DAILY NEWS; S rONK A UZZELL, - Pkopkibtors. FATRTEVIX.L.S STKEBT, ' Over W. C. 8tronach fc Coa Store. CASH I HV A&I AB lit IN APVAXCTE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at viftiei cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at (1 per an nam; fcl.50 lor six months; $2 forth re 3 BaoathH. - The WEEKLY NEWS at S3 per annum. RATES OP AD YE RTI81NG . One sqnar. oae lnaertloH-.Ms i on One squaxa. two Insertions-.. - ,T" 1 so One square, three lnsemona.JZ 2 oo One square, six Insertions g 58 One square, one month 1 7 One square, three months 16 Ou One sqnare, six montia mi 80 00 One square, f.elya months, ii...., m oo 1!?" advertisements, liberal con. tract will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N.,C. SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 15. 1873. NO. 13. Daily News I HE ). J w '.' ' r'. .i V'V PROFiSSSIONAI CAUDS A. S. MKRKIMOX. 'j 8. A. ASHK TUOHA8 O. FUU.KR. ,.. ., MEItRIMON, FULLER & ASHE, Attorneys aid Cesnsellsrg at Law,. K ALEIOE , N. C. - .. Will practice In the State and Federal Courts, wherever their service may be required. OFFICE: Form r ottiee of Phillips A Mer rlmon. - " ' ftb 2S-3m QV I D E D U P R E ' E , (Lately of Raleigh, N.C.,) Attorney ana Counsellor-; At 'Lo, No. 6 Wall St., New York; ! Will attend promptly to all Professional business entrusted to him. Refers to the Chief Justice aud Associate Justices of toe Supreme court of North Carolina, and to the whole par of North Carolina. ,, febiS-tf . x , .. . .. . ! O B . 8 P it U I 1 li J n:. A T T O K N E Y A TL A W JACKSON N . C .- . A Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, Edgeco.i.ue and Northampton counties, iutiie supreme Court of Norib Carolina mid iu the federal Court. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Jan 3t-w o II ARLES W. SPRUILL, A T T O R N E V AT L A W , Wakrehton, N. C. CO U 1 CT S Warren and adjoining "coun ties, bupieme Court of Ncrth Caroliua, and L'uiieu Slutts Courts at Raleigh., nitio-ivluiA 2m. J. B. BATCH HXOR. L. C KB WARD W. PLUM HER BATCH ELOR. . B ATOHELOR, EDWARDS AND BAlOllfcLOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BALEIUU N. C.i ; W 111 attend In the ourts of Wake, Gran ville, tMuukliii, Wwnen, llalilax, Nortn umpiou aud .iiutiiain, auU the Federal uuu oupreiae ouri Jan3-lf A L E X II ti MIT H A A TORN EY AT LAW, fcCOTLAN 1) : JS E ck; n . C. VV 11. pi Hciiceiu the ouru or Halifax aud aidjoiuiiik couiiUea. t' Coiicvuouit Miusuded to in all parts of the autle. uay 11-tf Waltck Clakk. Q LA R K i - J. M. MULLXN. M ULL EN , si TTOAlErS JIT MALIrFAX, N. c. 1'ructice iu. all .he Courts of Halifax 2uitU;AUipUm ' and EUevombe counties lu the supreme Court of North Carolina ,ud IU lUo f eUeiiii Courts. V Couectious iwtue In iJl parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly ED. CO X I U LA. MI), ' WiT. H. Al)Y LAW PARTNERSHIP. ' c OHIO L A N D & DAI, ATTORN EYS ATvLAW, ; HALIFAX. N. C. Practice Id the Courtadf Halifax and ad- ,oiuiua countiea in tlie supreme Court of ilie oLute, aud iu the edeiai courts. They Hill give special attention to collecting and consulting uuiiiie&s, aud to adjusting the ucuouuUt oi executors, adruiuisirators and yuaiaiiiua. s ' i'tie junior partner will attend at his of fice iu H eidoa on oatuiuayM aud Mondays ot eaeii wt-ca. ' V , 1 noi-tt H. 11. iSL.N, sSam'lT. Williams W 1 L L1AU8. L N & itOCKY MOUNT, N. C y Y 1 L L i A M S & li U N N I ' TO IWU I'A ilT Ll If UALEIUH, N. C. iiusiue leticib may be addressed tMtuer iu iwcKy Muuut or iUiieiga.-C ; i .' -. tiaims tttlletted la aBj . part ef the State. J&- Pructice in the Supreme Court of the taie auu iu tu r edeiai Court at Raleigh, mn 1-ti. ' ' - i W. lUoilASOJS. ' L. J. Lababub W Y . T H O M A S O N & C O i.SuccvsHors to E. T.'Hail 4 Co..) A actionem na leuialssioB Merchaats, W 1 LittlNliTM 'STREET. NO. 3, KALKIOH, N. C, Special attention paid to th sale of Heal CONSIGNMENTS bOLlCITED.f S-Keter to J. G." Wililams, President Ntate iNutiouai iJank; A. (i. Lee Co., KaleUh; V. .VVhltaker, Mayor ol faietyh; W. 0. strouach, Kaleigh. ; i A full stock of Groceries ,on hand at reasonable prices. " ' . ' K. W. TUOMA&Oir A CO... nov20-tf , , . ,- - i E. H. P L U M M E R & T CO., 121 Sj camore Street, Petersburg, Vai " ' - ! .1 ''J I ', Dealers in i. ( 1UOX, STEEL I D AGKlClLTCBAL 131- - . H-. -. PLEJIEXTS. ' ..' j r,; ;,' ': w.Ti v t r ' Orders will recelvft prompt and careful utt.iitin und m rmtwutLuilv solicited. Ueneral Agents )T the Farmei 's Ftiend flow Tiie at.enuou oi nuiueio is iers is e.pe clAti i..vit,i tr this MUDerior l'LOW.which h.u uiMt.ivii.il .mivMrsiui iiommeudatlon.f mch-Dif " '' " j il7U0D'J ,?AM -jRQEuHER W rinas ' i New Nol Shore Mackerel. t New No 1 Cod-Fish t 'tL- ' i Smoked Broiling 13 ef. Smoked Beef Tom guep. - . i Mullet und Khud Hoe. " 1 Uechler's Smoked and Bologna Sausage, In store by . - - ' fe 25-tt ...,! .,, n W. C. STRONAPH. , A V A S G U 'A"N " Erceiienzjv Cotton t'epUUaer, FUhGuaho. t , , ,,-: Solabletiea Island Guano. ' J i Empire Uuano. :'l SoidbysM'J ' if'ii i -it . W. C. 8TRONACH, it-:;. i MORNING EDITION. Slit ftolfigb gatttj )tora. SATURDAY. ..MARCH 15,1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSONTCitT Editor LoCAL BRIEF8. (2) A pure stimulant, Century Whiskev ! , There are Carolina. 