot l the 'iJi(buow' iu vogue, and that long tiainiug vines are to be the most con spicuous trimming. . . , v . . A larmei'- wife in Dakota!) .thought lessly used a I undle ol old letters to stuff up t e cracks of their cabin, and the lamier is now in kearckot the writer of them With a idiot gun. BuVierick, the New York .moulder of fashiou, auil thouldei- padder, tays gentktaen'l overalls lor art:es will be cut more oiased thi.tnasoo, and sliort meii will, heu waltzing, let out their suspemJers a couple ot iuches. Milton Hatrington, of Falmouth, Ky., last week swallowed ten pounds ot ojs-ier.i.K-w than a iiurtvr of .an:.hourf fv., wt.i. ii mtououo oertt-rmance the local prcfe Vry properly thinks he ought to be oysteiacistd lroru dtcent societr. , . t . , .. . A fair contributor to the religious press leels it her oounduii duty to insist that the -bif? lads" to schools tsHouUl be placed uvidcr.Jhe supervisjcn oi .lady Teachers, lor whom ti.ey woula be likely t .. in..1 find reverence tuture alliances w iili."uu;vorthv wi ves. vi.ii it "unvvorthv wives. Mr. Ber, president of the Society for iue r-rcvuition of - Cruelly t. Animal, was kicked the other day by a Miule.whieh lw ad piotected,,, l vvo, were in hi piace, and .cit quite ture Umi tlia. mule fully appreciated the Xtfo i, hie irgraj;itude,i we shouid; eLUcir alM.li, tUet?o9ieyor esigu.--Ciut'ur Jturniu. tt k FCBKKAL NOTICB. I lie iuucibi M.r rL-i-a Ilutchniirs. wife of C. W .V 'PI. ...... I of in.m Edenton stretc aieuiooiM- v..u.vu tin- ti a. i lorro W fSaturdav) nu morning at n . -4 7 (y ' Fdt6 tiud mellow ! Whiskey t Century 1 l "' RALEIGH. PaEID The Beroek Familt. This COjiapaiiY. already anDounccd, will perform ncre on next Monday and Tuesday nights. They have been in Wilmington this week, and have given universal, satisfaction.IIere is what trfeWirrningtdn papers say otthemi " An entertainment so chaste and re-1 fined as was witnessed in the appearance ot the above family on our boards fast" eveuing, w ill barely admit of discrimij citing m favor of one "more thanl nnAtllfif i QOtt vi mar n ri A n frnnltwA a features have been added to the company; sjjicrtUj2ilagt appearance nere, which now classes it among, the leading musical organizations of j its character upon the stage.- Miss Knapp, the leading vocalist, has an elegant oprano voice, well understood, clear aml distinct and melodiously rich! in tone. Mr. Ernest Thiele is a success as a master of the violin, and in his rendi tion otlhe 7th air DeSeriot we imagined him as axuecessfu! comnetitorof the hoaors of te woild renowned Ole ButL Tbti CorodefS ont La Mabeltne," S fHjTwnneu oy juiss Anna uerger, urew forth loud and coftdnutd applause. Mis Ettie Bergcr withx'er silvel-staff and crystp chimes, also ackied much; to tftq. sucfe of the enterHinment Tbe Piccoloduer by Missl hi& Ujd Mr. Henry Befger was reiTed."-w itti much applause?' rhe original character, songs- and cuiniJ soealties of Mr.HSidnevTttonsri.ni1 r ranks, aton lassed him as an ngret able apd'e the evenitf:. Franks well fills the vcancye(Sol Smith RusselLjind is'J xspeciallyTtiue in his facial contortions as wil as a success as si comic songster." ifo'ilmiiwt six Jaurnal I'a large audience greeted the appear ance ol the celebrated Berber Family of,, Swiss Bell Rsngers, at the Opera House last every ug. The entertainments of the Troupes are a novelty in the musical line, .as a I; as refined and classical. and the audience manifested their ap preciation by frequent encores. The principal feature ot the evening's enter-t-inmen were the bell performances ftf tfie Berg'er Family, which