11,216 Masons in North 0,drrco-Iaborec, Symc, ,is confiqed to ins ueu uy Bicauc&s. Geo. W. Blount, Esq., a prominent member ot the Wilson Bar is registered at the Yar borough House. -Gov. Caldwell and lady left the'eitj yestcnlay evening on a visit to their relatives in Charlotte and Morgantorl. v- Dr. W. II. Howerton, 'Secretary j of. State, left tbe. city lastjdght for Salis bury Jto take charge oltbe Western N. . d ... - 1 C. Railroad . Gapt. J. GvJIeslfer will leave for San tiago on the 22jtr4nst., and take passage -on. the Cunaa line, of stctUnerS from New York 6ti the 291 J , HonT. Cruller having purchased ihe : elegant Hester Mansion on Hills borough street, will movef td this city with his family nexlveek-f : B The funeral of MMIrcissaTilutch lngs will take place t rdsh.orning at 11 o clock Irom the Methudist church. Thefriends of the faniily irelrivitedlo attend. T.ie male school of Messrs. LoVejoy & White is steadily growing in public favor, as is evinced by its constantly in creasing patronage: It now numbers about 70 boys. It is now firmly ; believed that; CqI., I. J. Young will be supplanted as Collec tor of Internal Revenue by Gen. W. D. Jones, formerly the Revenue Assessor lor this District. Rpll on the ball. Pool, the fish dealer, will accept our thanks tor the nicest white shad we have seen this season. His stall, bear the corner pfHarjieAt andNWi!miuton street is supplied daflyT.wit'h fish ofev every I-I 1 3 K.1UU. The Victor Fire Company was out on parade yesterday evening and,inadea good show. The Yicfor isdomposed of the very best of our colored citizens, is we'l officered and a fine and effective company. It is an error that our exchanges have fallen into in regard to the proposed woik of Jos. W. Holden, Esq., of this city. It is a memoir ot the Union cause in IS or tli Uarolina, and not a personal biotory ot McLean Potter, Esq., has become the sole agent in this city for the sale of the Egypt-Cokl, and will deliver coal, either hard or solt, to anjr point in the city on application. Orders left at bimpson s drug store, will receive prompt atten tion. Persons indebted to the late firm ot Buckalan & Laswell are requested to call on Capt. R. F. Laswell, at. Miller's & Nelson's saloou, under the market, and rcetvc receipts for their indebted nesses business mustbe settled ouce in five years. t The proceedings f the Grand Loilge ol Masons have been issued, anil the Grand Secretaiy, DJW.i B fn. Esq., is sending them out to the Lodges. The book is published by Messrs. Edwards & Broughton, and is decidedly one of the neatest typographical 'jobs we have ever seen issued from this city. - A Curious Optical PhenomenoK. Yesterday evening, near the hour ol sunset, a volume ot black smoke was. emitte.l from the chimney of the Gas House, and rising gradually above and over the city iu lull view ot allnd ev erv one. hrst assumed the lorm oi a large lish,perfect as nature itself. Then taking its rourse through the air per formin? the exact evolutionS"Of the finny tribe in water, gradually dissolv ed and assumed as perfectly shaped cof fin.i In that filiate it luog, stilliaod mo- tioulcss over the city, for more than ten minutes. 'The phehorrfennri 'was observ ed ' by parties from 'different points in the. city., and every on saw, it alike. ' We are i no believer in ghosts and spirits, but e1 would have preferred it assuming, some; other, shape than that of a coiho. Si Oaks PitoLiFiC-j-The'cot ton seed bv the above name advertised in to day's issue by IIenryVilliams of Warren is said by 'the Cottoii tarmers of that set- lion :to be thebest in nse. We have seen on the larm of Mr. Williams the cotton win" and it is a well known fact that'he was hot only earli&t in the tnar- ket but.mad more . cotton .ta the- acre .n. m-n in hiatnwnshio or section. Mr: Wiiriains is oiie-of ;the bestlafmers in thai State and knows whereof be speaks,, .Read, his advertisement,, Moon Struck. -Caldwell, ot the .Charlotte ?lerver an;i bj the ,way: the Jp4ng1oalF iQ,ie:ha gone to wriuog .yMB" nightf." vve can iu uran LV tlsiny of the'Kinston - Gazette; to the - I thia vnnncr nui man thaj he k WWY! .V-5 j . rnav uo tor Mm. DreaK iu mav fO ior IUin. uicaa. uuu I habit.' Wilson aS ffectuall j' as yon did ,US od we will hve Ho,mure moonlight artic cs m the Obeerter. l-ni- vJJddL.- I ' - . i . nr., TivTTim Stitis Marshal's i a nut uim- - United SStates Jiiarsnai ior -worm vio linaCot. It M? DoukTaS, w ill establish his office and headquarters it Greens' inn For this act . in removing the oiuce from this city,' we proclaim our- selveStfCarrOw maiand regret that is Biinnlanted by any man that would remove the same to any point from Ral- LOUISBURG. ; An Evenins with the Horse Swap pers of "Cedar Hill" The Ladies Feast Louisbursf Thespian! ent's'HbWf-iGneral items. As stated in yesterday's issue, it was ye local's pleasure to spend three days of the present week in the pleasant little town ot'Louiaburg. the county sea Franklin county. Court being in sion the town was crowded with visi tors, both from the country arouod and abroad, and we never saw the town more lively. There is much about Louisburg to" make it lively, several fixed institutions known only to Louis btlrg, chiefest amtmg.whicfc, is the semi annual Horse Swaps on Cedar Hill. As some of our readers may not have seen our article on Cedar Hill last fall, we propose to give a briet history of this ancient and famous spot. Cedar Hill is a small knoll of about one and a half acresNin extent, covered with cedar trees, aftd though a part and parcel of tlie corporate limUs.ot Louisbarg, is nevertheless a fiee and independent regiOn,and. Hs denizons pay tribute ' . i i neithfeX-lo Ceaslior "any other -pian." Cedar Hill, though, used for a gSHows when occasion may4irequire.itis de voteoWxclusivelv as ahorse8WHnnins' ( ' - - - x r--- n o grounds and Tuesday oTveach Courtis iue time ior me swappiujf. Jiiarly I uesuay morning, m rcorapany with H. A Ilunte Jr., of Warren county, wts repairetTto the Hill to view the entries rpadeytap to that hour; We founUriiiree' horns and two negroes: there wefeMmfyibree ey e3 in the cjowd. One negroadtwo, the other one, and notpneoirfe horses had any "eyes tor to see S6on come up au old citizen wittj-a smaii uoo taiieti steer nucnea to a cedar cart. The steer added one more eye to the party. A brisk trade ensued. We looked on with la "ieeiing interest. Banters and offers werelreely made; finally the trade was effected - by the steer man giving a dry jaw hide as boot between the steer and the three horses. We thought he made a bad trade : the raw hide was worth more than all the stock together. : . The negroes chuckled over their Euccess; the steer man that was, but now the man of many horses, was deligh'eJ; we, the spectators, were sat isfied, and. a 11. quit the ground. In the evening tire" Swappi rig 'was more lively and the spectators more numerous. The entire court and Bar were present to witness the swapping. The Hud. Josiali Turner was present, and catching the infection, commenced a brisk trade with a one eved man lor a pair of dun colored eighteeu year old colts with no eyes. The one eyed man .thought the pair were wen worth f 20,bUt would take $10. We dou't think Mr. Turner traded. The swapping was continued through the night and part of Wednesday. ' Aa institution known to Louisburg, and one that never fails to delight nl iaterest uc, is the large and elegant' puo- lic dinners, gotten up by the ladies ior the.beueht ot the Church on every C urt week. The diuner prepared by the ladies ol the Methodist congregation on this oc ' casion was certainly thefintstand most sumptuous our mouth ever watered o er. auu never aui ye local enioy one more. Our reputation as an canst ore- ceded us, and the ld:c9 with a trem bling anticipation of our coming made due preparation for the event, and we were overyvjichued with . dishes, big dishes. 0.:e lady handed us a whole turkey,, and actuallyJ exhibited some surprise wueu we mm ner ouia slice ,ot the breast, or a wing, or leg -would .L' j answei out puipoar. xue desert came ikewise in .the utmost pro Uiion ; lun ior the ladies to see us eat, out claaiKg iqg tatiieir interest and highly agrcea- Die to tae eater. Louisburg has also a band of Ama teur thesnians, who ptrformed at night in the Chapel of the Louisburg Female 1 ue plas selected lor the oc t . -XT IlT! l-l t casiou were : tup van vinKie ami the Toodles.'i' Arthur Arrington, a''youn ireiitlcman ol a decided histriouic talent. personated the ditncult character ol Old- Hip, and Mr. W. Fuller, ot "Angel iu the cioua uime, the amusing character ot Toodles. Not being a pro fessiontl interviewer, we uiu uot get the names f the ladies whoso difficult parts were so aptly and excellently reu dered as to crown the exhibition i grand success. The reading of the Couqutred :Ban- ner. bv Miss r uller, was the chiet event of 'the veconrl The, stage was brilliantly and tastelully decorated. Several young lauies repre senting the Southern States, and accord ingly. cose urn ed ; a Confederate soldier holding in his hand the conquered ban ner, completed the scene wheu the beau tiful and accomplished young lady came forward and. read :with thrilling t effect this grand production of Father Ryan m. ;.t m f )' i i rt i 1 'i m l he tnort or miss r uuer. deserves uiore.uian a passing nonce, anu i we re- gret mat our space win not aqmjr,, or a more exrenueu one. - vve nope mat Oi" rankiin iww jwhi do the sub.