received their full share of well-merited applause. . The performances of--Mr. Ernest Thiele prove that gentleman a violinist ift iuaiked abihty. Hrs' piccolo duet with Mr. Henry Berger was also heartily encored. . The young lady performers on brass instruments deserve much praise pr,. their , efforts, which were hi'shly creditable and waimly applauded. Miss Anna Berger deserves especial mention as the Cornet Soloist, her performances, being marked with fine expression and difiicult fxiacution." -Wilmington ktar The Youno Hajitton " Iminjster We referred yestenlay morning to the fact , that a young man, repnsenting himself as the son of General Wade Hampton, had heen imposing upVn some of the good people of '1 homas ville, Davidson ' couuty' and . that his real name was supposed to be " Garland Jones," the supposition being tracable U the fact that in the pocket of hi overcoat, which he left behind him, was loimd a liand kerchief marked "Guilaml Jones." We were .informed yesterday that the jcung scoundrel was in this citv some wetk it more ago, nnd that the handkerchief in question whs stolen trun agemleman d" this city boardirt: at the same hou-e at which "Hampton" Vus stopping We farther lear:r that the im poster was arrested at Weldon fr having played Tiis 'confidence game at Portsmouth. Va., this being before he tnatic ids raids ii. the Warrenton sec tion, iu this place and at Thomasville. He is-till at large. Let flic public be on its jruaid v:;.inst. him. aEeetino ok tiik Citizens To-Ntght. The third meeting of the citizens of Raleign will e held at' Metropolitan Hall to-night to hear the reports of the various oomuiitteei appointed to raise the iv.eans lof ' ' prosicuting the work ujtoii the nev- Fair Frouuds, and t take final actiou in the matter. We are pkr'ased to leant that the Committees have been encouiart'd since last vvtek, und we hope l learn to-night tlit Raleigh has subscribed thetO,000 that wasatrked at her liuiuls. Wheu iliis s done, we are assured of help from other sources, ami t'.ic L.xecanve tjooimiitee will feel itself -bufficiently author z-jd to go forward with the uoastructioii ujon tiie magnificent plans that' have been drawn up and exhibited. If this be done, North Caiolini will have State Fair Grounds second to none in the South, if iu the country. Trie Eah and Eye. We are pleased to learn ol the success with w hich our young townsmsin. Dr. George W. Gra ham, is meeting in his prolesion. At though the Doctor has been located in this ciiy out a tew weeks, yet he has in if-at' ihiie ' had patients from1" distant portions of the etate, who have come herd, to consult him in regard to the dis ease: he mnkes specialty, to wit: those of the eye aud ear. ; We learn that ;he persons who have been treated by Dr. Graham have been either c'urett t r benf 'fired wher th.ero was. any hope ot.relitL;- .; u Dr. Graham is a young gtnilemau Oi t ngu cji.a...M. '";- .s near ua--u.-i. icwn.ug- .conrajjep icut anu. p.ivi paa.;J, ,. . r, v ... , ; , Messes. Davis, Dit ak e Co.-Vots tn.Bt drv -,b' t:ar-:.-.aiJi. ut .o.rv go- abli at j-iu. .the Mnnth l.tivc n 'icr-j-nv; d !'.; t-osc ei fcv. . v.., ------ - . eganr sprtirg !?:.oClts 'th-ey ) - Vr tnd. A. number f .youn uit- ?. i i jJortii Carolina aie connected witli t :i..io-. Th !5 firiU"4ninderstn'fi'd1'lne? vity 'tkch the public eye-rrtuey adveite tgulatly in the NeW3, ;; .... , x j "' ; -M.'iB. L. A.