- ue.juaiii.r,.,.,v , ,.;,. .!...;.!.! ,. j.y the music on the occasion was fur- nishtd by tl Misses' Crenshaw and MisU urgson.t,oe wauguter oi lour ipwns- J man ? vv. n urrson. sq j psist. es. The comic so, song excellently ten- A .f?riM Jltjiie vreqshaw.rvceived Lh At tl5e Utmmh oftTiew'ffm-ince. Uhe Rev.i PriJ,T!Carrowny;,in returning . tbe tUH13ks oi the le ladies to the audience. BTatett t hat' 'the "Object-'of the" exhi- bition. had been: aceoxnpbilud. ' l , We.are glad to, be, bl to; chroniclo the growing importance of Louisburg as a coin mercial tntrlpef ' Soine' s tli ree thousand bales, .of .ctttoifi were bought by its merchants during last. year, and bIBUc iina ecaouu la I'lien uuu cueoura! ing. .There is no doubt. of the fact that Franklin farmeis in-gfcneral will find it to their advantage to sell their cotton in Louisburg; J-Ttieprice ironty 'a cent and.a halffbeloy ths Pftlrsbqrg market. and when with that margin one tie attempts to tbver- ffeigrit. commstons, t . storage, cat tage, loss or weight and a dozen other leaks, it will lie found that the best sale is a sale at home. However we confess that we can't quite believe tbe statement made to as bj a thriving merchant that the street between his store and tbe Court House on Saturdays is as much blocked up with vehicles as the corner of . Broadway and Wall streets. - This may be true; but it is tOUgh.. : ' ' ' : ' One circumstance, however, greatly militates against the town, and it is a t of J grievance readjily removable. 'Its prin-ses- jcip'al 'hotel (we know nothing of the smaller; sew one) is almost unendurable. For instance, during Court week, when if ever, the best foot; should be put fore moit, lawyers upon arnving,were shown Inta'rooins 'wltli poor bedstone pine table, rough in the extreme, -one chair, a bowl and pitcher. Rapid : and forci ble language brought U3 a tumbler and a glass 4x6 inches. The tumblers, how ever, were. only, loaned and would be snatched from the" room early in the morning to grace the breakfast table. There was enuugh upon the. table, and a fair variety sometimes, but the cook ing was and 'has long bVen execrable. The bread would give an ostrich dys pepsia. The stools, serving as chairs tor some of the guests, would give an earth-worm the back ache. Every guest of the hotel, lawyers, and mercantile men alike, were loud in condemnation, . and justice demands that their complaint be made public. The owner of tbe hotel is abundantly able to give Louisburg what she so greatly needs; we hope that this will assist him in being .willing. A Deserved Compliment. A meet ing of the neighbors of Messrs. S. M. Dunn & Co., who have recentty closed their1 business'xm Martin street,'1 Sv as held Thursday at Reams' Tobacco Fac tory on the same Street. A President and Secretary was duly appointed, and a Committee ot one appointed to drafc resolutions suitable to the occasion. Mr. F. Renins, as said committee, retired to his private quarters and from his poetry machine ground out the follow- DEDICATED TO S. M. DUNN & CO. To the memory of our friends we drop aline or two, As they are richly entitled, having always been true: - Still will we think of you though far. far awav. . . And a lingering farewell we are compelled to say. , ' . . Since our acquaintance you have tieated us well. And it is with regret that we must now say farewell. Our prayers shall attend you wherever you may go. Hoping, fondly hoping, your return to our home. The handler to the machine broke while grinding.out the Jhird line of the third verse and" we can only give what is in sight. ' Aboutv Over The great political drma that has ben en acted im bur stage for the past ten days is now about closing and the interest in the same is subsiding. The great decapita tion "aCt Wavicuvtcrua ..u;n, r.. and we trust with credit to the perform er. Young, Carrow and Rogers have undoubtedly been Settled into private lfe. and thus ends the play. Latest from Washington. By the un derground railroad irom Washington, we .received the following information yesterday evening : Col. Samuel Car- row surrenders his Marshaiship to Uol. R. M. Douglas on the 10th of April. Col. Carrow is to have the superintendence ot erecting the Post Office building in this city, the phits for which are now uemg drawn, the building to cost $250,000. The fight between Ool. Ike Young and Wiley D. Jones, Esq., lor the office of Revenue Collector la still ragiug with much warmth, the chauces thought to be-in favor of Col. Young. The latter contest is creating much interest here between the Iriends of the two parties. A Remarkable Coincidence. It will be remembered that about three vears aso Or. Thaver's Great Southern Circus "bursted" at High Point, in this State, ami the eniire paraphanalia, hoises, wagons,, teuta and all sold at public auction. The band wagon was bought by Messr?.' Lee, Hays & Co., of this city. Oue pair of the white horses that drew it was sold to a gentleman iu Ch irlotte, and the' other to a gentleman in Louishurg. The driver 'ot the wagon went to Charleston. As badly scattered as this lot seems to have been, we saw the same white horses at their same old position in the same Wagon, and the same driver on the same boot, driving, not the same band, but another band, on the same streets as when Thayer spread his canvass here all on yestcr day- ; -; ' - . - - . Removal of the Post Office. As the work on the new Post Ollicc will be commenced at a very early day, the removal ot the present Post Office becomes a necessity, but to what point is the question now agitated 'i Major Bagley, ot the National Hotel, has oliercd the row. of rooms or offices formerly occupied by Col. I. J, Young, Uollector oi internal utvenue on jiitien . . L T . i 1 II . 1 .1 ton street, and adjoining "said Hotel, to" the Government trie of rent, . but the offer has not been accepted by our hew- Iv aooointed Post Master, Gov. Uonlen. nor. will tie accept if -"the business .men on Fayetteville, Wilmington, Haigett, Exfchaoeo rlace, and; JIartin streets Tub Halifax Hotkl. The 'South ern Hotel," just completed at Halifax, N. C, has been opened by Mr. W. Hun ter Han is, and parties visiting that place can. find the best accommodations. The hotel is thorough and compl.ete in its arrnnaemeots, and we' .have no doubt Mr"w Harris will prove equal to the ui. dertaking before him, . " Gone, -Weikel,' the Merchant Tai'or. iioesorth this morning to lay inr hi sprihg stock ot Ctptnes and Casainiers,; His well, known tWe? will en'ableliim. to make such selections as never before. seen5 in Raleigh. 'He will announce his return in the News: .1 ? I To Save elegant light Biscuits. RoIIf, Buckwheat Cakes, troit Uumpliwgs; vim should use ;Doolev' Yeast Ponder.,. Ask your Grocer ior it. It pure Bs Baking Powdet- vs ; i e.iMi i '- Tab Mbetikq Last Night Seven Thousakd Dollars Raised Three Thousand Dollars Mors Wanted. An adjourned meeting of the citizens was held at Metropolitan Hall last nigfit Hon. Kemp P. Battle presiding, to heaf the report of the different solicitidg committees to raise tunds for the prose : cution of the work upim the new Fair Grounds. The auxiliary committee appointed last week reported somethiug over two thousand dollars raised7 tyy them, making the subscription at pres ent a little less than $7,00. i , . The Executive Committee stated that they would not commence work until $10,000 had been raised in the city, be lieving that they could then obtain enough outside aid to complete the un dertaking upon the plans designed. Various suggestions -were made as to the best manner of raising the f 3,000 still wanted, but nothing definite deci ded up. Mr. Pescud stated that, the National Life Insurance Company, had authorized him to sav that they would loan the Society $5,C00 or, $10,000 fr. certain considerations. Mr. Kemp P. Battle explained that the charter of the Society made it 'per-' emptory upon the Executive Committee to have annual exhibitions' that; it they could not secure grounds at or near Raleigh, they would be compelled to hold it at some other place, or the char ter would be forfeited. - ; : ilr. C. M. Busbee said the Executive Committee must act at once, as no. time was to be lost. He felt a deep interest in the matter, and he did not think tbe citizens oi Raleigh had realized tbe dan-' ger of losing the Fair. He moved that, unless the requisite amount of money be raised by the 25th of this month, the' Execu.ive Committee , be autboriz ed to nrrange for the holding of the Fair at at some , other place, asd . that a new committee be appointed to consult with the citizens as to the possibility of raising the amount still needed. Adopted, and Messrs.' Busbee, Lynn Adams and Armstrong were appointed as said committe- -Mr. Buspee said he had no desire' to have the Fair removed, but he did desire' to have the people of Raleigh to decide at once whether or no we were to have a, Fair here next Fall. Speeches were made by a "number of geutlemen, but the1 iateoess of fhet jiour' at which this is writte1b, prevents further notice this morning. ; : . : ; There wiirbe.a meeting of the Exec utive Committee this morning at 11 o'clock... ' - "' C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS;, jgTiTETr HAL I F A A. N-. C; ' W. HUNTER II A R R I S S Leasee and P r op r i e t or . Is now Open for the Accommodation of GuestslT . .." " r 3-Converance to any cart Of t he eonhtv can always be obtained at the " Southern Hotel" Stables. - mar 15-m rjAO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Office Reg. of Deeds, Wake Couxty.. Uaieign, N. C, 13th March, 18Z3. Any and every person, paying a tax on their receipts and sales, as provided in the Revenue Law, ratified 3rd day ot March. 