-The 47th regular meet ing oMho Mtchuiics', Building and Loan -AaitjprijwUl b.,held k; Court Uo.usa. on .Friday cyeumg, , the 14th instant. "'. Members car. pay their dues to the undersigned oiv )r l :h're the day ot meeting. De inquents will be Sued 'a prescribed by the by-lavs WMa.SlMPSOJfT 2t secrctaiy. Oxford Items Our corrtis'iioa'den;f,' sends itis the following under? yeslfr- iay date ; j t RevrA. lr Cohen has incrrar2et fc. W Ofphirijsylalti ' cighteeu'. brptjitas, ten girl Ijaadf iught boyr. ed KoDert present present 6omJ lack, of oeds and bed jClqthins. ip$ ihVi '4iu!tJI Ji'Ht "'o doubt very sooa-ie obviated. i Tnfrcaus&of the'5rpiBS(fsllie cattso fff uwaAi.lJiiW.wilb fleuj , himselj: ot hkrtiMhiiluxuryyity Sotrei hmgi-wther'-fnhipnj or Ifx ind iVaId..o.f tuc. North .;CaVoani:Orpuan giver would .tend to makv:. comfortable and happy. the little orphan children in charge oJlri Cohen. CflUltributions sent u Rev. A I). Coheu .will se pro,-: pvrlv distributed or disbursed, i ! 4!Rey.'Dr;Wgate, President of Wake i?orest c;ouege4 uus wen on a visu m among the Imys one is nam I Additional ' accussions to the Uylurn. j.Many, ajUcjefi ,ptf fyod and ciothlnsr or "small sums' of monev that would; in no eense, ;:rimpjq?erUh" th6 Oilord llfebeiirtilv enrat?d ifl tbm yesteraay. in theCl.ti year of her age.1 Br "T V? ' f Jktfi eD.2aSy-."?. V Ithe large' circle of her acquaintances, Ue? ,WPJk, of epdeavornig to xaise Jundi JorHrssoTVtssaiTy'TseiWed , the endowment ot Wake Forest We lea'ru that hois sanguine1 of, the uttiinai result f t he undertaking. Dr. Wir gatq yas for several jear8'nnst0fi.'of, the Ba'pUst churqb. here,"Vhd is uiik;U be- tevetl by mernbers of other denobnoa neijs a. recognizea . ornumcut..t y Mr. Jonathan Osboro, the oldesi in habitant of Oxford, whose thigh was proWen 'ettaik firae agr),tfee ijiatttcula;ta ol which were published in the News is nowqiiifelten stt'ir on our streets. M?., Oiboro still auffer, however, a c:nsid erable,, amount of ;. paiu,iand the leg which wai burt the eat j et as "rnddn natri iis'the'other."4 . ' .... i t x FbankltN' Court,- We were present this . week at the Spring Term of the LSjupuiior. Court lor Franklin county, but as we have- much to write about, our space will not admit of a full arti cle in $bis issue.xT he .Courts proceed ings were of no special importance, the State docket being cheifly bastardy cases,; '.as3ault ; and battery, and ether minor offences, . . x The charge of Judge Watts was.dcliv- li vert 1 before we reach the Court House, but our special Louisburg correspon dent, C. M. W., was on hand and will lurnish us a synopsis. In attendance upon the Court were the following members of the liar : HoW n:F. Mote,Gen. J WJ R. Cox, Mai. A. M. Lewis, John Gatling, Esq., F. II. Busbee, Esq.. W."' Hamilton Young, Esq., ofx Wake. Hon. Win. Et op, tC1;a?' ALtou CookeIat maduke Hawkins.ot Warreu.CofM,. ('. Edwards, of Granville, Capt. J. JDavis, Chas. M. Cooke, W. K. P.Hrhanj. T. T. Mitchell, W. U. Speticer and John Ar lington, of Franklin, x . The State docket was concluded las evening, and the civil docket being light will be finished to-day.. ti The Grand Jury were in session when we. left yesterday mominy, and it is be lieve 1 that quite a number of indict ments will 'be f made. The - overseer ; ol the road from Franklinton to Louisburg will get a " taste of the pie," and if jus tice is doue, several other load overseers will be required to answer just charges ut the. next term of this Court. As before stated, we have not time or space in this issue to refer to the "Cedar Hill horse swap?,1-' the ladies feast, the Louisburg theatre, Donts- hotel and other thins, but will give in to-morrow's is'-ue a lu'l account j , . , Muac For. tiie '17Tnr The com pany at Yarboro House, on