1673. such as Merchants. Auctioneers. Com mission Merchants, fcc., &c. and every per son who has first to obtain, a License be fore exercising any trade or calling, all of whom are comprised under Schedme B. of said Act. and have Heretofore returned such their lists to the Sheriff of the county, ARti NOW REQUIRED, under sections 12 and 2G, of said Revenue Raws, on the 1st days of January, April, July ana uctoper, to list, on path, to the REGISTER OF DEEDS, the total amount of their . purchases, receipts and sales as the case may be, for the pre ceding quarter. This, Therefore is to Give Notice to any and ever one interested, that the untiersighed wlll on the FIRST DAY OF APRIL next, aitend at the OFFI E OF THE BOARUOF OiiUNTY ODMMISSION- ER-4.for the purpose oi receiving such lists; and those whose duty ' it is to attend, and wno tail so to do, will be noted and charged double tax as required y law. w. v. WIIIllS. Era copy tf R i.-t'er of Deeds, mar lo-tt V ate county, T H E MO R N 1 N G ST A R DAILY EDITION: Though only Ave yearsold, has the largest daily circulation ol n - newspaper iu the State, aud a circulation in Wilmington fifty per cent, larger man mat oi any otner paper. Vf E E K L Y ED I T I O N : Now combined with the "Carolina Farmer." makinc one of the best FAMILY NEWS PAPERS in the Houth, circulation very lage and rapidly increasing. SUBCItIFTIO price: Daily Staiv. 1 year $7 00 ... - ?I K mnntiiB St m - v m.wa.bau v w "'"' 3 moiiths.Ju 2 00 Weekly -tar, ;I year-........,... 2,00 e montns . i oo " 8 months.. 50 It mav be safely asserted that no news paper ever estaDiisnea in JNortn uaronna lias maae suarrapiu yrogreBB su ihe MorsikoStae, " ' a- Send for specimen copie. Address, .-w . W. H. BERNARD, jau-tf WilmingtonyJ.C. c CHANGE OF SCHEDULE RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR-LINE. SUFKlll NTEN DENT'S OKK1CE, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 29;h.l72. On and after Saturday, Nov. 30tl. trains on the It. A. 'A. L. ivcai. run daily, (Sunday excepted.) as follows: Mall Train leaves R.ale.igh, . 3.3j P. M lArtivwiaSttiHtihi. ' ! .!" Mail Train leaves Sanford, 0.:10 A. a Arrives at ttaieign, y.u i Mail Train makes clse connection a RiUeigh with tiie Raleigh and Uaiitou Rail road, to and irom all points North. AndatSanford with the Western Rah road, to and trom Fayetteville and p?iut on Western Railroad. A. . AN UK WWW, jnne 17-tf Superintendent. f ATd, OATa, OATa, OATS, OATS, 7a' Hui)i .ata ior saie oy ru.ViSl.tf,- , v w. nonn. t- " ' ' r "VrULLETe,;i rrTLi. ,' ' " J MULLETS,M ULLETS 100 barrels Fresh Corned Mullets, in store. Fat and Fine ... , W I LLI AMSON. UPCHU RCTT A THOM AS, THE WEED "SEWING MACHINE Why Is the Weed Sowing Machine bound is l thi wM iW l:'" r TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. , English A flairs Matters Compli - :' ' cated. t: New York, March 14. A London special says : Tb,ere , appears to- have been a niisunderstanding between the disaffected 'Liberals and Tory party. The latter had given out to;seciirelhe greatest amount of opposition, to the University bill, that; its . defeat should not occasion the accession of the Tories to office, some - of the Conservative leaders certainly rallied the hesitating Liberals to oppose the bill on the assu rance that the Tory Ministry would be impossible," consequently' the leaders, such as Lord Carnarvon Gatfrerne, Hardy 'and: the Marquis. of 7 Salis burg, resolutely ret used. ; to ;, ac cept ofnee-. Thu Conservative party. ifl thus , olvi()ed , on r the safefj. , and expediency of vniujng -tq goverpgWitli the Parliament largely hostile xin general principles,: notwithstanding; its ; acci dental harmony on this particular meas ure; 'Should this continue, the Con servatives ' will maintain their psent attitude; It is mare probable, however, that.! the Tories will .reconsider . (heir promise, and make an attempt to govern the country, and getting safely through the' session by only bringing up' the necessary business bills, und dot ventur ing on any measute involving a : differ ence of principles. , . . , . , f Spanish Matters Affairs in England 'i ' Not yet Settled. ! i . I , .London, March 14 The '.Caflists in Spain haveacheived some.; success; and accused of outrages. Socialistic .dis1 turbances are reported in Spain.1 . " ' f Disraeli's visit io the Queen reshTted in granting i him time. . Both parties, seem to fear an appeal to the people. DTsraeli, , while ricling through West minster to day, was enthusiastically cheered by the populace. Owing to' a dissension among the Conservatives he will, bo wever, probably refues to take office. - ; ; ; , ( , The Queen has sent, for Earl Granville.' who is now endeavoring to form a cabinet.1 :' . :.J -'.:v v";.:.- The London . morning journals contain no intormation of a more definite char acter in relation to the cabinet crisis than that forwarded to the United States in last night's dispatches. J The belief-is entertained that Glad stone will resume the PremiersliirL i Lord Derby is expected to arrive in uuuii iriAiuiiun I VI s- '"General Items ' ' ' .' . . New York, Narch ' 14. Dispatches state the troops are closing in on Capt. Jack,and that there are some hopes that he, will come to terms without a fight, i ' John D. Page, of Yallc jo, on bail tor Illegally opening a letter, has shot him self and wife dead. ", " V V ( The' Governor and Lieut. Governor of Nevada,' is fighting over, the State prison. The Lieut. Governor is in pos- sixty militia and "one gtin to report to day. Lieut. Governor is determined to bold the prison till an appeal to tbe courts can be taken. ,' ; The Opening soeech at Oakes Ames borne ovation closed thus : ' t'Our guest, the man who knows.' how to build rail oads and don't lie-" ' , , W. L. Weller " aud Son's, whiskey distillery, of Louisrille, has been burhed out. Loss filty five thousand dollars." The French Indemuity France to be .vacuatea, . ; . New York, March 14. A ;Parifc special says : -Ou. Sunday last President i heirs sent a note to licrjin tiirou Count Von Arnim. In it ... the French. GovernmenL proposes . to complete the payment oi the hrst, half the lourth milliard indemnity by thend ofiApril,1 and the second; half by the end of July. and to further pay two hundred and l filty n llliards, with financial guarantees. and.thu anal. evaUituon or the r rnnch rntory to- bv.-gin -on the -nrstjOt Sep tcmber. . - ,. , ; Fears of Strikes in; New York, New Yokk, March l--A great leal of uneasiness prevails iq nearly all cir- eles or tiuue.in view or me prouaoi; re.-1 f . ' 1 - 1.1 j . : I. . t . I currence of the strikes." Many dealers. especially in vrb us branches "ofi -'the furniture trade, tKilkeve a jStrjKBj-imi- nent, and the geujjfal. impression ts.ihat it th i strike occurs it will be 'for eight hours work and an advance ot 'twebty- tive cents tor the price f the work of WIIXNIGIIT bi$PATCHES.s ; iii r Washinsten' Aairs. , ; Wasii'isgton,;''', March',, 14.-rlnjl802 a law was passed by Congress imposibg dim t ' taxes on property Jn, t,he; .'inur r'ectionary distrijets and ,00 the ,8'tb of Junev' jl872, a Jaw ( was passed giving parties intertsted the' rights to ,redijem ihe property sold in defaul t of 5 payment ol the tax onUbeir oaying'ihg.tax.with I interest and expenses ot sale. The first case under, the, latter law, is. that of .William t Sinclair, ! of . Baltimore, who, having coinpuea witn its rtquiremcius- has, under an crtler of Secretary jOl the Treasury, obtained a certificate of re- lease oblhe Qoiocy property lo-FlorWa, and he is now flgin.Q poa-session ol it. Madbid, Maj-ch. H The Cure, of SiniL -f'mijr h n li'.la the Carlist, band, treats the , Span isTv. - troop who j .. i 1 ' i -.,y.'':.!.r: '.Ji..i ,..1 Ian into, 111s nanus viju fiy-! iiltrfv no' i ecently flwgked. several; prisoner! to severely tnai iueyi uieu iroui iueiuvtfi' il '!( " if I . 1 ..IT..'. -. the Olows-v .;:.'.;! ( i h .f 'l I The following nominations were con firmed' bv' the. Stbate' tp-day : David T.'.ri r . . A E,! Blount. Ttnn- Wm T . Eaily. of, Virginia,; and A T. Akerman. or Georirta. are amonir thd West Point viHiog(bb4ird.? - s i la: the: Senate Caldwell toccUped the dV;l! u;lt erfs: 1 4.r.l'j A i f tt O f J . ithe ltul4wingnoioatJoiishareooeh tuadet" Oorneliu A'' Log Kansas, .1.. H B. Parker, Marshal for Eastern, Yirit ia ; also tiie .tViTlp wing. , Postmasters, ;-p R Vrt. Blair, TdecaiosaL, 1 Ala ;'JoVn C ; L.w.,,,11 i-k.. j renn Aa Sharpe ' ChiftanM'(,(TejiuL: ip.e ,Pr t'.luuibia,' Trnn gWiiv Ru,lv Knoxvilli Tehii : Mrs." J ulfi P' ' .WWfork'.'J.atk- ii'"". t. iv -i...'.t"'.i Minister to Chili; John W. Foster, In diana, Minister, to Mexico ; Frank W. Potter, New Jersey.Consnl to Marsailles; James F. Case, Coliector' of Customs for New Orleans ;-W. DiBloxham, Sur veyor . General , f or . Florida ; Bvron O'Carr, Supervising Inspector of Steam boats for the 8th District; Thomas A. Spencer, IndlanaAsssistant-"Attorney for the Postoffice.' Department;; George M. DusMnrttnrny-fh Southern DUtricti oi AWbt pWxa. Ej i Pirker, Marshal Easexm Jtos There was. . long Cabinet .meeting over the treasury, chances. ' Nothing has transpired yet. '. 