St. Patrick's night, will' be entertained with volun te.r music oi a 'choice character. "One t Pirs-ou's "Great Union Piano" Jwill be set in theie. by the. -genial Pirsson, Pete, himself, anil an aiii ileur pianist of our city -will do the, execution in his own elaborate Lishion. lie will be assisted by gentlemen of supcrii r taste and proficiency, both in the vocal and t n -a . mart utm.v-tal oraer. I he inimitable' V.iti .'hn will jut make the violin exult. The names ot tite other musicians are reserved for the ore-ent, on account of their perhaps " praiseworthy modesty, but sure ! they can make the music talk. The i:gs are all selected with a view fo the .character of .the festival, and to furnish the greatest -amount-of enjoy mentto the company. Here we note, tA.pa&ft'6,'tiiat a tew of our young gen tleiuen devote themselves with com. mend dile poirit to the cultivation of their musical taleutn. They contribute their share to tl;e pleasure -ot "St, Pat rick's" celebration at the special request pt Father McNamara, who has been in vited'to nariicipaie in ; their' niusical soire s. and although they simply' play lor their own - amu-ennnt and that ol their immediate -mends, our citizens ought to leel thankiui that we posstss even a lew young men who would in tioduce and maintain among us this taste lor the better style ot music. Mayor's Coukt. Thursday. March Zth. Before hh Honor Mayor Vesley J IT "Tkhf-Mit iind B. G. Dav arrpstprl i (,v "'lc-f Da'ham and Man 1 ,U :.i I c rriuc; on the el -eets, were j't-n.r'-.rncil, and- upon conviction j rvqeked to contj ibute to the City Alabama' Milton, arrested by officer pttrr trrss, chaigyd r.ith stealing a wl uttternaiie and a balmnra! skirt fi bite counterpane anu oaiin jra: SKirt upm Aunt Barbara Upeh'ireh.was bound over to, the Superior ,Qvutt. , ': ' . i - Cotton Statistic?,.- 4 !!ere are at present iji i tle; liRpds' tho merchalits of J 'Raleigh, awaitic'; ?h;piiient some 3 000 bales of cotton. 1'h:i ' receipts in the city tince.the first of September Iftst has been eume 19,000 bales, against 12, 000 for the twelve months prior to that time; wiiich evidences.! he tact that the receipts for the fiscal year, ending h he tir.et of S?pttmber nt it, ,wjlf; l'doubled over;; the r; precedinie 'year, t iVe are pleased to Utiovv. Vht;Ui; gCnera:'busi net-sof f cjty U increasing in the at me, pnfjirtion. BtVASDis4-?HousB:'-Nr.' W?F;:1 riu gins having been ",eipcted VStewaXdi -of the Insane Ajluiii, and Sirs. Uuggihs' in consequence given up bMr ob'iardlng hou9&, otv .the corner imt-'i JaVie incV FttJettevUle streets, iafibra.i-Fledenc I and will keep it i .open Urottt ana .ar.er this morning. r A 4imile4 numberj of -Thit nouse" is!'ccftVa'. aiid 'VoffvirljeriUy;' j j- U.I" it- ' li .i.ii. ,m '. ,i i' V ; 1 '' Entehprise. We would comtnend to some otour , mere hunts the example P t Messrs. C iVV. .Gran'rly Sq Sous, Cb ccfi ; r. r t , - " vrT ? z T r i it. i r I advertisements fill three coumn$ qtrrc'T UAILY AND WEEKLY JNEW8. : ... This well known CommissiorixEtojase was es'tablished in Norfolk in 1845 anrl bf 'ftiwnptrnesf&oi&eiSTY and. a?TKfiaUifc has built- up a trade sectmd io none in Norfolk. ' - 1 ; OBITUARY NOTICE, Mrs. Narcissa Hctchings' wife of CJW.1 T"V Hnf la i n era W-n rianortorl f Ms li a- her residence in this city at one o'cloctc on yesterday. In the 61tf year of her age.1 By teaUful and enchaining virtues of her"1 cWracterY In the Varied duties of active ll- e sue was a model ot loveliness and dPh Vptton. . her-afteQttonate household b he', was the soul of peace and blessing. iAs wife and mother she was the impersona tion of duty and affection, she was a da-. voted enristlau. The beauty of piety m its EWe'-nes3 and strength, adorned the scene of her painful sufferings, and exhibit-; lea me rower oi a savior s love vo sustain ,the: (trusting flout in the lariest hours. rierenawas peace caim, neauiiiui, pep fectpe.