'M: 'va v - - ; t Dr. Huston Convicted, : . .. Baltimore, March f14.--TJiepy3e ot Rev, Dr. .Huston, charged with 'gross immorality and' liccntiousn'eW,' Which has excited such Tdeep' interest 1 in this community., and the entire Methodist Episcopal church South for f he past year or more, was convicted ;by the Annual Conference of thd' Methodist Epistopal Church South shortly after the meeting ot the Conference this norning,:Bishop Dogge;t presiding. - ill it TuH'l Jfewlfbtk Items. -New YorkJ March i14.-Yandtrbilt denies lor Liverpool with'2J513 bales of cotton and other freisht,i caught fire and; was scuttled on flats at Souti:Pasa.j .. )T) Weather Probabilities." U Washington,- 'March ! li.-F6t the Eastern Gulf, and South Atlantic Stftes sputhasterly, winds with falling barorr eter,risiug temperature and partly cloudy and possibly' threatening weather'. ' ; Death! of; Bishop Jttcllwaine t Cincinnati, March .14. -A rie dispatch received here, to-day announ ces the; death" ; 6t: Bisho-p Mdll walhe at Florfenee, Italy."'. , -i ."idJ iA CUjmiSRClAL-iUCPO JCT. New York.' March ' lilh'.-Aiotton dull; sales 1,350 bales t oplauda J9J ;OrJeaiw. Flour dull; common to faic extra $(i.loa 8.80, god 10 choio S3 4()A $13.00. lS Whiskey firm at 91. . , Wheat anil and. unchanged, Corn dull; 'moderate ' demand. Ulee 8aa. foik lirm, Sl. Lrd lower SaSJi. Jjjavals quiet. Tallow steady. Freights quiet, si Cotton tftt K receipts-balesgross , Sales for, exports to-day 803,. Last eVeillog . .n! .jeL ..iiiJ . Sales for future delivery to-day, 30.700 bales, as follows: March 19 x April ifll-Iea-19 5-16: May 19 7-10al9 Ji-lS;. June IV5ia2i) : J uly !a20 1-16. . ' v ' , Aioney, lostdv at , aQ ; erUn TaJ. Gold - loal5l4. Governments dall aud steady. H State bonds dall And steady." Foreien JUarkets. LowDoxf.Ma.-eh ltConsois closed, at a92.' Fives 90. ' . ' - LiVKRPooiuIiMarehl4.--Cbtton boenddnll .uplands, 9H; Orleans t.,ff ,t t -lM. iV Wilmintton Markets. ' i ; WHJCiNGfow . v. March i 14.-t-SrlriU , tur pentine lower at 57. Rosin oulet at S2.S0 for strained. .: t V-"' Crude Tumentine oulet. S3.00 for harttr $4.75 foryelTow dip andvlrrin, ' tmrt t Jl.T ihX (,JLSL J 11 n tiff. Cotton Markets. r WlIiMIIJOTON, March 14. Cotton, dull ; middlings loft. -. Baltixou. March '14. Cotton' dnll'and nominal; middlings 20. - .7 ' Mobile." March' H.-ott'on ' qiiiet and nominal, ; middlings 18?.j. i?'jrj utix Thi unrivaled Medicine Is wamnted not to contain a single particle oMBrcury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is ."' ' purely Vegetable. .. ' For FORTY YEARS It has "proved iu great Value in, aJl diseases of the Liver, Bowels and KMneys. Thousands of the iood anu greet in all parts of the country vouch for its von lerful and peculiar power In purlfylnar Vu' Blood, stlmntatintr the torpid Liver nnd Bowels, and Imparting hew ' Life And Vigor to the Whole-- system. SIMMONS . HVfcifcU REGULATOR,; is: ac knowledged to have no equal as a y-' 1 '"' ' LtVEIt:.' M ED id Jt'&i i".i'-.' It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy, proportion in any other preparation, viz : a gentle Ca tbartlo, a woniierfu' Tonic, ad unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of alt ; Impurities of ' the body." Hubh' Signal success has attended Us use, thaf it ia.no w regarded as the ,l. Great Unfailing Specific s ,;. .a fi 1 - fj i i- . .1 - ;,. for Liver Complaints, and the painful ofT sprtngii ' thereof;' to wit"'DYS'EP4IA, CONSTIPATIOiN.Japndice,Bilious,af tacks, 3lCK ttEADACnK'CollcDeTJrekSioii of Spirits, SUUR. STOMACitt.leai j jBarn, Regulate the Liver and prevent ,s 'A a ? CHILLS AWD FEYEIt'.1 SImVoNS lVER!RE&u'LATORtn i -, , i v1'. Is manufactured only by - : J..U. ZEILI?f A CO., Maoon.Ga,, acdPnlatlelphfa. Price $U)Q per packak?:.ent bjr jnail, postage paid, S1.0L Prepared ready lor use lAjOO; and 1 1.50.. U,,,'! r' -.l 'V ''- ;til i BOLD BYtALL DRUQaiStSmf Reward oi kn C6tihti4f8 knfkml- ,ttiona.cr ; IgblihD6111- v :-tj ti .olWaiareiCli: Ciwtth ' ".d ' n..l . " Commissi Merchant's "it Grocers, iHiii Till !,m feycy Street;;' ConsrgTImhUof ProdeespectfuIly so lieited.o which perswnal attention will be gi ven.?' Order ffcr goods fllled'on teasona bie termsffT'-'nif ttt-t!asl 7tini:n.t .Sole Agents for the sale of.tb "EeeUen i Tobarw rertiiiS5er;,'attd,'Paraoa Cot tub FortiUei5."bi9.4i i mchl-Wlm. ,j-u'.iii jf Hi ,HiH. wdi febll-lf n . , Drugstore. '-L? Chirac V , go to tiie NTS' OfCie 'Ornee le street Over W.CtiU-onaAOo! consenting , tor the .postal .rates fixed by the act of March 3rd, 1873, ' The British ship John 'Parker, hence ' 'Li;' ' BronobitU, t.',bny a Carbilate bf Iodine rii v ih-''.iiiit i - - i i