-ice May the God of peace com fort ner oertaveu fauuty i , r f. a. w. m. : .1 S . S O L ,U T. I ,0 n u: : Jij. The copartnership of UZZLK & CO.. has t this day been dissolved. iy mutual consent. All accounts due tue nrni wm De paiato WYATT. GllEEN & CO., our successors,. who .'also assume-all xlebts owing by the. ttrm UZZLL "A CO.' March 10th 1S73. -. l i c O E The Undersigned having succeed e'd t Messrs. TJZZLE & CO , in the GENERAL G ROCERY -BUSINESS have moved to ; ' 0UTII SIDE 'MARKET SQUAItE, where thej will keep a full line of FIRST CLASS . GROCERIES, &c. .. . I ... WYATX, GREEN CO: Althouzh retiring as a member, of the nrm, my connection with the house 0: WYATT, GHEE N & CO . will be continued, nnd I respectfully In vite my old friends and customers to call on us at our new stand, SOUTIIOE MAHKET SQUARE, , - - ' t where will be "ound evervthini usually kept In a FIRS T CLASSGKOCtCRY STOKE, mrail-in 1. R. UZZLE. MOVER. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE. S T. REAMY, ST4TE AGENT. HOUSE MOVING done at lowest rates possible In Waiie sind The adfoinlng counties. Office ut YARBORO HOUSE, Raleigh, N '. T. I. REAMY, Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C- mar 11 -t f "TE ARE KECElVINtl KECU- larly from Ohio cons ignun en's of BULK, ' SIDE, .'.'; MESS.'.' TOR IT, LARD, HAM, AC. AO., which we will sell at 15 ltimore prices, Wit h frei ih u added. . ' Also on hand n onsigument ' 200 BtSIlELS mchl2Dtf WHITE CORN. A. G. LEE & CO.- y REPAID TICKETS FROM ETj ROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The maguiflceiit Steamers of the - ..' i,. ' -- 9 ALLAN LINE, will leave Li verb ol for Norfolk, Va., every alternate Tuesday during Spriug and Sum mer of i73,connecung witn ttateign oy rau- ron.fl - . Steerage and intermediate passage as follows: 'J Liverpool, Queenstown. 1 Steerage ?31 80 Glasgow, Loudon or Bristol to lUJelgh, ) Inter S52 B0 to Sot HO. " ', Hambni fr. Antwerp. Hol-1 Stetrace $'55 80 land or Havre to Raleigh, J Inter. o4 80 Paris, Norway or Sweden (Steerage $39 80 toRalehrh. Inter. , ; 5S 80 Passeuger acc imtnodatious unsurpassed. ' Parties wishing to, send for frauds will apply to r .. . w- GEORGE LITTLE. WtLiAtfLAtB Geuerar Agent, Aortola, Va. mcns-iaattom 170 R 5 MiE5lIi 5 OYSTKRS - Hotntoy Cean, roll ou- V jnuSy tl A. O. LiiB CO. M UL LETS, MVLLE1 J? MULLE.TS 100 barrels Fresh Corned AI uUets, lu store. Cut nnd Fine WILLIAAlsgjS. UPCUfJBCH ;A THOMAS. I rpHE WEED- fcfi WING UCHIN Why la the Weed &ewinMachfnt)o'aii4 to -plo-jse'aii he ladlMit ' " " ". , . Because it s the hest lifeer In trie WOrld jal-tf (CHAMPION HOUSt; I JST0. 12.12 :.V. Ji'1 Tronbie vrlth' the English Mini$trv- jfariiaraent to pe- Uissolyod and a f fiew Jatuistry Botme4-jr!t il I reat-lengTOTMtthuuaefealiiobtUoaGov-erfi bco knbe ; LisiilUni v 'tioa billaiid specaratesnpea: tbeisphrfo Gladstone will pursncux Hiieiipnes'say tibe'cabirJeb'mll qMniably.reflig'nifday, end ! Disraeli J'wilLiJ Ire called:., by. tne Qoeefl to Swxw a He w Jli niatifyy Jin iW li icrV event PaTiimnt wu r bu; dissolved jand a senerali election r)rderedji)eiofcerJul j, , Tlieiift say5 the ngovcriimeOa lha3 not detertoibediwhetlienit willjT8lgn bf dissolve the Tarlament and appeal -ttt itbeicDrmirviiu tiJ I jisiii jj ,'.oVi -or The vote o;;Gladstont 8 iiriliM " ! 1 " A. I . - 1 1 . 4 J ia.l N6d DISlAT)ltEdJ ; iJ 'great arprise" toT tlvej cabinet and ftheTcompelleu' afraTt on tbb ' leg-vl es LiberabmemberaDfxhe House of.Cbm" f off i;2a,o60'. samiU,. moris iNThe latter) t are desjrousi of i up holding tbeMmisuv by ai vote oicdnn dence;aTiie Uonscrva tires are unwilling l to :acce p s .t h ei reap oast o i uty .oi ; a fx v) Q- is - l Snlntinn iif Ptirlinrapnf ,11. ' , .,'..' I i The sessioii of the House of ComnirmS to-day Js lookpddbrward.tobwttU grejat ao x iety ,as Gladstomg will it ben 'announce the.courseu decided :UR4u.iiT Ibav'iMin- istry. Si f'.lft ! w Tlie Modocs and the Peace Conunuia 7 sion-N o A greemfent.' , ul?J -San5 VRAKcioViaVch1 TUttie' Peace CoinmissiouVrs..1iaf ei citkO- ItW: T l-t 1 " ( I ? i TiV 1 i - f T 1 v. k ? ; i j Ft t k 1 - -if i It is, stated thai, tliq Joldiei ,are af-l xeadjin '..poessiou, (ojf 'the jUva apeds. w The Indians hiivd great .quatjue -of jf Ice stored';and ariat)undany,jtfht gjC peer. ana roots. . -1 The officers, have n complete ovapsS tue Java peas. ......... ... I , f f T ! .1J - - ' J J .i i J IU 1 The Jesuits' 6t Strikes ! ,; New Yoek. March 12. Tlifr "master carpenter's and builders , of tuia cttyj Mild' xsrooKiyn state mat mey win notacceae to the unjust demands ot,' the societies this 6priog',"and many' capitali'tswhq J intenuea investing lq ouuoing projects are airauy placing tueir, money, in otn- . : . '.- .... J . ! I n i i i . I er investments. : .4 pa.; i-i,iiu "'?" Steamer Overdnei " NEW.ybRK.'ilarcti' J3.4-The .steam 1 .! ship Niazara, winch Jeft liete on Febru ary 22nd; 'iorBermUa,, is now" a week overdue at that'Poit, ind has hot lieeni heard irom, though po great, aopreuen Dl Ann 00 h Otifiifrr priori The' Bank Robbery at ' Fans' Cit 1. Louisville " Mardh i'3i The ro)berj of the Falls Cit Tobacco Bank reaches three hundred thousand dollars. , Re wards agsrega'te" seventy thousand clol- A Vote Censare to Congressmen. "l Chicago, 'MafcK"13 TliV Illiuoia lower House, by a vote of one hundred ind! three to four." adopted a resolution censuring the Illinois Congressmen who votecf to" increase their salaries. The New Jersey1 General R. R. Bill. TrtEXTox, N. :J., Marcn 13 The gen eral railroad btlldssed by.the House, was reported to tlieNSenate t'c-day 'with' am en d m ents, and nrnr'e s net-i a I "order for Tuesday next. -' ! 'N" -"'l" ; The Missouri egislature'Memorial .; sized by Women. X!i - St. Louis, Mareli 13. 13even thous and women petition 'the Legislature Xf Missouri tor a repeal to the Social Evil N Law. ; '' -; '; r !' Declared, Bankrupt. . Cincinnati, March 13. Ia the Unit-; cd Slott s Court to-day the farm of S. Morton & John C. Fremont was decjar -ed baVikTupt'as" a tlfniT III ON1GIIT DISPATCHES, The Etie Railroad Investigation JUurder ot , h Urooklynite. -New Yo ui;., Mai cii 13 A resolution passed Ihe-AsscJiibiy ut AlbanyT tc-day that the Erie R til way Investigating. Com mi l te sit with op.n doors. ; -viX,'. , It apcars ; that Jhu G. Warren, ot Brooklyn, who. w.s a,ent for the mer ctiu!e house at Biyonne, France,. was shockingly muivUreil there ua February l4ih by a Spaniard,, whoin he hadlis charged lri)in iiis -employ tor stealiug The murderer gabbed .Warren to the1 heart in broad da light, while 'roui re ading with his duuhttr, and d ed jn htr arm3 on ; the i oiL The murderer was arrested. Mr. Warren has relatives at-Portland, Maiue. : ... ,'? '.' r '; The English ministry Resigned A Sctv 3iinistry to be Formed iThe t'remter Called '"to Bnckingham : Palace. . -. ' ; - -1 ''''. London, March 13. Gladstone, in the IIoue ot ..Commons, and .Granville, in, the House of Lords, this afternoon, announced that the Ministers had ten del ed do the Queen . t heir resignation, which ller Majesty h id accepted Both HoiiMS -.uljouined until Monday.v - DTsraeli to day recti vvd a. suxovons from Ihe.Queen, and immediately pro ceeded to Buckingham Palace. A, Destructive Fire t at ' Tuscola, Illiuois. ' ' . St. Louis, March 3 3. The National Bauk. theexteusive dry "goods store of LamL &iCo.Vt.he"e?Mrui' oifice and ten or li te'wn ot her building's, consti tuting part fof the business portionof Tuscol.i, 1.1.,' was destroyed Xy fireTu.es d iv ui "hr. Loss estimated at ovef one hundred thousand dollars. . Fire caused bv the explosion of a lamp. An Eipedition to 'Explore Western - London, M-tch -13. The German i GeoVuva1 Soe'eties'prbfose to end i.0 expedition to explore the western part 01 ASiiea, and supplement the discoveries r:riKiTJiin!sti'.1ilCon8rdersble-ieti'in l-of -money "have already been Talsedto t meet the expenses hi the radertaking.; Weather Repotl,a: ii 1 iW AsmsisiToK larehs 4S.-Fot I th 4 SoBtrvsAiianticSiklesiasterlj minds and partly fclJudTrcithet wld posqbl rain on the Carolina coast One square, oae iuaertiOR j i 00 wueqour,.wo ui&aruoi..- . r Z.JL-Ui 150 One square, three lasertioi?--:.......... a 00 Oaearey6LijaseiloB.a.M..nk 3 50 une sanaw, one ta(WtM..LLJI;j.i' 8 00 vjue kjquar nrKXX)nXJil.ac 16 00 Orxe,squaretsU mont 80 00 One square, V.elte mtWrrsT.4;..? 60 00 u pr ir8r iverisdmmta ,berai con tracts will be made. Tett Tirtp tirtiiSnrtn. paxEH const itoteonKaquare.oj t'lasi . ' .JCl J-.r!J Confirmations nd , NomiaMpns and r WASHijaxbN. March 13A-Th5fenate oa'aco'n'firmecl "Coircruuts, MifiiVter to ColumbiaYH- Ml- otlafeIaf snal for Eastern N. C. : S. BpacikaEda Marsha! f ruffiai M.ot CaljrelL Collec 9r.vJ L QuP,m8i at Paso Del Norte. The,Plk;sTat;r4 hotnTnatlrlR. A. Llc-ftw ij(lt an ohcoa fn& j tqeyneraaa ga4ispatch frpm Detective Wniriev. thai the Post nrasfers 'aTideoHiftt dlHccft -has-been tiriven tiard LaCltyvFipTixlaa" One leader of the afFair was arrested, fede ral officials, are investigating tha. affair. W'iebr "ClrafiHififof heSenalkt'naiitieen an- li pointed uIakfeetoktt'ot4JoQsxiktes,o and ,wiUkmakeH.Ltin around rthe world.; i ue ueuuiencv or approjmauons MSitfeh Writ oTOe'rii have feServe J a It: is tepoitbd o clhxt .1 fe Lmay t jbg ucces- lias been notfi mated !6f Coin riiss 1.7 TneSoutheracbiiufrbto'e beeabas3ed ;npgn jbjjthe cqmBasiiiPhuand idiich iDout oue V'iffVinia. Te a n e fit.'e' an d' IA labia taar ri educti n g 8 fflENAB'tWesttlkbmnteaiii,JState-Dienibotierisatlng-.iMxiMiibia Imtflav, .tiVogviriiTnir- tfaiwihi ' The Committee Qp,fPriv.ieffcp ,and Elections in the" case W -"trawell t)crb'pled balari-ie1 f'-t'ng'.irla-y. No jtCtijoi 'd J JU6djyoitlf Jutvmtntqs b, 1- ft j; j ! I . AflnirtR in Ilnirnnn. Havana, Mardh 13 The Directors $,f Vi.ri t..iWa.J.i AiAA.Wiajuy:-i. 3 ura, "( j riT r r 7 " v.7 a n I ul CasinodnVited 0. number5 f 1ti': Wealthy pn "ulopdj.evenjng,., wjiich the condition 'of the Treasury wasdaken un'def5 1 WMcfeTrftKa?10' 'Till dD. factors submitted tfiprofyosa! InOvfeV ttPthe ill success, if . cfw . SWQQWSh loaJtoHThat fiUPken oe divided among the tax payers ac- Cf?r71in'lorltnrjtount Vrf tlx 'paid by each, ?The (Directrs"statedt 'thalr3 the Casi nptw o mJ d, .Iso . U U fit eps a j 9 1 ro- duce a plan or Hie consideration of 'p'ro'prtylfold'ers' ana moneyed men in t fnteribr' bf : ihi Msland. 1 ":':!5'T,i rtiiTlierti wasjc(n3iderubl' ddciisjirjn at I the, conference,, bin) noj jrIuqinii ! The'prbrSoSitibn hie'es'wW?,fduc,u op posllion.'ThedistrfbHtl6ri 'trfltri64un taken b&nds.-. among! thu tax! payers is regarded in the .lighji of, .-a.fftrcedjpan, which is al the more .o'Djectionable, as it far1l3 heayfly "on" the less wealthy class es. The people denoahfceiti declaring that cereiotti lo.take the loaa ja against theii-j iptrest;s as, well ast ccatr.ary to law. ' ; X;' (' " ' ' . ' 'I ':" J, 1,1 In fo iin ai meetings J :of v fo rdcr ' a n d 8panish ' merchants' have5 b6efi priyately held, at.which it was resolredto oppose the plan, and fqreign Consuls "will, pro test in case it is insisted ppon.. . ' i Prominent paniaWs repfesent that tha object-is "" to1 make" these - patriots, W ho , boast , loudly 1 j o t 1 1 hea r. devotion to ' 5J pai 9, . and r pip t-V. 4 &Uodipg to support lier interests, fake, some share In the burdens impbsed' by tlie vf at- for the preservation ot their s'cQQn'try's power. - The stqanisliip Cityitf Havana from JNtvy, l ork, has arrived. .f ts .lq Dlsasrer at Sea?U Ud i a. - Lewes? DelV 'March 1'3jXW P. Bruain, a seaman on the schooner Horace Adler, Irom i PhilajdeipjUt, for ,Qhar'cs ton, reports hatithe vesseloutheoj, on Hen a 1 last ' l5aturdavmorn- ing whiie koingNo set, at 3 P.M?Thc sniiie daj tht y itbiim:oned the tessel in a fcinkiugj cvuditlstai and- 'taking to yawl bXu we.-t' u jset , n break.trsfcand 1. apt. Edgar Jones, the mate, cook and one man were lost.'!;'4-'-1 f 1 -'u . The Election ini JitTV Ilanjpshire. , . C 'c oiidcMauch iFJ.-rtTbe footing tip ot tlie Congressional oyaip. Abe Fust D'istilctgives'SmailrVplfofon uress. Ijctween two afid 'i three, fiundred auymtyU The other Dtricts are'Dem ojpratic ,jtiaus", uitj rity for Goveinor is between three und foTar hundred.,, . r ,- i . 1 : " tlVS .-J .' -r-i ;.- -t j. .m1I Nkw York. March 13. 'otion Irregular sale 4,7.5 bales ; uplands 20) ; Orleaus Flour iuiei: cyminan lo lair extra $(L16a t8 .80. iroi to-chOi? t $! 4i)a $15.00. -W hfsltey 1 steady at 9l1 .Wheat uull aud.unchauKeU, cornnimer, xuoueraie ueiuaua. aice oa. Pot k. firm, 816.. Lard lower. 8i5aS& tfavals quiet. Tallow steady Freights qaiet. T i, Cotton-Wtftt rtjcelptai,3j9 tmies, gross 309. Sales for exporia lo-day 3U Last , evening m.'- i '-5'' r .""'-i Sale lor future delivery to-dar4,18JOO bales,' as f alows: ' March 19Jal97-l6; April ' ltfahj; May Ahl JxxuA jjPa20 ; JUtVi0ia2U7-16." " ' - . Money oios. d at 6a6 terliutg: very dall. i Bauks 7U-.7. Gold lo. Governments steady, closed !sllgUilyitowr.Tenile8ee hJuds Arm, otuer,, very dull, ? rr i ,. Foreign markets. t!iui ixjspoN, March 13, Consols closed at K- w.'f -Itosm&I , LJVKfti'doxiMarch 12.--Cotton elosildall. upaads Orleans 9. a-;a. Later Oottort continaeK-steady.' Sales 7,000 bales speculation and export.OK )Vilmiagtoii!lliiraei 1i WiLMi.NGXOJj, .Marda- ll-SplritS vlar pen tine dhtl.no sales reported, uosln de clihinsi.no wUea ? , ;J .iUO7 .irt)'a Crude rtirpeiifi ne lower. S.L00 for hard; 4 1 0 lor yellow dip and Virgin,: ft i .a;. : TarfrUo.. , p? -4..:.tg v,, "J , , j , : Cotton Marketsv i i s4 , , WiLMiKGTO,larcU;l,i--JoUontdlJ : miJdlings lSJjJ: . ' . , 't BAiMior. Mareli' T3.0ott6h ' ull and noiuinat; mtddlings?.r 0i ls MomiiE, March 13.-Cotton quiet .and ioouiluarj mlddIlagsf8Ji' .'r LVfr"".!! 'JAUNEDQPQPEACH- V esV.oTuiv 'OystersMtera an ; - ,- . I., -luT ' ' 111 1 "l,Jl mmi i"'m ' . y-v . f,. . IK -a.n tt JlLJs i'i-L"Vr.'f tUdW BiUC MJ. , met 21 AT- io WDOllW TnQR 1. JpBjWVORK , OFs EYEBJY J? cbAraetor, go to tb NEWS' Oface . j Over 7, cTtitronwh & Co' fT ozu,uw, aistriouied arnonga tHous!and Ma7rrAntlri!os itt'J i I 1 1 i -. r r , i it', W. 0. 8TK0NACa,